PUB00026R4 Tech Adv Series DeviceNet
PUB00026R4 Tech Adv Series DeviceNet
PUB00026R4 Tech Adv Series DeviceNet
PUB00026R4 MARCH 2016
DeviceNet What is DeviceNet?
CIP on CAN Technology DeviceNet, like other CIP Networks, follows the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model, which defines a framework for
DeviceNet has been solving manufacturing automation implementing network protocols in seven layers: physical,
applications since the mid-1990s, and today boasts an data link, network, transport, session, presentation and
installed base numbering in the millions of nodes. DeviceNet is application. Networks that follow this model define a complete
a member of a family of networks that implements the Common suite of network functionality from the physical implementation
Industrial Protocol (CIP) at its upper layers. CIP encompasses through the application or user interface layer. As with all CIP
a comprehensive suite of messages and services for a variety Networks, DeviceNet implements CIP at the Session layer
of manufacturing automation applications, including control, and above while adapting CIP to the specific DeviceNet
safety, synchronization, motion, configuration, diagnostics technology at the Transport layer and below. This network
and information. As a truly media-independent protocol that architecture is shown in Figure 1.
is supported by hundreds of vendors around the world, CIP
provides users with a unified communication architecture
throughout the manufacturing enterprise. CIP Motion Motor Control Transducer I/O Other Semiconductor CIP Safety
omprehensive producer-consumer services let you
Ethernet CompoNet ControlNet DeviceNet
simultaneously control, configure and collect data Physical Layer Physical Layer Physical Layer Physical Layer
upport for up to 64 nodes and baud rates up to 500 Figure 1: DeviceNet as Part of the CIP OSI Model
kilobits per second (kbps).
obust physical layer, designed for high noise and The DeviceNet network infrastructure is passive, making node
other challenging environments, provides robust functionality independent of physical location and the network
signal transmission while providing the user with a itself inherently tolerant to individual lost node connections.
flexible network architecture offering a range of data Although the network infrastructure is passive, the network
rates 125, 250 and 500 kbps and trunk-line cable can convey device power over the same cable with
distances up to 500 meters (125 kbps and thick communication messages. This feature is extremely valuable
cable); for devices with small physical size and power requirements,
such as photo cells, where DeviceNet simplifies the number
ower (24 Vdc, 8 Amps) and signal on the same wire of required system components and connections.
with the ability to remove and replace nodes under
power and power taps at any point on the network; To further decrease complexity, DeviceNet systems require
and only a single point of connection for both configuration and
control. This is because DeviceNet supports both I/O (or
ugged installation options include round cable that implicit) messagesthose that typically contain time-critical
allows for flexible cabling topologies, including daisy- control dataand explicit messagesthose in which the
chain and trunk-line, with range of connector options data field carries both protocol information and specific
available, including screw-terminal and hard-wired service requests. And, as a producer-consumer network
(IP20) and mini and micro-style plugs (IP67), or flat that supports multiple communication hierarchies and
cable with flat trunk connectors (IP67). message prioritization, DeviceNet provides more efficient
use of bandwidth than a device network based on a source-
destination model. DeviceNet systems can be configured
Heres a more in-depth look at the technology behind every to operate either in a master/slave or distributed control
DeviceNet-compliant product. architecture using peer-to-peer communication.
The Physical Layer
DeviceNet incorporates a trunkline-dropline topology that
allows the use of separate twisted pair buses for both signal
and power distribution. The possible variants of this topology
are shown in Figure 2.
