Sap Basis

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Consider the following example [EMAIL or RAILWAY]

For Email - It requires a PC and an Application installed in it.


1. Client requests
2. The request is processed by an interface
3. The request reaches server
4. The server process the request
5. Response back to the user either {Ticket/ Email}

This environment is called as a Client/ Server Architecture.


R/2 Client-Server

1. Client provides an interface to communicate with the server.


2. Client uses DB Client software to communicate with server

3. Each request is processed by communicating with server

only I.e. there is no intermediate layer in R/2

4. Servers are heavily loaded/ traffic, long queues there by reducing the performance of the servers.

5. There is no queuing mechanism and only server queues are maintained.

6. Server needs to process the request (Understanding the user language). Interpretation takes

time. These are the disadvantages of R/2 Systems.

Client Server Environment:

Client requests and server responds. The major disadvantage of Client Server architecture is

1. DB Client is installed on the client

2. Processing takes place at client side
3. No intermediate buffers for the frequently accessed content
4. There is no queue mechanism to handle the requests there by servers are heavily loaded.
5. The server side processing consumes resources to process (Interpret the user requests)

The need of middle layer/ tier rose to come out of the steps. The result is the Application layer/ Server
Application server is deployed and it provides the following functionality

1. DB Client is installed to free up the clients (i.e. there will be only one DB Client for Application
server earlier each client needs DB Client software)

2. There is a queue mechanism to handle the request there by reducing the load on the client and
3. User requests are served based on the FIFO using dispatcher.

4. Work process task handlers are used to interpret and process the request.
5. Intermediate buffers are available for the frequently accessed content to reduce the load on the
Database server.

6. The server side processing is only takes place for new requests there by server resources are
optimally used.

Need for the Middle Layer: R/3 Architecture

The advantages of deploying Application Layer:

It is the Intermediate layer in between the Client and the Server. It is installed with a database
client to communicate with the database server i.e. all the clients are freed with DB Clients.

Application server/ layer handle the request and process them based on FIFO (First in and First out). It
has its own queue mechanism to process the user request. It also contains the task interpreters to
interpret the user request and route it to the server.
It is intelligent to store the frequently accessed data thereby reducing the load on the server.

R/3 Architecture:

SAP uses the industry specific 3-Layer Architecture and named it as R/3
Architecture. It consists of three 3 Layers

1. Presentation Server/ Layer/ Tier

2. Application Server
3. Database Layer
1. Presentation Server:

It is a client for all the SAP Solutions. It is also referred as SAPGUI. There are three 3 types of SAP GUI

1. SAP GUI for windows (On Windows OS)

2. SAP GUI for JAVA (On all OS where JAVA is supported)

3. SAPGUI for HTML (for web based)

SAP provides various versions of GUI (4.6c, 620, 640, 700, 710 and 720)

2. Application Server:

It is used to handle the user request and process them to the database. It has dispatcher
to process and monitor the user request, work process to process and interpret the requests, Buffer
areas to store the frequently accessed data. It absorbs the load both from Client and the server.

3. Database server/ layer/ tier:

It is the area where the complete data resides. It has its own queue, process, buffers, and
request handling mechanism. Most of the databases are on Oracle. SAP is pushing MAXDB (without
any license key), Microsoft SQL Server & IBM DB2 with discounted prizes.

SAP is focusing SMB (Small Mid-sized Business) and promoting SAP for nearly 1 million/ Rs. 10 Lakhs/
per customer.
Supporting Platforms:

SAP can be installed on Microsoft windows 2000, win2k3 (2008 is under evaluation). It
can be installed on 32bit or 64bit operating systems. 64 bit means a single process can serve the user
64 32
with 4GB RAM/ Memory whereas in 32 bit it is 1.9GB Memory. 2 , 2 / 8 bytes.


HP UNIX 11.23


IBM Specific operating system with version 5.3 technical (TL) level 7 (TL7)

AIX and DB/2

Proprietary of IBM gives more mileage. Both provided by IBM

ISERIES/ AS400 with DB/2

This is also IBM specific which provides more consistency, reliability, mileage than any other
operating system and database.



Note: Linux with MaxDB is supported by SAP and provides more leverage (Finance)

Microsoft windows and SQL Server This is the best combination for interactive usage
Installation of Presentation Server (SAPGUI)

Use presentation server DVD and go to the respective OS win32 and run setupall.exe and follow the
onscreen instructions.
Saplogon icon is installed on the desktop.

Double click and enter the entries of the application server

Launch saplogon icon and click on New Item

Enter the Description

Application Server
System No


1. It provides runtime to SAP Applications

2. Basis is a layer where all the applications reside
3. Basis provides the infrastructure to manage, monitor, and administer the SAP Applications

Basis provides User Management
Business process Monitoring
Role based Security
Performance Gauge etc.

Three 3 Tier/ Layer/ Server Architecture

1. Presentation Server
2. Application Server
3. Database Server

It is an
1. Presentation Server SAP GUI. It is of 3
types SAPGUI for windows, HTML establish connection with SAP
Application Server based on the name of Instance Number, SID etc.

and JAVA. It is used to

the application server,
Installation of Presentation Server (SAPGUI)

Use presentation server DVD and go to the respective OS win32 and run setupall.exe and follow the
onscreen instructions.

Saplogon icon is installed on the desktop.

Double click and enter the entries of the application server

Launch saplogon icon and click on New Item

Enter the Description

Application Server
System No

Click on logon

Advantages of Presentation Server:

1. Single GUI to access all the SAP Applications (ERP, CRM, SCM, XI, BI and SRM)
2. We can login with our logon language i.e. specify the language during logon. Same GUI is allowed
to login with different languages

3. GUI is user friendly to create favorites, startup transactions

- To create Favorites

Login - From Tools Administration SU01 - From Menu Favorites > Add

- To setup startup transactions

From menu Extras - Set startup transaction

4. GUI is downward compatible to support all the SAP Applications which are below the gui version.

Example: GUI 7.0 cannot support the component that are built on 7.10 but 7.0 can handle 7.00, 640,
620, 46D, 45A etc.

5. User parameters are defined for the frequently keyed in content. Eg: A user belonging to the sales
organization, division, plant, sales area should get all the values by default while creating sales order
(VA01) etc.,

To provide default values for a user while creating a Sales order.


I. Execute VA01 (Sales order creation)

Select the value for sales organisation by pressing F4

Click on sales organisation field and press F1 and click on technical settings
Note the parameter ID

Repeat the same for Distribution Channel and Division.

2. Execute SU01

- Edit the user

- From Parameters Tab
- Provide PID and Value
VKO 0001

Save the data. Now whenever the user executes the transaction VA01 it will be filled with the default
values with 0001 and 01 for Sales organization and Distribution channel respectively there by
reducing the user tasks.

