Techodont & Therpoda
Techodont & Therpoda
Techodont & Therpoda
Since the advent of the theory of evolution the origin of birds has been a thriving topic in
science. Many ideas and hypotheses have been presented, but only two stand today: that
birds are descendents of ancient thecodont stem reptiles, and that birds are the direct
descendents of a group of dinosaurs known as the coelurosaurs. Both hypotheses pose
many interesting and insightful ideas based on information obtained from the fossil record.
There is not enough evidence at this time to determine which hypothesis, if either, is right.
Only more hard work by scientists will tell. Until then we have only speculation, but
speculation based in observed evidence. The origin of birds is one of the great mysteries in
biology. Birds are dramatically different from all other living creatures. Feathers, toothless
beaks, hollow bones, perching feet, wishbones, deep breastbones, and stump-like tailbones
are only part of the combination of features that no other living animal has in common with
them (Padian and Chiappe 1998). Scientists have speculated on the evolutionary history of
birds since shortly after Charles Darwin established his theory of evolution in On the Origin
of Species (Padian and Chiappe 1998). One year later, in 1860, a solitary fossil feather of a
bird was found dating back 150 million years. The next year a skeleton of an animal that had
bird-like wings and feathers, but a very unbirdlike long, bony tail and toothed jaw, turned up
in the same region. These finds became the first two specimens of Archaeopteryx
lithographica, the most archaic known member of the birds, and sparked the immense
interest in the evolution of birds and the search for their ancestors (Padian and Chiappe
Two major hypotheses are current. The first hypothesis, and most widely accepted, states
that birds are the direct descendents of theropods (Feduccia 1996). Theropods are a diverse
group of bipedal saurischian dinosaurs (see cladogram). They include the largest terrestrial
carnivores ever to have walked the earth. Several characters typify a theropod: hollow
bones, three main fingers on the manus (hand), and three main (weight-bearing) toes on the
pes (foot). Most theropods had sharp, recurved teeth useful for tearing flesh, and claws were
present on the ends of all of the fingers and toes (Hutchinson 2000). It is thought that birds
are descendents of the group of theropods known as the coelurosaur or maniraptora. (There
is debate as to whether these two groups should be one, so for the sake of this paper, I will
refer to them as coelurosaurs.) This group can be typified by such species as Velociraptor
and Deinonychus (Hutchinson 2000). The other hypothesis is that birds arose much earlier
than dinosaurs from a group known to be the ancestors of theropods: the thecodonts
(Dingus and Rowe 1998). Thecodonts were small, agile reptiles with long tails and short
forelimbs, thought to include the ancestral stock of all other archosaurs, including birds, all
dinosaurs, pterosaurs (extinct flying reptiles), and crocodilians (Anonymous 2000).
The Theropod Hypothesis The theropod hypothesis puts the entry of birds into the
evolutionary arena after the line of descent had continued from thecodonts to the
saurischian dinosaurs and their subsequent split into distinctive lineages (Feduccia
1996). Thomas Huxley (1868) originated this hypothesis with his comparison of the species
Compsognathus with modern day birds: Surely there is nothing very wild or illegitimate in
the hypothesis that the phylum of the class Aves has its foot in the dinosaurian reptilesthat
these, passing through a series of such modifications as are exhibited in one of their phases
by Compsognathus, has given rise to birds. (1868, p 74) The fact that Archaeopteryx was
often mistaken for Compsognathus further highlights the degree of resemblance (Dingus
and Rowe 1998). Other paleontologists also saw the resemblance, and the idea of a close
connection between birds and dinosaurs found a wide following (Dingus and Rowe
1998). Most of the recent debate on bird origins has centered on the new version of
Huxleys dinosaurian hypothesis, initiated and since advocated by John H. Ostrom
(Feduccia 1996). His hypothesis is that birds are not only descended directly from dinosaurs,
as proposed by Huxley, but are descendents from small coelurosaurian dinosaurs similar to
Deinonychus, the lightly built, early Cretaceous coelurosaur that he discovered in 1964
(Ostrom 1969). In Deinonychus Ostrom (1969) saw remarkable similarities to
Archaeopteryx. He saw these similarities in the:
Ostrom did not apply the cladistic method to determine that birds evolved from theropods
(Padian and Chiappe 1998). But in 1980 Jacques Gauthier did an extensive analysis of
birds, dinosaurs, and their reptilian ancestors. He put Ostroms comparisons and many other
features into a cladistic framework and came to the conclusion that birds evolved from
coelurosaurs. Some of the closest relatives of birds included Deinonychus that Ostrom had
so vividly described (Padian and Chiappe 1998).
