Treadmill Fat Loss
Treadmill Fat Loss
Treadmill Fat Loss
See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. Prior to starting, you should
discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If you are taking any
medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program. If you
experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop and
consult a physician.
These recommendations are not medical guidelines. This book is for educational purposes only.
You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical
condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy
individuals 18 years and older only.
All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. It is advisable that readers to take full
responsibility for their safety and know their limits. The exercises and dietary programs in this
book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that
may have been prescribed by your physician.
Dont perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified
personal trainer. Dont perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up
prior to your workout session and end with a stretching cool down segment.
Safety First
You will only get positive results from this program if you are performing the exercises correctly.
Here are a few tips for you to maximize your results:
1. Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program.
2. It may be necessary to consult a trainer if you are unsure of how to do any of the
Do NOT do exercises that you dont understand how to do.
3. If something hurts do not do it. You must understand the difference between muscle
fatigue and injury. Always error on the side of caution if you feel pain.
4. This program has the potential to be used with those new to fitness as well as those that
are very fit. Start off conservatively and increase intensity as you go.
5. We can do it all; however, we may need an extra day of rest between workouts so feel
free to take a day of active rest between workouts if you arent up to the workout. Active
rest is an activity that is low intensity calorie burning in nature such as walking.
7. Always start with the easier alternative exercises if appropriate, even if you have
exercised in the past. The new exercises, and new style of movements will cause muscle
soreness even from workouts you think "look easy".
9. Do NOT the skip a warm-up, as well, take a few minutes to cool the body down.
10. If you have an injury, get medical attention to rehabilitate your injury before starting an
exercise program. 2
Welcome to Treadmill Fat Loss!
I Was Wrong
Ive been bashing the treadmill for years and its not making a differenceevery
day I go to a commercial gym I see a sea of treadmills. And they arent collecting
dust. Rumor has it that big box gyms are actually planning a BIGGER cardio floor
and less space will be devoted to other types of fitness equipment (like free
weights and machines). Every hotel gym has a treadmill. The number one
piece of equipment that the average person buys is a treadmill.
After all, if so many have access to a treadmill, why not provide an effective fat
burning, muscle-toning workout for it?
In fact, I don't really have an issue with a treadmill at all. The issue I have with it
is that most folks get on it and read a magazine. Steady state cardio (hopping
on the treadmill and walking or light jogging and barely breaking a sweat for 30+
minutes) is the death of fat loss and the cause of workout boredom.
Treadmill Fat Loss is different. You will NOT be reading a magazine or watching
reruns of Friends on it. Youll be sweating and gasping and groaning. Sound
Instead, youll be called upon to use a scale called rate of perceived exertion.
So for each workout, instead of including written in stone speeds, Ill add a
RPE (or rate of perceived exertion) rating.
The RPE scale measures feelings of effort, strain, discomfort, and/or fatigue
experienced during training. Your perception of physical exertion is a subjective
assessment. 3
How is perceived exertion measured?
See below:
1 - No exertion at all
2 - Extremely light exertion
3 - Very light exertion
4 - Light exertion
6 - Somewhat hard exertion
8 - Hard (heavy) exertion
9 - Extremely hard exertion
10 - Maximal exertion
Youll be getting on and off the treadmill regularly during every workout. Use the
handrails to steady yourself and hop onto the frame while holding on. From there,
if you need to get off the treadmill for an exercise set, step off from the frame.
When returning to the treadmill for a running set, start by getting on the frame
and then stepping back onto the deck.
You can keep the treadmill going so that when your working set off the treadmill
is done, youll be able to get back on without having to adjust the speed. 4
In the beginning especially, err on the side of safety with a slower deck speed
until you feel coordinated enough to get back on the deck at a quick pace.
But I actually like to train MORE than three times a week, even though you can
get results in as little as 60 minutes a week (3 x 20 minute workouts). My
suggestion is to use these options:
So, decide whats right for you. Cycle through the Treadmill Fat Loss workouts.
They can be done in ANY order because YOU are in charge of the intensity. 5
Most treadmills have a built in timer, but it gets tricky timing your sets using the
timer on the treadmill. I suggest getting a timer, my favorite is the Gymboss timer
because its hands free - I can clip it to my t-shirt and it will either vibrate or beep
(or both).
Go through this superset using a slow tempo for each exercise. Do not rest.
Leg Swings 10 reps per side
Arm swings 10 rotations forward/10 rotations backward
20 Calf raises on the back of the treadmill
Reverse Lunge 5 reps per side
Spiderman Climb 5 reps per side
Close-Grip Pushups 10 reps
Then jump onto the treadmill for 2 minutes easy walk/jog at RPE level 3.