6. User can be specified with 1. Role based menu or with 2. SAP Easy access Menu to reduce the load
on the request processing (Roll Area)

7. SAP GUI is intelligent to determine the least loaded server when more than one instance is
configured. It gets the information from the Message server.

8. It provides access across the low speed connections and displays the screens without graphics/
logo which consume more network traffic. (Low Speed/ High Speed)

9. It provides command window to navigate to the respective functionality and minimizes dialogue

10. GUI entries are controlled by using saplogon.ini/ sapmsg.ini/ saproute.ini

These files reside in windows directory i.e. we can configure one GUI and copy the files to the other
systems easily.

Goto Windows directory

Saplogon.ini - Copying provides all the parameters
11. SAP Provides ergonomically designed to configure GUI font size, colors and visual design etc.

12. SAP Provides various shortcuts window /n to open window from existing window and /o to open a
new window /ex to exit the screen.

13. GUI provides default menus (System; Help).

14. The character set can be changed to suite various languages and printers.

2. Application Server

It is a physical server which is used to handle and process the user request. In SAP naming convention
we define them as an Instance and it is possible to install more than one instance on a single server
provided they are differentiated by the instance number.

Instance number is a 2 digit number that varies between [00 to 97] 98 and 99 are reserved for routing

Instances is of various types

1. Database Instance . 2. Central Instance. 3. Dialogue Instance. 1. Database Instance

This is the Instance where database is installed.

2. Central Instance

This is the Instance where Application Server/ Tier/ Layer are installed. There will be only
one instance in the entire system.

3. Dialogue Instance

These are the instances which are used to handle the load on the central instances. We
can install as many instances as possible assuming that each instance can serve up to 200 - 500 users
depending upon the type of the users.

Set of Executables (OS, DB, Unicode, 32/64 bit dependent)


Start - Run - sqlplus "/as sysdba"

Select username from dba_users; (database users)

Select BNAME from SAPSR3.USR02; (Sap Users)



Kernel Provides communication between SAP, DB and the OS.


Installation Logs

Sapinst.log - Specifies the installation success / failure

Sapinst_dev.log - also provides similar log in case of installation is aborted

.tsk file specifies the table/ index etc that needs to be created on the DB.

Each task is commanded by .cmd file and during the process they writes into .log file

Eg: Sasapappl0.tsk.bck
Sapappl0.str - Structure of the DB

Keydb.xml -Helps to restart installation from the point where it is failed.

1. Extracts the software.

2. Sapinst tool is used to install the software if required we need to download it


3. Checks for user <SID>ADM (SAP System Administrator)

Who owns SAP System and has all the privileges on SAP (Start/ Stop/ Environment)

Domain Admin; AD Admin - Can create the userid

Note: The user who initiates the installation should have the privileges as Local administrator to install
the software, create users, create groups, assign groups, create services etc., (This problems occurs in
a Domain)
If the user does not exist it creates now.

On Windows OS <SID>ADM is also responsible for database but on UNIX ORA<SID> is the
owner to work on the database. ORA<SID> provide the runtime environment for Database.

App Server Database

App Server Database

Note: SAPSERVICE<SID> is a service used to start and stop the
services (Password never expires)

<SID>ADM expires for every 30 days

Eg: SAPOSCOL, SAPSID-Instance Number

5. It creates local groups and global groups and assigns them to users

Global groups - Domain Level

Local groups - Locally

SAP_SOL_GlobalAdmin from Computer Management -> Local
SAP_SOL_LocalAdmin Users and Computers we can view this

6. It creates Services

SAP<SID>_00, SAP<SID>_01, SAPOSCOL, SAPCCMSR are created and

Run with user.

SAP<SID> is used to start the SAP System; if the service is not started SAP will not start.

SAPOSCOL is started first to check whether the resources are available (Operating system collector) It
is used to collect the OS Utilization information and pass into SAP system.

SAPCCMSR is an agent to collect JARM (Java Application response time Management) and pass it to
ABAP CCMS (Computing Center Monitoring System)
It is only used in JAVA and ABAP stack.

Creating directories
- OS Dependent
- DB Dependent

- Master password is set accordingly to the company policy

- Extract Kernel Executables (OS, DB)
- Create MMC for Windows to start/ stop sap system

From cmd prompt

Startsap name=SID nr=00 SAPDIAHOST=willsys28

Sets the user as SAPSR3 for ABAP

SAPSR3DB for Java Engine

Where the systems are installed with these schema owners i.e., these users owns the
respective databases.


Select count(*) from dba_tables where owner =

'SAPSR3'; 29769 ABAP related tables.

Select count(*), owner from dba_tables group by owner.

7. Creates the Database and runs the scripts

8. Creates the tablespaces and datafiles on DDLORA.TPL

Tablespaces are just like almirah in a house.

9. Now command files are created pointing to .str and data on the exports

10. The task files are created to create the tables and load the entries
The task files are displayed as process on the installation screen
"2 complete 3 running 4 waiting"

11. Upon running all the tasks the SAP Database is created and DBStatistics runs.

12. DB Users are set with default password and SAP Application open RFC Connection.
--- Installation Successful --
SAP Installation Steps

1. Download the Installation Guide (

2. Check the compatibility of OS and DB (
3. Download the software from (
4. Search for the known problems from (
5. Install the OS related patches/ fix packs etc
6. Install JRE 1.4.2_12
7. Set the Java environment JAVA_HOME path
8. Set the virtual memory to 20 GB on windows
9. Set the hostname not more than 13 characters
10. Make an entry of the hostname in Hosts file
11. Ensure the installation ports 21212 and 21213 are kept open
12. Ensure the ports 3200, 3300, 3600, 4700 are kept open (DVEBMGS uses these ports)
13. Dump the software into system without any spaces in the directories
14. Verify the software using LABLE.ASC
15. Get the Static IP address (192, 172, 10 networks)
16. Ensure the internet connection is available with a valid S-USERID
17. Execute sapinst.exe
18. Select 2004s
19. Central instance and Typical Installation
20. JAVA Components and JCE Policy
21. Provide SID and Inst Directory
22. Provide Master Password
23. Provide DB SID and DB Host
24. Exports path
25. Kernel Path
26. Oracle Client
27. SLD (Local SLD) Provide Object server name: Host name
28. Parameter Summary
29. Solman Key
30. Installation Proceeds.

