SBI Life Annual Report 2015-16
SBI Life Annual Report 2015-16
SBI Life Annual Report 2015-16
Celebrate Life
Corporate Overview Management Review and Financial Statements Additional Information
Statutory Report
Corporate Overview 01 Corporate Profile
04 Company Highlights
08 Embedded Value and New Business Value Reporting
10 From the desk of Chairman
12 From the desk of Managing Director and CEO
16 Board of Directors
17 Executive Members
18 Awards & Recognition
22 Human Resources @ SBI Life
24 Learning & Development @ SBI Life
28 Corporate Social Responsibility @ SBI Life
32 Customer Support @ SBI Life
Management Review and 35 Management Discussion and Analysis
Statutory Report
52 Directors Report
64 Corporate Governance Report
96 Enterprise Risk Management
98 Management Report
Financial Statements 105 Auditors Report & Comments of C&AG
113 Financial Statements
Additional Information 292 Offices
293 Corporate Information
294 Glossary of Terms
Corporate Profile
SBI Life Insurance is a joint venture between State Bank of insurance partnerships and the leading provider of personal
India (SBI) and BNP Paribas Cardif. SBI owns 74% of the insurance solutions. The global footprint of BNP Paribas
total capital and BNP Paribas Cardif the remaining 26%. Cardif is backed by integrated information systems and
platforms to facilitate either local or global management
State Bank of India (SBI) is a multinational banking of partnerships.
and financial services company based in India. The Bank
represents a sterling legacy of over 200 years serving over SBI Lifes mission is to emerge as the leading company
301 million customers, delivers full range of cross-border offering a comprehensive range of Life Insurance and
finance solutions. Pension products at competitive prices, ensuring high
standards of customer service and world-class operating
The Bank is Indias largest commercial Bank in terms of efficiency.
assets, deposits, profits, branches, number of customers
and employees, enjoying the continuing faith of millions SBI Life has a unique multi-distribution model encompassing
of customers across the social spectrum. It is the oldest vibrant Bancassurance, Retail Agency, Institutional Alliances
commercial Bank in the Indian subcontinent, strengthening and Corporate Solutions distribution channels.
the nations trillion-dollar economy and serving the
SBI Life extensively leverages the State Bank Group
aspirations of its vast population. SBI provides a wide
relationship as a platform for cross-selling insurance
range of products and services to personal, commercial
products along with its numerous banking product
enterprises, large corporates, public bodies and institutional
packages such as housing loans and personal loans.
customers through its various branches and outlets, joint
SBIs access to over 100 million accounts across the
ventures, subsidiaries and associate companies.
country provides a vibrant base for insurance penetration
SBI is serving the country with over 16,500 branches in across every region and economic strata in the country,
India and 198 foreign offices, 5 banking subsidiaries, 15 thus ensuring true financial inclusion. Agency channel,
comprising of the most productive force of over 92,000
domestic non-banking subsidiaries, 7 foreign banking
Insurance Advisors, offers door-to-door insurance solutions
subsidiaries and 4 foreign non-banking subsidiaries and
to customers.
also having over 2 lacs employees. SBI has surpassed
` 31,900 billion in business size. SBI has over 140,000
touch points (branches, ATMs, CSPs) that directly serve
customers everywhere.
To be the most trusted and
preferred life insurance provider
To emerge as the leading company
offering a comprehensive
range of life insurance and pension
products at competitive prices,
ensuring high standards of customer
satisfaction and world-class operating
efficiency, and become a model life
insurance company in India in the
post liberalisation period
Company Highlights
The Company, SBI Life, has delivered another successful year by 12% to ` 79,828 crores as on March 31, 2016 as against
of operational excellence, financial performance, growth & ` 71,339 crores as on March 31, 2015. The Company is
recognitions. Balancing profitability and growth, despite committed to maintain a stricter solvency margin level
worsening global financial environment & slowdown in than the regulatory requirement. The Solvency ratio of the
Indian insurance industry, SBI Life has posted a record Company stands at 2.12 as on March 31, 2016 as against
profit of ` 861 crores reflecting a growth of 5%. the regulatory requirement of 1.50, indicating the strong
& stable financial health of the Company.
The Company collected a total Gross Written Premium
(GWP) of ` 15,825 crores, comprising ` 7,107 crores New All key distribution channels namely Bancassurance,
Business Premium and ` 8,719 crores Renewal Premium. Agency and Corporate Solutions demonstrated profitable
The Company has registered a growth of 39% in its First business growth during the year. The Agency Channel
Year Premium and a growth of 37% in its Individual new contributed to 27% of total new business premium,
business measured on Annualized Premium Equivalent Bancassurance contributed 54% of the total new business
(APE) basis. The performance in Renewal Premium premium and Corporate Solutions contributed 18% of
collection led to improvement in the Companys 49th total new business premium.
month persistency by 2015 basis points and 61st month
persistency by 742 basis points. The Company retained a During the financial year 2015-16, the Company grew
private market share of 17.3% and a total market share of at a steady pace and strengthened its base by adding
5.1% for the financial year 2015-16. 1,206 employees and 7,181 CIFs. Testifying Companys
approach towards life insurance inclusion, 24% of
Reflecting excellence in its operational efficiency, SBI total lives covered by the Company are from the rural
Life continued to maintain one of the lowest Operating segment and 285,027 lives covered are from the
Expense (excl. service tax on ULIP charges) to GWP Ratio at underprivileged social sector, leading to the Company
9.21%, amongst private sector life insurance companies. exceeding the minimum Rural & Social regulatory
The Asset under Management (AUM) of the Company rose requirements.
SBI Life The of total lives
has posted a Asset under covered by
record profit of Management the Company are from
(AUM) of the rural segment and
` 861 crores the Company rose by
reflecting a growth of 285,027
12% to lives covered are
` 79,828 crores from the underprivileged
as on March 31, 2016 social sector
Company Highlights
Gross Written Premium (GWP) (` in crores) Product Mix - GWP
13,134 12,867
10,450 10,739
FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16
FYP SP RP Linked Non Linked
3% 3% 3% 3% 2%
FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16
Agency Bancassurance Corporate Solution Institution Alliance Individual NB APE Overall NB APE
Company Highlights
Total New Business Market Share Individual New Business Market Share
5.71% 5.31%
4.84% 4.89% 5.10% 5.18% 4.50%
FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16
Total Market Private Market Total Market Private Market
95.85% 95.77%
68.22% 69.48%
66.11% 65.59%
FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16
13th Month 25th Month Claims Settlement Ratio
Company Highlights
Assets Under Management (AUM) (` in crores) Solvency Margin
79,828 2.23
46,576 2.16
25,999 20,577
March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 16 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16
Debt Equity Total AUM Solvency Margin
Profit After Tax & Net Worth (` in crores) Earnings Per Share (EPS) & Book Value Per Share
FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16
PAT Net Worth EPS Book Value Per Share
9.14% 9.21%
Particulars As at
March 31, 2016
Annualized Premium Equivalent (APE) for the Year (in ` Crores) 4,939
New Business Value based on medium-term acquisition expense assumption (in ` Crores) 792
New Business margin on the above basis 16%
New Business Value based on current level of acquisition expenses (in ` Crores) 699
New Business margin on the above basis 14.2%
2. Maintenance expense assumptions used in the 4. The New Business Value (NBV) and the New Business
calculations are derived from the latest experience Margins are estimated reflecting each of the above
of the Company based on the most recent annual two situations.
expense analysis. No allowance has been made for
any future productivity improvement. Components of MCEV:
3. Acquisition expense assumption used for the purpose 1. Adjusted Net Worth:
of New Business Value have been taken at two levels; This is the market value of the assets attributable to
(a) at the current level based on the most recent the shareholders in excess of liabilities.
Dear Shareholders,
It gives me great pleasure to place before you the highlights increased moderately, the Emerging Market and Developing
of your Companys performance during the financial year Economies growth decelerated amidst subdued growth
2015-16. Details of the achievements and initiatives taken performance in the bigger economies of Brazil, Russia and
by your Company are provided in the enclosed Annual persistent slowdown in China. Low oil, commodity prices
Report for the year 2015-16. and tighter financial conditions kept the risks elevated.
Your Company has completed another successful year Global growth has remained subdued in the first two
in terms of achievements. It has not only shown top quarters of this calendar year. Weak business environment
line growth far in excess of industry but also excelled in in the US led to a near stagnation in growth dynamics. Even
qualitative parameters. It is definitely a moment of immense the Eurozone grew at the same rate as the previous quarter
pride for all of us who have been part of this inspiring and Japan continues to show weak growth. However,
journey. Despite a highly competitive and challenging the recent firming up of oil prices and modest increase
business environment, your Companys results have been in commodity prices have provided support to global
commendable. We are confident that with the support economic activity. According to the latest IMF projections,
of all our stakeholders, your Company will continue to the world economy is poised to grow at 3.2% in 2016 and
prosper and achieve greater heights in the times to come. pick up to 3.5% in 2017. Growth in emerging markets and
developing economies is expected to come in at 4.1% and
Economy Overview advanced economies are projected to grow at 1.9%. Brexit
The year 2015 was another difficult year for the global was hands down the biggest global macroeconomic event
economy, with economic growth easing to 3.1% as per in June 2016. The verdict of Britain exiting the European
IMF estimates. While the growth in advanced economies Union (EU) has taken the world by surprise and jolted the
markets across the globe in a reaction to this unpredictable partners looking to increase stake in their respective joint
outcome. ventures. Foreign investment of over ` 12,000 crore is
expected in the country as more than a dozen foreign
Against the backdrop of weak global economy, India grew companies are planning to raise their stake in private
at a healthy 7.6% in FY16 compared to 7.2% in the last sector insurance joint venture this year.
fiscal. On Gross Value Added (GVA) basis, the economy
grew at 7.2% in FY16 against 7.1% in FY15. Forecast Additionally, the regulator has released a number
of above normal monsoon this year at 106% of Long of guidelines, regulations and other exposure drafts
Period Average will support growth momentum going providing indication of the upcoming regulatory
forward. GDP growth is expected to be better at changes in the pipeline. Regulations on Indian Owned
7.8% in FY17 (SBI projections). On the external front, and Control, Guidelines on Expenses of Management,
improvement in current account deficit has persisted Corporate Agency, Corporate Governance, exposure
and narrowed to 1.1% of GDP in FY16 from 1.8% of draft on remuneration to insurance agent and intermediary
GDP in FY15, thanks to the decline in trade deficit. and convergence to the Indian Accounting Standards
Looking ahead, current account deficit will continue (Ind AS) have been the key highlights during the reporting
to stay within a comfortable range of 1.0%-1.5% even period.
in FY17.
Indias life insurance sector is one of the largest in the
Insurance Industry world with about 360 million policies which are expected
to increase at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
There was exponential growth in the first decade of
of 12-15 per cent over the next five years. The insurance
insurance industry liberalisation. Backed by innovative
industry plans to hike penetration levels to five per cent
products and aggressive expansion of distribution, the
by 2020.
life insurance industry grew at a phenomenal speed.
However, this frenzied growth also brought in issues
Looking Ahead
related to product design, market conduct, complaints
regarding good governance and the necessity to make As we celebrate SBI Lifes journey with renewed passion
course correction for the long-term health of the industry. and spirit, we must maintain conviction and responsibility
The Regulator, IRDAI, is tightening and standardizing in our conduct, befitting the long lineage of both SBI
the rules of the business to protect the policyholders and BNP Paribas Cardif. In the years to come, we see
interest and have introduced many new customer-centric SBI Life strategizing to benefit from the dynamic
initiatives. economic scenario and the evolving Insurance industry.
Deploying products to meet changing consumer needs,
The Insurance sector also plays a vital role in economic developing digital distribution strategies, implementing
development by providing various useful services like data analytics to understand the customer-related buying
mobilising savings, intermediating in finance, promoting inclination are some of the areas to focus upon. We aspire
investment, stabilising financial markets and managing to be the number one private life insurer across
both the social and financial risk. The regulatory framework all parameters and to deliver the best of customer
is now fairly stable and realising the potential of the services. We also remain firmly committed to take
insurance sector in mobilizing savings for the productive all necessary measures to earn the trust of the
use and social safety, Government has taken various customers.
steps to improve its quality, reach and popularity. The
Government of India, with the objective to bring more I thank all our shareholders for their continued faith
people under insurance cover has launched three insurance in our strength and capabilities, customers for their
schemes last year viz. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima valuable support and trust and our employees for
Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana their tireless efforts towards achieving our goals. I am
(PMSBY), and Atal Pension Yojana (pension scheme). These confident that with such a backing, your Company
schemes also have the potential to improve insurance would achieve new heights in the times to come.
penetration and reinforce the relevance of insurance for
the masses. Warm regards,
The Union Budget 2016-17 has paved the way for foreign
investment in insurance through the automatic route, Arundhati Bhattacharya
potentially simplifying the approval process for foreign Chairman
Dear Stakeholders,
I would like to share highlights for the year ended 2015-16. Performance
I am delighted to report that your Company is celebrating
The Company has achieved Gross written premium
(GWP) of ` 15,825 crores, registering a growth of 23%, its 15th Anniversary with a stellar performance.
New business premium (NBP) of ` 7,107 crores showed a
Continuing its track record of sustainable growth, the
growth of 29%, Profit after tax grew by 5% to ` 861 crores
Company has posted a record profit of ` 861 crores ( 115
and, Assets under management (AUM) grew by 12% to
` 79,828 crores as at March 2016. million), for the financial year ending March 31, 2016 - an
increase of 5% over the last financial year.
Furthermore, the Company has maintained its no.1 position
in New business premium (NBP) among private life insurers Operational efficiency has been the key driver of
achieving highest NBP of ` 7,107 crores. Companys profitability. The Company has maintained its
No.1 position amongst private life insurers on total New
It gives me tremendous pleasure to share with you the Business Premium (NBP) basis, achieving highest NBP of
highlights of our strong performance in the year 2015-16 ` 7,107 crores ( 946 million) with a growth of 28.5% and
and our outlook and strategy going forward. The Company market share of 17.3% amongst private players.
has accomplished many milestones by overcoming various
challenges and has emerged as one of the leading private The individual new business premium has increased
life insurance company in India. The contributions made from ` 3,757 crores ( 557 million) in FY 2014-15 to
by our business partners, stakeholders and employees ` 4,978 crores ( 663 million) this year, recording a
have helped SBI Life to attain greater heights each year. phenomenal growth of 32.5%, which enabled the
Most importantly, the trust our esteemed customers have Company to increase its market share among all
bestowed on SBI Life has helped us reach this far. players. Growth of 37% in rated individual NBP is indeed
( 1 = ` 75.0955)
The Assets under Management of the Company grew SBI Life Insurance has a host of products in various
by 12% to ` 79,828 crores ( 10,630 million) as against categories like protection, wealth creation, savings, child,
` 71,339 crores ( 10,567 million) at the end of the retirement, etc. together with insurance, to address needs
previous financial year. of diverse customer segments. Some of the key products
that were launched this year are SBI Life - Smart Woman
The 13th month persistency has improved to 77.67% in
Advantage Plan, SBI Life - CSC Saral Sanchay, SBI Life -
FY 2016 from 76.29% in FY 2015. Further, the misselling
Smart Humsafar, SBI Life - eWealth Insurance, etc.
complaints ratio has reduced from 0.60% to 0.29%.
On the technological front, the Company has launched
In view of the Companys performance in profitability, cash
two more digital Initiatives - Customers Missed call for
flows and considering its financial position, an interim
fund value and query through easy access and Digilife -
dividend was declared during the FY 2015-16 at 12% of
An innovation lab. The lab will manage real time, social
equity share capital amounting to ` 144 crores ( 19.18
media and internet references on SBI Life and reach out to
million) (including dividend distribution tax).
customers proactively. It also showcases the new technology
For the first time, the Company has declared its Market that the Company is adopting, like Connect Life, a fully
Consistent Embedded Value (MCEV) which stood at automated paperless sales system and Mobcast, a mobile
` 12,999 crores ( 1,731 million) as on March 31, 2016. based learning platform for employees, among others.
The strength of the Companys brand, multi-distribution In our pursuit of excellence in the life insurance industry,
model, higher agency productivity, excellence in operational SBI Life has taken yet another step towards creating a
efficiency, low cost structure, optimum resource utilization, model brand that will be a leader not just in the country
etc. are amongst the few key drivers of SBI Lifes consistent but also internationally. SBI Life will be the first Indian
profitable growth. private life insurer to foray in the international market
for retail life insurance business. The Company has been
This performance is only the beginning of a journey which granted an in-principle approval by the Regulator to
will see us perform consistently year after year to enable open its first international branch office in the Kingdom
this company to march ahead and realize its true potential. of Bahrain.
( 1 = ` 75.0955)
In FY 2015-16, SBI Life reinforced its outreach initiatives setting high benchmarks of excellence in the industry. We
in the realm of child welfare, across different parts of the believe a strong life insurance sector can play an important
country, in line with its affirmed CSR goals. The Company role in the nations economic development with avenues to
has extended its support to nurture not only the educational channelize the savings pool towards long-term investments
aspirations of the children but also providing for their with insurance benefit. The foundation of Indias economic
physical wellbeing. Significant measures have been taken development remains strong and we are confident that
to aid the provision of better infrastructure and healthcare the favorable demographics of the country will provide
facilities to remote areas of the country to ensure that all opportunities for growth of the life insurance industry.
sections of the society gets an equal opportunity to sustain
themselves in a healthy environment. We have entered the 16th successful year in the insurance
business, with a strong multichannel distribution system,
Way forward innovative new products and good customer service.
Our focus will be on further enhancing our distribution
The Indian life insurance industry is poised for significant
efficiency, lowering operational cost, introducing
growth, going forward. The future looks promising with
innovative products and continue to be customer-centric.
several changes in regulatory framework which will lead to
We look forward to the coming year and promise our
further change in the way the industry conducts its business
continuous and dedicated efforts.
and engages with its customers. Demographic factors
such as growing middle class, young insurable population I take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation
and growing awareness of the need for protection and for your continuous support and association with the
retirement planning will support the growth of Indian life Company. I would also like to express my gratitude to all
insurance. The growth in retail new business Annualised our customers for their unstinted support. My heartfelt
Premium Equivalent (APE) was 8.1% for the last fiscal. With thanks also go out to all our partners, distributors and
the Insurance Act in place and as all the regulations have above all our employees for their sincere efforts in taking
now come, in the next two-three years, the industry should forward the Company. The IRDAI has been very supportive
be able to grow 15-20% in terms of retail. of our efforts and we thank them for guiding us.
People guide
business goals to
steer profitable
Mr. Gerard Binet Mr. Arijit Basu Mr. Raj Narain Bhardwaj
Director MD & CEO Director
Mr. Ravi Rambabu Mr. Nilesh Vikamsey Ms. Joji Sekhon Gill
Director Director Director
Mr. Vivien Berbigier Mr. Anand Pejawar Mr. Sanjeev Pujari Mr. Ravi Krishnamurthy
Dy. CEO Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director
- Marketing (Zone 1) - Actuarial & Risk Management - Marketing (Zone 2)
Mr. Sanjeeva Prasad Mr. M. Anand Mr. Abhijit Gulanikar Ms. Varsha Mondkar
Executive Director Executive Director Chief Officer Head - Human Resources &
- Operations & IT - Marketing (Zone 3) - Business Strategy Management Services
8. Won Brand Excellence Award in Life 13. Won Knowledge Management Leadership
Insurance (Private Sector) at the Award 2015 for Use of Best Training Methods
CMO Asia Awards 2015. for Knowledge Management at the 14th Asia
Pacific HRM Congress.
The award recognises those Brands
and Marketers who have achieved The Company received the award for adopting
extraordinary success from innovative innovative methods across multiple platforms
and effective marketing practices, with to train employees as well as distributors in
regards to particular circumstances knowledge management.
within different industries, budgets
and the diversity of marketing programmes. 14. Won an award in Best HR Technology
category at Inspiring Work Places Conference
9. Won Marketing Campaign of the Year award 2015 by Banking Frontiers.
for Excellence in Branding and Marketing at
The award recognises SBI Lifes commitment to
6th CMO Asia Awards.
create more employee touchpoints leveraging
SBI Life received the award for #GreatDad digital technology.
campaign. This campaign has played a vital role in
further deepening engagement with stakeholders. 15. Achieved Gold level
of recognition in
10. Won Prime Time Award 2015 (Bronze) the Arogya Healthy
Workplace Award 2015.
SBI Life received the award for the Great Dad
advertising campaign under the Best Creative Arogya World has
Advertising - Single Ad or Campaign category in made a Clinton Global
the BFSI sector. The award recognises outstanding Initiative commitment
TV campaigns by banking, financial services and to reach 100 Healthy
insurance-related industry. Workplaces and help a
million working people
lead healthy lives, by 2016. One of their key
11. Won Stars of the Industry
programs is the Healthy Workplace Award
Award for Excellence in Life
Program in which pioneering companies who
Insurance by CMO Asia.
meet the criteria are recognised as Healthy
The award aims at understanding Workplaces.
the ambition & aspiration levels
that differentiate one organisation
16. Won HR Technology Excellence Award at
from another and their relentless
World HRD Congress 2016.
effort in pursuit of excellence by
being at the vanguard to cater to The HR & Leadership Awards serves as an
the exceptions of clients. excellent platform to promote and
recognise excellence within the HR
profession by highlighting leading
12. Won TISS LeapVault CLO
organisational HR practices and HR
Award 2015 for Best Program for Sales
A collaborative
culture drives
mutual trust and
confidence to ensure
Human Resource function plays a pivotal role in creating
triggers for unlocking human potential which results in We have won numerous awards which are very
organization transformation and success. SBI Life values inspiring. To name a few:
its employees and it is embedded in its core values
Ambition, Trustworthiness, Dynamism, Innovation and HR Technology Excellence Award at World
Excellence. HRD Congress 2016.
The approach of SBI Life towards understanding key Won Best HR Technology category at
factors affecting workforce engagement and satisfaction Inspiring Work Places Conference 2015.
has always been scientific. Periodic surveys/studies by
experts and consultants are commissioned to understand Achieved Gold level of recognition in the
the employee needs and aspiration. Apart from the Aarogya Healthy Workplace Award 2015.
external surveys, we also have platforms to enable
employees to express themselves.
Manpower Profile Employee Service Tenure
SBI Lifes workforce strength stands at 10,863 employees
as on 31st March 2016. 20%
Less than
1 year 36%
5 years
Age bracket Percentage
Less than 25 years 5%
25 to 30 years 26%
31 to 35 years 33% 28%
36 to 40 years 20% 1 to
3 years 16%
41 to 45 years 10% 3 to
46 years & above 6% 5 years
Grand Total 100%
Average Age: 34.1 years
Age-wise Employee Composition Educational Qualification No. of
33% Employees
Workforce composition by qualification
TENURE SUMMARY: Professional
Tenure bracket Percentage (MBA/
More than 5 years 36% Insurance)
Key initiatives:
40% 38%
Overall IAs Overall CIF Overall New IA New CIF Old IAs Old CIFs
Key achievements:
ISO Certification
Way forward:
Our corporate role
is defined by the
need to bring about
a holistic positive
change in the society
Corporate Social
Responsibility @ SBI Life
Futuristic in driving social change.
Following is a brief on the CSR activities undertaken by SBI
Life in the FY 2015-16.
PM Fund &
Flood Relief
4. Company has ensured the continuity of education of Development Action Council (Adivasi Samiti) for
nearly 200 children who are undergoing the treatment providing education, skill development and enhancing
of cancer along with CankidsKidscan in Mumbai. This employment opportunities of tribal children of
initiative shall enable them to get back to mainstream Wayanad.
schooling, once their treatment is over.
SBI Life Community Knowledge Centre, has helped
a group of 100 tribal youth to continue their higher
education and find career opportunities in public,
private, non-government sectors in consistent with
their skill sets, talents and desires.
Community Building
7. Company has impacted the lives of more than 2,000
villagers living in small settlements at Vasai near Mumbai
and Machale at Jalgaon districts of Maharashtra and
Shirali village in Karnataka. Company provided them
with the urban facilities like solar lights, safe drinking
Further to be an active change maker in the society, water and hygiene sanitation facilities.
Company has conducted Shiksha se Safalta, a CSR
program to promote education. Nearly 40,000 needy
students, across 500 schools were provided with
educational kits consisting of quality school bags, note
books and stationery materials. The program eased the
burden of the parents who constantly struggle to make
ends meet.
Child Healthcare
5. Company has contributed to the wellness of the under
privileged children by providing for personal preventive
health care and provision of essential medical
equipments to medical institutions and government
hospitals in Maharashtra.
Skilling Youth
6. Skill development of youth is one of the ambitious
projects of Companys CSR. Company has partnered
with M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
(MSSRF), Society for Promoting Alternate Computing
and Employment (SPACE) and Wayanad District
Our business aims
are aligned to
customer aspirations,
and directed at
resolving all issues
seamlessly and
Customer Support
@ SBI Life
Driving effective customer engagement through cutting-edge technology
missed calls
within 3 months of
Launch Date
Launch Date
Customer Support
@ SBI Life
Customer Engagement:
Emailers on Customer Awareness
Management Review
Statutory Report
GDP Growth %
Share of life insurance in financial saving of Household after and reduced to 16% in 2013-14 and thereafter
Sector: increased to 19% in FY 2014-15. The insurance industry
The share of life insurance in financial savings of household by offering the wide range of Life, Pension, Health and
sector has increased over last several years from 19% in Annuity products can channelize the household savings
2010-11 to 21% in 2011-12 but it started declining then and increase the financial protection in the Indian economy.
16% 11%
17% 12%
FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13P FY 2013-14P FY 2014-15E
(B) Life Insurance Industry Overview In life insurance business, India is ranked 11 among the 88
(I) Industry Overview countries, for which data is published by Swiss Re. Indias
share in global life insurance market was 2.08 per cent
Life Insurance market in India has a plethora of business during 2014. However, during 2014, the life insurance
opportunities. Considering its ever growing population premium in India increased by 1.0 per cent (inflation
and demographic dividend; it has huge potential yet to be adjusted) when global life insurance premium increased by
explored and harnessed. Insurance market in India which 4.3 per cent (IRDAI Annual Report 2014-15). According
opened up for private sector in 2000, has seen a gradual to the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the country
growth over the last 15 years in terms of product innovation, is the fifteenth largest insurance market in the world in
vibrant distribution channels, penetration and density. terms of premium volume, and has the potential to grow
exponentially in the coming years.
Premiun Growth %
The measure of insurance penetration and density reflects the level of development of insurance sector in a country.
42.7 44.0
41.2 41.0
40.4 49.0
Penetration %
Densiry (USD)
11.7 12.9
4.10% 4.00% 4.00% 4.40%
3.40% 3.17% 3.10%
2.59% 2.53% 2.53% 2.60%
2.15% 2.26%
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1. Insurance density is measured as ratio of premium (in US Dollar) to total population
2. Insurance penetration is measured as ratio of premium (in US Dollars) to GDP (in US Dollars)
3. Source : IRDAI Annual Report, 2014-15
The insurance penetration in India, which surged Current Industry Scenario (FY 2015-16):
consistently till 2009-10, has slipped since 2010-11 on Life Insurance industry has gone through many regulatory
account of slowdown in life insurance premium as compared changes in the current year. During the year, the industry
to the growth rate of the Indian economy. Life insurance strengthened its focus towards enhancing professional
penetration had continuously gone up from 2.15% in 2001 delivery of products and services to customers.
to 4.60% in 2009, before slipping to 3.40% in 2011 and to
2.60% in 2014. Summary of New Business Premium & Market Share
(FY 2015-16)
The Life Insurance density in India is growing at a good
(` in crores)
pace, it has gone up from USD 9.1 in 2001 to USD 44.0 in
2014. Particulars FY FY Change
2015-16 2014-15 (%)
Opportunities, Industry Outlook and Way Ahead:
Insurance industry has a huge potential to grow in the Regular Premium 23,732 23,029 3.1
coming years. A rapidly growing economy, rising level of
incomes, and improving life expectancy rates are some of Single Premium 73,942 55,274 33.8
the many reasons that will also contribute to the growth LIC Total Premium [A] 97,674 78,303 24.7
of the sector and present a great opportunity for insurance
companies. With the lack of adequate investments no Private sector
longer being a hiccup, the sector will see a strategic shift
from top to bottom to ensure sustainability. Cost control, Regular Premium 27,154 23,949 13.4
operational efficiencies, physical expansion, etc. will now
Single Premium 13,829 10,891 27.0
be in focus. Furthermore, penetration of technology and
online tools will help in the sectors expansion. Private sector Total 40,983 34,840 17.6
Premium [B]
Listing, mergers and acquisitions
Industry Total [A+B] 138,657 113,143 22.6
IRDAI has permitted life insurance companies to raise
capital through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Some listing Private sector share (%) 29.6% 30.8% (4.0)
from the insurance sector can be expected in the coming
years. The regulator has also announced norms for transfer Source: Life Insurance Council New Business Report
of equity shares. The coming quarters may see the signing
of several joint venture deals between global and local LIC continues to rule the insurance market with a
players in the market. Consolidation in the private sector market share of 70.4%
would enable the creation of large companies which can Market share of private players has come down from
then drive economies of scale, thereby servicing customer 30.8% to 29.6%
interests better.
However the industry has witnessed a strong growth
Distribution channels and Product innovation of 22.6% in new business premium owing to 24.7%
Distribution channels will play a major role. Out of the many growth by LIC and 17.6% growth by private players
models, the bancassurance model will be the key along
Industrys growth in new business premium can be
with the relaxation of rules about recruiting distribution
mainly attributed to 39.1% growth in group premium
agent. Also, innovation is the only key to impress the
while individual premium has grown at 5.3%
Indian customers for private players because LIC has a very
dominant position in the commercial and rural markets.
Foreign players alongwith bringing capital also needs to
use their global expertise to develop products which are
one of a kind to appeal to the ever growing middle class
FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16
Out of 23 companies in the private sector the top 7 companies account for 74.6% of the private market share. Bank
promoted life insurers have witnessed stronger growth than those dependant on agents.
Source: Life Insurance Council New Business Report and SBI Life analysis
New business premium has increased by 22.6% in the current year. However, LIC continues to dominate the industry
accounting for 70.4% of the new business premium. Private sector has managed to increase its share marginally from
28.2% in FY 2012 to 29.6% in FY 2016. However, with the increase in FDI cap, the private players are in a better position to
compete with LIC by innovating the new products, strengthening the implementation of technology and improving client
servicing tools. Private players through penetration of technology and online sales tool try to appeal to the middle class.
20,774 21,369
17,522 17,849
FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16
Inspite of 70.4% market share in terms of new business premium, LIC lags slightly behind the private sector in terms of
individual APE. Private sector with its innovative products has managed to capture a sizeable share of Individual market by
focusing on regular premium products.
2.6% -4.0%
With the modification in Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) and that of traditional products growing. Linked product
guidelines in FY 2010-11, capping of upfront charges, contribution has reduced from 68.7% in FY 2010-11 to
returns and the commission pay-outs, the industry 38.1% in FY 2014-15.
witnessed a shift in the product mix from linked products
to traditional products. Demand for linked products recovered in FY 2014 -15 and
new business premium for linked products increased partly
The traditional products contributed about 61.9% of new due to a robust market outlook.
business for the private sector as compared to industry as
a whole, where the share of traditional products is about (c) Channel Mix
88.3% during FY 2014-15. The main distribution channels in life insurance are the
individual agency channel, corporate agency (banks and
In case of LIC, the linked products had contributed 30.5% others), broking channel and direct selling (which includes
of total new business, whereas traditional products had online selling). From an old industry perspective, it was an
contributed 69.5% in FY 2010-11. Almost 100% of LICs agency-dominated business. This trend was primarily as a
new business premium comes through traditional products result of LICs agency dominated business model. Private
in FY 2014-15. sector insurers have a more balanced channel distribution
between agency, bancassurance, corporate agents, brokers
Similarly, there is a clear shift noticed in product mix for and direct sales.
the private sector, with the contribution of ULIPs declining
6% 4% 6% 7% 9%
8% 5%
6% 5%
4% 5%
9% 5%
3% 4%
Individual Agents Corporate Agents - Banks Corporate Agents - Other Brokers Direct Business
In FY 2014-15, with 47% contribution, bancassurance was However, LIC continues to remain driven by individual
the leading distribution channel for private life insurers agents. Individual agents accounted for approximately
for individual products, followed by individual agents 96% of the Individual new business premium collections
contributing 36%. of the LIC
The rise in bancassurance channel is primarily due to (a) (C) Regulatory Updates
its a low cost model, (b) stringent regulatory guidelines The regulator has released a number of guidelines and
for other channels, (c) wide-spread network, (d) potential other exposure drafts providing indication of the upcoming
customer footfall in bank branches and (e) easy cross- regulatory changes in the pipeline. The key highlights on
selling. recent regulatory changes are as follows:
2. IRDAI Expenses of Management Regulations 2016 Key managerial personnel, auditors, actuaries
and directors, shall not hold two positions in the
3. IRDAI Corporate Governance Guidelines company to avoid any conflict of interest.
4. IRDAI (Registration of Corporate Agents) Regulations, All insurers (listed or unlisted) are required to
2015 set up corporate governance structures and
requirements, which include various mandatory
5. IRDAI (Issuance of Capital by Indian Insurance and non-mandatory committees.
Companies transacting Life Insurance Business)
Regulations, 2015 4. IRDAI (Registration of Corporate Agents)
Regulations, 2015
1. Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)
IRDAI has issued IRDAI (Registration of Corporate
IRDAI has issued a circular for implementation of Ind Agents) Regulations, 2015 which come into force from
AS. Key highlights of the circular are as follows: April 1, 2016.
Insurers have to comply with the Ind AS for Corporate agents may have arrangements with
preparation of financial statements from FY 2018- maximum three insurers in any particular line
19. Earlier adoption of Ind AS is not permitted. of insurance business. Composite Corporate
Insurers to submit pro-forma Ind AS financial Agents may have arrangements with life, general
statements to the IRDAI from quarter ended 31 and health insurers or combination of any two
December 2016. or all three.
The Audit Committee of the Board shall oversee Corporate Agent is required to file with IRDAI a
the progress of the Ind AS implementation process Board Approved policy on the manner of soliciting
and report to the Board at quarterly intervals. and servicing insurance products. Corporate
Agent is required to maintain records policy wise
2. Expenses of Management regulations, 2016 and Specified Person wise for reporting. Segment
wise reporting is required for corporate agents
In order to reduce costs passed onto policyholders
from insurance policies and encourage further expense 5. IRDAI (Issuance of Capital by Indian Insurance
controls for the management, the regulator has issued Companies transacting Life Insurance Business)
the Expenses of Management (EoM) Regulations, Regulations, 2015
2016. From FY 2016 -17, all insurers are required to
IRDAI has issued IRDAI (Issuance of Capital by Indian
comply with these regulations. The key features of the
Insurance Companies transacting Life Insurance
regulations are as follow:
Business) Regulations, 2015 in supersession of IRDA
(Issuance of Capital by Life Insurance Companies)
Each insurer needs to have a documented expense
Regulations, 2011. Key provisions of the regulation are
allocation policy, clearly describing the basis for
as follow:
allocation of direct and apportionment of indirect
expenses. Prior approval from IRDAI required before
approaching SEBI for public issue or any
It requires insurers to ensure that expenses of subsequent issue
management are within the allowable limit on
segmental basis. Applicable to both divestment of shares by
promoters and fresh public issues (subject to
In case of violation of the limits, the excess needs promoter lock-in specified by IRDAI at the time of
to be borne by the shareholders. Further, in case registration)
of violation the authority may impose restrictions
on managerial remunerations, opening of new In case of partly paid up shares, payment of calls
branches, removal of managerial personnel etc. should be completed within one year
IRDAI approval is valid for one year from date
3. IRDAI Corporate Governance Guidelines of issue of approval and can be extended by 6
The IRDAI has issued Corporate Governance Guidelines months basis written request
to revise the existing guidelines on Corporate
IRDAI reserves the right to mandate compulsory
Governance practices. Key features of the guidelines
listing of insurance companies, if the situation
are as follow:
The Board of Directors must set up a long
term policy detailing all the matters relating to Criteria for approval includes satisfactory compliance
company transactions along with a list of items track record, solvency margin, disclosure requirements,
compliance with Corporate governance, Indian owned During the financial year 2015-16, the Company has added
and controlled clause, embedded value (report by an nearly 12.74 lakhs new policies to its portfolio.
independent actuary) etc.
The Company has achieved continuous growth in the
(D) SBI LIFE An Overview gross written premium over the years with CAGR of
approx 14.8% in GWP between FY 2012-13 to 2015-16.
1. Gross Written Premium The growth is primarily driven by strong and consistent
The Company has earned a Gross Written Premium (GWP) new business collection. The Company has improved the
of ` 15,825 crores on the back of consistent growth in renewal premium collection over years by focusing on
Individual business during the financial year (FY) 2015-16. various initiatives to improve customer retention.
13,134 12,867
10,450 10,739
2. New Business Premium and Market Share During the year, the Company concentrated on individual
The Company has maintained its No. 1 position amongst regular premium products as against single premium and
private life insurers on total New Business Premium group products as part of its long term strategy. As a result,
(NBP) basis, achieving highest NBP of ` 7,107 crores in the Company has witnessed a sound growth of 38% in its
FY 2015-16. individual regular NBP and a growth of 37% in its individual
new business APE (Annualized Premium Equivalent).
