2008 Winter
2008 Winter
2008 Winter
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016 064
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108 098
084 PATRONS taking the stories of Armenian people guarded and passed down for over
Walk of Life to Hollywood. 2,000 years, only to be lost a century
Hundreds of enthusiastic volunteers 104 AUTOGRAPH ago. The scientists of Matenadaran are
participated in a charitable event for the Datevik: Jazz Improvisations in working to recover it, learning a lot more
benefit of the Armenian Bone Marrow Time and Space in the process.
Registry. An exclusive interview with Datevik 132 EXCURSION
086 INFO Hovanesian, the Armenian First Lady Contra Tabachi
088 VIRTUAL CITY of Jazz. The fascinating and controversial life of
Reflection 108 AMBIANCE Hovannes Vanetsi, who, among other
090 GALLERY Incredibly beautiful things, was a fervent anti-tobacco activist
Person moving A new perspective to the traditional as far back as in 17th century.
I am a sculptor, not a tailor, declared Arto images of beauty. 136 YEREVAN PERSPECTIVE
Chakmakhchyan to the KGB agents. 118 INFO Moscovian Street
Armenian Navy Band at Disney Hall Khachtars Turkey Campaign is CANCELED
ANB's earthy fusion of traditional and Oshakan village is the burial site of Joseph Stalin gave hopes an broke
modern sounds mesmerized Los Angeles Mesrop Mashtots. Rich with history and promises of returning a part of the lost
music fans. natural beauty, it is one of those hidden lands to Armenians.
098 CINEMA treasures that is, in the reality, much 144 POSTSCRIPTUM
East Of Byzantium more accessible for tourists. Tabula pro Memoria
A team of young artists led by an Oscar- 126 HYPOTHESES AND DISCOVERIES Again, with initiative of Yerevan magazine,
winning cinematographer and armed Vordan Karmir a memorial plaque dedicated to General
with the latest technology in pursuit of The secret of the eternal dye has been Silikov was installed in Yerevan.
On the cover:
Kim Kardashian
Andrew Macpherson (Corbis)
Peoples perspective on winter illustrates the duality in
human nature very well. On one hand, we impatiently wait
for it, foretasting Christmas holidays and the subconscious
hope for change that the New Year may bring. On the other
hand, winter seems dreary and endless, also subconsciously
evoking thoughts of fuss and bustle. Incidentally, the
truth is that we look at summer the same way: waiting for
warmth and holidays, then complaining about heat and
humidity. Probably that is our nature we always want
more than we get. But it is not so bad after all. The
situation would be much worse if one was content with
what he or she has. In that case, there would be no
technological, intellectual, or spiritual progress.
Indeed, progress is not just the road from a fire to
a microwave oven, from a shepherds reed-pipe
to a saxophone, but also from a dictatorship
to a democracy, and from polytheism to
monotheism. Of course, this viewpoint
has one more vector, parallel to the
first, but in the opposite direction.
T h i s v e c t or i s t he m ov e m e nt
from an arrow to a bomb, from
one poisoned well to worldwide
contamination of natural resources,
from atheism to satanism. Such is
the man liking everything in
e x c e s s , both good and bad; and forgetting
about the noble ancient rule of the golden mean.
Fortunately, not everyone is like that. Life taught us,
Armenians as well as some other cultures not to stick
our necks out too much: it is not so easy to survive at the
intersection of civilizations. But we survived and aspire
to live better in every way. Sometimes it actually works.
Probably, because the rule of the golden mean is deeply i
entrenched our very genes.
Letters to the editor
in The Ultimate Fights of Modern Day Gladiators. I understand that the
extreme sport is not for everyone; however, as the fastest growing sport
in US, it is important to recognize the high level of competition. It is rather
surprising that three Armenian athletes have risen to the top of the sport
saturated by athletes from all across the world. Karo, Manny, and Roman
have introduced the ancient Japanese art form of Judo o the world in a way
Fall 2008 that has not been accomplished by any of the Japanese fighters. Of course,
I was saddened with the outcome that two of the three fights discussed
in the article were losses However, the big picture is that the underdog
DEAR READERS, (big hearted) Manny will continue to win, if Karo gets back in shape his
technique will out-master 99% of the rest of the athletes, and Roman has
THE NUMBER OF YOUR EMOTIONAL already impressed with a 23 second victory; and I expect more to come as
LETTERS GROWS RAPIDLY WITH EACH the UFC holds less events in the mountains. Now, excuse me as I re-watch
ISSUE OF OUR MAGAZINE. WE CAN Matrix in search of Romans part.
I liked your Ambience rubric titled The Art of Beauty. It was amusing and
YEREVAN MAGAZINE TEAM elegant at the same time. The posh girls brought a smile to my face.
SAM BOGOSIAN, Sherman Oaks, California
As a devoted subscriber, I thoroughly enjoy every issue of your magazine. As a fashion designer myself, I was very pleased to read the article The Sunny
You always have plenty of articles that make me feel proud to be Armenian. Creations of Serpui Marie. It is wonderful to read about our contemporaries
However, I think it is time for you to turn your attention to topics that not only in other countries and be informed about Armenian trend setters around the
have Armenians at their center, but focus on issues of global importance. world. Your magazine is doing a wonderful job, and I hope to see many more
This pertains to the issues concerning the environment, in general, and articles that tell about successful Armenians in fashion world. There are so
global warming, in particular, since it is currently the single most important many interesting fashion designers in Los Angeles. To be fair and balances,
problem facing mankind. Armenians need to know that every one of them maybe Yerevan Magazine can alternate between European, Latin American,
can play a vital role in saving our planet, starting with our own country. They and U.S. fashion designers of Armenian descent. Keep up the good work.
also need great role models to look up to for inspiration. CHRISTOPHER BALI(AN), Los Angeles, California
NANCY ARIAN, Los Angeles, California
I have been reading Yerevan Magazine for some time now, and I am very
I liked your overview of Armenians in the history of art, but I would really like to pleased with the quality of the articles. However, I was bit disappointed
see more attention given to Armenian artists of the last 30-40 years whether with With Metal in Voice. It started out great and I was really interested in
in Armenia or abroad. There are many contemporary artists who contribute the topic, but towards the end it was a bit stretch. Although the article sets
so much to the world, but have to struggle to be noticed. Fellow Armenians the reader to expect a great and very interesting tie between the Armenian
like us can learn to appreciate and promote their work, simultaneously raising language and the properties of chemical elements, their periodic functions
awareness about our people as very multifaceted. We dont need to wait and atomic numbers, there were no substantial connection being made. For
someone who is interested in this subject this was a disappointment. I was
for our brothers and sisters to be discovered and legitimized by the larger
hoping that by the end of the article I would be more convinced about the
society, before we praise their talent and creative vigor. So, I think, part of
probability of such a connection. Anyway, it was still fun to read, perhaps
your role as a cultural magazine is to discover and promote new talented
we just need to do a little bit more research on the subject and the we can
Armenian artists from all corners of the world and to introduce them to the
have a more realistic connection.
rest of us. The same task should include notable young Armenians from
ERNEST M., New York, New York
all walks of life.
JACK CHUCHIAN, Boston, Massachusetts
Thank you for the article Why Did You Give Me so Much? It really brought
me closer to Jansem. Before reading this article I knew that he is one of
the most prominent Armenian artists in the world, but it was this article that
Reading your article about Vahe Berberian was very inspiring. I am so proud
showed in artists own words the warm human side of the great painter.
to know that there are such wholesome individuals amongst Armenians. A
The deep meaning of his words was very touching. I wanted to learn more
true artist of the 20th (and 21st!) century, Mr. Berberian seems to be first about him, so my internet search opened several very important websites
and foremost a philosopher, always aligning his creative vision with what he that entered me a into the world of Jean Jansems art galleries in Japan, and
truly believes in. I think individuals like Vahe Berberian are a much needed his own personal website. Thank you Yerevan Magazine for your choice of
balance to our mostly traditional culture. the material. I learn a lot, just by reading your magazine.
H. HARTOONIAN, Providence, Rhode Island JOSEPH MARKARIAN, Miami, Florida
Our folk theatre [thatron]
AND SON The rubric, Our Folk was presented by the
Based on materials for a television project
t s been t hir t y yea rs since the language, and even had an democratic country and realized
I m o v e d t o P a r i s , b u t a s opportunity to perform in one of that in the first country he was
Saroyan said, My hearts in the French theatres. Shortly after not allowed to talk, and in the
Born in Yerevan in 1959. Was
the highlands. My heart is in this experience, there were seven accepted to Yerevan State other, he could not be heard. The
Yerevan, where I was born, raised of us who gathered and decided Art and Theatre Institute in government of France booked the
and educated. I never actually to create an Armenian theatrical 1976. Took the second place play for a two-month run during
graduated from the Theatrical group. It wasnt an easy task in in Yakhontov competition of the celebration of the Year of
elocutionists in Leningrad. At
Institute, although I studied there, addition to creative problems our the same time was actively Armenia. During the first month
because my fatherwell, the fact group had a problem specific to involved in the creation of the the audience was predominantly
is that my father is the famous the diaspora. Armenians who first Youth-Experimental Theatre, of Armenian descent they were
conductor Ohaness Dourian. I live abroad are not fully fluent commonly called Theatre in even coming in tour buses from
the Pit. Left for Austria in 1980.
am ver y proud, of course, of in their native language, and I Resided in Paris since 1981. In neighboring cities. Eventually, the
comparisons people make between dont mean just the dialects of 1985 he received First Prize French public began to attend my
me and him but his fame is also a the descendants from various for the best screenplay in the play as well. At first their numbers
burden to shoulder. Recently, I countries. When I decided to stage short-length film category, which were few; I should confess that
was aired on Canal 3 of French
was called to my sons school plays in the Eastern Armenian Public Television. In 1986 played we played when a hall that held
his name is Ohan as well. Seeing dialect, I was told that no one the role of Mussorgsky in the 600-700, had only 100 spectators.
me, his classmates whispered, would understand it. It turned out opera of Mussorgsky Salambo Gradually, more people came to
Look, its Ohan Dourians father! that they should not have worried. directed by Yury Lubimov (15 see our play and by the end of the
performances) on the stage of the
Thats something new, I thought. Its been twenty years since we Opera de Paris. In 1987 formed second month we were practically
My whole life I have been the began touring around the world, a theatrical group of actors from sold out. It was a success, and so I
son of Ohan Dourian, and now I usually twice each year. On our Yerevan with which he is actively leased the Theatre Clavel for four
have become the father of Ohan tours, we give 60-70 performances, engaged up to this months to continue presenting the
Dourian. My own life has taken which are well-attended because same work.
place in between these two Ohans. of the quality of the material and I have three children, and
So, I dropped out of the Theatrical because it is very unusual to see an it is forbidden to speak
Institute because my father left Armenian disapora theatre. Fr e nc h i n ou r hou s e .
the Soviet Union and asked for Recently I realized that I was However, in spite of all our
political asylum in Austria. In 1980, finally ready to stage a play in efforts we are gradually
not seeing any future in a country French. A comedic monologue assimilating into France.
where I had became the son of titled Thank you, God! was In contrast, I noticed that
an infamous defector, I relocated performed in one of the best in Yerevan, where we often
first to Austria, then to France. Parisian theatres - Theatre Dejazet. visit, Armenians from various
At first, I did not speak a word of It is my play and my own story. I countries become more and
French and made a living playing mean, its the story of a young man more similar; very soon they
piano in jazz clubs. I soon learned who fled from a dictatorship to a all become Yerevantsy.
Small countries are a special case: Monaco,
A ndorra, Liechtenstein, Brunei, Kuwait,
Singapore; sometimes their quest for perfection
leads to the most outstanding results.
Singapore is a small country, and by small I mean
tiny. The widest part of the island nation is less
than 42 kilometers across, about the distance
from Santa Monica to East Los Angeles, or from
Yerevan to Khor Virab. Bearing its diminutive
physical size in mind, little Singapore is also a
wealthy and extremely tidy land, functioning
as precisely as a Swiss watch. Where else in the
world could an otherwise law-abiding citizen
get a $700 fine for chewing gum in public?
Which other country could afford to set the
tax on imported cars so high that only one in
ten citizens could afford one? These and other
strictures do not reflect contempt for the citizens.
On the contrary, as a result of a seemingly
endless list of prohibitions, the country is in an
ideal ecological condition, completely free of
Singapores business district
traffic jams and garbage dumps, with common
flies listed as an endangered species. Along with
Hotel Merlion in the ity enter flies, the country is free from crime and national
turmoil. Ninety percent of the population is
Muslim, descendants of settlers from the South
Hindu Temple, Little India
its own culture. The Indians of Singapore live style presentation of
in Little India a tiny district, more closely the dishes combine into
resembling scenes from Indian soap operas than a unique Singaporean
culinary art.
reality. The air is full of the scent of sandalwood, Try shrimps twisted inside-
and visitors can taste the local delicacy known out on slices of watermelon
as thali, buy garlands of jasmine for womens or chicken meat coiled
hair and chewing betel nuts for men. In some around cinnamon sticks. If
thats too exotic for your
ways, the well-maintained dollhouses and palate, enjoy a three-course
clean streets, free of both cows and beggars, dinner served on banana
look more like England than India. leaves. Those who seek their
dining thrills in the interior
Even the Muslim quarters with its primary design of the restaurant can
attraction the rather rustic buildings of the drop in at the Cafe Clinic
Mosque (they say the first immigrants were on Clark Street, where
so poor that they used any building materials customers enjoy their meal
Judhi Prasetyo
The Armenian Sourb Grigor
Lousavorich Church
his sense of colonial supremacy, the local Restaurants and hotels on
regulations governing the conduct of the Singapore River
native-born residents were par ticularly
welcome. The anti-colonial agitation started Statue of Sir Thomas Stamford
after the last of the brothers, Arshak, passed Raffles
away in 1931. Even after changes in policies
and rules, the constituency of Raff les did Hotel Raffles
not change meaningfully; it just added Asian
princes and prime ministers to its guest book, A picturesque night scene at
and thus continued to hold its special status. Clark Quay
During World War II the Japanese occupied
Singapore. As the apocryphal story goes, the
Japanese allowed the hotel guests to finish
their waltz and then they occupied the hotel
The laws and regulations
in Singapore are strict,
but fair. At least thats the
opinion of the majority
of Singaporeans, who
eagerly follow the letter
of the law. Large fines
are imposed on those
who break laws. Some
of the fines include:
1500 Singapore dollars
for smuggling illegal
fireworks; 1000 Singapore
dollars for chewing gum
in public; 500 for smoking
practically anywhere; for
using cell phone while
driving - imprisonment.
There are no stray
animals in this
country they were
exterminated just like
the sparrows in China.
All windows in hotels
Wax figure of Agnes
are sealed for security
Joaquim and the orchid
named after her in the
Amos Kwok
National Orchid Garden
Jennifer Byrne
The three performances took place Beckham and Landon Donovan.
in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. Shooting has
Dikran Tchouhadjian (1837- begun on the
1898), a talented composer, l, a romantic
Love Journa l
communit y activist, and d on the nove
Order Bearer comedy base valevski and
music educator, had gained drei Zh
A r m e n i a n j a z z l e g e n d L evo n wide international public M+W by An k. The screenplay
Malkhasyan received the Russian Order recognition for his operetta Evgeniya Pa ander Cherni
of Mikhailo Lomonosov for his musical is pe nned by Alex Melikyan,
Lebleiji. Among his other Anna
contributions. The eight-pointed star notable works is the first produced by d to
and schedule .
with Lomonosov's portrait was given to Armenian opera, Arshag II. His iere in 20 09
pr em
the Maestro by the Vice-President of the operetta Zemire, based on an
National Committee of Civil Rewards of Arabian Nights motif, is characterized
the Russian Federation Karo Hakopyan. by its lyrical mood, with romantic
The award ceremony took place at the arias, spirited duets, and expressive Komitas No Winner at Rachmaninoff
Malkhas jazz-club in Yerevan. ensembles. Honored in Piano Competition
Quebec The jury at the Third Rachmaninoff International
Piano Competition and Festival in Los Angeles
Informative stories A bust of the famous
did not award the Grand Prize of $30,000 in
Ar menian composer
Armenian Monuments Awareness the final round of the triennial contest. Artem
Komitas was unveiled
Project (AMAP), a socio-cultural Abashev from Russia - a post-graduate student
in the Park of Poets
organization, and Armenia's Ministry at the Kazan State Conservatory of Music - did,
of Quebec on July
of Culture created a joint project, however, take the second prize of $20,000 for a
6, reports the press performance of Rachmaninoffs Concerto No 2
dedicated to improving the quality of
information about the historical and service of the Foreign in C minor. And the third prize of $15,000 was
national monuments of Armenia. In Ministr y of Armenia. awarded to Great Britain's Fazliddin Husanov,
the past, both Armenian citizens It was granted to the who began his studies at a music school in
and tourists who wanted to know municipality of Quebec Tashkent, Uzbekistan and became a piano
more about these sights found little or no information particularly, because by the Central Office professor at Cardiff's Royal Welsh College
of lack of information boards next to the monuments. Because of this visitors of Hay Dat in Montreal. of Music and Drama in 2001. Culminating
often missed a lot of interesting details. For instance, very few know that in Armenian community at Walt Disney Concert Hall on 22 June, the
Garni, apart from the temple, one can find an undamaged part of a titanic representatives, officials contest was judged by an international panel
castle wall, an antique bath, as well as the remains of a palace complex and of the Embassy of chaired by American pianist Earl Wild. Twenty-
St. Zion church. The AMAP project will create information boards, printed Armenia in Canada as four competitors from across the globe took
guides, multimedia and web resources in several languages as a solution well as deputy mayor part in the 10-day event, performing their
to this problem. Garni, the historic part of Gyumri, Zvartnoc, Khor Virab and J a c q u e s J o l i- C o e u r chosen concerts with Moscow's Tchaikovsky
Noravank are among the first sights where this project is taking full effect. attended the ceremony. Symphony Orchestra.
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Kim Kardashian ca
distanced herself e upon the gossip circuit as a m
from that image ember of a famou
came onto the H an s
ollywood radar as d began to reinvent herself. The and well-connected family. She
her own fame ga a close friend of 27 year old Armen soon
me. the socialite Paris ian-American first
Hilton, but very qu
ickly learned to pl
inter view : AZ
photo : CO RIAN
Kim Kardashian burst onto the You have created a successful even really explain how amazing he What do you envision next in
Hollywood social scene like a storm. public persona, but who is the was at raising us. He was strict but your career? Are you thinking
Unlike many who only manage to real Kim Kardashian? he was so much fun. Obviously, my about going into acting or
scrape away with their 15 minutes I am such a family girl. I think, mom was the more lenient parent. further modeling?
of fame, she has been able to brand that became evident when I did But I only wish that I can raise my Definitely. I just finished my first
her image in such a business savvy the show Keeping Up With the kids like my dad raised me because film, its called Disaster Zone and
manner that the limelight is far Kardashians, and I think thats it was just the best childhood. I had it comes out Labor Day weekend.
from fading. She is the daughter kind of a big reason why I wanted the best upbringing. Ive been promoting that all over
of the famed OJ Simpson attorney, to do the show because I think What were your childhood the place. I went into that really
Robert Kardashian, who passed people thought of me as this wild dreams? Did you ever imagine nervous, thinking, I dont know if
away in 2003. Kim appeared on party girl and, you know, there is you would be so famous? this is really for me, I really want
the first episode of Paris Hilton's the stereotype of Hollywood girls, Not at all. To be honest with you to do a good job if I do this, and I
reality show The Simple Life that we just party all night and my dreams were to just get married fell in love with acting. I love it. So
in 2003. However, she was still shop all day and we dont really and have a family. That really had I definitely want to start acting a
not well known outside of the do anything. And I wanted to do nothing to do with this life but it little bit more and doing more high
Hollywood social circuit until a sex the show because I wanted to just happened and I love it and Im fashion modeling, thats what my
tape emerged on the Internet of show who I really am instead of having so much fun. But I never photo shoot is about today. To me
her and her former boyfriend, R&B what people make up about me. I imagined it at all. success is when you start a family
singer, Ray J. Kim's voluptuous good think the show does a good job of It takes a lot of work to keep and I just love how I was raised.
looks, in addition to the controversy showing me and my sisters, we get the public interested and you I loved my childhood and I only
surrounding her denial of the up everyday, we go to our store, we have managed to do this very wish that I can have the same
existence of the infamous tape, and have a whole bunch of stuff going successfully. You have a successful when I start a family and provide
then subsequent release featuring on but at the end of the day we are show on E! Network. How do you that for my kids.
her coupling with Ray J, catapulted as close as ever with our family and deal with life in the limelight? You have been dating Reggie
her to instant celebrity status. you know family is at the basis of Because I have my family and were Bush, the NFL player, for a while
Public interest in Kim lead to her everything. Thats a huge part of so honest with each other, I think now. Whats up in your personal
own reality show Keeping Up With my life. Whether its making new if any of us started to get a big life, marriage, children? Any
the Kardashians, which debuted on friends or dating someone, my head or anything like that, I mean movement in that direction?
the E! Network in 2007. According sisters get to give their approval. clearly we all have our little diva When you spend a lot of time with
to Nielsons Media Rating, the show So I definitely implement family in moments, but it is shut down so fast someone you definitely talk about
was the highest rated series on pretty much everything that I do. in my family. Because there is just it and think about it. But I think
Sunday nights among women 18- What are you most passionate so many of us we dont have time right now Im just focusing on my
34 years old. The show follows the about, what inspires you? for all the egos and all that. I am so career, we just got picked up for a
lives of the Kardashian family with Fashion! I love fashion, thats pretty grounded because of my family. It third season for my show Keeping
Kim as the main focus of the series. much my life. My sisters and I are is because of them that I personally Up With the Kardashians and he
The premiere of the second season so lucky that we have a clothing have not gotten into drinking and is in season three of the NFL. So
attracted 1.4 million viewers and store and our job basically has been not gotten too crazy over the deep were just kind of focusing real
Kim has signed on for a third season running the store and now we have end. It is totally due to my family. hard on that this year, but I dont
of her reality show. The desire to the online store and this year were How do you deal with gossip know. Its something that we talk
extend her celebrity status does hoping to start designing. I worked and tabloids since there is so about and want to get to, but we
not stop there. Kim was featured in my dads office for seven years, much out there about you? need a little time.
on the cover of the December 2007 in his music company called Movie Gosh, at first it was really hard for Many models dream about
issue of Playboy with a twelve- Tunes, it was great and it was fun me. Im not going to lie to you; it getting on the cover of Playboy.
page spread, one of the largest the and amazing but we would always was really tough because I would Were you interested in being
magazine has had. The Armenian- go back to the fashion stuff. think that people just believed in Playboy before you became
American beauty is also testing W ho is your g reatest everything thats being said. I was famous?
the waters with a career in acting inspiration in life? like, no this isnt true and I never No, I act ually t hought t hat s
with a new comedy film, Disaster I definitely say my dad. He raised dated this person and how could something I wouldnt do. I met
Movie, which hit theaters August us very strict, very Christian. I cant they say that and they are making with Hugh Hefner and he told
29. Her good looks, connections me have a bad reputation. But you me everyone that has been on
and smart industry decisions have know, I kind of just have to say, the cover. And when he told me
kept her in the limelight. Needless I you know what, its never going Marilyn Monroe, who I love, was
to say, Kim's businesses, the two SAY I'M to stop, this is now my life and I on the first cover and she was on
boutiques she co-owns outside ARMENIAN, WHEN have to suck it up and deal with it. it six or seven times, and I was
of L.A., DASH and Smooch, I'M ONLY HALF ARMENIAN. And thats basically it. Obviously just like, you know what, I might
are attracting large numbers there are certain things that you never be asked again. I have, what
of customers. Kim is famous can do; you cant give them too I think, is a very healthy body
today not only for being a
ARMENIAN; THEY HAVE TO KNOW much to talk about. If Im out image. Im more curvy than most
well-connected socialite or a WHAT THAT IS AND WHAT IT IS partying every night of course in the business, I definitely have
sex symbol but because she is ABOUT. MY DAD WOULND'T they are going to say something, the Armenian curves, and why
a savvy business women who HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY, SO I you know. So you have to grow not have control over an amazing
understand the delicate game DEFINITELY HAVE TO MAKE a thick skin and I have definitely photo shoot and show people the
of keeping the public interested. HIM PROUD. learned that. way I want to be seen.
