N NT855 Fparts 1 PDF

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Cummins Parts Ordering for: N855F, NT855F1, F2 FirePumpEngines Genuine Cummins Parts and service facilities are world: wide. There are more than 2400 Cummins Sales and Service locations in the principal cities of the United States and Canada, and more than 500 Sales and Service locations situated ‘elsewhere throughout the Tree world Each distribution outlet is thoroughly equipped with tech nical data, factory-trained mechanics, modem equipment fand a full, adequate stock of Genuine Cummins Parts, For quicker and better service, your parts requirements should be ordered from your nearest Cummins Distributor or Dealer. At any of the locations prompt, intelligent courteous service is @ basic trademark. Each is eeady and ‘eager to help in every possible way through personal con ‘or through the mail — at your convenience. satisfactory ordering and receiving of parte by the er is gteatly dependent upon the proper use of Available information. In order that all zvoidable errors ‘may be eliminated, the following instructions are ofered as the purchaser's guide 1. Waite your order clearly, using a typewriter if possible 2. Be sure to list the correct part number. If in doubt as to the correct part number, state the model and serial number fof the engine on which the partis to be used. Part num bers ave usualy located in various places on the part itselt. 3. When possible, arrange your purchase order in part number numerical sequence, 4 Always specily shipping instructions — Best Way" is satisfactory if you have no preference: 5. State your company name and shipping address clearly Genuine Cummins Parts mean QUALITY! They're designed and engineered to fil best in your Cummins Diesel. Each part is made of the highest quality material — on the most Accurate of machines — by the top craftsmen of the trade You can be sure a Genuine Cummins Part will fit better — do the job better — lessen the chances of costly break down, When you buy replacement parte, buy ually. Buy Genuine Cummins Parts! YOU OWN THE BEST... REPAIR WITH THE BEST Table of Contents Accessory Drive Pulley Alternator Air Cleaner Air Intake Manifold Cam Follower And Housing Camshaft Carnshatt Bushings Connecting Rods Corrosion Resistor CCrankcase Breather Crankshaft Cylinder Block Cylinder Head Cylinder Liners Dipstick And Tube Electrical Equipment Exhaust Manifold Flange And Stub Shaft Fywheet Housing Flywheel And Ring Gear Flywheet Support Front Engine Support Fuol Filter Fusl Pump And Damper Fuel Pump Drive Fue! Tubing Gasket Sets Page 20 25.26 28 12 23 10.11 12 Py 2 26 26 6 26 6 30 22 38 Page Gear Cover 6 Glow Plug 23 Heat Exchanger a Injector. a Instrument Panel 33 Lubricating Oi! Cooler fos 18,16,17 Lubricating Oit Fitter 13 Lubricating, Oi! By Rass Filter 14 Lubricating Oi! Pan 2 Lubricating Oi! Pump 18,19 Main Bearings 3 Miscellaneous 35 Overspeed Stop 34 Piston And Piston Rings 4 Piston Cooling Nozzle 2 Push Rods. 8 Rear Cover 5 Relay Contactor aa Rocker Levers, Cover And Housing 10,11 Shutdown Vale. at Starting Motor a Thermostat, Fire Pump. 28 7.50 Turbocharger. 2 Vibration Dameer . : 2 3 Water Manifold 2 Water Pump 1 a g. way | i ~ ENGINE APpLiGATION | AurowoTive | [e-orrHiGHway] [©-CONSTAUGTION® INDUSTRIAL] [P-NOUSTRIALPOWER | | NoweeR PART NAME Ree, No.| NUMER PART NAME AEG. NO, CYLINDER BLOCK MOUNTING PARTS Nasr $120 Capscrew {3/828 x 1") 2 16 S106 Gapscrow (3/824 x 5/8") 1 [sr Jas-oa8e3 | Block, cylinder (216810) 1 | 1 | ies087 Pig, pipe 1 1M-27259 | Ousring exarbly, comanoft 1 202903 intrest 2 |s 100670 | Bushing i} 2 | ta26 Flange, aif pan suction 1 {s 157670 [Bushing 6 | 3 | o7a63 asker, suction fonge 1 [a0 wri Capscra, cylinder head 6 | 3 | seoa Lockwasner (378°) 2 far S164 | Canscrew, water nesder cover & | 21370 Line, evlinder & Js 06963 | Capscrew, main beating cap 1a | 6 | 202736 Nameplate NT-280 1 699064 | Gover, water header 247 | zo Nameplate (8, C Apotications) 1 a8e8 ‘Comel, cam follower housing 214606 Retainer 2 to block eo |e | igins Fina, packing é eran Dowel, main bearing cap toblock | 2 | 9 | raa090 Fling, packing 6 005 Dowel, head to black & J10 | wane Seal crevice 6 9226, Dowel, fywneet housing 2 {ur | s2286 Sere, nameplate 4 80008 Dowel, tar cover + Jia | sare Washer (25764") i fae 70859 Dowel ear cover (Diamond) 1 413 | taz038 Shim, liner (007") aur) 34 yooes-1 | Gasket, water heacer cover 2 [14 | rases9 ‘Shim, liner 008") wal 24 927 Locxolate 14 fis | .ragoa8 Shim liner 000"), aun) 34 S600 Uoekwacher, water neader cover — [12 [te | 1aaaa7 Shiny liner (1020"F nial 3a 29087 Pun, pe 1 vaa048 Shim ner (037°) aur| 34 $908 Plug, pe (9/8) 6 [a7 | 143000 Shim, finer 082") aun) 34 S095, lun, pipe (3/4") 1 1s sore Plug, pipe 1/8") 1 ]18 | azess, op, main bearing No. 1, 3,5 3 sa6c€ [Pus pipe (1") 1 fis | a26a5 Gap, main bearing No. 2,4, 6 a Sa0t iu, ie (1/4 1 42647 (Gop; main bearing No, 7 7 8.962 Pig pe (1") 2 |os 6990 Phun, pipe (1/8") 6 |20 sore | Plug, pipe (1/4 2 Ja sai5q [Plug pipe 11/2") 4a [2 2ioaea 1 sre expansion 1 Jas 5719 13, expersian 1 124 63609 Washer, Cylinder mead a6 | 25 sca? Washer . ‘PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 1 <> 3 ; NAY ——) ce 1 did wo pd 18 3534363 ENGINE APPLICATION | AUTOMOTIVE | ] B-OFFHIGHWAY] | ©. CONSTRUGTION & INDUSTRIAL] ner no. ner Nowser PART NAME iS, REF) pant PART NAME Ato, NO. eYLINDER BLock 212264 | Pus piston