Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments: Standard Practice For
Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments: Standard Practice For
Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments: Standard Practice For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E164 13
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E164 13
7.1.6 Because of the possible differences noted, not all 7.3 Sensitivity-Amplitude Standardization:
IIW-type blocks may be suited for every application for which 7.3.1 Reference standards for sensitivity-amplitude stan-
qualified ISO 2400 blocks may be acceptable. dardization should be designed so that sensitivity does not vary
7.1.7 Unless the blocks have also been checked by pre- with beam angle when angle-beam examination is used.
scribed ultrasonic procedures, they may also produce non- Sensitivity-amplitude reference standards that accomplish this
uniform or misleading results. end are side-drilled holes parallel to the major surfaces of the
7.2 Distance Standardization: plate and perpendicular to the sound path, flat-bottomed holes
7.2.1 An equal-radius reflecting surface subtending an arc drilled at the examination angle, and equal-radius reflectors.
of 90 is recommended for distance standardization because it Surface notches can also accomplish this end under some
is equally responsive to all beam angles. Other reflector circumstances. These reference reflectors are described in
configurations may be used. Equal-radius reflecting surfaces Table 1.
are incorporated into IIW-Type Blocks and several other 7.3.2 Under certain circumstances, sensitivity-amplitude
reference blocks (see Annex A1) (Note 3). Distance standard- standardization must be corrected for coupling variations
ization on a square-notch corner reflector with a depth of 1 to (Section 8) and distance amplitude effects (Section 9).
3 % of thickness may be used. However, full beam reflections
from the square corner of the block will produce erroneous 8. Coupling Conditions
results when standardizing angle beams near 60, due to mode 8.1 Preparation:
conversion. The square corner of the block should not be used 8.1.1 Where accessible, prepare the surface of the deposited
for distance standardization. weld metal so that it merges into the surfaces of the adjacent
NOTE 4Small errors of beam index location are indigenous to the base materials; however, the weld may be examined in the
standardization procedure using the an IIW-Type Block. Where extremely as-welded condition, provided the surface condition does not
accurate standardization is necessary, a procedure such as that outlined in interfere with valid interpretation of indications.
7.2.2 should be used. 8.1.2 Free the scanning surfaces on the base material of
7.2.2 For examination of welds, a side-drilled hole may be weld spatter, scale, dirt, rust, and any extreme roughness on
used for distance, amplitude, position, and depth standardiza- each side of the weld for a distance equal to several times the
tion. An example is shown in Fig. 1. Move the reflector through thickness of the production material, this distance to be
the beam to 18, 38, 58, 78, and 98 of the Vee path. Adjust the governed by the size of the search unit and refracted angle of
delay to place indication 1 at sweep division 1. Adjust the the sound beam. Where scanning is to be performed along the
range to place indication 9 at sweep division 9. Since these top or across this weld, the weld reinforcement may be ground
controls interact, repeat the delay and range adjustments until to provide a flat scanning surface. It is important to produce a
indications 1 and 9 are placed at sweep divisions 1 and 9. surface that is as flat as possible. Generally, the surfaces do not
Adjust sensitivity to provide an 80 %-of-full-screen indication require polishing; light sanding with a disk or belt sander will
from the highest of the 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 indications. At this usually provide a satisfactory surface for examination.
sensitivity, mark the maximum amplitudes on the screen from 8.1.3 The area of the base material through which the sound
the reflector at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Connect these points for the will travel in the angle-beam examination should be com-
distance amplitude curve (DA Curve). Corner reflections from pletely scanned with a straight-beam search unit to detect
the hole to the surface may be observed at 4 and 8 divisions on reflectors that might affect the interpretation of angle-beam
the sweep; these indications will not be used in the DA Curve. results by obstructing the sound beam. Consideration must be
Measure the position of the reflector on the surface from the given to these reflectors during interpretation of weld exami-
front of the search unit to the surface projection of the hole nation results, but their detection is not necessarily a basis for
centerline. Since the depth to the hole is known, the standard- rejection of the base material.
