5 Linear Transformations: 5.1 Basic Definitions and Examples

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Lecture 13

5 Linear Transformations
5.1 Basic Definitions and Examples
We have already come across with the notion of linear transformations on euclidean spaces.
We shall now see that this notion readily extends to the abstract set up of vector spaces
along with many of its basic properties. In what follows let us denote by K either R or C.

Definition 5.1 Let V, W be any two vector spaces over K. By a linear map (or a linear
transformation f : V W we mean a function f satisfying

f (1 v1 + 2 v2 ) = 1 f (v1 ) + 2 f (v2 ) (45)

for all vi V and i K.

Remark 5.1
(i) For any linear map f : V W, we have f ( ki=1 i vi ) = ki=1 i f (vi ).

(ii) If {v1 , . . . , vk } is a basis for a finite dimensional vector space, then every element of V
is a linear combination of these vi , say v = ki=1 i vi . Therefore from (i) we get

f (v) = i f (vi ). (46)

Thus, it follows that f is completely determined by its value on a basis of V. This simply
means that if f and g are two linear maps such that f (vi ) = g(vi ) for all elements of a basis
for V, then f = g.
(iii) Formula (46) can be used to define a linear transformation on a vector space, viz.,
by choosing its values on a given basis elements and then using (46) to define it on other
elements. Observe that , in defining f, we are free to choose the value of f on the elements
of a given basis, as far as they all belong to the same vector space W. Thus if V has a basis
consisting of k elements as above then for each ordered k tuple of elements of W we obtain
a unique linear transformation f : V W and vise versa.

Definition 5.2 A linear transformation f : V W is called an isomorphism if it is

invertible, i.e., there exist g : W V such that g f = IdV and f g = IdW . Observe that
the inverse of f is unique if it exists. If there exists an isomorphism f : V W then we
call V and W are isomorphic to each other.

Remark 5.2 It is worth recalling here that if f : V W is a linear bijection, then f 1 :

W V is automatically linear. Here is a proof:

f 1 (1 w1 + 2 w2 ) = 1 f 1 (w1 ) + 2 f (w2 )

f (f 1(1 w1 + 2 w2 )) = f (1 f 1 (w1 ) + 2 f 1 (w2 ))
1 w1 + 2 w2 = 1 f f 1 (w1 ) + 2 f f 1 (w2 )
which is obvious.

Remark 5.3

1. V V for every vector space V.

2. V W implies W V.

3. V1 V2 and V2 V3 implies V1 V3 . In other words, these these properties tell you

that being isomorphic to is an equivalence relation.

4. We have been using a particular isomorphism between Mm,n (K) and Kmn all the time.

5. The map A 7 AT defines an isomorphism of Mm,n (K) with Mn,m (K).

6. As a vector space over R, C is isomorphic to R2 .

7. Given any two vector spaces, we would like to know whether they are isomorphic or
not. For then the study of any linear algebraic property of one vector space is the same
as that of the other. We shall soon see that this problem has a very satisfactory answer.

Definition 5.3 Let f : V W be a linear transformation. Put

R(f ) := f (V ) := {f (v) W : v V }, N (f ) := {v V : f (v) = 0}.

One can easily check that R(f ) and N (f ) are both vector subspace of W and V respectively.
They are respectively called the range and the null space of f .

Lemma 5.1 Let f : V W be a linear transformation.

(a) Suppose f is injective and S V is linearly independent. Then f (S) is linearly inde-
(b) Suppose f is onto and S spans V. Then f (S) spans W.
(c) Suppose S is a basis for V and f is an isomorphism then f (S) is a basis for W.

Proof: (a) Let ki=1 ai f (vi ) = 0 where vi S. This is the same as saying f ( i ai vi ) = 0.

Since f is injective. This is the same as saying i ai vi = 0 and since S is L. I., this is the

same as saying a1 = . . . = ak = 0.
(b) Given w W. Pick v V such that f (v) = w. Now L(S) = V implies that we can write
v = ni=1 ai vi with vi S. But then w = f (v) = i ai f (vi ) L(f (S)).