Installation Directories D:\usr\sap

\USR directory is created with a shared folder SAP with shared SAPMNT & SAPLOC

Eg: \\<hostname>\sapmnt ~ d:\usr\sap

SAPMNT: Both in Win and UNIX
SAPLOC: Only in Windows not in UNIX
These are shared between systems and accessed locally and globally


CCMS - Used for alert logs that is populated by the service SAPCCMSR
(Java Stack Only)

PRFCLOG - These are also populated from JAVA Engine (Generic

Request Message Generator GRMG)

PUT - is used during upgrade

SID Hosts - the complete SAP Application Server.

Trans - is used to host the Developments

SAPMnt: Is a shared SAP Mount which is used to host the directories related to SAP.
(It may be required to create SAPMnt in earlier versions but in the current versions based on
Netweaver it is created automatically)

SAPLoc in Windows
This SAPmnt is shared because it needs to share the transports, support packages, profiles,
executables etc between systems in the landscape.

[Dev] ----------> [Qlty] ----------> [Prod]


Installing SAP Component on SOLMAN
On Windows/ SQL Server
On Windows/ Oracle
Windows/ DB2
Linux/ Oracle
HPUnix/ Oracle

Solution Manager connects all the three systems (ERP i.e., ECC6.0, Netweaver & CRM2007)
I. Installation Inputs



Instance Number (Default 00, 01)

Mater Password

JCE Policy

Path for the CDs.

II. Installation Logs Significance

Sapinst_dir (Win, Linux, UNIX)

Sapinst, sapinst_dev, .cmd, log, .tsk, .tpl, .toc, .str.

III. Installation Steps

Kernel (Extraction),
Updated Stats,


<SID>ADM -- SAP start (OS Level Access Related to SAP)


Sys Master Database
J2ee_ADMIN Java Web




Unicode - Multilanguage Support

This requires additional 40% of resources.
Earlier case Individual passwords need to be set but now day's only one Master password for all
the userids.

Multiple Components on a Single DB repository

A host is either a client or a server. A host has its own address on the network, and is its own

A server has its own address and sometimes multiple addresses. It provides access to services
and information.

A client accesses the servers. It requires its own address.

Interface / Screen
Exports/ System Copies
Kernel [Dependent]
Install Mstr [Dependent]
Java Comp [Independent]
JRE [Dependent]
Exports [Independent of OS, DB]
Installation Directories D:\usr\sap

\USR directory is created with a shared folder SAP with shared SAPMNT & SAPLOC

Eg: \\willsys\sapmnt ~ d:\usr\sap

SAPMNT: Both in Win and UNIX

SAPLOC: Only in Windows not in UNIX
These are shared between systems and accessed locally and globally


CCMS - Used for alert logs that is populated by the service SAPCCMSR
(Java Stack Only)
PRFCLOG - These are also populated from JAVA Engine
(Generic Request Message Generator GRMG)
PUT - is used during upgrade
SID Hosts - the complete SAP Application Server.
Trans - is used to host the Developments

Check the groups


Check the services and ensure that they are running

1. SAPOSCOL - Used to collect the OS Resources

2. SAP<SID>_00 - Which is mandatory to start SAP
3. Listener - Oracle Listener service should be started on the specified
Port (1521-1529)
4. Oracle Service<SID> which is required for the Database
On UNIX ps - ef | grep ora*
On Windows services.msc

Check the USR Directory (SAP Instance files..... App) predefined shared SAP Directory with
SharedMnt, (SAPMnt), and SAPLoc on windows

Run - Cmd - "\\Willsys\Usr"

9. Trans Directory - Used for transporting the Objects

Note: SID Specifies the Application Server and is possible to have multiple <SIDS> differed by the
instance number

SQL> Select status from V$Instance; Checks the DB Status

SQL> Startup followed by enter
key SQL> shutdown immediate

Note : Only one SAPOSCOL per system

Max of 97 Systems on a single box 98-99 for routing

SAPOSCOL_00 - ABAP Instance

SAPOSCOL_01 - JAVA Instance

Note: Each SID uses different Ports

Note: In the console tree of SOLMAN if all the three entries (SERVICES, USERS and GROUPS)
are available then only we can confirm there are 3 Instances in one single system.

10. <SID> Directory \usr\sap\<SID>..........

Config..... - used to specify the usage types that are installed on the

\usr\sap\<SID>\config on a particular <SID>



Note: Now-a-days its possible to install different engines as add-ons.

11. DVEBMGS <Instance Number>

DVEBMGS00 - is a ABAP Engine

JC00 - Standalone JAVA Engine
SCS01 - SAP Central Instance
DVEBMGS00 contains J2ee/ SDM/ JSPM directories then it is Integrated Engine (ABAP + JAVA)
Note: Portal is only an application that is not based on ABAP Engine
Eg: Consider Hero Honda Landscape

BI - ERP (ECC5.0) - CRM - SRM - PI

Suppliers Dealers

Enterprise Portal

12. SYS Directory

Contains executables and profile parameters to start and stop the system

EXE Directory - hosts all the executables from netweaver exe dir contains UC/
NUC and 32/64, i386/ ia64

In 4.7 we can see only exe directory

13. Work Directory

This stores the startup and error logs


Logical entity which is installed on a physical entity - which is an Application server.

Instance provides runtime services.
Instance Name
Instance No: 00 - 99 (98, 99 for routing purposes)

Structure of INSTANCE

Instance contains Dispatcher, Queue Mechanism, and Work process, Task Handler with ABAP,
SCREEN, and SQL Interpreters. It also contains buffer areas, DB Client and Roll area.

It is used to handle the user requests that are coming from SAP GUI using DIAG
(Dynamic Information Action Gateway) protocol on port 3200 + Instance Number.
(3201, 3202 etc)

Dispatcher manages all the work process and maintains a queue. Once the request is
sent to dispatcher the dispatcher keeps the request in queue. Based on the availability of work
process it will assign the process to the user request based on FIFO (First In First Out)

User Buffer - Once we logoff everything is rolled off.

Public Buffer - Until the instance is restarted
Work Process

Work process handles the user request using Task Handler. Task Handler contains 3
Interpreters ABAP, SCREEN and SQL.
ABAP interpreter used to interpret the ABAP code in the user
request SCREEN interpreter use to interpret the screen
SQL interpreter interprets the SQL statements that are sent by the user.

Select statement - from the buffer area.

Modify/ Insert - Hits the database

Open SQL

This is SAP Proprietary language to ensure that the SAP Components are Database
independent. Each instance is installed with DB Client software to communicate with Database in
Native Language.

The SAP Kernel which is O/S and DB Specific helps in the interpretation.

The user request is processed and it handovers (handshake) the task to Database process.
DBWP (Database work process) process and responds back to the R/3 work process. R/3 work process
checks for frequently accessed content and keeps the copy in R/3 Buffer areas. (Frequently accessed
data). The response rolls out into the user context before it is sent to the user.