ization provides means for estimating the position, depth, and 8.2 Couplant:
relative size of an unknown reflector. 8.2.1 A couplant, usually a liquid or semi-liquid, is required
between the face of the search unit and the surface to permit
transmission of the acoustic energy from the search unit to the
material under examination. The couplant should wet the
surfaces of the search unit and the piece, and eliminate any air
space between the two. Typical couplants include water, oil,
grease, glycerin, and cellulose gum. The couplant used should
not be injurious to the material to be examined, should form a
thin film, and, with the exception of water, should be used
sparingly. When glycerin is used, a small amount of wetting
agent is often added to improve the coupling properties. When
water is used, it should be clean and de-aerated if possible.
Inhibitors or wetting agents, or both, may be used.
8.2.2 The coupling medium should be selected so that its
viscosity is appropriate for the surface finish of the material to
FIG. 1 Side-Drilled Hole be examined. The following list is presented as a guide:
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TABLE 1 Reference Reflectors and Their Attributes
Reference Reflector Attributes and Limitations
Side-drilled holes Easily manufactured and reproducible. Equally reflective to different beam angles.
However, they bear negligible size relationship to most critical flaws.
Flat-bottom hole at examination angle Difficult to manufacture and requires good angular agreement of drilled hole with
Surface notches Square notches simulate cracks at surface. V-notch half-angle should complement beam
angle for maximum response.
9. Distance-Amplitude Correction
9.1 Use standardization blocks of similar surface finish,
nominal thickness and metallurgically similar in terms of alloy
FIG. 2 Technique 1, for Examining Butt Welds with Angle Beams
and thermal treatment to the weldment.
9.2 Alternative techniques of correction may be used pro-
vided the results are as reliable as those obtained by the
acceptable method. In addition, the alternative technique and
its equipment shall meet all the performance requirements of
this standard.
9.3 Reference Reflectors:
9.3.1 Straight-Beam StandardizationCorrection for
straight-beam examination may be determined by means of a
side-drilled hole reflector at 14 and 34 of the thickness. For
thickness less than 2 in. (51 mm), the 14-thickness reflector FIG. 3 Supplementary Technique 2, for Examining Butt Welds for
may not be resolved. If this is the case, drill another hole at 12 Suspected Cross-Cracking when the Weld Bead is Ground Flush
thickness and use the 12 and 34-thickness reflectors for correc-
tion. Set the instrument to give an 80 % signal on the
9.3.2 Angle-Beam StandardizationCorrection for angle- A-scan display from the highest amplitude obtained from the
beam examination may be determined by means of side-drilled reference reflectors. Peak response from the other reference
hole reflectors at 14 and 34 of the thickness. The 12-thickness reflectors with the same instrument settings, and either record
depth to a side-drilled hole may be added to the standardization or mark on the screen the percent of screen height of the
or used alone at thicknesses less than 1 in. (25.4 mm). indication.
9.4 Acceptable Techniques: Then use these recorded percentages to draw a
9.4.1 Distance-Amplitude CurveThis method makes use distance-amplitude curve of percent screen height versus depth
of standardization blocks representing the minimum and maxi- or thickness on a chart or on the screen. During examination
mum thickness to be examined. Additional standardization the distance amplitude curve may be used to estimate indica-
blocks of intermediate thicknesses can be used to obtain tion amplitude in percent of the DA Curve.
additional data points. The ultrasonic instrument, search unit, 9.4.2 Electronic Distance Amplitude Correction or Time-
angle beam wedge, and couplant used for the distance- Corrected GainThis method can be used only if the instru-
amplitude standardization must also be used for the weld ment is provided with electronic distance amplitude compen-
examination. sation circuitry. Use is made of all reflectors in the
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E164 13
tor location can be accomplished using the method of 7.1.2 or
a chart of the type shown in Fig. 16.
