Rts 720 Research Thesis Helping Material
Rts 720 Research Thesis Helping Material
Rts 720 Research Thesis Helping Material
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MS Synopsis
A research proposal is a document that presents a plan to reviewers for evaluation. It is actually a
road map showing clearly the location from where a journey begins; the method of getting there
and the destination to be reached at.
Title page
It must include:
Research topic
Name & ID of the student
Major field of study
Name of Research Supervisor
Name of the University
University Logo
Date of Submission
1. Introduction
The introduction section must include:
Introductory paragraph
Rationale of the study Why this research is needed?
Statement of the problem
2. Background
Background of the research shows the impact and implication of the topic on the environment
(the specific set up in which you are studying the issue). It should be well elaborated. It is
advised to include current facts and figures in the background. You should also explain it in the
context with the work already done on the topic. It should provide all the necessary initial
information so that the reader can better understand the situation under study.
3. Research Objectives
Research objectives are the deliverables of the research project. You should consider following
points on stating research objectives:
4. Research Questions
Write the research objectives in terms of questions that can be addressed by research. You should
consider following points on stating research questions:
5. Significance
It lays down the importance or potential benefits of the research. It specifies how your study will
improve, modify or broaden presented facts in the field under exploration. Make a note that such
improvements/ modifications may have significant implications also.
When you are taking into account the importance of your study, pose yourself the following
For detailed guidelines about the literature review do visit the following link:
7. Research Methodology
This section should provide solid or concrete foundations to the study. Quality and value of the
research report depends upon how precisely and accurately the data is collected, processed,
analyzed and interpreted so that fruitful conclusions may be drawn out of it. It includes:
This section includes a list of source materials on a particular subject. In a formal report it shows
what books and other library materials were consulted. As part of the reference matter, it follows
the appendix or appendices. APA format should be used for citing the references.
Kindly visit the following link to quote the references in the required manner
Following are some demos videos which will help you in research
Plagiarism includes lifting information (text or graphics) from an original source without
quotation marks (in the case of text), reference, or acknowledgement, as well as
paraphrasing without reference or acknowledgement to the original source.
Attempt to summarize or restate another persons work, theories or ideas and give
acknowledgement to that person. This is usually done by citing your sources and
presenting a list of references.
By always using quotation marks (or indenting lengthy quotations in your text) to
distinguish between the actual words of the writer and your own words. Once again, you
should cite all sources and present full details of these in your list of references
Collusion without official approval between two or more students, with the result
that identical, or near identical work, is presented by all those involved
Copying another persons work, including the work of another student (with or
without their consent), and claiming or pretending it is your own
Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving
Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of
your work, whether you give credit or not
Buying a paper, or turning in a paper written by someone else
Paraphrasing someone else without giving credit
Copying and pasting text from a web site without quotation marks and appropriate
Why Should You Cite Sources
Whenever you are citing a source, you are actually strengthening your writing
Citing a source, whether paraphrased or quoted, reveals that you have performed
research work and synthesised the findings into your own argument
Using sources shows that you are engaged in "the great conversation," the world
of ideas, and that you are aware of other thinkers' positions on the topic. By
quoting (and citing) writers who support your position, you add strength to the
By responding reasonably to those who oppose the position, you show that there
are valid counter arguments
Appropriate quoting and citing also evidences your respect for the creators of
ideas and arguments--honoring thinkers and their intellectual property
Giving due credit and acknowledgement to others work adds to your credibility
and demonstrates that you know what is going on in your field of study
Letting your reader know exactly which authorities you rely on is an advantage. It
shows that you have done your research and that you are well acquainted with the
literature on your topic
Giving proper citation and referencing is also a courtesy to your readers because it
helps them consult the material you have found. That is especially important for
Internet sources
In a nutshell, citing helps make the assignment stronger and sounder and will
probably result in a better grade.
You are in University to get an education, to prepare for a better career, and subsequently
a more productive life. All the assignments, reports and projects that take so much time,
give you a chance to develop and strengthen critical thinking and evaluative skills that
enable you to make decisions.
The responsibility for learning the proper forms of citation lies with the individual
student. (Refer to the Academic Integrity Tutorial links)
It is the responsibility of students to learn the craft of scholarly referencing and to
accurately cite the work of others in their own assignments.
Students are expected to be familiar with the plagiarism sensitization document.
If you have any questions at any time about whether something that you are
considering might involve an instance of plagiarism, please consult with your
instructor before you act.
There are numerous styles of citation and referencing, however, you are required to use
APA citation style in all your assignments and coursework at Virtual University. In the
following websites, focus on the APA style.
Canadian Universities
American Universities
Bibliographic Citation PDF guides for MLA, APA, and Turabian formats (Check the
guide for APA citation style only as you will be required to use it in all your assignments
and research work )
Citation Machine, interactive citation tool for MLA and APA styles
KnightCite, interactive citation tool for MLA, APA, and Chicago styles
Penalties exist to reassure honest students that their efforts are respected and valued, so
much so that those who would escape the work by fakery will be punished substantially.
Fundamental difference
Quantitative Qualitative
Role of theory to Deductive: theory Inductive: theory
research testing generation
Epistomological Natural science model: Interpretivism
orientation positivism
Ontological Objectivism Constructionism
No wedge between the two
Overtones of one over the other. Examples:
Qualitative research used for testing theories
rather than generating theories. (Adler and Adler
1985 study of relationship between participation
in athletics and academic achievement. Used
existing literature as proxy for theory.)
Quantitative: Westergaard et.al. 1989 feeling of
redundancy and job search. Interpretivist tone.
Use mixed methods.
Influences on social research
Practical considerations
Values research not value free. Can intrude any /all steps.
-- Choice of research area
-- Formulation of research question
-- Choice of method
-- Formulation of research design
-- Data collection
-- Analysis of data
-- Interpretation of data
-- Conclusions
Sinclair M. (2007) Editorial: A guide to understanding theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Evidence Based Midwifery 5(2): 39
Title of Thesis:
I. Checklist
comments, if any
Results/research Does this section provide complete
findings information on findings on all research
questions and/or objectives set in introductory
Does this section provide information on
findings in the same order in which the
research questions and/or objectives were set
in introductory section?
Or alternatively, have the results been reported
thematically, in descending order of
Have the results/findings arrived at, and
interpreted appropriately?
Does plagiarism apparenly reflect?
comments, if any
Conclusions Is there at least one conclusion for each
Have all major research questions been
Have all major research hypotheses been
Does plagiarism apparenly reflect?
comments, if any
References Are these in APA style?
Are these relevant and up-to-date?
Are they complete?
