TNT Rules Cheat Sheet
TNT Rules Cheat Sheet
TNT Rules Cheat Sheet
A model may cross a 1" gap (or less) without penalty or stat test. Wider
jumps are possible, but more difficult. Any such jump will require an Agility
test (MET/TN 10) and players should agree whether or not the jump is
Models may climb any surface that is greater than 1" high. Models move 1"*
of vertical height per AP. If a model spends more than 1 AP to climb, it must
pass an Agility test (MET/TN 10) or Strength test (STR/TN 10), the player may
choose which test to take, at the end of its activation (or at the end of the
climb) or fall.
If the model fails, it goes prone and takes an automatic hit equal to Strength
4 plus 1 for
every 1" of vertical height the model falls.
Ranged Combat
To Hit
Ranged Test: Rng/TN 10
Modifier Condition
+3 Attacker is using suppressive fire
+2 Attacker is concentrating
-1 Attacker moved or stood up from the prone position this turn
-1 Target used two move actions this turn
-1 Target is in light cover
-1 Target is prone and more than 6" from attacker
-2 Target Is in heavy cover
To Wound
Opposed Test: Weapon Strength vs Defense
If the attack roll hits the target but fails to take it outof action (whether
wounding a multiple-wound model or failing to beat its Defense), the target
must pass a Will test (MET/TN 10) or move to cover and go prone, moving up
to 3" to reach such cover if necessary. If no cover is available within 3", the
defender will go prone in place instead. A grazed model may choose to
automatically fall this Will test.
Multiple Shots
Models firing multiple shots may target additional models within 3", to either
side, of their original target. When a model fires multiple shots, it must target
the closet models within 3" of its original target (friend or foe) in sequence. It
may not skip intervening models to hit targets
farther away.
Suppressive Fire
Models attempting suppressive fire must declare it before firing. Suppressive
fire follows all
the normal rules for ranged combat actions, except the attacker receives a
+3 firing modifier to its Ranged stat, and all hits are treated as Grazes and
no to-wound roll is made. However, any Critical Hit rolled while using
suppression fire will roll to wound instead.
Close Combat
Modifier Condition
+2 Enemy is prone.
+2 Attacker is concentrating.
+1 Model is using two one handed melee weapons.
+1 For each additional friendly model in contact with enemy.
-1 Enemy is behind cover.
To Hit
Opposed Test: Melee vs Melee
Whoever wins this roll, they can push the loser 1 inch. If there is a tie,
they stay in combat.
An attacker who wins a close combat against a model who is behind
cover, may cross over a linear obstacle (such as a wall) or to climb up
to the opponents level if lower.
The attacker rolls a D10 and adds its weapons Strength against the
defenders D10 roll plus their Defense stat.
Models that are wounded but survive in melee must pass a Morale test
(MET/TN 10)
Casualties for close combat are determined immediately, even if
multiple models can attack the same model.
Cannot Charge through difficult terrain.
The model must make an immediate move action towards its board
edge, ending in cover if possible.
If a model is forced to leave melee because of a failed Morale test,
each enemy model in base contact may make a free, out-ofsequence
attack against it.
If a model falls back as a result of a failed Morale test (MET/ TN 10) and
crosses its board edge, it must immediately make another Morale test.
Failure means the model is removed from play.
Any Fumble rolled while making a Morale test (MET/TN 10) is a
dramatic failure. The models nerve breaks completely and it flees from
the battlefield in abject terror. Remove the model from play.
Special Rules
+1 bonus to defense against ranged attacks (ignoring flammable
Flammable weapons get a +1 bonus to its WS and the fungus must roll
2d10 and accept the lowest result during the secondary burning hit.
Immune to Poison and Gas
A fumble during an activation means they cannot take any actions that
require movement (attacking, moving, going prone). Additionally, they
are hit automatically in melee combat.
+2 bonus to intelligence tests to repair themselves. Repair attempts
cost 1AP and require an intelligence test.
Looted Items
Looted weapons and items function for the capturers for the duration of the
game they are
taken, albeit with a -1 penalty for all tests related to the weapon due to lack
of familiarity, and then are lost. For rule purposes, the weapon is regained by
the weapons original owner, unless they are killed.
Models making an attack with this weapon receive a +1 to their Melee
Models using a weapon with this rule suffer a -1 penalty to their Melee
stat due to the cumbersome nature of the weapon.
