Midterm Exam CMT

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College of Engineering, Architecture, Fine Arts

Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus II, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
www.batstate-u.edu.ph Telefax: (043) 300-4404 locs. 106-118

CE 412: Construction Materials and Testing

Name: __________________________________ SR Code:

Section: __________________ Date:

1. Write the answers on the sheet/space provided.
2. Cell phones are ordered shut-off during examination time.
3. Any form of cheating (discussion with seatmates, copying from notes and/or
from seatmates, taking answers via mobile phones, etc.) during examination
time renders the examination a grade of zero (0).

I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. If the statement is true write TRUE on the space
provided before each number and if the statement is FALSE, underline the
word(s) that make the statement incorrect and write the correct word(s) on the
space provided before each number. (2 points each)

1. Joseph Aspdin invented the cement by increasing

temperature at which them mixture of limestone and clay were burned to
form clinker.
2. Portland cement clinker are compounds formed in the
burning process that have the properties of setting and hardening in the
presence of water.
3. Hydration is a chemical reaction between cement and
4. The degree of fineness of cement is the measure of the
mean size of the grains in it.
5. Turbidimeter is used to estimate the surface area of one
gram of cement.
6. Compressive strength is the basic data required for mix
7. Water is evolved during hydration of cement, the
amount being dependent on the relative quantities of the clinker compounds.
8. For high alumina cement, the alumina content should
not be more than 32 %.
9. Tricalcium aluminate component in cement is maximized
and a high percentage of dicalcium silicate and tetracalcium alumino ferrite
is added to limit the heat of hydration.
10. Water repellent cement is also called hydrophobic
11. Concrete is a manmade material and most widely used
building material in construction in industry.
12. In weigh batching water is added by graduated buckets
as the water may spill over during its addition.
13. Truck mounted mixers also known as transit mixers are
very popular and have replaced the dumpers and agitators cars used earlier
to transport fresh concrete from the batching plant to the site.
14. By electrical curing, concrete can attain 28 day
strength in a period of 5 days.
15. Strength of concrete depends upon moisture content at
the time of testing.
16. Workability id defined as the property of concrete which
determine the amount of useful internal work necessary to produce full
17. Destruction Testing is a standard method of evaluating
the quality of concrete in buildings or specimen cast simultaneously for
compressive, flexural and tensile strengths.
18. Radiology is the science of flow ad deformation of
matter and described the interrelation between force, deformation and time.
19. On an average, 1 g of cement requires 0.253 g of water
foe complete hydration.
20. Water constitute nearly 70 -75 percent of the total
volume of concrete.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter that best fits the question. (1 point

1. A composite man-made material most widely used building material in the

construction industry
a. Cement c. Matrix
b. Water d. Concrete

2. Percentage of matrix total volume

a. 21-34% c. 22-34%
b. 20-22% d. 20-34%

3. Major factors NOT responsible for wide usage of cement-concrete

a. early hardening c. guniting
b. mouldability d. brittleness

4. Not included in the classification of concrete

a. Based on cementing material
b. Based on performance oriented specifications
c. Based on inefficiency of material
d. Based on bulk density
5. When concrete is made and placed in position at the site
a. precast concrete c. in-situ concrete
b. mouldability d. place of casting

6. This type of mixer may be hand fed or loader (skip) fed

a. batch mixer c. tilting mixers
b. continuous mixer d. Non-Tilting Mixer

7. Also known as forced action type mixers

a. batch mixer c. transit mixer
b. Reversing Drum Mixer d. Non-Tilting Mixer

8. Replaced the dumpers and agitator cars used earlier to transport fresh
concrete from the batching plant to the site
a. tilting mixers c. transit mixer
b. Non-Tilting Mixer d. Twin Fin

9. The methods adopted for transporting concrete depend upon except

a. the size and importance of the job,
b. the distance of the deposition place from the mixing place
c. the nature of the terrain
d. none of the above

