MT Asme Sec V Article 7

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The magnetic particle examination method may be applied to detect
cracks and other discontinuities on or near the surfaces of
fenomagnetic materials. The sensitivity is
greatest for surface discontinuities and diminishes rapidly with
increasing depth of subsurface discontinuities below the surface.

Typical types of discontinuities that can be detected by this method are

cracks, laps, seams, cold shuts and laminations.

In principle, this method involves magnetizing an area to be examined,

and applying fenomagnetic particles (the examination's medium) to
the surface. The particles will form patterns on the surface where
cracks and other discontinuities cause distortions in the normal
magnetic field.

These patterns are usually characteristic of the type of discontinuity

that is detected.

Whichever technique is used to produce the magnetic flux in the part,

maximum sensitivity will be to linear discontinuities oriented
perpendicular to the lines of flux.

For optimum effectiveness in detecting all types of discontinuities,

each area is to be examined at least twice. With the lines of flux during
one examination approximately perpendicular to the lines of flux
during the other.
T-731 Examination Medium
The finely divided fenomagnetic particles used for the examination
shall meet the following requirements:

(a) Particle Types. The' particles shall be treated to impart color

(fluorescent pigments, nonfluorescent pigments,or both) in order to
make them highly visible (contrasting) against the background of the
surface being examined.

(b) Particles. Dry and wet particles and suspension vehicles should be
in accordance with SE-709.

(c) Temperature Limitations. Particles shall be used within the

temperature range limitations set by the manufacturer of the particles.
Alternatively. particles may be used outside the particle manufacturer's
recommendations providing the procedure is qualified in accordance
with Article 1, T -150 at the proposed temperature



Surface Conditioning

T-741.1 Preparation
(d) If nonmagnetic coatings are left on the part in the area being
examined, it shall be demonstrated that indications can be detected
through the existing maximum coating thickness applied. When AC
yoke technique is used.the demonstration shall be in accordance with
Mandatory Appendix I of this Article.

T-751 Techniques
One or more of the following five magnetization techniques
shall be used:
(a) prod technique
(b) longitudinal magnetization technique
(C) circular magnetization technique
(d) yoke technique
(e) multidirectional magnetization technique

T-752 Prod Technique

T-7S2.1 Magnetizing Procedure. For the prod technique, magnetization
is accomplished by portable prod type electrical contacts pressed
against the surface in the area to be examined. To avoid arcing, a
remote control switch, which may be built into the prod handles, shall
be provided to permit the current to be applied after the prods have
been properly positioned.

T -752.2 Magnetizing Current. Direct or rectified magnetizing

current shall be used. The current shall be 100 (minimum) amp/in. (4
amp/mm) to 125 (maximum) amp/in. (5 amp/mm) of prod spacing for
sections 3/4 in.19 mm) thick or greater.

100 (minimum) amp/in. to 125 (maximum) amp/in. of prod spacing

For sections less than 3/4 in(19 mm) thick, the current shall be 90
amp/in. (3.6 amp/mm) to 110 amp/in. (4.4 amp/mm) of prod spacing.
T-752.3 Prod Spacing.

Prod spacing shall not exceed 8 in. (200 mm). Shorter spacing may be
used to accommodate the geometric limitations of the area being
examined or to increase the sensitivity, but prod spacings of less than 3
in. (75 mm) are usually not practical due to banding of the particles
around the prods.

Prod spacing shall be greater than 3 in and equal to or less than 8


The prod tips shall be kept clean and dressed. If the open circuit
voltage of the magnetizing current source is greater than 25 V, lead,
steel, or aluminum (rather than copper) tipped prods are
recommended to avoid copper deposits on the part being examined.

T-753 Longitudinal Magnetization Technique

T -753.1 Magnetizing Procedure. For this technique,magnetization is
accomplished by passing current through a multi-turn fixed coil (or
cables) that is wrapped around the part or section of the part to be
examined. This produces a longitudinal magnetic field parallel to the
axis of the coil
If a fixed, pre-wound coil is used, the part shall be placed
near the side of the coil during inspection. This is of special
importance when the coil opening is more than 10 times the cross-
sectional area of the part.

T-753.2 Magnetic Field Strength.

Direct or rectified current shall be used to magnetize parts examined
by this technique. The required field strength shall be calculated
based on the length L and the diameter D of the part in accordance
with T-753.2(a) and (b), or as established in
(d) and (e), below.
Long parts shall be examined in sections not to exceed 18 in. (450
mm), and 18 in. (450 mm) shall be used for the part L in calculating
the required field strength. For noncylindrical parts, D shall be the
maximum cross-sectional diagonal.