User Context

It is a user specific roll area which is used to keep user authorizations, parameters, screens and
earlier accessed content.

Process Flow (LOGON)

1. User requests
2. Dispatcher handles the request
3. Keeps in queue and assign WP based on FIFO
4. The work process gets the username, password, client, logon language and the task handler
interprets and hand over the task to the database process.
5. The DB process checks the credentials of the user and provides the necessary authorizations to the
6. The entire information is copied into the user context which is referred as ROLL OUT. (The
information is copied into Roll Area which is subsequently available for all the requests made by the
Note: The user context remains until the user is logged out. The user context is displayed in the
transaction SU56. If the user accesses other than the transactions in SU56 it is missing authorizations
and displayed from the Tcode SU53 (Missing Authorizations)

Process Flow (TRANSACTION)

1. User executes a transaction Eg: ME22N - Purchase Order (or) VA01 - Sales order
2. The request is handled by dispatcher and hand over to the work process.
3. Work process requires information that is not available in the work process. The work process
copies the user related information into the task handler i.e. copy user context into the Task Handler.
It is also referred as ROLL IN
4. Further processing continues

Types of Work Processes

Even though the processes are unique at OS level SAP differentiated between the work
processes based on the nature of work.
The process are determined by the instance name DVEBMGS<Instance_No>
For Dialogue instances the work process will be denoted as D01, D02....
D - Dialogue
V - Update
E - Enqueue
B - Back ground
M - Message
G - Gateway
S - Spool

DVEBMGS is only available in the Central instance.

D01 to DN-1 for Dialogue instances.

Central Instance DVEBMGS - 2112111

It hosts all the process and their will be only one central instance in the entire system.

It is only the process which communicates interactively with the users. There
should be atleast 2 Dialogue work process per instance. Dialogue work process initiates Update,
Background and Spool.
It is used to update the transactions in the database. It is initiated by Dialogue
process. There should be atleast 1 Update in the entire system. It is also recommended to have an
update process for every 5 Dialogue.

It is used to provide locks for the records that are going to be updated. It ensures
consistency for updates. There will be only 1 Enqueue configured in the system during the
installation. It is possible to have more than one enqueue provided they are installed or configured on
the central instance.


The tasks which are expensive or time consuming are scheduled to run in the
background mode non-interactively. There should be atleast 2 background work process in the


There should be only 1 message server in the entire R/3 system. It is used to manage
all the dispatchers. It is used to load balance the requests to identify the least loaded dispatcher.

It is also used to provide locks to the request that are coming from Dialogue instances.


It is used to provide a means of communication with SAP and NON-SAP systems. There
will be only 1 gateway for each instance.
7. SPOOL 'S'

It is used to print the documents to a printer or output to a fax machine etc. There
should be atleast 1 Spool process in the entire system. It is also possible to configure more spool
process depending on the print/ spool volume.


Dialogue - Interactive - 2 per instance - Initiate update, spool and btc (background)

Update - Non-Interactive - 1 per system - Initiated by dialogue

Enqueue - Provides consistency for updates - 1 per system and can be increased
Depending upon the update requests but needs to increase only on
the Central instance for optimal performance.

Background - Non-Interactive - 2 per system - Initiated by dialogue, Time consuming

And long running jobs are scheduled to run in the background mode.

Message - Used during load balancing. It also procures lock from enqueue server To
serve the requests that is coming from dialogue instances. Only 1 Per

Gateway - It provides an interface to communicate between SAP and NON-SAP

Systems. 1 Gateway per instance.

Spool - It is only the process that outputs the documents to printers, fax etc. It is
initialized by Dialogue and BTC. Atleast 1 spool per system.


1. Download the installation guide from the Market place

2. Check the compatibility of OS and


Windows 2003 - MS SQL Server

2000 Adv. Server

Or 2008 - Oracle
- MaxDB

Linux - Oracle

- DB/2 8
- MaxDB

3. Download the software from

4. Search for the known problems in
5. Install the OS with relevant support packs/ Fix packs etc.

6. Install JRE 1.4.2_12 (Java Run time environment) to run the sap inst screens
7. Set the JAVA environment variable JAVA_HOME or path
Check java -version

8. Set the virtual memory to 20GB on windows

20GB swap memory on HP Unix machines.
If RAM is more than 20GB then 20GB * 3 = 60GB

9. Set the host name which should not be more than 13 characters

10. Make an entry in the host file etc/hosts.

11. Ensure that the installation ports 21212, 21213 are not blocked
(Need to inform Network Admin or Proxy Admin not to block the ports)

12. Ensure that 3200, 3300, 3600, 4700, 4800 series ports are not
blocked. (DVEBMGS utilises these ports)

13. Dump the software into the system. The folders should not contain spaces,
Special characters etc (Eg NWDump or Newfolder - all one word), underscores
are allowed

14. Verify the software using LABEL.ASC

15. Get the private static IP address from the Network team (192., 172., 10. networks)

16. Ensure that internet connection is available with a valid S-Userid.

ERP 2005 - ECC6

ERP 2004 - ECC5

- My companies Application component
- ERP 6.0
Select the Database
From Downloads Tab - Select the components Exports, Kernels, JAVA
SR1 - SR2 - SR3 -EHP1 - EHP2

Click on download to basket

Market place > Help and Support > Search for Notes

JRE is must as the SAP Screens are developed on JAVA Platform

Virtual Memory: [Extended memory towards HDD]

Need to set the virtual memory
RAM size * 3 + 500MB/ 1GB [32 Bit]

Select the drive where SAP is going to be installed.

Set the host name
Cmd > drivers > etc\hosts
IP Address Hostname

T1 Shopper Port scan - To check whether these ports are open or blocked.

IDES (International Demo Education System) will have more clients 11-12 Predefined clients and in
the Non-IDES system only 3 Clients (000, 001, 066)
In IDES additional clients - 800, 811, 812 clients are
available. There will be only 2 exports for Non - IDES system
And 6 Exports for IDES system.

LABEL.ASC - contains the content and the DVD number from which we can find whether it is an Export
1 Or Export 2 etc.

Note: Only exports will change for each application like CRM, SCM, SRM etc



1. Central Instance
2. Database Instance
3. Dialogue Instance

From the dump bring up sapinst.exe

From Netweaver
1. Central system Instance (Which contain both Central + Database instance)

Goto Installation Master DVD

- Select the respective inst (sapinst.exe). It is an executable.
- On windows sapinst.exe and on Linux/ UNIX use ./sapinst.exe
- Select the components that needs to be installed (ERP, CRM, SCM, SRM, EP,
XI, BI, MI) and click on next.
- select (0) Typical Installation (to install the system with predefined settings i.e.
The port numbers, installation file paths, password are automatically taken). If
it is a custom installation more inputs are required.
- Specify the Master password
- Specify the SID and the installation drive.
- Specify the JAVA component path, kernel, exports path and JCE policy
Required software
1. Inst Master DVD
2. Kernel DVD
3. JAVA Components
4. Exports
Exports depend upon the business component which is going to be installed like ERP, CRM, and SCM

JCE Policy

JAVA Cryptography which is used to provide the secured encryption & decryption over the
web - because the content transmission over the web is not secure.

