Transportation Systems and Logistics Management PDF
Transportation Systems and Logistics Management PDF
Transportation Systems and Logistics Management PDF
1. Weightage to Objectives:
Objectives K U A S Total
Percentage of Marks 30% 30% 30% 10% 100%
Marks 18 18 18 6 60
Half-yearly Examination
1. Unit 1 23
2. Unit 2 23
3. Unit 3 up to Fright Management Costs 14
4. Scheme of Sections:
1. Difficulty Level:
Abbreviations Used:
Class XI (Theory)
Match the following left hand side words with appropriate words from right hand side
and appropriate alphabet in the braces
Section A
Logistic Functions:
Business logistics is a series of separate activities or functions which all fall under a
business firm's logistics umbrella they are as follows:
i. Supply:
Consider the supply of materials that you have as this would help meet your self-
imposed quota for the company to profit.
ii. Transportation:
This is where logistics management applies. A company should have the
transportation services needed to move the products and deliver them in a timely and
efficient manner to the customers.
iii. Facilities:
Different companies employ different services according to their needs. Each of them
has a different facility which helps produce the products and services which they
eventually offer to customers. These facilities should be tailor-made and fit the client's
and customer's specifications.
iv. Services:
From customer service to delivering an order on time, to resolving order-related
problems, a company should employ a logistics management service provider which
will provide all of these services.
iv. Management and Administration:
This is an aspect of logistics management which is common to all organizations. A
well balanced and knowledgeable staff and leaders make for a better service-oriented
company. In relation to this, here are the important factors that you should consider
when employing a logistics management service provider that will best benefit your
vi. Inbound Transportation:
You should choose a logistics management service provider who will give out quotes
for the inbound transportation costs of components. This might include the delivery of
individual components to your production line. For a better price comparison, you
may also ask if they can deal with clients who buy some or all of their components
from a particular supplier. You can look for cost and time frame quotations that you
can use to consider the service provider that is most cost-effective
vii. Outbound Transportation:
Outbound transportation refers to the carriers which meet the customer's needs.
Different clients need various freight and carrier services and a logistics management
service provider should be able to provide these individual needs. The deal can either
be on an over-all operational basis, or on a per-shipment basis. This provides a
comprehensive solution for a company's primary need for logistics. Choose a logistics
management service provider, who will provide rate comparisons from different
couriers to meet and handle the customer's goals. The main point here is that you need
to have somebody to handle and ship out your main products in a safe and timely
viii. Troubleshooting Capabilities:
A logistics management service provider should know how to handle unusual and
day-to-day complications and problems. If a customer has a specific shipping need,
would they be able to deliver and solve the problem? Should a serious delivery or
shipping problem arise, they should be able to troubleshoot and come up with the
perfect solution and at the same time soothe a customer's ruffled feathers.
ix. Keeping Customers Informed:
The customers have the right to know the details about a particular order shipment.
They should be informed of when the products were shipped, how it was shipped and
who shipped it. Some logistics management service provider gives out their contact
numbers directly to their client's customers. This would avoid a pointing of fingers
should problems arise. Also, there is online tracking information available for most
couriers and carriers. All in all, you have to choose a logistics management service
provider that would fit your company's needs so that both of you will reap the benefits
in the end. Logistics has developed from a series of separate activities largely based
on transport, warehousing and procurement, where decisions were seen as largely
operational or tactical. As it evolved into a single function, the strategic impact of
logistics has become more evident.