(a) Parts With L/D Ratios Equal to or Greater Than

4. The magnetizing current shall be within 1O% of the
ampere-turns' value determined as follows:

Ampere-turns = 35,000 / (L/ D) + 2

For example, a part 10 in. (250 mm) long X 2 in. (50 mm)
diameter has an L/D ratio of 5. Therefore,
35,000 /(L/D + 2) = 5000 ampere-turns

(b) Parts With L/D Ratios Less Than 4 but Not Less
Than 2. The magnetizing ampere-turns shall be within
1O% of the ampere-turns' value determined as follows:

Ampere-turns = 43,000 / ( L/D )

(c) Parts With L/D Ratios Less Than 2. Coil magnetization

technique cannot be used.

(d) If the area to be magnetized extends beyond 9 in.

(225 nun) on either side of the coil's center, field adequacy
shall be demonstrated using a magnetic field indicator or
artificial flaw shims per T-764.
(e) For large parts due to size and shape, the magnetizing
current shall be 1200 ampere-turns to 4500 ampere-turns.
The field adequacy shall be demonstrated using artificial
flaw shims or a pie-shaped magnetic field indicator in
accordance with T -764.

A Hall-Effect probe gaussmeter shall not be used with encircling coil

magnetization techniques.

T -753.3 Magnetizing
Current. The current required to obtain the necessary magnetizing field
strength shall be determined by dividing the ampere-turns obtained in
steps T-753.2(a) or (b) by the number of turns in the coil as
Amperes (meter reading) = ampere-turns / turns

For example, if a 5-turn coil is used and the ampere-turns

required are 5000, use

5000/5 =1000 amperes (1O%)

T754 Circular Magnetization Technique

T-754.1 Direct Contact Technique
(a) Magnetizing Procedure. For this technique, magnetization
is accomplished by passing current through the
part to be examined. This produces a circular magnetic
field that is approximately perpendicular to the direction
of current flow in the part.
(b) Magnetizing Current. Direct or rectified (half-wave
rectified or full-wave rectified) magnetizing current shall
be used.
(J) The current shall be 300 amp/in. (12 A/nun) to
800 amp/in. (31 A/mm) of outer diameter.
(2) Parts with geometric shapes other than round with
the greatest cross-sectional- diagonal in a plane at right
angles to the current flow shall determine the inches to be
used in T-754.1(b)(l) above.
(3) If the current levels required for (b)( 1) cannot be
obtained, the maximum current obtainable shall be used
and the field adequacy shall be demonstrated in accordance
with T-764.
T~754.2 Central Conductor Technique
(a) Magnetizing Procedure. For this technique, a central
conductor is used to examine the internal surfaces of cylindrically
or ring-shaped parts. The .central conductor technique
may also be used for examining the outside surfaces
of these shapes. Where large diameter cylinders are to be
examined, the conductor shall be positioned close to the
internal surface of the cylinder. When the conductor is
not centered. the circumference of the cylinder shall be
examined in increments. Field strength measurements in
accordance with T-764 shall be used, to determine the
extent of the arc that may be examined for each conductor
position or the rules in T-754.2(c) below may be followed.
Bars or cables, passed through the bore of a cylinder, may
be used to induce circular magnetization.
(b) Magnetizing Current. The field strength required
shall be equal to that determined in T-754.l(b) for a singletum
central conductor. The magnetic field will increase in
proportion to the number of times the central conductor
cable passes through a hollow part. For example, if 6000
amperes are required to examine a part using a single pass
central conductor, then 3000 amperes are required when
2 passes of the through-cable are used, and 1200 amperes
are required if5 passes are used (see Fig. T-754.2.1). When
the central conductor technique is used, magnetic field
adequacy shall be verified using a magnetic particle field
indicator in accordance with T-764.
(c) Offset Central Conductor. When the conductor passing
through the inside of the part is placed against an inside
wall of the part, the currentlevels, as given in T-754.1(b)(l)
shall apply, except that the diameter used for current calculations
shall be the sum of the diameter of the central
conductor and twice the wall thickness. The distance along
the part circumference (exterior) that is effectively magne.
tized shall be taken as four times the diameter of the central
conductor. as illustrated in Fig. T-754.2.2. The entire circumference
shall be inspected by rotating the part on the
conductor, allowing for approximately a 10% magnetic
field overlap.

T755 Yoke Technique

T -755.1 Application. This method shall only be applied to detect
discontinuities that are open to the surface of the part.

T -755.2 Magnetizing Procedure.

For this technique, AC alternating or DC direct current
electromagnetic yokes. or permanent magnet yokes, shall be used.

