First English Grammar PDF
First English Grammar PDF
First English Grammar PDF
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^ /p 8 6 p98 ^ /p 8 6
p70 p70
Shes not an architect, shes a^doctor. Its difficult to do anything because its so late.
p76 p76
Weve got some milk but we havent any sugar. He isnt French although he has a French car.
p i06 p106
The doctor who saw me was very helpful.
The place that I usually go to is open until 7 oclock. Thats not his parents car -thats Jims own!
The forms of the verb
FIRST ask Infinitive Id like to ask him to the party. Wed like everyone to give something.
FORM give Imperative Ask! Somebody might know. Give her some flowers - shell like that.
Present Simple Children ask a lot of questions. Most people give presents at Christmas.
SECOND asked Past Simple I asked a policeman where it was. My parents gave it to him.
FORM gave
THIRD asked Present Perfect Ive asked John to bring his car. Have you given your name to the Secretary?
FORM given Past Perfect Somebody had already asked her. They asked us but wed already given something.
Passive Ive been asked to help on Saturday. Ive been given a free ticket.
THE -S asks Present Simple Maria is at the age when she asks a lot of questions. He gives a lot of time to other people.
FORM gives with he, she, it
THE -ING asking Verbal noun Asking too many questions annoys people. Giving is better than taking.
FORM giving Continuous forms Who are you asking to the party? What are you giving her for her birthday?
Full verbs and auxiliaries
English has two kinds of verbs: full verbs and auxiliaries: (be) present continuous, page 17 Theyre looking for a new flat.
Hes taking his driving test tomorrow.
Auxiliary past continuous, page 19 Was he watching us?
\\C an I passive, page 32
Who were they waiting for?
They are made of pure silk.
\ . Are you It was built in 1937. .V
Should we tell + going to, page 27 I think its going to rain.
Were you going to tell him?
Full verbs
- tell you what happened or what the situation is (have) present perfect, page 24 Hes lost his glasses.
- usually have four forms: walk walks walked walking Ive never eaten passion fruit before.
- an irregular verb can have five: go goes went gone going past perfect, page 25 We hadnt taken a map, so we got lost.
Most verbs are full verbs; sometimes they are called ordinary verbs, or main verbs. (have) got, page 57 Have you got tickets?
The patterns for main verbs are on pages 16 to 31. I hadnt got my passport with me.
(be) always behaves like an auxiliary. Its patterns are on page 39- instead of repeating a full verb I like my coffee strong.
(have) is sometimes an auxiliary and sometimes a main verb. The main verb patterns are on pages 40, 41. > So do I.
Jayne went but Joyce didnt.
10 11
These words, called the modal auxiliaries, are used only as auxiliaries: 4. Making a short answer:
can I cant tell you - its a secret. Use the first auxiliary; if there is no auxiliary use (do).
could Nobody could tell me your phone number. Have you heard from Paul? t> Yes I have. O No I havent.
may It may rain later. Will Jill be there? > Yes she will. > No she wont
might We might go to Spain for our holidays this year. Do you know where it is? > Yes I do. > No I dont.
will When will we get to London?
would What would you like for your birthday? 5. Making an interested response:
shall Shall I put the light on?
Use the first auxiliary in the answer; if there is no auxiliary use (do).
should I think we should buy her a small present.
must I must be going soon. Ive been there before. > Oh, have you?
Important structures using auxiliaries: He was looking for you. > Oh, was he?
She drives an old Fiat. > Oh, does she?
1. Making negatives: We caught the early train. > Oh, did you?
Add nt at the end of the first auxiliary; if there is no auxiliary use (do).
6. Emphasis, to show special emotion:
He could drive. He couldnt drive.
He drives. He does drive He doesnt drive. Stress the first auxiliary; if there is no auxiliary' use (do).
Ive been waiting 10 minutes. I can come tomorrow.
2. Making questions: -* I have been waiting 10minutes. -* I can come tomorrow.
Change the order of the subject and the first auxiliary; if there is no auxiliary use (do). I know the way. I waited more than an hour.
We should try to ring her. Should we try to ring her? I do know the way. I did wait more than an hour.
He drives. He does drive. Does he drive?
A general rule of spoken English:
3. Making a tag:
Certain patterns are always used exactly the same way. If a pattern uses an auxiliary, and a sentence does
Use the first auxiliary; if there is no auxiliary use (do).
not have an auxiliary: use part of (do) - do, does, did - and follow the same pattern. Some books call (do)
Its a lovely day. Its a lovely day, isnt it. the dummy auxiliary'.
He drives. He drives, doesnt he?
12 13
Short and full forms
The short forms:
Short forms Full forms
Normal speech ( I m sorry) Stress in speech ( I am sorry) can be is Its raining. Shes waiting.
Informal writing (letters to friends) At the end of a sentence. (Yes, I am.) or has Hes remembered. Jacks taken it.
In questions. (Are you going?)
Most writing. can be had He d already gone. Who d you told?
or would I d like to go. They d never believe you.
The verb (be)
Im youre hes I am you are he is In normal speech the short, unstressed, forms are used.
Im not youre not/ he isnt I am not you are not he is not
you arent The stressed form adds extra meaning.
The verb (have) Im sorry. Normal
weve shes theyd we have she has I am sorry. Stronger, more serious apology
they had
we havent he hadnt she hasnt we have not he had not she has not
Ive been waiting an hour. Fact
The verb (do) I have been waiting an hour. Slightly annoyed
14 15
Present simple I come from Jamaica.
sh, rm listening. .. Present continuous
Question Short Answer
i I I
you walk you you Question Short Answer
Do Yes dont.
we dont walk we we I m not Am I I
walk m not.
they they No they
Yes he she it isnt.
he she it walks he she it isnt coming Is he she it coming
doesnt walk Does he she it he she it doesnt. s not No we
we we you arent.
you re not Are you
arent they
they they
I usually get up about seven. Regular actions or events
re not is used more than arent.
Does Tony drive to work?
> No, he cycles. Look, Marys getting into that car. At the time of speaking
The football season usually starts in August. Im not looking forward to the interview.
I like tea but I dont like milk in it! Facts Excuse me, is anyone sitting here, please?
What does this mean please? Whos Katy talking to?
The River Danube flows through Vienna.
Theyre building a block of flats over there. True at the moment, but not always
Next Monday is a national holiday. Facts known about the future Were looking for a new house.
Classes begin next week. Is your baby sleeping all night yet?
I dont want to go out this evening. Thoughts and feelings at > No she isnt, not yet.
the time of speaking Karims working on night shift next week. Present plans for the future
Im sorry I dont understand.
I feel sick. When are they flying to India?
The difference between the Present simple and Present continuous (page 17) is on page 30. Are you coming to the party on Saturday?
> No, Im not as a matter of fact.
16 17
Past simple I thought you liked spaghetti. Were you waiting long? Past Continuous
you you he she it |Yes
you walked waiting waiting
we Did we walk I No we didnt. you you
didnt walk they they we we
they we weren't werent.
he she it he she it Were you
he she it they they
I was watching the News when you rang. An event, finished before the moment of
For important verbs with different forms in the past simple - see p20 to 23. What were you doing when you heard the crash? speaking, which went on for a period.
> I was getting dressed.
Stefan wanted to catch the early train but he missed it. Single actions, thoughts or feelings
I told you it started at 7 oclock. I knew it did. finished before the time of speaking I was just thinking of ringing him when he walked in. Often the longer of two actions is in
Where did you go last night? We got married while we were living in York. Pas* conlinuous and the shorter in
> We went to the pub for a drink. * the past simple.
Were they waiting when you got there?
Did you lock the door? > No, they werent.
> Yes, I did, dont worry.
They told me I needed to wear glasses. Reporting what someone said (after
Why didnt you tell him? verbs like said, told, asked)
> He said he knew about it already.
The difference between the Past simple and the Present perfect (page 24/5) is on page 31.
18 19
Irregular verbs
There are about 180 irregular verbs. Some are very unusual. Here are the most useful.