coating 6 [a s120 Capacrew (/8":24x 1°) 2 |x Jan.onaes | lock, ylnde (216814) Ske | SRE SE A L. 2 8 Bve27269 | Bushing, orb, cams : SaaS | Gapserew (8 28» 8 112 100670 Bushing 1 67963 Gasket, suction flange 1 6 is7e70 | Bustin 6 Sane Vorvacaner Cm) 2 [3s 20500 | puro, cylinder head 8 cm, | Leen 218 Stem — | Concren water reece cover | 12 ose | Ama 405069 | Capscrow main baring cop ia wee ‘sre 3 | 32019 | Cover waterheaer 2 eer | oanie 2 12 68695, | Bowl cam olomer housing 0 pass | eee 3 (8 block 6 fears | Fira, socking 3 [a ern Dowel, main bearing cp to block | 2 jesus | firngbecting 8 | 62445 | Dowel. ead toast é lame | SURERRD 8 13 o226 Dowel, fy owing 2 Ee Sel rite : 60408 Dowel, gear cover 1 3679 Washer (25/64"") 1 |aq 70058 | Dowel, ear cover (Diamond) 1 2, | See ee Nal & o0ed-1 | Gasket, wate hed cover 2 ieee | Smeg (00 wales Sear Uoekpine 13 ‘see | Shim uner (08 aial 68 $000 Lockmather, water header cover | 12 wee | Sim jew (ame wale e722 | Pu. ope 6 esoas— | Shimer (08) wal es Sarre | por bbe yen 3 Yesor0 | Sumnne (oee") al ss Sasce | Pie: pne (1) i easton | Com! (Opucrall ; ea001 Piva pipe (1/8 5 saice | Pos: pipe (1/4"7 3 42045 Cap, main bering No. 1.35 13. | 46 Saisa | pun pipe (129) 3 as6 Gop. maintrorngno.2.86 3. [ab pioase | pus i 2647 Gob ain bering No.7 1 [a sine Pg, expansion i S716 Plug, expansion 1 CYLINDER BLOCK toe0e7 | un ise 12) i nrass.r2 aco” | Waser cylinder exe 36 Sarva os shove exept e202 | Washer 1 PISTON COOLING PLUG Plug. 6 a s102a | capsrew 6/1624 x34" 6 Novak 6 $605, Lockwasher (5/16") 6 ‘orale Soe Re 8 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 2 r | Ul a Turonorve | [oe orrnemar] [o comrmucrona moweram] [ mmustmarrowen [| aR Name $0. 90) SOR fan name wo. Ree Rego, RO] noMER MEG. NO. CRANKSHAFT Ao: ‘Aro8697 | Crankshaft, assembly 1 NT56-F1 ana Nr-es5-¢2 208860 | Cronksatt 1 120810 Gover, tlocking 1 ‘an.osse7 | cranksattasembiy 1 oar Retoner 1 soar?) | Crankshaft i]s 12600 | Gear, cranksnatt if VIBRATION DAMPER 9300-1 Key. ger ae) sare | Pup pie (1/8"7 os nrassr2 AR.O7I10 | St, mein bering 1 45789 Damper, wbration 1 fas 44387 Shah main earing (No. 7unpe) | 1 | 8 | Moegae Pe eee 148 44388, Shel main bearing No. ?lower) | 1 | 8 | Soeyg etx [6 [ie 24385 Sve, main earing Wo.2,8aec6 | | | Seo8 Cocker (2°) 6 fi 44386 Shell, main bering No.2, 42nd 6 nr9ss.et tower 8 44303 | Shel, main bestng (No. 1, Sand 5 Same a above excep: upper 131 | owe ase Sha anenregNo.1.3aras J | | omits mperwbraton ; 157260 | Bing, hus yu 00575, Bows ring 00. 202003 Pinta ring 2 [13 | 210758 Damper, Vbistion 1 +] bein nearing may be pirchased in Nass 1010" .020", 030" an O40" uncecie. Same 9 above except 190083 Copscro (38-16 x 118") 1 faz | use eee see | 1 [43 | Beez195 | omer, version 1 sia | Cepsrew (1/2"20% 1") 6 Nass Same as above except ‘aro8567 | Cronkshatt, assembly A "208870 | Crantsatt ! 16685 Capserow 1 196654 Retainer 1 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED a 5 u : __| TENGINE APPLICATION | AUTOMOTIVE | | B-OFFNIGHWAY] | C-CONSTRUCTIONA INDUSTRIAL] | PINDUSTRIAL POWER rant pant name no, ner] pant PART NAME No. Ger sorter fo, hex] nueR Mo, he CONNECTING ROD RINGS An moa wrasse F2 ants2a74 [connecting ros sembly (121579) | 6 | 1 | n.06990 | Ringe, piston senders 6 91963 YBoltcomecting rod 12 2 | “Vare70 | ing, compression 8 |r y37420 | usting, ston in 613 | tazsa0 | ira compression a fu sows! | Waser 12 | @ | 163680 | Ring Sompression 8 iz 9038, Not 12] | toasio | Ring on 6 [13 203660 +) Sher connecting roa bering 216 ristoN an.oeeso | Ringset piston wrasse, €2 147670 | ing, compresion 10 132880 | ing, compresion n ‘an-06600 | Piston esombly 8 er 3 19197 | Fin, ison 8] 7 20030 | Piston 8a 1008 Rin, snop vfs nasser }an7270 | patonoxmby 6 191970 | inc piston sl} 195850 —_| Piston el} 61908 Ring nap ne +| connecting rad beacng sels may be ta.010", 020", .030" od 080" undersi. PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED ‘4 ExoINe AmucATION |_AWToweTiVE | [ 8 oFFwGiwAY] | 6 CONSTRUCTIONS OUSTRIAL] [~PINOUSTRIALTOWER PART no. ner} paar pant Name NO. REF owoeER PART NAME Rec, NO] NUNGER Rew. Ne. REAR COVER CAMSHAFT All Models NT.996-F1,F2 209919 Cover, rer 1 |r | sass Comshatt 1 |e S165 Capscrew (8-24 « 19/2") 8 | 3 | 156225 Gear, camshaft i fo 0662.4, Gasket (008 wd 5 | 69550 1 fro cos Lockvter (3/8) 8 | | ess ow roft 212892 Seal eat oi 7 | 9235-1 Washer, thrust 1 fae N56 Samo as above excent omur: 143450 Camshatt 1 Avo: 129860 Camehatt 1 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 5 ENGINE APpLicaTion | AuToworive | [@OFFWGHWAY] [ ©. CONSTRUCTIONS INDUSTRIAL] | _P-INDUSTAIALPOWER NoMBen PART NAME Rego, No] NuMBER PART NAME REGO. NO, JceaR cover MOUNTING PARTS Jaw Mode saz Capscrow (3/816 x ata SzrA Capscrew (7/16"-20 x3") i]s S196, Capscrew (7/16°-20 x 23/4 ile Jent70308 | Cover, gear 1137164 1 | toes Capscrew (7/16"-20 x 2 | 7 132770 Bushing, accessory drive 2 | soaoa Bowel | 3 682261 | Rushing, tnannian fa a Dowel fos 21464 Gasket, cover 1] 10 5608 LLookatasher(9/8") atu S610 Lockwwasher (7/16"1 1} az 67270 Packing, camshatttheust plate 1| 13 8 Plate, camnatt thrust +] ta $908, Plug, pipe (3/8) 1]as sare Pug, pipe 1/8") i] te 211705 Seal ifv 208069 Seal, crnshaft oi! i} a8 jautsee57 | Shim assembly camshett thrust 1 68192. | Shim{.010") wa} 19. 81928 | Shim/.005") jain | 19 6a192¢ | Shim(002") aie] 19. 