Also add some gentle stretches after this. Make sure to stretch your calves out in
particular. Stand on a stair and let your heels drop. Do NOT bounce. Let gravity
do the work on the calf stretches or any passive stretch for that matter. 6
#1 Rotisserie
Set your timer for 1 min repeats (some of your planking time will be used to
actually get into the plank position)
1 min forward run RPE 6
1 min Front plank
1 min forward run RPE 6
1 min Side plank
1 min forward run RPE 6
1 min Side plank (other side)
Repeat circuit three times, each subsequent set, increase your RPE to 7 and
8 respectively.
Try 30 seconds of each exercise or 10 reps if you dont have a stopwatch. You
will NOT even have the treadmill on for this workout.
Calf raises
Wind shield wiper abs
10 Treadmill Burpees (hands to the deck)
Repeat 7
#3 Keep on Pushin 8
#5 Three for the Road
Do the following AMRAP style for 15-20 minutes, rest when necessary:
30 second sprint RPE 8 (Get off the treadmill safely)
3 reverse prisoner lunges per leg
3 per side single leg RDL
3 push ups
30 second plank hold
#6 NO Sittin Around
Set your timer for 1 min work/10 seconds transition for 21 sets:
Forward run RPE 5
Wall sit stick up
Inverted row 9
#7 Double Down
Set your timer for 20 minutes. Get as much work done as possible, if you count
down to 1 rep and have time remaining, start to count back up the ladder. All
exercises are done on the floor. Change the treadmill speed as quickly as you
can. 10
#8 Plank Run Down
Do the following AMRAP style for 20 minutes:
#9 Man Up
Set your timer for 20 minutes. Get as much work done as possible, if you count
down to 1 rep and have time remaining, start to count back up the ladder. *Your
walk/jog is your active recovery on the treadmill.
Start with 1 minute of walk/jog at RPE 4 then do:
10 decline push ups (or regular push ups)
10 burpees
10 prisoner lunges (per leg) 11
#10 Burpee Sprint
Your hardest sets will be the burpee set and your recovery will be on the
treadmill. If you can increase the intensity on your burpee, to include a burpee
with a push up or even a burpee pull up, then do it!
10 burpees
1 min forward walk/jog RPE 4 (recovery)
Set 1
1 minute forward walk/jog RPE 4
30 seconds squats (feet on side of deck)
30 seconds squat pulse (feet on side of deck)
30 seconds forward sprint RPE 8
30 seconds forward walk/jog RPE 3
Set 2
Increase incline by 50%
Repeat set 1
Set 3
Increase incline by 50%
Repeat set 1
* Want more intensity? Up your RPE to 6-7 for the first minute and add a fourth
10 inverted rows (feet on frame) (do wall sit stick ups if this isnt possible)
10 decline push ups (feet on frame)
Forward run 1 min RPE 5
Forward run 1 min RPE 7
Forward sprint 30 seconds RPE 9
Forward run 1 min RPE 5 12
#13 Pyramid Plank Run
The plank will be your recovery phase. Change the speed of the treadmill as
quickly as possible. Alternate from run to plank, some of the minute planking time
will be spent getting into position. Do one minute of each: 13
Change of Pace
The following eight workouts are a change of pace in that youll add things like
side shuffles and backwards running on the treadmill.
A word of caution: This takes some time and practice to feel comfortable and
confident enough to push yourself doing these different moves on the treadmill
without falling off. Make sure that you keep the deck moving slowly and use the
handrails at first.
Repeat 14
#16 Merry Go Round
Set your timer for 20 minutes, go through this set as many times as you can.
Keep the treadmill fairly slow (2.0 mph) for the lunges and faster for the
backwards jog. Incline the deck as much as possible. Use the timer on the
treadmill for the timed sets:
Repeat set for 20 minutes, make sure to do equal reps for right and left squat
lateral leg lifts if time runs out. 15
#19 Shuffle Up
Set your timer for 2 minute repeats. This is a FUW set. FUW means finish up
with. You will do the required reps of the first exercise and FUW on the treadmill.
Incline the treadmill as much as possible for this workout.
10 per leg walking lunges on deck of treadmill (keep the mph slow)
FUW backward run RPE 6
10 Bulgarian split squat prisoner arm position (right back foot on treadmill
FUW forward run RPE 7
10 Bulgarian split squat prisoner arm position (left back foot on treadmill
FUW forward run RPE 7
Repeat 16
#21 Backwards Pyramid Plank Run
The plank will be your recovery phase. Change the speed of the treadmill as
quickly as possible. Alternate from run to plank, some of the minute planking time
will be spent getting into position. Do one minute of each: 17
Print these off and put in a plastic
sleeve for re-use. 18
Warm up
Go through this superset using a slow tempo for each
exercise. Do not rest. 19
#1 Rotisserie
Set your timer for 1 min repeats (some of your
planking time will be used to actually get into the
plank position) 20
#2 The Non-Treadmill Workout
Try 30 seconds of each exercise or 10 reps if you
dont have a stopwatch. You will NOT even have the
treadmill on for this workout.