First Second Third First Second Third First Second Third First Second Third
form form form form form form form form form form form form
be was, were been find found found pay paid paid steal stole stolen
beat beat beaten fly flew flown put put put stick stuck stuck
become became become forget forgot forgotten
begin began begun forgive forgave forgiven
bend bent bent freeze froze frozen ride rode ridden take took taken
bite bit bitten read read read teach taught taught
blow blew blown get got got ring rang rung tear tore tom
break broke broken give gave given run ran run tell told told
bring brought brought go went gone think thought thought
build built built grow grew grown say said said throw threw thrown
buy bought bought see saw seen
have had had sell sold sold understand understood understood
caught hear heard heard send sent sent
catch caught hid hidden
choose chose chosen hide set set set wake woke woken
come hit hit hit
come came hold held held shake shook shaken wear wore worn
cost cost cost hurt shine shone shone win won won
cut cut hurt hurt
cut shoot shot shot write wrote written
keep kept kept show showed shown
do did done know knew known shrink shrank shrunk
draw drew drawn shut shut shut Some verbs have two spellings:
drink drank drunk lend lent lent sing sang sung
drive drove driven leave left left sit sat sat burnt or burned
let let let sleep slept slept smelt or smelled
eat ate eaten light lit lit speak spoke spoken
lose lost lost spend spent spent The verbs are: V.
fall fell fallen split split split - \
feed fed fed make made made spoil spoilt spoilt burn smell learn
feel felt felt mean meant meant stand stood stood dream spell spill
fight fought fought meet met met
20 21
Irregular verbs
Here the same verbs are in groups to make them easy to learn.
First Second Third First Second Third First Second Third First Second Third
form form form form form form form form form form form form
All forms the same Second and third forms the same
cost cost cost blow blew blown bend bent bent feed fed fed
cut cut cut fly flew flown build built built find found found
hit hit hit know knew known feel felt felt have had had
hurt hurt hurt throw threw thrown keep kept kept hear heard heard
let let let grow grew grown leave left left hold held held
put put put draw drew drawn light lit lit make made made
set set set lend lent lent pay paid paid
shut shut shut mean meant meant read read read
split split split begin began begun meet met met say said said
drink drank drunk send sent sent sell sold sold
Similar sound groups ring rang rung shoot shot shot stand stood stood
sing sang sung sleep slept slept understand understood understood
beat beat beaten shrink shrank shrunk
bite bit bitten spend spent spent tell told told
eat ate eaten spoil spoilt spoilt stick stuck stuck
fall fell fallen freeze froze frozen get got got win won won
forget forgot forgotten speak spoke spoken lose lost lost shine shone shone
forgive forgave forgiven steal stole stolen sit sat sat
give gave given break broke broken All forms different
hide hid hidden wake woke woken be was/were been
shake shook shaken choose chose chosen become became become
take took taken drive drove driven bring brought brought come came come
tear tore torn write wrote written buy bought bought do did done
wear wore worn ride rode ridden fight fought fought go went gone
think thought thought run ran run
catch caught caught see saw seen
teach taught taught show showed shown
Present perfect What have you done to your hair! Whos been eating my chocolates? Present perfect continuous
Question Short Answer Short Answer
you (have)
1 I
I I 1 I
Ve Have we havent. you havent you you
we Yes we Have we Yes havent
havent gone gone we been we
they they they they
No they waiting they No
he she it s Has he she it he she it hasnt. he she it hasnt.
he she it hasnt Has he she it
We havent seen Tom for a long time. The speaker is looking back Have you been waiting long? The speaker is looking back from the present
from the present to the past. to a period in the past. The period is continuing
Has Paula taken her driving test yet? How long have you been learning English? at the moment of speaking or has stopped.
> No, she hasnt Ive been thinking of changing my job.
Have you ever been to the Tower of London? Ever is often used with present Carmen hasnt been feeling too well recently.
> Yes, but I havent been there for twenty years! perfect to ask about before now. Why are you crying?
Note the word order: Have you > Ive been chopping onions.
ever.... ?
You dont look surprised.
Ive never heard that before. O Im not. Ive been expecting this to happen.
Ive already seen him. I met him yesterday. Often a past time adverb (yesterday,
last week) with Past simple, but not
with Present perfect.
The difference between the Present perfect and the Past simple (page 18) is on page 31.
2 4
Past perfect Joh n had already left when we arrived. The Future
Question Short Answer There is no special verb form to talk about the future in English.
I re going to leave All these are correct. They give the same
We 11 leave
you you Yes at seven oclock tomorrow morning. facts. The choice depends on the reason
d you re leaving the speaker sees for the future event.
we given Had we given we hadnt.
hadnt No leave
they they they
he she it he she it he she it (b e) going to Tm going to give up smoking.
Question Short Answer
I hadnt met him until the meeting last week. The speaker is looking back from
the past on the earlier past.
I m not Am I j I am.
m not.
He got the job because hed learned to type. you re not you Yes
Id never seen snow until I came to England. we arent going to Are we going to you
they come they come No we arent.
Wed finished by twelve oclock.
he she it s not Is he she it
isnt he she it is .
Oh dear, Im going to sneeze. There is evidence ( a tickle, clouds) now
Look at those clouds - its going to rain. for the future event.
Shes going to change her job. There is a long-term decision about the future.
What are you going to do this evening?
> Im going to watch the film on TV.
26 27
The Future
I wont be a moment, Ill just get my jacket.
Present continuous Im playing tennis on Saturday.
Question Short Answer
I I | I What time are you leaving tomorrow? The speaker knows because of something which
you 11 you Yes you [> We re getting the 6.50 train. has already happened, usually an arrangement with
we say Will we say we will. another person.
they wont they No wont Im working late every evening next week.
he she it he she it I he she it Theyre going out this evening.
On the fast train theyll arrive at 8 oclock. Something the speaker thinks is certain to happen. The Cup Final is on May 17th this year.
Present simple
It looks as if itll be a nice weekend.
There wont be a Christmas party this year.
My birthday is on a Wednesday this year. Events fixed by the calendar or an official
Im tired. I think Ill go to bed. timetable. A fact you can look up.
The speakers opinion, or decision or feeling formed Christmas Day falls on a Sunday this year.
Will Maria be back soon? at the moment of speaking.
Ramadan ends in two weeks time.
O No, she wont be back today, but shell be
here all day tomorrow.
What will you do? When you study the different future forms, the examples are more important than the explanations. You cant
learn a rule and then use it. You will slowly build up a picture of the differences as you hear and read more
When will you get your results?
t> I wont know before the end of August. natural English.
Often the differences are small, and you are not likely to be misunderstood. Be patient, and build your
Is that the phone? The speakers reaction to a comment or event, formed
t> Dont worry. IU answer it. understanding step-by-step.
at the moment of speaking.
Ill just change my jacket.
t> Hurry up, or well miss the train.
28 29
Present simple or Present continuous Past simple or Present perfect
If you want to understand the difference between these two forms, here are some more details, but remember
you will build up an understanding, step-by-step, by listening to and reading natural English. Dont expect to
understand the difference immediately. Again, you will build up an understanding by listening to, and reading, English. Understanding comes step-by-
step. Here are some notes to help you.
The present continuous always refers to an action which the speaker sees as:
a. a p eriod I usually drive to work, but I m walking while the
b. a limited period weather is so nice. There are two different ways in English to talk about an event in the past:
The past simple suggests then or at that time.
The present simple refers to an action which the speaker does not see as a limited period. It can be: The present perfect suggests up to now or before now.
a. a point I prom ise I wont tell anyone. I first met John three years ago. The speaker looks at the past event from the past, in a flash back.
b. an unlimited period. Where do you com e from? Ive known John for three years. The speaker looks b ack at the past event fro m the present, the
c. something always true. Water boils at 100C. moment of speaking.
d. a general statement. The journey takes about three hours.
The facts described are the same. The speaker can use either verb form. The choice depends on the
Sometimes both are possible with different meanings: speakers subjective view of the event.
I work in a hospital. I do not plan to move soon - it is my permanent job. The present perfect means that the past event is connected to the moment of speaking in the sp eakers
Im working in a hospital. I expect to move soon - it is a temporary job. mind.
Where d o yon live? About your perm anent home. I haven t seen David this morning, (but it is still morning, so I might see him)
Where are you living? To a visitor, about his or her temporary home. I didnt see David this morning. (the morning is over, remote)
I haven t seen David yet. (yet = up to now, so I didn t see David yet is impossible)
Where do you go for your holidays? Usually; general
Where are you going for your holidays? This year; specific Sometimes the difference is small:
Yes, I lived there when I was a child. 'Tt is now remote from me)
Sometimes the objective difference is very small: I m not feelin g very well. Yes, I ve lived there actually. (You remind me NOW of something in the past)
I d o n t fe e l very well.
The perfect is not about the action being complete or not.
It is not always about the recent past.
The only general rule is the one given above.
30 31
Passive It was built in 1937.