(c) Put (a) and (b) together.

Theorem 5.1 Let V and W be any two vector spaces of dimension n. Then V and W are
isomorphic to each other and conversely.

Proof: Pick bases A and B for V and W respectively. Then both A and B have same
number of elements. Let f : A B be any bijection. Then by the above discussion f
extends to a linear map f : V W. If g : B A is the inverse of f : A B then g
also extends to a linear map. Since g f = Id on A, it follows that g f = IdV on the whole
of V. Likewise f g = IdW .
Converse follows from part (c) of the above corollary.

Remark 5.4 Because of the above theorem a vector space of dimension n is isomorphic
to Kn . We have seen that the study of linear transformations on euclidean spaces can be
converted into the study of matrices. It follows that the study of linear transformations on
finite dimensional vector spaces can also be converted into the study of matrices.

(1) Clearly a bijective linear transformation is invertible. Show that the inverse is also linear.

(2) Let V be a finite dimensional vector space and f : V V be a linear map. Prove
that the following are equivalent:
(i) f is an isomorphism.
(ii) f is surjective.
(iii) f is injective.
(iv) there exist g : V V such that g f = IdV .
(v) there exists h : V V such that f h = IdV .
(3) Let A and B be any two n n matrices and AB = In . Show that both A and B are
invertible and they are inverses of each other.
[Proof: If f and g denote the corresponding linear transformations then we have f g =
Id : Rn Rn . Therefore, g must be injective and f must be surjective. From the exercise
(4) above, both f and g are invertible and f g = g f = Id. Hence AB = In = BA which
means A = B 1 .]

Example 5.1 Suppose f, g : V V are two commuting endomorphisms of a vector space

V, i.e., f g = g f.
g(R(f )) R(f ) & g(N (f )) N (f ).
(See exercise 9.18.) This property is easily proved. It is quite useful and we shall meet it

Example 5.2 An example from theory of differental equations

Consider the space C r = C r [a, b] of all real valued functions which possess continuous deriva-
tives of order r 1. To each f C r consider its derivative f C r1 . This defines a function
on D : C r C r1 . From elementary calculus of one variable, we know that D is a linear
map, i.e., D(f + g) = D(f ) + D(g). Now define for each f C r1 consider I(f ) C r
defined by Z x
I(f )(x) = f (t) dt.
Then we see that I is also a linear map. Moreover, we have D I = Id. Can you say
I D = Id? Is D a one-one map? Determine the set N (D) C r . We can consider

operators similar to D for each r. Let us write

D k := D D D (k factors )

to denote the composite of k such consecutive operators. Thus D k : C r C rk is the map

defined by D k (f ) = f (k) the k th derivative of f, (r > k). Given real numbers a0 , . . . , ak (= 1),
consider f = ki=0 ai D i . Then show that f : C r C rk is a linear map. Determining the

zeros of this linear map is precisely the problem of solving the homogeneous linear differential
equation of order k:
y k + ak1 y k1 + + a1 y + a0 = 0.
You will study them in your next semester.

Exercise: On the vector space P[x] of all polynomials in one-variable, determine all linear
maps : P[x] P[x] having the property (f g) = f (g) + g(f ) and (x) = 1.
Lecture 14

5.2 Rank and Nullity

Definition 5.4 Let f : V W be a linear transformation of finite dimensional vector
spaces. By the rank of f we mean the dimension of the range of f. i.e., rk(f ) = dim f (V ) =
dim R(f ). By nullity of f we mean the dimension of the null space i.e., n(f ) = dim N (f ).

Exercise Go back to the exercise in which you are asked to prove five equivalent ways of
saying when is a linear map an isomorphism. Can you now give an easier proof of say (ii)
implies (i) or (iii) implies (i)?

Theorem 5.2 Rank and Nullity Theorem: The rank and nullity of a linear transfor-
mation f : V W on a finite dimensional vector space V add up to the dimension of
V :
r(f ) + n(f ) = dim V.