Repeat two more times (3 circuits in all).
Incline push up
Dip (or get ups)
10 Treadmill Burpees 21
L - Bulgarian split squat
(back foot on the deck)
Calf raises
Wind shield wiper abs
10 Treadmill Burpees
Repeat 22
#3 Keep on Pushin
Use the timer on the treadmill to time your treadmill sets:
20 push ups
2 min forward run RPE 4
1 min forward run RPE 8
10 per leg spider crawls
2 min forward run RPE 4
1 min forward run RPE 8
20 bodyweight squats
Repeat entire circuit. 23
#4 Down the Ladder
Set your timer for 20 minutes. Get done as much
work as you can in that time. 25
#6 NO Sittin Around
Set your timer for 1 min work/10 seconds transition for
21 sets: 26
Forward run RPE 8
Wall sit stick up
Inverted row 27
#7 Double Down
Set your timer for 20 minutes. Get as much work done
as possible, if you count down to 1 rep and have time
remaining, start to count back up the ladder. All
exercises are done on the floor. Change the treadmill
speed as quickly as you can.
10 prisoner squats 28
Fwd run 1 min RPE 7
9 wall sit stick ups
9 prisoner squats
Fwd run 30 sec RPE 9
9 spiderman push ups
9 prisoner squats
Work down to: 29
#8 Plank Run Down
Do the following AMRAP style for 20 minutes: 30
Increase incline by 50%: 31
#9 Man Up
Set your timer for 20 minutes. Get as much work done
as possible, if you count down to 1 rep and have time
remaining, start to count back up the ladder. *Your
walk/jog is your active recovery on the treadmill. 32
Continue 1 min walk/jog
1 decline push up
1 burpee pull up
1/leg prisoner lunge 33
#10 Burpee Sprint?
Your hardest sets will be the burpee set and your
recovery will be on the treadmill. If you can increase
the intensity on your burpee, to include a burpee with
a push up or even a burpee pull up, then do it!
10 burpees
1 min fwd walk/jog RPE 4
Repeat for 10 sets
*Time this workout and beat your time the next time
you try it! 34
#11 Quad Punisher
You will basically repeat set 1 six times and change
the incline each time.
Set 1
1 min fwd walk/jog RPE 4
30 sec squats
30 sec squat pulse
30 sec fwd sprint RPE 8
30 sec fwd walk/jog RPE 3
Set 2
Increase incline by 50%
Repeat set 1
Set 3
Increase incline by 50%
Repeat set 1 35
#12 Upper Body BAM
Set your timer for 20 minutes, go through this set as
many times as you can. 36
#13 Pyramid Plank Run
The plank will be your recovery phase. Change the
speed of the treadmill as quickly as possible.
Alternate from run to plank, some of the minute
planking time will be spent getting into position. Do
one minute of each: 37
Forward run RPE 10
Repeat 39
#15 To the Left, To the Left
Set your timer for 20 minutes, go through this set as
many times as you can. Incline the deck as much as
possible. 40
#16 Merry Go Round
Set your timer for 20 minutes, go through this set as
many times as you can. 41
#17 Walk This Way
Set your timer for 20 minutes and get done as much
as possible.
Keep the treadmill fairly slow (2.0 mph) for the lunges
and faster for the backwards jog. Incline the deck as
much as possible. Use the timer on the treadmill for
the timed sets:
10 Treadmill burpees
1 min walking lunges
10 squat lat leg lift left
10 squat lat leg lift right
1 min bkwds jog RPE 5
Repeat set for 20 minutes, make sure to do equal
reps for right and left squat lateral leg lifts if time runs
out. 42
#18 Run Around
Set your timer for 2 minutes of work/1 minute of work: 43
#19 Shuffle Up
Set your timer for 2 minute repeats. This is a FUW
set. FUW means finish up with. You will do the
required reps of the first exercise and FUW on the
treadmill. Incline the treadmill as much as possible for
this workout. 44
10/leg walking lunges on
deck of treadmill -slow mph
Repeat 45
#20 Bulgarian Runner
Set your timer for 2 minute repeats. This is a FUW
set. FUW means finish up with. You will do the
required reps of the first exercise and FUW on the
treadmill. Incline the treadmill as much as possible for
this workout.
Repeat 46
#21 Backwards Pyramid Plank Run
The plank will be your recovery phase. Change the
speed of the treadmill as quickly as possible.
Alternate from run to plank, some of the minute
planking time will be spent getting into position. Do
one minute of each: 47
Backward run RPE 5
Plank 48