Present Past Perfect In most English sentences, the word order tells you who did what:
I m not I wasnt I A thief stole my car.
he she it you havent
he she it s we
That sentence is about the thief; the rest of the sentence gives us new information about the thief.
isnt we asked they
you werent Passive sentences are different:
you re they
arent he she it hasnt My car was stolen. The thief was seen by a policeman.
Question Question Question These do not tell who did what, but they are still about the first words (My car) and ( The thief) and the rest of
the sentence gives us new information.
Am I 1
I you
Was Have we The passive is often used:
Is he she it he she it been
asked asked they asked
if we dont know who did something The parcel was sent over a week ago.
we we
Were you Has he she it if no specific person did something He was killed in a storm.
Are you
they they in general statements Coca Cola is drunk all over the world.
The Short Answers are made in the usual way: These sentences give the same information, but are used in different situations:
Were they made in India? t> Yes, they were.
Have you been offered the job? > No, I havent Writing about Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in 1606.
Writing about Macbeth Macbeth was written in 1606.
The passive is used to give information in a special way (see opposite). If the person who does the action is
named, by is the preposition. Many different tenses occur in the passive: Passive sentences are about the first words (the subject) of the sentence. The rest of the sentence gives
information about the subject.
It was opened by the Queen last year. Have you been invited to the wedding?
They had been damaged by water. Your order will be sent by express delivery.
32 33
Sometimes we talk about things which are not facts, situations which are true in certain circumstances or under Impossible conditions
certain conditions. Usually these sentences contain if or a similar word. Past perfect (had + third form)
Id have told you I I had known myself,
Wed have been there on time I wed caught the earlier bus.
If Saras late, she never apologises.
Sara never apologises if shes late. Instructions, advice
If she worked harder, shed pass. Imperative Present simple
Shed pass If she worked harder.
Stay in bed tomorrow I you dont feel better.
General conditions Get the early train | you want to get there in time.
Present simple Present simple If can also join sentences with a modal auxiliary. Here are some examples:
Sara never apologises she is late. What should I do if the baby cries?
He gets angry if you argue with him.
How long does milk keep you havent got a fridge? Can I see the manager if I come back later?
May I leave if I finish the job before five oclock?
Likely conditions: things which are very likely to happen.
You ought to go to the doctor if it doesnt get better soon.
The doctorll see you you come at nine. If can be used with many different structures. The ones on these two pages are the most common.
I'll ask Ali I see him. It is usually possible to have the if part of the sentence as the first or the second half of the sentence.
Well miss the bus if we dont hurry,
They wont come the weathers bad.
Unlikely conditions: things which might happen, but probably not. Conditions can also be given using unless:
d (would) Past simple Well go, unless it rains. = If it doesnt rain, well go.
Shed pass I I she worked harder. Unless I pass, I cant go to college. = If I dont pass, I cant go to college.
He wouldnt be happy he lived on his own. Note
The use of the sentence with if is the same as the sentence without if. The part of the sentence which
begins with Ogives details of the special situation the speaker is talking about.
34 35
Reported Speech
Reporting in the present tense Reporting with say and tell
The queen is arriving. Present tense I dont know. -* He said he didnt know.
t> Hurry up! John says shes arriving! Reported immediately in the same tense - He told me he didnt know.
Come early. He told me to come early.
Reporting will or Tl
Ill call in on my way home. 11, will, shall
He said hed call in on his way home -* Reported with d or would
36 37
Imperative Come in! Dont wait outside. am, is, are, was, were, been, being The verb (be)
There is no special form of the verb for the imperative in English. Present Question Short Answer
Mix the flour and the sugar. Instructions I m not Am
1 1 I am.
m not.
Take two tablets every four hours. you you \ Yes
we re not Are we you
Take the second turning on the left. arent they | we arent.
they No
Come in, make yourselves at home. Invitations
s Is he she it he she it isnt.
Please start, dont wait for me. he she it isnt
Open your books, turn to page 5 and Telling someone what to do Past
look at the first picture. (instructions or orders) Question Short Answer
Hurry up! Its twenty past seven.
Dont forget to post that letter!
he she it wasnt Was he she it
1 I
he she it wasnt.
Dont be late!
you No you
Push. you
Signs and notices we werent Were we we werent.
Insert 2 x 50p. they they they
Keep off the grass.
John is four now (be) as a full verb
Omar was a builder in Iran.
Are you coming with us? (be) as an auxiliary to make continuous
Note He was doing 75 when the police stopped him. verb forms (see pl7, 19, 25)
To suggest doing something together use Lets. Lets go now or well be late. Have you been waiting long?
Lets take the car.
The bridge was opened by the Queen last year. (be) as an auxiliary to make passive
Two negatives are possible: Lets not tell Jenny, shell only worry7. My car has been stolen. verb forms (see p32)
Dont lets tell Jenny, shell only worry.
38 39
The verb (have) have, has, had, having
you Ve you you
we havent Do we havent Did you have a good weekend? Pass time, experience
we Yes
they they have 1 they Have a good trip!
Are you having trouble with that?
s he she it hasnt
he she it hasnt Does he she it
What do you usually have for breakfast? Meals, food, drink
Do you have lunch at work?
Past Question Short Answer What shall we have for dinner?
Have you had something to drink?
I I 1Yes I Im going to have a shower. With bath, shower
you you you
we hadnt Did we have we hadnt
they they No they (have) auxiliary
he she it he she it he she it
When (have) is used as an auxiliary, use the patterns on pages 12 and 13.
Have you brought your bike with you? To make perfect verb forms, see p24, 25, 26.
What a surprise! I hadnt expected that!
(have) is not normally used for possession, have got is usually used.
(have) to see page 54
(have) got to see page 56
(have) got see page 57
40 41
The verb (do) do, does, did, done, doing Dont make mistakes! The verbs (do) and (make)
Present Question Short Answer (do) and (make) are used in a lot of special expressions.
I I I Usually you use (do) if you are thinking of an activity, process or a kind of work.
you you you
we dont Do we 1Yes we dont. You use (make) if you are thinking of a product or result.
they do they do No they
Expressions with (do) Expressions with (make)
he she it doesnt Does he she it he she it doesnt. Are you doing anything special this evening? Ive made something special for dinner.
If you do the washing up, Ill do the ironing. I think youve made a mistake.
Past Question Short Answer Shh . . . Dont make so much noise.
What are you going to do about it?
Have you done your homework? Shes made a lot of money.
I I I Ill do my best to help you on Saturday. Wed better make arrajigements straightaway.
you you Yes you
we didnt do we we didnt. If youre not doing anything, could you help me? Shall I make some coffee?
Did do
they they No they I must do some housework this weekend! Its not always easy to make friends.
he she it he she it he she it
Hes ill, but the doctors cant do anything to help. Its hard work, but were making progress.
42 43
Modal auxiliaries can
1. Modals are never about facts. Can always refers to different kinds of possibility
2. They are about the speakers or listeners opinion a t the m om ent o f speaking.
Can you come round on Friday evening? Possibility
D avid has long hair is about David. It is a fact. D>Im afraid I cant manage Friday.
David must get his hair cut is about David. It is also about the sp eakers opinion.
Can you tell me the way to the Post Office, please?
Questions with a modal are about the listeners opinion: > Im sorry I cant. Im a stranger here.
What should I d o? {= What do you think is the best thing to do?) Can you drive?
3. They can refer to past time or future time. > Yes, I can.
I could ride a bike when I was five. Past time
I could come tomorrow Future time You cant park on a double yellow line. Possibility decided by law or rules
You must speak French. (I know you took lessons). Past time Can I leave work early today please?
If youre going to live in France you must speak French. Future time
(Youll have to learn). Can we bring the children with us?
Can you pass the salt please? Requests (Is it possible f o r you to . . . ?)
Can you give me a hand with this please?
Can I get a ticket for you? Offers (Is it possible f o r m e t o .. . f o r you ?)
I must remember to post this letter. The speakers view of what is necessary Can we give you a lift?
You must read this book - its really good.
You cant be hungry. Youve just had a big lunch. Deduction - logical possibility. Always
She mustnt go out until shes better. with can t (negative)
Anna cant have gone home. Her bags still here.
When must we be there? Asking for the listeners view
Must you make so much noise? of what is necessary
I dont know her age but she must be over 60. Deduction, logically necessary
You must be tired after such a long journey.
This must be the right road.
44 45
could may
Could, like can, is about possibility. Could is more remote than can; remote relationships (polite requests), You may have dropped it in the supermarket. Likely, but not certain. (1)
remote in time, or more remote logical possibility.