Are all references mentioned in the text
included in the References section?
comments, if any
Tables & figures Are all tables, figures and their captions okay?
comments, if any
Spelling & Are spellings in general okay?
grammar Is the use of grammar okay?
comments, if any
English language Is the use of english language as a whole
comments, if any
Presentation Is presentation as a whole okay?
comments, if any
1. Introduction 3
2. Harvard Style for Citation 4
3. Layout, Process and Organisation 5
3.1 General Layout 5
3.2 Layout Cover Page 5
3.3 Layout of Other Pages 6
3.4 Processes and Organisation 8
3.4.1 Outline 8
4. Elements of the Paper 8
4.1 Cover Page 8
4.2 Abstract or Executive/Management Summary 8
4.3 Declaration of Authenticity 8
4.4 (Acknowledgements) 9
4.5 Table of Contents 9
4.6 Introduction 9
4.7 Main Contents 9
4.7.1 Literature Review/Theoretical Framework 10
4.7.2 Methodology 10
4.7.3 Findings 10
4.7.4 Discussion/Analysis 10
4.8 Conclusion 10
4.9 Bibliography 11
4.10 (Appendices) 11
4.11 (List of Graphics; List of Terms, List of Abbreviations...) 11
5. Sourcing 11
5.1 Note-taking 11
5.2 Bibliography 12
5.2.1 Layout Bibliography 12
5.3 Examples 13
5.3.1 Books 13
5.3.2 Articles and papers 14
5.3.3 Internet and Multimedia 15
5.3.4 Personal Communication, Interviews, Theses 17
5.4 Graphs and Graphics/Images/Tables 18
5.5 Citations in Text 18
1. Introduction
Academic papers adhere to a strict form regarding layout, organisation and citation. At this
university the Harvard style is adhered to for citations. A School of Business template for
layout and organisation is also set. Papers submitted by Business students in English 1 need
to follow these styles and formats unless otherwise stipulated by the supervisor and/or the
An academic paper communicates results of research to a peer community. Its main aim is
to communicate and therefore it must be:
All sources must be cited and cited correctly according to the Harvard style (see sections 2
and 5 in this guide). Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and results in penalties (see
Section 6 of this guide).
All sources must meet academic criteria. This means that sources included tend to come
from journals, books, papers, respectable magazines or newspapers, conferences (in paper
or in electronic form). Sources such as forums, wikis, (company, private or social media)
websites or blogs may not meet academic, scientific or professional standards. Students are
advised to approach such sources with caution.
There are, within the style, a number of variations. Different universities using Harvard style may have slightly different styles.
Most of these differences are minor. Key is to be consistent with whichever variation is selected.
Paper format: The format is A4, if printed out then only on white paper and only printed on
one side. Papers should be bound and not presented in a file.
The cover page for papers submitted to the School of Business follows corporate style
manuals. This page features 4:
For an example, see the cover page of this Guide and the Appendices.
Confidentiality If the paper carries confidentiality then this must be stated prominently
on the cover page in the bottom third
3.3 Layout of other Pages
Following the cover page, a standardised layout should be used for the rest of the paper. It
should have the following features 5:
Papers need to be well organised at all levels to clearly navigate the reader through the
argumentation and presentation. At the overall level this entails working with an Outline (see
below) which will contain chapters clearly subdivided into sub-chapters which cover all
elements of a chapter (research theme). Paragraphing is essential and each paragraph
should have a topic sentence and then cover elements of that topic (only).
The page layout in this Guide is according to the corporate style and can serve as a template.
Academic papers do not have more than three levels of text. Headings and sub-headings are numbered decimally using
Arabic numbers (no Latin numbers, no letters of alphabet)
3.4.1 Outline
The outline is usually produced at the start of research and serves as the skeleton for the
paper contents. The paper is divided into its constituent elements and numbered accordingly.
Each element of the paper (cf chapter 4 below) is embedded in the outline and serves as
placeholder until filled by content. Generally, the chapters in the main body of the paper are
determined by the thesis or research question. The approved thesis or question is usually
sub-divided into a set of 3-5 sub-theses or questions and these usually provide the chapter
topics. Numbering and phrasing of chapters is consecutive, consistent and parallelised. The
outline is later converted into the Table of Contents when the paper is finished.
Papers submitted at the School of Business should have a standard Cover Page
(see 3.2 above) and may have the following elements in the following order 7:
Cover Page
Abstract/Executive Summary 8
Declaration of Authenticity 9
Table of Contents
Bulk of Paper:
o Literature Review/Theoretical Framework
o Methodology
o Results/Findings (subdivided thematically)
o Discussion
Glossary of Terms, List of Figures/Tables, List of Abbreviations/Terms, Index
Not all of these elements will be included: The supervisor and content determine
which elements are required. Short descriptions and guidelines for each of these
parts are below.
Academic papers have abstracts. Abstracts usually do not exceed 200 words and contain
three sets of information: reason for research (thesis or question formulation), methods used
The layout of this Guide is in accordance with the School of Business style.
An Abstract is used for Academic Papers; an Executive Summary for Business Papers
Elements such as the Statement of Authenticity, Glossary of Terms, Acknowledgements, List of Figures/Tables can be slotted
in either at the start (e.g. just before or just after the Table of Contents) or at the end (just before or after the Bibliography)
and main findings. The abstract is laid out in 1-3 paragraphs no headings or bulleting. As
abstracts are generally uploaded into databases, keywords can be listed at the end.
4.4 (Acknowledgements)
Where supervisors, clients or third parties were especially supportive and helpful, mention
can be made of this in a short separate section which can be placed at the start or end of the
1. Level 1
1.1 Level 2
1.2 Another Level 2
1.2.1 Level 3
2. Level 1
3. Level 1
3.1 Level 2
3.1.1 Level 3
3.1.2 Another Level 3
4.6 Introduction
A short segment (generally 1 2 pages) which leads the reader into the topic. An
Introduction may present key themes, definitions or questions. It may entice interest by
presenting recent statistics, unusual facts or facets. It may offer a birds eye perspective of
the topic. Usually the full main research question or thesis will be stated here as well as a
summary of methods (however the sub-questions and the detailed description of methods
will normally be presented in other segments (see Main Contents).
In qualitative papers where the entirety might comprise presenting textual data from other
sources and the entire paper is a literature review, a theoretical framework can be presented.
This might address the historical development or larger theoretical contexts.
4.7.2 Methodology
A full description of how research was conducted must be included. Each individual
research question, task or problem is fully formulated and the precise method applied given
(sample sizes, dates, places, software used, type of interview full survey questions are
usually appended - , models used for analyses, etc). Delimitations are declared.
