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Perinatal Care Manual

3rd Edition


Perinatal Care Manual
2013 (3rd Edition)
Contents Page
How To Use This Manual 2
Objectives Perinatal Care: 3
* Section 1 - Pre Pregnancy Care 5
* Section 2 - Antenatal Care 37
* Section 3 - Intrapartum Care 97
* Section 4 - Postpartum Care 135
* Section 5 - Neonatal Care 163
Abbreviations 235
Members of The Working Group 238

*Detailed content page is available at the beginning of each section.


This manual is not intended to replace standard textbooks used for teaching.
It is to be kept at hand at your work place which can be referred for guidance. The
manual consist of five sections: pre pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum, postpartum
and neonatal care.

Section One Pre Pregnancy Care

Focuses on specific group of women in the reproductive age group with counseling
on appropriate medical care to optimize pregnancy outcomes. It includes risk
assessment check list and management of various conditions. In future editions
the manual will include all women in reproductive age.

Section Two Antenatal Care

Describes activities and screening services for each trimester. It explains how to
diagnose and manage common conditions, which can be identified during routine
examination of the mother. It provides standard operating procedures for quick
reference in the management of common complications and high risk cases.

Section Three Intrapartum Care

Understanding the process of normal labour and delivery allows optimal care for
the mother and timely recognition and intervention of abnormal events.

Section Four Postpartum Care

Provides information for appropriate care, reassurance and early recognition of
postpartum problems.

Section Five Neonatal Care

Outlines the comprehensive approach to neonatal care. Flow charts and checklists
are available to aid health care workers to provide quality care and to initiate and
facilitate referrals when necessary.


General objective:
To develop a comprehensive training manual and reference for general use by health
care provider who are enstrusted with the care of mothers and their newborns.

Specific objectives:
1. To serve as a guide containing the basic knowledge and skills required in the care
for women beginning at pre-pregnancy and extending to the neonatal period.

2. To provide management of certain common conditions which occur during the
different stages of pregnancy and neonatal period.

3. To serve as a guide for primary health care providers to meet the expected standard
of care in the delivery of the respective services in an endeavor to improve maternal
and neonatal outcomes and reduce morbidity and mortality.

Section 1
Pre Pregnancy Care
Contents Page
1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 Rationale 6
1.3 Objectives 7
1.4 Target Groups 7
1.5 Entry Points 7
1.6 Place of Pre-Pregnancy Care Services 8
1.7 Setting-Up of a Pre-Pregnancy Care Clinic 8
1.8 Flow Process 8
1.9 Major Activities During a Pre-Pregnancy Visit Include: 8
1.10 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 9
1.11 Suggestions for Incorporation 9
Appendix 1: Setting Up of a Pre Pregnancy Care Clinic 10
Appendix 2: Flow Chart of Pre-Pregnancy Care at Primary Care Level 11
Appendix 3: Pre Pregnancy Risk Factors 12
Appendix 4: Pre-Pregnancy Health Education 14
Appendix 5: Pre-Pregnancy Counselling 16
Standard Operating Procedures
SOP1 - Pre-existing Chronic Medical Illness 24
SOP2 - Thalassemia 27
SOP3 - History of Congenital Anomalies 28
SOP4 - Previous Surgical History 29
SOP5 - Recurrent Abortions 30
SOP6 - History of Unexplained Perinatal Death 31
SOP7 - Medication/Substance Abuse 32
SOP8 - Sexually Transmitted Illness (STI) 33
SOP9 - Subfertility 35

Every mother has the right to expect her baby to be born
and healthy just as every baby has the right to a
living and healthy mother.

Making pregnancy safer is an important component of maternal and child health

(MCH) services. As our nation develops, the profile of a woman embarking upon
pregnancy changes. A greater number of them are being categorized as high
risk pregnancies. Early intervention and treatment can reduce the incidence of
maternal and neonatal complications in these women.

The couple or women in reproductive age in good physical and psychological

health, living in a good socio-economic environment, will benefit both the mother
and child. As such, pre-pregnancy care and consultation can assist the couple
and women in reproductive age to choose the appropriate time to conceive and
thus reduce the risk of complications to the mother and baby.

A set of intervention that aim to identify and modify biomedical, behavioural,
and social risks to a womans health or pregnancy outcome through prevention
and management, emphasizing those factors that must be acted on before
conception or early in pregnancy to have maximal impact.

Samuel FP, Kay J, Christopher P, et al. The National Summit on Preconception

Care: A Summary of concepts and Recommendations. Maternal al Child
Health J (2006) 10:S197-S

In making pregnancy safer, policies are primarily focused on optimizing
antenatal and intra partum care. Currently pre-pregnancy care is only limited to
premarital counseling courses, HIV screening, Thalassemia screening program
and screening for other medical conditions.

Evidence suggests that appropriate pre-pregnancy care has improved pregnancy

outcomes. The increase in the number of high risk pregnancies requires readily
available formalized pre-pregnancy care services. As such, pre-pregnancy care
should be formalized into our health care services.

To provide couples, men and women in reproductive age group with an avenue
to achieve a safe and successful pregnancy.

i. To screen and counsel future mothers appropriately for early intervention and
treatment, aimed to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.
ii. To enable prospective parents and women in reproductive age group to plan
for pregnancy through:
Provision of appropriate and adequate information.
Health promotion and education

iii. To emphasize the practice of healthy life style and initiative in making
pregnancy safer to prospective parents and family members.


i. Prospective couples intending to get married
ii. Women who are married, planning a pregnancy
iii. Women in reproductive age group (1544 years of age; WHO definition on
Womens Health Fact Sheet 334 Nov 2009)

i. Women above 35 years old without medical illness, planning a pregnancy
ii. Clients with obesity
iii. Clients with medical illnesses
iv. Clients with previous miscarriages/stillbirths/early neonatal death.
v. Clients with inherited abnormalities
vi. Clients with babies who have inherited abnormalities
vii. Clients with congenital structural abnormalities
viii. Clients with babies with congenital structural abnormalities
ix. Clients with family history of genetic disorders


i. Outpatient Department (OPD)
Wellness Clinic
Premarital HIV Screening Program
Thalassemia Screening Program
Adolescent Clinic
Referral from General Practitioners/private medical centers
Community Outreach Program

Klinik 1 Malaysia
Non Communicable Disease Clinic
ii. Maternal and Child Health Services (MCH Services)
Family Planning Services
Child Health Services
Postnatal Services

iii. Specialist Clinic

Cardiology Clinic
Nephrology Clinic
General Medicine Clinic
Paediatric Clinic
Obstetrics & Gynaecological Clinic
Other specialist clinic

iv. Hospital In patient (All Disciplines)

v. Ambulatory Care Centre
vi. Others
LPPKN (Lembaga Penduduk & Pembangunan Keluarga Negara)/RSAT
(Rumah Sakit Angkatan Tentera)/PLKN (Program Latihan Khidmat Negara)/
FPA (Family Planning Association)/Federation of Reproductive Health
Association of Malaysia (FRHAM previously known as FFPAM Federation
of Family Planning Association Malaysia)/University Hospitals/General
Practitioners/Private Medical Centers


O&G Specialist Clinic - coordinator/provider of pre-pregnancy care services
at hospital level, preferably under the supervision of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Other specialist clinics (medical/surgical/psychiatric etc.) should also actively
involved in providing pre-pregnancy care services.
Health Clinic at primary care level. Pre-pregnancy care will be integrated into
current (MCH/OPD) services, headed by Family Medicine Specialists/Medical
& Health Officer (FMS/M&HO).
Outpatient services at district hospitals
Hospital without specialist (visiting O&G Specialists and other specialists of
other discipline)


1.8 FLOW PROCESS (Refer Appendix 2)


i. Screening for risk factors
History taking
Physical examination
Clinical laboratory tests

ii. Identification of pre-pregnancy risk factors (Appendix 3)
iii. Appropriate management according to identified risk factors
iv. Referral to pre-pregnancy care clinic
Health education
Appropriate treatment and management
Appropriate referral


Standard operating procedure is designed to assist health care providers
in managing the patient. The conditions are selected based on risk factors
SOP1 - Pre-existing chronic medical illness
SOP2 - Thalassemia
SOP3 - History of congenital anomalies
SOP4 - Previous surgical history
SOP5 - Recurrent miscarriage
SOP6 - History of unexplained perinatal death
SOP7 - Medication/substance abuse
SOP8 - Sexually transmitted illness
SOP9 - Subfertility


i. In the curriculum of the following courses
Under graduate medical course
Post graduate training in all specialties
Midwifery course
Community nurse training program
Assistant Medical Officer training program
Diploma & Degree In Nursing/Public Health Nursing

ii. Thalassaemia screening program

iii. Premarital courses/marriage registry office
iv. Breast feeding course
v. NCD (Non Communicable Disease) Courses and Training Program
vi. High Risk Pregnancy and Family Planning Course



1. Scope of activities
Counseling (Refer Appendix 6)
Health education
Focus Group Discussion
2. Infrastructure
Examination room (ensure privacy)
Counseling room (ensure privacy)
Laboratory Support
Health Education Room
3. Clinic Schedule
As appropriate for the centre
4. Human Resources
As appropriate for the center
Obstetrician & Gynecologists
Other specialists
Staff Nurses/Community Nurses trained in PPC
Assistant Medical Officers
Family Medicine Specialists
Medical Officer
Staff Nurses With Midwifery
Nurses Educator example Diabetic Educator/Bronchial Asthma Educator
5. Training



Walk-in or referral case

Screening and history taking using pre Entry of patients (refer to

pregnancy screening format 1.5 for full list):
(Paramedics) 1. Maternal and child
health services
Family Planning
No Yes Child Health Services
Any risk factor?
(Appendix 3) Postnatal Services

2. Out patient Services

Wellness Services
Give advice/health Refer MO/FMS Premarital Screening
education (Appendix 4)
(Paramedics) Thalassemia
Pre-pregnancy care Adolescent Services
Yes management Referral from GP/NGO
counseling 3. Specialist Clinic
Conduct further Cardiology
(MO/FMS) Nephrology
Other specialist clinic
Any risk factor?
(Appendix 3)
No 1. History taking
Yes 2. Physical examination
Refer pre-pregnancy 3. Diagnosis and confirm
service to possible risk
secondary/tertiary 4. Counseling
level (Specialists / 5. Investigation




General Risk factors

1. Age
Women less than 18 years old: Teenage pregnancies are associated with poor
maternal and fetal outcome.
Women above 35 years old: Advanced maternal age is associated with higher
prevalence of medical illnesses and fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

2. Lifestyle
Smoking, alcoholism and substance abuse: These may have teratogenic effect
resulting in fetal abnormalities and growth restriction
High risk sexual behavior: Increases the risk of maternal and fetal infection.
Obesity/underweight: Metabolic disorders have a detrimental effect during
pregnancy both on the fetus and mother. It may also affect mode of delivery.
Pets: Some household pets such as cats and birds maybe associated with
infections (example Toxoplasmosis, Psittacosis and Bird flu). Infections or
exposure of these allergens to mothers with bronchial asthma can affect a
pregnant mother and may result in poor fetal outcome.

3. Specific Risk Factors

i. Obstetric history
Recurrent miscarriage
Intrauterine death
Previous abnormal baby
Early neonatal death
History of bleeding in pregnancy (ectopic, APH, massive PPH > 1.5L or
requiring blood transfusion)
Instrumental delivery
Big baby (4kg and above)
Poorly spaced pregnancy
ABO incompatibility/Rhesus group
Small baby (2.5kg or less)
Grand multipara (Para 5 and above)
Preterm delivery
Previous history of retained placenta
3rd/4th degree of perineal tear
ii. Medical History (Chronic medical illnesses)
Heart disease
Diabetes mellitus
Thyroid disease
Bronchial asthma
Connective tissue diseases such as SLE
Renal disorders
Communicable Diseases (example TB, HIV, Malaria)
Blood disorders
Other medical conditions
iii. Medications (Refer to table 1.1 in Appendix 5)

iv. Surgical history

Caesarean section
Uterine surgery
Pelvic surgery
Bowel surgery
Transplant surgery (example liver & renal)
Other abdominal surgery
v. Family history
Familial or genetic disorders
Congenital structural abnormalities

vi. Social history:

Domestic violence
Stress at work
Stress in relationship
Occupational hazard
Lower socioeconomic status
Marginalized group
Single mothers
vii. Vaccination
Active/Passive immunization
--Hepatitis B
--Chicken pox



1. Towards a Healthy and happy family

A healthy married couple is the basic foundation for a happy family. Factors which
influence the health of an individual, family and the community include:-
Familial factors
Environmental factors
2. Practicing a healthy Lifestyle
2.1 Balanced diet A diet which contains all the necessary nutrients in
the right proportions according to caloric needs and
right proportion based on the food pyramid. Ensure
adequate fluid intake.
2.2 Social interactions Husband and wife must be supportive and actively
participate in enhancing each others health.

Couples should practice mutual respect and consent

for a satisfying and equitable sexual relationship.
2.3 Good daily living habits All men and women in reproductive age should
have healthy lifestyle; avoid unhealthy habits like
smoking, consuming alcohol and other types of drug
2.4 Relaxation Regular exercise decreases stress and lowers the
risk of heart disease, stroke and hypertension.
2.5 Adequate rest and sleep Seven hours of sleep a day in order to stay healthy.

3. Genetic factors
Couple, men and women with:-
Consanguineous marriage (example autosomal recessive disorders)
Previous child with genetic disorders (example Thalassemia)
Family history of genetic disorders (example autosomal recessive disorders)
Women at risk for genetic disorders at a particular age group (example Downs
Male disorders (example X-linked disorders Duchene Muscular Dystrophy,
Unexplained/uninvestigated fetal loss should be counseled for possible genetic

4. Family Planning
It is encouraged for couples to plan their pregnancy in order to contribute
positively to the eventual maternal and fetal outcome.

Health care provider should be consulted and be able to provide information

regarding the appropriate and effective contraceptive method.

5. Birth and pregnancy

Physical maturity and age of the mother
The appropriate age for a woman to get pregnant is at the legal age 18 and
above. Women above 35 years are at higher risk of pregnancy complication.
Preventing infections
Men and women in reproductive age group are advised about infections such
as sexually transmitted diseases as well as lifestyle diseases which can affect
reproductive potential and the unborn child. Hepatitis B, varicella and Rubella
vaccinations may be advised to all women who are not immune.
Antenatal health care
Couples who are planning to start a family should be in optimal health. A
pregnant woman and her partner should attend antenatal clinic before 12
weeks of amenorrhea.
Folic acid supplementation should be emphasized to all women at least 3
months prior to a pregnancy. Appropriate iron and folic acid supplementation
should be advised by health care provider after screening for thalassemia.
Breast milk is the best food for the newborn as it contains all the necessary
nutrients, in the right proportions, for the optimum health and growth of the
newborn. Exclusive breast feeding for first 6 months of the newborn and
encourage to continue for 2 years.
Each pregnant woman must be advised on the appropriate place of delivery.
Child care
Every child must be immunized according to the recommended schedule.

6. Screening
PAP Smear according to national guideline
STI (sexually transmitted infection) screening as indicated.
Clinical Breast Examination.
Diabetes and hypertension screening should be offered at least annually.



A recommendation for pre-pregnancy counseling should be given to all men and

women with risk of pregnancy complications. Such counseling can reduce the
incidence of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity.

Objectives of pre-pregnancy counseling include:

1. Conducting an initial assessment
a full history (personal, social, medical, surgical, past obstetric, psychiatric and
family history)
general physical examination
identification of appropriate screening tests if necessary
2. Allaying or reducing anxiety
It is necessary to reduce anxiety in women with bad obstetric history example
previous unsuccessful pregnancies or major obstetric complications.

Counseling should include:

The effect of pre-existing disorder on pregnancy and pregnancy on the disorder.
The likelihood of possible recurrence of previous complications and how this
may possibly be reduced (e.g. intrauterine or neonatal death, hypertension,
deep vein thrombosis, miscarriage or preterm labour, mechanical problems of
labour or delivery).

3. Providing genetic information

The risk of familial or other handicapping disorder in a future child expert advice
from clinical geneticist/pediatrician will usually be needed, but factual preliminary
guidance should be available in a pre-pregnancy clinic.

4. Determining fitness for pregnancy

Pregnancy should be deferred and contraception be offered to allow further
evaluation and management of known disorders or new findings (example anemia,
heart disease, diabetes and hypertension). Treatment and optimization of medical
and surgical disorders may be required. Reproductive issues should be managed

Health care providers who interact with men and women of childbearing age should
understand the potential benefits of pre-pregnancy counseling thus preparing the
health care providers to approach the pregnancy evaluation in a thorough manner.

5. Follow up intervals
Minimum of 2 years or till further management

Factors Affecting Pregnancy
1. Social behavior
Common social behaviors affecting pregnancy:-
Smoking - Miscarriage, low birth weight, placenta previa, placenta abruption,
infant respiratory tract infection, sudden infant death syndrome,
impaired fertility
Alcohol - Miscarriage, fetal alcohol syndrome, placenta abruption, fetal
intrauterine growth restriction, low birth weight, central nervous
system abnormalities
Cocaine - Abortion, premature birth, placental abruption, IUGR, congenital
anomalies, neonatal CNS dysfunction
Caffeine Low birth weight, IUGR

Any form of substance abuse can affect pregnancy and its outcome.

2. Medication
A potential preventable group of disorders are drug induced anomalies. Medications
during pregnancy should be avoided as far as possible.

Table 1.1: Effects of medications on Pregnancy


Anti-convulsions Incidence of congenital malformations in children born

to epileptic mothers is about 6%. This appears to be
largely due to teratogenic effects of anticonvulsant.
Combining drugs increases the incidence of congenital
Sodium Valproate Increase risk of neural tube defect to about 1/1000
Lithium Carbonate Increase in cardiovascular abnormality
Warfarin Various congenital malformations including
abnormalities of the CNS and the nose and bony
Alcohol Low birth weight, microcephaly, congenital heart
disease and mental retardation
Androgens Teratogenesis in first trimester, virilisation of female
Atropine Fetal tachycardia
Beta blockers IUGR
Diazepam Respiratory depression
Cyclophosphamide Teratogenesis in first trimester
Diuretics IUGR


Diethyl-stilboesterol Genital anomalies, female may develop clear cell

carcinoma of the vagina many years later, male
Methadone Maternal symptoms of withdrawal inducing fetal
compromise, abruption.

Fetal complications are smaller-than-normal head size,

low birth weight, IUGR, pre term delivery, unspecified
structural anomalies and fetal withdrawal syndrome.
Methothrexate Neural Tube Defects
Methothrexate Neural Tube Defects
Phenytoin Embryopathy includes dysmorphic facial features,
microcephaly and motor and intellectual retardation.
Tetracycline Tooth enamel hypoplasia and cataract
Terbutaline Hypoglycaemia
Thalidomide Phocomelia
Angiotension Converting Enzyme Oligohydramnios, bony malformation, prolonged
Inhibitor and angiotension hypotension, renal failure
receptor blocker

3. Nutritional Status
Nutritional deficiency in woman of reproductive age affects not only the general
health condition but also the fertility capacity. Folic acid supplementation is
essential to prevent neural tube defect.

4. Medical history
Pre-existing medical conditions may adversely affect mother and fetus. Pre-
pregnancy intervention is important in counseling regarding risk and in optimizing
medical management.

Table 1.2: Medical illnesses Affecting Pregnancy
Diabetes Mellitus Fetus : For poorly controlled Diabetes
multiple congenital Mellitus, insulin should be initiated
malformations (VSD, NTD, early before pregnancy. Blood
skeletal malformation) glucose and HbA1c monitoring
fetal macrosomia and control should be done prior
to embark on a pregnancy. Folic
Mother: acid supplementations. Screening
Pre-eclampsia, urinary diabetes complications at least
tract infection, candidiasis, annually. Appropriate management
sepsis of complications and co-morbid
conditions. Referral to appropriate
secondary or tertiary centers when

Thyroid disease: Fetus: Maternal Thyroid hormone

Hypothyroid Abortion, IUGR, fetal goiter replacement.
and cretinism.

Impaired fertility and
hypothyroid complications

Hyperthyroidism Fetus:
Thyrotoxicosis, IUGR Anti-thyroid therapy

Thyroid storm,

Deep venous Fetus:

thrombosis Fetal warfarin syndrome Warfarin interacts with oral
contraceptive pills.
Bleeding complications, Prophylactic therapy with LMWH is
osteoporosis with preferred to conventional heparin or
prolonged heparin warfarin therapy.
Heparin induced Planned pregnancy with advise from
thrombocytopenia health care providers

Seizure disorder Fetus: Try to minimize or stop medication
Congenital heart disease, prior to pregnancy ideally allow
Cleft lip and palate, pregnancy after 18 months fit free.
skeletal, CNS, Folic acid supplement. Safety of the
gastrointestinal, newer of anti-epileptic is not known.
abnormalities, increased
risk of epilepsy.

40% risk of increased

Chronic Fetus: ECG at least annually.

Hypertension Placenta abruption, IUGR Aim BP below 140/90.
Avoid angiotensin converting
Mother: enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin
Stroke, renal failure, receptor blocker, anti-lipid agents and
cardiac failure, cardiac diuretics.
failure, pre-eclampsia May need to consider aspirin from 12
weeks onwards.

Renal disease Fetus: Assess kidney function and blood

Stillbirth, 2nd trimester pressure.
abortion, neonatal death, Pregnancy reasonably safe if renal
IUGR, premature labor and function is normal.
delivery. Target BP less than 140/90
Advice against pregnancy for severe
Mother: renal insufficiency.
Increase in Hypertension, For specific renal disorders refer
pre-eclampsia, decrease in nephrologist or physician.
renal function Low dose aspirin should be given in
first trimester.

Heart disease in Fetus: Symptomatic mother should be seen
pregnancy 5-10% Increase incidence by a cardiologist/physician.
of congenital heart Mother with mechanical valve change
disease in the fetus of to LMWH.
mother with congenital
heart disease. Detail scan for fetal anomaly during
Higher risk of IUGR in pregnancy.
cyanotic heart disease Serial growth scans.

Mother: Contraception continued until

Primary Pulmonary optimization of the heart condition.
Hypertension and Specific disorders should be managed
Eisenmenger Syndrome by the cardiologist
have high risk of maternal
mortality and should avoid
Increased risk of
pulmonary embolism,
stroke and SBE more
common in prostatic valve.

Mechanical Fetus: Lowest dose of warfarin to achieve

Prosthetic Heart Fetal warfarin syndrome therapeutic level. Counseling on
Valves outcome and management. Ideally
Mother: not to convert to heparin. Consult
Valve thrombosis specialists and combine care before
embarking in a pregnancy.

Table 1.3: Infectious Diseases commonly affecting pregnancy
(based on indication and risk behavior)


Rubella vaccination in women not immunized, avoid

pregnancy for at least 3 months after immunization

Good food hygiene and avoid eating under cooked

Toxoplasma gondii
meat/food (example sushi)

Appropriate treatment of STI. Refer to dermatological

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, human
clinic appropriately. Consider HPV vaccination for
papilloma virus, syphilis
suitable women.

Counseling/screening for Hepatitis B surface antigen,

Hepatitis B
consider vaccination.

Offer universal screening, counsel risk of

transmission, offer ARV therapy.

Procedure number 1:
Name of condition :
Pre-existing Chronic Medical Illness
Laboratory Care Plan
Risk Factors Assessment investigation and Classification
Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Diabetes Mellitus Disease severity FBS Uncomplicated Refer to appropriate MO/FMS/Physician/ Hospital with/without
Complications HbA1c Diabetes with disciplines Endocrinologist specialist /Health
Co morbidities Lipid profile TOD Management Clinics
Glycemic control Renal profile Diabetes with according to DM CPG
and optimization LFT TOF Family planning
Microalbuminuria PPC counseling
urine protein Screening for
Funduscopy complications and co-
ECG morbid conditions
Hypertension Disease severity FBS Uncomplicated Refer to appropriate MO/FMS/Physician Health Clinic/Hospital
Complications Lipid profile HPT disciplines with/without specialist
Co morbidities Renal profile Hypertension Management
Blood pressure Microalbuminuria with TOD according to
control and Urine protein HPT with TOF hypertension CPG
optimzation ECG Young HPT Family planning
CXR (if indicated) PPC counseling
Ultrasound Kidney,
ureter & bladder
(Look for renal artery
stenosis and other
Procedure number : 1
Name of condition : Pre-existing Chronic Medical Illness
Laboratory Care Plan
Risk Factors Assessment investigation and Classification
Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Heart Disease NYHA Functional FBS NYHA Class 1 Refer to appropriate MO/FMS/Physician/ Health Clinic/Hospital
Classification Lipid profile &2 disciplines Cardiologist with or without
Heart disease ECG NYHA Class 3 NYHA Class 1 & 2 - specialist
with co morbidity CXR (if indicated) &4 Primary Care
Concurrent with Echocardiography Heart disease NYHA 3 & 4
other medical Renal Profile with complication Hospital Care
conditions Exercise Stress Test Heart disease Management
BP with co- according to Heart
morbidities Disease CPG
Family planning
PPC counseling
Renal Disease CKD Staging FBS CKD Stage 1 & 2 Refer to appropriate MO/FMS/Physician/ Health Clinic/Hospital
(CKD 1 5 Lipid profile (Primary Care) disciplines Nephrologist with or without
with or without Renal profile CKD 3 5 Management specialist
proteinuria) Microalbuminuria (Hospital Care) according to CKD CPG
Renal disease 24hrs urine protein R enal Disease Family planning
with co morbidity eGFR MDRD with co morbidity PPC counseling
Assessment for Ultrasound KUB (Hospital Care)
other concurrent ECG
medical conditions CXR (if indicated)

Procedure number 1:
Name of condition :
Pre-existing Chronic Medical Illness
Laboratory Care Plan
Risk Factors Assessment investigation and Classification
Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Thyroid Disease Hypothyroid and FBG Complicated/ Refer to appropriate MO/FMS/Physician/ Health Clinic/Hospital
hyperthyroid Lipid profile uncomplicated disciplines as Endocrinologist/ with or with specialist
symptoms TSH/freeT4/free Thyroid disease indicated surgeon
Thyroid disease Free T3 with co morbidity Management
with complications ECG according to thyroid
Thyroid disease BP disease CPG or other
with co morbidity FBC guidelines
Stability of thyroid thyroid ultrasound If Family planning
disease on indicated PPC counseling

Bronchial Severity of PEFR Control/fairly Refer to appropriate MO/FMS/Physician/ Health Clinics/

Asthma BA according Spirometry control/poorly disciplines Respiratory physicians Hospital with or
to guidelines Asthma Control Test control Management without specialist
(example GINA Assessment BA with co according to CPG or
guidelines) CXR (if indicated) morbidity other guideline
BA with recurrent Family planning
admissions PPC counseling
BA with co
Procedure number : 2
Name of condition : Thalassaemia
Laboratory Care Plan
Risk Factors Assessment investigation and Classification
Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Thalassaemia Symptoms and Family Screening Mild Counsel regarding MO/FMS/Physician/ Health Clinics
effort tolerance FBP Moderate consanguinity Pediatrician
assessment Peripheral blood film Severe Counseling on risk of Hospital with or
Consanguinity HB electrophoresis Symptomatic/ pregnancy without specialist
marriage for both couple (blood asymptomatic Advice family spacing
Severity of anemia serum to be sent to and limit no. of
nearby hospital with children
facility) Advice on vitamin
DNA analysis (where supplement for folic
indicated) acid, Vitamin C,
Vitamin B and good
Symptomatic: nutrition
Lethargy Family Planning
Breathlessness HB<8 gm% should
Malaise refer to hospital.
palpitation Transfusion where
Abdomen distended indicated
Pallor PPC
Jaundice Refer to hospital for
further management
Look for

Serum Ferritin

Procedure number : 3
Name of condition : History of Congenital Anomalies
Diagnostic Care Plan
criteria and
Risk Factors Assessment investigation and
differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
History of neural Asymptomatic Oral glucose tolerance Diabetes Mellitus Pre-pregnancy folic acid MO/FMS Health Clinic
tube defects test at least 3 month before
and 1st month into Combine care with Hospital with
pregnancy O&G/peadiatrician/ specialist/sub
MFM unit specialist
Symptomatic Advise on balanced diet
and diet rich in folate
Polydipsia Advise on early booking
Polyphagia and detailed scan at
Nocturia least 18- 20 weeks

Chromosomal Chromosomal studies Genetic disorders Counseling on FMS/Geneticist/ Health Clinic/Hospital

Age>35 genetic screening Maternal fetal with specialist/
disorders Family history to be done at hospital
of chromosomal level with facility Refer to MFM unit Specialist subspecialist
History of disorders
previous child
with chromosomal

Congenital Refer to geneticist/ MO/FMS/Geneticist/ Health Clinic/Hospital

Family history Parental karyotyping O&G/pediatrician/ Pediatricians/O&G with specialist/sub
structural of congenital Physical abnormality
abnormalities or anomalies MFM specialist specialist/MFM unit specialist
Screen for diabetes
previous child Children with Genetic counseling
with congenital congenital
structural anomalies
Procedure number : 4
Name of condition : Previous Surgical History
Diagnostic Care Plan
criteria and
Risk Factors Assessment investigation and
differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Previous Sub fertility Hb (if indicated) Recurrent fibroid Advise on family FMS Health Clinic
uterine surgery: Menorrhagia PAP smear planning/ spacing MO Hospital with/
Myomectomy Dysmenorrhoea Ultrasound Refer to hospital O&G specialist without specialist
Irregular menses Endometrial sampling if suspected of Community health
Abdominal mass (if indicated, done at recurrent fibroid nurse
hospital level) Staff nurse
Caesarean Section

Pelvic surgery

Procedure number : 5
Name of condition : Recurrent Abortions
Diagnostic Care Plan
Signs and criteria and
Risk Factors investigation and
symptoms differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Recurrent Toxoplasmosis Treatment given MO/FMS Physician Health Clinic
Symptomatic STI work out (vaginal according to known O&G specialist
abortions Chronic vaginal discharge) Rubella Hospital with
(3 times and discharge Cytomegalovirus and treatable Genitourinary specialist or without
above) Herpes Simplex causes (investigation Medicine (GUM) specialist
Syphilis findings) specialist (where
(not cost indicated)
effective to do in
all mothers thus
screen only when

Chronic medical OGTT Diabetes Follow latest edition

illness: DM mellitus CPG

efer physician/O&G
Collagen diseases Lupus anticoagulant Collagen disease Rspecialist Refer to
Thrombophilic O&G specialist/

Substances Ultrasound Uterine Fetomaternal

abuse: alcohol, abnormality specialist
drugs and others
Procedure number : 6
Name of condition : History of Unexplained Perinatal Death
Diagnostic Care Plan
Signs and criteria and
Risk Factors investigation and
symptoms differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
History of Asymptomatic OGTT Toxoplasmosis Treatment given MO/FMS Physician Health clinic
unexplained Symptomatic Lupus anticoagulant Rubella according known and O&G specialist Hospital with or
perinatal death Chronic medical ANA/ds DNA Cytomegalovirus treatable causes without specialist
illness Herpes Simplex
Uterine abnormality Syphilis Follow latest edition
Signs & symptoms (pelvic ultrasound) CPG/guideline
of diabetes Diabetes mellitus
Refer Physician
Connective Tissue Collagen disease
Disease Refer to O&G
Any Substance Fetal
abuse: alcohol, Specialist


Procedure number : 7
Name of condition : Medication/Substance Abuse
Diagnostic Care Plan
Signs and criteria and
Risk Factors investigation and
symptoms differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Substances Thin, lethargic, Urine for drugs Substance abuse/ Positive lab findings for FMS/MO Health Clinic/
abuse (example drug withdrawal addiction symptomatic patients Physician/ Hospital with or
benzodiazepine/ symptoms, HIV screening refer to Hospital psychiatrist without specialist
opiates/stimulants needle marks, pallor Social problem
/recreational VDRL (domestic Asymptomatic:
drugs) Hepatitis screening violence, Counseling
neglect, marital Advise on family
Smoking disharmony, work planning
stress and others) Advise on risk of
complications of
Offer methadone
replacement therapy

Refer quit smoking

Procedure number : 8
Name of condition : Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
Diagnostic Care Plan
Signs and criteria and
Risk Factors investigation and
symptoms differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
HIV Positive Asymptomatic FBC WHO clinical ART as indicated in MO/FMS/Infectious Health Clinic/
AIDS LFT classification accordance to the CPG Disease Physician/ Hospital with or
Sex workers Symptomatic HBV/HCV criteria of severity General Physician without specialist
Lower CD4/CD8 ratio OCP/Implant/IM
Socioeconomic VDRL & other STI injections/Condoms
status screening
Renal profile BTL
FLP Counseling for safe
Renal profile sexual practices
physical examination PPC
for opportunistic
infections/AIDS Family Planning
defining complex
STI work out
Hepatitis B Asymptomatic/ LFT Raised Liver Continue medical MO/FMS/Physician/ Health Clinic/
positive symptomatic Hepatitis B antibody Enzymes follow up (surveillance) gastroenterologist Hospital with or
Healthy carrier (example nausea, Hepatitis B e antigen/ (> 3XUNL) without specialist
Chronic hepatitis dyspepsia, loss antibody refer to Refer to
appetite) Hepatitis C screening gastroenterologist gastroenterologist/
Alpha fetoprotein physician
USG HBS Liver enzymes
HIV screening normal F/u at Management according
STI workout if primary care to CPG or other
indicated guidlines

Family planning

Offer vaccination

Procedure number : 8
Name of condition : Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
Diagnostic Care Plan
Signs and criteria and
Risk Factors investigation and
symptoms differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Syphilis Asymptomatic Refer Guidelines on Classify according Advise on regular MO/FMS/GUM Health Clinic/
Gonorrhea Modified Syndromic to guidelines follow up and specialist/O&G Hospital with or
Chlamydia Symptomatic: Approach (MSA) or treatment of the STI. specialist without specialist
Herpes Simplex other guidelines
Toxoplasma Vaginal discharge STI work out Family planning
Vulval ulcer (hormonal/barrier
Viral warts
Pruritus Comply to medication.

Safe sexual practices


Early booking
Procedure number : 9
Name of condition : Subfertility
Diagnostic Care Plan
Signs and criteria and
Risk Factors investigation and
symptoms differential Management Level of personnel Level of care
physical examination
Subfertility Asymptomatic FSH
PCOS/signs of Serum Prolactin Failure to conceive
General counseling Health Clinic/Hospital
metabolic syndrome Seminal Fluid for despite normal
FMS/O&G Specialist with or without
analysis uninterrupted
Refer to Infertility Clinic specialist
Thyroid function test coital activity
Day 21 Progesterone

Section 2
Antenatal Care
Contents Page
2.1 Introduction 38
2.2 Antepartum Fetal Monitoring and Surveillance 42
2.3 Management of Common Disorders in Pregnancy 43
2.4 Breastfeeding 58
2.5 Antenatal Exercise 60
2.6 Standard Operating Procedure 60
Appendix 1: Checklist and Colour Code for Antenatal Care 61
Appendix 2: Breastfeeding Awareness 73
Appendix 3: Diet Counselling for Antenatal Mother 76
Appendix 4: Protocols on Home Visit 80
Standard Operating Procedures
SOP 1 : Routine Booking Visit 82
SOP 2 : Antenatal Follow-up Visit 83
SOP 3 : Teenage Pregnancy/Single Mother 84
SOP 4 : Abnormal Lie 84
SOP 5 : Uterus Larger Than Dates 85
SOP 6 : Uterus Smaller Than Dates 85
SOP 7 : Preterm Labour 86
SOP 8 : Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) 86
SOP 9 : Term Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (Term PROM) 87
SOP 10 : Breech at Term 87
SOP 11 : Previous Caesarean Section (One Previous Scar) 87
SOP 12 : Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Pregnancy 88
SOP 13 : History of Fetal Abnormalities 88
SOP 14 : Thalassaemia in Pregnancy 88
SOP 15 : Postdates (EDD +7 days) 89
SOP 16 : Reduced Fetal Movement 89
SOP 17 : Unsure of Dates 90
SOP 18 : Anaemia in Pregnancy 91
SOP 19 : Diabetes Screening 94
SOP 20 : HIV in Pregnancy 94
SOP 21 : High Blood Preassure in Pregnancy 95

Antenatal care should address both the psychological and medical needs of
the woman. Periodic antenatal health check-ups are necessary to establish
rapport between the woman and health care provider and to individualize health
promotional messages.

A. Antenatal visit
Early antenatal care (1st trimester) is important to screen woman for risks
factors, identify those with bad obstetric history and manage women with
medical complications as these may have bearings on the progress of the
pregnancy and its outcome.

Activities during the antenatal visits should include the spouse or family
members as it will provide emotional support to the expectant mother. Their
involvement enhances mothers compliance; identify her needs and wants;
and discuss the plan for delivery.

B. Frequency of visits
Recommended schedule for antenatal follow-up for normal, healthy mothers
and uncomplicated pregnancy (white tag only) is as follows:

Primigravida (weeks) Multigravida (weeks)

<12 <12
18 18
24 24
28 28
32 32
36 36
37 38
38 40
Reference: NICE Guideline (published March 2008)

For high risk pregnancy and other colour tags, more frequent visits are

C. Booking visit
The rst visit is most important and should be done as soon as possible
(preferably before 12 weeks POA). Even if the rst visit may be late in
pregnancy, it is still regarded as the booking visit. The following information
should be recorded:-

Detailed menstrual history
--Last normal menstrual period (LNMP)
--Regularity of cycles
--Contraceptive usage
*refer for dating by ultrasound if patients period is irregular, stopped
contraceptive pills less than 6 months or unsure of LNMP.