You are the first women of Persian, no one really could quite
Armenian heritage to be on figure it out until I would say Im
the cover of Playboy. How was Armenian. Even when I first started
that experience and how has it becoming known in the business
affected your career? people would always ask me what
I didnt know how big it was going nationality I was, no one knew,
to be. My mom told me everyone they would guess a whole bunch of
will see it, even girls go buy Playboy different things. It was pretty cool
just to look at the cover to find the to put Armenia out there like that.
little bunny on the cover. It really Food is a very powerful form
has changed my life and Im just of cultural expression and for
really happy that I get all these Armenians this is certainly the
e-mails and letters from these case. Which Armenian dish is
Armenian girls that say, weve your favorite and do you know
never seen an Armenian on the how to make any of them?
cover. It's so gratifying to me. Well Im really simple, I love to
And I know that my dad would be just take frozen lamajun and put
so proud that I am representing the it in the oven. I love lavash and
Armenian culture. I remember my Armenian string cheese, just really Russian side. Some Armenians do have to know what that is and what
dad told me that a lot of Armenians simple stuff. But my grandmother, know the dish others have never its about. My dad wouldnt have it
when they move to America will she would make the dish called heard of it. any other way, so I definitely have
change their last names, theyll Beshy, and not a lot of Armenians How has your A rmenian to make him proud.
take off the ian and he told have heard of it. I swear to you Ive heritage shaped who you are and You have written on your blog
me, dont you ever do that and asked like everyone I know because your world view? that you and your sisters and
he thought it was really wrong. I its my favorite Armenian dish. Growing up it has made me feel like brother decided it is mandatory
would never do that, it wasnt even It is basically like an Armenian I have something special. Even in my to go to Armenia. What lead you
a thought process. pancake, its thin like a crepe but faith, Im Christian, I feel like I have to that decision?
You have said that your late its fried. It is really crispy, you put something special that I personally Because my dad always wanted to
father instilled in you a lot of sugar or syrup all over it. I had it can hold to my heart. It has made go, he had never been to Armenia.
Armenian culture. Tell us a on my website because I wanted to me just have that wholesome sense We want to do things that he
little about your father and your know who else knows what this is of family that is so important to me. wanted to do but didnt have the
Armenian heritage. because half the Armenians I talk It has made me feel more worldly, chance, and now we have the
Me and my sisters are fourth to have no idea what this dish is but Its given me an understanding of opportunity to do it. We would
generation here so we didnt grow my whole family grew up eating other places in the world and that like to bring our show there but we
up speaking Armenian but when it. My grandmother was Russian these places have issues going on. dont know if it's going to work this
we were in high school there was Armenian so we think the dish may My great grandparents escaped the time. Well probably wait until next
this Armenian school on the corner have come a little bit more from the Genocide; this gave me a different spring.
and my dad used to always say perspective of the world. I just What do you expect to gain
that he wished that we went there felt like I belonged to something from a trip to Armenia?
and that we spoke Armenian. We bigger and I had this whole part of I think it will be something that we
are only half Armenian and my my family that understood where cant even imagine. I think when
grandparents didnt really speak I was coming from, when kids at we get there we will feel really
Armenian. We kind of regret it now, school didnt know. I was a little proud to be Armenian and well
that we didnt speak Armenian, bit darker than the other kids at learn the culture and try the food,
but we ate a lot of Armenian food. school, and like I said, at the time and maybe its really different from
What my dad liked to do was no one really knew what Armenia the way we make it at home.
always get together with the family, was. They always thought I was just Is there anything that you
his brother and sister, their kids, the Spanish girl, and I always had think that Armenian fans dont
my grandparents, and we would to explain that I was Armenian and know about you that you would
only eat Armenian food. We would what that was. I felt like I had this like them to know?
go to the Armenian restaurant cool understanding of the world that Just that I am probably a lot more
every Sunday. There were just I thought, at the time, no one else normal than people think. They see
little things that my dad wanted to really understood. this life and think its a lot crazier
instill in us to make us proud to be When you have children do you than it really is. Im loving my life
Armenian. Growing up, I grew up IM intend to give them that part of and Im having such a good time, I
in Beverly Hills, I had no Armenian MORE CURVY your culture? really am, but Im totally normal
friends, except for all my cousins, THAN MOST IN THE Of course. Its funny, I say Im and I have problems and make
we knew some Armenian words BUSINESS. I DEFINITELY Armenian when Im only half mistakes like everyone else and
but no one really knew what HAVE THE ARMENIAN CURVES, Armenian. For some reason I dont I have fun and I love to hang out
Armenian was in that area AND WHY NOT HAVE CONTROL really say Im Armenian-American, with my friends just like everyone
back then. A lot of people didnt which I probably should. When I else. It's important to just have a
know what I was, they would
OVER AN AMAZING PHOTO think about it I say definitely, my good head on your shoulders and
ask me if I was Spanish, Italian, SHOOT AND SHOW PEOPLE kids are going to be Armenian, they stay close to your family.
SEEN. 035
What was it like to grow up in feel I was a hyphenated American. occur in ones life. In my case I met Yerevan? But in those years there
the San Joaquin Valley as a young I was a good American kid. Later my future wife while I was in high was the Iron Curtain. People did
Armenian-American? on I realized that for the outsider school. She had come as a displaced not go to Yerevan as they did years
I was born in Tulare, California. I I was no different than other person from the Soviet Union. The later. That year in Beirut was very
belonged to the first generation Armenians. I guess now in my older so-called DP's had either fled from important. When I returned to
of Armenian-Americans born in age I am more of a hyphenated Stalin's regime or had been taken Berkeley I could read and write in
this country after the Genocide. American than I was as a child. That to Germany as laborors during Armenian and I finished my studies
In our town there were probably is, I think, a positive idea right now, World War II. She was born in in History. I did my MA thesis on the
fifteen Armenian families. Our in that I can be comfortable and Ukraine and ended up with her Sovietization of the Independent
social life was with those families. effective as an American, and I can family in Stuttgart, Germany in an Republic because I had dreams
But I still didnt feel particularly be a devoted Armenian. You have Armenian Lager or camp. There for of independence and wanted
connected with Armenians. I was an to have a level of self-confidence to years Armenians from various parts Armenia to be independent and
Armenian, but my generation tried achieve a level of success, a level of of Russia gathered together and free. I had these romantic images
to become Americans as quickly as acceptance in the host culture in reclaimed their Armenian identity. of it being this wonderful place
possible. We could understand the order to also feel very proud in your Most of them did not know how without realizing what a miserable
Armenian dialect of our elders but own. So I can slip back and forth to read or write but they created, place it was in many ways and what
we couldnt speak it. They spoke to between an Armenian environment within the larger displaced persons great deprivations it had. The same
us in Armenian and we answered and an American environment and camp in Stuttgart, an Armenian kind of deprivations that were
in English, which is, of course, a feel as comfortable and effective camp. The Armenian camp had experienced by the new Republic
common thing even today. I grew in both. I think thats the success approximately four thousand in the 1990s had been there for the
up very much in an anglicized of being a positive hyphenated people from the former Soviet first Republic as well. I had my first
atmosphere. I was always interested
in history, and even though I was
very much anglicized, I didnt feel I was excited by history and
there was a particular advantage
to being Armenian. Nonetheless,
international diplomacy and as a
whenever there was a book of young person dreamed of Armenia
geography or history I would look in having its own flag in front of the
the index for Armenia, and usually
I wouldnt find it, and if I did find
United Nations. I was strangely
anything related to Armenia, it drawn to my Armenian heritage.
was in passing reference. That
wasnt very satisfying to me. I was, Armenian-American, or Russian- Union. My wife, Vartiter, came to trip to Soviet Armenia back in 1959,
perhaps, partly an idealist dreamer. Armenian. As opposed to those the U.S. from the Stuttgart camp when very few people were going to
I was excited by histor y and who are hyphenated because in 1949 as a displaced person with Armenia. The fear of Stalinism was
international diplomacy and as a they cant speak the language her family and ended up on a farm everywhere and people were afraid
young person dreamed of Armenia and they do not fit into one of the near Fresno, California. When I to meet with me openly. Obviously,
having its own flag in front of the cultures, therefore they retain met her she was very encouraging I was being followed by the secret
United Nations. I had this somewhat that hyphenation, not as a positive of my learning Armenian since I police. Of course, now I have been
confused dual identity. On the one characteristic, but as negative didnt know how to read or write in to Armenia more than 50 times. In
hand, I was an American and on the one. The challenge, of course, is to Armenian at the time. So Vartiter the 1950s there was no University
other hand, I was strangely drawn make it positive, and thats what I was one of the influences. The in all of the United States that had
to my Armenian heritage. History see now with Armenian students. second influence was a person I Armenian courses. Around the late
always fascinated me, and I knew Some of them run away from their met towards the end of High School 50s and the beginning of the 60s
very early on that I wanted to be a Armenian identity and dont want and the beginning of college, Simon we had, here at UCLA, a Director
teacher. to reclaim it, while others feel very Vretzrian, who happened to be of a new center in UCLA known as
What does being a hyphenated comfortable. They are going into the last Prime Minister of the first the Near Eastern Center, and he
American mean to you, and medicine, law and many other Independent Republic of Armenia. wanted to introduce a non-Muslim
what do you think it means to professions and, at the same time, He apparently saw something in me, non-Arab minority culture of the
Armenians living in the US? they enjoy the Armenian cultural and he encouraged me to go Beirut Middle East into the program. In
For me a hyphenated American connection. They feel it enriches for a year to learn Armenian. If I 1962 I was invited to come to UCLA
was my stereotype of the Fresno their lives, and they are willing was ever going to become involved as a lecturer in Armenian Studies. It
Armenians; they were very clannish. to commit part of their life to that in Armenian History or Armenian was a one year appointment that has
In school all the Armenians would positive hyphenation. leadership I had to learn Armenian. lasted for almost a half century.
sit together, there was prejudice What was the impetus for you to After college I decided to go abroad. Milan Kundera wrote, The
against Armenians in Fresno in become so involved in Armenian In the mid 1950s I stayed for eight struggle of man against power is
particular, because of their foreign History and Armenian issues? months in Beirut where I spent the struggle of memory against
ways, and because they were very I always had an interest in History. about sixteen hours a day studying forgetting. Can you tell us what
numerous. I always felt they were I was aware of my A rmenian Armenian. Beirut had a strong this means to the study of History
a different breed and I was unlike background. As I said, I was troubled Armenian community; it was the in general and more specifically
them. I was not like them. My that I rarely found anything about strongest Armenian community to Armenian history?
friends were not Armenian, they A rmenia or A rmenians in my of the Diasopra. Well, someone Frequently history has been written
were of all backgrounds. So I didnt schoolbooks. But certain things can say, why didnt you go to or remembered by those in power
and the victors of history are those Armenia for transcription. The
who frequently write history. They stories are gripping. My students
dont want to remember their tell me at the end of this course that
victims. In US History we frequently it was the most meaningful course
look at things from the point of view that they had ever taken. These are
of the White man and the White very powerful stories.
House and the inevitable realization Of the 800 interviews what has
of Manifest Destiny, very rarely left the strongest impression on
from the point of view of the Native you?
Americans or of the Black slave The ones that stick out most of
population. To maintain memory all are the stories of women. In
is very important. Without the two ways, the personal loses that
memory of their culture, their own women sustained, the loss of their
historical record of what occurred to children. Moreover, the women
them, Armenians would not know took on a very unusual role in that
who they are and indeed they would they became the heads of household.
be lost. Against these powerful The men were eliminated, it was up
forces that want to obliterate entire to the women to carry on and save
peoples, sometimes the strongest their families. You really have to
weapon of resistence is memory. give credit to the women of that
We find this today when it comes generation for having preserved, as
to Armenian-Turkish relations, I much as possible, their nation.
mean the Armenians are five or six What in your assessment are the
million. Thats a very telling figure. secrets of Armenian survival?
They have barely replenished Their persistence, their individuality,
themselves to where they were part of it has been their history; part
before the Genocide began. In other of it has been their commitment to
words, it took a hundred years for their religion. They just have these
the Armenian world population to strong family networks. They dont
crawl back up to the figure where it sit and mourn about the past, they
was before 1914. In the meantime, rebuild. That was their secret.
the world population has doubled The message of Armenian history
and redoubled in that period of in many ways is the message of
time. So the question is , why is it survival. On March 2, 1992, I was in New York
the Turkish government of sixty
to seventy million people is so
W h at i s you r g r e ate s t
professional achievement and
to see my son who was then the
alarmed by the Armenian issue? what is your most cherished Foreign Minister of the Republic of
Armenia is a small country that personal achievement? Armenia raise the Armenian flag
cannot challenge Turkey either
militarily or economically, yet it
Well I suppose, my most cherished
professional achievement was
and to speak in the United Nations for
does posses the agency of memory. taking the history of the First the first time in Armenian.
It is enduring memory, therefore, Republic out of the shadows, out of
that in some quarters is vewed as a prejudice, and putting it down onto If you could change one event on paper, but had given to it, and
real problem or even a threat. a firm scholarly foundation, not of Armenian history aside from recognized that it was in their own
Tell us a little about your Oral realizing at the time that Armenia the Genocide what would it be? best interest to support that state
History Project that you have been would ever become independent It probably would be the enforcement and make it a reality the whole
working on for four decades. again. At the time I could not even of the treaty of Sevres in 1920. The course of Armenian history would
By the time I got involved I realized imagine that during my lifetime Western powers had made so many have been changed.
we were losing the last of the the Soviet Union would or could promises to the Armenian people What is your message or advice
generation of people that were collapse. As far as a personal about restoration and rehabilitation to Armenian youth?
born in the historic homeland. In achievement, I suppose my proudest after the Genocide and punishment Mentoring is something like being a
the 1970s I began to organize a day was March 2, 1992, when I had of the victors. In 1920 they created good cultivator. You plant the seed,
class at UCLA on oral histories as my childhood dream of being at the United Armenian State on paper. but then you need to nurture and
a way to gather as much material the United Nations and seeing the If they had enforced that, if they water it. Some receive and absorb
as we could from the remaining Armenian flag raised. So on March had been willing to put the military that water of life, whereas others
Genocide survivors. By and large, 2, 1992, I was in New York to see force that was required to enforce having the same potential do
these histories provide a very Raffi Hovannisian, my son, who it, today Armenia would have a not taste the water and therefore
powerful testimony. We have was then the Foreign Minister of population of fifteen million people wither. We must strive so that our
gotten to the stage where we have the Republic of Armenia, raise the or more. It would have been a life's work reaches out to irrigate
stopped collecting because there Armenian flag and to speak in the viable state, it would not have been as widely and deeply as possible, to
is virtually no one left, and now UN for the first time in Armenian. landlocked, it would not have all the ensure that the delicate new sprouts
I am taking these 800 hundred My childhood dream was realized difficulties it faces today. If they had will grow, flourish and produce
interviews and sending them to with my son. not only drawn an Armenia United bountiful yield.
17 20
1 2492 B.C., 1st day of Navasard (August strong, claimed a glorious victory over the entire Army. By contrast, the army of the Persian Empire
11th). The battle took place between the armies army of King Shapouh II of Persia. Armenians were was equipped with war elephants and aided by elite
of the Assyro-Babylonian emperor Bel-Nebrot and liberated from the Persian occupation. immortals and mercenaries. The Sparapet was killed
Haik Nahapet near Lake Van. The legendary father in the battle. He was later canonized by the Armenian
of all Armenians killed Bel-Nebrot in battle and led 6 336 A.D. The Battle of Oshakan. Armenian Church as a martyr for Christianity. Armenians
his troops to a decisive victory, proving himself troops under command of Sparapet Vache suffered heavy losses and retreated to the hills,
as sovereign of an independent nation. Thus, the Mamikonian defeated the invading army of the where they persisted with guerilla warfare. Persians,
recorded history of Armenia began. Persian King Sanatruk. The mortally wounded king whose losses were very high, faced a war of attrition.
later died in captivity. Armenians reinforced their Overwhelmed by the fighting spirit of the enemy, as
2 189 B.C. Under the command of Artashes interests in the region. well as dedication to the new religion, they decided
(Artaxes), the ruler of the Kingdom of Greater to desist from their aggression. Armenians managed
Armenia, and Zareh, the King of Tsopk, Armenians 7 350 A.D. The Battle of Voskh. United Roman to defend their right to practice Christianity.
liberated their lands from the Seleucid conquerors. and Armenian forces, under the command of
The reign of the Artaxiad dynasty was established. princes Syunatz Andovk and Arshavir Kamsarakan, 10 481 A.D. The Akor Battle. The Marzpan
encountered the forces of Shapouh II. The Persian Atrvshnasp of Atrpatakan (present-day Azerbaijan)
3 68 B.C. The Battle at the Aratsani River (a king fled the battlefield. Once reaching safe haven invaded Armenia. Vasak Mamikonian and Babken
tributary of the Euphrates) took place between in Tizbon, he agreed to free the captive Armenian Syouni repelled the aggression by conducting a nighttime
Romans troops and the army of Tigran II the Great. royals and warriors, thus finally relinquishing his plan operation with 400 commandos. They attacked the
The Romans, led by Lucullus, suffered an excruciating of conquering Armenia. camp of the enemy and assassinated the Marzpan.
defeat and retreated to South Mesopotamia.
8 371 A.D. The Battle of Dzirav took place 11 482 A.D. The Nerseapat Battle. The Armenian
53 B.C. The Battle at Carrhae (Kharen). between the troops of the Armenian King Pap and victory in this battle forced the Persians to rely on
Armenians loyal to King Artavazd II fought the united forces of Persians, Aghvans and Lezgis, diplomacy for resolving disputes with Armenians. In
alongside their new Parthian allies against Romans. led by the kings Urnair, Shergir and the treacherous 484 A.D. the treaty of Nvarsak was signed. It guaranteed
The Roman legions were devastated, and their Armenian melik Meroujan Artzrouni. Armenians gained religious freedom and sovereignty to Armenians.
commander Crassus, the general who once defeated an impressive victory. Pap strengthened his dominance,
the slave army of Spartacus, was captured in the while Shergir and Artzrouni were killed in the battle. 12 851 A.D. Sasountsis, headed by Hovan
battle. Notorious for his greed even in the far lands Khoutetsi, crushed the Arab invaders and killed
of his enemy, Crassus was beheaded after molten 9 451 A.D. The Battle of Avarair. A 60,000 their leader Yousuf. This event was immortalized in
gold was poured down his throat. soldier Armenian force led by the Sparapet Vardan the epic tale David of Sasoun.
Mamikonian, faced the 300,000 strong Persian
5 335 A.D. On the North-Eastern coast of Lake regular army of Mushkan Nusalavourt. Recently 13 925 A.D. The Battle of Sevan (Tzovamart). Arme-
Van, near the town of Arest, the combined forces mobilized and poorely armed peasants, women, and nian King Ashot II Yerkat (Iron) crossed Lake Sevan
of Vache Mamikonian and Vahan Amatouni, 13,000 children made up a significant portion of the Armenian and destroyed the army of the Arab conqueror Bashir.
29 18
28 13
27 26
6 25
19 14
10 22
3 8 11
14 987 A.D. The Battle for Dvin. Armenians, 20 1375, April 22. The troops of the Egyptian 26 1827, September. Armenian fighters within
led by Smbat II Bagratouni, were victorious in sultan Malik Ashraf captured Sis. The Armenian the Russian army of General Paskevich liberated
defeating the Arabs and defending the capital. kingdom of Cilicia ceased to exist. Yerevan from the Persians.
15 1043 Gagik II and Vahram Pahlevouni 21 1725, February. The Battle of Verand. Fighters 27 1918, May 21-28. The Sardarapat Battle.
successfully defended the city of Ani. Nonetheless, led by Mkhitar Sparapet crushed the 6,000 strong Armenian forces commanded by Generals
within a year the Byzantines eventually took the city by force of the Turkic intruders and saved Artsakh. In the Abegian, Movses Selikov, Andranik Ozanian and
deception. following year, they achieved four other major victories, Colonel Perumov repelled an attack by the Turks.
making sure that the region remained Armenian. Armenia was saved from ultimate destruction.
16 1156 Near the Cilician city of Tarsus the
Armenian forces led by Toros II won over the 22 1727 The Battle of Halidzor. After seven days spent 28 1918, May 23-28. The Bash-Abaran Battle.
