9 Fruit of The Holy Sprit

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Nabin Duthraj #9 Devotion 15 Minutes

Grade six/

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

The fruit of the Holy Spirit are
- But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy,
peace, forbearance, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness
and self-control.

Lesson: Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What is your favorite fruit? The student will
Do you like to eat bruised fruit/damaged Identify fruit of the Holy Spirit.
fruit? Compare and contrast good fruit or bad
What fruit does the apple tree grow? fruit.
What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit? Demonstrate fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

2 Beginning the Lesson
Minute Teacher will greet the students.
Teacher will ask what fruit do you like? Do you like to eat rotten/bruised fruit?
Teacher will show the damaged fruit and good fruit and ask students which fruits
10 you want to eat? The good one, or the damaged (rotten) one?
Minutes Teacher will tell the objective of the lesson.

Developing the Lesson

Teacher will explain: - just like people do not like to eat bad fruit, we need to be
good fruit bearer because other people will like us when we became good fruit
bearer but if not, people will not like us.
Teacher will explain that if we want to be good fruit bearer, we should have the
fruit of the Holy Spirit love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Teacher will ask why do we need fruits of the Holy Spirit?
- To be good fruit bearer
- We will be like rotten fruits if we do not have the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
People will not like us if we are bad. So, we should have the fruits of the Holy
Teacher will introduce each fruits of the spirit and its importance in our lives.
- Love: we have to show love by our action but not just saying I love you. We
have to love each other just like Jesus Christ has loved us. (all: read John
Nabin Duthraj #9 Devotion 15 Minutes
Grade six/

- Joy: need to be happy in any difficulties.
- Peace: good feeling
- Forbearance: tolerance and forgiving
- Kindness: helpful
- Goodness: helpful
- Faithfulness: trust worthy
- Gentleness: kind
- Self-control: control yourself when the things are not to be done.

Closing the Lesson

Minutes Teacher will review the lesson
Teacher will ask all the students to demonstrate the fruits of the Holy Spirit by
saying, I love you and I care for you.
Teacher will pray

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Check for understanding Teacher will show various kind of
pictures so that the students may compare
good fruits and bad fruits.

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