A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Phenelzine, Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy, and Their Combination For Social Anxiety Disorder

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A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Phenelzine,

Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy,
and Their Combination for Social Anxiety Disorder
Carlos Blanco, MD, PhD; Richard G. Heimberg, PhD; Franklin R. Schneier, MD; David M. Fresco, PhD;
Henian Chen, PhD; Cynthia L. Turk, PhD; Donna Vermes, NPP; Brigette A. Erwin, PhD;
Andrew B. Schmidt, LCSW; Harlan R. Juster, PhD; Raphael Campeas, MD; Michael R. Liebowitz, MD

Context: Medication and cognitive behavioral treat- Results: Linear mixed-effects models showed a specific
ment are the best-established treatments for social anxi- order of effects, with steepest reductions in Liebowitz So-
ety disorder, yet many individuals remain symptomatic cial Anxiety Scale scores for the combined group, fol-
after treatment. lowed by the monotherapies, and the least reduction in
the placebo group (Williams test=4.97, P.01). The CGI
Objective: To determine whether combined medica- response rates in the intention-to-treat sample at week
tion and cognitive behavioral treatment is superior to 12 were 9 of 27 (33.3%) (placebo), 16 of 34 (47.1%)
either monotherapy or pill placebo. (CBGT), 19 of 35 (54.3%) (phenelzine), and 23 of 32
Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled (71.9%) (combined treatment) (12 =8.76, P .01). Cor-
trial. responding remission rates (CGI=1) were 2 of 27 (7.4%),
3 of 34 (8.8%), 8 of 35 (22.9%), and 15 of 32 (46.9%)
Setting: Research clinics at Columbia University and (12 =15.92, P .01). At week 24, response rates were 9
Temple University. of 27 (33.3%), 18 of 34 (52.9%), 17 of 35 (48.6%), and
25 of 32 (78.1%) (12 =12.02, P =.001). Remission rates
Participants: One hundred twenty-eight individuals with were 4 of 27 (14.8%), 8 of 34 (23.5%), 9 of 35 (25.7%),
a primary DSM-IV diagnosis of social anxiety disorder. and 17 of 32 (53.1%) (12 =10.72, P =.001).
Interventions: Cognitive behavioral group therapy
(CBGT), phenelzine sulfate, pill placebo, and combined Conclusion: Combined phenelzine and CBGT treat-
CBGT plus phenelzine. ment is superior to either treatment alone and to pla-
cebo on dimensional measures and on rates of response
Main Outcome Measures: Liebowitz Social Anxiety and remission.
Scale and Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale scores
at weeks 12 and 24. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2010;67(3):286-295

OCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER significant differences in efficacy be-
(SAD) is a highly preva- tween the groups. The second study18 com-
lent1-3 chronic and disabling pared buspirone hydrochloride, placebo,
anxiety disorder associated CBT plus buspirone, and CBT plus pla-
with substantial impair- cebo; CBT resulted in improvement in SAD
ment, decreased quality of life,4-7 and psy- symptoms, but buspirone alone was not
chiatric comorbidity.8,9 Although cogni- superior to placebo and did not augment
tive behavioral therapy (CBT) and the efficacy of CBT.
pharmacotherapy are the most effica- In the third study,19 patients were ran-
cious treatments for SAD,10-15 only two- domized to receive sertraline hydrochlo-
thirds of patients who receive these treat- ride or placebo and separately to receive ex-
ments are considered responders, of which posure therapy or general medical care.
only half are considered remitters.16 Most Sertraline was associated with greater effi-
patients remain symptomatic after initial cacy than was placebo, whereas exposure
treatment. alone was not. The fourth study15 exam-
Six controlled trials have examined the ined the efficacy of fluoxetine hydrochlo-
efficacy of combining medication and psy- ride, pill placebo, group CBT, CBT plus
chosocial treatments for SAD. The first fluoxetine, and CBT plus pill placebo. All
study17 compared social skills training plus active treatments had greater efficacy than
Author Affiliations are listed at propranolol hydrochloride with social did pill placebo, but there were no differ-
the end of this article. skills training plus placebo. There were no ences among the active treatments.