Byzantines. General Andronicus Komin was defending the city, Mkhitar Sparapet and Ter Avetis Armenian voluntary brigades led by Dro (Drastaman
forced into captivity. The dominance of the Cilician made an astonishing excursion out of the besieged Kanayan) with the help of Yezidi Sheikh Jangir-Aga
kingdom rose significantly, and other Armenian citadel and destroyed the surprised Turkish enemy. stopped the advance of the Turks towards Yerevan.
principalities integrated under the leadership of
Toros II. 23 1826. The Battle of Shamkhor.A 10,000 29 1918, May 24-28. The Battle of Karakelisa.
strong Persian force under Amir Shah was Armenian 6,000 manned force consisting of
17 1187 Near the city of Sis, Levon II crushed defeated by a Russian company that was 5 times General Nazarbekovs soldiers, as well as poorly
the horde of Iconu Seljuk Turks. Within several smaller. The Armenian volunteers, led by General armed civilians of Pambak and Dilijan, held back the
months Levon forced his authority onto the sultans Valerian Madatov, displayed the utmost courage and 10,000 strong Turkish troops for four days. On the fifth
of Aleppo and Damascus. excellence in battle. Iranians had to abandon their day the defense was broken, resulting in a massacre of
plans of taking Tiflis (Tbilisi) and Shoushi. 4,000 civilians. However, the remaining Turkish force
18 1221, January. The Kotman Battle (Tavoush was so devastated by the battle that it disbanded.
marz). The first serious repulsion of the Mongol 24 1826, September 13. Near Elizavetopolis (now
conquerors in the South Caucasus. The 20,000 Ganzak) a Russian-Armenian army of 8,000 under 30 1992, May 9. The Battle for Shushi. Located at a
man forces of the Mongols headed by Djebe Noyin Madatovs command repelled the 25,000 strong Persian vantage point above Stepanakert, the Azeri regulars,
and Subata Behetour lost to the united Georgian- Iranian army headed by the heir to the throne Abbas Mirza. helped by Islamist volunteers, including Al-Qaeda
Armenian army under the leadership of the Georgian The humiliated enemy withdrew beyond the Araks River. agents bombed Armenian civilian targets. Armenian
King George IV Lasha and Armenian General Hivane fighters conducted a remarkable 2-day campaign to
Zakharian. 25 1827, August 17. The Battle near Oshakan. capture the Shushi castle. The success of this operation
Abbas Mirza tried to take the Echmiadzin, the was a turning point in the Artsakh War of Independence.
19 1225 After taking severe casualties, Khorezm spiritual capital of Armenians, and then Tiflis. Once This day it is celebrated as a national holiday both in the
Shah Jalal-Addin managed to destroy the again, his efforts were in vain: the Russian troops of Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh along
Armenian capital Dvin. Krasovskiy repelled the attack. with the victory in the World War II.
Often our journeys in life bring us to unexpected crossroads and encounters with unlikely kindred
spirits. Two women from different worlds told us their stories of courage and dedication. Baroness
Cox is a representative of the British noble class. She is a former Speaker of the House of Lords.
Dr. Ani Kalayjian is from an Armenian family of Genocide survivors. Caroline Cox is a nurse by
profession, who was drawn into Armenian issues by her strong sense of compassion for those who
are worlds away from her British up-bringing. Ani Kalayjian, who holds a degree in psychology, was
drawn into her line of work trying to overcome her own familys and communitys tragic past.
Interview with Baroness Cox yet 400 people gathered in mourning impressed I was by the fact that literature and books, one of the
by Gayane Haroutyunyan at the local church, expressing their from young ages your children are children said, I like to read foreign
grief, praying in Stepanakert. interested in the great works of authors; Mark Twain, Dorris Lessing...
What is your impression of Did you notice any similarities literature and in the English language. And the child was so humble about his
people of Armenia, their culture, between the Armenian and the I was speaking in a church in London accomplishment. Its a tribute to your
philosophy, their character? British peoples? and there was a head teacher who passionate devotion to knowledge and
If I could compare the people of Armenian people have a wonderful wanted to help children in Karabakh. to great intellectual traditions.
Armenia in time of war, I would commitment to European culture. That teacher and I visited a school in Can you tell me about your
compare them to the heroes We saw Shakespearean Theatre in Karabakh where we spoke to students book about Karabakh. How did
of ancient Greek. I have visited Yerevan; you also have wonderful aged twelve. He was amazed by how that come to be?
Armenia 64 times, and I have visited musical traditions. We share a these children, even in a time of Dur ing t he time of war, as I
Karabakh in a time of war. The Christian faith, of course, even war, were fluent in two languages repeatedly visited Artsakh, I was
Armenians have a wonderful ability though yours is orthodox. Armenian and Russian could very concerned that Azeries would
to create beauty in the ashes of Many of us are fascinated by read and write in both languages, tell the world lies about the war in
destruction. I saw destroyed villages English Literature and were learning English as their Karabakh, so with my colleague
that looked like pictures of hell, and I want to tell you a story about how third language. As he talked about John Eisner, who also came with
me during the war, we thought order to help those in need.
that we have to put all of this Do you think that forces guide
information into the historical your mission from high above
record, to turn it into a book of from God?
history of this millennium and Yes, I presume that I am under
the history of Pan-Turkism. We divine protection; at least I know
have to reinforce the truth that the that I pray for it I am Christian
Armenians are not the aggressors. and I do pray. But I never go with
You have a recent project complete confidence that things
regarding Karabakh. I think that will go just as I like, as I pray for. As
you were addressing the concept a Christian I ask God for His will,
of self-determination. but as a Christian I understand
I am not so sure about the concept that I might not come back. So part
its the country. I can understand why of being a true Christian is to be
the Armenians of Karabakh say never with people who are in dangerous
again to the idea of Azeris returning places in the world. Part of being
to power on their land. I guess, you a Christian is holding a belief that
can call that self-determination. God gives and sees much more
That is a determination of people than I can give or understand. DOSSIER
to make sure that national and What is your source of courage Caroline Coxa deputy speaker in the 1990, which got the attention of Andrei
ethnic cleansing would never and inspiration? Where does it British House of Lords and president Sakharov's widow. Mrs. Sakharov
of Christian Solidarity UK (United invited her to help organize a
happen on their land again. come from, what is the ultimate
Kingdom) began her humanitarian human-rights congress in Moscow to
How does a relatively fragile source for you? efforts in the 1980s with convoys to commemorate what would have been
woman like you deal with danger As I said, it comes from the Bible. Poland on behalf of the Medical Aid the 70th birthday of her deceased
and risk? It says, if people are hungry and for Poland Fund. This introduced her husband. Lady Caroline chaired a
Obviously I had very real fear in sick, first satisfy their hunger to members of the Polish Solidarity committee looking into human-rights
movement and earned her Poland's abuses in the USSR. That's how she
the days of war in Karabakh. Out and cure their wounds and then highest award for a foreigner, the ended up crossing into Azerbaijan,
Commander Cross of the Order of Merit. waving a white flag.
She joined Christian Solidarity Her role as the British president has
International (CSI) in 1990. CSI is an enabled her to travel to and assess
PART OF BEING CHRISTIAN IS TO interdenominational, international volatile situations throughout the world.
BE WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE IN human-rights organization that
provides aid and advocacy for
Since 1992 she has made 15 trips to
Sudan, one of which included a crew
DANGEROUS PLACES; HOLDING A persecuted Christians and others,
including Muslims, suffering repression.
from NBC's Dateline covering the
slave trade. Her advocacy for Armenian
BELIEF THAT GOD GIVES MUCH MORE She was then asked to help organize a Christians focused world attention to
human-rights conference in Russia in the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh.
of fear I went home intending to speak to them. In situations of citizens is to pursue their own first to ensure human rights and
never return in a time of a war I war people are certainly hungry national interests. I have seen those of children. It should go
was shot at several times and our and sick so you need to satisfy injured children in Karabakh with without saying that we are a moral
helicopter was once shot down. their basic needs, and they also missing extremities, and other nation. This is an illustration of a
So I thought, I dont want to go need someone who will speak for body parts that was a terrible situation that should be without
back. It was out of very real fear. them, on their behalf so these crime against humanity. When comprom ise a nd should r ise
I became suspicious and shocked, are the basic principles that guide I came back to Britain and met above international, national, or
even mortified after my helicopter what we try to offer. with the Foreign Minister to tell commercial interests. Politicians,
was shot at. But one day I called a What do you think humanity him that Azerbaijan is infringing unfortunately, have to balance
spiritually-minded friend and the is missing today is it love, upon the human rights of the national interests with the human
next morning I went to church and humility or something else? Armenians, he had little time for rights of all people.
the pastor read out of the gospel: We should try not to speak of me. Our meeting was very short, Can you tell me what do you
He who is not prepared shall humanity as a single entity; we and he said that our country has like to do outside your work?
not survive. So, I went back to should not generalize. There are no interest in other countries; Obviously, there isnt much I can do
Karabakh feeling more alive and obviously people who are trying to our only interest is that there is outside my work. But my hobby is
energized than I ever did before. do their best in parts of the world, oil interest in Azerbaijan. I was sport croquet, I like to play tennis
Thats how I continued working I there are churches who are trying saddened and angry. And I said, very much, walking, particularly
went to Nigeria, Uganda, the Sudan; to help. I happen to be part of that For the first time in my life I am in the countryside. And also, as
I just kept working. I overcame kind of Christian organization ashamed that I am British. And you know, I am a Christian, so I
anxiety and fear, thinking I will people who are passionately at that I left. I understand that go to church, and I do appreciate
not necessarily be shot at in a war trying to help. And then, of course there are commercial and other spiritual relief. When I have time
zone. When I am with people that there are situations that are in such interests, but I dont think I go to a retreat. I am English, and
need my help I leave these feelings desperate need of intervention. I that any nation should disregard one has to understand a strange
of trepidation behind, I forget think, part of the problem is that human rights in the pursuit of phenomenon of being English:
about them and think only about some countries support a general commerce, and I think that the I like playing bridge it has all
the things that should be done in belief that the first priority of their obligation of the British people is these mathematical sequences, its
Interview with Dr. Kalayjian over and over and we will stay in to do humanitarian outreach. important step. How long must
by Azzie Mekhitarian the painful cycle of trauma. Meaningful World is the partnership the Armenians wait for the Turkish
Tell us about Meaningful of the various organizations that we government to acknowledge what
What lead you to devote your World and Armenian American are involved in. happened in 1915 so that they can
life to helping others come to a Society for Studies on Stress and How is it that an event that begin healing? When I started
state of balance and wholeness Genocide (AASSSG). occurred so long ago, like the talking about forgiveness we started
after trauma? We started AASSSG in 1988. This Armenia Genocide, has such an having some problems with fanatics
There is a joke about psychologists yea r we celebrated t he 20t h effect on peoples lives today? in the Armenian community. Even
going into the discipline to either anniversary of AASSG which is It is an issue that is very much alive our lawyer stopped responding
help themselves, their family or a humanitarian not-for-profit today, especially for the genocide to us because he was too angry to
their community. So for me being non-governmental organization sur v ivors and their children. see forgiveness and genocide in
a child of a genocide survivor (NGO). I had just finished my Denialism has perpetuated the the same sentence. People started
the trauma was part of my daily doctorate at Columbia University, trauma of the Armenian Genocide. writing articles against me. People,
upbringing in Syria. My family and and I had begun going to different It has clearly impacted generations not really knowing what I was
the community at large were also conferences on traumatic stress of Armenians. It is like an open talking about, were attacking the
grappling with this problem. In studies. I found out that there was wound and a continuous state of concept. There is great controversy
addition to old trauma there were so much research on the Holocaust trauma. over link ing t he concepts of
also ongoing issue due to the war but nothing at all on the Armenians Have you found that ones forgiveness and genocide in the
between Israel and Syria. My quest and the Ottoman Turkish Genocide. outlook on life affects how we same thought process. When we
was to try to make it better, heal it, That put a question mark in my deal with adversity? forgive we do not forgive the act
work through it and learn from it. head. Soon after, I called a group of A lot depends on the attitude of genocide, we forgive the people
What are some of the similarities psychologists, psychiatrists, social you have, a positive or negative who were unconscious, ill intended
between your own journey and workers and psychiatric nurses outlook. It really depends on what or mainly in-sane.
that of other individuals who together to form this organization. you emphasize, how you look at The point you are trying to
have been through emotional Our first priority was to research the it, and what you do with it. Really, make is that forgiveness is a step
difficulties? impact of the Armenian Genocide the choice is ours. People need to towards finding peace within
There are some things that I share on the survivors and the community be informed about what the choices yourself; it does not mean to let
with the collective A rmenian in general. In the middle of this are and that is what we do. The the issue go or let the issue die.
journey. By carrying out twenty research, the earthquake happened more choices we see, the more Exactly! Forgiveness is a personal
years of different mental health in Armenia, so I put the research empowered we feel. When we are jour ney, it is not somet h i ng
out r e ac h pr oje c t s, goi ng to aside for a while and co-founded emotionally stuck, we really feel political or community based.
d i f fe re nt t r au m a zone s a nd Mental Outreach to Armenia. For helpless. That is what makes some Research in the last 15 years shows
different countries and helping a year and a half I trained mental people feel apathetic and hopeless, that forgiveness is healthy for
with psychological first aid we health professionals and sent them that makes people live like robots, your body, your mind and your
noticed we are all more alike than to Armenia. After the earthquake go to work, come home and remain spirit. If we have anger we need to
different. From Africa to Sri Lanka, we finally concluded our research indifferent. manage it, find the roots of it and
from Spain to Argentina, from on the Armenian Genocide. AASSSG
Armenia to Pakistan to Turkey, now has annual conferences with
people react and deal with trauma the participation of scholars who FORGIVENESS IS A PERSONAL
in the same pattern. I really was have done substantial work in
humbled and very moved that we the area of Genocide Studies. In JOURNEY, IT IS NOT SOMETHING
see these artificial divisions and addition, we have an essay contest POLITICAL OR COMMUNITY BASED.
differentiations between cultures, to generate interest among the
countries and religions, and yet youth. We keep saying never again
basically, when it comes down to a but then things like genocide keep BODY, YOUR MIND AND YOUR SPIRIT.
threat or an actual trauma we are all happening. There is something
the same. It doesnt matter if we are inconsistent in this cycle which Do you adapt your language transform it into power. So it is an
Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, we are trying to explore in every and style according to the cultural individual journey. In fact, we have
Sikh or Jewish. We have worked possible di rec t ion; f rom t he background of the groups you an Armenian Turkish reconciliation
with all these groups of people and United Nations, to governments work with? group. We started this after I went
it is so moving to see that we all feel and from NGOs to individuals. Yes. Before we do any outreach, to Turkey for a conference in 1999.
the same way. This is a point I try This is especially important for we do a pre-assessment to explore The purpose was to express my own
to reinforce in my writings, lectures the youth because they are going who the sur v ivors are and a personal forgiveness and ask the
and research; that we need to gain a to be our future decision makers. thorough assessment of the disaster Turks how we can bridge this gap.
deeper understanding of humanity After the work we did in Armenia, situation. How can we help them let go of this
as a family. We are more alike than I was invited to do psychological It is said that disasters can help obsession with denial and embrace
different. The positive lesson I outreach programs in other trauma us discover meaning in life. Do their history instead? I realized
like to emphasize is that God, the zones. I realized that we needed a you find this to be a crucial aspect there was a lot of work to be done
Universe, or whatever you want to new organization, ATOP, which of healing? in this area. A dialogue group, we
call it, has presented us with this is the organization that goes to It is important to first resolve and decided, would be a wonderful way
opportunity to grow, to learn from other countries such as, Pakistan, process the trauma before we to facilitate this. I'd like to stress that
different situations, because if we Turkey, Mexico- about twenty can search for meaning. But then when I say forgiveness I mean an
dont we will keep repeating history countries in all. ATOPs focus is at some point forgiveness is an inner peace.
According to the World Health Organization, a minority of cultures practice male circumcision,
and globally approximately 70% of the world's males are intact. Circumcision is practiced by
Jews, Muslims, tribal peoples and residents of the United States. It is uncommon in Europe and
its former colonies, Latin America, China and India. The United States is the only country in the
developed world that circumcises the majority of its male infants for non-religious reasons. A
considerable number of Middle Eastern Armenians and Armenian Americans have joined the
quarter of the worlds population in circumcising infant boys.
hy do some cultures o r a b o r i g i n a l p e o p l e s) a s ago. The Egyptians are believed sexual desire should be repressed
choose to circumcise mutilations of backward tribes, to have made a small slit on the since they would distract men
their newborn baby while circumcision is performed foreskin as a bloodletting or a from spiritual and communal
boys? Why not trim in the civilized context of the purification ritual. Some theorists pursuits.
an earlobe or allow the fingernail American hospital. One might have suggested that circumcision
of the pinky to grow long, as some reasonably wonder how the actions was used as a castigatory measure, ABRAHAMIC VS. RABBINIC
have asked or done? Medical of American crusaders against as a mark of slavery, and as a CIRCUMCISION
history may help us understand foreskin are any less mutilating diminution of, or substitution for A f te r A le x a nde r t he Great s
how the growth in the popularity t han t he circumcisers in t he human sacrifice. Some suggest conquest of t he Middle East
of circumcision has occurred. developing world. By examining that circumcision was imposed b e t w e e n 3 3 4 a n d 3 3 1 B .C .,
Beginning in the late 19th century the roots of circumcision we can on the Jews among other ethnic Hellenistic ideals of the male
medical descriptions of the male discover how Americans have groups as a mark of slavery during body and the Jewish practice of
genitalia and the foresk in in adopted and institutionalized their subjugation in Egypt. Over circumcision came into conflict.
particular have filled thousands this ancient ritual. Once we have time circumcision has become In contrast to the Jews, Greeks
of pages of scholarly literature established where the current more central to Jewish identity and a n d R om a n s pl a c e d a h i g h
in depicting the human prepuce fascination with circumcision has been incorporated into Jewish aesthetic value on the foreskin
(foreskin) as the most malignant originated, we will turn to the religious practice as a bodily sign and regarded circumcision as a
of all body parts and its functions que s t ion of how (a nd w hy) of the covenant between God and form of mutilation. The Romans
the most impure. The verdict Armenians have come to adopt the Abraham (described in Genesis 17). passed laws to protect the prepuce
was handed down more than a practice as their own. Moses Maimonides, the medieval by prohibiting circumcision. The
century ago: the foreskin was Jewish rabbi, proposed that the Hellenized Jewish males adopted
nasty and polluted, and should be THE ORIGINS OF original rationale for circumcision many Grecian customs, such
cut off - the sooner the better! Is CIRCUMCISION was the desensitization of the as attending Greek g y mnasia
this decision to support routine T h e f i r s t e v i de n c e o f m a l e sexual organ to moderate sexual and appearing at public baths
circumcision based on science, circumcision is a depiction on activity and thus improve morality. where nudity was the norm. The
pseudoscience, or non-scientific t he walls of Eg y pt ia n tombs In the context of ancient religious circumcised Jews had to attempt to
traditional beliefs? Is it driven by from approximately 5,000 years practice, the yearning impulses of hide or reverse their circumcision
a religious doctrine or economic by st retc h i ng pen i le sk i n or
benefit? In short, how scientific is THE ETHICS OF PERFORMING AN restoring the foreskin surgically
the American foreskin phobia? in order to avoid public ridicule.
Ironically, Americans frame the
IRREVERSIBLE PROCEDURE ON THE In spite of cultural pressures
exotic circumcision rituals of INFANT WITHOUT HIS CONSENT HAVE during the Hellenistic era, intact
the other (Africans, Muslims, BEEN CHALLENGED BY MANY. foresk i n s were a nat hema to
Jewish identity, and the reversal families by circumcising their tract infections, penile lesions, ravages of AIDS. Ironically enough,
of circumcision a rejection of infant boys at birth. Circumcision and, more recently, prostate and the well-meaning individuals
Abrahams holy covenant. In a fury, became a mark of modernit y, cervical cancers (strategically are implementing this mission
rabbinical authorities introduced wealth, and sophistication, while targeting womens health through through increases in circumcision
a more radical surgery: periah, the foreskin became a signifier of a procedure performed on males). rates, rather than increases in
which went beyond the historic ignorance, neglect, and poverty. Without refuting each and every condom distribution or proven
and relatively simple Abrahamic Circumcision was f urther claim, it will suffice to state that medical treatments, such as the
trimming of the tip of foreskin and institutionalized during World no medical organization in the use of anti-retroviral medications.
externalized the entire head of the Wars I and II and the Vietnam world, including any in the United Before t he We st enter s i nto
penis, so that no movable skin was War, when mass circumcisions States, endorses circumcision another humanitarian mission,
left and no stretching was possible. were administered in the as a prophylactic measure for it should look more carefully at
Thus, the circumcision procedure military service prophylactically. curbing the diseases mentioned the data. The U.S. has the highest
performed in modern American Circ umcision soon created a above. The American Academy of r ate of c i r c u mc i sion a mong
hospitals is actually the ancient lucrative multi-million dollar Pediatrics (1999) states that there industrialized countries, as well as
Jewish practice of periah. indust r y. Dur ing t his per iod is no absolute medical indication the highest rate of HIV infection.
the incidence of circumcision for routine circumcision. Similarly, Clearly, circumcision alone has
CIRCUMCISION AS dramatically increased, reaching the American Medical Association not protected the circumcised
PUNISHMENT its peak in 1979, when 85% of (2003) has found no sufficient American males from AIDS.
