Emergency Vehicle Priority System Using VANET

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Emergency Vehicle Priority System Using

Seyed Vorya hosseini * , Jamshid Bagherzadeh **
Department of Computer Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
v.hosseni@gmail.com ,** j.bagherzadeh@urmia.ac.ir

Abstract: Recent advances in VANET suggest vehicle techniques to collect and use real time traffic information,
navigation and traffic scheduling by Vehicular Communication in order to optimize the timing of traffic lights. Access to
will be finest solution in the near future. Emergency vehicle Real-time information is possible with new techniques of
traffic signal priority systems allow emergency vehicles such as communication, e.g. GPS or PDA, Vehicles ad hoc
emergency medical vehicles to request and receive a green
traffic signal indication when approaching an intersection. We
networks and also image and video processing [3][4].
presents adaptive traffic signal control system which support Signal priority is the technique of changing or
priority strategy for emergency vehicle operations in urban maintaining a traffic signal display in order to reduce the
roads based on Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. One of the main amount of delay for spatial vehicles; such system is
purposes in this paper is the evacuation of the intersections of possible with the dynamic traffic signal control. Some
origin to destination when passing emergency vehicles order to traffic signal controllers are capable of performing
improve safety and efficiency. The simulation results showed various traffic control strategies in order to improve the
the proposed system can significantly improve the traffic efficiency and safety during the passing emergency
situation like average delay of vehicles and enhance safety and vehicles (EVs).
performance parameters of emergency vehicles.
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) technology is
Keywords: VANET, ITS, Traffic Light, Emergency a subclass of Mobile ad hoc networks which provides a
vehicle. distinguish approach for intelligent transport system
(ITS).In this work, we have been focused on VANET
1. Introduction base traffic light systems that support Emergency Vehicle
Cities are locations having a high level of
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
accumulation and Density of economic activities and are
firstly, the related works briefly rewired. In section 3 and
specific structures that are supported by transport
4 briefly describes basic concepts of Vehicular Ad hoc
systems. One of the problems of modern life in recent
networks and intersection scheduling. The proposed
years is the rapid growth of urban traffic, so Congestion
system design and implementation is discussed in section
is one of the most prevalent transport problems in large
5, section 6: Presentation of simulation tool and describes
urban. Included in the mix of vehicles delayed by
the simulations, results and analysis. And we conclude in
congestion are emergency vehicles (EVs) such as
section 7.
emergency medical vehicles. Priority treatments at traffic
signalized intersections have been proposed and
implemented as one means to alleviate the congestion. 2. Related works
Preemption was necessary at remote distances to ensure Some of the relevant researches on emergency
the intersection was clear when emergency vehicles travelling focus on routing models for the optimal route
arrived, the key issue is to clear or opportunely manage and algorithms to determine the static shortest route [6,
the traffic on the route the emergency vehicle passes as 7]. In [8] focused on assign a route to the emergency
soon as possible especially at intersections[1]. vehicle and influence of the priority strategy on the cross-
In general, the common means of traffic control in road traffic. some Studies like [9] Using ITS to provide
modern cities is the control by traffic lights. Appropriate Emergency Service Vehicles, actually by allocate green
timing and scheduling traffic lights has often been an light for EVs at intersections can reduce driver confusion
effective measure applied to regulate vehicle flow inside and improve emergency response times. Public transit
cities [2]. The traffic control system can be divided into vehicles priority control strategies are reviewed based on
two types: the fixed-time and the dynamic system [3]. some studies like [10] and [11]. The first priority system
The fixed-time control system is not a self-adjusted reviewed in this study is on the UTCS Bus Priority
system which can respond to the changes in the traffic in System [10], The UTCS/BPS systems determine signal
real-time [4]. In order to solve this problem, researchers control to minimize vehicle delay, and control the cycle
proposed the dynamic system, this system with the use of length of each controller in each cycle. Bus detectors are
located downstream of the nearside stop. The second bus streams can simultaneously approach at intersection We
priority system reviewed in [11], the major principle of Call these two streams are compatible streams, for
the bus priority in SCOOT is to reduce phase delays example lanes 6 and 2 in Figure 2 are compatible. As a
which due to buses arriving at an intersection on red. result When several streams are compatible with each
Researchers in [12] design a EVs warning system that other, we call the set of these streams are a Compatible
makes full use of VANET, in this system emergency Stream Family (CSF) and display this Family by Fi , n
vehicle send warning message. When warning messages
have to reach other driver, they can move her vehicle lane that are partitioned into mFamily
aside in time or a traffic light can initiate a green phase F1 , F2 , ..., Fm1 , Fm according to Compatible Stream
after stopping the current light switching cycle.
Mostly previous works focused on the optimal path Families, and the Number of line in Family Fi is li where
for Emergency vehicles or priority is given at isolated 1 i m. also L(i, l ) is the l th lane in Fi , where
intersection, but in this paper we present a new priority
system for a chain of intersections which are in 1 l l i [16]. An example is given in Fig. 2. In this
Emergency vehicles route order to reduce their travel example eight lanes are divided into four Families:
time and safer passing that makes full use of Vehicular F1 {L(1,1) 1, L(1,2) 5}, F2 {L(2,1) 2 , L(2,2) 6},
Ad hoc Networks. F3 {L(3,1) 3, L(3,2) 7}, F4 {L(4,1) 4 , L(4,2) 8}

3. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) is a special
class of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET), in which
the nodes are the vehicles which communicate with other
vehicles or with the roadside Unit. Though the nodes are
mobile in VANETs as well as MANETs, the mobility in
VANET is constrained to the boundaries of the road
unlike the nodes in MANETs.
Capability of VANET has to provide safety and
efficiency of the transportation systems; Vehicles can Fig. 2: four-leg intersection
notify other vehicles or Roadside unit of dangers, rapid Traffic light at the same time only allow one traffic
stops, traffic jamming, or their status. The Federal Family to approach at intersection, this time which assign
Communications Commission (FCC) then established the to specific Family usually called Phase and in this
service and license rules for Dedicated Short Range
Communications (DSRC) service, which uses the 5.850 context we displayed phase of Fi by i . In terminology a
to 5.925 GHz bandwidth (75 MHz) for the use of safety traffic phase is defined as the green, change, and
and private applications for improvement the clearance intervals in a cycle Assigned to specified
transportation systems. Vehicles and roadside unit use the Family of traffic. Also a cycle is defined as the total time
allocated frequency to communicate with each other to complete one sequence of signalization for all Families
without central access point [13].The communications in at an intersection. The cycle length is measured as the
VANET including to kinds: vehicle to-vehicle time between two successive starts of any phase [18].
communication (V2V) and vehicle-to roadside Unit
communication (V2R) [14].
One of the main classes of applications exits in
VANET is safety oriented. Safety applications will
monitor the around the road, approaching vehicles,
surface of the road, road Screw etc they will exchange Fig. 3: timing phases for intersection in fig.2
information and Cooperate to help other cars [15].also
traffic management is the planning, monitoring and Figure 3 show the timing operating for a basic four-
control or influencing of traffic. It aims to maximise the phase or four-family movement control intersection like
effectiveness of the use of existing infrastructure. Our intersection corresponding to figure (2). A phase is
mechanism is in both safety and Traffic management serviced to family approach the intersection when it
applications. becomes active and displays a green indication. A phase
remains active thru its subsequent yellow interval and all-
4. Terminology of traffic lights red interval.
Typically, an intersection consists of a number of
approaches and the crossing area. Each approach may be 5. System Design
used by one or several traffic streams and only specified 5.1. Assumptions
streams can approach at intersection at the same time. In this paper some assumptions are given.
Suppose there are n lanes or streams approaching the Assume 1We assume that each participating vehicle
intersection, some set of lanes are compatible, when two knows its own position using Global Positioning System
streams do not cross each other and vehicles of these (GPS). Moreover, it considers that each vehicle is
TL i 1 tli
equipped with digital maps which enable to determine the (2)
direction of travel. Assume 2: We also assume that traffic
lights controller with powerful computing capability Where, C is The optimum cycle duration in seconds at

founded at intersections and the controller of neighbors the cycle k. tl i is The unusable time of i in seconds,
intersections are connected together with the wired
network. Assume 3: also assume origin and destination of includes yellow and all-red interval ( tl 2 show in figure
is Degree of saturation for i , it is critical lane in
emergency vehicles are specified which previously is k
3). Yi
selected by appropriate method.
5.2. System Overview k
Family Fi , to calculate Yi using equation (3):
In this paper, we present an advanced ITS applications
taking advantage of vehicular communications, which V jk (3)
Yi k max( ) , 1 j li
tries to minimize the total travel time of EVs and non- Sj
EVs and improve safety for passing Emergency vehicles Where, V k is the volume of incoming vehicles to lane j
in an urban scenario. Following, is present adaptive j

traffic lights to better control the traffic which support at the cycle k, that available using real-time information.
EVP. S j is Saturation flow of lane j. li is the number of lane in
To determine how long the vehicles queue on a road family Fi . Finally, relation 4 determine the green time (
and how many vehicles in the next cycle come to
intersection, are a major part of the congestion problem g ik ) allocated to Fi at the cycle k, also Wi k is the Weight
solution. Also our emergency vehicle priority system are of Fi for received the green signal, here is equal to Yi k
considered two important issues, the first case is related
to traffic density reduction and evacuation of direction of W i
Yi k :
emergency vehicles to reduction of EVs crash potential (C Ok TL) Wi k (4)
and response times, Which attention to it in previous gik m