Medical history
--Blood transfusion
--Medical problems
--Drug history (Traditional medication and other self-prescribed medicines)
Past obstetric history
--Previous recurrent miscarriage or termination of pregnancy
--Intrauterine growth restriction and preterm labour
--Previous LSCS, instrumentation, PPH, anaemia etc
--Intrauterine death
--Early or late neonatal death
Family history:
--Chronic Medical Disorders such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension
--Multiple pregnancy
--Congenital anomalies
Socio-economic background
--Occupation of both the woman and her partner
--Smoking, drugs and alcohol consumption
--Education level

Physical examination:
Relevant physical examination should be performed General examination
--Height --Abdomen
--Weight --Scars of previous operation
--Blood pressure --Palpation uterine size/other
--Pallor, cyanosis, jaundice masses
--Oral hygiene --Vaginal examination when
--Clubbing indicated
--Thyroid enlargement & signs --Oedema
of hypo/hyperthyroidism signs --Varicose veins
of hypo/hyperthyroidism --The mothers gait any bony
--Cardiovascular system deformity of pelvis
--Respiratory system --Spine kyphosis/scoliosis

Laboratory Investigations:
--Urinalysis: protein (albumin), sugar (glucostix), UFEME (when indicated)
Haemoglobin, ABO and Rhesus group
Syphilis (VDRL) if positive perform TPHA and refer for treatment.
HIV (Rapid test) if reactive proceed with confirmatory test
Hepatitis B (HBs Ag) antigen (if indicated)
Thalassaemia screening (if indicated)
Ultrasound scan for viability/dating
--is recommended during booking visit, if facilities are available
--Folic acid supplementation: (Hematinics supplement to be given at
booking if patient can tolerate)
--Nutritional advice
--Health education e.g. smoking cessation
--Give information on the antenatal screening test i.e. benets and

D. Subsequent visits
During the visits
Haemoglobin level monthly
Ask relevant symptoms if present and problems if arise
Weight and blood pressure
Urine for protein and glucose
Symphysio-fundal height to be plotted on SFH chart to alert the observer
to possible growth restriction
Assess the lie and presentation of the fetus especially after 36 weeks.

E. Screening for risk factors
Checklist should be assessed and documented. The care plan should be
based on the protocol given. (Appendix 1)

F. Immunisation
Anti-tetanus vaccination (ATT)
Primigravida at quickening and 2nd dose 4 weeks later
Multigravida a single dose is given between quickening and before 37
weeks of gestation

G. Antenatal classes
Should be provided for both mother and spouse/family member. The topics
should include:
Diet during pregnancy (Appendix 3)
Exercises during and after pregnancy
Development of the baby
How to overcome common discomforts in pregnancy
Preparation for safe delivery place of delivery, technique of delivery
Labour process
Pain relief methods
Relaxation and breathing techniques
Basic baby care
Coping with problems in the rst few weeks after delivery
Education on common disorders in pregnancy e.g. Hypertensive
diseases in pregnancy
Breastfeeding (Appendix 2)
Partners and family/ community role in supporting breast-feeding mothers.

H. Home visits
Home visit should be provided for new case, patients who defaulted
follow-up and for high-risk mothers (Appendix 4) as soon as possible.

There is a higher incidence of fetal compromise in pregnancy with hypertension,
diabetes, heart disorders and other medical disorders.

Fetal monitoring during the antepartum period consists of tests for:

Fetal growth
Fetal well being

A. Fetal growth
Symphysio-fundal height (SFH) tape measurement should be performed
routinely from 22 weeks onwards in all pregnancies where the POA
is expected to correspond to the centimeters of the SFH. These
measurements should be regularly charted in the Carta Tumbesaran
Janin graph of the antenatal card (KIK/1(a) /96). If there is a discrepancy
between the SFH and POA of +/- 3cm, the patient needs to be re-
evaluated with regards to the accuracy of the LNMP AND REFERRED
FOR AN ULTRASOUND. This can be an early indicator of impaired fetal
Maternal weight gain: The antenatal mother should be weighed at
every antenatal visit.
There should be a progressive increase in weight of approximately 10
12.5 kg (25% of her non-pregnant weight) throughout the pregnancy.
Generally the weight gain should be about 0.5 0.75 kg/month for the
rst 20 weeks and 0.5 0.75 kg/week from 20 weeks onwards.

B. Ultrasound scanning
Ultrasound scanning for dating is reliable if the parameters are taken
before 24 weeks (if possible at booking). Serial scan should be done
every 2 3 weeks for fetal growth assessment if there is suspicion of
IUGR or other disorders.

C. Fetal monitoring
Fetal kick chart is an indirect tool for monitoring of fetal wellbeing. All
mothers should be given the fetal movement chart (Cardiff count-to-ten)
for recording of fetal movements from 28 weeks gestation onwards and
should be told to report to any health facility if movements are less than
10 in 12 hours. This observation should be done at regular intervals
every day.
Fetal heart auscultation: should be routinely practiced from 24 weeks
onward using a Pinards Fetoscope. If Daptone is available, fetal heart
can be detected as early as 14 weeks. Fetal heart rate should be taken
for at least 30 seconds to determine the rate, rhythm and/or variability.
CTG should be performed in cases where there is an abnormal FHR by
daptone and high risk of fetal compromise such as poorly controlled
hypertension/diabetes, IUGR or postdates.


Anaemia in pregnancy
A. Introducton
A pregnant mother is considered to be anaemic if her haemoglobin is less
than 11 gm%. Anaemia in pregnancy places a woman at a disadvantage
compared to a mother with normal haemoglobin as an anaemic woman is
unable to tolerate an equivalent amount of blood loss as the latter.

B. Causes of anaemia
Physiological anaemia due to haemodilution
Nutritional anaemia deficiency of protein, iron, folic acid and vitamins
Chronic blood loss repeated abortions, closely spaced pregnancies,
bleeding gums, ulcers or piles, menorrhagia or worm infestation.
Haemolytic anaemia thalassaemia, malaria or drug induced.
Aplastic anaemia drug induced or idiopathic
Myeloproliferative disorders - leukaemia

C. The effect of anaemia on pregnancy

i. Intrauterine growth restriction
ii. Increase maternal morbidity and mortality rates
iii. Risk of postpartum haemorrhage
iv. Risk of heart failure

D. Investigations
Full blood count should be done in all patients who are anaemic.
Additional investigations should be considered for patients whose
haemoglobin is less than 9 gm% or not responsive to medical treatment.
Peripheral blood film (PBF)
Serum Ferritin
Serum folate and Vitamin B12 if blood film suggests macrocytic anaemia
Hb electrophoresis if haemoglobinopathy is suspected
BFMP (if indicated)
Stool ova and cyst (optional)

E. Management
For purposes of management, the following classification of anaemia can
be used.
Severe anaemia - Haemoglobin < 7 gm%
Moderate anaemia - Haemoglobin 7 < 9gm%
Mild anaemia - Haemoglobin 9 < 11gm%
(WHO. 1992)

Management of anemia in pregnant mother with thalassemia minor is
according to severity of anaemia.

Severity of Haemoglobin Management according Period of Gestation (weeks)

anaemia level (g/dl) < 12 12 28 29 35 36

Heamatinic supplement
(to be taken weekly)
-- Ferrous fumarate 400 mg
-- Folic 5 mg
11gm% -- Vitamin Bco 1 tablet
(white tag)
-- Vitamin C 100 mg

-- Other preparation of supplement


Lab Investigation:
-- Full blood count
-- Stool ova and cyst (Optional)

Mild 9.0
(green tag) <11.0
-- Ferrous fumarate 400 mg daily/200 mg bd
-- Folic 5 mg daily
-- Vitamin Bco 1 tab daily
-- Vitamin C 100 mg daily

Other preparation of supplement

Refer to MO & HO for assessment. If patient is anemic and

symptomatic on follow up, refer to FMS.

Laboratory investigation:
-- Peripheral blood film (PBF)
-- Serum Ferritin
-- Serum folate and Vitamin B12 if blood film suggest macrocytic
7.0 <9.0 anaemia
(yellow tag)
-- Hb electrophoresis if haemoglobinopathy is suspected
-- BFMP (if indicated)
-- Stool ova and cyst (optional)

*Repeat FBC 2 weekly.

Severity of Haemoglobin Management according Period of Gestation (weeks)
anaemia level (g/dl) < 12 12 28 29 35 36

Continue oral

If poor
not tolerating
orally or fail to
Ferrous fumarate 400 mg bd
increase Hb
Folic 5 mg daily
level. Patient
Moderate Vitamin Bco 1 tab daily Refer to
7.0 <9.0 should be
(yellow tag) Vitamin C 100 mg daily Hospital
for parenteral
Other preparation of
(option I/M or

If patient
refer hospital

Severe Refer to Refer to Refer to Refer to

< 7.0
(red tag) Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital

Adapted from WHO 2003.

(a) Moderate anaemia

Patients with Hb between 7 <9 gm%.
Full blood count should be performed and patient counseled regarding diet
and therapy which includes:
Ferrous fumarate 400 mg daily/200 mg bd
Folic 5 mg daily
Vitamin Bco 1 tab daily
Vitamin C 100 mg daily
If the patient is not reliable or is unable to tolerate oral therapy, iron dextran
therapy is indicated either by intramuscular injection or by IV infusion in
divided doses.

Iron dextran therapy by intramuscular injection can be given in the health

clinic, after test dose 0.5ml given by a Medical Officer. During this therapy,
oral iron should be omitted. If the patient is moderately active injection may
be given daily into altenate buttocks in zig zag manner. New Iron complexes
have been developed to be better tolerated and can be used for rapid
repletion of Iron storage.

After the completion of iron dextran therapy, oral hematinics may be

continued. Reassess patients general condition and haemoglobin level 2
weeks later.

Cases which do not respond to treatment should be referred to FMS/
hospital for further management.

(b) Severe anaemia

Patient with Hb < 7 gm%
Refer case to hospital for management

Assess the patient for reliability and compliance.

If the patient is asymptomatic and compliant to all medications before

32 weeks, oral therapy is sufficient.

If the patient is asymptomatic and not compliant to all medications after

2nd trimester, parenteral iron (Iron Sucrose or Dextran) is indicated.

If the patient is symptomatic and clinically pale, blood transfusion is


All cases of cardiac failure and intrauterine growth retardation must be
referred to hospital for further management.

(c) Formula to calculate the amount of iron dextran to be given:-

(Normal Hb patients Hb in gm%) x body weight (kg) x factor* + 500 mg
= ______ mg of elemental iron

One ampoule of iron dextran (2ml) contains 50 mg of elemental iron per ml

(100 mg).

Test Dose IM 0.5ml (undiluted solution) to be given by a doctor in the

hospital or clinic (with adequate resuscitation equipment). Iron dextran to
be given under supervision by doctor.

- for iron sucrose = 2.4 }

*factor - for iron dextran = 0.24 *Factors vary depending on drug

Adverse reaction:
i. Pruritis iv. Serum sickness
ii. Anaphylaxis v. Bronchospasm
iii. Arthritis vi. Hypotension
i. Thalassaemia ii. Known allergy to iron

Pregnancy and diabetes mellitus
Approximately 4% of all pregnancies are complicated by Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus (GDM).

A. Classication
Pregnant women complicated with diabetes can be classied as:
i. Pre-existing diabetes
ii. Gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is dened as a state of carbohydrate

intolerance resulting in hyperglycaemia of variable severity, with onset or
rst recognition during pregnancy and resolved within the puerperium period.

B. Screening of GDM (Flow Chart Fig 2.1)

Pregnant women should be screened if they have any one of the following
risk factors:
--Glycosuria 2+ at any prenatal visit
--BMI > 27kg/m2 or weight > 80 kg
--First - degree relative with diabetes
--Previous macrosomic baby weighing 4kg and above
--Women 35 years
--Previous unexplained stillbirths, recurrent abortions, birth defects
--Previous history of gestational diabetes
--Current obstetric problems such as polyhydramnios, suspicious macrosomia
and use of steroids

C. Conrmatory Test
Venous plasma glucose level (mmol/l)
Normal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Fasting < 5.6 5.6
2HPP < 7.8 7.8
(ADA 2008)

a. Women who has signicant risk factors with normal MOGTT, a repeat MOGTT
may be performed at 28 - 32 weeks gestation
b. In women whose MOGTT is abnormal, blood sugar proles (BSP) is

MOGTT is done after 12 14 weeks gestation for mother with risk factors
identied as above.

D. Management of diabetes in pregnancy
1. Early diagnosis of GDM and meticulous glycaemic control are the key
elements to a successful pregnancy complicated with GDM

All women with GDM should receive dietary counseling (refer H:

Diet Medical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus (Malaysian
Dietitians Association & Ministry of Health Malaysia; 2005)

Women with active lifestyle should be encouraged to continue a

Exercise programme of moderate exercise, which has been shown to lower
maternal glucose concentrations.

Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels should guide the dosage

and timing of the insulin regimen. The initial recommended dose of
Insulin soluble insulin is 4-6 unit tds.
Initiation of insulin can be done at health clinic under surveillance of
Family Medicine Specialist

2. Known diabetic mother

i. Oral hyoglycaemic agent may be continued under the advice from FMS/
ii. Those patients on insulin may continue the same dosage and preparation
or convert to short acting insulin type.

E. Monitoring
Periodic blood sugar prole with home-based glucose monitoring (HBGM)
or BSP should be done to assess glycaemic control, modication of insulin
dosage and diet.
i. GDM on diet control alone, BSP should be performed every 4 weekly
from the point of diagnosis till delivery before 40 weeks unless there is
evidence of fetal complication such as polyhydramnios and macrosomia
(Fig. 2.1)
ii. GDM on insulin, BSP is indicated for every 2 weeks till delivery at 38
iii. Acceptance range for pre-meal glycaemic controlled level is between
4 6 mmol.
iv. HbA1c may be performed at least 4-6 monthly.
v. Serial ultrasound is necessary to detect fetal complication such as
polyhydramnios and macrosomia.
vi. Fetal surveillance in the form of Antenatal CTG has a poor sensitivity to
predict fetal IUD (NICE Guideline 2008). It may be indicated especially
in poorly controlled diabetes.
vii. Additional investigation such as renal profile and urine albumin is
viii. A detailed ultrasound and fundoscopy should be done (if facilities are

F. Timing of delivery
Diabetic on diet without complication - delivery not to go beyond 40 weeks
Diabetic on insulin - delivery at 38 weeks
Poorly controlled diabetic - early delivery maybe indicated.

G. Postpartum Management
Insulin should be withheld after delivery of all GDM mother.
Mother with preexisting diabetes should be put back on their previous pre-
pregnancy treatment.
Breastfeeding is not contraindicated.
Women with GDM are at risk for the development of Type 2 Diabetes
i. MOGTT should be performed at 6 - 8 weeks in the postpartum period
ii. Patient should be educated regarding lifestyle modications including
maintenance of normal body weight through dietary modication and
physical activities.
iii. Pre-pregnancy care should be given to all women with diabetes before
they embark on future pregnancy.
iv. Oral contraception is not contraindicated and should be allowed in well
controlled diabetes.

Further reading:
i. Garis Panduan Pengendalian Diabetes. KKM (2005)
ii. WHO (2005)
iii. Diabetic Diet Medical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines
iv. NICE Guideline 2008.
v. CPG Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (4th Edition) 2009

Fig. 2.1: Flow chart for pregnancy and diabetes mellitus
Risk Factors for GDM

Modified Oral Glucose Tolerance Tes Preexisting

at 12 weeks to 14 weeks Diabetes

Normal Abnormal

Repeat MOGTT at 28 & 32 Weeks Abnormal

Normal Abnormal for Diet Control
and BSP

Good Diet Control Poor

Control Control

Continue dietary Insulin therapy

modification + diet modification

Regular BSP & Regular BSP and

Standard follow-up urine protein
Watch out
sign/symptom of
Serial symphysio
-fundal height
Antenatal fetal
surveillance eg
fetal movement
chart, fetal
daptone and CTG
if indicated

Manage as Delivery at 1. Consider

normal pregnancy 38-40 weeks admission if
poor glycemic
2. Consider earlier
delivery if

H. Diet counselling for diabetic mother
Makanan perlu dielakkan Makanan perlu di kawal Makanan bebas di makan

Rasional: Rasional: Rasional:

Mengandungi gula ringkas Mengandungi gula Tidak mengandungi gula
yang akan meningkatkan kompleks yang diperlukan ringkas, maka tidak
aras glukosa darah sebagai sumber tenaga mempengaruhi aras
dengan cepat tubuh, diuraikan dengan glukosa darah
perlahan-lahan, maka
tidak meningkatkan aras
glukosa darah dengan

Makanan dalam kumpulan
ini diambil mengikut
nasihat Pegawai Dietetik/
Pegawai Sains Pemakanan
Gula putih, gula merah, Bijirin dan hasilnya: Minuman :
gula melaka, gula batu, Nasi, roti, biskut, oat, Air (panas/sejuk), kopi/
gula-gula, glukosa mihun, mee, kueh teow, teh O tanpa gula, teh
capati, tosai, putu herba, teh cina, air
Madu, jem, kaya, halwa, mayam, iddli, macaroni, mineral, air limau tanpa
susu pekat manis,
spaghetti. gula, sup cair
sirap, minuman ringan,
minuman cordial Sayuran berkanji: Sayur-sayuran:
Semua jenis sayur/
Biskut manis, roti Ubi kayu, ubi kentang, ulam (kecuali sayuran
manis, kuih manis, kek, ubi keledek, keladi,
berkanji). Contoh: Sawi,
aiskrim, coklat labu, jagung, kacang
kobis, bayam, kailan,
peas, kacang
Air tebu, air kelapa panggang, dhal
kangkung, kacang
muda, nira panjang, kacang bendi,
Minuman dan makanan Susu : Susu tepung, daun salad, bunga
susu segar, susu sejat, kobis, peria, pucuk
yang ditambah/disalut
yogurt paku, tomato, taugeh,
gula (Contoh: jeruk,
cendawan, terung dan
buah-buahan dalam tin) Buah-buahan : Semua lain-lain
jenis buah-buahan
Perasa dan perencah:
Bawang putih/ merah,
Tips: Buah-buahan dan
halia, cuka, serai, daun
susu hendaklah diambil
pandan, serbuk kari,
selepas/semasa makan
cili, herba, akar kayu,
utama (sarapan, lunch,
kunyit dan lain-lain
dinner). Elakkan semasa
perut kosong

Tips: Sebaiknya elak ambil

jus buah tetapi ambil buah
Medical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus (Malaysian Dietitians Association &
Ministry of Health Malaysia; 2005)

CONTOH MENU (2000 kcal)

-- 2 keping roti bijirin penuh bijirin
-- 1 biji telur rebus
-- 1 gelas susu rendah lemak

-- 1 keping karipap
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 1 cawan nasi
-- 1 ketul dada ayam masak sup
-- cawan bayam goreng
-- biji jambu batu
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 3 keping biskut lemak
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 1 cawan nasi
-- 1 ekor ikan kembung asam pedas
-- cawan sawi goreng
-- 1 potong tembikai susu
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 1 gelas susu rendah lemak

Anterpartum Haemorrhage

A. Placenta Praevia
1. Classifications of Placenta Praevia
Type I Placenta within 2 cm from the cervical os
Type II Placenta encroaching the os but not covering it
Type III Placenta partially covering the cervical os
Type IV Placenta completely covering the os

2. Risk factors:
Multiple gestation Multiple
Previous Caesarean Section or uterine scar
Uterine structural anomaly
Assisted conception
3. Clinical features:
Asymptomatic (incidental findings)
Painless vaginal bleeding
High presenting part
Maternal cardiovascular compromise if bleeding is severe
Fetal condition satisfactory until severe maternal compromise
4. Management guidelines:
Referral to hospital with operative facilities (Fig. 2.2)
Keep nil orally
Large bore brannula (Gauge 16,18)
Full blood count
Fetal monitoring
Maternal monitoring
Corticosteroids if gestation < 36 weeks
Group screening and hold (GSH) or group and cross match (GXM)
if indicated



B. Abruptio placenta
Uterine bleeding following premature separation of a normally sited placenta
before onset of labour. It is concealed in approximately one-third of cases
(i.e. no blood loss is seen per vagina) and revealed in two-thirds of cases.

1. Risk factors:
Pregnancy induced hypertension
Direct abdominal trauma
External cephalic version
High parity
Uterine overdistension (polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy)
2. Clinical features:
Abdominal pain with/without vaginal bleeding
Uterine contraction
Tender and tense uterus
3. Effect on mother:
Hypovolaemic shock
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Post partum haemorrhage
Acute renal failure
Maternal morbidity and mortality
4. Effect on fetus:
Perinatal mortality & morbidity
5. Management guidelines:
Referral to hospital with operative facilities immediately
Keep nil orally
Large bore brannula (Gauge 16, 18)
Blood taken for full blood count, group & cross-match to accompany on
transferring patient
Fetal monitoring
Maternal monitoring
Corticosteroids if gestation < 36 weeks



C. Indeterminate APH
Unknown cause of vaginal bleeding, varies from mild to moderate severity
patient is usually hemodynamically stable.

Ultrasound needed to exclude placental causes. In mild vaginal bleeding,

speculum examination is necessary to exclude local vaginal causes.
Treatment is reassurance and symptomatic. In moderate cases, patient
may require hospitalization and bedrest.

In view of risk of recurrent bleeding, delivery should be carried out before

40 weeks.

Fig. 2.2: Flow Chart for management of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding
in pregnancy


Vital signs not stable

Resuscitation Vital signs



Placenta Indeterminate
praevia APH


Moderate Mild
and severe (staining)

to rule out
local causes

1. Reassure
2. TCA Stat if

Group Streptococcal infection in pregnancy

A. Screening
Mothers at risk for Group Streptococcal infection:
Preterm labour or preterm prelabour rupture of membranes at less than
37 weeks of gestation
Rupture of membranes for more than 18 hours
Maternal intrapartum fever (temperature of 38C)
B. Antenatal Management
Eradication of colonization during pregnancy is ineffective
The culture at delivery correlates better if the specimen is taken at late

C. Intrapartum management
1. Indication for chemoprophylaxis:
Women who had a previous infant with invasive Group Streptococcal
Women who are Group streptococcal bacteriuria in the present
Women who are Group Streptococcal carriers who go into labour or
rupture the membranes before 37 weeks of gestation
Women who are Group Streptococcal carriers with PROM
2. Regimens for chemoprophylaxis of Group Streptococcal infection.
IV Penicillin G 5 million units, followed by 2.5 million units 4 hourly
till delivery (after test dose) OR IV Ampicillin 2 gm followed by 1 gm 4

D. Neonatal management of infants born to mothers with risk factors

Neonates with signs of systemic infection should be given antimicrobial
therapy (Penicillin and Gentamicin) and supportive treatment as indicated.
Neonates regardless of gestation who are asymptomatic should be treated
as low risk group and observed for 48 hours without any antimicrobial
treatment provided mothers have been given at least 2 doses of
intrapartum antibiotics.

Refer to Clinical Practice Guidelines on HIV (MOH)

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

Refer to training manual on Management of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy

Heart disease in pregnancy
Refer to Clinical Practice Guidelines and training manual on Management of
Heart Diseases in Pregnancy (CEMD, MOH)


A. The importance of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is important to children, mothers and families. Breastfeeding
protects the infants health. Children who are not breastfed are more likely
to be:
--Ill or to die from infection such as diarrhea and gastrointestinal infections,
and chest infections
--Underweight and not grow well, if they live in poor circumstances
--Overweight and to have later heart problems, if they live in rich

Breastfeeding is important to mother, women who do not breastfeed are

more likely:
--To develop anaemia and to retain fat deposited during pregnancy, which
may result in later obesity
--To become pregnant soon after the babys birth
--To develop breast cancer
--To have hip fractures in older age

In addition:
--Breastmilk is readily available and free. It needs no preparation or
--Breastfeeding is simple, with no equipment or preparation needed.
--If a baby is not breastfed, the family will need to buy replacement milk
for the baby and find time to prepare feeds and keep feeding equipment
--If a baby is not breastfed, there may be loss of income through a parents
absence from work to care for an ill child.

Mothers milk is all a baby needs:

--Exclusive breastfeeding is strongly recommended for the first six months.
The baby does not need water, other fluids, or foods during this time.
--Breastfeeding continues to be important after the first 6 months even
when other foods are given to the baby.
--A mothers milk is especially suited for her own baby and changes from
day to day, month to month, and feed to feed to meet the babys need.
The baby learns the tastes of the family foods through the flavours of
--Mothers milk is unique (special). Human milk is a living fluid that actively
protects against infection. Artificial formula provides no protection from

B. Practices that can help breastfeeding to go well
Hospital practices can help breastfeeding to go well. These practices
include to:
--Have a companion with you during labour, which can help you to be more
comfortable and in control.
--Avoid labour and birth interventions such as sedating pain relief and
caesarean sections unless they are medically necessary.
--Have skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth, which keeps the baby
warm and gives an early starts to breastfeeding.
--Keep the baby beside you (rooming-in or bedding-in), so that your baby is
easy to fed as well as safe.
--Learn feeding signs in your baby so that feeding is baby-led rather than
to a schedule.
--Feeding frequently helps to develop good milk supply.
--Breastfeeding exclusively with no supplements, bottles or artificial teats.
--It is important to learn how to position and attach the baby for feeding.
The hospital staff will teach the mother how to breastfeed. Most women
can breastfeed and help is available if needed

C. Information for HIV positive mothers on breastfeeding.

All pregnant women are offered voluntary and confidential HIV counselling
and testing. If a woman is HIV-infected there is a risk of transmission to
the baby during the pregnancy and birth, as well as during breastfeeding.
If the pregnant woman knows that she is HIV-positive then she can make
informed decisions.
About 5-15% of babies (one in 20 to one in seven) born to women who are
HIV infected will become HIV-positive through breastfeeding. This means
most infants born to women who are HIV-positive will be infected through
In some settings, the risk to the child of illness and death from not
exclusively breastfeeding is higher than the risk of HIV transmission
from breastfeeding. One of the reasons that individual counselling is so
important is that it gives the mother the information they need to make the
informed choices about how to feed their babies in their own situations.
The majority of women are not infected with HIV. Breastfeeding is
recommended for:
--Women who do not know their status, and
--Women who are HIV-negative
(Reference: Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative revised, updated & expanded
for integrated care. January 2006. UNICEF/WHO)

Please refer to the guidelines prepared by Family Health Development Division,
Ministry of Health, Malaysia.


This standard operating procedures (SOP) are designed to assist health care
providers in managing the client.

SOP 1 - Routine Booking Visit

SOP 2 - Antenatal Follow-up visit
SOP 3 - Teenage pregnancy/single mothers
SOP 4 - Abnormal Lie
SOP 5 - Uterus larger than dates
SOP 6 - Uterus smaller than dates
SOP 7 - Preterm Labour
SOP 8 - Preterm Prelabour Rupture of membranes (PPROM)
SOP 9 - Term Prelabour Rupture of membranes (Term PROM)
SOP 10 - Breech at term
SOP 11 - Previous caesarean section
SOP 12 - Urinary tract infection in pregnancy
SOP 13 - History of fetal abnormalities
SOP 14 - Thalassaemia in pregnancy
SOP 15 - Postdates (EDD +7 days)
SOP 16 - Reduced fetal movements
SOP 17 - Unsure of dates
SOP 18 - Anaemia in pregnancy
SOP 19 - Diabetes screening
SOP 20 - HIV in pregnancy
SOP 21 - High blood preassure in pregnancy



Sistem ini mempunyai penggunaan empat kod warna, ia berdasarkan tahap
penjagaan menurut keperluan pengendalian klinikal dan masa rujukan semasa
penilaian dijalankan.


Rujukan segera ke Hospital dan pengendalian selanjutnya adalah

bersama (shared care) Pakar O&G dan Pakar Perubatan Keluarga

Rujukan untuk pengendalian oleh Pakar O&G Hospital/Pakar Perubatan

Kuning Keluarga, dan penjagaan selanjutnya boleh dilakukan bersama (shared
care) Pegawai Perubatan dan Jururawat Kesihatan

Pengendalian di Klinik Kesihatan oleh Pegawai Perubatan dan Kesihatan

dan pengendalian selanjutnya boleh dilakukan bersama Jururawat
Kesihatan/Jururawat Masyarakat di bawah pengawasan Pegawai

Penjagaan oleh Jururawat Kesihatan/Jururawat Masyarakat di Klinik

Kesihatan dan Klinik Desa (sekiranya tiada terdapat faktor risiko yang
disenaraikan dalam kod merah, kuning dan hijau, ibu diberi kod warna

Di dalam situasi yang tertentu khususnya di kawasan pendalaman, di mana tidak

terdapat Pegawai Perubatan, pengendalian boleh dilakukan oleh Jururawat Kesihatan/
Jururawat Masyarakat dengan pengawasan dari Pegawai Perubatan yang terdekat
atau mudah dihubungi.

Pakar O&G/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga boleh menukar kod warna mengikut penilaian
tahap risiko semasa ibu hamil. Tag warna yang dilekatkan dapat mempamerkan kod
warna yang telah diberikan sebelumnya.

KOD MERAH Rujukan segera ke Hospital dan pengendalian selanjutnya adalah bersama (shared
care) Pakar O&G dan Pakar Perubatan Keluarga.
FAKTOR RISIKO Tandakan () dalam ruangan jika ada faktor risiko
TRIMESTER 1 2 3 Postdate
KEKERAPAN PENILAIAN RISIKO 1-12 13-22 23-27 28-32 33-36 37-40 >40
Jangkamasa tidak datang haid
1. Eklampsia
Preeklampsia (tekanan darah
tinggi dengan urin albumin)
iaitu BP140/90mmHg dengan
urine albumin >1+
Tekanan darah tinggi
Tekanan darah tinggi
4. >140/90mmHg dengan
kehadiran simptom
Sakit jantung semasa
mengandung dengan tanda-
tanda dan gejala (sesak nafas,
Sesak nafas ketika melakukan
6. aktiviti ringan (aktiviti seperti
sapu sampah, cuci pinggan)
Ibu diabetes yang tidak
7. terkawal dengan kehadiran urin
Pendarahan antepartum
(termasuk keguguran)
Denyutan jantung janin yang
-- FHR 110/min pada dan
selepas 26/52
-- FHR >160/min selepas
34/52 (denyutan jantung
mungkin tinggi jika
Anemia dengan simptom pada
10. mana-mana gestasi atau Hb
11. Kontraksi rahim pramatang
Keluar air likuor tanpa
13. Serangan asma yang teruk
14. Sawan
Demam yang berpanjangan
5 hari

KOD KUNING Rujukan untuk pengendalian oleh Pakar O&G Hospital/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga, dan
penjagaan selanjutnya boleh dilakukan bersama (shared care) Pegawai Perubatan dan
Jururawat Kesihatan
FAKTOR RISIKO Tandakan () dalam ruangan jika ada faktor risiko
TRIMESTER 1 2 3 Postdate
KEKERAPAN PENILAIAN RISIKO 1-12 13-22 23-27 28-32 33-36 37-40 >40
Jangkamasa tidak datang haid
1. Ibu HIV positif
2. Ibu Hepatitis B positif
3. Ibu Tuberkulosis/Malaria/sifilis
Tekanan darah tinggi >140/90
4. - <170/110mmHg dengan urin
albumin negative
Ibu diabetes (dengan rawatan
Pergerakan janin kurang
6. semasa kandungan 32
Kandungan melebihi 7 hari dari
Ibu dengan masalah perubatan
8. yang memerlukan rawatan
bersama dengan hospital
Ibu yang terlibat dalam isu
medical legal
Ibu tunggal atau ibu remaja
(<19 tahun)
Hemoglobin 7<9gm% atau
Placenta previa yang stabil
tiada pendarahan
Maternal pyrexia >38C atau
>3 hari
*Sejarah masalah
14. ketidaksuburan sebelum
kandungan semasa (infertility)
15. Penyakit jantung tanpa gejala
16. *Ketagihan dadah/merokok
*Penilaian sekali sahaja.
Nota: Ibu mesti diperiksa oleh Pegawai Perubatan dalam tempoh 2 minggu dari tarikh booking

KOD HIJAU Pengendalian di Klinik Kesihatan oleh Pegawai Perubatan dan Kesihatan dan
pengendalian selanjutnya boleh dilakukan bersama (shared care) Jururawat Kesihatan/
Jururawat Masyarakat di bawah pengawasan Pegawai Perubatan
FAKTOR RISIKO Tandakan () dalam ruangan jika ada faktor risiko
TRIMESTER 1 2 3 Postdate
KEKERAPAN PENILAIAN RISIKO 1-12 13-22 23-27 28-32 33-36 37-40 >40
Jangkamasa tidak datang haid
1. *Rh negative
*Berat badan ibu sebelum
2. mengandung atau ketika
booking <45kg
*Masalah perubatan semasa
(termasuk psikiatrik dan
kecacatan fizikal) kecuali
diabetes dan hipertensi
*Pembedahan ginekologi yang
5. *LNMP yang tidak pasti
*3 kali riwayat keguguran yang
*Riwayat obstetrik yang lalu:
-- Pembedahan caesarean
-- Riwayat lalu PIH/eklampsia/
-- Kematian perinatal
-- Mempunyai sejarah bayi
dengan berat lahir kurang
7. daripada 2.5kg atau lebih
daripada 4kg
-- Koyak perineum 3rd degree
-- Lekat uri
-- Pendarahan selepas bersalin
-- Kelahiran instrumental
-- Sakit bersalin lama
8. Kandungan lebih dari satu
Tekanan darah tinggi
9. (140/90mmHg) tanpa urin
Hemoglobin kurang dari
11 Glukosuria 2 kali
Air kencing mempunyai albumin
Pertambahan berat badan
13. yang mendadak melebihi 2kg
dalam seminggu

Berat badan ibu sebelum
14. mengandung atau booking
melebihi 80kg
Tinggi rahim (SFH) kecil atau
15. besar dari tarikh jangka masa
melintang dengan tidak ada
tanda sakit bersalin pada 36
minggu kehamilan
Kepala bayi tinggi (Head not
17. engaged) semasa cukup bulan
(37 minggu) bagi primigravida)
18. Ibu GDM (kawalan diet)
Berat badan statik atau
19. menurun (dalam tempoh
20. *Ibu berumur >40 tahun
21. *Primigravida
22 *Gravida 6 dan ke atas
*Jarak kelahiran kurang dari 2
tahun atau melebihi 5 tahun
*Ibu dengan masalah tertentu:
24. Ukuran tinggi kurang dari
*Penilaian sekali sahaja.
Nota: Ibu mesti diperiksa oleh Pegawai Perubatan dalam tempoh 2 minggu dari tarikh booking.

KOD PUTIH - Penjagaan oleh Jururawat Kesihatan/Masyarakat di Klinik Kesihatan dan Klinik Desa.
Ibu akan hanya diberi kod berwarna putih setelah ia tidak mempunyai sebarang faktor
risiko yang tersenarai dalam kod merah, kuning dan hijau.


Jangkamasa tidak datang haid (POA/POG)
1. Gravida 2-5
Tiada masalah obstetrik lalu yang mungkin
2. berulang atau memberi kesan pada kandungan
3. Tiada masalah perubatan yang lalu
Tiada masalah perubatan/obstetric pada
kandungan semasa
5. Ukuran tinggi lebih dari 145sm
6. Ibu berumur lebih 18 tahun dan kurang 40 tahun
7. Ibu berkahwin dan mempunyai sokongan keluarga
8. POA>37 minggu atau <41 minggu
9. Anggaran berat bayi >2kg dan <3.5kg
Nota: Ibu mesti diperiksa oleh Pegawai Perubatan dalam tempoh 2 minggu dari tarikh booking.

Senarai semak ini bertujuan membantu anggota kesihatan di peringkat Klinik
Kesihatan dan Klinik Desa untuk menilai dan mengenalpasti faktor-faktor risiko
yang mungkin dialami oleh ibu hamil
Senarai semak ini perlu digunakan pada jangkamasa berikut:

a. Trimester 1:
Kali pertama semasa booking
b. Trimester 2:
Kali kedua semasa mengandung 13-22 minggu
Kali ketiga semasa kandungan 23-27 minggu
c. Trimester 3:
Kali ke empat semasa kandungan 28-32 minggu
Kali kelima semasa kandungan 33-36 minggu
Kali keenam semasa kandungan 37-40 minggu
d. Post date:
Kali ketujuh semasa kandungan >40 minggu
Pemeriksaan oleh doktor perlu dilakukan sekurang-kurangnya 2 kali iaitu:-
i. Semasa booking atau semasa kandungan 24 minggu
ii. Semasa kandungan 36 minggu

Kod Warna senarai semak ini perlu dilekatkan pada kad rekod kesihatan ibu iaitu
KIK/1(a)/96 Pind.2012 dan KIK/1(b)/96 (Pind. 2012)
Catatkan tarikh dan jangkamasa kandungan diruang yang disediakan

Kenalpasti risiko dan tandakan () pada faktor yang berkaitan

Lekatkan pelekat kod warna yang bersesuaian (merah, kuning, atau hijau)

berdasarkan faktor yang telah dikenalpasti. Lekatkan pelekat kod warna putih jika
tiada faktor risiko dikesan
Tahap risiko mengikut kod warna boleh diturunkan oleh Pakar O&G/Pakar Perubatan

Keluarga mengikut penilaian mereka.