Id take a coat - it may turn cold later.
Could I speak to Hilary, please? Polite requests I may not have time to phone you this evening.
Could I have six of those oranges, please? Do you think it was John we saw earlier?
> It may have been, Im not sure.
Gerda could read when she was four. Possibility in the past
May I borrow your dictionary for a moment, please? Asking for permission. (2)
Could you get a seat on the train?
\> Im afraid we couldnt. It was very crowded. May we have a few days to think about it?
We couldnt find anywhere to park.
You couldnt change money without your passport.
Mayn t is very unusual: may not is usually used.
Is that Carol over there? In these examples could is similar
[> Im not sure - it could be. in meaning to might. Logical possibility'; something
Do you think Paul could have gone home already? might be true.
You could have left it on the bus.
Im sure you couldnt have left it on the bus.
Take a sweater. It could turn cold later.
46 47
might will, 11, wont
I dont feel very well. Likely, but not certain. will + nt = wont
t> It might be something youve eaten. Similar to may in (1) on p39.
Where are you going for your holidays? Will you sign the form, please? Asking someone to do something (Willyou . . . ? )
!> Im not sure; we might go to Scotland.
Will you phone me when you arrive?
Im surprised Chris isnt here yet. Do you think he
might have forgotten? I will if I have time. Agreeing
Im leaving early tomorrow so I might not see you.
Ill give you a hand with that. Offering to do something for someone
Is this a 24 bus coming?
> It might be. I cant see the number yet. Well do the washing-up.
She wont tell me where shes going tonight. Refusing
Note I wont work on that machine. Its dangerous.
Mightnt is unusual. Mollys car wont start.
The baby wont stop crying.
We wont see you next week. Well be on holiday. Facts about the future
Ill be back in a few minutes.
Wait a minute! Ill just get a sweater. Reactions at the moment of speaking
Thats the doorbell - Itll be John.
Ill have pizza and salad, please.
Youll catch the train if you leave now. Likely conditions, see page 92
You wont be happy if you dont buy it!
Will not is very strong. In speech the normal form is wont.
48 49
would shall
Would you drop me at the station please? Requests Shall we pick you up at the station? Offering to do something
Would you mind closing the window please? Shall I get a ticket for you?
Would you mind if I came a few minutes late? Shall we go for a walk after lunch? Suggestions
Would you like a cup of tea? Offers and invitations Who shall we ask to the party?
Would you like to come with us? What shall we do about it?
t>Thats very kind of you. Id love to.
Would you like some more cake?
> No thank you, Im fine but its very nice. Note
Shall is unusual in modern English except in questions with Shall I . . . ? and Shall w e. . . ?
What would be the best thing to do? Advice
What would you do?
> If I were you Id see the doctor.
They wouldnt stop the noise even when I asked. Refusing
My car wouldnt start this morning.
I dont know what was wrong with the baby, but
she wouldnt stop crying.
You wouldnt enjoy the film, I dont think. Talking about a hypothetical situation
Shall I bring my sleeping bag?
> That would help.
50 51
should ought to
You should tell the police about it. The speakers view of the correct
situation, or thing to do. I Question forms are very unusual (see below).
I think you should go to the doctor. you
[> Perhaps I should. we ought not to take
If you dont feel better you should go to bed. they
he she it
The train should be there by four oclock.
Excuse me, I think it should be 2, not 3.
I ought to ring my mother. Obligation (usually moral)
You should have told me that you dont eat meat.
You ought to phone your parents.
Kurt shouldnt have left without paying.
What do you think we ought to do about it?
Do you think I should tell Peter? Asking the listeners view People ought not to park here - its dangerous.
of the correct thing to do.
What do you think I should do?
Note Oughtn't is unusual; the usual form is ought not.
Questions with Should I/w e.. ..?are unusual; Do you think I/we should. . . .? is the usual form. Questions like Ought we to . . . . ? are very unusual; the usual form is Do you think we ought to . . . ?
(have) to When do you have to leave? Ill have to get some more coffee. 11 have to
Present Question Short Answer Well have to paint the house before we sell it. The speakers idea of
Well have to go or well miss the last bus. something necessary'
you dont have to you you Its broken - youll have to buy a new one.
we Do we Yes dont.
ask we Im afraid shell have to go into hospital.
they they have to asii they
he she has to No Negatives
it doesnt have to Does he she it he she it doesnt. dont have to = it is not necessary>that. . . You dont have to buy a ticket.
We didnt have to wait at all.
mustnt = it is necessary not to . . . I mustnt forget to post this letter.
Past Question Short Answer You mustnt take more than two of these pills at a
I you I you
I you had to Did we they have to ask Yes we they didnt.
we they didnt have to ask he she it No he she it
he she it Note
f t Dont have to and Dont need to are very similar in meaning:
Im sure we dont need to ask. = Im sure we dont have to ask.
Necessity based on:
Children over 14 have to pay full price. a rule You dont have to be here before 9. = You dont need to be here before 9.
The doctor says he has to stay in bed. an authority
Did you have to wait long? circumstances
You have to be at the airport very' early
because they have to search all the bags.
(have) to is used for objective necessity; must for what the speaker thinks is necessary.
We have to be there by four o'clock. Suggests; They close the doors atfour.
We must be there bv four oclock. Suggests: /think all the seats will be taken by four.
54 55
(have) got to When have you got to leave? Theyve got two children. (have) got
Present Question Short Answer (have) is not normally used to talk about possession; (have) got is normally used
(have) got makes questions and negatives using (have) as auxiliary1;
had got is unusual in the past; had is normally used.
I I I Present Question Short Answer
you Ve you
havent Have Yes you havent
we got to we got to we I I
they Ve I
they take take they you Have we you
we havent you Yes havent.
he she it s Has he she it he she it hasnt. they got they got they
hasnt No
he she it s Has he she it
hasnt he she it hasnt.
Hes got to stay in bed for a few days. Past Question Short Answer
Youve got to put two 10 pence coins in to make it work.
I havent got to get up early in the morning.
| 1 I
d Yes
we hadnt got Had we got we hadnt.
Sorry I cant stop - Ive got to get to the bank before half past three. they they No they
Have we got to show our passports? he she it he she it n1 1 he she it
We havent got a phone. Possession
Annas got dark hair and blue eyes.
Note Have you got change for a pound please?
(have) to and (have) got to are used with the same meaning. > Im afraid I havent.
had got to is unusual in the past; had to is normally used. They hadnt got any apples so I bought
some pears instead.
Have you got a free evening next week? Certain expressions of time
Excuse me, have you got a minute please?
Have you got an appointment?
56 57
(be) used to, (get) used to They used to live in Manor Road. used to
Im used to getting up early. To talk about what is normal
Hes not used to driving on the left. I
We arent used to very hot weather in England. we used to live Question forms are unusual.
they didnt use to
Hows your new job? To talk about the process of changing he she it
t> Oh Im getting used to it, thank you. to a new normal situation
Have you got used to our winters yet? I used to smoke. Something which was true for a period
t> Im getting used to them, slowly! - . , , . in the past but was not true later
I was just getting used to my old job He used to play squash until his accident. 1
when they moved me. Do you work full time?
I dont like this new medicine. t> Not now, but I used to before I had the children.
> Dont worry. Im sure youll soon get used to it. Its funny. I really enjoy cricket now but I didnt use to.
Note Note
(b e) used to and (get) used to use these patterns: Did you use to . . . ? is unusual; we usually say You used to . . . , didn't you?
used to + first form, I used to live in London, has a different meaning; see page 59.
58 59
Tags Its a lovely day, isnt it. How to use tags
Tags are very important in spoken English. They are not used in written English. Most tags ask the other person to comment. If you say them like questions they ask the other person to
confirm what you think:
Say Mean Say Mean
Its a lovely day, isnt it. Say something about the weather. You dont smoke, do you? I dont think you do - is that right?
That was a super film, wasnt it. Say something about the film. Sheila isnt married, is she? I dont think she is - is that right?
Thats a good idea, isnt it. Give me your opinion about it.
Things were different then, werent they. Talk about your memory of the situation. The sentence you use shows what you think:
Tags are not questions. They usually invite the other person to make a comment. Pauls been to London, hasnt he? The speaker thinks Paul has.
Paul hasnt been to London, has he? The speaker thinks Paul hasnt.
You dont just answer invitation tags, you add some extra information:
How to make tags
You can speak German, cant you. > Yes, a bit. I learned at school.