T-756 Multidirectional Magnetization

T -756.1 Magnetizing Procedure. For this technique.
magnetization is accomplished by high amperage power
packs operating as many as three circuits that are energized
one at a time in rapid succession. The effect of these rapidly
alternating magnetizing currents is to produce an overall
magnetization of the part in multiple directions. Circular
or longitudinal magnetic fields may be generated in any
combination using the various techniques described in
T-753 and T-754.
T -756.2 Magnetic Field Strength. Only three phase.
full-wave rectified current shall be used to magnetize the
part. The initial magnetizing current requirements for each
circuit shall be established using the previously described
guidelines (see T-753 and T-754). The adequacy of the
magnetic field shall be demonstrated using artificial flaw
shims or a pie-shaped magnetic particle field indicator in
accordance with T-764. A Hall-Effect probe gaussmeter
shall not be used to measure field adequacy for the multidirectional
magnetization technique. An adequate field shall
be obtained in at least two nearly perpendicular directions,
and the field intensities shall be balanced so that a strong
field in one direction does not overwhelm the field in the
other direction. For areas where adequate field strengths
cannot be demonstrated, additional magnetic particle techniques
shall be used to obtain the required two-directional

T761 Frequency of Calibration
T-761.1 Magnetizing Equipment

****************T762 Lifting Power of Yokes***************

(a) Prior to use, the magnetizing power of electromagnetic yokes shall
have been checked within the past year

The magnetizing power of permanent magnetic yokes shall

be checked daily prior to use.

The magnetizing power of all yokes shall be checked whenever the

yoke has been damaged or repaired.
(b) Each AC alternating current electromagnetic yoke shall
have a lifting power of at least 10 lb (4.5 kg) at the maximum
pole spacing that will be used.

(c) Each DC direct current or permanent magnetic yoke shall have a

lifting power of at least 40 lb (18 kg) at the maximum pole spacing that
will be used.
(d) Each weight shall be weighed with a scale from a reputable
manufacturer and stenciled with the applicable nominal weight prior to
first use. A weight need only be verified again if damaged in a manner
that could have caused potential loss of material.

T-763 Gaussmeters
Hall-Effect probe gaussmeters used to verify magnetizing field
strength in accordance with T-754 shall be calibrated at least once a
year or whenever the equipment has been subjected to a major repair,
periodic overhaul, or damage. If equipment has not been in use for a
year or more, calibration shall be done prior to first use.

**********T -764 Magnetic Field Adequacy and Direction*****

T-764.1 Magnetic Field Adequacy.

The applied magnetic field shall have sufficient strength to produce
satisfactory indications, but shall not be so strong that it causes
masking of relevant indications by nonrelevant accumulations
of magnetic particles. Factors that influence the required field strength
include the size, shape, and material permeability of the part; the
technique of magnetization; coatings; the method of particle
application; and the type and location of discontinuities to be detected.
When it is necessary to verify the adequacy of magnetic field
strength, it shall be verified by using one or more of the following
three methods:

T764.1.1 Pie Shaped Magnetic Particle Field Indicator. The

indicator, shown in Fig. T-764.1.1, shall be positioned on the surface to
be examined, such that the copper-plated side is away from the
inspected surface. A suitable field strength is indicated when a clearly
defined line (or lines) of magnetic particles forms) across the
copper face of the indicator when the magnetic particles are applied
simultaneously with the magnetizing force. When a clearly defined
line of particles is not formed, the magnetizing technique shall be
changed as needed. Pie type indicators are best used with dry
particle procedures
T -764.1.2 Artificial Flaw Shims. One of the shims shown in Fig. T
-764.1.2.1 or Fig. T -764.1.2.2 whose orientation is such that it can
have a component perpendicular to the applied magnetic field shall be
used. Shims with linear notches shall be oriented so that at least one
notch is perpendicular to the applied magnetic field. Shims with
only circular notches may be used in any orientation. Shims
shall be attached to the surface to be examined, such that the artificial
flaw side of the shim is toward the inspected surface. A suitable field
strength is indicated when a clearly defined line (or lines) of magnetic
particles, representing the 30% depth flaw, appear(s) on the shim face
when magnetic particles are applied simultaneously with the
magnetizing force. When a clearly defined line of particles is not
formed, the magnetizing technique shall be changed as needed. Shim-
type indicators are best used with wet particle procedures.
T-764.1.3 Hall-Effect Tangential -Field Probe. A gaussmeter and
Hall-Effect tangential-field probe shall be used for measuring the peak
value of a tangential field.The probe shall be positioned on the surface
to be examined,such that the maximum field strength is determined.
A suitable field strength is indicated when the measured
field is within the range of 30 G to 60 G (2.4 kAm-1 to 4.8 kAm-l )
while the magnetizing force is being applied.
See Article 7, Nonmandatory Appendix A.

T-766 System Performance of Horizontal Units

The Ketos (Betz) ring specimen (see Fig. T -766.1) shall
be used in evaluating and comparing the overall performance
and sensitivity of both dry and wet, fluorescent and
nonfluorescent magnetic particle techniques using a central
conductor magnetization technique.

