The Current Understanding of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

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Expert Review of Clinical Immunology

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The current understanding of StevensJohnson

syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis

Maja Mockenhaupt

To cite this article: Maja Mockenhaupt (2011) The current understanding of StevensJohnson
syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 7:6, 803-815,
DOI: 10.1586/eci.11.66

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The current understanding of

StevensJohnson syndrome
and toxic epidermal necrolysis
Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 7(6), 803815 (2011)

Maja Mockenhaupt StevensJohnson syndrome has long been considered to resemble erythema multiforme with
The German Registry on Severe
mucosal involvement, but is now thought to form a single disease entity with toxic epidermal
SkinReactions, Department of necrolysis. Although StevensJohnson syndrome is less severe, etiology, genetic susceptibility
Dermatology, University of Freiburg, and pathomechanism are the same for StevensJohnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Freiburg, Germany
The condition is mainly caused by drugs, but also by infections and probably other risk factors
Department of Dermatology, not yet identified. Identification of the cause is important for the individual patient and in cases
FreiburgUniversity Medical of drug-induced disease withdrawal of the inducing drug(s) has an impact on the patients
Center,Hauptstrasse7, prognosis. If an infectious cause is suspected, adequate anti-infective treatment is needed.
Tel.: +49 761 270 67230
Besides this, supportive management is crucial to improve the patients state, probably more
Fax: +49 761 270 68340 than specific immunomodulating treatments. Despite all of the therapeutic efforts, mortality is high and increases with disease severity, patients age and underlying medical conditions.
Survivors may suffer from long-term sequelae such as strictures of mucous membranes including
severe eye problems.

Keywords : incidence mortality SCAR sequelae severe cutaneous adverse reactions SJS StevensJohnson
syndrome TEN toxic epidermal necrolysis treatment

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Release date: 21 October 2011; Expiration date: 21 October 2012

Learning objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
Distinguish Stevens-Johnson syndrome from erythema multiforme majus
Evaluate the diagnostic approach to cases of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
Identify medications associated with a risk for Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
Analyze therapeutic options for patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
necrolysis 10.1586/ECI.11.66 2011 Expert Reviews Ltd ISSN 1744-666X 803

Review Mockenhaupt CME

Financial & competing interests disclosure

Elisa Manzotti, Editorial Director, Future Science Group, London, UK
Disclosure: Elisa Manzotti has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
CME Author
Charles P Vega, MD, Health Sciences Clinical Professor; Residency Director, Department of Family Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA,
Disclosure: Charles P Vega, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Maja Mockenhaupt, MD, PhD, Head of the German Registry on Severe Skin Reactions; Senior Dermatologist, Department of Dermatology, Freiburg
University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany
Disclosure: Maja Mockenhaupt, MD, PhD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

StevensJohnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis an erythematous outer ring. By contrast, atypical raised targets
(TEN) are diseases within the spectrum of severe cutaneous present with only two zones and a poorly defined border, while
adverse reactions (SCAR) affecting skin and mucous membranes. atypical flat targets are characterized by vesiculous or bullous
Although different in clinical pattern, prognosis and etiology, lesions in the center, which may be confluent [1] .
erythema multiforme with mucosal involvement, also called Typical or atypical raised targets are characteristic for EMM.
erythema exsudativum multiforme majus (original term still They appear mainly on the limbs, but sometimes also on the face
used in Europe), erythema multiforme majus (EMM) or bullous and trunk, especially in children (Figure1) . By contrast, widespread,
erythema multiforme is part of this spectrum. Unfortunately, often confluent purpuric macules (spots) or atypical flat targets
the terminology of these severe and sometimes life-threatening predominantly on the trunk are the cutaneous pattern in SJS
mucocutaneous reactions has been inconsistent for decades until a (Figure2) . Various mucosal sites are severely affected in both condi-
consensus definition published in 1993 suggested the differentia- tions and do not allow the differentiation. Since only small blisters
tion of EMM from SJS, TEN and their overlap. This consensus appear on the target lesions in most cases of EMM, skin detach-
classification has been successfully used in several large epidemio- ment is usually limited, often to 1 or 2% of the BSA, whereas
logical studies performed during the last 20years. For the first it is higher but below 10% in SJS. By definition a diagnosis of
time, these studies provided reliable information on demographic TEN requires skin detachment of more than 30% of the BSA,
data and on the incidence of SJS and TEN. In case reports and which reflects the entire trunk without buttocks. Widespread
case series, a variety of drugs have been reported to be associ- macules and atypical targets, as seen in SJS, precede the epidermal
ated with SJS and TEN, but risk estimates for certain drugs and sloughing in most cases (TEN with maculae), although few cases
drug groups to induce SJS/TEN were not available before the of TEN develop on large erythema without signs of confluent
epidemiological studies. A genetic predisposition of patients devel- macules and little more than 10% of detachment (TEN without
oping SCAR had long been suspected, but HLA alleles related to spots, also called TEN on large erythema).
SJS/TEN and specific for certain drugs in defined populations Since SJS and TEN can sometimes hardly be separated from
were only found in recent years. Furthermore, biological speci- one another and limited skin detachment, as in SJS, may evolve to
mens of patients with SCAR were systematically collected and extensive skin necrosis as in TEN, an overlap group of SJS/TEN
investigated, providing the basis for pathogenetic considerations has been defined with blisters and erosions between 10 and 30%
and new therapeutic approaches. of the BSA called SJS/TEN-overlap (Figure3) . Nikolsky sign is
positive in SJS, TEN and their overlap when lesional skin can
Clinical pattern & diagnostic procedures be pushed slightly aside by pressure of fingers. Direct (epidermis
StevensJohnson syndrome and TEN are characterized by cuta- can be pushed aside) and indirect Nikolsky sign (an existing
neous erythema with blister formation of various extent and blister can be pushed away) are distinguished. However, more
hemorrhagic erosions of mucous membranes, such as stoma- recently a wet and dry Nikolsky sign were discussed, which
titis, balanitis, colpitis, severe conjunctivitis and blepharitis. refer to the base of the blister, and thus to the level of epidermal
Frequently, fever and malaise are the first symptoms of the dis- separation [2] . Hemorrhagic erosions of at least one site of mucous
ease, which may persist or even increase once the mucocutaneous membranes are present in EMM, SJS and SJS/TEN-overlap, but
lesionsappeared. may be absent in some cases of TEN (Figures4&5) .
Whereas SJS, SJS/TEN-overlap and TEN with maculae are
Consensus definition considered as a single disease of different severity, EMM is dif-
The classification published by Bastuji-Garin etal. in 1993 is ferent not only in terms of the clinical pattern, but also in terms
based on the type of single lesions and on the extend of blisters of etiology [1,3] .
and erosions related to the body surface area (BSA) [1] .
The lesions found in these severe skin reactions are typical Histopathology
targets with a regular round shape and a well-defined border with The fact that SJS as well as TEN were (and often still are) con-
at least three different concentric zones: a purpuric central disk sidered as part of the spectrum of erythema multiforme is based
with or without a blister, a raised edematous intermediate ring and on the histopathology. The characteristic pattern presents with