11.2 Reflector Size and Orientation:
11.2.1 Geometrical MethodsReflector length 14 in. (6.4
mm) minimum can be measured by determining the points at
which half (6 dB) of the amplitude is lost at the extremities of
the reflector and measuring between them. Reflector height 18
in. (3.2 mm) minimum can be measured by determining SR
(the change in sweep reading) at which half (6 dB) of the
amplitude is lost as the search unit is moved to and from the
reflector. The SR 100 divided by tSR (through thickness
sweep reading) approximates the reflector height in percent of
thickness. Only the area of the reflector that reflects energy to
the search unit is measured. See Fig. 17. This method is
appropriate for reflectors with dimensions greater than the
beam diameter. For reflectors smaller than the beam, significant
FIG. 10 Technique 9, for Examining the Fusion Zone of Double- errors may occur.
Vee Corner Welds 11.2.2 Amplitude MethodsSignal amplitude can be used
as a measure of flaw severity. Amplitude evaluation should be
based upon experience with actual flaws since artificially
produced reflectors are not always directly relatable to real flaw
shapes or sizes. For adversely oriented planar flaws, the
amplitude may not indicate flaw severity.
11.3 Reflector TypeIn addition to the evaluation of loca-
tion and size of reflectors, there are several other attributes
which can be used to identify other types of reflectors. It must
be emphasized that these methods are dependent on operator
skill to such a degree that acceptance of welds based upon this
type of information alone is not recommended.
11.3.1 Reflector OrientationReflector orientation can be
deduced from relative signal amplitudes obtained from the
reflector with the search unit placed at various locations on the
weldment. An example is shown in Fig. 18.
11.3.2 Reflector ShapeReflector shape and roughness will
result in a characteristic degree of sharpness of the A-scan
display deflection depending upon the nature of the flaw, the
FIG. 11 Techniques 10 and 11, for Examining Full-Penetration instrument, and search-unit combination used.
Double-Fillet Corner Welds
12. Report
12.1 The contracting parties should determine the pertinent
10.1.1 Special attention should be given to curved or items to be recorded. This may include the following informa-
contoured surfaces to ensure consistent ultrasonic beam entry tion:
angle and adequate coupling. Examine circumferential welds 12.1.1 Weld types and configurations tested, including
using Techniques 12 and 13 (Fig. 12 and Fig. 13); examine thickness dimensions. Descriptive sketches are usually recom-
longitudinal welds using Techniques 14 and 15 (Fig. 14 and mended.
Fig. 15). Base choice of angle both on the radius of curvature 12.1.2 Automatic flaw alarm or recording equipment or
and the thickness of the material in order to provide a beam that both, if used.
will travel through the material and reflect from the opposite 12.1.3 Special search units, wedges, shoes, or saddles, if
surface. used.
10.1.2 When more than one technique is given for a 12.1.4 Rotating, revolving scanning mechanisms, if used.
particular weld geometry or thickness or both, the first tech- 12.1.5 Stage of manufacture at which examination was
nique is considered primary, while the additional techniques made.
are supplementary and may be added to the examination 12.1.6 Surface or surfaces from which the examination was
procedure. performed.
12.1.7 Surface finish.
11. Reflector Evaluation 12.1.8 Couplant.
11.1 Reflector LocationWhen distance standardization 12.1.9 Method used.
has been achieved in accordance with 7.1, approximate reflec- 12.1.10 Technique used.
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TABLE 2 Procedures Recommended for Common Weld Configurations
Weld Throat Thickness
Less than 12 in. to 112 in.
12 112 to 212 in. 212 to 5 in. 5 to 8 in.
Weld Type (12 mm) (12 to 38 mm) (38 to 63 mm) (63 to 127 mm) (127 to 200 mm)
Primary 1 4
Primary Top 14 Primary Top 14 Primary Top 14 Primary Top 14
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 70 or 60 45 or 60 70, 60, or 45 45 or 60 60 or 45 45 or 60 60 or 45 45
Suggested techniqueA 1, (2 or 3) 1 1, (2 or 3) 1 1, (2 or 3) 1 1, (2 or 3), 4 1 1, (2 or 3), 4 1
Face AB :
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 70, 60, or 45 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 5 5 5 5, 4 5, 4
Face BB :
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 70, 60, or 45 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 5 5 5 5, 4 5, 4
Face CB :
Recommended angle, deg straight, 70 straight (70 or 45) straight, 45 straight, 45 straight, 45
Suggested technique 6, 7 6, 7 6, 7 6, 7 6, 7
Face AC :
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 70, 60, or 45 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 8 8 8 8 8
Face BC :
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 70, 60, or 45 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 8 8 8 8 8
Face CC :
Recommended angle, deg straight straight straight straight straight
Suggested technique 9 9 9 9 9
Double Fillet Corner Weld:
Face AD :
Recommended angle, deg 45 45 45 45 45
Suggested technique 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11
Face BD :
Recommended angle, deg 45 45 45 45 45
Suggested technique 10,11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11
See Figs. Figs. 2-11 for illustration of the techniques listed below.