Senarai semak ini hanya perlu diisi sekali sahaja mengikut jangkamasa yang

ditetapkan di atas. Sekiranya pada lawatan ulangan faktor risiko dikesan, sila
gunakan ruang di kanannya untuk tujuan rujukan tanpa menghiraukan jangkamasa
kandungan di bahagian atas (Kekerapan Penilaian Risiko)

Pada lawatan semasa kandungan 16 minggu, tiada faktor risiko dikenalpasti dan
ruangan jangkamasa 13-22 digunakan. Tetapi semasa lawatan ulangan pada
20 minggu kandungan, satu faktor risiko dikesan dan kes perlu dirujuk, ruangan
jangkamasa 23-27 boleh digunakan dan catatkan tarikh pemeriksaan (pada ruangan
tarikh) dan jangkamasa 20 minggu (pada ruangan Jangkamasa Kandungan). Pada
lawatan berikutnya, jika tiada lagi faktor risiko tersebut, senarai semak yang sedia
ada digunakan dengan menambah garisan untuk ruangan tersebut.


a. Kes ini adalah untuk rujukan segera ke hospital.
b. Pesakit perlu distabilkan sebelum dirujuk bagi kes seperti berikut:
Pendarahan Antepartum
Serangan asma yang akut

Krisis hipertensi dengan atau tanpa kehadiran pulmonari oedema

c. Dexamethasone 12mg stat dos diberikan kepada kes:

Kontraksi pramatang
Keluar air likuor/ketuban pecah pramatang
Pendarahan antenatal sebelum 36 minggu

d. Prosedur rujukan adalah seperti berikut:

Urusan penghantaran pesakit hendaklah menggunakan ambulan
kenderaan yang bersesuaian samada dari klinik kesihatan/hospital/flying
squad dan perlu diiringi oleh anggota kesihatan
Bagi rujukan kes 22 minggu ke atas:
Maklumkan kepada pegawai perubatan/pakar yang bertugas di Bilik

Bersalin (labour room) mengenai kes yang dirujuk

Setibanya di hospital, maklumkan kes tersebut kepada Pegawai Perubatan/

Pakar yang bertugas

Butir-butir rujukan hendaklah didokumentasikan dalam borang Rujukan

Antenatal dan kepilkan bersama senarai semak pada kad KIK/1(a) 96.
Bagi rujukan kes kurang 22 minggu:
Kes dirujuk ke Unit Kecemasan hospital
Setibanya di hospital maklumkan kes tersebut kepada Pegawai Perubatan/

Pakar yang bertugas

Butir-butir rujukan hendaklah didokumentasikan dalam Borang Rujukan

Antenatal dan dikepilkan bersama senarai semak pada kad KIK/1(a)/96.

(Pind. 2012)
Pengendalian akan dilakukan oleh hospital mengikut protokol hospital

e. Prosedur Maklumbalas:
Pihak hospital perlu mendokumentasikan ringkasan pengendalian kes

dan tindak susul di dalam Borang Maklumbalas dan dikepilkan didalam

kad KIK/1/(a)/96. (Pind. 2012)
Anggota Kesihatan perlu menyemak maklumbalas tersebut untuk

pengendalian kes selanjutnya. Sekiranya tiada, sila dapatkan maklumbalas

dari hospital dengan kadar segera
f. Pengendalian selanjutnya adalah penjagaan bersama (shared care) Pakar
O&G dan Pakar Perubatan Keluarga.

a. Kes ini adalah untuk pengendalian oleh Pakar O&G Hospital/Pakar
Perubatan Keluarga:
Pakar O&G/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga membuat pelan pengendalian
Penjagaan seterusnya boleh dilakukan bersama (shared care) oleh Pegawai

Perubatan dan Jururawat Kesihatan berpandukan pelan pengendalian

oleh Pakar O&G/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga
b. Pakar O&G/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga perlu mengawasi pengendalian kes
dan ini perlu dimasukkan dalam pelan pengendalian.
c. Pegawai Perubatan dan Jururawat Kesihatan boleh merujuk kes kembali
kepada Pakar O&G/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga jika perlu.
d. Prosedur rujukan:
Dapatkan temujanji dari Klinik Pakar O&G atau Pakar Perubatan Keluarga

di Klinik Kesihatan
Sertakan Borang Rujukan Antenatal serta kepilkan bersama kad

KIK/1(a)/96. (Pind. 2012)

Kes yang dirujuk ke hospital dikendalikan mengikut protokol hospital
e. Kes yang stabil boleh dirujuk semula ke Klinik Kesihatan/Klinik Desa dan
sertakan Borang Maklumbalas yang mengandungi pelan pengendalian kes
dari hospital tersebut.

a. Kes ini adalah untuk pengendalian oleh Pegawai Perubatan dan pengendalian
selanjutnya boleh dilakukan bersama (shared care) Jururawat Kesihatan/
Jururawat Masyarakat di bawah pengawasan Pegawai Perubatan.
Pegawai Perubatan membuat pelan pengendalian

Pengendalian boleh diteruskan oleh Jururawat Kesihatan atau Jururawat

Masyarakat berpandukan pelan pengendalian oleh Pegawai Perubatan

b. Pegawai Perubatan perlu mengawasi pengendalian kes dan ini perlu

dimasukkan dalam pelan pengendalian.
c. Jururawat Kesihatan atau Jururawat Masyarakat boleh merujuk kes kembali
kepada Pegawai Perubatan jika perlu.

a. Kes ini adalah untuk pengendalian oleh Jururawat Kesihatan/Masyarakat di
Klinik Kesihatan dan Klinik Desa.
b. Sekiranya tiada faktor risiko yang disenaraikan dalam kod merah, kuning
dan hijau, ibu diberi kod warna putih.
c. Semua kes yang diberikan Kod Putih perlu mendapat pemeriksaan dari
Pegawai Perubatan sekurang-kurangnya 2 kali (kali pertama pada trimester
pertama dan kali kedua pada trimester ketiga).
d. Penentuan tempat bersalin sesuai dilakukan pada 36 minggu kandungan.

i. Perbincangan tentang tempat bersalin perlu bermula trimester pertama
kandungan. Pilihan tempat bersalin perlu dibincangkan dengan ibu, suami
dan keluarga.
ii. Sekiranya ibu memilih untuk bersalin di rumah:-
Kenalpasti kesesuaian ibu bersalin di rumah berdasarkan:-

a. Faktor risiko (mengikut sistem kod warna)

b. Kesesuaian persekitaran rumah (lawatan ke rumah mesti dilakukan)
Sekiranya ibu dalam pengendalian kod merah, kuning dan hijau, masih

dengan keputusan untuk bersalin di rumah walaupun telah dinasihati, ibu

hendaklah dirujuk kepada Ketua Jururawat/Penyelia Jururawat/Pegawai
Perubatan/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga untuk mengendalikan ibu ini.
Perbincangan hendaklah meliputi aspek-aspek:-

a. Risiko bersalin di rumah

Sekiranya ibu masih memilih untuk bersalin di rumah, anggota
kesihatan menyediakan pelan tindakan dalam persediaan menghadapi
sebarang komplikasi termasuk maklumat hospital yang akan dirujuk


MASA : .


Daripada :
Kepada :
Nama pesakit : ..................
Nombor rujukan : . No. K/P: ...................
Umur: .. Gravida: Para: .........
LNMP: EDD/REEDD: POA/POG: ............

Rawatan yang diberikan:


Kes telah dibincangkan dengan: (tempat menerima rujukan)

Anggota yang merujuk: ....................................

Nama dan Jawatan: .. Tandatangan: ...................................


MASA : .


Daripada :
Kepada :
Nama pesakit : ..................
Nombor pendaftaran : . No. K/P: ...........
Umur: .. Gravida: Para: .........
Tarikh Discaj: ....
Tarikh rujukan ke hospital: .
Ringkasan kes dan rawatan:
Cadangan rawatan lanjut di tempat rujukan: .............
Tarikh lawatan susulan di tempat rujukan: ...................


These contents should be included in the home based maternal health card.

Penyusuan Susu Ibu yang Terbaik Buat Bayi dan Anda

1. Menyusu bayi dengan susu ibu merupakan langkah penting ke arah pertumbuhan
dan perkembangan bayi yang sihat.
2. Susu ibu adalah bersih, seimbang dan paling sesuai untuk bayi. Ia mengandungi
semua khasiat dalam imbangan yang betul. Susu pertama (kolostrum)
mengandungi khasiat yang diperlukan oleh bayi anda untuk hari-hari pertama
selepas dilahirkan.
3. Pasti anda mengamalkan makan secara sihat semasa hamil dan selepas bersalin
untuk kebaikan bayi dan anda.


Kepada Ibu
Ia membantu mempercepatkan pengecutan rahim selepas bersalin dan mengurangkan
risiko pendarahan yang berlebihan.
1. Melewatkan kedatangan haid dan membantu menjarakkan kehamilan.
2. Membakar lemak badan yang terkumpul semasa mengandung dan dapat
mengembalikan badan kebentuk asal.
3. Ia dapat mengurangkan risiko kanser payudara dan beberapa jenis kanser ovari.
4. Ia dapat mengurangkan risiko keretakan tulang pinggul apabila meningkat usia.

Kepada Bayi
1. Susu ibu mengandungi zat yang lengkap, mudah dihadam dan sentiasa berubah
mengikut pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi.
2. Susu ibu dapat melindungi bayi dari jangkitan kuman dan alahan seperti jangkitan
usus, cirit-birit, jangkitan sistem pernafasan, jangkitan telinga dan jangkitan salur
3. Susu ibu mengandungi zat khusus untuk perkembangan otak.
4. Susu ibu dapat mengurangkan risiko alahan dan keadaan seperti diabetes di
kalangan bayi dalam keluarga yang mempunyai sejarah masalah ini.
5. Susu ibu melancarkan sistem badan yang membantu mengawal tekanan darah
dan mengurangkan risiko obesiti pada masa akan datang.
6. Susu ibu mengurangkan risiko pencemaran yang mungkin boleh berlaku dalam
kaedah penyusuan lain.
7. Susu ibu dapat diberikan terus kepada bayi pada bila-bila masa tanpa sebarang
persediaan bancuhan.
8. Menyusukan bayi dengan susu ibu memberikan keselesaan dan ketenangan
emosi yang diperlukan oleh bayi.

Nama &
BIL. TOPIK Tarikh Tandatangan
1. Kepentingan penyusuan susu ibu kepada bayi
2. Kepentingan penyusuan susu ibu kepada ibu
3. Kepentingan sentuhan kulit (skin to skin) secepat
mungkin selepas kelahiran
4. Kepentingan Permulaan awal penyusuan susu ibu
5. Kepentingan ibu bersama bayi ( rooming in ) 24 jam
6. Kepentingan penyusuan susu ibu mengikut kehendak
bayi (on demand feeding )
7. Kepentingan penyusuan susu ibu yang kerap untuk
memastikan susu ibu mencukupi
8. Kepentingan posisi dan pelekapan yang baik semasa
penyusuan susu Ibu
9. Kepentingan penyusuan ibu secara eksklusif bagi
6 bulan pertama tanpa sebarang minuman atau
makanan lain
10. Kepentingan meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu
selepas 6 bulan disamping pemberian makanan
11. Cara memerah, penyimpanan dan pemberian susu
12. Kumpulan sokongan penyusuan susu ibu
(Nota: Ibu dan jururawat perlu menandatangan di ruang yang disediakan sebaik sahaja sesi ceramah/
perbincangan tamat dijalankan)
Rujukan: Chapter 3: Promoting Breastfeeding during Pregnancy- Step 3, Ministry Health Malaysia 2009
(adapted from Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative: Revised, Updated and Expanded for Integrated Care
(Section 3) WHO/UNICEF 2006).


1. Pemeriksaan Mengandung
Pemeriksaan awal - sebaik sahaja mengandung
Patuhi temujanji lawatan seterusnya
Jumpa doktor sekiranya bermasalah seperti:
-- Pendarahan dari faraj
-- Keluar cecair yang berlebihan/luar biasa dari faraj
-- Kurang pergerakan janin
-- Sakit perut
2. Pemakanan
Makanlah pelbagai jenis makanan berdasarkan saranan Piramid Makanan
3. Pertambahan berat badan
Pertambahan berat badan sihat:
-- Bagi jangka masa kandungan 5 bulan pertama kandungan 0.5-0.75 kg/
-- Bagi jangka masa kandungan seterusnya 0.5-0.75kg/seminggu

4. Penjagaan Gigi
Jaga kebersihan gigi
Ikutilah pemeriksaan di klinik gigi
5. Maklumkan masalah perubatan anda semasa dan yang terdahulu kepada Pegawai
Perubatan atau Jururawat Kesihatan
6. Ubat-ubatan
Elakkan memakan ubat-ubatan tanpa preskripsi/nasihat doktor
7. Bersalin di hospital
Patuhi nasihat jika diarahkan untuk bersalin di hospital
8. Jarakkan Kelahiran
Sebaik-baiknya 2 tahun untuk memulihkan kesihatan ibu.
Dapatkan nasihat perancang keluarga daripada anggota kesihatan
9. Aktiviti Harian
Teruskan aktiviti harian
Tidur dan rehat dengan cukup
Jaga kebersihan diri
Gunakan pakaian dan kasut yang sesuai



1. Diet counselling
All antenatal mothers should be advised on following:
i. Consume balanced diet based on food pyramid and energy requirement (RNI
ii. Consume iron rich food to increase iron stores in the body as this will increase
the haemoglobin level.
iii. How to improve iron absorption from dairy food.
iv. Reduce or avoid food or drinks that will interfere with iron absorption.
v. Encourage mothers to take food rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid.
vi. Encourage mothers on the intake of haematinics as recommended by doctor.

2. Encourage mothers to eat balance diet

All antenatal mothers are advised to eat a balance diet based on the Recommended
Nutrient Intake (RNI 2005) as shown below:-
Energy Vitamin C Folic acid
Period Protein (g) Iron (mg)
(kcal) (mg) (mg)
Female (19 29 years) 2000 55.0 29 70 400
Female (30 50 years) 2180 55.0 29 70 400
1st trimester 2000 62.5 29 80 400
2nd trimester 2360 62.5 a* 80 400
3rd trimester 2470 62.5 a* 80 300
Source: RNI Malaysia, 2005
All antenatal mothers are recommended to take iron supplementation. If the mother is not anaemic, iron
supplementation of 100 mg per day at 2nd trimester is sufficient. For mothers who are anaemic, the
dosage of iron intake must be increased according to doctors prescription.

3. Eat variety of food based on food pyramid

Mothers are advised to eat variety of food based on food pyramid to get all the
nutrients they need during pregnancy.

There are 5 food groups located at levels in the food pyramid

Fats, oil, sugar and salt

Eat less

Milk and Fish, poultry, meat and legumes

milk products - 2 servings of poultry/meat,egg/day
1-3 servings/day 1 serving of fish/day
Eat in moderation - 1 serving legumes/day

2 servings of fruit/day
3 servings of Eat plenty
Eat plenty Rice, noodle, bread,
cereals, cereal products
and tubers
4 - 8 servings/day
Eat adequately

Each food group has different functions so the antenatal mothers should eat a variety
of food daily to ensure they get all the nutrients needed.

To fulfil energy requirements and nutrients needed, the daily serving size recommended
as shown below:-
Total daily serving size
recommended Amount of one (1)
Food Group Functions
Pre- serving size
Rice, noodles, Good sources of 6-7 8 1 cup of rice or
bread, cereals, complex carbohydrates 2 cups of rice
cereal products Provide energy to fulfil: porridge or
and tubers -- Fetal growth and 6 pieces of cream
development crakers or
-- Physiological changes 2 slices of bread or
to mothers 1 cup of bihun or
-- Increase metabolism 1 cup of mee/
Fruits Good source of vitamin 2 2 1 whole of apple/
and mineral. pisang berangan/
Source of fibre. orange or
Eat at least one source 1 whole of guava
of vitamin A and C. or
1 slice of papaya or
8 small of grapes

Total daily serving size
recommended Amount of one (1)
Food Group Functions
Pre- serving size
Vegetables Most vitamins and 3 3 cup of dark green
minerals are present leafy-vegetables or
in remarkably constant 1 cup of ulam
levels, regardless of
mothers diet.
Fish Good sources of 1 1 1 medium of ikan
protein. kembung/ikan selar
Rich in B vitamins, iron or
and zinc. 1 piece of ikan
Poultry and Legumes are good 1 2 1 piece of chicken
meat alternatives to meat drumstick or
and low in fat. 2 whole of eggs or
2 pieces of
matchbox size meat
Legumes Legumes rich sources 1 1 1 cup of dhall or
of vitamin B, fibre and 2 pieces of taukua/
magnesium tauhu/tempe or
1 glasses of
unsweetened soya
bean drink
Milk and dairy Source of calcium. 2 3 1 slice of cheese or
products Important source of 1 glass of milk or
protein and vitamin. dessert spoon of
milk powder or
1 cup of yoghurt

CONTOH MENU (2000 kcal)

-- 1 cawan bihun goreng
-- 1 ketul daging - perencah
-- 1/2 cawan sayur (sawi + taugeh + kucai + tauhu) - perencah
-- 1 gelas susu

-- 1 keping popia basah
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 1 cawan nasi
-- 1 ketul dada ayam masak tomyam
-- cawan bayam masak sup atau ulam-ulaman (daun selom, ulam raja)
-- biji jambu batu
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 3 keping biskut lemak
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 1 cawan nasi
-- ekor ikan cencaru bakar + kuah asam limau
-- cawan kangkung tumis air
-- 1 biji pisang berangan sederhana
-- 1 gelas air kosong

-- 1 gelas susu


Enter the house only after obtaining permission

Respect the mother and her family
Communicate well with the mother in order to develop rapport

Describe the objectives of the visit clearly to the mother

Avoid making any unfavourable comment or judgement about the patient and family

Educate the mother and family about personal hygiene and sanitation

Refer to relevant units, if basic facilities are not available (e.g. environmental

sanitation unit, if there is no toilet)

If the mother prefers home delivery and meets all the criteria, the health worker

should check the intended birth site and advise the mother regarding necessary
If the mother requires delivery at a hospital or Alternative Birthing Centre, she

should be advised with regards to the facility and its locality

A history and physical examination can be done after you have developed a rapport

with the mother. First ascertain the progress of the pregnancy and the well being of
the mother. The mothers antenatal book should be updated.

Care Plan
Procedure Risk
Condition History Examination Investigations Level of Level of
number Assessment Management
personnel care
1 Routine Menstrual history General condition Blood Risk
Booking Contraceptive use height, weight, pallor, -- Hb level assessment
Visit Past obstetric and cyanosis, oedema, -- Blood group & according to
gynaecological varicose veins rhesus check list
history Blood pressure -- Syphilis (VDRL)
Medical and drug Thyroid -- HIV (rapid test) Colour coding
history Cardio-vascular -- Hepatitis B (if according to
Family history system indicated) risk factors
Socio-economic Respiratory System -- Thalassaemia identied:
history Clinical Breast screening (if
Sexual history examination indicated) White (no risk Antenatal care as Community CHC/HC
Abdomen previous identified) schedule nurse/staff
scars, uterine size, (to be seen by nurse
other masses Urine twice by M&HO)
-- Albumin
Vaginal examination
-- sugar
when indicated Green Refer to M&HO in MO/FMS in CHC/HC
Spine health clinic health clinic

Yellow Refer to FMS/O&G FMS in health Hospital

nearest hospital clinic/MO
in nearest

Immediate O&G in Hospital

Red admission into hospital
Care Plan
Procedure Risk
Condition History Examination Investigations Level of Level of
number Assessment Management
personnel care
2 Antenatal Events since last Weight Urine Risk assessment
Follow-up antenatal visit Blood pressure -- albumin to be done at
Visits Fetal movement Signs of anemia -- sugar the following
Vaginal bleeding/ (pallor) Ultrasound gestation:
discharge lower limb oedema (if indicated)
Abdominal pain Abdomen uterine Review results 12 weeks
Other symptoms size, SFH of investigations 13 22 weeks
Fetal lie and done previously 23 27 weeks
presentation after Other relevant 28 32 weeks
32 weeks investigations 33 36 weeks
Fetal heart rate according to 37 40 weeks
risk conditions > 40 weeks
Change colour
coding according
to risk conditions

White (no risk Antenatal care Community CHC/HC

identified) nurse/staff

Green Refer to MO in MO/FMS in CHC/HC

health clinic health clinic

Yellow Refer to FMS/O&G MO in Hospital

nearest hospital nearest

Red Immediate MO in Hospital

admission into hospital

Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
3 Teenage Asymptomatic Signs of depression Routine Haematinics FMS/O&G HC/
Pregnancy/ Symptom of and anxiety investigations Nutritional Hospital
Single anxiety and Pallor Ultrasound advice
Mother depression Increased BP HVS (if indicated) Advice on
Poor weight gain Mental wellbeing pregnancy
Signs of STIs (vaginal assessment Counselling
discharge/ulcer) (refer to Garis
Signs of abuse Panduan
Seksual dan
Remaja di Klinik

4 Abnormal Usually At >36/52 USG Abnormal lie Refer hospital FMS/O&G HC/
Lie asymptomatic -- Non cephalic Lie at >36 weeks for further Hospital
presentation Presentation with upper management
-- Uterus > dates Amniotic Fluid segment
-- Uterus < dates Index (AFI) placenta
Placenta location Placenta
Pelvic mass praevia
Full bladder
Pelvic tumour
Lax abdomen
Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
5 Uterus Distended Uterus > dates Growth Chart Multiple Refer hospital FMS/MO HC/
Larger abdomen (3cm discrepancy pregnancy for further Hospital
Than Dates Asymptomatic between the SFH and Ultrasound (USG) Pelvic tumour management
or compressive POA) -- Amniotic Fluid Polyhydramnios
symptoms Shifting dullness -- Index (AFI) Wrong dates
Abnormal lie -- Estimated Foetal Foetal anomaly
Weight (EFW) Placenta
-- multiple previae
-- pelvic tumour
-- foetal anomaly

-- Modied Glucose
Test (MGTT) if
6 Uterus Small abdomen Uterus < dates Growth Chart Oligohydramnios Refer hospital FMS/MO Hospital
Smaller Unsure of dates (3cm discrepancy Intrauterine for further
Than Dates Leaking liquor between the SFH and Ultrasound (USG) growth management
POA) AFI restriction
Clinically reduced Fetal Parameter Intrauterine
liquor Fetal anomaly death
Easily felt parts Wrong dates
Decreasing maternal Fetal
weight gain Serial USG if abnormality Routine follow up FMS/MO HC
corresponding to Normal fetus
dates and AFI is

Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
7 Preterm contraction Tenderness over FBC UTI Refer to the O&G doctor Hospital
Labour pain before 37 lower abdomen UFEME Abruptio placenta nearest hospital
completed weeks Contractions felt Braxton hicks
leaking Cervical/os changes contraction If delivery is not MO/FMS HC/
PV bleeding on digital vaginal Chorioamnionitis imminent, hospital
examination -- I/M
12mg bd x
1 day if POA
between 24 to
36 weeks (1st
dose in the
-- Tocolysis if

If delivery is
imminent - prepare
for delivery

8 Preterm Leaking without Fever FBC Vaginal Refer to the O&G doctor Hospital
Prelabour contraction before Ut < dates UFEME discharge nearest hospital
Rupture of 37 completed Leakage of fluid HVS C&S secondary I/M MO/FMS HC/
Membranes weeks seen in speculum Amnicator or to vaginal Dexamethasone Hospital
(PPROM) Blood stained examination litmus paper infections 12 mg bd x
vaginal discharge showing alkali Urinary 1 day if POA
incontinence between 24 to
36 weeks (1st
dose in the
EES 400mg bd
Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
9 Term Leaking without Ut < dates FBC Vaginal Refer to the MO/O&G Hospital/
Prelabour contraction after Leakage of fluid UFEME discharge nearest hospital doctor HC
Rupture of 37 completed seen in speculum HVS C&S secondary
Membranes weeks examination Amnicator test to vaginal
(Term or litmus paper infections
PROM) Blood stained indicate alkali Urinary
vaginal discharge reaction incontinence

10 Breech at Asymptomatic Breech presentation Ultrasound Fetal Refer to the MO/FMS HC

Term Parameters anomalies nearest hospital
AFI Wrong dates for KIV
Placental Poly -- ECV
localization hydramnios -- LSCS O&G/MO Hospital
Fetal anomalies Presence of
Pelvic mass pelvic mass

11 Previous Asymptomatic Scar at the lower Ultrasound Review indication MO/FMS HC/
Caesarean Pain at scar site abdomen (suprapubic/ for placental & complications of Hospital
Section (One sub-umbilical) localization the previous CS
Scar) Refer hospital MO/FMS/
immediately if hospital

if upper segment Refer hospital at O&G MO/

36 weeks if specialist

if placenta praevia Refer hospital O&G MO/

immediately if specialist
placenta preavia

Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
12 Urinary Tract Asymptomatic Fever UFEME Preterm labour Treatment with FMS/ MO HC
Infection (UTI) Dysuria Tenderness at Urine C&S Renal stone antibiotics for 10
in Pregnancy Frequency suprapubic area Ultrasound of Musculoskele- days (choice of
Suprapubic pain Positive renal punch KUB if indicated tal pain antibiotic refer
Fever (eg. recurrent National Antibiotic
Loin pain UTI) Guidelines)

If signs and O&G Hospital

symptoms persist Specialist
or if recurrent
UTI Refer to

13 History Asymptomatic Uterus may be smaller Ultrasound Refer for detailed FMS/ HC/
of Fetal or larger than dates for dating scan at 18-22 MO O&G Hospital
Abnormality anomaly weeks Specialist

14 Thalassaemia Asymptomatic Pale FBC Iron deficiency Folic acid FMS/O&G HC/
in Pregnancy Tiredness Fatigue Jaundice Serum Ferittin anaemia Fe tablet if iron Specialist Hospital
Palpitation Hepato-splenomegaly LFT USG storage is low with
Jaundice Uterus may be < date Chorionic Villous Blood specialist
Poor weight gain To look for signs of Sampling if transfusion if
iron over load (eg. partner is also indicated
Hepato-splenomegaly thalassemic trait
and skin colour
Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
15 Postdates Asymptomatic Normal findings Reassess the Wrong dates If wrong dates FMS/MO HC/
dates with a healthy Refer hospital Hospital
(EDD + 7 USG fetus immediately for
days) CTG ressessment by
If postdates Hospital
(EDD+ 7 days)
Refer to hospital
for further
KIV IOL (depend
on individual
hospital protocol)

16 Reduced Reduced fetal Fetal heart rate by

Fetal movement daptone over 1 minute:
Movement <10 movements in Normal Continue kick
a day chart & reassure
longer in a day to Abnormal CTG Intrauterine Refer to hospital FMS/MO HC/
reach 10 kicks -- Bradycardia USG AFI growth for further Hospital
No movement in 4 -- Tachycardyia Doppler studies restriction management
hours -- Irregular (IUGR)
Any subjective Congenital Repeat CTG & FMS/MO HC/
feeling of reduced heart dsiease USG if required Hospital
fetal movement

Absent USG IUD Refer hospital FMS/MO HC/

for futher Hospital

Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
17 Unsure of Asymptomatic Uterus larger or smaller If SFH 20 weeks: If fetal History: FMS/MO HC
Date than date ultrasound for parameters Detail menstrual
dating from USG < 24 history
weeks, REDD ca Early scan
be given Date of UPT
Date of
If parameters quickening
If SFH 20 weeks: measure > 24
Ultrasound weeks, DO NOT SFH measurement
for fetal GIVE REDD - to
assessment AFI repeat scan Fetal growth by FMS/MO HC
Placenta grading every 3-4 weeks scan
Fetal weight until term
If fetal parameters FMS/MO HC
from USG <24
weeks, REDD
can be given.
If parameters
measure >24
weeks, DO NOT
repeat scan every O&G Hospital
3-4 weeks until

If fetal parameters
and SFH are
O&G Hospital
term, to consider

If fetal parameters
and SFH are not
corresponding, to
refer O&G
Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
18 Anaemia in Lethargy Pallor Full blood count Thalassaemia a. Mild anaemia (9- Staff HC
Pregnancy Palpitation should be done in Chronic blood <11 gm%): Midwife/
Breathlessness In severe form all patients who loss PHN/
Light-headedness Angular stomatitis are anaemic. Aplastic Asymptomatic M&HO/
Decreased effort Underweight anemia Nutritionist/
tolerance Tachypnoea Additional Haemolytic Lab Investigation: Dietitian
Malaise (respitoratory rate > investigations anemia Full blood count.
Asymptomatic 30 bpm) should be consider Nutritional Stool ova and cyst
Heart failure features for patients whose (Optional)
haemoglobin is
less than 9gm% Haematinics:
-- Peripheral blood Ferrous fumarate
film (PBF) 400 mg daily /
-- Serum Ferritin 200 mg bd
-- TIBC Folic 5 mg daily
-- Serum folate Vitamin Bco 1 tab
and Vitamin daily
B12 if blood Vitamin C 100 mg
film suggests daily
anaemia Refer M&HO.
(option) Reassess at next
-- Hb antenatal visit
if b. Moderate
haemoglobinopathy anaemia
is suspected (7 - < 9 gm%)
indicated) Lab investigation: M&HO/FMS/
-- Stool ova and Peripheral blood Nutritionist/
cyst (optional) film Dietitian

Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
Serum Ferritin
Serum folate
and Vitamin
B12 if blood film
suggest macrocytic
electrophoresis if
is suspected
Stool ova and cyst
BFMP (if indicated)
* Repeat FBC

28 weeks M&HO/ HC
Heamatinic: FMS
fumarate 400
mg daily/200
mg bd
Folic 5 mg daily
Vitamin Bco 2
tab daily
Vitamin C 100
mg Daily
Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management personnel care
Single dose
Iberet/Iberet F

29 35 weeks M&HO/FMS HC
Cont. oral
If poor
not tolerating
orally or fail to
increase Hb
level. Patient
should be
counsel for
(option I/M or
If patient M&HO/FMS HC
symptomatic Hospital
refer hospital

36 weeks MO/ Hospital

Refer to Hospital. Obstetrician/

c. Severe anaemia MO/ Hospital

(7g/dL) Obstetrician/
Refer to hospital Dietitian

Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
19 Diabetes majority are Weight > 80kg MOGTT as soon UTI Counseling on FMS / MO/ HC
Screening asymptomatic Polyhydramnios as risk identified Diabetes diabetic diet Dietician /
UTI Uterus larger or Urine albumin insipidus Blood Sugar Nutritionist
Recurrent vaginal smaller than date High Vaginal Profile
infection Funduscopy showed Swab (HVS) if Insulin therapy
Polydypsia/ diabetic retinopathy indicated Assess of
polyuria/ changes USG compliance and
polyphagia Unhealed scar HbA1c complication
Numbness of Antepartum fetal
extremities surveillance MO/
Refer to Obstetrician Hospital
hospital if poorly

20 HIV in Asymptomatic Nil CD4 count Counselling FMS/O&G HC &

Pregnancy FBC ARV therapy Specialist Hospital
LFT Health
Renal profile education
HVS Treat infection if
Viral load if indicated

AIDS-related Refer text Refer guideline Counselling FMS/O&G Hospital

symptoms (refer text) ARV therapy Specialist/
Health ID Physician
Treat infection
and other
Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
21 High Blood Asymptomatic BP 140/90 mmHg Urine protein Mild pregnancy DBP < 100 mmHg FMS/MO Health
Pressure in and/or diastolic BP induced without any clinic &
Pregnancy 90 mmHg hypertension complication may hospital
(PIH) not require any without
antihypertensive specialist

DBP 100 MO/FMS/O&G HC/Hospital

mmHg require Specialist with or
antihypertensive without
treatment specialist

Referral to FMS/O&G Hospital

hospital. If DBP Specialist
poorly control >
100mmHg with

Fetal surveillance: KJK/PHN/ HC/

-- Fundal height MO Hospital
-- Fetal heart
-- Fetal kick chart
-- Serial USG FMS/MO HC/
fetal growth Hospital

Care Plan
Procedure Differential
Condition Symptoms Signs Investigations Level of Level of
number Diagnosis Management
personnel care
aternal KJK/PHN/ HC/
Surveillance JM/MO/FMS Hospital
-- BP
-- Urine protein
-- Weight gain
-- Sign symptom
of impending
Symptoms of Regardless of BP Urine protein Severe PIH At KK Level O&G Hospital
impending eclampsia level PE profile (SBP 170 management: Specialist
Headache Peripheral oedema -- FBC mmHg or DBP to stabilize the
Visual disturbance +++ -- Platelet count 110 mmHg patient and refer
Nausea Excessive weight -- Heamatocrit or DBP > 100 to hospital
Vomiting gain > 1 kg/week -- Serum uric mmHg on 2 anti HPT agent
Epigastric pain Uterus smaller or acid occasion with to be given
larger than date due -- Serum significant if fitting to give
Symptom of heart to multiple pregnancy creatinine proteinuria IM or IV MgSO4
failure Sign of heart failure: -- BUSE Migraine
dypsnoea tachycardia, raised -- 24 Hr urine Space At district hospital
orthopnoea, JVP, cardiomegaly, protein (if occupying level:
PND basal lung crepitation necessary) lesion (SOL) Antihypertensive
palpitation ECG Meningitis agent for BP
Chest x-ray if stabilization
indicated Anticonvulsant
theraphy -
MgSO4 IM 5gm
for each buttock
or IV slow bolus
4gm over 10-15
Fluid management
hospital with
specialist after
Section 3
Intrapartum Care
Contents Page
3.1 Normal Labour and Safe Delivery 99
a. Denition of labour 99
b. Care in Labour 99
c. Vaginal Assesment 100
d. Amniotomy 100
e. Analgesia 100
3.2 Intrapartum Monitoring 101
a. Methods to Monitor Intrapartum Process 101
b. When to document labour observation? 101
c. Partograph 102
d. Fetal Monitoring Methods in Labour 108
3.3 Normal Stages of Delivery 109
Stage 1 109
Stage 2 110
Stage 3 111
3.4 Obstructed Labour 113
3.5 Cord Prolapse 113
3.6 Uterine Rupture 114
3.7 Shoulder Dystocia 114
3.8 Maternal Collapse 114
3.9 Uterine Inversion 115
3.10 Retained Placenta 116
3.11 Red Alert System 116
a. How the Red Alert System functions 116
b. Staff involved in Red Alert 116
c. Indications to activate Red Alert 116
3.12 Referral and Retrieval/Resuscitation Systems 117
a. When should nurse or medical officer refer or consult to a higher level of
care? Refer Appendix 3
b. Referral System 117
c. In-Utero Transfer 117
d. Retrieval Team 117
e. Team members 117
f. Indications for mobilization of the Retrieval Team 118
g. How the team functions 118
h. Referral letter 118
Appendix 1: Intrapartum Care Flow Chart 119
Appendix 2: Checklist For Mother In Labour 120

Appendix 3: Checklist Of Intrapartum Risk Factors 121
Appendix 4: Intrapartum Referral Form (IP-1) 122
Appendix 5: Steps To Be Taken Prior To Transfer To Hospital In Certain Cases 123
Appendix 6: Intrapartum Reply Form (IP-2) 124
Appendix 7: Algorithm For The Management Of Shoulder Dystocia 125
Appendix 8: Labour Progress Chart, Ministry Of Health 126
Standard Operating Procedures
SOP 1 - Normal Labour 128
SOP 2 - Emergency Caesarean Section 128
SOP 3 - Anaemia 128
SOP 4 - Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy 129
SOP 5 - Diabetes Mellitus 129
SOP 6 - Heart Disease 129
SOP 7 - Maternal Pyrexia 130
SOP 8 - Abnormal Lie 130
SOP 9 - Malpresentation Including Breech 130
SOP 10 - Preterm Labour 130
SOP 11 - Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) 130
SOP 12 - Meconium-stained Liquor 131
SOP 13 - Abnormal Fetal Heart Rate 131
SOP 14 - Prolonged Labour 131
SOP 15 - Cord Prolapse 131
SOP 16 - Antepartum Haemorrhage 132
SOP 17 - Shoulder Dystocia 132
SOP 18 - Postpartum Haemorrhage 133
References 134

This chapter is a guide for health personnel attending to mother in labour. The content
ow is developed in such a manner so as to provide an appropriate assessment of
safety and birth outcomes at different levels of health care.


a. Denition of labour
Labour is a process whereby, there is a presence of regular uterine
contractions of increasing intensity and frequency that is associated with
progressive dilatation and effacement of the cervix and descent of the
presenting part.

It may or may not be associated with rupture of membranes and leaking


b. Care in Labour
Care of a mother in labour starts with an accurate and legible documentation
of the date and time of consultation and signature of the attending doctor or
nurse with the name printed.

One must ensure that the mother is managed in an appropriate centre.

(Refer to the Intrapartum Flow Chart- Appendix 1).

A checklist for risk assessment for ABC (Appendix 2) and hospital (Appendix
3) should be completed by the nurse upon admission of the mother in
labour (Appendix 1-3).

* Psychological support
As most labour is spontaneous and ends with a normal delivery, the main
role of the birth attendant (usually a midwife) is to provide support for the
mother and her companion and to monitor the progress of labour.

Companionship to the labouring mother should be encouraged.

However, all companions are encouraged to undergo an orientation program.

* Physical examination
A detailed and systematic examination should be carried out on the labouring
mother upon admission.