804 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 7(6), (2011)

CME The current understanding of StevensJohnson syndrome & toxic epidermal necrolysis Review

necrotic keratinocytes in either wide dis-

semination or full-thickness necrosis of the
epidermis. Vacuolization leading to subepi-
dermal blistering is found in the basal mem-
brane zone. A superficial, often perivascular,
lymphohistiocytic infiltrate can be seen in
the upper dermis. While various amounts
of eosinophils were observed in the infiltrate
of tissue biopsies of patients with EMM, SJS
or TEN, other investigations reported less
epidermal necrosis, more dermal inflamma-
tion and more exocytosis in erythema mul-
tiforme majus compared with SJS [4] . It is of
great importance at what time the biopsy is
taken in relation to the onset of the disease
Figure1. Typical targets with three concentric zones in erythema
and from which part of the lesion. A biopsy multiformemajus.
taken from the central blister of a typical
target lesion in erythema multiforme (EM)/EMM may reveal full- and target lesions are not seen in staphylococcal scalded-skin
thickness necrosis, whereas a biopsy from the erythematous margin syndrome and mucosal involvement rarely occurs, the clinical
of blisters in SJS/TEN may show only partial necrosis. Therefore, diagnosis should always be supported by histology including con-
histopathological findings can distinguish SJS/TEN from other ventional histopathological examination [7] . In contrast to the skin
diseases, but do not allow the clear differentiation between SJS/ lesions seen in SJS/TEN, generalized bullous fixed drug eruption
TEN and EMM, since both show the histological pattern of what (GBFDE) is characterized by well-defined, round or oval plaques
was earlier called the epidermal type of EM. By contrast, the of a dusky violaceous or brownish color. Frequently, blisters occur
dermal type of EM can be seen in a multiforme-like or target- on these plaques, although rarely exceeding 10% of the BSA.
like skin eruption described as an entity different from EMM and Compared to SJS/TEN, fever, malaise and mucosal involvement
SJS/TEN [5] . are less intense and the prognosis is far better in GBFDE. The

Differential diagnoses
The differential diagnoses of SJS may vary
with the clinical presentation and the extent
of the skin detachment. In an early stage
of the disease, maculopapular eruptions,
induced by drugs or viruses, have to be
considered. They may also present with
oral lesions and conjunctivitis; however,
not as hemorrhagic and erosive as in SJS.
The important differentiation from EMM
marked by typical targets has been described
earlier. However, in children atypical forms
of EMM may occur with target lesions in
wide dissemination but well demarcated
and not confluent, making the correct diag-
nosis more difficult [6] . In elderly patients a
multiforme-like or target-like skin eruption
caused by drugs has to be considered as a
differential diagnosis of SJS [5] .
In a later stage of the disease, when
blisters and skin detachment are already
present, it is of major importance to rapidly
perform a Tzanck-test or cryostat histology
for information on the layer of epidermal
separation in order to exclude the possible
diagnosis of staphylococcal scalded-skin Figure2. Confluent purpuric macules and limited areas of skin detachment in
syndrome. Although purpuric macules StevensJohnson syndrome. 805
Review Mockenhaupt CME

phenomenon may imitate detachment in

SJS/TEN, although this is much more
superficial [8,9] .