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Two recent studies20,21 examined the effect of admin- administered assessments throughout the study. Medication or
istration of D-cycloserine before exposures in the con- pill placebo was administered and monitored by a psychia-
text of CBT based on clinical and preclinical data on the trist. All CBGT sessions were conducted by masters- or doctoral-
effects of D-cycloserine on learning. Both studies found level therapists. All CBGT sessions were audiotaped and evalu-
ated by one of us (R.G.H.), who supervised therapists at both
that D-cycloserine was superior to placebo as an adjunct
sites weekly.
to CBT. In a previous study,10 our group compared the The study had 4 phases. The first phase (acute treatment)
monoamine oxidase inhibitor phenelzine sulfate, cogni- lasted 12 weeks. Medication visits occurred weekly for 4 weeks,
tive behavioral group therapy (CBGT), pill placebo, and then every 2 weeks during this phase. The CBGT sessions took
a psychosocial control treatment. We found that phen- place weekly. Patients with at least minimal improvement on
elzine and CBGT were superior to pill placebo and the a modified version of the Clinical Global Impression Improve-
psychosocial control on a variety of measures. At the end ment Scale (CGI-I) that included anchors for each level of im-
of the study, many patients in both active treatments were provement22 entered the second phase. In this 12-week inten-
still symptomatic, suggesting the need for more effica- sive continuation phase, patients received the same treatment,
cious treatments. The goal of the present study was to with CBGT sessions taking place weekly and the frequency of
medication visits reduced to once per month. At the end of the
examine whether a combination of 2 partially effica-
continuation phase, patients who were at least much im-
cious treatments with different mechanisms of action proved on the CGI-I entered the third phase, a 28-week main-
pharmacotherapy and CBGTwould be superior to each tenance phase during which they received the same treatment
monotherapy in the treatment of SAD. We selected phen- modality but with monthly visits for both modalities. Patients
elzine as the medication because it was the best- who were at least much improved on the CGI-I at the end of
established medication for the treatment of SAD at the the third phase entered a 12-month naturalistic follow-up. In
time this study was initiated. this article, we present the results of the acute treatment phase
and the main findings of the continuation phase.
Two therapists administered CBGT in twelve 2.5-hour ses-
This study was conducted at 2 academic centers with outpa- sions to groups of 4 to 6 participants. In the first 2 sessions,
tient anxiety disorder programs and complementary exper- patients were taught to identify negative cognitions (auto-
tise: the New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia Uni- matic thoughts), to observe the covariation between anxiety and
versity (pharmacotherapy expertise) (hereinafter New York) automatic thoughts, to challenge logical errors in automatic
and the Adult Anxiety Clinic of Temple University (expertise thoughts, and to formulate rational alternatives. Thereafter, they
in CBT) in Philadelphia (hereinafter Philadelphia). Enroll- confronted increasingly difficult feared situations, first through
ment began June 1, 1995, and continued through October 31, role-playing in the session and then in real life, while applying
2001. Biweekly conference calls were held to ensure homoge- cognitive skills. Patients worked on their personal target situ-
neity of procedures. The institutional review board at each site ations following a standard sequence: (1) identification of au-
approved the protocol, and all the patients provided written tomatic thoughts, (2) identification of logical errors in auto-
informed consent. matic thoughts, (3) disputation of automatic thoughts and
The sample consisted of 128 patients referred by local men- formulation of rational responses, and (4) establishment of ob-
tal health or medical practitioners or responding to advertise- servable behavioral goals. Patients practiced cognitive skills while
ments in local media. Eighty-four patients were treated in New completing behavioral tasks (eg, conversing with another group
York and 44 in Philadelphia. The inclusion criteria were (1) a member). Goal attainment and use of cognitive skills were re-
primary DSM-IV diagnosis of SAD and (2) age 18 to 65 years. viewed. Patients were given assignments for exposures be-
To increase comparability with other treatment studies of SAD tween sessions and completed self-administered cognitive re-
and to eliminate the possibility that improvements in SAD could structuring exercises before and after these assignments.
be attributed to the antidepressant effects of phenelzine, the Pharmacotherapy patients began with phenelzine sulfate,
exclusion criteria were (1) a comorbid anxiety disorder more 15 mg/d, or matching placebo for 3 days, then 30 mg/d for 4
clinically salient for the patient; (2) a lifetime history of schizo- days, 45 mg/d for week 2, and 60 mg/d for weeks 3 and 4. De-
phrenia, bipolar disorder, or mental disorder due to a general pending on clinical progress and adverse effects, the dosage could
medical condition; (3) major depressive disorder or substance be raised to 75 mg for week 5 and to 90 mg for weeks 6 to 12.
use disorder in the past 6 months; (4) previous failure of treat- Patients were instructed to expose themselves to anxiety-
ment with phenelzine or CBT, defined as nonresponse to 60 provoking situations and were told that the role of medication
mg or more of phenelzine (or the equivalent dose of another was to make such exposure easier. However, no systematic ex-
monoamine oxidase inhibitor) for at least 4 weeks or to 6 ses- posure instructions or programmed practice was offered. No
sions of CBT for SAD; (5) concurrent psychiatric or psycho- other psychotropic medication was permitted except chloral
logical treatment; and (6) pregnancy, lactation, or inability or hydrate, 500 to 1000 mg, and zolpidem, 5 to 10 mg, as needed
unwillingness to use contraceptive measures for the duration for sleep. Patients were instructed about the dietary restric-
of the study. tions appropriate to phenelzine, symptoms that could occur if
At each site, patients were randomly assigned, in groups of the restrictions were violated, and procedures to follow in that
4 to 6, to 1 of 4 conditions: (1) phenelzine, (2) CBGT, (3) com- event.
bined treatment (CBGT plus phenelzine), or (4) pill placebo. Patients assigned to combined treatment received CBGT and
Patients were randomized according to a table of pseudoran- phenelzine as described in the preceding paragraph beginning
dom numbers by the New York site data manager (A.B.S.), who in the same week. To remove potential bias in the perfor-
had no patient contact. Patient allocation was concealed from mance of treatments, neither pharmacotherapists nor CBGT
all other research personnel at both sites before randomiza- therapists were informed as to whether a specific patient was
tion and from independent evaluators providing the clinician- also receiving the other treatment, and they could not consult