x. Customer Satisfaction:
Logistics plays an extremely important role in ensuring that customers get the right
products at the right place at the right time. Transportation, warehousing, forecasting,
inventory control and production planning all have a direct impact on customer
1. Figure: 1.2 Functions of logistics
Q. 2. Concept of Warehouse:
We need different types of goods in our day-to-day life. We may buy some of these
items in bulk and store them in our house. Similarly, businessmen also need a variety
of goods for their use. Some of them may not be available all the time. But, they need
those items throughout the year without any break. Take the example of a sugar
factory. It needs sugarcane as raw material for production of sugar. We know that
sugarcane is produced during a particular period of the year. Since, sugar production
takes place throughout the year, there is a need to supply sugarcane continuously. But
how is it possible? Here storage of sugarcane in sufficient quantity is required. Again,
after production of sugar it requires some time for sale or distribution. Thus, the need
for storage arises both for raw material as well as for finished products. Storage
involves proper arrangement for preserving goods from the time of their production or
purchase till the actual use. When this storage is done on a large scale and in a
specified manner it is called warehousing. The place where goods are kept is called
warehouse. The person in-charge of warehouse is called warehouse-keeper.
Warehousing is defined as the storage of goods: raw materials, semi-finished goods,
or finished goods. This includes a wide spectrum of facilities and locations that
provide warehousing. Since, this is a point in the logistics system where goods are
held for varying amounts of time, the flow is interrupted or stopped, thereby creating
additional costs to the product.
In a macroeconomic sense, warehousing creates time utility for raw materials,
industrial goods and finished products. It also increases the utility of goods by
broadening their time availability to prospective customers.
Warehousing refers to the activities involving storage of goods on a large-scale in a
systematic and orderly manner and making them available conveniently when needed.
In other words, warehousing means holding or preserving goods in huge quantities
from the time of their purchase or production till their actual use or sale. Warehousing
is one of the important auxiliaries to trade. It creates time utility by bridging the time
gap between production and consumption of goods.
Functions of warehouse:
The functions of the warehouse are (i) Receiving (ii) Inspection (iii) Repacking (iv)
Put away (v) Storage (vi) Order Picking/Selection (vii) Sortation (viii) Packing and
shipping (ix) Cross-docking (x) Replenishing
i. Receiving: This includes the physical unloading of incoming transport, checking,
recording of receipts and deciding where the received goods are to be put away in the
warehouse. It can also include such activities as unpacking and repackaging, quality
control checks and temporary quarantine storage for goods awaiting clearance by
quality control.
ii. Inspection: Quality and quantity check of the incoming goods for their required
iii. Repackaging: Incoming lot may be having non-standard packaging, which may
not be stored as it is in the respective location. In those cases these materials have to
be pre packed in unit loads/pallet loads suitable for storage.
iv. Put away: Binning and storing the goods in their respective locations including
the temporary locations from the receiving docking area.
v. Storage: Binning the approved material in their respective locations.
vi. Order Picking/Selection: Goods are selected from order picking stock inthe
required quantities and at the required time to meet customer orders. Picking often
involves break bulk operations when goods are received from suppliers say whole
pallet quantities, but ordered by customers in less than pallet quantity. Order picking
is important for achieving high levels of customer service; it traditionally also takes a
high proportion of the total warehouse staff complement and is expensive. The good
design and management of picking systems and operations are consequently vital to
effective warehouse performance
vii. Sortation: This enables goods coming into a warehouse to be sorted into specific
customer orders immediately on arrival. The goods then go directly to order collation.
vii. Packing and shipping: Picked goods as per the customer order are consolidated
and packed according to customer order requirement. It is shipped according to
customer orders and respective destinations.
viii. Cross-docking: Move products directly from receiving to the shipping dock
these products are not at all stored in the specific locations.
ix. Replenishing: This is the movement of goods in larger order quantities, for
example a whole pallet at a time, from reserve storage to order picking to ensure that
order picking locations do not become empty. Maintaining stock availability for
order picking is important for achieving high levels of order fill.
Q.3 Multimodal Transport system:
Walk Truck Service Air service Truck Service Train Service Walk
H - - - - -A B C D E F----
Multimodal transport operator not only maintains his own communication links, but
also coordinates interchange and onward carriage smoothly at different trans-
shipment points.
