TS4 - Project and Maintenance Coating PDF
TS4 - Project and Maintenance Coating PDF
TS4 - Project and Maintenance Coating PDF
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DOCS 826860v6 2
TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
1. Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Intention of Specification............................................................................................................................ 4
3. Reference Codes & Standards .................................................................................................................. 5
4. Contractor Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................ 7
5. Quality Control & Inspection ...................................................................................................................... 8
6. Approved Coatings & Coating Specifications .......................................................................................... 10
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
1. Scope
This Specification covers the minimum requirements for:
Contractor responsibilities
Quality Control, Inspection and Testing
Approved coatings, coating systems and colour coding
Surface preparation
Application of coatings
Acceptance criteria and treatment of defective work
Safe work practices on site
2. Intention of Specification
It is the intention of this Specification to ensure all Project (new Shop and Site touch-up) and Maintenance
surface treatment work, is performed in accordance with the Coating Manufacturers Product Data Sheets
and to the highest possible industry standards. Generally and as far as practicable, all steelwork shall be
prepared for painting and have the coating system applied and inspected to ensure compliance with this
specification and/or applicable standards.
The aim of this specification is to provide project and maintenance coating systems that shall provide a
minimum Design/Service Life as per AS/NZS 2312 irrespective of the service environment and/or location
and also have a minimum of 10 years before first maintenance.
Where reference is made within this specification to Co-Operative Bulk Handling (CBH) this shall include any
nominated representative of the CBH Group, including CBH Engineering Pty Ltd.
In the event of conflict, inconsistency or ambiguity between the Contract, this Specification, Statutory
requirements, codes and Standards referenced in this Specification or any other documents, the Contractor
shall refer to the Principal (CBH Group) or its nominated representative, whose decision shall prevail and be
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
AS 1580.408.2 Paints and Related Materials Method of Test - Adhesion Knife Test
AS 1580.408.4 Paints and Related Materials Method of Test - Adhesion (Cross Cut)
AS 1580.408.5 Paints and Related Materials Method of Test - Adhesion Pull-Off Test
AS 1627.0 Metal Finishing Preparation and Pretreatment of Surfaces Method
Selection Guide
AS 1627.1 Metal Finishing Preparation and Pretreatment of Surfaces Removal of Oil,
Grease and Related Contamination
AS 3894.0 Site Testing of Protective Coatings Introduction and List of Test Methods
AS 3894.1 Site Testing of Protective Coatings Non-conductive Coatings Continuity
Testing - High Voltage (Brush) Method
AS 3894.2 Site Testing of Protective Coatings Non-conductive coatings Continuity
testing Wet Sponge Method
AS 3894.10 Site Testing of Protective Coatings Inspection Report Daily Surface and
Ambient Conditions
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
AS/NZS 4233.1 High Pressure Water (Hydro) Jetting Systems Guidelines for Safe Operation
and Maintenance
AS/NZS 4680 Hot Dipped Galvanised (Zinc) Coatings on Fabricated Ferrous Articles
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
4. Contractor Responsibilities
The Contractor shall:
4.1 Supply all coating materials, transport, labour, abrasives, consumables, safe storage
facilities, equipment, inspection and safety equipment to perform the work scope in strict
accordance with this Specification and best industry standards.
4.2 Provide CBH with written details of all equipment (all test equipment must have a valid
calibration certificate every 12 months from last calibration date, as per manufacturers
recommendations or applicable Australian standards listed in section 3.0 of this
specification, and be available onsite. The project management structure, relevant work
experience of the site supervisor/inspector, and provide a detailed Gantt chart of the
proposed work schedule, Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) documentation, and Work
Instructions for each procedure.
4.3 Provide a list of those items, activities or approvals required to be supplied or performed
by CBH prior to the commencement of any work.
4.4 Ensure all staff has a thorough understanding of all the conditions applying to this
Specification, the contents of Coating manufacturers Product Data Sheets and Material
Safety Data Sheets.