The Company has increased its new business premium 3. Persistency Ratio
market share, amongst private life insurers, from 15.9% Despite of several external challenges, the Company has
in the previous year to 17.3% in FY 2015-16. The overall improved renewal premium collection and retention
market share of the Company in terms of new business of clients over years. The Companys renewal premium
premium has grown from 4.9% to 5.1% in the financial year collection has grown by 19% from ` 7,338 Cr in FY 2014-
2015 -16. 15 to ` 8,719 Cr in FY 2015 -16. The Company's 13 month
persistency ratio has improved from 76.29% to 77.67% as
at March 31, 2016. Improvement in persistency ratios is
testimony to SBI Lifes commitment towards its customers.
76.29% 77.67%
74.53% 75.65%
68.22% 69.48%
62.92% 66.11%
4. Product Mix
The Company offers a range of products across unit linked and traditional platforms to cater to specific customer needs.
From FY 2014-15, the demand for linked products has grown due to favourable market conditions.
Linked Non-linked
In FY 2011-12 share of linked products was 35.0% and non- 5. Channel Mix
linked products was 65.0%. During FY 2015-16, the share SBI Life has a unique multi-distribution model encompassing
of linked products has gradually increased to 45.5% as vibrant bancassurance, retail agency, institutional alliances
compared to 35.0% in FY 2014-15. and corporate solutions distributing insurance products.
All key distribution channels of the Company have
The Company continues to focus on a balanced product demonstrated profitable business growth over the years.
mix strategy to provide the right solution to consumers In this current scenario, where leading players are thriving
and keeping in mind interest of stakeholders i.e. customers, for an ideal balanced channel mix, the Company finds itself
distributors and shareholders. positioned appropriately.
1% 18%
1% 18%
Individual Agents Corporate Agents - Banks Corporate Agents - Other Brokers Direct Business
Agency: Individual Agency channel contributed 27% of savvy, young generation potential client base. The direct
new business premium in FY 2015-16. In-depth product business also includes business generated by Companys
knowledge and sales structure forms the backbone of Corporate Solution & Cross Selling departments
our front line sale force. Sales Quality Scores (SQS) for dealing directly with corporate & individuals as per
individuals arrived on monthly basis and reviewed quarterly their needs. The Company has garnered a business of
in order to monitor the consistency of the sales force and 18% as Direct Business in FY 2015-16.
their adherence to compliance and operational standards.
The Company continued to focus on its product distribution
Corporate Agent Banks (Bancassurance): Bancassurance through quality recruitment and branch offices across
channel provided a significant thrust to the overall new the country. As at March 31, 2016, the Company has
business contributing 54% in FY 2015-16. The Company has 774 offices, 126,536 Insurance Agents (IAs) and Certified
extensively leveraged the State Bank Group relationship as a
Insurance Facilitators (CIFs) across the country as against
platform for cross-selling insurance products along with its
corresponding figures of 750 offices and 110,392 IAs and
numerous banking product packages such as housing loans
CIFs as on March 31, 2015.
and personal loans.
6. Operating Expenses
Going forward, we are looking towards enhancing this
consistent and competent sales force in order to improve The Company continues to focus on cost containment
penetration further. activities to reduce operating expenses. The
Companys Operating Expense to GWP Ratio is one of
Direct Business: With the changing customer needs, the lowest amongst private life insurance players on a
the Company has introduced online products for its tech consistent basis.
Expense Ratio
9.14% 9.21%
3.0% 1.2%
3.3% 1.4%
Solvency Margin
The Solvency ratio of the Company stands at 2.12 as on March 31, 2016 as against the Regulatory requirement of 1.50,
indicating the strong & stable financial health of the Company.
11. Brand Performance The Company continued its efforts towards maintaining its
The brand, SBI, is a very strong, trusted, reliable and most brand image in FY 2015-16. The Company has been ranked
preferred brand in India in financial & banking services. SBI as the Most Trusted Private Life Insurance Brand, 2015, for
Life is blessed with strong parentage of State Bank of India the fifth consecutive year, by The Economic Times, Brand
(SBI) & BNP Paribas Cardif. Equity & Nielsen Survey. Apart from that, the Company has
also won Brand Excellence Award in Life Insurance (Private
SBI Life extensively leverages the State Bank Group Sector)' at the CMO Asia Awards 2015 and Adjudged the
relationship as a platform for cross-selling insurance products "The Economic Times Best Corporate Brands 2016". The
along with its numerous banking product packages such as Great Dad advertising campaign launched by the Company
housing loans and personal loans. SBI's access to over 100 has bagged Prime Time Award 2015 (Bronze) under the Best
million accounts across the country provides a vibrant base Creative Advertising Single Ad or Campaign category in
for insurance penetration across every region and economic the BFSI sector.
strata in the country, thus ensuring true financial inclusion.
The Company not only taps the potential better but also We will continue our efforts towards strengthening our
provides a safe and transparent insurance alternative to the brand image through an optimal mix of above-the-line and
public at large. below-the-line activities.
The brand SBI Life has become one of the most recognized, (E) SBI LIFE Financial Performance
trusted and preferred brand in India, among private sector Policyholders & Shareholders Account
life insurance companies, which provides its stakeholders
The summary of Revenue Account and Profit & Loss Account
a wide range of products & services with significant
of the Company for the FY 2015-16 and detailed analysis of
competitive advantage. The testimony of the same is
the same is as follows:
Companys No. 1 position amongst private life insurance
players (NBP base) on a year on year basis. Further, the
Companys performance has been acclaimed & awarded by
various esteemed organizations over the years.
Linked business constitutes 44% of the total GWP and 45% of total NBP during the year.
SBI Life has registered a NBP market share of 17.3% in FY 2016 retaining its No. 1 position amongst private sector life
insurance companies. The Companys market share stands at 5.1% across the industry (including LIC).
During the year ended March 31, 2016, the income from investment risk for unit segment is borne by policyholders
interest and dividend increased by 25%. The increase is and due to corresponding adjustment in the reserves;
primarily attributable to the increase in debt holdings of the shareholders profits would not have any material impact.
Company. The average yield earned by the Company on its
traditional investment portfolio was 9.1% during the year. The following graph depicts the performance of our
major unit linked funds compared with their respective
Unrealized gain / (loss) is the outcome of pure mark-to benchmarks (since inception):
market valuation of assets held in the linked portfolio. The
Equity Fund Equity Growth Group Growth Group Balance Equity Elite Balance Pension Bond
PensionFund Pension Fund Plus Fund Plus Fund Fund Fund Fund
Fund Benchmark
Benchmarks & Fund Inception Dates
Unit Linked Fund Benchmark Inception Date
Equity Fund Nifty50 Jan 10, 2005
Equity Pension Fund Nifty50 Jan 15, 2007
Growth Pension Fund 70% Nifty50 & 30% CRISIL CompBex Feb 15, 2007
Group Growth Plus Fund Nifty (45%) CompBex (55%) Sep 25, 2009
Group Balance Plus Fund Nifty (25%) CompBex (75%) July 16, 2009
Equity Elite Fund Nifty (80%) LiquiFEX (20%) Feb 25, 2008
Balanced Pension Fund Nifty (80%) LiquiFEX (20%) Feb 21, 2007
Bond Fund CRISIL CompBEX Jan 10, 2005
The Company follows an investment strategy to acquire There has been an overall decrease in total commission
and maintain quality assets that can meet the liabilities expense as a % of total premium by 0.18% for the FY 2015-
accepted by the Company. The objective of the Companys 16 compared to the previous year.
investment activities is to meet the reasonable expectations
of the policyholders taking into account the safety of their (d) Operating and other expenses
funds optimizing risk adjusted returns. The summary of operating and other expenses is as follows:
(` in crores)
(c) Commission expenses
Particulars FY 2015-16 FY 2014-15
The summary of commission expenses is as follows:
Acquisition cost 1,105 855
(` in crores) Maintenance and other cost 353 322
Particulars FY 2015-16 FY 2014-15 Total operating expenses 1,458 1,177
Total commission expenses 714 604 Service tax on charges 170 129
(before reinsurance) Other expenses 24 2
Total premium income 15,825 12,867 (Shareholders)
(before reinsurance) Total operating and other 1,652 1,308
Total commission as a % of 4.51% 4.69% expenses
total premium Gross written premium 15,825 12,867
Renewal commission as a % 2.53% 2.70% (GWP)
of renewal premium OPEX Ratio [Operating 9.21% 9.14%
Regular commission (non- 10.33% 11.76% expenses (excl. service tax on
single) as a % of regular charges) to GWP Ratio]
premium (non-single)
The total operating expenses have been classified into
Regular premium (non-single) 29.26% 25.89%
acquisition cost and maintenance & other cost.
as a % of total premium
Acquisition cost mainly includes sales employee cost, (g) Change in valuation of actuarial Liability
marketing expenses, medical fees, stamp duty on policies The summary of Change in valuation of actuarial Liability is
and other directly related expenses incurred for acquiring as follows:
the business. (` in crores)
Particulars FY 2015-16 FY 2014-15
Maintenance and other cost mainly includes non-sales
employee cost, policy related variable cost, training cost, Participating segment 3,500 2,751
service tax, bonus incentive cost, etc. Non participating segment 3,122 3,203
ULIP segment 1,365 6,330
Although the operating expenses have increased during Total 7,987 12,284
the year, the Company continued to have one of the lowest
OPEX ratio among the industry players. Policy liabilities for non linked business represent actuarial
liability created in respect of policies in force and for policies
(e) Benefits Paid where premium has been discontinued but a liability still
The Summary of benefits paid is as follows: exist.
(` in crores)
Particulars FY 2015-16 FY 2014-15 Reserves for participating and non participating policies are
calculated on gross premium valuation, unearned premium
Death claims 899 583
reserve valuation and some on fund valuation method
Maturity claims 2,019 1,885
taking into account, the assumptions for interest, mortality,
Annuities/ Pension payments 145 127
expense and inflation. Also, in case of participating policies
Surrenders 3,397 4,694 future bonuses, allocation of profit to shareholders is also
Survival Benefits 136 195 taken into consideration.
Other claims 1,513 773
Amount ceded in reinsurance (149) (60) Policy liability for unit linked segment represents outstanding
Total Claims 7,960 8,198 fund value on the reporting date; the same has been
increased during the current year because of increase in the
The above table represents the amounts paid back to the fund value due to better market performance. Change in
policyholder or their legal heirs on the occurrence of death valuation is the difference between the policy liabilities on
or on occurrence of any insured event as per the terms of two Balance Sheet dates.
the contract.
(h) Change in Funds for Future Appropriation
The death claims have increased by 54% as compared to The funds for future appropriations held in the unit linked
last year, whereas the maturity payments have increased by funds represents surplus that has arisen from lapsed
7% as compared to the last year. policies, unlikely to be revived. This surplus is required to
be held within the policyholders fund, till the time the
The surrender claims have decreased by around 28% during
Policyholder has an option to revive the policy.
the year. Other claims have increased on account of payouts
from discontinuance fund. The release of funds for future appropriation represents,
either the policies have been revived or the revival period
(f) Diminution in the value of investments and
in respect of those policies is over during the financial year
provision for standard assets
During the current year there is a diminution in value
of investments of ` 5 crores as against a release of (i) Taxes
` 12 crores in the last year. The diminution provision has
During the year ended March 31, 2016, the Company
been made as per the Companys impairment policy to
has made a tax provision of ` 166 crores as against
recognize permanent fall in equity scrips under non-linked
a tax provision of ` 124 crores in the previous year.
& shareholders investments.
The tax provision has been increased in the current
The Company has made a provision for standard assets at year mainly because of increase in profit before tax,
0.40% of the value of the asset amounting to ` 0.47 crores increase in bonus declared to policyholders and
in the current year. reduction in pension surplus.
Your Directors are pleased to present their 16th Annual Report together with the audited financial statements of SBI Life
Insurance Company Limited (SBI Life or the Company) for the year ended March 31, 2016.
2. RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AND THE STATE Embedded Value as on 31st March 2016
OF COMPANYS AFFAIRS The company also declared its Market Consistent
Embedded Value and New Business Margins for the
The Company has registered a strong and consistent
first time as on 31st March 2016
performance during FY 2015-16. The key financial
parameters of the Company are as follows: 1.
Market Consistent Embedded Value of the
company stands at ` 12,999 crores, as on 31st
Maintained its No. 1 position amongst private life March 2016
insurers on total New Business Premium (NBP) basis,
achieving highest NBP of ` 7,107 crores with a market 2. The New Business Margin, based on medium term
share of 17.3% amongst private players; acquisition expense assumption, stood at 16%
Continued to maintain one of the lowest Operating Further, the Company has taken yet another step towards
Expense (excluding service tax on charges) creating a model brand that will be a leader not just in the
to Gross Written Premium ratio (the OPEX Ratio) country but also internationally. The Company has received
at 9.21%, amongst private sector life insurance an in principle approval from the Regulator to open first
companies; international branch office in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
automatic route up to 49%. This decision was taken to making the sector more competitive and open for growth.
facilitate consolidation within the market and support the The parent companies of SBI Life have expressed their
infusion of capital which was much needed. With a view to interest in a stake sale and purchase in line with the revised
raise capital from the public markets, the IRDAI has notified FDI limits. Both the shareholders will take an appropriate
various regulations in 2015. Additionally, the regulator decision based on the suitability of the economic scenario.
has initiated several changes for the life insurance sector
such as expenses of management, corporate governance, 6. DEPOSITS
convergence to the Indian Accounting Standards, etc.
During the year under review, the Company has not
The future looks promising for the life insurance industry accepted any deposits from the public as per Section 73
with several changes in regulatory framework which will of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies
lead to further change in the way the industry conducts (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014.
its business and engages with its customers. Demographic
factors such as growing middle class, young insurable 7. AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS
population and growing awareness of the need for
Won the The Indian Insurance Awards 2015 for
protection and retirement planning will support the growth under-served Market Penetration, Life Insurance (Large
of Indian life insurance sector.
Companies Category).
With the increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit Won Stars Of The Industry Award for Excellence In Life
the insurance sector will be able to tap into foreign funds, Insurance.
Awarded Golden Peacock National Quality Award 7) SBI Life Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
for the year 2015 at IOD Indias 26th World (UIN: 111G102V01): This is a group, non-linked,
Congress on Leadership For Business Excellence & non-participating one year renewable term insurance
Innovation. product to meet the requirement of Government of
India PMJJBY Scheme.
Won HR Technology Excellence Award at World HRD
Bandhan adjudged Best In House Magazine at the
Financial Year 2015-16 was a year of renewed focus
Global Marketing Excellence Awards. on customer service delivery, process automation &
enhancements in business process and quality. We
SAFA Best Presented Annual Report Awards 2014 - The consistently improved our performance in terms of
Annual Report has been adjudged as the recipient of customer service quality and delivery. Our dedicated efforts
Certificate of Merit for the year 2014 in the category shall increase customer loyalty and help us in sustained
lnsurance Sector development in the coming years. Listed below are the
major initiatives taken by the Company during the FY 2015-
Each of the awards demonstrates Companys commitment 16:
to achieve excellence, across all spheres of its activities and
operations. We owe these awards to the constant support Missed call service: Launch of Missed Call service
and trust reposed by our Policyholders and Stakeholders for knowing fund value of ULIP policies. 245,161
and the hard work and dedication of our work force. missed calls received for querying fund value within
3 months of launch. The service has been successfully
8. PRODUCTS used for the policy revival campaign. 26,994 missed
calls were received showing interest in revival of policy.
SBI Life has a wide range of products catering to various
customer needs in the life, health, pension, on-line & micro-
Surrender prevention: Continuing the Surrender
insurance segments. The products are customer centric,
Prevention initiative, SMART - Surrender Management
simple to understand and have competitive features.
and Retention Tool was launched for branches to help
prevent surrenders. This tool has won the first edition
To maintain its competitive edge in the market, the
of the INNOVITI award for 2015-16.
Company had launched six new individual products and
one new group product in the financial year 2015-16. Revamped customer self service (CSS) portal:
The CSS portal has been revamped with a new
Details of the products launched are as follows: look & design. New functionalities like online
submission of request for change of address and
SBI Life eWealth Insurance (UIN: 111L100V01): updation of bank account details have been included
This is an individual, linked, non- participating product for our customers.
for the online channel.
Special revival campaign - 2015-16: Total ` 127
2) SBI Life CSC- Saral Sanchay (UIN: 111N099V01): crores was collected during the contest which is four
This is an individual, non-linked, non-participating times the amount collected during last 2 campaigns.
variable insurance product marketed through the
Common Service Centers set up by the Department Premium payment facilities
of Electronics and Information Technology under the The customer can now specify a preferred date
National e-Governance Plan. for debit of premium from his account. This gives
customers added convenience and also reduces
3) SBI Life - Smart Money Planner (UIN: 111N101V01): the instances of failed debits.
This is an individual, non-linked, with-profits
endowment (money back type) assurance product. Single mandate for all Alternate Modes is
introduced which will bring convenience to
SBI Life Smart Humsafar (UIN: 111N103V01): customers and sales teams.
This is an individual, non-linked, with-profits joint life
endowment product. SBI e-Pay is a new payment gateway launched by
State Bank of India (SBI) similar to Billdesk run by
5) SBI Life Smart Swadhan Plus (UIN: 111N104V01): It has now gone live.
This is an individual, non-linked, non-participating
term assurance with return of premium product. Online
Standing Instructions (paperless
registration) at New Business & Renewal stage
SBI Life Smart Women Advantage (UIN: introduced for credit card users. While making
111N106V01): This is an individual, non-linked, with- online payment through credit card for both New
profits insurance cum savings product exclusively for Business & Renewal, customer can set up Standing
women. instructions for debit of future premiums. Total
1,894 customers have registered online for this website enabled in respect of CapAssure Defined
facility. Benefit and Defined Contribution schemes,
wherein the master policyholder can view the
Customers while paying Renewal payments online fund value, interest accumulations and claims
through credit card can opt for EMI facility. under its policies.
Renewal payment through wallets/cash cards has Group Corporate portal also enabled for Master
also been introduced. Renewal payment through Policy Holders of Swarna Jeevan policy, which
SBI Buddy, Airtel Money, Pay Cash Card, I Cash enables the Master Policy Holders to view
Card, ITZ Cash Cards enabled. annuitant details as well as to generate duplicate
annuity certificate pertaining to the annuitants.
Real-time cashiering for EFT and Bullet payment
modes like Payment Gateway, AP Online, MP Ladli Online Enrolment Module launched as
Online, and CSC has been enabled instead of per request of Delhi Government. This will also
the normal upload process which requires an enable sending of SMS to members for renewal
additional day for execution. intimations under LADLI scheme.
to have its Customer Grievance Redressal process certified Collecting the Payments through various Payment
under ISO10002:2004 standard. Gateways, including the State Bank of India, Associate
Banks and Regional Rural Banks.
The Companys Grievance Redressal Management System
is fully integrated with Integrated Grievance Redressal 12. CLAIMS
Management System (IGMS) of IRDAI. IGMS provides online
Claims Management is a very important aspect of Insurance
view of customer complaints and the related turnaround
Business. At SBI Life, Customer Relationship at claims stage
time. The IGMS also facilitates escalation of complaints,
is built by providing efficient services, striving to exceed the
where necessary.
customer expectations and creating avenues for widening
self service facilities, including setting up of programmes for
The policyholder can approach the Company through
effective resolution of customer grievances. The prominent
any medium like letter, email, phone calls, SMS, toll free
achievements in the claims area during FY 2015-16 are as
numbers or can directly approach any of the SBI Life follows:
branches for redressal of grievance. Grievance officers
have been nominated for all the Branch Offices, Regional Overall Claim settlement % has improved to 95.77% in
Offices and the Company. If the customer is not satisfied FY 2015-16 as compared to 92.40% in FY 2014-15.
with the resolution provided by the branch, policyholder
can contact the customer care desk at SBI Life Regional Non-Early death claim settlement TAT for FY 2015-16 is
Office. The policyholder can also seek redressal with Head 5.43 days.
Client Relationship at SBI Life Central Processing Center. The
contact details are provided in the policy document and on 13. INVESTMENTS
the SBI Life website. The details of grievance disposal are
as under: Economic activity for Financial Year 2016 continued to
gather pace over the previous year. The annual GDP data
(new series) showed that India not only continued to
Particulars FY 2015-16 FY 2014-15 dominate among the fastest growing nations, but also
Opening balance at the 13 7 bettered its own performance of last year. India grew at
beginning of the year 7.6% versus 7.2% in FY 2015. Commodity prices melt
down and especially crude which was down 28% for the
Add: Additions during the 9,510 12,279
year continued to support a lower import bill for India. The
Current Account Deficit narrowed from an already narrow
Less: Complaints resolved (9,516) (12,273) gap of 1.3% of GDP to 1.11% of GDP by the end of 2015.
during the year The currency however weakened in FY 2016 by as much as
Complaints pending at the 7 13 6% owing to a lot of strength show by US dollar considering
end of the year US seeing its first rate hike since the GFC of 2008. Sensex
ended the year at 25341, down 9.35%.
11. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY In the domestic bond markets, Yield on 10 year Government
Keeping in view the faster changing technologies across of India Bond eased by around 26 bps from 7.72% to
the globe and customer centric conveniences ease of 7.46% despite the Reserve Bank of India reducing the
usage, SBI Life is concentrating on bringing in technological policy interest rates by 75 basis points on account of lower
innovations. Some of the major enhancements / initiatives trajectory of inflation and confidence that the government
are as follows: will stick to its targeted path of fiscal consolidation. The
average yield on 10 year G-sec was 7.74%. It reached a high
a) Infrastructure of 7.99% in May 2015 and a low of 7.46% in March 2016.
The varied news and events during the year and the hot and
As a part of IT modernization, replacement of Core PMS cold monetary policy tone of the RBI have all played a part
Project (Policy Management System) was initiated last year. in this volatility.
Accordingly, the Core PMS System - Ingenium from HP has
been selected and the work is already in progress and Government has made considerable progress by passing of
Phase 1 is targeted to Go Live by the Financial Year 2016-17. The Aadhaar Act, The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act,
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Bill in the Parliament
b) Process Area and The Constitution amendment Bill or the GST Bill. These
will help reinstate confidence of investors in terms of its
This year more focus was given to Customer Friendly
commitment towards reforms.
Digital Initiatives. The following are the major areas covered
this year:
The hawkish tone of RBI in between the intermittent rate
cuts during the regime of Dr. Rajan was instrumental in
Sourcing the Business through Tablet. Special thrust
achieving the disinflationary trend which saw CPI fall from
area was the proposals sourced through State Bank of
8.2% in March 2014 to 4.83% in March 2016. It touched a
India and Associate Banks
low of 3.69% in July 2015. Also RBI maintained its strategy
to amass foreign exchange reserves by allowing the INR to
Collecting the Payments through Mobile Devices.
depreciate has resulted in providing enough buffers against
any external volatility and risks. The Forex reserve has moved Risk philosophy of the Company is outlined in the Risk
higher from $ 340 bn in April 2015 to $ 361 bn by the end Management Policy. The Risk policy specifies the process
of March 2016. for identification, measurement and analysis of Company
risk exposures; develop risk management strategies and
The Assets under Management (AuM) increased by 12% its monitoring. The Risk Management Policy is supported
to ` 79,828 crores as on March 31, 2016 from ` 71,339 by various other policies pertaining to insurance, market,
crores as on March 31, 2015. The AuM was made up of compliance, outsourcing, fraud risks and business continuity
` 43,806 crores of traditional funds (including share holders management. All the above policies are reviewed by the
funds) and ` 36,022 crores of Unit Linked Funds. The Unit Board on an annual basis.
linked portfolio majorly comprises of equity funds and NAV
guaranteed funds. The performance of both traditional and The Companys Business Continuity Management System
unit linked funds was satisfactory in comparison to peers. (BCMS) is ISO 22301 certified and its Information Security
Management System (ISMS) is ISO 27001 certified. The
14. PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES Company has formulated risk appetite statements at the
corporate as well as the functional level, which are reviewed
SBI Life has completed 15 years of being in business. The
and monitored by the Board level Risk Management
FY 2015-16 for SBI Life, has been a period of business out
Committee and Internal Risk Management Committee
performance, large scale transformation and strong efforts
respectively. The Company also carries out an ICAAP
on managing business. This performance has been the result
(Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) activity,
of the relentless focus and effort that the management
which details the assessment of material risks, estimation of
team along with the companys entire workforce has put in
capital requirement and adequacy for maintaining solvency
pursuing its strategy.
SBI Life family has grown from 9,657 employees as on
More information on the risk management practices
March 31, 2015 to 10,863 employees as on March 31, 2016
adopted by the Company is available in the Enterprise Risk
which depicts a growth of 12.48%. While the average age
Management section appended to this report.
of employees is 34.1 years, the average tenure comes to
3 years 6 months. There was a huge focus on alignment
of goals across the organization, communication and
leadership development initiatives that have led to strong The Company has in place a robust internal audit
improvement in business. Various talent acquisition and framework developed with a risk based audit approach
development interventions like Town-Halls and Learning and is commensurate with the nature of the business and
& Development initiatives have been at the centre of HR the size of its operations. The internal audit plan covers the
initiatives during the financial year 2015-16. To take the process audits as well as transaction based audits at the
Companys talent management initiatives to the next level, Head Office, Regional Office and across various branches of
various projects to increase effectiveness of HR subsystems the Company.
like talent acquisition, Learning and Development,
succession planning, employee communication, etc. are The audits are carried out by the internal audit team of
being undertaken. the company and also by the independent Chartered
Accountants firms. The approach of the audit is to verify
Placing higher emphasis on employee engagement compliance with the regulatory, operational and system
activities, the Company continued with the Town Hall related procedures and controls. Key audit observations
initiative through which the Top Management of the and recommendations made by the internal auditors are
Company interacts with the employees at the grass root reported to the Board Audit Committee of the Company.
levels and tries to understand the employees aspirations It is ensured that the recommendations made by the
and expectations from the company. Other initiatives auditors are implemented by various departments.
like Sangam (Annual Day celebrations), cross functional
offsite and corporate dinners were also organized for the 17. INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLS
employees to encourage team bonding and camaraderie
The Company has aligned its current systems of internal
within the SBI Life family.
financial control with the requirement of Companies Act
2013, on lines of globally accepted risk based framework
In accordance with the provisions of Section 197 of the
as issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 5 of the Companies
(COSO). The internal control framework is intended to
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel)
increase transparency and accountability in an organisations
Rules, 2014, the names and other particulars of employees
process of designing and implementing a system of internal
are set out in the Annexure to the Directors Report.
control. The framework requires a company to identify
and analyse risks and manage appropriate responses. The
Company has successfully laid down the framework and
The Company is in the business of covering life risks on ensured its effectiveness.
payment of a premium. Risk Management therefore
becomes an integral part of its business activities. The The Companys internal financial controls framework is
Company is committed to recognizing and managing based on the three lines of defense model. The Company
its risks in a proactive, ongoing and positive manner. has laid down standard operating procedures and policies
to guide the business operations. The Company has a Subsequently, IRDAI issued a circular on Implementation of
well-defined delegation of power with authority limits for Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), on March 1, 2016,
approving revenue and capital expenditure. The C&AG, requiring insurance companies to prepare and execute the
Statutory, Concurrent and Internal Auditors undertake implementation of Ind AS. The circular requires all insurers
rigorous testing of the control environment of the Company. to comply with the Ind AS based financial statements for FY
2018-19 with comparatives of FY 2017-18.
The Company has a Chief Internal Auditor with a dedicated
internal audit team which is commensurate with the The detailed roadmap for implementation of Ind AS was
size, nature & complexity of operations of the Company. placed in the Board Audit Committee meeting held on
The Company also undergoes an independent internal/ April 28, 2016 and Board Meeting held on 29th April 2016.
concurrent audit by specialised third party professional Board Audit Committee shall oversee the progress of the
consultants to review function specific regulatory Ind AS implementation process and report to the Board at
compliances as well as internal controls. quarterly intervals. The Board Audit Committee has been
entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the progress
The audit committee reviews reports submitted by the of the Ind AS implementation process and report to the
Management and audit reports submitted by internal Board quarterly.
auditors and statutory auditors. Suggestions for
improvement are considered and the Audit Committee As mandated by the IRDAI, the Company has set up Steering
follows up on corrective action. The Audit Committee also Committee for implementation of Ind AS comprising of Chief
meets the Companys statutory auditors to ascertain their Financial Officer, Appointed Actuary, Chief Information Officer,
views on the adequacy of internal control systems and keeps Chief Investment Officer and BNP Paribas Cardif representative.
the board of directors informed of its major observations, The Company has also nominated the nodal officer to IRDAI,
if any periodically. to facilitate smooth implementation of Ind AS.
All the Related Party Transactions entered into during the Changes during the year
financial year were on arms length basis and in ordinary During the year under review, Mr. K. M. Bhattacharya ceased
course of business. All related party transactions are placed to be an Independent Director w.e.f. September 22, 2015
before the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors for due to expiry of his tenure. The Board placed on record its
its approval. sincere appreciation for the valuable services and guidance
provided by Mr. K. M. Bhattacharya during his tenure as an
M/s L.S. Nalwaya & Co., Chartered Accountants, reviewed Independent Director.
the related party transactions for each quarter, and
their report is placed at the meeting of the Board Audit Mr. B. Sriram resigned from the Board of SBI Life w.e.f.
Committee, along with details of such transactions. March 15, 2016. Mr. Rajnish Kumar was nominated by
SBI as Nominee Director w.e.f. March 28, 2016. Smt. Joji
All Related Party Transactions as required under Accounting Sekhon Gill was appointed as an Independent Director of
Standards AS-18 are reported in Note 36 of Schedule 16 SBI Life w.e.f. March 28, 2016.
(C) - Notes to Accounts of the financial statements of the
Company. In terms of Section 152 of the provisions of the Companies
Act 2013, Mr. Gerard Binet would retire by rotation at the
19. IND AS IMPLEMENTATION ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, has
offered himself for re-appointment.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notified the
Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 on
February 16, 2015 and issued a press release on January 18,
2016 outlining the road map for implementation of Ind AS in A calendar of Meetings is prepared and circulated in
the financial services sector, including insurance companies. advance to the Directors. During the year, seven Board
Meetings were convened and held, the details of which dated February 13, 2015, the provisions of Section 186 of
are given in the Report on Corporate Governance, which is the Companies Act, 2013 relating to loans, guarantees and
forming a part of this report. The intervening gap between investments do not apply to the Company.
the said Board Meetings was within the period prescribed
under the Companies Act, 2013. 24.
Key Managerial Personnel
Your Company does not have any Subsidiary, Joint Ventures
Mr. Arijit Basu (Managing Director & CEO), Mr. Sangramjit or Associate Company.
Sarangi (Chief Financial Officer) and Mr. Aniket Karandikar
(Company Secretary) are designated Key Managerial 25. PERSISTENCY
Personnel of the Company, under the provisions of the Act.
Persistency is a critical indicator of business viability and
There were no changes in the Key Managerial Personnel
brand success. During the FY 2015-16, SBI Life witnessed
during the FY 2015-16.
a Renewal Premium collection of ` 8,719 crores, which
contributed to 55.09% of Gross Written Premium. SBI Life
Audit Committee
has continued to focus on renewals and has undertaken
The composition and the functions of the Audit Committee initiatives to improve persistency of its existing policies. The
of the Board of Directors of the Company are disclosed in independent Renewal Vertical is focusing on collection of
the Report on Corporate Governance, which is forming a renewal premiums and servicing policyholders. We shall
part of this report. continue to accord prime importance to this area.
AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA (C&AG) ON In terms of Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013
THE ACCOUNTS OF THE COMPANY and the Corporate Governance Guidelines, your Directors
The Comptroller & Auditor General of India have conducted confirm that;
a supplementary audit u/s 143 (6) (b) of the Companies Act,
2013 of the accounts of the Company for the year ended a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year
March 31, 2016. The C&AG vide their report no. GA/CA-1/SBI ended March 31, 2016, the applicable accounting
Life/Audit/2015-16/83 dated August 12, 2016 have stated standards have been followed along with proper
that there is nothing significant which would give rise to any explanation relating to material departures;
comment upon or supplement to Statutory Auditors Report.
they have selected such accounting policies and
The Report of C&AG is being placed with the report of applied them consistently and made judgments and
Statutory Auditors of your Company elsewhere in this estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to
Annual Report. give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company as on March 31, 2016 and of the profit of
31. SECRETARIAL AUDIT the Company for the year ended on that date;
During the financial year 2015-16, no significant or material
orders were passed by the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals
which impact the going concern status and Companys
operations in future.
B. Technology Absorption
C. Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo IRDA/Life/ORD/ Misc/083/03/2014 dated March 11, 2014
amounting to ` 275.29 crores respectively to the members
Details of foreign exchange earnings and outgo required
or the beneficiaries. The Company has filed appeals against
under above Rules are as under:
the said directions/orders with the Appellate Authorities
(` crores) [i.e. Ministry of Finance, Government of India and Securities
Particulars Current Previous Appellate Tribunal (SAT)]. The said amount is disclosed as
Year Year contingent liability as at March 31, 2016 in Schedule 16C
(1) of the notes to accounts.
Foreign exchange earnings - -
Foreign exchange outgo 85.57 59.34 D. Appointed Actuarys Certificate
The certificate of the Appointed Actuary on valuation
37. IRDAI LICENSE and actuarial assumptions is enclosed to the financial
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
of India (IRDAI) have renewed the annual license of
E. Certificate from Compliance Officer (under the
the Company to carry on Life Insurance Business for the
financial year 2016-17. IRDAI Corporate Governance Guidelines)
A Compliance Certificate, for complying with IRDAI
38. OTHER INFORMATION Corporate Governance Guidelines, issued by the Company
Secretary, designated as the Compliance Officer under
A. Economic Capital
IRDAI Corporate Governance Guidelines, is enclosed and
The annual assessment of economic capital of SBI Life forms part of the Corporate Governance Report.
was carried out as on March 31, 2016. As a part of this
exercise, we have quantified the risk capital requirements 39. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
relating to various risks such as Insurance Risks (Mortality
The Directors are grateful to the Insurance Regulatory &
risk, Lapse Risk, Expense Risk etc.) and Non Insurance Risks
Development Authority of India, Reserve Bank of India,
(Market Risk, Operational Risk etc.). The cost of guarantee
Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Securities and
for the products wherever applicable, is also calculated.
Exchange Board of India and Government of India for their
The aggregate economic capital requirement for the risks
continued co-operation, support and advice. The Directors
of the Company including the guarantees is well within the
would also like to take this opportunity to express their
statutory capital requirement.
sincere thanks to the valued customers for their continued
B. Solvency Margin
The Directors are pleased to report that the assets of the The Directors also expresses their gratitude for the advice,
Company are higher than the liabilities of the Company and guidance and support received from time to time, from the
the assets are more than sufficient to meet the minimum auditors and the statutory authorities. The Director expresses
solvency margin level of 1.50 times, as specified in section their deep sense of appreciation to all employees, insurance
64 VA of the Insurance Act, 1938 read with the IRDA (Assets, advisors, corporate agents and brokers, distributors, re-
Liabilities, and Solvency Margin of Insurers) Regulations, insurers, bankers and the Registrars who continue to
2000. The Company has a strong solvency ratio of 2.12 as display outstanding professionalism and commitment,
on March 31, 2016 (Previous year ended March 31, 2015: enabling the organization to retain market leadership in its
2.16) as against the Regulatory requirement of 1.50. business operations. The Directors also wish to express their
gratitude to State Bank of India and BNP Paribas Cardif for
C. IRDAI Directions their continued support and trust.
IRDAI has issued directions under Section 34(1) of the
Insurance Act, 1938, to distribute the administrative For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
charges paid to master policyholders vide order no.
IRDA/Life/ORD/Misc/228/10/2012 dated October 5, 2012
Place: Mumbai Arundhati Bhattacharya
amounting to ` 84.32 crores and to refund the excess
commission paid to corporate agents vide order no. Date: September 08, 2016 Chairman
Maximum disclosure of information to the Board and The Board of Directors of the Company represents an
its Committees for focused and meaningful discussions optimum combination of Executive and Non Executive
in the meetings; Directors for its independent functioning. The Board of
Directors are eminent personalities with significant expertise
Operating in a sound system of internal control and in the fields of finance, insurance, strategy etc.
risk management with a thrust on integrity and
accountability; The Board has strength of ten (10) Directors as on March
31, 2016. The Company has four (4) Independent Directors
Independent verification and assured integrity of
and six (6) Non-Independent Directors.
financial reporting;
Timely and adequate disclosure of all material The Chairman of the Board, Ms. Arundhati Bhattacharya, is
information to all stakeholders; a Non-Executive Director.
Board Meetings The items/ matters required to be placed before the Board,
Notice, Agenda and Minutes inter alia, include:
The meetings of the Board of Directors are usually held Appointment, remuneration & resignation of Directors
in Mumbai where the registered office of the Company is / Key Managerial Personnel;
situated. The Board meets at least once in every quarter, a
To appoint internal and secretarial auditor;
minimum of four (4) meetings are held in a financial year
to review financial results and other regular agendas. The Formation / reconstitution of Board Committees;
Board also meets as and when necessary to address specific
Disclosures of Directors interest and their shareholding;
issues concerning the businesses of the Company.
Review of Financial results including bonus and the
The Board Meetings are governed by a structured Agenda. solvency margin;
The Agenda along with detailed explanatory notes and
Minutes of meetings of Board and Committees of the
supporting material are circulated in advance before
each meeting to all the Directors for facilitating effective
discussion and decision making. The proceedings of each Show cause, demand, penalty notices which are
meeting of the Board and its Committees are conducted in materially important;
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 Companys quarterly and annual Financial results/
and rules made thereunder. statements, Auditors Report and Boards Report;
The Companies Act, 2013 read with rules issued Declaration of Dividend;
thereunder, allows conducting of meetings through audio- Compliance certificate certifying compliance with all
visual means or video-conferencing. Accordingly, the laws applicable to the Company;
Directors are given an option to participate at the meetings
through video conferencing mode. Approval and review of various policies.
