Kashaf 2013
Kashaf 2013
Kashaf 2013
Citrus is considered the most important fruit in the world and grapefruit has
greater value in human diet. There are many options available from broad
family of citrus e.g. kinnow, sweet orange, lemon, etc. Grape fruit (Citrus
paradisi) is one of important member of family Rutaceae (Citrus family). It is
subtropical in origin and well known for its bitter taste (initially cultivated in
Jmaica around 18th century and now grown in all parts of the world). It has
yellow-orange skin and varies in diameter from 10-15 cm. The flesh of grapefruit
is segmented and acidic, varying in color depending on the cultivars including
white, pink and red pulp of different sweetness (Malik, 1994). Approximately one
third of total citrus production is used for treatment. This proportion is greater in
the case of orange, over 40% globally oranges produced are used for
treatment. The proportion of use for the treatment of grapefruit is similar to that
of the oranges. However all small citrus-tangerine- like are intended for use in
the fresh market.
Lemos and lime are somewhat different, since they are typically consumed with
other foods. They are grown primarily for fresh market and its juice is mainly
used as a flavoring in drinks. The peels of citrus fruit are rich source of bioactive
molecules and the albedo layer is a googd source of pectin (Richard, 1994).
The varieties of grapefruit are also categorized by the pigmentation of the fruit,
state of ripeness and genetic bent. The most popular varieties cultivated
presently are red, white and pink. Double-red flesh grapefruit varieties are also
popular in the USA, Israel, Europe, Mexico and are increasing in Asia (Isgro et
al 2001) Arrit (2007) conducted experiments and found that citrus peel contains
dry matter 16.8%, ash 3.7% crude protein 6.8% crude fat 1.9%, crude fiber
6.2% and carbohydrates 81.4%. Citrus is the second largest fruit being
cultivated in Pakistan. The essential oils produced by different plant genera are
in many cases biologically active, endowed with antimicrobial, allopathic,
antioxidant and bio-regulatory properties. The antimicrobial abilities of essential
oils, among which citrus oils are also shown to be a particularly interesting field
for applications within the food industries (Caccioni et al 1998). Preparation
froom peel, flowers and leaves of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium L) are
popularly used in order to minimize central nervous system disorders (Pultrini et
al 2006). The peel of citrus fruits is a rich source of flavones and many
polymethoxylated flavones wich are very rare in other plants (Ahmed et al
2006). The results showed that the EO of grapefruit peel had a wide spectrum
of antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus
faecalis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium,
Serratia marcescens and Proteus vulgaris with their inhibition zones ranging
from 11 to 53 mm.
Escherichia coli O157 is an uncommon but serious cause of gastroenteritis.
This bacterium is noteworthy because a few but significant, number of infected
people develop the hemolytic uremic syndrome which is the most frequent
cause of acute renal failure in children in the Americas and Europe. In Pakistan,
whole scenario of fruit cultivation is dominated by citrus with an rea (183.8
thousand hectare) and production (1943.7 thousand tons) (FAO, 2007-08).
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) has been used as a folk medicine in many countries
as antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant,
antiviral, astringent and preservative. It has also been used for cancer
prevention, cellular regeneration, lowering cholesterol, cleansing, detoxification,
heart health maintenance, arthritis and weight loss. This may help the scientists
in designing new drugs with varied activities in a single formulation.
The grapefruit was collected in December 2011. The fruit albedo layers peeled
off carefully and discarded (Kirbaslar et al., 2006). Grapefruit peel essential oils
extracted from the peels of Grapefruit by using solvent extraction method as
described by Bayramoglu et al. (2008). Refractive index was determined by the
Abbes method (Greenwood et al., 2004). Specific gravity of oil sample was
determined at room temperature with specific gravity bottle (Pycnometer).
Iodine value and pH value was determined by using the methods of AOAC
(2000). Acid value was measured by AACC (2000) standard procedure No. Cd
(3a-63). In preparation of media for microbiological analysis Nutrient agar used
at the concentration of 27.8 g was dissolved in a liter of distilled water and
autoclaved for 15 minutes at 121C.
The antimicrobial effect of EO will be determined against E. coli by Disc
diffusion method, where a filter disc will be impregnated with the antimicrobial
agent, placed on the surface of inoculated agar plates and inhibition of E. coli
growth will be observed (Fisher and Phillips, 2006). MIC will be determined by
Agar Dilution Method as described by Ortuno et al. (2006). The proximate
analysis determined by AACC (2000) method. Color analysis was analyzed by
colorimeter and water activity determined by hygrometer. The nuggets prepared
by using the essential oil will be assessed by a panel of judges on the basis of
seven point scale at National Institute of Food Science and Technology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad recommended by (Carpenter et al., 2000).
In this study chicken nuggets were prepared with the addition of different levels
of grapefruit peel oil and these nuggets were evaluated for the antimicrobial
activities incurred by the above mentioned active material. Raw samples of
grapefruit peel oil were also evaluated for the inherent antimicrobial activity in
vitro. All the procedures from procurement to laboratory examination were
carried out in line with the best sanitary and hygienic conditions.
Refractive index: Physical parameters are widely quoted to evaluate purity and
quality of essential oils. In trading of these oils, any impurity or adulteration, if
practiced, can also be detected easily by matching the physical characteristics
of essential oils with the already established required standards (Guenther,
1955). Refractive index of grapefruit oil was 1.47, respectively.
Specific gravity: The peel oil of grapefruit was subjected to analysis for
specific gravity as a first physical parameter. The results revealed that the
specific gravity of grapefruit oil was 0.855, respectively.
pH and acid value: pH and acid value of grapefruit peel oil was determined
3.67 and 0.81, respectively.