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each other or attempt to integrate their treatment efforts. Pa- Carolina). Site effects were assessed by including site in the mod-
tients were also coached to withhold information that would els and by examining the interactions of site with treatment,
indicate whether they were receiving combined treatment. Al- time, and treatment time. Treatment group differences were
though all patients undergoing combined treatment actually assessed by the significance of the interaction term and the com-
received phenelzine, they were told, with the approval of the parison of LMM estimates at the end point (week 12 for the
institutional review board at each site, that they might receive acute treatment phase and week 24 for the maintenance phase).
either active medication or placebo. Response and remission rates were compared between groups
using 2 tests of independence, using the last observation car-
ASSESSMENTS ried forward for individuals who dropped out before the end
point. Odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals
Assessments were conducted at baseline (week 0) and at weeks (CIs) were calculated to assess the magnitude of the differ-
6, 12, and 24. Information was collected using clinician- and ences in categorical outcomes for each treatment arm com-
self-administered instruments. pared with placebo. Responder status was defined as a score of
much improved or very much improved on the CGI-I at week
Clinician-Administered Measures 12 (ie, a score of 1 or 2). In accord with previous work, 2 defi-
nitions of remission were used: (1) an LSAS score of 30 or less,
previously found to be the optimal value to discriminate
Measures administered by independent evaluators blinded to
between individuals in or outside of the clinical range,24 and
treatment condition included (1) the Liebowitz Social Anxi-
(2) a score of 1 on the CGI-I.35
ety Scale (LSAS), a 24-item scale that assesses fear and avoid-
ance of a range of social interaction and performance situa- To examine hypothesis 2 using categorical measures, we used
tions12,23-25; (2) the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for the linear-by-linear association 2 test. In contrast to 2 tests
DSM-IV Clinicians Severity Rating (ADIS), a rating from 0 to of independence, this test assumes a specific gradation in the
8 of the severity of symptoms and impairment associated with magnitude of responses.36 To examine hypothesis 2 using con-
SAD26; (3) the modified CGI with anchor points defined spe- tinuous measures, we used the Williams test.37 The linear-by-
cifically in reference to SAD22; and (4) the 29-item version of linear association test and the Williams test are part of a larger
the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.27 family of tests of constrained statistical inference.38 The use of
constrained statistical inference is indicated when the hypoth-
esis to be tested implies an ordering of effects, as in the study
Self-report Measures
of dose-response relationships or augmentation strategies, and
has the advantage of providing more powerful tests in those
Patient-rated symptom measures included (1) the Fear Ques-
tionnaire Social Phobia Subscale,28 a measure of the assess-
For both hypotheses, the primary outcome measures were
ment of avoidance due to SAD; (2) the Social Interaction Anxi-
change over time in the total LSAS score and responder clas-
ety Scale,29-32 a measure of anxiety in dyads and groups; (3) the
sification using the CGI-I. Secondary measures were changes
Social Phobia Scale, a measure of anxiety when being ob-
served by others28-30; and (4) the Sheehan Disability Scale,33 a in scores on the ADIS, CGI Severity Scale, Fear Questionnaire
4-item scale to assess impairment in work, social life and lei- Social Phobia Subscale, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, So-
sure activity, family life and home responsibilities, and overall cial Phobia Scale, and Sheehan Disability Scale. The Hamilton
functioning as a result of a psychiatric disorder. Rating Scale for Depression was included to determine whether
effects of treatment were due to reductions in depression rather
than to test differences across treatments in reducing depres-
ADVERSE EFFECTS sive symptoms in individuals with SAD.
We calculated the slope of outcomes on each continuous
The pharmacotherapist used a checklist (available on request) measure for each participant using LMMs as implemented in
to inquire about the presence of 28 potential monoamine oxi- SAS Proc MIXED.40,41 We entered these individual slopes in the
dase inhibitor adverse effects at each visit and rated the sever- program ORIOGEN42 to calculate the Williams test statistic and
ity of each on a scale from 0 to 3 (none, mild, moderate, or se- the P value. The critical value and the P value of the Williams
vere). Emergent adverse effects were identified by an increase test statistic are determined using nonparametric bootstrap-
of at least 2 points from baseline to any of the assessment points.15 ping procedures. For each bootstrap sample, the Williams test
Adverse effects were assessed in patients randomized to the pla- statistic was computed and was compared with the Williams
cebo, phenelzine, and combined treatment groups but not in test statistic for the actual sample. This process was repeated
those randomized to the CBGT alone group. 100 000 times. Then, the bootstrap P value was defined to be
the proportion of times that the Williams test statistic for the
STATISTICAL ANALYSES bootstrap sample exceeded that for the actual sample. Note that
unlike the original Williams test, which assumes that the data
The following hypotheses were tested: (1) phenelzine, CBGT, are normally distributed, ORIOGEN is distribution free.42
and combined treatment are superior to pill placebo in ame- All tests were considered significant at =.05, 2-tailed. All
liorating the symptoms and disability of SAD and (2) there is a analyses were based on the intention-to-treat sample, defined
gradient of efficacy across the treatments, with combined treat- as those who received at least 1 dose of medication (or pla-
ment being superior to each monotherapy, which, in turn, is cebo) or attended at least 1 CBGT session. To examine the sen-
each superior to pill placebo. sitivity of the results, we repeated the analyses with comorbid-
To examine hypothesis 1 using continuous measures, out- ity as a predictor. Because comorbidity did not predict outcome,
comes at baseline and at weeks 6, 12, and 24 were modeled as it was excluded from the final models. Power calculations for
a function of time, treatment, and the treatment time inter- linear trends43 and for continuous variables44 under order re-
action using linear mixed-effects models (LMMs),34 which take strictions indicated that the sample size provided 90% power
into account baseline differences across groups and the inter- to detect a linear trend in response rates and a linear trend in
correlations of repeated observations, and a statistical soft- the change of LSAS score and 80% power to detect a linear trend
ware program (SAS Proc MIXED; SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North in remission rates.


