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Rheumatol Int (2005) 25: 220224

DOI 10.1007/s00296-004-0487-4


Tamas Bender Zeki Karagulle Geza P. Balint

Christoph Gutenbrunner Peter V. Balint
Shaul Sukenik

Hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, and spa treatment in pain management

Received: 23 December 2003 / Accepted: 3 May 2004 / Published online: 15 July 2004
Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract The use of water for medical treatment is

probably as old as mankind. Until the middle of the last Introduction
century, spa treatment, including hydrotherapy and
balneotherapy, remained popular but went into decline The use of water for medical treatment is probably as
especially in the Anglo-Saxon world with the develop- old as mankind. Until the middle of the last century, spa
ment of eective analgesics. However, no analgesic, treatment, including hydrotherapy and balneotherapy,
regardless of its potency, is capable of eliminating pain, remained popular; but this went into decline, especially
and reports of life-threatening adverse reactions to the in the Anglo-Saxon world, with the development of
use of these drugs led to renewed interest in spa therapy. eective analgesics. However, no analgesic, regardless
Because of methodologic diculties and lack of research of potency, is capable of eliminating pain, and reports of
funding, the eects of water treatments in the relief of life-threatening adverse reactions to the use of these
pain have rarely been subjected to rigorous assessment drugs led to a renewal of interest in spa therapy.
by randomised, controlled trials. It is our opinion that Confusion persists regarding hydrotherapy and bal-
the three therapeutic modalities must be considered neotherapy. The former employs simply water, while the
separately, and this was done in the present paper. In latter uses natural thermal mineral water. Spa therapy
addition, we review the research on the mechanism of employs a number of dierent treatment modalities,
action and cost eectiveness of such treatments and including hydrotherapy and balneotherapy, and creates
examine what research might be useful in the future. a special therapeutic atmosphere of its own through the
change in environment and lifestyle.
Keywords Balneotherapy Hydrotherapy Water Because of methodologic diculties and lack of
treatment research funding, the eects of water treatments in pain
relief have rarely been subjected to rigorous assessment
T. Bender (&)
by randomised, controlled trials. However, the few
Polyclinic of Brother of St. John of God Hospitals, which have been done indicate that pain can be relieved
7 Arpad fejedelem St, Budapest, Hungary 1025 in inammatory and noninammatory rheumatic dis-
E-mail: bender@mail.datanet.hu eases, chronic low back pain, and bromyalgia. Pain
Tel.: +36-1-3360266 relief in several trials has lasted 3 to 9 months.
Fax: +36-1-3360266
The placebo eect of spa therapy certainly plays an
Z. Karagulle important role. The mechanisms of action of water
Department of Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology,
Medical Faculty, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
treatmentsespecially the special eects claimed for
natural mineral watersremain largely unknown.
G. P. Balint P. V. Balint Human life has certainly been full of physical and psy-
National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy,
Budapest, Hungary
chologic pain ever since Adam and Eve were driven from
the Garden of Eden [1]. Pleasure, it is well known,
C. Gutenbrunner reduces pain [2]. In postindustrial societies, chronic pain
Institute for Balneology and Medical Climatology in the Clinic
for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, syndromes appear to be on the ascendant, owing to
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, unpleasant psychologic and mechanical factors [3, 4].
Germany After a short historical review, this study discusses
S. Sukenik evidence of the pain-relieving eects of hydrotherapy,
Soroka University Hospital, Faculty of Health Sciences, balneotherapy, and spa treatment. It is important to
Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel appreciate the dierence between these three modalities.