In the 18th century circumcision American boys were circumcised. reason for endorsement of infant I n s ome qu ite r a r e me d ic a l
was performed in all English- T he public s at t it ude towa rd male circumcision. L ikew ise, condit ions circumcision may
speaking countries as a be required. These occur less
punishment for masturbation, of ten t ha n breast ca ncer. In
which was seen as a grand culprit *MEDICAL the logic of the circumcision
at the time. Masturbatory insanity advocates, we should perform
was believed to cause a plethora of Mastectomy prophylact ic circumcision to
excision of the breast.
physical and mental ills, including Appendectomy e l i m i n ate a ny r i sk of t he s e
epilepsy, paralysis, tuberculosis, surgical removal conditions. By extension, are we
blindness, and bedwetting, to of the vermiform to advocate routine prophylactic
name only a few. So potent was appendix. mastectomy* in order to save
the influence of Victorian ideology women? Doctors do not perform
inflammation of the
in America, that it continued to be vermiform appendix. prophylactic appendectomies* on
accepted without contest until newborns because a few might
the later decades of the 20th develop appendicitis*. Similarly,
century. Until 1977, long after circumcision eventually became the Royal Australian College of t he U.S. public should more
physicians in other countries had internalized as a deeply-rooted Physicians (2004) states, there is rigorously question the wisdom
abandoned surgical solutions c ustom i n A mer ica n soc iet y. no medical indication for routine of routine circumcision of
for masturbation, the National Circumcision was in fashion, like male circumcision. Moreover, the newborns in the hope of preventing
Blue Shield Association covered the latest Gucci bag or Coach British Medical Association (2006) diseases that the vast majority
female circumcision in the U.S as shoe. emphasizes that circumcision would never develop.
a cure for sexual dysfunctions. should be discouraged and that
In real life this translated into MEDICAL CLAIMS AND parental preference alone is ANTI-CIRCUMCISION
picking up prostitutes off the SCARE TACTICS not sufficient justification for MOVEMENT.
streets and circumcising them No ot her surg ica l procedure performing a surgical procedure In recent decades, a strong anti-
by force in hopes of curing their has promised cures for as many on a child. The Canadian Pediatric c i r c u mc i sion move me nt h a s
deviant behavior. Up until late diseases as circumcision. Almost Society (1982, 1989, 1996) termed brought down the rate from 85%
1970's, female circumcision was every decade a new purpose for circumcision a mutilative and (1979) to 60% (2005) nationwide
also recommended by doctors for circumcision competes for the obsolete operation. (below 40% in California). While
sexual frigidity. publics attention. The historical However, as the old claims were overa l l rates in t he U.S. a re
record reveals that advocates debunked, a new target disease goi ng dow n, t he rate a mong
CIRCUMCISION IN VOGUE of circumcision have typically emerged AIDS - and circumcision Armenian-Americans is rising
In the late 19th and early 20th used scare tactics: if you were advocates soon marketed the (approximately 70%). Human
cent uries, t he old nar ratives not circumcised you were procedure as a preventive tool rights advocates have challenged
of circumcision as punishment susceptible to whichever incurable a g a i n s t ac q u i s it ion of H I V/ t he et h ic s of per for m i ng a n
and for the alleviation of sexual disease was being targeted by AIDS. These claims have come irreversible procedure on the
dysfunctions were forgotten and circumcision advocates at that along with calls for universal infant without his consent. They
a new cause for circumcision moment. Financial incentives also circ umcision a nd t he ex por t rightfully argue that pain should
emerged: cleanliness. Influenced increased rates of circumcision, as of single use circumcision kits not be the first experience of a
by germ phobia and a public few doctors could afford to reject to African countries with high penis. Moreover, like any other
obsession with dirt, the foreskin an opportunity to charge up to rates of HI V/A IDS. A merican su rger y, c i rc u mc i sion i s not
was demonized as a potential site $800 for a ten-minute procedure. doctors, under the auspices of without risks - the A merican
of contamination and disease. Soon Circumcision was seen as the the World Health Organization, Academy of Pediatrics (1999) and
many leading for-profit hospitals magic bullet that would eliminate are currently preparing for the other medical societies mention
catered to upper and middle class s y ph i l is, gonor rhea, ur i na r y mission of saving Africans from excessive bleeding, infections,
complications from anesthesia, FINALLY, ABOUT SEX.
a nd d i sr upt ion of sleep a nd In some cases, adult Armenian
breastfeeding patterns. In the U.S. males had fallen prey to peer
female circumcision is banned, pressure; to avoid ridicule in locker
while male babies are not offered rooms, they underwent painful
the same protection. circumcision while failing to ask,
who is teasing whom? Ironically,
BAPTIZED AND more than two thousand years
CIRCUMCISED? ago the opposite physical state
Tr a d i t i o n a l l y, c i r c u m c i s i o n was ridiculed! Most unfortunately,
has not been a custom among s ome y ou ng A r me n i a n me n
Christian Armenians. While in have been pressured by their
the Old Testament God is said girlfriends who would refuse sex
to have commanded Abraham with an uncircumcised partner. A
to circumcise himself and his disclaimer: both male and female
descendents (Genesis 17), the New ge n it a l i a pr o duc e t he s a me
Testament rejects circumcision. substance, called smegma - the
I n t he New Test a ment, it i s natural antibacterial, antiviral
circumcision of the heart that white emollient. Nowadays, people
matters and not circumcision of the wash away smegma as part of their
flesh. Pauls outspoken preaching daily ablutions. Women in fact
against circumcision is abundant. produce more smegma than males.
He declares, If you let yourselves Cleanliness should be associated
be circumcised, Christ will be of with proper hygiene, rather than
no value to you at all (Galatians extra skin.
5:2). Watch out for those dogs, Ple a s e e xc u s e my c y n ic i s m ,
Paul warns, they are evil workers, but if women knew about the
mutilators of the flesh (Philippians SOME ARGUE THAT THERE IS AN properties of foreskin they would
3:2). In light of these admonitions,
how is it that conservative and
APPARENT CONTRADICTION BETWEEN never order their boyfriends to
amputate it. Research shows that
Church-loving Middle Eastern BAPTIZING AND, AT THE SAME TIME, the foreskin is a highly erogenous
Armenians have come to circumcise CIRCUMCISING ARMENIAN BOYS. tissue comprised of thousands
their sons in modern times? Isnt of nerve and sensory endings. It
there an apparent contradiction assistance from those who have through which circumcision slowly has somewhat similar sensory
between baptizing and at the come to be known as good Turks. made its way into the Armenian functions to the clitoris. Instead
sa me t i me c i rc u mc i si ng t he However, these children had to communities of the Middle East. of discarding the foreskin in a
Armenian boys? pay a high price: Turks massively Armenians with higher social class biohazard medical waste bin, there
assimilated them through and standing came to associate are good reasons to protect it.
SYMBOLIC MARK OF ISLAM coercive conversion to Islam, circumcision w it h medical
Q u ite ap a r t f r om C h r i s t i a n which entailed name changes and sophistication and reclaimed TO CUT OR NOT TO CUT?
doctrine, in the perception of for boys circumcision. In other the practice anew. Circumcision In contemporary American multi-
A r menians circ umcision was words, the Armenian Genocide gradually and quietly lost the ethnic society, as well as in the
the mark of Muslims. Leaving survivors were rescued by making cultural and religious stigma, to diverse community of Armenian
children intact was a significant them into Turks. Some genocide which it had been historically Americans, the question of the
aspect of ethnic identit y survivors endangered their lives connected. It is fascinating that childs right to genital integrity
and relig ious boundar ies for by preser ving their foreskins, Genocide sur vivors who once should become a new frontier for
Armenians surrounded by Islamic, and identity as Armenians, by esc aped c i rc u mc i sion wou ld public discussion. Circumcision is
circumcising cultures. The Muslim esc api ng f rom t hei r Tu rk i sh l at e r c i r c u m c i s e t h e i r s on s ethical at the request of an adult
rulers led systematic and coercive r e s c ue r s. C i r c u mc i sion , t he and grandsons as a health and who makes a personal choice.
policies to convert Armenians characteristic sign of Islamic hygiene measure. W hile most Howe ve r, i n t he ab s e nce of
to Islam t hat included rit ual dominators, was perceived by features of traditional Armenian medical indication, circumcision
circumcision. T here is ample Armenians as the stigmatizing, c u lt u r e h a v e b e e n s t r on g l y of an unconsenting minors fails
evidence of coercive circumcisions physical manifestation of preserved language, intra-group to hold up under ethical scrutiny.
referenced by the 17th-century t heir forced conversion to marriage, religion, customs of Bear this in mind circumcision
historian Arakel Davrizetsi in Isla m. Circ umcision denoted ever yday life - the strict line is irreversible. Parents always
his Histor y. Under the Persian assimilation, and resistance to it bet ween the circumcised and make decisions for their children,
King Shah-Abbas the stateless ensured ethnic survival. t he u nc i rc u mc ised ha s been from simple piercing of ears to
Armenians were systematically crossed. By contrast, circumcision more monumental ones, such as
subjected to forced circumcision ADOPTING CIRCUMCISION: is unheard of in the Republic religious and cultural practices.
as a prerequisite for conversion EMBRACING MODERNIZATION. of Armenia and among recent With the best intentions for their
to Islam. Genocide sur v ivors T h i s c u lt u r a l m e a n i n g w a s immigrants from the motherland children, parents should think
who escaped the death marches destined to be erased with the who still associate circumcision twice before making a decision to
(m o s t l y c h i l d r e n) r e c e i v e d medicalization of the procedure, with Turkishness. circumcise the next baby boy.
eijing is t he
second c apit a l
of a communist
country ( Moscow
the first in 1980)
to welcome the
Olympic Games.
W hile the Moscow Oly mpiad,
boycot ted by t he A mer ica ns,
started polarization of the sport
world in the Cold War era, the
Beijing Oly mpic Games have
become the opposite, with a record
number of world leaders gathering
for the opening ceremony.
It seems that China, home to one in
five people on the planet, wanted to
make a bold statement from the start.
Most journalists agreed that the
opening and closing ceremonies of
the XXIX Olympic Games were by far
the best in the history of the modern
Olympics. Not only did they surpass
all prior ceremonies by the number
of participants, but also for their
creativity and technical performance.
The budget for the Beijing Olympic endowed with a beautiful voice. player from China I guess, the
Games, including signif icant The entire womens gymnastics migration of athletes in search of
The opening ceremony of XXIX
infrastructure improvements, team from China looked much Olympic Games took place on the a better life has had a significant
exceeded 40 billion dollars. New younger than their newly issued 08.08.08 (August 8, 2008), at 8 hours impact on the demographics of
arenas and new buildings were Chinese passports were showing. and 8 minutes Beijing time. 8 is a the Olympics. It wasnt shocking
raised. The Birds Nest, (as locals However, for those who have lived lucky number in China, while in Asia, to see ethnic Russians: Nastia
generally, it is used as a symbol of
dubbed their new state of the art in a communist country, these prosperity. The spectacular ceremony, Liukin, the daughter of an Olympic
National Stadium), the National small aberrations from Western consisting of 15,000 participants, was champion from the former USSR,
Aquatic Center or Water Cube norms were all to be expected. designed by Chjan Imou, a renowned and Alexander Artemev, the son
and other masterpieces of modern T he Chinese at hletes also Chinese director. 76 heads of state were of another Russian champion, now
present at the opening ceremony.
architecture took their rightful dominated many sport disciplines 302 sets of medals (165 for men, representing the US gymnastics
place on the list of landmarks to see and rightfully collected the most 125 women's, and 10 mixed) in 28 team. Another Russian - Yuri
in China, along with The Forbidden gold medals. Are they already the denominations were contested among Patrikeev - was a favorite Greco-
City, The Great Wall, the Peking next major world power or still on 11,028 athletes from 204 countries. Roman wrestler from Armenia.
The Chinese delegation, as a host
Man Site at Zhoukoudian, and The the way to becoming one? The only nation, was the largest one. For the On the other hand, the business
Temple of Heaven. In this way, a nation that was close to China with first time athletes from the Marshall of sport, has also moved to a
new chapter of modern Chinese the number of gold medal wins was Islands, Montenegro and Tuvalu were national level. Many athletes shop
history was written. the last remaining superpower representing their nations. On the around to represent countries that
opening day, the national team of Brunei
Of course, some peculiar things did USA, which collected the most was disqualified for not registering their
can afford to pay more for their
not go unnoticed by a traditionally medals overall. athletes in due time. participation. Finally, some athletes
critical media. The spectacular Chinese athletes also represented simply wanted to participate in
fireworks during the opening other nations in the XXIX Olympiad. the Olympic Games in spite of the
ceremony turned out to be largely The table tennis team from the USA fact that they were not chosen
computer generated for television was composed entirely of Asian to represent the home countrys
audiences. The beautiful Chinese players born in China. Germany was tea m. T h is wa s t he stor y of
girl actually lip-synched her song also represented by an ethnically C h r i s K a m a n , a n A me r ic a n
during the opening ceremony, Chinese badminton player who basketball player from Los Angeles
replacing a less attractive child lost to none other than a Chinese Clippers, who represented Germany
even though he has only visited the [bronze] competition, begging Weightlifters Gevorg Davtyan,
Germany via air transit. The only me to compete. I decided that I had Tigran Gevorg Martirosyan, and
The first written reference to the
thing that could be guaranteed is come this far and didnt want to let Olympic Games in Ancient Greece Tigran Varban Martirosyan won
that there wouldnt be any Georgian them down, so I wrestled. A bitter dates to 776 BC. Yet, it is known that their bronze medals in 77 kg, 69 kg,
athletes competing for Russia Abrahamian, silver medalist at similar athletic events took place even and 85 kg categories respectively.
A r me n i a n at h le te s we r e no Athens 2004 who had high hopes of earlier. When the games were taking Finally, boxer Hrachik Javakhyan
place, sacred cessation of all wars and
exception to the new practice top honors in the 84 kg competition hostilities was implemented (though won the bronze in light weight
of representing other countries. in Beijing, announced he was it was often broken, and unfortunately 60 kg category.
A r t hu r Ay v a z i a n w o n G ol d quitting the sport. He eventually even these XXIX Olympic Games were Six bronze medals should still be
for Ukraine in shooting (50 m was disqualified and stripped of his darken by the events in Georgia). In considered a great achievement
394 AD the games were banned by
rif le). Armen Vardanyan, also bronze medal by the International the Roman Emperor Theodosius I, as a for our small nation. Considering
representing Ukraine, won bronze Olympic Committee for violating remanence of Paganism. t he fact t hat count r ies much
in 66 kg class of Greco-Roman the spirit of fair play during the The idea of reviving this great tradition larger in size and population
wrestling. Another Armenian, Ara medal ceremony. came to the celebrated French educator were not able to achieve even
and social activist Baron Pierre de
Abrahamian, representing Sweden For Armenia, represented by 25 Coubertin. By his initiative, the first t h at muc h! A r me n i a n s won
in Greco-Roman wrestling, made athletes, Beijing turned out to be a International Olympic Games took more medals in Greco-Roman
headlines with his protest. He bronze city. Weightlifting, Greco- place in 1896 in Athens, the country of w restling than Greek s and
took the bronze medal from his Roman wrestling and Boxing were their historic origin. He organized the R o m a n s c o m b i n e d! F i n a l l y,
International Olympic Committee and
neck during the medal ceremony, the only sports in which Armenians became its first president. Armenia collected more medals
stepped down from the podium, earned medals. In the heavyweight than some of the major nations
dropped it in the middle of the 120 kg category of Greco-Roman k now n f or s t r on g s p or t i n g
wrestling mat, and then walked wrestling Armenias Yuri Patrikeev, traditions, such as Switzerland,
off. Abrahamian believed his loss favored as a finalist at the beginning Bulgaria, Portugal, Argentina,
to the eventual gold medalist of the competition, lost to Mijain and Croatia, to name just a few!
Minguzzi from Italy was totally Lopez from Cuba, but won the Nevertheless, I hope that the
unjustified. Swedish coach Leo bronze medal by defeating Jalmar X X X Olympic Games in London
Myllari said: Its all politics. Sjoberg of Sweden. Roman Amoyan, will be more successful and turn
Abrahamian later said: My friends another Greco-Roman wrestler, Golden for Armenian athletes
called me just 20 minutes before won the bronze in the 55 kg class. representing our proud nation.
Top List athlete [marzik]
Armenian Olympians
The Olympic movement is areligion, where there is no injustice of caste, of race, of family, or wealth, once said Avery
Brundage, the former President of the International Olympic Committee. Many athletes of our relatively small nation were able
to compete and win in these historically most prestigious athletic events, the Olympic Games. Our top ten list is dedicated to
the athletes who made a difference in the Armenian Chapter of the Olympic history.
Hrant Shahinian (Grant Shaginian), gymnastics the first Yuri Vardanian, weightlifting Moscow 1980,
Armenian gold medalist in Modern Olympic Games, he won gold medal. His combined result in two exercises
2 gold and 2 silver medals for the Soviet Armenia, representing (177.5, 222.5) added up to the incredible total of
USSR, in 1952 in Helsinki, Finland. The experts unanimously 400kg. That particular result elevated him to the rank
agreed that Hrant Shahinian was unique among the competitors of member of the Weightlifting Hall of Fame. It is
for its elegance in execution. important to note that when Vardanian lifted the 400
At the age of eighteen Hrant volunteered for the Soviet Army to fight kg total, he was taking part in the 82.5 kg category
against the Nazis. Inspite of his injuries, he was still able to become with a bodyweight of 81.70 kg. As long as this category
the first Armenian to win gold in the Modern Olympics. Shahinians Vladimir Yengibarian Melbourne survived (it was eliminated from competition in 1992)
sports achievements allowed him to open the first gymnastics 1956 Olympic Gold Medal in no athlete came close to the 400 kg mark. The seven-
school in the Soviet Armenia. The International Olympic Committee boxing. time World Champions record still stands, along with
granted Hrant Shahinian a rare and honorable official title of the Vladimir Yengibarian is the greatest 42 other world records in weightlifting.
Knight of Sports. Armenian boxer. He dedicated fifteen
years of his life to boxing and won
172 out of 185 fights. His first and the
main opponent in Olympic games
in Melbourne was Drogash, who
previously defeated Yengibarian in
European Championship of 1955 in
Berlin, Germany. Vladimir defeated him
and won all of the subsequent fights
to become the Olympic Champion.
His triumph brought the first great
victory to the Soviet boxing team. His
technique was often compared to the
boxing style of the great Joe Louis.
Three times in his career (1953, 1957,
1959) Vladimir Yengibarian won the
European Championships.
Sirvard Emirzian, High Board Diving, (3m springboard) 1980
Moscow Olympics, silver. The only Armenian woman to win an
Olympic medal representing the Soviet Armenia. This slim athletic
girl was only eighteen when she stepped up to the Olympic pedestal
to stand one step higher than her teammate, the bronze medal
winner, Liana Tsotadze from Georgia. Sirvard did everything her own
way she was the one and only Armenian woman to win the USSR
championships (1979-1981) in diving and to be included in the USSR
Diving Olympic Team. Hrant Shahinians famous quote is very much
applicable to Sirvard, They, Armenian athletes, had to outdo their
opponents by several notches for a shot at being accepted into any
collective Soviet team. But those difficulties notwithstanding, ninety
percent of Armenian athletes in Soviet Olympic teams came back
with medals. Sirvard Emirzian presently lives in the U.S.
Wo/Men in Politics
For a long time golfers kept one
rule sacred: gentlemen only, ladies
forbidden. It seems that Armenian
politicians follow the same rule;
women are a rarity in the Armenian
political arena. The BRITISH COUNCIL
of Armenia decided to get rid of this
gentlemen only stereotype both in
golf and in politics. The Wo/Man in
Politics project will span two years,
during which Armenian women that
want to get into politics will have
the opportunity to participate in a Golden Graz
variety of trainings and discussions.
The project began with a game of golf Armenian choir Avetis won three gold medals at the
5th World Choir Games in Graz 2008. The musical
at the Ararat Valley Country Club just
competition took place in July in the old Austrian town
outside of Yerevan. Waiting to move
of Graz, the capital of Steiemark Province. Over 440
from one hole to the other, the women
choirs from 93 countries participated in the games.
discussed the political problems of
The Armenian choir was undefeated in gospel
the country and voiced their ideas on
& spiritual, mixed, and modern choral music.
overcoming the obstacles.
Members of Avetis performed the works of Komitas,
Edgar Hovhannisyan, Tigran Mansuryan, and others.
Armenian classical and spiritual music seemed to
be made for Graz, a town with excellently preserved
medieval streets and closed yards, completely unlike
A Harvest of Apricots imperial Vienna.
The capital of Armenia hosted the Golden Apricot Fifth
Annual Yerevan International Film Festival. Russian press
already calls it the new Mecca of independent movies.
This year the commission of admissions received an
unprecedented number of entries: more than 450 films from
65 countries. 166 films participated in three competitions:
best feature film, documentaries, and Armenian Panorama,
where Armenian directors from all over the world participated. Friends of Yerevan
The festival started with Roman Balayans Heavenly Birds
The Barekamutyun (Friendship) State
and ended with Atom Egoyans Adoration. Anna Melikyans
Choreographic Ensemble of Armenia
The Mermaid (Russia) received the top prize in the Best
(artistic director Norayr Meghrabyan)
Feature Film nomination. Among documentaries, Meira
celebrated its 20th anniversar y.
Ashers Women See Lots of Things (Netherlands) received
Armenias President presented it with
the Golden Apricot, while Eric Nazarians Blue Hour won in
the well-deserved title of Honored
the American Panorama nomination (Eric also received the
Ensemble of the Republic. The dancers
Ecumenical Jury award). The FIPRESCI jury
demonstrated excellent technique as
award was given to the Turkish film
they performed Armenian, Georgian,
My Marlon and Brando (director
Russian, Moldavian, Bulgarian,
Extraordinary and
Huseyin Karabey). The festival
Twenty-six Jewish, Indian, Arab, and Italian Plenipotentiary
allowed Armenians in Armenia to from
ye ar old Mher dances to uplifting, energetic For almost two years the position of the head
find out more about the best of w w as aw arded
Mos co music, classic and modern of the United States Diplomatic Mission in
modern European and world en ce sym pathy
the audi , at choreographed miniatures Armenia remained vacant, following the recall
cinema. There was also a iam Wave
special program devoted to award, The D l competition to the music of Khachaturian, of John Evans after he publicly confirmed the
the the cult Italian director the internatio musicians Komitas, Sayat-Nova, Alan genocide of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey.
for yo ung pop- Hovhaness, Elton John, etc. And Richard Hoaglands nomination twice failed in
of Zabriskie Point, Eclipse e.
The New Wav all that is not even one tenth of the the Senate because of his denial of the Armenian
and Identification of a Woman,
entire repertoire of the ensemble. Genocide; senator Robert Menendez vetoed the
Michelangelo Antonioni. nominations both times. On August 1st, 2008
Four generations of Barekamutyun
dancers participated in the jubilee. In the United States Senate approved the new
addition, young dancers from famous nominee for the position of US ambassador
Wings of a European groups, Arsen Meghrabyan in Armenia, Marie Yovanovitch. She described
Falcon (John Niemeyers Hamburg Ballet) the Armenian Genocide as mass killings and
Baze 2008, an annual and Vahe Martirosyan (Heinz Spoerlis forced deportation of half-a-million Armenians
international summer Zurich Ballet) came to take part in the based on ethnic origin during the last years of
camp took place in performances. the Ottoman Empire during the Senate hearings.
the Armenian vacation Yovanovitch clearly indicated that she is in line
town of Jermuk. For with the White House on this issue, calling the
a few years now, this Genocide one of the greatest tragedies of the
20th century. Marie has worked for United
pro gra m h a s b e e n
States diplomatic missions in Somali, United
bringing together young
Kingdom and Canada. From 1998 to 2000
Armenians from all over
Yovanovitch was the Assistant Director at the
the world. This year
State Departments Russia Desk. From 2001
Baze hosted over 650
to 2004 she worked as the Deputy Chief of
Armenians from 22 countries. Athletic competitions, hiking trips,
Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. Before
and cultural discussions were part of the program. One of the main
her assignment to Armenia, Yovanovitch headed
events of this years Baze was the simultaneous Christening of 50 the US embassy in Kyrgyzstan.
young Armenians at the Surb Gayane Church in Holy Echmiadzin.