186574 Shim £025") 1] 19 602 Washer, pain 13/32") 2| 20 5.622 Washer, pati (18/32"1 7} L ‘PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED ‘ ecommmucrona nour] | PoveTmacronee T] ENGINE APPLICATION | AUTOMOTIVE | | 6. OFFHIGHWAY Pant no rer) parr PART NAME No. REF. Nowaen PART NAME reo, No] NUMBER Re. NO. CYLINDER HEAD MOUNTING PARTS NT-856.F1,F2 amesas6 | Head, evinger (138541) 3{ 1 | 209700 Capseren, nead to black 170296 Guida, valve soring za} 2 (i/ieriex 63a") 36 | 16 127668 Hateooliet, valve fo] 3 | r2an6 Crostheed valve v2 | 93 211909, Spring, valve 24] 4 | ancora | Gasket, evlines head (202128) | 3 | 19. 145701 VaWe, exhaust i2| 5 | “i9aaa0 Grommet, water 24 | 20 135057 ave, intake 12] 8 | 203131 Nut (308") 2 | 22 30.65904 | Head, cylinder assembly (135541) 47320 Screw, crosshead adjusting 12 | 23 Ales valves) 3 e600 Washer, cylinder head 36 | 24 174213, | Guile, vive stem 2a} 5 | 14700 Crossover, fue 2 | 25 172038 | Guide, valve sring 24 70772 Capserew! springtite 8 | 26 123658 | Guide, crosshead vale 12| 8 | isi028 "Oring 8 | 2 127930 | insert, valve seat 2a} 9 70859 Plu, fuse 3] 10 $9556 — | Pig pipe (1716) ayn $962 Pup, pipe (1°) 8) 2 5911.8 — | Pia, pipe (18") 12{ 13 S915 — | Plug pie (1/2 3 5995 Plug, pipe (3/8 we] 14 2o2sos | Siawe, injector 6| 15 196641 ‘0 rng, injector 6| 26 Same as above except omit: Bive5a66 | Head, eyinder (138641) sf faM-65994 | Hand, cylinder (ess valves) 3 81-73334 | Head, evinder (152650) 2 3.75335} Head, cylinder (152680) (ess vaes) | 3 — PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED. ’ [Tinaine areuication | auroworive OFF MIGHAAY CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRIAL [ minmoraarrontn ° no. ner| pan No. REF. Noten PART Malla Rego. No] NUMBER PART NAME REG, No. ‘CAM FOLLOWERS MOUNTING PARTS NT-955-F1,F2 All Models 8m.67009 | Housing, cam follower, assembly 3 $129 Capscrew (3/8"-24 x 1") we os 138808 Housing, cam follower 3] 1] esses Dowel, rousing to block 6 Jig 175831 Plug, expansion | 2] 120819 Gaseet (026) in| 17 69726 Seren, shat 5] 3] 9268 Gasket (018"| Aa) 17 42443 Sha, cam follower 68] a] s2668 Gasket (007 aur) 17 av.a7ez1 | Cam follower, injector (108169) 6 5-604 Lookmasher (3 we | 18 118377 | Bushing 6| 6 107738 | Ingort. cam foliower | 7 Push Roos 66512 Pin, roller 6| 2 118922 | Pin, roi | 3 All Models 7308-2 | Roller 6| 10 M.37694 | Cam follower lever, intake and am.4777@ | Push 10d, intake and exhaust 12 Jar exhaust (120543), 2 ama7779 {Push rod, injector 6 [22 118978 | Busting | 12 107738 | Insort, cam follower 2) 7 66513 Pio, caller 12] 13 9 [Pin roll 2] 9 9260-1 Roller 12] 14 N86 ‘Same as above exceat m.37628 | Housing, cam follower, sssembly 3 44035 Housing, cam follower aya PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED NOTES ROCKER LEVER HOUSING, COVER, AND CRANKCASE BREATHER ENGINE APPLICATION | AUTOMOTIVE: OFF HIGHWAY Te consTnveTion a ROUSTRAL PINDUSTRIAL POWER vant wo er] gan vant nate ve NUMBER PART NAME REQD. NO. (NUMBER REQD. NO. AOGKER LEVER HOUSING si7s sro (1/219 5") 2 modes S118 | Gamer, en se esos} ‘ Jagcaar2 | Hours, cocker er 3] | vases: | Sacer 5 | 2 BN-7e889 | Housing, rocker lever 3 187580 Gasket, Rousing to heed a} toasce | Howse a}. | tees | Ske ; 176830 Plug, expansion ©] 2 | s6oo Lockwasher, heat shield (1/4") 4 ex228° | Pn voratr o} 3 | Sa tecwaine ea fl foaste | Seen: rocker ver sat 3} a | Sees occa 5 Bheee7e0 | Su rocar wer 60297 ays | S38, | Seige ; 161825 Plug, shaft 8] 6 | 158208 ‘Washer, housing to head 18 | 30 awe6iee | Coe emu vane 3} | Sane Waner pon 321 | iaseiaa | Leeann (16896) S} 2 "20530 | Bung ner ste wountine rants S22 |Rradsting sew a] 3 as06, | seem adutng 310 wer awseieo | Cor etaut save 3 BM-95142 | Lever and bushing (168802) 3] 12 | 170226 Bracket, lifting 2 {i050 | Busting. eer a] | size Goose iting racket ‘ casing en : esr hos esd 8} 2 foosce, | Sem nausea a}aa | HBS | Genero novia 8 | 2 oinssisa | teen voe af | as sere com 3/8 Shabie0 | Lewrane ming (16905) Sfia | 3zy | SE ny g| 140330 | Bushing, lever 3] 8 | 187509 Gasket, rocker housing a] 2 sz. |Rutatiaing xroW a} o | Ba tet cere Ble e506 | Sen, acting 3}r0 | S633 Locket ack (/2") 3 895160 Lever, intake valve 3 $602 ‘Washer, plain (13/32") 18 | 3 Sheabts7 | Leveand ming (16890) 3} "40330" | Bushing ter a's aneatwen siz. |Rotadusng row 3} 9 Toso0s | Sow astra 3] 10 wrasse re ahoaa0a | ner inector rocker $ ‘RAGHI07 | Linea outing (190568) 8]14 | zsr225 | aren crnkcamasenbly | 1 weacsa | Busia. lner sis | 72%, | ass" Lost 194037 Socken, ey) S-167-4, Capscrew, cover to body 3) 2 s22. | Nie aiming ren s]'o | Sah | Gee 118 See |Site Sfae | ggg | Gee, 112 S600" | Cocks 3| 2 ROCKER HOUSING COVER S631 ‘Washer, plain (9/32) 3a) 4 sis Coomentenierenre — | 2 NT-856-F1, F2 69793 Capscrew (3/8"-24 x 3/4") 1 fora | Samp ' veoren | cour rocker noun rfr | Sees | Gams : Vsazer | Cover rocker nowang fie | Se Ee ser) i 189620 | Cover rocker hovaing is | Ses teekster 9/16) 2 $8 sor i e55F $3101 “O" ring vent tube 1 : 111870 | Supporto gouge ube ' Same son xc teint | Tuber bteamer 1 omy faareg | cow acer owing 1 Yous | Eater rsterhowning | Webe20 | cover, acer owing aro mounrina pants wresser2 a ' ears | Broce cn ' VVazze | Sacer, ing ' toisze Eimer es chin tas yovest Yeap 2 ier th enn 1 12088 | Capt, nose 13] 2 Par Sircencmeternsxz | 's[ sn Concron com taerasciy | 8/38 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED " TT —| pant no. ner] Pant pant no. REF ONGER PART NAME feo'o, Wo | NUMBER NAME eb, NO. 