- The input lists screen is displayed to review before starting the installation.
- Continue the installation
- Installation depends upon the export content (IDES version may consume 8-12 Hrs) Production
version ma take 4-6 Hrs. It also depends upon the memory.

Components lies in ECC6.0 are (SALES, FINANCE, and PURCHASE... around 35 modules)

To display all these over the web then EP (Enterprise portal) is required.
Note: All the SAP components will be installed on the Netweaver Platform. It is up to the customer to
choose the Netweaver components and It is mandatory to choose ABAP components. ABAP is the
platform for all the SAP Components.
ABAP is a part of the Netweaver.
ABAP provides the runtime environment for all the above components i.e. USER Management,
Administration, Management of the file system, processes securing the sensitive data, fine tuning the
performance, database administration irrespective of the SAP component and also managing printers.

SAP is a transaction based. Menu based consumes more dialogue steps than transaction based that is
why SAP BASIS consultants are more familiar with transactions.

Login to the system with SAP*, DDIC and Master password (specified during installation)

1. Execute transaction SM28/ SICK (Installation consistency check). It checks the compatibility
between OS, DB and the R/3 kernels. If there is any inconsistency it will recommends us to fix before
proceeding further. Based on the displayed message we may need to upgrade OS patch levels, DB
support packs and R/3 Kernels.


2. SLICENSE - It is a transaction that is used to apply the license to get the runtime support for
the system even though it is valid for 30 days (4 Weeks i.e. 28 days). It is recommended to apply
license because they are not considered for support.

-Goto - Market place

-Click on obtain permanent license key
-Select the Installation number based on the component (ERP, NETWEAVER(EP, BI, XI, PI, MI,
JDI), SCM, SRM, CRM & Solution Manager).
-Specify the system ID(SID), OS, DB, System Type, purpose(DEV, PRD, QAS, TEST etc)
-Click on continue to display the hardware key input.
The license key is specific to Customer, Installation number, System Number, Hostname and the
Hardware key.
- Hardware key is unique (use command saplicense -key )
- Specify the Hardware key and email-id to generate and send license key to the mail-id
specified, Alternatively select the system and click on display license script and save it to PC in the .txt

3. Execute [Slicense] Tcode

Click on > New Licenses
Click on > Install license key and it prompts for the path of the license key, provide the
downloaded file path and click on OK to apply the license.
4. System Settings SE03
Depending upon the type of system we need to set the system to modifiable and not modifiable.
Goto SE03/ SE06 system change options to set to modifiable or not modifiable. This is one of
the most important security setting which is liable for auditing. Toggling between the changes are
recorded and it is advised to obtain permission from the respective authority to make necessary
changes in the Production System PRD

Except DEV and SANDBOX remaining all the systems like QAS, PRD, PRE-PRD are set to not-
modifiable i.e. no object can be modified in these systems.
The changes are only transported to the not modifiable systems.


1. SICK/ SM28 - SAP Initial Consistency Check

Checks for the Incompatibility between R/3 Patch Levels, Kernel Levels, OS levels and Database
patch levels.


SAP Issues two licenses, one is the permanent key valid upto [31129999]
The other one is Maintenance Certificate which is valid upto 3 Months. This Maintenance certificate
is introduced from JAN/ 2009 onwards. It locks SPAM so that no upgrades are allowed without a valid
Maintenance certificate.

3. SE03 - System Settings


Db click on Set system change Option

4. SE06 - Perform Post Installation Action

Select either one of the option.

1. Standard Installation
2. Database copy or Database Migration

1. Standard Installation : It is used when a fresh system is installed.

2. DB copy or DB Migration: It is used when a system is setup as a copy of production or pre-
production system.

SE06 transaction is used to set the CTS (Change Transport System). It initializes the Transport
Management system. A message will populate to configure TMS in the client 000.
TMS: Transport Management System. It is used to setup the systems, their roles, Domain controller,
backup domain controller, landscape and their routes.

1. Domain Controller: There will be only one Domain Controller in the system landscape. In most of
the environments [DEV] is treated as DC because, this is the first system in the Landscape

Login to the system/ Client 000 with the user other than SAP*/ DDIC
Execute T-Code STMS

Eg: {from se06 > perform post installation action}

- A pop up window prompts to configure Domain Controller.
- Specify the description
Transport Domain Name: Domain_<SID>
Save the configuration

NOTE: If the Domain already exists then we can execute a TCode [DICO] to delete the existing TMS
configuration. It should be executed in STMS and also the RFC connections.

Including the system in the Domain

Specify the Domain Controller

Target host
System Number
User: TMSADM (Default User)

TMSADM is a communication user created during TMS configuration (Do not delete the user, lock
the user, change password, set to expiry will hault the system transports, support packages and
applicatoins etc)

A message SAP system "waiting to be included in the transport domain" is displayed in the external

Approving the inclusion of Systems

Login to the DC
Execute STMS
From Menu Overview > Systems
The system is waiting to be included
Select the system and click on approve from Menu SAP System.

SALE - Defining a logical System

Creating Virtual Systems
It is a standard practice in the industry to create virtual systems as the real systems could not
be available during the initial configuration (DEV server is procured during implementation, QAS will
be procured after 3 to 4 months from kickoff date and the PRD is procured before 2 months of Go-

Virtual Machines/ Systems can be replaced by real systems and the configuration now points
to the real system.

Goto STMS (Domain Controller)

> Menu Overview
> Systems
> SAP System
> Create
Virtual System
For Eg:

System : JOQ
Description : Quality System


It is a naming convention group_<SID> we can configure all the systems to a single transport group
i.e. all the developments which are performed in Development system will be automatically available
to other systems in the landscape. The group of systems which shares the transport directory in
common are said to be in one group but due to sensitivity of PRD it is moved into a separate group.


Shared Data

Defining the Landscape
Execute STMS
> Click on transport routes
From over view menu
> click on change
> from Menu Configuration
> Standard Configuration
> Three systems in group

Eg: Specify DEV: JOD

Provide Three System Configuration under the Description.



Perform DICO to delete the STMS configured earlier if necessary and the RFC connection from the
external system.
From 000/ SAP*

RZ10 - Initially we have to import profiles from OS Level to SAP level.