10. The next step in the process of concrete production is

a. classification c. manufacturing
b. compaction d. curing

11. Considerable quantity of air is entrapped in concrete during its

production and there is
a. possible partial segregation also
b. greater strength produced
c. possible partial reintegration also
d. low visibility of honeycombs

12. It has been found that 5 percent voids in hardened concrete reduce the
strength by over
a. 20% c. 30%
b. 50% d.10%

13. Research has shown that a delayed of doing this action results in a gain
in ultimate compressive strength provided the concrete can be adequately
a. transporting c. placing
b. curing d. pumping
14. One of the main objections of using a belt conveyor is
a. stiffening of concrete c. non-segregation
b. non-drying d. compaction

15. This method is also known as centrifugation

a. compaction by spinning
b. compaction by guniting
c. compaction by jolting
d. compaction by rolling

16. a vibrating action of low frequency and high amplitude

a. rolling c. spinning
b. jolting d. guniting

17. A substance used in construction that sets and hardens and can bind
other materials together
a. aggregates c. cement
b. water d. concrete

18. the first to use clay as cementing materials

a. Vitruvius c. Issac C. Johnson
b. Joseph Aspdin d. Assyrians and Babylonians

19. Which is not included in natural sources of cement?

a. Pozzolana cement c. Portland cement
b. Roman cement d. All of the above

20. It has the poorest cementing value

a. Tricalcium silicate c. Tetracalcium Alumino Ferite
b. Dicalcium Silicate d. Tricalcium Aluminate

21. Increase in content renders clinker harder to grind, reduces early

strength, decreases resistance to freezing and thawing at early ages and
decreases heat of hydration is 260 Joule/grams.
a. Tricalcium silicate c. Tetracalcium Alumino Ferite
b. Dicalcium Silicate d. Tricalcium Aluminate

22. Some quantity of water, about 15 per cent by weight of cement, is

required to fill the cement gel pores and is known as
a. bound water c. Tetracalcium Alumino Ferite
b. Dicalcium Silicate d. gel water

23. The process is adopted when the raw materials are quite hard. The
process is slow and the product is costly.
a. hydration c. Dry Process
b. Wet Process d. production

24. It does not only show that what we paid is what we get but also to
forestall the possibility of a failure through the use of defective materials.
a. Test of cement c. Curing of cement
b. Production of cement d. Hydration of Cement

25. Physical test of cement includes

a. fineness c. strength
b. soundness or constancy of volume d. all of the above

26. Conditions affecting fineness includes all of the factors given below
a. time of grinding c. chemical composition
b. degree of calcinations d. none of the above

27. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) has a percentage of residue by weight of

a. 5 c. 10
b. 15 d. none of the above

28. Method developed by L.A.Wagner, use to estimate the surface area of

one gram of cement
a. Turbidimeter c. Fineness test
b. Briquette method d. Soundness test

29. A device that sterilizes laboratory instruments, glassware and

medical equipment by using highly pressurized saturated steam to
effectively kill microorganisms.
a. Turbidimeter c. Fineness test
b. Autoclave test d. autoclave machine

30. The basic data required for mix design. By this test, the quality and the
quantity of concrete can be controlled and the degree of adulteration can be
a. Tensile strength Test c. Compressive strength Test
b. Autoclave test d. Briquette method

31. The heat of hydration should not be more than 272 and 314 J/g at the
end of 7 and 28 days respectively.
a. High alumina cement c. Sulphate resisting portland cement
b. Portland slag cement d. Low heat portland cement
32. Manufactured by inter grinding or intimately blending a mixture of
granulated blast furnace slag not less than 70 per cent, calcium sulphate and
small quantity of 33 grade Portland cement
a. High alumina cement c. Portland slag cement
b. Supersulphated portland cement d. Low heat portland cement

33. These materials have the property to entrain air in the form of fine tiny
air bubbles in concrete.
a. High alumina cement c. Calcium chloride cement
b. Supersulphated portland cement d. Air entraining cement

34. The main cement ingredient is monocalcium aluminate CA.

a. High alumina cement c. Calcium chloride cement
b. Supersulphated portland cement d. Air entraining cement