All ndings must be accurately documented.

Vaginal examinations should be done every four hours, unless contraindicated.

c. Vaginal Assessment
This should be done systematically and with adequate explanation to the

The ndings should include the nature of:

Vulva and vagina
Cervical length (effacement)
Dilatation of the cervical os
Presenting part/position
Station of presenting part
Membranes (Intact/Ruptured)
Cord (felt/not felt)
Placenta (felt/not felt)
Liquor colour and volume drained

d. Amniotomy
Amniotomy is a process where the amniotic membranes are ruptured either
spontaneously or articially.

Articial rupture of membranes can be performed by the doctor when all

these criteria is fulfilled.
i. fetal head is two-fths palpable per abdomen with regular uterine
ii. 2 contractions in 10 minutes and the cervical dilatation is more than 4

** Nurses may do artificial rupture of the membranes if it is still intact in

advanced labour (cervical dilatation 8 cm)

e. Analgesia
Choice of appropriate and available analgesia should be offered to all
mothers in labour:
Intramuscular narcotics with anti-emetic.
--Pethidine 1mg/kg, with Metoclopramide 10 mg or Promethazine 25mg.
This can be repeated 4 to 6 hourly.
--Pethidine should not be given when cervical dilatation is more than 6
--Nalbuphine 10 -20mg, repeated 4 to 6 hourly.
Entonox Inhalation agent with 50:50 oxygen and nitrous oxide.
Epidural analgesia available in hospital with Anesthetist Service
Non-pharmacological method of pain relief include - companionship, warm
bath, music, massage etc
* The above methods may not be applicable in birth centres at rural clinics.
Companionship, ambulation and family support is important to alleviate
pain in the absence of medication.

Intrapartum risk assessment and monitoring of the mother and fetus are
essential because complications can arise without warning.

a. Methods to Monitor Intrapartum Process

Table 1: Methods and appropriate technology for intrapartum

monitoring by level of care
Community Health clinic Hospital without Hospital with
health clinic and ABC specialist specialist
Person Medical
Community Medical team
Doctor/nurse team without
health nurse with specialist
Equipment specialist
Early labour
monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes
Partograph Yes Yes Yes Yes
stethoscope/ Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cardiotocograph No (Optional) Yes Yes
Ultrasound None (Optional) Yes Yes

Intrapartum indications for ultrasonography

The role of ultrasonography in the intrapartum period is limited to the
Antepartum haemorrhage for placental localization and retroplacental
To ascertain lie/presentation for multiple pregnancies, maternal obesity,
malpresentation, and polyhydramnios.
To conrm intrauterine death.
Presence of pelvic masses obstructing labour, when indicated

b. When to document labour observation?

Nurses should commence documentation of contractions and fetal heart
rate upon admission by using Labour Progress Chart (LPC)/early labour
monitoring record.

False labour
In false labour, the cervix remains undilated, and uterine contractions
remain impalpable or infrequent. No further action needs to be taken in the
absence of other complications.

Misdiagnosis of false labour or prolonged latent phase leads to unnecessary

induction of labour or augmentation, which may fail. This may lead to
unnecessary caesarean section or chorioamnionitis.

Abnormal LPC/Early labour monitoring record
Abnormal latent phase
--Cervical dilatation remains less than 4 cm despite 8 hours of regular
--The duration may be longer for primigravidae.
Management of Abnormal LPC/Early labour monitoring record at the
hospital without specialist or at lower levels
The mother must be transferred to a hospital with specialist for further


c. Partograph
i. What is a Partograph?
A partograph is a diagrammatic representation of the progress of labour.
It is where all observations of the mother and her fetus are charted in a
manner which facilitates monitoring of the progress of labour by the health
care worker. (Fig. 2)

The main components that need to be monitored and plotted on the

partograph are:
Fetal condition
The progress of labour
Maternal condition

All mothers in labour should be monitored using Adapted JKPOG (KKM No).
(The modified WHO partograph commences at 4 cm cervical dilatation
and dispenses with the recording of the latent phase of labour).

ii. Using a partograph

The information charted on a partograph are as follows:
Mother information
Name, Gravida, Para, Registration Number, Diagnosis/Problem list,
Date And Time of Admission, Time of Ruptured Membrane

Fetal heart rate

This is recorded every half an hour

Membranes and amniotic uid (Liquor)

The state of the membranes and amniotic uid (liquor) should be
documented as follows:
I : Membranes intact
C : Membranes ruptured, clear liquor
M : Meconium-stained liquor
B : Blood-stained liquor

Moulding of the fetal skull is recorded as follow:
1 : Sutures opposed
2 : Sutures overlapped but reducible
3 : Sutures overlapped and not reducible

Cervical dilatation
This is marked with a cross (X), and begin to plot the partograph when
cervical dilatation is 4 cm or more.

Descent of fetal head

This is assessed as fths of the head palpable per abdomen, and
marked with an (O)

Alert line
The Alert Line starts at 4 cm cervical dilatation, and increases to
the point of expected full dilatation at a rate of 1 cm per hour. If the
progress of labour is normal, this progress line (cervicogram) on the
partograph will correspond to the Alert Line or lie to the left of it.

Action line
The Action Line is parallel and 4 hours to the right of the Alert Line.

This charts the time (in hours) elapsed since the onset of the active
phase of labour.

The actual time of the clock is recorded.

Uterine contractions are assessed every half an hour and charted as
the number of contractions in 10 minutes and duration of contraction
in seconds. The duration of contraction reects the strength of
contraction. (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1
Duration of contraction
Less than 20 seconds (weak)

20 to 40 seconds (moderate)

More than 40 seconds (strong)

The amount of oxytocin added per volume of intravenous uids and the
rate of infusion must be recorded every half an hour.
Additional drugs
Any additional drugs given such as Pethidine and Metoclopramide must
be recorded at the time of administration.

Maternal pulse rate

This is documented every half an hour with a dot ( ).
Maternal blood pressure
This is recorded every 4 hours (unless more frequently indicated) and
marked with arrows ( ).

Maternal temperature
This is recorded every 4 hours.

Urine protein, ketone and volume

Each time the mother passes urine or is catheterized, measure her urine
volume and record. Test the urine for protein and ketone and record the

iii. When to start a partograph?

When the contractions are 2 or more in 10 minutes or when cervical
dilatation is 4 cm.

iv. Abnormal partograph (Fig. 3)

The following features in a partograph indicate poor progress of labour:
Cervical dilatation to the right of Alert Line
Cervical dilatation at or beyond the Action Line
Diagnosis of poor progress of labour
a. Primary dysfunctional labour
The rate of cervical dilatation is less than 1 cm/hour in the active
phase of labour due to ineffective uterine contractions of less than 3 in
10 minutes, each lasting less than 40 seconds.

b. Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)

Secondary arrest of cervical dilatation and descent of the presenting
part occurs despite good uterine contractions. This can be either:

Absolute due to big fetus or small pelvis

Relative due to fetal malposition

Fig. 2: Partograph

v. Management of abnormal partograph
Management of abnormal partograph at the hospital without specialist or
at lower level
a) Moving to the right of the alert line
In the active phase of labour, plotting of cervical dilatation will normally
remain on, or to the left of the alert line. However, some will cross to
the right of the alert line and this warns that labour may be prolonged.

When this occurs in the absence of adequate facilities for obstetric

emergencies and operative delivery, the woman must be transferred
to a hospital where such facilities are available after consultation with
the Specialist.

b) At or beyond the action line

(Such mother should ideally be managed in a hospital with specialist).
If a womans labour reaches or crosses this line, a decision must be
made about the cause of poor progress, and appropriate action taken.
This decision and action must be taken in a hospital with facilities to
deal with obstetric emergencies and operative delivery.

Innefficient contractions are less common in multigravida than in primigravida.

Hence, every effort should be made to rule out CPD in multigravidae before
augmenting with oxytocin.

Fig. 3: Partograph

d. Fetal Monitoring Methods in Labour
1. Intermittent auscultation with a pinard fetoscope/Doppler Fetal
Monitor detector (Daptone)
Auscultation done after a contraction.
This should be practiced every 15 30 minutes in mother who are in
labour. In the majority of ABC, this is the only method to detect and
monitor fetal heart.

2. Electronic Fetal Monitoring with CTG (Where available)

CTG should be done on every woman in labour for 20 minutes on
admission. If the CTG is suspicious or abnormal, it should be continued
and immediate consultation should be done with the Medical Officer/
FMS or Specialist of the referral hospital.

CTG can be faxed or e-mailed to the covering hospital for interpretation

and advice if the facilities available.

Admission CTG
With a suspicious or abnormal admission CTG, there are higher rates of
meconium staining of liquor, intrapartum CTG decelerations and other
subsequent ominous patterns. A reactive admission CTG is reassuring.

Indications for continuous intrapartum CTG monitoring

(Such mothers should ideally be managed in the hospital with
specialist). Some of the indications for continuous intrapartum CTG
monitoring are as follows:

Maternal medical illness:

--Gestational diabetes mellitus Gestational diabetes mellitus
Gestational diabetes mellitus Gestational diabetes mellitus
--Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy

Obstetric complications:
--Multiple pregnancies
--Previous caesarean section
--Intrauterine growth restriction
--Prelabour rupture of membranes
--Preterm labour
--Third trimester bleeding
--Oxytocin induction/augmentation of labour
--Post date

Once the mother is put on continuous CTG the tracing should be

reviewed by a medical officer hourly. A specialist should be consulted
if there is any doubt.

Interpretation of Cardiotocography (CTG)

Baseline rate 110 bpm 160 bpm
Baseline variability 5 bpm 25 bpm
Two accelerations in 20 minutes
No deceleration
Absence of accelerations and one of the following:
Abnormal baseline rate (<110 bpm or >160 bpm)
Reduced baseline variability < 10 bpm for more than 40 minutes
Variable decelerations without ominous features
Absence of accelerations and any of the following:
Abnormal baseline rate and variability (< 5 bpm for more than 40 minutes)
Repetitive late decelerations
Variable decelerations with ominous features:
-- Duration over 60 seconds
-- Beat loss over 60 bpm
Late recovery
Late deceleration component
Poor baseline variability between and/or during decelerations
Sinusoidal pattern
Prolonged bradycardia (<100 bpm) for longer than 3 minutes
Shallow decelerations with reduced baseline variability (< 5 bpm) in a non-reactive trace

Management of abnormal FHR patterns

Prop up and turn patient to the left lateral position to alleviate vena caval
Discontinue intravenous oxytocin if any
Give 100% oxygen to mother by face mask/nasal prong
Perform vaginal examination to rule out cord presentation/prolapse
Rehydrate the mother with 500 mls of Hartmans over 2 hours and
reassess the overall condition of the mother after half an hour.
Transfer mother immediately to a hospital with facilities for operative


Stage 1
Starts from the onset of labour to full dilatation (commonly lasts 8-24 hours in
first labour including the latent phase and 3-12 hours in subsequent labour).
The rst stage is further divided into two phases:
Latent phase ( 0 4 cm cervical dilatation)
Active phase ( > 4 cm of cervical dilatation)

Mother presenting at latent phase should be managed by using LPC:
i. Monitor temperature, pulse, blood pressure 4 hourly and urinalysis on
admission and when mother passes urine.
ii. Monitor nature of contractions (Length, strength and frequency) 4 hourly.
iii. Abdominal examination finding fundal height, lie, presentation and
engagement on admission.
iv. Vaginal examination finding vulva, vagina, cervical effacement and dilation,
station, position, membrane (if absent nature of the liquor) and to rule out
cord presentation.
v. Pain assessment and offer pain relief if possible.
vi. Auscultate FHR for a minimum of 1 minute immediately after a contraction.
vii. Encourage frequent drinks and eating light meals to maintain hydration and
viii. Encourage mobilization and mother should adopt whatever position they
find most comfortable.
ix. Encourage two hourly passing of urine.
x. If the labour progress, transfer patient to labour room.

Mother presenting at active phase of labour:

i. Partograph should be started. (Refer Section 3.2(C) Partograph)
ii. Drinking water and eating light meal may be given if the labour is progressing
normally. This might be contraindicated if they have received opioids or they
develop risk factors that make a general anaesthetic more likely.
iii. Mother may become more comfortable by changing position in bed or by

Stage 2
Starts from full dilatation of the cervix to delivery of the baby (commonly ends
within 1 hour). The start of second stage is not clear but a vaginal examination
is indicated when mother has a sensation of bearing down.

During the second stage mother should be informed that they should be
guided by their own urge to push.
Strategies to assist birth with effective pushing
--change of mothers position
--empty her bladder
--support, and encouragement

Intrapartum intervention to reduce perineal trauma include:

i. Either the hands on (guarding the perineum and flexing the babys head)
or the hands poised (with hands off the perineum and babys head but in
readiness) technique can be used to facilitate spontaneous birth.
ii. Episiotomy may be considered at this time.

An episiotomy is an incision performed medio-laterally in the perineum during
crowning of the presenting part in order to prevent extensive perineal tearing. It
An episiotomy should be considered only in the case of complicated vaginal
deliveries (breech, shoulder dystocia, forceps and vacuum) and for previous
third or fourth degree tears.
An episiotomy should not be performed too early as excessive bleeding will
Local anaesthesia should be provided to the mother before episiotomy repair.
A rectal examination should be done on completion.
If a third or fourth degree tear is suspected, the mother should be referred
to a hospital with specialist. Haemostasis should be secured before referral.
This may be either by:
i. Suturing the bleeder
ii. Pack the wound to ensure pressure
iii. Antibiotic therapy should be initiated at the earliest opportunity
The episiotomy rate should ideally not exceed 30 % in any centre (refer
Director General of Healths circular 1/2008).

Stage 3
Starts from delivery of the baby to delivery of the placenta (usually lasts 15 - 30
minutes). Active management of the third stage (active delivery of the placenta)
helps prevent postpartum haemorrhage. Active management of the third stage
of labour includes:
immediate oxytocin
controlled cord traction, and
uterine massage

a) Oxytocin
Within 1 minute of delivery of the baby, give IM oxytocin 10 units or
IM Syntometrine (5 units oxytocin plus 0.5mg ergometrine) or IM/IV
Carbetocin 100 mcg (oxytocin analogue) after palpating the abdomen to
rule out the presence of an additional fetus.
Oxytocin/oxytocin analogue are drugs of choice because they are effective

2 to 3 minutes after injection, has minimal side effects and can be used
in all mothers.
Do not give syntometrine or ergometrine to mother with pre-eclampsia,

eclampsia or high blood pressure as well as mother with heart disease

because it increases the risk of convulsions and cerebrovascular accidents.

b) Controlled cord traction
Clamp the cord close to the perineum using Spencer Well artery forceps.
Hold the clamped cord and the end of forceps with one hand.
Place the other hand just above the womans pubic bone and stabilize the

uterus by applying counter traction during controlled cord traction. This

helps prevent inversion of the uterus.
Wait for signs of placental separation i.e.

--Lengthening of the cord or

--Gushing of blood
--Uterus raised and hard
Gently pull downward the cord to deliver the placenta.
Continue to apply counter traction to the uterus with the other hand.
If the placenta does not descend during 3040 seconds of controlled cord

traction (i.e. there are no signs of placental separation), do not continue

to pull on the cord.
After delivery of the placenta, hold the placenta in two hands and gently

turn it until the membranes are twisted.

Slowly pull to complete the delivery of placenta.
Examine the placenta to be sure it is complete. If suspected to be

incomplete refer to hospital.

If the cord is pulled off (cord snaps), manual removal of the placenta may

be necessary.
If uterine inversion occurs, replace immediately. (Refer to 3.9)

c) Uterine Massage
Immediately massage the fundus of the uterus through the womans
abdomen until the uterus is contracted.
If uterus is not contracted and ongoing bleeding presence:

Actions HC/ABC/DH Hospital With Specialist

1. Initiate oxytocic drugs Yes Yes
2. Uterine massage every 15
Yes Yes
minutes for the first 1 hour.

Other uterotonic drugs Refer to hospital Yes

with specialist
*If Bakri Ballon
3. If uterus still not contracted available, to
insert before
-- Bakri Ballon
-- B-Lynch Suture } Uterine
transfer patient
-- Hysterectomy

Obstructed labour means that, in spite of strong contractions of the uterus, the
fetus cannot descend through the pelvis because there is an insurmountable
barrier preventing its decent. Obstruction usually occurs at pelvic brim, but
occasionally it may occur in the cavity or at the outlet of the pelvis.


Secondary arrest of cervical dilatation and descent of presenting part
Large caput
Third degree moulding
Oedematous cervix
Maternal/fetal distress

Management of Obstructed Labour :

Rehydrate the mother
Give supportive care
Give antibiotics when applicable
Refer mother to the nearest higher level of care or for caesarian section
in hospital with specialist.


Cord prolapse has been defined as the descent of the umbilical cord through
the cervix alongside (occult) or past the presenting part (overt) in the presence
of ruptured membranes.
Cord presentation is the presence of the umbilical cord between the fetal
presenting part and the cervix, with or without membrane rupture.

Risk Factors For Cord Prolapse

-- Multiparity -- Prematurity less than 37 weeks
-- Artificial rupture of membranes -- External cephalic version (during
-- Low birth weight, less than 2.5 kg -- Fetal congenital anomalies
-- Vaginal manipulation of the fetus with -- Internal podalic version
ruptured membranes
-- Breech presentation -- Stabilising induction of labour
-- Second twin -- Insertion of uterine pressure transducer
-- Unengaged presenting part -- Polyhydramnios
-- Transverse, oblique and unstable lie -- Low-lying placenta or other abnormal
(when the longitudinal axis of the fetus placentation
is changing repeatedly)
*Refer to Appendix 5 for measures to be taken before transfer to the tertiary centre.

Uterine rupture is defined as a disruption of the uterine muscle extending to and
involving the uterine serosa or disruption of the uterine muscle with extension
to the bladder or broad ligament.

Signs and symptoms rupture of the uterus

Rapid maternal pulses
Abdominal distension/free fluid
Abnormal uterine contour
Tender abdomen
Easily palpable fetal parts
Absent fetal movements and fetal heart sounds
Abnormal CTG finding
***** Please refer SOP for every condition


Shoulder dystocia is defined as a delivery that requires additional obstetric
manoeuvres to release the shoulders after gentle downward traction has failed.
Shoulder dystocia occurs when either the anterior or less commonly, the posterior
fetal shoulder impacts on the maternal symphysis or sacral promontory

Factors Associated With Shoulder Dystocia

Pre-labour Intrapartum
Short stature Prolonged first stage of labour
Previous shoulder dystocia Secondary arrest
Macrosomia Prolonged second stage of labour
Diabetes mellitus/GDM Oxytocin augmentation
Maternal body mass index > 30 kg/m2 Assisted vaginal delivery
Induction of labour

One should refer immediately to a tertiary centre if shoulder dystocia is

anticipated. However, if delivery occurs at your centre refer to SOP 17 and
Appendix 7 for measures to overcome this complication.


Maternal collapse is defined as an acute event involving the cardiorespiratory
systems and/or brain, resulting in a reduced or absent conscious level (and
potentially death), at any stage in pregnancy and up to six weeks after delivery.
The common reversible causes of collapse in any woman can be remembered
using the well known of the 4Ts and the 4Hs employed by the Resuscitation
Council (UK)

Reversible cause Cause in Pregnancy
Bleeding (may be concealed) (obstetric/
Hypovolaemia other) or relative hypovolaemia of dense
spinal block; septic or neurogenic shock.
Pregnant mother can become hypoxic
more quickly
Cardiac events: peripartum
cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction,
aortic dissection, large-vessel aneurysms
Hypo/hyperkalaemia and other electrolyte
No more likely
Hypothermia No more likely
Amniotic fluid embolus, pulmonary
Thromboembolism embolus, air embolus, myocardial
Tension pnemothorax Following trauma/suicide attempt
Toxicity Local anaesthetic, magnesium, other
Tamponade (cardiac) Following trauma/suicide attempt
Eclampsia and pre-eclampsia Includes intracranial haemorrhage


This is an obstetric emergency (Red Alert)
Sign and symptoms of uterine inversion includes:
-- Profuse bleeding
-- Absence of uterine fundus or
-- An obvious defect of the fundus on abdominal examination or
-- Evidence of shock with severe hypotension will further provide the clinician
with diagnostic clues.
Replace the inverted uterus immediately (with placenta if still attached) by
slowly and steadily pushing upwards.
Note: The last part to come out should be the rst part to go in.
Do not attempt to remove the placenta as this can lead to severe post partum
With the passage of time the constriction ring around the inverted uterus
becomes more rigid and the uterus more engorged with blood.
If the attempt fails, refer to the nearest hospital after stabilising the mother.
In hospital if manual reduction failed, can proceed to OSullivan Method.
If all the above fails, consider surgical reduction.
Risk factors for uterine inversion include
Short umbilical cord
Excessive traction on the umbilical cord
Excessive fundal pressure
Fundal implantation of the placenta
Retained placenta and abnormal adherence of the placenta
Chronic endometritis
Vaginal births after previous caesarean section
Precipitated or prolonged labours
Previous uterine inversion


There may be no bleeding with retained placenta.
If you can see the placenta, do not ask the mother to push it out.
If you can feel the placenta in the vagina, remove it.
Catheterize the bladder.
If the placenta is not expelled, give IM oxytocin 10 units if not already done
for active management of the third stage.
If controlled cord traction fails to deliver the placenta refer to hospital.
In hospital, if all the above fails, to consider Manual Removal of Placenta
(MRP) under LA/GA


The Red Alert System is described in the Report on Condential Enquiries into
Maternal Mortality in Malaysia for the year 1992. It should be operational in
all hospitals dealing with obstetric cases where it helps improve emergency
response time and reduces maternal morbidity and mortality.
a. How the Red Alert System functions
Red Alert is triggered in the presence of an emergency obstetric case in
the Casualty Department or the O&G Department
The nurse or doctor in charge of the area activates the system by calling

the telephone operator of the hospital and saying Red Alert

The operator will immediately initiate a call system to get doctors involved

to attend to this emergency.

Each hospital is to establish its own system
The doctors concerned (see below) will go to the area concerned

b. Staff involved in Red Alert

Medical ofcers on call From O&G, Medical and
Specialist on call Anaesthesiology
Consultant on call Departments
Blood Bank
Sister on-call

c. Indications to activate Red Alert

Severe antepartum haemorrhage
Postpartum haemorrhage
Intrapartum/postpartum collapse
Uterine inversion

a. When should nurse or medical officer refer or consult to a higher
level of care? Refer Appendix 3
Abnormalities of the fetal heart rate
Delay in the first or second stage of labour.
Any meconium stained liquor
Obstetric emergency antepartum haemorrhage, cord presentation or

prolapse, postpartum haemorrhage, uterine inversion, shoulder dystocia,

eclampsia, maternal collapse or need for advanced neonatal resuscitation.
Retained placenta
Maternal pyrexia in labour (38C once or 37.5.C on two occasions 2

hours apart)
Malpresentation or breech presentation diagnosed for the first time at the

onset of labour
Either raised diastolic blood pressure (over 90 mmHg) and or systolic

blood pressure (over 130mmHg) on two consecutive readings taken 30

minutes apart
Uncertainty about the presence of a fetal heart rate
Third or fourth - degree tears or other complicated perineal trauma

requiring suturing.

b. Referral System
Inter-hospital/inter-centre transfer should be considered if the necessary
resources or personnel for optimal mother outcome are not available at the
facility currently providing the care. The resources available at the referring
and the receiving centers/hospitals should be considered. The risks and
benets of transport, as well as the risks and benets associated for not
transporting the mother, should be assessed.

c. In-Utero Transfer
All conditions potentially requiring specialised care for the neonate (medical/
surgical) e.g. preterm labour, IUGR and congenital anomaly requiring surgical
intervention, may benet from in-utero transfer (IUT). This has proven to
result in a better neonatal outcome compared to neonatal transfer after

d. Retrieval Team
A system should be available to transport trained medical personnel from higher
centre to provide assistance in the referring centre/home. In some hospitals,
the team is called the Flying Squad.

e. Team members
Medical Officer/Specialist
Assistant Medical Officer (optional)
Staff nurse from labour ward

Ambulance driver
Male attendant from Casualty Department

f. Indications for mobilization of the Retrieval Team

Antepartum haemorrhage
Postpartum haemorrhage
Severe pre-eclampsia
Intrapartum/postpartum collapse
Mother in labour
Cord prolapse
Shoulder dystocia

g. How the team functions

A telephone call is received from a peripheral or private maternity centre
Staff in Labour Ward triggers the operation of the team by calling the
ambulance driver and the attendant from the Casualty Department
The team assembles at the Casualty Department and sets out to the

referring centre within 10 minutes of the initial call

The team retrieves the mother at the referring centre and brings her to

the hospital
The referring centre to perform initial resuscitation

h. Referral letter
A standard referral form (IP-1) (Appendix 4) should be used to refer a mother
in labour. The intrapartum checklist of the mother (Appendix 3) should be
updated and attached to the referral form. The receiving hospital should
likewise reply using a standard reply form (IP-2) (Appendix 6) when the mother
is discharged from their care. Effective communication between the centres
involved will help maintain good working relationship and understanding and
ensure continuity of care for the mother. As suggested under Level of Care
(SOP Intrapartum Management), apart from mother in normal labour,
mother with all other conditions as stated in the checklist in Appendix 3
should be managed in a hospital and not in a health centre/community
health clinic or home.




(See Appendix 2)

Yes No


Checklist (Appendix 3)
(See Section 3.2)

Update Checklist
Form IP-1



(Appendix 4) ABC


Date :__________________________________________________________
Mothers Name :__________________________________________________________
Mothers I.C No :__________________________________________________________
RN :__________________________________________________________


No. Criteria for home delivery or at ABC Tick ()
1. Gravida 2-5
2. No previous bad obstetric history
3. No history of medical problem
4. No medical and obstetric complication at present pregnancy
5. Height more than 145 cm
6. Mothers age more than 18 years but less than 40 years
7. Married and have family support
8. POA more than 37 weeks or less than 41 weeks
9. Appropriate home environment (required for home delivery)
10. Estimated birth weight 2.5 3.5 kg
Mother is only allowed to have delivery at home/ABC only if ALL the criteria are
fulfilled (indicated by )

Name of Staff :
Designation :
Name of Health Clinic :

Date :__________________________________________________________
Mothers Name :__________________________________________________________
Mothers I.C No :__________________________________________________________
RN :__________________________________________________________


Tick () if risk
No. Risk Factors
factor is present
Fever (>38C)
Proteinuria (1+ or more)
High Blood Pressure (>140/90 mmHg)
Abnormal Lie
Chronic Medical Illness: (Cardiovascular disease, asthma,
diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, anaemia, TB, HIV, Hepatitis B)
Post date >41 weeks
Gestation <37 weeks
Leaking liquor or rupture of membrane > 6 hours
Meconium-stained liquor
Fetal Heart Rate <110 or >160 beats/minute
Labour pain >12 hrs for primigravida or >8 hours for multigravida
No progress of cervical dilatation after >4 hours
Cord prolapsed
Intrapartum haemorrhage
Irregular or uncoordinated contraction >4 hours
Duration of second stage >1 hour in primigravida or >30 minutes
in multigravida
Maternal bleeding, shortness of breath, pulse rate >100 beats/
minute, or cyanosis
Fetal heart rate <110 or >160 beats/min
Shoulder dystocia
1. Retained placenta
2. Retained product of conception
3 Second degree perineal tear or more
Postpartum haemorrhage (>500 ml) caused by uterine atony,
uterine rupture, uterine inversion, or coagulation disorders
Mother having shortness of breath, pulse rate >100 beats/
minute, or cyanosis
** Note: If there is a risk factor, mother has to be referred to the Medical Officer in
Health Clinic/nearest hospital.

Name of Staff :
Designation :
Name of Health Clinic :
*(Reminder: Please attach Appendix 3 when referring to hospital)





From: _____________________________________________________________________
To: _______________________________________________________________________
Name of mother: ___________________________________________________________
Registration No: .................. NRIC: .........
Age: ............ Gravida: ......... Para: ..........
LMP: ........... EDD/REDD: ....... POA/POG: .........

Progress and Treatment given:


Enclosed items: (please tick)

1. Partogram 2. CTG 3. Intrapartum Checklist (Appendix 3)
Case discussed with ___________________________________ in receiving center.

Referring medical personnel (Name & Designation):




i. Check fetal heart rate and give mother
Leaking liquor or rupture of membrane > 6
oxygen if there is sign of fetal distress
ii. Rule out cord prolapse
i. Elevate the perineum by putting two
pillows under the mothers buttock
ii. Give oxygen to the mother
iii. If the cord is protruding through the
Cord Prolapse vagina, cover it with a pad or gauze which
had been soaked with warm water and
push it back into the vagina if possible.**
iv. Distend bladder with 200 mls of saline/
IM Dexamethasone 12 mg stat. Can be
Gestation less than 36 weeks
given by SN/JM (Credentialed)

1. Practical Points to be noted during transfer of mothers:

Meticulous planning and coordination Identify personnel and modes of transport
Resuscitate and stabilise mother
Coordinate safe embarkation on to vehicle

Maintain stability of mother
Constant monitoring and documentation of vital signs, treatment and incidents during
If acute problems arise, stop vehicle to carry out resuscitative measures or divert to
nearest health facility

On arrival:
Hand over to appropriate person
Ensure safe disembarkation





From: __________________________________________________________________________
To: ____________________________________________________________________________
Name of mother: ________________________________________________________________
Registration No: _________________________ NRIC: ______________________________
Age: _______________________ Para: _______________________________
Date of delivery: ______________________ Date of discharge: _________________________
Date and indication for intrapartum referral: _________________________________________
Mode of Delivery: ________________________________________________________________
Babys birth weight and sex: _______________________________________________________
Summary of problem and treatment given: ___________________________________________
Recommended further treatment and follow-up: ______________________________________
Date and purpose of any follow-up as referral centre: _________________________________

(Name & Designation)



Discourage pushing
MIdwife coordinator, additional
midwifery help, experienced Move buttocks to
obstetrician, neonatal team edge of bed

(thighs to abdomen)

(and routine traction)

Conseder episiotomy if will make

internal manoeuvres easier

Try either manoeuvre rst

depending on clinical



Inform consultant obstetrician

and anaesthetist

If above manoeuvres fail to

release impacted shoulders,
(if appropriate) OR Repeat all the
above again

Consider cleidotomy, Zavaneli

manoeuvre or symphysiotomy

Adapted from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist. Green Top Guideline No 42. Shoulder
Dystocia, Dec; 2005






Name of Procedure: Intrapartum Management
SOP Condition Symptoms/signs Laboratory Diagnostic criteria and Care of plan
Number Investigation differential diagnosis Level of
& findings Management Level of care
1 Normal Regular uterine False labour Partograph All levels All levels
Labour contractions APH Fetal monitoring
Leaking liquor
Cervical dilatation
Cervical Effacement
Descent of fetal head

2 Emergency Obstetric Indication Hb Consent SN/HO/MO Hospital with

Caesarean GXM/GSH Inform Family Specialist facilities for
Section members OT, -- O&G operative
Anesthetist, -- Anesthetist delivery
Paediatrician -- Pediatrician
Confirm blood
Mother prep.
Prophylactic antibiotic
(Refer CPG on

3 Anaemia Pallor FBC Nutritional anaemia IV line HO/MO/ Hospital

Hb<11 gm% FBP if not done Haemoglobinopathy Consider transfusion if Specialist
SOB, Lethargy, before Parasitic infection Hb <8 gm%
Giddiness GXM
SOP Condition Symptoms/signs Laboratory Diagnostic criteria and Care of plan
Number Investigation differential diagnosis Level of
& findings Management Level of care
4 Hypertensive BP130/90 mmHg FBC Chronic hypertension Depends on All levels All levels
Disorder in and above Renal profile & uric Secondary the severity of
Pregnancy Symptoms of acid hypertension hypertension &
impending eclampsia LFT gestational age (refer
Urine protein to training manual on
GXM HDP in Pregnancy)
Ultrasound (if

5 Diabetes Known diabetes Dextrostix (dxt) Hourly dxt MO/ Hospital with
Mellitus Gestational diabetes RBS Maintain glucose at Specialist Specialist
FBC 4-7mmol/l
BUSE Start insulin infusion
GXM (DIK regime) on
Urine ketone & sliding scale if
protein necessary
6 Heart Known case of heart FBC Undiagnosed Prop up mother MO/ Hospital with
Disease disease ECG thyrotoxicosis ECG monitoring Specialist Specialist
Dyspnoea ABG if indicated Postpartum cardio- Oxygen as necessary -O&G
Cyanosis Bedside Echo if myopathy Resuscitation trolley -Medical
Cardiac murmur indicated Heart failure standby -Cardiologist
Signs of heart failure secondary to SBE prophylaxis if (if the service
hypertension/ indicated available)
anaemia Shorten second
Avoid syntometrin/
ergometrin in third
Refer to training
manual of Heart
Disease in Pregnancy

SOP Condition Symptoms/signs Laboratory Diagnostic criteria and Care of plan
Number Investigation differential diagnosis Level of
& findings Management Level of care
7 Maternal Temperature 38oC TWBC Chorio-amnionitis Institute broad MO/Specialist Hospital with
Pyrexia Septic work up, such as: Intercurrent infection spectrum antibiotic -- Medical Specialist
-- Blood C&S eg UTI, URTI cover -- Surgical
if maternal DVT Expedite delivery if -- Pediatrician
temperature chorio-amnionitis
38oC Assessment of baby
-- UFEME at delivery
-- Urine C&S
-- HVS C&S
-- CXR (if indicated)

8 Abnormal Lie other than Hb LSCS may be indicated MO/Specialist Hospital with
Lie longitudinal GXM -- O&G Specialist
Ultrasound (if -- Anesthetist
needed) -- Pediatrician

9 Malpresentation Presentation other Hb LSCS may be indicated MO/Specialist Hospital with

Including Breech than vertex GXM -- O&G Specialist
Ultrasound (if -- Anesthetist
needed) -- Pediatrician

10 Preterm Contractions UFEME UTI IM Dexamethasone MO/Specialist Hospital with

Labour Cervical changes HVS C&S Wrong dates (refer CPG on antenatal -- O&G Specialist
(<37/52) Ultrasound(if needed) IUGR/SGA steroid) -- Paediatrician

11 Intrauterine Uterus smaller than Hb Wrong dates Close intrapartum MO/Specialist Hospital with
Growth date GXM SGA fetal monitoring -- O&G Specialist
Restiction CTG Fetal anomaly May need operative -- Anesthetist
(IUGR) Ultrasound (if delivery -- Pediatrician
SOP Condition Symptoms/signs Laboratory Diagnostic criteria and Care of plan
Number Investigation differential diagnosis Level of
& findings Management Level of care
12 Meconium- Greenish/ Hb Breech May be necessary to MO/Specialist Hospital with
stained Yellowish GXM expedite delivery -- O&G Specialist
Liquor discolouration of CTG May need operative -- Anesthetist
liquor delivery -- Pediatrician
MO/Paediatrician on
13 Abnormal Refer to Fetal Hb Refer to Fetal Initial management: MO/Specialist Hospital with
Fetal Heart Monitoring section GXM Monitoring section -- Left lateral position -- O&G Specialist
Rate CTG -- Oxygen -- Anesthetist
-- Stop oxytocin -- Pediatrician
-- VE to rule out cord
-- IV infusion
Expedite delivery as
on standby
May need operative
14 Prolonged Latent phase > 8 hours Hb Augmentation if MO/Specialist Hospital with
Labour Passed alert line on GXM appropriate -- O&G specialist
partograph CTG Instrumental -- Anesthetist
Prolonged second stage May need operative -- Pediatrician
15 Cord Presence of cord Hb Initial management: MO/Specialist Hospital with
Prolapse outside the cervix GXM Elevate mothers -- O&G Specialist
Membranes absent buttocks -- Anesthetist
Oxygen to mother -- Pediatrician
Replace cord into
the vagina with warm
Inflate bladder with N/S
Expedite delivery as

SOP Condition Symptoms/signs Laboratory Diagnostic criteria and Care of plan
Number Investigation differential diagnosis Level of
& findings Management Level of care
16 Antepartum PV bleed during Hb Bleeding Placenta IV line MO/Specialist Hospital with
Haemorrhage antepartum period GXM Praevia Resuscitation -- O&G Specialist
Coagulation profile Abruptio placenta Refer hospital with -- Anesthetist
CTG Uterine rupture specialist -- Pediatrician
Ultrasound Expedite delivery
17 Shoulder Delay in delivery of GXM Call for the most All levels All levels
Dystocia shoulder Hb senior staff available
at the centre.
IV line
Shoulder dystocia Drill
The mother must be
in lithotomy position,
legs up in stirrups
with buttock at the
edge of the bed.
Empty the bladder
Extend episiotomy.
McRobert maneuver:
Hyperflex hips and
knees and abducts
Suprapubic pressure
to dislodge anterior
Downward axial
traction on fetus.
Failing the above,
deliver the posterior
shoulder followed by
the anterior shoulder.
Failing the above,
activate referral/
retrieval system
SOP Condition Symptoms/signs Laboratory Diagnostic criteria and Care of plan
Number Investigation differential diagnosis Level of
& findings Management Level of care
18 Postpartum Bleeding from the FBC Uterine atony TRIGGER RED ALERT All levels All levels
Haemorrhage genital tract >500mls GXM Retained placenta IV line with 16-18G
in vaginal delivery Coagulation profile Trauma: Cervical tear, canulla
and > 1000mls in vaginal wall tear/ Resuscitation
Caesarian section haematoma Oxytocics/
or Uterine inversion Prostaglandins
enough blood loss to c oagulation disorder (Refer Training
cause hypotension or Manual on
shock Management of PPH)

1 Whittle MJ. The management and monitoring of labour. Tumbulls Obstetrics
(Chamberlain G, ed.) 2nd edition. 1995. Churchill Livingstone.
2 Beazley JM. Natural labour and its active management. In Dewhursts textbook of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Postgraduates (Whitfield CR, ed). 5th edition 1995.
Blackwell Science.
3 Studd J. The management of labour. 1st edition 1985. Blackwell Scientific
4 Steer P. ABC of labour care: assessment of mother and fetus in labour. BMJ 1999;
318: 858-861.
5 Steer P & Flint C. ABC of labour care: physiology and management of normal labour.
BMJ 1999; 318: 793-796.
6 The use of Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Evidence-based Clinical Guideline Number 8,
RCOG, 2001.
7 Gibb & Arulkumaran 1992. Fetal Monitoring in Practice, Butterworth Heinemann.
8 WHO Partograph Users Manual (1988).
9 Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth A guide for midwives and
doctors. Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Childbirth (IMPAC). WHO 2000.
10 Perinatal Society Malaysia, Ministry of Health and Academy of Medicine, 1996.
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Antenatal Steroid Administration.
11 Training Manual on Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy by National Technical
Committee on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths 2000.
12 Training Manual of Management of Post Partum Haemorrhage by National Technical
Committee on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths 1998.
13 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Heart Disease in Pregnancy. Ministry of Health
Malaysia 2001.
14 Intrapartum Care,care of healty mother and their babies during childbirth NICE
Guideline Sept;2007.
15 National Consensus on Thromboprophylaxis. Academy of Medicine & Ministry of
Health, 1999.