1 PAN NT855-62 nass-e Some as above except 03662 Pan, eit a] 2 | Sosse noi 203662 Fon, i 5-120 opscrew (3816 x 1a 2| 2 | Reesbacens| eee tbricating oi 1 70349 Capscrew (7116-10 x 1-38") ASISOIEMS) os, abricaing pen to olock 2 avo. e680 copsrew (7/18"-14 x 1-3/8" 4) 8 | 2oac1 an, 0 1 108574 Capecrew (6/16"24 x 21/4") ‘asi602so6vs} Hore 3 panto rex cover 4] 6 | Astaasoans| Hose s-125 Capscren 4 S987 Ett. vive 1 179688 Flange, ol suction 4] 2 | too7s. Nivple, pipe } 57551 [Gasee, suction flange 1] 8] itast Clamp, hose 1 178788 [Gasket il pan i | 10 67036 Gasket, drain plug i} PSTICK BRACKET }asi602206M | Hose lubricating oil 1 DIPSTICK BRAG! S-604 Lockovasher (38°), fn AN Mod s-610 Lockwasher(7/16") aa] 13 s-605 Lodevasher(5/16°) 1] 12 | ysr908 Bracket dipstick 1 | aw 5-962 Pls, pine (1° 2] 13] jorses Dipstck 1 | fi0907 Plug, drain V1 8] sur Capsre (18-16 x 1") 4a} 6 Isis Pius, pipe 1/2") 4] 18 | Sava Genter 1 | 7 1s 808 hug, pipe 3/3") 1] 7 | Seos Uoekiesher (3/8) afin 0822 Screan, suction plate 1118] Sota Pros, pipe V2") AIR S-1a54 Screw 4} 18} torera “Tube, stick 1 | 28 S602 Wester, lain (19/32") 2 118590 Bracket, filer 1 | 23 s.622 Wester plain (15/32") 94 | 20 | forza ‘Tube, o filer 1 | 30 s-626 Wieser, lain (11/32"), 4] 21 wr.05s-F1 Same as above except 3661 Pan, ot ia wr.ess.F2 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 2 0 <—S L 2 Trent amcemon | muronorwe | [a oremarmnr] [e-consTavcriows movETRAT] J _P-ROUETRAL POWER wo. nee] ran oF Willen rane wae So. ME] biden van nae Bio, B8 Lusmicaring oi FiLTER Lusaicarivg om FLTER eee na A861 ross ewaane | finer wreaingot.asemeiy | 1 anorase fries orctingot semoly | 1 Cogeco io sos |Saety 2) 3 SS Sel einer nse i| 2 Hose |at Saetier nt i] % Stet ond i} 3 Hasse, [Swi von 1] 3] “est | oie if a teas fot TP a] e882? | kh coer ie Base [ses cone TY 3] aan | ean re ifs toc [em ane 1] S| Segets | Bi Sp is Seas (rie Son tS} ‘ese | Sotesr i} a ‘are gator Ty a] tt | Stho’sarige rf 3 teases [Sel S| taser | Ste corae ae ee te a tose |Seppene cate i} wear [erst We PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED W ENGINE APPLICATION [AUTOMOTIVE OFF RIGHMIAY CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL] [| P-INOUSTRIAL POWER | " no. ner | paar PART NAM No, REF. sone PART NAME nego, No] NUMBER PART NAME REG. No BYPASS FILTER 159706 Filter, lubricating ot 1 145664 Bracket, mauntira 2). 70188 Capscrew, bracket a] 2 yasso [Copscrow coupling hait 2) 3 Lé750 Carisoe if a 150038 [Coupling hat with nuts i]s 150039 [Coupling halt, cover ifs 159667 Cover i} 7 70189 LLockwashe, sracket als 70198 Lockwasher coupling half ala 70209 Nut, bracket a] 10 wsai59 ‘O° ring cover ry $908) Plug, cover i] 2 125665, Strap, mounting 2] 13 252087 [Shatter if aa 157152 | Dees, filter 1 $.908 Piug, drain 1 [a5 252138 Support, upper 1 116029 ‘0 ring, support 1] 18 isi11 orice tug a| 17 150037 | Spring, Rola dowr i] 8 252085 |Support, upper i] a9 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED “ | qo l enane acATION | AUTONOTWE | [o-Orramnav] [6 SonTRUCTION a OUSTAIAC] | PTOUSTRALPORER rant any name xo, ner] rane vant ane no mer Rote mid, Ne] fbiten tio, He LuanicaTine OWL cooLeR Mounting pants wrasse? 030 | capsrew (8-16 11/4" alu Sita Eapscrew (6°16 «1 25 m.77963 | coor bricating ot Ea Ezoscrew a/ig-t0 718% A Sikes | Closet ta 1B 1/2") Sia Eoscren (W213 1 1) ar $1030 | Eoomrem (etx 1 14" 1 [ses apse (3183 174) 2|0 S137, | aosram (00602 feaszoe | Curnn ose ahi Sos | Cock dram 2 |aszeo | Gam nae i vaaees | Gower, cole Signi | Eonmcton water 110 Vazso8 | Elomi cooter 4 fescas Ettow : taso09 | Gascet cover to nosing 8 [ozo Gastt water connection Var 202002 | Gasket sepport to use 8 [igi [easter Support to lock 1 }0 145908 | Housing oot 5 Jezaas Hose wate byes i} vaszes | "Ointment 2 |ioeco tos 2 soot Leckather 38") 8 [Soe Cockwashr (38) >| $0108 | Bn ape) 10 [Seo Cckwaser (816°) 2 S018 | Pt. ipe (a) Seas Cckwasher (2°) 3 | as Sas | Pug ape aes seco. [Or nng water by pas tube 1/6 wazere | Retr clement asst | Scooort ot coor 1) eao2 | Space fesero ——febernaser ne 1 18 Taoses | Suppor, cooker fecart Tobe, wate Dyas 1] — PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 5 \\ bbe -) ENGINE APPLICATION | AUTOMOTIVE © OFFRIGHIAY] CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL] | P-INDUSTRIAL FONER onoen PART NAME aio, Ne] Nowoen PART NAME Reo. No. LUBRICATING OL COOLER MOUNTING PARTS Nias. 1030 conscrew (378-16 x 1 1/4") 512 Hro213 Capscrow 2) 13 71721 | Coole, mbrcating oi! 1 S126 Canscrow (38-16 x 2 1/2") 2|14 $1030 | Caoscrew (3/816 x 11/8") 3] 1 |ase26 Ciamp, hose a]is 5.126 Capscrew (3/816 x 2/2 8 | 2 fra. Gasket thie 137064 over, cooler 1 3 [i339 Gasket if 125669 Eloment, cooler 1 | 4 Jesaos Hose 2) 18 133190, Gasket, owe to housing 1] 5 [seo Lockwasher (3/8") 7 |r 133102 Housing, cooler i | 6 |ro206 Lockwash 2|20 S604 Lockwashr (3/8") 6 | 7 |rss228 [Support cooler 1 [21 148704 ‘O" ring 2| e |r3a288 Pipe, by-pass 1 [22 9108 Plug, pipe (1/4") 2) $995 Plug, pipe (374) 1] 10 125685@ Retainer, "0" ring ida PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 6 a enone amuication | AUTONOTVE |] B-OFFMGHNAY] [ © CONSTRUCTIONS NDUSTAIAL] | Po INOUSTRIAL POWER pan no ner] pany No. fer sooer PART NAME m0. ho] nomen PART AME AEG, NO usaicaTinc om cover mouNTING PARTS Nass $1089 | Capsorow (3816 « 114") s}in 36282 | Comp, nom a] 2 av-70590 | cooker, uricatng oi 1 121779 Gasket i} a3 5.126 peer (8-18 x2 12"1 a] 1} casos Hose 2] Tssgz0 [over coater 1] 2] Soa Usckwasner 370") 5] 15 Bwsaa? — | Housing ane element 1 1oaie | Element, cooler ‘| os ta726s — |rowsirs, cooler if a 140203 |"0" rng 2] 5 $9108 [ug pipe 1/4") 2) 8 Tis? [Retoiner "0" ring 2) > e820 Gasket, cover to Novsing i} e S408 Uoeknaster (3/8 a} 9 $905 Prag, ip 3/8") 2] 10 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED ” — Tame nmrcaTon | Aromorve | [s ort warmny] [oe commmucrowe nourram] [> neurantronr [| rant wo, ner] rane vane nan no ner NUMBER PART NAME REQ. NO. NUMBER e ‘REGO. NO. tusnicatine ow Pune mounrina ants 958. ang WT-.F1 sion — | concrow 7716720 1%) 1 | Stara | anuson tte"a0. 