In case of a special and urgent business need, the Boards Number of Board Meetings held during FY 2015-16
approval is taken by passing resolutions by circulation, as During the year under review, seven (7) Board
permitted by law, which is confirmed in the next Board Meetings were held on the following dates as against
Meeting. the minimum requirement of four (4) meetings and
the time gap between two successive Board meetings
The Company Secretary is responsible for collation, did not exceed more than 120 days:
review, preparation and distribution of the Agenda papers
April 28, 2015
submitted to the Board and preparation of minutes.
The Company Secretary attends all the meetings of the July 21, 2015
Board and its Committees. The Company Secretary acts
September 08, 2015
as a mediator between the Board of Directors and other
stakeholders to ensure proper flow of information for the October 16, 2015
smooth functioning of the business operations.
November 16, 2015
With a view to leverage on technology and as a Go Green January 22, 2016
initiative, the notice and agenda papers of Board and
March 28, 2016
Committee meetings are circulated to the members and
invitees in soft copy.
Sr. Name of the Directors Board Meetings held Board Meetings Whether attended
No. during the tenure of attended during the the last AGM held on
the Member tenure September 08, 2015
7 Mr. Nilesh Vikamsey 7 4 Yes
8 Mr. Ravi Rambabu 7 7 Yes
9 Mr. K. M. Bhattacharya (ceased to be a 3 0 No
Director w.e.f. September 22, 2015)
10 Mr. Raj Narain Bhardwaj 7 6 Yes
11 Ms. Joji Sekhon Gill NA NA NA
(inducted w.e.f. March 28, 2016)
12 Mr. Arijit Basu 7 7 Yes
NA Not Applicable
*Includes meetings attended by Alternate Director
(II) COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS per Corporate Governance Guidelines, the association
The Committees constituted by the Board play a very of the Managing Director & CEO in the Board Audit
important role in the governance structure of the Committee is limited to eliciting any specific information
Company and they deal in specific areas/ activities concerning audit findings. The Chief Financial Officer,
that need closure review. The Committees have been Chief Audit Officer, Compliance Officer and Appointed
set up under the formal approval of the Board to Actuary are the permanent invitees to the meetings.
carry out pre-defined roles and responsibilities. The
terms of reference of these Committees are in line The Committee overlooks the Companys financial
with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 reporting process and appropriate disclosure of
and Corporate Governance Guidelines issued by financial information to ensure that the financial
IRDAI. The minutes of all the Committee meetings statements are accurate and credible. The role of
are placed before the Board of Directors and the the Committee includes oversight of the financial
Chairman of each Committee briefs the Board on the reporting process, the audit process, the adequacy of
important deliberations and decisions of the respective internal controls, transactions with related parties and
Committees. compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Board has Eight (8) Committees, where the The Committee reviews with the Management all the
members of the Committees take informed decisions quarterly/ half yearly / annual financial statements
in the best interest of the Company. These Committees prior to recommending the same to the Board for
monitor the activities falling within their terms of approval. The Committee also reviews any additional
reference. The details are as follows: work entrusted to the auditors.
A. Board Audit Committee The Audit Committee on regular intervals and in co-
ordination with Internal and Statutory Auditors,
B. Board Investment Committee
reviews the adequacy of Internal Control Systems
within the Company.
C. Board Risk Management Committee
D. Board Policyholder Protection Committee
The Company has a qualified Independent Audit
E. Board Compensation Committee Committee consisting of four (4) Independent
Directors and one (1) Non-Independent Director. All the
F. Board Nomination Committee members of the Committee are financially literate and
have necessary accounting & financial management
G. Board Corporate Social Responsibility Committee expertise/background. Mr. Ravi Rambabu, Chairman of
the Committee is a professional Chartered Accountant
H. Board With Profits Committee with strong financial analysis background.
A. Board Audit Committee The Quorum for the Committee meeting is 1/3rd
The composition of Board Audit Committee is line with members of the Committee or two members, whichever
Clause 7.1 of the Corporate Governance Guidelines is higher, and presence of an Independent Director is
issued by IRDAI and the provisions of the Companies necessary to form the Quorum. The Company Secretary
Act, 2013. acts as the Secretary to the Committee.
The Committee acts as a link between the The composition of the Board Audit Committee as on
Management, Auditors and Board of Directors. As March 31, 2016 is as under:
*Includes meetings attended by Alternate Director To report to the Board, details on the risk
exposures and the actions taken to manage the
C. Board Risk Management Committee exposures;
The Company recognizes that risk is an integral element
of the business and acceptance of risk is essential for To advise the Board with regard to risk
the generation of shareholder value. The Board Risk management decisions in relation to strategic and
Management Committee is constituted pursuant to operational matters such as corporate strategy,
Clause 7.3 of IRDAI Corporate Governance Guidelines. mergers and acquisitions and related matters;
The Company has in place a mechanism to inform the Setting the risk/reward objectives and assess
Board about the risk assessment and minimization policyholder expectations;
procedures and periodical review to ensure that
Quantifying the level of risk exposure and assessing
management controls risk through means of a properly
the expected rewards and costs associated with
defined framework. The Committee also ensures that
the risk exposure;
the Company invests in a manner that would enable
the Company to meet its obligations and at the same
Formulating and implementing optimal ALM
time deliver optimum return to the policyholders.
strategies and meeting risk/reward objectives.
The strategies to be laid down both at product
Subsequent to the 1st amendment to the Corporate
level and enterprise level;
Governance Guidelines of IRDAI dated January 29,
2010, the Asset Liability Management Committee was Laying down the risk tolerance limits;
merged with the Risk Management Committee by the
Board. Monitoring risk exposures at periodic intervals
and revising ALM strategies where required;
The Companys Board Risk Management Committee Placing the ALM information before the Board at
consists of three (3) Independent and two (2) Non- periodic intervals.
Independent Directors. Mr. Ravi Rambabu, Independent
Director, is the Chairman of the Committee. Number of Board Risk Management Committee
Meetings held during FY 2015-16
The Quorum for the Committee meeting is 1/3rd During the year under review, five (5) Board Risk
members of the Committee or two members, Management Committee Meetings were held on the
whichever is higher. The Company Secretary acts as the following dates as per the requirement and the time
Secretary to the Committee. gap between any two meetings was not more than
four months:
The composition of the Board Risk Management April 27, 2015
Committee as on March 31, 2016 is as under:
July 20, 2015
October 15, 2015
Number of Board Compensation Committee The composition of the Board Nomination Committee
Meetings held during FY 2015-16 as on March 31, 2016 is as under:
During the FY 2015-16, three (3) Board Compensation Name of the Committee Designation
Committee Meetings were held on the following dates. Member
Mr. V. G. Kannan Chairman, Non-
April 28, 2015 Independent Director
July 20, 2015 Mr. Ravi Rambabu Member, Independent
March 28, 2016
Name of the Committee Designation The Committee has been formed in line with provisions
Member of Companies Act, 2013 and Corporate Social
Mr. Nilesh Vikamsey Member, Independent Responsibility Policy Rules, 2014. The Committee
Director consists of two (2) Independent Directors, one (1) Non-
Independent Director, Managing Director & CEO ED
Mr. Raj Narain Bhardwaj Member, Independent
Director Actuarial & Risk Management and Chief Risk Officer,
Head - HR & Management Services and Chief Financial
Ms. Joji Sekhon Gill Member, Independent
Officer. Mr. Raj Narain Bhardwaj, Independent Director,
is the Chairman of the Committee.
Mr. Gerard Binet Member, Non-
Independent Director
The Quorum for the Committee meeting is 1/3rd
Mr. Arijit Basu Member, Managing
members of the Committee or two members,
Director & CEO
whichever is higher. The Company Secretary acts as the
Secretary to the Committee. A detailed report on CSR
Terms of Reference
activities is enclosed as Annexure - II of the Directors
To make independent / discreet references, where report.
necessary, well in time to verify the accuracy of
the information furnished by the applicant; The composition of the Board Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee as on March 31, 2016 is as
To scrutinize the declarations of intending
applicants before the appointment /
reappointment / election of directors by the
shareholders at the General Meetings. Name of the Committee Designation
Number of Board Nomination Committee Meetings Mr. Raj Narain Bhardwaj Chairman, Independent
held during FY 2015-16 Director
Mr. Ravi Rambabu Member, Independent
During the FY 2015-16, two (2) Board Nomination
Committee Meetings were held on the following dates -
Mr. Gerard Binet Member, Non-
April 27, 2015 Independent Director
Mr. Arijit Basu Member, Managing
March 28, 2016 Director & CEO
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Pujari Member, ED Actuarial
Attendance of Members & Risk Management and
The details of attendance at the Companys Board Chief Risk Officer
Nomination Committee Meetings held during the FY Ms. Varsha Mondkar Member, Head- HR &
2015-16 are as follows: Management Services
Mr. Sangramjit Sarangi Member, Chief Financial
Name of the Meetings Number
Committee Member held during of
Terms of Reference
the tenure of Meetings
the Member attended To formulate and recommend CSR Policy to the
Mr. V. G. Kannan 2 0
Mr. Ravi Rambabu 2 2 To monitor compliance with CSR Policy and
Mr. Nilesh Vikamsey 2 2 recommend required changes in the policy from
Mr. Raj Narain Bhardwaj 2 2 time to time.
Ms. Joji Sekhon Gill NA NA
(inducted w.e.f. March To recommend to the Board the CSR activities/
28, 2016) proposals and the amount of expenditure to be
Mr. Gerard Binet 2 2* incurred.
Mr. Arijit Basu 2 2
To monitor surplus arising from the CSR activities
*Includes meeting attended by Alternate Director and issuance of necessary directions in this regard.
G. Board Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Number of Board Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility forms an integral part Committee Meetings held during FY 2015-16
of the Companys corporate principles and business During the year under review, five (5) Board Corporate
philosophy. As a Company with a strong sense of values Social Responsibility Committee Meetings were held
and commitment, SBI Life believes that profitability on the following dates as per the requirement and the
must go hand in hand with a sense of responsibility time gap between any two meetings was not more
towards employees, stakeholders and the society. than four months:
(IV) ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION BY THE summary of the ratings as provided by the Directors was
BOARD prepared by the Company Secretary. The Nomination
In terms of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 Committee has further carried out evaluation of all
readwith rules made thereunder, the Board of Directors Directors including Independent Directors. The report
on the recommendation of the Board Nomination of performance evaluation so arrived at was then
Committee, have evaluated the effectiveness of the noted and discussed by the Nomination Committee
Board. Accordingly, the performance evaluation of and the Board in their respective meetings.
the Board, each Director and Committees was carried
out for the financial year ending March 31, 2016. The (V) SITTING FEES TO INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS
evaluation was based on various aspects like level of The details of sitting fees paid to the Independent
participation in the Board meetings, expression of Directors, during the FY 2015-16, for attending Board
views and opinions on critical issues etc. A consolidated and other Committee meetings are as under:
(Amount in `)
Meeting / Directors Mr. Nilesh Mr. Ravi Mr. Raj Narain Mr. K. M.
Vikamsey Rambabu Bharadwaj Bhattacharya
Board 160,000 275,000 230,000 -
Audit Committee 120,000 155,000 155,000 NA
Investment Committee 85,000 155,000 155,000 NA
Risk Management Committee 100,000 125,000 125,000 NA
Policyholder Protection Committee 75,000 125,000 125,000 25,000
Compensation Committee 50,000 75,000 25,000 -
CSR Committee NA 125,000 125,000 NA
Nomination Committee 50,000 50,000 50,000 NA
With Profits Committee NA NA 75,000 NA
Meeting of Independent Directors 25,000 25,000 25,000 NA
Total 665,000 1,110,000 1,090,000 25,000
NA Not Applicable
Business Continuity Management Policy of the Company and the Key Personnel have
not taken any undue advantage of any price-
Related Party Transactions Policy
sensitive information that they may have in the
Policy on Maintenance of Insurance Records course of working with the Company. The policy
stipulates conditions for prior approvals for
(b) Compliance Certification investment purposes by the Key Personnel and
Information relating to applicable laws, quarterly / annual disclosures of investments
regulations and circulars related to insurance and transactions and holdings. A status report on the
other regulatory requirements is disseminated implementation of the policy and instances of
to various functions across the Company. In violation, if any, is placed before the Board Audit
order to ensure existence of compliance culture Committee on a quarterly basis.
at all the levels, the Company has put in place a (f) Insurance Awareness Policy
robust compliance certification process, wherein
With the intention of focusing on need based
respective functional Heads provides certificate of
selling and creating awareness about insurance
Compliance on a quarterly basis to the Managing
Pan- India, the Company has put in place a Board
Director & CEO. Based on the certification from
approved Insurance Awareness Policy. The policy
respective functional heads, a compliance
provides for insurance literacy and awareness
certificate by the Managing Director & CEO along
campaigns across the country to help people
with Compliance Officer is placed at the Board
understand the merits of availing life insurance.
and the Board Audit Committee on a quarterly
The activities undertaken by the Company is
in line with the National Strategy for Financial
Education. The Company ensures high standards
(c) Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
of customer service and for the same the
The Company has laid down its code of conduct Company has undertaken the task of educating its
and ethics by adopting the following practices customers of their rights and responsibilities, the
and policies: various benefits and the need for life insurance
Confidentiality of Information cover through this policy. A status report on the
insurance awareness is also submitted to the
Employment conduct Regulatory Authority.
Conflict of Interest (g) Sexual Harassment Policy
Compliance to Laws, Rules & Regulations The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
Policy for Prevention of Sexual Harassment
provides protection against sexual harassment
(d) Whistle Blower Policy of women at workplace and for the prevention
and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment.
The Company has a Board approved Whistle The Company has a laid down policy on sexual
Blower Policy in place which allows for disclosure harassment at work place and has communicated
by employees and also permits the Company to to all its employees about the same. The Company
address such disclosures or complaints by taking believes in providing a safe working environment
appropriate action, including but not limited to, at the workplace.
disciplining or terminating the employment and/
or services of those responsible. The purpose of The details of the total tiled and disposed cases
this Policy is to provide a framework to promote pertaining to incidents under the policy are as
responsible and secure whistle blowing. The follows:
details of whistle blower cases are presented to Particulars No. of Cases
the Board Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.
Number of cases filed during 1
(e) Employee Dealing Policy the year
The Company has issued this Board approved Number of cases disposed 1
Employee Dealing Policy as a part of Compliance during the year
Assurance framework and monitor the investment
transactions done by all Key Personnel. The (h) Policy on Maintenance of Insurance Records
policy has identified Key Personnel as per norms The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that
prescribed by Technical Guide on review and necessary records and documents of the
certification of Investment risk Management Company including that of every policy issued
Systems & Processes of Insurance Companies and every claim made are adequately protected
issued by ICAI. Employees must recognize that and maintained and to ensure that records that
their actions must all the times withstand scrutiny are no longer needed or are of no value are
from the Company when considering personal discarded in timely manner. This Policy is also for
investment opportunities. The policy ensures that the purpose of aiding employees of the Company
all security transactions by these Key Personnel in understanding their obligations in retaining
does not affect any actual or potential interest electronic documents. In accordance with the
regulatory requirement, this policy also provides a broad framework for processing and maintenance of records,
privacy and security of policyholder and claim data, security of hardware and software, Business Continuity & Data
The Company is a non listed Indian subsidiary company of State Bank of India (SBI), which holds 74% of the Companys
share capital. The Company regularly reports all its material information to SBI including minutes, financial statements,
significant transactions, major arrangements / agreements, etc.
(a) The Management Discussion & Analysis Report
The Management Discussion & Analysis Report, giving an overview of the industry, the Companys business and
its financials is provided separately as a part of this Annual Report.
The disclosures required under IRDAI Corporate Governance Guidelines are disclosed elsewhere as part of Annual
Further, in order to achieve Companys commitment towards implementation of best Corporate Governance
practices, the Company has voluntarily adopted and implemented Corporate Governance provisions prescribed
under SEBI (Listing Obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015.
(b) The details of Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) held in last three financial years and special resolutions passed
No EGMs have been held in the last three financial years.
D. Dividend History
Sr. Financial Interim/Final Rate of Dividend Date of Date of Payment (Date
No. Year Declaration of dividend Warrant)
1 2011-12 Final 5% (` 0.50 per share) July 14, 2012 August 06, 2012
2 2012-13 Interim 5% (` 0.50 per share) March 25, 2014 April 05, 2013
3 2013-14 Interim 10% (` 1.0 per share) March 25, 2014 April 10, 2014
4 2014-15 Interim 12% (` 1.2 per share) March 27, 2015 April 06, 2015
5 2015-16 Interim 12% (` 1.2 per share) March 28, 2016 April 25, 2016
E. Shareholding Pattern
The Shareholding pattern of the Company as on March 31, 2016 is as follows:
Sr. Name of Shareholders No. of Equity Shares % of Shareholding
No. held
1 State Bank of India 73,99,99,994 74%
2 BNP Paribas Cardif 26,00,00,000 26%
3 Mr. V. G. Kannan* 2 -
4 Mr. Arijit Basu* 1 -
5 Mr. R N Sahay * 1 -
6 Mr. V K Monga * 1 -
7 Mr. Rajiv Kumar Saxena* 1 -
Total 100,00,00,000 100%
* These shares are held in the beneficial interest on behalf of State Bank of India.
F. Means of Communication
The quarterly/half-yearly and annual results of the Company are published in the newspapers and posted on the
website of the Company. The quarterly/half-yearly and annual results along with the Segmental Report are generally
published in Economic Times, The Hindu Business Line, Business Standard, Financial Express and Loksatta and also
displayed on the website. The financial results of the Company for the last 10 years are available on the Companys
website (
I, Aniket Karandikar, hereby certify that the Company has complied with the Corporate Governance Guidelines for
Insurance Companies as amended from time to time and nothing has been concealed or suppressed.
Place: Mumbai
Date: September 08, 2016
(As prescribed under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
Rules 2014)
1. A brief outline of the Companys Corporate materials. The program eased the burden of the
Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, including parents who constantly struggle to make ends meet.
overview of projects or programs proposed to
be undertaken and a reference to the web-link The Company organised My Art My World- an All
to the CSR policy and projects or programs: India Drawing Competition, with an objective to
showcase the creative talent of the school going
Company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objective children from remote locations. More than 1,500
is to ameliorate conditions of the people from the students participated in the competitions organized at
underprivileged sections of the society by facilitating different government schools across remote areas of
them with education, adequate healthcare facilities the country.
and contributing towards making their lives better. The
Company has been a pioneer in various CSR initiatives and The Company further initiated Khushiyon ka Lunch
we continue to remain focused on improving the quality of box, where 52,000 lunch boxes would be distributed
life and engaging communities through health, education, to the children from the economically backward strata
and infrastructure development. During the last two years, of the society.
the Company has spent over ` 18.05 crores on CSR activities
(inclusive of CSR spends in Financial Year 2014-15). Determined to improve the learning environment in
the various schools, Company has encouraged the
Details about the CSR policy and initiatives taken by the development of nearly 60 schools with amenities
Company on CSR during the year are available on our across districts of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar,
website viz. URL: Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West
Bengal, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
The Company contributed towards the provision
of basic school infrastructure like school assembly
Companys CSR initiatives focus on education, health hall, school benches, school boards, water purifiers,
and rural development and also intervenes in the areas computers, etc. Company also ensured the safety
of disaster relief, environment and ethnicity all aimed at of the children by building walls and repairing the
improving the quality of life of the communities. school infrastructure, building roofs, etc. Efforts were
also taken towards better recreation and sanitation
Key CSR Achievements facilities for children in the school.
Installation of four solar lights in Machale village,
Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Sr. CSR project or activity Sector in Projects or Programs Amount Amount Spent Cumulative Amount
No. identified which the (1) Local area or other Outlay on the Projects or expenditure Spent: Direct
project is (2) Specify the State and district where Projects or (budget) Programs. Sub- upto the or through
covered Programs was undertaken Project or heads: (1) Direct reporting Implementing
Program Expenditure on period Agency
wise Projects or Programs (`in lakhs)
(` in lakhs) (2) Overheads
(` in lakhs)
2 Contributed towards Education Kerala (Karivellor, Thiruvalla,Trivendrum, Ariyur, 20.7 Direct: 20.3 20.3 Direct
the improvement of the Malayidomthuruthu), Rajasthan (Alwar), Maharashtra Overheads: Nil
school infrastructure (Wadala), West Bengal (Kolkata)
like renovation of
classrooms, sanitation
facilities, kitchen
facilities, etc. to create
a better learning
environment for the
Statutory Report
Mysore), Gujarat (Patan, Ahmedabad), Uttar Pradesh
(Lucknow), Odisha (Cuttack, Bhubaneshwar), Tamilnadu
(Chennai), West Bengal (Kolkata, Depal), Bihar (Patna),
Chandigarh, New Delhi
Statutory Report
4 Contributed towards Healthcare Maharashtra (Mumbai), West Bengal (Kolkata), Kerala 174.0 Direct: 138.8 139.2 Direct and
Management Review and
the treatment of the (Puthukkulangara, Trivandrum, Nedumangad, Thrissur, Overheads: 0.4 Cankids Kidscan
poor and needy people Neyyattinkara), Tamil Nadu (Chennai), New Delhi,
by procuring various Karnataka (Bangalore), Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad),
medical, healthcare Gujarat (Ahmedabad), Bihar (Patna), Uttar Pradesh
facilities to the (Lucknow)
hospitals, institutes,
etc. Company also
contributed towards
the treatment of Poor
Financial Statements
Minister's Swachh Minister Fund Overheads: Nil
Bharat Kosh for and Flood
improving cleanliness Relief
levels in rural and urban
Statutory Report
areas, including in
schools, also provided
Management Review and
6. In case the Company has failed to spend the two per cent of the average net profit of the
last three financial years or any part thereof, the Company shall provide the reasons for not
spending the amount in its Board report.
Not Applicable
7. A responsibility statement of the CSR Committee that the implementation and monitoring
of CSR Policy, is in compliance with CSR objectives and Policy of the company.
The CSR Committee hereby confirms that the implementation and monitoring of CSR activities is in compliance with CSR
objectives and the CSR Policy of the company.
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Mumbai
Date: September 08, 2016
For the Financial Year ended March 31, 2016
[Pursuant to section 204 (1) of the companies Act, 2013 and Rule No.9 of the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel Rules, 2014)]
To, b)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
The Members, (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992:
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited
Mumbai c)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
I have conducted the Secretarial Audit of the compliance of Regulations, 2009:
applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to good
corporate practices by SBI Life Insurance Company Limited. d)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(hereinafter called the Company). Secretarial Audit was (Employees Stock Options Scheme and Employee
conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines 1999:
basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/statutory
compliances and expressing my opinion thereon. e) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue
of Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008:
Based on my verification of the Companys books, papers,
minute books, forms and returns filed and other records f)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
maintained by the company and also the information (Registrar to Issue and Share Transfer Agents)
provided by the Company, its officers, agents and Regulations, 1993 regarding the Companies Act,
authorised representatives during the conduct of Secretarial and dealing with client:
Audit, I hereby report that in our opinion the Company had
during the audit period covering the financial year ended g)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
on March 31, 2016, complied with the statutory provisions (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009:
listed hereunder and also that the Company has proper
board-processes and compliance mechanism in place to the h)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
extent in the manner and subject to the reporting made (Buyback of Securities) Regulations 1998 and
The Securities Contracts(Regulation) Act, 1956
I have examined the books papers, minute books, forms and (SCRA) and the Rules made there-under:
returns filed and other records maintained by the Company
for the financial year ended on March 31, 2016 according v)
The Company, being a life insurance company, has
to the provisions of: complied with the Insurance Act, 1938 and regulations,
guidelines and directions issued by the Insurance
i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the Rules Regulatory & Development Authority of India (IRDAI).
made there-under; The Company has its own robust compliance system
and the Company is also subject to monitoring by and
ii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and reporting of compliances to IRDAI.
Bye-laws framed there under;
vi) I have also examined compliance with the applicable
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) clauses of the Secretarial Standards issued by The
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder to the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
extent of Foreign Direct Investment, overseas Direct
Investment and External Commercial Borrowings; During the period under review the Company has complied
with the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations,
iv) The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed Guidelines, Standards, etc.
under Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,
1992, (SEBI Act) are not applicable to the Company I, further report that:
as the Company is not a listed entity:
The Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted
The Securities and Exchange Board of India, with proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive
(Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Directors and Independent Directors. The changes in
Regulations, 2011: composition of the Board of Directors that took place during
the period under review were carried out in compliance I further report that during the audit period the Company
with the provisions of the Act. has no any specific event.
To, 4.
Wherever required, I obtained management
The Members, representation about the compliance of laws, rules,
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited regulations, norms and standards and happening of
Mumbai events.
My report of even date is to be read along with this letter: 5. The compliance of the provisions of the Corporate and
other laws, rules, regulations, norms and standards is
1. Maintenance of secretarial record is responsibility of the responsibility of the management. My examination
the management of the Company. My responsibility was limited to the verification of procedure on test
is to express an opinion on these secretarial records basis.
based on our audit.
The secretarial audit report is neither an assurance
2. I have followed the audit practices and processes as as to the future viability of the Company nor of the
were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance efficiency or effectiveness with which the management
about correctness of the contents of the secretarial has conducted the affairs of the Company.
records. The verification was done on test basis to
ensure that the correct facts are reflected in secretarial
records. I believe that the practices and processes, I FOR V V CHAKRADEO & CO.
followed provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
as on the financial year ended on March 31, 2016
[Pursuant to section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
I. CIN U99999MH2000PLC129113
V. Address of the Registered office and contact details Natraj M.V. Road & Western Express Highway Junction,
Andheri (East), Mumbai 400069
Tel.: +91 22 6191 1000
Fax: +91 22 6191 0338
Sr. No. Name and Description of main NIC Code of the Product/ service % to total turnover of the
products / services company
Sr. No Name and Address of the Company CIN/GLN Holding/ Subsidiary/ % of Shares Applicable
Associate Held Section
d) Banks/FI - - - - - - - - NIL
e) Any Other. - 260,000,000 260,000,000 26.00% - 260,000,000 260,000,000 26.00% NIL
Sub-total (A) (2):- - 260,000,000 260,000,000 26.00% - 260,000,000 260,000,000 26.00% NIL
Total shareholding of Promoter (A) = (A)(1)+(A)( 2) - 999,999,994 999,999,994 100.00% - 999,999,994 999,999,994 100.00% NIL
B. Public Shareholding
1. Institutions
a) Mutual Funds - - - - - - - - NIL
b) Banks/FI - - - - - - - - NIL
c) Central Govt - - - - - - - - NIL
d) State Govt(s) - - - - - - - - NIL
Statutory Report
g) FIIs - - - - - - - - NIL
h) Foreign Venture Capital Funds - - - - - - - - NIL
i) Others (specify) - - - - - - - - NIL
Sub-total (B)(1):- - - - - - - - - NIL
2. Non- Institutions
a) Bodies Corp.
i. Indian - - - - - - - - NIL
ii. Overseas - - - - - - - - NIL
b) Individuals
Financial Statements
i. Individual shareholders holding nominal - 6.00 6.00 0.00% - 6.00 6.00 0.00% NIL
share capital upto Rs. 1 lakh
ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal - - - - - - - - NIL
share capital in excess of Rs 1 lakh
c) Others (specify) - - - - - - - - NIL
Sub-total (B)(2):- - 6.00 6.00 0.00% - 6.00 6.00 0.00% NIL
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+ (B)(2) - 6.00 6.00 0.00% - 6.00 6.00 0.00% NIL
d) Shares held by Custodian for GDRs & ADRs - - - - - - - - NIL
Grand Total (A+B+C) - 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 100.00% - 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 100.00% NIL
Additional Information
Sr. no. Shareholders name Shareholding at the beginning of the year Share holding at the end of the year
No. of Shares % of total Shares of %of Shares Pledged / No. of Shares % of total Shares of %of Shares Pledged / % change in share
the company encumbered to total the company encumbered to total holding during the
shares shares year
1 State Bank of India 74,00,00,000* 74% NIL 74,00,00,000* 74% NIL -
2 BNP Paribas Cardif 26,00,00,000 26% NIL 26,00,00,000 26% NIL -
*Includes shares held by individuals in the beneficial interest of SBI. There is no change in the promoters shareholding during the FY 2015 -16.
Sr. no. Shareholding at the beginning of the year Cumulative Shareholding during the year
For Each of the Top 10 Shareholders No. of shares % of total shares of the No. of shares % of total shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year
Corporate Overview
2 Date wise Increase /Decrease in Share holding during the year specifying
the reasons for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus / sweat
equity etc):
3 At the End of the year ( or on the date of separation, if separated during
the year)
Sr. No. Name of the Director / KMP Shareholding at the beginning of the year Cumulative Shareholding during the year
Management Review and
MR. Arijit Basu, MD & CEO* No. of shares % of total shares of the No. of shares % of total shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
2 Date wise increase / decrease in share holding during the year specifying
the reasons for increase / decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/ sweat Nil Nil Nil Nil
equity etc):
Financial Statements
ii. Interest due but not paid NIL NIL NIL NIL
iii. Interest accrued but not due
Total (i+ii+iii) NIL NIL NIL NIL
VI. Remuneration of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel
A. Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole-time Directors and/or Manager:
(` 000)
Sl. Particulars of Remuneration
Statutory Report
3. Sweat Equity
4. Commission
- as % of profit
- others, specify
5 Others, please specify
Total (A) 4,701
Additional Information
Sr. Particulars of Remuneration Key Managerial Personnel
No. Mr. Sangramjit Sarangi, Mr. Aniket Karandikar, Total Amount
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Statutory Report
- others, specify
5 Others, please specify
Total 10,369 1,703 12,072
Additional Information
Compounding - - - - -
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Financial Statements
Additional Information
The key focus areas of the framework are: Capital Rolling Plan which is regularly monitored. Risk
Strategic Risk Assessment & Capital Planning assessment and risk management forms an integral
part of these activities. Further, the risk categories have
been standardised to ensure seamless assessment.
Risk Universe The same are described in SBI Life Risk Management
Risk Awareness Policy & Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
(ICAAP) document. These documents are reviewed by
a. Strategic Risk Assessment & Capital Planning the Risk Management Committee of the Board on an
SBI Life conducts Strategic Risk Assessment activity annual basis.
for identification, assessment, mitigation, monitoring
b. Governance
and controlling Top risks facing the Company on
an annual basis. There is a well established Asset A risk reporting process has been formulated and
Liability Management process along with Strategic implemented to manage risk governance requirements.
Asset Allocation based on matching of liabilities with Risk management is considered to be the responsibility
different asset classes & duration. As a part of Capital of every employee of SBI Life and the same is driven by
Budgeting activity, the Company develops a 5 year the Board.
A detailed Risk Profile report is submitted to Enterprise discussed with stakeholders and mitigation strategies
Group Risk Management Committee (EGRMC) of SBI are devised with appropriate monitoring & control.
on a quarterly basis.
Market Risk - The Investments department complies
Further, an Assessment is carried out to identify the with all regulations on Investments issued by IRDAI
major risks faced by the Company for the ensuing year. from time to time. Investments are done strictly in
Based on the same the top risks are identified. Detailed line with the IRDAI regulations and as per State Bank
mitigation plans are devised for the top risks and the Group guidelines. The Investment Policy is exhaustive
same is monitored closely. and covers all the key areas of Risk Management &
reporting with regard to Market Risk. Market risk is
A quarterly Risk Management Committee (RMC) of further mitigated by matching assets and liabilities by
Executives and Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) is type and duration and matching cashflows. Guarantees
convened to discuss the ongoing risk management provided on the products are assessed and monitored
issues. In accordance with the IRDA Corporate on an ongoing basis.
Governance guidelines, SBI Life has also set up RMC at
the Board level. These Committees meet on a quarterly Insurance Risk - Insurance risk is managed at the
basis. The RMC of the Board provides directions on process level through appropriate system validations
Risk Management & Asset Liability Management. and functional structuring with the aid of analytical
& modeling tools. The Actuarial team has formulated
c. Risk Universe policies like Stress Test Policy, Reinsurance Policy and
The Company is exposed to several risks in its pursuit ALM Policy for Asset Liabilities Management. The
for achievement of its business goals and objectives. Department has been actively involved in Economic
The Company has put in place adequate safeguard(s) Capital computation based on the Solvency II norms.
to mitigate these risks. In the capital adequacy
framework, various risks are assessed and quantified d. Risk Awareness
by allocating capital to each risk at the desired level Sensitization and awareness creation of Risk
of confidence. Some of the key risk areas and their Management across the Company is done
assessment are detailed below: through Training, Workshops, E-mailers, Seminars,
Conferences, Quizzes, and Compendium of Loss
Operational Risk - Operational risks are managed incidents. 1st September of every year is celebrated as
through tools like Risk Registers, Risk Control Self Risk Awareness Day wherein customized audio visuals
Assessment (RCSA), web-based Incident Reporting, are broadcasted to enhance the risk awareness levels
Business Continuity Planning, Information Security among employees.
processes and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs). The risks are
In accordance with the Insurance Regulatory and 7. Investments of Life Insurance Funds
Development Authority (Preparation of financial Statements
The Company certifies that no part of the life
and Auditors Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations,
insurance fund has been directly or indirectly applied
2002, and circulars/guidelines issued by IRDA thereafter, the
in contravention of the provisions of the Insurance
following Management Report is submitted by the Board of
Act, 1938 and all investments made are in accordance
Directors for the accounting year ended March 31, 2016.
with IRDA (Investment) Regulations, 2000, and orders/
The Management of the Company confirms, certifies and
declares as below: directions issued by IRDAI thereafter.
(i) Experience analysis: The Company conducts (ii) Risk Control Self Assessment (RCSA)
its experience analysis quarterly to ensure
RCSA requires each business unit within the
that corrective action can be initiated at the
Company to identify and assess inherent
earliest opportunity and that assumptions
risks and controls relevant to the risk. The
used in product pricing and embedded value
risk events are then mapped to the existing
are in line with experience.
control framework to determine the residual
(ii) Product features: The Company uses risk. The controls are periodically assessed
features like bonuses, guaranteed additions for its effectiveness.
(iii) Incident Reporting The ageing of claims registered and not settled are as
The Company also has a web-based incident
reporting process to collect loss incidents (i) Traditional Claims
to track the extent of operational risk. The
incident reporting tool has helped the ` (000)
company in development of system based Period As at March 31, 2016
modules for operational efficiency and to Count Amount
prevent recurrence. Loss data records may
Upto 30 Days 4,677 163,778
be used to estimate the capital required for
operational risk. 30 Days To 6 Months 20,766 354,549
market securities are valued at historical cost subject 12. Review of Asset Quality
to amortisation of premium or accretion of discount The Company invests its funds in Government
on yield to maturity basis. Fixed Deposit and Reverse Securities, bonds & debentures, equity shares, money
Repo are valued at cost. market instruments, fixed deposits, etc in accordance
Investments in mutual funds and listed equity securities with the Investment guidelines prescribed by IRDAI
are recorded at fair value. Unrealised gains or losses from time to time. The assets held are ` 79,828 crores
arising due to change in fair value are recognised in as on March 31, 2016 and is having the following
the Revenue Account bifurcation:
* Includes Investment in Loans, Loan against policy, Venture Funds and Net Current Assets.
The Investments are made with strong research recommendations based on fundamentals, long term view and
growth potentials. Around 82% of the equity investments are in large cap Nifty 50 Index stocks and approximately
94% (including Central Government Securities, State Government Securities and Other Approved Securities) of the
rated debt investments are in AAA or equivalent rating for long term and A1+ or equivalent rating for short term
instruments, which indicates the safe & reliable asset quality. The Company follows the guidelines, prescribed by IRDAI,
with respect to strong Investment Risk Management Systems & Processes. Further, all the investment transactions are
subject to independent Concurrent Audit.
