Custody Under Hindu
Custody Under Hindu
Custody Under Hindu
Child custody is a term used in family law courts to define legal guardianship of a
child under the age of 18. During divorce or marriage annulment proceedings, the
issue of child custody often becomes a matter for the court to determine. In most
cases, both parents continue to share legal child custody but one parent gains
physical child custody. Family law courts generally base decisions on the best
interests of the child or children, not always on the best arguments of each parent.
In general, courts tend to award PHYSICAL child custody to the parent who
demonstrates the most financial security, adequate parenting skills and the least
disruption for the child. Both parents continue to share legal child custody until the
minor has reached the age of 18 or becomes legally emancipated. Legal custody
means that either parent can make decisions which affect the welfare of the child,
such as medical treatments, religious practices and insurance claims. Physical child
custody means that one parent is held primarily responsible for the child's housing,
educational needs and food. In most cases, the non-custodial parent still has
visitation rights. Many of the religions practicing in India have their own personal
laws and they have their different notion of custody.'
Hindus have an additional Act, viz the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956
(HMGA). Apart from this, there is the Guardians and Wards Act 1890 (GWA). This is a
secular law for appointment and declaration of guardians and allied matters,
irrespective of caste, community or religion, though in certain matters, the court will
give consideration to the personal law of the parties. The provisions of the HMGA
(and other personal laws) and the GWA are complementary and not in derogation to
each other, and the courts are obliged to read them together in a harmonious way.
In determining the question of custody and guardianship, the paramount
consideration is the welfare of the minor. The word `welfare' has to be taken in its
widest sense, and must include the child's, moral as well as physical well-being, and
also have regard to the ties of affection.''
The English and Indian decisions are replete with such statements that : (i) the
children of tender years should be committed to the custody of the mother, (ii) older
boys should be in the custody of the father, and (iii) older girls in the custody of the
mother. But these are judicial statements of general nature and there is no hard.
and fast rule. As to the children of tender years it is now a firmly established
practice that mother. should have their custody since father cannot provide that
maternal affection which are essential for their proper growth. It is also now ac for
proper psychological development of children of tender years ma is indispensable.'
The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 contains a provision which lays
down that custody of a child upon the age of five should ordinarily be with the
mother. Under other personal laws, though it is no such statutory provision, the
Indian courts have consistently taken view. The following observation of Beaumont,
CJ. represents the judicial knew ......if mother is a suitable person to take charge of
the child quite impossible to find an adequate substitute for her for the child.'
I have no doubt in my mind that the mother's lap is God's own cradle for a child of
this age, and that as between father and mother, other things being equal, a child
of such tender age should remain with mother.''
But a mother who neglects the infant child as she does not want to sacrifice the
type of life she leading can be deprived of custody.
In respect of older children our courts take the view that the male children above
the age of sixteen years and female children above the age of fourteen years,
should not ordinarily be compelled to live in the custody to which they object.'
However, even the wishes of the mature children will be given consideration only if
they are consistent with their welfare! In 'Venkataramma v.. Tulsi',' the court
disregarded the wishes of the children as it found these to induced by wholesale
persuasion and were even tortured.'
The first and foremost right to have the custody of children belongs to the mother
and she cannot be deprived of her right so long as she is not found guilty of
misconduct. Mother has the right of custody so long as she is not disqualified. This
right is known as right of hizanat and it can be enforced against the father or any
other person. The mother's right of hizanat was solely recognized in the interest of
the children and in no sense it is an absolute right''
Daughter- Among the hanafis the mother is entitled to the custody of her daughters
till the age of puberty and among the Malilikis, Shafiis and the Hanabalis the
mother's right of custody over her daughters continues till they are married. Under
the Ithna Ashari law the mother is entitled to the custody of her daughters till they
attain the age of 7. The mother has the right of custody of her children up to the
ages specified in each school, irrespective of the fact whether the child is legitimate
or illegitimate. Mother cannot surrender her right to any person including her
husband, the father of the child. Under the Shia school after the mother hizanat
belongs to the father. In the absence of both the parents or on their being
disqualified the grandfather is entitled to custody. Among the Malikis following
females are entitled to custody in the absence of mother:
1. maternal grandmother
4. full sister
5. uterine sister
6. consanguine sister
7. paternal aunt
Father's right of hizanat- All the schools of Muslim law recognize father's right of
hizanat under two conditions that are:
on the completion of the age by the child up to which mother or other females are
entitled to custody.
In the absence of mother or other females who have the right to hizanat of minor
2. full brother
3. consanguine brother
Among the Shias hizanat belongs to the grandfather in the absence of the father.''
When Right if Hizanat may be lost by Hazina or Hazin. All the schools of Muslim law
agree that a hazina should be:
i) of sound mind
iii) living at such a place where there is no risk, morally or physically to the child
iv) of such a age which would qualify her to bestow on the child the care it may
need (not applicable to the mother)'
The Shia law is very categorical and lays down that a person who has ceased to be
muslim is not entitled to the cutody of the child. Also hazina who marries a person
not related to the child within the degrees of prohibited relationship forfeits her right
of hizanat. The cardinal principal of hizanat in muslim law is the welfare of the
child. The rights of hizanat cannot be lost on account of her poverty or want of
funds to maintain the child. Also neither the father nor the mother has the right to
remove the child from the matrimonial home. Hazin may be deprived of the custody
of the child if he is a minor or of unsound mind. Also hazin who is leading an
immoral life or who is a profligate has no right to the custody of the child.