Any model may spend 1 AP to scrounge around and immediately pick
up an improvised weapon of its choice (light or heavy); a model cannot
start the game equipped with an improvised weapon. Improvised
weapons cannot also be used to gain a +1 bonus in melee for using
two one-handed weapons
When using a weapon with the Bust ability, the shooter is no
longerlimited to shooting once per turn and if they use all Available AP
to shoot, they gain an additional 1 AP that may only be used to fire the
weapon one final time.
Close Range
When this weapon is used at a range of 9" or less, the attacker adds
+1 to the weapons Strength.
Models hit by a weapon with this rule must pass a Survival test
(MET/TN 10) or suffer a -2 penalty to all Stat tests and Opposed tests
on their next activation. This includes all Melee and Ranged tests.
When a weapon with this ability hits a target, there is a chance the
model will ignite and take secondary damage. Any model hit by a
weapon with the Flammable rule, whether wounded or not, must pass
an Agility test (MET/TN 10) during the Cleanup Phase of the game turn
or suffer a D6 Strength hit. If the Agility test is passed, then the flames
are put out and no additional damage is taken.
Flamer Template
To use the flamer template take the teardrop-shaped template and
place its small end so it is touching the firers base. All models, enemy
and friendly, even partially covered by the template are possible
targets of the weapon. Roll to hit as normal against each individual
target using the normal firing rules, except all benefits of cover are
ignored and the firer does not suffer the -1 penalty to firing if they
moved this turn. Flamer template weapons are notorious for reaching
around bends and getting into small spaces, too indiscriminate to
account for user movement. Finally, the concentrate action cannot be
used when firing any weapon that uses the flamer template as it is
rather hard to focus fire such a weapon.
Hail of Lead (or Lasers)
Weapons with this ability may shoot twice per AP spent. Models using
this ability suffer a -1 to hit ranged modifier for all shots and the
multiple shots rules apply.
Ranged attacks with this ability ignore all Armor Bonuses.
Knock Out
Any model hit by a weapon with this ability must pass a Survival test
(MET/TN 10) or immediately go unconscious; no towound roll is
made. While unconscious, the model is prone and may not take
actions. Instead, at the beginning of its next activation it may take a
free Survival test (MET/TN 10) to recover. If the model recovers it may
act as normal. Failure means it remains unconscious. This test may be
repeated each turn.
Limited Ammo
At the start of the game, roll a D3+2 to determine the number oftimes
this weapon may be used. Ammo is replenished in between games.
Large Blast
When fired, the shooter should designate a single target model. Place
the large 5" template directly over that model; all other models at least
partially under the template are hit as well. Roll to wound as normal.
Any model hit by a weapon with the Poison special rule, but not
wounded, must pass a Survival test (MET/TN 10) during the Cleanup
Phase or suffer a D6 Strength hit.
Small Blast
Weapons with this ability work the same as Large Blast, but the small
3 template is used instead.
Weapons with the Stun special ability do not roll to wound. Instead the
model must pass a Survival test (MET/ TN 10) or lose all AP during its
next activation. Note: should this happen; the models controller should
take an Activation test (MET/TN 10) as normal for the model to check
for turnover.
Grenades operate like other ranged weapons with the following exceptions:
Models equipped with a shield gain a +1 bonus to their Melee stat
when defending in melee, but the shield counts as a one-handed
weapon for Carrying Capacity. Models equipped with shields do not
gain the melee bonus for having two one-handed weapons, though the
shield may be used as light improvised weapon.
Malfunction Prone
Malfunction Prone
All relics are fragile given their long exposure to the harsh wastes and
are prone to malfunction. Because of this all relics have the
Malfunction Prone rule. Whenever a model rolls a Fumble when using a
relic, such as making an attack, the item breaks. While broken, the relic
cannot be used until the model spends 1 AP and passes an Intelligence
test (MET/TN 10). This represents the model making field repairs on the
item. If the test is successful, the item resumes functioning. If failed,
the relic continues to not work, but the test may be attempted again
later. For passive items, such as armor and equipment, a Fumble on an
Activation test (MET/TN 10) will still cause the item to malfunction and
cease to work as above. In the case of a model having multiple passive
relics, the players opponent may choose which relic breaks. Relic
grenades count as passive relics since they do not roll to hit, should
they break the model loses one available grenade, but otherwise they
may continue to use them. It is important to note that when a weapon
relic malfunctions, the relic rules do not supersede the jammed rules,
in fact both apply. Such is the risk of using advanced weapon out in the
grit of the wastes. So when a Fumble is rolled the weapon not only
needs to be fixed, it also gains the requisite amount of Jammed tokens
before it can fired again.