Some skeptics of this hypothesis argued that because many theropods lacked a clavicle
they could not be the ancestors of birds since clavicles are a feature found in every bird
(Padian and Chiappe 1998). But, in 1936, Charles Camp found the remains of a small Early
Jurassic theropod complete with a clavicle. Recent studies have found clavicles in a broad
spectrum of the theropods thought to be related to birds (Padian and Chiappe 1998).
Among the main characters that support the bird-theropod connection are the ascending
process of the anklebone and the mesotarsal joint (Feduccia 1996, p 75). Debate on the
homologies of this type of ankle goes back to Huxley (1870), who noted that birds and
theropods share a triangular prominence in front of the distal tibia known as the ascending
process of the astragalus. According to Feduccia (1996), the mesotarsal joint is present with
the line of flexion between the proximal and distal tarsals. The astragalus and calcaneum
are reduced and integrated with the ends of the tibia and fibula. The above features exhibit
dinosaurs closest resemblance to birds, and the question is whether or not the resemblance
is due to homology or convergence.
Recently the gap between theropods and birds has been narrowed even further. Important
avian characters, such as the furcula (wishbone), have been discovered in theropods
thought to be close to birds. Typical theropod characteristics, such as an enlarged claw on
digit two of the foot, have been found in early birds (Unwin 1998).
Evidence for the dinosaurian origin of birds is not confined completely to anatomy. Recent
discoveries of nesting sites in Mongolia and Montana reveal that some reproductive
behaviors of birds originated in nonavian dinosaurs (Padian and Chiappe 1998). These
theropods did not deposit a large clutch of eggs all at once, as most other reptiles do.
Instead they filled a nest more gradually, laying one or two eggs at a time, perhaps over
several days, as birds do. Recently skeletons of the Cretaceous theropod Oviraptor have
been found atop nests of eggs; the dinosaurs were apparently buried while protecting the
eggs in a very birdlike fashion. Even the structure of the eggshells in theropods shows
features seen only in bird eggs. The shells consist of two layers of calcite, one prismatic and
one spongy (Padian and Chiappe 1998).
With all of this information in mind it would be easy to come to the conclusion that birds are
direct descendents of coelurosaurs. But there is additional information that contradicts the
above ideas. What one must keep in mind is that most of this information is opinion
embedded in some fact. Because the data for this type of research are so sensitive, can be
viewed to support numerous ideas, and are open to many different interpretations, the data
received can either be viewed as solid or as an intermediate step leading to a solid
The hypothesis of theropod origins, though sound in many areas, does pose problems. A
point I want to make clear is that much of this information is what is believed at this moment
and that future finds may contradict these ideas or help them.
First, the timing is off (Feduccia 1996). Archaeopteryx occurred in the Late Triassic some
150 million years ago and presumably, because of its advanced feathers, birds originated
much earlier. The earliest dinosaurs, Euraptor and Herrerasaurus, from the Late Triassic
(150 million years ago), lack the synamorphies, similarities in bone structure, that are used
to unite birds and dinosaurs. Deinonychus is from the early Cretaceous, 40 million years
after Archaeopteryx, and most bird-like dinosaurs are from the Late Cretaceous, some 75
million years after the appearance of the first bird. This time difference provides evidence
that birds and dinosaurs appear similar because of convergent evolution, but it may also be
because at some point they shared a common ancestor, such as the thecodonts.
The idea that the timing is off has recently been contradicted. Zhao and Xu (1998) reported
the discovery of a therizinosaur (coelurosaur) from the Early Jurassic. This discovery
extends the age range of these animals previously known only from the Cretaceous, back
another 94 million years to about 240 million years. This is the oldest known coelurosaur
theropod, which therefore minimizes the divergence time for members of the group. Most
importantly, it contradicts the idea that the non-avian Coelurosauria occurred too late in the
fossil record to give rise to birds. The presence of a non-avian coelurosaurian in the Early
Jurassic indicated that by the Late Jurassic (150 million years ago) the major clades of the
group could have already diverged, well before Archaeopteryx appears in the fossil record.
(Zhao and Xu 1998).
Second, the ancestors of birds would have to be suited to flight, but dinosaurs 1) are large,
and 2) had shortened forelimbs, representing the worst possible morphological arrangement
for the evolution of flight (Feduccia 1996, p 90). However, the coelurosaurs were small and
had bone structures that could have easily evolved into structures suitable for flight.
Many of the arguments against the theropod hypothesis come down to slight differences in
the physical appearance of the fossils. Tarsitano and Hecht (1980) believed that the pattern
of digital reduction differs in birds and dinosaurs and that therefore they could only be
related at the level of ancestral thecodonts, the other hypothesis. Paleontological evidence
favors the view that the dinosaur hand is a derived amniote condition, characterized by the
reduction of two digits, 4 and 5, leaving 1-2-3, and therefore it is a different hand than that of
the bird manus, which is 2-3-4. Also, in most species of bird fossils the middle finger is
crossed over the outer finger in a strange style of preservation not found in any known
theropod (Feduccia 1996, p 70).