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726 Patients assessed for eligibility

560 Excluded
141 Did not meet the inclusion criteria
242 Refused to participate
177 Other reasons

166 Randomized

45 Patients assigned to phenelzine sulfate 39 Patients assigned to placebo 40 Patients assigned to CBGT 42 Patients assigned to combination therapy

10 Withdrew 12 Withdrew 6 Withdrew 10 Withdrew

35 Received phenelzine sulfate 27 Received placebo 34 Received CBGT 32 Received combination therapy

22 Completed 22 Completed 22 Completed 23 Completed

13 Did not complete 5 Did not complete 12 Did not complete 9 Did not complete

Figure 1. Consort diagram. CBGT indicates cognitive behavioral group therapy.

RESULTS 28.1% (9 of 32) in the combined treatment group, and

18.5% (5 of 27) in the placebo group. Those rates were
not significantly different when examining all groups
DISPOSITION AND BASELINE jointly (32 = 3.0, P = .40) or in pairwise treatment com-
CHARACTERISTICS OF PATIENTS parisons (P .10 for all). There were no differences in
demographic or baseline measures between patients who
Of 726 patients who were screened, 166 were random- dropped out and those who completed the acute treat-
ized to 1 of the 4 treatment groups (Figure 1). The most ment phase (data available on request).
common reasons for screening failure were not meeting
the inclusion criteria (n=141) and lack of interest in par- OUTCOME EVALUATION
ticipating in the research study due to time commit-
ments or unwillingness to be randomized to treatment Hypothesis 1
Of the 166 individuals randomized, 12 from the pla- Mean scores and standard deviations for all primary and
cebo group, 10 from the phenelzine group, 6 from the secondary continuous measures at the primary end point
CBGT group, and 10 from the combined group with- (week 12) are given in Table 2. Using LMM analyses, we
drew from the study before receiving any treatment found significant differences in the outcomes of the 4 treat-
(32 =3.0, P=.40) and were excluded from the analyses. ment groups for most measures, as indicated by the F tests
The remaining 128 participants composed the intention- for the treatment time interaction effects. Pairwise com-
to-treat sample as follows: phenelzine (n = 35), CBGT parisons of each treatment group vs placebo showed that
(n=34), CBGT and phenelzine (n = 32), and pill placebo the slope of the LSAS score change was significantly greater
(n = 27). Groups did not differ significantly in demo- in the combined treatment (t=4.3) and phenelzine (t=3.3)
graphic characteristics (Table 1). Differences between groups than in the placebo group (P = .001 for both),
groups existed, however, in the baseline severity of SAD. whereas there was no significant difference between the
Individuals randomized to the combined treatment group slopes of the CBGT and placebo groups (t=0.68, P=.50).
had significantly lower baseline values on the Fear Ques- The slope of change for the ADIS was significantly larger
tionnaire Social Phobia Subscale, Social Interaction Anxi- in the combined treatment group than in the placebo group
ety Scale, and Social Phobia Scale than did those ran- (t=3.1, P=.002), whereas the slope of the Social Phobia Scale
domized to the other treatment conditions. Differences score change was larger in the phenelzine group than in
in baseline scores on the LSAS approached significance the placebo group (t=2.1, P=.04). No other significant dif-
(Table 2). Some between-site differences were also ob- ferences in slopes were seen between any of the treatment
served. There were fewer married and Hispanic patients groups and placebo (data available on request).
in Philadelphia than in New York. Mean age was lower Table 3 provides pairwise comparisons and corre-
in Philadelphia than in New York. Patients in Philadel- sponding effect sizes (Cohen d) of all the primary and
phia had lower ADIS ratings than did those in New York. secondary outcome measures at the acute phase end point
However, no site treatment condition interactions were for each treatment group vs the placebo group adjusting
observed (data available on request). Of the 128 partici- for baseline scores. Results were similar to the LMM find-
pants, 44 (34.4%) had at least 1 comorbid disorder, gen- ings. Phenelzine and combined treatment were superior
erally a comorbid anxiety disorder (26 patients [20.3%]) to placebo on the LSAS, Fear Questionnaire Social Pho-
or dysthymia (19 [14.8%]). bia Subscale, and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale. Com-
Rates of discontinuation were 37.1% (13 of 35) in the bined treatment was also superior to placebo on the ADIS
phenelzine group, 35.3% (12 of 34) in the CBGT group, and the Social Phobia Scale. No significant differences


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Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Patients With SAD Treated With Placebo, CBGT, Phenelzine, and Their Combination