Use the first auxiliary to make the tag. If there is no auxiliary7use do, does or did. Theres a car park near the theatre, isnt there. > Yes, in Gifford Street.
We havent got time for a cup to tea, have we. C> No, the train goes at ten to.
Positive sentence Negative tag Negative sentence Positive ta
Its a beautiful day, isnt i t It isnt a very nice morning, is it. Notice these:
Youve been to London, havent you. You havent been to London, have you.
It must have been David, mustnt it. Theres a post office in Churchill Roadjsnt there.
It couldnt have been David, could it.
You know Mary, dont you. They dont eat pork, do they. T h ere in the tag too.
She drives to work, doesnt she. Your mother doesnt speak English, does she.
They played well, didnt they. You didnt leave the window open, did you. You will remember to post that letter wont you.
Asking questions the basic pattern Question word questions
Statement Question
Auxiliary Subject John told Mary Who told Mary? 1. The question is about the subject of the sentence.
Sentences with one auxiliary Who did John tell? 2. The question is about the object of the sentence.
It was raining. Was it raining? The question is made in the usual way. (See 2. below)
Hes seen the doctor. Has he seen the doctor?
You can read my writing. Can you read my writing? 1. Here are some more examples with who or what as the subject:
Who paid? Who knows about it?
Sentences with more than one Who told you? What happened?
auxiliary use the first Who lives next door? What caused the accident?
Who brought Amin to work?
Shes been waiting a long time. Has she been waiting a long time?
Theyre going to buy a new car. Are they going to buy a new car? 2. Most question word questions are made in this way:
Sentences with no auxiliary present Question word auxiliary subject verb
simple and past simple use (do) How many did you buy?
The bus stops in Salisbury Road. Does the bus stop in Salisbury Road? How often have you been there?
She caught the plane. Did she catch the plane? How can I get in touch with you?
Which did you choose?
When will she know the results?
Where were they going?
Note What are we going to do about it?
For (be) see page 39; for (have) see page 40. Who could we ask to help?
Why would you like to go?
62 63
Expressions with the ... ing form Expressions with the infinitive
All these expressions are followed by the infinitive with to:
All these are followed by the ing form of the verb.
learn We learned to swim before we started school.
(do) the Have you done the ironing? hope They hope to finish work early.
go They usually go shopping on Saturday. promise I promise to be a better student.
hate/love I hate/love getting up early. refuse Dick refused to pay the bill.
decide Have you decided to fly?
enjoy Do you enjoy playing tennis?
mean Im sorry. I meant to let you know.
finish Ill just finish writing this letter. offer Did she offer to give you a lift?
stop Jacks stopped smoking at last. agree Lets agree to differ!
suggest Peter suggested going to Ibiza. anxious My mother was anxious to hear the news,
need My hair needs washing. prepared Im not prepared to work at weekends,
likely Hes likely to arrive late,
cant help I cant help wishing I hadnt told you.
afraid Liz was afraid to go to the police,
go on He went on complaining all evening. sorry I was very sorry to hear about your accident.
miss Do you miss living in London? Verb + object + infinitive with to:
Would you mind . . . Would you mind lending me your pen, please? ask We had to ask John to leave.
(be) used to Im not used to driving in town. tell Please tell your friends to come a bit later.
afraid of Im afraid of flying. persuade Can you persuade Bill to lower the price?
without You cant get in without paying.
Some verbs can be followed by the infinitive or the -ing form:
Its worth/its no use . . . Its worth/no use applying for a grant.
love hate begin try prefer start
Its no good. . . Its no good complaining
instead of Well drive instead of catching the train. Note
What ab ou t. . . What about having a picnic? I remember sending you an invitation. = in the past
Remember to send me a card. = in the future
interested in Im not interested in spending more than 3.
64 65
Phrasal Verbs
Many verbs in English are made of two, or sometimes three, words. Even if you know the meaning of each Phrasal verb Example Meaning
word, you cannot guess the meaning of the words together.
get back We got back from France last night. return
drop = fall or letfall
drop in = visit get off You get off at the end of East Street. leave the bus
get on How are the children getting on at school? succeed
Here is a list of the most common. get on with I get on very well with him. agree, work well together
get out of I cant get out of it. avoid
Phrasal verb Example Meaning
get over I had an operation but Im getting over it now. recover
break down The car broke down at the weekend. stop functioning get round to I havent got round to writing to him yet. find time to do
bring up Children are brought up differently in other countries. educate in the family get through Did you get through? make a successful phone call
call back Could you call back tomorrow please? telephone again get up I got up at 7 this morning. rise from bed
call for Ill call for you at 7 oclock. collect give up I know its difficult, but dont give up! stop trying
call off Theyve called off the strike. cancel go off I think the milks gone off. become bad (of food)
carry on Are you going to carry on studying German? continue grow up Children grow up more quickly nowadays. mature
catch up You set off - Ill catch you up. hurry after and join hang up She hung up on me! finish a phone call
close down The factory closed down last year. close permanently have on Youre having me on! tease
come from He conies from Bangladesh. was born in hold on Can you hold on a moment please? wait, particularly on the phone
drop in Why not drop in on your way home from work? visit casually keep up How long do you think they can keep that up? maintain, continue
eat out Its nice to eat out for a change. eat in a restaurant knock down She was knocked down in First Avenue. be in a traffic accident
fall out Liz and Jack have fallen out again. quarrel laugh at Are you laughing at me? be amused by
fall through Im afraid our holiday plans have fallen through. collapse (plan, arrangement) let down You wont let me down, will you? disappoint
fill in Would you fill in your name and address please? complete (a form) lie in Im going to lie in in the morning. stay in bed
find out I hope nobody finds o u t discover the truth look after Whos looking after the children? take care of
66 67
Phrasal verb Example Meaning Phrasal verb Example Meaning
look at What are you looking at? examine carefully show off Stop showing off! boast, look for compliments
look for Theyre looking for 20 new staff. seek sleep in Sorry Im late - I slept in. wake up late
look forward to Im really looking forward to my holiday anticipate with pleasure sort out These files need sorting out. arrange systematically
look out for Ill look out for you at the station. try to meet stand up for You have to stand up for what you believe. defend
look up You can look it up in the dictionary. seek information in a book take after Carol takes after her father. resemble
pack up Its time to pack up and go home. stop take off Would you like to take your coat off? remove (clothes)
pay back If you lend me it Ill pay you back tomorrow. return a debt take off What time do we take off? (for a plane)
pay off He was paid off at the end of June. make redundant tell off I told the children off. reprimand
pick up Can I pick you up at the station? collect (by car) think about What are you thinking about? consider
put off Shall we put it off until next week? delay think of You should have thought of that earlier. pay attention to
put off I hope Im not putting you off. distract think over Id like to think it over for a while. consider carefully
put on Dont forget to put your coat on. wear try on Could I try it on please? check clothes (for size etc)
put through Could you put me through to Mr Wilson please? connect, on the telephone turn down His application has been turned down. refuse, reject
put up Can I put you up for the weekend? accommodate turn off Would you turn the tap off please? stop
put up with Im afraid youll just have to put up with it. tolerate turn on Would you turn the television on please? switch on
ring back Can you ring back please? re-telephone turn up I cant hear it. Can you turn it up please? make louder (radio, TV)
run out of Weve run out of sugar. (theres no . . . left) wake up What time did you wake up? wake from sleep
save up Im saving up for my holiday. put aside money walk out The whole work force walked out. go on strike
see off Can we see you off at the airport? go with to station, airport etc. wash up Whos going to wash up? wash dishes
set off What time shall we set off? start a journey wear out These shoes have worn out very quickly. become old and unuseable
settle down My mother thinks I should settle down. establish a regular home wrap up Would you like me to wrap it up for you? put in paper
68 69
a, an the
a i l *n front f a vowel sound Only one spelling: The dress, girl, police, children
in front of a e i o u in fron t o f h when it is not sounded
Two pronunciations: in front of a consonant sound /da / the side
apple orange in front of a vowel sound /d i: / the apple, the engine, the ice-cream,
an uncle an hour honour the other one, the umbrella
the is usually used with:
a in front of all other letters in front of u and eu when it sounds like you I left the car in George Street. a person or thing already
(= my or ou r car) identified or known
>irl Which dress did you buy?
child louse university European
face > The blue one.
Can you close the door please?
Shes a dentist. With a singular (countable) noun He bought the house next to the Post Office.
We had an argument.