4.5 Ensure that all QA/QC Staff have relevant qualifications to perform all inspections/testing
in accordance with the relevant Australian standards.
4.6 Be responsible for co-ordinating all on-site work activities with other Contractors or CBH
activities in the general work area.
4.7 Ensure the availability of technical assistance from the Coating manufacturer or other
authority approved by CBH.
4.8 Protect CBH product, equipment and personnel from contamination, damage or injury
caused by the Contractors activities on-site.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
5.1 Maintain quality records in accordance with the AS3894 series - Site Testing of Protective
Copies of all records shall be submitted to CBH at the completion of work or as requested
by CBH or its representative.
5.2 Provide CBH with a copy of the Work Instruction (WI) and Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)
documents to be used for each coating system. CBH reserve the right to request
amendments (at any time though out the project) to WI or ITP documents which shall be
amended as required.
5.3 Provide inspection equipment, such as, but not limited to:
Surface temperature gauge
Ambient temperature gauge
WFT gauge (comb type)
DFT measuring instrument such as the Elcometer or approved equivalent
Surface profile replica tape such as Testex tape and micrometer
Residual contamination testing equipment (i.e. equipment for the measurement of
soluble salt concentrations).
HV Holiday Tester
LV Holiday Tester
5.4 Where requested, provide CBH with details of the proposed daily work schedule and the
approximate timing for the following inspection stages:
high pressure pre wash or solvent cleaning to remove product and grease/oil
contaminants from the area to be treated
on completion of the abrasive blast cleaning
on completion of brush stripe coating.
on completion of the application of each coat in the coating system
on completion of repairs
5.5 Provide CBH with access to the work area while work is in progress or on completion.
5.6 Work not conforming to this Specification shall be reinstated at no cost to CBH.
5.7 Accept that where there is conflict with any provisions of this Specification and the Coating
manufacturers product Data Sheet or recommended coating systems, the issue shall be
resolved by adopting the highest standard acceptable to the principal or its representative.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
5.8 Prior to commencement of work, CBH may request the Contractor to prepare at no cost to
CBH, 3 sample panels or items for each coating system.
The test panels and items shall be prepared in accordance with the Contractors proposed
Work Instruction and Test Plan documents. The Contractors nominated Coating
manufacturer and or representative shall witness the surface preparation and coating
application of each system and acknowledge in writing the conformance of each prepared
test panel and item.
Two test panels or Items shall be retained by CBH for use as quality references in the event
of a dispute, or on completion of the work scope. The Contractor shall retain one test panel
or item as a quality reference for work in production.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
6.2 All coatings and thinners used within a coating system shall be sourced from one Coating
manufacturer. Mixed systems, unless stated otherwise, shall be rejected and reworked in
accordance with this Specification at no cost to CBH. All paint materials shall be delivered
to the shop or site in the coating manufacturers original containers with labels and seals
6.3 All coating materials shall be supplied in their original containers and are to be sealed,
damage free, uniquely marked for Identification giving the following information as a
Manufacturers name;
Type and identification
Batch number
Expiry Date
6.4 For areas and coating systems not specifically mentioned in this Specification, the coating
Manufacturer's representative shall be required to inspect the proposed work scope and
supply a specific coating specification and written endorsement for the suitability of their
proposed coating system. Non-specified coating systems or procedures shall not be used
without the written approval of CBH.