Treatment Group a

Placebo CBGT Phenelzine Sulfate Combined

(n=27) (n = 34) (n = 35) (n = 32) P Value b
Women, No. (%) 10 (37.0) 18 (52.9) 11 (31.4) 13 (40.6) .32
Age, y
Mean (SD) 32.04 (8.73) 31.71 (9.63) 30.66 (7.98) 35.63 (9.84)
Range 18-47 20-58 20-51 20-61
Marital status, No. (%)
Married 6 (22.2) 8 (23.5) 7 (20.0) 9 (28.1)
Single, never married 18 (66.7) 24 (70.6) 27 (77.1) 23 (71.9) .55
Divorced 3 (11.1) 2 (5.9) 1 (2.9) 0
Ethnicity/race, No. (%)
White 13 (48.1) 19 (55.9) 15 (42.9) 14 (43.8)
Black 7 (25.9) 6 (17.6) 8 (22.9) 8 (25.0)
Hispanic 6 (22.2) 6 (17.6) 7 (20.0) 8 (25.0)
Other 1 (3.7) 3 (8.8) 5 (14.3) 2 (6.2)
Employment, No. (%)
Full-time employment 13 (48.1) 11 (32.4) 11 (31.4) 13 (40.6)
Full-time student 3 (11.1) 4 (11.8) 3 (8.6) 2 (6.2)
Part-time/homemaker/retired 11 (40.7) 14 (41.2) 20 (57.1) 13 (40.6)
Unemployed 0 5 (14.7) 1 (2.9) 4 (12.5)
Yearly family income, No. (%)
$9999 or public assistance 5 (18.5) 10 (29.4) 5 (14.3) 10 (31.3)
$10 000-$19 999 5 (18.5) 8 (23.5) 10 (28.6) 4 (12.5)
$20 000-$39 999 13 (48.1) 4 (11.8) 8 (22.9) 6 (18.8) .12
$40 000 4 (14.8) 8 (23.5) 7 (20.0) 8 (25.0)
Failed to report 0 4 (11.8) 5 (14.3) 4 (12.5)
Education, No. (%)
College graduate 7 (25.9) 17 (50.0) 15 (42.9) 16 (50.0)
Some college 15 (55.6) 8 (23.5) 10 (28.6) 5 (15.6)
High school 5 (18.5) 7 (20.6) 9 (25.7) 10 (31.3)
Failed to report 0 2 (5.9) 1 (2.9) 1 (3.1)
Any previous treatment, No. (%) 6 (22.2) 11 (32.4) 12 (34.3) 7 (28.1) .56
Any previous pharmacotherapy, No. (%) 6 (22.2) 8 (23.5) 9 (25.7) 7 (21.9) .98
Any previous SSRIs, No. (%) 5 (18.5) 5 (14.7) 6 (17.1) 4 (12.5) .92
Any previous benzodiazepines, No. (%) 1 (3.7) 2 (5.9) 2 (5.7) 1 (3.1) .93
Any previous -blockers, No. (%) 0 1 (2.9) 1 (2.9) 2 (6.2) .59
Any previous psychotherapy, No. (%) 2 (7.4) 7 (20.6) 4 (11.4) 1 (3.1) .13
Treated at each site, No. (%)
Philadelphia 9 (33.3) 12 (35.3) 14 (40.0) 9 (28.1)
New York 18 (66.7) 22 (64.7) 21 (60.0) 23 (71.9)

Abbreviations: CBGT, cognitive behavioral group therapy; SAD, social anxiety disorder; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
a Because of rounding, percentages may not total 100.
b Differences across groups were compared using analysis of variance for continuous variables and 2 tests for categorical variables.

were seen between the CBGT and placebo groups on any percentage of CGI-I remitters was 22.1% in the phenel-
of the outcome measures. Effect sizes were generally small zine group (OR, 3.70; 95% CI, 0.82-19.14) and 8.8% in
for CBGT, medium for phenelzine, and large for com- the CBGT group (1.21, 0.19-7.81), neither significantly
bined treatment. different from the rate in the pill placebo group. When
Categorical measures yielded similar results. Pa- remission was defined by an LSAS score of 30 or less,
tients randomized to receive combined treatment were 59.4% of patients in the combined treatment group and
significantly more likely than those randomized to re- 11.1% in the placebo group were classified as remitters
ceive placebo to be classified as responders (OR, 5.11; (OR, 11.69; 95% CI, 2.91-47.05). The percentage of re-
95% CI, 1.68-15.52). There were no significant differ- mitters was 20.0% in the phenelzine group (OR, 2.00;
ences in the probability of response in patients random- 95% CI, 0.47-8.60) and 20.6% in the CBGT group (2.07,
ized to receive phenelzine (OR, 2.38; 95% CI, 0.84- 0.48-8.93). Here again, the monotherapies did not dis-
6.72), CBGT (1.78, 0.63-5.06), or placebo. Rates of tinguish themselves from placebo.
remission were also significantly higher for patients ran-
domized to combined treatment than for those random- Hypothesis 2
ized to placebo (Figure 2). Using the definition of CGI-
I=1, 46.9% of patients who received combined treatment Table 4 provides mean slopes of change for all continu-
were classified as remitters compared with 7.4% taking ous measures and rates of response and remission for all
placebo (OR, 11.03; 95% CI, 2.23-54.57). In contrast, the the treatment groups. Across all measures, the results of


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Table 2. Outcome Measures in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder at Baseline and at Week 12 by Treatment Group