Hydrotherapy consists of the use of ordinary water. [17] reviewed more than 500 papers, 34 of which fullled
Balneotherapy on the other hand employs natural criteria for further analysis. Eighteen of them assessed
thermal mineral water, whether at a spa or not. Spa pain relief, ten of which provided moderate- to high-
treatment consists of a cocktail of dierent treatments quality evidence. Four trials were on patients with
including hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, and holiday osteoarthritis of the hip, two on rheumatoid patients,
atmosphere. These terms have often been used inter- two on patients with low back pain, and one each on
changeably, even in the best systematic reviews [5, 6, 7]. patients with ankylosing spondylitis and bromyalgia.
It is our opinion that the three therapeutic modalities In all but one trial, the pain was signicantly reduced
must be considered separately [8, 9, 10], and this is done compared to control groups. The trials suered by not
in the present paper. In addition, we review research on being double-blind, since the patients receiving hydro-
the mechanisms of action and cost eectiveness of such therapy exercised in pools while controls exercised on
treatments, and we consider what research might be dry land. In one of the trials, the control group sat in the
useful in the future. pool but did not exercise, and it showed no improve-
ment. Water immersion for 60 min reduced proximal
interphalangeal joint circumference in patients with
Taking the waters rheumatoid arthritis as well as controls [18, 19]. Hall
et al. found that a seated immersion group had no
The use of water treatments in spas in the ancient world benets over a land-exercising, relaxation-treated group,
has been admirably reviewed by Jackson [11]. Large conrming their hypothesis that the exercise component
quantities of warm water for bathing and immersion of hydrotherapy is of central importance in reducing
were rarely available in ancient times and, not surpris- pain and joint tenderness [20].
ingly, were often considered a donation from gods. The
concept of mineral waters divinity was supported by
their sulphurous smell, dierent feeling to the skin, and Balneotherapy
diarrhoea when taken orally.
Water therapy was an integral part of the therapeutic Balneotherapy uses natural thermal mineral waters. The
armamentarium of Aesculapius, Hippocrates, Galen, denitions of these waters is based on the sum of the
and Celsus [11]. Patients admitted to the healing temples cations of Na, K, Ca, and Mg and the anions of SO4, Cl,
of Aesculapius rst washed in a large pool before being and HCO3 exceeding 1 g/l [9, 21]. The amounts of NH3,
admitted to the wards. Floating on water and immer- NO, and NO2 must be negligible, and the waters must be
sion were found useful in relaxing of muscles [12, 13]. bacteria-free. Some elements, such as iodine, require
Roman authors recognised several classes of thermal contents of 1 mg/l or more. It was presumed that most
and medicinal waters not dissimilar to those of today: mineral ingredients would be absorbed through the skin,
sulphur, alum, bitumen, alkaline, and acid [11]. A host which is an active immune organ and may play an
of dierent disorders was deemed appropriate for important role in the mechanism, but to date this has
treatment, some of which are dealt with in modern spas, not been conrmed [22].
especially pain arising from musculoskeletal disorders. The adjective thermal requires that the natural
Roman baths and spas were centres not only for spring or welled water is 20C or higher. Balneotherapy
cleansing, exercising, and medical treatment but also for alone is dicult to study, since it is usually part of total
relaxation and meeting friends and colleagues. This spa therapy. However, it has been possible to compare
Roman heritage persisted not only in Britain and Eur- the eects of balneotherapy with those of warm tap
ope but also in the United States of America until the water in double-blind trials in osteoarthritis of the knees
rst half of the last century [14]. Nowadays, when warm [23, 24] and in rheumatoid arthritis [25]. In other con-
water is readily obtained from taps in every household, trolled but not double-blind trials, ambulatory balneo-
the question arises of whether warm mineral water is of therapy was tried in local patients for chronic low back
any importance. Does hydrotherapy using warm tap pain [26, 27, 28] and bromyalgia [29]. In this way, the
water oer any benets that balneotherapy with warm eect of a spa atmosphere was excluded.
mineral water does not? Does the full cocktail of spa
therapy have any advantage over hydrotherapy or bal-
neotherapy? Spa therapy

The word spa comes from the name of a Belgian town

Hydrotherapy where a thermal spring was discovered in the fourteenth
century [14]. The problem in assessing the value of spa
According to the law of Archimedes, some exercises in therapy is its complexity. Patients receive treatment not
water are made easier, while others such as walking are only with thermal mineral water but also other modal-
more dicult [15]. Pain may be relieved due to the eects ities such as massage, electrotherapy, and exercise. Spa
of pressure and temperature on nerve endings [16] and as treatment usually consists of a health holiday lasting
a result of muscle relaxation [12]. Recently, Geytenbeek some 23 weeks. The placebo eect is therefore consid-