Faces A, B, and C for tee welds are shown in Fig. 6.
Faces A, B, and C for corner welds are shown in Fig. 9.
Faces A and B for double fillet corner welds are shown in Fig. 11.
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(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Purpose initial pulse indication may not be a true representation of the
A1.1.1 IIW Type Reference BlocksTo facilitate the adjust- entrant surface. When using the double search unit technique,
ment and standardization of ultrasonic flaw-detecting equip- it should be realized that the distances between the multiple
ment. The blocks can also be used to: echoes are not completely equal because of the different path
A1.1.1.1 Standardize the sweep length, lengths, which are inherent to this technique. When using the
double search unit technique combined with another medium
A1.1.1.2 Adjust the pulse energy and amplification,
between probe and specimen, an even larger distance between
A1.1.1.3 Confirm the stability and proper operation of the
the initial pulse indication and the first echo, compared to the
equipment, or
distance between the multiple echoes, will be observed. The
A1.1.1.4 Determine probe characteristics, such as their
two screen images for a 4-in. (100-mm) range setting, obtained
sensitivity, and in the case of angle-beam search units, the
when using the single search unit and the double search unit
location of the beam exit point (beam index), the path length in
techniques are illustrated in Fig. A1.2.
the wedge, and the angle of refraction.
A1.3.1.3 Single Search Unit TechniqueTo standardize the
A1.1.2 Supplementary BlocksBlocks other than those de- sweep length when using a straight-beam longitudinal-wave
rived from the IIW Reference Block 1, can be used for distance search unit for a distance less than 10 in. (250 mm), place the
and sensitivity standardization. For details, see A1.5. search unit as indicated in Fig. A1.3 and adjust the distance
between the multiple echoes to 4 in. (100 mm). To standardize
A1.2 Description
the sweep length when using a straight-beam longitudinal wave
A1.2.1 The recommended configuration for an IIW-Type search unit for a distance greater than 10 in. (250 mm), place
reference block for use in this practice is shown in Fig. A1.1. the search unit in the position indicated in Fig. A1.3. For the
Dimensions are given for a version in U.S. customary units, 20-in. (500-mm) range, a screen pattern will appear as shown
and for a metric version based on IIW, ISO, and some national in Fig. A1.4. This screen pattern also shows the indications
standards. Material must be selected by the using parties. caused by shear waves generated by the mode conversion of
Unless otherwise specified, a low carbon-steel such as UNS the longitudinal waves and other reflections.
G10180 is suggested. An optional cylindrical acrylic plastic
disk may be permanently mounted in the 2 in. (50 mm) A1.3.2 Using an Angle-Beam Search Unit for a Sweep
diameter hole; it is not required for this practice. Length from 4 to 10 in. (100 to 250 mm):
A1.3.2.1 Place the search unit in the position indicated in
NOTE A1.1If the disk is provided it shall meet these requirements: Fig. A1.5 and use the echoes obtained from the curved surface
materialpolymethylmethacrylate resin
thickness0.920 6 0.005 in. (23 6 0.1 mm)
(with a radius of 4 in. (100 mm) and the groove with a radius
surfacespolished, flat within 0.002 in. (0.5 mm) of 1 in. (25 mm). The sweep-length setting most commonly
one surface to be mounted flush with a block face used is 10 in. (250 mm), whereby the screen pattern must be
standardized in such a way that the indication of the curved
A1.3 Distance Standardization surface appears at 4 in. and the pulse indication of the groove
A1.3.1 Straight-Beam Longitudinal Wave: appears at 9 in. (225 mm). The indication from the curved
A1.3.1.1 When standardizing the horizontal distance or surface will be at its maximum amplitude when the beam index
sweep-length scale, adjust the multiple echoes obtained from a coincides with the center point of the curvature; verify this by
known length of the reference block in such a way that the moving the search unit back and forth, parallel to the sides of
leading edges of the echoes (the left-hand side) coincide with the reference block. In this case, the groove echo can be
the required divisions of the horizontal scale. In most instances, received by slightly rotating the search unit. In most instances,
utilization of the highest possible frequency is recommended to the initial pulse indication will appear to the left of the scale
produce sharp indications, thereby improving the accuracy of zeropoint, caused by the delay in the wedge.