(a) Ketos (Betz) Test Ring Material. The tool steel (Ketos) ring should
be machined from AISI 01 material in accordance with Fig. T-766.1.
Either the machined ring or the steel blank should be annealed at
1650F (900C), cooled 50F (28C) per hour to 1000F (540C) and
then air cooled to ambient temperature to give comparable
results using similar rings that have had the same treatment.
Material and heat treatment are important variables. Experience
indicates controlling the softness of the ring by
hardness (90 to 95 HRB) alone is insufficient.
b) Using the Test Ring. The test ring (see Fig. T-766.1),is circularly
magnetized with full-wave rectified AC passing through a central
conductor with a 1 in. to 1.25 in.(25 mm to 32 mm) diameter hole
located in the ring center.
The conductor should have a length greater than 16 in(400 mm). The
currents used shall be 1400, 2500, and 3400 amps. The minimum
number of holes shown shall be three, five, and six, respectively. The
ring edge should be examined with either black light or visible light,
depending on the type of particles involved. This test shall
be run at the three amperages if the unit will be used at these or higher
amperages. The amperage values stated shall not be exceeded in the
test. If the test does not reveal the required number of holes, the
equipment shall be taken out of service and the cause of the loss of
sensitivity determined and corrected. This test shall be run at least
once per week.

Preliminary Examination
Before the magnetic particle examination is conducted,
a check of the examination surface shall be conducted to
locate any discontinuity surface openings which may not
attract and hold magnetic particles because of their width.

T-772 Direction of Magnetization

At least two separate examinations shall be performed
on each area. During the second examination, the lines of
magnetic flux shall be approximately perpendicular to
those used during the first examination. A different technique
for magnetization may be used for the second examination.
T-773 Method of Examination
The ferromagnetic particles used in an examination medium can be
either wet or dry, and may be either fluorescent or nonfluorescent.

Examination(s) shall be done by the continuous method.

(a) Dry Particles. The magnetizing current shall remain on while the
examination medium is being applied and while any excess of the
examination medium is removed.

(b) Wet Particles. The magnetizing current shall be turned on after

the particles have been applied. Flow of particles shall stop with the
application of current. Wet particles applied from aerosol spray cans
may be applied before and or after magnetizing current is applied.

Wet particles may be applied during the application of magnetizing

current if they are not applied directly to the examination
area and are allowed to flow. over the examination area or are applied
directly to the examination area with low velocities insufficient to
remove accumulated particles.

T-775 Rectified Current

(a) Whenever direct current is required rectified current may be
used. The rectified current for magnetization shall be either
three-phase (full-wave rectified) current, or single phase (half-
wave rectified) current.

(b) The amperage required with three-phase, full-wave rectified

current shall be verified by measuring the average current.
(c) The amperage required with single-phase (half-wave
rectified) current shall be verified by measuring the average
current output during the conducting half cycle only.

(d) When measuring half-wave rectified current with a direct current

test meter, readings shall be multiplied by two.

T-776 Excess Particle Removal

Accumulations of excess dry particles in examinations
shall be removed with a light air stream from a bulb or
syringe or other source oflow pressure dry air. The examination
current or power shall be maintained while removing
the excess particles.

T-777 Interpretation
The interpretation shall identify if an indication as false, nonrelevant,
or relevant. False and nonrelevant indications shall be proven as false
or nonrelevant. Interpretation shall be carried out to identify the
locations of indications and the character of the indication.

T 777.1 Visible (Color Contrast) Magnetic Particles.

Surface discontinuities are indicated by accumulations of magnetic
particles which should contrast with the examination surface. The
color of the magnetic particles shall be sufficiently different than the
color of the examination surface. A minimum light intensity of 100 fc
(1000 Lx) is required on the surface to be examined to ensure adequate
Sensitivity during the examination and evaluation of indications.
The light source, technique used, and light level verification is required
to be demonstrated one time, documented, and maintained on file.

T-777.2 Fluorescent Magnetic Particles.

With fluorescent magnetic particles, the process is essentially the
same as in T -777.1, with the exception that the examination
is performed using an ultraviolet light, called black light.
The examination shall be performed as follows:
(a) It shall be performed in a darkened area.

(b) Examiners shall be in a darkened area for at least 5 min prior to

performing examinations to enable their eyes to adapt to dark viewing.
glasses or lenses worn by examiners shall not be photosensitive.

(c) Black lights shall achieve a minimum of 1000 micro W/cm2 on the
surface of the part being examined throughout the examination.

(d) Reflectors and filters should be checked and, if necessary,

cleaned prior to use. Cracked or broken filters shall be replaced

(e) The black light intensity shall be measured with a black light meter
prior to use, whenever the light's power source is interrupted or
changed, and at the completion of the examination or series of

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