Kalman Filter Slides

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Detection and Estimation Theory

ECE 531

Saeed Hajizadeh

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Illinois at Chicago

29 March 2016

Saeed Hajizadeh (UIC) Detection and Estimation Theory ECE 531 29 March 2016 1 / 24
Lecture 16

Kalman Filters

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Recall last lecture we discussed Bayesian Estimation

Bayesian Risk function to be minimized was introduced
Different cost functions led to various estimators
We also considered the MMSE estimators (posterior mean if
quadratic cost function)
Bayesian linear model resembles classical linear model with prior

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Today we will discuss Kalman Filters

So far, weve had a fixed parameter to be estimated
What if the parameter evolves over time?
x[n] = f ((n), u[n]) Dynamical Signal Model
Wiener filters and Kalman filters used
When non-stationary or vector noise, Kalman filter is used
Guidance, navigation, and control of vehicles
Time series analysis used in Econometrics, Finace, and Signal

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1 Scalar Version
Scalar Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Scalar Kalman Filter

2 Vector Version
Vector Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Kalman Filter

3 Application

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1 Scalar Version
Scalar Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Scalar Kalman Filter

2 Vector Version
Vector Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Kalman Filter

3 Application

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Dynamical Signal Model

Example of DC level with WGN

x[n] = A[n] + u[n] n 0

Model with first-order Gauss-Markov process

s[n] = as[n 1] + u[n] n 0 (1)

s[1] N (s , s2 )
u[n] N (0, u2 )
where everything is pairwise independent.
Model looks like an AR(1) process

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Dynamical Signal Model

Non-iterative equivalent
s[n] = a s[1] + ak u[n k] (2)

s[n] is a Gaussian random process (proved by induction)

Mean, covariance, and variance:

E(s[n]) = an+1 s (3)

Cov (s[m], s[n]) = E [(s[m] E(s[m]))(s[n] E(s[n]))]
= am+n+2 s2 + u2 amn a2k m n (4)
Var (s[n]) = a2n+2 s2 + u2 a2k (5)

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Dynamical Signal Model

E(s[n]) = an+1 s
Cov (s[m], s[n]) = am+n+2 s2 + u2 amn a2k mn
Var (s[n]) = a2n+2 s2 + u2 a2k

Mean and variance depend on n

Covariance depends on m and n as well as m n
Not a WSS random process
As n the process gets WSS

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Dynamical Signal Model

Recursive formulas for mean, variance, and covariance:

E(s[n]) = aE(s[n 1]) (6)

Var (s[n]) = a Var (s[n 1]) + u2 (7)
Cov (s[m], s[n]) = a Var (s[n]) (8)

Mean, variance, and covariance propagation equations

Variance is asymptotically bounded (Why?)

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1 Scalar Version
Scalar Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Scalar Kalman Filter

2 Vector Version
Vector Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Kalman Filter

3 Application

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Scalar Kalman Filter

s[n] = as[n 1] + u[n]

x[n] = s[n] + w [n] (9)
u[n] N (0, u2 )
w [n] N (0, n2 )

Want to estimate s[n] based on {x[0], x[1], ..., x[n]}: s[n|n]

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Scalar Kalman Filter

s[n] = as[n 1] + u[n]

x[n] = s[n] + w [n] (9)
u[n] N (0, u2 )
w [n] N (0, n2 )

Want to estimate s[n] based on {x[0], x[1], ..., x[n]}: s[n|n]

Recursive estimation: s[n] given s[n 1]

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Scalar Kalman Filter

s[n] = as[n 1] + u[n]

x[n] = s[n] + w [n] (9)
u[n] N (0, u2 )
w [n] N (0, n2 )

Want to estimate s[n] based on {x[0], x[1], ..., x[n]}: s[n|n]

Recursive estimation: s[n] given s[n 1]
Process called Kalman filtering

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Scalar Kalman Filter

s[n] = as[n 1] + u[n]

x[n] = s[n] + w [n] (9)
u[n] N (0, u2 )
w [n] N (0, n2 )

Want to estimate s[n] based on {x[0], x[1], ..., x[n]}: s[n|n]

Recursive estimation: s[n] given s[n 1]
Process called Kalman filtering

s[n|n] = arg min E [s[n] s[n|n]]2

s[n|n] = E(s[n]|x[0], x[1], . . . , x[n])