3. Provides Faster Transport Service:
Intermodal Relationships
After getting an idea about the need for warehousing, let us identify the different
types of warehouses. In order to meet their requirement various types of warehouses
came into existence and may be classified as follows:
i. Private Warehouses
ii. Public Warehouses
iii. Government Warehouses
iv. Bonded Warehouses
v. Co-operative Warehouses
i. Private Warehouses: The warehouses, which are owned and managed by the
manufacturers or traders to store, exclusively, their own stock of goods are known as
private warehouses. Generally, these warehouses are constructed by the farmers near
their fields, by wholesalers and retailers near their business centers and by
manufacturers near their factories. The design and the facilities provided therein are
according to the nature of products to be stored.
ii. Public Warehouses: The warehouses which are run to store goods of the general
public are known as public warehouses. Anyone can store his goods in these
warehouses on payment of rent. An individual, a partnership firm or a company may
own these warehouses. To start such warehouses a license from the government is
required. The government also regulates the functions and operations of these
warehouses. Mostly, these warehouses are used by manufacturers, wholesalers,
exporters, importers, government agencies, etc.
iii. Government Warehouses: These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled
by central or state governments or public corporations or local authorities. Both
government and private enterprises may use these warehouses to store their goods.
The Central Warehousing Corporation of India, State Warehousing Corporation and
Food Corporation of India are examples of agencies maintaining government
iv. Bonded Warehouses: These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by
government as well as private agencies. Private bonded warehouses have to obtain
license from the government. Bonded warehouses are used to store imported goods
for which import duty is to be paid. Incase of imported goods the importers are not
allowed to take away the goods from the ports till such duty is paid. These
warehouses are generally owned by dock authorities and found near the ports.
v. Co-operative Warehouses: These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled
by co-operative societies. They provide warehousing facilities at the most economical
rates to the members of their society.
Q.6 Inbound Logistics and Outbound Logistics (IBL and OBL):
Logistics manages the flow of inputs from suppliers, the movement of materials
through different operations within the organization and the flow of materials out to
customers. Moving materials into the organisation from suppliers is called inbound or inward
logistics; moving materials out to customers is outbound or outward logistics; moving
materials within the organisation (often described as collecting from internal suppliers and
delivering to internal customers) is materials management.
IBL: Inbound or inward logistics move materials into an organisation from suppliers
OBL: Outbound or outward logistics move materials from an organisation out to
The original and most elementary notion of logistics is that of a set of three operational
activities - movement, storage and rearrangement - that add value to goods. The value added
inherent in these activities is based on the following:
Place - Adding place value to items by moving them from locations of lower value for the
customer to locations of higher value to the customer.
Period & Pace - Adding time value to items by storing them and thereby (i) moving items
from periods when they are available (following extraction, harvest, or manufacturing) to
periods when customers require them, and (ii) Making all processes more effective -
inventory allows for de-coupling the processes along the value chain from each other, so they
can each run at their optimal pace according to their own economics.
Pattern - Adding order value to items by arranging them in desired quantities and patterns.
Example includes consolidation, break-bulk, sequencing and picking/packing, etc.
This figure depicts the series of logistics activities associated with the three P-s of
logistics. This series presents the activities from the point of view of a single player in the
channel - a manufacturer. The left most outbound inventory management activity in the
figure however is typically conducted by the vendor of this manufacturer, managing its
inventory of outbound goods, which are inbound material for the manufacturer under study.
Finally, operational logistics includes a set of specialty activities which support the primary
"PPP" activities. These include audit and payment, customs brokerage, order processing,
international documentation, etc.
Q.7 Raw wood which is to be transported in bulk may be transported cheaply through
water carriers as it is the cheap means of transport compared to other modes. Water
transport is the oldest mode of transport. Water transport is generally classified into
three types namely inland water ways (rivers, canals, big lakes), domestic coast ways
and sea ways. Water transport is more suitable for mass movement of bulk shipments
and low value commodities. It is because, water transport cost per tonne per kilometre
is very much low. Thus, water transport is preferred to reduce the costs when speed of
delivery is not important. Water transport is used to transport bulk wood, iron ore,
coal, chemicals, petroleum products etc. Fixed costs relating to water transport are
relatively less compared to rail network, but relatively when compared to motor
1. Suitable for mass movement of bulk shipments.
2. Transport cost per tonne per kilometre is very much low.
1. Not suitable for quick transport of goods.
2. If the origin and destination of movement are away from water way, it needs more
handing charges and also requires supplementing with rail or motor trucks.