Returns generated by Unit Linked Funds during the year are given below:
Funds AUM as on Return for 1 Year Return for 3 Years Return for 5 Years
31st March (CAGR) (CAGR)
2016 Fund Bench- Fund Bench- Fund Bench-
(` crores) mark mark mark
Equity 3,795.72 -6.96% -8.86% 15.38% 10.83% 9.74% 5.81%
Equity Pension 663.57 -7.53% -8.86% 15.06% 10.83% 9.11% 5.81%
Equity Pension II 101.97 -7.18% -8.86% NA NA NA NA
Growth# 618.94 -2.93% -3.76% 12.59% 10.55% 7.98% 6.98%
Growth Pension 285.44 -2.48% -3.76% 12.83% 10.55% 8.00% 6.98%
Equity Optimiser 1,560.94 -3.64% -5.48% 12.96% 10.66% 7.20% 6.60%
Equity Optimiser Pension Fund 238.46 -4.22% -5.48% 12.49% 10.66% 7.00% 6.60%
Equity Elite 20.06 -3.10% -5.48% 14.08% 10.66% 8.49% 6.60%
Equity Elite Fund II 473.85 -3.93% -5.48% 13.54% 10.66% 8.52% 6.60%
Balanced 948.81 0.27% -0.34% 10.31% 10.23% 8.07% 7.63%
Balanced Pension 135.78 0.53% -0.34% 10.57% 10.23% 8.19% 7.63%
Bond 5,268.41 6.97% 8.24% 9.11% 8.97% 9.38% 8.77%
Funds AUM as on Return for 1 Year Return for 3 Years Return for 5 Years
31st March (CAGR) (CAGR)
2016 Fund Bench- Fund Bench- Fund Bench-
(` crores) mark mark mark
Bond Pension 477.43 7.31% 8.24% 9.53% 8.97% 9.69% 8.77%
Bond Pension II 427.24 7.33% 8.24% NA NA NA NA
Money Market 97.90 8.27% 8.06% 8.51% 8.82% 8.39% 8.63%
Pension Money Market 29.07 8.52% 8.06% 9.53% 8.82% 9.47% 8.63%
Pension Money Market II 22.30 8.08% 8.06% NA NA NA NA
Flexi Protect 3,398.44 -0.26% NA 12.05% NA 8.08% NA
Flexi Protect (Series II) Fund 2,572.04 -1.40% NA 13.31% NA 7.99% NA
Group Balance Plus 66.69 4.68% 3.95% 10.85% 9.68% 9.53% 8.29%
Group Balance Plus Fund II 29.93 4.32% 3.95% NA NA NA NA
Group Debt Plus 2.73 5.93% 6.53% 10.71% 9.27% 9.95% 8.60%
Group Debt Plus Fund II 37.35 6.86% 6.53% NA NA NA NA
Group Growth Plus Fund 26.23 1.07% 0.52% 11.98% 10.13% 9.73% 7.78%
Group Growth Plus Fund II 0.98 -0.53% 0.52% NA NA NA NA
Group Short Term Plus Fund 0.05 7.17% 8.24% 10.50% 8.97% NA NA
Group Short Term Plus Fund II 7.87 7.96% 8.24% NA NA NA NA
Guarantee Plus 20.33 6.87% NA 8.11% NA 8.08% NA
GPF_100710_10 Fund
Guaranteed Pension Fund 12.50 5.60% NA 6.73% NA 6.84% NA
Daily Protect Fund 2,697.06 0.36% NA 12.24% NA 7.19% NA
Daily Protect Fund - II 1,674.38 -1.25% NA 13.12% NA 7.49% NA
Daily Protect Fund - III 5,399.17 -1.94% NA 14.32% NA NA NA
RGF070311 231.97 7.74% NA 8.17% NA 7.97% NA
RGF150611 109.77 7.75% NA 8.25% NA NA NA
P/E Managed Fund 502.53 -4.09% NA 12.44% NA 7.46% NA
Discontinued Policy Fund 1,631.79 8.11% NA 6.82% NA NA NA
Discontinue Pension Fund 20.85 7.20% NA NA NA NA NA
Index Fund 1,472.49 -8.31% -8.86% 11.03% 10.83% 6.09% 5.81%
Index Pension Fund 63.08 -8.25% -8.86% 11.05% 10.83% 6.16% 5.81%
Top 300 Fund 546.16 -4.05% -5.48% 11.31% 10.66% 7.80% 6.60%
Top 300 Pension Fund 331.61 -4.01% -5.48% 11.44% 10.66% 7.83% 6.60%
NA- indicates that the fund has not completed the relevant period under consideration
14. Payments made to individuals, firms, companies and organisations in which directors are
The details of payments made to individuals, firms, companies and organizations in which directors are interested are
as follows:
` (000)
Sr. Name of Director Entity in which Director is Interested as Amount of payment
No. interested during the year
1 Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya State Bank of India Chairman 4,983,833
State Bank of Patiala Chairman 147,763
State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur Chairman 263,199
State Bank of Hyderabad Chairman 315,292
State Bank of Mysore Chairman 127,983
State Bank of Travancore Chairman 126,176
SBI Cards & Payment Services Chairman 2,149
Private Ltd.
SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd Chairman 4,025
2 Mr. Balasubramanyam Sriram State Bank of India Director 4,983,833
(resigned w.e.f March 15, 2016) SBICAP Securities Ltd. Director 19,523
SBI Cards & Payment Services Director 2,149
Private Ltd.
3 Mr. Kannan Gopalaraghavan Vellur State Bank of India Director 4,983,833
State Bank of Patiala Director 147,763
State Bank of Hyderabad Director 315,292
State Bank of Mysore Director 127,983
State Bank of Travancore Director 126,176
State Bank of Bikaner& Jaipur Director 263,199
SBI Cards & Payment Services Director 2,149
Private Ltd.
SBICAP Securities Ltd. Director 19,523
SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd Director 4,025
Place : Mumbai
Date : April 29, 2016
Place: Mumbai
Date: April 29, 2016
Corporate Overview Management Review and Financial Statements Additional Information
Statutory Report
This certificate is issued to comply with the provisions of Company), for the year ended March 31, 2016, we certify
paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule C of Insurance Regulatory that:
and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial
Statements and Auditors Report of Insurance Companies) 1. We have reviewed the Management Report attached
Regulations 2002, (the Regulations), read with Regulation to the financial statements for the year ended March
3 of the Regulations. 31, 2016, and on the basis of our review, there is no
apparent mistake or material inconsistencies with the
Management of the Company is responsible for complying financial statements;
with the provisions of The Insurance Act, 1938 (the Insurance
Act), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority 2. Based on management representations and compliance
Act, 1999 (the IRDA Act), the Insurance Regulatory and certificates submitted to the Board of Directors by the
officers of the Company charged with compliance and
Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements
the same being noted by the Board, we certify that the
and Auditors Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations,
Company has complied with the terms and conditions
2002 (the IRDA Financial Statements Regulations), the
of registration stipulated by Insurance Regulatory and
Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015, orders/ directions
Development Authority of India (IRDAI);
issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (the IRDAI) which includes the
3. We have verified the cash balances, to the extent
preparation of the Management Report. This includes
considered necessary, and securities relating to the
collecting, collating and validating data and designing,
Companys loans and investments as at March 31,
implementing and monitoring of internal controls suitable 2016, by actual inspection or on the basis of certificates
for ensuring compliance as aforesaid. / confirmations received from the Custodian and/ or
Depository Participants appointed by the Company, as
Our responsibility, for the purpose of this certificate, is
the case may be. As at March 31, 2016, the Company
limited to certifying matters contained in paragraphs 3
does not have reversions and life interests;
and 4 of Schedule C of the Regulations. We conducted our
examination in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit 4. The Company is not the trustee of any trust; and
Reports and Certificates for Special Purposes issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (the ICAI). 5. No part of the assets of the policyholders funds has
been directly or indirectly applied in contravention
In accordance with the information and explanations given to the provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 and the
to us to the best of our knowledge and belief and based on Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015, relating to
our examination of the books of account and other records the application and investments of the Policyholders
maintained by SBI Life Insurance Company Limited (the funds.
Place: Mumbai
Date: April 29, 2016
1. At the request of SBI Life Insurance Company Limited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(the Company), we have performed the procedures (ICAI). The above-mentioned procedures include
stated in paragraph 2 below, for the purpose of issuing examining evidence supporting the particulars on a
a certificate in connection with the Regulations, test basis. Further, our scope of work did not involve us
regarding the declaration of the Net Asset Value performing audit tests for the purposes of expressing
(NAV) of the schemes of the Company as at March an opinion on the fairness or accuracy of any of the
31, 2016. financial information or the financial statements of the
Company taken as a whole. We have not performed an
2. In this connection, we have performed the following audit, the objective of which would be the expression
procedures: of an opinion on the financial statements, specified
elements, accounts or items thereof, for the purpose
a) Obtained representation from the management
of this certificate. Accordingly, we do not express such
that the Company has declared March 31, 2016
as a business day for accepting application forms
and that it has declared NAV for March 31, 2016;
4. Based on the procedures performed by us, as mentioned
b) Obtained the list of New Business, Renewal in paragraph 2 above, according to the information
Premium, Top-up, Surrender, Free Look and explanations provided to us and representation by
Cancellation, Fund Switches, Withdrawal and the Companys management, we confirm that:
Partial Withdrawal received in respect of Unit
(a) The Company has declared March 31, 2016 as a
linked Products on March 31, 2016 (together
business day for accepting proposal forms;
referred to as Application Forms), from the
Management; (b) The Company has declared NAV for March 31, 2016;
c) Selected samples of Application Forms from (c) The applications received on Thursday, March 31, 2016
listing mentioned in paragraph 2(b) above and upto 3.00 p.m. have been processed with the NAV of
verified whether: March 31, 2016; and
i. The applications received on Thursday, (d) The applications received on Thursday March 31, 2016
March 31, 2016, upto 3.00 p.m. have after 3.00 p.m. have been processed with the NAV of
been appropriately stamped; and the NAV the next business day i.e. April 01, 2016.
of March 31, 2016 is applied for such
applications for the selected samples; and 5. The concurrent auditors of the company, M/s. Chokshi
& Chokshi LLP, Chartered Accountants have issued
ii. The applications received on Thursday,
a Certificate dated April 11, 2016 confirming the
March 31, 2016, after 3.00 p.m. hours have
compliance with requirements of Regulation 13 (D) (5)
been appropriately stamped; and the NAV of
of the Regulations. We have read the Certificate and
April 1, 2016 is applied for such applications
found the same to be in order.
for the selected samples.
6. This certificate is issued at the request of the Company
3. The compliance with conditions stated in the circular
solely for use of the Company for inclusion in the annual
is the responsibility of the Companys management.
accounts as per Regulation 13 (D) (7) of the Regulations
Our responsibility is to perform the above-mentioned
and is not intended to be used or distributed for any
procedures on the particulars and state our findings.
other purpose. We have no responsibility to update
We performed the above-mentioned procedures,
this certificate for events and circumstances occurring
in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit
after the date of this certificate.
Reports and Certificates for Special Purposes issued
Place: Mumbai
Date: April 29, 2016
Corporate Overview Management Review and Financial Statements Additional Information
Statutory Report
Report on revised directions and sub-directions issued by Comptroller and Auditor General of India under section
143 (5) of Companies Act, 2013.
1. The Company has clear title / lease deeds for all freehold and leasehold land reflected in books as on 31st March, 2016.
2. The Company has written off bad debts amounting to ` 4,719,220/- towards agents balances in FY 2015-16 as per the
policy of the Company.
3. There is no inventory lying with third parties and the company has not received gifts / grants from the government or
other authorities.
4. All the securities purchased by the Company are held in dematerialized form with clear title of ownership. The custodian
statement matches with the books of accounts of the Company.
5. a) The amount of policy liabilities depicted in the balance sheet agrees with the calculations made by the appointed
b) The provision for linked liability matches with the outstanding number of units multiplied with NAV of respective
schemes as on the reporting date.
6. The Company has given preliminary loss advices and claim loss advices in time to the reinsurers in respect of reinsurance
ceded business in a timely manner and adequate provision have been made for all advices received upto the date of
finalization. The company is not into inward reinsurance business.
7. The Company took part in Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) launched in May 2015 and tied up with
banks and the method of accounting of premium and reported claims were as per the conditions of the arrangement
/ scheme.
Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013
(the Act).
We have audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of
financial reporting of SBI Life Insurance Company Limited internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing
(the Company) as of March 31, 2016 in conjunction with the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and
our audit of the financial statements of the Company for evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of
the year ended on that date. internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures
selected depend on the auditors judgment, including the
Managements Responsibility for Internal Financial assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
Controls financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
The Companys management is responsible for establishing
and maintaining internal financial controls based on the We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
internal control over financial reporting criteria established sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
by the Company considering the essential components of opinion on the Companys internal financial controls system
internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of over financial reporting.
Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued
Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over Financial
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. These
responsibilities include the design, implementation and
maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that A companys internal financial control over financial
were operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable
efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
companys policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the and the preparation of financial statements for external
prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting
and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely principles. A companys internal financial control over
preparation of reliable financial information, as required financial reporting includes those policies and procedures
under the Companies Act, 2013. that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that,
in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the
Auditors Responsibility transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company;
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Companys (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are
internal financial controls over financial reporting based on recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial
our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the statements in accordance with generally accepted
Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures
Financial Reporting (the Guidance Note) and the Standards of the company are being made only in accordance with
on Auditing, issued by ICAI and deemed to be prescribed authorizations of management and directors of the
under section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding
extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls, prevention or timely detection of unauthorised acquisition,
both applicable to an audit of Internal Financial Controls use, or disposition of the companys assets that could have
and, both issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants a material effect on the financial statements.
of India. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require
Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls over
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and
Financial Reporting
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether adequate internal financial controls over financial Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial
reporting was established and maintained and if such controls over financial reporting, including the possibility
controls operated effectively in all material respects. of collusion or improper management override of controls,
material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the
evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial internal financial controls over financial reporting to future
controls system over financial reporting and their operating periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial
effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over control over financial reporting may become inadequate
because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of reporting were operating effectively as at March 31, 2016,
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria
established by the Company considering the essential
Opinion components of internal control stated in the Guidance
In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects, an Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial
adequate internal financial controls system over financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
reporting and such internal financial controls over financial of India.
Place: Mumbai
Date: April 29, 2016
The preparation of financial statements of the SBI Life Insurance Company Limited for the year ended 31 March 2016
in accordance with the financial reporting framework prescribed under the Insurance Act, 1938 read with the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditors Report of Insurance Companies)
Regulations, 2002 and the Companies Act, 2013 (Act) is the responsibility of the management of the Company. The Statutory
Auditor appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under section 139(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 is
responsible for expressing opinion on these financial statements under section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 based on
independent audit in accordance with the standards on auditing prescribed under section 143(10) of the Companies Act,
2013. This is stated to have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 29th April 2016.
I, on the behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India have conducted a supplementary audit under
section 143(6)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013 of the Financial Statements of the SBI Life Insurance Company Limited,
for the year ended 31 March 2016. This supplementary audit has been carried out independently without access to the
working papers of the Statutory Auditors and is limited primarily to inquiries of the Statutory Auditors and company
personnel and a selective examination of some of the accounting records. On the basis of my audit nothing
significant has come to my knowledge which would give rise to any comment upon or supplement to
Statutory Auditors report.
(Roop Rashi)
Principal Director of Commercial Audit and
ex-officio Member, Audit Board-I, Mumbai
Place: Mumbai
Date: 12th August 2016
Revenue Account
for the year ended March 31, 2016
Registration Number : 111 dated 29th March, 2001 with the IRDAI
Revenue Account
for the year ended March 31, 2016
Registration Number : 111 dated 29th March, 2001 with the IRDAI
For L. S. Nalwaya & Co. For P. Parikh & Associates Arundhati Bhattacharya V. G. Kannan
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chairman Director
(F.R. No. 115645W) (F.R. No. 107564W)
Form A-PL
Registration Number : 111 dated 29th March, 2001 with the IRDAI
Form A-PL
Registration Number : 111 dated 29th March, 2001 with the IRDAI
For L. S. Nalwaya & Co. For P. Parikh & Associates Arundhati Bhattacharya V. G. Kannan
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chairman Director
(F.R. No. 115645W) (F.R. No. 107564W)
as at March 31, 2016
Form A-BS
Registration Number : 111 dated 29th March, 2001 with the IRDAI
(` 000)
Particulars Schedule As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Shareholders Funds
Share Capital 5 10,000,000 10,000,000
Reserves and Surplus 6 36,906,647 29,740,598
Credit / (Debit) Fair Value Change Account 424,362 653,487
Sub-Total 47,331,009 40,394,085
Borrowings 7 - -
Policyholders Funds
Credit / (Debit) Fair Value Change Account 3,354,011 5,008,211
Policy Liabilities (Refer note no. 6 of Schedule 16 (C)) 396,341,700 328,603,573
(Refer note no. 24 (vi & vii) of Schedule 16 (C) for Funds for
discontinued policies)
Insurance Reserves - -
Provision for Linked Liabilities 320,989,070 278,743,569
Add: Fair value change (Linked) 22,701,013 52,631,089
Add: Funds for Discontinued Policies (Refer note no. 24 (v) of
Schedule 16 (C))
(i) Discontinued on account of non-payment of premium 16,393,756 16,456,546
(ii) Others 132,719 254,888
Total Linked Liabilities 360,216,558 348,086,091
Sub-Total 759,912,269 681,697,876
Funds for Future Appropriation - Linked 2,306 14,626
Funds for Future Appropriation - Other - -
TOTAL 807,245,585 722,106,587
- Shareholders 8 35,649,022 30,702,378
- Policyholders 8A 382,558,966 315,044,670
Assets held to cover Linked Liabilities 8B 360,218,864 348,100,717
Loans 9 1,235,623 17,730
Fixed assets 10 4,472,485 2,714,892
Current Assets
Cash and Bank Balances 11 26,167,626 25,237,784
Advances and Other Assets 12 23,988,084 19,117,647
Sub-Total (A) 50,155,710 44,355,431
Current Liabilities 13 25,025,877 16,755,915
Provisions 14 2,019,208 2,073,316
Sub-Total (B) 27,045,085 18,829,232
Net Current Assets (C) = (A - B) 23,110,625 25,526,199
as at March 31, 2016
Form A-BS
Registration Number : 111 dated 29th March, 2001 with the IRDAI
(` 000)
Particulars Schedule As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Miscellaneous Expenditure (To The Extent Not Written Off or 15 - -
Debit Balance in Profit and Loss Account (Shareholders Account) - -
TOTAL 807,245,585 722,106,587
Contingent Liabilities (Refer note no.1 of Schedule 16 (C))
Significant Accounting Policies & Notes to Accounts 16
Schedules referred to above form an integral part of Balance Sheet
For L. S. Nalwaya & Co. For P. Parikh & Associates Arundhati Bhattacharya V. G. Kannan
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chairman Director
(F.R. No. 115645W) (F.R. No. 107564W)
(` 000)
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Premium Collection (including Service Tax collected) 161,050,022 130,556,444
Cash paid towards reinsurance (672,930) (331,229)
Cash paid to suppliers and employees (12,288,164) (10,326,981)
Cash paid towards Income Tax (3,452,664) (2,552,390)
Cash paid towards Service Tax (3,997,625) (3,443,871)
Commission Paid (6,456,742) (5,321,118)
Benefits Paid (76,325,882) (81,509,328)
Other Income 82,410 76,665
Security deposit (159,067) (33,327)
Net cash from / (for) Operating activities 57,779,358 27,114,866
Cost of purchase of investments (679,057,525) (500,022,560)
Proceeds from sale of investments 577,913,084 466,396,423
Investments in money market instruments and in liquid mutual funds (Net) (8,110,906) 656,707
Interest received 37,412,914 28,172,422
Dividend received 2,675,813 3,264,447
Purchase of fixed assets (1,812,754) (248,718)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 33,432 1,590
Expenses related to investments (69,832) (61,603)
Security deposit 200,000 70,000
Loan against Policies (34,000) (11,129)
Loans disbursed (1,250,000) -
Loan Repayment Received 62,500 -
Net cash from / (for) Investing activities (72,037,273) (1,782,420)
Proceeds from issue of share capital (net) - -
Proceeds from short term borrowing - -
Repayment of short term borrowing - -
Interim Dividend paid (1,200,000) (1,000,000)
Dividend Distribution Tax (239,929) (169,950)
Net cash from / (for) Financing activities (1,439,929) (1,169,950)
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (15,697,845) 24,162,495
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 53,778,292 29,615,797
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (Refer note no. (t) of Schedule 16 (B)) 38,080,447 53,778,292
Cash (including cheques, drafts and stamps) 2,419,898 1,766,994
(` 000)
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Bank Balances (includes bank balances in unit linked funds) 5,134,428 3,946,990
Fixed Deposits (Less than 3 months) 355,000 -
Money Market instruments 30,171,121 48,064,307
Total 38,080,447 53,778,292
Reconciliation of Cash & Cash Equivalents with Cash & Bank Balance
(Schedule 11)
Add:- Fixed deposit more than 3 months - Shareholder & Policyholder 18,258,300 19,523,800
Add:- Fixed deposit more than 3 months - Schedule 8B - Unit Linked Policyholder - -
Less:- Money Market instruments (30,171,121) (48,064,307)
Cash & Bank Balances as per Schedule 11 26,167,626 25,237,784
For L. S. Nalwaya & Co. For P. Parikh & Associates Arundhati Bhattacharya V. G. Kannan
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chairman Director
(F.R. No. 115645W) (F.R. No. 107564W)
(` 000)
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Commission paid
Direct - First year premiums 4,785,225 3,916,457
- Renewal premiums 2,209,077 1,983,074
- Single premiums 148,274 137,595
Total (A) 7,142,575 6,037,125
Add: Commission on re-insurance accepted - -
Less: Commission on re-insurance ceded - -
Net commission 7,142,575 6,037,125
Break-up of the commission expenses (Gross) incurred to procure business:
Agents 3,057,247 2,966,925
Brokers 49,278 150,791
Corporate agency 72,339 85,377
Bancassurance 3,963,623 2,834,018
Micro Insurance Agent 16 15
CSC 73 -
Total (B) 7,142,575 6,037,125
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars Year ended Year ended
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Insurance claims
(a) Claims by death 8,986,125 5,833,744
(b) Claims by maturity 20,187,742 18,852,355
(c) Annuities / Pension payment 1,449,238 1,274,252
(d) Others
- Survival 1,361,362 1,951,261
- Surrender 33,972,655 46,936,113
- Others 15,124,352 7,729,156
Notes :
a) Claims include claims settlement costs, wherever applicable.
b) Legal, other fees and expenses also form part of the claims cost, wherever applicable.
c) All the claims are paid or payable in India.
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Authorised Capital
2,000,000,000 (Previous year - 2,000,000,000) Equity Shares of ` 10/- each 20,000,000 20,000,000
2. Issued Capital
1,000,000,000 (Previous year - 1,000,000,000) Equity Shares of ` 10/- each 10,000,000 10,000,000
3. Subscribed Capital
1,000,000,000 (Previous year - 1,000,000,000) Equity Shares of ` 10/- each 10,000,000 10,000,000
4. Called-up Capital
1,000,000,000 (Previous year - 1,000,000,000) Equity Shares of ` 10/- each 10,000,000 10,000,000
Less : Calls unpaid - -
Add : Shares forfeited (Amount originally paid up) - -
Less : Par value of Equity shares bought back - -
Less : Preliminary expenses - -
Expenses including commission or brokerage on Underwriting or - -
subscription of shares
Total 10,000,000 10,000,000
Note :
Out of the total share capital, 740,000,000 shares (Previous year March 31, 2015 - 740,000,000 shares) of `10 each are
held by the holding company State Bank of India.
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Capital reserve - -
2. Capital redemption reserve - -
3. Share premium - -
4. Revaluation reserve - -
5. General reserves - -
Less : Debit balance in profit and loss account, if any - -
Less : Amount utililized for buy-back - -
6. Catastrophe reserve - -
7. Other reserves - -
8. Balance of profit in Profit and Loss account 36,906,647 29,740,598
Total 36,906,647 29,740,598
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Debentures / bonds - -
2. Banks - -
3. Financial institutions - -
4. Others - -
Total - -
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds 196,762,804 151,894,821
2. Other Approved Securities 30,656,337 28,021,343
3. Other Approved Investments
(a) Shares
(aa) Equity 24,595,842 17,095,964
(bb) Preference 298,744 265,550
(b) Mutual fund - -
(c) Derivative Instruments - -
(d) Debentures / Bonds 30,510,467 34,662,913
(e) Other Securities - -
(f) Subsidiaries - -
(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate - -
4. Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 58,913,396 56,902,540
5. Other Investments 2,656,840 1,324,936
344,394,431 290,168,067
1. Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds including Treasury 623,591 1,905,590
2. Other Approved Securities - 388,570
3. Other Approved Investments
(a) Shares
(aa) Equity - -
(bb) Preference - -
Information 891,211 271,193 14,835 1,147,569 802,556 99,067 - 14,805 886,818 260,752 88,656
Vehicles 2,235 - - 2,235 349 279 (209) - 419 1,816 1,886
Office equipment 234,641 22,553 6,278 250,917 184,703 27,356 (11,522) 6,240 194,297 56,620 49,939
Leasehold 114,076 45,552 2,532 157,096 75,872 19,069 - 2,516 92,425 64,671 38,203
Servers & Networks 166,037 25,901 82 191,856 127,197 12,033 - 82 139,149 52,707 38,839
Statutory Report
Total 5,206,247 467,836 34,121 5,639,962 2,559,440 371,245 (269,435) 31,517 2,629,734 3,010,228 2,646,807
Management Review and
# Includes certain asset leased pursuant to operating lease agreements (Refer note no.15 (b) of Schedule 16 (C))
Financial Statements
Break-up of cash (including cheques,drafts and stamps) :
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Cash in hand 1 5
2. Postal franking & Revenue Stamps 88,356 39,653
3. Cheques in hand 2,331,541 1,727,336
Total 2,419,898 1,766,994
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Provision for tax (5,347,838) (3,687,557)
2. Advance tax and taxes deducted at source 5,324,165 3,511,085
Total (23,673) (176,472)
(To the extent not written off or adjusted)
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Discount allowed in issue of shares / debentures - -
2. Others - -
Total - -
Notes to Accounts
Schedule 16 from the estimates and assumptions used in preparing
Significant accounting policies and notes forming part of the accompanying financial statements. Difference
the accounts for the year ended March 31, 2016 between the actual and estimates are recognised in
the period in which the actual results materialise or
A. Nature of Operations are known. Any revision to accounting estimates is
recognised prospectively in current and future periods.
The Company is a joint venture between State Bank
of India (SBI) and BNP Paribas Cardif. SBI owns
b. Revenue recognition
74% of the total capital and BNP Paribas Cardif the
remaining 26%. The Company is registered with the i. Premium Income
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of Premium of non-linked business is recognised
India (IRDAI) and is carrying on the business of life as income (net of service tax) when due from
insurance and annuity. The Companys life insurance policyholders. In respect of linked business,
business comprises of individual life and group premium income is recognised when the
business, including participating, non-participating, associated units are allotted. In case of variable
pension, group gratuity, group leave encashment, insurance products (VIPs), premium income is
group superannuation, group immediate annuity, recognised on the date when the Policy Account
unit-linked insurance products, variable insurance Value is credited. Uncollected premium from
products and micro insurance. Some of these policies lapsed policies is not recognised as income until
have riders such as accident and disability benefit, level such policies are revived.
term and critical illness.
Top up premiums are considered as single
B. Significant Accounting Policies premium.
Notes to Accounts
is recognised as income over the period of the provision made as appropriate. Provision has also been
lending on straight-line basis. made for the cost of guarantee under Unit Linked
products offered with Guarantee.
iv. Income from loans
Interest income on loans is recognised on an Variable insurance policies (VIPs) have also been valued
accrual basis. in a manner similar to the ULIP business by considering
liability as the policy account standing to the credit
v. Rental Income
of the policyholders plus additional provisions for
Rental income is recognised in the income adequacy of charges to meet expenses.
statement on the straight line basis over the lease
period. Appointed Actuary is satisfied that the nature and extent
of re-insurance arrangements require no additional
c. Reinsurance premium ceded reserve to be set aside apart from reinsurance reserves
set aside based on UPR methodology.
Premium ceded on re-insurance is accounted in
accordance with the terms of the re-insurance treaty Considering the prudence of the valuation basis and
or in-principle arrangement with the re-insurer. the margins in the assumptions, our assessment
is that, the reserve set aside is sufficient to meet all
d. Liability for life policies (Policy liabilities) future policy outgoes under adverse conditions.
The actuarial liability of all the life insurance policies
has been calculated by the Appointed Actuary in e. Funds for future appropriation
accordance with the Insurance Act 1938, and as per For non-linked business, the balance in the funds
the rules & regulations and circulars issued by IRDAI for future appropriations account represents funds,
from time to time and the relevant Guidance Notes the allocation of which, either to participating
(GN) and / or Actuarial Practice Standards (APS) issued policyholders or to shareholders, has not been
by the Institute of Actuaries of India. determined at the Balance Sheet date. Transfers to and
Non-linked business is reserved using a prospective from the fund reflect the excess or deficit of income
gross premium valuation method. Mathematical over expenses and appropriations in each accounting
reserves are calculated based on future assumptions period arising in the Companys policyholders fund.
having regard to current and future experience e.g. In respect of participating policies any allocation to
interest rates, mortality and expenses. the policyholder would also give rise to a shareholder
transfer in the required proportion.
For participating products, vested bonuses are those
which were distributed by the company consequent The fund for future appropriations held in the unit-
to the actuarial valuations carried out annually at the linked funds, represents surplus that has arisen from
end of each financial year dated 31st March, 2002 to lapsed policies unlikely to be revived. This surplus is
31st March, 2015. For participating pension products, required to be held within the policyholders fund till
special one-time bonus declared during financial year the point at which the policyholders can no longer
2003-04 and 2004-05 have been taken into account. revive their policy.
The bonus declared at the end of the last financial year
is assumed for the future years as well. In addition to f. Benefits paid
the future reversionary bonus, terminal bonus payable
i. Claims cost consist of the policy benefit amounts
on death and maturity is also assumed.
and claims settlement costs, where applicable.
For Group Pension the reserve is the Accumulated
ii. Claims by death and rider are accounted when
Fund Value.
intimated. Intimations up to the end of the period
For Non-Linked Individual fund-based products and are considered for accounting of such claims.
Non-Linked Group fund-based products, the policy
iii. Claims by maturity are accounted on the policy
liability in respect of savings portion is equal to the
maturity date.
fund value as on the date of valuation.
iv. Survival and annuity benefit claims are accounted
The unit liability in respect of Individual Linked and
when due.
Group Linked business has been considered as the
value of the units standing to the credit of the policy v. Surrenders are accounted as and when intimated.
holders, using the net asset value (NAV) as on the Benefits paid also includes amount payable on
valuation date. lapsed policies which are accounted for as and
The adequacy of charges under individual unit linked when due. Surrenders and lapsation are disclosed
policies to meet future expenses has been tested and at net of charges recoverable.
Notes to Accounts
vi. Repudiated claims disputed before judicial Leasehold improvements are amortised equally over
authorities are provided for based on management the period of lease. Capital expenditure on individual
prudence considering the facts and evidences assets up to ` 1,000 are not capitalized and expensed
available in respect of such claims. out as revenue expenditure. Assets individually costing
more than ` 1,000 and up to ` 20,000 are fully
vii. Amount recoverable from re-insurers are
depreciated in the month of acquisition.
accounted for in the same period as the related
claim and are reduced from claims. Depreciation is charged to Revenue and Profit & Loss
Account based on the put to use criteria as per IRDAI
g. Acquisition costs guidelines.
Acquisition costs such as commission, medical fees, etc.
are costs that are primarily related to the acquisition of i. Impairment of fixed assets
new and renewal insurance contracts. The same are The carrying values of assets at each Balance Sheet date
expensed in the period in which they are incurred. are reviewed for impairment. If any indication of such
impairment exists, the recoverable amounts of those
h. Fixed assets, intangibles and depreciation assets are estimated and impairment is recognised,
Fixed assets if the carrying amount of those assets exceeds their
Fixed assets are stated at cost, less accumulated recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the
depreciation and impairment, if any. Cost includes greater of the net selling price and their value in use.
the purchase price and any other cost which can be Value in use is arrived by discounting the estimated
directly attributed to bringing the asset to its working future cash flows to their present value based on an
condition for its intended use. Subsequent expenditure appropriate discount factor.
incurred on existing fixed assets is expensed out except
j. Foreign currency transactions
where such expenditure increases the future economic
benefits from the existing assets. Advances paid Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are
towards the acquisition of fixed assets at the Balance recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of
Sheet date are disclosed as capital work-in-progress. transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign
currency as at the Balance Sheet date are converted at
Intangibles the exchange rates prevailing on that date. Exchange
Expenditure incurred on major application software differences either on settlement or on translation are
and their customisation or further development recognised in the Revenue Account or Profit and Loss
is recognised as an intangible asset. The same is Account.
capitalised under fixed assets if such expenditure
results in a benefit of enduring nature. Other software k. Investments
expenses are expensed in the period in which they Investments are made and accounted in accordance
are incurred. Intangible assets are stated at cost less with the Insurance Act, 1938, the Insurance Regulatory
accumulated depreciation/amortisation. and Development Authority (Investment) Regulations,
Depreciation 2000, Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements and
The Company is following straight line method of
Auditors Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations,
depreciation provided on pro rata (monthly) basis to
2002, Investment Policy of the Company and various
period of use for the following type of assets based on
other circulars/ notifications as issued by IRDAI from
useful life as prescribed under Part C of Schedule II
time to time.
to the Companies Act, 2013:
Investments are recorded on the trade date at cost,
Nature of Asset Useful life
which includes brokerage, security transaction tax,
Furniture & fittings 10 Years education cess and stamp duty, wherever applicable
Office equipments 5 Years and excludes interest paid, if any, on purchase.
Vehicles 8 Years
Bonus entitlements are recognised as investments on
Building 60 Years
the ex- bonus date. Rights entitlements are recognised
Information technology 3 Years
as investments on the ex-rights date.
Servers & networks 6 Years Classification of Investments
Software 3 Years Investments maturing within twelve months from
Notes to Accounts
balance sheet date and investments made with the Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)
specific intention to dispose of within twelve months Investments in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)
from balance sheet date shall be classified as short- are valued at latest available NAV. Unrealised gains
term investments. or losses arising due to change in the fair value of
Investments other than Short-term investments are Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) are recognised in
classified as Long-term investments. the Balance Sheet under Fair value change account.
Valuation Linked business
Valuation shareholders investments and non-
linked policyholders investments Debt securities
Debt securities including Government securities with
Debt securities
remaining maturity of more than one year are valued
Debt securities, including Government securities and at prices obtained from Credit Rating Information
money market securities are stated at historical cost Services of India Limited (CRISIL).
subject to amortisation of premium or accretion of
discount over a period of holding/ maturity on yield to Debt securities including government securities with
maturity basis. remaining maturity of less than one year are valued
on yield to maturity basis, where yield is derived
Investments in Fixed Deposits with banks and Reverse using market price provided by CRISIL on the day
Repo are valued at cost. when security is classified as short term. If security
Equity shares is purchased during its short term tenor, it is valued
at amortized cost using yield to maturity method. In
Listed equity securities are measured at fair value on
case of securities with options, earliest Call Option /
the Balance Sheet date. For the purpose of determining
Put Option date will be taken as maturity date for this
fair value, the closing price at primary exchange i.e.
National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) is
considered. If NSE price is not available on a particular Money market securities are valued at historical cost
valuation day, closing price of the secondary exchange subject to amortisation of premium or accretion of
i.e. BSE Limited (BSE) is considered. Unlisted equity discount on yield to maturity basis.
securities are measured at historical cost. Investments in Fixed Deposits with banks and Reverse
In case of Security Lending & Borrowing (SLB), Equity Repo are valued at cost.
Shares lent are valued as per valuation policy for Equity Equity shares
shares as mentioned above. Listed equity securities are measured at fair value on the
Unrealised gains or losses arising due to change in Balance Sheet date. For the purpose of determining fair
the fair value of equity shares are recognised in the value, closing price at primary exchange i.e. National
Balance Sheet under Fair value change account. Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) is considered.
If NSE price is not available on a particular valuation
On each balance sheet date, the Company assess day, closing price of the secondary exchange i.e. BSE
whether impairment of listed equity securities has Limited (BSE) is considered. Unrealised gains or losses
occurred. Any impairment loss is recognised as an arising due to change in fair value are recognised in
expense in the Revenue or Profit and Loss Account to the Revenue Account. Unlisted equity securities are
the extent of the difference between the re-measured measured at historical cost.
fair value of the security or investment and its weighted
average cost as reduced by any previous impairment In case of Security Lending & Borrowing (SLB), Equity
Shares lent are valued as per valuation policy for Equity
loss recognised as an expense in the Revenue or
shares as mentioned above.
Profit and Loss Account. Any reversal of impairment
loss, earlier recognised in Revenue or Profit and Loss Mutual funds
Account, is recognised in the Revenue or Profit and Investments in mutual funds are valued at the previous
Loss Account. days Net Asset Value (NAV). Unrealised gains or losses
Mutual funds arising due to change in the fair value of mutual fund
units are recognised in the Revenue Account.
Investments in mutual funds are valued at the previous
days Net Asset Value (NAV). Unrealised gains or losses Transfer of investments
arising due to change in the fair value of mutual fund In the case of deficit in Revenue Account, transfer of
units are recognised in the Balance Sheet under Fair securities from shareholders to policyholders is done
value change account. as below:
Notes to Accounts
(i) Debt securities are transferred at lower of net Gratuity
amortised cost or market value on the date of The Company has incorporated a gratuity
transfer trust. The Company makes contribution to a
(ii) Equity securities are transferred at lower of cost Gratuity Fund administered by trustees of SBI
or market value on the date of transfer. Life Insurance Co. Limited Employees Gratuity
Fund. The plan provides a lump sum payment to
In the case of surplus in Revenue Account, transfer of vested employees at retirement or termination of
securities from policyholders to shareholders is done employment based on the respective employees
as below: salary and the years of employment with the
(i) Debt securities are transferred at net amortised Company.
cost; The Company accounts for the liability for future
gratuity benefits based on an actuarial valuation
(ii) Equity securities are transferred at market value
conducted by an independent actuary based
on the date of transfer.
on parameters suggested under Accounting
No transfer of investments is carried out between Standard 15 (Revised). The net present value
non-linked policyholders funds. In case of unit linked of the Companys obligation towards the same
fund, inter schemes transfers are affected at prevailing is actuarially determined based on the projected
market value at the time of transfer. unit credit method as at the Balance Sheet date.
Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in the
l. Loans
Revenue Account.