Iodine value: The iodine value of grapefruit peel oil in vitro is same as describe
in the following method. The value of the iodine number 99.4 places the oil in a
position in-between the nondrying and semi-drying oil. By implication, the oil
can be easily converted into semidrying oil for use in the production of paints
and vanish, while it may also be used as nondrying oil in the lubricant industry.
The modern world has seen an outbreak of new food borne diseases caused by
microbes of pathogenic nature. This has brought with it a whole new change in
the acceptability criteria and altitude from the consumer side. Increasing use of
artificial antimicrobial compounds chemical preservatives to curb the growth or
inactivation of these microorganisms has been observed. Antimicrobial
compounds have been in comercial use for decades now and their efficacy
against pathogenic bacteria has been established for long. Natural
antimicrobials are an alternate to synthetic antimicrobial compounds as they are
more environment and consumer friendly. These are derived either from
animals, plants or other microorganisms.
With reference to the mean value of bacterial strain, analyze the results with
different treatments. T0 is control treatment so give zero value. But T1 in which
the oil concentration is 5% its value is 12.46. T2 value is 11.90 in which
grapefruit peel oil concentration is 10%. Similar type of results in remaining
treatments. So I find that with increasing the concentration of grapefruit peel oil
mnimum inhibitory concentration decrease. For example when oil concentration
of T5 is 100% then the MIC was 7.22. The antibacterial activities of the extracts,
individually and in combination were determined using agar diffusion method
and the Minimum inhibitory Concentration (MIC) carried out by agar dilution
technique. The plants materials possessed antimicrobial activity with great
efficacy when used synergistically on the test organism. A high activity of citrus
paradisi oil to P. larvae with MIC 285.0 mg/L has also been reported. The citrus
paradisi and ficus carica were tested against pathogenic microorganisms: S.
aureus, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, B. subtilis, M. luteus and Candida albicans. The
extracts tested exhibited good antimicrobial activity against all the clinical
isolates when compared with standard. The different extracts showed
remarkable inhibitory action against various Gram positive and Gram negative
bacteria and two fungal species. The methanolic, petroleum ether, chloroform,
ethyl ether, ethanol extract of citrus paradisi was screened for its antimicrobial
activity. Antimicrobial activity was detected by observing the growth response of
different organism to the methanolic extract. It was generally based on the
inhibition of growth of microorganism which were measured with a desired
concentration of the plant extract os citrus paradisi to be examined with the
standard concentration preparation.
It is concluded by this study that grapefruit peel oil has googd antioxidant
properties. Substantial quantities of antioxidant compounds were reported
which in turn exhibited strong inhibition against the free radicals. Their inclusin
in chicken nuggets also proved effective in radical scavenging and retarding of
microbial growth. T5 and T8 are reported to be promising candidates for further
evaluation as alternate sources of antioxidants. It is concluded that grapefruit
peel which showed higher potential as compared to grapefruit fruit powder can
be utilized as an economically feasible as well as natural source of antioxidants
in food products in order to enhance the shelf life of food products while at the
same time reducing the risks associated with the use of synthetic compounds.
Citrus se considera el fruto ms importante del mundo y el pomelo tiene mayor
valor en la dieta humana. Hay muchas opciones disponibles en una amplia
familia de los ctricos por ejemplo, Kinnow, naranja dulce, limn, etc. Fruta de la
uva (Citrus paradisi) es uno de miembro importante de la familia (familia Citrus)
Rutaceae. Es subtropical en origen y bien conocido por su sabor amargo
(cultivado inicialmente en Jamaica alrededor del siglo 18 y ahora se cultiva en
todas las partes del mundo). Tiene la piel amarillo-naranja y vara en dimetro
de 10-15 cm. La pulpa de la toronja est segmentado y cido, cuyo color puede
variar dependiendo de los cultivares incluyendo pulpa blanca, rosa y rojo de
diferente dulzura (Malik, 1994). Aproximadamente un tercio de la produccin
total de ctricos se utiliza para el tratamiento. Esta proporcin es mayor en el
caso de naranja, ms del 40% a nivel mundial naranjas producidas se utilizan
para el tratamiento. La proporcin de uso para el tratamiento de pomelo es
similar a la de las naranjas. Sin embargo todos los pequeos ctricos tangerine-
como estn destinados a ser utilizados en el mercado de productos frescos.
Lemos y la cal son algo diferentes, ya que normalmente se consumen con otros
alimentos. Se cultivan principalmente para el mercado fresco y su jugo se
utiliza principalmente como saborizante en las bebidas. Las cscaras de
ctricos son rica fuente de molculas bioactivas y la capa de albedo es una
fuente googd de la pectina (Richard, 1994).
Se concluye en este estudio que el aceite de cscara de pomelo tiene buenas
propiedades antioxidantes. Se inform de cantidades sustanciales de
compuestos antioxidantes que a su vez exhibe una fuerte inhibicin contra los
radicales libres. Su inclusin en nuggets de pollo tambin demostr ser eficaz
en la eliminacin de radicales y retardo del crecimiento microbiano. T5 y T8 son
reportados a ser candidatos prometedores para una evaluacin adicional como
fuentes alternas de antioxidantes. Se concluye que la cscara de pomelo que
mostr un mayor potencial en comparacin con polvo de pomelo fruta puede
ser utilizado como un econmicamente viable, as como fuente natural de
antioxidantes en productos alimenticios a fin de mejorar la vida til de los
productos alimenticios, mientras que al mismo tiempo la reduccin de la riesgos
asociados con el uso de compuestos sintticos.