erable [8, 30, 31], and if it pleases, the pain is reduced, reduced by sulphurous baths better than in tap water,
and the patients general well-being improves, then although the dierence did not reach the level of sig-
arguably it is of value irrespective of trial results from nicance [49]. Radon also penetrates the skin and even
randomised, controlled trials. Such trials of balneo- can be inhaled during radon bath treatment. This sub-
therapy at spas have indicated signicant improvements stance might have anti-inammatory and analgesic ef-
in osteoarthritis [32, 33], bromyalgia [34, 35, 36], fects [50]. It has been reported that plasma levels of
chronic low back pain [27, 28, 32], psoriatic arthritis [37], b-endorphin are raised after 2 hours of bathing in min-
ankylosing spondylitis [38], and rheumatoid arthritis [39, eral water at 39C [51] and that mud packs reduce serum
40, 41, 42]. The authors in these studies were fully aware concentrations of PGE2 and LTB4 [52].
of the diculties in dening control groups, but overall
it appears that patients treated with balneotherapy did
have advantages over controls, especially in the long Spa treatment
term. In one trial of patients with rheumatoid arthritis,
balneotherapy proved somewhat inferior to cyclosporin Perhaps the most important aspect of spa therapy is the
therapy after 2 months. The satisfaction of both patients psychologic eect of removal from the stress of home
(93.9% vs 40%) and doctors (90% vs 44%) favoured spa and work. This eect has long been recognised in
treatment [42]. Pleasure seems to indicate overwhelming patients after admission to hospital, and in rheumatoid
objective improvement! In none of the studies was bal- arthritis the benet of hospitalisation in terms of pain
neotherapy at spas associated with any serious side relief far exceeds that of antirheumatic drugs, with the
eects. exception of large doses of corticosteroids [53].
Spa therapy undoubtedly has a strong placebo eect.
It has been noted that pain is relieved more in patients
Mechanisms of action admitted in October and November than in April and
June [54]. This may just reect more severe pain in the
Hydrotherapy former, with greater delta values of response [55].
A number of Anglo-Saxon authors [30, 31, 56, 57]
Buoyancy, immersion, resistance, and temperature all regard spa resorts as excellent places for rehabilitation
play important roles. According to the gate theory, the encouraging the self-eciency and self-advocacy of the
pain relief may be due to the pressure and temperature patients. Those receiving spa therapy experienced not
of water on the skin [16]. Water immersion induced an only reduced pain and improved function but also
increase in methionine-encephalin plasma levels and, experienced greater physical and mental quality of life
conversely, suppressed plasma b-endorphin, corticotro- and less anxiety and depression [28, 39]. The mechanism
pin, and prolactin levels [43]. Muscle relaxation [12, 13] of action of these eects may be adaptive modications
and reduced joint swelling [18, 19, 20] may also play a in regulatory systems, especially of autonomous func-
role. Signicant improvements in mood and tension may tions, and behavioural changes [21, 58].
contribute to the results [20]. Reilly and Bird found that
group therapy in a community swimming pool was more
eective than individual treatment in the pool of a Cost benefit of spa treatment
hospital. This was probably due to concentrating on
health improvement and well being, instead of disease, The question arises of whether the benets of spa
and to encouraging social interaction [44]. treatment outweigh the costs. Allard et al. [59] showed
that health care costs increased in patients who had spa
treatment. In the well-designed study of van Tubergen
Balneotherapy et al. [60], spa treatment of Dutch ankylosing spondylitis
patients was cost-eective even when carried out in
One might expect that minerals are absorbed through Austria.
the skin with balneotherapy or application of mud
packs, but there is little evidence of this [19]. Shani et al.
[45] in Israel noted, however, increased serum concen- Conclusions
trations of bromine, rubidium, calcium, and zinc in
psoriatic patients after bathing in the Dead Sea. Whe- It is our belief that hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, and
ther these chemicals have any biologic eect is not spa resort treatment should be considered separate
known. There are data, however, that sulphur can be entities, similar to the classication of simple, nonste-
absorbed through the skin and may have an analgesic roidal anti-inammatory, and opioid analgesics or to
eect [46, 47, 48]. Gutenbrunner et al. found that sul- dierent classes of antidepressants. Further, properly
phur baths reduced pressure-induced, temperature- designed, controlled, clinical trials are required in vari-
induced, and spontaneous pain in both normal subjects ous arthritic and rheumatic diseases and other condi-
and patients with rheumatoid arthritis [48]. In Freunds tions which continue to be treated in spas. There are
adjuvant-induced chronic arthritis of rats, swelling was major diculties in conducting such studies, especially

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