Investments in Loans are stated at historical cost, less
repayments, subject to provision for impairment losses (ii) Long-term employee benefits
& non performing asset (NPA) provision, if any. Compensated Absences and Long Term Service
m. Provision for Standard Assets
Compensated absences which are not expected
In accordance with the IRDAI guidelines on Prudential to occur within twelve months after the end of
norms for income recognition, asset classification, the period in which the employee renders the
provisioning and other related matters in respect of related services are recognised as a liability at the
debt portfolio vide the Master circular, adequate present value of the defined benefit obligation at
provisions are made for estimated loss arising on the Balance Sheet date. Long Term Service Awards
account from/under recovery of loans and advances are recognised as a liability at the present value
(other than loans and advances granted against of the defined benefit obligation at the Balance
insurance policies issued by the insurer) outstanding Sheet date.
at the balance sheet date in respect of standard assets. The Company accrues the liability for compensated
absences and long term service awards based on
n. Employee benefits
the actuarial valuation as at the Balance Sheet
(i) Post-employment benefit date conducted by an independent actuary based
Provident Fund on parameters suggested under Accounting
Standard 15 (Revised). The net present value of
The Company makes contribution towards
the Companys obligation is determined based on
provident fund, a defined benefit retirement
the projected unit credit method as at the Balance
plan. The provident fund is administered by
Sheet date.
the trustees of the SBI Life Insurance Company
Limited Employees PF Trust. The contribution (iii) Short-term employee benefits
paid or payable under the schemes is charged The undiscounted amount of short-term employee
to the Revenue Account during the period in benefits expected to be paid for the services
which the employee renders the related service. rendered by employees is recognised during the
Further, an actuarial valuation is conducted by an period when the employees renders the service.
independent actuary to recognise the deficiency, These benefits include salaries and bonuses, short
if any, in the interest payable on the contributions term compensated absences, premium for staff
as compared to the interest liability as per the medical insurance (hospitalization), premium for
statutory rate. employee group term insurance scheme etc.
Notes to Accounts
o. Accounting for Leases services and unutilised credits, if any, are carried
(i) Operating Lease forward under Advances and other assets for future
set off. Unutilised credits are deferred for recognition
Where the Company is the lessee
to the extent there is reasonable certainty that the
Leases where the lessor effectively retains assets can be realised in future.
substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership
over the lease term are classified as operating q. Segmental reporting
leases. Operating lease rentals are recognised as As per Accounting Standard 17 on Segmental
an expense over the lease period on a straight line Reporting read with IRDA (Preparation of Financial
basis. Statements and Auditors Report of Insurance
Where the Company is the lessor Companies) Regulations, 2002, the Company has
classified and disclosed segmental information in to
Assets subject to operating leases are included
par, non par and linked businesses, which are further
in fixed assets. Lease income is recognised in the
segmented into Individual life, group, health, pension,
Profit and Loss Account on a straight-line basis
variable and annuity.
over the lease term. Costs, including depreciation
are recognised as expense in the Profit and Loss
r. Provisions and contingent liabilities
The Company recognises a provision when there is
(ii) Finance Lease a present obligation as a result of a past event that
Leases under which the Company assumes probably requires an outflow of resources and a
substantially all the risk and rewards of ownership reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the
of the asset are classified as finance leases. Such obligation. A disclosure for a contingent liability is
leased asset acquired are capitalised at fair value made when there is a possible obligation or a present
of the asset or present value of the minimum obligation that may, but probably will not, require
lease rental payments at the inception of the an outflow of resources. Where there is a possible
lease, whichever is lower. obligation or a present obligation that the likelihood
of outflow of resources is remote, no provision or
p. Taxation disclosure is made. Loss contingencies arising from
Direct Taxes litigation etc. are recorded when it is probable that
a liability has been incurred and the amount can be
Provision for current income tax, if any, is made on an
reasonably estimated.
accrual basis after taking credit for all allowances and
exemptions in accordance with the Income Tax Act, Contingent assets are neither recognised nor disclosed.
s. Earnings per Share
Deferred income tax is recognised for future tax
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing
consequences attributable to timing differences
the net profit or loss for the year in the shareholders
between income as determined by the financial
account by the weighted average number of equity
statements and the recognition for tax purposes. The
shares outstanding during the year.
effect of deferred tax asset or liability of a change in
the tax rates are recognised using the tax rates and tax For the purpose of calculating diluted
laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the year
by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets are attributable to shareholders and the weighted average
recognised only to the extent that there is a virtual number of shares outstanding during the year are
certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity
available against which such deferred tax assets can be shares.
realised. Deferred tax assets or liabilities are reviewed
as at each Balance Sheet date and written down or t. Cash and Cash Equivalents
written up to reflect the amount that is reasonably or Cash and cash equivalents for the purpose
virtually certain to be realised. of Receipts and Payments Account comprises of
cash and cheques in hand, bank balances, deposits
Indirect Taxes with banks and other short-term highly liquid
Service tax liability on output service is set-off against investments with original maturities of three months
the service tax credits available from tax paid on input or less.
Notes to Accounts
C. Notes to Accounts
1. Contingent Liabilities
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Partly paid up investments - -
2. Claims, other than against policies, not acknowledged as debts by the 6,190 5,614
3. Underwriting commitments outstanding (in respect of shares and - -
4. Guarantees given by or on behalf of the Company - -
5. Statutory demands or liabilities in dispute, not provided (Refer Note 1) 605,670 822,937
6. Reinsurance obligations to the extent not provided for in accounts - -
7. Others:
- Insurance claims disputed by the Company, to the extent not 459,952 381,982
provided or reserved
- Directions issued by IRDAI under section 34(1) of Insurance Act, 3,596,122 3,596,122
1938 (Refer Note 2)
Total 4,667,934 4,806,656
Note 1:
(a) Show cause notices issued by various Government Authorities are not considered as obligation. When demand
notices are raised against such show cause notices and are disputed by the Company, these are classified as
disputed obligations.
(b) The statutory demands are against assessment/appellate orders received by the Company from the Tax Authorities.
The Company has filed appeals against the said assessment/ appellate orders with the higher appellate authorities
and has been advised by the experts that the grounds of appeal are well supported in law in view of which the
Company does not expect a future liability.
Note 2:
IRDAI has issued directions under Section 34 (1) of the Insurance Act, 1938; to distribute the administrative charges
paid to master policyholders vide order no. IRDA/ Life/ ORD/ Misc/ 228/ 10/ 2012 dated October 5, 2012 amounting to `
843,174 thousands (previous year ended March 31, 2015: ` 843,174 thousands) and to refund the excess commission
paid to corporate agents vide order no. IRDA/ Life/ ORD/ Misc/ 083/ 03/ 2014 dated March 11, 2014 amounting to `
2,752,948 thousands (previous year ended March 31, 2015: ` 2,752,948 thousands) respectively to the members or
the beneficiaries. The Company has filed appeals against the said directions/ orders with the Appellate Authorities [i.e.
Ministry of Finance, Government of India and Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT)].
2. Encumbrances on assets
The Assets of the company are free from any encumbrances as at March 31, 2016 except for:
a. Securities or cash deposited as margin for investment trade obligations of the company:
(` 000)
Particulars As at March 31, 2016 As at March 31, 2015
Book Value Market Value Book Value Market Value
1) Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.-
Securities Segment
i) Government Securities 1,536,302 1,554,504 1,029,676 1,026,644
ii) Cash 100,100 100,100 110,100 110,100
Sub Total 1,636,402 1,654,604 1,139,776 1,136,744
Notes to Accounts
(` 000)
Particulars As at March 31, 2016 As at March 31, 2015
Book Value Market Value Book Value Market Value
2) Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.-
CBLO Segment
i) Government Securities 309,221 311,520 - -
ii) Cash 100 100 190,100 190,100
Sub Total 309,321 311,620 190,100 190,100
3) NSCCL / ICCL - Capital Market Segment
i) National Securities Clearing Corporation 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Limited (NSCCL) - Fixed Deposit
ii) Indian Clearing Corporation Limited 50,000 50,000 50,100 50,100
(ICCL) - Fixed Deposit
Sub Total 250,000 250,000 250,100 250,100
Grand Total 2,195,723 2,216,224 1,579,976 1,576,944
b. Other assets
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Sales Tax Department Jammu as security deposit for registration
i) Fixed Deposit 250 250
Total 250 250
3. Capital commitments
Commitments made and outstanding for loans and investment as at March 31, 2016 is ` 1,009,500 thousands (previous
year ended March 31, 2015: ` 65,000 thousands). Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital
account, to the extent not provided for (net of advances) as at March 31, 2016 is ` 784,788 thousands (previous year
ended March 31, 2015: ` 428,000 thousands).
4. Actuarial assumptions
The actuarial assumptions certified by the Appointed Actuary are as under:
a. In the actuarial valuation all the policies, which were in the books of the Company and where there is a liability as
at March 31, 2016, have been taken into account. The portfolio consists of Participating, Non-Participating and
Unit-Linked segments.
Participating segment is further classified into the following Lines of Businesses (LoBs): Individual Life
Participating, Individual Pension Participating, Group Pension Participating and Individual VIP
Non-Participating segment is further classified into the following LoBs: Individual Life Non-Participating,
Individual Pension Non-Participating, Group Savings Non-Participating, Group One Year Renewable Group
Term Assurance (OYRGTA) Non-Participating, Group Other Non-Participating, Annuity Non-Participating
(Individual and Group), Health Non-Participating (Individual and Group), and VIP Non-Participating (Individual
and Group).
Linked segment is further classified into the following LoBs: Individual Life Linked, Group Linked and
Individual Pension Linked.
b. For policies which are likely to get cancelled during their free look period, premium less stamp duty and
medical expenses as per the policy contract need to be refunded. Adequate provision as at March 31, 2016 is
kept for such policies.
c. The following parametric values are used to carry out the actuarial valuation:
For mortality assumption under life business Indian Assured Lives (2006-2008) Ultimate Mortality table and under
Notes to Accounts
general annuity business Mortality for Annuitants-LIC (1996-98) Ultimate Rates has been used. For Morbidity
assumption, the Morbidity Tables provided by re-insurer has been used with suitable adjustment.
The interest rate for valuation lies in the range of 5.65% to 6.05% per annum as shown in the table below. While
allocating expenses for the current year, the entire policyholders expenses have been allocated product-wise.
As regard for future expenses, on the basis of experience available, fixed expenses are considered separately for
single premium products and regular premium products.
An inflation rate of 5.50% per annum (previous year ended March 31, 2015: 5.75% per annum) has been assumed
while estimating future expenses.
For participating products, the vested bonuses are those which were distributed by the Company consequent to
the actuarial valuations carried out annually at the end of each financial year dated March 31, 2002 to March 31,
2015. Regarding bonus provisions for the current financial year and bonus provision for future years, the bonus
rates have been assessed by carrying out Bonus Earning Capacity (BEC)/ asset share investigations and taking into
consideration the policyholders reasonable expectations.
Margin for Adverse Deviation (MAD) has been separately provided, wherever applicable and required.
In addition to this, Incurred but Not Reported (IBNR) claims reserve is also provided wherever required.
The above parameters and the MAD provision have been observed to ensure prudence and are in accordance with
the GN / APS issued by the Institute of Actuaries of India and in concurrence with the Regulations and circulars of
The Surplus emerged from Non-participating segment has been transferred to Profit & Loss Account for the
year ended March 31, 2016 based on the recommendation of the Appointed Actuary and the necessary fund
transfer will be made after the year end on the basis of Audited financials with required recommendations by the
Appointed Actuary.
Funds for Future Appropriation
In respect of Individual Unit Linked Policies, in addition to Policy Liabilities an amount of ` 2,306 thousands
(previous year ended March 31, 2015 - ` 14,626 thousands) is being kept as a separate item as Fund for Future
Appropriation. This amount pertains to the policies satisfying following conditions, assuming that they may not
be revived in future:
Notes to Accounts
i. Policy is lapsed within first Policy Year
ii. Policy has not acquired surrender value
iii. Lapsed Policy under which units are still invested
The amount will be transferred to share holders only after the revival period for the policy expires.
5. Cost of guarantee
Provision of ` 3,936,262 thousands (previous year ended March 31, 2015 - ` 3,220,675 thousands) has also been
made for the cost of guarantee under Individual unit linked policies with guarantee and provision of ` 8,183 thousands
(previous year ended March 31, 2015 - ` 6,767 thousands) has also been made for the cost of guarantee under Group
unit linked policies.
6. Policy liabilities
The non-linked policy liability after reinsurance of ` 396,341,699 thousands as on March 31, 2016 (previous year ended
March 31, 2015: ` 328,603,573 thousands) includes the following non-unit reserve held for linked liabilities:
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
ULIP Individual 5,871,114 4,295,786
ULIP Group 23,839 13,106
ULIP Pension 117,311 184,840
Total 6,012,264 4,493,731
The total linked liabilities (excluding non-unit reserve) stands at ` 360,216,558 thousands as on March 31, 2016
(previous year ended March 31, 2015: ` 348,086,091 thousands).
8. Benefit payable
Total Benefits payable (i.e. claims and annuities outstanding) as at March 31, 2016 aggregate to ` 1,783,719 thousands
(previous year ended March 31, 2015: ` 1,382,080 thousands). The outstanding balance disclosed under Schedule 13
is net of unclaimed amount ` 164,717 thousands (previous year ended March 31, 2015: ` Nil).
i. The claims settled and remaining unpaid for a period of more than 6 months on the Balance Sheet date
(As certified by the Management).
Notes to Accounts
(` 000)
Particulars As at March 31, 2016 As at March 31, 2015
Count Amount Count Amount
Total Claims 14,427 308,396 3,954 182,505
Claims remain unpaid for greater than six months for want of necessary details.
ii. All the claims are paid or payable in India.
9. Investments
i. Investments have been made in accordance with the Insurance Act, 1938 and Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority (Investments) Regulations, 2000, as amended from time to time.
ii. All investments of the Company are performing investments.
iii. Value of contracts in relation to investments for:
(` 000)
Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
1. Purchases where deliveries are pending 1,208,121 3,267,069
2. Sales where receivables are pending* 4,347,601 4,066,357
Notes to Accounts
As at March 31, 2015 (` 000)
Particulars Minimum Maximum Daily average Outstanding as
outstanding outstanding outstanding at March
during the during the during the 31, 2015
year ended year ended year ended
March 31, March 31, March 31,
2015 2015 2015
Securities Sold under Repo:
i. Government Securities Nil Nil Nil Nil
ii. Corporate Debt Securities Nil Nil Nil Nil
Securities Purchased under Reverse Repo:
i. Government Securities 5,938,160 44,168,893 19,458,492 26,584,509
ii. Corporate Debt Securities 247,893 247,893 247,893 Nil
1. The appointment and remuneration of managerial personnel is in accordance with the requirements of section
34A of the Insurance Act, 1938 and has been approved by the IRDAI.
2. The remuneration excludes leave encashment and leave travel allowance which would have been accrued in the
books of or funded by State Bank of India.
3. Effective August 1, 2014 Mr. Arijit Basu was deputed from State Bank of India as the Managing Director and CEO
of the Company. IRDAI has accorded its approval to this appointment.
Notes to Accounts
13. Investments of funds and assets pertaining to policyholders liabilities
a. Allocation of investments between policyholders funds and shareholders funds
Investments made out of the shareholders and policyholders funds are tracked from inception and income accordingly
accounted for on the basis of records maintained. As and when necessary, transfers have been made from shareholders
investments to policyholders investments. In respect of such transfers, the investment income is allocated from the
date of transfer.
b. Policyholders liabilities adequately backed by assets
(` 000)
Particulars As at March 31, 2016 As at March 31, 2015
Non-Linked Linked Total Non-Linked Linked Total
Policyholders 399,695,710 360,218,864 759,914,574 333,611,784 348,100,717 681,712,501
Policyholders Assets
Investments 382,558,966 348,197,380 730,756,346 315,044,670 341,142,803 656,187,473
Loans against policies 1,235,623 - 1,235,623 17,730 - 17,730
Net Current Assets 15,901,121 12,021,484 27,922,605 18,549,384 6,957,914 25,507,298
Total Assets 399,695,710 360,218,864 759,914,574 333,611,784 348,100,717 681,712,501
* including funds for future appropriation and fair value change account
14. Taxation
The Company carries on life insurance business and hence the provisions of Section 44 and the first schedule of
Income Tax Act, 1961, are applicable for computation of profits and gains of its business. Provision for taxation for the
year ended March 31, 2016 amounted to ` 1,660,281 thousands (previous year ended March 31, 2015: ` 1,236,564
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Lease obligation for non-cancellable leases:
- Not later than 1 year 303,313 294,059
- Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 597,672 463,228
- Later than 5 years 179,917 85,251
Notes to Accounts
(b) Assets given on operating lease:
The Company has entered into an agreement in the nature of leave and licence for leased out some portion of office
premises. This is in the nature of operating lease and lease arrangement contains provisions for renewal. There are no
restrictions imposed by lease arrangement and the rent is not determined based on any contingency.
The total lease payments received in respect of such lease recognised in Profit and Loss Account for the year is as under:
(` 000)
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Total lease rental recognised in Profit and Loss Account 79,304 74,611
Notes to Accounts
18. Provision for staff benefit as per Accounting Standard 15 (Revised)
a. Defined Benefit Plans:
(i) Gratuity
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
I. Change in benefit obligation :
Liability at the beginning of the year 423,316 329,892
Interest cost 33,569 28,866
Current service cost 56,176 48,761
Past service cost (Non vested benefit) - -
Past service cost (Vested benefit) - -
Benefit paid (23,860) (25,379)
Actuarial (gain) or loss on obligations 47,825 41,176
Liability at the end of the year 537,025 423,316
II. Change in plan assets :
Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year 425,116 329,620
Expected return on plan assets 33,712 28,842
Contributions 109,495 61,384
Benefits paid (23,860) (25,379)
Actuarial Gain or (Losses) on plan assets (9,190) 30,649
Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year 535,273 425,116
III. Amount recognized in the Balance Sheet :
Liability at the end of the year (537,025) (423,316)
Fair value of plan assets at the end of year 535,273 425,116
Difference (1,752) 1,801
Unrecognized past service cost - -
Unrecognized transition liability - -
Net (Liability) or Asset recognized in the Balance Sheet (1,752) 1,801
IV. Expenses recognized in the income statement :
Current service cost 56,176 48,761
Interest cost 33,569 28,866
Expected return on plan assets (33,712) (28,842)
Past service cost (Non vested benefit) recognized - -
Past service cost (Vested benefit) recognized - -
Recognition of transition liability - -
Actuarial (gain) or loss 57,015 10,527
Expense recognized in P & L 113,047 59,312
V. Balance Sheet reconciliation :
Opening net liability (1,801) 272
Expense as above 113,047 59,312
(Employers contribution) (109,495) (61,384)
Net Liability or (Asset) recognized in Balance Sheet 1,752 (1,801)
VI. Actual return on plan assets
Expected return on plan assets 33,712 28,842
Actuarial gains / (losses) on plan assets (9,190) 30,649
Actual return on plan assets 24,522 59,491
VII. Expected contribution to fund during the next year (12 months) 67,117 54,375
Notes to Accounts
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
VIII. Investment details of plan assets
The major categories of plan assets as a percentage of fair value of total
plan assets:
- Insurer Managed Funds (`) 535,273 425,116
- Fund I Investment Allocation Ratio 50% 50%
Corporate Bonds 19% 26%
Equity Shares 30% 29%
Government of India assets 51% 45%
- Fund II Investment Allocation Ratio 50% 50%
Corporate Bonds 35% 28%
Equity Shares 10% 12%
Government of India assets 55% 61%
IX. Actuarial assumptions used
Discount rate 7.48% 7.93%
Salary escalation rate 10% p.a up to 5 10% p.a up to 5
years & 6% p.a. years & 6% p.a.
thereafter thereafter
Expected rate of Return on Plan Assets 7.48% 7.93%
Attrition rate 25.00% 25.00%
Mortality table Indian Assured Indian Assured
Lives Mortality Lives Mortality
(2006-08) (2006-08)
Ultimate Ultimate
(a) Discount rate is based on benchmark rate available on Government Securities for the estimated term of the
(b) The expected rate of return on plan assets is based on the average long-term rate of return expected on investments
of the Fund during the estimated term of the obligations.
(c) The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority,
promotion and other relevant factors.
X. Experience adjustments
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at As at As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014 March 31, 2013 March 31, 2012
Defined benefit 537,025 423,316 329,892 258,041 183,532
Plan assets 535,273 425,116 329,620 258,211 184,197
(Surplus) or Deficit 1,752 (1,801) 272 (170) (665)
Experience adjustments 40,988 31,521 35,580 31,294 31,594
on plan liabilities (gains)
or losses
Experience adjustments (9,190) 30,649 4,792 6,346 (1,780)
on plan assets gain or
Notes to Accounts
(ii) Compensated Absences and Long Term Service Awards
(` 000)
Particulars Compensated Absences Long Term Service Awards
As at As at As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Defined benefit obligation 285,092 227,115 264,400 231,600
Expenses recognized in the income 122,191 97,462 93,152 80,774
statement during the year
Actuarial assumptions used
Discount rate 7.48% 7.93% 7.48% 7.93%
Salary escalation rate 10% p.a up to 5 10% p.a up to 5 10% p.a up to 5 10% p.a up to 5
years & 6% p.a. years & 6% p.a. years & 6% p.a. years & 6% p.a.
Thereafter Thereafter Thereafter thereafter
Attrition rate 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00%
Mortality table Indian Indian Indian Indian
Assured Lives Assured Lives Assured Lives Assured Lives
Mortality Mortality Mortality Mortality
(2006-08) (2006-08) (2006-08) (2006-08)
Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate
Notes to Accounts
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
III. Amount recognized in the Balance Sheet :
Liability at the end of the year (2,497,942) (2,044,083)
Fair value of plan assets at the end of year 2,554,683 2,086,978
Funded status 56,741 42,895
Asset not recognized in balance sheet 56,741 42,895
(Shortfall) recognized in the balance sheet - -
IV. Expenses recognized in the income statement :
Current service cost 135,890 136,881
Interest cost 182,074 150,160
Expected return on plan assets (182,074) (150,160)
Interest shortfall - -
Expense recognized in income statement 135,890 136,881
V. Balance Sheet reconciliation :
Opening net liability - -
Expense as above 135,890 136,881
(Employers contribution) (135,890) (136,881)
Shortfall recognized in the balance sheet - -
VI. Actual return on plan assets
Expected return on plan assets 182,074 150,160
Actuarial gains / (losses) on plan assets 13,846 13,719
Actual return on plan assets 195,920 163,879
VII. Investment details of plan assets
Central government of India assets 765,721 645,278
State government of India assets 661,856 551,737
Special deposits scheme - -
Public sector units 671,807 652,277
Private sector bonds 294,321 142,517
Short Term Debt Instruments 20,000 -
Others 109,839 90,169
Equity and related investments 31,140 -
Total 2,554,683 2,086,978
VIII. Actuarial assumptions used
Discount rate 7.48% 7.93%
Expected rate of Return on Plan Assets 8.95% 8.94%
Attrition rate 25.00% 25.00%
Guaranteed interest rate 8.80% 8.75%
Whilst in service withdrawal 5% 5%
Reinvestment period on maturity 5 years 5 years
Mortality table Indian Assured Indian Assured
Lives Mortality Lives Mortality
(2006-08) (2006-08)
Ultimate Ultimate
IX. Experience Adjustment
On plan liability (gains)/ losses - -
On plan assets (losses)/ gains 13,846 13,719
Notes to Accounts
b. Defined Contribution Plans:
(` 000)
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2016 March 31,2015
Contribution to Pension Scheme 122,414 84,715
Contribution to Employee Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) 6,980 4,626
Contribution to Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) 11,727 10,256
Contribution to Labour Welfare Fund 306 337
Note: The figures in bracket, if any, indicates reversal of impairment loss earlier recognised in Revenue or Profit and Loss
Notes to Accounts
22. Additional disclosure requirements as per Corporate Governance Guidelines
i. Quantitative and qualitative information on the insurers financial and operating ratios, namely, incurred
claim, commission and expenses ratios:
ii. Actual solvency margin details vis--vis the required solvency margin
The actual solvency margin of the Company as on March 31, 2016 stands at 2.12 times (previous year ended
March 31, 2015: 2.16 times) as against regulatory requirement of 1.50. Further, there has been no capital infusion
after FY 2007-08.
The policy lapsed ratio (13th month) for the year ended March 31, 2016 is 22.96% (previous year ended March 31,
2015 is 26.40%) based on premium amount and 32.57% (previous year ended March 31, 2015 is 31.59%) based
on number of policies. These ratios work out to 22.33% by premium and 30.06% by number of policies, if group
business and rural business are excluded.
iv. Financial performance including growth rate and current financial position of the insurer
The Board has the ultimate responsibility for overseeing the management of risk within the Company. The Risk
profile of the Company is reported to the Board by the Risk Management Committee of the Board (RMC-B) from
time to time. The RMC-B is responsible for overseeing the Companys risk management program and for ensuring
that significant risks to the Company are reported to the Board on a timely basis and apprise the Board of the
various risk management strategies being adopted. The Companys Risk Appetite statement is reviewed by the
Board so as to ensure that the business of the Company is carried out within the set risk limits.
The RMC-B is supported by Risk Management Committee of the Executives (RMC-E) and the Asset Liability
Committee (ALCO). The RMC-E oversees the operational risk activities and the ALCO monitors insurance and
investment risk portfolio. RMC-E is convened by Head-Risk Management & Fraud Monitoring and consists of
the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director Actuarial
& Risk Management, Executive Directors Marketing, Executive Director - Operations & IT, Appointed Actuary,
Chief Officer Business Strategy, Head - HR & Administration, Chief Audit Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief
Operating Officer, Chief Information Officer and Head Sales Quality & CFIC. ALCO is chaired by Managing
Director & Chief Executive Officer and consists of Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director Actuarial &
Risk Management, Head Pricing, Head Valuation, Head ALM, Chief Officer Business Strategy Investments, Head
of Investments, Head Debt, Head Equity, Chief Financial Officer and Head Risk Management & Fraud Monitoring.
ALCO is convened by the Appointed Actuary.
The Head - Risk Management & Fraud Monitoring is responsible and accountable for ensuring that a risk
management program is established, implemented and maintained in accordance with Risk Management Policy
so that risks are managed to an acceptable level. Head - Risk Management & Fraud Monitoring reports to the MD
& CEO of the Company, through the Executive Director Actuarial & Risk Management and maintains functional
relationships with all Departmental Risk Officers.
The Departmental / Regional Heads are responsible for the management of risk in their areas of control and guide
the Risk Officers in their Department. Risk Officer in each Department / Branch is responsible for the identification,
measurement, monitoring, co-ordination of Risk Management activities in his / her Department and cascade
the Risk Management initiatives within the team. Department risk limits are monitored through the functional /
departmental risk appetite statements.
Notes to Accounts
vi. Details of number of claims intimated, disposed of and pending with details of duration
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
No. of claims outstanding at the beginning of the year 12,724 12,729
No. of claims reported during the year 797,581 971,888
No. of claims settled during the year 765,564 970,489
No. of claims repudiated during the year 926 1,287
No. of Claims Rejected during the year 175 117
No. of claims written back 1 -
No. of claims outstanding at the end of the year 43,639 12,724
Details of duration of outstanding claims
Less than 3 months 19,183 7,367
3 months to 6 months 10,029 1,338
6 months to 1 year 8,191 1,963
1 year and above 6,236 2,056
vii. Any other matters, which have material impact on the insurers financial position
Notes to Accounts
23. Age-wise analysis for policyholders - unclaimed amount
As per IRDA guidelines, the details of the unclaimed amounts of the policyholders or insureds are mentioned below:
As at March 31, 2016 (` 000)
Age wise Analysis Claims settled but Sum due to Any excess Cheques issued but
not paid to the the insured or collection of the not encashed by
policyholders or policyholders premium or tax or the policyholder or
insured due to any on maturity or any other charges insured
reasons except otherwise which is refundable
under litigation to the policyholders
from the insured or either as terms of
policyholders conditions of the
policy or as per
law or as may be
directed by the
Authority but not
refunded so far
Up to 1 month 50,149 1,518,059 3,833 37,923
1-6 months 59,755 2,485,578 15,158 179,743
7-12 months 1,836 261,846 11,061 284,112
13-18 months - 264,876 1 193,752
19-24 months - 163,001 1 333,529
25-30 months - 85,348 98 82,823
31-36 months - 28,614 153 86,638
Beyond 36 months - 42,646 831 342,407
Total 111,740 4,849,968 31,136 1,540,927
Notes to Accounts
24. Discontinued policies
a. As per IRDA guidelines, the details of discontinued policies for ULIP are mentioned below:
b. As per IRDA guidelines, the details of discontinued policies for Traditional VIP are mentioned below:
Notes to Accounts
e. Movement in funds for discontinued policies (Linked):
(` 000)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Opening balance of funds for discontinued policies 16,711,433 8,335,699
Add: Fund of policies discontinued during the year 11,440,344 10,282,968
Less: Fund of policies revived during the year (4,502,636) (3,258,424)
Add: Net Income/ Gains on investment of the Fund 1,662,795 1,443,382
Less: Fund Management Charges (99,874) (64,870)
Less: Amount refunded to policyholders during the year (8,685,588) (27,321)
Closing balance of funds for discontinued policies 16,526,475 16,711,433
Notes to Accounts
27. Penalty
As per IRDA guidelines, the details of various penal actions taken by various Government Authorities for the year ended
March 31, 2016 are mentioned below:
(` 000)
Sr. Authority Non- Penalty Penalty Paid Penalty Waived
No. Compliance or Awarded or Reduced
1. Insurance Regulatory and Nil Nil Nil Nil
Development Authority
2. Service Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
3. Income Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
4. Any other Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
5. Enforcement Directorate or Nil Nil Nil Nil
Adjudicating Authority or Tribunal or
any Authority under FEMA
6. Registrar of Companies or NCLT or Nil Nil Nil Nil
CLB or Department of Corporate
Affairs or any Authority under
Companies Act, 1956/2013
7. Penalty awarded by any Court or Nil Nil Nil Nil
Tribunal for any matter including
claim settlement but excluding
8. Securities and Exchange Board of NA NA NA NA
India *
9. Competition Commission of India Nil Nil Nil Nil
10. Any other Central or State or Local Nil Nil Nil Nil
Government or Statutory Authority
* Post listing, NA Not Applicable
29. Statement containing names, descriptions, occupations of and directorships held by the persons in charge of
management of the business under Section 11(3) of the Insurance Act, 1938.
Notes to Accounts
31. Corporate Social Responsibility
The Company has spent ` 99,431 thousands (previous year ended March 31, 2015 ` 81,167 thousands) towards
Corporate Social Responsibility activities mentioned in Schedule VII of The Companies Act, 2013 as given below -
(` 000)
Sector in which Project details Amount spent
project is covered
Education The Company has provided support towards the cost of education of 14,986
underprivileged children from the society, to give equal opportunity of
learning to all.
Education The Company has contributed towards the infrastructure development 2,029
of school classrooms, sanitation facilities and kitchen facilities to various
schools in rural areas.
Education The Company has provided for various educational facilities, materials, 50,151
basic essentials required to various schools/ institutions PAN India. The
learning equipments for differently abled children were also provided by
Environment The Company has contributed towards making a greener planet by 1,101
planting saplings and maintaining the plantations
Healthcare The Company has contributed towards procurement of various medical, 13,339
healthcare facilities to the hospitals, institutes. Also contributed for
assistance for cancer treatment of various needy people
Prime Minister Fund The Company has contributed for Prime Ministers Swachh Bharat Kosh for 16,576
and Flood Relief improving cleanliness levels in rural and urban areas, including in schools,
also provided relief materials to the victim of Chennai floods
Rural Development The Company has contributed towards providing basic amenities like 1,249
sanitation facilities, safe drinking water, solar lights in the villages which
are sparsely populated
Total 99,431
i. Gross amount required to be spent by the company during the year - ` 99,373 thousands
Pursuant to Guidance Note on Accounting for Expenditure on Corporate Social Responsibility activities issued by
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, expenditure on Corporate Social Responsibility has been shown under
Profit and Loss Account.
Notes to Accounts
33. Service Tax Absorbed
Notes to Accounts
Description Year ended Year ended Amount Reason
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 (` 000)
Schedule Sub-heading Schedule Sub-heading
35. Net receivable to Unit linked Funds in Schedule 8B ` 4,723,057 thousands as on March 31, 2016 (previous year ended
March 31, 2015 ` 4,151,646 thousands) represents unitization pending for investment in Unit linked Funds.
The corresponding Receivable from Unit linked Funds `2,050,708 thousands as on March 31, 2016 (previous year
ended March 31, 2015 `1,120,257 thousands) and Payable to Unit linked Fund ` 6,773,765 thousands as on March
31, 2016 (previous year ended March 31, 2015 `5,271,903 thousands) has been reported in schedule 12 and schedule
13 respectively.
Notes to Accounts
B. Related parties and nature of relationship:
Sr. Nature of relationship Name of related party
1. Holding Company State Bank of India
2. Joint Venture Partner BNP Paribas Cardif
3. Holding Company of Joint Venture Partner BNP Paribas
4. Fellow Subsidiaries State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
State Bank of Hyderabad
State Bank of Mysore
State Bank of Patiala
State Bank of Travancore
SBI Capital Markets Ltd.
SBI Funds Management (Pvt.) Ltd.
SBI CAPS Ventures Ltd.
SBI CAP Trustee Company Ltd.
SBI CAP (Singapore) Ltd.
SBI Cards & Payment Services Pvt. Ltd.
SBI Payment Services Pvt. Ltd.
SBI Global Factors Ltd.
SBICAP Securities Ltd.
SBI Pension Funds Pvt. Ltd.
SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd.
SBI Funds Management ( International) Pvt. Ltd.
SBI Mutual Fund Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd.
SBI-SG Global Securities Services Pvt. Ltd.
State Bank of India (California)
SBI Canada Bank
SBI (Mauritius) Ltd.
Commercial Bank of India Llc, Moscow
PT Bank SBI Indonesia
Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
Bank SBI Botswana Ltd.
SBI Foundation
SBI Servicos Limitada, Brazil
5. Significant Influence or Controlling Enterprise SBI Life Insurance Company Limited Employee PF Trust
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited Employees
Gratuity Fund
6. Key Management Personnel Mr. Arijit Basu - Managing Director & CEO
(Inducted w.e.f. August 1, 2014)
C. The following are the transactions and year ended outstanding balances of related parties in the ordinary
course of business:
Interim Dividend 888,000 888,000
Investments: Purchased/Placed 3,908,980 2,137,644
Statutory Report
Share Capital 7,400,000 7,400,000
Interim Dividend Payable 888,000 888,000
Other Liabilities 396,482 371,506
Additional Information
Bank Charges - 4
Investments: Purchased/Placed - 5,336,543
Investments: Sales/Maturity - 5,588,498
Statutory Report
Outstanding Balances:
Management Review and
Investments - -
Income accrued on Investments - -
Cash & Bank balances 600 3,011
4. SBICap Securities Ltd. Fellow Subsidiary Transactions:
Premium Income 264 36
Financial Statements
Commission Expenses 119 93
Brokerage Charges 19,403 29,518
Outstanding Balances:
Other Liabilities 1,043 1,487
Additional Information
Investments: Purchased/Placed - 20,000
Investments: Sales/Maturity 20,000 -
Outstanding Balances:
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Employees Salary/Allowances/ Reimbursement 655 1,966
Commission Expenses 104,899 78,679
Rewards & Recognition paid 20,557 10,573
Statutory Report
Bank Charges 65 55
Management Review and
Advertisement - 10,746
Investments: Purchased/Placed 152,828 -
Investments: Sales/Maturity 50,000 245,767
Outstanding Balances:
Investments 1,881,200 1,931,200
Financial Statements
Investments: Purchased/Placed 966,187 2,308,653
Investments: Sales/Maturity 1,044,397 794,357
Notes to Accounts
Outstanding Balances:
Investments 50,000 650,000
Income accrued on Investments 4,975 108,833
Cash & Bank balances 75,369 51,635
Statutory Report
Bank Charges 24 19
Other Expenses 4 -
Outstanding Balances:
Cash & Bank balances 35,981 27,499
Other liabilities 35,128 35,860
Additional Information
Premium Income 5,868 (73)
Investments: Purchased/Placed 300,477 953,312
Outstanding Balances:
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Premium Income 1,197 41
Outstanding Balances:
Notes to Accounts
Other liabilities 5 4
17. SBI SG Global Securities Fellow Subsidiary Transactions:
Private Ltd. Income
Premium Income 34 16
Statutory Report
Outstanding Balances:
Management Review and
Other liabilities 2 3
18. SBI Life Insurance Company Significant Influence/Controlling Transactions:
Limited Employee PF Trust Enterprise Income
Profit / (Loss) on Sale of Investments 1,716 3,779
Contribution 418,142 358,631
Financial Statements
21. Key Management Personnel Key Management Personnel & Transactions:
Relatives Premium Income 59 121
Surrender Payout 236 -
Statutory Report
* The above information is given by the management and relied upon by the auditors.