From menu SYSTEM > Import Profiles of Active Servers

SCC4 - Roles are client Specific

Logical system <SID> client
Cross clients - all the clients

SALE - for assigning the logical system.

Click on new entries and provide <SID>Clnt900

Default clients : 000, 001, 066

We can create upto 1000 Clients 000 to 999
For the newly created client say in this case 900 a user will be created SAP* with pass as the

For the first time we cannot login [SAP* / pass]

So being from another client perform RZ10 - change the parameter to
Login/no_automatic_user_sapstar to 0 instead 1

After creating a client need to perform client copy [SAP_CUST]

Always need to copy 000 client because it will have all the customized data.066 is for early watch.

Create an new user as SAPUSER copied from SAP*/ DDIC logging in as SAP* user from the newly
created client.

Login to the new client with our userid and password and lock the DDIC and SAP*

----- TASKS -----


Execute SMW0

Select (0) Binary data for WebRFC

Click on Find button
Click on execute
Create new
Obj name : ZTEST
Desc : IMAGE Browse
for the Picture

From settings menu > Click on MIME type

Add .jpg format

Click on maintain
Click on new entries

Prompts for the Change request - proceed and test the logo

Execute - SE61

Document class : General text

From document tab NAME - ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO
create Type the text - Welcome

Roles granted for me in the SAND BOX for Capgemini



2. SE06

3. SE03

4. STMS 4.1 SALE

5. RZ10
Used to import the profiles from OS level to DB. The profiles are available in
\usr\sap\<sid>\sys\profile. These profile requires management for fine tuning, configuring buffers etc
From 000 > Goto RZ10 > Utilities > Import profiles of Active servers >SAVE

Perform language transports if any. The system is an unicoded system to support the all
available languages but we need to import the additional languages as per the requirements.
Download the languages in

\usr\sap\trans\eps\in Directory

Goto SMLT > and create a language > specify supplementary language i.e. if the script is not
available in main language it will display in secondary language.
English > Primary
German > Secondary

Goto I18N (Globalization / Internationalization of Languages)

Click on > Current NLS settings

Get the parameter zcsa/installed_languages = DE
If we specify any new language it needs to be updated in the above parameter using RZ10

Clink on ADD from NLS settings to include additional languages that are going to be
imported using SMLT.

1. Execute I18N
2. Add language that needs to be imported in I18N
3. SMLT create language
4. Click on > Import package > specify the path \usr\sap\trans\eps\in

5. Download language from Market place

6. Import
7. Set the parameter zcsa/installed_languages = AEDZ


Apply the patches that are relevant for SAP application component
7. SR13 Install SAP Library

SAP Provides screen context help i.e. when a user struck at one screen he can use Menu Help >
Application help.

SR13 >

New Entries


SAPHELP WINNT IWBHelp Copy and Paste from
Market place.

1. Dynamic Help
2. Plain Html Help - Html documentation installed on Web Server
3. Plain HTML - HTML docu installed on File server
4. HTML Help File - It occupies less space, opened by html help viewer.
It is in compressed format.

For documentation > Market Place > SAP Solutions > SAP ERP >English Note:
Need to create a folder in D:\SAPHELP...... (sapdocdc.ini) paste the path.

8. DB13 - Define Backup schedule

- click on date and select backup
- type (offline/ online) and save
9. SM36 - Define standard background (House keeping jobs)

Note: Create users in SU01 and assign SAP_ALL to the functional and technical team as the security is
not implemented.



Dispatcher - DPMON
Workprocess - SM50/ SM66
User Context - SU56
Task Handler - from Work Directory
Buffers - ST02

Dispatcher receives the request and processes them according to the queue. The requests are
processed by using a dialogue process. Dialogue process is the only process that interacts with/
communicates interactively with the user. There should be atleast 2 Dialogue process per instance.
Each process requires 75MB to 150MB of memory on any average.
The memory should be calculated after reserving memory for OS and the Database.

Eg: 4GB RAM:

1 GB reserve for OS and DB
3 GB 3000/ 150 = 20 Processes

Min and Max upto 40 Processes, but depends upon how heavy the processing goes.. If a reporting
user requires 3GB of memory then there will be a memory bottleneck.

The maximum number of work process an instance can support is W0 to W99 (100 Work processes).
There are cases where more than 100 are configured but it is not recommended. If the system
supports more than 100 processes then it is better to configure one more instance on the same server
differed by the instance number.

* The work process are configured by the parameter rdisp/wp_no_dia = XX

For an Ideal Instance the sum of the Dialogue processes should more or less equal to non-dialogue
process (unless a reporting server, which needs only dialogue)

The dialogue response time should be around 600 to 1000 Milliseconds (1 Second)
Each dialogue process is restricted by using a parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time = 600 s
(10 Minutes) after which the process will be timed out. In order to run the activities that consume
more time then the above we need to run in the background mode or increase the parameter value
from RZ11 (Dynamic parameter) i.e. during the month end the parameter can be changed to 1800 -
10000 from RZ11 for specific period of time. Upon task completion reset the value in RZ11 (No
system restart is required)


(Consider Restaurant Activities).

Each user transaction may be served by one or more processes with out restricting to the user
similarly each work process serve multiple users with out restricting the user. (No dialogue process
remains ideal)

Each process can serve 5 - 10 users and Each SAP transaction consists of multiple (LUW -
Logical unit of work) Each LUW contains task which should be completed/ rollback as a group. Each
LUW is a commit or rollback (no intermediate stage ... which makes the system inconsistency)


In a travel agency buying the ticket is LUW (Outward/inwards).

1. LUW (Outward/ inward)

Booking accommodation (LUW for number of days)

2. BIND 1 & 2
Tickets to and fro + Accommodation)

3. Transportation (LUW for a local

tour) BIND 1 & 2 & 3

4. Appointment (Dates are not available Eg:

Darshinam) BIND 1 2 3 4
Each of the LUW is performed by a single different work process and is restricted to 600 Seconds and
task has to complete within 600 milliseconds


Standard License - till 9999(YYYY)

Maintenance License - 3 Months

Each user license cost - 4000 USD

In India tag is 2000 USD for min number of users

Eg: 10 + 1 is minimum - 40000 USD

Developers are charged differently - 8000 USD

10 + 1
Users Developer

48000 * 50 = 12, 00,000

4% VAT 48,000
17% Maintenance /Year 2, 04,000
14,04, 000

10.3% Service Tax 2,04, 000

20, 000

+ Customs ------ --14, 68, 000

22% Maintenance cost across the globe except INDIA

5 1 2
22% 24% 26%
Eg: Telco - 5000
Bajaj - 270
ARAMCO -50000

One License - SOLMAN, ECC, SRM, BI, EP, PI, MI

License is user based

Once the license key is received then goto SLICENSE Tcode -> INSTALL
And click Install new licenses button

From cmd prompt

Soladm> saplicense - get

It checks for 1. SID

2. Hostname
3. Hardware Key (Installed by SAP - Its an executable)

Note: All the executables resides in - D:\USR\SAP\SOL\SYS\EXE\UC\NTI386

Note: In Linux SAPDB/ MAXDB will be the cheapest

SAPDB/ MAXDB is a DB that comes along with the SAP

USMM - System Measurement for the users

SUSER - Password never expires (Service Userid)

Dialogue handles the requests and process only reports with out any assistance. If the reports are
long running, time consuming, expensive then they can be scheduled to run in the BTC mode.