Treatment Group a

Placebo CBGT Phenelzine Sulfate Combined Fb P Value

Week 0 75.96 (24.80) 77.12 (27.34) 80.09 (19.82) 64.06 (27.80) 2.58 .06
Week 12 63.29 (27.51) 62.71 (24.78) 47.80 (26.22) 24.14 (17.28) 7.85 .001
Week 0 5.96 (0.85) 6.03 (0.95) 6.15 (0.93) 5.87 (1.12) 0.47 .71
Week 12 4.70 (1.69) 4.70 (1.16) 4.38 (1.88) 3.43 (1.57) 4.60 .005
Week 0 5.44 (0.58) 5.34 (0.70) 5.51 (0.70) 5.19 (0.74) 1.39 .25
Week 12 4.63 (1.31) 4.71 (1.23) 4.35 (1.38) 3.64 (1.36) 3.48 .02
Week 0 6.07 (4.60) 6.75 (4.52) 6.63 (5.58) 6.41 (4.54) 0.11 .96
Week 12 5.43 (4.64) 5.73 (5.05) 5.60 (4.83) 4.26 (4.37) 0.59 .62
Week 0 23.56 (7.78) 22.13 (8.23) 24.88 (7.17) 18.61 (7.75) 3.62 .02
Week 12 19.24 (9.57) 15.39 (8.64) 13.64 (8.59) 7.26 (4.93) 3.71 .02
Week 0 41.42 (12.46) 42.87 (13.09) 45.06 (9.91) 34.71 (18.22) 3.20 .03
Week 12 34.52 (14.72) 29.94 (15.43) 25.96 (17.57) 16.04 (14.95) 3.44 .02
Week 0 35.96 (11.11) 35.38 (17.84) 39.91 (16.25) 25.64 (14.63) 4.63 .01
Week 12 28.95 (14.66) 21.22 (13.00) 21.32 (18.68) 8.61 (8.01) 1.89 .14
Week 12 3.00 (1.14) 2.45 (0.60) 2.35 (1.06) 1.78 (0.85) 6.55 .01
Week 0 15.56 (4.67) 15.50 (5.90) 17.35 (6.63) 14.74 (7.18) 1.01 .39
Week 12 11.33 (5.92) 10.35 (5.72) 9.09 (7.03) 5.78 (7.29) 2.56 .06

Abbreviations: ADIS, Clinicians Severity Rating of the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV; CBGT, cognitive behavioral group therapy;
CGI-I, Clinical Global Impression Improvement Scale; CGI-S, Clinical Global Impression Severity Scale; FQ, Fear Questionnaire Social Phobia Subscale;
HAM-D, 29-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; LSAS, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (total score); SDS, Sheehan Disability Scale; SIAS, Social Interaction
Anxiety Scale; SPS, Social Phobia Scale.
a All values are given as mean (SD) score.
b Differences in the mean at baseline were compared using analysis of variance. Differences between baseline and week 12 were compared using linear
mixed-effects models.

Table 3. 12-Week Pairwise Differences Between the Placebo Group and Patients
Receiving CBGT, Phenelzine, and Combined Treatment

Treatment Group

CBGT Phenelzine Sulfate Combined

Mean (SE) ES Mean (SE) ES Mean (SE) ES

ADIS 0.26 (0.42) 0.15 0.70 (0.39) 0.42 1.33 (0.40) a 0.79
LSAS 2.28 (5.77) 0.08 17.24 (5.52) a 0.60 30.19 (5.82) a 1.05
CGI-S 0.08 (0.30) 0.06 0.44 (0.28) 0.32 0.56 (0.30) 0.41
HAMD 0.31 (1.24) 0.07 0.35 (1.20) 0.07 1.30 (1.22) 0.28
FQ 2.88 (2.14) 0.32 5.21 (1.97) a 0.58 8.11 (2.13) a 0.90
SIAS 5.20 (3.96) 0.31 9.10 (3.61) b 0.54 11.56 (3.81) a 0.68
SPS 5.67 (3.61) 0.36 6.61 (3.32) 0.42 12.87 (3.65) a 0.81
SDS 0.58 (1.69) 0.09 2.95 (1.56) 0.43 4.25 (1.59) a 0.63

Abbreviations: ES, effect size (Cohen d). For other definitions, see Table 2.
a P .01.
b P .05.

the Williams test were highly significant. Examination cebo. The results also support this ordering of treat-
of categorical measures produced similar results. ment effects (Table 4). Additional analyses restricted the
Because in a previous study10 phenelzine was supe- sample to responders to examine whether responders to
rior to CBGT on several continuous measures after acute each treatment differed in magnitude of improvement.
treatment, in the exploratory analyses of the present study, The mean slope of the LSAS score change was signifi-
we reexamined the models hypothesizing the following cantly larger for combined treatment than for the mono-
order: combined treatment, phenelzine, CBGT, and pla- therapies considered separately or pooled (Table 5).


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MEDICATION DOSE AND ADVERSE EFFECTS 0.35, and 0.91 respectively. The Williams test statistic was
4.7 (P.001). The proportion of responders at week 24
The mean (SD) daily dose of phenelzine sulfate at the end was 9 of 27 (33.3%) in the placebo group, 35 of 69 (50.7%)
of week 12 in the medication group (65.9 [22.5] mg/d) in those receiving monotherapy (18 of 34 [52.9%] for
and in the combined group (62.0 [24.6] mg/d) did not CBGT and 17 of 35 [48.6%] for phenelzine), and 25 of 32
differ significantly (t = 0.7, P= .11). However, significant (78.1%) in those randomized to combined treatment, yield-
differences in rates of treatment-emergent events were ing a linear-by-linear 12 =12.02 (P=.001). Rates of remis-
noted for 7 symptoms: insomnia, lightheadedness, dry sion were 4 of 27 (14.8%), 17 of 69 (24.6%; 8 of 34 [23.5%]
mouth, weight gain, constipation, anorgasmia, and ner- and 9 of 35 [25.7%]), and 17 of 32 (53.1%), respectively,
vousness (Table 6). For 3 symptoms, incidence was high- resulting in a linear-by-linear 12 =10.72 (P=.001), when
est in the combined group; the incidence of 3 other symp- remission was defined as an LSAS score of 30 or less. Rates
toms was highest in the phenelzine group; and the of remission were 2 of 27 (7.4%), 14 of 69 (20.3%; 5 of 34
incidence of 1 symptom was highest in the placebo group. [14.7%] and 9 of 35 [25.7%]), and 15 of 32 (46.9%), with
a linear-by-linear 12=12.78 (P.001), when remission was
Continuation Phase defined as CGI-I=1.