6.5 Contractors are responsible for selecting coating products from the approved
Manufacturers whose products best suit the Contractors commercial and practical
Approved coating Manufacturers are:
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
Inorganic Zinc Rich Ethyl Silicate Carbozinc 11 Amercoat D9 Zincanode 304 Interzinc 215 Resist 86 AU Galvit ES 600 Galvosil 15700
Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer Friction Carbozinc 858 Amercoat 471 Pending Certification Interzinc 315 Pending Pending Certification Pending Certification
Grip Certified Certification
Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer Carbozinc 858 Amercoat 471 Zincanode 402 Interzinc 52 Barrier Galvit EP 100 Hempadur Zinc 17360
Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer (2 Altra-Prime 504 Amercoat 182 ZPK Durepon P14 Intergard 251 Penguard Epinamel PR 250 Hempadur Fast Dry 15560
Pack) Express ZP
High Build / High Solids Epoxy Carboguard 690 Amerlock 400/2K Durebild HSE Interzone 954 Jotamastic Epinamel DTM 985 Hempadur Multi- Strength
(CP Compatible) 87/90 45540
Surface Tolerant Epoxy Carboguard 690 Amerlock 400/2K Durebild STE Interzone 954 Jotamastic Epinamel DTM 985 Hempadur mastic 45880/1
Epoxy High Build MIO Carboguard 690 Amerlock 400 /2K MIO Ferreko no 3 Interplus 1180 Jotamastic 87 Epinamel DTM 985 Hempadur mastic 45880/1
(80% content MIO)
Gloss Acrylic (Two pack) E-Line 929IF Amercoat Iso-Free 977 Acrathane IF Interfine 629 Hardtop CA Paracryl 540 IF Hempels Pro-Acrylic
Zinc Phosphate Primer (1 pack)
Duraprime Amercoat 185K Luxaprime ZP Interprime 198 Pilot QD Duranamel PR10 Hempaquick Primer 13640
Gloss Finish (1 pack)
Isotal Enamel Styralux 220 Metal Shield Premium Interlac 665 Pilot 11 Kill Rust Enamel Hempaquick Enamel
UV Resistant Enamel 53840
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
Coating Surface Preparation Coat 1 DFT Coat 2 DFT Coat 3 DFT Total DFT
System # Method and Standard Generic Type (m) Generic Type (m) Generic Type (m) in m
PC1* Abrasive blast clean to Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer 75 High Build MIO 150 High Build MIO 150 375
AS1627.4 class 2.5
PC2 Abrasive blast clean to Inorganic Zinc Rich Ethyl Silicate 75 Epoxy Zinc Rich 75 WB Acrylic HB 150 300
AS1627.4 class 2.5 (weld areas)
PC3 Abrasive blast clean to Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer 75 High Build Epoxy 200 Gloss Acrylic (two 50 325
AS1627.4 class 2.5 pack)
PC4 Abrasive blast clean to HB/HS Epoxy 200 HB/HS Epoxy 200 400
AS1627.4 class 3 (CP Compatible) (CP Compatible)
PC5* Abrasive blast clean to Inorganic Zinc Rich Ethyl Silicate 75 75
AS1627.4 class 2.5
PC6 Abrasive blast clean to Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer 75 Gloss Acrylic 50 125
AS1627.4 class 2.5 (two pack) (two pack)
PC7 Power tool clean to Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer 100 100
AS1627.2 class 2
PC8 Acid etch or whip blast or Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer 75 Gloss Acrylic 75 150
power tool class 2 (two pack) (two pack)
PC9 Solvent wipe and abrade Zinc Phosphate Primer 75 Gloss Enamel 40 Gloss Enamel (one 40 155
(one pack) (one pack) pack)
PC10 Abrasive blast clean to Epoxy Zinc/Surface tolerant Epoxy See High Build See Gloss Polyurethane See See below*
AS1627.4 class 2.5 (dependant on manufacturer chosen) belo MIO/Surface belo Acrylic or below
w* tolerant Epoxy w* Polysiloxane *
*For friction grip joints apply Certified for Friction Grip Joints Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer 50-75 microns for PC1 and for PC5, 50-75 microns of Inorganic Zinc Rich Ethyl
*For coating systems marked PC10 please refer to manufacturers recommended coating thicknesses stated in table 6.6
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
Electric Motors
Conveyors, stringers, supports and take up G21 - Jade
Elevator casings
Spouts and chutes
Garner bins and hoppers
*Hand Rails Galvanised
*Ladder Cages (Where safety colour coding
required finish in Y14)
All moving parts (pulleys, hand wheels, levers,
Machine guards (interior and exterior) Y14 - Golden Yellow
Inspection door (dust)
Grain treatment lines
CLS Stacker Boom
J Pit
B21 - Ultramarine
CLS Stacker Chassis
Structural Steelwork N 53 - Blue Grey