Management Review and
Financial Statements
Additional Information
Notes to Accounts
37 Disclosure relating to Controlled Fund
As per IRDA guidelines, the details of controlled fund are mentioned below:
Computation of Controlled fund as per the Balance Sheet
(` in crores)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Policyholders Fund (Life Fund)
Participating 12,116 8,616
Individual Assurance 10,225 7,430
Individual Pension 841 672
Group Pension 9 8
Individual Variable Insurance 1,041 506
Non-participating 27,518 24,244
Individual Assurance 6,105 4,759
Individual Pension 536 550
Group Assurance 17,108 15,866
Annuity 2,225 1,967
Group Variable Insurance 1,544 1,103
Linked 36,022 34,809
Individual Assurance 33,020 31,604
Individual Pension 2,809 3,048
Group Gratuity 192 157
Funds for Future Appropriations - Linked - 1
Funds for Future Appropriations - Others - -
Credit/(Debit) Fair Value Change Account 335 501
Total (A) 75,991 68,171
Shareholders Fund
Paid up Capital 1,000 1,000
Reserves & Surplus 3,691 2,974
Fair Value Change 42 65
Total (B) 4,733 4,039
Misc. expenses not written off - -
Credit / (Debit) from P&L A/c. - -
Total (C ) - -
Total shareholders funds (B+C) 4,733 4,039
Controlled Fund (Total (A+B+C)) 80,725 72,211
Reconciliation of the Controlled Fund from Revenue and Profit & Loss
Opening Balance of Controlled Fund 72,211 58,997
Add: Inflow
Premium Income 15,825 12,867
Less: Reinsurance ceded (160) (87)
Net Premium 15,665 12,780
Investment Income 3,341 10,243
Other Income 20 14
Funds transferred from Shareholders Accounts 93 153
Total Income 19,119 23,190
Less: Outgo
(i) Benefits paid (Net) 7,960 8,198
(ii) Interim & Terminal Bonuses Paid 7 3
(iii) Change in Valuation of Liability 7,987 12,284
(iv) Commission 714 604
Notes to Accounts
(` in crores)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
(v) Operating Expenses 1,459 1,176
(vi) Service Tax on charges 170 129
(vii) Provision for Taxation 153 109
(a) FBT - -
(b) I.T. 153 109
Provisions (other than taxation) 5 (11)
(a) For diminution in the value of investments (net) and provision for standard 5 (11)
(b) Others - -
Total Outgo 18,455 22,491
Surplus of the Policyholders Fund 664 698
Less: transferred to Shareholders Account 666 704
Net Flow in Policyholders account (1) (6)
Add: Net income in Shareholders Fund 861 820
Net In Flow / Outflow 860 814
Add: change in valuation Liabilities 7,987 12,284
Add: Increase in Paid up Capital - -
Less: Interim dividend and dividend distribution tax 144 144
Less: Corporate social responsibility expenses - 8
Closing Balance of Controlled Fund as per cash flow 80,913 71,943
Change in fair value change (188) 268
Closing Balance of Controlled Fund 80,725 72,211
As Per Balance Sheet 80,725 72,211
Difference, if any - -
Reconciliation with Shareholders and Policyholders Fund
Policyholders Funds
Policyholders Funds - Traditional-PAR and NON-PAR
Opening Balance of the Policyholders Fund with change in fair value 33,361 27,057
Add: Surplus of the Revenue Account - -
Add: Change in valuation Liabilities 6,774 6,065
Total as per cash flow 40,135 33,122
Change in fair value change (165) 239
Total 39,970 33,361
As per Balance Sheet 39,970 33,361
Difference, if any - -
Policyholders Funds - Linked
Opening Balance of the Policyholders Fund 34,810 28,597
Add: Surplus of the Revenue Account (1) (6)
Add: change in valuation Liabilities 1,213 6,219
Total 36,022 34,810
As per Balance Sheet 36,022 34,810
Difference, if any - -
Shareholders Funds
Opening Balance of Shareholders Fund 4,039 3,342
Add: net income of Shareholders account (P&L) 861 820
Add: Infusion of Capital - -
Less: Interim dividend and dividend distribution tax 144 144
Less: Corporate social responsibility expenses - 8
Notes to Accounts
(` in crores)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
Closing Balance of the Shareholders fund as per cash flow 4,756 4,010
Change in fair value change (23) 29
Closing Balance of the Shareholders fund 4,733 4,039
As per Balance Sheet 4,733 4,039
Difference, if any - -
Total (A) 43,629,595 2,510,993 8,743 5,929,272 52,078,602 19,429,205 1,106,748 22,998,105 3,136,228 9,806,498 4,187,565 17,390 6,491,526 67,173,266 66,297,140 534,940 5,107,347 71,939,428 191,191,296
Direct - First year premiums 2,311,923 36,428 - 132,815 2,481,167 188,546 (1) 381 3,868 188,319 - 6 73 381,192 1,813,405 - 109,461 1,922,866 4,785,225
- Renewal premiums 1,064,261 20,345 - 89,303 1,173,909 250,588 9,220 786 1,339 234,563 - 864 - 497,359 494,294 - 43,515 537,808 2,209,077
- Single premiums 1,770 1,438 - - 3,208 7,067 13 8,087 - 1,097 16,861 - 8,262 41,387 103,357 295 27 103,679 148,274
Less: Commission on Re-insurance ceded - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Operating expenses related to insurance business 4,200,927 97,551 160 392,107 4,690,744 1,159,900 35,767 248,388 555,528 1,180,166 43,117 1,617 62,024 3,286,507 6,172,617 23,836 407,587 6,604,040 14,581,291
Provision for doubtful debts 724 12 - - 737 96 2 - - - - - - 98 - - - - 835
Bad debts written off - - - - - 541 11 - - - - - - 552 4,167 - - 4,167 4,719
Provision for tax
- Income tax 825,668 - - 68,010 893,678 171,121 - 12,357 - 450,962 - 4,696 - 639,136 - - - - 1,532,814
Provision (other than taxation) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For diminution in the value of investments (net) 12,307 (2,023) (23) - 10,261 4,144 (199) 25,405 - 1,350 - - - 30,701 - - - - 40,962
For standard assets 4,750 - - - 4,750 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,750
Statutory Report
Service Tax on charges 24 - - 47,193 47,217 42 2,408 98 - - - - 53 2,601 1,555,860 1,690 94,653 1,652,203 1,702,021
Total (B) 8,422,354 153,752 137 729,429 9,305,671 1,782,045 47,221 295,501 560,734 2,056,457 59,979 7,183 70,412 4,879,533 10,143,699 25,821 655,243 10,824,763 25,009,967
Management Review and
Benefits paid (net) 6,311,903 602,358 4,138 81,757 7,000,156 4,560,133 1,133,548 13,816,773 1,964,608 1,500,901 1,546,726 2,805 2,006,455 26,531,949 39,244,079 144,303 6,675,018 46,063,400 79,595,505
Interim & Terminal bonuses paid 73,545 83 - 97 73,725 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 73,725
Change in valuation of liability in respect of life
(a) Gross** 27,952,028 1,687,718 9,993 4,898,283 34,548,022 11,996,137 (75,928) 8,706,433 804,464 3,110,159 2,580,861 (32,344) 4,414,658 31,504,440 1,589,530 10,734 (67,527) 1,532,737 67,585,198
(b) Amount ceded in Re-insurance (2,015) (1) - (3,044) (5,060) (97,102) - - (193,577) (882) - 7,178 - (284,384) (14,201) - (2) (14,203) (303,647)
(c) Amount accepted in Re-insurance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(d) Fund reserve - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,551,245 354,083 (2,589,903) 12,315,425 12,315,425
(e) Funds for discontinued policies - - - 456,575 456,575 - - - - - - - - - (388,662) - 203,703 (184,958) 271,617
Total (C) 34,335,461 2,290,158 14,131 5,433,669 42,073,417 16,459,168 1,057,620 22,523,206 2,575,494 4,610,178 4,127,586 (22,361) 6,421,114 57,752,006 54,981,991 509,119 4,221,290 59,712,400 159,537,823
SURPLUS/ (DEFICIT) (D) = [(A)-(B)-(C )] 871,780 67,083 (5,524) (233,825) 699,514 1,187,992 1,907 179,398 - 3,139,862 - 32,568 - 4,541,727 1,171,450 - 230,814 1,402,264 6,643,505
Balance of previous year 547,866 - - (547,866) - - - - - - - - - - 13,033 - 1,593 14,626 14,626
Balance available for appropriation 1,419,647 67,083 (5,524) (781,692) 699,514 1,187,992 1,907 179,398 - 3,139,862 - 32,568 - 4,541,727 1,184,483 - 232,407 1,416,890 6,658,131
Financial Statements
Transfer to Shareholders account 590,597 60,918 641 47,358 699,514 1,187,992 1,907 179,398 - 3,139,862 - 32,568 - 4,541,727 1,182,177 - 232,407 1,414,584 6,655,825
Transfer to other reserves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Balance being Funds for Future Appropriations 829,050 6,165 (6,165) (829,050) - - - - - - - - - - 2,306 - - 2,306 2,306
Total (D) 871,780 67,083 (5,524) (233,825) 699,514 1,187,992 1,907 179,398 - 3,139,862 - 32,568 - 4,541,727 1,171,450 - 230,814 1,402,264 6,643,505
a) Interim & Terminal bonuses paid 73,545 83 - 97 73,725 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 73,725
b) Allocation of bonus to policyholders 5,241,824 548,183 5,766 426,128 6,221,901 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,221,901
c) Surplus shown in the revenue account 871,780 67,083 (5,524) (233,825) 699,514 1,187,992 1,907 179,398 - 3,139,862 - 32,568 - 4,541,727 1,171,450 - 230,814 1,402,264 6,643,505
d) Total Surplus: [(a) + (b) + (c )] 6,187,149 615,349 241 192,400 6,995,139 1,187,992 1,907 179,398 - 3,139,862 - 32,568 - 4,541,727 1,171,450 - 230,814 1,402,264 12,939,130
* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority
** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus
Additional Information
of premium
(ii) Others - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 129,962 - 2,757 132,719 - 132,719
Total linked liabilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 330,202,157 1,921,554 28,092,846 360,216,558 - 360,216,558
Sub-total - 103,340,750 8,634,231 93,199 10,421,635 122,489,815 55,605,013 5,337,031 133,050,626 3,642,580 35,844,501 22,246,287 9,753 15,457,840 271,193,632 336,073,272 1,945,394 28,210,157 366,228,822 - 759,912,269
Funds for future appropriations- linked - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,306 - - 2,306 - 2,306
Funds for future appropriations- others - 829,050 6,165 (6,165) (829,050) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 47,331,010 104,169,800 8,640,396 87,034 9,592,585 122,489,815 55,605,013 5,337,031 133,050,626 3,642,580 35,844,501 22,246,287 9,753 15,457,840 271,193,632 336,075,578 1,945,394 28,210,157 366,231,128 - 807,245,585
Shareholders 8 35,649,022 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35,649,022
Policyholders 8A - 99,045,870 8,036,551 86,635 8,947,781 116,116,837 62,029,121 5,223,547 110,741,523 3,711,484 36,391,699 20,631,109 42,316 14,346,734 253,117,533 12,052,361 24,636 1,247,598 13,324,595 - 382,558,966
Assets held to cover linked liabilities 8B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 330,204,464 1,921,554 28,092,846 360,218,864 - 360,218,864
Statutory Report
(Shareholders Account)
TOTAL 47,331,010 101,701,852 9,077,897 91,015 9,836,280 120,707,044 52,990,591 5,052,804 132,840,996 4,097,762 35,333,868 21,173,270 8,706 15,440,023 266,938,021 339,795,557 2,004,085 29,018,512 370,818,154 1,451,356 807,245,585
Net Capital Employed 47,331,010
Additional Information
Direct - First year premiums 2,174,647 42,707 - 199,105 2,416,458 325,785 59 2,076 1,519 162,506 - 23 - 491,968 944,822 - 63,209 1,008,031 3,916,457
- Renewal premiums 847,843 13,077 - 28,501 889,421 335,033 12,799 31 520 211,345 - 2,278 - 562,006 500,719 - 30,927 531,646 1,983,074
- Single premiums 3,061 1,423 - - 4,484 5,753 7 10,696 - 1,149 22,165 - 5,453 45,224 87,452 413 20 87,886 137,595
Less: Commission on Re-insurance ceded - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Operating expenses related to insurance 3,645,891 95,545 143 504,986 4,246,565 1,266,267 50,616 258,694 420,358 901,726 47,813 2,385 8,843 2,956,702 4,225,330 28,366 298,950 4,552,646 11,755,913
Provision for doubtful debts 703 13 - - 716 155 3 - - - - - - 158 - - - - 874
Bad debts written off - - - - - 669 13 - - - - - - 682 3,096 - - 3,096 3,778
Provision for tax
- Income tax 616,691 - - 26,519 643,210 - - - - 313,735 - 6,093 - 319,828 129,208 - - 129,208 1,092,246
Provision (other than taxation)
- For diminution in the value of investments (22,991) (9,854) (126) - (32,971) (6,258) (2,760) (61,122) - (8,135) - - - (78,274) - - - - (111,245)
Service Tax on charges - - - 20,475 20,475 251 1,393 83 - 125 - - 18 1,870 1,180,305 1,334 86,157 1,267,796 1,290,141
Statutory Report
Total (B) 7,265,845 142,911 17 779,587 8,188,360 1,927,657 62,131 210,458 422,397 1,582,452 69,978 10,778 14,313 4,300,165 7,070,932 30,113 479,264 7,580,309 20,068,833
Benefits paid (net) 4,021,999 785,588 4,846 37,739 4,850,172 1,765,988 626,186 16,964,159 566,885 1,366,944 1,391,394 3,491 552,782 23,237,830 42,593,257 717,630 10,577,957 53,888,843 81,976,846
Management Review and
Transfer to Shareholders' account 443,603 48,288 506 18,724 511,121 - 7,591 - - 2,227,822 - 43,018 - 2,278,431 3,629,701 - 624,974 4,254,675 7,044,227
Transfer to other reserves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Balance being Funds for Future 547,866 - - (547,866) - - - - - - - - - - 13,033 - 1,593 14,626 14,626
Total (D) 757,132 48,288 506 (294,805) 511,121 - 7,591 - - 2,227,822 - 43,018 - 2,278,431 3,583,357 - 611,681 4,195,038 6,984,591
a) Interim & Terminal bonuses paid 26,764 - - 57 26,820 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26,820
b) Allocation of bonus to policyholders 3,965,664 434,594 4,551 168,460 4,573,269 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,573,269
c) Surplus shown in the revenue account 757,132 48,288 506 (294,805) 511,121 - 7,591 - - 2,227,822 - 43,018 - 2,278,431 3,583,357 - 611,681 4,195,038 6,984,591
d) Total Surplus: [(a) + (b) + (c )] 4,749,560 482,882 5,057 (126,288) 5,111,210 - 7,591 - - 2,227,822 - 43,018 - 2,278,431 3,583,357 - 611,681 4,195,038 11,584,680
* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority
** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus
Additional Information
Sub-total - 75,948,051 7,012,330 84,371 5,055,029 88,099,781 43,819,409 5,456,553 125,106,410 3,059,456 32,821,887 19,665,428 34,929 11,053,963 241,018,034 320,335,588 1,580,578 30,663,895 352,580,060 - 681,697,876
Funds for future appropriations- linked - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13,033 - 1,593 14,626 - 14,626
Funds for future appropriations- others - 547,866 - - (547,866) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 40,394,085 76,495,917 7,012,330 84,371 4,507,163 88,099,781 43,819,409 5,456,553 125,106,410 3,059,456 32,821,887 19,665,428 34,929 11,053,963 241,018,034 320,348,620 1,580,578 30,665,488 352,594,686 - 722,106,587
Shareholders' 8 30,702,378 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30,702,378
Policyholders' 8A - 73,136,607 6,461,096 77,532 4,086,708 83,761,944 46,475,280 5,175,218 103,589,815 2,730,650 32,349,954 18,200,444 77,932 9,701,360 218,300,653 11,388,370 27,326 1,566,377 12,982,073 - 315,044,670
Assets held to cover linked liabilities 8B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 316,052,607 1,567,472 30,480,639 348,100,717 - 348,100,717
Loans 9 - 17,730 - - - 17,730 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17,730
Fixed Assets 10 2,714,892 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,714,892
Current Assets (A)
Cash and bank balances 11 1,950,100 1,970,367 697,274 7,487 240,593 2,915,721 249,718 5,345 13,921,814 430,636 1,957,443 68,405 23 823,633 17,457,017 2,306,167 147,818 72,895 2,526,880 388,066 25,237,784
Advances and other assets 12 6,513,066 2,788,965 408,536 (506) 648,880 3,845,876 2,663,921 85,360 8,111,286 72,333 (652,903) 626,950 (42,142) 540,459 11,405,265 (2,932,387) 2,492 (619,959) (3,549,853) 817,891 19,032,243
Statutory Report
Sub-total (A) 8,463,166 4,759,332 1,105,810 6,981 889,473 6,761,596 2,913,639 90,704 22,033,100 502,969 1,304,540 695,355 (42,119) 1,364,091 28,862,282 (626,219) 150,310 (547,063) (1,022,973) 1,205,958 44,270,027
Management Review and
Current Liabilities (B) 13 46,421 2,198,802 74,552 1,778 268,381 2,543,513 6,096,409 52,216 25,877 234,808 1,005,829 93,788 11,189 20,141 7,540,257 5,694,509 5,621 564,819 6,264,949 506,972 16,902,111
Provisions 14 1,439,929 68,303 2,036 3 6,789 77,131 27,348 971 5,660 7,926 19,661 970 57 186 62,778 78,882 623 5,901 85,406 176,472 1,841,716
Sub-total (B) 1,486,351 2,267,105 76,589 1,781 275,170 2,620,644 6,123,756 53,187 31,537 242,734 1,025,490 94,758 11,246 20,327 7,603,035 5,773,390 6,244 570,720 6,350,354 683,444 18,743,828
Net Current Assets (C) = (A - B) 6,976,815 2,492,227 1,029,222 5,200 614,303 4,140,953 (3,210,117) 37,517 22,001,564 260,235 279,051 600,598 (53,365) 1,343,764 21,259,247 (6,399,610) 144,066 (1,117,783) (7,373,327) 522,514 25,526,199
Miscellaneous Expenditure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(to the extent not written off or adjusted )
Debit balance in Profit & Loss account - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Shareholders' Account )
TOTAL 40,394,085 75,646,565 7,490,318 82,732 4,701,011 87,920,626 43,265,162 5,212,735 125,591,379 2,990,885 32,629,004 18,801,042 24,568 11,045,124 239,559,900 321,041,367 1,738,864 30,929,232 353,709,464 522,514 722,106,587
Net Capital Employed 40,394,085
Financial Statements
Additional Information
(a) Premium 4,355,737 59,032,301 63,388,038 234,673 4,907,531 5,142,204 (119) 417,444 417,325 68,947,567
(b) Reinsurance ceded (46,765) - (46,765) (5) - (5) - - - (46,769)
Income from Investments
(a) Interest, Dividend & 886,309 12,004,848 12,891,157 26,340 1,012,185 1,038,525 3,221 107,875 111,096 14,040,778
Rent - Gross
Corporate Overview
(b) Profit on sale / 64,213 24,127,802 24,192,015 1,908 3,188,799 3,190,707 233 51,733 51,966 27,434,688
redemption of
(c) Loss on sale / (254) (9,393,357) (9,393,612) (8) (1,388,569) (1,388,576) (1) (24,865) (24,866) (10,807,054)
redemption of
(d) Unrealised gain / loss - (26,906,235) (26,906,235) - (2,981,016) (2,981,016) - (42,824) (42,824) (29,930,076)
(e) Accretion of discount/ 47,549 2,120,311 2,167,859 1,413 103,941 105,354 173 1,727 1,899 2,275,113
(amortisation of
Statutory Report
premium) (net)
Management Review and
Other Income:
(a) Linked income UL-1 7,365,357 (7,365,357) - 506,868 (506,868) - 11,249 (11,249) - -
(b) Miscellaneous income 4,615 67 4,682 138 16 154 16 1 17 4,853
(c) Contribution from the - - - - - - 20,327 - 20,327 20,327
Shareholders A/c
Total (A) 12,676,762 53,620,379 66,297,140 771,328 4,336,019 5,107,347 35,098 499,842 534,940 71,939,428
Commission 2,415,223 - 2,415,223 153,003 - 153,003 295 - 295 2,568,520
Financial Statements
Operating expenses 6,163,409 9,208 6,172,617 406,661 926 407,587 23,749 87 23,836 6,604,040
related to insurance
Additional Information
(` 000)
Particulars Sch Linked Life Linked Pension Linked Group Total Unit
Non-Unit Unit Total Non-Unit Unit Total Non-Unit Unit Total
(1) (2) (3) = (1) + (2) (4) (5) (6) = (4) + (5) (7) (8) (9)=(7)+(8) (10) = (3) +
Service Tax on Linked 543,786 1,012,074 1,555,860 29,683 64,970 94,653 - 1,690 1,690 1,652,203
Provision for taxation - - - - - - - - - -
Total (B) 9,122,418 1,021,282 10,143,699 589,347 65,896 655,243 24,044 1,777 25,821 10,824,763
Benefits paid (Net) UL-2 796,839 38,447,241 39,244,079 17,103 6,657,915 6,675,018 321 143,982 144,303 46,063,400
Corporate Overview
Subscription lapse - - - - - - - - - -
Interim bonus paid - - - - - - - - - -
Change in valuation of - - - - - - - - - -
liability in respect of life
(a) Fund reserve 1,575,329 14,551,245 16,126,574 (67,529) (2,589,903) (2,657,432) 10,734 354,083 364,816 13,833,959
(b) Funds for - (388,662) (388,662) - 203,703 203,703 - - - (184,958)
discontinued policies
Statutory Report
Total (C) 2,372,167 52,609,824 54,981,991 (50,426) 4,271,716 4,221,290 11,054 498,065 509,119 59,712,400
Management Review and
Surplus / (Deficit) (D) = 1,182,177 (10,727) 1,171,450 232,407 (1,593) 230,814 - - - 1,402,264
(A) - (B) - (C)
Balance of previous year - 13,033 13,033 - 1,593 1,593 - - - 14,626
Transfer to Shareholders 1,182,177 - 1,182,177 232,407 - 232,407 - - - 1,414,584
Funds available for future - 2,306 2,306 - - - - - - 2,306
Financial Statements
Total (D) 1,182,177 (10,727) 1,171,450 232,407 (1,593) 230,814 - - - 1,402,264
Additional Information
Discontinuance charge 108,481 4,781 - 113,262
Other charges 37,739 6,784 - 44,523
Statutory Report
(b) Claims by maturity 166 2,847,223 2,847,389 1,657 164,876 166,533 - 40,117 40,117 3,054,039
(c) Annuities / Pension - - - - - - - - - -
(d) Other benefits - - - - - - - - - -
- Subscription lapse (17,060) 11,145,612 11,128,551 (4,017) 1,212,299 1,208,282 - - - 12,336,833
Corporate Overview
- Surrender 6,084 23,636,595 23,642,679 265 5,172,562 5,172,827 - 97,999 97,999 28,913,504
- Survival - - - - - - - - - -
- Others - - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (A) 822,942 38,447,241 39,270,183 17,103 6,657,915 6,675,018 321 143,982 144,303 46,089,504
Amount ceded in
(a) Claims by death 26,103 - 26,103 - - - - - - 26,103
(b) Claims by maturity - - - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
(d) Other benefits - - - - - - - - - -
- Surrender - - - - - - - - - -
- Survival - - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (B) 26,103 - 26,103 - - - - - - 26,103
Total (A) - (B) 796,839 38,447,241 39,244,079 17,103 6,657,915 6,675,018 321 143,982 144,303 46,063,400
Benefits paid to
Financial Statements
In India 796,839 38,447,241 39,244,079 17,103 6,657,915 6,675,018 321 143,982 144,303 46,063,400
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
Total (UL2) 796,839 38,447,241 39,244,079 17,103 6,657,915 6,675,018 321 143,982 144,303 46,063,400
Additional Information
Profit / loss on sale of 70,233 60,276 23,865 19,693 697,368 1,878,175 2,271,540 1,433,023 453,193
Profit / loss on inter (13,988) 480 708 10,715 142,126 405,196 241,907 357,750 32,952
fund transfer / sale of
Miscellaneous income / (10) - 2 (1) 3 (19) 33 47 (2)
Corporate Overview
Unrealised gain / loss * (198,024) 79,479 (33,926) (190,548) (3,098,174) (3,059,978) (3,882,732) (3,217,037) (801,009)
Accretion of discount/ 4,084 53,827 102 13,479 777 63,654 272,927 361,494 (4,269)
(amortisation of
premium) (net)
Total (A) 138,819 3,156,828 (4,167) (78,513) (1,791,034) (380,220) (121,240) 494,539 (94,415)
Fund management 79,294 382,889 2,314 45,591 45,0831 231,865 278,467 540,391 85,245
Fund administration - - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Other charges F-5 164,946 889,330 2,893 63,188 530,119 191,873 280,678 168,809 73,882
Management Review and
Service Tax on ULIP 33,923 176,581 717 15,168 135,275 56,742 75,242 96,240 22,247
Total (B) 278,163 1,448,801 5,923 123,947 1,116,226 480,480 634,388 805,440 181,375
Net Income for the (139,344) 1,708,027 (10,090) (202,460) (2,907,260) (860,700) (755,628) (310,901) (275,789)
year (A-B)
Add: Fund Revenue 1,177,561 4,828,561 260,794 673,365 22,171,042 13,131,281 10,891,266 15,282,251 4,827,866
Account at the
beginning of the period
Less: Fund revenue - - - - - - - - -
Financial Statements
Profit / loss on sale of 556,013 2,093 328,595 1,670,424 106,022 1,116,658 1,162 67,694 (9,633)
Profit / loss on inter - 567 24,337 30,635 4,392 10,053 1,314 3,385 18,984
fund transfer / sale of
Miscellaneous income / (51) (3) (7) 129 2 (54) (3) - 6
Corporate Overview
Unrealised gain / loss * (1,895,320) 658 (655,279) (2,743,483) (408,223) (1,848,763) 3,166 (110,644) (16,239)
Accretion of discount/ 107 66,923 74,680 260,833 3,775 138,762 20,094 894 13,094
(amortisation of
premium) (net)
Total (A) (1,110,072) 80,860 (158,389) 371,360 (157,154) (15,504) 197,114 29,550 413,679
Fund management 187,179 2,456 79,625 306,451 73,500 165,873 22,858 19,178 51,322
Fund administration - - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Other charges F-5 123,886 16,297 58,037 323,295 36,942 166,592 18,151 6,759 28,159
Management Review and
Service Tax on ULIP 42,306 2,554 18,167 85,177 15,068 46,035 5,685 3,207 9,770
Total (B) 353,371 21,307 155,830 714,922 125,510 378,500 46,694 29,143 89,252
Net Income for the (1,463,442) 59,554 (314,218) (343,562) (282,664) (3,940,04) 150,420 407 324,427
year (A-B)
Add: Fund Revenue 5,000,507 53,246 2,195,548 6,986,943 1,690,285 4,429,858 533,330 1,096,278 2,867,066
Account at the
beginning of the period
Less: Fund revenue - - - - - - - - -
Financial Statements
Total (A) (77,909) (479,320) (36,898) (57,594) 23,331 (96,065) 8,204 31,159
Fund management expenses 37,628 101,331 43,335 9,499 688 51,792 1,247 3,557
Fund administration expenses - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Other charges F-5 15,045 46,725 18,286 2,454 1,838 15,435 908 (464)
Management Review and
Service Tax on ULIP charges 6,626 19,088 7,819 1,560 286 8,465 293 498
Total (B) 59,298 167,145 69,441 13,513 2,813 75,692 2,447 3,591
Net Income for the year (A-B) (137,207) (646,465) (106,339) (71,107) 20,519 (171,757) 5,757 27,569
Add: Fund Revenue Account at 4,555,869 8,249,927 3,656,304 420,849 51,205 1,941,106 25,761 254,703
the beginning of the period
Less: Fund revenue transferred to - - - - - - - -
Capital A/c
Financial Statements
Fund Revenue Account at the 4,418,662 7,603,462 3,549,965 349,741 71,724 1,769,349 31,518 282,271
end of the period
* Net change in mark to market value of investments
Additional Information
Unrealised gain / loss * (2,312) (19,542) (573) (60) 1,332 90,602 21,303 2,031
Accretion of discount/ 101 169 382 3 4,271 227,647 4,889 81
(amortisation of premium) (net)
Total (A) 2,026 4,677 16,389 69 91,600 1,667,741 216,767 (29,210)
Fund management expenses 246 1,721 2,623 6 10,607 99,308 23,445 8,318
Fund administration expenses - - - - - - - -
Other charges F-5 2 (244) 107 - 6,697 407 17,712 4,918
Statutory Report
Service Tax on ULIP charges 34 256 379 1 2,405 13,846 5,743 1,848
Management Review and
Interest income 1,906 1,004,865 19,050 15,499 234 5,589 8,674 10,783,788
Dividend income - 370,262 325 1,314 25 - - 2,341,120
Profit / loss on sale of investment 841 2,676,069 (1,158) (4,742) (278) 146 310 14,933,907
Profit / loss on inter fund transfer 170 106,007 136 1,428 9 - 310 1,627,635
/ sale of investment
Corporate Overview
Total (A) 10,279 (334,587) 19,964 13,008 107 6,248 10,553 1,982,583
Fund management expenses 309 494,068 1,594 1,636 32 445 565 3,899,330
Fund administration expenses - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Fund Revenue Account at the 11,650 10,929,738 32,740 26,214 65 5,727 10,098 125,332,488
end of the period
* Net change in mark to market value of investments
Additional Information
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' F-1 8,449,911 46,147,474 (50,122) 4,267,615 18,693,427 3,338,817 15,584,739 19,013,100 1,637,365
Revenue Account 1,038,217 6,536,588 250,704 470,906 19,263,782 12,270,581 10,135,639 14,971,350 4,552,076
Total 9,488,128 52,684,062 200,582 4,738,521 37,957,209 15,609,398 25,720,377 33,984,450 6,189,441
Application of Funds
Corporate Overview
Investments F-2 8,881,680 49,418,608 199,752 4,486,195 36,299,959 15,359,969 25,361,192 32,397,666 6,122,692
Current Assets F-3 669,584 3,267,707 1,661 252,518 2,262,288 538,369 392,448 1,608,952 67,042
Less: Current Liabilities F-4 63,136 2,253 831 193 605,038 288,939 33,263 22,168 293
and Provisions
Net Current Assets 606,448 3,265,454 830 252,325 1,657,250 249,430 359,185 1,586,784 66,749
Total 9,488,128 52,684,062 200,582 4,738,521 37,957,209 15,609,398 25,720,377 33,984,450 6,189,441
Statutory Report
(a) Net Asset as per 9,488,128 52,684,062 200,582 4,738,521 37,957,209 15,609,398 25,720,377 33984450 6189441
Balance Sheet
(Total Assets less
Current Liabilities
and Provisions)
(` '000)
(b) Number of Units 335,228,079 1,999,971,985 8,760,700 273,291,586 594,935,915 867,275,527 1,470,021,460 1,348,364,550 193,611,825
Financial Statements
(c) NAV per Unit (a) / 28.3035 26.3424 22.8957 17.3387 63.8005 17.9982 17.4966 25.2042 31.9683
(b) (`)
Additional Information
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' Funds:
Policyholders' F-1 11,187,867 866,200 3,580,253 20,327,203 3,617,696 12,707,962 1,635,972 261,085 1,582,814
Revenue Account 3,537,065 112,800 1,881,329 6,643,382 1,407,621 4,035,854 683,750 1,096,685 3,191,493
Total 14,724,932 979,000 5,461,582 26,970,585 5,025,317 16,743,816 2,319,723 1,357,770 4,774,307
Corporate Overview
Application of Funds
Investments F-2 14,597,133 973,746 5,417,238 26,587,313 5,030,966 16,487,905 2,097,330 1,325,145 4,546,489
Current Assets F-3 194,903 5,280 83,023 444,586 9,437 266,003 227,099 54,168 228,027
Less: Current F-4 67,104 25 38,679 61,314 15,086 10,091 4,706 21,543 208
Liabilities and
Net Current Assets 127,799 5,255 44,344 383,272 (5,649) 255,911 222,393 32,625 227,819
Total 14,724,932 979,000 5,461,582 26,970,585 5,025,317 16,743,816 2,319,723 1,357,770 4,774,307
Statutory Report
Management Review and
(c) NAV per Unit (a) 15.0997 20.5088 17.5239 13.9565 14.6943 15.1647 14.7869 26.2996 22.8284
/ (b) (`)
Additional Information
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' contribution F-1 (2,034,058) (967,798) (695,586) 281,039 218,951 1,546,739 93,451 384,608
Revenue Account 4,418,662 7,603,462 3,549,965 349,741 71,724 1,769,349 31,518 282,271
Total 2,384,605 6,635,664 2,854,379 630,781 290,675 3,316,087 124,969 666,880
Application of Funds
Corporate Overview
Investments F-2 2,385,707 6,359,646 2,837,560 640,339 284,346 3,283,083 121,750 652,522
Current Assets F-3 32,736 351,410 29,617 7,093 6,337 67,812 3,231 14,376
Less: Current Liabilities and F-4 33,839 75,392 12,799 16,651 8 34,808 12 18
Net Current Assets (1,103) 276,019 16,819 (9,558) 6,329 33,004 3,219 14,358
Total 2,384,605 6,635,664 2,854,379 630,781 290,675 3,316,087 124,969 666,880
(a) Net Asset as per Balance 2,384,605 6,635,664 2,854,379 630,781 290,675 3,316,087 124,969 666,880
Management Review and
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' contribution F-1 (120,888) 101,284 115,220 (28) 775,617 13,139,949 4,004,531 1,025,758
Revenue Account 148,158 161,016 88,095 569 322,106 3,177,996 267,908 (6,108)
Total 27,269 262,300 203,315 541 1,097,722 16,317,946 4,272,438 1,019,650
Application of Funds
Corporate Overview
Investments F-2 26,748 257,703 194,813 540 1,000,288 16,040,943 3,903,591 934,970
Current Assets F-3 522 4,638 8,541 1 97,469 364,275 369,078 90,917
Less: Current Liabilities and F-4 1 40 39 - 35 87,272 231 6,238
Net Current Assets 521 4,597 8,502 1 97,435 277,003 368,847 84,680
Total 27,269 262,300 203,315 541 1,097,722 16,317,946 4,272,438 1,019,650
(a) Net Asset as per Balance 27,269 262,300 203,315 541 1,097,722 16,317,946 4,272,438 1,019,650
Management Review and
Policyholders' Funds:
Policyholders' contribution F-1 211,340 43,061,933 340,767 273,091 9,702 72,944 198,432 234,886,377
Revenue Account 11,650 10,929,738 32,740 26,214 65 5,727 10,098 125,332,488
Total 222,990 53,991,672 373,507 299,305 9,767 78,671 208,529 360,218,864
Corporate Overview
Application of Funds
Investments F-2 206,479 52,594,606 313,400 268,729 7,283 76,190 215,166 348,197,380
Current Assets F-3 16,519 1,496,494 60,115 30,583 2,485 2,484 1,147 13,630,976
Less: Current Liabilities and F-4 8 99,429 9 7 - 3 7,783 1,609,492
Net Current Assets 16,512 1,397,065 60,106 30,576 2,484 2,481 (6,636) 12,021,484
Statutory Report
(c) NAV per Unit (a) / (b) (`) 11.8832 16.7374 12.2106 11.2666 9.8512 10.7961 11.7595
Additional Information
Opening Balance 3,830,502 27,281,554 (35,026) 2,496,935 11,233,598 5,849,122 20,206,983 23,557,972 1,923,893
Add: Additions during the 5,339,019 23,591,670 3,865 2,234,808 12,594,034 1,347,302 13,902 1,033 732,625
period *
Less: Deductions during 719,610 4,725,750 18,962 464,128 5,134,206 3,857,606 4,636,146 4,545,905 1,019,154
the period *
Corporate Overview
Closing Balance 8,449,911 46,147,474 (50,122) 4,267,615 18,693,427 3,338,817 15,584,739 19,013,100 1,637,365
(` 000)
Particulars Index Fund Money Top 300 Daily P/E Daily RGF070311 Balanced Bond
Market Fund Fund Protect Managed Protect Fund Pension Pension
Fund Fund Fund - II Fund Fund
Statutory Report
SFIN ULIF015070110 ULIF005010206 ULIF016070110 ULIF020060910 ULIF021080910 ULIF020040311 ULIF023090311 ULIF009210207 ULIF007160107
Management Review and
Opening Balance 10,841,532 922,228 4,208,534 25,148,014 3,966,220 12,041,703 1,695,416 636,430 2,719,846
Add: Additions during the 2,840,958 300,772 953,120 778,351 678,083 1,775,527 - 87,046 349,165
period *
Less: Deductions during 2,494,623 356,800 1,581,401 5,599,162 1,026,607 1,109,268 59,444 462,391 1,486,196
the period *
Closing Balance 11,187,867 866,200 3,580,253 20,327,203 3,617,696 12,707,962 1,635,972 261,085 1,582,814
Financial Statements
Opening Balance (1,372,866) 346,410 (32,807) 479,158 212,387 2,478,351 97,168 198,676 (87,678)
Add: Additions during the 138,003 388,042 141,980 52,147 76,840 299,278 - 204,727 917
period *
Less: Deductions during 799,195 1,702,250 804,759 250,266 70,276 1,230,890 3,718 18,794 34,127
the period *
Corporate Overview
Closing Balance (2,034,058) (967,798) (695,586) 281,039 218,951 1,546,739 93,451 384,608 (120,888)
(` 000)
Particulars Group GPF_100710 Group Short RGF150611 Discontinued Bond Equity Money Daily
Growth Plus Fund term Plus Fund Policy Fund Pension Pension Market Protect
Fund Fund Fund II Fund II Pension Fund - III
Fund II
Statutory Report
SFIN ULGF005250909 ULGF006300710 ULGF007180711 ULIF023210611 ULIF024110411 ULIF028300513 ULIF027300513 ULIF029300513 ULIF020010911
Management Review and
Opening Balance 116,174 128,710 711 781,542 15,082,790 1,370,315 463,578 74,461 36,364,432