4.7.3 Findings
This may constitute the bulk of the paper. Usually it comprises 2-3 chapters which cover the
main research topics. In qualitative papers this will be the mostly textual analyses,
evaluations and comparisons; in quantitative papers this is usually the presentation of data
4.7.4 Discussion/Analyses
Whereas all previous sections of the academic research paper presented either neutral data
or the opinions of those researched, this section enables the author to interpret and discuss
results and findings.
4.8 Conclusion
Final conclusions, summaries of findings or recommendations are presented succinctly at the
end. This section also often includes educated speculation on future developments or
suggests possible further research.
4.9 Bibliography
All literature and data presented is sourced in Harvard Style. This not only includes books,
articles, papers, statistics, journals and websites but also interview material, graphs,
illustrations, etc. See Chapter 5 for fuller details and examples. The bibliography is
alphabetical according to author surname or entry name as used contextually. Each entry is
4.10 (Appendices)
Full research findings, interview transcripts, survey questions, codebooks and similar further
and more detailed information which is relevant but not included in the main text can be
5. Sourcing
All sources (books, articles, websites, graphs, statistics, visuals, etc) must be
sourced precisely enough in the text and then fully in the Bibliography/References10
to enable a reader to easily track down the original.
5.1 Note-taking
To ensure the precision required in academic papers it is vital to take accurate notes.
Advisable is a separate Bibliography card index 11. Bibliography notes must include:
author(s), year of publication, edition if applicable, title(s), place, and publisher. For
websites include the full URL and the date you viewed this source. The precise way
of listing sources in bibliographies according to Harvard style is shown in 4.2.
A Bibliography includes all and any works consulted during the course of research including
secondary data which may not be cited in the text. References only include sources cited in the text.
Microsoft Office includes electronic management of sources and enables bibliography entries. A
number of Harvard styles are included in the standard package (the Anglia version is closest to FHNW
style. There are compatibility issues of this function in Mac OS. An alternative is using Mendeley
Desktop, available under http://www.mendeley.com/
5.2 Bibliography
Bibliographies are ordered alphabetically according to the surname of the (main)
author. Each entry is on a new line. Bibliography entries are not numbered or
bulleted. Bibliographies are not segmented (e.g. one set for electronic sources, one
for print sources).
Below are examples of the most frequently used types of publications set out as they
should be set out in a Bibliography as well as an example of how the reference could
be inserted into the text (contextual sourcing).
Bibliography entries in Harvard style follow the same basic pattern: surname and
initials. publication date. Italicised title(s). Place: publisher.
Where authors are not known, the bibliography entry begins with the publication title
or with the publisher. Where other details are not known, this is indicated by no/not.
For example: No publisher. Date not known.
5.3 Examples
These Guidelines do not attempt to list every single type of publication. Students
should consult the other online references mentioned under Section 2 or consult their
supervisor. The rule of thumb is to follow the basic order (author, year, title, place,
publisher) and to provide enough information to enable a reader to efficiently trace
the original source. The examples below also indicate how the contextual citation
might appear.
5.3.1 Books
One author According to Stenning Stenning, K. 2002. Seeing Reason: Language and
(2002:65) language is Image in Learning to Think. Oxford: Oxford
University Press
Or OUP (cf below) if using a common
abbreviation then do so consistently
Two authors ..at the start (Leedy and Leedy, P.D. and Ormrod, J.R. 2001. Practical
Ormrod, 2001:187). Research: Planning and Design.7th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Three Jones, Kleinbock and Ashton Jones, M., Kleinbock, P.P. and Ashton, S. 1999.
authors (1999:32) confirmed this in Psychological Approaches to Power. Pittsburgh:
their groundbreaking. WSP
Four or more often replaced (Cranshaw Cranshaw, P. et al. 2003. Renaissance Painting in the
authors et al, 2003:54). Low Lands. Cambridge: CUP
Up to 3 authors are mentioned; then either the
leading author or the first listed is mentioned only,
with et al representing the others.
Multiple As Benning (2003a) further Benning.T.J. 2003a. Systematic Approaches. Oxford:
works by developed his theory OUP
same Benning, T.J. 2003b. Further Dimensions. Oxford: OUP
author(s) Publications from same author in different years
are differentiated (contextually) by different
publication year. Different publications by same
author in same year are allocated letters of the
alphabet to differentiate.
Unknown ..as defined by the Oxford Oxford English Dictionary. 3rd ed. 1990. Oxford: OUP
author/editor English Dictionary (1990). Title is inserted into bibliography alphabetically
Editor ..is relatively rare Chandrasekaran, B. and Glasgow, J. (eds). 1995.
(Chandrasekaran and Diagrammatic Reasoning: Cognitive and
Glasgow, 1995:76). Computational Perspectives on Problem Solving
with Diagrams. Cambridge: MIT Press
Organisation, Strict guidelines can even be Australian Government Publishing Service. 1994. Style
institution, monitored (Australian Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers. 5 ed.
company Government Publishing Canberra: APS
Service, 1994:114).
Contribution This was confirmed by Coffin Coffin, J. M. 1999. Molecular Biology of HIV. In: K.A.
of chapters in 1999 (8). Crandell (ed). The Evolution of HIV. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press, pp. 2-10
Electronic Miniskirts were part of this McRobbie, A. 1998. British Fashion Design: Rag Trade
revolution (Mc Robbie, or Image Industry? London: Routledge.
1998:39). Available online at
.asp?isbn=0203168011 (Accessed 31 May
Full URLs are given if the reader will need this to
find the original document. If the site
navigation is clear and will lead to the
source, then the main site URL suffices.
Different Similarly, Kottler and Keller Kottler, P and Keller, K. 2008. Marketing Management.
editions (2998:66) found... 13 ed. Boston: Prentice Hall
The edition is not mentioned contextually: it comes
after the title in bibliography. Not valid for 1
Quotations As Smith (2006:132) Smith, R. 2006. Job Descriptions. London: Routledge
within observes a compassionate
quotations woman is required for such
roles. (Nb single quotation
marks are used for the
quotation within quotation.
The source will list where
the quotation came from.)
Article in In designing new Eden C., Williams, H. and Smithin, T. 1986. Synthetic
Journal approaches Eden, Williams Wisdom: the design of a mixed mode modelling
and Smithin (1986:239) also system for organizational decision making,
considered. Journal of the Operational Research Society.