research has been less. The second issue is to receive the W s 1


green signal for pass through the intersections without

interruption or minimal conflicts, which the main 5.4. priority and emergency preemption
objective is to reduction of EVs response times. 5.4.1. Evacuation strategy
Our system used to preempt traffic signals and clear
5.3. Adaptive traffic light
intersections from origin to destination path of EVs
Several studies have looked for methods to do the
responding to improve safety and efficiency. EVs
queue length determination, for instance, [3] using a data
periodically transmit information about themselves like
dissemination protocol called direction based clustering
current position, identification number, speed, direction,
algorithm for data dissemination in VANET (DBCV)
destination, path, Emergency level, etcto other vehicles
[13], estimate the density of vehicles approaching to the
and particularly for traffic controllers.
The information is encapsulated in a packet shown in
Some study like [5][17] assumed intersections are
Fig 4, which the path field gives information about the
linked together via a wired network and all vehicles can
intersections chain in which the EV travels from there to
communicate with controllers, and they can
reach destination and EL refers to emergency Level of
autonomously informed when traverse the intersection,
vehicle, which EL 1 . Also position, speed and ID
information like arrival and leave time of each vehicle
provide clear information about EVs. The other two
can be obtained by the controller once the vehicle is in
fields, HOP Counter and Effects Radius are used to
the control range using V2R communication. When
allocate priorities in traffic signal controllers; Effects
vehicle passing from upstream intersection to
Radius is according to the type of EV get constant value
downstream intersection, upstream controller awareness
and the initial value of HOP Counter is equal to 0 (packet
to downstream controller about cars that enter the road
generation time), this field is changed only by controller
between the two intersections. Finally the downstream
when resend to neighboring controller on wired network.
intersection can decide its timing traffic light based on
path HOP Counter Effects Radius
information known in advance.
position EL ID speed
For an effective adaptive control system, it has to be Fig 4. Packet transmitted to the traffic signal control and other cars
determined first estimate the volume of traffic near the
intersection by V-2-V and V-2-R. Similarly, to estimate This system is also based on this packet's exchange
the arrival rate of vehicles in the next cycle advantage can detect if, when, and where the EVs and the vehicles
information sent from upstream intersection on wired will meet and therefore provide advanced warning to the
network. driver of the approaching EVs.
To recognize the optimal Cycle duration, the Websters Controller when receive emergency packet increasing
equation is Proper idea [19]: HOP Counter value, delivers the packet to the neighbor
1.5TL 5 (1) which is a member of path field via wired network.
CO k
m Overview of the system and its communications is shown
1 Yi k in figure 5.
i 1
Wired Network
intersection. These traffic light controllers will control
and calibrate the traffic light phase to permit or to grant
green light for the emergency vehicle. Once the presence
of an EV is detected by wireless communication of
controller, phase layout configuration of the traffic
Fig5. Types of communication required for system signals of the intersection needs to be change and inform
Controller runs Sequence of processes after receive to vehicles involved in the conflict at the intersection.
emergency services packet. The flowchart depicting the D
actions after receives packets show in figure 6. As is
known, there is a component for adjust priorities policy.
Receive Emergency Services

Compare previous and Recently taken the
new HOP Counter packet by this ID

New is
NO Save Packet
Fig 7. EV Impact on intersection control strategy
For priority assignment, in our mechanism used a
simple scheme, the road on which the EV is traveling
HOP Counter++
always gets the green signal. By presenting green signal
to the EVs direction, other vehicles that approach from
Scanning Path field

different directions are presented with red signals, and

forwarding Packet to the
next neighbor intersection
YES HOP Counter<Effects Radius NO END hence, are prepared to stop and give the right of way to
the EV.
END Controller according to emergency request message
Fig 6.Flowchart for handling Emergency Service packs in Traffic Signal information like position and speed of EV estimates the
Control arrival time of emergency vehicle to intersection. Traffic
Our expectation of the system is to reduce traffic signal controller decided to change or expansion green
congestion before entering EV at the intersection. light to pass EV. The flowing flowchart determines the
Logically, the implementation of the priorities Strategy in policy of controller when the EV early passes at the
the nearest intersection from EV is more than farther the intersection. Signal changing process show in flowing
intersection. The issue has been considered in formula 6. flowchart.
Receive Emergency
For example, in Figure 7 if EL of Emergency Vehicle is Services packet
equal to 1. The road of intersection k on which the EV is
traveling, gets the twice weight to obtain the green signal,
because based on last packet received, HC should be estimates the arrival
equal to 0. Thus, Wi k 2Wi k . time of EV
YES If Hop Counter=0 NO

W Wi k EL if ER HC (6)
Wi k i ER

is arrival time in
k NO End
Wi else current cycle ?

