Free Islamic Will Template
Free Islamic Will Template
Free Islamic Will Template
The Al Qalam Shariah Scholar Panel has verified the shariah compliance of
this document
1. There are certain sections of the template where need you to input
information. These have been shaded YELLOW.
2. Please store this Will in a safe place and tell others where this is.
3. Please compile a list of your main assets and debts, along with details of bank
account numbers, land registry records etc. and keep this with your Will
4. Please make some copies of this Will and your asset list and give copies to family
5. Please carefully read the 1st Ethical Guide to Islamic Wills prior to completing this
IMPORTANT: If you wish to use this template, please ensure the document is
duly signed, dated and witnessed in accordance with English Law and Shariah
principles. A Will which is unsigned, or undated or not independently
witnessed by TWO persons will not be valid. Please ensure the TWO witnesses
are NOT family members, or married to family members, not named Executors
and Trustees of the Will, or married to them, and finally are independent adults
of sound mind.
Please note this template is provided for information purposes only, and does not constitute financial
or tax advice under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. If advice is required, we strongly
recommended professional guidance is obtained and this template is not relied upon. 1st Ethical
Charitable Trust will not accept any liability whatsoever, for any loss or any form of damages, whether
actual or consequential, arising from any actions taken or forsaken, as a result of using this document.
We further strongly recommend professional guidance be taken if tax mitigation or asset protection
services are required.
I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, the One, the Merciful, Almighty
God, Creator of the heavens and the earth and all therein, God of Abraham,
Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all the Prophets, mercy and peace be upon
them. He is the One God and He has no partner. And I bear witness that the
Prophet Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger and the last of all the
Prophets, mercy and peace be upon them all. I bear witness that Paradise is
truth, and Hell is truth. And I bear witness that the coming of the Day of
Judgement is truth, there is no doubt about it, and that Allah, Who is exalted
above all deficiency and imperfection, will surely resurrect the dead of all the
generations of mankind; first and last and those in between.
I remind them that no man and no woman dies before their time. The exact
duration of each life span is precisely determined before we are born, by the All-
Powerful Creator, may He be exalted. Death is tragic only for the one who lived
out their life in self-deception without submitting to The Creator and preparing for
the final return to Him. So, do not preoccupy yourselves with my death, but
instead make the proper preparations for your own.
Maintain patience and self-composure, as the religion of Islam requires. Islam
permits male and female relatives to mourn for up to three days. However a
widow is required to observe mourning for the duration of her iddah (period of
waiting). Wailing and excessive lamentation is forbidden by the Creator, may He
be exalted.
Finally, I ask all my relatives, friends and all others, whether they choose to
believe as I believed or not to honour my beliefs. I ask them to honour my
instructions and wishes in this document and not to seek to alter or obstruct it in
any way. Rather, let them see that I am buried as I have asked to be buried, and
let my assets be divided as I wanted them to be divided.
I GIVE all the residue of my estate (out of which shall be paid my funeral
expenses and my debts) and any property over which I have at my death any
general power of appointment to my Trustees ON TRUST to sell call in and
convert into money such parts as do not consist of money but with full power to
postpone doing so for as long as they see fit without being liable for loss (and
such estate and property which currently represents it is referred to in my Will as
“the Trust Fund”)
SUBJECT as below, the standard provisions of the Society of Trust and Estate
Practitioners (1st Edition) shall apply with the deletion of paragraph 5 and with the
modification of paragraph 6 such that the Trustees have the same additional
powers as to the application of capital as they have as to the application of
NEITHER Section 33 Wills Act 1837 nor Section 11 and 22 Trusts of Land and
Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 shall apply to this Will
MY TRUSTEES are requested to have regard to generally accepted Islamic
principles of investment and shall not be liable for the consequences of following
such principles, nor for any loss to the Trust Fund that may result from investing,
or keeping the Trust Fund or any part of it invested, in Islamic investments rather
than non-Islamic investments.
MY TRUSTEES shall not be obliged to insure any part of the Trust Fund and
shall not be liable for the consequences of not insuring any part of the Trust Fund
Signature of ‘SIGN YOUR NAME’
SIGNED by the said ‘INSERT YOUR NAME’ in our presence and then by us in ‘his/her’
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