Add: Additions during the - - - - 10,792,043 2,823,166 631,899 148,589 10,802,613
period *
Less: Deductions during 14,890 13,490 739 5,925 12,734,884 188,950 69,719 11,710 4,105,111
the period *
Closing Balance 101,284 115,220 (28) 775,617 13,139,949 4,004,531 1,025,758 211,340 43,061,933
Financial Statements
Particulars Group Debt Plus Group Balanced Group Growth Group Short Term Discontinue Total
Fund II Plus Fund II Plus Fund II Plus Fund II Pension Fund
Add: Additions during the period * 145,866 57,173 7,643 1,000 228,380 80,561,583
Less: Deductions during the period * 16,289 45,240 51 244 34,571 61,453,444
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Financial Statements
Additional Information
Money Market 56,042 1,051,819 38,926 397,289 709,585 837,359 997,304 3,350,679 167,854
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks 104,000 457,900 - 153,500 - 860,000 750,000 2,065,800 -
Total 8,447,470 47,113,733 194,780 4,000,939 34,525,822 14,686,885 23,792,807 30,647,787 6,022,991
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - 224,395 - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - 170,479 - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds 220,000 1,910,000 - 360,000 - 20,000 1,300,000 1,600,000 -
Total 434,210 2,304,874 4,973 485,257 1,774,137 673,084 1,568,386 1,749,879 99,701
Grand Total 8,881,680 49,418,608 199,752 4,486,195 36,299,959 15,359,969 25,361,192 32,397,666 6,122,692
% of Approved 95% 95% 98% 89% 95% 96% 94% 95% 98%
Investments to Total
Financial Statements
Money Market 4,455 912,686 1,077,319 2,602,471 1,042,393 2,160,974 1,286 17,508 25,666
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - 317,800 59,400 460,500
Total 14,343,661 973,746 5,263,106 24,574,594 4,930,078 15,008,027 2,097,330 1294,002 4,546,489
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds - - - 1,600,000 - 1250,000 - - -
Total 253,472 - 154,132 2,012,719 100,888 1479,878 - 31,143 -
Grand Total 14,597,133 973,746 5,417,238 26,587,313 5,030,966 16,487,905 2,097,330 1,325,145 4,546,489
% of Approved 98% 100% 97% 92% 98% 91% 100% 98% 100%
Investments to Total
Financial Statements
% of Other Investments 2% 0% 3% 8% 2% 9% 0% 2% 0%
to Total
Additional Information
Money Market 175,858 110,684 62,101 951 258,915 642,776 19,050 8,452
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks 146,500 - - - - - - -
Total 2,229,375 6,137,605 2,779,872 629,230 284,346 3,188,087 121,750 648,567
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds 50,000 - - - - - - -
Total 156,332 222,041 57,689 11,109 - 94,996 - 3,955
Grand Total 2,385,707 6,359,646 2,837,560 640,339 284,346 3,283,083 121,750 652,522
% of Approved 93% 97% 98% 98% 100% 97% 100% 99%
Investments to Total
Financial Statements
% of Other Investments 7% 3% 2% 2% 0% 3% 0% 1%
to Total
Additional Information
Money Market 634 2,949 156 125 7,328 318,823 274,375 74,335
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - 121,400 - 139,400 -
Total 26,684 254,867 194,813 540 1,000,288 16,040,943 3,663,591 903,306
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds - - - - - - 240,000 -
Total 64 2,836 - - - - 240,000 31,664
Grand Total 26,748 257,703 194,813 540 1,000,288 16,040,943 3,903,591 934,970
% of Approved 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 94% 97%
Investments to Total
Financial Statements
% of Other Investments 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6% 3%
to Total
Additional Information
Money Market 196,356 6,672,311 9,736 5,304 1,217 1,964 34,314 24,330,329
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - 497,500 - - - - - 6,133,700
Total 206,479 48,117,938 311,183 267,053 7,206 76,190 215,166 329,769,324
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - 81,750 1,500 - - - - 307,645
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - 170,479
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds - 3,450,000 - - - - - 12,000,000
Total - 4,476,669 2217 1,676 77 - - 18,428,055
Grand Total 206,479 52,594,606 313,400 268,729 7,283 76,190 215,166 348,197,380
% of Approved 100% 91% 99% 99% 99% 100% 100% 95%
Investments to Total
% of Other Investments 0% 9% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 5%
Financial Statements
to Total
Additional Information
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2016
Current Liabilities
Statutory Report
(` 000)
Management Review and
Particulars Balanced Bond Fund Equity Elite Equity Elite Equity Fund Equity Flexi Protect Flexi Protect Growth
Fund Fund II Fund Optimiser (Series II) Fund Fund
Fund Fund
SFIN ULIF004051205 ULIF002100105 ULIF012250208 ULIF019100210 ULIF001100105 ULIF010210108 ULIF014080110 ULIF014080309 ULIF003241105
Other Current Liabilities 454 2,253 9 193 1,622 683 842 1,691 293
Unit payable account * - - 822 - - 68,986 18,977 20,477 -
Total 63,136 2,253 831 193 605,038 288,939 33,263 22,168 293
* Represents inter fund receivables or payable, if any
Additional Information
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2016 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
Statutory Report
(` 000)
Management Review and
Particulars Index Fund Money Top 300 Daily P/E Daily RGF070311 Balanced Bond
Market Fund Fund Protect Managed Protect Fund Pension Pension
Fund Fund Fund - II Fund Fund
SFIN ULIF015070110 ULIF005010206 ULIF016070110 ULIF020060910 ULIF021080910P/ ULIF020040311 ULIF023090311 ULIF009210207 ULIF007160107
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2016 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
(` 000)
Statutory Report
Particulars Equity Equity Growth Index Pension Money Market Top 300 GPF070211 Group
Management Review and
Optimiser Pension Fund Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund Pension Fund Fund Balanced Plus
Pension Fund Fund
SFIN ULIF011210108 ULIF006150107 ULIF008150207 ULIF017180110 ULIF013200308 ULIF018180110 ULIF022090211 ULGF002160709
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2016 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
(` 000)
Particulars Group Debt Group Growth GPF_100710 Group Short RGF150611 Discontinued Bond Pension Equity Pension
Statutory Report
Plus Fund Plus Fund Fund term Plus Fund Fund Policy Fund Fund II Fund II
Management Review and
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2016 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
(` 000)
Statutory Report
Particulars Money Market Daily Protect Group Debt Group Group Growth Group Short Discontinue Total
Management Review and
Pension Fund II Fund - III Plus Fund II Balanced Plus Plus Fund II Term Plus Pension Fund
Fund II Fund II
SFIN ULIF029300513 ULIF020010911 ULGF011200913 ULGF010200913 ULGF009200913 ULGF013200913 ULIF025300513
Policy administration charge 16,269 114,685 83 5,890 147,956 100,443 82,477 105,909 28,668
Surrender charge 855 4,064 51 160 9,026 7,459 14,826 14,523 2,210
Switching charge 14 207 - 19 172 12 - - 7
Mortality charge 141,217 698,348 2,741 55,363 347,427 66,581 42,501 46,630 44,537
Corporate Overview
Subscription lapse 177 1,614 - - 4,876 9,697 - - 1,087
Guarantee charge - - - - - - 139,021 - -
Statutory Report
Transaction charge 495 2,556 18 104 381 130 668 766 172
Loyalty unit addition (345) (582) - - (8,488) (4,511) - - (4,908)
Total 164,946 889,330 2,893 63,188 530,119 191,873 280,678 168,809 73,882
Policy administration 47,783 4,918 18,046 85,252 10,964 43,358 7,065 3,823 15,843
Surrender charge 3,599 248 2,990 14,999 1,129 487 89 2,911 9,607
Switching charge 19 60 9 - 6 - - 3 24
Mortality charge 67,767 10,213 32,235 68,940 23,622 39,493 2,989 25 2,897
Corporate Overview
Subscription lapse - 37 - - - - - 108 326
Guarantee charge - - - 153,065 - 82,914 7,995 - -
Statutory Report
Subscription lapse 902 818 227 - 17 - - -
Guarantee charge - - - - - - 436 -
Statutory Report
Discontinuance charge - - - - - - - -
Management Review and
Transaction charge 51 49 81 1 19 22 23 27
Loyalty unit addition (740) (1,038) (528) (1,024) (73) (2,794) - (491)
Total 15,045 46,725 18,286 2,454 1,838 15,435 908 (464)
Subscription lapse - - - - - - - -
Guarantee charge - - - - 3,702 - 5,861 1,540
Statutory Report
Subscription lapse - - - - - - - 19,884
Guarantee charge 309 247,855 - - - - - 642,698
Statutory Report
(a) Premium 3,184,203 45,697,961 48,882,164 169,572 3,209,489 3,379,061 - 607,814 607,814 52,869,039
(b) Reinsurance ceded (38,275) - (38,275) (2) - (2) - - - (38,278)
Income from Investments -
(a) Interest, Dividend & 994,880 8,457,277 9,452,157 43,352 1,025,193 1,068,545 5,113 93,864 98,976 10,619,679
Rent - Gross
Corporate Overview
(b) Profit on sale / 80,765 42,777,471 42,858,236 3,519 6,366,194 6,369,713 415 99,926 100,341 49,328,291
redemption of
(c) Loss on sale / (6,569) (3,163,822) (3,170,391) (286) (458,106) (458,392) (34) (12,063) (12,097) (3,640,880)
redemption of
(d) Unrealised gain / loss - 17,292,262 17,292,262 - 497,247 497,247 - 71,055 71,055 17,860,564
(e) Accretion of discount/ 62,705 1,739,212 1801,917 2,732 154,306 157,038 322 2,812 3,134 1,962,089
(amortisation of
Statutory Report
premium) (net)
Management Review and
Other Income:
(a) Linked income UL-1 7,436,726 (7,436,726) - 866,080 (866,080) - 9,464 (9,464) - -
(b) Miscellaneous income 1,961 48 2,009 80 (25) 55 9 (1) 8 2,072
(c) Contribution from the - - - - - - 866 - 866 866
Shareholders' A/c
Total (A) 11,716,396 105,363,683 117,080,079 1,085,046 9,928,218 11,013,264 16,155 853,944 870,099 128,963,442
Commission 1,536,089 - 1,536,089 94,157 - 94,157 413 - 413 1,630,659
Financial Statements
Operating expenses 4,218,291 7,039 4,225,330 297,969 981 298,950 28,091 274 28,366 4,552,646
related to insurance
Service Tax on Linked 342,725 837,580 1,180,305 17,571 68,586 86,157 - 1,334 1334 1,267,796
Provision for taxation 129,208 - 129,208 - - - - - - 129,208
Total (B) 6,226,314 844,619 7,070,932 409,697 69,567 479,264 28,505 1,608 30,113 7,580,309
Additional Information
Subscription lapse - - - - - - - - - -
Interim bonus paid - - - - - - - - - -
Change in valuation of
liability in respect of life
Corporate Overview
(a) Fund reserve 1,081,606 54,380,018 55,461,624 42,431 (702,894) (660,463) (12,383) 134,739 122,356 54,923,517
(b) Funds for - 8,370,909 8,370,909 - 4,826 4,826 - - - 8,375,735
discontinued policies
Total (C) 1,860,381 104,565,408 106,425,789 50,376 9,871,944 9,922,320 (12,350) 852,336 839,986 117,188,095
Surplus / (Deficit) (D) = 3,629,701 (46,344) 3,583,357 624,974 (13,293) 611,681 - - - 4,195,038
(A) - (B) - (C)
Balance of previous year - 59,377 59,377 - 14,886 14,886 - - - 74,263
Statutory Report
Other charges 248,184 108,900 - 357,084
Loyalty unit addition (13,342) - (1,273) (14,615)
Total (UL1) 7,436,726 866,080 9,464 8,312,269
Statutory Report
(a) Claims by death 65,0120 743,578 1,393,698 5,199 160,274 165,473 33 1,657 1,690 1,560,861
(b) Claims by 1451 2,512,329 2,513,780 457 297,818 298,275 - 109,592 109,592 2,921,647
(c) Annuities / - - - - - - - - - -
Pension payment
(d) Other benefits - - - - - - - - - -
Corporate Overview
Sub Total (A) 801,296 41,814,481 42,615,778 7,944 10,570,013 10,577,957 33 717,597 717,630 53,911,364
Amount ceded in
(a) Claims by death 22,521 - 22,521 - - - - - - 22,521
Statutory Report
(b) Claims by - - - - - - - - - -
Management Review and
(c) Annuities / - - - - - - - - - -
Pension payment
(d) Other benefits - - - - - - - - - -
- Surrender - - - - - - - - - -
- Survival - - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (B) 22,521 - 22,521 - - - - - - 22,521
Total (A) - (B) 778,775 41,814,481 42,593,257 7,944 10,570,013 10,577,957 33 717,597 717,630 53,888,843
Financial Statements
Benefits paid to
In India 778,775 41,814,481 42,593,257 7,944 10,570,013 10,577,957 33 717,597 717,630 53,888,843
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
Total (UL2) 778,775 41,814,481 42,593,257 7,944 10,570,013 10,577,957 33 717,597 717,630 53,888,843
Additional Information
Dividend income 23,408 - 2,989 20,053 399,548 245,242 337,800 344,096 66,758
Profit / loss on sale of 229,731 1,068,264 50,360 153,512 6,883,946 2799,115 5,096,891 7,132,057 1,040,778
Profit / loss on inter 17,425 21,247 1,985 18,745 1,478,500 134,647 59,597 1,605,322 77,204
fund transfer / sale of
Corporate Overview
premium) (net)
Total (A) 652,959 3,539,867 7,0103 511,825 9,213,217 5,420,852 8,440,966 9,924,045 1,831,231
Fund management 43,979 228,459 2,848 26,755 404,781 284,496 324,366 611,625 94,101
Statutory Report
Fund administration - - - - - - - - -
Management Review and
Other charges F-5 69,662 567,935 4,455 29,999 533,978 436,093 453,393 330,662 117,066
Service Tax on ULIP charges 13,308 94,131 758 6,992 101,680 69,123 79,443 99,286 22,232
Total (B) 126,950 890,525 8,060 63,747 1,040,439 789,712 857,202 1,041,573 233,399
Net Income for the 526,010 2,649,342 62,043 448,079 8,172,777 4,631,140 7,583,764 8,882,472 1,597,833
year (A-B)
Add: Fund Revenue 651,552 2,179,219 198,752 225,287 13,998,265 8,500,141 3,307,502 6,399,779 3,230,033
Account at the beginning
of the period
Financial Statements
Unrealised gain / loss * 1,781,454 131 260,430 1,133,705 838,792 1,401,597 116,848 44,525 82,688
Accretion of discount/ 15,597 46,677 81,437 233,277 31,365 147,577 17,950 3,788 22,852
(amortisation of
premium) (net)
Total (A) 3,560,898 73,222 1,376,085 5,919,281 1,220,283 3,278,608 297,036 380,348 913,913
Fund management 184,459 2,068 83,910 280,168 67,486 145,987 21,097 23,137 57,531
Fund administration - - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Other charges F-5 176,084 16,388 79,858 323,291 40,261 171,705 17,851 22,633 78,298
Service Tax on ULIP 42,727 2,103 17,393 74,585 13,343 39,258 4,810 3,647 9,966
Total (B) 403,270 20,559 181,161 678,044 121,090 356,951 43,758 49,417 145,795
Net Income for the 3,157,628 52,663 1,194,924 5,241,237 1,099,193 2,921,658 253,278 330,931 768,118
year (A-B)
Add: Fund Revenue 1,842,879 583 1,000,623 1,745,707 591,092 1,508,200 280,052 765,347 2,098,948
Account at the
beginning of the period
Financial Statements
(amortisation of premium)
Total (A) 955,365 2,805,816 1,057,342 231,435 22,005 1,053,638 9,644 102,214
Fund management expenses 50,465 123,032 53,275 11,850 592 62,191 1,194 3,628
Statutory Report
Other charges F-5 76,060 150,150 64,904 12,750 3,124 58,334 865 (620)
Service Tax on ULIP charges 8,603 22,382 9,081 1,868 231 9,824 252 448
Total (B) 135,128 295,564 127,259 26,468 3,947 130,349 2,311 3,457
Net Income for the year (A-B) 820,237 2,510,252 930,083 204,967 18,058 923,289 7,333 98,757
Add: Fund Revenue Account at 3,735,632 5,739,675 2,726,221 215,882 33,148 1,017,817 18,428 155,946
the beginning of the period
Less: Fund revenue transferred - - - - - - - -
Financial Statements
to Capital A/c
Fund Revenue Account at the 4,555,869 8,249,927 3,656,304 420,849 51,205 1,941,106 25,761 254,703
end of the period
* Net change in mark to market value of investments
Additional Information
(amortisation of premium)
Total (A) 33,971 59,029 29,192 208 136,040 1,453,512 110,466 41,432
Fund management expenses 1,339 1,780 2,619 8 9,763 64,862 6,806 2,480
Statutory Report
Other charges F-5 (280) (193) 121 (2) 6,474 465 5,512 1,478
Service Tax on ULIP charges 165 237 338 1 2,005 8,020 1,511 488
Total (B) 1,224 1,824 3,078 7 18,243 73,348 13,830 4,447
Net Income for the year (A-B) 32,747 57,205 26,113 201 117,797 1,380,164 96,636 36,985
Add: Fund Revenue Account at 113,666 100,867 48,702 306 132,418 243,653 1,403 1,202
the beginning of the period
Less: Fund revenue - - - - - - - -
Financial Statements
(amortisation of premium) (net)
Total (A) 3,185 10,182,446 15,256 15,726 (3) - 212 74,942,870
Fund management expenses 92 406,157 548 557 - - 8 3,690,500
Fund administration expenses - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Fund Revenue Account at 2,789 12,646,924 14,631 15,097 (4) - 203 132,322,480
the end of the period
* Net change in mark to market value of investments
Additional Information
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' contribution F-1 3,830,502 27,281,554 (35,026) 2,496,935 11,233,598 5,849,122 20,206,983 23,557,972 1,923,893
Revenue Account 1,177,561 4,828,561 260,794 673,365 22,171,042 13,131,281 10,891,266 15,282,251 4,827,866
Total 5,008,063 32,110,115 225,769 3,170,301 33,404,640 18,980,403 31,098,249 38,840,223 6,751,759
Application of Funds
Investments F-2 4,711,160 29,801,739 225,493 3,059,092 33,425,140 19,016,003 30,763,475 38,290,561 6,670,082
Corporate Overview
Current Assets F-3 384,088 2,785,905 283 178,427 668,565 218,287 443,503 800,618 132,861
Less: Current Liabilities F-4 87,184 477,529 8 67,218 689,065 253,888 108,729 250,956 51,183
and Provisions
Net Current Assets 296,903 2,308,376 276 111,209 (20,500) (35,601) 334,774 549,662 81,677
Total 5,008,063 32,110,115 225,769 3,170,301 33,404,640 18,980,403 31,098,249 38,840,223 6,751,759
(a) Net Asset as per 5,008,063 32,110,115 225,769 3,170,301 33,404,640 18,980,403 31,098,249 38,840,223 6,751,759
Management Review and
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' F-1 10,841,532 922,228 4,208,534 25,148,014 3,966,220 12041703 1,695,416 636,430 2,719,846
Revenue Account 5,000,507 53,246 2,195,548 6,986,943 1,690,285 4429858 533,330 1,096,278 2,867,066
Total 15,842,040 975,474 6,404,081 32,134,958 5,656,505 16471561 2,228,746 1,732,708 5,586,912
Application of Funds
Corporate Overview
Investments F-2 15,681,312 935,763 6,464,278 31,474,582 5,625,523 16,187,372 2,060,694 1,722,183 5,305,696
Current Assets F-3 257,119 39,720 79,952 790,868 48,072 331,069 168,782 112,368 555,071
Less: Current Liabilities F-4 96,391 9 140,148 130,493 17,090 46,880 729 101,843 273,855
and Provisions
Net Current Assets 160,728 39,711 (60,197) 660,375 30,982 284,189 168,053 10,525 281,216
Total 15,842,040 975,474 6,404,081 32,134,958 5,656,505 16,471,561 2,228,746 1,732,708 5,586,912
Statutory Report
(a) Net Asset as per 15,842,040 975,474 6,404,081 32,134,958 5,656,505 16,471,561 2,228,746 1,732,708 5,586,912
Balance Sheet
(Total Assets less
Current Liabilities
and Provisions)
(` 000)
(b) Number of Units 961,936,711 51,497,149 350,631,895 2,310,720,410 369,197,063 1,072,618,635 162,397,718 66,232,989 262,613,179
Financial Statements
(c) NAV per Unit (a) / 16.4689 18.9423 18.2644 13.9069 15.3211 15.3564 13.7240 26.1608 21.2743
(b) (`)
Additional Information
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' contribution F-1 (1,372,866) 346,410 (32,807) 479,158 212387 2,478,351 97,168 198,676
Revenue Account 4,555,869 8,249,927 3,656,304 420,849 51205 1,941,106 25,761 254,703
Total 3,183,003 8,596,337 3,623,497 900,007 263593 4,419,456 122,930 453,379
Application of Funds
Corporate Overview
Investments F-2 3,225,959 8,660,707 3,619,466 893,752 244633 4,476,245 122,905 441,312
Current Assets F-3 17,284 58,888 41,307 7,530 18964 32,541 37 12,076
Less: Current Liabilities and F-4 60,240 123,258 37,275 1,275 4 89,329 13 9
Net Current Assets (42,956) (64,370) 4,032 6,255 18960 (56,788) 25 12,067
Total 3,183,003 8,596,337 3,623,497 900,007 263593 4,419,456 122,930 453,379
(a) Net Asset as per Balance 3,183,003 8,596,337 3,623,497 900,007 263,593 4,419,456 122,930 453,379
Management Review and
Sources of Funds
Policyholders' contribution F-1 (87,678) 116,174 128,710 711 781,542 15,082,790 1,370,315 463,578
Revenue Account 146,413 158,073 74,815 507 250,215 1,623,817 98,039 38,187
Total 58,735 274,247 203,525 1,218 1,031,757 16,706,608 1,468,354 501,765
Application of Funds
Corporate Overview
Investments F-2 57,724 269,384 194,428 1,215 951,842 16,531,268 1,264,269 476,431
Current Assets F-3 1,012 4,954 9,204 2 79,947 290,753 257,117 68,887
Less: Current Liabilities and F-4 1 91 107 - 32 115,413 53,031 43,553
Net Current Assets 1,011 4,863 9,097 2 79,915 175,339 204,086 25,334
Total 58,735 274,247 203,525 1,218 1,031,757 16,706,608 1,468,354 501,765
(a) Net Asset as per Balance 58,735 274,247 203,525 1,218 1,031,757 16,706,608 1,468,354 501,765
Management Review and
Policyholders' Funds:
Policyholders' contribution F-1 74,461 36,364,432 211,190 261,158 2,109 72,187 4,623 215,778,237
Revenue Account 2,789 12,646,924 14,631 15,097 (4) - 203 132,322,480
Total 77,250 49,011,356 225,821 276,255 2,106 72,187 4,826 348,100,717
Application of Funds
Corporate Overview
Net Current Assets 9,059 1,203,508 22,521 71,508 11 72,187 (109) 6,957,914
Total 77,250 49,011,356 225,821 276,255 2,106 72,187 4,826 348,100,717
Statutory Report
(a) Net Asset as per Balance 77,250 49,011,356 225,821 276,255 2,106 72,187 4,826 348,100,717
Sheet (Total Assets less
Current Liabilities and
Provisions) (` 000)
(b) Number of Units 70,26,196 2,871,534,794 19,763,416 25,577,949 212,609 7,218,673 439,955 17,772,875,499
(c) NAV per Unit (a) / (b) (`) 10.9946 17.0680 11.4262 10.8005 9.9035 10.0000 10.9692
Financial Statements
Additional Information
period *
Less: Deductions during 632,105 3,274,900 94,473 173,935 8,391,937 9,209,469 8,087,172 9,674,765 2,203,897
the period *
Closing Balance 3,830,502 27,281,554 (35,026) 2,496,935 11,233,598 5,849,122 20,206,983 23,557972 1,923,893
(` 000)
Corporate Overview
Particulars Index Fund Money Top 300 Daily P/E Daily RGF070311 Balanced Bond
Market Fund Fund Protect Managed Protect Fund Pension Pension
Fund Fund Fund - II Fund Fund
SFIN ULIF015070110 ULIF005010206 ULIF016070110 ULIF020060910 ULIF021080910P/ ULIF020040311 ULIF023090311 ULIF009210207 ULIF007160107
Opening Balance 12,214,025 834,143 4,806,550 22,033,424 3,652,754 10,446,301 1,703,463 1,121,278 3,970,730
Add: Additions during 3,483,049 581,007 986,534 4,861,455 904,312 2,705,377 - 113,711 581,761
the period *
Less: Deductions during 4,855,542 492,921 1,584,551 1,746,864 590,846 1,109,975 8,047 598,560 1,832,646
the period *
Statutory Report
Closing Balance 10,841,532 922,228 4,208,534 25,148,014 3,966,220 12,041,703 1,695,416 636,430 2,719,846
Management Review and
(` 000)
Particulars Equity Equity Growth Index Money Top 300 GPF070211 Group Group Debt
Optimiser Pension Fund Pension Pension Market Pension Fund Balanced Plus Fund
Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund Plus Fund
SFIN ULIF011210108 ULIF006150107 ULIF008150207 ULIF017180110 ULIF013200308 ULIF018180110 ULIF022090211 ULGF002160709 ULGF003160709
Opening Balance 400,585 3,072,954 1,368,552 712,580 197,255 3,494,344 97,479 429,430 266,860
Financial Statements
Add: Additions during 177,339 482,929 175,261 69,728 69,015 393,263 - 24,742 27,229
the period *
Less: Deductions during 1,950,791 3,209,472 1,576,620 303,151 53,882 1,409,256 311 255,495 381,766
the period *
Closing Balance (1,372,866) 346,410 (32,807) 479,158 212,387 2,478,351 97,168 198,676 (87,678)
* Additions represent units creation and deductions represent units cancellation
Additional Information
Opening Balance 163,638 151,178 1,197 786,117 8,092,045 333,932 50,874 17,581 28,186,065
Add: Additions during the - - - - 10,277,507 1,185,465 414,488 68,191 12,034,216
period *
Less: Deductions during 47,464 22,468 485 4,575 3,286,762 149,082 1,783 11,310 3,855,849
the period *
Corporate Overview
Closing Balance 116,174 128,710 711 781,542 15,082,790 1,370,315 463,578 74,461 36,364,432
(` 000)
Particulars Group Debt Plus Group Balanced Group Growth Group Short Discontinue Total
Fund II Plus Fund II Plus Fund II Term Plus Fund II Pension Fund
SFIN ULGF011200913 ULGF010200913 ULGF009200913 ULGF013200913 ULIF025300513
Statutory Report
Add: Additions during the period * 215,528 266,063 2,109 72,187 5,492 67,507,138
Less: Deductions during the period * 5,281 4,905 - - 869 71,094,184
Closing Balance 211,190 261,158 2,109 72,187 4,623 215,778,237
Money Market 561,437 860,810 34,606 623,201 557,871 2,406,145 4,017,732 6,441,232 87,424
Mutual Funds - 1,354 - - 357 110 359,211 409,552 -
Deposit with Banks 59,400 1,217,900 - - - - 750,000 2,065,800 100,000
Total 4,644,622 29,792,532 222,524 2,988,613 31,407,026 18,670,852 29,712,268 37,331,698 6,469,718
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - 9,207 - - - - - - 102,300
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds - - - - - - 600,153 656,012 -
Total 66,538 9,207 2,970 70,479 2,018,114 345,151 1,051,206 958,863 200,364
Grand Total 4,711,160 29,801,739 225,493 3,059,092 33,425,140 19,016,003 30,763,475 38,290,561 6,670,082
% of Approved 99% 100% 99% 98% 94% 98% 97% 97% 97%
Investments to Total
Financial Statements
% of Other 1% 0% 1% 2% 6% 2% 3% 3% 3%
Investments to Total
Additional Information
Money Market 74,048 860,632 1,085,439 7,037,518 1,410,894 4,284,544 10,904 28,975 63,406
Mutual Funds - - - 354,521 - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - 70,000 - 500,000 - - 317,800 59,400 460,500
Total 15,365,592 935,763 6,336,993 30,591,359 5,610,184 15,516,249 2,060,694 1,687,633 5,305,696
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds - - - 650,191 - 450,114 - - -
Total 315,719 - 127,284 883,224 15,339 671,122 - 34,551 -
Grand Total 15,681,312 935,763 6,464,278 31,474,582 5,625,523 16,187,372 2,060,694 1,722,183 5,305,696
% of Approved 98% 100% 98% 97% 100% 96% 100% 98% 100%
Investments to Total
Financial Statements
% of Other 2% 0% 2% 3% 0% 4% 0% 2% 0%
Investments to Total
Additional Information
Money Market 606,400 14,208 77,969 1,348 244,633 708,948 122,905 9,146
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total 3,153,409 8,182,144 3,554,596 875,699 244,633 4,395,041 122,905 438,968
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - -
Total 72,549 478,563 64,870 18,053 - 81,203 - 2,344
Grand Total 3,225,959 8,660,707 3,619,466 893,752 244,633 4,476,245 122,905 441,312
% of Approved Investments to 98% 94% 98% 98% 100% 98% 100% 99%
Financial Statements
% of Other Investments 2% 6% 2% 2% 0% 2% 0% 1%
to Total
Additional Information
Money Market 13,416 36,566 480 178 6,208 3,955,563 85,327 48,299
Mutual Funds - - - - - 110 - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - 121,400 - 139,400 -
Total 57,633 267,120 185,221 1,215 951,842 16,531,268 1,264,269 452,746
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - 9,207 - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Statutory Report
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Funds - - - - - - - -
Total 91 2,264 9,207 - - - - 23,685
Grand Total 57,724 269,384 194,428 1,215 951,842 16,531,268 1,264,269 476,431
% of Approved Investments 100% 99% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95%
to Total
Financial Statements
% of Other Investments 0% 1% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5%
to Total
Additional Information
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - 3,823,823 85,073 74,982 793 - 4,016 62,555,330
Corporate Bonds - 57,495 29,268 30,822 - - - 7,191,639
Infrastructure Bonds 5,131 39,874 24,654 21,429 - - - 10,948,987
Equity - 31,842,038 23,718 59,456 907 - - 197,391,022
Corporate Overview
Total 68,191 46,275,641 201,119 203,825 2,094 - 4,935 332,084,531
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - 2,046 - - - - 122,760
Statutory Report
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Management Review and
% of Other Investments 0% 3% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3%
to Total
Additional Information
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2015
Current Liabilities
Statutory Report
Particulars Balanced Bond Fund Equity Elite Equity Elite Equity Fund Equity Flexi Protect Flexi Protect Growth
Fund Fund II Fund Optimiser (Series II) Fund Fund
Management Review and
Fund Fund
SFIN ULIF004051205 ULIF002100105 ULIF012250208 ULIF019100210 ULIF001100105 ULIF010210108 ULIF014080110 ULIF014080309 ULIF003241105
Payable for purchase of 86,991 475,789 - 67,097 687,687 222,230 52,077 217,497 50,903
Other Current Liabilities 193 1,740 8 121 1,378 814 1,022 1,899 281
Financial Statements
Unit collection account * 204,710 35,595 33,970 83,658 39,385 264,435 - - 63,042
Other Current Assets 39 2 12 (53) (13) 18 8 4 (2)
(for investments)
Total 257,119 39,720 79,952 790,868 48,072 331,069 168,782 112,368 555,071
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2015 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
Statutory Report
Particulars Index Fund Money Top 300 Daily Protect P/E Daily Protect RGF070311 Balanced Bond
Market Fund Fund Fund Managed Fund - II Fund Pension Pension
Management Review and
Payable for purchase of 95,786 - 139,872 129,427 16,842 46,347 - 98,077 273,507
Other Current Liabilities 604 9 276 1,066 248 533 69 74 348
Unit payable account * - - - - - - 661 3,692 -
Financial Statements
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2015 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
Statutory Report
Particulars Equity Equity Growth Index Pension Money Market Top 300 GPF070211 Group
Optimiser Pension Fund Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund Pension Fund Fund Balanced Plus
Management Review and
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2015 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
Statutory Report
Particulars Group Debt Group GPF_100710 Group Short RGF150611 Discontinued Bond Pension Equity
Management Review and
Plus Fund Growth Plus Fund term Plus Fund Policy Fund Fund II Pension Fund
Fund Fund II
SFIN ULGF003160709 ULGF005250909 ULGF006300710 ULGF007180711 ULIF023210611 ULIF024110411 ULIF028300513 ULIF027300513
Schedule F4 as at March 31, 2015 (Contd.)
Current Liabilities
Statutory Report
Particulars Money Daily Protect Group Debt Group Group Group Short Discontinue Total
Management Review and
Market Fund - III Plus Fund II Balanced Plus Growth Plus Term Plus Pension Fund
Pension Fund Fund II Fund II Fund II
SFIN ULIF029300513 ULIF020010911 ULGF011200913 ULGF010200913 ULGF009200913 ULGF013200913 ULIF025300513
Surrender charge 4,085 24,447 1,029 258 70,653 80,633 94,610 121,314 19,973
Switching charge 16 262 - 15 221 11 - - 7
Mortality charge 44,991 386,118 3,136 25,306 180,628 80,148 55,291 63,182 42,402
Corporate Overview
Subscription lapse 1,253 11,698 - - 32,008 37,562 - - 5,323
Guarantee charge - - - - - - 161,605 - -
Statutory Report
Surrender charge 8,773 1,093 13,470 - - - - 12,554 36,074
Switching charge 16 62 9 - 7 - - 4 44
Mortality charge 88,352 9,506 27,919 88,962 26,903 50,303 2,950 34 2,787
Corporate Overview
Subscription lapse 1,516 360 3,130 - - - - 1,058 (127)
Guarantee charge - - - 140,754 - 73,367 7,394 - -
Discontinuance charge 10,776 244 1,446 4,531 2,295 3,640 - - -
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Policy administration charge 14,745 48,374 17,310 2,552 862 13,103 429 -
Surrender charge 38,138 57,511 31,274 5,548 987 26,487 - -
Switching charge 6 35 5 1 13 4 - -
Mortality charge 175 3,627 147 - 241 - - -
Corporate Overview
Guarantee charge - - - - - - 418 -
Discontinuance charge - - - - - - - -
Transaction charge 85 13 71 1 19 29 18 21
Statutory Report
Guarantee charge - - - - 3,414 - 1,701 459
Discontinuance charge - - - - - - 178 65
Transaction charge 11 11 5 - 1 438 74 2
Statutory Report
Guarantee charge 92 205,088 - - - - - 594,294
Discontinuance charge 9 49,880 - - - - - 108,129
Transaction charge 3 629 5 1 - - - 8,096
Statutory Report
Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 - 1,512,579 - -
Bond Pension Fund II ULIF028300513PENBON2FND111 - 207,056 - -
Daily Protect Fund ULIF020060910DLYPRO1FND111 - 1,042,983 - -
Holding Company Discontinued Policy ULIF024110411DISCOPOFND111 - 786,992 677,276 -
Corporate Overview
Pension Fund II
Sub Total - 3,908,980 677,276 -
SBI Capital Markets Ltd. Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 - 100,159 - -
Sub Total - 100,159 - -
Statutory Report
Fellow Subsidiary Sub Total 18,691 - - -
SBI DFHI Ltd Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 - 114,631 - -
Bond Pension Fund II ULIF028300513PENBON2FND111 - 19,722 - -
Daily Protect Fund - II ULIF020040311DLYPRO2FND111 - 981,900 - -
Statutory Report
Fellow Subsidiary
Sub Total - 966,187 544,397 2,798
State Bank of Patiala Money Market Fund ULIF005010206MONYMKTFND111 - - 20,000 716
Sub Total - - 20,000 716
Statutory Report
Flexi Protect (Series II) ULIF014080110FLEXPR2FND111 683 981,900 - -
Flexi Protect Fund ULIF014080309FLEXPR1FND111 2,898 484,352 - 32,720
Group Balanced Plus ULGF010200913GRBAL+FND2111 - 10,001 - -
Grand Total
Statutory Report
Fund II
Management Review and
Pension Fund II
P/E Managed Fund ULIF021080910P/EMNGDFND111 60 - - -
RGF070311 ULIF023090311RETGRT1FND111 - - - 12,847
RGF150611 ULIF023210611RETGRT2FND111 - - - 5,496
Top 300 Fund ULIF016070110TOP300-FND111 263 193,080 142,635 -
Top 300 Pension Fund ULIF018180110PETP300FND111 127 96,367 95,090 -
Grand Total 18,691 8,218,208 1,264,050 127,135
Additional Information
Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 53 - - -
Bond Pension Fund II ULIF028300513PENBON2FND111 5 - - -
Daily Protect Fund ULIF020060910DLYPRO1FND111 1,824 - - -
Statutory Report
SBI General Insurance Growth Fund ULIF003241105GROWTH-FND111 - - 104,097 -
Company Ltd.
