Villa Rey Transit V Ferrer Digest
Villa Rey Transit V Ferrer Digest
Villa Rey Transit V Ferrer Digest
FERRER The new Villa Rey thereafter bought 5 certificates from a certain
G.R. No. L23893 / October 29, 1968 / Angeles, J. / EVIDENCE Rules of Admissibility: Valentin Fernando payable in instalments. The 2 nd installment was
Documentary Evidence BEST EVIDENCE RULE / ECSCALA payable upon approval of the sale of the PSC.
NATURE Appeal Pending the approval, 2 of the certificates were levied by the Sheriff of
PETITIONERS Villa Rey Transit Inc. Manila pursuant to a writ of execution issued against Fernando. Ferrer,
RESPONDENTS Eusebio Ferrer, Pangasinan Transportation Co. the judgment creditor in that case, was declared the highest bidder in
(Pantranco) the execution sale. Villa Rey sought the annulment of this sheriff's sale.
Pantranco bought these 2 certificates from Ferrer and alleged that they
SUMMARY. Villa Rey Transit sought the annulment of the sheriff's sale of 2 have a better right than Villa Rey because
certificates of public convenience in favor of Ferrer, which the latter sold to 1. sale between Fernando and Villarama was subj. to the condition of
Pantranco. Villa Rey had previously sold to Pantranco its 2 certificates with PSC approval
the condition that the former would not engage in TPU service identical or 2. when the execution sale occurred, PSC hasnt approved the sale
competing with the latter for 10 years. However, not long after, a 3. Villarama, owner of Villa Rey Transit and Villa Rey Transit Inc are
corporation called Villa Rey Transit Inc was formed with the wife of one and the same
Villarama, owner of Villa Rey and some of his relatives as incorporators. 4. thus, he violated the condition in their previous sale
The new Villa Rey thereafter bought 5 certificates from a certain Fernando,
2 of which were awarded to Ferrer in an execution sale. Pantranco bought ISSUES & RATIO.
the said certificates and alleged that they have a better right than Villa Rey 1. BASED ON TOPIC: WON the photocopies of the ledger entries
because 1. Villarama, owner of Villa Rey Transit and Villa Rey Transit Inc are and vouchers of Villa Rey Transit Inc. are admissible in
one and the same 2. Thus, he violated the condition in their previous sale. evidence. YES.
SC ruled that Villa Rey had a better right over the certificates ALTHOUGH They fall under one of the exceptions provided in Sec. 5,
he cannot operate a TPU service for 10 years pursuant to the previous Rule 130 of the ROC, particularly the 2 nd one, which states
agreement BUT due to Villarama's breach of the condition in the contract that photocopies are admissible in lieu of originals when
of sale (he actually started operating a TPU service pending resolution of the latter are in the custody or under the control of the
this case), he is to pay damages to Pantranco. party against whom the evidence is offered.
TOPIC: Photostatic copies of ledger entries and vouchers were entered See Doctrine for requisites to be complied with in order to fall
into evidence. Such were telling of how Villarama had control over the under this exception.
funds of Villa Rey Transit Inc. as if he was actually the owner of the Villarama has practically admitted the second and fourth
corporation. Villarama contended that such documents should be
inadmissible since they were merely photostatic copies of the originals,
As to the third, he admitted their previous existence in the files of
the best evidence being the originals themselves.
the Corporation and also that he had seen some of them.
Court held: The exception to the best evidence rule which is when the
originals are in the custody of the adverse party applies as all the As to the 1st element, Villarama's defense was that the originals
requisites were complied with. See Doctrine. were missing, hence, not in their possession.
DOCTRINE. Requisites: HOWEVER, the Court held that it is not necessary for a party
1. opponent's possession of the original; seeking to introduce secondary evidence to show that the
2. reasonable notice to opponent to produce the original; original is in the actual possession of his adversary. It is
3. satisfactory proof of its existence; and enough that the circumstances are such as to indicate that
4. failure or refusal of opponent to produce the original in court. the writing is in his possession or under his control. Neither
is it required that the party entitled to the custody of the
FACTS. instrument should, on being notified to produce it, admit
See summary. Loljk. having it in his possession.
Villa Rey sold to Pantranco its 2 certificates of public convenience with Also, among the exceptions to the best evidence rule is "when the
the condition that the former would not engage in TPU service identical original has been lost, destroyed, or cannot be produced in court."
or competing with the latter for 10 years. In this case, Villa Rey Transit admitted the loss of such documents.
o Where were these photocopies relevant? Relevant to the issue as
Not long after, a corporation called Villa Rey Transit Inc. was formed
to WON Villarama was actually the owner of Villa Rey Transit Inc.,
with the wife of Villarama (who was the owner of Villa Rey Transit) and
despite not being a stockholder or incorporator thereof. These ledger
some of his relatives as incorporators. Natividad Villarama, the wife,
entries and vouchers showed how Villarama had comingled his
was also the treasurer of the said corporation.
personal funds and transactions with those made in the name of the
o By preponderance of evidence, Court held that Villa Rey Transit, Inc. is 2. Reversed, insofar as it dismisses the third party complaint filed by
an alter ego of Villarama, and that the restrictive clause in the contract Pantranco. against Jose M. Villarama. Villa Rey Transit, Inc. is
entered into by the latter and Pantranco is also enforceable and NOT an entity distinct and separate from the personality of
binding against the said Corporation. Jose M. Villarama
3. Case is remanded to the trial court for the reception of evidence in
DECISION. consonance with the above findings as regards the amount of
1. Sale of the two certificates of public convenience by damages suffered by Pantranco
Fernando to Villa Rey Transit, Inc. is declared preferred
over that made by the Sheriff