Proof: Suppose dim V = n. Let S = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk } be a basis of N (f ). We can extend S

to a basis Sv = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk , w1 , w2 , . . . , wnk } of V. We show that

T = {f (w1 ), f (w2 ), . . . , f (wnk )}

is a basis of R(f ).
Obsere that f (S ) = T {0}. By part (b) of the previous lemma it follows that T spans
f (V ) = R(f ).
[ Any v V can be expressed uniquely as

v = 1 v1 + 2 v2 + + k vk + 1 w1 + + nk wnk .


f (v) = 1 f (v1 ) + + k f (vk ) + 1 f (w1 ) + + nk f (wnk )

= 1 f (w1 ) + + nk f (wnk ).

Hence T spans R{.]
Now, suppose
1 f (w1 ) + + nk f (wnk ) = 0.
f (1 w1 + + nk wnk ) = 0.
Hence 1 w1 + + nk wnk N (f). Hence there are scalars 1 , 2 , . . . , k such that

1 v1 + 2 v2 + + k vk = 1 w1 + 2 w2 + + nk wnk .

By linear independence of {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk , w1 , w2 , . . . , wnk } we conclude that 1 = 2 =

= nk = 0. Hence T is L. I. Therefore it is a basis of R(f ).

5.3 Change of Basis

Given a linear map f : V W of finite dimensional vector spaces, we consider the question
of associating some matrix to it. This requires us to choose ordered bases, one for V and
another for W and then write the image of basis elements in V as linear combinations of
basis elements in W. The coefficients then define a column vector and we place them side by
side to obtain a matrix as before.
Unlike the euclidean spaces, arbitrary finite dimensional spaces do not come with a
standard basis. This leads us to study the effect of choice of basis involved. We shall first
carry out this in euclidean spaces. By general principles, this will then hold for all finite
dimensional vector spaces also.
Question: Let A be an n n matrix and let {v1 , . . . , vn } be any basis for Kn . If fA is the
linear transformation corresponding to A with respect to the standard basis, what is the
matrix of fA with respect to the basis {v1 , . . . , vn }?
Answer: Let P be the matrix whose j th column is the column vector vj , for each j. Then
P is invertible. Let B the matrix that we are seeking. This means that fA (vj ) = ni=1 bij vi

for each 1 j n. In terms of the matrices A, P, this equation can be expressed in form:

AP j = Avj = j bij vi


= [v1 , . . . , vn ]

= = [P , . . . , P ]B j = P B j , 1 j n.

This is the same as saying that AP = P B, i.e., P 1 AP = B.

Remark 5.5 Thus we have solved the problem in the case of euclidean space when the old
matrix is with respect to the standard matrix. In the general case, whatever basis with respect
to which we have expressed a linear map to obtain a matrix A in the first place plays the
role of the standard basis. The new basis elements are then expressed in terms of standard
basis to obtain the invertible matrix P. The matrix with respect to this new basis of the same
linear map is then given by P 1 AP.

Example 5.3 Consider the linear operator d : P(3) P(3) given by d(p) = p . Write
the matrix of d with respect the ordered basis X where X = Q1 , Q2 , Q3 respectively as given
(i) Q1 = {1, x, x2 , x3 }.
(ii) Q2 = {1, 1 + x, 1 + x2 , 1 + x3 }.
(iii) Q3 = {1, 1 + x, (1 + x)2 , (1 + x)3 }.
Write down the transformation matrices of change of bases from (i) to (ii) and from (i) to
(iii) and see how they are related.

0 1 0 0
0 0 2 0

Solution: (i) In this case the matrix of d is given by A1 = .

0 0 0 3

0 0 0 0
1 2 3

0 0 2 0

(ii) Here the matrix is given by A2 = . On the other hand, the matrix of
0 0 0 3

0 0 0 0
the second basis w.r.t to the first basis is:

1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0

P = .