At week 24, mean (SD) LSAS scores were 59.3 (23.5) for
the placebo group, 51.0 (22.9) for the CBGT group, 52.6 COMMENT
(24.0) for the phenelzine group, and 32.0 (19.6) for the
combined group, resulting in effect sizes (Cohen d) of 0.36, To our knowledge, this is the first study to show the su-
periority of a combined treatment over medication, psy-
chotherapy, and placebo in the acute treatment of SAD.
Placebo In addition, we found that phenelzine, but not CBGT
Phenelzine sulfate
alone, was superior to placebo. These results were con-
70 Combined treatment sistent across several outcome measures and analytic strat-
egies and were maintained throughout the 12-week con-
tinuation phase.
50 Supporting the main hypothesis, combined treat-
Patients, %

ment was superior to both monotherapies and to pla-
cebo. Two mechanisms could explain the higher effi-
30 cacy of combined treatment: (1) distinct groups of patients
20 with SAD could respond to only phenelzine or CBGT (by
receiving both, patients in the combined treatment group
would have increased their chances of receiving at least
0 1 treatment that was efficacious for them) and (2) com-
Response Remission Remission
(CGI-I = 1 or 2) (CGI-I = 1) (LSAS 30) bined treatment may exert a truly additive or synergis-
tic effect in the treatment of SAD beyond the effects of
either monotherapy alone.
Figure 2. Response and remission rates by treatment group at week 12.
CBGT indicates cognitive behavioral group therapy; CGI-I, Clinical Global If only the first mechanism was at work, responders
Impression Improvement Scale; and LSAS, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. in the combined group would not have had larger aver-

Table 4. Statistical Inference Under Order Restrictions for Patients With SAD a

Sulfate P P
Placebo or CBGT Combined Statistic b Value Placebo CBGT Phenelzine Combined Statistic b Value
CGI-I score, mean (SD) 3.00 (1.10) 2.41 (0.88) 1.79 (0.86) 4.45 .01 3.00 (1.10) NA NA 1.79 (0.86) NA NA
Slope, mean (SE), change
per mo
LSAS 1.82 (0.45) 2.07 (0.59) 2.59 (0.48) 4.97 .01 1.82 (0.45) 1.93 (0.51) 2.24 (0.60) 2.59 (0.48) 5.07 .01
ADIS 0.12 (0.06) 0.14 (0.06) 0.18 (0.07) 3.15 .01 0.12 (0.06) 0.13 (0.04) 0.14 (0.07) 0.18 (0.07) 3.21 .01
CGI-S 0.07 (0.06) 0.08 (0.06) 0.12 (0.06) 2.50 .01 0.07 (0.06) 0.07 (0.05) 0.09 (0.06) 0.12 (0.06) 2.53 .01
HAM-D 0.10 (0.05) 0.09 (0.05) 0.12 (0.05) NA NA 0.10 (0.05) 0.09 (0.06) 0.09 (0.04) 0.12 (0.05) NA NA
FQ 0.62 (0.19) 0.72 (0.18) 0.81 (0.11) 3.78 .01 0.62 (0.19) 0.68 (0.17) 0.75 (0.18) 0.81 (0.11) 3.80 .01
SIAS 1.03 (0.36) 1.26 (0.42) 1.40 (0.35) 3.14 .01 1.03 (0.36) 1.15 (0.29) 1.33 (0.48) 1.40 (0.35) 3.22 .01
SPS 1.09 (0.16) 1.17 (0.17) 1.23 (0.14) 2.91 .01 1.09 (0.16) 1.16 (0.15) 1.18 (0.18) 1.23 (0.14) 2.99 .01
SDS 0.58 (0.05) 0.60 (0.06) 0.62 (0.06) 2.15 .02 0.58 (0.05) 0.59 (0.05) 0.61 (0.07) 0.62 (0.06) 2.18 .02
Rate, No. (%)
Response 9/27 (33.3) 35/69 (50.7) 23/32 (71.9) 8.92 .01 9/27 (33.3) 16/34 (47.1) 19/35 (54.3) 23/32 (71.9) 8.76 .01
Remission, CGI-I=1 2/27 (7.4) 11/69 (15.9) 15/32 (46.9) 14.00 .01 2/27 (7.4) 3/34 (8.8) 8/35 (22.9) 15/32 (46.9) 15.92 .01
Remission, LSAS 30 3/27 (11.1) 14/69 (20.3) 19/32 (59.4) 17.78 .01 3/27 (11.1) 7/34 (20.6) 7/35 (20.0) 19/32 (59.4) 15.53 .01

Abbreviations: CBGT, cognitive behavioral group therapy; NA, not applicable; SAD, social anxiety disorder. For other definitions, see Table 2.
a The left side of the table describes the main analyses, that is, collapsing the phenelzine and CBGT groups into one. The right side of the table describes the
exploratory analyses, in which the phenelzine and CBGT groups are examined separately.
b Williams test for slope and linear-by-linear 2 tests for categorical measures.