ER and HC in the above formula are briefly of Effects

Radius . HC is determines the degree of priorities
Strategy and ER is considered as a limiting. In the change or expansion green
scenario as shown Fig 7, ER value is equal to 3. When
EV reaches to intersection k for two reasons only three Fig 8.Flowchart for handling Emergency Service packs for signal
intersections k, l and m influenced their Signaling changing
Strategy, first is they have maximum two intersections
distance by emergency vehicle (identified with circles) 6. Simulation and result
and the second is they are in the remaining route of 6.1. Tools
emergency vehicle(with red line is shown). Also EV For vehicles traffic simulation we provide a
impact on the controlling strategy of k more than l and so specialized simulator called Intersection Traffic
on l is more than m (according to formula 6). Generator (ITG), this application is developed using the
5.4.2. traffic light switching Java programming language. Screenshot of ITG showed
Upon approaching an intersection, the EV periodically in Fig5. ITG has potential to create a network of
broadcasts an emergency request message to announce its intersections with Multi-line streets with different
presence and to demand priority from a controller of lengths. ITG follows the object-oriented software
paradigm. Important concepts like road, controller, By applying our mechanism with the Emergency
Intersection, and so on, are modelled as abstract classes Vehicle Priority Systems (EVPS), without EVPS the
(Fig.9). simulation result of travel time and the number of
We to perform our network simulations used ShoX, a overtaking for ambulance vehicle are presented in Figures
network simulator explicitly designed for the simulation 13 and 14, respectively.We can find that the new priority
of wireless networks, ShoX is entirely based on Java (for mechanism reduces average travel time and the number
the implementation part) and XML (for the configuration of overtaking for EVs. Finally, at the last Figure (fig.15)
and output part) [21]. impact of EVPS mechanism on the average delay for all
vehicles is shown.
VEHICEL refines -ceel : CELL
-source : SOURCE -road : ROAD
-event : EVENET -evenet : EVENET
-line : LINE

-intersection : INTERSECTION refines
-event : EVENET


-intersection : INTERSECTION
-road : ROAD
refines refines
-road : ROAD refines
-cell : CELL

INTERSECTION ROAD Fig.10: Two different traffic conditions

-road : ROAD -intersection : INTERSECTION

Fig. 9: UML class diagram of ITG

Various parameters were considered for establishing the

communication and traffic mobility, some parameters for
simulation used are discussed in table1.
TABLE I: Simulation setup
Parameters Values
Mac Model IEEE 802.11b
Transmit Range 300 meter
Channel Count 1
Channel Frequency 2.4e9
Fig.11: examined intersections network and ambulance path.
Packet size 100B-500B
Transmission rate 1mbps A B C D E
Traffic parameters F G H I
Cycle length for Fixed-time 80 sec 30
acceleration / deceleration 0 m s2
input flow(vehicle/min)

Vehicle length 6 meter
Desired velocity 5-14 m/s
EV velocity 20 m/s 15
EL 1.5 10
bi-directional road 2 incoming and 2 out coming
Road capacity 1700 vehicle/h 5
Minimum cycle length 30 sec 0
Maximum cycle length 120 sec


6.2. Results simulation time in min

To evaluate our system, we need efficiency and safety Fig .12: Input flows of intersections network
measures, average travel time of the EV and non-EVs is
efficiency measure and also we can assume a number of 7. Conclusion
non-EVs encountered with EV that are the safety Emergency response trips can pose a significant
measure. For example, about fig 10 we say that traffic danger to traffic safety. Using VANET technology to
situation in part A is much safer than the one in part B, deliver additional information about emergency vehicle
actually the number of ambulance vehicle overtaking to positions, speeds, and routes to other traffic participants
other vehicles in part A is less than part B. The and infrastructure can help to make such operations safer
simulation is implemented at a network of four and faster, and thus potentially safe lives.
approaches intersections which shown in fig 11. The Related works on Emergency Vehicle Preemption
distance between any two adjacent intersections is the systems that change traffic signals to clear an intersection
same about 1 km. Traffic generation pattern used in the for emergency vehicles when it is present closest
simulations is depicted in Figure 12. Alternatively, one Intersection but in our work we try to evacuation of the
EV moves from I1 5 to I 3 2 in each time interval (10 min), intersections of origin to destination when passing
path of EV is determined in fig.11. emergency vehicles order to improve safety and
450 100
travel time of EV in Sec


no.of overtaking
200 40
100 20 PEVS
50 Non-PEVS
non-PEVS 0




simulation time in min
simulation time in min
Fig.13: travel time of ambulance vehicle Fig.14: number of overtaking for ambulance vehicle
Avg.wiating time in sec

10 non-PEVS
5 fixed
0 101

simulation time in min

Fig.15: impact of EVPS mechanism on the average delay for all vehicles

[11]James E. Moore, II, R. Jayakrishnan, M.G. McNally, and C. Arthur

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