A pound of tomatoes please. the China Sea, the Ganges, the Alps names of seas, rivers, mountain ranges
Lake Ontario, Windermere (but not lakes)
a hundred, a thousand, a million With certain numbers
the Taj Mahal, the White House important buildings
a dozen, a couple of, a pair of, a lot, a few, a little With certain quantities the Eiffel Tower
We spent a couple of weeks in Spain.
There were a lot of people at the game. He plays the guitar and the piano. musical instruments
70 71
Countable and uncountable nouns
English nouns are divided into two groups: Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns - have singular and plural forms - only have one form
Are seen by the speaker in units Are not seen by the speaker in units
- take singular and plural verbs - always take a singular verb
a glass a cup water tea That boy is French. Music helps me to relax.
Those boys are French. Their furniture is very modern.
The timetable changes tomorrow. Too much coffee isnt good for you.
The timetables all change tomorrow. The weather was beautiful all week.
- can have a/an and numbers in front of them - never have a/an or a number directly in front
an apple a good idea weather information advice
four apples three good ideas furniture leather
- have not many in front of them - have not much in front of them
a glass of water a cup of tea water tea He hasnt many friends. He hasnt much money.
There werent many people there. We havent had much information yet.
Much and many are used in negatives and questions; in positive remarks a lot of is normally used:
a spoonful of sugar a slice of bread sugar bread There were a lot of people in town today.
We had a lot of trouble getting here.
72 73
a . . . o f. a piece o f advice Plurals
To make countable quantities with uncountable nouns use a . . . o f . .
Most nouns make their plural by adding -s.
piece information packet rice There are three different pronunciations:
pound butter bit luck
pint milk slice toast packet packets add /s/ after a voiceless sound (see p i04)
of of
jar jam a litre oil hand hands add /z/ after a voiced sound (see p i04)
water plate spaghetti face faces add /iz/ after these sounds /s/ /z/ / f / /1J / /d^/
tin soup tube toothpaste
Some common plurals are different:
Some words which are countable in some other languages are uncountable in English: woman women wife wives
advice information news luggage knowledge furniture health man men knife knives
Some words can be used in two different ways, one countable, one uncountable: child children foot feet
person people tooth teeth
Theres a hair on your coat. Her hair is beautiful.
potato potatoes baby babies
What a lovely colour! Television is very dull without colour.
bus buses lady ladies
Have some more potatoes. Have some more potato.
l>Just a few please. >Just a little please. glass glasses city cities
match matches sheep sheep
74 75
some, 31iy_______________ I bought some fruit. Anybody upstairs can help you.
some is about part, or not all; any is about all or none. some
Some of the trains stop here but some dont. Not all
Some people thought it was too expensive.
I like some pop music, but not all.
Ive bought some tea but we need some sugar. General quantity
Would you like us to bring some sandwiches with us?
Id like some information about flights to Paris please.
76 77
Adjectives Id like a strong black coffee, please. Gabi is taller than Ahmed. Comparison of Adjectives
My wallet is black. Adjectives give more information about a noun. Ahmed is older than Razi. Comparative + than
Ive lost a black wallet. The book is better than the film.
Ive lost a black leather wallet. This baker is more expensive than the one
round the corner.
The boy was late. Singular and plural are the same. Have you any smaller oranges?
The girls were late, too. Have you anything a bit cheaper?
Shes a really nice person. Use very or really to make an adjective stronger. I think yours is better.
Its very cheap.
Maria is as old as Marco. as + adjective + as
Gas isnt as expensive as electricity.
Comparative Superlative Was he as angry as he looked?
Short adjectives
one syllable cheap cheaper the cheapest Superlatives
two syllables ending in -y early earlier the earliest Razi is the tallest in the class. the + superlative
Long adjectives Gabi is the most careful driver I know.
two syllables careful more careful the most careful How much is the cheapest flight to Athens?
more syllables difficult more difficult the most difficult The most expensive isnt always the best.
Irregular adjectives Wheres the nearest toilet, please?
zood better the best
worse the worst
78 79
Adverbs He looked quickly through the papers. Special adverbs
Regular Adjective Adverb
Theyre a good team. good well They played well last Saturday.
Adjective Adverb
These are a better buy. better better Do you feel better now?
slow careful slowly carefully
easy sensible easily sensibly
These words look like adverbs formed in the usual way but have special meanings:
Hes a slow reader. He reads slowly. + -ly nearly = almost Be careful! You nearly spilt your tea.
Its easy to make it yourself. You can easily make it yourself. y -*iiy hardly (any) = almost none Theres hardly any butter left,
lately = in the near past I havent seen her lately,
Irregular shortly = in the near future Ill have to be going home shortly,
directly = immediately Ill let you know directly I hear myself.
Adjective and adverb the same:
hard late early Making adverbs stronger
straight carefully more carefully much more carefully as carefully as possible
harder earlier faster
You must do your homework carefully.->Youll have to do it again much more carefully.
Adjective Adverb Please tell him soon. Please tell him as soon as possible.
He has long straight hair. Go straight along Cromwell Road . . . . Comparing adjectives or adverbs
Lets catch the late train. The train arrived 10 minutes late. The same structures are used for comparing adjectives or adverbs:
Shes a hard worker. She works hard. Comparative + than Ahmed is older than Razi.
This restaurant is more expensive than that one.
Is there an earlier train? Can you come to me earlier than 10, please?
She speaks English more confidently than her brother.
The train is faster, but more expensive. I wish I could read Liverpool played better than they did last week.
80 81
Position of adverbs He went with me to meet them. Personal pronouns
The rules are very complicated. Here are some useful tips:
Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
1. If you are unsure, put the adverb at the end of the sentence. pronoun pronoun adjective pronoun pronoun
I me my mine myself
2. These adverbs of time usually come after (be) or after the first auxiliary. you you your yours yourself
we us our ours ourselves
always, often, Peter is never late. them their theirs themselves
usually, sometimes, You must always lock the door. he him his his himself
never, already Weve sometimes had lunch at work. she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
3. These adverbs make an adjective or adverb stronger or weaker.
They come in front o/the adjective or adverb. Use a pronoun instead of a noun when it is clear who or what you are talking about.
very, too, so, Richard can swim very well.
rather, really, quite, Its too far to walk. Object pronouns
extremely, slightly It was quite cold in the water. Would you like to come with us? after a preposition
This is a bad line - its extremely difficult to hear you.
Do you live near them?
4. ever mainly in questions with Have you ever been to Manchester? Could you send them direct to me, please?
the present perfect
5. enough after an adjective He isnt strong enough. Who broke that window? after (be) instead of a
or adverb He didnt work hard enough. > It wasnt me. subject pronoun
in front o f a noun I havent enough money.
Can Eva send them to me, please? After to and fo r with make, give, send,
lend, pass, take, show
Tony made it for her.
Yourself is for one person; yourselves is for more than one person.
82 83
Possessives they
Adjective Pronoun
Tells you who owns something Instead of a possessive adjective and a noun They is used to talk about:
1. more than one person: The children are excited - they r e going on a trip tomorrow.
My feet hurt! C>So do mine! = So do my fee t
Js this your sweater? >Yes, wheres yours? 2. a general group of people:
I dont think this is his car, is it? >No, his is over there.
Sheilas left her bag somewhere in here. > 1 think this is hers, isnt it? They are repairing the road. they = the Town Council
Our children like their school. >Yes, ours like theirs, too. They want to increase income tax. they = the Government
Whats your phone number? >7726981. Whats yours? They say its a marvellous film. they = a lot of people
They tell me you are changing your job. they = somebody or some people
They and their are also used to talk about one person with:
Reflexive pronouns some-
any- -body
Hes cut himself. The subject and the object are the same. no- -one
Oh dear! Have you hurt yourself? every-
Someone has left their pen on the desk.
Did you do the decorations yourself? Used for emphasis
t> I did the painting myself, but thats all. Somebody told you, didnt they!
Can I give you a hand? Anybody knows that, dont they!
> No, its all right thanks. I can do it myself. Everyone has to bring their own food.
If anyone rings while Im out, please ask them to ring back.
Some special expressions
84 85
it______________________________________ Do you prefer the blue one or the red one? one, ones
it is used as a pronoun in the usual wav: There is a car park but its full at the moment. That train is too early. What time is the next (t^afi^) one.
The French apples are 50p, but the English (appi^s) ones are only 45p.
it is also used for:
Weather Its raining. It was snowing. Use one or ones instead of repeating the same noun.
Its rather cold. It was a very warm evening.
