Researchexpo Kgarrido-Nag 2016 Final
Researchexpo Kgarrido-Nag 2016 Final
Researchexpo Kgarrido-Nag 2016 Final
and Literacy
Karen Garrido-Nag, PhD CCC-SLP
Developmental Neurolinguis<cs and Cogni<on Lab
Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
Gallaudet University
omponents to reading and wri9ng for Spoken
anguages (Literacy)
inguis'c Cogni've
Vocabulary skills Execu<ve Func<ons
Morphology, syntax, pragma<cs AJen<on
Comprehension skills Working Memory
Phonemic Awareness Social-emo<onal Development
Phonics World knowledge
Mayer (2007); Bialystok (2009); Mayer and Wells (1996); Trezek and Wang (2006; LaSasso, Crain, & Leybaert,
003) ; Foorman, Goldenberg, Carlson, Saunders, & Pollard-Durodola, 2004
Bilingual Advantage
lingualism is one of the experiences capable of inuencing cogni<ve
Ecient use of execu<ve func<on skills
eveloping the child's primary language skills does not delay, but rather
celerate the development of English literacy skills
hat maJers in early literacy development is that children have near to
e-appropriate spoken and/or signed language uency in place
he social-emo<onal competence of bilingual children in preschool and
ementary sehngs (frustra<on tolerance, task orienta<on, and self-con
ay be higher than that of their monolingual peers
kkkCraik and Bialystok (2006); Bialystok (2009); Ramirez (2000); Mayer (2007); CECER-DLL, 2011
Bilingual-Bimodal Children
inguis'c Cogni've
Vocabulary skills Execu<ve Func<ons
Language comprehension skills AJen<on
Language skills: morphology, Working Memory
syntax, pragma<cs Organiza<on
Phonology (English) Social-emo<onal Development
Phonemic Awareness