Multiple Node
Node Node Terminating Resistor Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5:
Trunk line
Branching Multi-Port Screw-terminal & Mini & Micro- Flat cable with
Drop Line
hard-wired style Pluggable flat trunk
connectors (IP20) connectors (IP67) connectors (IP67)
Node Node
Multiple Node
Resistor Node Daisy Chain
Drop Line
DeviceNet supports devices with physical layer When a Start of Frame bit is transmitted, all receivers
implementations that are isolated or non-isolated. However, on a CAN network synchronize to the transition from the
since the DeviceNet physical layer must be optically isolated recessive to the dominant state. The CAN Identifier and the
from the rest of the device, externally powered devices (e.g., Remote Transmission Request bit (RTR2) together form
AC drive starters and solenoid valves) can share the same bus the arbitration field, which is used to facilitate media access
cable, helping to save space and reduce wiring complexity. priority. When a device transmits, it also monitors each bit
it sends by simultaneously receiving each bit transmitted in
DeviceNet provides a choice of screw-terminal or pluggable order to validate the data transmitted and to enable immediate
connector types, as shown in figures 3 through 5. detection of simultaneous transmission. If a node transmitting
a recessive bit receives a dominant bit while sending the
arbitration field, it stops transmitting. The winner of arbitration
Transport Layers
1 0 MAC ID Message
Group 3 600 7bf Message Group 3
1 1 Message Source MAC ID
DeviceNet is a connection-based network, meaning that
a relationship (i.e., connection) with a device must first Group 4 Message ID 7c0 7ef Message Group 4
be established in order to exchange data with that device. 1 1 1 1 1
Connections are established via either an Unconnected 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X 7f0 7ff Invalid CAN Identifiers
Message Manager (UCMM) or a Group 2 Unconnected Port. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
In addition, DeviceNet supports two types of messages,
Explicit and Implicit (often referred to as I/O Messages).
Figure 7: DeviceNet allocations within the 11-bit CAN Identifier
Explicit messages are used for request/response-oriented
transactions typically associated with configuration or data
collection that are not time critical, whereas Implicit messages
are used to communicate real-time I/O data. Because DeviceNet uses a device address inside the CAN
identifier field, it incorporates automatically a mechanism for
Devices may be clients, servers or both, and, in turn, clients detecting nodes with duplicate addresses. This is important
and servers may be producers, consumers or both. A typical because it is more efficient to prevent duplicate addresses
client devices connections produce requests and consume than to locate them after they occur. Another key benefit to
responses. A typical server devices connections consume nodes managing their identifiers is that a user can add and
requests and produce responses. DeviceNet allows several delete nodes, add additional peer-to-peer messages among
variations on this model. For example, some client and/or existing nodes at any time, or both, without having to know the
server connections that may only consume messages are existing setup. That is, no centralized record must be located
the destinations for cyclic or change-of-state messages. or reconstructed. Since nodes know which IDs are already
Similarly, some client and/or server connections may only in use, a tool must simply request that an I/O connection be
produce messages, and these connections are the sources added between the two devices, specifying priority level,
for cyclic or change-of-state messages. The use of cyclic the data path (class, instance, attribute) and the production
and change-of-state connections can substantially reduce trigger (cyclic, poll or change-of-state).
network bandwidth requirements.
The Upper Layers The Predefined Master/Slave
DeviceNet uses the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP), a Connection Set
strictly object-oriented protocol, at the upper layers. Each
CIP object has attributes (data), services (commands) and DeviceNet provides for an alternate, simplified communication
behaviors (reactions to events). CIPs producer-consumer scheme based on a master/slave relationship. Called the
communication model provides more efficient use of network Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set, this scheme
resources than a source-destination model by allowing the simplifies both the packaging and the movement of data
exchange of application information between a sending device contained in the I/O messages most often used in control
(e.g., the producer) and many receiving devices (e.g., the applications.
consumers) without requiring data to be transmitted multiple
times by a single source to multiple destinations. In producer- Because one of DeviceNets key unique advantages is
consumer networks, a message is identified by its connection power on the network, many DeviceNet-compliant sensors
ID, not its destination address (as is the case with source- and actuators are designed to perform a predetermined
destination networks). CIPs message structure makes it function on power-up. In this case, both the type and amount
possible for multiple nodes to consume data produced by a of data the device will produce and/or consume is also known
single source based solely on the connection ID to which the on power-up. The Predefined Master/Slave Connection
message refers. Thus, the producer-consumer model provides Set provides connection objects that are almost entirely
a clear advantage for users of CIP Networks by making efficient configured at the time the device powers-up.