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Scalar Kalman Filter

Some MMSE estimator of given two uncorrelated data vectors

= E(|x1 , x2 ) = E(|x1 ) + E(|x2 )

= E(1 + 2 |x) = E(1 |x) + E(2 |x)

Using these properties we can prove,

s[n|n 1] = a
s [n 1|n 1] (10)
M[n|n 1] = a M[n 1|n 1] + u2 (11)
M[n|n 1]
K [n] = 2 (12)
n + M[n|n 1]
s[n|n] = s[n|n 1] + K [n](x[n] s[n|n 1]) (13)
M[n|n] = (1 K [n])M[n|n 1] (14)

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Scalar Kalman Filter

s[n|n 1] = a
s [n 1|n 1]
M[n|n 1] = a2 M[n 1|n 1] + u2
M[n|n 1]
K [n] = 2
n + M[n|n 1]
s[n|n] = s[n|n 1] + K [n](x[n] s[n|n 1])
M[n|n] = (1 K [n])M[n|n 1]

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Scalar Kalman Filter


s[n] = s[n 1] + u[n]
s[1] N (0, 1) , u2 = 2 , n2 = ( )n

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Kalman Filter Properties

Extension of sequential MMSE estimation for parameter evolving in

No matrix inversion is needed Computationally more efficient
Prediction stage increases the error correction stage decreases it
Best one-step prediction vs. best two-step prediction

s[n|n 1] vs. s[n + 1|n 1] (15)

Two-step prediction is optimal if n .

Kalman is a whitening filter.

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1 Scalar Version
Scalar Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Scalar Kalman Filter

2 Vector Version
Vector Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Kalman Filter

3 Application

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Vector Gauss-Markov Signal Model

Vector state-scalar observation:

s[n] = As[n 1] + Bu[n] (16)

x[n] = hT [n]s[n] + w [n] (17)

[A]pp , [B]pr , [u]r 1 N (0, Q), s[1] N (s , Cs )
[h[n]]p1 , w [n] N (0, n2 )

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Vector Gauss-Markov Siganl Model

Vector state-vector observation:

State model is the same

x[n] = H[n]s[n] + w[n] (18)

[H[n]]Mp , [x[n]]M1 , [w[n]]M1 N (0, C[n])

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1 Scalar Version
Scalar Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Scalar Kalman Filter

2 Vector Version
Vector Gauss-Markov Signal Model
Kalman Filter

3 Application

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Kalman Filter

Vector state-scalar observation Filter

Minimum Prediction MSE Matrix (p p)
Kalman Gain Vector (p 1)
Minimum MSE Matrix(p p)

s[n|n 1] = As[n 1|n 1] (19)

M[n|n 1] = AM[n 1|n 1]AT + BQBT (20)
M[n|n 1]h[n]
K[n] = 2 (21)
n + hT [n]M[n|n 1]h[n]
s[n|n] = s[n|n 1] + K[n](x[n] hT [n]s[n|n 1]) (22)
M[n|n] = (I K[n]h [n])M[n|n 1] (23)

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Kalman Filter

Vector state-vector observation Filter

Minimum Prediction MSE Matrix (p p)
Kalman Gain Vector (p M)
Minimum MSE Matrix(p p)

s[n|n 1] = As[n 1|n 1] (24)

M[n|n 1] = AM[n 1|n 1]A + BQB (25)
K[n] = M[n|n 1]HT [n](C[n] + H[n]M[n|n 1]HT [n])1 (26)
s[n|n] = s[n|n 1] + K[n](x[n] H[n]s[n|n 1]) (27)
M[n|n] = (I K[n]H[n])M[n|n 1] (28)

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Kalman filter has found a lot of applications in Finance

Is used to model tick by tick returns in Market Microstructure
Efficient price, transaction price, informational price diffusion,
pt,i = mt,i + ut,i , mt,i = mt,i1 + (t,i) i i N (0, 1)

ARMA model for Microstructure noise ut,i assumed

Look for return rt,i = pt,i pt,i1 using Kalman filter techniques

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Gauss-Markov model for evolving parameter estimation

Kalman filter estimated the parameter recursively
Mean, variance, and propagation equations
Scalar and vector state and observation were considered
One application were taken a look at

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