Fellow Subsidiary
Growth Pension Fund ULIF008150207PEGRWTHFND111 - - 52,572 -
Sub Total - - 156,668 -
Statutory Report
Growth Fund ULIF003241105GROWTH-FND111 - - - 11,345
Sub Total - - 544,357 11,345
State Bank of Patiala Money Market Fund ULIF005010206MONYMKTFND111 - 20,000 - 1,178
Sub Total - 20,000 - 1,178
State Bank of Bikaner Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 - - - 26,415
and Jaipur Bond Pension Fund ULIF007160107PENBONDFND111 - - - 26,755
Flexi Protect Fund ULIF014080309FLEXPR1FND111 - - - 527
Financial Statements
Discontinued Policy ULIF024110411DISCOPOFND111 - - 230,767 -
Flexi Protect Fund ULIF014080309FLEXPR1FND111 - - - 29,206
Sub Total - - 230,767 41,901
Corporate Overview
Bond Pension Fund II ULIF028300513PENBON2FND111 5 - - -
Daily Protect Fund ULIF020060910DLYPRO1FND111 1,824 13,650 13,650 27
Daily Protect Fund - II ULIF020040311DLYPRO2FND111 1,336 - - -
Statutory Report
Fund II
Group Debt Plus Fund ULGF003160709GRPDBT+FND111 1 - - -
Group Debt Plus ULGF011200913GRDBT+FND2111 - - - -
Fund II
Group Growth Plus ULGF005250909GRPGRT+FND111 3 - - -
Corporate Overview
Grand Total Growth Fund ULIF003241105GROWTH-FND111 296 - 104,097 11,345
Growth Pension Fund ULIF008150207PEGRWTHFND111 156 - 52,572 -
Money Market Fund ULIF005010206MONYMKTFND111 - 20,000 - 1,178
P/E Managed Fund ULIF021080910P/EMNGDFND111 67 - - -
RGF070311 ULIF023090311RETGRT1FND111 - - - 11,667
RGF150611 ULIF023210611RETGRT2FND111 - - - 4,991
Top 300 Fund ULIF016070110TOP300-FND111 438 - - -
Statutory Report
ULIP Disclosure
Annualised expense ratio & gross income ratio (including unrealised gains) to average daily net assets of fund
ULIP Disclosure
Performance of the fund (absolute growth %) for the Year ended March 31, 2016
ULIP Disclosure
Performance of the fund (absolute growth %) for the Year ended March 31, 2015
(` 000)
Sr. Fund Name SFIN Bonds, Certificate Fixed Govt Mutual Equity Grand
No. Debentures of Deposit Term Securities Fund Total
& Govt Loans Deposit
1. Balanced Fund ULIF004051205BALANCDFND111 23,373 - - 16,118 - 181,828 221,319
2. Balanced Pension Fund ULIF009210207PEBALANFND111 4,183 - - 1,964 - 58,794 64,942
3. Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 274,905 - - 299,507 - - 574,412
13. Equity Fund ULIF001100105EQUITY-FND111 - - - - - 2,232,441 2,232,441
14. Equity Optimiser Fund ULIF010210108EQTYOPTFND111 643 - - 41,929 - 1,937,952 1,980,523
15. Equity Optimiser Pension Fund ULIF011210108PEEQOPTFND111 613 - - 277 - 284,857 285,747
Statutory Report
23. Group Balanced Plus Fund II ULGF010200913GRBAL+FND2111 934 - - 3,242 - 4,143 8,318
24. Group Debt Plus Fund ULGF003160709GRPDBT+FND111 58 - - 842 - 429 1,330
25. Group Debt Plus Fund II ULGF011200913GRDBT+FND2111 1,670 - - 3,515 - 1,239 6,424
26. Group Growth Plus Fund ULGF005250909GRPGRT+FND111 233 - - 3,436 - 17,101 20,771
27. Group Growth Plus Fund II ULGF009200913GRGRT+FND2111 - - - 34 - 76 110
28. Group Short Term Plus Fund ULGF007180711GRPSHT+FND111 - - - 37 - - 37
Additional Information
Grand Total 413,250 - - 1,901,808 - 20,385,956 22,701,013
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Financial Statements
Additional Information
(` 000)
Sr. Fund Name SFIN Bonds, Certificate Fixed Govt Mutual Equity Grand
No. Debentures & of Deposit Term Securities Fund Total
Govt Loans Deposit
1. Balanced Fund ULIF004051205BALANCDFND111 8,553 - - 37,521 - 373,269 419,343
2. Balanced Pension Fund ULIF009210207PEBALANFND111 7,485 - - 2,860 - 165,241 175,586
3. Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 297,893 - - 197,021 19 - 494,933
13. Equity Fund ULIF001100105EQUITY-FND111 - - - - 8 5,330,608 5,330,615
14. Equity Optimiser Fund ULIF010210108EQTYOPTFND111 2,040 - - 46,929 4 4,991,528 5,040,502
15. Equity Optimiser Pension Fund ULIF011210108PEEQOPTFND111 1,588 - - - - 861,971 863,559
Statutory Report
23. Group Balanced Plus Fund II ULGF010200913GRBAL+FND2111 1,753 - - 3,076 - 4,231 9,060
24. Group Debt Plus Fund ULGF003160709GRPDBT+FND111 105 - - 2,024 - 1,512 3,641
25. Group Debt Plus Fund II ULGF011200913GRDBT+FND2111 1,422 - - 1,574 - 2,012 5,007
26. Group Growth Plus Fund ULGF005250909GRPGRT+FND111 1,692 - - 3,439 - 35,182 40,312
27. Group Growth Plus Fund II ULGF009200913GRGRT+FND2111 - - - 1 - (8) (7)
28. Group Short Term Plus Fund ULGF007180711GRPSHT+FND111 - - - 96 - - 96
Additional Information
Grand Total 496,807 - - 1,129,881 311 51,004,090 52,631,089
Statutory Report
Management Review and
Financial Statements
Additional Information
ULIP Disclosure
1. Investment management
Activities outsourced
ULIP Disclosure
NAV Highest, Lowest and Closing during the Year ended March 31, 2016
(` per unit)
Sr. Fund Name SFIN Highest Lowest Closing
1. Balanced Fund ULIF004051205BALANCDFND111 29.0316 26.4734 28.3035
2. Balanced Pension Fund ULIF009210207PEBALANFND111 26.9715 24.6158 26.2996
3. Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 26.3424 24.4683 26.3424
4. Bond Pension Fund ULIF007160107PENBONDFND111 22.8284 21.1664 22.8284
5. Bond Pension Fund II ULIF028300513PENBON2FND111 12.6373 11.7053 12.6373
6. Daily Protect Fund ULIF020060910DLYPRO1FND111 14.2658 13.2879 13.9565
7. Daily Protect Fund - II ULIF020040311DLYPRO2FND111 15.6977 14.4006 15.1647
8. Daily Protect Fund - III ULIF020010911DLYPRO3FND111 17.4772 15.8377 16.7374
9. Discontinue Pension Fund ULIF025300513PEDISCOFND111 11.7595 10.9048 11.7595
10. Discontinued Policy Fund ULIF024110411DISCOPOFND111 14.1582 13.0993 14.1582
11. Equity Elite Fund ULIF012250208EQTYELTFND111 24.4649 21.0010 22.8957
12. Equity Elite II Fund ULIF019100210EQTELI2FND111 18.6577 15.9294 17.3387
13. Equity Fund ULIF001100105EQUITY-FND111 71.1598 57.5442 63.8005
14. Equity Optimiser Fund ULIF010210108EQTYOPTFND111 19.3476 16.4860 17.9982
15. Equity Optimiser Pension Fund ULIF011210108PEEQOPTFND111 19.3397 16.4335 17.8803
16. Equity Pension Fund ULIF006150107PEEQITYFND111 24.9717 20.1024 22.2897
17. Equity Pension Fund II ULIF027300513PEEQIT2FND111 14.4574 11.6512 12.9101
18. Flexi Protect (Series II) Fund ULIF014080110FLEXPR2FND111 18.0791 16.6529 17.4966
19. Flexi Protect Fund ULIF014080309FLEXPR1FND111 25.7430 24.3537 25.2042
20. GPF_100710_10 Fund ULGF006300710GRGUNT+FND111 15.2051 14.1638 15.2051
21. GPF070211 Guaranteed Pension Fund ULIF022090211PEGURNTFND111 14.0440 13.2813 14.0212
22. Group Balanced Plus Fund ULGF002160709GRPBAL+FND111 20.5377 19.3105 20.5377
23. Group Balanced Plus Fund II ULGF010200913GRBAL+FND2111 11.2666 10.5823 11.2666
24. Group Debt Plus Fund ULGF003160709GRPDBT+FND111 18.6851 17.4605 18.6851
25. Group Debt Plus Fund II ULGF011200913GRDBT+FND2111 12.2106 11.3233 12.2106
26. Group Growth Plus Fund ULGF005250909GRPGRT+FND111 21.2294 19.7402 21.0024
27. Group Growth Plus Fund II ULGF009200913GRGRT+FND2111 9.9257 9.2742 9.8512
28. Group Short Term Plus Fund ULGF007180711GRPSHT+FND111 15.3029 14.0919 15.3029
29. Group Short Term Plus Fund II ULGF013200913GRSHT+FND2111 10.7961 9.9677 10.7961
30. Growth Fund ULIF003241105GROWTH-FND111 33.7019 29.4018 31.9683
31. Growth Pension Fund ULIF008150207PEGRWTHFND111 25.1767 21.9471 23.8873
32. Index Fund ULIF015070110INDEXULFND111 17.1361 13.6459 15.0997
33. Index Pension Fund ULIF017180110PEINDEXFND111 17.8199 14.2029 15.7138
34. Money Market Fund ULIF005010206MONYMKTFND111 20.5088 18.9464 20.5088
35. Money Market Pension Fund ULIF013200308PEMNYMTFND111 18.9880 17.5004 18.9880
36. Money Market Pension Fund II ULIF029300513PEMNYM2FND111 11.8832 10.9969 11.8832
37. P/E Managed Fund ULIF021080910P/EMNGDFND111 15.7574 13.4965 14.6943
38. RGF070311 ULIF023090311RETGRT1FND111 14.7869 13.7111 14.7869
39. RGF150611 ULIF023210611RETGRT2FND111 14.7058 13.6358 14.7058
40. Top 300 Fund ULIF016070110TOP300-FND111 18.9268 16.0793 17.5239
41. Top 300 Pension Fund ULIF018180110PETP300FND111 18.2591 15.5175 16.9125
ULIP Disclosure
NAV Highest, Lowest and Closing during the Year ended March 31, 2015
(` per unit)
Sr. Fund Name SFIN Highest Lowest Closing
1. Balanced Fund ULIF004051205BALANCDFND111 28.8897 23.3913 28.2278
2. Balanced Pension Fund ULIF009210207PEBALANFND111 26.7312 21.5276 26.1608
3. Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 24.6266 21.1899 24.6266
4. Bond Pension Fund ULIF007160107PENBONDFND111 21.2743 18.2449 21.2743
5. Bond Pension Fund II ULIF028300513PENBON2FND111 11.7738 10.0996 11.7738
6. Daily Protect Fund ULIF020060910DLYPRO1FND111 14.3423 11.2007 13.9069
7. Daily Protect Fund - II ULIF020040311DLYPRO2FND111 15.8456 12.1835 15.3564
8. Daily Protect Fund - III ULIF020010911DLYPRO3FND111 17.6502 13.1337 17.0680
9. Discontinue Pension Fund ULIF025300513PEDISCOFND111 10.9692 10.0000 10.9692
10. Discontinued Policy Fund ULIF024110411DISCOPOFND111 13.0966 11.6752 13.0966
11. Equity Elite Fund ULIF012250208EQTYELTFND111 24.5950 18.3032 23.6284
12. Equity Elite II Fund ULIF019100210EQTELI2FND111 18.6831 13.9867 18.0488
13. Equity Fund ULIF001100105EQUITY-FND111 71.4109 50.5627 68.5725
14. Equity Optimiser Fund ULIF010210108EQTYOPTFND111 19.4339 14.6866 18.6773
15. Equity Optimiser Pension Fund ULIF011210108PEEQOPTFND111 19.4084 14.7343 18.6687
16. Equity Pension Fund ULIF006150107PEEQITYFND111 25.0957 17.9080 24.1037
17. Equity Pension Fund II ULIF027300513PEEQIT2FND111 14.4980 10.3798 13.9080
18. Flexi Protect (Series II) Fund ULIF014080110FLEXPR2FND111 18.2367 13.7938 17.7444
19. Flexi Protect Fund ULIF014080309FLEXPR1FND111 25.8565 20.0892 25.2708
20. GPF_100710_10 Fund ULGF006300710GRGUNT+FND111 14.2274 12.4179 14.2274
21. GPF070211 Guaranteed Pension Fund ULIF022090211PEGURNTFND111 13.2777 12.3905 13.2777
22. Group Balanced Plus Fund ULGF002160709GRPBAL+FND111 19.8153 16.3298 19.6199
23. Group Balanced Plus Fund II ULGF010200913GRBAL+FND2111 10.8950 9.9710 10.8005
24. Group Debt Plus Fund ULGF003160709GRPDBT+FND111 17.7008 14.8702 17.6390
25. Group Debt Plus Fund II ULGF011200913GRDBT+FND2111 11.4262 9.9897 11.4262
26. Group Growth Plus Fund ULGF005250909GRPGRT+FND111 21.1835 16.8006 20.7807
27. Group Growth Plus Fund II ULGF009200913GRGRT+FND2111 10.0186 9.8068 9.9035
28. Group Short Term Plus Fund ULGF007180711GRPSHT+FND111 14.2794 12.0584 14.2794
29. Group Short Term Plus Fund II ULGF013200913GRSHT+FND2111 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000
30. Growth Fund ULIF003241105GROWTH-FND111 33.9958 25.6096 32.9331
31. Growth Pension Fund ULIF008150207PEGRWTHFND111 25.2898 19.0153 24.4938
32. Index Fund ULIF015070110INDEXULFND111 17.3851 12.9339 16.4689
33. Index Pension Fund ULIF017180110PEINDEXFND111 18.0730 13.4594 17.1267
34. Money Market Fund ULIF005010206MONYMKTFND111 18.9423 17.3937 18.9423
35. Money Market Pension Fund ULIF013200308PEMNYMTFND111 17.4965 15.9934 17.4965
36. Money Market Pension Fund II ULIF029300513PEMNYM2FND111 11.0040 10.1629 10.9946
37. P/E Managed Fund ULIF021080910P/EMNGDFND111 15.9083 11.9911 15.3211
38. RGF070311 ULIF023090311RETGRT1FND111 13.7240 11.9650 13.7240
39. RGF150611 ULIF023210611RETGRT2FND111 13.6480 11.9311 13.6480
40. Top 300 Fund ULIF016070110TOP300-FND111 19.0581 14.7285 18.2644
41. Top 300 Pension Fund ULIF018180110PETP300FND111 18.3991 14.1700 17.6191
ULIP Disclosure
Company-wise details of Investments held in the Promoter Group along with its % to Funds Under Management as
at March 31, 2016
(` 000)
Fund Name SFIN Company Name Market Fund wise % of % of
Value FUM FUM total
State Bank of Travancore 49,500 9,488,128 0.52 0.01
Balanced Fund ULIF004051205BALANCDFND111 Sundaram BNP Paribas 55,431 9,488,128 0.58 0.02
Home Finance Ltd.
Sub Total 104,931 9,488,128 1.11 0.03
Balanced Pension Fund ULIF009210207PEBALANFND111 State Bank of Travancore 49,500 1,357,770 3.65 0.01
Sub Total 49,500 1,357,770 3.65 0.01
State Bank of Bikaner 198,000 52,684,062 0.38 0.05
and Jaipur
Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111
Sundaram BNP Paribas 237,129 52,684,062 0.45 0.07
Home Finance Ltd.
Sub Total 435,129 52,684,062 0.83 0.12
State Bank of Bikaner 200,500 4,774,308 4.20 0.06
Bond Pension Fund ULIF007160107PENBONDFND111
and Jaipur
Sub Total 200,500 4,774,308 4.20 0.06
Sundaram BNP Paribas 60,561 4,272,438 1.42 0.02
Bond Pension Fund II ULIF028300513PENBON2FND111
Home Finance Ltd.
Sub Total 60,561 4,272,438 1.42 0.02
Daily Protect Fund ULIF020060910DLYPRO1FND111 SBI Mutual Fund 850,000 26,970,585 3.15 0.24
Sub Total 850,000 26,970,585 3.15 0.24
Daily Protect Fund - II ULIF020040311DLYPRO2FND111 SBI Mutual Fund 500,000 16,743,816 2.99 0.14
Sub Total 500,000 16,743,816 2.99 0.14
Daily Protect Fund - III ULIF020010911DLYPRO3FND111 SBI Mutual Fund 1,750,000 53,991,672 3.24 0.49
Sub Total 1,750,000 53,991,672 3.24 0.49
Flexi Protect (Series II) ULIF014080110FLEXPR2FND111 SBI Mutual Fund 800,000 25,720,377 3.11 0.22
Sub Total 800,000 25,720,377 3.11 0.22
SBI Mutual Fund 1,100,000 33,984,450 3.24 0.30
Flexi Protect Fund ULIF014080309FLEXPR1FND111 State Bank of Bikaner 3,900 33,984,450 0.01 0.00
and Jaipur
State Bank of Travancore 227,700 33,984,450 0.67 0.06
Sub Total 1,331,600 33,984,450 3.92 0.37
State Bank of Bikaner 86,200 2,319,723 3.72 0.02
RGF070311 ULIF023090311RETGRT1FND111
and Jaipur
Sub Total 86,200 2,319,723 3.72 0.02
State Bank of Bikaner 37,200 1,097,722 3.39 0.01
RGF150611 ULIF023210611RETGRT2FND111
and Jaipur
Sub Total 37,200 1,097,722 3.39 0.01
SBI Mutual Fund 5,000,000 360,218,864 1.39 1.39
State Bank of Bikaner 525,800 360,218,864 0.15 0.15
and Jaipur
State Bank of Travancore 326,700 360,218,864 0.09 0.09
Sundaram BNP Paribas 353,121 360,218,864 0.10 0.10
Home Finance Ltd.
Grand Total 6,205,621 360,218,864 1.72 1.72
ULIP Disclosure
Company-wise details of Investments held in the Promoter Group along with its % to Funds Under Management as
at March 31, 2015
(` 000)
Fund Name SFIN Company Name Market Fund wise % of % of
Value FUM FUM total
State Bank of Travancore 49,500 5,008,063 0.99 0.01
Balanced Fund ULIF004051205BALANCDFND111 Sundaram BNP Paribas 55,897 5,008,063 1.12 0.02
Home Finance Ltd.
Sub Total 105,397 5,008,063 2.10 0.03
Balanced Pension Fund ULIF009210207PEBALANFND111 State Bank of Travancore 49,500 1,732,708 2.86 0.01
Sub Total 49,500 1,732,708 2.86 0.01
SBI Mutual Fund 60 32,110,115 0.00 0.00
State Bank of Bikaner 198,000 32,110,115 0.62 0.06
Bond Fund ULIF002100105BONDULPFND111 and Jaipur
Sundaram BNP Paribas 45,734 32,110,115 0.14 0.01
Home Finance Ltd.
Sub Total 243,794 32,110,115 0.76 0.07
State Bank of Bikaner 200,500 5,586,912 3.59 0.06
Bond Pension Fund ULIF007160107PENBONDFND111
and Jaipur
Sub Total 200,500 5,586,912 3.59 0.06
Daily Protect Fund ULIF020060910DLYPRO1FND111 SBI Mutual Fund 1,001,918 32,134,958 3.12 0.29
Sub Total 1,001,918 32,134,958 3.12 0.29
Daily Protect Fund - II ULIF020040311DLYPRO2FND111 SBI Mutual Fund 450,114 16,471,561 2.73 0.13
Sub Total 450,114 16,471,561 2.73 0.13
Daily Protect Fund - III ULIF020010911DLYPRO3FND111 SBI Mutual Fund 1,551,980 49,011,356 3.17 0.45
Sub Total 1,551,980 49,011,356 3.17 0.45
Flexi Protect (Series II) SBI Mutual Fund 952,207 31,098,249 3.06 0.27
Sub Total 952,207 31,098,249 3.06 0.27
SBI Mutual Fund 1,052,408 38,840,223 2.71 0.30
State Bank of Bikaner 3,900 38,840,223 0.01 0.00
Flexi Protect Fund ULIF014080309FLEXPR1FND111
and Jaipur
State Bank of Travancore 227,700 38,840,223 0.59 0.07
Sub Total 1,284,008 38,840,223 3.31 0.37
Growth Fund ULIF003241105GROWTH-FND111 State Bank of Hyderabad 100,000 6,751,759 1.48 0.03
Sub Total 100,000 6,751,759 1.48 0.03
Money Market Fund ULIF005010206MONYMKTFND111 State Bank of Patiala 20,000 975,474 2.05 0.01
Sub Total 20,000 975,474 2.05 0.01
State Bank of Bikaner 86,200 2,228,746 3.87 0.02
RGF070311 ULIF023090311RETGRT1FND111
and Jaipur
Sub Total 86,200 2,228,746 3.87 0.02
State Bank of Bikaner 37,200 1,031,757 3.61 0.01
RGF150611 ULIF023210611RETGRT2FND111
and Jaipur
Sub Total 37,200 1,031,757 3.61 0.01
Total ULIP FUM SBI Mutual Fund 5,008,687 353,108,781 1.42 1.42
State Bank of Bikaner 525,800 353,108,781 0.15 0.15
and Jaipur
State Bank of Hyderabad 100,000 353,108,781 0.03 0.03
State Bank of Patiala 20,000 353,108,781 0.01 0.01
State Bank of Travancore 326,700 353,108,781 0.09 0.09
Sundaram BNP Paribas 101,631 353,108,781 0.03 0.03
Home Finance Ltd.
Grand Total 6,082,818 353,108,781 1.72 1.72
Sub Total 1,128,264 12.70 912,544 19.37
Others below 10% 7,753,416 87.30 3,798,616 80.63
Total 8,881,680 100.00 4,711,160 100.00
Statutory Report
Services Ltd.
Sub Total - - 218,997 12.72
Others below 10% 895,102 67.55 1,265,744 73.50
Statutory Report
Kotak Mahindra Prime Ltd NCD - - 205,209 0.69
Power Finance Corporation Ltd. NCD - - 138,883 0.47
Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. NCD - - 1,242,057 4.17
Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd. NCD - - 453,055 1.52
Infrastructure Development NCD - - 862,696 2.89
Finance Co. Ltd.
Financial Statements
Power Finance Corporation Ltd. NCD 110,401 2.43 60,627 1.14
Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. NCD 105,967 2.33 227,320 4.28
Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd. NCD 273,511 6.02 336,447 6.34
Infrastructure Development NCD - - 353,920 6.67
Statutory Report
India Infradebt Limited NCD 152,202 3.90 - -
Power Finance Corporation Ltd. NCD 105,301 2.70 - -
Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. NCD 120,210 3.08 - -
Sub Total 629,348 16.12 - -
Statutory Report
Fund - II Intermediation of Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 176,565 1.07 360,508 2.23
Commercial Banks
Bank of Baroda Equity 14,700 0.09 73,715 0.46
Bank of India Equity - - 12,169 0.08
Statutory Report
Daily Protect ULIF020010911DLYPRO3FND111 Monetary Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 612,816 1.17 1,224,037 2.56
Fund - III Intermediation of Bank of Baroda CD - - 491,964 1.03
Commercial Banks
Bank of Baroda Equity 71,244 0.14 198,980 0.42
Bank of India CD - - 883,807 1.85
Canara Bank CD 493,173 0.94 - -
Corporation Bank FD 497,500 0.95 497,500 1.04
HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 2,057,411 3.91 2,485,161 5.20
ICICI Bank Limited Equity 1,077,124 2.05 1,908,775 3.99
Statutory Report
Vijaya Bank CD - - 3,711 0.02
Sub Total - - 1,840,245 11.13
Others below 10% 16,040,943 100.00 14,691,023 88.87
Total 16,040,943 100.00 16,531,268 100.00
Statutory Report
Equity Elite ULIF012250208EQTYELTFND111 Monetary Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 4,442 2.22 7,283 3.23
Management Review and
Commercial Banks
Canara Bank CD 46,556 1.04 - -
HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 311,260 6.94 185,400 6.06
ICICI Bank Limited Equity 185,209 4.13 127,383 4.16
IDFC Bank Limited Equity 5,002 0.11 - -
Indus Ind Bank Ltd. Equity 68,429 1.53 35,059 1.15
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. Equity 91,888 2.05 39,398 1.29
Punjab National Bank Equity - - 8,051 0.26
Statutory Report
Sub Total 5,662,781 15.60 4,821,277 14.42
Others below 10% 23,736,297 65.39 22,661,435 67.80
Total 36,299,959 100.00 33,425,140 100.00
Statutory Report
Equity ULIF010210108EQTYOPTFND111 Monetary Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 303,115 1.97 546,621 2.87
Management Review and
Optimiser Fund Intermediation of Bank of Baroda Equity 16,905 0.11 130,882 0.69
Commercial Banks
Bank of India Equity - - 14,993 0.08
Canara Bank CD 189,537 1.23 - -
Canara Bank FD 112,500 0.73 - -
Corporation Bank CD 232,621 1.51 - -
HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 1,017,883 6.63 1,146,764 6.03
ICICI Bank Limited CD 194,478 1.27 - -
Financial Statements
Total 15,359,969 100.00 19,016,003 100.00
Equity ULIF011210108PEEQOPTFND111 Monetary Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 48,861 2.05 98,741 3.06
Optimiser Intermediation of Bank of Baroda Equity 10,878 0.46 17,077 0.53
Pension Fund Commercial Banks
Bank of India Equity - - 4,132 0.13
Statutory Report
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. Equity 188,801 2.97 30,094 0.35
Punjab National Bank Equity - - 23,104 0.27
Yes Bank Limited Equity 60,554 0.95 40,788 0.47
Statutory Report
Tech Mahindra Ltd. Equity - - 5,876 1.23
Sub Total 136,741 14.63 65,076 13.66
Others below 10% 628,619 67.23 331,791 69.64
Total 934,970 100.00 476,431 100.00
Statutory Report
(Series II) Fund Intermediation of Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 279,815 1.10 736,663 2.39
Commercial Banks
Bank of Baroda CD - - 491,964 1.60
Bank of Baroda Equity 34,545 0.14 98,100 0.32
Bank of Baroda FD 250,000 0.99 250,000 0.81
HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 878,343 3.46 1,482,915 4.82
ICICI Bank Limited Equity 470,906 1.86 1,104,250 3.59
Indus Ind Bank Ltd. Equity 200,632 0.79 270,230 0.88
Financial Statements
Commercial Banks
Bank of Baroda CD - - 491,976 1.28
Bank of Baroda Equity - - 186,901 0.49
Bank of Baroda FD 250,000 0.77 250,000 0.65
Bank of India FD 500,000 1.54 500,000 1.31
Canara Bank FD 84,200 0.26 84,200 0.22
Corporation Bank FD 500,000 1.54 500,000 1.31
HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 157,567 0.49 1,383,616 3.61
Statutory Report
Financial Leasing Indian Railway Finance NCD - - 18,287 9.41
Corporation Ltd.
NABARD NCD - - 3,690 1.90
Statutory Report
LIC Housing Finance Ltd. Equity 349 0.13 - -
Sub Total 34,054 12.67 - -
Financial Leasing Export Import Bank of India NCD - - 10,137 4.95
Tata Sons Ltd NCD - - 10,463 5.11
Sub Total - - 20,600 10.06
Corporate Overview
Housing Development Finance NCD 20,363 6.50 - -
Granting Credit Corporation
Housing Development Finance Equity 2,045 0.65 - -
Statutory Report
and Maintenance
to the Clients
Sub Total - - 861 41.10
Others below 10% 6,474 88.89 1,234 58.90
Total 7,283 100.00 2,094 100.00
Growth Fund ULIF003241105GROWTH-FND111 Monetary Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 119,398 1.95 196,078 2.94
Intermediation of Bank of Baroda Equity 32,476 0.53 27,867 0.42
Commercial Banks
HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 390,970 6.39 368,172 5.52
Statutory Report
Intermediation of Bank of Baroda Equity 7,350 0.26 14,715 0.41
Commercial Banks HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 184,773 6.51 204,540 5.65
ICICI Bank Limited Equity 109,223 3.85 145,130 4.01
Indus Ind Bank Ltd. Equity 41,697 1.47 42,433 1.17
Statutory Report
and Maintenance Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Equity 76,869 2.71 114,928 3.18
to the Clients Tech Mahindra Ltd. Equity 7,374 0.26 34,634 0.96
Wipro Ltd. Equity - - 15,794 0.44
Sub Total 300,586 10.59 415,408 11.48
Others below 10% 1,724,539 60.78 2,586,805 71.47
Total 2,837,560 100.00 3,619,466 100.00
Additional Information
and Maintenance Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Equity 721,816 4.94 712,057 4.54
to the Clients Tech Mahindra Ltd. Equity 158,288 1.08 208,603 1.33
Wipro Ltd. Equity 195,116 1.34 225,200 1.44
Sub Total 2,632,982 18.04 2,643,176 16.86
Others below 10% 9,194,092 62.99 10,170,336 64.86
Total 14,597,133 100.00 15,681,312 100.00
Index Pension ULIF017180110PEINDEXFND111 Monetary Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 15,267 2.38 25,005 2.80
Fund Intermediation of Bank of Baroda Equity 2,865 0.45 4,036 0.45
Statutory Report
Commercial Banks HDFC Bank Ltd. Equity 43,536 6.80 52,204 5.84
ICICI Bank Limited Equity 28,376 4.43 48,051 5.38
Management Review and
and Maintenance Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Equity 31,627 4.94 40,715 4.56
to the Clients Tech Mahindra Ltd. Equity 6,935 1.08 11,928 1.33
Wipro Ltd. Equity 8,549 1.34 12,877 1.44
Sub Total 115,363 18.02 151,134 16.91
Others below 10% 403,635 63.03 578,613 64.74
Total 640,339 100.00 893,752 100.00
Additional Information
Others below 10% 295,249 30.32 624,875 66.78
Total 973,746 100.00 935,763 100.00
Money Market ULIF013200308PEMNYMTFND111 Monetary Andhra Bank CD 10,697 3.76 - -
Pension Fund Intermediation of Axis Bank Ltd. CD 18,997 6.68 19,216 7.86
Statutory Report
Commercial Banks
Bank of India CD - - 18,499 7.56
Management Review and
Total 206,479 100.00 68,191 100.00
P/E Managed ULIF021080910P/EMNGDFND111 Monetary Axis Bank Ltd. Equity 120,145 2.39 159,660 2.84
Fund Intermediation of Bank of Baroda Equity 22,050 0.44 40,875 0.73
Commercial Banks
Statutory Report
Commercial Banks
Syndicate Bank Ltd. FD 100,000 4.77 100,000 4.85
Sub Total 317,800 15.15 317,800 15.42
Other Credit L&T Infra Debt Fund Limited NCD 10,468 0.50 10,477 0.51
Granting Power Finance Corporation Ltd. NCD 51,620 2.46 51,615 2.50
Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. NCD 199,909 9.53 185,507 9.00
Sub Total 261,997 12.49 247,599 12.02
Others below 10% 1,517,533 72.36 1,495,295 72.56
Statutory Report
Granting Power Finance Corporation Ltd. NCD 74,079 7.41 74,252 7.80
Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. NCD 66,950 6.69 64,688 6.80
Sub Total 151,497 15.15 149,417 15.70
Others below 10% 727,390 72.72 681,025 71.55
Total 1,000,288 100.00 951,842 100.00
Additional Information
Punjab and Sind Bank CD 49,263 0.91 - -
Punjab National Bank Equity - - 38,627 0.60
Vijaya Bank CD - - 138,906 2.15
Statutory Report
Punjab and Sind Bank CD 49,263 1.50 - -
Punjab National Bank Equity - - 27,444 0.61
Vijaya Bank CD - - 92,604 2.07
Statutory Report
# Net of reinsurance
@ Includes the effect of gains / losses on sale of investments
(a) Total Funds under Policyholders Account = Credit / (Debit) Fair Value Change Account + Policyholders Liabilities +
Insurance Reserves
(b) Yield on Policyholders Investments = Income from Policyholders Investments / Total Policyholders Investments
(c) Total Funds = Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus + Credit / (Debit) Fair Value Change Account - Debit Balance in
Profit and Loss Account
(d) Yield on Shareholders Investments = Total Income under Shareholders Account / Total Shareholders Investments
(e) Yield on total investments = (Income from Policyholders Investments + Total Income under Shareholders Account) /
(Total Shareholders Investments + Total Policyholders Investments)
(f) Net Worth = Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus + Credit / (Debit) Fair Value Change Account - Debit Balance in
Profit and Loss Account
(g) Total Assets = Total Application of Funds - Debit Balance in Profit and Loss Account
Disclosure actuarys certificate
For the year ended 31st March 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Indian Rupees)
I have valued the policy liabitities of SBI Life Insurance Company Limited as at 31st March 2016, in accordance with accepted
actuarial practice and in line with relevant professional guidance issued by the Institute of Actuaries of India, including that
covering the selection of appropriate assumptions.
In my opinion, the amount of policy liabilities ` 756,558,258 (net of reinsurance) makes appropriate provision for all
policyholders obligations, and the financial statements fairly present the result of the valuation.
Subhendu Bal
Appointed Actuary
SBI Life lnsurance Company Limited
Mumbai, April 29, 2016
Spanning across India, SBI Life ensures that you have access to one amongst our network of 774 (as on 31st March, 2016)
conveniently located offices.
Chandigarh North East
Bhopal AR PRA
Ahmedabad Bhubaneswar
Corporate Information
Board of Directors Executive Committee
Ms. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairman Mr. Arijit Basu, MD & CEO
Mr. Rajnish Kumar, NonExecutive Director Mr. Sanjeev Pujari, Executive Director
(Actuarial & Risk Management)
Mr. Gerard Binet, NonExecutive Director
Mr. Ravi Krishnamurthy, Executive Director
Mr. Arijit Basu, MD & CEO (Marketing), Zone-2
Mr. Raj Narain Bhardwaj, Independent Director Mr. Sanjeeva Prasad, Executive Director (Operations & IT)
Mr. Ravi Rambabu, Independent Director Mr. M. Anand, Executive Director (Marketing), Zone-3
Mr. Nilesh Vikamsey, Independent Director Mr. Abhijit Gulanikar, Chief Officer (Business Strategy)
Glossary of Terms
Affiliated Investments Contribution from Shareholders Account
Investments made in parties related to the insurer The amount transferred from Shareholders Account to
Policyholders Account to make good the deficit arising
Adjusted Premium Equivalent (APE) in the Non Participating funds as per requirement of the
The sum of first year premium and 10% of single premiums Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
including top-up premiums and tax (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditors Report
of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002
Annuity benefits
A series of payments payable at regular intervals in return Credit Risk
of a certain sum paid upfront, under an annuity contract The risk of loss if the other party fails to meet its obligations
or fails to do so in timely fashion
A deferred annuity is a contract to pay out regular amounts
of benefit provided to the annuitant at the end of the
Death benefit
deferred period (the vesting date) when annuity payment
The contractual amount as specified in the policy
commences for a specified period of time such as number
documents, which is payable on occurrence of death of the
of years or for life
life is assured
An immediate annuity is a contract to pay out regular
amounts of benefit wherein the contract commences Embedded Value
payments, immediately after the contract is concluded The Embedded Value in the Life Insurance context is a
realistic measure of the Shareholders interest in the covered
Asset-Liability Management (ALM) business of the company. The calculation of Embedded
The practice of matching the assets of an insurance company Value of all existing business and the New Business Value
with specific reference to the characteristics of its liabilities. of the New Business has been carried out using a Market
ALM is critical for the sound financial management of the Consistent Embedded Value (MCEV) approach
insurance company to meet its future cash flow needs and
capital requirements In the MCEV approach, explicit allowance is made for
each risk / business while in the traditional approach such
Assets Under Management (AUM) allowance is made through an increase in the Risk Discount
The total value of Shareholders & Policyholders investments Rate
managed by the insurance company. AUM includes
investments disclosed in the Balance sheet under Schedule Endowment Business
8, 8A, 8B, loans in the nature of investments included in It is a contract to pay benefit on the life assured surviving
Schedule 9 and fixed deposits under Schedule 11 the stipulated date or on death of the life assured before
Basic Earnings Per Share
Net profit after tax divided by weighted average number of Expense Ratio
equity shares outstanding during the year The percentage of insurance premiums used to pay for
an insurers expenses including overheads, marketing,
Book Value Per Share commission, expenses, costs etc. Expense ratio is money
Shareholders Funds divided by outstanding number of used in acquiring, writing and servicing an insurance policy
equity shares
Fair value change account
Certificate of Insurance (COI) Unrealised gains/losses (net) on mark to market securities
A document issued by the insurance company which pertaining to Shareholders and Non-Linked Policyholders
confirms the existence of insurance coverage under specific funds, as required by the Insurance Regulatory and
conditions granted to an individual under a Group policy Development Authority of India (Preparation of Financial
Statements and Auditors Report of Insurance Companies)
Certified Insurance Facilitator (CIF) Regulations, 2002
CIFs are bank employees who can provide qualified
insurance advice to customers and help them in making a First year premium
well informed decision and choose the right life insurance Premium received or receivable on regular premium paying
product considering their long term financial needs and contracts during the first year of the contract
Free-look period
Conservation ratio A period of 15 days allowed to a new policyholder, from
The ratio of renewal premium of the current financial year the date of receipt of policy documents, to enable him to
to the total of first year premium and renewal premium of review the terms and conditions of the policy and cancel
the previous financial year the policy, if it does not meet his requirement
Surrenders Underwriting
Termination of the policy at the request of the policyholder The process by which an insurance company determines
before maturity of the policy whether or not and on what basis it will accept an
application for insurance
Survival Benefit
The amount of benefit which is payable at specific interval, Unit Linked business
on survival to that period during the period of contract Non Participating insurance contracts that are investment
as specified in the policy document. This is stated at the cum protection plans that provide returns directly linked to
inception of the contract the market performance
Variable business
Terminal bonus Universal life products having a policy account value on
An additional bonus payable to participating policyholders which guaranteed rate and bonus is applicable. The product
on maturity and may also be payable on death or surrender, provides guaranteed death benefit plus balance of policy
provided the policies have completed the minimum duration account
at death/surrender
Vested Bonus
Third Party Administrator (TPA) It is the bonus, which the insurer declares after evaluating
TPA ia a company licensed by IRDAI to offer health claim its assets and liabilities, and that is added to the policy.
related services for the benefit of both the insured and Once it is attached to the policy it becomes the guaranteed
the insurer. While the insured is benefitted by quicker and benefit to be paid to the policyholder
better services, insurers are benefitted by reduction in
administration costs and fraudulent claims
Top-Up Premium
This is an additional amount of premium over and above the
contractual basic premiums charged at the commencement
of the contract