Zinc Silicate finish (Natural Zinc)
Woodwork (interior and exterior) N45 - Koala Grey
Cable ducting X15 - Orange
Cable trays
Switch boxes (exterior) G44 - Palm Green
Switch boxes (interior) White
Fire Service
Emergency Valves R13 - Signal Red
Hazardous items
Dust Ducting X42 - Biscuit
Engine Fuel Hydraulic Lines X53 - Golden Tan
Gas X31 - Raffia
Fresh water B15 - Mid Blue
Pre-cast concrete panels As nominated by the Principal
* Colour schedule is a guide only, colour changes made during the planning stage of manufacturing new
equipment is at the discretion of the Engineering Services and Senior Projects Managers of Network and
*All hand rails including Stanchions, Kick Plates ladders and cages shall be colour coded to Y14 Golden
Yellow, unless otherwise stated by the Principal or its representative.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
7. Surface Preparation
7.1 General
This section details the approved surface preparation methods, equipment and
materials. As a general rule, abrasive blast cleaning is the only acceptable surface
preparation method. Surface preparation by high pressure water jetting may also be
acceptable however only with the approval of CBH. Other methods such as hand or
power tool cleaning shall only be used for small or repair areas with the approval of
In general steel shall be cleaned of all grease, dirt, grit, dust, fingerprints, salt residues,
weldscale, corrosion product, loose millscale and other foreign particles or residues
which are likely to effect the performance of any subsequent protective coating system.
7.2 Surface preparation shall be performed in accordance with the current editions of the
following Australian Standards:
1627.0 Metal Finishing Preparation and Pretreatment of Surfaces Method
Selection Guide
7.3 Prior to the commencement of any abrasive blasting, all compressed air shall be free of
oil, condensed moisture or any other contaminates and shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM D 4285. These checks shall be conducted daily at the start of
each shift or any time there is a change of air supply lines or equipment.
7.4 Prior to commencing surface preparation, any oil and grease on the surfaces to be
treated shall be removed using suitable solvents or non-ionic detergents in accordance
with the requirements of AS1627.1.
7.5 Prior to the application of coatings, all surfaces shall be inspected by the Contractors
representative for compliance with this Specification. CBH shall be given the opportunity
to inspect prepared surfaces prior to the application of coatings.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
7.8 Abrasive blast cleaning shall be performed during daylight hours only. All blasted steel
surfaces must be prime coated within 4 hours of blasting or before flash rusting
occurs. Coatings shall only be applied to surfaces that meet the minimum specified
standard as detailed in Section 7 of this Specification.
7.9 Abrasive blast cleaning shall cease if the steel surface temperature drops to within 3 C
of the dew point temperature, or the relative humidity exceeds 85%.
7.10 Areas to be spot blasted shall have the surrounding coating feathered over a
minimum width of 50mm.
7.11 Non-silica abrasives (i.e. garnet, ilmenite or aluminium oxide) shall only be used for
Site work. Spent abrasive shall not be re-used.
Shop blasting shall be performed using steel grit or other approved materials to provide
a conforming surface profile. Abrasives shall be free of oil, grease, salts, moisture and
any other contaminants likely to be detrimental to the treated steel surface.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
7.13 Compressors used for abrasive blasting shall have effective moisture and oil
separators fitted. Air lines shall be fitted with oil and water filters which shall be drained
off or cleaned daily.
7.14 The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting all rotating equipment, painted
surfaces, electrical equipment, gauge faces, identification tags, etc. from damage
caused by abrasive blast cleaning or painting. Removal of items and subsequent
reinstallation after completion of painting works shall be carried out by tradesman
competent in the relevant activity.