Article in such as evidenced in the "An Unknown Manuscript Catalogue of the Library of
Journal An Unknown Manuscript J.A. de Thou." The Book Collector 17 (Summer
(author Catalogue of the Library of 1968): 168-76
unknown) J.A. de Thou (1968). Insert title alphabetically into Bibliography
In the table below, a number of sources have been listed where the content may not
meet academic standards (e.g. Twitter, Youtube). Students are advised to be
extremely critical when using content from such sources, preferably only use such
content for preliminary reading and then gather evidence from more respected
sources. However, for certain topics (e.g. the client uses such media for PR or
marketing purposes, a respected expert's blog etc), such sources can legitimately be
Type Contextual Bibliography
Online Peston (2007) remarked Peston, R. 2007. The Citi Tsunami in Pestons
newspaper on Picks, BBC News. 20 November 2007.
article Available online at:
ston/2007/11/the_citi_tsunami.html (Accessed
20 November 2007)
Online born in 1694 (Voltaire, Voltaire. 2007. In: Encyclopdia Britannica. Available
encyclopedia 2007). online at:
entry http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/6324
Cd-rom ..as illustrated in the Sioux Appleton, L.R.H. 2005. Appletons American Indian
textile included in Appletons Designs. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications. (CD-
collection (2005:76). ROM)
Song/music This theme of mistakes Williams, R. 2001. Road to Mandalay, Sing when
being rehashed and youre winning. EMI. (CD)
replayed was returned to in
2001 (Williams).
Website where a Jubilee Fund was Credit Suisse. 1997-2010. Jubilee Fund. Available
set up (Credit Suisse website online at https://www.credit-
1997-2010). suisse.com/citizenship/en/jubilee_fund.js.
(Accessed 20 May 2010)
Company/ this agreement (Albanese Albanese, A. 2009. Fairer compensation for air
author/ 2009). travellers. Media release 29 January 2010.
organisation Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional
news release Development and Local Government.
/2009/January/AA007_2009.htm. (Retrieved 2
April 2009)
A great variety of less common sources are listed below but not all can be mentioned.
Source types not listed should follow the basic patterns and simply provide enough
details to enable a reader to quickly find the original. It is also possible to refer to the
other guides mentioned on pp. 4-5.
Letter, email No recorded incidents were Pritchard, S. 2005. Your request for Information about
available for that year ISO Standards. Message to: Margaret Morrison.
(Pritchard 2005). 18 February 2005. (Personal communication)
Interview When interviewed on 4 Rickman, A. 2003. Interview with the author on 10
August 2003 Rickman August 2003. Hunstanton, UK. (Digital recording
reiterated his viewpoint in possession of author)
Thesis ..researched in depth in Hateley, E.2009. Shakespeare's Daughters: Children's
(published) Hateleys thesis (2009). Literature and the Production of Gendered
Readers. New York: Routledge
Paper (not Johnson (2007) explored this Johnson, F. 2009. Transport Clusters in Spain.
published) theory in Unpublished semester paper. Available at the
FHNW Library, Olten (www.fhnw.ch)
Main title is not italicised but put in quotation
Patent in transmission systems Cookson, A.H. 1985. Particle trap for compressed gas
(Cookson 1985). insulated transmission systems. US Patent
Report This was also noted in the United Nations. 2009 UN World Water Development
UN World Water Report. 3 ed. Available online at
Development Report (2009). http://www.unesco.org/water/wwap/wwdr/.
(Retrieved 4 June 2009)
Interview Such practises were Pharma1.2012. Interview 23 March 2012 (transcript in
(confidential) mentioned by Pharma1 possession of author; identity known to author)
(2012) See p.17 for guidelines on anonymisation
Legislation as was stipulated in the Council Regulation (EC) 834/ 2007. Regulation of 28
2007 revised European June 2007 on organic production and labelling of
Commission legislation organic products and repealing Regulation
(Council Regulation 2007). 2092/91. Available in the Official Journal of the
European Journal at http://eur-
L:2007:189:0001:0023:EN:PDF. (Retrieved 3
May 2010)
Lecture As Domenghino (2008) Domenghino, M. 2008. International Marketing lecture
notes emphasised notes. Distributed on 12 October 2008. FHNW
School of Business
All graphs, graphics, images, tables are sourced. For all visuals, the term Fig.
(abbreviation for figure) is used and a chronological number is allocated. This is
immediately followed by the Title given. Below the visual the source is given. For
This source is linked directly to a Bibliography entry (that means under the name
cited there is the bibliography entry. In the example above this would mean under
University of Missouri). If the graph is your own, give Author as the source. If your
graph includes sets of data from other sources, this must be mentioned (e.g.: Source:
Author based on data from the Bundesamt fr Statistik)
an overall theory or summary which the author presents in an entire work) can the
specific page number be omitted.
It is always ideal to embed the citation within the flow of your text. Some examples:
If the source cannot be supplied within the sentence, then all details are given at the
end of the sentence in round parentheses. The full stop, indicating the end of the
sentence, comes after the citation. Example:
Models are best developed after the hypotheses have been formed (Leedy,
Embedding citations requires considerable skill and practice. Students are advised
to attend courses in academic writing, take advantage of coaching or tutorials,
collaborate with fellow students for proofreading, etc. Resource sites like
www.uefap.com (Use of English for Academic Purposes) or the language centres at
some academic universities can offer additional support .
See Appendix A for further guides on paraphrasing, quoting and avoiding plagiarism
when doing so.
In situations where there is no author or the author is not known the title of the work
or the publication can be used instead. In such cases the bibliography entry must
come under that same name.
Where authors share a surname and initial, provide full first name(s).
Where the author is known but must be kept anonymous (confidential interviews), a
pseudonym is allocated. Ideally a pseudonym is selected which will not lead to
(insider) identification but relates to the interview context/topic: an interview with a
sales manager on distribution from a car parts manufacturing company could be
allocated the pseudonym Sales1 or CarParts1 or Distribution1.
Where the citation refers to a work referred to within another work, both (sets of)
authors are cited: (Johnson, 2003 as cited in Meesters, 2010:322). Both works are
entered in the Bibliography. However, such citations should be avoided and where
possible, the original should be consulted.
5.5.2 Quotations
Direct quotations are clearly signposted. If the quotation is one line or less,
incorporate it within the body of text in quotation marks. Cite as usual. If it is longer,
then leave an empty line, insert the quote in indented block text, single-spaced and
leave an empty line before continuing with the body of text. The source in a block text
is not embedded but provided at the end of the quotation (please note punctuation).
According to Edwards (2006:17) an author must still be acknowledged each time
he or she is mentioned at the start of a paragraph.
Or (a block quote)
5.6 Footnotes
Endnotes are not used. Footnotes are not used to provide references within the text.
6. Plagiarism
It is a distinguishing criteria of research, academic and business papers that they
provide an overview of knowledge and publications in the subject area selected. It is
therefore vital to quote and refer to other works. This is not plagiarism; this is a
positive, commendable element.
Only if these references and quotations are not properly sourced does it become
Plagiarism is theft. It is passing off another persons words, ideas, work as your own.