De Facto Guardian:
A de facto guardian is a concept under which past act results in present status and
a de facto guardian is a self appointed guardian. Tayabji defines a de facto guardian
as an (unauthorized) person who as a matter of fact has the custody and care of
the person and/or of his property. A de facto guardian has no power of alienation of
a minor's property and that such an alienation is void. He has no power to convey
any right of interest in immovable property which the transfer can enforce against
the minor. A partition of property effected by the de facto guardian is void and not
binding on the minor. The period of limitation to set aside a transfer by the de facto
guardian is 12 years.
Christian law per se does not have any provision for custody but the issues are well
solved by the Indian Divorce Act which is applicable to all of the religions of the
country. The Indian Divorce Act, 1869 contains provisions relating to custody of
children. Section 41 of the said Act provides with the powers to make orders as to
custody of children in suit for separation. -In any suit for obtaining a judicial
separation the Court may from time to time, before making its decree, make such
interim orders, and may make such provision in the decree, as it deems proper with
respect to the custody, maintenance and education of the minor children, the
marriage of whose parents is the subject of such suit, and may, if it think fit, direct
proceedings to be taken for placing such children under the protection of the said
In the case of 'Rosy Jacob v. Jacob A. Chakramakkal' the Court held that:
All orders relating to the custody of the minor wards from their very nature must be
considered to be temporary orders made in the existing circumstances. With the
changed conditions and circumstances, including the passage of time, the Court is
entitled to vary such orders if such variation is considered to be in the interest of
the welfare of the wards. It is unnecessary to refer to some of the decided cases
relating to estoppel based on consent decrees, cited at the bar. Orders relating to
custody of wards even when based on consent are liable to be varied by the Court,
if the welfare of the wards demands variation. The Court, after a decree of judicial
separation, may upon application (by petition) for this purpose make, from time to
time, all such orders and provision, with respect to the custody, maintenance and
education of the minor children, the marriage of whose parents is the subject of the
decree, or for placing such children under the protection of the said Court, as might
have been made by such decree or by interim orders in case the proceedings for
obtaining such decree were still pending'.
428. Infant's welfare paramount. In any proceedings before any Court, concerning
the custody or upbringing of an infant or the administration of any property
belonging to or held on trust for an infant or the application of the income thereof,
the Court must regard the welfare of the infant as the first and paramount
consideration, and must not take into consideration, whether from any other point
of view, the claim of the father, or any right at common law possessed by the father
in respect of such custody, upbringing administration or application is superior to
that of the mother, or the claim of the mother is superior to that of the father. This
provision applies whether both parents are living or either or both is or are dead.
Even where the infant is a foreign national, the Court, while giving weight to the
views of the foreign Court, is bound to treat the welfare of the infant as being of the
first and paramount consideration whatever orders may have been made by the
Courts of any other country."'
In the case of 'Rosy Jacob v. Jacob A. Chakrammakkal', this Court has observed:
The issue of custody is dealt with by the Guardians and Wards Act of 1890, under
which it is a well-established principle that the welfare of the child is paramount -
i.e., the most important thing considered by the Guardian Court when deciding
No matter what customs or personal law rules the parents' community or sect
follows regarding custody, any parent who wants custody and does not presently
have custody has to seek custody from the Guardian Court. In other words, there is
never any automatic transfer of a child's custody to a particular parent.'
# The welfare of the minor is very broadly defined and includes many diverse
factors, notably:
# the age, sex and religion of the minor: courts take into account the personal law
of the father). Thewelfare of younger children is generally regarded as being in the
mother's custody;
# the character and capacity of the proposed guardian: courts usually reject
baseless allegations against mothers;
# any existing or previous relations of the proposed guardian with the minor's
property: courts do not look kindly on guardians seeking custody just in order to
have control over the minor's property. But if, for example, the minor's property is
shared with the mother and she is otherwise a suitable guardian, the court will
regard the property relationship as an additional factor in the mother's favour.
# whether siblings would be divided: courts prefer to keep children united and
award custody of both to either the mother OR the father.
# whether either/both parents have remarried and there are step-children: Although
the mother's remarriage to someone who is not the children's close blood-relative
often means the court will not grant her custody, this rule is not strictly followed.
Although the father's remarriage usually denies him custody, sometimes the courts
agree to grant him custody especially when the children's step-mother cannot or
will not have her own children.
# whether the parents live far apart: courts sometimes do not give the mother
custody because she lives very far away from the father who is the natural'
guardian. But in 1994 an Uzbek woman living in Uzbekistan was given custody; the
judge said modern transport had shortened distances and meant that the father
could depart from his home in the morning and return by evening.
# the child's comfort, health, material, intellectual, moral and spiritual welfare: this
very broad category includes the adequate and undisturbed education of the child.'
However, the mere fact that the mother is economically less secure than the father,
or that she suffers from ill-health or a disability is not usually reason enough to deny
her custody because maintenance is the father's responsibility irrespective of who
holds custody. The mental and psychological development of the minor should not
be upset by a reversal of the existing status quo: courts will take into account the
likely impact of a change in guardians and the child's reaction to this change.