15 4
1 5 20
5 3 25
10 8
Q. 13
Q. 14
1. Truck routes should be formed around clusters of stops that are nearest to each other
in order to minimize the inter-stop travel between them.
2. When stops are to be served during different days of the week, the stops should be
segmented into separate routing and scheduling problems for each day of the week.
3. Efficient routes can be developed through building stop clusters around the farthest
stop from the depot and then working back toward the depot.
Q. 15
Q. 17
Q. 18
Private Warehouses: The warehouses, which are owned and managed by the manufacturers
or traders to store, exclusively, their own stock of goods are known as private warehouses.
Generally, these warehouses are constructed by the farmers near their fields, by wholesalers
and retailers near their business centers and by manufacturers near their factories. The design
and the facilities provided therein are according to the nature of products to be stored.
ii. Public Warehouses: The warehouses which are run to store goods of the general public
are known as public warehouses. Anyone can store his goods in these warehouses on
payment of rent. An individual, a partnership firm or a company may own these warehouses.
To start such warehouses a license from the government is required. The government also
regulates the functions and operations of these warehouses. Mostly, these warehouses are
used by manufacturers, wholesalers, exporters, importers, government agencies, etc.
LP gas can be transported through pipeline by minimizing transport costs. Pipelines can be
operated throughout the 24 hours and seven days per week without any interruption. The
basic advantage of pipeline transport is, there arises no need of returning the empty
carrier/vehicle. Pipeline incurs higher fixed costs for the purpose of right of way,
construction, requirements of control stations and pumping capacity. However, variable
operating costs are extremely low on account of low amount of labour requirement.
Q. 21
Q. 24 F
Q. 25 T
Q. 26 F
Q. 27 F
Q. 28 F
Q. 29 T
Q. 30 (b)
Q. 31 (a)
Q. 32 (d)
Q. 33 (c)
Subject: Transportation Systems and Logistic Management
Paper: Logistics Operations and Supply Chain Management I
Year: 2013 14
Time: 2 Hrs
Marks: 60
4. Weightage to Objectives:
Objectives K U A S Total
Percentage of Marks 30% 30% 30% 10% 100%
Marks 18 18 18 6 60
Annual Examination
1.Unit 1 11
2. Unit 2 12
3. Unit 3 13
4. Unit 4 13
5. Unit 5 11
5. Scheme of Sections:
6. Difficulty Level:
Abbreviations Used:
Class XI (Theory)
3. Discuss the Hub and Spoke system with suitable example showing diagrammatically
the system
4. Explain various types of railway accidents.
5. Examine any five functions of Warehouses with your own suitable examples?
6. Examine the intermodal relationships in transport.
7. Discuss the advantages of multimodal transport system.
8. Discuss the safety measures to be followed by big shopping malls dealing with a large
variety of goods.
9. Explain the functions of storage system with your own suitable examples.
10. What are the objectives of material handling?
11. Explain about disaster management in railways.
12. What type of hazards do you come across in a Pharma Company?
13. Define the term logistics and explain it with your own examples.
14. Distinguish between fluctuation and anticipation inventories with your own examples.
15. Explain the global and local impact of cold chain.
16. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rail network.
17. Examine the need for stacking.
18. Mention any three principles of material handling suitable in a four wheeler
manufacturing Company.