Yerevan Actual City
Hayk Manvelyan
An Architects Dream
In the city at the foothills of Mount Ararat, a prospect connects Yerevans Republican
and Theatre squares. The idea of creating it was part of architect Alexander Tamanyans
grand plan of reconstructing Erivan back in the 1920s.The architects dream was
brought to life very recently. The Northern Prospect was completed in November of
2007. Now the capitals residents and guests fill the street as they walk between the
magnificent buildings at once modern and so very Armenian.
For most people in the US with a television set who watch news programs, Mark
Geragos needs no introduction: he is one of the most prominent lawyers in this
country; over the past several years he became the face of the Armenian community
in many charity organizations, hosting the Armenian Fund Telethon and presiding
over the Board of the Armenian Bone Marrow Registry. He has recently directed his
efforts on behalf of Armenians by trying to establish ties between the Californian
and Armenian governments. My conversation with Mr. Geragos revealed his
familys past and its connection to who he is now.
Tell me about your family. If you can, start so the Lebanese-Armenians came over. I think, like the only side-track that I could take out of
with your grandparents. the most noticeable change has been since the the priesthood.
My grandparents from both sides emigrated from Armenians from Armenia arrived. This last Susan McDougal was kept in jail on charges
Turkey. My maternal grandparents were from flow of Armenian immigrants has dramatically of obstruction of justice for refusing to testify
Aintab. They fled from the Genocide and came changed the community. I think for the better. before the grand jury about the Arkansas real
to live in Fresno, where my mother was born. It is interesting to observe how each of these estate financial operations of Bill and Hillary
While living in a Turkish orphanage during the groups has assimilated so quickly. First, the Clinton. Nobody else wanted to take that case,
Genocide, my father's mother escaped and came Persian-Armenians assimilated, and then they how did you decide to get involved?
to live in Chicago. There she met my grandfather looked down on the Lebanese-Armenians. Then and nobody thought you could win it. But
and married him. Sadly, my grandfather died the Hayastantsi came over and the Beirutsis inspite that it was thought to be an unwinnable
when he was quite young during the Great looked down on them. So I am waiting to see case, we won not only here in LA, but we also
Depression. My grandmother remarried. Her who will be next. Who are the Hayastantsi going won in Arkansas. All this was achieved back-to-
second husband, Aram, was also an Armenian to look down on? back, within a year.
man, and became the grandfather that I knew. Later you went to Haverford College to Did you experience any political pressure
They came to California in the late forties study theology. Why theology? at that time?
early fifties. I have a certain special connection I studied theology, sociology, and anthropology. There was quite a bit of that - I was threatened,
to Downtown Los Angeles. My father met my I was very close to entering the priesthood. In my I was put on enemys lists, and things of that
mother here, and I, myself, was born here in the junior and senior years I had a professor whose nature. It was pretty tumultuous time. One of
city. Furthermore, my office is in Downtown LA. courses I loved. The subject was the philosophy the interesting things about that is that it gave
I married Paulette, a strikingly beautiful all- of religion, and I couldnt get enough of it. I was me a taste of how the public, depending of who
natural Armenian woman, and with her, bore particularly fascinated by 19th century German you represent, can be really with you or against
two amazing children, Teny and Jake. My wife theological thought, protestant thought. Later you. And that case really divided the law along
and these children are my heart and soul. this brilliant professor got a deanship at Harvard the lines of Democrats versus Republicans. It
How was it - growing up in La Can ada? and Yale Divinity School. Because of him, I was highly contested, I would call it a political
I grew up in La Can~ada. I was raised as a was seriously considering going into theology. show-trial.
shish-kebab Armenian, which means that I Serbazan Vache Hovsepian talked me out of You said once that your father supported
ate shish-kebab, but that I understood just a it. He said that we had enough priests, and he your decision in taking this very politically
little bit of Armenian. I used to go to Armenian thought that it would be better for me to go to law charged case.
Sunday school, and once in a while I would go school. I had been an altar boy in the Armenian He did, because he thought that Susan is a
to an Armenian summer camp. That was my churches, as I was growing up, but it was remarkable woman, which she is. He thought
connection to the Armenian community of my the philosophy of religion that I loved. that what was happening to her was an outrage.
childhood. It was a fascinating area. I told him, I really want to do this. Are you OK
How has our community changed since you You said once that you were programmed with that? And he said, Yes. So I said, I am
were a child? to work in the courtroom. It seems like a huge going to go for my little tangent, and Ill see you
It has changed dramatically. In fact, when I shift from theology. in a couple of years.
was growing up in La Can ada I was a token My father is a prosecutor. As I was growing up, Was the Susan McDougal case a turning
Armenian. The Marootian family was there, during my summer vacations I would follow him point in your career?
but that was it. And most people thought, even around from courtroom to courtroom starting Yes, absolutely. I would like to think that I
until recently, that I am Greek, because of my last from around the age of five or six. I thought at worked really hard and inherited my fathers
name. When my grandfather came over to Ellis that time, This is the greatest job in the world. practice, but we were pretty much a local firm,
Island somebody told him, Drop the ian, it will All he does - he goes in, he talks, and people pay a well-known, but essentially local firm. That
make a better American out of you. But it turns him money. I couldnt believe that you could case catapulted me to national and international
out that now most people think I am Greek and make a living out of talking and just arguing, levels. Certainly, nobody had asked me to be
not Armenian because of the name change at This is fantastic, I thought. And the law seemed on TV before that case. Once that case started,
Ellis Island. Over the past century, several waves
of Armenians have immigrated to the States.
The first wave came when, after the fall of the I STUDIED THEOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, AND
Shah, the Persian-Armenians arrived. They had
characteristics of the Persian culture. Then the ANTHROPOLOGY. I WAS VERY CLOSE TO
next wave came after the war in Beirut, Lebanon, ENTERING THE PRIESTHOOD.
MARK J. GERAGOS Geragos was one of the lead lawyers Courts Bar Association, making him one award-winning actress Winona
As the Principal in the 14-lawyer in a pair of groundbreaking Federal of only two lawyers ever named Lawyer Ryder, pop star Michael Jackson, and
firm of Geragos & Geragos, Mark Class Action Lawsuits against New York of the Year in both the Criminal and hip-hop star Nate Dogg. This year, he
Geragos has represented some of Life Insurance and AXA Corporation for Civil arenas. California Law Business won dismissal of prostitution charges
the most prominent figures in the insurance policies issued in the early Magazine named Mark, One of the 100 against the internationally renown
world. Geragos confirmed his national 20th century during the time of the Most Influential Attorneys in California, James Bond movie director Lee Tamahori.
reputation as a trial lawyer with Turkish genocide of over 1.5 million three years in a row and he has been Mr. Geragos has regularly appeared
back-to-back State and Federal Court Armenians. Mr. Geragos was awarded repeatedly voted by his peers as one of as both guest and legal commentator
jury trial acquittals for renowned the prestigious California Lawyer of Los Angeles Superlawyers. on Good Morning America,
Whitewater figure Susan McDougal, the Year award in Civil Litigation. He Mr. Geragos client list has included former Dateline NBC, Larry King Live,
the former business partner of has also been named Trial Lawyer of Congressman Gary Condit, brother to Greta Van Susterens On the Record,
former President Bill Clinton. Mr. The Year by the Los Angeles Criminal Pres. Bill Clinton Roger Clinton, Academy 60 minutes and 48 hours.
with the Deutsche Bank. I have just returned
from conducting depositions; clearly, they had
depositors who were Armenians. It was called
depos, which was a pre-cursor to the safety
deposit box. All the stuff that was looted, two to
three million marks back then, is worth a lot of
money today.
Now, they say that going with you on a
trial is a full contact sport. Is it a calculated
strategy, or you do you just have the right sort
of temperament for trial work?
I know; there is a long list of DAs who would say
that. I would say that I am volatile, emotional,
and passionate. As soon as I lose that passion
in the courtroom, I will be done going to the
courtroom. If I am going into a trial, I believe in
my client. If I am not going to be passionate about
it, then they need a different lawyer. If somebody
is attacking my client, I am going to attack back.
I am like a mother bear with its baby cub, dont
get near me, cause I will strike out.
You are involved in many charitable and
community organizations. The Armenian
Bone Marrow Registry is on its way to become
a major life saving organization. Can you tell
us more about it.
I am the Chairman of the Board of the Armenian
Bone Marrow Registry. I helped to establish
it back in 2001. I had a client whose daughter
contracted leukemia. I discovered much to my
surprise, that the Armenians have their own DNA.
This is due to the fact that we have been around
for so long. You couldnt really find a match
through traditional bone marrow registries,
because the markers of Armenian DNA are so
different. We have the most beautiful women in
the world, and there is a reason for that. So we
set out as our goal to have ten thousand people
registered in our registry. I am happy to say that
now we have over fifteen thousand registered
donors. I am also happy to say that recently I
went to Armenia to open a Stem-cell Harvesting
Center in Yerevan. We have already made many
matches that worked perfectly, which brought
happiness to many families.
You also helped us to raise many millions
of dollars on Thanksgiving during the
I do it every year. Thanksgiving is a good time for
raising money for a meaningful cause. I think, it to-six million dollars. When I was there the invest in Armenian banks. Investing in the economy
is important that the Armenian Fund becomes last time, the President was saying that their and these banks will help the country support itself
established, and that the Telethon becomes budget is now three billion, so the Diaspora and promote an increase in its economic growth
established as a place to tune in on Thanksgiving needs to step up. We have a wonderful thing, rate. Investing in Armenian banks gives resources
Day. We should all contribute to our common a country of our own, but we also have an to lenders who turn around and loan the money
cause. I think it should be an institution. econom ic eng i ne t hat needs to be fed back out to the locals. An economy cancot grow
What is your vision of the future of the and fuelled. That needs to be done. without investments, and these investments will
Armenian Republic? And how do you see that happening? serve not only to support the status quo economy,
Armenia needs foreign investments. The People from the Diaspora are starting to make but also to promote an increase in the economy's
Disapora needs to support Armenia. As good Armenia their destination annually. I think they per annum growth rate. I always compare the
as the Armenian Fund is, when we started the should go there, spend their money, buy property, Armenian community to the Jewish community.
Armenia Fund, (and I wasnt even there yet) invest in Armenia, invest in the infrastructure, The Jewish community holds Israel in a special light,
we raised three-to-six million dollars. And donate to the villages, donate to industry, and rightfully so, because its their never again, so
the budget for Armenia as a nation was three- educational institutions, etc. and, particularly, to speak. We, Armenians, should be the same way.
ARMENIAN GENOCIDE/NEW YORK of the main plaintiffs, Martin Marootian, case, the first that successfully enabled in U.S. history-spanning 89 years
LIFE/AXA INSURANCE CLASS ACTION were represented by Mark Geragos and the families of victims of a Genocide to from the date of loss to restitution. A
Armenians living in Turkey before the a team of lawyers. As a result New York collect on insurance claims, brought related lawsuit, against AXA Konzern
1915 Armenian Genocide purchased Life must secure a $20 million class- international attention to the existence of AG, was also recently settled for $17.5
insurance policies from New York Life action settlement to be distributed to the Armenian Genocide, which neither the million. Pending decisions include
Insurance Company. The initiator of Armenian charities and beneficiaries United States nor Turkish governments those for class-action lawsuits against
the case Vartges Yeghiayan and one of the original insurance policies. This recognize. It is potentially the oldest case Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank.
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Since the 1970's flamboyant designer Alek Adorian has been dressing stars in London and
Hollywood. His unconventional style and unique approach have attracted big names like Elton
John, Madonna, and Will Smith. He has added color and flare to the Hollywood fashion scene.
did not k now what to York. Alek Adorian is in a class of asked me where I bought them.
expect from my meeting his own. In fact, it is impossible to So I started making costumes for
with L.A. fashion label either Alek or his particular others and then I opened Ace of
designer Alek Adorian, style. To truly grasp the effect Diamonds, my shop in London. My
but the minute I saw him Alek can have, one has to have first big client was Elton John.
I was sure that that this the opportunity to meet him and How did you end up in Los
was not going to be a see his work. I had a chance to Angeles?
typical interview. Alek Adorian sit down with Alek and ask him a My mother lived in Connecticut, so
is a multi-dimensional character, few question. I had been to America many times
who since his arrival in L.A. in Your path to the world of but I didnt like it at all. One day
1985, has attracted many high design was very unconventional. this Hollywood producer came
profile celebrities to his Melrose What lead you to a career in into my London studio and said,
Avenue studio. He does not exactly fashion? Alek you belong in Hollywood.
fit the stereotypical image of a Fashion is my passion. I breathe, I dont even remember her name
well known designer. In fact, he eat and sleep fashion. I was always anymore, but the thought stayed
embodies a unique combination surrounded by beautiful fabrics, Above: in my mind. I had a cousin in the
of the eccentric and traditional, and I grew up seeing my mother Alek Adorian with Latoya Jackson San Fernando Valley, so I came
whose artistic inclinations have make beautiful things from these to California. I hated it. There
lead to extravagant experiments very colorful and exotic fabrics. In Below: was nothing that excited me, I
that, by various twists of fate, my 20s I got into boxing and was Alek making his final changes to thought this is not for me; there
have brought success to his door. very successful. I became a middle Paulina Rubio's dress. is no fashion in California. But
He has designed clothes for such weight champion. Then I got into then one day, my cousin took
high profile clients as Elton John, dancing and ended up moving me to Melrose, and I knew I had
Michael Jack son, Will Smit h, to London, and there I earned found my place. Melrose had a
Madonna, Eva Longoria, Carmen many dance competition awards very exciting fashion scene, and
Electra, Paulina Rubio, Jennifer and became a disco champion. I knew that I could fit into this
Lopez, Prince and the list goes on Because I had such a unique way crazy world. I opened a studio on
and on. Yet his fashion sense does of dancing, and because my body Melrose, and began designing and
not really correspond with the was different, none of the dance making clothes. Famous people
trends of the moment, nor does costumes fit me very well, so I star ted coming to my st udio.
it resemble anything from the started making my own costumes. One day this huge security guy
runways of Paris, Milan or New People noticed my outfits and came to my front door and from
behind him out came this tiny will give them the most beautiful areas are in need of this kind of
man. It was Prince; he bought so outfit, one that will not go out place. I think it is really important
many outfits from me that day. I of fashion, one that will fit them for people to feel that they too are
started designing for some shows. perfectly. important, and they too deserve
I designed for movies like Men in What is next in your career? to be treated like celebrities. I
Black and music videos, like the What are your plans for the would like to brng this element
one for Madonna. I designed coming year? of luxury to my new studio. I
dresses for the 2007 Latin ALMA T he past yea rs have been so think people in this area would
Awards show. I have dressed incredibly busy with the Latin appreciate the kind of service and
many celebrities since I first came Music Awards and other shows care that I bring to my designs. It
to LA. that I have worked on. I think I Above: is important that people feel they
Do you find a big difference will take a few months off and Alek Adorian with Eva Longoria are special and the clothes they
in working with celebrities and then begin full force again. I am wear ref lect who they are and
regular clients? thinking about re-connecting Carmen Electra at the 2007 what they want others to see in
No. I treat all of my clients the w ith my A rmenian roots and ALMA awards wearing a dress them.
same way. Celebrity or not, before maybe opening up a studio in designed by Alek Adorian How has your A rmenian-
I start making an outfit I ask them Glenda le. I t h in k it is rea l ly Iranian heritage inf luenced
about the event they are going to important to make every one of your designs?
attend, who is going to be there my clients feel like a celebrity Colors! I love colors. Armenia
and other questions like that. I for a day, so I would really like to has beautiful colors - deep, rich
then treat the client like a canvas work on something in this area: a nat ural colors. Iran also has
and begin the creative process. studio, or something that would incredible colors. While I was
The only difference is that some cater to Armenian and Iranian growing up I was surrounded by
people want to be involved in clients and their specific desires. naturally colored fabrics that were
every step of the creative process. I am thinking about adding this dyed using the flowers of the land,
I cannot work like that. It is like new aspect to my business. There naturally pigmented. So I can say
questioning an artist between is nothing like that in Glendale that the colors in my designs are
brush strokes. I need to be given and I really think that people inf luenced by the colors of my
my creative space, and then I in Glendale and the surronding childhood.
Petrossian Company- the largest distributor of the Russian sturgeon
caviar in France and in the U.S. controls more than 15% of
the global market. The general manager, Armen Petrossian, a
Frenchman of an Armenian descent fondly known as the King of
Caviar, talks with us about the specifics of his business.
interview : ANNA SARKISIAN
were happy that there was an in France people prefer it made of particularly to the Armenians of
Armenia bound to the USSR. Also less sweet types. It means that from the Diaspora. That explains my
we now have our own territory, we the whole range of various types, as participation in the project.
have Karabakh. businessmen we must choose the In your opinion, how successful
A re you in business one that is in demand in France. was the Year of Armenia in
partnerships with Armenia? That is time-consuming, but its France?
We have undeniable business a task that brings me pleasure, I salute any positive initiative.
sense I am more of a Frenchman partnership perspectives. But and believe me, not just for the A m a z i ng work wa s done by
than an Armenian, but this doesnt f irst of a l l, t he menta lit y of money. I want to sell in my store all participating parties - the
mean that I have forgotten where some A rmenian businessmen true Armenian products and not, A r menian gover nment, t he
I c a me f rom, a nd where my should change. This relates to for instance, Australian apricots, Commission of the Year of the
roots are. I have never lost my their attitudes to the quality of although frankly, I like them a lot. A r men ia i n Fra nce, a nd t he
connection to Armenia, although the product. For example, the You took part in financing A r men ia n Diaspora. Eac h of
it wasnt an easy task at times. The potent ia l pa r t ner of fers you of the exposition and the us had a special connection to
Diaspora has always supported potatoes, and you are saying that c at a log ue p ubl ic at ion of the event, and experienced it in
A r menians in our Histor ic the offered potatoes have spots the Holly Armenia at the our own way. Was everything
Motherland, although this support on them, and this is why you dont Louvres, within the context of organized perfectly? It is easy to
was not always overt or official, want the potatoes. He responds the Year of Armenia. Are you a criticize, but I will refrain from
because during the Soviet era this that, yes, the potatoes have spots, religious man? it. Most importantly, it served
kind of support was banned. We but that is why he is offering them I have faith in Good and Evil, and to improve t he image of t he
wanted to help, but we did not for a lesser price. Unfortunately, Gods fairness, but I dont believe modern Armenia, and brought
want to get involved in politics, as in the market I ser ve, I dont in miracles. For me the highest all of us, Armenian citizens and
open support of an independent want anything for a lesser price; creature is an abstract idea, more of the Armenians of the Diaspora,
Armenia would complicate the I prefer to pay more in order to a philosophical nature. But I know together. The Days of Armenia in
business partnership with the have an Armenian product of one thing there is no Armenia France are already a good tradition,
USSR. This why everything was perfect quality, which would sell without its Church. It is a unifying and I would like to make every year
done secretly, without publicity. out immediately in France. lin k bet ween a ll A r menia ns, in France a Year of Armenia.
Last year you visited Armenia Nevertheless, I am actively looking
with Jacques Chirac. Was it for A r me n ia n pr oduc t s t hat
your first visit to your historic could be of interest to the French
Motherland? consumer. With that in mind I have
No, actually I have been in Armenia visited Armenia, criss-crossing its
before, but this time it was my first regions many times over. I covered
visit to the independent State of one t housa nd, f ive hu nd red
Armenia. I have to confess that kilometers, which, you will agree,
the change was staggering. Its a is not an easy task considering the
completely different country. quality of roads in Armenia. All
Do you perceive yourself more of my travels were conducted to
of an Armenian as it is today study the quality and variety of
than you did with the Armenia products that my motherland had
of the Soviet era? to offer. The problem may also be
Objectively, modern day Armenia in difference of tastes. For example,
is closer to me spiritually. But I people in Armenia like the jelly
should say that even before, we made of sweet kinds of apricots, but
Durum, Burum, BrduchIt is very unlikely
that today somebody will be able to provide a
positively accurate description of the etymology
of these word-synonyms - all three happen to
mean the same thing in Armenian Language
a sandwich. Except, one can loosely claim that
Burum can be translated as in ones hands
(bur means - a palm). Everything that
could be on a plate is right in your hands!
And any Armenian who respects oneself
knows what it is by heart - with all
possible variations and tastes. Wrap it up!
es s
at ercr
Coriander Basil
Goat fee
chee s
Ra di
n April of 2008 Martiros Tsarukyan, an President Al Gore and the IPCC shared the
employee of the Ministry of Ecology 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Vice President Gores
of Republic A r menia and Green work was reflected in the documentary An
House Gas (GHG) Inventory National Inconvenient Truth. The Oscar-winning film
Coordinator, received a big envelope has been warmly received around the globe.
in his mailbox. The return address The Vice President visited major scientific and
read Nobel Peace Prize Selection governmental forums in many countries, gave
Committee. Martiros sat down before opening countless interviews and lectures to university
the envelope. Not that he had any hope of audiences conveying the central message of
receiving the award and becoming the first the film the Earths climate is drastically
Armenian Nobel Prize recipient, but still, the changing. Global temperatures are rising at an
envelope bearing a return address promised alarming rate due to greenhouse gas emissions
something very significant for a scientist with into the atmosphere. He has continually
many years of work experience. For the majority called for governmental action to restrict and
of us such an envelope would be an unexpected control the amount of emissions, particularly
surprise, but Martiros already knew that he that of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) produced by
was part of the larger group of Nobel Peace the burning of fossil fuels. The documentary,
Prize recipients for his work on climate change. co-produced and presented by Vice President
For those of us who are not familiar with Mr. Gore, was based on the reports of the IPCC.
Tsarukyan, among his many responsibilities The IPCC was established in 1988 by the World
is t he representat ion of t he A r men ia n Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the
Government in the Intergovernmental Panel United Nations Environment Program (UNEP),
of Climate Change (IPCC). which are two organizations within the United
As a member of the expert group of the IPCC, Nations.
