Practicum Year 3
Practicum Year 3
Practicum Year 3
Criteria Descriptors
Professional Skills Commrmicates effectively, completes assigned tasks, uses appropriate management
techniques with individuals, small groups, and whole class, demonstates knowledge of
classroom routines, develops teaching skills and techniques for use with individual
students, small groups, and whole class
Provision of Leads the wtole class for a minimm of trvo learning activities, uses media, technolory,
Learning Activities resources and/or other teaching aids , demonstates awzreness of a variety of
instructional and assessment stategies, plans, develops ?nd implemrcnts learning t'
activities for small groups and the whole class
Understanding Is aware of and adapts for individual differences and needs, demonskates knowledge of
ofStudents student development uses vocabulary appropriate for level of students, stimulates
student interest, is attentive to concenkatiou span ofstudents, encourages student /
participation, has ability to focus and hold student atteution
lnterpersonal Develops rappod with students and staff, shows willinpess to work with individuals,
Relationships small groups and whole class of students, demonskates courtesy and respect, shows \/
interest in developing relationships rnith students
Please comment on the student's shengths and. areas needing improvement with reference to the above criteria.
Signahre of:
Cooperating Teacher Student Teacher
White Copy - Shrdnt Teacher Ycllow Copy - Education Office Pink Copy - Cmperating Teacher
Signanre achowledges receipt of cvaluation Shrdent must deliver to Education Office by duc date.