3" a | a Janctose, — |romo, ration ot 1] | Stead | Gektewinnenaoxaven | | Ze Shona? [rnp tin 73060 tf | heer | SE 1] wesue” |i 2| 2 | See teekasher ier 3 {2 en e138 Sree 1616718" ie sarzoass [nr ae 08580) ifs ease” |ecsting 2/2 coor, [Bowe a vrais [eae 13 cases, [Gen trve te {203 | Guo mar ive i}e mcorore cad, tite 73162) thre acne |shing {'2 zoosis |B by pas is Bree |Sonin bron if jonas [tease tha Seon | Cocker (8) ayia Fico die P18 $o0s° re pie ie iis Sten [pug bee ave i Taree fuer a Wass [Shatt dive tts 45000 |ham ss terre [Sonn tyne 1 ft tzesoe (Yoke iz ¥3a800 [Pun bynes abe : ‘PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED ® Bee arverTon | anommree [| prorrmomny] [e coernocrons mousrnac TP ROOTRACPONET PART paRT NAME no, ner) rant pant NAME No. REF. NOMBER Redo. wo] NUMBER REGO. NO. JLUBRICATING O1L PUMP 3.995 Plug, pie (3/8") 2 | 26 5.908, Plug, pipe (3/8") 1 nre55.2 133848 Snali idier 1a a6 Snatt, drive 1 | 2 Jen-oaoes | Pump, tubricating oi! 1 8274 Soring, by-pass valve 1 | 20 151917 Body. inne i] a] ese. Tube, pistoncooting oil 1 | 3 8M.62816 | Body’ and nushing (164163), 1] 2] 126304 Yoke, retaining rar 68586 Bushing 2) 4 09 Capecrew (2/8"-16 x 7/8") if 4 MOUNTING PARTS S190 | Copscrew (3/8"16 x 51/4") al 5 5168-8 16x 4-172") 2| 6] sao1a CCapserew (7/16".20% 1") 2 S199. 16x 4") 1 53960 CCopscrew (7/16"-20 x 6-1/2") 33 S196. | Capecrow (7/16".20 x 2-9/4") 1 60657 CCapscrew, hex head 4 101662 Cepscrew (5/1618 x 41/2") 2 5.1030 CCapscrew (38-16 x 1-1/4") 35 69519 Dove 2] 7] 131286 Flange, scavenger pump 36 151911 Gasket, housing 2) a] 134265 Gaskor, lange to body 37 m.20443 | Gear and busting (68589) 1] 9] 121907 Gasket, pump to block = 68586 Bushing 2] 10] seoa Leckiasner (3/8 33 BN63618 | Gear anc bushing 133827) 11 | S619 Lockwasher (7/16") 40 ‘58595 Bushing 2} 2 68588 Gear, impelier drive 2) 13 133855 Gear: main drive 4 patedogt | Head. i 1 200819 | Dise, by-pass 1] 15 sas | Seat by-pass i] 16 251152, [Spring if modoa0 | Head, titer (197099) 18 68586 Bushing i] is 604 Lockwasher(3/8") 6| 20 5.605 Lockivasher (6/16") 2] 21 S610 Lockwasher (7/16") 1 ro9a19 Lookplate 1| 22 130736 "0" ring i] 23 127858 Plunger, regulator 1 | 24 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED. 19 ENGINE APPLICATION | AUTOMOTIVE OFF HIGHWAY] CONSTRUCTIONS INDUSTRIAL] [| P- INDUSTRIAL POWER pant no. ner] pant No. REF. Omaen PART NAME Reap. no] NUNBER PART NAME ReGro. No. WATER PUMP AND PULLEY MOUNTING PARTS 108549 Ccopscrew 1 Jas-oazea | Pump, water with pulley) 1 105831 Capscrew (3/8"-24 x 2") 6] ou 154968 Puliey, mater pure 1 S165 Capscrow (318-24 x 1 1/2") 2] 15 An01283 [Pum 13024 Gasket. oun i] ie T15519° [Bearing water 2] 2 130226 Gasket, Support if 196845 | Body, water pure 3 | 130227 Support, water pump 1| 38 758 | Fitng, grease 4 | soa Lockstather (3/8 Be} 191175 Ying, velit 5 An.06589 | Impeller, water pumo (2017 ifoe 1 ACCESSORY DRIVE PULLEY 200509 seal, seat ifs 112302, Ring, retaining rf All Mode 16255 | Rina, snap 1] 10 17085 | Seal, water pump 1] 47 | amsoca | Putey, rive (190400) 1] 20 Shaft, water pume 1] 12] 190337 | Sleeve, pulley 1] 21 Spacer, bearing 1 | 13 | ransi7 Nut, pulley i| 2 200328 Belt, "V" water pump rive 1 194380 Washer, plain 1] 23 178570 Bor 1 ‘PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 2 ENGINE ArpuicaTION | AvToNOTWVE | [8-oFFHIGHWAY] [ 6 CONSTRUCTION E INDUSTRIAL] |? INDUSTRIAL POWER Noten PART WAM Rego, No.| _NOWeER PART MANE REG, NO HEAT EXCHANGER arora 0" ring i} (au modes 13707 "ring i} 35 saan Pug. ane eecwode a) 2 131449 Screw a| 3 Brace, heat exchanger 120999 Suppor 38 Brace, neat exchanger arorios | Vake 40 Bracket, housing S622 Washer, pain (15/32") a Bests, pe S02 Wosner, pion (13/32") i] Cop, ter 132786 Wester, plain 2] a Cpactew (378-16 x3") Copscren (98°16 11/4") vent Tuse 5.1658 Capestew (W213 x7 112") 106707 Copscren (78°18 1 12") 10008 — | Elbow lexibe fing 2] a 9317 Conszrow. socket nead 200723 ‘Tube vents heat exchonger to S12 Copscrew (318-18 1") enhoust mantlg outlet connection | 1. | 4 103023 Gopszre (7776°-18 x1") sic | Ren 2 sas Capecraw (1/2"-13 11/8") S098 | Stowe fexibe fting 3 faze | Clamp, rose S962 Cone rain aa26 Connection, ine 137082 Connection, inet 37061 Connection, out 137059 over, hoot exchanger ed Cover 194728 Evement iar Garketwamant to housing Gate, ait vane Gasket, cover to element Gasket, outlet connection Gasket, et connection Gasket. Housing waste (3/8") Cocxwasher(7/168") Lockwasher (3/16") PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED a ES enone arruicaTion [ AuTowoTive | [ b-OFFwiciway] [ € CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL] | _P-INDUSTRIAL POWER Past no. ner] ran No. REF sober PART Nate cio, No] NUMBER PART Name REGO. NO. WATER MANIFOLD An Models sata Manifold, wate (front if 33819 Manto, water (center) i} 2 33077 Manifold water (rar) if 3 s-103.0 Capscrew (38-16 x 1-14") nl} 4 826-0 Gane 2) 5 130394 [Courting 2| 6 eszaF Hose ‘| o 70628 “ina ale 148203, ‘O" ring | 9 s-60 Lockwasher(3/8") 2] 10 Sat08 Pi, pipe 1 S158 Pig. bipe 1 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 2 ENGINE A automotive | [e-orrignwav] [© consTRUCTIONS INDUSTRIAL] | P-INDUSTRIAL POWER | | part no. ner) rant pant Nal No. REF NomBER PART NAME reap. No] NUNGER PART NAME AEG. NO. CORROSION RESISTOR MOUNTING PARTS All Models 187317 Adopter rds 212128 Bracket, corrosion resistor i} a 256268 Resistr,corrosion 1 sin Copscrew af 290083 Element pre-charged (WF-2013) ia | sis68 CCapscrow (1/420 « 1-1/2") a] 6 2oates ead 1] 2 | Y70%04 Clamp, nose a]? 