Genetic Test Form
Genetic Test Form
Genetic Test Form
Sample is screened negative for disorders tested. Please correlate the results with other clinical and diagnostic
Approved By
Dr. Mahesh Hampe
MD (Biochemistry)
Disclaimers/Conditions of Reporting
The analysis of urine sample is done by GC/MS Method. The Blood Tests are BabyShield 4 tests a sample for limited metabolites/markers and their effects on
performed using Enzyme Immuno-Assay and/or Biochemical Assay Technique human health. It is presumed that the specimen belongs to the baby / patient
and/or HPLC technique on Blood Dry Spot collected on Special filter Paper.The named or identified in the Test Request Form.
testing is done at Preventine Life Care
The metabolites and health conditions mapping is not mutually unique and there A test requested might not be performed for the following reasons: a. Specimen
can be other forms in which an abnormality may be apparent. Similarly, the quantity insufficient (inadequate collection/ pilferege in transit) b. Specimen
health condition may not exclusively be an outcome of the disorders in quality (contaminated, fungal growth) c. Incorrect specimen type.
Isolated laboratory investigations never confirm the final diagnosis of a All investigations have their limitations which are imposed by the limits of
disease.They only help in arriving at a diagnosis in conjunction with clinical sensitivity and specificity of individual assay procedures as well as the quality of
presentation and other related investigations. specimen received by the laboratory.
It is important to monitor baby's health and take a proactive approach should BabyShield 4 test is not intended to replace the medical advice and/or
there be any unhealthy condition(s) within or beyond scope of this test. treatment obtained from a qualified healthcare practitioner.
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CRM No. : 160343200463 Patient Name : B/o Anita Patient ID : 149259
Quantitative Report
Congenital Adrenal
1 ELISA 17-OHP <=100.0 81.73 ng/mL Negative
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