Epidemiology & risk factors

Incidence & demographic data
For decades mainly case reports and case
series of severe skin reactions have been
published. After the first large-scale retro-
spective studies were performed in France
and Germany in the 1980s, a population-
based registry on SJS, TEN and EMM was
started in Germany in 1990. It has been
operating since then and, based on a high
coverage rate of 8090%, was able to pro-
vide robust incidence rates for SJS, TEN
Figure3. Detachment of large epidermal sheets in StevensJohnson and their overlap of one to twocases per
syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap; atypical target lesions are 1million population per year [10] .
stillpresent. For SJS and TEN the distribution of gen-
der is almost equal (slightly more females)
history of patients with GBFDE often reveals previous fixed drug and a female preponderance of approximately 65% could be
eruptions [8] . The differentiation between SJS/TEN and GBFDE observed in SJS/TEN-overlap, whereas more men or boys develop
has to be carried out on a clinical basis, because the histopa- EMM (almost 70%).
thology will also show a subepidermal blister with necrosis of The mortality is almost 10% for patients with SJS, approxi-
the blister roof. Furthermore, autoimmune blistering diseases, mately 30% for patients with SJS/TEN-overlap and almost 50%
such as pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoid, as well as for patients with TEN. For SJS, SJS/TEN-overlap and TEN
bullous phototoxic reactions, have to be considered as possible together the mortality rate is almost 25% [11] . In order to evalu-
differentialdiagnoses. ate the mortality due to SJS/TEN, time of death in relation to
Desquamation of large sheets of skin in erythroderma or exfo- the onset of the reaction, age of the patient, underlying diseases
liative dermatitis is sometimes clinically confused with epidermal and the amount of skin detachment have to be considered. By
detachment in SJS/TEN. This is also the case for acute gener- contrast, virtually no patient with EMM dies as a consequence
alized exanthematous pustulosis, in the course of which, after of this condition.
confluence of dozens of nonfollicular pustules, a Nikolsky-like In Europe, approximately 5% of the patients with SJS/TEN
were HIV-infected, but the number seems to have decreased in the
past decade. As expected, the distribution of age and gender dif-
fers between HIV-infected and non-HIV-infected patients with
SJS/TEN, while mortality rate and outcome are comparable [12] .

Etiology & risk estimation

StevensJohnson syndrome and TEN very rarely occur without
any drug use. However, sometimes the drug history only reveals
long-term medication, which cannot be considered to be the cause
of the adverse reaction. Viral infections and mycoplasma pneumo-
nia infection were also reported as potential causes [13] . It is often
difficult to decide whether symptoms such as oronasal soreness,
conjunctival injection or fever are signs of an acute infection or the
beginning of SJS/TEN. Various medications are taken frequently
to treat such symptoms, including analgesics and antipyretics. To
date, neither a possible interaction of infection and medication nor
the interaction of different drugs could be clarified, and a reliable
invitro or invivo test to determine the link between a specific drug
and SJS/TEN in an individual case is not yet available. Oral prov-
Figure4. Hemorrhagic erosions of lips and oral cavity in ocation tests with the suspected drug cannot be recommended
erythema multiforme majus, StevensJohnson syndrome for safety reasons, although the reaction may not occur again, as
and toxic epidermal necrolysis. studies performed in Finland in the 1970s could show [11] . Patch

806 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 7(6), (2011)

CME The current understanding of StevensJohnson syndrome & toxic epidermal necrolysis Review

tests have frequently provided negative or false-negative results

and are not of any help during the time of acute illness. Thus, the
detection of the culprit drug mainly relies on the time interval
between introduction of the drug and onset of the skin reaction.
Recently, an algorithm for assessment of drug causality in SJS and
toxic epidermal necrolysis (ALDEN) has been published, which
provides structured help to identify the responsible drug [14] . It
includes the findings of epidemiologic studies that were able to
provide risk estimates for drugs inducing SJS/TEN and is based
on the following criteria: time latency between beginning of drug
use and index-day (i.e., onset of the adverse reaction), drug present
in the body before index-day (taking into account the drugs half-
life, as well as the patients liver and kidney function), informa-
tion on prechallenge/rechallenge and dechallenge (if available),
type of drug/notoriety (based on drug lists that require a regular
update) and alternative causes. Numerical score values lead to a
causality assessment for each individual drug a patient is exposed
to, reaching from very unlikely, unlikely, possible, probable Figure5. Severe eye involvement in erythema multiforme
to very probable [14] . majus, StevensJohnson syndrome and toxic
However, drugs could be identified as causes of SJS/TEN in
no more than 75% of the cases in these studies, while in at least
25% of the cases no drug cause could be determined. Some part drugs, the risk appears to be higher during the first 2months of
of the latter might be caused by infection, some part remains intake [16] . Second, the European ongoing casecontrol surveil-
unknown so far. lance of SCAR (EuroSCAR-study) recruited cases and controls
In addition to causality assessment in an individual case, the in partly the same and some additional European countries
risk of a certain medication has to be estimated in larger popula- between 1997 and 2001, comprising more recent data on drug
tions. In order to get an idea of how frequently SJS/TEN may be risks for SJS/TEN. A total of 379 community cases of SJS and
caused by a specific drug, it is not sufficient to rely on the absolute TEN (i.e., patients who developed the adverse reaction outside
number of cases exposed to that drug prior to the onset of the the hospital and who were admitted because of symptoms of
reaction. Furthermore, the comparison of the absolute number of SCAR) were compared with 1505 controls in terms of drugs
cases and all people who have taken that drug in a certain time use. Among medications with prior alerts, two were strongly
period (e.g., 1year) is required. Because the number of people associated with SJS/TEN: nevirapine and lamotrigine. Both
who take a certain drug is not known, prescription data in defined shared the overall pattern of highly suspected drugs (recent
daily doses are helpful as a reference for drug use. Owing to the onset of use and infrequent comedication with another highly
fact that SJS and TEN usually occur during the first course of suspected drug)[17] . Although the indication of these agents is
drug intake (without prior sensitization), further assumptions completely different lamotrigine is an antiepileptic, nevirap-
need to be made for risk estimation. This was carried out for risk ine an anti-HIV drug the manufacturers had proposed that
evaluation of antiepileptic drugs. More than 90% of SJS/TEN adverse reactions could be avoided to both by slow titration of
cases occurred in the first 63days of drug use. Across a range of the doses (lead-in periods), but obviously this did not work for
assumptions about the frequency of incident use, the risk esti- severe skin reactions such as SJS/TEN [12,17] .
mates vary between 1 and 10 per 10,000new users for a number A high risk could be confirmed for all previously suspected
of antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenobarbital drugs, such as allopurinol, anti-infective sulfonamides (espe-
and phenytoin) except valproic acid, for which much lower risk cially cotrimoxazole), carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital
estimates were calculated [15] . and oxicam-NSAIDs. Risk estimates for allopurinol were actu-
Another option for risk evaluation of drugs is the casecon- ally increasing, turning it into the leading cause of SJS/TEN in
trol study design. Two large casecontrol studies were per- Europe and Israel [17,18] .
formed in Europe in the last 20years: first, the international The median latency time between the beginning of use and
casecontrol study on SCAR (also called the SCAR study) was onset of SJS/TEN (also called index-day) was less than 4weeks
undertaken in several European countries between 1989 and for most drugs (15days for carbamazepine, 24days for phenytoin,
1995. In terms of drugs usually taken for a short time, the 17days for phenobarbital and 20days for allopurinol), whereas
risk was increased for cotrimoxazole and other anti-infective it was much longer for drugs with no associated risk (above
sulfonamides, aminopenicillins, quinolones, cephalosporines 30weeks for valproic acid). In general, no significant risk persisted
and chlormezanone. For drugs with long-term use, such as after 8weeks of use. Penicillins, which have often been accused
carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, oxicam-NSAIDs to cause SJS/TEN, did not show an increased risk, whereas the
and allopurinol, the crude relative risk was increased. For these relative risk of other antibiotic groups such as cephalosporines, 807
Review Mockenhaupt CME