use of network resources in the following ways:
After powering up the network, the only remaining step
If a node wants to receive data, it only needs to ask necessary to begin the flow of data is for a master device
for it once to consume the data each to claim ownership of this predefined connection set within its
time it is produced. slave(s). Slave devices can produce data using one or more
of the message types described in Table 2. The message type
If a second (third, fourth, etc.) node wants the same used is determined based on how the device is configured and
data, all it needs to know is the connection ID to the requirements of the application.
receive the same data simultaneously with all other
nodes. Type Description of Operation
A slave configured for polled I/O will receive
"output" data from the master device in a se-
CIP also includes device types for which there are device quential order that is defined by the master's
profiles. For a given device type, the device profile will specify scan list and will transmit its input data in re-
the set of CIP objects that must be implemented, configuration sponse to the masters poll. The master's poll-
ing rate is determined by: the number of nodes
options and I/O data formats. This consistency in object
Polled in the scan list; the DeviceNet baud rate; the
implementation for a given device type provides another clear size of messages produced by the master and
advantage for users of CIP Networks by promoting a common each node in its scan list; and the internal tim-
application interface for a given device type and interoperability ing of the master device. For a given system
configuration, this messaging method will pro-
in networks comprised of devices from multiple vendors. For
vide deterministic behavior. Polled I/O "output"
applications where unique functionality is required, it is also data is unicast and input data is multicast.
possible for a DeviceNet vendor to define additional vendor- A device configured to produce a cyclic I/O
specific objects in a DeviceNet-compliant product in order to message will produce its data at a precisely
support the functional requirements of particular applications. defined interval. This type of I/O messaging
allows each user to configure the system to
Cyclic produce data at a rate appropriate for the ap-
Seamless bridging and routing is perhaps the most significant plication. Depending on the application, cyclic
advantage for users of CIP Networks for it is this mechanism that I/O messaging can reduce the amount of traffic
most protects the users investment for the future. The ability to on the wire and more efficiently use the avail-
able bandwidth.
originate a message on one CIP Network, such as DeviceNet,
A device configured to produce change-of-
and then pass it to another CIP Network, such as EtherNet/IP, state (COS) messages will produce data when-
with no presentation at the Application Layer, means that users ever it changes, or at a base heartbeat rate.
can incorporate incremental application improvements to existing This adjustable heartbeat rate provides a way
installations and/or integrate systems with diagnostic, prognostic for the consuming device to know that the pro-
ducer is still alive and active. DeviceNet also
and/or IT applications. Seamless bridging and routing between Change-of-state
defines a user-configurable Production Inhibit
homogeneous and heterogeneous CIP Networks is enabled by a Time that limits how often COS messages are
set of objects that defines mechanisms for a device to use when produced to prevent nodes from "flooding" the
forwarding the contents of a message produced on one network bandwidth. Users can adjust these parameters
to provide optimum bandwidth utilization in a
port to another. This mechanism does not alter the contents given application scenario.
of a message during the routing process. When using this
mechanism, the users only responsibility is to describe the path Table 2: Slave I/O message types in the DeviceNet predefined
that a given message must follow. CIP ensures that the message master/slave connection set
is handled correctly, independent of the CIP Networks involved.
verseeing the process to incorporate new
enhancements to the DeviceNet Specification;
romoting industry awareness of DeviceNet and its
benefits; and
About ODVA
Founded in 1995, ODVA is a global association whose members
comprise the worlds leading automation companies. ODVAs mission
is to advance open, interoperable information and communication
technologies in industrial automation. ODVA recognizes its media
independent network protocol, the Common Industrial Protocol or CIP
and the network adaptations of CIP EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CompoNet
and ControlNet as its core technology and the primary common interest
of its membership. ODVAs vision is to contribute to the sustainability
and prosperity of the global community by transforming the model for
information and communication technology in the industrial ecosystem.
For future interoperability of production systems and the integration of the
production systems with other systems, ODVA embraces the adoption
of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) and standard, unmodified Internet
and Ethernet technologies as a guiding principle wherever possible. This
principle is exemplified by EtherNet/IP the worlds number one industrial
Ethernet network. For more information about ODVA, visit
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
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