7.15 Only filtered air shall be used to blow off spent abrasive from the prepared surfaces. All
abrasive blasting residue shall be collected, removed from site and disposed of by the
Contractor in accordance with the appropriate statutory requirements.
7.16 Areas which cannot be properly prepared by abrasive blasting, such as gaps, voids
and inaccessible areas, shall be brought to the attention of CBH.
New concrete must be well cured and dry prior to coating. Allow all concrete to cure a
minimum of 28 days prior to any coating application works. All concrete shall be
suitably prepared prior to coating application to ensure a suitable surface that will
provide sound adhesion between the applied coating and the concrete substrate.
All surfaces shall be abrasive blast cleaned to remove loose material, laitance, curing
compounds and release agents. Care must be taken to only sweep blast the surface,
and the use of a lower nozzle pressure is recommended.
The Contractor shall request from the Principal all information relating to curing
compounds, bond breakers, form release oils and the like applied to the concrete
surface to be coated in order to provide a suitable surface preparation methodology.
The section 7.17 New Concrete Surfaces above is intended as a guide only and
additional information (Inspection Test Plans, Other Specifications and
Methodology etc.) is to be sourced and approved by CBH before commencement
of any related new or remedial works.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
8. Application of Coatings
8.1 Standard of Workmanship
Competent and experienced personnel shall perform all coating preparation and
Steel surfaces to be coated shall be clean and dry. Grain dust fallout, spent abrasive
and dust shall be removed with clean, dry compressed air prior to application of
coating material.
Inaccessible areas such as crevices and bolted member joints which cannot be
coated in accordance with this specification shall be sealed with a flexible sealant
material that is compatible with the substrate and applied coating system. All such
locations shall be approved by CBH prior to application.
8.7 The Contractor is responsible for all damage caused by over-spray. Precautions
such as stopping spray application in adverse conditions, planning work areas and
schedules around the prevailing wind strength and directions, erecting tarpaulins or
barrier screens around work areas, and masking shall be taken.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
All edges, deeply pitted steel, studding materials and welds shall be coated
by brush in an even and consistent film with each coat in the coating system
prior to spray application of the same coating. Solvent-Borne Inorganic Zinc
Silicate coatings are exempted from this requirement.
Care shall be exercised to ensure that coating materials are not unduly
brushed out as this will reduce the dry film thickness, nor shall the coating
material be applied in excessive quantities. Care must also be taken to
ensure the correct type and size of brush is used for the shape and size of
the structure and or area to be stripe coated.
Failure to adequately stripe coat will cause premature failure of the coating
in the areas that are required to be stripe coated. Natural surface tension
forces causes the coating to retreat from any edge type formation.
8.9 All known field weld areas shall be given the specified abrasive blast
preparation but left uncoated for a distance of 50mm from the weld line.
Such areas shall be given the appropriate touch-up treatment after site
8.10 The Coating manufacturers pot life and re-coat intervals (min and max)
shall be strictly observed. The Contractor shall reference the Coating
manufacturers coating cure information detailing the pot life, touch dry,
minimum re-coat and maximum re-coat intervals.
8.11 Prior to the application of any coat of material, any damage or defects to
previous coats shall be touched up with the specified coating before further
coats are applied within a specified system.
8.12 No thinner shall be added unless necessary for proper application. Thinning
shall not exceed limitations established with the coating manufacturers
product data sheet. When the use of thinner is permissible, it shall be added
during the initial mixing process. It is not permissible to add additional
thinner after the coatings have been thinned to the proper consistency.
8.13 Coatings shall be applied in an even and consistent finish, free of defects
such as, but not limited to, runs, blistering, amine blush/bloom, holidays,
inadequate cure, loss of adhesion/cohesion, overspray, sags, pinholes, mud
cracks, blooming, entrapped air or solvent, spent abrasive and foreign
Any repairs to the finished coatings for any of the above defects (or any
defects not listed) that may be detrimental to the design life (minimum 10
years to first maintenance) shall be repaired at no extra cost to the principal.