Time Its three oclock. Its the fifth today, isnt it. the the
Its getting late. Its time to go. this/that one these/those ones
Its a long time ago. Its Saturday tomorrow.
which one? which ones?
Distance Its about two miles. Its not far.
How far is it to Oxford? Its rather a long way. Im going to make a cup of coffee. Would you like one?
t> Mm yes, Id love one, thank you.
It is also used as a dummy subject when is ('s) 'is followed by certain adjectives:
Which is your bike?
Its essential to be there by 7 oclock. Its difficult to believe that. > The blue one, the one next to the car.
Its possible to get a bus. Its interesting to see new places. Shall I use these tea bags?
t> No, use the ones on the shelf, please.
Its lovely to have a day off. Its not true that hes changing his job.
Which one do you prefer?
Its best to get a taxi. Its better to phone her. > That ones lovely, but I think this one will suit me better.
Its no use asking Peter he wasnt there. Its worth asking him - he might know.
86 87
there + (be) Theres too much traffic. this, that, these, those
Question Short Answer this these 1. in front of a noun
2. alone when it is clear what you are talking about
s Is a toilet
isnt a problem Yes isnt. that those
There there there
Theres a cinema in the centre. When you talk about something for the first time Does this bus go to Victoria, please? Things that are physically near.
Does this go to Victoria please?
Is there a telephone box in the station?
These strawberries are delicious.
There are some people waiting outside. These are delicious.
Are there 2 ms in recommend?
This is the life! Things which are psychologically near; the speaker
Theres nothing we can do about it. feels they are near at the moment of speaking.
These science fiction films are a waste of money.
Theres somebody waiting for you outside.
Is there anywhere to eat near here?
There must be a mistake. With an auxiliary and be
How much is that dress please? Things which are physically remote.
There might be a strike. How much is that please?
There can be a lot of rain at this time of year. A pound of those tomatoes please.
There should be a bus in five minutes. A pound of those please.
Therell be trouble when he finds out! That was lucky! I didnt expect that Things which are psychologically remote from the
speaker at the moment of speaking.
There isnt enough room, is there? There is repeated in the tag and in the short answer. That kind of person really annoys me.
> Oh yes, I think there is. Is that all?
88 89
that, who, which The car that was parked outside has gone. Prepositions General
that, who and which introduce more information about a person, thing, or idea. about the subject of Tell me about your family.
a conversation What are you thinking about?
The woman that lives next door is very friendly. Tells us which woman. idea, book, etc.
Could I speak to the doctor that I saw yesterday, please? Tells us which doctor.
The essay that won the prize was written by a German student. Tells us which essay. at certain special At home, at school, at work,
The person who told me had been there himself. expressions at university, at the cinema,
at the end o f . . . .
It was the blue car which caused the accident.
by the person or thing It was written by William Golding.
The thing that really surprised me was the price. Often used with the thing that . . that did something I was shocked by what she told me.
The thing that I really enjoyed was the music. transport We went by train.
That is usual in spoken English. for purpose Lets go for a cup of coffee.
+ noun or . . . ing form This machines for peeling potatoes.
In written English use: w ho with people which with things. a general period We were there for three weeks.
that, who, which are usually left out if they are the object of the verb that follows. oftime I havent seen you for ages.
The man who I saw yesterday told me to come at ten oclock. from place of origin Where is he from?
The man I saw yesterday told me to come at ten oclock. They come from Sri Lanka.
Can I collect the coat that I brought in last week, please? with in company Would you like to come with us?
Can I collect the coat I brought in last week, please? what you use to He cut himself with his pen knife.
do something
90 91
Prepositions Time
Sometimes we talk about a poin t
Friday Day two oclock Time a p eriod between two points
Wednesday morning Day + morning, afternoon, , Christmas Festival
On Wednesday night
the sixteenth of March
evening night
iV t lunchtime
the weekend
Mealtimes at 2 oclock about 2 oclock
92 93
Prepositions Where?
He lives at number five. at an exact place
at Turn left at the top of the stairs.
Ill meet you at the station.
We live in England. a country
Kyoko works in Birmingham. a town
V in He lives in Baker Street.
Were you in the pub last night?
a street
a building or area
ait Throw it in the wastepaper bin! a container
94 95
Prepositions Where to?
up Go up this road then turn left.
down Karen fell down the stairs.
into I saw him getting into a taxi.
out of Can you get the eggs out of the fridge, please.
past He walked straight past me without speaking.
onto The cat jumped onto her knee.
off It fell off the table and broke.
up down (1) into past round Im tired - Ive walked round town today.
(2) out of back to Can we go back to the theatre please - Ive forgotten my coat.
through I hate driving through the town at this time of day.
along They walked along the beach.
over I tripped over a stone on the pavement.
under The cat ran under the car.
to They rushed to the door.
across He ran across the road.
A conjunction joins two ideas: With these words the two parts of the sentence can come in either order with the same meaning:
A: Tea or coffee? or joins alternatives Because we were late, we took a taxi. If she comes, Ill tell her.
B: Tea, please. We took a taxi because we were late. Ill tell her, if she comes.
A: Sugar and milk? and joins two sim ilar ideas
B: Milk but no sugar, thank you. but joins two different or opposite ideas if gives the condition for the other part of the sentence to be true,
i'll do it if you 11 help me.
or, and, but 1. come between the ideas they join
2. can join two sentences. Shes going to change her job if she can.
If anyone rings, can you ask them to call back, please?
although contrasts two ideas.
Although hes got good qualifications, he cant get a job.
You can change it You can change it or you can have your money back.
You can have your money back. & 7 1 3 Im going to get one, although they are very expensive.
because gives the reason for something; answers the question Why?
The surgery opens at 9.00 * The surgery opens at 9.00 and closes at 12.00
The surgery closes at 12.00 Because we were late, we took a taxi.
I didnt come because it was raining.
Id love to come. * Id love to come but Im busy on Saturday.
Im busy on Saturday. These words show the connection in time; answer the question When?
as The lorry hit us as we were turning the corner,
when Ill tell her when I see her.
while They arrived while we were trying to phone them!
so gives the result of the first part of the sentence. It is the second part of the sentence.
since Where have you been living since you came to England?
The class was boring, so I left. The rent is too high, so we are moving, till/until Could you keep an eye on things until I get back, please?
so that gives the purpose for something. It is usually the second part of the sentence. before I hope he gets here before the train leaves,
I need a nursery place so that I can go to work. after Ill see you here after Ive been to the bank,
Youd better write it down so that you dont forget. as soon as Phone us as soon as your plane gets in.
98 99
Numbers Time
1 one first 30 thirty thirtieth Have you the time, please?
2 two second 40 forty fortieth What time is it, please?
3 three third 50 fifty fiftieth > Its twenty-five to seven.
4 four fourth 60 sixty sixtieth
5 five fifth 70 seventy seventieth
6 six sixth 80 eighty eightieth exactly
7 seven seventh 90 ninety ninetieth Its just three oclock.
8 eight eighth 100 a hundred hundreth about
nearly a quarter to a quarter past
9 nine ninth 200 two hundred two hundredth
10 ten tenth 1000 a thousand thousandth
11 eleven eleventh 1,000,000 a million millionth What time does it start?
12 twelve twelfth What time does the York train leave, please?
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth Write Say Say Write The train leaves at six forty-seven.
15 fifteen fifteenth \ a half point five .5 Theres a train at fifteen forty.
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth Til see you about sixish.
18 eighteen eighteenth -ish gives an approximate time.
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth a quarter point two five .25 Days Seasons Months
21 twenty-one twenty-first Monday Spring January July
22 twenty-two twenty-second Tuesday Summer February August
Wednesday Autumn March September
Thursday Winter April October
three quarters point seven five .75 Friday May November
Saturday June December
one and a half
one sixth Sunday
three point two 3.2 Write: Say:
15th July the fifteenth of July
21.4.54 the twenty-first of April, nineteen fifty-four.
100 101
Some Expressions of Time Prefixes and Suffixes
Past Now At the beginning of a word At the end of a word
A long time ago In the morning un- the opposite of unm arried -ness adjective noun darkness
Six or seven years ago Tomorrow morning non- not non-sm oker -able verb adjective w ashable
A few years ago Tomorrow anti- against anti-American -en adjective -> verb brighten
A couple of years ago The day after tomorrow pro- in favour of pro-American -less without hom eless
Eighteen months ago In a day or two pre- before pre-war -fill a quantity cupful
Last year In a couple of days post- after post-1960 -ish approximately youngish
A few months/weeks ago Next Saturday ex- former ex-President
Recently Next Sunday evening re- do again re-start
The other week In a few days time mis- wrongly m isunderstand
Last week Soon over- too much over-confident
A few days ago Next week
The other day A week on Thursday
The day before yesterday Next month
Yesterday In a few weeks time
Yesterday evening Next year
Last night In a couple of years
Now Future
102 103
Some pronunciation rules
There are two kinds of consonant sound in English: Past simple (second form )
The past simple is usually made by adding -ed.