You plagiarise when you write down another persons words and do not accredit this
author. Plagiarism can also refer to pictures, lyrics, ideas, a lecturers comment, an
apt expression from an email, a piece of music or art. Plagiarism falls under
Copyright Acts or Intellectual Property laws and is therefore illegal. It is also highly
unprofessional and affects your reputation or the reputation of this university.
To avoid plagiarism, keep precise notes, place quoted words or texts in quotation
marks, attribute the source directly in the text and provide a full bibliography.
Please note that the School of Business routinely runs plagiarism checks using
software. Additionally, for some papers or theses a plagiarism software check is
standard on all submissions.
6.1. Consequences
If plagiarism is found in a student's work there are consequences. These are in
relation to the amount of plagiarism, the level of studies and the topic. Penalities
Brigitte Sprenger September 2012 21/29
range from removal of academic title, expulsion, rejection of paper with short period
to re-submit, grade 1.
Do not quote at great length. You should pass on most information in your own
words. If some words, a phrase or a paragraph is especially poignant or important
then quote precisely. Examples (always boxed):
Parenthetical, short quote within own text, quote marks around exact quotes:
In the Bibliography then, you have the full entry (note that the entries are indented to
enable quick location alphabetically of the author):
Gibaldi, J. and Achtert, W.S. 2005. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.
New York: Modern Language Association of America
Although Wal-Mart has been operating in India since 2001, regulations have kept
Operations limited:
Foreign retailers can only operate in India as wholesalers, and local shopkeepers
want to keep it that way. Kishore Biyani, founder of Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd.,
the country's top chain with some $450 million in annual revenue, has been
pressing New Delhi to keep Wal-Mart out. "We are trying to close the back door
and the front door," he says. (Kripalani 2006:32)
The main thing to remember is to reference clearly and succinctly so that your reader
can track the original.
If you alter the quotation there are standard ways to indicate this:
Leave out words use ellipsis (three dots) such as a horse . A
kingdom for a horse
Insert an explanation by using square brackets (these always indicate
editorial comment) such as: this lead to the abbreviation of Gruezi
[short for Gruss Gott, meaning Greet God] and therefore.
Insert the Latin signal word sic (really like this) if there is a mistake or
oddity in the original and the hannkerchif [sic] was used
Underline words or place words in italics to indicate emphasis or
importance but then immediate add square bracket explanation, e.g.
and the original [author emphasis] version is
Paraphrasing means putting into your own words it is therefore the most acceptable
method of supporting your thesis. It usually conveys the original idea in fewer words
but will also reflect your own voice. You source the original within the body of your
text within the paraphrase. Should you adopt the exact phrasing of the original at
certain points, these are then quotations and must be incorporated in that style.
As a guideline on how and how not to paraphrase (and attribute) study the example
below from http://www.utoronto.ca/ucwriting/paraphrase.html (viewed 24 April 2006)
The original passage is from Oliver Sacks' essay "An Anthropologist on Mars":
The cause of autism has also been a matter of dispute. Its incidence is about
one in a thousand, and it occurs throughout the world, its features remarkably
consistent even in extremely different cultures. It is often not recognized in the
first year of life, but tends to become obvious in the second or third year.
Though Asperger regarded it as a biological defect of affective contactinnate,
inborn, analogous to a physical or intellectual defectKanner tended to view it
as a psychogenic disorder, a reflection of bad parenting, and most especially
of a chillingly remote, often professional, "refrigerator mother." At this time,
autism was often regarded as "defensive" in nature, or confused with
childhood schizophrenia. A whole generation of parentsmothers,
particularlywere made to feel guilty for the autism of their children.
and fathers (but especially mothers) were made to feel responsible for their
offspring's autism (Sacks, 2003: 247-48).
Most of these sentences do little more than substitute one phrase for another. An
additional problem with this passage is that the only citation occurs at the very end of
the last sentence in the paragraph. The reader might be misled into thinking that the
earlier sentences were not also indebted to Sacks' essay.
The following represents a legitimate paraphrase of the original passage:
In "An Anthropologist on Mars," Sacks (2003) lists some of the known facts
about autism. We know, for example, that the condition occurs in roughly one
out of every thousand children. We also know that the characteristics of autism
do not vary from one culture to the next. And we know that the condition is
difficult to diagnose until the child has entered its second or third year of life. As
Sacks points out, often a child who goes on to develop autism will still appear
perfectly normal at the age of one (247).
Sacks observes, however, that researchers have had a hard time agreeing on
the causes of autism. He sketches the diametrically opposed positions of
Asperger and Kanner. On the one hand, Asperger saw the condition as
representing a constitutional defect in the child's ability to make meaningful
emotional contact with the external world. On the other hand, Kanner regarded
autism as a consequence of harmful childrearing practices. For many years
confusion about this condition reigned. One unfortunate consequence of this
confusion, Sacks suggests, was the burden of guilt imposed on so many
parents for their child's condition (247-448).
A summary, or prcis, considerably shortens the original usually the main ideas of
an extensive work. Summarising in your note taking, especially in early research,
can be very helpful. There should be very little summarising in your final paper.
Again, any original phrases must be presented as quotes.
Mary Jones
Susan Strong
Mark Black
20 April 2005
Main Title
Daniel Mller
Sonja Meyer
Appendix C: Example of body text layout including a block quote and a graph
I (we) the undersigned declare that all material presented in this paper is my (our)
own work or fully and specifically acknowledged wherever adapted from other
I (we) understand that if at any time it is shown that I (we) have significantly
misrepresented material presented here, any degree or credits awarded to me on the
basis of that material may be revoked.
I (we) declare that all statements and information contained herein are true, correct
and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief.
If yes
Review articles targeted at the last two groups: Extended explanations of subjects or of
subject-specific language are mandatory (e.g. through the uses of information boxes or
Types by objective (Noguchi 2006)
Status quo review
Presentation of the most current research for a given topic or field of research.
History review
Development of a field of research over time.
Issue review
Investigation of an issue (i.e. a point of disagreement or a question) in a specific field of
Theory/model review
Introduction of a new theory or model in a specific field of research.
Types by mandate
Invited reviews: experienced researchers are invited
Commissioned reviews: formal contracts of authors with clients
Unsolicited submissions: researchers develop an idea for a review and submit it to
journal editors
Function Helping readers to decide whether they should read the text or not.
Includes terms for indexing (e.g. in data bases).
Tense In a title with results indicated: the present tense stresses the
general validity of the results and illustrates what the author is
trying to achieve with the article; the past tense indicates that
results are not established knowledge yet.
Citations None
List of authors
Function Informs about the main objectives and result of the review article
(informative abstract) or indicates the text structure (descriptive
Tense present
Table of Contents
Function Shows the readers the organisation of the text. Helps orientation
among sections.