macrolides, quinolones and tetracyclines was moderate. The cotrimoxazole were tested for their cytotoxic function and reacted
same magnitude of risk was calculated for acetic acid NSAIDs without restimulation against the parent drug (cotrimoxazole and
such as diclofenac. Many commonly used medications, such as sulfamethoxazole), but not against the metabolite. This find-
b-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, sulfon- ing challenged the hypothesis that metabolites may be directly
amide-related diuretics and sulfonylurea antidiabetics, insulin involved in the process of epidermal cell death. In addition, these
and propionic acid NSAIDs such as ibuprofen were not associated cytotoxic T-cells killed autologous lymphocytes and keratinocytes
with a detectable risk to induce SJS/TEN (Box1) [17] . in a drug-specific, perforin/granzyme-mediated pathway restricted
to MHC classI [19] . Later, the cytolytic protein granulysin, which
Pathophysiology & genetics is produced by drug-specific CD8 + Tcells and natural killer (NK)
As explained previously, drugs are the etiologic factor in the major- cells, was identified as the most important factor for the epidermal
ity of SJS/TEN cases. However, it is still unknown, how a certain destruction. Its concentrations in the blister fluid of SJS/TEN
drug may actually induce epidermal necrosis. Tcells, especially patients were two to four orders of magnitude higher than those
CD8 + lymphocytes, have been identified to play an important role of other cytotoxic proteins such as perforin, granzymeB or soluble
in the process that is most likely mediated by cytokines. CD8 + Fas ligand, and depleting granulysin reduced the cytotoxicity.
Tcells from the blister fluid of patients with TEN induced by Furthermore, the concentration of granulysin in the blister fluid
was positively correlated with the clinical
Box1. Practical recommendations. severity of the disease (i.e. was higher in
TEN as compared with SJS) [20] .
Drugs with a high risk to induce SJS/TEN
Recently, functionally active CD94/
Their use should be carefully weighed and they should be suspected promptly
NKG2C + cells were detected in the blis-
ter fluid but also in the peripheral blood
of patients with SJS/TEN. This activating
Cotrimoxazole (and other anti-infective sulfonamides and sulfasalazine)
receptor might be involved in triggering
cytotoxic Tcells in the acute stage of the
disease [21] .
NSAIDs (oxicam type; e.g., meloxicam) T-cell activation by drug antigens requires
Phenobarbital the interaction of the T-cell receptor (TCR)
Phenytoin with the MHC on antigen-presenting cells.
An interval of 428days between the beginning of drug use and onset of the adverse Thus, the drug may bind to the MHC mole-
reaction is most suggestive of an association between the medication and SJS/TEN cule, which is recognized by the TCR leading
When patients are exposed to several medications with high expected benefits, the to specific TCR activation, or the drug may
timing of administration is important to determine which one(s) must be stopped and bind first to a specific TCR that then inter-
if some may be continued or reintroduced
acts with the MHC. Both ways are possible,
The risks of various antibiotics to induce SJS/TEN are within the same order of but drugs with a strong association to specific
magnitude, but substantially lower than the risk of anti-infective sulfonamides
HLA alleles are more suggestive to interact
Valproic acid does not seem to have an increased risk for SJS/TEN in contrast to
primarily with the HLA molecule [22] .
A genetic predisposition for SJS/TEN
Diuretics and oral antidiabetics with sulfonamide structure do not appear to be risk
factors for SJS/TEN
has long been discussed. After preliminary
data from Europe had suggested an asso-
Drugs with a moderate (significant but substantially lower) risk for SJS/TEN
ciation with certain HLA types more than
20years ago, a research group from Taiwan
was the first to demonstrate that 100% of
Han-Chinese patients with SJS/TEN due
Tetracyclines to the use of carbamazepine were posi-
NSAIDs (acetic acid type; e.g., diclofenac) tive for the allele HLA-B*1502 [23] . This
Drugs without increased risk for SJS/TEN finding could not be confirmed in Europe
b-blockers showing that ethnicity matters more than
ACE inhibitors previously thought in this context [24] . For
Calcium channel blockers allopurinol-induced cases of SJS/TEN a
Thiazide diuretics (with sulfonamide structure) 100% association with HLA-B*5801 could
Sulfonylurea antidiabetics (with sulfonamide structure) be demonstrated in a Han-Chinese popula-
Insulin tion, whereas in the European population
NSAIDs (propionic acid type; e.g., ibuprofen) the association was present in no more
ACE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme; SJS: StevensJohnson syndrome; TEN: Toxic epidermal necrolysis. than 55% [25,26] . Strong associations such
Adapted with permission from [17]. as those in Han-Chinese suggest that these