8.14 Where possible, each coating within a multi-coat coating system shall be top
coated within 24 hours of application to avoid contamination, unless
otherwise stated on the coating manufacturers product data sheet.
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8.16 Rollers shall not be used for applying inorganic zinc primer coating. Use of
rollers for other coatings, refer coating manufacturers PDS.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
The field testing/inspection procedures detailed in this section shall be used by the
Contractor to establish compliance with this Specification. Other tests as determined
by CBH may be performed as required. Surface treatment found to be defective shall
be re-instated in accordance with this Specification at no cost to CBH.
The presence of soluble salts on the surface of freshly blasted steel shall be
determined in accordance with the procedure(s) detailed in AS/NZS 3894.6. A
chloride result higher than 50mg/m (or figure determined by the applicable paint
manufacturer) shall have further high pressure fresh water washing (with potable
water) of the affected surface and re-blasting until the result is less than 50mg/m , to
remove flash rusting corrosion products prior to coating.
Coating to be over coated shall be tested for dust and spent abrasive as determined
in accordance with the procedure detailed in AS/NZS 3894.6, by pressing a wide,
clear adhesive 1580 tape onto the upper surfaces of suspect areas. Contaminants
shall be clearly seen when the tape is removed and placed against a dark/light
background. Affected surfaces with a rating of above 0 - 1, shall be blown down
using filtered compressed air and retested using the tape. If contamination is still
present, the surfaces shall be high pressure fresh water washed until clean.
Surface profile shall be within the range of 35-65 microns (average 50 microns).
Blasted steel with non-conforming profile values shall be re-blasted with suitably
graded abrasive to ensure compliance with this Specification (surface profiles within
the coating manufacturers data sheets recommendations may also be accepted at
the discretion of the Principal or its representative).
The Contractor shall take records of typical daily surface profile values using replica
tape such as Testex Press-O-Film Replication Tape in accordance with the
procedure detailed in AS/NZS 3894.5 Method A. Replica tape records shall be affixed
to the Daily Inspection Report form as detailed in AS/NZS 3894.10.
Contractors shall be capable of calculating the % volume solids reduction for different
thinning ratios. Frequent monitoring of the WFT shall be done by the contractor to
achieve the specified DFT.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
High DFT readings (above 150% of maximum specified DFT per coat) shall
require complete removal at the discretion of CBH. The minimum thickness
stated in this specification is the absolute minimum. Any readings found to
be below the specified minimum are to be repaired at no cost to CBH.
Solvent Borne Inorganic Zinc Silicate and appropriate Organic coatings shall
be tested for cure in accordance with procedures detailed in AS/NZS 3894.4
Method C Rub Test. Discolouration of the test rag shall be considered
evidence of insufficient cure. Coating which does not exhibit a cure trend
consistent with the Coating manufacturers cure information, (allow for
temperature differences) shall be removed and re-instated in accordance
with this Specification at no cost to CBH.
Each coat within a System may be tested for adhesion at CBHs discretion
and by the Contractors Quality Control representative. The areas tested
shall be representative of the total coated section.
The adhesive test described in AS1580 Method 408.2 shall be used for field
testing within the coating process (i.e. daily or before the application of
subsequent coats) at the discretion of CBH or its nominated representative.
For coatings 125 microns and above, this simple test requires an X (with
the intersecting cut at approximately 30o) to be cut using a sharp Stanley
blade through to the substrate.
For coatings 50-125 microns, the cross hatch method is required. 6 cuts,
2mm apart.
Coatings less than 50 microns, the cross hatch is 11 cuts 1mm apart.
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Coatings with 5 or more defects per 5m2 section, or where the defective
area is equal to 20% or more of the total coated surface, shall be rejected
outright. Defective coating shall be removed and be reinstated in
accordance with this Specification at no cost to CBH.