Martiros was well aware that former Vice It is important to understand that the IPCC
does not carry out research or monitor climate
change. The main function of the IPCC is
MARTIROS publishing reports related to implementation
communicating its work with the IPCC. Republic of Armenia. It calls for modernization
THE VOLUME OF The Climate Control Center collects data of existing power plants and increased use of
EVIDENCE ON in several crucial areas for the country. Its more efficient technologies, allowing reduction
projects include reports on the consequences of of reliance on fossil fuels. These efforts would
CLIMATE CHANGE climate change in Armenia, the socio-economic include the use of hydroelectric power plants,
implications of climate change, adaptation to use of geothermal and wind energy, increases in
IS IMMENSE; climate change, impacts on mountain and the amount of natural gas used and reductions
IT INCLUDES forest ecosystems, and developing a national in the amount of fuel oil in energy production
strategy for limitation of greenhouse gas from 32% to 6-7% by 2010. The plan includes
METEOROLOGICAL emissions. Although Armenia, as a developing two possible variations: one without nuclear
EVIDENCE FROM count r y, does not have obl igat ions for energy, and the other with nuclear energy, but
greenhouse emission reduction, a limitation with increased levels of safety. It should be
EVERY CORNER OF strategy was developed as a part of Energy remembered that safer nuclear power plants
THE PLANET. Master Plan of the Republic of Armenia for have several advantages over fossil fuels. First,
the period ending 2010. This proves that the they allow increased diversity of energy sourcing,
Armenian government takes the warnings of and second, they allow the country to decrease
the scientists very seriously. dependence on imported energy sources. The
The Climate Change Information Center report also contains many other considerations
pr e s e nte d a n a l a r m i n g r ep or t on t he and suggested limitations to inform and educate
consequences of climate change in Armenia the nation about the importance of making
over the next 100 years, including potential energy-efficient choices.
effects on climate-dependent branches of the Because of his work at the helm of the Climate
economy. The report predicts an expansion Change Information Center, Martiros Tsarukyan
of the desert-semi-desert zone area by 33%, a received individual recognition from the Nobel
reduction of the alpine belt by 22%, a reduction Prize Committee stating that he is one of the
of successful plant cultivation in Armenia few members of the IPCC whose dedication and
by 8-14%, which will adversely affect the many years of work were a contributing factor
agricultural industry of the country. Assuming in the overall results achieved by the IPCC. This
the occurrence of the most widely accepted high recognition also reflected the numerous
scenarios, Armenia will lose 15% of its river climate studies conducted by many Armenian
waters, and elevated temperatures will cause and international environmental scientists.
reduction of the surface of Lake Sevan by 13- I n t he words of Tsa r u k ya n, A lt hough
14%. Climate change will negatively affect Armenia is not among the most vulnerable
human health through possible increases in countries with respect to climate change, we
cardio-vascular disease, outbreaks of plague, must share the burden of taking all possible
malaria, and epidemic outbreaks of highly measures to decrease the negative impacts of
communicable diseases, such as cholera. modern societies on the global climate. It is
The national strategy for greenhouse emission vital not to be indifferent toward our planet
is included in the Energy Master Plan of the our common home.
On June 21, 2008, Yerevan Magazine participated in the Walk of Life, the annual walk/run
event organized by the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry and by the Glendale Memorial
Hospital & Health Center. The event was a family friendly day of fun, food, entertainment and
activities for children. The walkathon, however, had a higher cause to identify larger number
of registered donors, which potentially could save lives of leukemia patients. We talked to the
President of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, Dr. Frieda Jordan.
HOW WAS THIS PROJECT have stem cells to help their bodies TELL US ABOUT YOUR NEW accreditation standards, the Center
ORIGINATED? make new, healthy marrow. The CENTER IN ARMENIA. will greatly improve the collection
Eight years ago a few people started first course of action for doctors is A new state-of-the-art Stem Cell of stem cells from volunteer donors,
a project to impact the lives of to seek a perfect match within the Harvest Center will be opened significantly reduce the cost of
many ethnic Armenians worldwide. patients family. But statistically, in Yerevan, which is a huge step har vesting, and therefore, of
At this point the Armenian Bone only 30% of patients find a match forward towards achieving the transplantations required to treat
Marrow Registry has recruited in their family. With the shrinking goal of the ABMD Registry. Without leukemia and other blood illnesses.
over 14,000 donors, identified 1,276 size of families the probability of this Center, ABMDR depends on T he considerable decrease
patients, found 921 matches, and finding a sibling match dramatically institutions outside of Armenia for i n ha r ve st i ng e x pen se s w i l l
facilitated eight transplantations drops. Armenians have developed the stem cell harvesting required translate into a similar decrease
in Armenia, the United States, and a unique DNA fingerprint which to perform life-saving transplants. in transplantation expenses, thus
Europe. Hundreds of thousands makes it very difficult for Armenian For donors residing in the US and bringing this modern day medical
of people have been educated and patients to find matches among Europe, the ABMDR relies on its miracle of stem cell transplantation
inspired through the printed press, non-Armenian populations. With partners for cost-effective quality within reach of many Armenian
Armenian television, and personal its global reach and international service. However, over 80 % of the patients who are often denied this
app ea r a nce s i n sc ho ol s a nd links the ABMDR has an extremely Registrys donors are from Armenia, life-saving procedure because of
churches throughout the impor tant role in helping and none of the countrys medical prohibitive costs.
Diaspora. patients find matching stem-cell centers offer stem cell harvesting.
donors. In addition, contrary to a Now, after negotiations between WHAT CAN BE THE
WHY DO WE NEED THIS common misconception, modern the ABMDR and the Armenian OUTCOME OF TODAYS
REGISTRY? technologies do not require any government, ABMDR was able to EVENT?
The importance of A BMDR is type of invasive procedures on establish a Stem Harvesting Center The outcome could be saving one
evident, since for people in need the part of the donors. The final at the Oncology and Hematology persons life. We have established
of transplant, a good match means procedure is the same as a regular Institute of the Health Ministry of a booth here to register those who
a chance of survival. They must blood donation. Armenia. Using U.S. and European have not yet had a chance to register
and become a bone marrow donor. cells, the optimal conditions of CAN YOU CLARIFY ON need and use for transplantations
Today we have a patient who came the stem cell preservation in low THE CONTROVERSY AND are the latter, the bone marrow
here from Armenia. He is waiting temperatures, etc. For now, our DISPUTES AROUND STEM- stem cells. We do not work with
and hoping to find a donor that work consists predominantly of CELL RESEARCH? embryonic stem cells.
will match his parameters. His registering new donors, typing There are two types of stem cells.
name is Asatour, his relatives who their tissue and entering the data Embryonic stem cells, those widely HOW MANY VOLUNTEERS
live in Sevan also are waiting and into our registry. It is a combination discussed by the international DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION
willing to register. We are sending of administrative and scientific c om mu n it y a r e a s ou r c e of HAVE AND HOW DO YOU
a tea m f rom L os A ngeles to work. Volunteer recr uit ment controversy because, while they SPREAD THE WORD
register his relatives. So with joint and data entry is administrative have the potential to become any INTO THE ARMENIAN
efforts here in Los Angeles and in work , wh i le t issue t y pi ng is type of cell in the body, they can COMMUNITIES?
Armenia we hope to find a donor laboratory/scientific work. I have only be obtained from embryos. We have hundreds of volunteers.
for Asatour. That is the main goal to emphasize that our laboratory Bone marrow stem cells, in contrast, Each person that participated
and intention of our work, to help in Yerevan has received European are present in the spongy part of today makes a huge difference
patients who suffer from leukemia accreditation three years ago, and bones of all adults, are renewed by spreading the word in their
to get a necessary transplantation our work is conducted according constantly, and are the source of workplace, at hospitals, and with
and save their lives. to the internationally accepted our red blood cells, our white blood relatives. We have a strong team in
standards. cells, and our platelets. What we Armenia, consisting of fifteen staff
IS THE CENTER IN members, who are highly educated
ARMENIA MORE OF AN and trained by internationally
ADMINISTRATIVE OR A renowned centres. I am absolutely
RESEARCH CENTER? sure that any person who will
I would say that the functions of participate in our events, becomes
the center are more of an admini- informed of the work that needs
strative nature. We are registering to be done, and turns into our
a nd c ol le c t i ng c e l l s a mple s best advocate among his friends,
throughout the world. Next, we relatives and colleagues. I am
send them to Armenia, where they proud to share with you that we
identify the parameters and input were able to raise over $250,000
them into our computer data base. in the course of five hours through
The research aspect of our work the telethon. And today, on this
will start after the opening of the extremely hot day, so many people
Stem-Cell Harvesting Center. We came, participated, helped, and
will collect data on the growth showed their support, which is
parameters of the collected stem very inspirational.
Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance Third Annual Celebrity Gala and Reading
Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance held its Third Annual Celebrity Gala and Reading Series in Los Angeles. The Gala
celebrated the Saroyan Centennial with live play performances, a $10,000 Saroyan Playwriting Prize and the Armenian
Star Award with celebrity appearances, a catered dinner and a silent auction. It is the Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliances
(ADAA) main annual fundraising event. The reading series featured three new plays by Armenian playwrights that were
the finalists for the 2008 Saroyan Prize for Playwriting, a new contest for Armenian writers. The ADAA is a charitable
organization. Its mission is to make the Armenian voice heard on the world stage through the dramatic arts of theatre and
film. The organization accomplishes this mission by supporting playwrights and screenwriters and provides production
opportunities, commissions, scholarships, research tools, networking resources and writing awards. The organization is
currently working on creating relationships with leading theaters in the United States to establish a reading series so that
the winning scripts and other scripts by ADAA-affiliated playwrights -- will be seen and heard. ADAA's headquarters
are in Cambridge, MA, with worldwide affiliates in Paris, Yerevan, Los Angeles, Boston, New York and other major cities.
You can read more about ADAA by visiting their website at www.armeniandrama.org.
reputation for being a strict value Armenia Fund's long term development goal is to help following the
investor, the truth is that he often secure the future of the next generation of Armenia. unfortunate
buys growth stocks.
battle of Cunaxa
And although he Bed Time (401 BC). Having
says he is a buy- English-Armenian director Alek been part of that
and-hold investor Keshishian will give Madonnas
w h o s e f a vo r i te army, Xenophon
fans another opportunity to be gave detailed
holding period is with her in bed. Back in 1991,
forever, Buf fett descriptions
the controversial documentary of the battles,
often trades stocks. Madonna: Truth or Dare was a
Janjigian also the lives, and
complete revelation. At the time
criticizes Buffett culture of the
the film grossed $29 million. This
for advocating people living in
year, to mark the pop-icons
policies that are the A rmenian
50th anniversary, a sequel to
detr im e nta l to the original documentary will The Chosen highlands,
inve stor s. For be released. The name is still System of a Down bass guitarist Shavo Odajian through which the
instance, Buffett unknown, but the film will be Greeks retreated.
followed the rest of his former band mates in
f avo r s h i g h e r Anabasis also
based on three weeks spent with having a project on the side. Together with an
income tax rates contains valuable
Madonna in London, where old friend and rapper RZA, the founder of
on the so-called rich, as well as higher information about
she lives with her legendary hip-hop band Wu-Tang Clan,
estate taxes. Yet the evidence shows ancient Armenia.
husband and two Odajian created the band Achozen.
that higher tax rates result in lower But it still remains
kids. No doubt, e The bands self-titled album, performed
tax revenues. Buffett has also urged Ta king back th to be seen how
Keshishian in a cosmic hip-hop style, will be
a number of large companies to stop ch am pionship on the story will be
will show ht w ei gh t IBF, realeased by the end of the year.
providing earnings guidance. However, the first lig
audiences , interpreted by
data analysis shows that stopping ith a fif th ro und knockout Odajian will be on bass, and
the most w c Darchinian will also play a sitar (an Indian screenwriter Robert
guidance results in a statistically n fig ht er Vi
and economically significant loss of interesting Australia e un be atable plucked stringed instrument with Sc h e nk k a n, a
t th
sid e s of knocked ou writer, a playwright,
shareholder wealth. Despite these
ss ia n D m itri Kirillov at an orchestral sound). Red Hot Chili
Madonnas Ru and a Pulitzer Prize
flaws, however, Janjigian concludes asino in Peppers guitarist John Frusciante,
life and work. the Queen C A Wu-Tang Clans GZA and others will laureate.
that Buffett is indeed one of the worlds a Ci ty, W
greatest investors. also help in recording the album.
Virtual City
Hall for
burning Entrance from
candles the bridge
Stairs leading to
the hall, gallery,
and bell-tower
Sculptor and graphic artist Arto Chakmakhchyan moved
to Canada thirty years ago. He is now better known outside
Armenia, but he has always stayed in touch with his homeland.
In 2004 Arto was awarded the Movses Khorenatsi Medal for
his unique contribution to national art. His sculpture Moving
Person will soon be installed on Northern Prospect.
The Crowd and the Idol
Bronze, 1999
(top left)
Four Scluptures
Bronze, 1997
(bottom right)
n August 15 the Disney and is infused with contemporary as if each note contains within it
Concert Hall in Los ARMENIAN NAVY BAND: rhythms and jazz influence. The sorrow and joy simultaneously.
Angeles was filled with Winner of the 2006 BBC World compositions are all originals The compositions are alluring
the mesmerizing music Music Planet Audience Award written by Arto, who says his music but become more spellbinding as
1998 ANB recorded their first
of Arto Tun boyaciyan and the album Bzdik Zinvor contains the sounds of his life. Arto the vocalist, Arto Tunboyaciyan,
A rmenian Nav y Band. The 12 1999 ANB recorded their second explains the band's metaphoric begins singing. His voice is like a
piece avant-garde folk ensemble album New Apricot name, Armenia has no seas, so river flowing from the collective
made its U.S. debut at Disney Hall 2001 they recorded a new album how are you going to move a boat human experience. It invites you
called Light Anatolian Music with
in a benefit concert sponsored Turkish Words without water? If you are honest to freely immerse yourself in its
by Artists for Kids, a Los Angeles 2003 they began a new project and respectful in you ideology, you haunting pulse. Arto has a jovial
based non-profit organization called Sound of Our Life Part can move because, when people manner about him, but in his voice
that promotes artistic expression One: Natural Seeds receive us in their heart, they there is a deep primal sorrow that
2004 ANB recorded their first
among youth. The band's past album in Armenian called How become our sea. gives his music an undeniable
t o u r s , i n c lu d i n g n u m e r o u s Much is Yours I was given the opportunity to appeal.
European tours, have received 2005 they recorded the inter view the Armenian Nav y Watching this small ensemble
great accolades by enthusiastic soundtrack for the movie, Le Ba nd dur i ng t hei r rehea r sa l rehearse it becomes abundantly
Voyage En Armenie
audiences and music critics from ANB is collaborating with session before the concert. As apparent that there is a familial
around the world. Its U.S. debut rap group Paper Boys for an mesmerizing as it was to hear the de pt h a nd w a r mt h i n t he i r
was no exception; the audience at upcoming CD band play at Disney Hall, hearing c om mu n ic at ion , w h ic h i s a
Disney Hall was equally captivated ANB is currently working on the orchestra play for the first time key element to t heir play f ul
Sound of Our Life Part Two
by the unforgettable music of the in the rehearsal studio captivated musical combinations. Vahagn
Armenian Navy Band. my soul. The instrumentation is Hayrapetyan, piano and keyboard
T he A rmenian Nav y Band MUSICIANS an earthy fusion of traditional player, explains the bands musical
was for med 10 yea r s ago by Arto Tunc' boyaciyan Percussions, and modern sounds that take the diversit y, We all come from
percussionist and vocalist, Arto vocals, sazabo listener on a journey from the different life experiences and we
Anahit Artushyan Kanun
Tun boyac iya n, who wa nted Armen Ayvazyan Kemanche past to the present. The music bring that into our music every
to br i ng toget her t he f i ne st Armen Hyusnunts Tenor & is hypnotic and fascinating. It is time we play. The Armenian
Armenian musicians in an effort soprano sax Nav y Ba nd ha s succe s sf u l ly
to communicate the diversity and Ashot Harutiunyan Trombone managed to merge traditional
David Nalchajyan Alto sax
humanity inherent in musical Tigran Suchyan Trumpet and contemporary elements in a
expression. The music is a synthesis Norayr Kartashyan Blul, duduk, stunning example of avant-garde
of the celebratory and melancholic, zurna folk, which Arto considers the most
with moments of sheer surprise. Vardan Grigoryan Duduk, zurna open form of musical expression
Arman Jalalyan Drums
The members of the band say that Vahagn Hayrapetyan Piano, because it doesnt direct you to any
they would like to promote the keyboards culture, religion or ethnicity. He
notions of love, respect and truth Vardan Arakelyan Bass says, The meaning of avant-garde
through the forum of world music. folk is to live for today and imagine
We are not really playing cultural tomorrow. When asked how they
music, it's personal music with a have successfully managed to
cultural flavor. Our foundation is merge such diverse elements in
in humanity, but our seasoning is their music, Armen Hyusnunts,
Armenian, says Arto. The small tenor and soprano sax player says,
orchestra is rooted in Armenian You have to tell a story. Music is not
and Anatolian musical tradition for the brain, it is for the heart.
The ultimate sense of accomplishment comes to people who are
able to use their expertise to bring their visions to life. Roger
Koupelian, a celebrated matte artist concept painter, uses
his vast experience in Hollywood to fulfill the passion he has
carried since childhood.
oger and his the fruits of Rogers profession:
team at Fugitive thick albums with sketches and WE ARE DOING
St udios have
worked on the
computer graphics of characters
and backgrounds for feature
graphics and films. We were invited to browse FILMS FOR A
concepts of
such Hollywood
through them and enjoy a cup of
Armenian coffee.
blockbusters as the Lord of the Are these authentic? AUDIENCE WHO
Rings trilogy, Charlie Wilsons
War, The Mummy, Cloverfield,
No, they are close replicas; basically,
you can put them on and go to war.
and many others. T he young Its a CA qualifier, which means THEATRES TO
cinematographer has also tested
himself in the role of a director in
that if someone hits you, you will
survive. As opposed to this one,
the documentary Black Forest in which is built out of aluminum, it is POPCORN AND GET
the Mountains. Risking his life in
the trenches alongside Armenian
lighter and not as protective. This
is a Sassanid helmet, they have one
fighters and amidst the devastated at a museum. This one is a Chinese
villages and towns, he brought the helmet from the Han period.
amazing story of their struggle We made a lot. The originals
to the world. His current project, were made in New Zealand.
East of Byzantium, is an attempt A lot of the stuff that we
to tell the world about what is made you cant find in many
important to Armenians, and what places; perhaps you can see
he has cherished since childhood. them in old manuscripts. But
The home of Fugitive Studios then, in medieval Europe any
is an office space in a f unk y, hero from any time period or
repurposed complex that was place is drawn exactly the same
an industrial site in its previous way, so Vardan looks like King
l i fe. Fug it ive St udios f it s i n Arthur. We wanted to find out
perfectly among its neighbors how Vardan and the Armenian
free-spirited, cosmopolitan, yet warriors looked authentically.
highly professional artisans and Obviously, in history there were
artists. The office is crammed very few completely objective
with elaborate costumes, armor, facts, because historians were
a nd weapon r y t hat a re used paid to shape the historical
dur ing t he concept stage for record to the liking of whoever
movies. Rogers own paintings commissioned them. So we have
and sketches decorate the walls. decided to take basic facts, but not Is that what the history says? This armor in the sketches is not
A large bookshelf to the side of to make a documentary. We are Yes, but it doesnt say it directly. what she would fight in; this is
the conference table contains doing two feature films for a non- What we know is that the women what she puts on and goes to lead
Armenian audience who comes did not get married for that period the army. So the men would say:
to theatres to watch a movie, eat of time. And as we were thinking Ah, a Mamikonian is still fighting.
popcorn and get entertained. The about the plot, we said, What we And thats the second part of the
authenticity is not a priority here. know about Armenian women is movie plot.
Armenians are very picky about that when the time comes to step The first part of the movie is about
history; all you hear is, Thats not up, they will step up and take the Trdat and Hripsime, and its about
exactly what happened - Anahit leadership role. So even though we our identity and its redefinition.
really did this, and Vartan really did fictionalized here and there, it is also We had our identity before, but
that. But the mainstream movie- very symbolic. So we have Vartans they redefined the A rmenian
goers only care about the quality widow, who goes to an old armory, culture, sometimes with a sword,
of their entertainment. So we said, finds his armor and restyles it. We sometimes with faith, sometimes
Lets do as much research as we tried researching her, but they never with sacrifice. And, obviously,
can, because we want to do justice wrote about women; they were people look at Hripsime and say,
to our own people and their history. always treated as side characters. Ah, thats a legend. But we want
But then, lets consider that we have We couldnt even find out her something of a legend, something
to tell a two-hour story, so we have actual name. So I called her Anahit, that will get the viewer involved.
to be selective. Vardan's story is in because its our ancient goddess. But who says she is a legend?
the second part. After all the men We know his daughters name was After all, we have a temple of
were killed in Avarair, the army was Shushan, because she became a Hripsime, and her grave
still intact. So what happened? All saint. We want it to be more about Absolutely, but we are interested in
the women kept the army intact for the whole Armenian culture and love and the theme of attraction.
thirty-three years, and then Vahan identity. We took traditional motifs She was a beautiful and ver y
came and continued. and put them all together. innocent woman. He could have
captured the heart of any woman that the closest of his confidants said: Look, this Christianity is Armenian women if they are
he wanted. But she was different; was the son of a traitor. All the an alien thing. We are Armenians, passionate about something, they
she was a woman he couldnt way through, Trdat had people we have our own religion, and will have their way eventually.
have, because she was a nun. rejecting and abandoning him. the idea of Christianit y is all I really like these pictures.