Function Provides information about the context, indicates the motivation for
the review, defines the focus, the research question and explains
the text structure.
Tense present (use past tense for the description of your methods and
your results)
Citations many
Length Between 10% and 20% of the core text (introduction, body,
Tense past
Note Make sure that data sources are clearly identified. Precision has
first priority in the material and methods section.
Citations Citations are usually indirect but in some cases pointed and
relevant remarks might be cited directly.
Non-integral references (indirect): The authors name, or a
number referring to the reference list, appears in brackets.
Non-integral references emphasize the idea, result, theory etc.
rather than the person behind it (Ridley 2008). Most references
in biology are non-integral.
Integral references (direct): The authors name has a
grammatical function in the text. As Ridley (2008) points out
this type is appropriate to emphasize the contribution of a
specific author.
Note Make sure to organise the different pieces of information into a line
of argument. An appropriate organisation of information is all-
important for the quality of a review (Day & Gastel 2006).
Throughout it is important that the idea/topic (paragraph 3 of the
Introduction) drives the article and not the literature used; write an
idea-driven, rather than literature-driven article!
Note Make sure to have a clear take home message that integrates the
points discussed in the review. Make sure your conclusions are not
simply a repeat of the abstract!
Elements Full names of people and their specific contributions to the
project are given.
The name of the funding agency and program as well as the
grant number and the person to whom it was awarded are
Citations none
Elements Include every reference cited in the text. Do not include additional
references. Avoid internet sources. If internet sources must be
used, find the original source for the internet reference, check it
has been correctly cited and cite it directly.
Legend The legend describes the concept maps content. It is specific and
informative (it should be possible to understand the map without
reading the full text).
If you want to include see Guidelines for writing a Research Article
tables or figures in
your review article
stage step
prepare 1. narrow the topic, define a few research questions or
2. search for literature sources, refine topic and research
questions during the search*
3. read, evaluate, classify and make notes
4. redefine the focus and the research questions, define the
take-home message
5. compose a preliminary title
develop structure 6. find a structuring principle for the article (e.g. chronological,
subject matter, experimental procedure)
7. prepare an outline, find headings for the sections in the text
8. plan the content of each paragraph in the different sections
9. prepare tables, concept maps, figures
write draft 10. draft the methods section (if needed)
11. draft the body sections
12. draft the conclusions
13. draft the introduction
14. draft the abstract
revise 15. revise drafts of different sections, abstract & title, tables,
figures & legends
16. revise citations and references
17. correct grammar, spelling, punctuation
18. adjust the layout
In systematic and best evidence reviews additional points have to be defined and considered in the
preparation stage:
All these points have to be described in the material and methods section. In addition, a detailed
review protocol is required by some contracting bodies.
IMPORTANT: For all types of review articles: Make sure to ask competent persons for
feedback in the stages prepare, develop structure, and revise.
Annual Review of Plant Biology
Current Opinion in Plant Biology
New Phytologist: Tansley review series (commissioned, paid)
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Trends in Plant Science
Nature Reviews Genetics*
Nature Reviews Microbiology*
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology*
Narrative review: Kessler A. & I. T. Baldwin (2002). Plant responses to insect herbivory: The
emerging molecular analysis. Annual Review of Plant Biology 53: 299 328.
Systematic review: Ashmann T-L. & C. J. Majetic (2006). Genetic constraints on floral evolution: a
review and evaluation of patterns. Heredity 96: 343 352.
This is structured like a research article (see Guidelines for writing a Research Article)
Not specific to plant sciences but none the less important media in this field.
E) References
Anonymous (2003): Tips for conducting a literature review. Centre AlphaPlus. Available on
http://alphaplus.ca/pdfs/litrev.pdf; accessed 12 November 2008.
Bem, D.J. (1995): Writing a review article for Psychological Bulletin. Psychological Bulletin
118 (2): 172-177.
Day, R.A., Gastel, B. (2006): How to write and publish a scientific paper. Sixth edition.
Greenwood Press, Westport.
Noguchi, J. (2006): The science review article An opportune genre in the construction of
science. Linguistic Insights Volume 17. Peter Lang, Bern.
Ridley, D. (2008): The literature review a step-by-step guide for students. Sage
Publications, London.
J Bus Psychol (2009) 24:117121
DOI 10.1007/s10869-009-9116-2
Having good data is simply not enough to assure publication of research contribution, and the content and/or structure of
in a high quality academic journal. The data must be sold, the literature review.
justified, described, and packaged in a compelling way. In Conceptual and/or theoretical rationale:
this paper, we focus on how to prepare a quality manuscript.
It is unclear why the particular variables were selected.
To do so, we content analyzed reviewer comments from
The model is poorly specified or explained.
nearly 100 manuscripts that were submitted to the Journal of
Need to explain why particular variables were chosen
Business and Psychology over a 4-month time period
as mediators/moderators.
(November 2008April 2009). This yielded 131 reviews.
Missing variable concerns: need to consider other
The goal was to identify areas of concern commonly
constructs that may be relevant to the model.
expressed by manuscript reviewers. By doing so, it is our
Lacking theory behind focal constructs and
hope that we can better educate authors on the key elements
of a successful manuscript, increase manuscript impact, and
Theories are discussed, but not effectively used as the
in general help data reach their potential.
framework for the research.
The reviews were analyzed and common themes were
Arguments are unclear, inconsistent, and not always
identified. Illustrative comments were provided under each
theme listed below. The themes were then organized into
Lack of connection between the model, the hypotheses,
the following categories: (1) introduction section, (2)
and the title.
methods and results section, (3) discussion section, and (4)
writing. It is important to note that not all of the themes and Purpose/contribution of study:
illustrative comments are universalsome may be more
Title and abstract misrepresent the content of the
applicable to particular research designs and approaches
(e.g., quantitative versus qualitative designs).
Need to clearly state the purpose and contribution of the
studydo this early in the paper.
Need to articulate what this study adds to the extant
Introduction Section
Explain how this is more than a replication study.
Reviewers frequently expressed concerns about theoretical
Need to highlight/emphasize the novel contribution of
or conceptual rationale, clarity of research purpose, extent
the study.
Proposed relationships/hypotheses:
All authors have contributed equally to this manuscript.
Some of the hypotheses seem trivial/it is unclear how
S. G. Rogelberg (&) M. Adelman D. Askay
the proposed relationships add to the literature.
University of North Carolina Charlotte, 9201 University City
Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA Need to more clearly state the direction of the proposed
e-mail: sgrogelb@uncc.edu relationships.
118 J Bus Psychol (2009) 24:117121
Hypotheses/research questions are not clearly stated. or providing additional references to support these
Terms and constructs need to be clearly defined. assertions.