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TS4 Project and Maintenance Coating
10.2 As a general rule, coating repairs shall be performed using the specified surface
preparation and coating system. The coating manufacturers specific repair
procedures shall be adopted where the maximum re-coat period has expired. SB
Inorganic Zinc Rich Ethyl Silicate coatings shall be repaired as per manufacturers
recommendations. Epoxy Zinc Rich may only be used for small areas with CBH
10.3 Unless approved by CBH, power wire brushing, grinding, sanding or needle gun shall
not be acceptable for the spot repair of defective surfaces exceeding 0.5m .
10.4 Surface preparation on site shall not be carried out in wet or excessively hot, humid
(85%) or windy conditions or in the presence of water spray or any other potential
All areas to be repaired shall be taken back to bare metal using abrasive blast or
hand tool preparation to a standard required by the coating manufacturer of the
coating being applied.
Surface preparation shall extend 50 mm over each coat in the coating system to
feather and expose the sub-coating.
All existing sound coatings shall be lightly abraded to remove any surface
contamination and to provide adequate anchor for the new coating to sufficiently
adhere too.
All surfaces in the repair area (base metal exposed, feathered areas or lightly
abraded/whip blasted) shall be high pressure cleaned with potable water to remove
any deposited or entrapped contaminants. The surface shall be tested to the
manufactures requirements for the new coating. Should the threshold values be
exceeded, then high pressure washing will continue until the concentrations of
containments fall below the required threshold.
10.5 The required coating DFTs shall be achieved according to the manufacturers
specification. The final DFTs shall be included in the Contractors Daily Paint Reports.
All repaired areas and repair procedures shall be clearly detailed in the Contractors
Daily Paint Reports.
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11.2 All steelwork and equipment shall be adequately protected and prepared for
transport, including loading, protected from securing methods and protected while
unloading. Material such as soft slings and soft protective wrapping is to be used.
12.2 All safety, lost time or near miss incidents shall be reported to CBH. Failure to report
safety incidents may, at the discretion of CBH, result in the termination of the
12.3 Contractor and Sub-Contractor supplied equipment or services such as, but not
limited to, scaffolding, access equipment, cranage, pressure vessels, electric and
pneumatic equipment shall conform to all the appropriate statutory regulations. All
equipment used on Site shall be maintained in good working order in strict
accordance with the Coating manufacturers guidelines and be fit for purpose.
12.4 Personal Protective Equipment such as protective clothing, safety helmets, safety
glasses, safety boots, hearing protection, respiratory equipment and skin protection
shall be supplied by the Contractor. Eye wash solution must be available at the work
12.5 Material Safety Data Sheets for all materials used shall be readily available at the
work Site for quick reference. Personal safety equipment guidelines shall be strictly
12.6 Abrasive blast cleaning shall be performed in accordance with the current statutory
regulations and requirements. Dead-man devices shall be correctly fitted and
operational on all abrasive blasting equipment used on site.
12.7 Work areas shall be suitably roped off or isolated and clearly marked Abrasive
Blasting in Progress or Painting in Progress, as appropriate.
12.8 All coatings and thinners shall be stored below 30 C in a well ventilated and safe
storage container appropriately signed and away from any ignition source.
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12.9 Abrasive blast hoses and airless spray lines shall be capable of conducting static
electricity to earth. Airless spray pump motors shall be fitted with an effective
earthing cable.
12.10 Safety harnesses and appropriate height safety equipment shall be utilised at all
elevated work sites not scaffolded to statutory regulation standards. Personnel
working on elevated work platforms (EWP) or using height safety equipment shall
be appropriately trained and certified.
12.11 Effective exhaust fans shall be used when applying coatings in confined spaces.
The exhausting equipment shall be of sufficient capacity to ensure the solvent
vapour/air concentration does not reach the Lower Explosive Limit value.
When applying coatings in confined areas, the Contractor shall provide and
understand the use of equipment used to monitor air quality. Sentries are required
for all Confined Space Entry and all personnel are to be certified in Confined Space.
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