16 Managing prolonged and obstructed labour,WHO 2008

17 Uterine inversion:Life-threatening obstetric emergency,Hostetler,Bosworth MF.Jam

Board Fam Prac.2000 March April; 3 ( 2 ):120-3

18 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist. Green Top Guideline No 56.

Maternal Collapse in pregnancy and the puerperium, Jan, 2011
19 Resuscitation Council (UK). Resuscitation Guidelines 2005. (
uk/pages/guides .htm)
20 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist. Green Top Guideline No 42.
Shoulder Dystocia, Dec; 2005
21 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist. Green Top Guideline No 50. Cord
Prolapse, April ;2008

Section 4
Postpartum Care
Contents Page
4.1 Introduction 136
4.2 Rationale 136
4.3 The Needs of Women and Their Newborn 136
a. General 136
b. Needs of special groups 137
4.4 Postnatal Care 138
a. In the event of a baby being admitted in the hospital 138
b. In the event of a mother being admitted in the hospital 139
4.5 Post Partum Pre Pregnancy Care 139
4.6 Post Miscarriage Care 139
4.7 Postnatal Checklists 140
Figure 4.1 : Flow Chart for The Management of Postnatal Mother 140
Appendix 1 : Sistem Kod Warna dan Senarai Semak Penjagaan Postnatal 141
Appendix 2 : Senarai Semak Pemerhatian Penyusuan 144
4.8 Nutrition 145
4.9 Postnatal Exercise 146
4.10 Reproductive Health 146
a. Contraception 146
b. Sexual life 146
4.11 Coping With Deaths 147
a. Bereavement 147
b. Maternal death 150
c. Stillbirth and neonatal death 151
Standard Operating Procedure
SOP 1 - Post Caesarean Care 156
SOP 2 - Anaemia 156
SOP 3 - Hypertensive Disorders in Postpartum 157
SOP 4 - Established Diabetes Mellitus 158
SOP 5 - Heart Disease 159
SOP 6 - Urinary Retention 160
SOP 7 - Urinary Incontinence 160
SOP 8 - Bereavement 160
SOP 9 - Sub Involution of Uterus 161
SOP 10 - Secondary Postpartum Haemorrhage 161
SOP 11 - Puerperal Pyrexia 161
SOP 12 - Postpartum Depression 162
SOP 13 - Deep Vein Thrombosis 162
SOP 14 - Perineal Wound Problems 162
SOP 15 - Breast Engorgement 162

The postpartum period (puerperium) is from the end of labour until the genital
tract has returned to normal. It lasts for 42 days. The postpartum period
covers a critical transitional time for a woman, her newborn and her family, on a
physiological, emotional and social level. Inadequate postnatal care can reduce
opportunities for early detection and management of problems and disease.

The aims of care in the postpartum period are:

1. Support of the mother and her family in the transition period to the new
family member and respond to their needs
2. Prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of complications of mother and
neonate, including the prevention of vertical transmission of diseases from
mother to neonate
3. Referral of mother and neonate for specialist care when necessary
4. Counselling on baby care and immunization of the infant
5. Support of breastfeeding
6. Counselling on maternal nutrition, and exercise
7. Counselling and service provision for contraception and the resumption of
sexual activity
8. Provision of psychological support in special circumstances

A significant number of maternal deaths as well as morbidity occur during
the postpartum period. About two-thirds of maternal deaths occur during the
postnatal period. Postpartum complications can be grouped into acute life-
threatening, mid- and long-term chronic conditions. Increased awareness of
warning signals and appropriate intervention is needed at all levels. Skilled
care and early identification of problems could reduce the incidence of death
and disability.


1. In the postpartum period, women need :
i. information/counselling on
--care of the baby including immunization and breastfeeding
--changes within their bodies - including signs of possible problems
--self care - hygiene
--sexual life and contraception
ii. physical and psychological support from
--health care providers
--partner and family
iii. medical care for suspected or existing complications

iv. time to care for the baby
v. help with domestic tasks
vi. social reintegration into her family , work place and community
vii. protection from abuse/violence
Women may fear:
--physical and emotional inadequacy
--loss of marital intimacy
--social and family isolation
--constant responsibility for care of the baby and others.

2. Newborn infants need refer manual on neonatal care.

Needs of special groups

1. Population in the Interior
a. Problems
i. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is higher compared to the general
ii. Higher incidence of pregnancy problems
iii. Mobile group and inaccessible
iv. Strong cultural beliefs
b. Steps to be taken
i. Delay discharge from the hospital
ii. Transfer to Pusat Transit/any other health facilities
iii. Education of patients and support group
iv. Involvement of community leaders
v. Collaborations with Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA)

2. Urban poor
a. Problems
i. Poor antenatal care leading to postpartum problems
ii. Non-compliance to post natal care plan/defaulter
iii. Cost and implications
b. Steps to be taken
i. Education regarding the importance of post natal care especially
those with problems
ii. Reassurance, care is totally health directed
iii. Availability of services at all centres

3. Single mothers
a. Problems
i. Poor social and family support
ii. Financially unstable
iii. The pregnancy may be unwanted and unplanned
b. Steps to be taken
i. Refer mother to social workers
ii. Supportive counselling should be given
iii. Provide social support and option on adoptions/shelter home
iv. Avoid stigmatisation
4. Immigrants
a. Problems
i. Poor antenatal care leading to antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum
ii. Non-compliance to postnatal care plan/ defaulter
iii. Inaccessibility
iv. Cost implication
v. Legal implication
b. Steps to be taken
i. Education regarding the importance of post natal care especially
those with problem
ii. Reassurance, care is totally health directed
iii. Availability of services at all centres
iv. Involvement of the employer


Optimal postnatal care in a normal pregnancy and delivery should be carried out
9 times, to check by hospital/health staff as scheduled: Day 1,2,3,4,6,8,10,15
and 20 of puerperium (9 times). Any abnormality observed during these visits
may require appropriate referrals and more visits.

At each visit, the health staff should enquire about the mothers and babys
health and well-being. The mother must be assessed for presence of abnormal
lochia and symptoms and signs of DVT/Pulmonary Thromboembolism (chest
pain, difficulty in breathing, redness and inflammation of lower limbs and
calf swelling and tenderness). Examination of vital signs, breast, abdomen
and perineum should be carried out. These should be recorded in the Rekod
Kesihatan Ibu KIK/1(a)/96 (Pindaan 2012) and KIK/1(b)/96 (Pindaan 2012).

The mother should be asked about the baby and how the baby is feeding,
whether the baby has bowel opening and passed urine and about any other
concerns. If necessary, observe the feeding and help the mother to improve
the technique of breast feeding. Assessment of the baby should include
anthropometry measurement, vital signs, eyes, skin, umbilical cord and other
systemic examination. These should be recorded in the Rekod Kesihatan Bayi
dan Kanak Kanak (0 6 tahun) Pindaan 02/2011.

a. In the event of a baby being admitted in the hospital

The mother who has been discharged, but continues to accompany the baby
in the hospital should be provided postnatal care in accordance to KKM policy.
This care should be provided by the nursing staff of O&G/Paediatrics at the
hospital concerned. The provision of this care must be documented in the
Rekod Kesihatan Ibu KIK/1(a)/96( Pindaan 2012).

b. In the event of a mother being admitted in the hospital
The baby who has been discharged, but continues to remain with the mother
in the hospital should be provided neonatal care in accordance to KKM policy.
This care should be provided by the nursing staff of O&G/Paediatrics at the
hospital concerned. The provision of this care must be documented in the
Rekod Kesihatan Bayi dan Kanak Kanak (0 6 tahun) Pindaan 02/2011.


Identification of patients who require to be referred to the pre pregnancy service
should be done at postnatal visit at 1 month. (Refer to pre pregnancy risk
factors Section 1, Appendix 3).
i. Women who should avoid future pregnancy:
This relates to maternal conditions which may be detrimental to patients
life in the event of embarking on a future pregnancy. This is to ensure that
the couple are fully counselled and appropriate family planning method is
ii. Women who are likely to be at high risk in future pregnancies:
Women who are likely to be at high risk in future pregancies should be
advised before their discharge about their risk with future pregnancies. They
must be given adequate counselling about the need for contraception and
need for assessment by the doctor before being allowed to process with
the next pregnancy. They must be given an appointment to attend the pre
pregnancy clinic preferably at 3 to 6 months post-delivery. This relates to
maternal conditions and also foetal outcomes conditions which may have
risk of recurrance.


i. Next menses
Most women will have a menses within 4- 6 weeks. However it may not be
of the normal volume or duration of her previous cycles. It is advisable for
the patient to record her menses to ensure the regularity of her menstrual
cycle before attempting to conceive.
ii. Physical activities
There is no restriction to resume normal physical activities following a
miscarriage. However it is advisable to avoid strenuous activities such
as jogging and lifting heavy weight during the immediate post miscarriage
iii. Diet
A well balanced diet with appropriate amount of fluid intake will assist
the body to return to its normal form. There is no particular restriction
with regards to the types of food that may be consumed during the post
miscarriage period.
iv. Sexual relationship
It may be appropriate for the couple to consider sexual intercourse only
after vaginal bleeding has stopped.

v. Contraception
It is advisable for a woman to avoid a pregnancy soon after the miscarriage.
This is likely to happen in the event of unprotected intercourse. Contraception
advice should be offered in order to space her pregnancy. This advice should
be based on Medical Eligibility Criteria for contraceptive use (MOH 2006).
vi. Emotional support
Following miscarriage, a proportion of women may experience various levels
of emotional changes. At times these changes may be similar to that of a
woman who has lost a baby at term. These reactions may be attributed to
abrupt changes in hormonal levels or due to the loss of a wanted pregnancy.
Counselling in the form of emotional support should be offered to women
who experience these changes.
vii. Advise on next pregnancy
Advise on next pregnancy to take place as long as mother has no medical
illness or constrain. Mothers are encouraged to embark on next pregnancy
once they are ready.


1. Flow chart for the management of postnatal women (Figure 4.1)
2. Colour coding to identify high risk cases (Appendix 1)
3. Breastfeeding practice (Appendix 2)

Figure 4.1: Flow chart for the management of postnatal mother

Postnatal examination
(using the postnatal checklist)

Red Code Yellow Code No Risk

Refer to Family Medicine Routine

Specialist/Medical Officer Postnatal
at Health Cinic/Hospital Nursing

Refer to FMS
for immediate
hospital admission




Senarai semak ini digunakan oleh anggota kesihatan ketika menjalankan penjagaan
postnatal. Senarai semak ini perlu bagi pengesanan faktor risiko dan pengendalian
semasa jagaan postnatal.

Ia mempunyai 2 kod warna, berdasarkan kepada tahap penjagaan dan keperluan

pengendalian klinikal.


Merah Perlu dimasukkan segera ke hospital
Rujuk kes kepada doktor, samada di Klinik Kesihatan atau hospital untuk
rawatan lanjut


KOD MERAH - Rujukan segera ke hospital
Tarikh Lawatan
Hari Postnatal
FAKTOR-FAKTOR RISIKO YANG DIKENALPASTI Tandakan () dalam ruangan jika terdapat faktor
1. Eklampsia
2. Pre-eklampsia yang teruk (BP >140/90,
albuminuria, simtomatik
-- sakit kepala, pening, kabur penglihatan,
sakit epigastrik, rasa mual)
3. Tumpah darah (secondary PPH)
4. Lekat uri/cebisan uri tertinggal
(retained Product of Conception)
5. Masalah kencing
-- Tidak boleh kencing
(acute urinary retention)
-- Incontinence
6. Pesakit jantung bersalin di rumah
7. Ibu Rhesus negative bersalin di rumah
8. Gejala-gejala dantanda-tanda deep vein
thrombosis/pulmonary embolism:
-- Sakit/bengkak betis
(calf tenderness swollen)
-- Sakit dada
-- Susah bernafas
-- Kemerahan/keradangan anggota bawah
kaki (redness/inflammation of lower
9. Jangkitan/(wound
di bahagian luka
10. Anemia Hb < 9gm% dengan tanda-tanda
seperti sesak nafas, berdebar-debar, pucat,
mudah letih dan pitam

Tarikh Lawatan
Hari Postnatal
FAKTOR-FAKTOR RISIKO YANG DIKENALPASTI Tandakan () dalam ruangan jika terdapat faktor
11. Simtom respiratori:
-- Sesak nafas
-- Batuk berpanjangan berdarah
-- Serangan asthma
12. Puerperal Sepsis: Demam, lokia berbau
busuk/luar biasa

KOD KUNING Rujuk kepada Pegawai Perubatan/Pakar Perubatan Keluarga di

klinik kesihatan/hospital
Tarikh Lawatan
Hari Postnatal
FAKTOR-FAKTOR RISIKO YANG DIKENALPASTI Tandakan () dalam ruangan jika terdapat faktor
Rujukan pada hari yang sama
1. BP >140/90, asimtomatik, tiada proteinuria
Sebarang simtom yang membimbangkan
contoh: Rasa loya dan muntah, sakit kepala
3. Puerperal pyrexia
Rawatan obstetrik semasa:
-- Kematian perinatal dan ibu sedang
4. berkabung
-- Berat badan bayi <2kg atau >4 kg bagi
kes bersalin di rumah
Rahim yang tidak mengecut seperti yang
sepatutnya (subinvolution of uterus)
Ibu dengan masalah:
-- Psikiatrik
-- Kecacatan mental atau fizikal
-- Keganasan rumahtangga/sosial
Masalah penyusuan susu ibu: Bengkak
payudara, puting luka atau merekah
Masalah kencing: kerap kencing (frequency)
Sakit kencing (dysuria)

Tarikh Lawatan
Hari Postnatal
FAKTOR-FAKTOR RISIKO YANG DIKENALPASTI Tandakan () dalam ruangan jika terdapat faktor
Rujukan dengan temujanji (dalam masa 1 minggu)
Haemoglobin kurang dari 9gm%
2. TPHA positif, belum dirawat
Masalah perubatan yang lain contoh:
SLE, penyakit buah pinggang semasa
mengandung, sel darah abnormal (blood
4. HIV positif
5. Hepatitis B positif
Diabetes mellitus dan asymptomatic heart
Ibu yang tiada suami
(single mother)

a. Catatkan tarikh mengikut hari lawatan postnatal pada ruang bersesuaian
b. Tandakan () pada faktor-faktor yang dikesan semasa pemeriksaan postnatal
c. Lekatkan kod warna bersesuaian pada format senarai semak dan kedua-dua kad
antenatal KIK/1(a)/96 Pind 2012 dan KIK/1(b)/96 Pind 2012
d. Tindakan yang perlu diambil oleh anggota kesihatan yang mengendalikan kes
tersebut adalah berdasarkan kod warna
e. Kod warna boleh ditukar pada lawatan berikutnya, jika tidak terdapat lagi faktor



1.Nama Ibu:____________________ 2. R/N:_____________________

3.Nama Bayi:___________________ 4. Tarikh Lahir Bayi:_____________
Arahan: Tandakan jika ibu atau bayi menunjukkan tanda-tanda penyusuan berjalan dengan baik dan
tandakan X jika ibu atau bayi menunjukkan tanda-tanda bermasalah dalam penyusuan.

Tarikh Lawatan
Bil Pemerhatian
Ya Tidak Ya Tidak Ya Tidak
Ibu kelihatan sihat
Ibu tenang dan selesa
Tanda kasih sayang antara ibu dan
Bayi kelihatan sihat
Bayi tenang dan selesa
Bayi mencapai payudara apabila lapar
Payudara kelihatan sihat
Tidak sakit atau tidak selesa
Diampu dengan baik, jari jauh dari
Puting menonjol dan protractile
Kepala dan badan bayi lurus
Badan bayi rapat dan
menghadap ibu
Seluruh badan bayi diampu
Bayi mencapai payudara ibu, hidung bayi
bertentangan dengan putting payudara
Kelihatan lebih areola di atas mulut bayi
4. Mulut bayi terbuka luas
Bibir bawah melengkup keluar
Dagu bayi menyentuh payudara ibu
Penghisapan perlahan dan mendalam
Pipi penuh dan bulat
Bayi melepaskan payudara dengan
sendiri bila habis menyusu
Ibu merasai tanda refleks oksitosin

All mothers need to eat a healthy and balanced diet with vitamins and minerals,
whether they breastfeed or formula feed. It is essential to plan simple and
healthy meals that include choices from all of the recommended groups of the
food pyramid.

Although most mothers want to lose their pregnancy weight, extreme dieting and
rapid weight loss can be hazardous to their health and to their baby especially
if they are breastfeeding. It can take several months for a mother to lose the
weight she gained during pregnancy. This can be accomplished by cutting out
high-fat snacks and concentrating on a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables
and fruits, balanced with proteins and carbohydrates. Exercise also helps burn
calories and tone muscles and limbs. Along with balanced meals, breastfeeding
mothers should increase fluid intake as many mothers find, they become very
thirsty while nursing the baby.

To maximize the benefit of breast milk, a nursing mother must practice good
nutrition. Nutritional needs of the mother during breastfeeding include increased
need for energy, vitamins and minerals and water. Age, weight, activity level, and
metabolism all influence how much they will need to eat for optimum weight
gain, health and breast milk production.

When breastfeeding a single baby, 300-500 calories per day should be added
to the diet but for feeding twins baby, 600-1000 calories per day should be
added to your diet. The total calorie intake for a lactating mother is 2300-2500
calories for singleton and 2600-3000 calories for twins.

Calcium for milk production comes from the mother and when calcium levels
in the moms blood are not adequate for her needs and those of her child,
the calcium deposited in her bones is withdrawn for milk production. The
composition of nutrients in human milk is consistent. A nutrition shortage for
the mother is more like to reduce the quantity of milk than the quality of the
milk for baby.

Fats, oil, sugar and salt
Eat less

Fish, poultry, meat and legumes

Milk and - 2 servings of poultry/meat,egg/day
1 serving of fish/day
milk products - 1 serving legumes/day
1-3 servings/day
Eat in moderation Fruits
2 servings of fruit/day
Vegetables Eat plenty
3 servings of
vegetables/day Rice, noodle, bread,
Eat plenty cereals, cereal products
and tubers
4 - 8 servings/day
Eat adequately


Please refer to the guidelines prepared by Family Health Development Division,
Ministry of Health, Malaysia.


a. Contraception
Postpartum mothers can become pregnant again even before they have
their first menses. Breastfeeding is not a reliable form of birth control.
Therefore, the mother should be advised for contraception within 1 month
in Health facilities. The advice is based on (Medical Eligibility Criteria for
contraceptive use (MOH 2006)).

b. Sexual life
Among the needs of women in the postpartum period are information and
counselling on sexual life. To answer these needs, health provider should
be well informed regarding post-partum sexual behaviour. It is known that
in the course of pregnancy many women are less inclined to have sexual
intercourse and this might differ from their partners desire. Fatigue and
disturbed sleep pattern are reported to be the most common causes for
the lack of interest in sex. It has been noted that 71% of women resume
intercourse by eight weeks postpartum and 90% by ten weeks (Glazener
1997). Pain related to perineal damage and sutures, caused by vaginal
tears and episiotomies is another factor that influences sexual behaviour
during the postpartum period. (Glazener 1997).

Sexual intercourse may be resumed after the mothers vaginal bleeding has
stopped and perineal wound stitches has healed. Usually, this would have
recovered within four to six weeks following delivery. The couple should
decide together, with the advice of their health care provider, when to
resume sexual intimacy. Initially, sex following birth may be painful. Advice
to use a lubricant or trying positions that allow the woman to be in control
of penetration may help.
a. Bereavement
The emotional and somatic responses to death differs from person to
person. The grief response will be more intense if the death occurs in a
person who is closely related. The process of grief involves a few stages.

Normal grief reaction

Stage 1 Denial and disbelief
Hours to days Numbness
Sadness, weeping, waves of grief
Somatic symptoms of anxiety
Stage 2 Restlessness
Weeks to 6 months Poor sleep
Diminished appetite
Guilt, blame of others
Symptoms resolve
Stage 3 Social activities resumed
Weeks to months Memories of good times
(Symptoms may recur at anniversaries)

Abnormal or pathological grief:

Symptoms are more intense than usual
Symptoms prolonged beyond 6 months
Symptoms delayed in onset
Abnormally intense grief:
Up to 35% of bereaved people meet the criteria for a depressive disorder
at some time during grieving.
Most of these depressive disorders resolve within six months but about
20 % persists for longer periods.
These persons are more likely:
-- to have poor social adjustment
-- visit doctors frequently
-- to use alcohol
-- Suicidal thoughts may occur when grief is intense. The rate of suicides
is increased most in the year after bereavement, but continues to be
high for five years after the death of a spouse or parent.
-- Elderly widowers are at higher risk than other bereaved people.
-- The presence of suicidal ideas should prompt appropriate assessment
of suicide risk.

Prolonged grief:
Defined as grief lasting for more than 6 months. However, it is difficult to
set such a define limit to normal grief and complete resolution may take
much longer.
Instead of the normal progression, symptoms of the first and second
stage persist.

Such prolongation may be associated with a depressive disorder but can
occur without such a disorder.
Delayed grief:
It is said to occur when the first stage of grief does not appear until more
than two weeks after the death.
It is said to be more frequent after sudden traumatic or unexpected

Inhibited and distorted grief:

Absence of grief is a pathological variant of grieving.
Inhibited grief refers to a reaction that lacks some normal features.
Distorted grief refers to features (other than depressive symptoms) that
are either unusual in degree, for example marked hostility, over activity,
and extreme social withdrawal, or else unusual in kind, for example
expression of physical symptoms that were part of the last illness of the

The mortality of bereavement

Several studies have shown an increased rate of mortality among
bereaved spouses and other closed relatives, with the greatest increase
being in the first 6 months after bereavement.

Causes of pathological grief:

Abnormal grief reactions are more likely in the following circumstances:
-- When the death was sudden and unexpected,
-- When the bereaved person had a very close, or dependent, or ambivalent
relationship with the deceased
-- When the survivor is insecure, or has difficulty in expressing, feelings,
or has suffered a previous psychiatric disorder,
-- When the survivor has to care for dependent children and so cannot
show grief easily.

Social support certainly assists people who are bereaved.

In planning management it is important to take into account the individual
circumstances of the patient as well as the general guidelines outlined below.
i. Counselling
The bereaved person needs:
To talk about the loss
To express feelings of sadness, guilt or anger
To understand the normal course of grieving.
It is helpful to forewarn a bereaved person about unusual experience such
as feeling as if the dead person were present, illusions, and hallucinations,
otherwise these experiences may be alarming.

Help may be needed :
to accept that loss is real
to work through stages of grief
to adjust to life without the deceased
Viewing the dead body and putting away the dead persons belonging help
this transition, and a bereaved person should be encouraged to perform the

Practical problems may need to be discussed, including funeral arrangements

and financial difficulties.

As time passed, the bereaved person should be encouraged to resume social

contacts, to talk to other people about the loss, to remember happy and
fulfilling experiences that were shared with the deceased, and to consider
positive activities that the latter would have wanted survivors to undertake.

ii. Drug treatment

Cannot remove the distress of normal grief, but it can relieve severe anxiety.

In the second stage, antidepressant drugs may be beneficial if the criteria

for depressive disorder are met, though such usage has not been evaluated
in this special group.

iii. Support groups

Can be useful, however, it may be difficult to sustain effective functioning.

iv. Psychotherapy
It is not practical, nor it is there evidence that it is helpful, to provide
psychotherapy for all bereaved persons

Best Practice Guide:

Provide an environment and circumstances for feeling hurt, guilty, angry or
other strongly negative feelings.
Allow the spouse and relatives to ventilate
Validate the extent of grief
Facilitate procedures for removal of the body to the home for last rites.
Be sensitive for the need for post-mortem in cases of sudden death
Do home visit to explore feelings of guilt or blame and explain /reinforce
circumstances of death.
Encourage the spouse to build a support network of family, friends and
professional-bereavement clinics are useful.
Consider the need of the children and refer to the appropriate welfare
authorities where appropriate.
Be alert for suicidal intention or behaviour
Remember that grief takes time
Stages of grief are not always predictable

Useful Dos for health workers handling death among their patients:
Direct expression of sympathy
Talk about deceased by name
Elicit question about circumstances of the death
Elicit question about feeling and about how the death has affected the person

Have a casual or passive attitude
Give statements that death is for the best
Assume that the bereaved is strong and will get through this
Avoid discussing the death

To help remember grief work: Remember TEAR

T To accept the reality of the loss
E Experience the pain of the loss
A Adjust to the new environment without the lost object
R Reinvest in the new reality

b. Maternal death
The death of a pregnant woman in the antepartum, intrapartum or postpartum
period up to 42 days after the delivery.

Special characteristics of a maternal death:

Sudden, may be totally unexpected
May occur in a healthy woman in the prime of her life
Sudden end to hope of going home with a healthy wife and infant after a
pregnancy that was full of great expectations

Remember the multiple roles of the mother:

Mother-newborn child, previous children
Wage earner
Role model
Member of the family
Member of the community
Therefore a maternal death is a great lost.

After a maternal death:

1. Provide an accurate diagnosis. (Medical Officers/Specialists)

i. The International Classification of diseases 10th Edition is used.
ii. The cause of death should be discussed with the obstetrician covering
the district before release of the body.

iii. All maternal deaths where the cause of death is not known including
home deaths should be reported to the police. Once a post-mortem
order has been issued, a detailed post-mortem should be carried out.
In the event where a post-mortem order cannot be obtained, consent for
a clinical post-mortem examination should be requested. This request
could be for a limited post-mortem examination or permission to carry
out needle biopsies.

2. Documentation and report: (Nurses/Midwives/Medical Officers/

i. Events leading to the death must be completely documented.
ii. All investigations done must be documented and the results traced.
iii. The burial permit and death certificate should be completed by the
medical officer.
iv. The maternal death coordinator (Health Matron/Sister in the case of a
home/private sector death or labour ward sister for a hospital death)
should be notified within 24 hours using KIK/KI 1 form.
v. The antenatal record should be summarized in the Maternal Mortality
Report. All maternal death cases need to be reported and notified using
the standard Maternal Mortality Report form. The report should be filled
within 4 weeks and send to the District Health Officer for further action.
vi. All health facilities providing antenatal care should be stated in the
report. The Maternal Mortality Report (KIK/KI -2 and KIK/KI - 3) should
be promptly filled within two weeks and sent to the district health officer
for further action. This format should bear no indication of the place or
the persons involved in the death.

3. Provision of spousal support and bereavement counselling (Nurse/

Medical Officers/Specialist)

c. Stillbirth and neonatal death

Following steps must be taken:
1. An accurate diagnosis is made available
i. Broad classification of stillbirths and neonatal deaths are as outlined
in the Reporting Format SU5MR- I /2012. Details on direct or specific
cause of deaths should also be studied. For e.g. a premature baby may
have the primary cause of death as immaturity but the direct cause of
death may be an intraventricular hemorrhage.
ii. Certain procedures should be undertaken when confronted with a stillbirth
especially when it is not related directly to an adverse intrapartum event
(see Management of a stillbirth below).
iii. A post-mortem examination should be requested in all cases of
unexplained death or when additional information is to be obtained which
will be beneficial for the purpose of counselling and assessment of risk
of recurrence.

2. Provision of parental support and bereavement counselling
i. This has to be offered immediately
ii. Follow-up meeting 1-2 months after the event is essential to evaluate
parents coping mechanisms and to discuss further investigations results
including autopsy findings.
iii. Important information on risk of recurrence in the subsequent pregnancies
must be given.
iv. A channel for further communication with the respective unit is important.

3. Documentation and report

i. Events leading to death and clinical findings of the foetus or newborn
must be properly documented.
ii. Filling-up of forms for burial permit and certification of deaths in
appropriate forms must be done accordingly.
iii. Prompt reporting of all stillbirths and neonatal deaths via Reporting
Format SU5MR I/2012 is mandatory. Practically all deaths can be
readily classified on clinical grounds alone based on the formats broad
categories of causes of deaths.

4. Mortality Review and Audit

i. Each health district and hospital must keep records of all stillbirths and
neonatal deaths and conduct periodic reviews among all the relevant
health care providers i.e. Health, obstetric and neonatal staff.
ii. An audit of performance is essential and ongoing efforts towards
improvement must be made.

5. Management of stillbirth:
a. Parents
Offer bereavement counselling
Allow them to be with the baby/take photo
b. Baby/Foetus
i. A detailed description of the external morphology of the foetus must
be documented clearly in the notes example which should include;
Abnormal skull shape or size
Low set ears
Cleft lip or palate
Abnormality of the limbs and number of digits
Ambiguous genitalia
Imperforate anus, etc
ii. Document identifiable syndromes.
iii. Liaison with Paediatrician.
iv. Take photo whenever possible (with consent).
v. Relevant investigations will depend on clinical findings

culture and sensitivity
Haemoglobin level
Blood grouping after obtaining
Serum bilirubin parental consent
Chromosomal analysis
X Ray/Babygram
Biopsy (selected organs)
Postmortem with parental consent.
c. Cord
i. Document the number of arteries and veins present.
ii. Identify the presence of true or false knots.
iii. Cord round neck
iv. Length of cord
v. Any other abnormality e.g. cysts, hematoma

b. Placenta
i. The weight of placenta.
ii. Any abnormality e.g. infarction, retro placental clots, the presence of
succenturiate lobe or evidence of vasa praevia.
iii. Multiple pregnancy: document chronicity and cord insertion sites
iv. Relevant investigations:
Placental swab for culture and sensitivity
Full thickness placental biopsy with cord insertion site to be sent
for HPE . The entire placenta and cord are not required especially
when the patient wishes to claim the placenta.

c. Maternal Investigations
In the event of a perinatal death (even when the cause seems obvious)
following tests should be considered depending on differential diagnosis
and clinical findings.
TORCHES and Parvo virus screen
Kleihauer test (consider in suspected feto maternal hemorrhage)
Rh (or other) antibodies if not done antenatally
Thyroid function
HbA1c and MGTT
Other investigations as suggested by clinical features, e.g. liver function
tests, creatinine and anti-cardiolipin antibodies, -fetoprotein in some

Management of recurrent abortions is as highlighted in Section 1 SOP


For each abortion of later gestation where structures are quite recognizable
the management is similar to that of a stillbirth.

Definitions of terms
Birth of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of
pregnancy, with any sign of life i.e. breathing effort, a beating heart,
pulsations of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of the voluntary
muscles. However, for the purpose of statistical calculation only live
Live birth births of birth weight (BW) at least 500 g or when BW unavailable, the
corresponding age 22 weeks or crown heel body length 25 cm are
considered. A birth of lower weight and gestation must be reported
as a birth and then a death even though it will not be considered for
calculating mortality rates

Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother

of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy;
the death is indicated by the fact that after such separation the
Foetal birth
foetus does not breathe or show any other evidence of life, such as a
beating heart, pulsations of the umbilical cord, or definite movement
of the voluntary muscles

Refers to an early foetal death of BW, 500gm or when weight is not

Abortion known the corresponding gestation <22 weeks or crown heel body
length < 25cm

Refers to a late foetal death of BW at least 500gm or when BW is

unavailable, the corresponding age 22 weeks or crown-heel body
length 25cm

Stillbirth Fresh stillbirth

-- Cranial bones not collapsed, no peeling of skin,

Macerated stillbirth
-- Cranial bones collapsed, peeling of skin, meconium stained the cord

Neonatal death Refers to death of a livebirth within 27 completed days of life

Early neonatal
Refers to death of a livebirth less than 7 completed days of life
Late neonatal
Refers to death of livebirth from 7 to 27 completed days of life
Perinatal death Refers to death in the stillbirth and early neonatal period

No. of stillbirths x 1000 total births

Stillbirth death
No. of livebirths + stillbirths

Neonatal mortality No. of neonatal deaths x 1000 livebirth

rate No. of livebirths

Perinatal mortality No. Of stillbirths + early neonatal deaths x 1000 livebirths

rate No. of livebirths + stillbirth

Reference: Commentary on Current World Health Organisation Definitions Used in Perinatal Statistics. ML
Chiswick. Arch Dis Child 1986; 61:708-10

Laboratory Care of plan
SOP Diagnostic criteria and
Condition Symptoms/signs Investigation Level of
Number differential diagnosis Management Level of care
& findings personnel
1 Post

-- Wound Gaping wound, serous Wound Swab C&S Result of examination Dressing/ MO/O&G Hospital
Breakdown discharge with/without and investigation Toilet & suturing specialist
foul smelling

-- Wound Pus, redness, pain, Wound Swab C&S Result of examination Wound toilet MO/O&G Hospital/
Sepsis fever with/without foul and investigation Antibiotic Hospital with
smelling Suturing after wound specialist

- Haematoma Swelling, Wound Swab C&S Result of examination Conservative/ MO/O&G Hospital/
Redness and pain Blood C&S and investigation evacuation Specialist Hospital with
Physical examination Specialist

2 Anemia Pallor FBC Nutritional anaemia Continue haematinics All levels All levels
Hb <11 gm% GXM 3-6 months post
Haemoglobi-nopathy delivery

Parasitic infection Consider transfusion if

symptomatic / Hb < 8
gm %
Laboratory Care of plan
SOP Diagnostic criteria and
Condition Symptoms/signs Investigation Level of
Number differential diagnosis Management Level of care
& findings personnel
3 Hypertensive BP 140/90 mm Hg and PE profiles Chronic Hypertension Daily/EOD/biweekly All levels All levels
Disorders in above -- FBC BP monitoring/ urine
Postpartum -- Renal Profile Secondary albumin
-- Urine Protein Hypertension depends on severity
-- LFT of hypertension (refer
to the training manual
on hypertension
disorders in pregnancy
& followed on CPG on

Rise of systolic BP>30 Refer back to hospital if

mm Hg and/diastolic i. Symptomatic for IE
BP>15 or
mm Hg from pre ii. BP 140/90 with
pregnancy level proteinuria or
iii. BP>150/100

Signs and symptoms of Reinforce the

impending eclampsia compliance to
are medication
-- nausea & vomiting
-- blurring of vision Adjust dosage
-- frontal headache according to BP
-- epigastric pain,
If BP persists > 6
weeks, to manage
patient according to
CPG for hypertension

Inform patient to get

medical advice when
plan for next pregnancy
(in view of the need to
change medication)

Laboratory Care of plan
SOP Diagnostic criteria and
Condition Symptoms/signs Investigation Level of
Number differential diagnosis Management Level of care
& findings personnel
4 Established Asymptomatic Blood sugar level - Continue pre pregnancy All levels Health Clinic
Diabetes monitoring treatment
Mellitus Symptomatic (frequency as required) (follow CPG)
-- Polydipsia
-- Polyuria Check for compliance
to medications and
adjust dosage based
on blood sugar level

Observe for
complication hypo-
glycaemic attack, poor
wound healing

Advise family planning

(follow medical
eligibility criteria- MEC)

Long term monitoring

for diabetes mellitus.