808 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 7(6), (2011)

CME The current understanding of StevensJohnson syndrome & toxic epidermal necrolysis Review

alleles must be involved in the presentation of a specific drug anti- detachment of more than 30% have an increased risk for dif-
gen in a better way than other HLA alleles [22] . Thus, the risk of ferent systemic complications. Highly specialized dermatology
SJS/TEN is not only related to the exposure with high-risk drugs, units are the preferable treatment units for patients with SJS/
but also to a genetic predisposition. In more homogeneous ethnic TEN, but if not available, transfer to a burn unit or intensive care
groups with a high prevalence of reaction to a given medication ward with daily dermatologic consultation seems to be the best
strong genetic associations may be easier to detect [27] . option. SJS/TEN patients need fluid replacement with electrolyte
(0.7ml/kg/% affected area) and albumin solution (5% human
Therapeutic considerations albumin, 1ml/kg/% skin detachment). This requires exact cal-
Until the pathogenesis of SJS/TEN is completely solved, treatment culation of the amount of denuded skin, which is sometimes dif-
is based on nonspecific and symptomatic means. The latter are ficult, frequently leading to overestimation. Furthermore, one has
most important for patients with large amount of skin detachment to keep in mind that SJS/TEN patients only need two-thirds to
requiring intensive care in specialized units. Furthermore, sequelae three-quarters of the fluids of burn patients. If patients are not
such as strictures of mucous membranes and symblepharon, which able to eat, they require feeding through a gastric tube (1500calo-
may lead to long-lasting impairment, should be prevented. ries in 1500ml over the first 24h, increasing by 500calories to
35004000calories per day). Monitoring for infection is needed
Topical treatment and, if clinically suspected, empirical anti-infective treatment
Although the blisters are fragile, they should be left in place or with the local standard regimens should be started until culture
only be punctured. Erosions can be treated with chlorhexidine, and sensitivity results are available. Depending on the severity of
octenisept or polyhexanide solutions and impregnated nonadhesive mucosal involvement and the extent of skin detachment, sedation
mesh gauze. The latter is important if environmental factors, such and analgesic therapy have to be ensured [31] .
as high room temperature or alternating pressure mattress, lead to
skin dryness. Silver sulfadiazine should be avoided, at least if the Immunomodulating treatment
causative drug was cotrimoxazole or another anti-infective sulfon- In addition to supportive care, various immunomodulating thera-
amide. Some burn care specialists debride the skin under general pies are discussed for SJS/TEN, including glucocorticosteroids
anesthesia and apply allografts or other types of coverage. However, and intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg). Since most publica-
this rather aggressive procedure is not tolerated well by many elderly tions on steroid treatment are case reports and case series in dif-
patients with underlying diseases [28] . Furthermore, hypertrophic ferent settings, their results can hardly be compared. An increased
scars may occur if debridement is carried out extensively and if rate of infections, the risk of masking septicemia, a delay of re-epi-
allografts are fixed with staples directly into the skin. thelialization, a prolonged duration of hospitalization and a higher
For affected mucosal surfaces, specialized care is critical. The mortality have been the arguments against the systemic treatment
severity of the mucosal involvement is often not in line with the with glucocorticosteroids [8,11,31] . However, in recent years steroid
amount of skin detachment and overlooked mucosal lesions can pulse therapy (e.g., with dexamethasone) has been proposed in the
lead to life-long problems. A multidisciplinary approach is needed acute stage of SJS/TEN, but few case series include more than ten
and in case of urethral involvement urologists should be involved. cases. Mortality was not higher and time of re-epithelialization
Appropriately placed wet dressings or sitz baths may help to avoid was not longer than expected, although small numbers did not
adhesions or strictures of genital erosions in girls and women. bear any statistical significance [32] . A small series of five patients
Disinfectant mouth wash should be used to treat oral erosions from Japan suggested that early steroid pulse therapy may help
and mild ointment, such as dexpanthenol, should be applied on to prevent ocular complications [33] . Nevertheless, data are not
erosions and bloody crusts of the lips. sufficient to draw any final conclusion on the benefits of steroid
In the case of eye-involvement, regular ophthalmologic consulta- pulse therapy in the treatment of SJS/TEN.
tion is crucial. Specialized lid care is needed on a daily basis and Case series reporting on the positive effects of TEN treatment
anti-inflammatory eye drops should be given several times per day. with plasmapheresis, hyperbaric oxygen and cyclophosphamide
Severe blepharitis may lead to entropion with trichiasis (ingrowing have been published, but they are only of limited value, as the
eye lashes) causing further corneal damage. Various specialized observations were not controlled. Thalidomide, an effective
approaches to ocular involvement have been suggested, such as stem TNF-a inhibitor invitro successfully used in graft-versus-host
cell generation of replacement cells, amniotic membrane trans- disease, revealed a higher death rate in the only randomized con-
plantation and scleral lenses, but are not yet widely accepted[29,30] . trolled trial ever performed concerning the treatment of TEN
Nevertheless, experienced ophthalmologists should be involved in [11,31] . IVIg, which had been reported as an effective treatment of
the care of all patients with SJS/TEN, even those that do not present TEN based on the hypothesis that antibodies in pooled human
with eye-involvement right away, since it may occur with some delay. IVIg block the Fas-mediated necrosis of keratinocytes invitro,
is still discussed controversially. A number of case compilations
Supportive care on SJS/TEN patients treated successfully with IVIg have been
The room temperature should be increased (3032C), especially published. However, it has to be taken into account that numer-
if large amounts of the BSA are denuded, and bedding on an ous cases appear at least twice in these articles and, therefore,
alternating pressure mattress is recommended. Patients with skin the numbers of successfully treated patients should be cautiously 809
Review Mockenhaupt CME