During an update dialogue updates temporary table and update-process updates them later.
For print requests Dialogue handles the request and update in Temse. The spool process
Prints from Temse (Temporary Sequential file it can be at file/ DB Table)

Dialogue communicates with enqueue while updating a transaction and obtains lock so that no user
can update there by assuring data consistency.

Dialogue communicates with the message server to obtain locks for a record that is coming from
Dialogue instance.

Dialogue communicates with the gateway while establishing connection with other SAP systems.

Dialogue is monitored by using SM50, SM66, and DPMON

DPMON.exe is a dispatcher monitor which can be executed when the user could not login to the
system (Experience Hour glass). Its not a TCode.

Killing the process

From Command Prompt

> DPMON (Process the list at OS Level)

> Provide - Serial Number
> Provide - PID


Work process list is displayed in SM50/ SM66. Each process has the following

- Serial Number : Starts with 0 (DEV_W0) in work directory

- Type of Process : (DVEBS) Message and Gateway are not displayed
- Process PID : The identifier at OS level. It is used to kill the process at OS Level. They are displayed
as [DISP+WORK] on windows in the Task Manager.
DW - dispatcher work process in
UNIX 0 to 11 [12]
And 1 is for dispatcher 13 Total

-status : Waiting, Stopper, Running

Waiting : The process is waiting "Available" to serve the user request.

Stopped : The process is stopped due to an error.
Running : The process is executing the task (SM50 running with our
Userid should not be considered)
On Hold : The user request is on hold by process for waiting certain
Resources on the other systems (RFC, CPIC)
Shutdown : The process is killed/ shutdown but restart mode set to NO

Waiting for

PRIV Mode: The process goes into Heap mode. It will be completed only after the task
completion/ timeout.

SLEEP MODE: The work process goes into sleep mode waiting for resources (RFC

- Restart YES/ NO : if the process is terminated and it will restart automatically (Yes), not restart(NO)

- Error : No of times the process is restarted

- Semaphore : The block that hold at OS Level (DISK)
- CPU : The amount of time WP spends utilising CPU resources
- Runtime : The amount of time the process spends on the user request.
- Report : The name of the program/ report the WP is executing
- Client : The client number logged in
- User name : Name of the user
- Action : Select, Update, insert i.e. action on the database.
- Table : Name of the table.


It displays the processes based on status. It displays the processes belongs to all the
instances. From SM66 - Click on SELECT PROCESS
The major advantage of this is it displays the memory consumed by work process. Double click
on the WP to display (Extended, Roll and the Heap Memory)

On Oracle execute

PS -ef |grep ora* (lgwr, smon, pmon, dbwr, ckpt, arch)

SM04 : is used to display the logged in users along with the sessions. We can
terminate the session or the user completely using End session or logoff user.

From User > Logoff User > Local or End the session


It is used to run the expensive programs, reports that consumes more time in the background
mode. i.e. a job is scheduled to run at a specific time or periodically.

Example: Daily report, Weekly sales report or expensive to run in the peak hours so they are
scheduled to run in the background mode during off peak hours.

Process Flow

1. User submits the request via dispatcher to a WP.

2. The Dialogue work process handles the request and updates the tables
3. Tables TBC* are used to store the BTC Jobs
4. A program SAPMSSYS starts in the dialogue mode at frequency that is defined in the
parameter rdisp\btctime=60Sec

SAPMSSYS - Checks for every 60 sec into the TBTC* table.

* To delay the BTC processing increase the time as much as

possible. Example : 100000 seconds 27Hrs
RZ11 (rdisp/btctime)
Refer - BTCTRNS1 from SE38
We can also use BTCTRNS2 to resume the background jobs (Execute the program)

5. BWP looks into the table and identify the jobs which are in the Ready State.
6. BWP runs the job in the Active mode till completion/ Cancelled.
BWP are defined by using rdisp/wp_no_btc=2 (Min 2 per system)
We can increase as many as possible depending upon the resources.
** Note: We can pause jobs by setting the value to 0 zero **

BWP jobs are defined in SM36

Specify Jobname: Daily report
JobClass: C A, B, C (High, Medium, Low Priority)

Class A requires a dedicated BTC of class A which are defined in operation

modes. Class B has medium priority over class C jobs
Class C jobs runs with Normal Priority


1. Scheduled: The job is defined but time to execute is not specified.

2. Released: The time to execute is specified
3. Ready: The Time to run the job is reached
4. Active: BWP processing the task
5. Cancelled: The job is cancelled
6. Completed: The job is completed or finished

Execution server - Name of the instance that provides BWP to run the job
Exec Target - Willsys_<SID>_00
Click on step

We need to specify the following for the JOB Execution
1. ABAP Program
2. External Command
3. External Program

1. ABAP Program - Is a predefined program that will be run in the background with user inputs as

Variant - Is a predefined value that is populated during the runtime.

Eg: consider RSPO1041 from SA38

Goto SA38 and define variant for 7 & 15 days
Prog: RSPO1041
Variant: willsys SAVE

Click on start condition - IMMEDIATE or DATE....

2. External Commands: The job can be executed by external commands which are defined in
SM49/ SM69. These commands are OS commands that will be executed at command level.


Use DB13 to schedule the jobs. The jobs in DB13 uses OS Commands.

3. External Programs:
NAME: Name of the program
Target Host:

Name : Specify the name of the program and the parameters. Specify the name of the target
host. Specify the start condition
Immediate/ Periodic/ Jobstart, Event (SM62)/ Operation. Modes.

Job Started: When dependent job started this gets triggered.

Event: When an event triggered in SAP it also triggers the job as well.


It is the process of switching DIA to BTC and vice versa during the peak hours as we need
more dialogue process and during off peak we need more BWP to run the BTC jobs.

RZ04 > Define 1.

