TR Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NC II
TR Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NC II
TR Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NC II
Page No.
Manicurist/ Pedicurist
Nail Technician
This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units of
competency required in BEAUTY CARE SERVICES (NAIL CARE) NC II.
1. Appropriate sources 1.1 Team members
1.2 Suppliers
1.3 Trade personnel
1.4 Local government
1.5 Industry bodies
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.
2. Identify own role and 2.1 Individual role and responsibilities within the team
responsibility within environment are identified.
team 2.2 Roles and responsibility of other team members are
identified and recognized.
2.3 Reporting relationships within team and external to
team are identified.
1. Role and objective of 1.1 Work activities in a team environment with enterprise
team or specific sector
1.2 Limited discretion, initiative and judgment may be
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a
team environment
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
promoting career growth and advancement.
ELEMENT Bold &Italicized fonts are elaborated in the Range of
Integrate personal 1.1 Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards
objectives with improving the qualifications set for the profession
organizational goals 1.2 Intra and interpersonal relationships are maintained in
the course of managing oneself based on
performance evaluation
1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is
demonstrated in the performance of duties
Set and meet work 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve
priorities personal, team and organizational goals and
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to
manage work priorities and commitments
2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of
equipment and facilities are followed as per
established procedures
1. Evaluation 1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Psychological Profile
1.3 Aptitude Tests
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with
regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational
health and safety.
1. Safety regulations May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
1.7 ECC regulations
3. Build credibility with 3.1 Client expectations for reliability, punctuality and
customers/clients appearance adhered to
3.2 Possible causes of client/customer dissatisfaction
identified, dealt with and recorded according to
employer policy
3.3 Client fully informed of all relevant security matters in a
timely manner and according to agreed reporting
Personal Presence May include:
1.1 Stance
1.2 Posture
1.3 Body Language
1.4 Demeanor
1.5 Grooming
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
in effectively managing own workload and quality of work.
3. Build credibility with 3.1 Client expectations for reliability, punctuality and
customers/clients appearance adhered to
3.2 Possible causes of client/customer dissatisfaction
identified, dealt with and recorded according to
employer policy
3.3 Client fully informed of all relevant security matters in a
timely manner and according to agreed reporting
1. Tasks 1.1 May identified through:
1.1.1 Assignment instructions
1.1.2 Verbal Instructions by senior officer
1.1.3 Policy Documents
1.1.4 Duty Statements
1.1.5 Self Assessment
1.2 May be:
1.2.1 Daily tasks
1.2.2 Weekly tasks
1.2.3 Regularly or irregularly occurring tasks
3. Underpinning skills 3.1 Capacity to plan and prioritize security work loads and
3.2 Time and task management
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed
to apply quality standards in the workplace. The unit also
includes the application of relevant safety procedures and
regulations, salon/organizational procedures and other client
Bold &Italicized fonts are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Assess clients 1.1 Work instruction is obtained and work is carried out in
service needs accordance with standard operating procedures.
1.2 Clients needs are checked against workplace
standards and specifications.
1.3 Faults on clients and any identified causes are
recorded and/or reported to the supervisor concerned
in accordance with workplace procedures.
1.4 Clients profile and service extended to them are
documented in accordance with workplace
2. Assess own work 2.1 Documentation relative to quality within the company
is identified and used.
2.2 Completed work is checked against workplace
standards relevant to the task undertaken.
2.3 Errors are identified and improved on.
2.4 Information on the quality and other indicators of
individual performance is recorded in accordance with
workplace procedures.
2.5 In cases of deviations from specific quality
standards, causes are documented and reported in
accordance with the workplace standard operating
3. Engage in quality 3.1 Process improvement procedures are participated in
improvement relative to workplace assignment.
3.2 Work is carried out in accordance with process
improvement procedures.
3.3 Performance of operation or quality of product of service
to ensure other client satisfaction is monitored.
1. External Clients May include but not limited to:
1.1 Teenagers
1.2 Adult men
1.3 Working adult
1.4 Child
2. Assess own work 2.1 Reception, work areas and walkways maintained in a
safe, uncluttered and organized manner according to
salon policy.
2.2 All routines carried out safely, effectively with minimum
inconvenience to clients and staff.
2.3 Waste is stored and disposed of according to OH&S
2.4 Spills, food, waste, hair or potential hazards
promptly removed from floors according to salon
2.5 Spills, food, waste, hair or other potential hazards
promptly removed from floors according to salon
2.6 Linen is stored, cleaned and disinfected in line with
OHS requirements and salon procedures.
2.7 Refreshments are provided to all clients.
3. Check and maintain 3.1 Tools and equipment are stored safely and in position
tools and equipment to comply with salon requirements and local health
3.2 Tools and equipment are prepared for specific services
as required.
