The Delhi Co-Operative Societies Rules, 2007: (See. Sub-Rule (3) of Rule 123)

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FORM - 26
(See. sub-rule (3) of rule 123)

In the matter of sale of property of the judgment debtor under Section 104 of the Delhi Co-

operative Societies Act. 2003

Case No ........................................20.

Claimant Society
................................... Defaulter

Demand for the recovery of a sum of Rs.................................................

Whereas the claimant society has applied to the Registrar for the sale of the property described
in the annexed Schedule in payment of a sum of Rs........................................ as principal,
Rs............... ............ as interest upto the date of application, plus further interest
at ......................................% p.a. till realization and the cost of these proceedings, claimed to be
due by the defaulter to the Claimant Society.
And whereas it is claimed that the claimant has first charge on the property of the defaulter
Now, in pursuance of the provision to section 104 of the Delhi co-operative Societies Act, 2003
and the rules there under, notice is hereby given to you to appear before the Sales Officer on
the ................................. day of......................20 to show cause why the order under Section 104
of the Act should not be made. Take notice that if you admit the claim or fail to "show cause"
against this demand notice on the afore mentioned date and time, the amount now claimed by the
claimant society should be paid within fifteen day of receipt of this notice by you with the sales
officer failing which the property described in the Schedule annexed shall be sold and the claim
satisfied out of the sale-proceeds of the property according to rules.

Registrar or
Authorised officer

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