Advise on healthy
lifestyle - Diet
modification and

Gestational Repeat MGTT 6 weeks Inform patient to get Nurse/MO Health Clinic
diabetes post partum medical advice when
plan for next pregnancy
(in view of the need to
achieve optimal control
prior to conception)

If abnormal, to refer MO
Laboratory Care of plan
SOP Diagnostic criteria and
Condition Symptoms/signs Investigation Level of
Number differential diagnosis Management Level of care
& findings personnel
5 Heart Known case of heart Any or all of the Pulmonary oedema More frequent Nurse/MO/ Health Clinic/
Disease disease following investigations postnatal visit Specialist Hospital
as required CCF
Dyspnoea -- FBC Assessment of cardiac
Cyanosis -- ECG Embolism status during postnatal
Cardiac Murmur -- CXR visit
Signs of cardiac failure -- ECHO
Any worsening
symptoms or
intercurrent symptoms
to refer hospital stat

Ensure cardiology
appointment and follow

Continue medications

Avoidance of
aggravating factors

Advise contraceptives
according to MEC

Pre Pregnancy Clinic

(PPC) Referral :-
i. Patients who have
to avoid pregnancy
to be referred to
PPC during the post
partum period

Laboratory Care of plan
SOP Diagnostic criteria and
Condition Symptoms/signs Investigation Level of
Number differential diagnosis Management Level of care
& findings personnel
ii. Patient to be
informed to attend
Pre Pregnancy Care
Clinic when plan for
next pregnancy (in
view of the need
to assess cardiac
status prior to

6 Urinary Unable to pass urine U/FEME Ultrasound may be Bladder catheterisation Nurse/MO/ Health Clinic/
Retention U/C&S consider (Intermittent or Specialist Hospital
Lower Abdominal continuous)
discomfort Antibiotics for infection

7 Urinary Intermittent U/FEME To rule out urinary Management according MO/Specialist/ Health Clinic/
Incontinence or continuous U/C&S fistula to cause physiotherapist Hospital
incontinence i. Treatment of UTI
ii. Pelvic floor exercise
iii. Referral to
8 Bereavement Loss of baby Depression Bereavement Counsellor/ Health Clinic/
counselling by trained FMS/ Hospital
puerperal psychosis personnel Psychiatrist

Referral to psychiatrist
if required
Laboratory Care of plan
SOP Diagnostic criteria and
Condition Symptoms/signs Investigation Level of
Number differential diagnosis Management Level of care
& findings personnel
9 Sub Uterus does not Ultrasound to rule out To rule out retained Reassurance if MO/FMS/ Health Clinic/
Involution of involute as expected retained POC, uterine or POC ultrasound normal Gynaecologists Hospital
Uterus ovarian mass
If abnormal, to refer

10 Secondary Bleeding from the FBC Uterine atony Refer to Training MO/FMS/ Hospital
Postpartum genital tract > 500 ml GXM Retained POC manual on Gynaecologists
Haemorrhage after 24 hours post Coagulation Profile Coagulating disorders management of PPH
delivery Ultrasound Endometritis

11 Puerperal Temp > 38C FBC Genital tract Infections According to the cause, Doctors Hospital
Pyrexia Abnormal vaginal Blood C&S DVT to consider:
discharges Urine FEME/C&S Wound infections
HVS C&S Episiotomy 1. Antibiotics
Doppler -LSCS
Wound Swab C&S 2. Wound care
3. Supportive
Other Intercurrent management
infections such
as URTI, malaria, 4. Admission to
pneumonia Dengue hospital

Laboratory Care of plan
SOP Diagnostic criteria and
Condition Symptoms/signs Investigation Level of
Number differential diagnosis Management Level of care
& findings personnel
12 Postpartum Depression, Insomnia RBS Past history of Refer to trained FMS/ Health Clinic/
Depression Loss of weight BUSE depression/Psychosis counsellor/FMS/ Psychiatrist Hospital
Loss of Appetite Thyroid Function Test Psychiatrist
Palpitation FBC History and psychiatric
Hallucination evaluation
Need to rule out
Speech, thought and Organic Brain Syndrome
movement very slow
compared previously

13 Deep Vein Calf swelling/ Doppler study - Refer Hospital to Doctors Hospital
Thrombosis tenderness confirm diagnosis and
to initiate appropriate

14 Perineal Pain at wound site Swab C&S - Wound care Nurse/MO/ Health clinic/
Wound FBC Antibiotics Specialist Hospital
Problems Swelling around wound
site When required to
Bleeding from wound consider:
site -- I&D
Abnormal vaginal -- Secondary Suturing
Wound breakdown

15 Breast Pain Mastitis Cold and warm Doctors All levels

Engorgement Swelling Abscess compression

Carbegoline if indicated
Section 5
Neonatal Care
Contents Page
5.1 Introduction 164
5.2 Care Plans for The Newborn 164
5.3 Flow Chart of Work Processes 166
a) Work process for Home/ABC deliveries 166
b) Work process in labour room 167
c) Work process on day 2 or just before discharge 168
d) Work process during home visit 169
Appendix 1 : Resuscitation of the Newborn 170
Appendix 2 : Range of Normal Vital Signs 178
Appendix 3 : Thermal Protection 180
Appendix 4 : Borang Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Neonatal BPKK/SS.N 185
Appendix 4A : Garis Panduan Penggunaan Borang Pemeriksaan Kesihatan 188
Neonatal (BPKN)
Appendix 4B : Newborn Examination Guidelines 193
Appendix 5 : Guidelines on Criteria for Various Levels of Neonatal Care 204
Appendix 6 : Stabilization and Transportation of The Newborn 208
Appendix 7 : Administration of Hepatitis B Prophylaxis, BCG Vaccination and 212
Vitamin K in the Newborn
Appendix 8 : Neonatal Jaundice 214
Appendix 9 : Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism 215
Appendix 10 : Breastfeeding 216
Appendix 11 : Management of Neonatal Hypoglycemia 221
Appendix 12 : Common Neonatal Conditions 223
Appendix 13 : Criteria for Discharge of Term Baby 229
Appendix 14 : Care After Discharge of Newborn with Special Needs 231
Appendix 15 : Role of Traditional Practise Among Mothers and the Newborn 233

This neonatal section outlines the care plans and work processes for a baby at
birth, the immediate period after birth and thereafter at home. Routine care for
most babies who are healthy is as laid out in the flow charts and complications
necessitating other interventions and management will be discussed in the
appendices. Certain standard operating procedures and guidelines on specific
issues eg. Thermal protection and the newborn checklist are also attached as
appendices. Existing Ministry of Health documents e.g. Garis Panduan Sistem
Kawalan Keselamatan Bayi (2007), Integrated Plan for the Detection and
Management of Neonatal Jaundice (2009), National Screening Programme for
Congenital Hypothyroidism (2011), Paediatric Protocols for Malaysian Hospital
(2011), are intended to be used in conjunction with this manual and will be
referenced in the relevant sections. Common neonatal health problems such as
skin rashes and feeding problems will be addressed but specific management
of serious neonatal medical conditions are not included in the manual except
for highlighting the recognition of signs of the seriously ill child and how he/
she should be referred and or transported. We encourage reference to other
resources where information is lacking in the manual.


a. At birth
i. Identify high risk factors and request for (paediatric) doctors standby if
necessary (Appendix 1)
ii. Resuscitate if necessary (Appendix 1)
iii. Stabilise vital signs (normal range refer Appendix 2) and ensure thermal
protection (Appendix 3)
Observe cry at birth, initiate breathing, aspirate mouth, nose
Facilitate skin-to-skin contact immediately and initiate breast feeding
within first hour of birth
Exclude congenital anomalies such as abnormal facies, cleft palate
and lips, abdominal wall defects, neural tube defects, imperforate
anus, multiple abnormalities etc (Appendix 4)
vii. Transfer the baby to relevant level of care as necessary (Appendix 5)
viii. Administer Vitamin K and Hepatitis B vaccination (Appendix 7)
ix. Ensure cord blood is sent for G6PD and thyroid function screening
(Appendix 9)
x. Breast feeding and bonding (Appendix 10)

b. After birth
i. Administer Newborn Checklist (Appendix 4)
ii. Ensure thermal protection (Appendix 3)
Measure body temperature if abnormal refer to paediatric unit
iii. Breast feeding and bonding (Appendix 10)
Encourage exclusive breast feeding
No prelacteal feeds/other fluids or pacifiers.
Correct attachment and positioning during breastfeeding
Good suckling
iv. Check for hypoglycaemia in high risk cases (Appendix 11)
v. Administer vaccination (in hospital) or refer to a health clinic as soon as
possible (Appendix 7)
vi. Document results of G6PD screening and thyroid function tests in the
home-based child health record. If abnormal, appropriate action is to be
taken (Appendix 9)
vii. Promote education on bathing, cleanliness, skin and cord care (Appendix 12)
Examine for rashes and septic spots
Check on cord hygiene
Clean eyes daily with clean water during bathing
Do not apply anything to the eyes
viii. Refer if:
Presence of significant skin rashes, septic spots, pustules etc
Umbilicus is red, swollen and or discharging,
Eyes become swollen, red or eye discharge is significant. Clean eyes and
refer to hospital
Other conditions as specified in the newborn checklist
ix. Check for jaundice and monitor severity (Appendix 8)

c. Discharge of Term Baby (Hospital/ABC) (Appendix 13)

d. Home visits
(routine as in post natal visits for mothers plus whenever nessary for babies)
i. Re-examine baby and chart findings on Newborn Checklist (Appendix 4)
ii. Ensure thermal protection.
iii. Check for normal weight gain pattern - a term baby should regain birth
weight by Day 7 of life and should not lose more than 10 per cent of birth
weight by Day 5-6 of life.
iv. Reinforce steps vii, viii and ix in 5.2 (b).
v. Traditional practice after delivery (mother and newborn) (See Appendix 15)


a. Work process for Home/ABC deliveries

Nurse standby
(nurse with post basic midwife)

Determine babys condition

Collect and send cord blood for
thyroid function test(Appendix 9) and G6PD

Resuscitate as necessary(Appendix 1)

Initiate breast feeding & bonding with

mother(Appendix 10)

Stabilise vital signs(Appendix 2), ensure

thermal protection(Appendix 3) and monitor
for hypoglycaemia(Appendix11)

Examine baby using newborn

checklist(Appendix 4)

Normal baby Yellow code Red code

(refer doctor) (hospital admission)

Give Vit K
(Appendix 7)

Hepatitis B
immunisation No
(Appendix 7)
Doctor available
in health clinic?

Refer to Health
Clinic for BCG and
medical examination

Refer early to
Newborn home visits Health Clinic for Stabilise and transfer to
(same time as postnatal visit) review referral hospital(Appendices 5 & 6)

b. Work process in labour room
Identify risk factors(Appendix 1) and need for doctors

Determine babys condition. Collect cord blood

at birth and send for thyroid function test and G6PD

Resuscitate as necessary(Appendix1)

Put name tag on baby

Initiate breastfeeding & bonding with
mother(Appendix 10)

Stabilise vital signs(Appendix 2) and ensure thermal

protection(Appendix 3)

Examination of the newborn using newborn

checklist(Appendix 4)

Determine appropriate
level of neonatal care
(Appendix 5)

Normal Care (Appendix 5) Semi-intensive Care(Appendix 5) Intensive Care(Appendix 5)

Vit K(Appendix 7)

Can baby be No SCN/NICU
nursed with mother available in same
Hepatitis B in Obstetric Ward? hospital?
immunisation No
(Appendix 7)


Nurse with mother in Stabilise &

Nurse with mother obstetric ward and paediatric transfer to referral
in obstetric ward team to continue monitoring hospital(Appendix 6)

Admit to SCN/NICU

c. Work process on day 2 or just before discharge
Examine newborn using newborn checklist (Appendix 4)

Any problems?

Ensure thermal protection (Appendix 3) Refer to Paediatrics Unit

Support breastfeeding and

bonding(Appendix 10)

Neonatal Require
- Administer BCG (Appendix 7) No
Care in admission to
- Check on Vit K & Hep B status & SCN/NICU?
take appropriate action Obstetric

Trace and document G6PD &
hypothyroid screening results and
take appropriate action (Appendix 9)
Discharge (Appendix 13)

Discharge (Appendix 13)

Discharge with referrals to be Yes

given to health staff to activate care Baby with special
plan ( Appendix 14 ) needs on discharge?


- Discharge with notification forms

to be given to health staff on the
way home
- Update newborn checklist in
Home based Child Health Record

d. Work process during home visit
Administer/update newborn
checklist (Appendix 4)

Any problems?

- Check on BCG, Hep B vacci-

Home Home Give appropriate nations & Vit K status(Appendix 7)
treatment or treatment according & take appropriate action.
referral ? Treatment to guidelines
- Check G6PD & Thyroid Func-
tion Test results on Home-
based Child Health Record
(HBCHR) if deficiency refer to
respective guidelines.
Follow-up visit.
Refer if no improve- - Result G6PD and TSH to be
Referral ment traced if not available

Advise on:
- Thermal protection
- Breastfeeding & bonding
Stabilise and refer to Health - Hygiene and cleanliness
Centre or Hospital(Appendix 6) - Skin and cord care
- Neonatal jaundice


Resuscitation of Newborn:
Should be done by competent staff skilled in anticipating and recognizing need for
Labour room and obstetric operation room staff should be trained in neonatal

Resuscitation equipment should be in working order for every delivery

Risk factor for neonatal resuscitation

Antepartum factors:
Maternal age >35 years
Maternal diabetes
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
Chronic hypertension
Maternal cardiac, renal, pulmonary, thyroid or neurologic disease
Maternal infection including dengue
Maternal substance abuse
Drug therapy (e.g. magnesium, adrenergic agonists)
No prenatal care
Foetal anaemia or Rhesus-isoimmunisation
Previous foetal or neonatal death
Bleeding in second or third trimester
Premature rupture of membranes
Foetal hydrops
Post-term gestation
Multiple gestation
Size-dates discrepancy
Foetal malformation or anomalies
Diminished foetal activity

Intrapartum factors:
Emergency Caesarean section
Breech or other abnormal presentation
Forceps or vacuum assisted delivery
Premature labour
Precipitious labour
Prolonged rupture of membrane (>18 hours before delivery)
Prolonged labour (>24 hours)
Non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern or persistent foetal bradycardia
Use of general anaesthesia
Uterine hyperstimulation/uterine tachysystole with foetal heart rate (FHR)
Narcotics to mother within 4 hours of delivery
Meconium stained liquor
Prolapsed cord
Abruptio placenta
Placenta praevia
Significant intrapartum bleeding

Stand-by for High-Risk Deliveries

A doctor should ideally be present at all high risk deliveries. However all personnel
involved in newborn deliveries must be trained in neonatal resuscitation as many
newborns who need resuscitation do not have any previously recognized risk factors.
It is recommended that the following situations warrant a doctor to standby:
Preterm infants < 35 weeks
Meconium stained liquor
Abnormal CTG or scalp pH <7.20 or other indications of foetal distress
Cord prolapse
Antepartum haemorrhage
Multiple births with anticipated problems
Breech or other abnormal presentations
Instrumental delivery (not for uncomplicated low forceps or vacuum delivery or
outlet vacuum)
Caesarian section under general anaesthesia
Emergency caesarian section
Infants with significant congenital malformations diagnosed antenatally
Severe IUGR

Basic resuscitation equipments

Suction equipment
Mechanical suction and tubing

Suction catheters 5F or 6F, 8F, 10F, 12F or 14F

8F feeding tube and 20 ml syringe

Meconium aspirator

Bag and mask equipment/T-Piece resuscitator and mask

Device for delivering positive pressure ventilation, capable of delivering 90 to 100%

oxygen and preferably with CPAP adapter for preterm babies

Face masks newborn & premature sizes, cushioned rim mask preferred

Wall oxygen and air with flowmeters & tubing. Oxygen blender preferred

Intubation equipment
Laryngoscope with straight blades: No. 00, 0 and 1

Endotracheal tubes 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0mm internal diameter and stylets


Tape or securing device for endotracheal tube

Adrenaline 1:10 000 (0.1mg/ml)

Isotonic crystalloid (normal saline) for volume expansion

Naloxone hydrochloride 0.1mg/ml

Dextrose 10%

Umbilical catheters 3.5F and 5F

Sterile umbilical catherisation tray

Three-way stop-cocks


Radiant warmer or other heat source

Pre warmed linens


Gloves and appropriate personal protection

Home delivery for resuscitation for babies

Manual suction apparatus (Res-Q-Vac or equivalent)

ABCs of Resuscitation
Establish an open Airway
-- Position the head, suction mouth first then nose and sometimes trachea
-- If necessary, insert an endotracheal tube

Initiate Breathing
-- Tactile stimulation
-- Positive pressure ventilation with bag and mask or ETT

Maintain Circulation
-- with chest compressions

-- Administer adrenaline as you continue PPV and chest compression

Overview of Resuscitation in the Delivery Room (Refer Figure 1.1)

Suction for meconium-stained liquor (Refer Figure 1.2)

Do direct suction if baby is not vigorous ie. baby is not breathing, tone is poor or

heart rate less than 100/min

Wall suction pressure set at 80-100 mmHg

The baby is intubated using an appropriate sized endotracheal tube (ETT). A

meconium aspirator is then connected to the endotracheal tube and the suction
applied at the other end. Suctioning with a suction catheter through an endotracheal
tube should not be done.
Reintubation followed by suctioning should be repeated until little additional

meconium is recovered or until the babys heart rate indicates that resuscitation
must proceed without delay
Continuous suction should not be applied for longer than 3-5 seconds

Positive pressure ventilation may be needed after suctioning if the infant is


Indications for Assisted Ventilation:

When an infant is apnoeic or gasping

Heart rate < 100 bpm even if breathing

Persistent central cyanosis despite 100% free flow oxygen

Bag & mask ventilation:

1. Ensure adequate chest expansion
2. Ventilate at 40-60 breaths per minute
3. Initial pressures may need to be higher (30-40 cm water) for the first few breath
4. Otherwise pressures usually between 20-25 cm water (enough for adequate chest
expansion to improve heart rate, color and muscle tone)

Indications for Endotracheal Intubation:

Tracheal suctioning is required
Bag-and-mask ventilation is ineffective

Continued PPV is required beyond a few minutes to improve the ease and efficacy

of assisted ventilation
If chest compressions are required

Diaphragmatic hernia in respiratory distress (do not bag these babies using mask)

Extreme prematurity and/or delivery of surfactant

Table 1.1: Guidelines for ETT size
Infant weight Tube size (mm)
< 1000g 2.5
1000 - 2000g 3.0
2000 - 3000g 3.5
> 3000g 3.5 - 4.0

Table 1.2: Guidelines for ETT position

Oral intubation weight in kg + 6cm (Tip
Infant weight
to lip distance)
1 kg 7 cm
2 kg 8 cm
3 kg 9 cm

Indications for chest compression:

After 30 seconds of effective PPV (Positive Presure Ventilation), the heart rate is
below 60 beats per minute

Chest compression:
Compress the chest 1/3rd of its depth by:
Encircling the chest with both hands and using two thumbs or using the index and

middle finger or middle and ring finger over the lower sternum
Combined with ventilation, there should be 90 compressions and 30 breaths per

minute, alternating 3 compressions with 1 breath

Indications for medications:

Infants heart rate remains below 60 beats per minute despite 30 seconds of effective
ventilation (with 100% oxygen) followed by another 45-60 seconds of coordinated
chest compressions and effective ventilation.

IV Adrenaline 1:10,000 (0.1-0.3ml/kg), repeat dose if no response every 4 minutes.
Volume expander (Normal saline, Ringers Lactate, in severe foetal anaemia -

Group O Rh negative blood) if there is evidence of blood loss or clinical signs of

hypovolaemia in infant - 10mls/kg over 5-10 minutes and titrate against response
Naloxone 0.1mg/kg (1mg/ml) if opiates have been given to the mother within 4

hours of delivery. To give ONLY after stabilising the baby. The duration of action of
narcotic exceeds the duration of action of naloxone, therefore continue to monitor
for respiratory depression in the next few hours. (Caution not to be given to
mother who is suspected of using narcotics or is on methadone maintenance as
this may induce withdrawal seizures in the newborn).
Dextrose: Neonates requiring CPR should have an early blood glucose estimate

after resuscitation and steps taken to correct hypoglycaemia.

Bicarbonate: The use of sodium bicarbonate is controversial. There is insufficient
data to support the routine use of sodium bicarbonate in the resuscitation of the
newborn. There must be adequate ventilation of the lungs before administering
sodium bicarbonate to prevent the build of CO2 and intracellular acidosis and
therefore, to be considered rarely only in the post-resuscitation period. Providing
adequate tissue oxygenation with appropriate ventilation with oxygen and support
of tissue perfusion and cardiac output with good chest compression is the key to
improving metabolic acidosis2

Thermal Protection
It is important to keep the baby warm during resuscitation and in the hospital setting
this is usually achieved by a radiant warmer which is to be preheated if resuscitation
is anticipated. Refer to Appendix 3 on thermal protection.

Table 1.3: Apgar Score

Sign 0 1 2
Heart rate Absent < 100/min >100/min
Respiration Absent Slow, irregular Good, crying
Muscle tone Limp Some flexion Active
Reflex irritability No response Grimace Crying
Colour Blue Pink centrally Pink all over
Extremities blue

Apgar scoring:
Mechanism for documenting newborns condition at specific intervals after birth

Should not be used to determine need for resuscitation.

Resuscitative efforts should be initiated promptly after birth, if required

Cessation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation:

Decision should be based on cause of arrest, response to resuscitation and
remedial factors
Death or severe neurological abnormality is predicted by a failure to obtain a

heart rate by 10 minutes despite adequate resuscitation and failure to respond to


1. Neonatal Resuscitation by American Heart Association & American Academy of
Paediatrics, 2011, 6th Edition
2. Aschner J.L., Poland R.L. Sodium Bicarbonate: Basically useless therapy.
Pediatrics: 2008;122;831-835

Figure 1.1: Resuscitation flow diagram 1


stay with Routine Care
Term gestation? mother
Provide warmth
Clear amniotic fluid?
Clear airway
Breathing or crying?
Good muscle tone?
Ongoing re-evaluation

Provide warmth
Clear airway* (as necessary)
Dry, stimulate,

Heart rate <100 bpm, gasp- Laboured breathing or
ing or apnoea persistent cyanosis?

Clear airway
Provide positive pressure (PPV) venti- Monitor O2 saturation if
lation* pulse oxymeter available
SpO2 monitoring where available Consider CPAP for preterm

HR < 60 /min HR > 60 /min

Provide positive pressure ventilation*

Do chest compression


Give Adrenaline

*Endotracheal intubation may be considered at several steps

** Targeted Pre-ductal Oxygen Saturation

If pulse oxymeter and oxygen blender are available in delivery room, place the
oxymeter probe on the babys right wrist and then to the oxymeter instrument, then
adjust the oxygen supplementation according to the pre-ductal saturation (Table 1.4).

Table 1.4: Targeted Pre-ductal SpO2 according to minutes after birth

Minutes after birth Targeted SpO2 (%)
1 min 60-65
2 min 65-70
3 min 70-75
4 min 75-80
5 min 80-85
10 min 85-95

Figure 1.2:Suction of newborn with meconium-stained liquor

Meconium present?

No Yes

Baby vigorous?
1. Strong respiratory efforts
2. Good muscle tone
3. HR >100

Yes No

Direct suction of mouth

and trachea

4. Provide warmth
5. Position; clear airway (as necessary)
6. Dry, stimulate
7. Give oxygen (as necessary)


Normal respiratory rate for newborn 40 60/min

Heart Rate
Normal heart rate for newborn 120-160/min

Blood Pressure

Source: Blood pressure by birth weight (From Versmold HT, Kitterman JA, Phibbs RH et al:Paediatrics
67(5):607, 1981

The following are warning signs of an ill baby who needs immediate attention by the

1. Central cyanosis

Table 2.1: Differentiate central cyanosis from peripheral cyanosis.

Central cyanosis Peripheral cyanosis
Site Tongue, lips, extremities Extremities only. Tongue is pink.
Cardiac, pulmonary, profound Mainly hypothermia causing
sepsis peripheral vasoconstriction
Action required Immediate referral Warming up the baby as necessary

2. Signs of respiratory distress
Tachypnoea > 60/min.

Grunting or stridor

Intercostal and or subcostal recession

Flaring of the nostrils


Reduced air entry

3. Signs of sepsis

Table 2.2: Signs of sepsis

Systems Signs
Respiratory Apnoea
Grunting, nasal flaring

Cardiovascular Tachycardia*
Poor perfusion

Central nervous Temperature instability hypothermia or fever*


GIT Feeding intolerance/ poor feeding*

Abdominal distension

Others Jaundice
*Early signs of sepsis

Hypothermia and hyperthermia may increase a babys morbidity and mortality. Both
adversely affect oxygen consumption and glucose homeostasis. Extreme hypothermia
may result in initiation of haemorrhagic process, extreme hyperthermia may cause
cerebral damage, dehydration, hypernatremia and death.

Table 3.1: Thermal Protection

Normal body temperature At risk babies

Axillary: Premature, IUGR

Term : 36.5 C 37.5 C Multiple pregnancies
Preterm (lower axillary) : 36.3 C - 36.9 C Infant of diabetic mother
Asphyxiated baby
Skin: Instrumental deliveries, Caesarean
Term : 36.0 C 36.5 C section
Preterm (higher skin) : 36.2 C -37.2 C

There are 4 mechanisms through which a baby can lose heat and become hypothermic
Evaporation (e.g. wet baby)

Convection (e.g. fan, air-condition draught)

Conduction (e.g. cold surface)

Radiation (e.g. exposed baby)


Bathing and hypothermia
The tradition of bathing the baby soon after birth is a common cause of hypothermia
and should be discouraged. Blood, vernix and meconium are easily removed by initial
drying with warm towels. Vernix can be removed after 2 hours of postnatal age. The
surplus can be wiped clear once the baby is in the postnatal ward.

Table 3.2: Provision of Thermal Protection
Home/ABC delivery Hospital delivery Transportation
Immediately after delivery Before Delivery Before transporting the
(for normal term baby): Operating room temperature baby to another hospital:
Wipe and dry baby should be between 22oC - Check temperature before
immediately 26oC according to newborns transportation
Remove wet linen gestational age Wrap baby with dry and
Allow skin to skin contact warm cloth/towels
with mother for warmth Immediately after delivery: If incubator not available,
for one hour. (Ensure Radiant warmer must wrap baby in pre-warmed
mothers skin is dry and be switched on before towel & aluminium foil to
put a cap/cover on babys delivery prevent heat loss
head) Received baby with pre- Can use heated mattress
Put baby to breast warmed linen If incubator is available,
immediately to initiate Ensure sufficient linen on pre-heat to the appropriate
early breast feeding the radiant warmer temperature as per table
Blanket to cover mother (3 pieces minimum) 3.3.
and baby For the preterm baby Place baby in
below 28 weeks, the warmed incubator for
After an hour: baby should be wrapped transportation.
Wrap baby with dry cloth, in plastic such as a Minimise use of
keeping head covered cling-wrap or plastic bag air-conditioning in
Rest baby in warm area (reclosable food grade transportation and keep
away from draught polyethylene type) away from draught
Change napkin/towel Follow guidelines as for Transport directly to
when Wet home deliveries for term hospital immediately
normal babies Arrange direct transfer
After 6 hours: to neonatal ward, do not
Clean baby Ward to Ward Transfer: transit in A&E
Dry thoroughly Transfer of babies between
Dress in baby clothes and OT/labour room/postnatal/ Arrival at hospital
soft wrap to keep warm SCN. Place baby under radiant
Dry baby warmer or incubator
DONTS IN THERMAL Wrap with dry and warm Check babys temperature
PROTECTION Linen on arrival and take
Do not bathe baby within Transfer to ward necessary measures
the first 6 hours* immediately if baby is
Do not expose baby stable (especially from OT
unnecessarily where the temperature is
Use incubator if possible
or warming mattress

Table 3.3: Suggested Incubator Temperature Setting

Birth Environmental Temperature

(kg) 37C 36C 35C 34C 33C 32C
For 1 After 1 After 2 After 3 After 4 After 6
< 1.0
day day weeks weeks weeks weeks
For 10 After 10 After 3 After 5
1.0 1.5
days days weeks weeks
For 10 After 10 After 4
1.5 2.0
days days weeks
For 2 After 2 After 3
2.0 2.5
days days weeks
For 2 After 2
> 2.5
days Days
In a single-walled incubator, the environmental temperature needs to be increased

by 1C for every 7C difference between room and incubator temperature.

Babies <1 kg and <30 weeks gestation need a humidified incubator in the first

week of life.
Babies wrapped need lower incubator temperatures.
Values given are recommended temperature but there is considerable variation in

individual requirements.


Consequences of hypothermia and cold stress
Short term response:

-- Hypoglycemia, hypoxia, metabolic acidosis

-- Pulmonary vasoconstriction
-- Increased respiratory distress caused by hypoxia and acidosis
-- Feeding intolerance caused by decreased energy to feed and/or digest food
Chronic response
-- Impaired weight gain as a result of consumption of calories for heat production.
-- If the degree and duration of cold exposure exceeds the babys ability to
compensate, a gradual fall in core temperature will occur, accompanied by
respiratory failure, heart failure, reduction of energy resources, and eventually

Symptoms of cold injury

Apnoea Feeding intolerance
Bradycardia Lethargy
Tachypnoea Irritability
Poor perfusion Hypoglycemia
Oxygen requirement Cyanosis
Acrocyanosis Abdominal temperature lower
Seizures than axillary temperature

Babies at risk of having thermal instability
Premature babies - body fat and insulation, ability to maintain a flexed
posture, and stores of brown fat are decreased. Surface
area/weight ratio and body water content are increased.
They have very thin skin.
Small for gestational - body fat and insulation and store of brown fat are
age babies decreased. Surface area/weight ratio and metabolic rate
are increased.
Babies stressed - birth asphyxia, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress, or
because of sepsis.

Treatment of hypothermia
1. Warm baby slowly with radiant heater warmer or incubator. Aim to raise the babys
temperature by 0.5C per hour. Rapid warming has been associated with heat-
induced apnoea and with hypotension and shock.
Set the incubator air temperature to 36C (simultaneously increase the humidity
to reduce evaporative loss)
Use a heat shield to decrease radiant losses.
Monitor temperature every 15 minutes until temperature is normal then hourly
for three hours to ensure the babys temperature remains stable
Reduce incubator air temperature if necessary once bodys temperature is
Considerations while rewarming the babies
-- If the temperature ceases to decrease or begins to rise slowly, maintain the
babys current environment and continue to monitor.
-- If the babys temperature continues to fall, raise the incubators temperature to
37C, evaluate for missed sources of heat loss. In babies < 1500g birth weight,
ensure high humidity i.e. more than 70%, using humidified incubator.
-- If under radiant warmer, use cling wrap over the baby bassinet area to reduce
heat loss by evaporation.
-- If the baby becomes apnoeic or exhibits signs of shock, slow the rate of
-- In the correction of hypothermia, over-heating to the point of hyperthermia can be
very injurious to the baby especially one that is at risk of progressing to Hypoxic
Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE). For babies meeting criteria for moderate to
severe HIE, moderate hypothermia at temperature 33C 34C has been found
to be neuro-protective. Therefore babies with HIE should not be over warmed
prior to transport to hospital and therapeutic hypothermia is recommended at
the hospital level.
2. Supply heat with the use of chemically activated mattresses or circulating-water
heating pads. Avoid hot water bottles, gloves filled with hot water or heat lamps
because they may cause burns.
3. Reduce heat loss by other mechanisms such as using heat shield, double walled
incubators, radiant warmers
4. Administer oxygen as indicated
5. Monitor for hypoglycaemia
Hyperthermia may be iatrogenic or a symptom of a disease process or cold stress.

Causes of hyperthermia
Maternal fever, resulting in fever in the neonate during the first few minutes of life

(fetal temperature is greater than maternal temperature)

Overheating from incubators, radiant warmers or ambient environmental temperature
Phototherapy lights, sunlight
Excessive wrapping or swaddling
Central nervous system (CNS) disorders such as asphyxia

Effects of hyperthermia
Tachycardia and tachypnoea as the baby attempts to release excess heat
Sweating in older premature and term babies to increase evaporative loss
Dehydration resulting from increased fluid losses
Increased insensible water loss
Hypoxia and hypoglycaemia caused by increased demands for oxygen and glucose
Hypotension and flushed skin as a result of peripheral vasodilatation to increase

heat loss
Seizure activity and apnoea resulting from effects on the CNS
Poor feeding, decreased activity and tone, weak cry because of CNS depression
Poor weight gain

Treatment of hyperthermia
Treat cause such as infection, dehydration or CNS disorder
Remove external heat sources
Remove anything that blocks heat loss
Move bassinet or incubator from extra heat sources (e.g. sunlight, phototherapy

Check incubator and radiant warmers for appropriate functioning
Assess thermistor position for appropriate location on the baby
During the cooling process, monitor and record temperatures (skin, axillary and

environmental) every thirty minutes

1. Blake WW, Murray JA. Heat balance In: Merenstein GB, Garner SL, editors.
Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care 6th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2006.p.122-36



Nama Bayi: ................................ No. Kad Pengenalan: ..

Tarikh/masa dilahirkan: ......... Apgar score: __ /1 min __ /5 min
Tempat Lahir: Rumah/Hospital/lain-lain Nyatakan: ....................................
Umur kandungan (gestation age): .......(minggu) Berat lahir: ........... gm

Panduan mengisi borang:

i. Sila tandakan (/) jika tiada masalah dan tandakan (x) jika ada masalah pada tempat yang berkenaan
ii. Ruangan ini bukan untuk pemeriksaan rutin dan pemeriksaan dilakukan jika perlu
iii. * Rujuk Pegawai Perubatan Berhampiran
iv. ** Rujuk segera ke hospital
v. *** Pemeriksaan dilakukan oleh Pegawai Perubatan sahaja

Tarikh Perawatan
Umur Bayi (hari) <1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30
1. UKURAN BADAN (isikan nilai sebenar)
Berat badan (kg) **2kg< Berat
<4.5kg (semasa
Lilitan kepala lahir) Rujuk carta
Panjang (cm) pertumbuhan
Lemah **Jika ada
Irritable **Jika ada
Pucat **Jika ada
Cyanosis **Jika ada
Ciri dismorfik *Jika ada
contoh: Down
Jaundis (paras Pengendalian
bilirubin-jika ada) Jaundis
Kulit *Jika ada
contoh: extensive masalah
septic spot,
petechiae, etc
Penyusuan *Jika ada
Kencing *Jika ada
Buang air besar *Jika ada
3. PEMERIKSAAN VITAL (isikan nilai sebenar)
Isikan kadar
Kadar pernafasan pernafasan jika
(normal 40 - 60/
tidak normal dan
Kadar denyutan *Jika tidak
jantung (normal normal
120 - 160/min)

Tarikh Perawatan
Umur Bayi (hari) <1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30
Suhu badan C *Jika tidak
(normal aksila normal
36.5 - 37.0)
Rupa bentuk
Fontanelle/ubun *Jika terbonjol/
Bengkak/ *Jika ada
Caput **Tanda
Bengkak/Ketulan *Jika ada
Abnormal *Jika ada
contoh: Congenital
ptosis, juling
Katarak *Jika ada
Kornea/ *Jika tidak
konjunvita normal
Lelehan/discaj *Jika ada pada
mata yang hari pertama dan
purulent berterusan
Cleft palate/lip **Cleft palate
Cleft lip *Cleft lip
Oral trush *Jika ada
Rupa bentuk *Jika tidak
Abnormal normal
Lelehan/discaj *Jika ada
Cacat hidung *Jika ada
Sub/inter-costal **Rujuk
recession paediatrik
Bentuk dada *Jika ada
tidak normal
contoh: pigeon
Pernafasan **Jika ada
***Paru-paru *Rujuk paediatrik
***Nadi femoral **Jika tiada nadi
abnormal femoral

Tarikh Perawatan
Umur Bayi (hari) <1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30
Distensi ** Jika ada
(distension) muntah/tidak
buang air besar
*Jika stabil
Umbilicus *Jika berterusan
Benjolan/ketulan *Jika ada
Lubung dubur *Jika imperforate
(anus) abnormal
Rupa luaran **Jika ambigous
Lelaki *Jika
Testes abnormal undescended
Penis abnormal *Jika abnormal
Scrotum abnormal *Jika abnormal
Perempuan Normal jika
Discaj sedikit darah
pada hari 5 -7
Imperforated hymen *Jika ada


Tulang belakang *Jika abnormal
Lengan/tangan/ *Jika abnormal
jari normal
Club foot/CTEV *Jika ada
H ip dislocation *Jika ada
Ada sawan **Jika ada
R efleks abnormal *Jika ada
- Moro masalah
- Grasp
- Rooting
Tone/otot *Jika abnormal
Nota: Jika terdapat tanda (x) pada ruangan borang penilaian, sila rujuk untuk tindakan/rawatan.


Borang pemeriksaan kesihatan neonatal ini digunakan untuk pemeriksaan bayi baru
lahir sehingga umur bayi 30 hari. Ianya untuk digunakan ketika pemeriksaan saringan
awal bayi di hospital, di klinik kesihatan dan semasa perawatan postnatal, di rumah
oleh semua kategori kakitangan yang terlibat. Borang ini akan dikepilkan bersama
dengan Rekod Kesihatan Bayi Dan Kanak-kanak (0 6 Tahun) yang diberikan kepada
semua bayi yang baru lahir.


a. Hospital Pegawai Perubatan/Pegawai Perubatan Siswazah
b. Klinik kesihatan Pegawai Perubatan dan Kesihatan/Jururawat
c. Perawatan Postnatal di rumah Jururawat Kesihatan dan Jururawat Masyarakat


1. Borang Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Neonatal mestilah diisi oleh kategori kakitangan
yang di sebut di atas setelah membuat pemeriksaan ke atas bayi yang baru
lahir dan ketika perawatan postnatal di rumah sehingga bayi berumur 30 hari.
2. Jika dilahirkan di hospital, Pegawai Perubatan yang memeriksa bayi selepas
bersalin haruslah melengkapkan Borang Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Neonatal
pada ruangan pertama iaitu semasa umur bayi <1 hari.
Apabila bayi tersebut balik ke rumah pemeriksaan dijalankan oleh kakitangan
kesihatan yang membuat lawatan ke rumah mengikut jadual hari lawatan
postnatal yang sedia ada dan seterusnya melengkapkan ruangan yang
3. Jika bayi dilahirkan di rumah, pemeriksaan dibuat oleh kakitangan kesihatan
yang menyambut kelahiran dan mengisikan pada ruangan berkenaan (<1 hari).
Bayi tersebut hendaklah dirujuk ke Pegawai Perubatan dan Kesihatan (PP&K)
yang berdekatan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan yang menyeluruh iaitu semua
elemen di dalam BPKN dan mengisi pada ruangan di hari yang berkenaan.
(Semua bayi yang dilahirkan di rumah perlu dirujuk kepada Pegawai Perubatan
dan Kesihatan yang berdekatan secepat mungkin)
4. Bagi ruangan yang perlu diisi oleh Pegawai Perubatan/PP&K sahaja, Jururawat
yang memeriksa tidak perlu memeriksanya dan ruangan tersebut hendaklah di
biarkan kosong.

