Hand / Wrist Stretching and Strengthening: Home Exercise Sheet
Hand / Wrist Stretching and Strengthening: Home Exercise Sheet
Hand / Wrist Stretching and Strengthening: Home Exercise Sheet
o Re-injuries during the rehabilitation process will slow your progress. If you
get recurring pain either lower the resistance; lower the number of sets or
repetitions; or reduce the range of motion toavoid the area of pain.
O You should experience muscle soreness, dull ache, fatigue, and stretching sensations, but the
exercises shouldnot increase the pain or swelling.
O When in doubt about how much weight touse for exercises, guess low. It is
safer and easier toadd weight than tohurt yourself with too much weight.
O Consult your Physician or Physical Therapist if any problems arise or ifyou
have any questions regarding an exercise. Itisbetter tomake sure thatyou are
doing an exercise correctly than tocause further injury by doing an exercise
These exercises areto be done 1time per day OR3 to 5 days per week.
Perform 2 sets of15 repetitionsforstrengthening exercises.
Stretching isperformed 3-15 times holding 10-30 seconds each time.
Ice for 15minutes after exercising.
Do not ice before exercising.
RoutineFor: Program Elbow Jan 14,2011
Created By: Eric Parrish / Chris Gordos
HAND -13 Wrist Flexor Stretch HAND -14 Wrist Extensor Stretch
Keeping elbow straight, grasp injured hand andslowly bend Keeping elbowstraight, grasp injuredhand and slowly bend
wrist back until stretch is felt. Hold 30 seconds. Relax. wrist forward until stretch is felt. Hold 30 seconds. Relax.
Repeat_2z5_times per set. Do. sets per session. Repeat 3-5 times per set. Do 1 sets per session.
Do 1-2 sessions per day. Do 1-2 sessions per day.
HAND - 40 PROM: Wrist Radial / Ulnar Deviation HAND - 20 Forearm Pronation Stretch
Grasp injured hand with other hand and gently stretch hand
andwristfromsideto sideas far as possible. Holdeach
position 30seconds. Relax. Repeat 3-5 timesper set.
Repeat 3-5 times per set. Do _1 sets per session. Do 1 sets per session.
Do 1-2 sessions per day. Do 1-2 sessions per day.
HAND -19 Forearm Supination Stretch HAND - 8 AROM: Finger Flexion / Extension
Actively bendfingers of
Withinjuredhand in injured hand. Start with
handshakeposition, grasp knuckles furthest from
andslowly turnto palmup palm, and slowly make a
until stretch is felt. Hold 30 fist. Hold 10 seconds.
seconds. Relax. Then straighten
Relax. fingers as far as possible.
With injured palm down, pound weight in hand, bend With injured thumb down and pound weight inhand,
wristup. Returnslowly. bend wristup. Return slowly.
Repeat 15 times per set. Do __2 sets per session. Repeat 15 times per set. Do 2 sets per session.
Do 1 sessions per day. Do 1 sessions per day.
HAND - 70 Wrist Elbow Flexion: Resisted - Palm Up HAND - 71 Elbow Extension: Resisted
Repeat_L5__ times
per set.
Do 2 sets
Repeat __15_ times per set. per session.
Do 2 sets per session. Do 1 sessions
Do 1 sessions per day. per day.
SHOULDER - 44 Strengthening: Resisted Internal Rotation SHOULDER - 43 Strengthening: Resisted External Rotation
Repeat_J5_ times
per set.
Do 2 sets
per session. Repeat 15 times per set.
Do 1 sessions Do 2 sets per session.
per day. Do 1 sessions per day.
Repeat 15 times per set. Ljf;fZ^r\ Repeat 15 times per set.
Do 2 sets per session. ^*\ \ Do 2 sets per session.
Do 1 sessionsper day. Do 1 sessionsper day.
Bring arms straight out from sides and raise arms only to
shoulder height (NOT AS PICTURED)without pain.
pounds Repeat 15 times per set.
Repeat 15 times per set. Do 2 sets per session. Do 2 sets per session.
Do 1 sessions per day. Do 1 sessions per day.
Frequency: The exercise should be performed up to 30 times aday. In the beginning 10-15 at atime will be tough enough.
Remember that the exercises should not cause pain or increase your symptoms dramatically.