280080 Element, sevice (WF-2010) 1 05297 Spacer 3 70870 Eloow 2] 8 79801 Hose i] 9 $604 Lockwasher9/8) 6 | 10 173901 Vale 2,u ‘PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED n ENoINe Arpicavion | AuToworive | [e-OFrwianwav] | © CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL] | P-INOUSTRIAL POWER PART PART NAME no. ner] ear pant Name No. REF ower ego. No | NUMBER REG, NO. AIR INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR INTAKE CONNECTION AW Modes wress.e1,F2 1761 Manito, air intake 1] 1 | 133286 Connection, ai intake 1 | as Mounting pants MOUNTING PARTS. S112 Capserew (5/8"-16 x 1") v2} 3 | 1osr07 Capserow (3/816 x 1-1/2") aja 108707 Capsere (3/8"=16 x 1-1/2") 3] 4 | 202805 Clamp, nose 15 202961 Gasket, maifots 3| 5 | 199508 Gasket, connection to manioig 16 ragat9 Gasket, plate 1] 6 | 202098 Hose, conaection to turbocharger | 1 | 17 s-604 Lockwasher (3/8") 5] 7 | Seo LLockwather(3/6"1 4a|ie iaa7e7 Plate, manifold cover i fe | sone Pr, aie 2 so108, Pian pie (1/4") 3a] 9 | Se02 ashe, plain (19/82") a] Sor Piua, pie (1/8) 1 Soa Ptua, pipe (1/2") 2|r0 Naser S962 Plug, oie (171, t S602 washer plain (13/32") far | 135803 Connection, intake 1 | 2 sea? Washer, plain (13/32") 3|12 7047 Plug 1 |22 MOUNTING PARTS 67946 Gasket 1 | 23 138608, Plug, glow plug opening 1]2e | sios0 Ceoscrow (3/816 x 1-1/8") 4 138609, Gasket, glow plug 1 }25 | ieeses Gasket i | 16 s-604 LLockwosner (3/8") a] 38 S602 Washer, plan 113/32") 4 | is $962 Plug, pipe 1 | 2 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 4 oti —0 kn twoIne WrcieaTion | AuToworive | [ 6-orrmonway] [6-consTaveriona mousTaat]| | pnousTaacronen [| any no. rer) — eanr No. REF. Nowaer PART NAME nto, No] NUMBER PART NAME ReaD. No. AIR CLEANER 190688 leaner, si (16" diameter) \ 201083, Body fa Taxis | Gaster Wye 1585 | Pretiter ifs zoroas | Aad and band assembly ya 111580 | Nut, wing als 11576 | Rod 26 2or0aa Cup assembly ya zoroas | Cun fe 111603 | Bise ifs 11604 Oca 110 193816 Spring 1 MOUNTING PARTS yass2a Bracke, air cleaner 1 )26 sat Capscrow (5/1618 x 1-1/2" 2] ena Capesrow (3/8"-16 1°) 1) 5.1208 (Capscrew (9/828 x 7/8") 4a) 2s 125741 Clamp, "1" bott ais 198873 Had, sir cleaner ifis 103808 Hose aii 5.604 Lockwasher (3/8 5 fio S605 Lockwasher (3/16") 2| 20 5.205, Nut (3/8") 2/20 S221 Nur 6/16" 2] 21 197221 Strap, air cleaner 2}a 113098 Tube, ai leaner 1 | 30 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED B baw aa SE EE TY va no, ner] ant no ner onen PART NAME reco. no.| — NOMBER PART NAME Reo. NO. aim cLeanen 06833 [tere ai (12" mete 1 Mobis eeu et ia sees [Boman ie Mites [Sele mens Ha torigr fate hone ia Tons [Seton 1} teat fou cin 3] 6 jhounrina Pant 106128 ada sfa terre i taser [Gor how ale ee ' 103808 [ion tentie 2] 0 foae deen and sre eerow (16-18 78" Aa etn pace S/N 1B 1/2 2] ein Cee te 18s 2 3 Fa ete ee an i Siem ——eaparew fetes ee ' Sze Ntenion aia S05 tsar (6/167 alts S08 snr sn 2" bhi Toone | Yebea eon : So ashe an 8") ' PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED B ee sot pw Ty ihe 8 1 nn a enameAmucaTion | avToworwe | [a or#manwav] | -consTaucTiOn® nbUSiIAL] | p-nousTAALroNER |] pant pant name wo, ner] pany PART NAME none en tgp, Ro. _Komben Abo. Ne 1-50 TURBOCHARGER MOUNTING PARTS wrasse, F2 132429 ‘Adapter elbow 2 208668 ‘adapter ose % an-10508 | Turbocnarger assembly (200686) | 1 21405 ‘adapter, hex head ' 150820" | Bearing i]s | tance Bracket, dipstick tube 1 | 4 2e01 | espsrew, clamp 2) 2 | sn7 Conserv @/N6-18 x 34") 3 2raee2 | Gann, comorezor i] 3 | State Shacren (3/8"-163 172") 1 | 26 tanes | Casing, bine i] @ | Stor Gapscrew GNN6"=18 x 34") 1 | 156816 | Clam. "V" bana 2) 5 | cama Gener (3/828 » 38" 1 302378 | House, bering i] 6 | tosr22 Clam, hos 1| 2 W7ost0 [inert bern 1].5 | saivea | Camo hose 2 129998. | Nomepate 1]23 | stoaoe — | Elbow Hexcblenose i 167290 | Nut clame 2]°e | Yee Elon, oi cain 2 stn [nut i] 9 | 214093 Elbow, oil eain 202058 | "0" rng ifr0 | i1a763 Gesket » 20208) | -o" ring ifin | zo9963 ose, tetlon a 202373 | Plate ot sat 1] 12 | Acteoba.one] Hose 1 202377 | Pecking mation 1 [33 | Seoe Uockoasner (2/8) 1 | a aur [Sleeve i fia | S205 Nut 1 S008 | Screw, nameplate a}24 | Zora Nutstanless ste 6] x Yeeaaa | Sen 1]is | cosa Nut + | 3 95640 | Seal. ino ifie | ean Sacer ils 1770 | Shi heat ifr | r2as10 ‘Stace manifold to Turbo 6 | % 212860 | Whee, impair iid | 2ta033 “Tube, Turbo oi dria 1 | 3 Ro1705 | Wheel and snot ifia | isoei7 Gam x Sai Waser, plan 19/32") afar | i2e018 Adopter 2 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED n ENGINE APPLICATION [AUTOMOTIVE [eq consraucriows noustmiat] | P-|NOUSTRIAL