the distance standardization. A1.3.2.2 It is also possible to standardize the time base for
A1.3.1.2 As previously mentioned, the standardization is shear waves for any material whose shear to longitudinal
only valid if the materials to be examined are fabricated from velocity ratio is 0.55 by placing a straight-beam longitudinal-
a material with the same or approximately the same velocity of wave search unit in the position indicated in Fig. A1.6. The
sound as the reference block; for instance, a carbon steel multiple echoes obtained in this way will appear at distances
reference block should not be used when examining certain that coincide with a sound path of 2 in. (50 mm) for shear
stainless steels. Furthermore, it should be realized that the waves. If the sweep length is standardized in this manner, it is
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Table of Dimensions
U.S. Customary Block Metric Block
Dimension (in.) Tolerance (in.) Dimension (mm) Tolerance (mm)
A 4.000 0.005 100 0.1
B 1.200 0.005 30 0.1
C 0.600 0.005 15 0.1
d1 2.000 0.01 50 0.2
d2 0.060 0.001 1.5 0.02
E 1.400 0.005 35 0.1
F 8.000 0.005 200 0.1
G 3.640 0.005 91 0.1
H 1.000 0.005 25 0.1
I 0.080 0.005 2 0.1
J 0.240 0.005 6 0.1
K 0.120 0.005 3 0.1
L 0.060 0.005 1.5 0.1
r1 4.000 0.01 100 0.2
r2 1.000 0.01 25 0.2
Surfaces/finish Ra a 32 in. max 0.8 m max
b 63 in. max 1.6 m max
c 125 in. max 3.2 m max
X 1.200 tan + 1.400 0.005 30 tan + 35 0.1
Y 0.600 tan + 1.400 0.005 15 tan + 35 0.1
Z 2.800 tan + 1.400 0.005 70 tan + 35 0.1
Note 1Material as specified.
Note 2Scale X is 6075, 1 increments, legends at 60, 65, 70, & 75.
Note 3Scale Y is 7080, 1 increments, legends at 70, 75, & 80.
Note 4Scale Z is 3565, 1 increments, legends at 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 & 65.
Note 5In order to avoid sharp edges, minimize plating buildup, or remove in-service nicks and burrs, block edges may be smoothed by beveling or rounding,
provided the corner treatment does not reduce the edge dimension by more than 0.020 in. (0.5 mm).
Note 6English and metric units shown on this figure represent values used for two different blocks, that is, U.S. Customary Block and a Metric Block, and are
not necessarily equivalent values.
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NOTE 1English and metric units shown on this figure represent values used for two different blocks, that is, U.S. Customary Block and a Metric
Block, and are not necessarily equivalent values.
FIG. A1.2 Screen Images for a 4-in. (100-mm) Range Setting
NOTE 1English and metric units shown on this figure represent values used for two different blocks, that is, U.S. Customary Block and a Metric
Block, and are not necessarily equivalent values.
FIG. A1.3 Position for a Single Straight-Beam Longitudinal Wave Search Unit
NOTE 1English and metric units shown on this figure represent values used for two different blocks, that is, U.S. Customary Block and a Metric
Block, and are not necessarily equivalent values.