0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1
One easily checks that A1 P = P A2. In the same manner we can carry out the rest of the

5.4 Similarity
We have been using matrix representations to study the linear maps. We have also seen that
how a change of bases influences the matrix representation. Obviously, different matrices
which represent the same linear map under different bases should share a lot of common
properties. This leads us to the concept of similarities.
Definition 5.5 Two n n matrices A, B are said to be similar iff there exists an invertible
matrix M such that A = MBM 1 . We shall use the notation A B for this.
Remark 5.6
(1) Check the following statements:
(i) A A;
(ii) A B = B A;
(iii) A B, B C = A C.
(2) We have seen that the determinant of a square matrix has the property det AB =
(det A)(det B). From this it follows that if A B then det A = det B. Such properties
are called invariants. Another such example is the trace of a square matrix which is defined
as the sum of the diagonal entries. It now follows that these two matrix based notions are
now available for linear maps f : V V where V is a finite dimensional vector space.
Later we shall see more examples of such invariants.

Lecture 15

Definition 5.6 Let A be a m n matrix. Consider the rows of A as elements of Rn and

columns of A as elements of Rm . Let r(A) (respectively, c(A)) denote the linear span of the
rows (of columns) of A. We define
(A) := the row-rank of A = dimension of r(A).
(A) := the bf column-rank of A= dimension of c(A).
(A) = The determinantal rank of A (or simply rank of A) is the maximum r such that
there exists a r r submatrix of A which is invertible.
(A) = number of non zero rows in G(A).

Our aim is to prove that all these numbers are equal to each other.

Remark 5.7
(i) Let A be an echelon matrix with r steps. Then G(A) = A and (A) = r.

* * * * *
0 * * * *

G(A) =
0 0 0 * *

0 0 0 0 0 0

Then it is easily seen that the first r rows are linearly independent. On the other hand
the rest of the rows are identically zero. Hence the row rank (A) is equal to r = (A).

(ii) Let now A be a reduced echelon matrix.

1 0 * 0 * *
0 1 * 0 * *

A = J(A) = 0 0 0 1 * *

0 0 0 0 0 0

Then it is easily seen that the determinantal rank (A) of A is equal to r. Further observe
that the step columns are linearly independent. Moreover, it is easily seen that every other
column is a linear combination of the step columns. Hence the step columns form a basis for
c(A). This means that column-rank of (A) is also equal to r.
Thus we have proved that all the four types of rank functions (A), (A), (A) and (A)
coincide for a reduced echelon matrix A. Below we shall prove that this is true for all
(iii) An n n matrix is invertible iff its determinantal rank is equal to n.
(iv) Let fA : Rn Rn be the linear transformation corresponding to A. Since {ei } form a
basis for Rn and Ci = f (vi ) are the columns of A, the range of fA is equal to c(A). Hence
we have:

Theorem 5.3 The rank of the linear map associated with a given matrix A is equal to the
column rank of A.

Theorem 5.4 The rank of the linear map associated with a given matrix A is equal to the
column rank (A) of A.

Theorem 5.5 Let A be an n n matrix. Then the following are equivalent.

(i) The determinantal rank of A = n.
(ii) The column rank of A is equal to n.
(iii) The row rank of A is equal to n.
(iv) The rows of A are independent.
(v) The columns of A are independent.

Proof: (i) A is invertible the system Ax = 0 has a unique solution. columns

of A are independent (v) (ii). By taking the transpose, we get the proof of the
equivalence of other statements.

Theorem 5.6 An elementary row operation does not affect the row rank of a matrix.

Proof: Let S = {R1 , . . . , Rm } denote the set of rows of A. Let S denote the set of rows of
A := EA where E is an elementary matrix. If E = Ti,j a transposition, then S = S . If
E = I + cEi,j then S = {R1 , . . . , Ri + cRj , . . . , Rj , . . . , Rn }. In all cases it is easily seen that
the new set of rows S is contained in L(S). Therefore L(S ) L(S). Since elementary row
operations are reversible, it follows that S L(S ) and hence L(S) L(S ). Since the row
rank is the same as the dimension of the span of rows we are done.