1. Ukuran badan
Untuk ruangan ini hendaklah dicatitkan dengan ukuran yang diambil.
Berat badan, lilitan kepala dan panjang yang diukur perlu dicatitkan pada
carta centile bagi melihat status bayi berpandukan umur di dalam Rekod
Kesihatan Bayi Dan Kanak-kanak (0 6 Tahun). Kes di bawah 10th centile
(-2SD) ataupun melebihi 90th centile (+2SD) perlu dirujuk kepada Pegawai
Perubatan berdekatan.

Jika garisan plot berat badan dan lilitan kepala yang diukur melintasi garis
centile, maka kes ini juga perlu dirujuk kepada Pegawai Perubatan.

Jika berat badan < 2kg atau > 4.5 kg mestilah dirujuk ke hospital. Sekiranya
berat badan di antara 2.0kg - 2.5kg hendaklah memberi perhatian kepada
aspek pemakanan, hipoglisemia dan hipotermia. Jika berat badan 4.0kg - 4.5
kg perlu diberi perhatian dalam aspek pemakanan bagi mencegah hipoglisemia.
Sila rujuk carta pertumbuhan di Rekod Kesihatan Bayi Dan Kanak-kanak (0 6

2. Pemerhatian am
Keadaan am bayi merujuk kepada perkara-perkara berikut:
Kegiatan bayi : Bayi yang tidak aktif/kurang cergas, tangisan lemah
atau irritable perlu dirujuk kepada Pegawai Perubatan
dengan segera.
Wajah bayi : Bayi yang rupa wajah luar biasa atau mempunyai ciri-
ciri dysmorphic, seperti Down Syndrome, perlu dirujuk
kepada Pegawai Perubatan
Warna Bayi : Pucat, cyanosis, jaundis
Kulit : Periksa kulit bayi untuk melihat terdapat tanda-tanda
septic spot yang meluas (extensive), petechiae dan
lain-lain yang memerlukan rujukan kepada Pegawai

3. Pemeriksaan Vital
Ruangan ini hendaklah dicatitkan pengiraan yang diambil atau diukur pada hari
pertama dan perlu dicatitkan juga pada hari berikutnya jika terdapat yang tidak

1. Pemerhatian Am
Keadaan Am (keadaan luar biasa yang dikesan seperti berikut perlu dirujuk
kepada Pegawai Perubatan dan Kesihatan)
a. Kecergasan Bayi
Bayi yang tidak aktif/kurang cergas, tangisan lemah atau irritable.
b. Wajah Bayi
Rupa bayi yang luar biasa samada asymetry atau mempunyai ciri-ciri
dysmorphic seperti Down Syndrome.
c. Warna Kulit
Pucat, cyanosis, jaundis atau terdapat tanda-tanda septic spots yang
meluas atau petechiae.
d. Kepala
Periksa untuk:
--Bonjol atau lekuk pada ubun-ubun (bulging or depressed fontanelle).
--Caput ialah benjolan yang bukan hematoma. Akan susut selepas
beberapa hari.
--Cephalhaematoma keadaan di mana hematoma tidak merentasi
garis sutures di kepala.
--Subaponeurotic haemorrhage hematoma yang merentasi garis
sutures yang boleh menyebabkan renjatan hipovolumic. Ini perlu
dirujuk segera.
e. Mata
Jika terdapat keadaan seperti discaj, congenital cataract, perdarahan
bahagian sclera (subconjunctival haemorrhage), congenital ptosis,
atau juling.
f. Hidung
Perhatikan untuk nasal flaring jika ada.
g. Mulut
Periksa untuk sumbing bibir (cleft lip), sumbing lelangit (cleft palate),
tongue tie, macroglossia atau terdapat natal teeth (berisiko mengalami
aspirasi jika gigi longgar).
h. Dagu
Dagu kecil menunjukkan tanda sindrom seperti Pierre Robin syndrome.
Keadaan ini boleh menyebabkan masalah pernafasan atau penyusuan.
i. Telinga
Perhatikan posisi dan bentuk seperti low set ear menunjukkan ciri Down
j. Leher
Periksa leher untuk:
--Sternomastoid tumor yang boleh menyebabkan teleng (torticollis)
--Pembengkakan seperti cystic hygroma
k. Dada
Periksa untuk bentuk dada yang tidak normal, kadar dan cara pernafasan.
Kadar pernafasan yang normal adalah 40 60 / minit dan tiada grunting
atau stridor.

l. Jantung
Periksa denyutan jantung. Kadar denyutan normal adalah 120 160/
m. Abdomen
Jika terdapat keadaan abdomen yang kembung berserta dengan muntah,
cirit atau tidak membuang air besar, perlu dirujuk segera.
n. Spine
Perhatikan untuk skoliosis, Spina Bifida atau tanda kulit seperti lipoma,
haemangioma atau tuft of hair
o. Anus
Periksa untuk patensi dan kehadiran fistula.
p. Genitalia
--Periksa kedudukan pembukaan urethra. Keadaan seperti hypospadias,
epispadias adalah luar biasa.
--Keadaan undescended testes perlu dirujuk.
--Pembesaran pada kerandut zakar mungkin disebabkan hydrocele,
inguinal hernia, tumour

--Perhati untuk labia minora dan labia majora, clitoris, urethral dan
vaginal orifice.
--Jika terdapat discaj dari vagina berwarna putih atau sedikit perdarahan
dalam minggu pertama adalah normal.
q. Nadi
untuk webbed fingers, polydactyly, syndactyly dan warna kuku jari.
r. Femoral (Femoral Pulse)
Periksa nadi femoral, jika tiada atau lemah, ini menunjukkan tanda
coartation of aorta.
s. Hips (Pinggul)
Perhati pergerakan di kedua belah sendi pinggul adalah seimbang
t. Tangan
Boleh menggerakkan tangan dengan bebas.
u. Kaki
Periksa untuk talipes, panjang kedua belah kaki dan tapak kaki adalah
v. Moro Reflex
Grasp dan moro reflex. Unilateral moro reflex menunjukkan kecederaan
brachial plexus, Erbs palsy atau fracture clavicle/humerus. Sucking
reflex tidak perlu dilakukan jika bayi telah menyusu dengan baik.
w. Penyusuan
Bayi dapat menyusu dengan baik.
x. Eliminasi
Kencing dan buang air besar sebanyak 5 6 kali sehari adalah normal
bagi bayi yang menyusu dengan baik.
y. Tanda Vital
Pemeriksaan suhu, pernafasan dan kadar denyutan jantung perlu
dilakukan. Suhu axillary normal ialah 36.5 oC 37.5 oC
z. Ukuran Badan
Ukuran berat badan, lilitan kepala dan panjang yang diukur perlu dicatatkan
pada carta pertumbuhan bagi melihat status bayi berpandukan umur
di dalam Rekod Kesihatan Bayi Dan Kanak-Kanak (0 6 tahun). Kes
di bawah -2SD atau melebihi +2SD perlu dirujuk ke Pegawai Perubatan

Jika berat badan < 2.0kg atau >4.5 kg mestilah dirujuk ke hospital.
Sekiranya berat badan di antara 2.0kg - 2.5 kg hendaklah diberi perhatian
kepada aspek penyusuan, hipoglycaemia dan hipothermia.

Jika berat badan 4.0kg - 4.5kg perlu di beri perhatian dalam aspek
penyusuan bagi mencegah hipoglycaemia. Sila rujuk carta pertumbuhan
di Rekod Kesihatan Bayi Dan Kanak-Kanak (0 - 6 tahun)

Mothers history:
-- Maternal age and parity
-- Period of gestation
-- Obstetric and ultrasound assessment
-- Past obstetric history
-- General health and nutrition
-- Social history - teenage mothers, single young mothers, history of substance
abuse low socioeconomic status (education and poverty-related)
-- Maternal medical conditions and drug history
-- Maternal ABO and Rh blood grouping
-- VDRL/TPHA status
-- Hepatitis B status
-- HIV status
-- Tetanus immunisation
-- Antenatal problems
-- Intrapartum complications
-- Family history of severe neonatal jaundice and metabolic diseases

History of newborn:
-- Condition at birth (more attention needed if Apgar score is < 3 at 1 minute
and < 7 at 5 minutes)
-- Feeding history
-- Bowel movements and urine output

General Inspection
General Appearance
Abnormalities like anencephaly, myelomeningocoele, severe dwarfism, and
musculoskeletal abnormalities are usually obvious on first inspection.

Size and Body Proportion:

Measure and record length, weight, and head circumference. If the baby is of
low birth weight or if gestation is uncertain, perform a Ballard score to assess
gestational age (Fig. 4.1).

The examination is divided into two parts:

-- an external characteristics score, which is best done at birth
-- a neuromuscular score, which should be done within 24 hours after birth.

A preterm baby is defined as any baby of less than 37 weeks gestation and a
post term baby is defined as being of greater than 42 weeks gestation.

Weight, length, occipito-frontal circumference (OFC) or head circumference

should be measured and charted. This will permit identification of babies who
are small-for-gestational-age or large-for-gestational-age. A low-birth weight
baby is defined as any baby with a birthweight below 2500 gram. If the OFC is
disproportionately smaller than the weight and length centiles or if the OFC is
above the +2SD whilst the weight and length are within normal limits, the baby
needs to be referred or followed up.

Figure 4.1: Expanded New Ballard Score for determining gestational age by
assessment of neuromuscular and physical maturity

General Behaviour, Posture, Tone And Movement:

General behaviour, posture, tone and movement of baby should be noted. The
examiner should assess whether the baby appears to be sick or well.

An unusual cry may indicate sepsis, hypothyroidism, a congenital anomaly

of the larynx or a chromosomal abnormality. Note any jitteriness (tremulous
movement of limbs) on handling.

Dysmorphic features
A general examination will usually pick up obvious abnormal external structures
whereas other investigations are needed to detect internal dysmorphism.
Abnormal facies are often associated with many of the dysmorphology
Examine all newborn to look at the eyes, ears, chin, skin and colour.
Pallor - associated with shock or low hemoglobin
Cyanosis - It is important to distinguish central cyanosis (resulting
from hypoxaemia, where lips and buccal mucosa as well
as peripheries are bluish tinged) and peripheral cyanosis
(which may occur if the baby is cold and where only the
feet and fingers are blue). Circumoral cyanosis is common
among newborn babies and is of no diagnostic significance.
Facial congestion may be due to a tight umbilical cord
around the neck and parents should be reassured if the
baby is pink centrally.
Mottling - may be a response to hypothermia or associated with
sepsis. If baby is well, it may be a feature of cutis
Plethora - associated with polycythemia
Jaundice - due to elevated bilirubin. Baby needs urgent attention and
phototherapy light. If jaundice is visible before 24 hours of
life, as this is most likely indicative of haemolytic jaundice
causing bilirubin levels to rise rapidly.

Look for presence of any lesions:

Erythema - most common newborn rash. Variable, irregular macular
toxicum papular patches and sometimes vesicular lesions. Appears
soon after birth and persists for a few days. Wrights Stain
of vesicular fluid shows sheets of eosinophils.
Milia - pinpoint white papules of keratogenous material usually
on nose, cheeks and forehead, last several weeks.
Miliaria - obstructed eccrine sweat ducts. Pinpoint vesicles on
forehead scalp and skinfolds.
Clears within 1 week.
Transient - small vesicopustules, generally present at birth, containing
neonatal WBCs and no organisms. The intact vesicle ruptures to
pustular reveal a pigmented macule surrounded by a thin skin ring.
Oedema - generally unusual in the newborn. If generalised, may be
associated with causes of hydrops fetalis. If oedema is
localised to the neck, consider Turner syndrome or Down
syndrome. Non-pitting oedema over the dorsum of both
feet is suggestive of Turner or Noonan syndrome.

Look for any discolouration present:

Mongolian blue - Bluish discolouration commonly seen on lower back,
spots buttocks or lower limbs. Can be mistaken for a bruise but
unlike a bruise, it does not change in colour over a period
of time. Present from birth, may persist for years.

Capillary naevi - Pink macular discolouration over upper eyelids or forehead
(salmon patch) or on back of neck (stork mark). Usually
disappears within a few months.
Cafe au lait - suspect neurofibromatosis if there are many large spots.

Venous - Persistent flat purplish red lesions on the face and nape
haemangioma of neck. Laser therapy available for cosmetic reasons at
or port wine a later age. Large ones may cause circulatory problems
stains or thrombocytopaenia or located near the eye can impair
vision. These need urgent medical attention and referral.
Superficial - strawberry coloured raised lesions that are originally
intracapillary pinpoint and grow larger with age. May be present for years
haemangioma and then involute. No treatment required unless bleeding
or secondary infection post-trauma to the lesion occurs.
Referrals required if lesion is over eyelid.

Examine Head and Neck

Check for:
overriding sutures
the number of fontanelles and their sizes
abnormal shape of head
defects of the skin (e.g. cutis aplasia)
scalp injury (e.g. due to instrumental delivery, scalp electrodes)

Shape of the head

The babys head may appear to be elongated because of moulding if delivered
in vertex presentation. Oedema may be seen in the presenting area of the head
(caput succedaneum). This should resolve in 2-3 days. A similar but exaggerated
lesion, called a chignon, commonly follows vacuum extraction. There should be
no progressive extension over the next hour or so of life.

A cephalhaematoma is a collection of blood between the periosteum and the

bone. Its distinctive feature is that the haematoma does not cross suturelines.
This usually resolves in 2-3 months. Massaging, which may delay resolution of
the cephalhaematoma, should be avoided. Following instrumental deliveries, If
there is a boggy swelling of the head, and it crosses suture lines, i.e. the scalp
appears diffusely swollen and especially if the ears are lifted forward, consider
subaponeurotic haemorrhage. The baby may progressively look pale. This
results from acute bleeding into the subaponeurotic space. Urgent admission
to NICU and blood transfusion is required as the baby can lose a lot of blood
and go into hypovolaemic shock.

Size of the head
Measure the head circumference and plot on centile chart.
If head circumference is below the 10th centile and or associated with frontal
narrowing it has to be investigated for microcephaly. If it is more than 90th
centile and or associated with frontal bossing and sunset eyes it has to be
investigated for hydrocephalus. Other abnormalities of the head that require
specific attention include megaencephaly, hydranencephaly and craniosynostosis

Look for hypertelorism (e.g. Apert syndrome) or hypo-telorism (as in
holoprosencephaly), epicanthic folds (Down syndrome) as this may indicate
dysmorphism. The distance between the inner canthus of both eyes usually
corresponds to the length of the palpebral fissure.

Opening the eyes of the newborn baby against his will can be distressing. Try to
make him open his eyes by holding him upwards to face a diffuse light, whilst
you are facing him as he might only open his eyes for a few seconds.

Cornea - Check for cloudiness which may indicate congenital

glaucoma. This needs urgent referral.
Conjunctiva - Inspect for erythema, exudate, edema, and hemorrhage.
The parents should be assured of the benign nature of a
subconjunctival haemorrhage if present.

If eye discharge is present, note the amount and nature. Copious purulent
discharge with or without haemorrhage with accompanying oedema of the
eyelids is typical of gonococcal conjunctivitis and should be urgently treated.

Red Reflex - Hold the ophthalmoscope 6-8 from the eye. Use the +10
diopter lens. The normal newborn transmits a clear red
colour back to the observer. Black dots may represent
cataracts. The absence of a clear red reflex is indicative of
cataract, glaucoma or retinoblastoma. Check for pupillary
size and reactivity to light.

Inspect the position and shape of the ear, ear lobe and tragus. A low-set ear is
one whose helix meets the face at a point below the horizontal line from the
outer angle of the eye. This may be seen in a number of syndromes. Check that
the external auditory meatus is present. Check for asymmetry and irregular
shapes. Look for auricular or pre-auricular pits, fleshy appendages, lipomas, or
skin tags. Ear abnormalities may be associated with renal abnormalities.

Look for flaring of the alae nasi as a sign of increased respiratory effort. Check
for choanal atresia as manifested by respiratory distress (neonates are obligate
nose breathers). A soft NG tube should be passed through each nostril to
confirm patency if choanal atresia is suspected.

Check for cleft lip and palate.
Epstein pearls - small white papules which contain keratin, frequently found on
either side of the median raphe of the palate. This will resolve with time and
are benign.

Observe the size and shape of the mouth.
Microstomia - seen in Trisomy 18 (Edward Syndrome) and Trisomy
21(Down Syndrome).
Macrostomia - seen in mucopolysaccharidoses.
Fish mouth - seen in fetal alcohol syndrome.

Take the opportunity to examine the oral cavity when the baby is crying lustily, or
press the chin downwards to open the mouth. Inspect the gum, tongue, palate
and pharynx.

Ranula - small bluish white swelling of variable size on the floor

of the mouth representing benign mucous gland retention
cyst. Reassure parents that this will resolve with time and
is benign.

Note: Suspect tracheo-esophageal fistula if copious oral secretions noted

especially if there was maternal polyhydramnios and baby shows some
respiratory distress.

Macroglossia - Hypothyroidism, mucopolysaccharidoses
Tongue-tie - reassure parents that this should not lead to speech

Natal teeth occurs in 1/2,000 births and are mostly lower incisors. There is
risk of aspiration and should be extracted if loosely attached.

Micrognathia (small chin) is found in a number of syndromes (e.g. Pierre-Robin
syndrome, Treacher-Collins syndrome, Hallerman Streiff syndrome).

The short neck of the newborn can be examined by lifting the upper chest
off the mattress with one hand. Webbing of the neck may be found in Turner
and Noonan syndromes, cervical spine abnormality or pterygium-associated
syndromes. Redundant skinfold may be found in Down syndrome.

Masses in the neck may be due to a cystic hygroma and less commonly
branchial cyst or goitre. Sternomastoid tumour may result in torticollis which
can be treated with early physiotherapy. Cystic hygroma is the most common
neck mass and should be referred for surgery. Lymph nodes are unusual at
birth and their presence usually indicates congenital infection.

Palpate the clavicles for possible fractures especially in difficult deliveries.

Respiratory system and chest

When the baby is quiet, preferably sleeping, observe the respiratory rate,
respiratory pattern (periodic breathing in preterm baby, periods of apnea (no
respiration for more than 20 seconds). Observe chest movements for symmetry
and for sternal, intercostal and subcostal recession as well as nasal flaring.
Listen for stridor (inspiratory sound suggestive of upper airway obstruction) or
grunting (expiratory sound much like a short cry associated with respiratory
distress). Auscultation of the chest in sick babies may reveal reduced breath
sounds, crepitations (with pneumonia) or bowel sounds in babies with
diaphragmatic hernia.

Note that there may be some transient enlargement of the breasts secondary
to maternal hormones.

Cardiovascular system
Inspection - Check baby for pallor, cyanosis, plethora. Observe the
precordium including the epistenum for hyperactivity.
Palpation - Check capillary refill
- Check pulses - note if femoral pulses are weak or absent
compared to the right radial or brachial pulse, as this is
a sign of coarctation of the aorta. This should be urgently
referred. Pulses may be bounding as in persistent ductus
arteriosus or thready as in shock.
- Locate the apex beat with single finger on chest. It is
usually located in the fourth intercostal space within the
mid-clavicular line; abnormal location of the apex can be
an indication of diaphragmatic hernia, pneumothorax,
situs inversus or other thoracic problem.

Auscultation - Note rhythm and presence of murmurs which may be

The abdomen of a newborn is mildly distended but soft to palpation. A flat
abdomen signifies decreased tone, abdominal contents in chest, or abnormalities
in abdominal musculature. Marked abdominal distension is suggestive of
intestinal obstruction, organomegaly, ascites or presence of other masses.

Observe for diastasis recti.

Observe for any obvious malformations e.g. omphalocoele. An omphalocoele
has a membrane covering (unless it has been ruptured during the delivery)
whereas a gastroschisis does not. For gastroschisis, refer to hospital with
surgical facilities as soon as possible. Place cling wrap over exposed intestines
to prevent drying, and place exposed intestines centrally using doughnut to
contain the exposed gut to avoid traction on the intestines which leads to

Examine umbilical cord and count the vessels. Note colour of cord and
periumbilical area to exclude infection.

Palpate liver and spleen. It may be normal for the liver to be about 2 cm below
the right costal margin. The spleen is sometimes just palpable; if the spleen is
enlarged, be alert for congenital infection or extramedullary hematopoesis. After
locating these organs (checking for situs inversus), palpate for any abnormal

Examine for hernias - umbilical or inguinal

Inspect anal area for patency and/or presence of fistulas.

Genitourinary examination
Kidneys - Examined by palpation.
The kidneys should be about 4.5-5.0 cm vertical length in
the full term newborn.
The technique for palpation is: Palpate the left kidney by
placing the right hand under the left lumbar region and
palpating the abdomen with the left hand (do the reverse
for the right kidney).
Male genitalia - Term normal penis is 3.6 0.7 cm stretched length.
Inspect glands, urethral opening, prepuce and shaft. It is
normally difficult to completely retract foreskin and this
should not be attempted. Observe for hypospadias or
epispadias. The urethral opening is usually at the tip of
the penis, check for abnormally placed urethral.

Full term baby should have brownish pigmentation and
fully rugated scrotum. Palpate the testes. If the testes
are undescended, search for the testes along the line of
descent. If the testes can be brought down into the scrotum,
they are retractile and this is normal. Undescended testes
in term babies should be referred within the first few
months of life for assessment.
An enlarged scrotum is usually due to hydrocoele, inguinal
hernia, trauma in the breech presentation or rarely a
testicular tumour
Female - Inspect the labia, clitoris, urethral opening and external
genitalia vaginal vault. Often a whitish discharge is present; this is
normal, as is a small amount of bleeding, which usually
occurs a few days after birth and is secondary to maternal
hormone withdrawal. The vulva may be swollen and bruised
in breech presentation. This is transient.
Transient hymenal tags may be present normally.
Indeterminate - If the sex of the baby cannot be determined. Urgent
referral is required to determine the sex early and to
exclude medical emergencies such as congenital adrenal

Extremities and Skeletal System

Observe the shape, posture, presence of malformation or deformation, and
Spine - Look for scoliosis, spinal bifida, sacral dimple or sinus. The
posterior midline area should be examined for skin stigmata
of neural tube defects, such as lipoma, haemangioma,
pilonidal skin dimples with tufts of hair or no visible floor.
This should be evaluated with ultrasonography or MRI at a
later date. Urgent referral to Paediatric Spinal Surgeon is
required for dermal sinuses in the posterior midline area
as it usually communicates with the spinal canal and can
lead to meningitis. Sacral dimples are common and are of
no consequence. Referral for ultrasound is required only
for sacral dimple more than 5 mm in diameter or more
than 2.5 cm from the anus.
Upper - Look for clavicular fracture, absence of radius or ulna,
extremity polydactyly, syndactyly. Inspect creases and fingers. Look
for paucity of movement which suggests neurological
involvement such as Erbs palsy, or a fracture.
Lower - Do Ortolani maneuver to check for congenital hip
extremity dislocation. Suggestive features of congenital dislocation
of the hip include asymmetrical creases on the thigh,
inequality of length of the lower limbs and unequal height
of the flexed knees when placed together.

- Check toes and feet for talipes and rocker-bottom feet. In
talipes equinovarus deformity, if the dorsum of the foot and
shin can be approximated with version and dorsiflexion of
the foot, the deformity is postural and no treatment is

Neurological examination
A complete neurological examination is not part of the routine examination
of the newborn. The degree of alertness, activity and muscle tone as well as
the posture of the baby should be noted. These neurological signs have to be
interpreted according to the babys gestational age, postnatal age, his posture
in utero and his state of wakefulness. When a baby is awake, he may be quiet
without gross movement, actively moving all four limbs or crying vigorously.

State of - It is best to examine the baby for alertness when he is

alertness awake and calm. Note the babys alertness and the ability
to fixate. Check for persistent lethargy or irritability or high-
pitched cry.
Posture - In term baby, normal position is one with hips abducted and
partially flexed and with knees flexed. Arms are adducted
and flexed at the elbow. The fists are often clenched, with
fingers covering the thumb.
The knees are often extended if the baby was of breech
A hypotonic baby usually has a frog-like appearance.
Hypertonia is rare in the newborn period but if present,
the baby will appear stiff with extended limbs.
Tone - For ventral suspension, support the baby with one hand
under his chest. The neck extensors should be able to
hold the head in line for 3 seconds and the limbs are
partially flexed. A hypotonic baby will not be able to extend
his neck, the limbs will be extended and the trunk curved.
- Term babies should not have more than 10 degrees head
lag when pulled forward from supine to sitting position.

Note: When the baby is held under the axillae, a hypotonic baby will appear
to slip through the hands. Hypermobile joints on passive joint movement is
associated with hypotonia or lax ligaments.

It is not necessary to elicit all reflexes in the routine examination of a newborn
unless a full neurological examination is required.

Commonly tested reflexes are the grasp and Moro reflexes. Check for asymmetry
when eliciting these reflexes. Unilateral Moro reflex (and paucity of movement)
may imply brachial plexus injury, Erbs palsy or fracture of the humerus. Elicitation
of sucking reflex is not required if baby is feeding well.
1. Klaus, MH and Fanoroff, AA: Care of the High Risk Neonate, 3rd edition, Philadelphia,
WB Saunders, 1986.
2. Fishman, MA: Pediatric Neurology, Orlando, Grune and Stratton, 1986.
3. Barness, LA: Manual of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis, Fifth Edition, Chicago, Year
Book Medical Publishers, 1981.
4. Scanlon, JW, et al.: A System of Newborn Physical Examination, Baltimore,
University Park Press, 1981.
5. Avery, G: Neonatology, Second Edition, Philadelphia, JB Lippencott, 1981.
6. Behrman and Vaughan: Nelsons Textbook of Pediatrics, 12th Edition, Philadelphia,
WB Saunders, 1983.
7. Roberton Copyright July 2000 Telehealth Maternal and Perinatal group. All
rights reserved.
8. Lee ACW,Kwong NS,Wing YC.Management of Sacral Dimples Detected In Routine
Newborn Examination. HK J Paedtr (new series) 2007:12:93-95



Intensive Care: For babies with complex problems requiring intensive monitoring and
ventilatory support and/or with the possibility of acute deterioration
Semi-intensive or High dependency Care: For babies with problems requiring close
observation and intervention but not requiring intensive care.
Special Care: For babies who could not reasonably be expected to be looked at
home by their mother
Normal Care: For uncomplicated maternal and neonatal cases where there is no
medical indication to be in hospital

Indications for admission to various levels of care

Intensive Care:
1. Respiratory distress:
Respiratory rate >60/min, grunting and chest recession
Apnoea and cyanosis
Cyanosis despite oxygen therapy
Neonates requiring ventilatory support or CPAP
2. Very low birth weight (VLBW) babies of birthweight (BW) < 1500 gm.
3. Moderate to severe birth asphyxia
4. Severe birth trauma - intracranial haemorrhage
5. Duct dependent congenital heart disease which may be cyanotic or acyanotic;
congestive heart failure; supraventricular tachycardia, arrhythmia.
6. Hypotension, shock
7. Need for resuscitation and inotropic support
8. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
9. Immediate post-op surgical patients
10. Necrotising Enterocolitis (> Grade 1)
11. Hydrops foetalis
12. Intractable hypoglycaemia
13. Persistent metabolic acidosis
14. Neonatal seizures
15. Any other baby whose clinical condition is considered to be unstable or require
very close observation

Semi-intensive Care
1. Receiving NCPAP for some part of the day and > 1500 gm in weight
2. Receiving parenteral nutrition and not fulfilling criteria for intensive care
3. Requiring monitoring for seizures
4. On more than 40% oxygen
5. Babies requiring continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring
6. Requiring frequent stimulation for apnoea
7. Requiring treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome in acute period
8. Acute surgical cases

Special care:
1. Babies >1500gm to 2000gm birth weight
2. Babies < 35 weeks gestation
3. Large babies ie birth weight > 4.5 kg
4. Large for gestational age (LGA) babies ie BW>90th centile
5. Small for gestational age (SGA) babies ie BW<10th centile
6. Babies with respiratory distress requiring < 40% oxygen
7. Babies with meconium below vocal cords during resuscitation with no respiratory
distress or hyperinflation of the chest
8. Babies with Rhesus or ABO incompatibility
9. Babies with significant jaundice. Of note, babies with jaundice on day one of life
should be admitted stat for intensive phototherapy. Blood exchange transfusion
can be done under semi-intensive care if there is appropriate monitoring available
10. Babies with mild asphyxia or Apgar Score < 7 at 5 mins
11. Babies born to mothers with chorioamnionitis or pyrexia > 38oC or leaking liquor
of more than 18 hours
12. Sepsis (fever, umbilical discharge, severe eye discharge) and congenital infection
(e.g. maternal chicken pox)
13. Babies of diabetic mothers
14. Babies with more than one episode of hypoglycaemia (blood sugar < 2.6 mmol/L)
15. Babies with birth trauma mild subaponeurotic haemorrhage, Erbs palsy and
16. Babies of drug addict mothers with no further withdrawal symptoms
17. Babies with multiple or serious congenital anomalies
18. Babies requiring IV drip
19. Babies requiring surgery and do not require intensive care
20. Unwell babies (e.g. poor feeding, lethargy, vomiting)
21. Babies born to HIV mothers and symptomatic babies of VDRL positive mothers
22. Stable babies with cardiac conditions

In conditions other than those listed above and if unsure, please consult Registrar
or Specialist
Special care in obstetrics ward: (these are babies that may be considered for nursing
in the obstetric ward depending on local factors. The baby has to be monitored and
transferred to appropriate level of care depending on the progress)
1. Borderline low birthweight (ie between 1.8 and 2.5 kg) babies who are otherwise
2. Well babies of 35 to 37 weeks gestation who are 1.8 kg. and above
3. Large babies between 4 and 4.5 kg
4. LGA and SGA babies
5. Babies with G6PD deficiency, Rhesus or ABO incompatibility and moderate
jaundice (SB < 300 mol/L except for babies with jaundice on day one of life) -
phototherapy with monitoring
6. Asymptomatic babies with presumed sepsis needing antibiotic therapy
7. Asymptomatic babies born to VDRL positive mother
8. Babies with glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
9. Babies of thyrotoxic mothers

Normal care:
Normal care is the routine care of the healthy term baby who requires only the
maintenance of body temperature, the establishment of feeding and hygiene care.
This is usually provided in the obstetric ward or at home with the mother.

Infants progress at every level should be monitored and transferred to the

appropriate level as indicated by the patients condition (Fig. 5.1)

Figure 5.1: Standard management for referral of newborns

Indication for referral (**) in newborn

examination checklist (Appendix 4)

Condition Stable?

-- Initial stabilization
-- referral letter -- Initiate treatment
-- counsel parents -- Inform referral hospital
-- Document in patients record -- Arrange transport
(including checklist and -- Counsel parents
HBCHR) -- Document in patient record
(including checklist and

Transport to hospital by
health staff





For neonatal or surgical care not available at the referring center

For transfer from labour room to NICU/SCN

For transfer from one neonatal ward to another

Health clinic to hospital


Contact referral hospital and discuss with receiving staff about the case and
request for advice
Record time and details of discussion

Airway suctioning and maintenance of clear airway
administer oxygen via cannula, headbox, bag and mask, or endotracheal tube

monitor oxygen saturation with oximeter

observe breathing effort and rate

support breathing by bagging

note effectiveness of manual respiratory support

take blood gas samples periodically to assess respiratory support

observe colour especially central area

suction airway and administer oxygen effectively

keep baby warm under radiant warmer

administer drugs as required and ordered by doctor

adrenaline or sodium bicarbonate

correct hypoglycaemia after capillary blood sugar sampling

administer Vitamin K (if not given)

prewarm transport incubator setting at 35C using mains power supply

place necessary articles inside

monitor temperature of baby closely

warm baby up to normal body temperature under the radiant warmer then place

baby in the transport incubator

set up intravenous infusion of dextrose 10%
set flow rate and check regularly if there is no infusion pump to control flow

set up blood transfusion or plasma expander when required


Transport team
Inform team members: doctor, staff nurse, attendant, driver

Inform team members of neonates condition and stabilisation activities

The transport incubator temperature will be set at 35C (or appropriate temperature

according to the babys gestation)

When there is no incubator, wrap the warm neonate in warm towels/linen before

wrapping the neonate snugly with aluminium foil or bubble wrap. One disadvantage
is that it is impossible to observe abnormal respiratory functions without disturbing
the neonate. This method prevents heat loss but will not warm up a low birth
weight baby. (This can only be done with an artificial source of heat)
Portable ventilator and adequate oxygen bag and mask, suctioning equipment,

intubation equipment and drugs (refer to resuscitation equipment and

medications in Appendix 1- Resuscitation of the Newborn)
Intravenous fluids eg. dextrose 10%

Monitoring equipment: select appropriate equipments such as cardiorespiratory

monitor, Pulse oximeter, and skin temperature monitor

Neonates clothes, stethoscope, thermometer

Fully replenished transport kit

Oral feeds if required

The ambulance should be in functioning order and have adequate equipments
Secure the incubator and other equipments in place during the transfer

Inform parents the need for transfer of the neonate

Encourage one parent to accompany neonate

Obtain written consent from parents for exchange transfusion or emergency surgery

Obtain mothers blood sample if she is not accompanying her child

Allow neonates mother to see and touch her baby

Referral letter:

-- should include a complete and detailed history of maternal factors and neonatal
-- treatment already carried out should be listed such as antibiotics, resuscitation
given, immunization, Vitamin K
-- events that have occurred should be written in sequence
-- date, time and name of the doctor should be written clearly

State the date and time of events in the progress notes

Record a brief but concise account of the events before the transfer of the neonate

Record in admission book, census book and 24-hour report book

Checklist before departure

The following should be ready to be sent with the baby:
-- cord blood specimen or babys blood specimen
-- mothers blood specimen (10 ml clotted blood) labeled correctly with mothers full
name and identity card number
-- referral letter
-- all X-rays and other investigation results
-- written consent of parent for the appropriate procedures
Ensure endotracheal tube, if required, is properly secured and at the appropriate

The babys condition should be reviewed immediately before transport and referral

hospital should be reinformed if the general condition has deteriorated and the
facilities required has changed eg. need for a ventilator bed
Check that all equipments in the ambulance are functioning and has adequate

power supply to last the journey.

During transport
Connect ventilator or oxygen delivery system to ambulance supply, if available
Any electrical equipment should be plugged into the AC-DC converter in the

Closely observe vital signs

Monitor the intravenous infusion to maintain the proper rate of infusion (especially

not to overload)

Where possible, observations should be done without disturbing the baby. Use
monitoring equipment if available
Record observations in Neonatal Transport Chart

Plan to stop at nearest health clinic or in a safe area if condition of neonate

deteriorates or needs further resuscitation

Ensure airway is maintained by suctioning as required and endotracheal tube is at

the correct position stabilization

Check on adequacy of chest expansion, especially in the baby who is receiving

assisted ventilation.

At the receiving hospital

Assist in the transfer of the neonate from the transport incubator to the receiving
radiant warmer, incubator, or cot
Assist in stabilisation if necessary

Hand over to the receiving nurse the following information & records:

a. name and identity card number and full name of the mother
b. name of the baby, if available
c. sex of the baby
d. referral letter
e. records and observations during transport
f. blood and other specimens
g. Introduce parents/relatives to the receiving staff
h. Account for all equipments before leaving

After returning from the referring hospital

If parent(s) have not accompanied the baby, inform them about the condition of the

child, the ward/ hospital he or she is placed in, the contact number and the name
of the doctor-in-charge.

1. Protocol of Neonatal Nursing Procedure Pub.Ipoh Postgraduate Medical Society
Ed. J.Ho, 1995




1. Recommendations for Hepatitis B Vaccination and Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin

in newborns
If a mother is a chronic carrier, there is a 3-50% vertical transmission rate to the
baby. Factors associated with higher rates of hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmission
to newborn infants includes:
The presence of HepB e-Ag and absence of anti-HepB e- in maternal serum:
Attack rates of 70-90 % with up to 90 % of these babies being chronic carriers,
compared to 15% of babies of anti-HepB e-positive mothers.
Maternal acute hepatitis in the third trimester or immediately postpartum (70%
attack rate).
Higher-titer HepBsAg in maternal serum (attack rates parallel the titer).