FIG. A1.4 Screen Pattern Showing Indications Caused by Mode Conversion
essential that subsequently the zeropoint be corrected if angle- standardizing a distance of 4 in. (100 mm), whereby the two
beam search units are used, because of the time delay caused multiple echoes obtained from the 3.64-in. (91-mm) distance
by the wedge. The above method can be used, for example, for are positioned at respectively 2 in. (50 mm) and 4 in. (100 mm)
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NOTE 1English and metric units shown on this figure represent values used for two different blocks, that is, U.S. Customary Block and a Metric
Block, and are not necessarily equivalent values.
FIG. A1.5 Position for an Angle-Beam Search Unit
NOTE 1English and metric units shown on this figure represent values used for two different blocks, that is, U.S. Customary Block and a Metric
Block, and are not necessarily equivalent values.
FIG. A1.6 Longitudinal Wave Standardization of Sweep for Angle-Beam Shear Wave Examination
on the scale. After the angle beam shear wave search unit has
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been connected, correct the zeropoint by adjusting the sweep- various search units are to be compared, the same couplant
delay control to position echo from 4-in. (100-mm) radius should be used for each examination.
reflector, at position of second back reflections of the straight A1.4.1.1 Determination of the Beam Index of Angle-Beam
beam. Search UnitsPosition the search unit as indicated in Fig. A1.5
A1.3.3 Using an Angle-Beam Search Unit for a Sweep and move it parallel to the sides of the reference block until the
Length Larger than 10 in. (250 mm)The same method can be maximum echo from the quadrant is obtained. The beam index
used as described in A1.3.2; position a straight-beam is now directly above the centerpoint of the quadrant.
longitudinal-wave search unit as illustrated in Fig. A1.6 and A1.4.1.2 Determination of the Sound Path in the Wedge
thereafter correct the zeropoint in a manner similar to A1.3.2.2. The method mentioned in A1.4.1.1 makes a direct measure-
ment of the sound path in the wedge possible. It is known that
A1.3.4 Distance Standardization for the Sound Path, Pro-
the echo on the screen is caused by a reflection from a plane
jected on the Surface to be ScannedPlace the search unit on
lying at a distance of 4 in. (102 mm). The additional distance
the reference block as indicated in Fig. A1.7 and correct the
that is read on the screen is caused by the delay in the wedge.
signal obtained from the edge of the block to coincide with the
Normally, this sound path is not taken into consideration and
distance between the beam index and the edge of the block. A
the initial pulse indication is moved in such a way that the
standard ruler may be used to measure the skip distances. For
quadrant echo corresponds with the 4-in. line on the screen
inch-dimensioned blocks, the ruler should be a minimum of
(with long delay wedges this initial pulse indication is some-
12 in. long with 0.1-in. or smaller divisions; for SI unit blocks,
times completely off the screen).
the ruler should be a minimum of 300 mm long with 2-mm or
smaller divisions. Make adjustments for the skip distance and A1.4.1.3 Determination of the Angle of RefractionThe
half of the skip distance. It should be noted that when utilizing echo, which reflects from the surface of the 2-in. (50-mm)
angle-beam search units of approximately 60, this standard- diameter hole, is used. The reference that is engraved on both
ization may be erroneous due to mode conversion. sides of the block makes a direct determination of angles
between 35 and 75 possible. The exact angle of refraction can
A1.3.5 Adjustment of SensitivityWhen adjusting the be read at the beam index when the echo is at its maximum
sensitivity, take into consideration the following points: height. When measuring angles of refraction between 75 and
A1.3.5.1 The frequency used. 80, the small hole 0.060 in. (1.5 mm) is used. Both positions
A1.3.5.2 The energy of the transmitted pulse. are indicated in Fig. A1.8.