Another dramatic character is the footed or booted pelvis. This character is seen in a
number of theropods and superficially resembles the condition in Archaeopteryx (Feduccia
1996). However, the footed pelvis is also known among thecodonts, again pointing to the
likelihood that the thecodont hypothesis is correct. In Archaeopteryx, and a number of Early
Cretaceous intermediate birds, the pubes meet distally to form a hypo-pubic cup. The typical
theropod pubes has a prominent, hooked-back pubic foot or boot, which is a massive bony
structure resembling an inverted anvil. Because the pube extended vertically downward, it
would not have been suited for the practices of tree climbing associated with Archaeopteryx
and other early birds. It would have been maladaptive and a hindrance (Feduccia 1996). The
organization of the theropod pelvis in the Late Cretaceous illustrates the possibility that
dinosaurs and birds are examples of convergent evolution.
According to Dingus and Rowe (1998), another challenge to the hypothesis came from
Sanker Chatterjee (1991), with the discovery of a fossil for which he coined the name
Protoavis texenis. It was collected from Late Triassic rock, predating Archaeopteryx by 75
million years, and pushing the origin of birds back to the earliest stages of dinosaur
evolution. Chatterjee maintains that Protoavis is on the direct path from dinosaurs to birds,
and that Archaeopteryx and other theropods represent an unrelated side path on the map of
avian evolution. The scientific community has been skeptical about Chatterjees findings,
and will need more evidence before the idea is seriously considered (Dingus and Rowe
The theropod hypothesis ultimately either rests on the homology of the supposed shared,
derived character similarities between birds and dinosaurs or falls on the proposition that the
characters in birds and dinosaurs acquired a similar appearance through convergence
(Feduccia 1996).
The other hypothesis states that birds arose from the thecodonts in the Middle Triassic some
230 million years ago. Before the discovery of Deinonychus, most paleontologists agreed
that birds descended from thecodonts, which died out 100 million years before Deinonychus
roamed the earth (Dingus and Rowe 1998). Modern crocodiles, dinosaurs, and pterosaurs
are also thought to have evolved from the thecodonts. This view of avian origins sprouted
over a century before the name Deinonychus was coined. Dingus and Rowe (1998) say that
the thecodont hypothesis has been advocated ever since by a sizable constituency of
paleontologists and is the view championed by most ornithologists.
Robert Bloom found the first solid evidence to support the thecodont hypothesis(Feduccia
1996). In 1913, Bloom described from the rich Lower Triassic (230 million years old)
deposits of South Africa the thecodont Euparkeria, which he believed was ancestral not only
to birds but to the ruling reptiles. In Euparkeria, a small, 230 million year old thecodont, still
quadrupedal but tending toward bipedality, there appeared to be all the necessary
anatomical qualifications (small build and long arms suited for flight) for the ancestor of birds
(Feduccia 1996). Dingus and Rowe (1998) say that Euparkeria has long reigned as the most
important discovery of the twentieth century in terms of archosaur evolution and the origin of
It would seem a rather obvious conclusion that it is amongst the coelurosaurs that we are to
look for the bird ancestor. And yet, this would be too rash, for the very fact that clavicles are
wanting would in itself be sufficient to prove that these saurians could not possibly be the
ancestors of birds. We have therefore reasons to hope that in a group of reptiles closely
related to the coelurosaurs we shall be able to find an animal wholly without the
shortcomings here indicated for bird ancestors. such a group is possibly the
pseudosuchians [thecodonts].All our requirements of a bird ancestor are met in the
pseudosuchians, and nothing in their structure militates against the view that one of them
might have been the ancestors of birds. (1926, p 183-185)
Recer (2000) states that the fossils of a small, lizard-like, flying reptile with a complex set of
feathers, Longisquama insignis, supports the thecodont hypothesis. He believes that the
feathered reptile lived 220 million years ago, providing evidence that feathered animals
evolved millions of years before the appearance of the dinosaurs. The fossil of L. insignis is
thought to be a thecodont. Archaeopteryx appeared some 75 million years after L. insignis.
In the scientific community as a whole, there is still dispute over the legitimacy of L. insignis
and whether or not it can be used as viable evidence.
Jones et al. (2000) say that feathers form from the circular epidermal collar of a follicle. The
invaginated base of the follicle houses a dermal papilla. This organization is the defining
developmental and morphological characteristic of feathers. They then go on to say that the
preservation of a follicular, calamus-like base in L. insignis appendages is consistent only
with the developmental pattern heretofore known in the avian feather.
As a result of observing the specimen, Jones et al. (2000) are suggesting that the
combination of shared, specialized morphological characters of avian feathers unlikely to
have evolved more than once. The interpretation is that the pinnate appendages of L.
insignis are nonavian feathers, probably homologous to those of birds.