Theorem 5.7 An elementary row operation does not affect the column rank of A.

Proof: If E is an elementary matrix, then observe that E defines an isomorphism of c(A)

with c(EA). Hence column rank of A = dim c(A) = dim c(EA) = column rank of EA.

Theorem 5.8 The row rank and the column rank of a matrix are equal to each other.

Proof: Let A be a matrix and J(A) its associated reduced echelon form. The statement of
the theorem is easily verified for J(A). Since row-rank and column rank are not affected by
elementary row operations, and J(A) is obtained by a finite number of row operations on A,
it follows that the row-rank and column rank of A are the same.

Theorem 5.9 Let A be a m n matrix with its row rank equal to m. Then there exists a
m m submatrix of A which is invertible. In particular (A) is equal to m.

Proof: Since we have shown that row-rank and column-rank are the same, it follows that
there is an m m submatrix B of A which has all its columns independent. By a previous
theorem B is invertible. Hence (A) m. Since A has m rows (A) = m.

Theorem 5.10 The row rank, the column rank and the rank of a matrix are equal to each

Proof: We have already seen that the row rank and the column rank of A are equal. Let
this common number be r.
Suppose there is a d d submatrix B = ((aip ,jq )) of A = ((aij )) which is invertible.
From theorem 5.4, it follows that the rows of B are L. I. This immediately implies that the
corresponding rows of A viz, {Ri1 , , . . . , Rid } are linearly independent. Therefore, d r the
row-rank of A.
Moreover, as seen before, since (A) = r there are rows

{Ri1 , , . . . , Rir }

of A which are independent. If C is the matrix formed out of these rows then (A) = r =
(A). This means that there are columns

{Cj1 , . . . , Cjr }

of C which are independent. If M denotes the submatrix of C fomred by these columns then
M is r r matrix which are all its columns indepedent. By a previous result M is inveritble.
Since M is also a submatrix of A, this proves d r.

Remark 5.8 It follows that an elementary row operation does not affect the determinantal
rank of a matrix. Alternatively, we can directly prove this fact and then appeal to GEM to
get a proof that the determinantal rank is equal to the row-rank and column rank of a matrix.
There are other approaches possible and different authors may prefer different approach.

5.5 GEM applied to Null-space and Range

Here is an algorithm to write bases for the range and null-space of a linear transformation
f : V W of finite dimensional vector spaces.
Step 1 Given a linear liear transformation f : V W of finite dimensional vector spaces
fix bases {v1 , . . . , vn } for V and {w1 , . . . , wm } for W and write the m n matrix A of the
linear map f.
Step 2 Obtain J(A) = ((ij )), the Gauss-Jordan form of A.
Step 3 If k1 , k2 , . . . , kr are the indices of the step columns in J(A), then
{f (vk1 ), . . . , f (vkr )} = {A(k1 ) , . . . , A(kr ) } is a basis for the range.
Step 4 Let l1 < < ls be the indices of the non step columns. Define the column
vectors ul1 , . . . , uls by:

1 if j = li ;
ujli = pli if j = kp , 1 p r;



Then {ul1 , . . . , uls } forms a basis for N (f ). To see a proof of this, you have to simply
recall how we had written the set of solutions of the Ax = b and apply it for the case when
b = 0.

Example 5.4 Consider a linear map f : Rr R4 whose matrix is A and whose Jordan
form is:


1 0 5 0 1 1
0 1 2 0 2 3

G(A) = 0 0 0 1 -4 -7

0 0 0 0 0 0

Then {f (e1 ), f (e2), f (e4 )} = {A(1) , A(2) , A(4) } is basis for R(f ) where A(j) denotes the j th
column of A.
Also {(5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0)t, (1, 2, 0, 4, 1, 0)t, (1, 3, 0, 7, 0, 1)t} is a basis for N (f ).


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