A1.3.5.3 The surface condition of the object to be exam-
ined. A1.5 Standardization with Supplementary Blocks
A1.3.5.4 The attenuation of the material to be examined,
A1.5.1 Other types of reference blocks are illustrated in the
relative to its acoustical characteristics.
following figures:
A1.3.5.5 The characteristics of the reflecting flaw, distance,
surface condition, orientation, and the type of discontinuity. Fig. A1.9Type DC Distance Reference Block
Fig. A1.10Type SC Sensitivity Reference Block
A1.4 Checking the Search Units and Their Characteristics Fig. A1.11Type DSC Distance and Sensitivity Reference
A1.4.1 When checking the characteristics of a search unit, Block
contact between the specimen and search unit is of major Fig. A1.12Type MAB Miniature Angle-Beam Reference
importance, and it is necessary to use sufficient couplant. If Block
FIG. A1.7 Position for Search Unit when Measuring Distance Standardization for the Sound Path
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Table of Dimensions
U.S. Customary Block Metric Block
Dimension (in.) Tolerance (in.) Dimension (mm) Tolerance (mm)
A 0.500 0.010 12.5 0.2
B 0.250 0.010 6.3 0.2
Rad. r1 1.000 0.010 25.0 0.2
Rad. r2 2.000 0.010 50.0 0.2
NOTE A1.2Types DC, SC, and DSC are similar in configuration to A1.5.2 Typical standardization uses of these blocks are
those of the same type described in AWS documents. The miniature listed in Table A1.1 and the corresponding search unit positions
angle-beam block is a U.S. version of IIW Reference Block 2 but with
significant variations. Block material must be specified by the using are illustrated in Fig. A1.13. The specific standardization
parties. Refer also to A1.2.1. procedures used are determined by the application involved.
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E164 13
Table of Dimensions
U.S. Customary Block Metric Block
Dimension (in.) Tolerance (in.) Dimension (mm) Tolerance (mm)
A 3.000 0.005 75.0 0.1
B 1.250 0.05 32.0 1.0
C 0.905 0.005 22.6 0.1
D 0.500 0.005 12.5 0.1
E 0.384 0.005 9.6 0.1
F 0.500 0.005 12.5 0.1
G 0.727 0.005 18.2 0.1
Dia. d 0.0625 0.0005 1.6 0.02
70 1.450 0.005 36.3 0.1
1.555 0.005 38.9 0.1
1.682 0.005 42.1 0.1
45 1.178 0.005 29.5 0.1
1.227 0.005 30.7 0.1
1.280 0.005 32.0 0.1
60 1.334 0.005 33.4 0.1
1.402 0.005 35.1 0.1
1.480 0.005 37.0 0.1
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E164 13
Table of Dimensions
U.S. Customary Block Metric Block
Dimension (in.) Tolerance (in.) Dimension (mm) Tolerance (mm)
A 1.000 0.005 25.0 0.1
B 2.500 0.005 62.5 0.1
C 0.750 0.005 18.8 0.1
D 1.000 0.005 25.0 0.1
E 0.484 0.005 12.1 0.1
F 0.032 0.005 0.8 0.1
Dia. d 0.125 0.002 3.2 0.05
Rad. r1 1.000 0.005 25.0 0.1
Rad. r2 3.000 0.005 75.0 0.1
Rad. r3 0.25 0.02 6.3 0.5
Rad. r4 2.625 0.005 65.6 0.1
45 0.699 0.005 17.5 0.1
0.750 0.005 18.8 0.1
0.804 0.005 20.1 0.1
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E164 13
NOTE 1In order to avoid sharp edges, minimize plating buildup, or remove in-service nicks and burrs, block edges may be smoothed by beveling
or rounding provided, the corner treatment does not reduce the edge dimension by more than 0.020 in. (0.5 mm).
FIG. A1.12 Type MAB Miniature Angle-Beam Reference Block
TABLE A1.1 Use of Supplementary Blocks for Standardization of InstrumentLettered Search Unit Locations Indicate Positioning for
the Specific Standardizations Listed
Straight Beam Tests Angle-Beam Tests
Distance Sensitivity Beam Index Beam Angle Distance Sensitivity
DC A A B ... B B
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E164 13
A2.3 Sweep Range Standardization (see Fig. A2.3)
A2.3.1 Couple the angle beam search unit to the examina-
tion surface 14 T from the side-drilled hole. Position the search
unit for the maximum first indication from the side-drilled
hole. Adjust the left edge of this indication to line 1 on the
screen with the delay control.