interpreted. In addition, there are also studies showing that IVIg In spite of the controversial discussion around the world, most
do not have an overall positive effect [34] . In a highly specialized experts agree that all drugs potentially triggering SJS/TEN in a
intensive care unit in a department of dermatology in France, a specific patient must be withdrawn. Substances with long half-lives
controlled observational therapeutic study of 34patients with SJS/ or persistent reactive metabolites have been shown to cause prob-
TEN using IVIg for treatment was performed [35] . For the evalu- lems long after they have been discontinued [42] . The medications
ation of the prognosis of individual patients with SJS/TEN the that have been introduced in the month preceding the onset of the
severity of illness score of toxic epidermal necrolysis (SCORTEN) adverse reaction are the most probable trigger factors. However,
was used [36,37] . The results of this study revealed a higher mortality the time latency between beginning of drug use and onset of the
than predicted by SCORTEN and renal failure in most patients SJS/TEN varies. Whereas antiepileptic drugs and allopurinol are
who died. Two further studies undertaken in North American frequently tolerated for several weeks, antibiotics and anti-infective
burn units suggest that IVIg do not improve the outcome of TEN sulfonamides usually show a much faster reaction onset [17] .
patients [38,39] . In principle, an effective treatment should also work To differentiate more or less severe reactions as early as possible
in severely affected patients, reducing the mortality in patients with in the evolution of the disease, is a real clinical challenge, followed
a high risk to die. Low mortality in patients with low risk of dying, by the thorough but rapid consideration of therapeutic options
such as young patients with limited skin detachment, is not the for the individual patient. An interdisciplinary approach proved
appropriate criterion for evaluation of the efficacy of treatment. favorable and is, therefore, highly recommended.
Real-life data on treatment, meaning therapeutic modalities
outside of a certain study protocol, have been analyzed in patients Acute complications, prognosis & long-lastingsequelae
included in the EuroSCAR-study, the primary aim of which was Transdermal fluid loss leads to hypovolemia, changes in electrolyte
risk estimation of drugs inducing SJS/TEN. In 281patients with levels and finally to a katabolic metabolism in TEN patients. Most
SJS/TEN from France and Germany, mortality was chosen as the dangerous, however, is the occurrence of infections. Septicemia,
end point and linked to the treatment with corticosteroids, IVIg, mainly induced through central-venous lines, is the most frequent
the combination of both, and supportive care only. Odds ratios cause of death. The combination of septicemia and hypovolemia
were calculated suggesting a benefit for the treatment with cor- increases the risk for the development of shock and multiorgan
ticosteroids, but not for the treatment with IVIg. Although such failure [28,31] .
a retrospective analysis has some pitfalls, two major conclusions One of the most severe complications is the involvement of
could be drawn: first, IVIg is not the best treatment of SJS/TEN tracheal and bronchial epithelium, which may develop in up to
and cannot generally be recommended; second, a controlled 20% of the patients with TEN. Hypoxemia, hypocapnia and
therapeutic trial using corticosteroids should be undertaken [40] . metabolic alkalosis point to the need of mechanical ventilation,
Recently, a controlled trial using cyclosporin as systemic immuno which increases the risk of death [28] . The prognosis of individual
modulating therapy in SJS/TEN was published revealing a lower patients can be evaluated by applying SCORTEN. Seven inde-
death rate than expected based on SCORTEN calculations [41] . One pendent factors including age, skin detachment of 10% or more
may speculate that this beneficial result may be related to a poten- related to the BSA, underlying malignant diseases, tachycardia and
tial effect of cyclosporin on granulysin, but further immunologic certain laboratory values are considered. For each positive item a
investigations are needed to prove this hypothesis. Nevertheless, the score value (weight) of one is given, leading to a total between zero
results of this trial are striking and the use of cyclosporin according and seven, with the prognosis being poor for high overall score
to a clear protocol in a different setting than that of the specialized values (Table1) [36,37] . Thus, SCORTEN is a reliable instrument
dermatologic unit in France should beencouraged. concerning the prognosis quoad vitam, but was not designed to
predict any sequelae, neither ocular, cutaneous or those of other
Table1. Severity of illness score for toxic mucosal areas.
epidermalnecrosis. As long as the upper dermis is not affected by trauma or infec-
Factor Score Weight/score value tion, the skin regenerates without atrophic or hypertrophic scars.
Age 40years 1
Frequently, hyper- and/or hypo-pigmentations appear, which are
patient specific and decrease over time. Further cutaneous sequelae
Malignancy Yes 1
are pruritus, hyperhidrosis and xerodermia (dry skin). Furthermore,
Body surface area 10% 1 reversible hair loss can be observed. The involvement of nail matrix
detached (day1) may lead to onycholysis, partial or complete nail loss and later
Tachycardia 120/min 1 onychodystrophy, which may persist for months and even years [8] .
Serum urea 10mmol/l 1 Depending on the mucosal involvement in the acute stage of
the disease, various long-lasting sequelae and complications may
Serum glucose 14mmol/l 1
develop. Those are depapillation of the tongue, synechia and
Serum bicarbonate <20mmol/l 1 impairment of taste in the mouth. In some cases, strictures of
Possible score 07 the esophagus, the urethra and the anus were reported. Vaginal
The higher the total score value, the poorer the prognosis of the patient.
adhesions, mucosal dryness, pruritus and bleeding of the genital
Adapted with permission from [36]. mucosa may develop in women suffering from SJS/TEN [11] .