Table 7.1: Hepatitis B vaccination schedule

Mothers Hepatitis B surface Newborn
antigen status Term Preterm
HepBsAg positive a. Give 100iU (0.5 ml) HBIG Give Hepatitis Antibody
(IM) within 12 hours of (HBIG) soon after delivery
b. Give 5mcg (0.5 ml) (IM) The first of the subsequent
of Hep B vaccine at birth, three doses of the vaccine
1 month and 5-6 months should be started at least 1
month later- when the baby
HBIG and Hep B vaccine is awaiting weight gain close
to be given at anterolateral to discharge. Continue other
aspects of opposite thighs. 2 doses one month and at
5-6 months later.

HepBsAg negative/ Follow routine immunization Hepatitis B vaccine is given

unknown** schedule. when baby is clinically stable
and awaiting weight gain. At
time of discharge, check that
Hepatitis B immunization
has been given. The other 2
doses follow one month and
5-6 months later.

All babies delivered at home should receive the above recommended regime from the nearest health
**Presently it is not the MOHs policy to routinely screen all mothers for their Hepatitis B status.

2. Recommendations for BCG vaccination in newborns
All newborns are to be given BCG soon after birth. This is usually carried out in
well babies on the second day or just before discharge.

For babies who are admitted directly to the neonatal ward after birth, BCG is often
not given until the baby is due for discharge from the special care nursery. Being
a live vaccine it is not recommended to be given within a neonatal intensive care
unit where babies are ill or immature.

There is no specific weight criteria for BCG vaccination. It has been shown that
babies of 34-35 weeks post-conceptual age can be effectively vaccinated and
comparable to vaccination at term.

3. Recommendations for Vitamin K administration in the newborn

All newborns should receive a single intramuscular dose of Vitamin K within 1
hour of birth. Administer 0.5 mg if the baby weighs less than 1.5 kg or 1mg
if the baby weighs more than 1.5 kg. If the injection has not been given in the
labour room or other location of birth it must be given as soon as possible in the
neonatal ward. For home deliveries, Vitamin K can also be given at the health
clinics if the attending nurse has not given it immediately at birth.

Table 7.2: National Immunization Schedule

Age of Child Vaccinations
First BCG injection
At Birth
First dose of Hepatitis B vaccine
1 month Second dose of Hepatitis B vaccine
First dose of DTaP/DT
2 months First dose of IPV
First dose of Hib vaccine
Second dose of DTaP/DT
3 months Second dose of IPV
Second dose of Hib vaccine
Third dose of DTaP/DT
5 months Third dose of IPV
Third dose of Hib vaccine
Third dose of Hepatitis B
6 months
Measles (Sabah)
9 months First dose of JE (Sarawak)
10 months Second dose of JE (Sarawak)
12 months MMR injection
Booster injection of DTaP/DT
Booster dose of IPV
18 months
Booster dose of Hib vaccine
Third dose of JE (Sarawak)


A newborn baby should be seen within 24 hours after discharge from hospital by
health staff to look for jaundice. Health staff should be aware that jaundice occurring
within 24 hours of life could indicate a problem and if detected they should take the
baby to a clinic as soon as possible.

About 25-30% of babies with neonatal jaundice (NNJ) experience jaundice of sufficient
severity to warrant referral to hospital for phototherapy or exchange transfusion.
Severely jaundiced babies without early effective treatment can potentially suffer
brain damage or hearing impairment. If the baby is well, breastfeeding should be

Prolonged neonatal jaundice needs to be investigated (refer to Paeds Protocol).

Infants with suspected biliary atresia have to be referred to the paediatric surgeon
before 2 months of age for surgery.

For further information, please refer to Integrated Plan for Detection and Management
of Neonatal Jaundice (MOH 2009) (Revised).



Congenital Hypothyroidism is an uncommon but clearly identified and preventable
cause of mental retardation. Infants born with Congenital Hypothyroidism usually
lack clinical features in the first weeks or months of life and are usually discovered
to have Congenital Hypothyroidism around the age of 2 6 months. Studies have
shown that if detected and treated within the first week of life, it will result in average,
normal or near normal intellectual performance and growth.

Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism was introduced by the Ministry of Health

in Malaysia in October 1998. As of December 2010, all 132 government hospitals
provide screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism.

Local data on the birth prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism though still limited
are available since the early 1990s. Data from four Malaysian studies showed a
local birth prevalence of 1 in 2410, 1:2983, 1:3666 and 1:3065. The pooled rate
from these four studies is 1:3029. Other data from published studies in the Asian
region suggest a birth prevalence of 1 in 3093 for the South East Asian region as
a whole. The true birth prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism for Malaysia has
yet to be determined accurately but will be in the region of 1 in 2500 to 1 in 3500.

The strategy adopted for screening in Malaysia is primary TSH measurement

supplemented by T4 determination in borderline samples. Infants with elevated TSH
values and those with borderline TSH values and low T4 are recalled for testing.
Babies born at home or when the cord blood is not taken soon after birth need to
have their thyroid screening test taken at day 5 of life.

For further information, please refer to the National Screening Programme for
Congenital Hypothyroidism, Family Health Development Division, MOH, 2011.




All hospitals under the Ministry of Health have achieved the Baby Friendly
Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Status. It is recognised that there is a need to ensure
continuity of practices as listed in the 10 steps to successful Breastfeeding. To
ensure the sustainability of this programme, internal audits are conducted by the
individual hospitals under the supervision of the State Breastfeeding Coordinator.
Reassessment of all hospitals by an external body is conducted every 2-3 years.

Table 10.1: Problems encountered and recommended remedial measures.

Problems Remedial Measures
1. Inadequate antenatal Enforcement of a formal education session at all health
education in Health clinics/centres during antenatal visits and to ensure
Centres uniformity of education between hospitals and health sector
2. Ineffective antenatal Documentation of all education given
education Use of information leaflets
Encouragement of dialogue with parents
3. Breastfeeding Relook at breastfeeding support groups from hospitals and
problems especially NGOs
insufficient milk Proposed post for lactational management nurse
and unjustified Supplementary feeds to be provided based on medical
supplementation needs of mother and baby.
4. Failure of continuity Notification to health staff of all hospital discharges
of breastfeeding especially high risk cases
soon after hospital On-going breastfeeding support by health staff and NGO
discharge support group
Monitoring tools to be used to measure breastfeeding
5. Failure of continuation Development of creches in workplaces to be implemented
of breastfeeding for Counseling mothers in preparation for returning to work.
working mothers

Checklist: Initiation of breastfeeding at birth (Normal, full term delivery)

Put to breast as soon as possible after birth for skin to skin contact

Initiate breastfeeding in the first hour of life

Check babys positioning and attachment

Keep baby warm

Checklist: Assessing progress of breastfeeding (prior to discharge)
Correct body position

Correct attachment and sucking

Breastfeeding on cues or baby-led feeding

-- No limits on frequency or duration

-- Night feeding
-- Crying is a late sign of hunger
Emotional bonding

-- Secure, confident hold

-- Face to face attention from mother
-- Close contact with mother
Breast feeding problems attended to

e.g. inverted nipples; breast engorgement

Checklist: Indicators of sufficient breast milk intake

Good weight gain according to growth chart
-- At day 5-6, if weight loss is more than 10% - refer to hospital for possible
hypernatraemic dehydration
-- if weight loss is between 5 10 % - refer baby to medical officer at nearest health
clinic for review. Baby to be monitored until weight gain is obtained
5 to 10 yellow milk stools per day

6 to 8 wet diapers per day

Urine looks clear, not dark or concentrated

Baby is alert, acts hungry at times and appears satisfied

Mucous membrane wet with good skin turgor

1. BABY-FRIENDLY HOSPITAL INITIATIVE Revised, Updated and Expanded for
Integrated Care 2009 (Original BFHI Guidelines developed 1992)
2. Riordan, J., Auerbach, KG,. (1998). Breastfeeding and Human Lactation (2nd ed.)
Jones and Bartlett, Massachusetts, pp313


A. Infants conditions
i. Infants who should not receive breast milk or any other milk except specialized
formula. This applies to babies with inborn errors of metabolism eg:
Classic galactosemia: a special galactose-free formula is needed
Maple syrup urine disease: a special formula free of leucine, isoleucine and
valine is needed
Phenylketonuria: a special phenylanine-free formula is needed (some
breasfeeding is possible, under careful monitoring)

ii. Infants for whom breast milk remains the breastfeeding options but who may
need other food in addition to breast milk for a limited period
Very low birth weight infants (those born weighing less than 1500g)
Very preterm infants, i.e. those born less than 32 week gestational age
Newborn infants who are at risk of hypoglycaemia by virtue of impaired
metabolic adaptation or increased glucose demand (such as those who
are preterm, small for gestational age or who have experienced significant
intrapartum hypoxic/ ischaemic stress, those who are ill and those whose
mothers are diabetic) if their blood sugar fails to respond to optimal
breastfeeding or breast milk feeding;
Infants younger than 6 months who, in spite of frequent and effective
suckling and in the absence of illness, show persistent growth faltering (as
demonstrated by a flat or downward growth curve).

The mothers of the above babies must be encouraged to establish early bonding
with their babies and given more support with breastfeeding.

B. Maternal Conditions
The mother who is affected by any of the conditions mentioned below should receive
treatment according to standard guidelines.

i. Mother who should avoid breastfeeding PERMANENTLY

HIV infection
HTLV-I (Human T-cell Leukaemia virus)
ii. Mother who should avoid breastfeeding TEMPORARILY
Severe illness that prevents a mother from caring for her infant, for example
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1): direct contact between lesions on the
mothers breasts and the infants mouth should be avoided until all active
lesions have resolved

iii. Mother who CAN CONTINUE BREAST FEEDING, although the health problems
may be of concern
Breast abscess: breastfeeding should continue on the unaffected breast;
feeding from the affected breast can resume once the abscess has been
drained and antibiotic treatment has started
Mother with Hepatitis B: infants should be given hepatitis B vaccine, within
the first 48 hours or as soon as possible thereafter
Hepatitis C infection in the mother is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.
There are no current data to suggest that HCV is transmitted by human
breast milk. If the mothers choose to breastfeed, ensure that she does not
have cracked nipples (which transmit infected blood to the baby).
Mastitis: If breastfeeding is very painful, milk must be removed by expression
to prevent progression of the condition;
Tuberculosis: If active pulmonary disease or military TB has been recently
diagnosed, it has been recommended that mother and baby be separated
until mother is sputum negative or mother has been given anti TB therapy
(usually at least two completed weeks) then mother can breast feed. The
newborn should receive isoniazid prophylaxis for 6 months followed by BCG

When breastfeeding has to be temporarily delayed or interrupted, mother should

be helped to establish or maintain lactation e.g through hand expression of milk,
in preparation for breastfeeding to be resumed.

iv. Medications and other substances that can adversely affect the breastfed

Maternal medication
Risks are greater during the first 2 months on high dosages of medications
(as therapy or with abuse). Monitor infants for adverse effects. The use of low
doses usually require no special precautions in older infants.
Sedating psychotherapeutic drugs, anti-epileptic drugs and opioids and the
combinations may cause side effects such as drowsiness and respiratory
depression in neonates; use less sedating alternative and low dosages
whenever possible;
Sulphonamides,chloramphenicol, tetracyclines small risk of side effects:
use alternative drugs if possible
Oestrogen (including oestrogen containing contraceptives), thiazide diuretics:
- may reduce milk supply, use alternative drugs.
Mothers on antithyroid drugs e.g. propylthiouracil can be allowed to
breastfeed but monitor babies closely with thyroid function tests.
Radioactive iodine -131 in therapeutic doses should be avoided given
that safer alternatives are available; a mother may resume breastfeeding
about two months after receiving this substance with measured low milk
Excessive use of topical iodine or iodophors (e.g., povidone-iodine), especially
on open wounds or mucous membranes, can result in thyroid suppression or
electrolyte abnormalities in the breastfed newborn and should be avoided;
Cytotoxic chemotherapy requires that a mother stop breastfeeding during
Substances use
Mother should be advised not to use these substances and given opportunities
and support to abstain. Mothers who choose not to cease their use of these
substances or who are unable to do so, should seek individual advice on the risks
and benefits of breastfeeding, depending on their individual circumstances. For
the mother who use these substances in short episodes, consideration may be
given to avoiding breastfeeding temporarily during this time.
Maternal use of nicotine often decrease the duration of breastfeeding, and
can adversely affect the infant, but breastfeeding is preferable to formula
feeding in mothers who smoke. Infants should not be exposed to tobacco
Alcohol taken before breastfeeding can cause infant sedation and reduced
milk intake.
Abuse of amphetamines, cocaine and related stimulants may produce
harmful effects on babies who are breastfed especially if the infant is
additionally exposed to inhalation of smoked drugs.

The following are usually safe In usual dosage:

Analgesics short courses of paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen,
occasional doses of morphine and pethidine
Antibiotics penicillin, cloxacillin and related drugs, erythromycin,
Antihistamines, antacids, digoxin, insulin, bronchodilators, corticosteroids,
antihelminthics, chloroquine, antituberculous drugs.
Nutritional supplements e.g. iron, iodine and vitamins.
Adapted from UNICEF/ WHO (January 2008) Section 4: Hospital Self-Appraisal and
Monitoring, Baby Friendly-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Revised, update and expanded
for integrated care.



Hypoglycaemia in the neonate is defined as <2.6 mmol/L

Infants who are at high risk of hypoglycaemia include:

Infants of diabetic mothers

SGA (small for gestational age) babies

Preterm babies

Macrosomic babies/Big babies > 4 kg

Sick babies including those with:

-- Perinatal asphyxia
-- Hypothermia
-- Rhesus disease
-- Polycythaemia
-- Sepsis

Clinical Features
Hypoglycaemia may be asymptomatic therefore monitoring is important for high
risk cases. The symptoms of hypoglycaemia include:
1. Jitteriness and irritability
2. Apnoea and cyanosis
3. Hypotonia and poor feeding
4. Convulsion

Prevention and early detection of hypoglycaemia

1. Identify at risk babies
2. Well babies who are at risk
Immediate feeding first feed can be given in labour room
Supplement feeding until breastfeeding established
3. Unwell babies
Set up dextrose 10% drip at the rate of 3ml/kg/hour (newborn)
4. Regular glucometer monitoring
On admission and at 1, 2 and 4 hours later
3 - 6 hourly pre-feeding once stable for 24 - 48 hours

Management of hypoglycaemia
1. Do not delay in sending the baby to a hospital with specialist care
2. Quickly set up a peripheral intravenous line or umbilical venous line
3. Run a bolus 2ml/kg of 10% dextrose over 2 minutes
4. Continue at a drip rate of 3ml/kg/hour
5. Send baby to Special Care Nursery

Refer to the Paediatrics Protocols for Malaysian Hospitals 3rd edition for further
Management of Hypoglycaemia.




1. Diaper rash (ammoniacal dermatitis)

May be caused by prolonged contact with urine or faeces. It can also be an
allegic reaction to the diaper material, creams, powders, wipes or detergents
used in laundering cloth diapers.

The best treatment is prevention, by frequent diaper changes and by protection

of the skin with a barrier product containing zinc oxide. The skin should be
cleansed with warm water after voiding or passing motion. Avoid diaper wipes
that contain alcohol. Cornstarch and baby powder should not be used as they
provide a media for growth of bacteria and yeast. Dont use creams that contain
steroids (cortisone or hydrocortisone).

2. Candida diaper rash

A fungal infection of skin in the diaper area may include buttocks, groins, thighs
and abdomen. It is caused by the organism Candida Albicans. It appears as a
moist erythematous eruption often with white or yellow satellite pustules.

Treatment consists of antifungal cream or ointment such as nystatin applied to

the rashes several times per day.

3. Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum

Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum is the most common pustular eruption in
newborns. Estimates of incidence vary between 40 and 70 percent. It is most
common in infants born at term and weighing more than 2,500 gm. Erythema
Toxicum Neonatorum may be present at birth but more often appears during the
second or third day of life. Typical lesions consist of erythematous, 2 to 3 mm
macules and papules that evolve into pustules. Each pustule is surrounded by
a blotchy area of erythema, leading to what is classically described as a flea-
bitten appearance. Lesions usually occur on the face, trunk, and proximal
extremities. Palms and soles are not involved.

They appear as small, white or yellow pustules surrounded by an erythematous

base. They are benign and found in up to 70% of newborn infants up to 3
months of age. The lesions come and go on various sites of face, trunk and
limbs. The cause is unknown but may be exacerbated by handling.

No treatment is necessary.

4. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Seborrheic Dermatitis affects the scalp, central face, and anterior chest.
Seborrheic dermatitis also may cause mild to marked erythema of the nasolabial
fold, often with scaling. The scales are greasy, not dry, as commonly thought.
This rash has an erythematous background and a greasy yellow scale. It is
common in hair-bearing areas of the body especially the scalp and eyebrows.
It is usually absent in the flexures. Scaling is prominent on the scalp producing
the so-called cradle-cap. It has a tendency to recur throughout infancy.

Treatment is with topical application of 1% sulphur + 1% salicylic acid in cream

applied overnight and washed off the next day with a mild shampoo, use 3
times a week. Milder cases of cradle cap can be treated with topical olive oil.
If severe, the whole body may be affected and should be referred to hospital.

5. Septic spots
Superficial staphylococcal infection characterized by crops of pustules with
golden center surrounded by erythema. These spots may be seen on any part
of the body, usually in the flexures e.g. neck, axilla and lower back. Baby is
usually well and afebrile.

Septic spots can be treated by cleaning with local antiseptic solutions, such
as Chlorhexidine. If there are more than a few pustules or if baby is febrile, it
is advisable to start an oral antibiotic, such as cloxacillin.

6. Oral thrush
Oral thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth or throat caused by a yeast called
Candida Albicans. This is very common in infants, especially those on prolonged
sucking on a bottle or pacifier, or who have recently been on antibiotics. It is
seen as white patches scattered over the tongue and inner lining of the mouth.
These white patches cannot be wiped away, unlike milk.

This can be treated with oral anti-fungal preparations such as oral Nystatin
drops. Rub the liquid medicine directly on the areas of thrush with a cotton
swab. The medicine can also be placed with a dropper, to be dropped in the
front of the mouth. Ask the mother not to feed the baby for at least 30 minutes
or more after the application of the Nystatin. These steps are to ensure that
the medicine will not be immediately swallowed by the baby.

Ensure that pacifiers are disinfected, if possible discontinue its use. Check the
mothers breast for any fungal infection and refer for treatment, if any. Refer the
baby to hospital if the baby does not feed well or the thrush is not improving
within one week of treatment.

7. Miliaria (heat rash or prickly heat)

There are two forms of miliaria, Miliaria Crystallina, which consists of small
clear fluid filled vesicles that rupture and leave behind some scale, and Miliaria
Rubra, which has similar clear fluid filled vesicles, but they are surrounded by
red areas. Miliaria is most common on the head, neck, upper chest and in skin

folds and is due to blockage of the sweat ducts in the skin. It will resolve on
its own, but can be prevented by reducing heat and humidity and not dressing
the newborn in tight clothing.

8. Milia
Milia is a small white or yellow pinpoint sized spots on your newborns nose
and chin.They are caused by small sebaceous retention cysts and will clear up
in a few weeks without treatment.

9. Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis

Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis is a vesiculopustular rash that occurs
in 5 % of newborns. In contrast with Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum, the
lesions of transient neonatal Pustular Melanosis lack surrounding erythema.
In addition, these lesions rupture easily, leaving a collarette of scale and a
pigmented macule that fades over three to four weeks. All areas of the body
may be affected, including palms and soles.

10. Caring for the umbilical cord

The cord stump remains the major means of entry of infections after birth. The
umbilical cord stump usually drops off in 1-2 weeks. Until then, keep it clean
and dry.
The stump will dry and mummify if exposed to air without any dressing,
binding or bandage
Gently clean the area where the cord and the tummy meet at least once a
day or when the area is damp.
It will remain clean if it is protected with clean clothes and is kept from urine
and soiling.
If soiled, the cord can be washed with clean water and dried with clean
cotton or gauze. If there is redness or the umbilical area is moist or smells,
dip a cotton swab with the alcohol preparation provided by the staff at the
time of discharge.
There may be a spot of blood on the diaper when the stump falls off. If
bleeding persists for more than a few days or is more than just spots, bring
baby to see a doctor
If you see pus or redness or the baby cries when you touch the area, refer
to the doctor

1. Vomiting

Regurgitation or reflux

One of the most common symptoms in the neonatal period is regurgitation

of milk during or shortly after feeding. It is usually seen soon after feeding.
Unlike vomiting, the amounts are small and the baby does not seem to be
in any distress, of normal hydration and thriving. Regurgitation begins in the
first weeks of life and clears by one year of age. The cause is incomplete
closure of the valve at the upper end of the stomach in the first few months
of life. Causes include overfeeding, frequent change of formula, early use of
supplementary food, improper feeding technique and posture.

The following tips can be given to the mother, if the regurgitation causes
distress to the parents:
Do not overfeed baby, especially if you are bottle-feeding
Avoid pressure on the abdomen because it squeezes the stomach. Check
that the diapers are not tight when the baby is in a sitting position
After feeding, try to hold or keep your baby in an upright position for 30-60
If you think the regurgitation does not improve over time or the baby has
other symptoms as given below, refer to hospital

Signs and symptoms of vomiting where baby must be referred to hospital:

baby is lethargic, tachypnea
not feeding well
having a fever
vomiting out greenish-coloured fluid (bile) or has a distended abdomen
looks dehydrated or reduced urine output
not putting on weight
2. Colic
Colic is a common problem, affecting 10-25% of all newborns. Colic
describes episodes of crying that continuous for hours at times. It is quite
common in babies below 3 months of age and the cause is not known. It may
be associated with hunger, swallowing large amounts of air, overfeeding or
inadequate carbohydrate intake. Colic usually begins at about 2 weeks of age
and should resolve by 4 months of age. Breast fed babies are not as likely to
get colic compared with formula fed babies.

Parents are usually stressed and upset when the baby does not stop crying,
no matter what they do. Provide reassurance after checking that the baby is

Some things that parents can do:

Hold the baby in an upright position during feeding
If being bottle fed, holding the bottle so that the milk covers the entire
opening of the teat
Burp the baby after feeding to reduce air in the stomach
Try swaddling (wrapping) the baby in a blanket. Walking with the baby on the
shoulder, or rocking the baby sometimes helps to quieten the baby
A ride in the car, with the baby in a safety car seat, usually works well.


1. Nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Term and preterm newborn infants have the capacity to secrete tears (reflex
tearing to irritants) but usually do not secrete emotional tears until 2-3 months
of age.

Congenital obstruction is usually caused by an imperforate membrane at the

distal end of the nasolacrimal duct.

Congenital nasolacrimal obstruction is the most common abnormality of the

neonates lacrimal apparatus. Incidence of this condition ranges between
2% and 6% of all newborn infants. The majority of nasolacrimal obstruction
resolves spontaneously or with massage by 1 year of age.

Clinical presentation - Usually with the first few weeks of life

Persistent tearing. Need to rule out congenital glaucoma.
Crusting or matting of the eyelashes (sticky eyes).
Spilling of tears over the lower lid and cheek (a wet look in the involved eyes).
Absence of conjunctival infection.
Mucopurulent discharge.
Acute dacrocystitis
Fistula formation
Orbital or facial cellulitis
Conservative management daily massage of nasolacrimal sac to rupture
the membrane at the lower end of the duct. Technique place index finger
over common canaliculus and stroke downwards firmly.
If mucopurulent discharge, antibiotic eye drops or ointment may be required.
Eye should be cleaned with moist compresses.
Inflammatory reactions resulting from infection of the conjunctiva by pathogenic
organism e.g. Neisseria Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia Trachomatis, Staphylococcus
Aureus, Enteric pathogen.

Neisseria Gonorrhoel Conjunctivitis

Bilateral purulent conjunctival discharge within few days of life. Onset of
symptoms usually between second and fifth day of life. Eye discharge on the
first day of life is usually due to gonococcal infection.

Clinical presentatio - oedema of the eyelids, purulent discharge, redness of

the conjunctiva.

Diagnostic findings:
Maternal history of sexually transmitted infections
Physical examination clinical signs of inflammation, purulent discharge.
Laboratory Gram negative diplococci on Gram stain of direct smear. Culture
positive for Neisseria Gonorrhoea from conjunctival surface or exudates.

Isolate baby
Irrigate eyes with sterile normal saline solution hourly. Refer patient promptly
to the hospital for further treatment
Notify to health authorities concerned
Chlamydia Trachomatis Conjunctivitis
Unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis onset between 5 and 14 days of age.
Clinical presentation - vary from mild conjunctivitis to intense oedema of the
lids with purulent discharge.
Diagnostic findings - identification of Chlamydia antigen.

Refer patient to the hospital for treatment.

1. Liu C, Feng J, Qu R, et al. Epidemiologic study of the predisposing factors in
erythema toxicum neonatorum. Dermatology. 2005;210(4): 269-272.
2. Carr JA, Hodgman JE, Freedman RI, Levan NE. Relationship between toxic erythema
and infant maturity. Am J Dis Child. 1966 Aug



To ensure newborn babies are safely discharged, they should meet basic criterias
and have appropriate arrangements for continuous care. The baby should be healthy
in the clinical judgement of the health care provider and the mother should have
demonstrated a reasonable ability to care for the child.

Term baby (37- 42 weeks)

Assessment of baby
Feeding well - at least two successful feedings

Size appropriate for gestational age

If small for gestational age

-- no (further) hypoglycaemia
-- and has been discharged by the paediatric doctor
-- showing weight gain
If large for gestational age

-- no (further) hypoglycaemia
-- and has been discharged by the paediatric doctor
Passed checklist for breastfeeding (Appendix 9)

Normal body temperature (axillary temperature of 36.5C to 37.5C)

Pink and has no breathing difficulties

No evidence of sepsis. If there is risk of sepsis -observe for at least 24-48 hours

Minimal neonatal jaundice (except for Day 1 jaundice)

Passed urine

Passed meconium

Cord is dry and clean

No significant eye discharge

Physical examination done by health care provider (preferably paediatric trained)

and baby discharged from additional observation and treatment

Immunisation and others

Received BCG, Hepatitis B & Vitamin K

G6PD and TSH results documented in Home Based Child Health Record

-- If results not available yet, arrangements MUST be made to trace results and
document in the Home Based Child Health Record
Mother is able to provide routine baby care and recognise signs of illness and other

problems related to newborn.

Follow-up appointments
Arrangement for follow-up by community health nurse within 48 hours of discharge

Home Based Child Health Record filled and given to mother

Outpatient appointment to see doctor if necessary

Follow-up appointment for baby in Paediatric clinic (if required)



A. Five critical components must be looked into when providing post-discharge

1. Parent education
Specific care plans (see below)
Written checklist
2. Primary care implementation
Timely immunisation
Regular hearing and vision tests
Nutritional support and monitoring
Growth and development assessment
3. Evaluate current medical problems
Physical handicap
Psychomotor development
4. Develop home care plan
Identify parent/care giver
Identify equipments needed
Identify community support
Have emergency plan
5. Follow up care coordination between the specialists

B. Specific Care Plans:

1. Preterm
care with thermal protection
more patience with feeding ensure appropriate weight gain
avoid overcrowded places to reduce risk of respiratory tract infection
check immunization schedule according to chronological age
to nurse in supine position to reduce risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
educate on hand hygiene
follow up for myopia, hearing and neurodevelopment
2. At risk families due to family issues
Such as single or young parents, marital problems, lack of social support,
poverty, domestic violence or substance abuse
review familys coping skills advice on handling crying baby
if any financial assistance required refer Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat
mobilise extended family support and supervision especially in drug addiction
more frequent home visits
alternative care placement of baby may be required refer JKM

3. Baby with special health care needs
Cleft palate feeding technique, growth, care with aspiration, hearing tests
Nasogastric feeding regular change of nasogastric tube, mother to know
how to check nasogastric tube position in the stomach
Oxygen dependence avoid cigarette smoke, avoid URTI contact
Tracheostomy parents to learn suctioning and tracheal care
Colostomy care
4. Babies with multiple problems
5. Multiple congenital abnormalities multi-disciplinary assessment, early
intervention programme
6. Motor/sensory disability

For further management of children with special needs, health care providers are
required to refer to the following documents developed by the Division of Family
Health Development, MOH :
A series of six manuals on Management of Children with Disabilities
Garispanduan Pelaksanaan Program Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Berkeperluan
Khas Di Klinik Kesihatan



Table 5.12: Role of Traditional practice

Good Practice Harmful Practice Unsure Benefit
Breastfeeding exclusively Too early weaning e.g. Feeding of gripe water
Frequent breastfeeding to mashed bananas, rice for relief of abdominal
encourage production of porridge, glucose water distension
milk etc Use of herbs and jamu by
Baby sleeping with mother Goats milk for jaundiced mother during postnatal
in same room baby period
Using coconut oil to Bathing jaundiced
remove cradle cap babies with herbs. This
may mask jaundice and
sometimes trigger an
acute haemolysis in G6PD
deficient babies
Applying ash, celak
mata to the umbilical
Using knitted cap when
there is cradle cap
(aggravates the cradle
Restriction of fluids
in postnatal mothers
(especially among Malays),
certain food, vegetables,
fruits, chickens, egg and
Discarding colostrum
Application of irritant on
childs skin
Application of heated
object to abdomen and
scrotum after bath
Using breastmilk to wash

Abbreviations & Members
of the Working Groups
ABC Alternative birthing centre
APH Antepartum haemorrhage
ART Anti-Retroviral Therapy
BA Bronchial Asthma
BBA Birth Before Arrival
BCG Bacillus Calmentte Guerin
BP Blood pressure
BPKN Borang Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Neonatal
BTL Bilateral Tubal Ligation
BUSE Blood urea & serum electrolytes
C&S Culture and sensitivity
CHC Community health clinic
CNS Central nervous system
CPAP Continous Positive Airway Pressure
CPG Clinical Practice Guidelines
CTEV Congenital Talipes Equinovarus
CTG Cardiotocography
DM Diabetes Mellitus
DOB Date of Birth
DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis
ECG Electrocardiogram
ECHO Echocardiogram
EDD Expected Date of Delivery
EOD Every other day
FBC Full Blood Count
FBP Full Blood Picture
FHR Foetal heart rate
FMS Family Medicine Specialist
FSH Follicular stimulating hormone
FT4 Free Thyroxine 4
GA General Anesthesia
GDM Gestional Diabetes Mellitus
GP General practitioner
GXM Group & Cross Matching
Hb Haemoglobin
HBCHR Home Based Child Health Record
HBIG Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin
HBV Hepatitis B Virus
HC Health clinic
HIV Human Immunodefiency Virus
HO House Officer

HTLV-1 Human T-Cell Leukaemia Virus
HVS High vaginal swab
ID Infectious Disease
IM Intramuscular
IUGR Intrauterine Growth Retardation
IUT In Utero Transfer
IV Intravenous
JM Jururawat Masyarakat (Community Nurse)
KUB Kidney Ureter & Bladder
LA Local Anesthesia
LFT Liver Function Test
LGA Large for Gestational Weight
LH Luteinising hormone
LMP Last menstrual period
LMWH Low Molecular Weight Heparin
LPC Labour Progress Chart
LSCS Lower segment caesarean section
M&HO Medical & health officer
MCH Maternal Child Health
MCHC Maternal and child health clinic
MEC Medical Eligibility Criteria
MGTT Modified (oral) glucose tolerance test
MKA Makmal Kesihatan Awam
MO Medical officer
MOH Ministry of Health
MRP Manual Removal of Placenta
N/S Normal Saline
NGO Non-government organisation
NICU Neonatal intensive care unit
NNJ Neonatal Jaundice
NTD Neural Tube defect
NYHA New York Heart Association
O&G Obstetricts & Gynaecology
OGTT Oral glucose tolerance test
OPD Outpatient department
PEFR Peak expiratory flow rate
POA Period of amenorrhoea
POC Product of conception
POG Period of Gestation
PPC Pre-Pregnancy Care
RBS Random blood sugar
REDD Revised Expected Date of Delivery

RN Registration Number
SCN Special care nursery
SD Standard Deviation
SFH Symphysio-fundal height
SGA Small for Gestational Weight
SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
SN Staff nurse
SOB Shortness of Breath
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
STI Sexualy transmitted infection
TIDM Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
TOD Target Organ Damage
TOF Target Organ Failure
TORCHES Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex, Syphilis
TPHA Treponema pallidum haemagglutination
TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
TWBC Total White Cell Count
UFEME Urine Full Examination and Microscopic Examination
URTI Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
VDRL Veneral Disease Research Laboratory test
VE Vaginal examination
VLBW Very Low Birth Weight
VSD Ventricular Septal Defect


Dr. J. Ravichandran (Chair)
Senior Consultant O&G Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Johor Bahru, Johor

Dr. Ramesh Vairavan

Consultant O&G Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital,
Klang, Selangor

Dr. Sri Wahyu bt. Taher

Consultant Family Medicine Specialist Simpang Kuala Health Clinic,
Kota Setar District Health Office, Kedah

Dr. Sukarno b. Saud

Family Medicine Specialist Jeli Kuala Health Clinic,
Jeli District Health Office, Kelantan

Dr. Majdah bt. Mohamed

Senior Principal Assistant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Dr. Anis Iryani bt. Safiee

Assistant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. Noor Aini bt. Karimon

Public Health Matron
Family Health Development Division, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. Azizah bt. Ariffin

Public Health Matron Datuk Kumbar Health Clinic,
Kota Setar District Health Office, Kedah

Pn. Mashita bt. Mohd Nor

Public Health Matron
Kuala Selangor Health Clinic, Selangor

Dato Dr. Ghazali b. Ismail (Chair)
Senior Consultanrt O&G
Sultan Ismail Hospital, Johor Bahru

Dr. Japaraj R. Peter

Senior Consultant O&G
Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital, Ipoh

Dr. Jalil b. Ishak

Family Medicine Specialist
Peringgit Health Clinic, Melaka

Dr. Safiah bt. Bahrin

Senior Principal Assistant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Dr. Ranimah bt. Yahya

Family Medicine Specialist
Apin-Apin Health Clinic, Keningau, Sabah

Dr. Majdah bt. Mohamed

Senior Principal Assisstant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

En. Mohamad Sofian b. Mohamad Rasid

Principal Assistant Director,
Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Matron Saratha a/p Suppiah

State Matron
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

Matron Mimah bt. Jantan

State Matron
Terengganu State Health Department

Matron Noor Aini bt. Karimon

Health Matron
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Matron Mahawa bt. Abd Manan

Health Matron
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. Siti Asilah bt. Yusof

Dietetic Officer
Kuala Lumpur Hospital
Dato Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy (Chair)
Senior Consultant O&G Kuala Lumpur Hospital

Dato Dr. Sudesan a/l Raman

Senior Consultant O&G Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital, Pahang

Dr. Majdah bt. Mohamed

Senior Principal Assistant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Dr. Naemah bt. Shahabudin

Family Medicine Specialist, Bandar Seri Putra Health Clinic, Selangor

Dr. Radziah bt. Mohamad

Family Health Officer, State Health Department, Sarawak

Dr. Nik Mazlina bt. Mohamad

Family Medicine Specialist, Kajang Health Clinic, Selangor

Dr. Zul Azuin bt. Zulkifli

Principal Assistant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. Farah bt. Abdullah

Public Health Matron, Aborigine Unit, Public Health Department, Putrajaya

Pn. Umi Kalsom bt. Abd Rahman

Public Health Matron, Nursing Division, Putrajaya

Pn. Noor Aini bt. Karimon

Public Health Matron
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. Noor Zila bt. Ishak

Public Health Matron, State Health Department, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

Pn. S.Kalyani a/p Sangaran

Public Health Matron, Kuala Pilah Health Clinic, Negeri Sembilan

Pn. Rohaida bt. Raja Mansor

Public Health Sister, Gemas Health Clinic, Negeri Sembilan

Dr. T.P Baskaran (Chair)
Senior Consultant O&G Kuala Lumpur Hospital

Dr. Japaraj Peter

Senior Consultant O&G, Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh, Perak

Dr. Daud b. Che Yusof

Family Medicine Specialist, Kuantan Health Clinic, Pahang

Dr. Yusmawati bt. Mohd. Yusof

Family Medicine Specialist, Seberang Jaya Health Clinic, Pulau Pinang

Dr. Majdah bt. Mohamed

Senior Principal Assistant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Dr. Nik Mazlina bt. Mohamad

Family Medicine Specialist, Kajang Health Clinic, Selangor

Pn.Athnah bt. Sulaiman

Public Health Matron, Nursing Divison, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. S.Kalyani a/p Sangaran

Public Health Matron, Kuala Pilah Health Clinic, Negeri Sembilan

Pn. Noor Aini bt. Karimon

Public Health Matron, Section Maternal,
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. Noor Zila bt. Ishak

Public Health Matron, State Health Department, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

Pn. Suzana bt. Kipli

Public Health Sister,
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Dr. Irene Cheah Guat Sim (Chair)
Senior Consultant Paediatrician
Institute of Paediatrics, Kuala Lumpur Hospital

Dato Dr Jimmy Lee Kok Foo

Senior Consultant Paediatrician
Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital, Kuala Terengganu

Dr. Malliga Sellappan

Maternal And Child Health Officer
Larut Matang Selama District Health Office
Taiping, Perak

Dr. Rachel Koshy

Principal Assistant Director
Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Pn. Umi Kalsom Abd. Rahman

Principal Health Matron
Division of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Dr. Yunus b. Shariff

Family Medicine Specialist
Batu Pahat Health Clinic, Johor

** Feedback and input received during the Perinatal Care Manual Training of Trainers
(TOT) in June 2013 are included in this edition.


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