Maybe there was a little bit of an So when Hripsime, a person who political. Pagans rebelled, and What is their primary purpose?
attraction. From her part it was he really needed, said, I cant be all the nobles who were following Do you use them mostly to
purely innocent, but for him it was with you, it was the final blow. them rebelled, too. And so it went consolidate your ideas, to work
an obsession. So once he destroyed Eventually, when he came out of on, until Gregory the Illuminator with the team, or for outsiders?
her, he was on his downward his drunkenness with fury and came up with an army and wiped This is what I show people when
spiral. He tried to destroy all the madness and realized what he has them out completely. In return, I want to share the concept and
good things around him. Trdat done, his sister confessed that she Vahe Berberians character cursed get feedback. We took the battle
lost his mind and became insane. had also converted to Christianity. Gregorys descendants: Our blood scenes and descriptions, and we
But Hripsime is more than that for His sister, Khosrovidoukht, also will rise from the ground and you read them to expert medievalists
Armenians. If we had a symbol of abandons him and walks out of will not have a moment of peace. in New Zealand. Basically, they
Hayastan as a woman, it would be his life. The only good thing that Thus, 150 years later, Vardan, who a re p eople who d r e s s up i n
Hripsime - innocent, beautiful and happened af ter this ocean of was related to Gregory from his armor and charge each other
free. misfortunes was his conversion, mothers side, was able to break on horseback. T hey said that
Going back to Trdat, one thing which brought sanity and harmony the curse (what happens in part it is prett y accurate in terms
to consider about him is that he to his life. two of the story). And right now of the battle itself, if you take
was an orphan, and orphans have Meanwhile, we have a whole other there is a decision we are trying away the flowery, poetic church
a very special way of looking at side of the Armenian culture, the to make: the story is written from language. They said that out of
the world. Later in his life, the Hetanos (Pagan) story, which is Vardans point of view, but we are 66,000 Armenian troops, 45,000
Roman Emperor betrayed him. represented by Vahe Berberians trying to decide whether or not were actually the warriors, the
This is some tough luck for him, character. There is a character we should tell it from Anahits rest were blacksmiths and other
because he was a Roman person: like this [he points at another one perspective. A lot of our supporters support personnel. Similarly with
he fol lowed t he Roma n law, of his sketches], who symbolizes are women. Men support us, too, the Persians, if you had 320,000,
wrote Roman plays, Roman this, the ancient Armenian way of life. but women are essential to this 6 0,0 0 0 we r e c o ok s , t a i lor s ,
Roman that. Then, he found out So this character came up and project. And another thing about musicians, the guys who cleaned
we are shooting a lot of it using We will eventually publish three a minority, being an Armenian
green screen technolog y, like graphic novels. Then, we want from Africa I was even more of a
The Three Hundred. We are happy to do a module for a videogame, minority, and I always had to fight
that The Three Hundred did so because its a good way to involve for my identity.
well, it was like a confirmation the audience. I started working in the movie
of viability. Already in the Lord of Tell us about how you got industry in 1995 in New Zealand.
the Rings we saw this technology inspired to do this project. What As I saw the Braveheart and other
in action. Green screen is when prospects do you see? similar epics coming up, I thought
we shoot everything against a I grew up in Freetown, Sierra that we had our own stories to
green backdrop, then take out the Leone. There was only a handful tell. I always wanted to make an
green and put in any background of Armenians living in that part of Armenian epic. The saga starts
we want, be that Armenia, or the world. My Dad raised us with with Trdat and goes on to Vardan's
Persiaor Glendale. a very strong understanding of story. As we were planning, it
Who wrote the script? who we were, even in Africa. On became three t wo-hour films,
I wrote Vardans script, and then, African sands he used to teach me then turned into two three-hour
we are going to invite a Hollywood Armenian letters. I learned the films. Then, HBO came along and
writer. As for the first script I story of Vardan from a very young suggested that they want to do
wrote the story, and then a couple age. I remember sitting on my even more. They want to develop
of people finished it up. Obviously, Dads shoulders and a ship from it into a mini-series, like they did
once the script is written, it is going Armenia came, and my Dad said: with the Rome. I am not going
to go through several revisions in These are Armenians. I was so to say no, because it guarantees
the process of shooting. Serge fascinated I started calling at the a big audience; we have been
Tankian is doing the music. Also, top of my lungs, Hye am yes! I am very flexible in that sense. But,
we have an artist who creates Armenian! These people couldnt definitely, these are very dramatic
the graphic novel. It will give the believe it imagine somewhere in pieces lots of battles, many
reader an opportunity to see a Africa this kid yelling: Hye am diverse characters. We want to
different side of the story, and to yes! They were crying. As much do it the right way, and we are
think about the facts in more detail. as Armenians are identified as committed to it.
rmenians who grew up Of course, popularity brought Many of us left Yerevan and particularly in my music; without
in Armenia have known me certain privileges. I traveled moved here, to the U.S., or to other him I would never be able to
Tatevik from the time that a lot, and I had the opportunity places. What was your story? accomplish my goals in life. He
she was 11 years old. Since to perform with the best jazz It is quite a story indeed Its is the best thing that has ever
her first appearance with Orbelians bands of the time. But that kind interesting that you mentioned happened to me.
Jazz Band she has left an indelible of popularity is different from Azat Zhamants, because my story How did you feel professionally
imprint on Yerevans cultural the notion of being popular in the about moving to the U.S. started in about relocating to the U.S.?
landscape. Tatevik comes from a U.S.; the business aspect was that club. In Azat Zhamants I met After all, there are so many
family of famous musicians. Her less prevalent in the entertainment my husband, Vahram. He came talented and professional jazz
mother, Ophelia Hambartsumian, industry of the former USSR. Back to Armenia from the U.S. with musicians here. Were you ready
is the Queen of Armenian folk then there was great and enduring a group of friends as a volunteer to face that kind of competition
song and her fat her, a folk respect for artists. I was invited for Zoryan Institute, to conduct and challenges?
musician is a master kamancha to all the jazz festivals, I had my and document interviews with Of course, nothing came easily.
player Norair Hovanesian. Tatevik own style, and my opinion was survivors of the 1915 Armenian There were a lot of difficulties, and
chose a purely musical genre always taken into consideration, Genocide. They learned that I was there still are. Many musicians
for her artistic expression - jazz. both by the audience and by the singing in a club and came to see who came to this country were not
For the younger generation she musicians. the show. After the performance able to overcome these challenges
represented something very special I remember around 1984 they all approached me, and we got and returned to Armenia. However,
an individual who did something a small club opened in the acquainted. I invited Vahram and for me there was no other way; the
different and with her own style basement of 32 Komitas Street several of his friends to visit me at thorny path that I have chosen
in a time of enforced artistic and in Yerevan. I was fortunate to home, and a very warm friendly (and being a musician one always
cultural conformity. Many young listen to many talented, young relat ionsh ip was established takes a difficult path in life)
Armenians liked jazz, collected performers of the time you between us. There was nothing continued here and probably will
records, and listened quietly to the seemed so much at ease there serious at the time, just a spark continue in the future. But first
sounds on their short wave radios. Of course, I remember it ver y of mutual interest. Even before I and foremost, I believe in destiny.
Some fanatically followed the daily well. The club was called Azat met him, I was planning to visit Deep inside I always wanted to
Jazz Hour with its host Willis Zhamants (Leisure Time). Arthur the U.S. for a month. I wanted to come to this country. I dreamed of
Conover. The majority of jazz lovers Gr igor ia n, who orga n ized it, spend time with my godfathers coming for nothing other than the
at this time were in the stage of was not only my artistic partner, family who lived in New York music, but these were just vague,
acquiring jazz culture as consumers, but a l s o a c lo s e f r ie nd; we and get a little rest. Learning that distant dreams. Who would have
while Tatevik performed for the col laborated for ma ny yea rs. I was planning to come to New thought
public and produced jazz. This was A r t hu r c r e at e d a l l k i nd s of York, Vahram gave me his contact Now, I say that I believe in destiny,
during the Cold War era, when one opportunities for me, he wrote information in New York. We met because my marriage brought me
had to strike a balance between the many songs especially for me. and spent a lovely time together, exactly to the place I dreamed
officially approved repertoire and They immediately became hits and gradually the nature of our about New York. Also, back in
actually playing Western music Dzyoun, Nor Tari, and other relationships changed. We became Armenia, I was at a stage in my
(if one was brave enough). The songs. At Azat Zhamants, there closer, fell in love, and eventually life when I needed change. Some
attractive, slender and petite girl, was an atmosphere of unbounded got married. Thats how I moved might not know me well, but I am
always dressed in casual Western freedom and camaraderie, and to the U.S. It allowed me to settle completely devoid of a sense of
clothes, became a cultural icon for we were impatient for the arrival down, it gave me stability, and the superiority, always was and always
many. In her daily life, however, of the evening to come together basis for further advancement. I will be. Moreover, I am extremely
this brilliant jazz vocalist was very again and jam. Those were very am very thankful to my husband self-critical; like many musicians
reserved and publicity-shy. good times, I will always cherish for being such a wonderful person. I am my harshest critic. Jazz has
those memories. Vahram supports me in every way, always been my life, so I needed
Tell me about the seventies. to learn more about it, to advance
How were they for you? Did you professionally, to get to the roots
have the freedom to choose your of this musical form.
repertoire, or you were bound I HAD MY OWN But you did perform with
to strike a balance between the
official cultural establishment STYLE, AND the best jazz musicians in the
and your own musical tastes?
I cant say that anyone tried to
MY OPINION It would be fair to say that. Indeed,
I was surrounded by wonderful
control me, or told me what to WAS ALWAYS musicians. Igor Brill and his band
perform. I was free to choose what was one of the best in Russia and
to perform. TAKEN INTO my personal favorite. We toured
You were the official First
Lady of Jazz in the USSR for
CONSIDERATION, with his band in many cities of the
world, both with solo concerts and
nine consecutive years before
moving to the U.S. What did that
BOTH BY THE in prestigious jazz festivals. Even
now, when I go back to Russia with
title give you? Were there any AUDIENCE my own musicians, we still jam
additional privileges, favorable
performance opportunities, or
AND BY THE together Actually, we performed
together three times in the past
special royalties? MUSICIANS. few years.
DATEVIK HOVANESIAN BIOGRAPHY Artistic Collaborations: Valery Ponamarov, Arto Tuncboyaciyan, Festivals and Tours:
Jazz singer, educator, recording Larry Willis, Major Holley, Walter and others. North Sea Jazz Festival, Montreal
artist, and arranger. Performances in Davis, Joe Williams, Frank Wess, Ben International Jazz Festival,
over 30 countries on every continent Riley, Clifford Jordan, Armen Donelian, Five solo Albums: Prague Jazz Festival, Jakarta
in every medium; concert halls, clubs, Paquito DRivera, Claudio Roditi, Marc Listen to My Heart (SONY/EPIC), Ballads Jazz Festival, Windsor Jazz
festivals, television and radio, master Johnson, Tom Chapin, Steve Williams, From the Black Sea (Mapleshade), Festival, Belgrade Jazz Festival,
classes, workshops, recordings. Andy McCloud, David Finck, Portinho, Doors (Melodia), Day Dream (Melodia), Debrecen Jazz Festival, Tallinn
Datevik has appeared in every Andy Gonzalez, Steve Berrios, Igor Concerto for Voice and Orchestra Jazz Festival, Portsmouth Jazz
musical setting up to a full big band. Butman, Dick Oatts, Alex Foster, Barry (Melodia).She has recorded over Festival, Islip Jazz Festival,
She also specializes in ethnic and Danielian, Frank Owens, Igor Bril, 100 pop and jazz singles, as well as Yerevan International Jazz Festival,
folk music arrangements, ethnic and Vladimir Chekasin, Tiit Paulus, Joe recordings for TV shows, theatre and Moscow International Jazz
ethno-jazz songs. Ascione, John Baboian, Ben Allison, movies, animations and commercials. Festivals .
Time-wise, everything worked Monk Piano Competition Award-
out pretty well: the record, the ALL I NEEDED winner Tigran Hamasian. What
festival, and the two solo concerts.
The public was very excited, that WAS A LITTLE do you think of them?
Tigran is talented, extremely
was a true triumph. I remember
President Kocharian giving me
PUSH FOR talented. But there are many other
talented jazz musicians in Armenia
a standing ovation. Ever yone ARMENIAN notably Michael Zakarian I call
there loved my interpretations of him the Armenian Bill Evans,
Armenian folk songs. My mother, MUSIC, MY Va hag n Hay rapet ia n, bassist
the Queen of Folk Song Ophelia
Ha mba r t su m ia n, complete ly
IDENTITY, TO Nikoghaos Vardanian (Kolya), and
many others. Its heartening to
accepted my work, which was
very important to me personally.
OVERFLOW AND know that there is a new generation
who will continue the tradition of
Last but not least, after so many TO TRANSFORM Jazz music in Armenia.
years living abroad, I came back to
Armenia for the first time with my
INTO A NEW What do you like aside from
husband, Vahram, so it was a true
family reunion. That was the most
MUSICAL FORM. I am crazy about gardening. Every
spare moment I get I spend in my
memorable experience for me. I garden, thats my therapy.
have had many performances all jazz fan and he listened to a lot of this in their developmental stage; Tell me about your artistic
around the world, but if I had to instrumental jazz and vocalists the important thing is to reach a plans what is your calendar
chose just one that would be it as well. Following his footsteps, I certain point and then to create for the year 2008-2009.
Armenia, 1998. too started listening to the great your own style. Its not worth it to In my life everything seems to be
Yes! I attended your concert of masters of instrumental jazz, such remain an imitator for the rest of planned except the artistic part
that same program here in the as Oscar Peterson, Ahmad Jamal, your life. of it. My life as a performer just
U.S. The audience was literally Dave Brubeck, big bands, and, I know you are an educator. happens, I get invitations, I travel,
in a sort of a trance - meditation later on, a French group called Who were your best students and and I perform. In September I will
state. the Swingle Singers who made who are you most proud of? take part in the Women in Jazz
I was in a trance state myself, never wonderful jazz interpretations of First of all, a wonderful American Festival in New York organized
mind the audience. Besides, a new classical music, Bach, Mozart, etc. -Armenian singer Kim Nazarian. by Jazz at Lincoln Center. Then I
genre was created a genre which Then gradually I started listening She was one of the first students will travel to Armenia to take part
the new generation of Armenian to vocalists Louis Armstrong, Ella who took jazz improv isat ion a huge celebration of 70 Years of
jazz musicians picked up and Fitzgerald, Dianne Washington, classes. I worked with her over the Jazz Music in Armenia, which
continued. Even some dance Sarah Vaughan, and others. So course of several years. Now she is is an amazing accomplishment
groups stage their shows using it. all of that developed into a love a member of the Grammy Award for Armenians and their musical
Armenian ethno-jazz has gained not only for jazz music in general, winning vocal jazz ensemble traditions. This time I am going
a large number of followers over but also a love for improvisation. called New York Voices. Over the to present a newer prog ra m
the years. I am happy - it means People often compare my style to years we have developed a very that includes ethnic-jazz along
that my music took off with a life Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughan. I close friendship that continues with Brazilian and A merican
on its own. think that all of them were part of even today. Also, I had several standards.
Who were your teachers in my musical education. All of these talented students of Brazilian
jazz? Your idols in jazz? musicians, in their turn, had their descent who performed in the style T h u s , D a t e v i k s w o n d e r f u l
Usually, when this question is own teachers as well. I listened of Brazilian Jazz and gradually improvisations continue through
posed to a female vocalist the and learned their solos f rom gained popularity in New York and the years and across the continents.
anticipated answer is another beginning to end, literally copying beyond - Ana Lu, Marianne Ebert, Audiences continue to enjoy her
female vocalist. However, it was them. And of course, I could not Deborah Watts, and many others. fascinating vocal journeys that
not so in my case. My older brother avoid the fact that, one way or You are collaborating with connect our national heritage with
was the driv ing force behind another, my style, the modulation a new generation of talented the global modern day rhythms.
my affection towards jazz. He is of my voice and so on, reflected young Armenian jazz musicians In d e e d , D a t e v i k i s t h e F i r s t
a professional violinist, a huge these influences. No one can avoid you performed with Thelonious Armenian Lady of Jazz.
Appearances: Philharmonic Concert Hall (Armenia) Tom Schnabel and KPFK in Los Angeles, and was perennially voted The
Jazz at Lincoln Center, Town Hall, Special Appearances: MacNeil Lehrer and many more. First Lady Of Jazz in the Former
Carnegie Recital Hall, and in most News Hour PBS-TV USA, Jazz Central Soviet Union .
major New York clubs, Charles BET Cable TV, Live interview from Public Magazine and newspaper coverage:
Hotel and Night Stage (Boston), Radio International on Worlds Global New York Times, The Boston Globe, San Teacher and Educator:
Sands Hotel (Atlantic City), Tacoma Hit, Live Broadcasts of Voice of America; Francisco Examiner, Jazz Times, NYC Choral director and voice teacher.
Station Tavern (Washington-DC), Worldwide live TV tribute to Willis Tribune, Jakarta Post, The Independent She has led workshops in jazz vocal
Shrine Auditorium , Alex Theatre Conover, Live TV broadcast of Russia- Holland, Jazz Magazine Poland, and improvisation, styling and
and Stars Theatre (Los Angeles), Japan Jazz summit, Special Jazz Hour Cadence USA, Jazz Novine Yugoslavia, technique. Workshops and Master
Jazz Club Hanover and The A Train on 2NSB.. FM (Sydney, Australia), 2-hr AIM USA, ARI USA, Melodia Magazine Classes at Manhattan School of
(Germany), Sunside and Duc de special on BURG-FM (Yerevan, Armenia), Russia. She appears in the New Grove Music and New School of Music
Lombards (France), Armenian State Live interviews on KCRW Cafe LA with Dictionary of Jazz as Tatevik Oganesyan (New York USA), among many.
Beauty pervades everything. Any environment blossoms with the
unexpected appearance of beauty. Here, an artist attempts to
incarnate the muses of beauty in female form, letting us observe
how they intertwine and mastefully use all five senses to impregnate
the surroundings with passion.
the belt a few weeks later, when The King's promoter ordered him a new one,
convinced that - first and foremost - the belt has a symbolic meaning for Abraham.
Throughout Armenia,the village of Oshakan is quite well known.
Teachers from the surrounding area bring their first-graders here,
because the great teacher Mesrop Mashtots is buried in a crypt in
Oshakan. The primary students explore the shadows of the tomb
reverently, honoring the creator of the alphabet that they have mastered
with so much dedication and effort. All this brings one question to mind,
Why is it that Mashtots was buried here?
Khachkars shaped as
letters. These could be
ever so appropriately called
khachtars, (tar meaning a
letter in Armenian)
here are many ways that I could have
answered the question: I could have called
A well-off resident of Oshakan had a dream
up a friend of mine who is a historian, or that he had to build a chapel dedicated to
even done the research myself. The best Gregory the Illuminator in his home village.
way, of course, was to travel to Oshakan,
just 30 kilometers away from Yerevan. I set
After a while, he saw another dream that
out on a hot and breezy summer day. The prompted him to build a dome over the
highway was in a great condition, but my companion and chapel.
I never would have arrived without asking for directions
from passers-by every now and then. Evidently, the local HOLLY RELICS
authorities firmly believed that every Armenian should Mesrop Mashtotz died in
be guided to the landmark by an innate sense of national 440, in Armenias ancient
capital of Vagharshapat
identity. We did, however, encounter one homemade sign (now Echmiadzin). As
directing us to Oshakan. It seemed almost as though the he was a man of great
locals were annoyed by the frequent inquiries of lost tourists significance, the choice of
and decided to save everyone some time. the place of his sepulture
was of top priority.
The site that captures the travelers' attention first is the Therefore, a council of
19th century basilica. In the adjacent apricot orchard there princes (nakharars) was
is a crowd of curious sculptures, letter-shaped khachkars. assembled. There were
One can spend hours tracing the continuous lines of the many suggestions: some
proposed the Taron region,
elaborate ornamentation. The subject of each of these Mashtotss native land,
khachkars, or more precisely khachtars, corresponds to while others argued for the
the letter itself. For instance, the letter P is dedicated to Gokhtn prinicipality, where
Saint Peter. The all-knowing candle vendor told us that the the master started his
clerical work, yet others
khachkars were carved by four brothers from the village of suggested that he should
Arshaluys and were installed there in 2005. be buried in Vagharshapat
The basilica looked modest enough from the outside, but Cathedral, in the tomb of
it was almost entirely covered by frescos on the inside, the saints. But the final
word was given to Prince
which is uncommon for Armenian churches. The main Vahan Amatouni, as he
subject of the frescos is the life of Mesrop Mashtots, who was strong in faith and
was canonized by the Armenian Church. His tomb is located earthly power. Thus, the
to the right of the altar. Returning to the original question, remains of Mashtots were
transported in a regal
I found out that the issue of the sepulture of St. Mesrop was procession to Oshakan,
discussed on the level of a council of princes. in Amatounis hereditary
In the vicinity of the basilica there is a cemetery and a possessions. They were
chapel called Tukh Manuk. Next to the cemetery is a hill kept in the tomb in the
church that Amatouni
crowned by ArmenTels radio towers and a strange-looking
built and specifically
building. The name of the hill is Kond, and the building has dedicated for that purpose.
an interesting story. One of the residents of Oshakan, who The second church was
happened to be well-off, had a dream that he had to build built in its place in 1640
a chapel dedicated to Gregory the Illuminator in his home by Catholicos Pilibos
Akhbaketsi. The one
village. Also being somewhat religious, he decided to follow that we see today is the
his vision and commissioned the construction of the church third church built on
on the hill. After a while, when the chapel was complete, he the same foundation; it
had another dream. The later dream prompted him to build was commissioned by
catholicos George IV in
a dome over the chapel. Incidentally, the construction of the 1875-1879.
Basilica of St. Mesrop Mashtotz,
built in 1875 1879 AD
Territory 2, 700 km2
Population 141,000 , Capital Ashtarak
Oshakan is located in the vicinity of the City of Ashtarak
dome was taking place when we came by. Because our car
couldnt manage the steep slopes, I rushed to the summit
The hill held the ruins of a cycloid castle
on foot. After a rough fifteen-minute hike, I was rewarded that dated back to the 2nd 1st millennia
by a magnificent view. BC. The ruins were discovered during the
On one side of the hill the view included Mount Aragats
and Mount Arai Ler, with the Ararat Valley spreading on
construction of the antennae, so ArmenTel
the other. Two builders, a father and a son, were working had to pay fines for utilizing lands of
relentlessly on completing the dome under the harsh archeological value.
sun. The hill also held the ruins of the cycloid castle
that dated back before the 1st millennia BC. These ruins over the picturesque countryside, the area was famous for
were discovered during the construction of the radio its wine. Because our driver refused to drive any further, we
towers, and ArmenTel had to pay fines for utilizing lands followed on foot. We soon discovered one of our promised
of archeological significance. A portion of the fines went pseudo-destinations, the Temple of Badal, which was
to fund the excavation of the ruins of the castle, which beautifully located overlooking the Casakh River Canyon.
was unfortunately later abandoned. Another important On our way back we finally found St. Sion. We were amazed
landmark in Oshakan was the bridge over the river Casakh. by its modesty and beauty. It was quite similar to Ashtaraks
Built in 1706, the bridge significantly reduced the distance Karmravor Church of the 7th century, only smaller. It was
to Echmiadzin. Our friend, the candle vendor, also told us located between Voskevaz and Oshakan on the bank of
that there was a 7th century church, St. Sion, or Mankanots, River Shahband, a tributary of Casakh. The interior decor of
as it is called by the locals. I gave in to my desire to see the church consisted of replicas of Rafaels Madonna and
the Mankanots Church. Confused by the directions of the Leonardos Last Supper, as well as other articles of arts-
residents, we found ourselves in Voskevaz, a neighboring and-crafts, mostly made by the local children. Overwhelmed
village. The patriotically predisposed residents tried to sell and tired by our sight-seeing, as well as the long hike, we
us their own St. John Church, and others recommended rested on a bench next to a manmade basin by the river.