35. It is also known as extra rapid hardening cement and is made by adding
2 per cent of calcium chloride
a. High alumina cement c. Calcium chloride cement
b. Supersulphated portland cement d. Air entraining cement

36. These are non-mobile mixers and are used either as a central mixing
plate or at precast concrete factory.
a. Pan or stirring mixer c. tilting mixers
b. continuous mixer d. Non-Tilting Mixer

37. Produces concrete continuously till plant is working

a. Pan or stirring mixer c. tilting mixers
b. continuous mixer d. Non-Tilting Mixer

38. In this method of compaction the soft and plastic concrete is fed
continuously between rubber rollers under pressure up to 50 atmospheres.
a. compaction by spinning c. compaction by jolting
b. compaction by guniting d. compaction by rolling

39. In this method of compaction the mould containing dry concrete is

subjected to jolt at a frequency of 100 to 150 jolts per minute.
a. compaction by spinning c. compaction by jolting
b. compaction by guniting d. compaction by rolling

40. Cement gains strength and hardness because of the chemical action
between cement and water. This chemical reaction requires moisture,
favourable temperature and time referred to as
a. curing c. production
b. placing Bonding Admixtures Maturity Meter
d. finishing Rheology

Admixtures Puzzolanas Plasticizers Efflorescence

II. IDENTIFICATION. From the pool of words below, choose the appropriate
answer to the following descriptions.
Sugar Cracks (1Durability
point each)
Compaction by

Spinning Compaction by Vibration Hand Compaction

Skip and Hoist Chutes Concrete Air Voids

Flexure Test Water-cement Ratio Needle

____________1. These are also knows as immersion, internal or poker vibrator.
____________2. One of the major factors but not the only one influencing the
strength of concrete.
____________3.This test is performed to estimate the tensile load at which the
concrete may crack.
____________4. These are formed because of the evaporation of the water
used in making concrete and by entrained air.
____________5. It is the most widely used in building material in the
construction industry.
____________6. It is used to transport concrete below the ground levels.
____________7. This is the most useful and advantageous method of
transporting concrete for multistory buildings.
____________8. This method of compaction is used for small and unimportant
____________9. This is the most common and widely used method of
compacting concrete for any structural element.
____________10. This is also known as centrifugation and is used for producing
circular elements such as pipes.
____________11. It is one that perform satisfactorily under anticipated
exposure conditions for stipulated life of the structure.
____________12. It is inherent in concrete and cannot be prevented but can be

____________13. It is a retarding agent and gradually corrodes the concrete.

____________14. It is the appearance of fluffy white patches on the surface of
concrete members. And it is caused by poorly washed aggregates.

____________15. These are organic or a combination of organic and inorganic

substances, which allow a water reduction for a given workability.
____________16. These are siliceous material which are themselves inactive
but react, in the presence of water, with lime to form compounds having
cementitious properties.
____________17. These are the materials other than the three basic
ingredients of cement concrete-cement, aggregate and water-added to the
concrete mix before or during mixing to improve certain of its properties in
fresh or hardened state.
____________18. It is the science of flow and deformation of matter and
describes the interrelation between force, deformation and time.
____________19.This is used to determine the earliest safe time for removal of
____________20.These are used to join the old and then new concrete surfaces
or between the successive concrete lifts.

III. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Read each statement and fill each blank with the correct
answer. Write your answer on the blank provided. (1 point each)