There are three pronunciations:
/t/ after a voiceless sound: walked
/d/ after a voiced sound: opened
/id/ after a ft/ or /d/ sound: waited
Third person -s
The third person present simple is made by adding -s.
There are three pronunciations:
Some writing rules Basic Functions
Possession ( s o r s) Id complain if I were you. ought to suggests a stronger, more objective opinion.
S singular Ravis car is a Ford. You ought to take a couple of days off.
Whose bag is that?
> Its Jeans. Agreeing
Im looking forward to the weekend. Repeat the same auxiliary in the answer
S irreglar plural nouns The childrens room is on the left.
> So am I.
S regular plural nouns The boys room is at the top of the stairs. I love chocolate. No auxiliary, use (do) in the answer
The students work wasnt very good. OSo do I.
I dont like football on television. Use neither to agree with a negative remark
Spelling t> Neither do I.
106 107
Basic Functions Basic Functions
Asking for something Inviting
A pound of apples, please. These sound unfriendly without please Would you like to have lunch with us?
Could you pass the salt, please. ^ Oh thank you. Id love to.
Thats very kind of you, but Im afraid I cant.
Asking someone to do something
Could you spell it, please. Always please at the end Offering
Will you ask him to ring me, please. Would you like a cake? Offering something
Would you mind opening the door, please. Would you m ind. . . ing for people you dont know > Thank you. Id love one.
Let me carry that for you. Offering help
Asking for permission Well do the washing up.
May I borrow your pen? Personal Shall we pick you up at the station?
Do you mind if I smoke? Can I give you a hand? General offer to help
> Id rather you didnt. - Thank you. Thats very kind of you.
Its all right thank you. I can manage.
Is it all right if I park here? More objective
> No, Im afraid parking isnt allowed. Have a cake! Use the first form of the verb
Help yourself.
Refusing to do something
I HAVE been waiting twenty minutes. Stress the auxiliary to show you are annoyed
It WAS only yesterday I bought it. I wont work on that machine. Its dangerous.
You DID promise to help me. He wont tell me.
Correcting Suggesting
I think youve made a mistake. Usually with I think Why dont you get a taxi? To the other person
I think it should be 2.80, not 3 80. You could send it air mail.
I think it was 1982, wasnt it? Often with a tag (see page 60) Lets go now or well be late. Doing something together
I think the train goes at ten past, doesnt it. Lets go on Saturday evening.
Why dont we buy her a pen?
108 109
Useful phrases Index
a 70, 73 by 84, 91, 93, 95 have to 54, 55
Checking English On the phone about 91, 93 he 83
can 45, 109
Could you say that again, please? May I speak to . . . please? above 94-95 comparative, comparing 78-79, 81 her, hers, herself 83-84
What does this mean, please? > Speaking. across 96-97 conditions 34-35 him, himself 83-84
I dont understand this. adjectives 78-79 conjunctions 98-99 his 83-84
Just a moment, please. adverbs 80-82 how 63
How do you spell. . . ? consonant 104
Can I take a message? afraid 107 continuous forms 17, 19, 25, 27, 30 if 34-35, 99
How do you pronounce this, please? Ill ask him/her to ring you. after 93, 99 could 46, 108 imperative 39, 109
Is this correct, please? Sorry. Ive got the wrong number. ago 92 countable nouns 12-1A in 92, 94-95
along 96-97 d 15 -ing form 8, 17, 19, 25, 27, 64
already 82 dates 92, 101 infinitive 8, 65
Directions in the street Sending a greeting to someone although 99 did 10-11, 42 inside 94
always 82 directions 110 into 96-97
Excuse me, could you tell me where . . . is, please? Give my regards to . . . am 10-11, 39 irregular verbs 20-23
directly 81
Excuse me, is there a . . . near here, please? Remember me to . . . among 94-95 do, does 10-11, 42, 43 is 10-11, 39
Turn left/right. an 70, 73 down 96-97 isnt it (tags) 13, 60-61 108
Take the (second) turning on the left/right. and 98 during 92 it, its, itself 83-84, 86
Its on the left/right. On someones birthday answers 13
emphasis 13, 107, 110 lately 81
any, anyone 76-77, 85
Its straight ahead. Many happy returns. are 10-11, 39 enough 82 let 109
Go straight along/down/up here. Happy birthday. around 96-97 ever 82 lets 38, 61, 109
everyone 85 a little 73
Its on the corner of Brook Street and Park Lane. as 79, 81, 99
excuse me 107, 110 11 28, 34, 49, 55, 109
as soon as 81, 91
On (o r just after) January 1st. at 84, 85, 86-87, 91, 92, 93, 94-95
extremely 82 a lot of 73
not far from 94 make 43
Asking the time Happy New Year. auxiliaries 10-13, 44-52
auxiliaries, stressed 13, 108, 110 a few 73 many 73
Have you the time please? > Thank you. The same to you. first form 8-9, 16, 38 may 47, 108
back to 96-97
What time do you make it, please? bad 78 for 91, 92 me 83
be 10-11, 39 from 91, 93 might 48
Someone has passed an exam, got a job, because 99
in front of 94-95 mine 83-84
When someone is going away won something been 20, 22, 25, 32, 39
functions 107-109
future 27-29
modals 12, 44-53
before 93, 99 more 78-79, 81
Have a good holiday. Congratulations! going to 27 most 78
behind 94-95
Have a good trip. below 94-95 good 78, 81 much 73
Have a safe journey. When someone gets engaged beside 94-95 got 56, 57 must 44
best 78 had, has, have 10-11, 40-41 mustnt 55
Congratulations. I hope youll be very happy. better 70, 73, 78, 81 hardly 81 my, myself 83-84
Introducing yourself between 94-95 have got 11, 57 near 94-95
but 98 have got to 56 nearly 81
I dont think weve met before. Im (David Jones).
110 111
need to 55 rather 82 towards 96-97
negatives 12 really 78, 82 uncountable nouns 12-1A
neither 107 reported speech 36-37 under 94-95, 96-97
never 82 round 96-97 until 93, 99
next to 94-95 -s -s 15, 106 up 96-97
nobody, no one 85 second form 8-9, 18, 20-23, 30 us 83
nouns 72-75 shall 51, 109 used to 59
numbers 100 she 83 (be) used to 58
off 96-97 shortform s 14-15 usually 82
often 63, 82 shortly 81 verbal noun 8
on 92, 94-95 should 52 verbs 8-69
one, ones 87 since 93, 99 very 78, 82
onto 96-97 slightly 82 voiced, unvoiced sounds 104
opposite 94-95 so 82, 98, 107, was, were 10-11, 39
or 98 some, someone, somewhere 76-79, 85 well 81
ought to 53, 109 sometimes 82 what 83
our, ours ourselves 83-84 sorry 107 when 63, 99
out of 96-97 so that 98 where 63
over 96-97 spelling 106 which 63, 90
passive 34-35 stressed auxiliaries 13, 106, 108 while 99
past 96-97 suffixes 103 who 63, 90
past continuous 19 superlative 78 whose 63
past participle 8 tags 13, 60-61, 108 why 63
past perfect 26 than 79, 81 will, 11 14, 28, 34, 49, 55, 61, 109
past simple IS, 31, 105 that 89, 90 with 91
phrasal verbs 66-69 the 71, 79 wont 14, 28, 49, 61, 109
please 108, 110 their, theirs 83-84 worse, worst 78
plurals 75, 105, 106 them, themselves 83-84 would, d 14, 35, 50, 108, 109
prefixes 103 there 6 l, 88 you, your, yours yourself 83-84
prepositions 91-97 these 89
present continuous 17, 29, 30 they 83, 85
present perfect 24, 30 third form 8-9, 20-23, 24, 26, 30, 31
present perfect continuous 25 this 89
present simple 16, 29, 30, 105 those 89
pronouns 83-84 through 96-97
pronunciation 104-105 till 93, 99
quantities 74 time 92, 93, 101, 102, 110
questions 12, 62-63 to 96-97
quite 82 too 82