810 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 7(6), (2011)

CME The current understanding of StevensJohnson syndrome & toxic epidermal necrolysis Review

Sequelae that are considered most severe for the patient fre- In terms of causality, in the majority of SJS/TEN cases not one
quently affect the eyes. They result in functional changes of the single drug can be identified as the culprit. Sometimes there is a
conjunctival epithelium with dryness and pathological consis- multitude of drugs taken before the onset of the adverse reaction,
tence of tears, especially if a sicca syndrome evolves due to lacrimal sometimes no drug at all can be determined, and potential other
duct damage. Ophthalmologic sequelae may result in chronic causes, especially mycoplasma pneumonia and viral infections,
inflammation, entropium, fibrosis, trichiasis and symblepharon. have to be considered. Epidemiological studies that allowed for
Chronic irritations and insufficiency of limbal stem cells may lead risk estimation in SJS/TEN are also useful for causality assess-
to metaplasia of the corneal epithelium with ulceration and visus ment in the individual case and their results have been imple-
loss, sometimes resulting in blindness [29,30] . mented into an algorithm for assessment of drug causality in SJS/
TEN (ALDEN). Although this algorithm does not seem easy to
Expert commentary handle, it contains a lot of important information concerning
In terms of clinical classification of SJS and TEN, especially its the most likely drugs and exposure periods to be causally related.
relationship to EMM, the consensus definition should be applied.
It is widely accepted and has been successfully used in several epi- Five-year view
demiological studies. Using it adequately allows for comparison Based on the most recent immunologic findings, such as the
of studies including therapeutic trials. Large-scale randomized major role of the cytolytic protein granulysin, the pathogenesis
controlled trials would be the ideal, but they do not seem to be of SJS/TEN will be further elucidated. Substances able to block
feasible owing to the rarity of SJS/TEN. To demonstrate a mea- granulysin could enhance the role of immunomodulating treat-
surable therapeutic effect would need at least thousand patients ment. Immunogenetic investigations will attempt to find the
to be enrolled in such an interventional study, which would take link between genetic predispositions marked by certain HLA
many years to be completed, even when performed on a multina- alleles and immunologic pathways. Drugs have been identified
tional level. However, smaller treatment studies following a clear as etiologic factors in approximately 75% of SJS/TEN cases, but
and well-defined protocol should be undertaken prospectively, as the causes of the remaining 25% of cases are not clear. In the
has been carried out by the team of the French reference center next 5years the role of infections as cofactors or causes needs
for bullous skin diseases. In addition, the data obtained by that to be better understood. Furthermore, follow-up examinations
group need confirmation from application in a different setting. of SJS/TEN-survivors are needed and interdisciplinary care of
So far, supportive therapy must be considered the gold standard. long-lasting sequelae shall be implemented.

Key issues
StevensJohnson syndrome (SJS) and erythema multiforme majus (also known as erythema multiforme with mucosal involvement) are
different conditions that are distinguished in clinical and etiologic terms.
SJS and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are considered as one disease entity of different severity. Although SJS is less severe, etiology,
genetic susceptibility and pathomechanisms are the same for SJS/TEN.
SJS/TEN is mainly caused by drugs (up to 75% of cases), but also by infections and probably other risk factors not yet identified.
A high risk was confirmed for the following drugs: allopurinol, anti-infective sulfonamides (especially cotrimoxazole), carbamazepine,
phenytoin, phenobarbital and oxicam-NSAIDs, with increasing risk estimates for allopurinol, making it the leading cause of SJS/TEN in
Europe and Israel. Lamotrigine and nevirapine had the highest risk among more recently marketed drugs.
The pathogenesis of SJS/TEN has not been completely solved, but specific genetic predispositions, which vary among ethnic groups and
differ between certain causing drugs, were identified. Certain HLA alleles play an important role in this respect.
The cytolytic protein granulysin was identified in high concentrations in the blister fluid of SJS/TEN patients and seems to be a marker
for the severity of the disease based on skin detachment.
Since to date no treatment has been identified to be capable of halting the progression of skin detachment, supportive management is
crucial to improve the patients state, probably more than specific immunomodulating treatments. Despite all therapeutic efforts,
mortality is high and increases with disease severity, patients age and underlying medical conditions.
Survivors may suffer from long-term sequelae such as strictures of mucous membranes including severe eye problems. Therefore,
interdisciplinary care and follow-up of patients with SJS/TEN is important.

necrolysis, StevensJohnson syndrome, and and causes of erythema multiforme majus,

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acute generalized exanthematous 17 Mockenhaupt M, Viboud C, Dunant A Italy, 2225 April 2010, and provides a
pustulosis. Thus, after several case series, etal. StevensJohnson syndrome and good overview on the current data and
risk estimates were available for the toxicepidermal necrolysis: assessment of hypothesis in this specific field of
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10 Rzany B, Mockenhaupt M, Baur S etal. recentlymarketed drugs. TheEuroSCAR-
study. J.Invest. Dermatol. 128 (1), 3544 23 Chung WH, Hung SI, Hong HS etal
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multiforme majus (EEMM), Stevens (2008).
Nature 428, 486 (2004).
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determine the risk of drugs to induce
(19901992). Structure and results of a Amarker for StevensJohnson-syndrome
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population-based registry. J.Clin. and toxic epidermal necrolysis: ethnicity
prior casecontrol study concerning drugs
Epidemiol. 49, 769773 (1996). matters. PharmacogenomicsJ. 6(4),
available for many years, and it could also 265268 (2006).
11 Mockenhaupt M. Severe cutaneous adverse provide first risk estimates for recently
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RoujeauJC. Nevirapine and the risk of cutaneous adverse reactions. Interestingly,
Summarizes the results of the
StevensJohnson syndrome or toxic HLA-B*5801 was positive for allopurinol-
casecontrol study described in reference
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[17] related to allopurinol, which was
of a casecontrol study. AIDS 15, 16 eosinophilia and systemic symptoms in
identified as themajor risk factor of
(2001). the Han-Chinese population.
SJS/TEN in Westernsocieties.

