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Name End-of-course date Training provider Green World Group


Risk assessment form


Assessors name Date

Description of process, activity or task to be risk assessed

Describe the location The assessment has been done on our welding shop in our company Lamprell Energy. In our Company we have 3 dedicated welding shops in which
where the activities are about 50 people are working in one shift. There are total of 2 shifts. (Day / Night). Our welding shops are located indoor. The total work area size of
taking place our company is about 50,000 sq.feet in total. Our company is into fabrication of offshore / onshore platform structures and pressure vessels. Within
our welding workshop there are a total of 6 exit / entry points. All the welding workshops are interconnected each other with huge sliding partitions.
The total work strength in our company in total is about 500 people in a shift. 5 dedicated supervisors are available at all times in the welding
workshops to manage the workers in a single shift
Describe the activities Within our company the major activities carried out are welding / fabrication / blasting and painting / assembly / commissioning. All together a total
being performed of 500 people are working on the site. Almost all the works are routine till the end of the project. Routine works would include welding, fabrication,
painting, lifting, blasting, daily housekeeping etc. Non routine works would include pressure testing, x-ray etc. X-rays are been conducted only during
the night time and not on a regular basis. 85% of the x-rays are done on the radiography bunker and not inside the workshop.

Describe the In the welding workshop the main machine's in use are welding machines - Approximate 55 Nos, Grinding machines - 70 Nos, Gas Cutting
equipment and/or equipments - 25 nos, Acetylene / Oxygen cylinder - 30 nos (located outside the welding shops), Hammers & Chisel - 80 nos (Each one per welder),
substances being used Buffing machine - 50 nos approximately, Local Exhaust Ventilation machine 10 nos, Fire Extinguishers - 25 nos, Fire hose reels - 10 nos, Fire
blankets - Adequate.

Describe the people Welders - 50

involved in these Supervisor - 5
activities (and others House keeping personnel - 8
Safety officer - 1
who might be affected) Fire Watcher - 4
Visitors - 2 - 3 sometimes. (This happens during Client Visits or material suppliers)
Risk assessment form

Description of hazard Who might be What risk controls Current risk Are further Date to be Residual risk
and hazardous event harmed? are currently in rating* controls needed? completed by rating*
Presence of welding fumes Welders, Fire Local Exhaust Ensure that the LEV is On going / Daily
which can cause watchers, and other Ventilation is provided working at all times and

respiratory disease, personnel who are within the workshop. no unauthorized

Chances of contact with present in the Fire blankets provided 4 3 12 modifications are done. 2 3 6
molten materials causing workshop. and made it mandatory Regular inspection of
burns. Chance of fire / to use it. Fire watcher site and proper
explosion present in all locations housekeeping with PPE

During lifting chances of House keeping Risk assessment is done Ensure that a safety Ongoing / Daily
collision which could lead personnel, and those for the lifting. personnel is present

to injury, inhalation of employees who are Proper PPE is given to during the lifting.
paint fumes to those involved in lifting all staffs. Ensure that appropriate
involved in painting, Slip activities. All employees to ensure 3 3 9 and adequate respiratory 2 3 6
Trip hazards while doing that there are no trailing protection is given to
housekeeping activities exposed hazardously in painters.
the work floor.
Equipment and

Oxygen / Acetylene Workers working in Currently the area is Permanent roof to be 2 weeks
cylinders are stored in barricaded to prevent provided for the cylinder

the workshop and

open area which could lead anybody near the any unauthorized entry storages area.
to explosion due to high storage area 3 4 12 2 4 8
temperature in UAE

*Likelihood x Consequence = Risk

Risk Rating Calculator
Likelihood that hazardous event will occur Consequence of hazardous event
1 very unlikely 1 insignificant no injury
2 unlikely 2 minor minor injuries needing first aid
3 fairly likely 3 moderate up to three days absence
4 likely 4 major more than seven days absence
5 very likely 5 catastrophic death

Action Level Table

Risk rating Action
2025 Stop stop activity and take immediate action
1516 Urgent action take immediate action and stop activity if necessary, maintain existing controls rigorously
812 Action improve within specified timescale
36 Monitor look to improve at next review or if there is a significant change
12 No action no further action but ensure controls are maintained and reviewed

Example risk assessment

Description of hazard Who might be What risk controls Current risk Are further Date to be Residual risk
and hazardous event harmed? are currently in rating* controls needed? completed by rating*
Filling car with petrol, Person filling vehicle Auto pump cut off, 4 2 8 Make available By next week 3 2 6

leading to spillage and others on signage and plastic paper towels, sand
forecourt gloves and absorbent

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