POWER Nowben PART NAME nego, 0. | NUMBER PART NAME REG, NO. EXHAUST MANIFOLO CONNECTIONS Y- 856-61, F2 $-105 Capscrow (3/816 «3 1/2") af 5.109 Capscrove (3/816 x 7/8") ali2 187515 Manitold, exhaust 1] 1 [soe Cock, dain if13 1458 Capscrew (1/213 x 11/8") 4| 2 [rane Connection, water inet ira 200808 Capscren {7/16"-18 x 4”) 12) 3 Jasszec Clamp, hose 2]i5 Boone Clemo, morstola | 4 Jeszee. Goutet, ter inlet connection aie 105199 Dowel, manifold to block 2| 8 [ra0740 Gasket, thermostat nousing ai 67971 Forge, Bin 1} 6 [px-93808 | Housing, thormasiat (146097) iis 29266 Gaskot, lange i | 7 | “ts6780 Sea iis 52077 Gasket, mantola |e fesse Hose, water connection 1 {20 14638 Loceplate 12| 9 |seoa Lookwasher 13/2") 421 s-608 Lockwasher (1/2°) | 10 | racors Thermastat 1) 22 i S91 Plug ine (1/2") 1 nasser S679 Waster, plain 15/8") a|23 Same as above except: omit: 157515 Manifold, exhaust ya “85085 Manifold, echeust iyo PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED. 8 ENGINE APPLIGATION | AUTOWOTIVE OFF RIGHWAY] | €- CONSTRUCTION ® INDUSTRIAL] PINOUSTRIAL POWER PART no. ner) par No. REF, Nowaer PART WANE Reo, NO | NUMBER PART NAME Ata. No. FUEL PUMP DRIVE MOUNTING PARTS. Ali Models 218681 Capserew (7716.20 x 1 18") 5) 14 2200809 Gosxer i} is ‘an.o059e | orive, ue! pumo 1 Sor USeawashor 17/16") 5| 36 "29510 Capscrow (37816 « 1") 1 181236, Seal, Keyay nyo 158826 Coupling if 2 42688 Geer, drive housing i} 3 ‘aR.08782 | Housing (208677) fa 116391 | Bushing, housing 5 9118 {Pius ine 1/8") 2) 6 saiBAa | Piss ine 1172") 1 59550 Key, shaft 2| 7 $318 Key, sratt i] 170658 Shaft, drive iJ 9 116388 Wosner, thrust 1] 10 6389 Washer thrust ifn 16330 Warner, clamping if 2 170664 Washer iy 3 ‘PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED a ae. wh 8 rr ri —, _ Tone mLcaTon | AuTowore | Le oremamar] [o conmucrionanousaat] [P oveTmarrowee || otter fant wane sto, fe] Mommen PART NAME fio, Ne bestpavirmanes ena enor torgaurargrarvour | SM@aT@90 | Purp, gar ype Gimmine Dastbutr or Dealer has the specie tools ented | 217284 | Gasket ifn for compete rebut a carat FUEL FILTER Caution: DONOT situ the fuel ese settings oF the anmosen thot sre seg as serious damage to your engine ay vont 156171 fe fer 1 os Fet050 | Carridee 1] Cniy PT Fs Sytem Pasi can tw renicedwinout | FESIORD | Caren 118 pumptalivaton aetuadres, vou Cunminabavtues | gangs? | GMCS ag iy wi ecard pati par artery crt gene, | Gasket ra 112 del Purp infront of ths ato oe on rhe FUEL PUMP DAMPER MOUNTING PARTS Au Models 145963} rocket, fut fer 1| 2 gue Conse (3816 x 1) a] io ow.76320 | Oamper, (vt 1 Sige | Chpseen ane td1) 3 | 3 vsaa36 | Boay, damper 1] 1 | Yass | Connection etbow (0 de) 2 | % S056 | Coperen 11/4720 x 1-4") 2| 2 | Sicee Connector 1 gout | Diaprane 1} 3 | Yoo7 | ena 1 S600 Locker (14) 2) 4 | tssax Etbow 1 Taoaee |S np i] 5 | Seoe Locker (2/8) a| a roo |"0" ring i} 6 | S000 Locker (/10") 2 | 2a 193338 | Pate, camper 1] 3 | Z100—0 | ibe i 11000 | Seal damper to er pump if a yoo | ashe 2) 2 10514 | Waser, nyton fo FUEL SUPPLY GEAR PUMP nr, 2 Jexto0270 pum wor A.M. 24") ifaz Prost” | Gasket pune War PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED uw trome acaTOn | AuTonoTive | [ 6 orrwmay] [e-consTnuctions NOUSTAL] [ PuNOUSTRALPOWER | | PART no. ner] pant PART NAME No. REF: Noween PART Name feo. No} NOwaen in REG. NO. lsHuToown vatve Insector 216090 Valve, high pressure 10 NT-955-F1, F2 ‘96068 coi ita 1215 Cacscrowe 4] 2] argos | tniector 6 “9608 Disc, orice 1] 3] “iste Unk, inigetor 6 fu 196057 Disc, itoring 1] & | aRcoosr | injector tess ink 6 s.60 Lockwaser (9/16"9 a] 5] 195139 | Adaptor ef] a2 29888 0" ting 1{ 6] ar-acos: | Barret and plunger 5 {13 20830 snieta a] 7] “167157 | Bat creck 6 |i 120768 Sern tr] a] 108 | cup 6] is 196055 Spacer i] o] raza | cis 6} 173086 | Gasket 6] MOUNTING PARTS torres | “Or ring o [is 193736 | “O" ring 2 | 19 A Mos 203425 | Pin, oval 12 | 20 185133 | Retainer, cup 6 | 2 46064 csaoter 1 174298 | Screen 6 | 2 S105 Copacraw (N-B6S- 1 166009 | Sering 6 | 23 s.170.6 Capscrew 2 165005 | Cioserew 1 | 28 posers [capscrew 2 sorare | Clamp, inector nots dow | 25 ieiacs Lookwasher 2 154087 "Oring 2 Naser aos seat, eng valve 2 7680 wasn, plain 2 Some s above except a-20128 | Injector 6 208423 | Cus, injector 6 ‘AR-40154 | Injector es link 6 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED a Gram wrcenTion | aoroworve | To oer wannnr] [o ConmTaveriona moUeTRI] [PRGUSTRAL POWER] FUEL TUBING | rssrir2 176009 Yasene 1 yee deste } (Bae eee aoa ve 3 tore. [Gon hose 3 ores clamps nose i Hare [Gomecte : ter2t3 : teoar tube 2 beso) i fosree (e000) i eco : Stes tocar (8) 1 Se08 {Seamer (3) : kao } Pg." ' Pug tbe 1 raat | rose at suction i aise fate Ser : Poskas [Yue tetsu i ‘ens ues : Poetse | Ye, inc rin 1 ‘sem (ake i voeeos |e, ence : Fueu Tusine nase 125957 {sing easucng 2 3 nt : Fire |Setnecie ube 2 Hovsco cain se ; Stoosa | ebow i fares Eto (90 don) : foiveo osu (90 Se i iis [even i Secs Cocknaher 8" ' Stn | Ske t nny 1 inisy | i ete | Toe ut rain ' Barts pus 1 icone | Tutti scion 1 foesoe | ve, ces i tor [ake ! PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 2 e-OFFRIGHWAY] | 6 CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRIAL Ee TPOWER ENoIeAruieaTion | AUTOMOTIVE vant pant name wo. ner] pane pant name no. ner Nonther mio. Ne] nOtER Rio, Re INSTRUMENT PANEL sea Waser 2 S07 Mater, ibsation alter 3 | 1 Au