19. Explain any three reasons for road accidents?
20. Point out any two precautions to be taken in the transportation of petroleum products.
21. Examine the need of ISO in logistics.
22. Distinguish between quality control and quality assurance with your own suitable
23. How do you protect workers against hazards in Iron and steel industry?
Match the following left hand side words with appropriate words from right hand side
and appropriate alphabet in the braces
The Hub and Spoke model is a system which makes transportation much more
efficient by greatly simplifying a network of routes. It is extensively used in commercial
aviation for both passengers and freight and model has also been adopted in the technology
The Hub-Spoke distribution paradigm is a system of connections arranged like a
chariot wheel, in which all traffic moves along spokes connected to the hub at the center. This
model is commonly used in industry particularly in transport, telecommunications and freight
as well as in distributed computing. Thus, the principle of the modern intermodal
transportation system is a network of intermodal terminals (including ports) that are
mutually interlinked by high capacity double stack train routes and that serve as
points of transfer between rail and truck modes. The principle of intermodal
terminals is also called the hub and spoke systemterminal is the hub and
highway routes to customer facilities are spokes. The Hub-Spoke system is as shown in
the following Diagram 3.6
Delta Airlines pioneered the method in 1955. But, it was made popular by Fed Ex
Express Company in 1970 by using this method to run the airlines. The model is named after
a bicycle wheel, which has a strong central hub with a series of connecting spokes. Routing
all the traffic through the Hub actually makes the overall system more efficient.
Hub-Spoke System
Head on collision: It is the collision on a single line railway .It clearly means that at least
one of the trains has passed a signal at danger .Or the signal man has made a major error
.Head on collisions may occur at major junction due to similar reason.
Rear end collision: A rear-end collision is a rail accident wherein a train crashes into
another train in front of it. Usually it is caused by tailgating or sudden stops. This is usually
caused by the errors of the signal man or the carelessness of the driver.
Collision with buffer stops: A buffer stop or bumper is a device to prevent railway
vehicles from going past the end of a physical section of track. The design of the buffer stop
is dependent in part upon the kind of couplings that the railway uses.
Derailment: A derailment is an incident on a railway or tramway in which one or more rail
vehicles leave the tracks on which it is, or they are, travelling.
Errors of the driver & Signal man: Negligence from the part of the engine driver and the
signal man is another classification of accident
Causes of derailment: There are several causes of derailment: 1) broken or misaligned rails,
2) excessive speed (especially on curves),3) faults in the train and its wheels, 4) faults in sets
of points. 5) Derailment as a result of a collision.
Rail breakages
There are many reasons for rail break. Wheel burns occur when high temperatures are
generated if a driven axle rotates with little forward movement. This changes the metallurgy
of a rail, and will easily be broken.
Rail breaks at rail joints
In jointed track, rails are usually connected with bolted fishplates. The web of the rail
experiences large shear forces and this is increased around the bolt hole. This leads to star
cracking from the bolthole. This can lead to a triangular piece of rail at the joint becoming
Manufacturing defects in rail: For durability manufacturers make harder rail steel. This has
the effect of reducing the rate of surface wear. As a result micro-cracking develops .This
leads to catastrophic fatigue cracking.
The functions of the warehouse are (i) Receiving (ii) Inspection (iii) Repacking (iv) Put away
(v) Storage
i. Receiving: This includes the physical unloading of incoming transport, checking, recording
of receipts and deciding where the received goods are to be put away in the warehouse. It can
also include such activities as unpacking and repackaging, quality control checks and
temporary quarantine storage for goods awaiting clearance by quality control.
ii. Inspection: Quality and quantity check of the incoming goods for their required
iii. Repackaging: Incoming lot may be having non-standard packaging, which may not be
stored as it is in the respective location. In those cases these materials have to be pre packed
in unit loads/pallet loads suitable for storage.
iv. Put away: Binning and storing the goods in their respective locations including the
temporary locations from the receiving docking area.
v. Storage: Binning the approved material in their respective locations.
Q. 6 Intermodal relationships:
There exists interrelationship among the above parties based on their role,
perspectives and ownership aspects. The role and perspectives of each party can be outlined
as follows:
Q.7 Advantages of Multimodal Transport System
Multimodal transport operator not only maintains his own communication links, but
also coordinates interchange and onward carriage smoothly at different trans-
shipment points.
3. Provides Faster Transport Service:
Q.8 The important safety measures to be taken at material storage place is as explained
1. Floors and supporting surfaces: Floors or surfaces required to support stocks,
shelving, racks or other means of storage should be capable of sustaining the
intended load together with shock loads.