The model, as presented, is primarily heuristic. That is,
Redundancies/lack of conciseness:
the model is not tested in its entirety, but is instead used as
Introduction section is very long and redundant. a guiding framework. This is not a problem in and of itself.
Need to revise for clarity and conciseness. However, the authors, both in their choice to title the
Methodological issues (e.g., specifics of the sample, paper ______ and in their presentation of the model in
measurement details) should generally be saved for the the text, give it a centrality that it may not deserve.
Methods section. When reading the introduction, I was struck by the
obviously interesting nature of the topic, the differing
Literature review:
approaches used in past research, and the brevity with
Need to better integrate extant research with the aims of which all this was presented. At some points I would have
the present study instead of merely reviewing the appreciated a bit more theoretical background and
literature. explanation.
Incorporate a broad range of literature instead of The introduction of the paper delves immediately into
relying extensively on recent, unpublished work. the specific research scenario. I would like to see the
Need to mention recent review articles and recent author(s) spend a paragraph or two setting up the context of
controversies on your topic. the research and discussing what has motivated the
Cited literature is misrepresented. research. Why is this an important problem? Before getting
Large amount of recent literature is missing. into the conceptual model for the paper, I would like to see
Extant literature is poorly integrated with present study. a clear statement of the purpose of this research.
Cited literature is severely dated; recent studies are The authors do a nice job of identifying an area of
missing. research that deserves more research attention: ______.
The authors address this issue with an impressive sample.
However, as currently conceptualized, analyzed, and pre-
Some representative comments illustrating the above
sented, this manuscript does not add to our understanding
of ______.
My biggest critique is regarding the alignment of stated
My main concern about this manuscript is that it is
purpose with the actual work the paper puts forth.
an empirical investigation without any specific a priori
The Introduction, though useful, is a bit long for the
Methods and Results
The literature review is generally excellent but has
Reviewers frequently raised concerns about study mea-
several shortcomings that undermine its clarity and make
sures, sampling strategies, the extent of methodological
the reader question the relevance of this study.
information presented, appropriateness of analyses,
The contribution of Hypothesis 1, which deals
reporting of analyses, and common method bias issues.
with ______, is weak. That is, the literature review pro-
vided by the authors (including their discussion of meta-
analytic evidence) seems to demonstrate convincingly that Need to provide sample items (if not all items) for each
______ are likely to be more related to ______ than measure.
to ______. Therefore, it is unclear how this hypothesis Indicate the scale of the measurement.
adds to the literature. Describe how scales were scored and composites
While I appreciate the authors attempts to be thorough generated.
in their literature review, I think the manuscript would Clearly define the variables/measures and identify how
benefit from efforts to tighten up the introduction and lit- they effectively operationalize the study variables.
erature review and make the stated arguments more Provide reliability and validity data for all measures.
concise. Need to report descriptive statistics for the measures.
At several points in the manuscript, the authors make Assess discriminant validity using an exploratory factor
very strong statements without providing sufficient sup- analysis to show that all scale items adequately loaded
porting references to empirical research backing up these onto their respective factors without problematic cross-
claims. I would suggest toning these statements down loadings.
J Bus Psychol (2009) 24:117121 119
CFA should be conducted on all items from each Use appropriate and most up-to-date procedures for
measuredo not run separate factor analyses for each testing moderation and mediation (e.g., Sobel test or
scale, if possible. bootstrapping). For a discussion of moderated regres-
sion analyses, see Aiken and West (1991) and Muller
Sample/sampling strategy:
et al. (2005). For additional information on mediation,
Need a better explanation of how participants were see James et al. (2006) and MacKinnon et al. (2002).
recruited, when and where they were surveyed, and Qualitative methods: need to report full list of interview
which participants completed which measures. questions; need to explain how qualitative coding
It is difficult to assess the appropriateness of the scheme was developed; contextual information is
analyses and meaningfulness of the results because needed (for additional information, see Denzin and
detailed information about the sample and procedure Lincoln 2005; Miles and Huberman 1994; Willig
are not provided. 2001).
Need discussion of how subjects were assigned to
Reporting results:
experimental conditions.
Interpretation of the results is limited by the sampling Include an explanation of the study procedure.
strategy employed (convenience sampling) and the Explain the standards for excluding data that were
extremely small sample size. returned and subsequently not included in the
Very limited sampleserious range restriction on the analyses.
criterion measure. Missing important information about the participants
Need to collect additional data with a broader sample. and procedure, specifically contextual factors related to
Discuss response rates and bias potential. Refer to the nature of the task.
Rogelberg and Stanton (2007). Display caution in over-interpreting null results.
Results should be consistent with APA style guidelines.
Common method variance:
Need more detail and clarity: specifically state which
Refer to Podsakoff et al. (2003) and Spector (1994, results provide support for which hypotheses.
Language/tone of results:
Common method bias issues should be considered in
the design of the study and discussed. Avoid causal language when using a cross-sectional
Language is too strong surrounding minimization of design.
common method varianceeffects were reduced, not Avoid evaluative language; report findings without
eliminated. reference to what constitutes a good model.
Do not use marginally significant and marginally
General analytic issues:
Theory should guide your analyses.
Need to explain rationale behind chosen analyses, if not
obvious (e.g., why an EFA was conducted instead of a Some representative comments illustrating the above
CFA; see Bryant and Yarnold 2000; Fabrigar et al. themes
1999; Thompson 2007 for discussion).
Effect size indicators are needed. I had a number of concerns regarding how you mea-
Avoid over-analyzing the data, as significant results sured your variables. Given that the measures are mostly ad
may be found due to chance. hoc measures, you need to justify these more thoroughly.
Individual-level analysis ignores the possibility that the As it stands, especially with the regression analyses,
groups in which members are nested influence their there is little consistency across occupation which may be
ratingsconsider the need for HLM (see Ilies et al. due to capitalization on chance. In fact, Table 3 only pre-
2009; Raudenbush and Bryk 2002). sents the significant results; you should present all results
Your HLM analyses are problematic (see Bliese 2002; (significant or not).
Hofmann et al. 2000). I found the analyses difficult to follow because at least
Make sure that the model being tested is consistent with one of the figures referred to seemed to be missing. Simi-
the hypothesized relationships. larly, the list of figures does not match the figures.
Regression: report all betas in the table; consider While your hypothesis essentially proposes an inter-
plotting simple slopes; use proper language when action, your regression-analysis tests for two main-effects.
describing regression techniques (e.g., regressed crite- A subsequent step should include the proposed interaction
rion on predictor variables). between ______.