Moses azase | Waser, stery 3 |» 190936 [ane instrument ida N-9555 on) sora anetr i |2 {52010 |ovrmsteranetachometecasantlv | 1 | 3 | 218001 Block, termina 1 se0010s | Adopter, tachometer dre : Siac | Conacrmarerar xtamy | 127398, [Bow janet 1 219002 | Narker, trmnal i 402870 Backer mounting 1] 4 | i700 | Pate mounting i tozert Brecker mount 1] & | r2an08 | Stew round reas 2 o6i02 Breaker cr i [6 | ser Dasher 3 irs \Cstie taonomatar 1 $608 Weer (16 lok) sara apscow (/e20 x 3/4" 2 ettga [apace (716 1a x2") 3 THROTTLE CONTROL foseon | Caparo (8-28 2" 2 123647 | Connector queer ype 5 e773 | Control hose 1 far S709 Prosta-8 T [7 | sora | Bracket, thot conto i S 1088 Counting, tbe 1 sraec | Copserew ia'"20% 172" i Sr0.a [oom tube 1 Stora | Corson 4-20» 10") 2 esr39 Etoow, hose i Sid | Copreren (624 x 5"1 1 fears Esvge: prom ie | feos | ci i lssearn [Gage water temperature i | 8 | S800 Cotkwener (174) 3 fasocorceous |fow i Se0e Locker (4 i fo2a90 | otator, vation 3 fro | S220 hor 3 zr | Maree WC) i fn | sar Wiser, an 19/92" 3 i729 |Marker (EA) 1 iz | $223 Nat 1 S280 hes a }i3 | Séor ‘Warr 1 S228 a v9 2 artes | Gapscew i r3p051 ate termina lock i 206 | Bracke trot cable i ca017 ing, tachometer sate i 164709 Spacer 2 Fach CpRE 160573 Spacer 2 ISII7T eoro1 Stor 2 S 2286 Screw 6 |i worn | Scow 3 fis eoc0a Seen, circuit breaker 2 | S000 ore ae 3 S200 ser 716 3 S603 __[ Waser ration toltor 3 be PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 3 enone aruication | Auroworive | [ e-orrmicmway] [ ©. cONSTRUCTION® INDUSTRIAL] | P-INDUSTRIAL POWER | pant no. ner] pant No. REF NoMgeR PART NAME migo, No} NOWBER PART Name too. Ne. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT RELAY CONTACTOR Electric equipments not manufactured by the Cummins 211088 Bracket, contstor 1 Engine Company, ne, Complete service for electrical 5.105¢ Copscron {08 20x 11/4") 4 suiomen may be osinad from the mantacturers, The S108 Capscrew (3/818 x7/8") i Delco Remy Company at Anderson, tndons, The taxes. S146 Cepecren HV249 x N14") 2 Neville Company at Cleveland, Oro, a om the sence 199873 CContetor,O, lay 2 Sotons, Adsres of nearest service station may bs obtained | $220 Nut 4 from the manulacturer 5-600 Wosrer, 1/4 ick ¢ S604 Washer, 3/8 fock i $008 Warner, 172 lok 2 ALTERNATOR OVERSPEED STOP 213807 iterator 1 178655 Belt 1 210s Stop, oversoeed 1 78899 Bolt (NT-885-F2) 1 ‘0014 Aaspter i 201464 Bracket 1 128922 Bracket 1 5-120 Copscrew (38°16 x 1-314") 3 S166 Capserew (1/8"-20x 0) 42 5185 Capscrew {1/2"-13 1-18" 1 08707 Capscrew (3/8"-18 x 1-1/2") 2 5.165 Gepserew INT 858-72) 1 500 Lockoaerer (1/8") 2 S187 Capecrou W791 8°) i S208 none 2 201465 Line, alternator adjsting 1 216400 Shot i 203535 Unk INT 855.2) 1 5.631 Washer isin 9/52") 2 5-200 Nut 1 62962 Wisner, robber 2 604 Were, 9/8 tek 3 203310 3 ‘os007 1 SWITCH, MAGNETIC 111495 Brocker 1 s167-A Capscrew (1/420 x 7/8" 2 5-600 Lockvasher 1/4") 2 s.224 uw (ey 2 Tiee48 Swen, magnetic 2 STARTING MOTOR 3608 Motor, starting 1 S-103-4 CCopsrew (6/811 x2") 3 S603 Lockwasher (/8") 3 oats Spocer 1 t 1 PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 4 ENGINE APPLICATION | AUTOMOTIVE | | @ OFFHIGHWAY] [ G- CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL] J P-INDUSTRIAL POWER Page no. nee] parr PART NAN No. REF NOMBER PART NAME feo. NO] NUMBER PART NAHE AG, NO. FLYWHEEL HOUSING DAMPER SHIELO Au Models s.107 Copscroy 6/1618 x 314" 4 tenes Shield, vibration damper 1 Housin,slyehee 1 5-605 Washer (5/16" lock! 4 Cause (1/2013. 1-208" 4 Gopscren (1213 13/4" 8 BELT HIELO Cooserow (1/2"13 x 21/4" 3 Bows 2 S107 1 Cover, inspection hole 1 Su19¢ 1 Gasket 1 108707 Capserew (278"-16 x 11/2") 3 Uockiasher (1/4"1 2 $221 ut Locks (6/8) 2 217059 Shel, bet Uockivasher 1172" 7 ‘eras Support belt shield 1 Now (72 3 s-608 Wisner (5/16 tock) 1 Screw 2 S608 wWoster (378 lock) 1 osher, pain 7 S310 Wiser (7/16 tock 1 Washer, plan (5/6 9 5602 waster 3 FLYWHEEL AND RING GEAR GASKET SETS Separately, sold a assembly only, 1an.06757 | Engine oasket set 1 fpxvo0033 | Five! and rng eae 1 viso746 | Cylinder mead goskot wet 1 (2453) Fvemest (3083) 1 2.68356 | Fuel pump gasket set 1 ‘851 Gear, rng 1 204166 Bolt sckirg 8 wrasse 20086) Wosher an.06763 | Engine gasket set FRONT ENGINE ANO FLYWHEEL Bv-77016 | Cylindor mead gesker set i HOUSING SUPPORT 8M68356 | Fue! pump gusket set ' An mode r856.F2 ARay Suppor, ront engine 1 ano57ae | Engine Gasket set 1 21062 Support, tvwnoo! Rousing 1 Bve77a16 | Cylinder head anket st 1 5.128 eapecrew (1/2135 2°) 4 8.60366 | Fuel pump goer set 1 ‘08602 Cpserew 11/2"13 x 3.34%) 2 s-c08 Lockasher (1/2") 6 S218 ot, tievod 8 43686 fod, tie 2 FLANGE AND STUD SHAFT fsiz2016 | Flange ane su shalt 1 4ooda.8 | Flange 612302 | key eizaex [Shaft 5-145 Canscrow (1/2"-13 x 1-1/4") 8 s-608 Cookwasher(1/2") 8 misceciancous 120708 Decal fu fier 1 104897 Plate, name 1 Js901 Pie. ine 1 pisiar rina agram 1 212861 Wiring haram (NSE-F, NT-BS5-F1] 1 218146 Wing, sirem, instalation inresse2) 1 08368 Wiring diagram, instalation eal) 1 185583 ring diagram, instlltion N85 FI 1 210972 Tag 1 e876 Sten, tub. pressure 1 68737 Switch, water temperature 5 i: PARTS INDENTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE PART UNDER WHICH THEY ARE INDENTED 8 Sea Cana res oa Ror) Sa cote Ce ey ‘Cummins Engine Company, Lid. irene ae) Cocoa Co ne re oe er) CeCe aco Ce ey Seem ter Copan

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