2. Stock holding structures: Racks, shelving, bins, hoppers and other structures
for the storage materials should be adequately designed to support and contain
the materials for which they are used. Fire protective partitions should be used
between stored items.
3. Positioning of stacks: Building of stacks within wall and gap between the
stack and the wall should be maintained properly. Extra care should be taken,
if the storage area is affected by vibration from rail or road traffic outside or
inside the premises.
4. Storage racks and shelves should preferably be non-combustible and not prone
to retain water.
5. Suitable means should be used to protect workers from injury due to sharp
corners, projections or edges on structures and/or stored material.
6. Safe access, such as ladders, platform or walkways must be provided for
workers required to climb or remove goods from stacks, shelves and fixtures.
7. Safety belts are useful aids when dealing with high stacks and awkward
Q.9 Functions of Storage System:
The storage system can be separated into two important functions; inventory holding
(storage), and material handling.
Storage functions:
Storage facilities are designed around four primary functions such as (1) Holding,
(2) Consolidation, (3) Break-bulk and (4) Mixing.
1. Holding:
The most use of storage facilities is to provide protection and the orderly holding of
inventories. The facilities are different for different purposes such as long-term
specialized storage (aging of liquor), general purpose merchandise storage (seasonal
holding of goods), temporary holding of goods.
2. Consolidation:
Transportation rate structure influence the use of storage facilities. If goods originate
from a number of sources, it may be economical to establish a collection point to
consolidate the small shipments into larger ones and to reduce overall transportation
1. Break-Bulk:
Using storage of break-bulkis the opposite of using them to consolidated shipments. For
example, volume shipments having low transport rates are moved to the warehouse and
then reshipped in smaller quantities. Break-bulk is common in distribution.
2. Mixing:
Firms that purchase from a number of manufacturers to fill a portion of their product line
at each of number plants may find that establishing a warehouse as a product mixing
point offers transportation economies. Without a mixing point, customer orders might be
filled directly from producing points at high transportation rates on small volume
shipments. A mixing point permits volume shipments of portions of the product line to be
collected at a single point and then assembled into orders and reshipped to customers.
However a company must pay storage system costs either through rates charged by an outside
firm offering such services or through internal costs generated from the particular materials
handling system in a company-controlled warehouse. There are four different systems such as
public warehousing; leased warehousing, manual handling; private warehousing, pallet and
forklift truck handling; and private warehousing, automated handling.
Q. 10 Objectives of Material Handling:
Every goods carriage carrying petroleum products shall be fitted with a techograph, an
instrument to record the lapse of running time of the motor vehicle; time speed
maintained, acceleration and declaration etc., and a spark arrester.
Q. 21
ISO is defined as International Organization for Standardization. A standard is a document
that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used
consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services fit for the purpose.
In logistics the maintenance of certain standards is the need of today as the trade at
international level has been increased and the freight movement also has been enhanced
simultaneously. Hence, the setting up and implementation of certain minimum standards is
very much needed. The ISO sets the quality maintenance standards as per the changing
Quality Control (QC): Quality control entails the basic procedural and statistical
management of quality:
defect-free services;
Quality Assurance (QA): A greater emphasis on achieving user/user satisfaction through
user/user-driven quality characterizes. This is the shift from QC to QA:
100% satisfied user/user
Q. 23
The workers in Iron and steel industry work under extreme temperature conditions
like too hot and exposed to thermal stress. It may lead to the health problems like
headaches, fatigue and heat disorders like heat strokes, heat cramps and heat
exhaustion, hypothermia, frostbites etc.
Some of the solutions to prevent heat stress
provide proper ventilation for air exchange in warehouses
avoid thick clothing
drinking plenty of water to prevent water loss
Q. 24 F
Q.25 T
Q.26 T
Q.27 F
Q.28 T
Q.29 (b)
Q.30 (a)
Q.31 (d)
Q.32 (e)
Q.33 (c)