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Table 5. Overall Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Slope Table 6. Significant Differences in Adverse Effects
for Responders: Williams Test by Treatment Group

Patients, P Treatment Group, %

Mean (SD) No. Statistic Value
Phenelzine P
Hypothesis 1: combined Placebo Sulfate Combined 22 Value
phenelzine sulfate or
CBGT placebo Insomnia 0 2.9 28.6 8.1 .001
Placebo 2.27 (0.27) 9 Lightheadedness 7.7 35.3 28.6 6.3 .04
Phenelzine or CBGT 2.38 (0.44) 35 2.01 .03 Dry mouth 0 8.9 25.0 8.7 .01
Combined 2.60 (0.42) 23 Weight gain 0 0 14.3 9.0 .01
Hypothesis 2: combined Constipation 7.7 35.3 7.1 10.9 .004
phenelzine CBGT Anorgasmia 7.7 29.4 7.1 7.6 .02
placebo Nervousness 11.5 0 0 7.4 .03
Placebo 2.27 (0.27) 9
CBGT 2.15 (0.42) 16
2.23 .006
Phenelzine 2.57 (0.38) 19
Combined 2.60 (0.42) 23 Consistent with previous studies,10,50-52 we found that
phenelzine was superior to placebo on most measures,
Abbreviation: CBGT, cognitive behavioral group therapy. providing additional documentation of its efficacy. Phen-
elzine and CBGT, however, were less efficacious than in
age improvements than responders in the monotherapy previous studies,10 and CBGT was generally not supe-
groups. However, individuals receiving combined treat- rior to placebo in pairwise comparisons, although it was
ment had larger average improvements than did those superior to placebo in the analyses using tests of con-
receiving phenelzine or CBGT alone. This finding sug- strained statistical inference, was not different from phen-
gests an additive or synergistic effect of these treatment elzine monotherapy in pairwise comparisons at week 12,
modalities, possibly due to their different mechanisms and achieved the same efficacy as phenelzine at week 24.
of action or by mutually facilitating the others effect. For The lower efficacy of CBGT in this study is surprising to
example, phenelzine may reduce anxiety and increase the us and may be due to sample differences (R.G. H. moved
chances of successful exposures to feared situations, from Albany to Philadelphia between the time of the pre-
whereas the skills learned through CBGT may help those vious trial10 and the present one). However, there were
taking phenelzine profit more from their exposures. no site treatment interactions in either study, making
The present findings of the superiority of combined this explanation less likely. Furthermore, in another 2-site
treatment are at variance with those of previous stud- trial53 conducted since the time of the study reported
ies15,17,18 of combination treatment for SAD but in ac- herein, CBT proved highly efficacious. Recent meta-
cord with some other studies and meta-analyses45-48 that analyses54-56 and qualitative reviews57 continue to sup-
have shown the superiority of combined treatment over port the efficacy of CBT for SAD.
monotherapies in other mood and anxiety disorders. Dis- The present study has the limitations common to
crepancies in the SAD results may be due in some cases most efficacy trials. First, treatments were provided by
to the use of medications with a mixed15 or poor record experts and may show lower efficacy in less specialized
of efficacy in the treatment of SAD.17,18 settings. Second, participants had to be willing to be
The findings of Blomhoff and colleagues19 are more randomized to any of the 4 treatment conditions. Indi-
difficult to interpret. Although the study did not find an viduals who dropped out of the study after randomiza-
additional benefit of combined treatment over sertra- tion but before receiving any treatment were not
line monotherapy, this result may have been due to the included in the analyses. These results may not general-
use of pairwise comparisons rather than tests for or- ize to them. Similarly, because individuals were
dered responses implied in the design. We reanalyzed the recruited from advertisements and word of mouth, the
rates of response from that study assuming a gradation results may not be generalizable to all patients with
of response from placebo to monotherapies to com- SAD. Third, because the study lacked a CBGT plus pill
bined treatment using a linear-by-linear test, which yielded placebo group, the nonspecific effects of phenelzine in
12=8.0 (P=.005). An even more significant result was ob- the combined treatment cannot be ruled out. Fourth,
tained when the gradation was assumed to be placebo, because self-exposure was neither assessed nor explic-
exposure therapy, sertraline, and combined treatment itly discouraged in the pill-only groups, it is possible
(12=9.9, P=.002). More recent work by the same group,49 that more spontaneous exposure occurred in the phen-
although not formally tested for ordered responses, also elzine group, which may have contributed to their
suggests a gradient of efficacy in the acute treatment of improvement. Fifth, the study examined only 1 medica-
SAD, with placebo having the lowest degree of re- tion, 1 psychotherapy, and their combination rather
sponse, followed by monotherapies (exposure therapy and than a broader array of treatments. Thus, these findings
sertraline), and combined treatment having the highest may not extend to individuals treated with selective
efficacy at week 24. Taken together, the available evi- serotonin reuptake inhibitors or selective noradrenergic
dence seems to support the superiority of combined treat- reuptake inhibitors. However, the reanalysis of the
ment over medication or exposure and CBT alone for the study by Blomhoff et al19 and the findings of Haug et
treatment of SAD. al49 suggest that a gradation of response from placebo to


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