2. Operation Modes (Peak and Off Peak)
3. Specify the processes for modes

Goto SM63 to define timing for the modes

RZ04 > click on Create [Instance Operation Mode]

Peak_mode operations
Off peak
Off peak Mode

Create new Instance willsys28

Start profile

rdisp/wp_no_btc = 2
rdisp/btctime = 10

Operation modes - to make use of the resources optimally

SM37 is used for BTC monitoring

Execute SM37
Specify username, date & time, job name, status ----- Execute F8

1. The jobs with status RELEASED indicate the jobs are released with scheduled time and waiting for
their turn/ time.

2. The jobs with status READY indicates the jobs are ready to pickup by the scheduler
Eg: Consider a CAB - might come late
No sufficient CABS

Long time in ready status indicates

1. The existing jobs are running for a long time i.e. expensive programming or sql
statements/ fetching huge amount of data.

2. The configured BTC processes are not sufficient to handle the requests in Ready status.

3. May be due to heavy load on the system

4. Also due to passing the jobs by extending scheduler time/ making BTC to 0 by running the
program BTCTRNS1.

1. Increase BTC work processes based on the available resources by using the
parameter rdisp/wp_no_btc = 2
2. Schedule the jobs appropriately during off peak hours.

3. ACTIVE BTC in active status (long time recorded)

The job is running an expensive activity like client copy, pay roll run.
Jobs that fetch information from BW systems, annual reports, dunning reports may take hours
together or even days to complete successfully.

Active indicates the following

1. Jobs are expensive and running to fetch the content.

2. Jobs are waiting to be processed by the target system (RFC, CPIC)
3. Jobs are waiting for the locks to update the records.

Reasons and Resolutions ACTION.

1. Some jobs are bound to run for hours and based on history leave them to run.
2. Check the bottle neck on the target system (ERP-BI-EP-SRM-SCM-SRM)
3. Wait until the locks are released/ jobs are completed. Report to SAP in case of dead
locks. Select the status - Db click - and click on Job Logs
Execute SM37

Highlight the job

Click on Job log

Sap takes at most care to avoid dead locks.
The jobs are completed successfully but check the log for further information/ completion.


Job status cancelled/ finished but failed in the log.

Reasons for cancellation of Job

1. User and password Issues (Authentication/ Authorization) user lock, userid expiry, password
change, lack of roles etc.

2. File system problems: BTC reads from the file system to update the database. File not opened,
or corrupted, file sharing issues, file came with different characters, file not found as well.

3. Variants are not properly defined.

4. Dead locks issue (Lock mechanism congested)

5. Update mechanism failed

6. Table space over flow (ORA-1653; ORA-1654)

7. Table space max extent reached (ORA-1631; ORA-1632)

8. Archive struck (ORA-255; ORA-272)

9. The memory is not sufficient and errors

(No Roll Area, PXA (Buffer), Page Errors)

10. Problem in the program and inputs (Indefinite loops like 1/0)

11. Dependent jobs/ events failure

12. Target systems are not available to process the jobs.

Standard Background House keeping Jobs

1. As a part of the post installation we need to schedule house keeping jobs in SM36
Execute SM36
Click on "Standard Background Jobs"

Click on "Default Scheduling"

And schedule the BTC jobs with default time.

1. RSBTCDEL - Used to delete the background jobs

Reporting structure "BTC" "DEL"

2. RSSNAPDEL - Delete the old ABAP Dumps

3. RSPO1041 - Delete the old spool logs and files

4. RSMO13002 - Delete old update requests/ logs

5. RSCOLL00 - Collects performance info in transaction ST03.

6. RSPO1043 - Spool Reorganization

Eg: from SA38

Click on Execute

And Specify the Days ...


From GOTO Menu > Variants > SAVE as Variant


1. Used to display the jobs based on job, username, date and status
2. It displays the job logs
By highlighting a job and click on Job Log

3. Do not kill the active job unless it is permitted by the owner

4. We can repeat the scheduling of the job if required

5. Background job out put is a report to a spool (Printer), fax or email or even updating a
database (Eg. Client Copy)

6. We can move the jobs from one instance to another instance.

From Menu Job > Move to different server. (Consider the above screen)
Active jobs can be moved.


There are Third Party BTC Job Schedulers

1. CONTROL-M Scheduler
2. RED WOOD Scheduler
3. TIDEL Scheduler
4. SAP Job Scheduler
5. MAESTRO Scheduler / IBM

These Third party schedulers are not specific to SAP but we can customise these to
SAP These job schedulers are intelligent to work based on the status of Predecessors.
The tool defines when to trigger, how to handle various statuses and alert users accordingly.
Eg. KODAK Runs 14,000 Jobs/ day
HP Runs 20,000 Jobs/day
BTC - Business Case

Sony an electronics company communicates with suppliers for the TV Cabinets/ Circuit boards,
Picture tubes, assembling & packing.

Vendors instead of communicating in hand documents they are advised to communicate

in soft documents. SAP also sends soft documents as well.
i.e. the communication is performed electronically.

BTC Jobs performs the following:

1. Run long running reports for an End User

2. Runs payroll for the employees

3. Client copy for the technical consultants

4. R/3 BIW Replication

5. Communication with NON SAP Systems to fetch the data

6. Dunning report for Finance team

7. Weekly, Monthly and Annual Reports

8. Runs standard jobs for House Keeping


9. To run Database jobs using external commands DB13 (SM49 provides commands)

NOTE: In table TSTC, we can get a list of all existing Tcodes and which programs are called by
those transactions.

From SE11 - Provide the table name TSTC and execute providing the T-Code to find the Program
No bother of "Schedule/ Released" Will not in our scope
We need to take care about the Status
Ready for longer time
Active for the longer time.

BTC logs are deleted by scheduling RSBTCDEL which deletes the log files from TBTC* based on the
time interval in the Variant SA38.


It is used to update the database from Temporary tables. There are three 3 Types of updates

V1 - Handles High Priority Updates

V2 - Handles low priority updates
V3 - Reserved by SAP (Currently no use)

Updates are defined by the parameter

Rdisp/wp_no_vb2=2 from RZ11

Technically for every 5 dialogue work process there should be one update of type V1/ V2

Update Flow:

1. User submits the request for an

update (Let us say a Purchase Order)

Eg: Bearers wont go to the Pantry

Similarly All dialogue wont go to the.... DB

2. Dispatcher handles the request and provides a dialogue process to it.

3. Dialogue process interprets the request and communicates with enqueue process to provide a
lock to update the record consistently.

4. Dialogue process updates the temporary tables called as VB* asynchronously

VBHDR - To store update header information

VBDATA - To store data that needs to be updated
VBMOD - The modules through which the data is updated
VBERR - Update Error Table

And gets a transaction ID from Number Range Buffer (Transaction SNRO and Table NRIV Number
Range Interval Table)



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