A cement is a (1)__________, a substance that is used in construction that sets

and hardens and can bind other materials together. (2)_____________ set and
hardens in water and gives a stable product.
(3)__________________ are formed in the burning process that has the
properties of setting and hardening in the presence of water. When the
cement comes in contact with water, the hydration products start depositing
on the outer periphery of the nucleus by hydrated cement. This reaction
proceeds slowly for (4)____________ and is called induction.
In production of cement, (5)_____________ is adopted when the raw materials
are quite hard. The process is slow and the product is costly.
(6)_____________ implies solidification of the plastic cement paste. (7)-
___________________ is the basic data required for mix design.
(8)___________________________ is also known as extra rapid hardening cement
and is made by adding 2 percent of calcium chloride.
(9)_______________ is a composite man-made material, is the most widely
used building material in the construction industry.
Based on place of casting, when concrete is made and placed in position at
the site it is known as (10)__________________ and when used as a material for
making prefabricated units in a factory is known as (11)_____________________.
Mixing is done either by hand or a machine called (12)_______________. The
(13)_____________ may be hand fed or loader fed. It is generally bowl-shaped
or double conical frustum type. (14)______________________ are non-mobile
mixers and are used either as a central mixing plate or at precast concrete
factory. (15)_________________ also known as truck mounted mixers are very
popular and have replaced the dumpers and agitators cars used earlier to
transport fresh concrete from the batching plant to the site.
(16)__________ are used for transporting concrete to be placed at ground
level. These are used for concreting rigid payments.
(17)___________ are used to transport concrete below the ground levels.
These are made with metal sheets with a slope more than IV: 2.5H to ensure
that unloaded concrete slides easily without segregation.
(18)___________and (19)____________are used when concreting is to be done in
a valley or for construction work of piers, dams etc.
Truck mounted mixers also known as (20) ____________ are very popular and
have replaced the dumpers and agitator cars used earlier to transport fresh
concrete from the batching plant to the site.

Direction: Complete the table of Composition of Cement Clinker with

correct answer. Write your answers on the space provided. (1 point each)

The Principal Mineral

Compounds in Portland Formula Name

1. (1)
___calcium(2)______ 3CaO.SiO2 Alite (3) 3 S

2. Dicalcium Silicate __CaO.

(4) (5)__ O2 _____
(6) C2 S

(7) (8)
3. Tri_____ Aluminate 3CaO.__ 2 O3 Celite C3 A
4. (9)
___calcium Alumino
Ferite 4CaO.Al2 O3. Fe2 O3 _____

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

MATCHING TYPE Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided (1 point ech)
1. also known as forced action type A. Chutes
mixers and are used for large size works B. Stirring Mixer
2. an instrument used for transporting C. Reverse
concrete to be placed at ground level Mixer
3. labor intensive transporting method D.
wherein the pans are passed from hand E. Setting
to hand and is slow and expensive method F. Windsor
4. these are non-mobile mixers and G. Precast
are used either as a central mixing H. Mortar Pan
plate or at precast concrete factory I. Maturity
5. a process done to make the concrete J. Bucket
mass homogeneous and uniform
in color and consistency K.Wheel
6. generally considered to be the best L. Mixing
means of testing penetration M. In-situ
7. this mixer is generally bowl shaped N. Autoclave
or double conical frustum type
8. a material used to transport concrete O. Tilting
below the ground levels P. Transit
9. a type of concrete when it is made Q. Proportioning
and placed in position at the site
10. instruments used when concreting is
to be done in a valley or for construction
work of piers, dams etc.
11. this implies solidification of the
plastic cement paste
12. also known as truck mounted mixers,
are used earlier to transport fresh concrete
from the batching plant to the site
13. a device that sterilizes laboratory
instruments, glassware and medical
equipment by using highly pressurized
saturated steam to effectively kill
14. its principle is to achieve requisite
strength with desired workability for
which due attention should be paid to
the selection of cement and aggregates
according to the specifications
15. This is used to determine the earliest
safe time for removal of formwork.

Constituents of cement
Physical test of cement
Factors affecting setting time
Stages of concrete production
Methods of curing
Factors affecting workability
Defects on concrete
Bouge compounds

Problem Solving. Solve the problem and box your final answer (15 points)

A sample concrete cured at 18 degrees celcius for 28 days is taken to be fully

matured, compute for the maturity of the sample.


1. 4 NBA teams without S on the name of the team. (4 points)

2. Theres a man living in Batangas, why cant he buried in Manila? (2
3. Johns father has five sons named Ten, Twenty, and Forty. Guess what
would be the name of the fifth. (2 points)
4. Some months have 30 days while others have 31 days while others
have 31 days, which month has 28 days? (2 points)

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