Badals Temple as the infamous St. Sion. Nevertheless, we The clouds gathering around Aragats suggested rain, so we
did not regret the side journey: stunning vineyards spread decided to hurry back to Yerevan.
Hypotheses and Discoveries
Vordan Karmir
Ancient symbol of power and admiration, essence of beauty and goodness, the
one creature whose glory does not fade in the face of the ravages of time. At first, it
might sound queer that these qualities are attributed to a 12-millimeter long red
insect. The lowly scale bug, however, lies at the center of the creation of one of the
most rare and special pigments known to man. The secret of the preparation of the
truly permanent dye, one which defies the destructive forces of light, temperature,
humidity and time, was kept by our Armenian ancestors for over 2,000 years,
passing it down from generation to generation. Tragically, the secret was lost only
100 years ago as artificial dyes gained broader acceptance among consumers.
Hayk Melkonyan
Hypotheses and Discoveries
In spite of its olfactory appeal,
these desiccated and processed
insects were not designated to be THE LOSS OF THE WONDER
eaten or otherwise consumed. OF THE ORIENT
Pointing to the minute palette of The dye has been prepared in
seven colors, ranging from dark- the Ararat Valley since the most
blue through blackberry to Jaffa- ancient times. The Bible mentions
orange, Armen clarified,These that Noahs descendants wore
are the famous dyes extracted garments colored with a red dye
from Vordan; in the whole world made from the scale bug. Records
only a fortunate few have access of Sargon II that dated to 714 BC
to them. The pots in front of me make note of the precious crimson
that kirmiz is extracted from
t he la r vae t hat k n it a rou nd
themselves just as silkworms
do. It is universally known that
Vordan Karmir does not k nit.
Perhaps, this may be evidence of
how protective Armenians were
about their craft, resorting to
deception and misinforming the
foreigners. Another Arab traveler,
Shams Ud-Din A l-Muqaddas,
came up with a slightly more
credible report: Kirmis is a
worm that lives in the ground;
women go there and collect the
worms in copper . Which they
later place in bread ovens. In the
period of the 9th through the 11th
centuries AD, Armenians were
active in international commerce.
Hayk Melkonyan
Dvin was an important transit
destination on many trade routes.
One of the essential exports was THE UNDERGROUND natural habitat, you have to travel THE RED ROOTS
crimson. Armenian carpets made LIFE OF THE ARARATEAN to the grasslands of the Ararat
of red wool were very much in CHOCHINEAL valley on a early Autumn morning. The origin of the word
fashion in ancient times. Judging The life of the red scale bug is You wont miss the bright puddles roots meaning red in
many languages can
from the high value of Vordan, its also tangled in myster y. They of congregating crimson specks.
be traced to Vordan
manufacture surely generated spend most of their days up to 5 The locals claim that in the old Karmir. For instance,
great returns. and naturally the centimeters below the ground, days there was so much of Vordan chervonny (red in
dye trade flourished. In addition feeding on the roots the plant Karmir that they made the entire Russian) originated
to Dvin, Artashat was also known called Vordan. They come out valley look like it was covered from the word cherv,
which means worm
for its dyes. Form the 7th to the to the surface only during their with a crimson carpet. in Russian. More
13th centuries there were so many remarkably, the Greek
dye manufacturers in the city that koginos, Turkish
it was often called Kirmiz. THE LIFE OF THE RED BUG IS TANGLED kurmuz, Hibrew
From a much later period, there is IN MYSTERY. THEY SPEND MOST OF karmil, Farsi kirmez,
and, finally, Armenian
some evidence that Stradivarius THEIR DAYS UP TO 5 CENTIMETERS karmir all originated
and Leonardo Da Vinci used BELOW THE GROUND. THEY COME OUT from the Indo-European
A r menia n cr imson, a nd t hat TO THE SURFACE ONLY DURING THEIR root kirmi, which mean
a worm.
Rembrandt tried to acquire the MATING SEASON.
vordan as well.
With Columbuss discovery of the mating season, in the months AZAZELLOS MAGIC POTION
Americas, Vordan Karmir had to give o f S e p t e m b e r a n d O c t o b e r, A LA ARMENIA
way to its crimson cousin, the South that lasts about 40 days. The A r men Saa k ia n adm it s: We
American cochineal. Brought males and females are managed to extract that ver y
from the New World, the d i s t i n c t l y d i f f e r e nt . c r i m s o n c o l o r, r e f e r r e d t o
new bug received wide Only the females are a s t zi ra n i (apr icot) i n t he
popularity for its ease of used for e x t rac t i ng manuscripts, but we are having
use in production and t he pig me nt; t he y trouble keeping it fixed. The dye
availability. That said, are bigger than the changes its tone rapidly.
its qualities were no males and have an Never t heless, t he sea rc h for
match for vordans, oval shape. After the ancient recipe continues in
but the immigrant c on c e p t i on , t h e Matenadaran. A great hope is laid
bug became more females return to upon experiments with the roots
and more w idely the underground of the Indian plant Lotur, as many
used. The Armenians where they ancient authors claimed that it
of t he t i me may lay their eggs. aids the brightness of the desired
also have erred in Accomplishing crimson tone.
failing to guard the this important For a time, the scientists were
production secrets mission, the adult puzzled by the fat reser ves of
used for the new bug females soon die. the insect. Constituting 30% of
as closely as they had To o b s e r v e t h e the insects overall body weight,
the old. creatures in their it was get t ing in t he way of
Hypotheses and Discoveries
mysterious dye is the prayer which of preserving their youth. It has
And on hearing such wise sayings, Artashes is to be recited during the process amazingly efficient antioxidant,
went to the bank of the river. And seeing that of preparation, at least three times. with moisturizing, purifying and
the maiden was beautiful, and having heard A ncient manuscripts give us antiseptic qualities. In medieval
these words of wisdom from her, he desired her. clues that would be impossible to Armenia, only the ladies of the
And calling Smbat, his chamberlain, he told him
decode without knowledge of the nobility could take advantage
the wishes of his heart, and commanded that
he should obtain the maiden for him, swearing Holy Scripture. Generally of Vorda n, but now t h rough
unto the great Alan nation oaths of peace, and speaking, our the effor ts of A rmen
promising to send the youth back in safety. forefathers would Saakian and others, it
And this appeared wise in the eyes of Smbat, not start any project is somewhat more
and he sent messengers unto the King of the
Alans asking him to give the lady Satenik his without a prayer, accessible. The magic
daughter, as wife unto Artashes. And the King of declared Armen cream has already
the Mans answered, From whence shall brave S a a k i a n , w ho gained recognition
Artashes give thousands upon thousands and tens of thousands upon tens has been serving in Europe and Russia.
of thousands unto the Alans in return for the maiden? Concerning this the as a deacon In the words of
poets of that land sing in their songs: Brave King Artashes mounted his fine
black charger, and took the red leathern cord with the golden ring. Like a (sargavak) in one Saakian, All that we
swift-winged eagle he passed over the river, and cast the golden ring round of the churches h a v e ac c ompl i s he d
the waist of the Alan Princess; causing much pain to the tender maiden as he in Yerevan since in our Institute so far
brought her swiftly back to his camp. Which being interpreted that he was 1993. In t he is just a drop i n t he
commanded to give much gold, leather, and crimson dye in exchange for the
exhibition halls of ocean. The manuscripts
maiden. So also they sing of the wedding.
Matenadaran one can of Matenadaran contain
The History of Armenia, 5th century enjoy the finely crafted many more secrets yet to be
manuscripts of the ancient masters.. discovered.
Who would hav
en back
thought that ev ry a
in the 17th centu cco
rancid anti-tob g
campaign was nia?
place in Arme f
The evidence o
d in
this is containe is
the archives. Th
campaign was n
by the Armenia
Patriarch of
Hovannes Vane .
also known as high
Despite the
clerical rank, T rate
was a despe
adventurer. He ho
the first travele ribe
managed to de lue
the sources of th f the
Nile to the rest o rld.
te xt b y ER NA of
th e Di gi ta l Li br ar y
t wi th e
jo in t pr oj ec sic al Li te ra tu re of th
n Cl as ia
th e Ar m en ia Un iv er sit y of Ar m en
Am er ic an a b. a m
ww w. d i g i l
In the period of the late middle ages the
K ingdom of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) was
considered a secluded and mysterious
corner of the world, where Westerners did
not set foot. The members of the Catholic
Church were prohibited from entering the
country by a special royal decree. As The
Life of St. Eustachius tells, Evil monks and
clergy were prosecuting Saint Eustachius,
even t r ied to assassi nate h i m. St.
Eustachius found shelter and spent his last
days under the protection of Armenians.
He died in 1353 AD and was buried in an
Armenian church. This is just a minute
example of the centuries long Armeno-
Ethiopean friendship and cooperation.
Nevertheless, if the secular Armenians
often traveled to the country for trade,
the clerical figures would seldom
visit here. The visit of the Archbishop
of Shamiramakert (Van) was very
elevated and pompous. The Ethiopian
chronicles account, The Archbishop
came from Armenia carr ying the
most precious relic a piece of bone
from the arm of our Eustachius.
Tutunji further developed trust of
the Ehtiopian by diligently answering
all the questions about faith and
the Nature of Christ asked by the
chief Ethiopian cleric, Catholicos
Constantine. In fact, Coptic
Ethiopian and Armenian Apostolic
Churches are very similar in their
doctrine about the matter. Monophysitism (the
belief in single nature of Christ) was the reason
why the two, along with some other churches,
Tutunji further
separated from the Catholic Church during the developed trust of the
Ecumenical Council of Chalchedon. During the
two years of his stay in Abyssinia (1678-1680),
Ethiopians by diligently
Tutunji traveled to the most distant corners of answering to all the
the Empire. Thus, he became the first foreigner
to travel to the source of the Blue Nile and see
questions about faith
how the first tide of the great African river was and the Nature of Christ
born. Later on, he even managed to leave the
country without any trouble. As Hovannes
asked by the chief
himself mentions in his memoirs, No foreigner Ethiopian cleric and
is able to enter the land, and even if he does, he
will seldom be able to leave. But we, with the
fellow monophysite,
mercy of Christ and aid of the king, were able Catholicos Constantine.
to do both We decided to leave because the
priests were interrogating us with questions of contemporaries were romanticists they
faith and righteusness. assumed that attending parties thrown by
European royals and telling them about the
AT THE COURT OF THE SUN KING miserable plight of the Armenian people would
A fter leaving Ethiopia, Tutunji with his turn the monarchs to action. Historians relate
companions made their way back to Cairo, to Tutunjis death as the end of the romantic
then to Alexandria where they took a boat period of the Armenian liberation movement
to Livorno, Italy. Hovannes was very skillful of the 17th century.
in combining his work as a missionary and Armenians were given audience in France,
a discoverer with his struggle of liberation where Louis XIV ordered a reception in their
of We s te r n A r me n i a . Tut u nji a nd h i s honor at Versailles Palace. This was one of
t he most lav i sh venues, the man who speaks Contra Tabachi (against
even for Versailles; there tobacco). In fact, he does not only speak, but
w e r e a b o u t 5 5 d i v e r s e writes poems on that issue. About Tobacco and
and exquisite platters on The Story of the Nasty Tobacco are the two
the menu. The A rmenian poems that reached our times. They reject and
delegation included some of criticize the people who drag fumes and buy
the most accomplished and the nasty weed. He also observes the problems
dedicated representatives caused by the addiction, You harm not the
of the Armenian community health, but the soul! The author scorns the one
o f t h e t i m e: S h a h m i r a d who spends the last penny on his vice, while
Bahishetsi, Vardapet Hovannes his house is empty, and he has no food to put
Va net si h i m sel f, Va rdapet on the table. He advocates a healthy way of life
Zacharias Sisiantsi, Giuseppe and prudent spending of money. He advises that
the sun of Lazaros of Aleppo, monetary excess can always be given to charity.
Solomon, t he Nephew of
Vardapet Voskan Yerevantsi THE GREAT SPECULATOR/
(the first successful publisher ADVENTURER
of printed Armenian Bible ). The Catholicos of All Armenians Jacob Jugaetsi
The Oriental guests told the Sun once appointed Hovannes to be his personal envoy
King and his court about the on a mission to collect funds from the Armenian
tough luck of the Armenians in communities in different lands. This was despite
their ancestral lands, as well as the fact that the predecessor of Jacob, Catholicos
shared their impressions about Philippe Akhbaketsi, subjected Hovannes to
their astonishing journeys into the anathema back in 1662. After being banished by
distant lands.
More traffic lanes were
added in the 1970s.
Souren Manvelian
Moscovian Street
Stalins translator Valentin Berezhkov
recalls in his memoirs how a newly
printed post-war school map of USSR
was brought to the General Secretarys
dacha. Stalin pinned it to the wall and
said with a degree of complacency:
Lets see what weve done. Everythings
good in the North. Finland faulted us
and we pushed the border further away
from Leningrad. The Baltic nations are
ours again. Byelorussians, Ukrainians,
and Moldavians now live together.
We took back the Kuril Islands and
Sakhalin, too. And, following along
the Turkish-Armenian border with his
pipe, he added: This, this is where I
text : ARTYOM YERKAPIAN dont like our border
As early as the Fall of 1944, Stalin gave orders to prepare
legal justification for annexing the Armenian lands seized
by Turkey to the Soviet Union. This was not as much an
attempt to right a historic wrong, as it was a desire to punish
Turkey for being a passive ally of Germany throughout the
war. An official document confirming the alliance between
Berlin and Ankara was signed on June 18, 1941, just weeks
before Germany invaded the USSR. On that day Franz von
Papen, the former German chancellor and Fuhrers envoy
on special assignment, signed the non-aggression and
friendship treaty with the Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister
Sukri Saracoglu in Ankara. The treaty was clearly within
the context of Germanys impending invasion of the Soviet
Union. Many historians claim that this agreement just like
the Soviet-German Pact of 1939 included secret protocols
containing timelines for the Turkish invasion of the USSR
and ensuing division of the Transcaucasus.
Ankara was counting on getting Armenia and South-Western
Georgia. Pan-Turkic ideology had returned to the surface.
Following the efforts of Azeri immigrant activists, a special
committee pursuing the goal of creating a single Turkic state
was formed in Erzerum. Not everyone among the Fuhrers
supporters approved of this scenario. Although the Nazis
wanted Turkey as part of their military bloc, Berlin refused
to grant all of Ankaras requests. Saracoglu brought the issue
University of Berlin professor Artashes
of the Reichs attitude towards Armenians to the table while Abeghyan published an article which
negotiating the agreement with von Papen in April of 1939. proved Armenians Arian, Indo-European
It was made clear that the likelihood of an agreement with
Turkey would increase dramatically, if the Fuhrer were to
roots. To Hitler, Abeghyans arguments
add Armenians as Semitic people that needed to be killed were more convincing than the Turks
or deported. Active underground work of the Turkish lobby allegations.
in Berlin resulted in printing an anti-Armenian article in
Der Volkischer Beobachter the official publication of the Captain Franz Von Papen,
Nazi party. The author claimed that the Turks were right, German Military Attache
that Armenians originated from Jews and should share their
fate. The Armenian community in Germany had to make a
monumental effort to convince the Nazis main ideologist
Alfred Rosenberg that such Turkish propaganda could not
be allowed to be officially sanctioned. In the end, Rosenberg
gave the green light for the University of Berlin's Professor
Artashes Abeghyan to publish an article in the same paper,
proving Armenians Aryan, Indo-European roots. To Hitler,
his arguments seemed more convincing than the Turks
Returning to Turkish plans to invade USSR, it is important to
note that Franz von Papen and the Turkish foreign minister
Fevzi Akmak decided that the Turks would invade as soon
as Germans defeated Russians at Stalingrad. Ankara was
diligent about following its pledges as an ally. In early
August of 1942, Turkish military forces approached the
Armenian border and started large-scale maneuvers in the
area. In his essay Turkey Deals a Blow to Russia American
historian John Gill writes that Marshall Chakmak was ready
to attack with the second and fourth armies, and 14th corps.
The third and fifth armies followed immediately behind,
with the objective of occupying Armenia and Georgia.
The convincing victory of the Red Army at Stalingrad ruined
Turkish plans and put Ankara in an uncomfortable position,
to say the least. Joseph Stalin was not going to forgive
Turks for making him keep 26 divisions at the Southern
border when those troops were desperately needed on
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
the Western front. The Soviet dictator used Armenians to
in the USSR Vyacheslav Molotov officially presented Turkey
with territorial demands. Moscow denounced the 1925 treaty
People's Commissar of Foreign of friendship and cooperation. For 11 days the Soviet Union
Affairs of the Armenan SSR,
Sahak Karapetian and Turkey negotiated to repair the relationship between
the two countries. The Soviet side insisted that a friendship
treaty would be signed only after Ankara returned the
In 1921 the Turks took advantage of the illegally captured Kars and Ardahan. The rest of Armenian
Soviet Unions weakness and captured territories were not yet part of the discussion.
a part of Soviet Armenia. Therefore, the Stalin did not want a new war. He was convinced that
everything would end peacefully, and Turkey would accept
Soviet government raises the question the ultimatum. All he needed was agreement from the
of returning the territories that legally Allies. Potsdam would be the best place to get approval from
belong to us. the United Kingdom and the United States. The Armenian
question was raised on the first day of the Potsdam
Conference. During a preliminary meeting, Vyacheslav
Molotov said, In 1921 the Turks took advantage of the Soviet
Unions weakness and captured a part of Soviet Armenia.
Armenians feel offended. Therefore, the Soviet government
raises the question of returning the territories that legally
belong to us. Anthony Eden, the UK Foreign Secretary asked,
Do a lot of Armenians live in the Turkish territory? Molotov
replied, There are around 400 thousand Armenians there,
with over a million living outside Armenia. Once Armenia
has more territory, they will all return to their homeland.
Then Molotov added, Armenians are very capable and
energetic people. Turks should turn Armenia over to us. It
would be only fair
The discussion about Armenian territories continued during
the sixth and seventh days of the conference. Winston
Churchill to Stalins surprise assumed the role of the
Turks defender. I would like to direct the Generalissimos
attention to the fact that frightening Turkey is impermissible.
Turkey is alarmed by constant verbal attacks and the
concentration of Soviet troops at its borders Stalin was
adamant: We are talking about restoring the pre-World
War I border. The border in the Kars and Ardahan regions
is incorrect, and we told Turkey that if they want a good
relationship with the Soviet Union, the border must be
corrected. That is where Stalin drew the line. Others at the
conference thought that Moscow wanted too much. They
Suddenly Churchill assumed the role of
the Turks defender. I would like to direct
Generalissimos attention to the fact that
frightening Turkey is impermissible. Turkey
is alarmed by constant verbal attacks and
the Soviet troops at its borders
were ready to concede to Stalin on either the dispute over in Iran, Robert Rossow, wrote the following in a secret
Poland, or over Turkey but not both. Stalin chose Poland. report to Secretary of State James Byrnes: Bagramyan
The request to push the Polish border back to the Oder and came to Tebriz and took charge of the Soviet troops. The
Neisse rivers was satisfied. Stalin did not, however, give up previous commander, general Glinsky, did not have a lot of
the idea of taking Western Armenia back. He decided to experience, while Bagramyan is an expert in tank warfare
take Kars and Ardahan without the help of international This indicates that the Soviets are preparing for large-scale
allies. Meanwhile, Moscows relationship with Washington operations.
and London worsened by the day. On August 6, Stalin The Soviet strategy was to use blitzkrieg against the Turks. When
was truly shocked by the news of an atomic bomb being the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist
dropped on Hiroshima. Military historian and former spy Party in Armenia, Grigoriy Arutyunov, asked Rokossovsky
Igor Atamanenko according to eyewitnesses reproduced how long the military operation would take, the latter said,
the General Secretarys reaction very well. Summoning the I think, a week will be enough. At most, 10 days
members of Politburo, Stalin said, The march on Turkey is The Kremlin was not in a hurry to decide on a starting
cancelled until better times. Turks should forever thank the date for the operations, since local communication was
Japanese, who suffered instead of them inadequate for the execution of military tasks. The entire
Stalins depression did not last long. He refused to allow the infrastructure of Transcaucasia had to be reshaped for war.
Americans to think that he could be easily scared. Stalin The regions economy was being militarized. Simultaneously,
decided that the question of Kars and Ardahan would work was being done to form a governing body that could
stay on the agenda. His methods would simply shift from be installed in the liberated territories right after the
diplomacy to military action. Marshall Zhukov was ordered successful military operations. Party veterans state that
to prepare for war. The plan was to advance from three a secret Politburo decision made Anton Kochinyan the
directions: Armenia, Georgia, and Iran, where eighteen Secretary of Kars Regional Committee of the Communist
Soviet divisions had been positioned since the beginning Party of the Soviet Union (later Kochinyan became the First
of the war. It was no an accident that General Hovhannes Secretary of the Central Committee of Armenian SSR). The First Secretary of the Central
Committe of the Communist
Bagramyan, an Armenian, was put in charge of the divisions Central Committee of Armenia also gave Moscow possible
Party of Armenia, Grigoriy
in Iran. On March 6, 1946, the American Consul General candidacies for secretaries of Van and Erzerum regional Aroutyunov
Map with the options of
territorial changes offered by
Sahak Karapetian to the heads
of the Politburo
1 Kars and Ardahan, which
until 1914 belonged to
Russia, are connected to
Soviet Armenia
2 The borders established by
the San Stefano Treaty
3 Van, Erzerum, Mush, and
Bitlis regions also included
Postscriptum patriot [hayrenaser]
English historian Christopher Yoker writes, If Armenians would have
suffered a defeat at Sardarapat, a word Armenia would have only
been a geographical termGeneral Movses Silikov fought a great
battle in May 1918.
When Armenians were involved in the confrontation between great empires and the
very existence of the nation was at stake, the responsibility for Armenias fate fell on
the shoulders of the military. And General Silikov the commander of the Erevan Army
division brilliantly accomplished the mission he was entrusted with. It is not for nothing
that Marshal Bagramyan had called him the most gifted of all the military leaders of that
era. Unfortunately, the Soviet authorities had a strange way of rewarding Silikovs excellent
service he was executed.
Even today, the names of many heroes, undeservedly neglected during the Soviet Era,
remain in oblivion.
To redress this injustice, YEREVAN magazine decided to place a memorial tablet (Author
Tariel Akopyan) on the house (located in Yerevan, Pushkin Street., #38) where the general
resided during the years of the First Republic of Armenia (19181920). Supported by the
Defense Ministry of Armenia and the city administration, a ceremony commemorating
the placement of the memorial tablet took place on the 16th anniversary of the National
Army of Armenia.
Arnos Martirosyan
HP - 08- AD1
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ava www.koharconcert.com