120 J Bus Psychol (2009) 24:117121
Significance is a binary variable: a particular result However, I felt that they relied perhaps somewhat too
either is or is not statistically significant, and the field of much on speculation when addressing unexpected
applied psychology imposes a hurdle of p \ .05 for this findings.
claim to be substantiated. The theoretical implications of the results need to be
explored in more depth, and the authors need to be careful
not to make claims unsupported by their results. One such
Discussion example can be found .
The authors should exercise caution in suggesting
Many reviewers noted problems with the structure of the causal inferences based on their data; for example .
discussion section, missing components, overgeneraliza- I would like to see much more discussion on what the
tion of results, and a lack of meaningful interpretation. findings mean to practitioners and researchers. What do the
Discussion section style/structure: findings suggest we do differently? What are the implica-
tions of these findings? Id like to see the manuscript go
Be sure to discuss your findings, implications, limita-
deeper into the importance and implication of the
tions, and future research ideas.
Open the discussion section with a brief review of the
I would like to see the discussion go into greater detail
results (e.g., clearly and concisely articulate which of
about the meaning of the results and the implications. Why
the hypothesized relationships were supported).
were the expected effects found only for ______? Is this
Make sure the terms are consistent throughout your
pattern of findings consistent with what was found in other
paperdo not start using different terminology in the
studies? Tie this back to the literature. What does this mean
discussion section.
for ______ in other settings? Can you generalize the
The discussion section is too short.
results? I would like to see a much more extensive dis-
The final paragraph in the paper needs to cohesively
cussion of these issues than what is currently presented.
summarize the importance of the authors work.
Interpretation of findings:
Need to consider alternative explanations for findings. Writing
Acknowledge other potential mediators/variables and
pose possibilities for future research. Reviewers frequently expressed concern about the overall
Avoid making statements in the discussion that are not quality of the writing, particularly noting grammatical and
supported by the methods and results. spelling errors, and errors in APA style. In addition,
Answer the so what questionclearly articulate the reviewers often commented on a lack of clarity in the
knowledge gained as a result of the study and how this overall manuscript.
knowledge can be used. Editing and grammar:
Need to link the results to extant literaturehighlight
Poor grammar.
the contribution of the present results above and beyond
Spelling errors.
previous work.
Problems with omitted words.
Limitations and implications: Confused verb tenses.
Need to use an active voice.
Address limitations due to sample size and
Data were not was.
Use more paragraphs.
Applied implications have no foundation in data or
Avoid grandiose over-statements; write in a scholarly
Include a discussion of the practical implications.
Avoid the use of judgmental or evaluative statements.
Practical application of results needs to be better
Concerns relating to APA style.
Writing issues were more common in manuscripts
submitted by non-native English speakers; indicates a
Some representative comments illustrating the above need for editing by a native English speaker.
themes Proofread, proofread, proofread.
Manuscript lacks clarity:
The authors made a strong start in their discussion of
the findings by underlining the contributions of their study Reads like a thesisneed to be more concise and clear
(instead of a summary of findings, as is often the case). in logic.
J Bus Psychol (2009) 24:117121 121
Need to clearly define focal constructs and terms. Drasgow & N. Schmitt (Eds.), Modeling in organizational
Heavy use of acronyms hinders comprehension. research: Measuring and analyzing behavior in organizations
(pp. 401445). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Be consistent in use of termsusing terms inter- Bryant, F. B., & Yarnold, P. R. (2000). Principal-components analysis
changeably hinders comprehension. and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. In L. G.
The manuscript does not flow well; the logic behind the Grimm & P. R. Yarnold (Eds.), Reading and understanding
arguments is disjointed. multivariate statistics (pp. 99136). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
Additional headings would enhance the clarity of the Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). Handbook of qualitative
manuscript. research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fabrigar, L. R., Webener, D. T., MacCallum, R. C., & Strahan, E. J.
(1999). Evaluating the use of exploratory factor analysis in
Some representative comments illustrating the above psychological research. Psychological Methods, 4, 272299.
themes Hofmann, D., Griffin, M., & Gavin, M. (2000). The application of
hierarchical linear modeling to organizational research. In K. J.
Klein & S. W. J. Kozlowski (Eds.), Multilevel theory, research
The manuscript is very well written and well-orga- and methods in organizations (pp. 467512). San Francisco, CA:
nized, which made it a pleasure to read. Jossey-Bass.
In general, I would suggest going through the manu- Ilies, R., Wilson, K. S., & Wagner, D. T. (2009). The spillover of
daily job satisfaction onto employees family lives: The facil-
script very carefully to check for proper grammar as there
itating role of work-family integration. The Academy of Man-
are a number of instances of grammatical issues. agement Journal (AMJ), 52(1), 87102.
This manuscript would benefit greatly from the edito- James, L. R., Mulaik, S. A., & Brett, J. M. (2006). A tale of two
rial services of an expert in the English language. I highly methods. Organizational Research Methods, 9, 233244.
MacKinnon, D. P., Lockwood, C. M., Hoffman, J. M., West, S. G., &
recommend the author(s) consult their universitys English
Sheets, V. (2002). A comparison of methods to test mediation
department for any services for editing English and other intervening variable effects. Psychological Methods, 7,
documents. 83104.
There are a number of errors in writing I would ask the Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis:
An expanded sourcebook (2.th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
author(s) to address.
Muller, D., Judd, C. M., & Yzerbyt, V. Y. (2005). When moderation
is mediated and mediation is moderated. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 89, 852863.
Conclusion Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., & Podsakoff, N. P.
(2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: A
critical review of the literature and recommended remedies.
This paper is designed to help authors become better aware Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879903.
of the types of issues and concerns reviewers typically raise Raudenbush, S. W., & Bryk, A. S. (2002). Hierarchical linear
in their reviews. We hope that authors will take the above models: Applications and data analysis methods. Sage Publica-
tions Inc.
concerns into consideration prior to submitting a manu-
Rogelberg, S. G., & Stanton, J. M. (2007). Introduction: Understand-
script for publication. Doing so not only should result in ing and dealing with organizational survey nonresponse. Orga-
greater success for authors, but will provide good data nizational Research Methods, 10(2), 195209.
more of an opportunity to have a meaningful impact on Spector, P. E. (1994). Using self-report questionnaires in OB
research: A comment on the use of a controversial method.
organizational science and practice.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(5), 385392.
Spector, P. E. (2006). Method variance in organizational research:
Truth or urban legend? Organizational Research Methods, 9(2),
References Thompson, B. (2007). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis:
Understanding concepts and applications. Applied Psychological
Measurement, 31(3), 245248.
Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (1991). Multiple regression: Testing and
Willig, C. (2001). Introducing qualitative research in psychology.
interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Buckingham, PA: Open University Press.
Bliese, P. D. (2002). Multilevel random coefficient modeling in
organizational research: Examples using SAS and S-PLUS. In F.