3.3 Tools and equipment are checked for maintenance
3.4 Tools and equipment are referred for repair as
5. Provide a relaxed 5.1 Clients are made to feel comfortable according to salon
and caring policy.
environment 5.2 Clients needs are reported to.
5.3 Clients are consulted on specific desired service.
1. Relevant salon May include but not limited to:
policies and 1.1 Hazard Policies and Procedures
procedures 1.2 Emergency, Fire and Accident Procedures
1.3 Personal Safety Procedures
1.4 Procedures for the use of Personal protective Clothing
and Equipment
1.5 Hazard Identification
1.6 Job Procedures
2. Perform cleaning and 2.1 Appropriate sanitized tools and equipment, supplies
cutting of nails and materials are selected and prepared according
to salon procedures
2.2 Hands and feet are disinfected sanitized, cleaned and
dried completely
2.3 Nails are cleaned in accordance with established or
acceptable procedures.
2.4 Nails are trimmed and filed based on clients desired
2.5 Fingers are lightly massaged following prescribed
2.6 Clients safety and comfort is ensured during the
entire process.
2.7 First-aid is applied in case of accidental cuts and
3. Apply nail polish 3.1 Color of nail polish is selected and agreed according to
customer requirements
3.2 Nail polish is applied in accordance with established/
acceptable as procedure
3.3 Outcome is checked and analyzed against agreed nail
service result.
1. Client 1.1 Ladies
1.2 Men
2. Apply hand treatment 2.1 Necessary tools and supplies/materials are prepared
and used according to OH&S requirements
2.2 Hand spa machine is set to regulate heat to achieve
required melting of wax
2.3 Appropriate temperature is determined and tested by
client respective heat tolerance
2.4 Hand Spa is performed in accordance with establish or
acceptable procedure
2.5 Clients safety and comfort is ensured during the entire
2.6 Desired service outcome is confirmed with client and
1. Hand conditions 1.1 Callous
1.2 Normal with no cuts or wounds
1.3 Dry
2. Clean and scrub foot 2.1 Tools, equipment, supplies and materials are
prepared and used according to salon procedures
2.2 Water temperature is checked according to client heat
2.3 Foot spa is performed in accordance with
established or acceptable procedure
2.4 Clients safety and comfort is ensured during the
entire process
2.5 Outcome of treatment is assessed against clients
requirements and recorded following salon procedure
3. Perform post service 3.1 After care advice and homecare products are
activities recommended according to clients needs
3.2 Tools, equipment, supplies and materials are
disinfected and stored according to environment and
safety regulations
3.3 Workstation is sanitized and prepared for the
succeeding salon activities
3.4 Wastes are disposed according to environment and
safety regulations
1. Foot condition 1.1 Normal
1.2 Dry
1.3 With abrasions or cuts
1.4 With fungal infection or wounds
1.5 With open wound
This set of standards provides Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for BEAUTY CARE SERVICES (NAIL CARE) NC II.
Course Description:
(18 Hours)
Unit of Institutional
Compete Learning Outcomes Assessment
ncy Approach
1. Participate in 1.1 Obtain and convey Group Written
workplace workplace discussion examination
communication information.
Interaction Practical/
1.2 Participate in performance
workplace meeting test
and discussion.
1.3 Complete relevant
work related
Unit of Institutional
Compete Learning Outcomes Assessment
ncy Approach
1. Maintain an 1.1 Maintain a Group Demonstration
effective professional image Discussion Observation
relationship 1.2 Meet client/customer Interaction Interviews/
with clients/ requirements
customers 1.3 Build credibility with
Unit of Institutional
Compete Learning Outcomes Assessment
ncy Approach
1. Perform 1.1 Prepare client Lecture Written
manicure and 1.2 Clean and cut nails examination
1.3 Apply nail polish Supervised Demonstration
1.4 Perform post service Industry Observation
activities Training
The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
should be guided by the 10 basic principles of competency-based TVET.
Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are given the
opportunity to assist the slow learners.
Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into these qualifications should possess
the following requirements:
Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of a minimum of
25 trainees for Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NC II are as follows:
To qualify as trainer for Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NC II, the person must:
4.4 The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
4.4.1 Graduates of formal, non-formal and informal including enterprise-
based training programs
4.4.2 Experienced workers (wage employed or self employed)
4.5 The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in the
Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification and Guidelines on the
Implementation of the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System
Receive and
communication procedures
Use Apply
Develop and Solve problems Use Plan Collect,
mathematical Utilize Develop problem- Promote
practice related to work relevant specialized solving and organize analyze and
negotiation concepts and teams and organize environmental
activities technologies communication individuals techniques in work protection
skills techniques skills the workplace information
creative creative barbering treatment hair coloring haircutting shaving and massage body massage
hair coloring hair perming activities services services activities styling