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26 Lonjou C, Borot N, Sekula P etal. A 31 Ghislain PD, Roujeau JC. Treatment of Confirms that the severity of illness score
European study of HLA-B in Stevens severe drug reactions: StevensJohnson of toxic epidermal necrolysis (SCORTEN)
Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis and is a useful tool to evaluate the prognosis
necrolysis related to five high-risk drugs. hypersensitivity syndrome. Dermatol. in patients with SJS/TEN. It can be
Pharmacogenet. Genomics 18 (2), 99107 OnlineJ. 1, 5 (2002). applied in clinical practice and in studies.
(2008). 32 Kardaun SH, Jonkman MF. 38 Brown KM, Silver GM, Halerz M,
Investigated the DNA of European Dexamethasone pulse therapy for Stevens Walaszek P, Sandroni A, Gamelli RL Toxic
SJS/TEN patients who developed the Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal epidermal necrolysis: does immunoglobulin
adverse reaction after one of five drugs necrolysis. Acta Derm. Venereol. 87(2), make a difference? J.Burn Care Rehabil.
known to have a high risk to induce 144148 (2007). 25, 8188 (2004).
SJS/TEN. The results were not as clear as 33 Araki Y, Sotozono C, Inatomi T. Successful 39 Shortt R, Gomez M, Mittman N, Cartotto
those in Han-Chinese patients. Only for treatment of StevensJohnson syndrome R. Intravenous immunoglobulin does not
allopurinol a correlation of 55% could be with steroid pulse therapy at disease onset. improve outcome in toxic epidermal
determined for HLA-B*5801. Am.J. Ophthalmol. 147(6), 10041011, necrolysis. J.Burn Care Rehabil. 25,
1011.e1 (2009). 246255 (2004).
27 Phillips EJ, Chung WH, Mockenhaupt M,
Roujeau JC, Mallal SA . Drug 34 Faye O, Roujeau JC. Treatment of 40 Schneck J, Fagot JP, Sekula P, Sassolas B,
hypersensitivity: pharmacogenetics and epidermal necrolysis with high-dose Roujeau JC, Mockenhaupt M. Effects of
clinical syndromes. J.Allergy Clin. intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg). treatments on the mortality of Stevens
Immunol. 127(3Suppl.), S60S66 (2011). Clinical experience to date. Drugs 65(15), Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
20852090 (2005). necrolysis: a retrospective study on patients
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discussions of the 4th Drug 35 Bachot N, Revuz J, Roujeau JC. included in the prospective EuroSCAR
Hypersensitivity Meeting held in Rome, Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment for Study. J.Am. Acad. Dermatol. 58 (1),
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Italy, 2225 April 2010, and provides a
epidermal necrolysis. Aprospective 41 Valeyrie-Allanore L, Wolkenstein P,
good overview on the current data and
noncomparative study showing no benefit Brochard L etal. Open trial of ciclosporin
hypothesis in this specific field of
on mortality or progression. Arch. treatment for StevensJohnson syndrome
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36 Bastuji-Garin S, Fouchard N, Bertocchi M,
Reichelt B, Steen M. Severe cutaneous
Roujeau JC, Revuz J, Wolkenstein P. The most recent controlled study related
adverse reactions: emergency approach to
SCORTEN: aseverity-of-illness score for to the treatment of SJS/TEN. The results
non-burn epidermolytic syndromes.
toxic epidermal necrolysis. J.Invest. are promising and it should be repeated in
Intensive Care Med. 36(1), 2232 (2010).
Dermatol. 115, 149153 (2000).
29 Yip LW, Thong BY, Lim J etal. Ocular other clinical settings than that of a
37 Gugan S, Bastuji-Garin S, specialized French reference center for
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Poszepczynska-Guign E, Roujeau JC, bullous skin disorders.
StevensJohnson syndrome and toxic
Revuz J. Performance of the SCORTEN
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during the first five days of hospitalization
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272276 (2006).
syndrome. Ocul. Surf. 6, 8795 (2008). decrease the risk of death? Arch. Dermatol.
136, 323327 (2000). 813
Review Mockenhaupt CME

The current understanding of StevensJohnson syndrome and toxic

epidermal necrolysis

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1. Your patient is a 52-year-old man who has had blisters for 2 days on his arms, chest, and back. His medical history
includes type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and gout.
You consider whether this patient might have Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) or erythema multiforme majus
(EMM). Which of the following statements regarding these diagnoses is most accurate?
A Lesions of EMM appear mainly on the limbs
B EMM usually affects a higher percentage of the body surface area compared with SJS

C The Nikolsky sign is usually absent in SJS

D EMM is not associated with hemorrhagic mucosal erosions

2. What should you consider as you work through the diagnostic process for this patient?
A SJS and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) frequently occur without drug use
B In cases of SJS related to drug use, the duration of medication use is generally unimportant

C Patch tests are helpful during the period of acute illness

D Histopathologic findings do not clearly delineate between SJS/TEN and EMM

814 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 7(6), (2011)

CME The current understanding of StevensJohnson syndrome & toxic epidermal necrolysis Review

3. The patient appears to have SJS, and he also has a long list of medications. Which of the following recently
started medications is most likely responsible for SJS?
A Hydrochlorothiazide
B Allopurinol

C Benazepril

D Glipizide

4. What should you consider regarding treatment for this patient?

A Blisters should be aggressively debrided
B Silver sulfadiazine is the topical treatment of choice

C SJS/TEN patients with severe illness require less intravenous fluids compared with burn patients

D All patients with mild-to-moderate SJS should receive intravenous immunoglobulin to prevent disease progression 815

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