A2.3.2 Slide the search unit away positioning for the
maximum third indication from the hole. Adjust the left edge of
this indication to line 9 on the screen with the range control.
A2.3.3 Repeat delay and range control adjustments until the
first and third hole reflections start at sweep lines 1 and 9.
FIG. A2.4 Sensitivity
A2.3.4 Slide the search unit positioning for maximum
response from the square notch. The indication will appear at
sweep line 4.
A2.3.5 Couple the search unit to the examination surface
containing the square notch positioning for maximum response
from the notch. The indication will appear at sweep line 8.
A2.3.6 Each division on the sweep equals 18 of the Vee
A2.4 Sensitivity Standardization(see Fig. A2.4)
A2.4.1 Obtain maximum amplitudes from the 18, 38, 58, 78, FIG. A2.5 Distance Amplitude
and 98 Vee paths to the hole.
A2.4.2 Adjust the sensitivity control to provide an 80 %
of-full-screen amplitude from the hole at the path giving the
highest amplitude. Mark the peak of the indication on the
screen with a grease pencil.
A2.5 Distance-Amplitude Standardization (see Fig. A2.5)
A2.5.1 Without changing the sensitivity control, obtain
maximum amplitudes from the other Vee path positions to the
A2.5.2 Mark the peaks of the indications on the screen.
A2.5.3 Connect the screen marks to provide the distance-
amplitude curve for the side-drilled hole. FIG. A2.6 Position Depth
maximum first response from the hole. Place one end of the
indexing strip against the front of the search unit, the other end
extending in the direction of the beam on the examination
surface. Mark the number 1 on the indexing strip at the scribe
line that is directly above the hole (Note A2.1).
A2.6.1.2 Position the search unit for maximum second and
third indication from the hole. Keep the same end of the
indexing strip against the front of the search unit. Mark
numbers 7 and 9 on the indexing strip at the scribe line.
A2.6.1.3 Position the search unit for the maximum notch
indication. Mark the number 4 on the indexing strip at the
FIG. A2.3 Sweep Range scribe line.
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E164 13
A2.6.1.4 Couple, the search unit to the examination surface hole one may determine if the system has the capability to
containing the notch positioning for the maximum indication provide distinct indications from reflector spacing of less than
from the first and second indication from the hole. Mark 116 of the Vee path.
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E164 13
A2.9.1.5 Plot these points on a full-scale drawing of the edge of the beam. These two lines represent the half-amplitude
projected beam path. Plot positions with respect to the vertical limits of the beam measured on the side-drilled hole. When
projection of the front of the search unit; plot depths at 1, 3, 5, spread is indicated, draw a straight line through points 5, 7, and
7, and 9 quarters of the thickness equivalent to the 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 at the upper and lower edges of the beam. Project the lines to
and 9 eighths of the Vee path. cross and measure the angle between the lines. This is the
A2.9.1.6 Draw a straight line through the centerline points beam-spread angle of the full beam measured at the half-
and extend the line to the search unit. This indicates the beam amplitude level on the side-drilled hole.
centerline point on the search unit. The beam angle may be
read with a protractor as the angle between the beam centerline A2.10 Alternative Standardization Paths
and a perpendicular line to the examination surface, such as the
A2.10.1 Alternative standardization paths may be used. For
search-unit front-line projection. Alternatively the beam angle
may be computed by using the 1-to-9 position distance from example, 58 of the Vee path is sometimes used with the 70
the indexing strip position depth standardization, where re- angle beam; 208 of the Vee path may be used in thin materials;
fracted beam angle, or 38 to 138 may be used to avoid wedge noise but keep the
upward and downward angle-beam paths. The preceding mea-
2 5 arctan S 1 2 to 2 9 position distance
2T D (A2.1) surements may be made on these alternative paths but the
position location and depth numbers must be changed accord-
A2.9.1.7 Connect small number points 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 at ingly. See Fig. A2.10.
the lower edge of the beam and the similar points at the upper
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E164 13
Committee E07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E164 - 08)
that may impact the use of this standard. (June 1, 2013)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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