Appenzeller (1999) adds more evidence to further the thecodonts-bird relationship. He came
to the conclusion that many predatory dinosaurs had some kind of plumage. He made this
observation from recent finds in China of stunningly preserved fossils found with fibrous
down or feathers as unmistakable as a pigeons. This proliferation is one that dramatically
underscores the proposed evolutionary link between dinosaurs and birds (Appenzeller
1999). It means feathers had to evolve before dinosaurs, linking birds to a more distant
relative, such as the thecodonts.
The thecodont hypothesis, unlike the theropod hypothesis, is not as widely accepted
because there is relatively little known about thecodonts in general. Yet, it still has its
supporters as it is a plausible idea. If more fossils are found and more information collected
about this unfamiliar group, the thecodont hypothesis may become accepted, as is the
theropod hypothesis. Both have strong evidence that support them and both are viable
explanations to the origin of birds.
One of the problems with the thecodont hypothesis concerns the discovery of L. insignis.
Jacques Gauthier says that the specimen is poorly preserved and is not enough evidence to
dismiss the theropod hypothesis (Recer 2000). More on this issue comes from Stokstad
(2000). He says that the problem with the L. insignis find and the conclusions scientists are
making about it is not that it is presenting a rival hypothesis about bird origins; it is that it is
not really presenting a hypothesis at all. Simply arguing that L. insignis is birdlike is not
enough. One must be able to show that it is more closely related to birds than something
else, such as theropods.
Dingus and Rowe (1998) present another problem. They go on to say that it is difficult
identifying Euparkeria as a possible ancestor of birds and other archosaurs. The oldest
known bird is 100 million years younger than Euparkeria, leaving a long, dark gap of pre-
avian history. Paleontologists wonder what the intermediate ancestors of birds (specialized
reptiles) may have looked like, how they functioned, and how they behaved.
Feduccia (1996) says that Jacques Gauthier criticizes the thecodont hypothesis because he
feels that there is just not enough known about the thecodonts. They are simply an
undefineable (lacking specific synamorphies) assemblage of Triassic archosaurs (precursors
to dinosaurs), and therefore the hypothesis cannot be considered legitimate (Feduccia
1996). From a phylogenetic perspective, Thecodontia and Archosauria are diagnosed by
the same synamorphies. Thus, these taxa are redundant, and when one says that birds
evolved from thecodonts one is simply reiterating that birds are part of Archosauria
(Gauthier 1986, p 2).
It ultimately comes down to whether or not scientists can effectively map the distinctive avian
features such as bipediality and flight into one of the know lineages. If they cannot, the
theropod hypothesis could be true. But if they can map birds onto one of the known
thecodont lineages, it would show the theropod hypothesis to be inaccurate (Dingus and
Rowe 1998). When and how this mapping will be accomplished is unknown, but once it is
done we will know once and for all the origin of birds.
These two hypotheses pose realistic views about the origin of birds, yet each has flaws,
each has supporters, and each has opponents. What evidence is the most convincing? The
evidence is there, and there is no telling when more will come to either support or disprove
either. So which is more likely?
I feel that the more successful idea is the theropod hypothesis. Even though there is a lot of
evidence against it, there is also a lot for it. When compared to the idea of thecodont origins
there are certain aspects that make it more realistic. There is little known about the
thecodonts in general, and until there is, there is only room for speculation. Theropods have
a much more complete fossil record and can be understood more completely. Some argue
that the similarities can be a result of convergent evolution, but there are just too many
similarities, both in appearance and lifestyles, such as nesting habits, for that to be entirely
As more and more is discovered it is certain that one, if not both of the ideas will be called
correct. Both being right is not that inconsistent with current scientific evidence. Most
researchers agree that thecodonts are the ancestors of the dinosaurs, crocodiles, and
pterosaurs. If this is correct it is not that absurd to call them very distant ancestors of birds
even if they are more closely related to dinosaurs. It really comes down to the specific lines
of descent and the time when the first birds appeared.
The argument over which hypothesis is correct, the theropod or thecodont, is a problem that
cannot be solved easily. It will take time, the meticulous collection of more and more fossils,
and countless hours of data analysis. Both hypotheses pose logical and substantial ideas as
to the origin of birds, but until more evidence is found neither can be considered definitive.
Both are, instead, in stasis, waiting for the right discovery to set them in motion. Until then
these two ideas pose probable origins of birds and have been accepted for years, and,
without a doubt, will go on to be accepted for years to come. I feel birds are direct
descendents of dinosaurs. I do not disagree with the thecodont hypothesis; I simply feel
there is more supporting the theropod hypothesis. So where do birds come from? They are a
creature unlike anything living today, but very similar to creatures that roamed and ruled the
earth millions of years ago. This mystery is one that has baffled scientists for years, and one
that will continue to for years to come.
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