Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering: 12. 3 Continuum Method and Discontinuum Method
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering: 12. 3 Continuum Method and Discontinuum Method
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering: 12. 3 Continuum Method and Discontinuum Method
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering
Figure 12.4: Continuum and discontinuum choices for different fracture circumstances
in rock engineering
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering
(a) (b)
Figure 12.6: Continuum modellling of rock mass b) Discontinuum modelling of rock
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering
A detailed description on each of these aspects may be available in any of the text
books on FEM. How well the grid boundaries influence the results is an important aspect and
therefore the boundaries have to be selected judiciously. The density of the zoning is also
very crucial and a finer mesh is suggested at locations where more precise information is
desired. Density must be highest where high stress or strain concentration is expected.
Greatest accuracy may be achieved when the element aspect ratio is near unity and a smooth
transition is preferred when changing from smooth to course zoning.
A suitable constitutive model need to be adopted for the analysis. A simple model like
elastic or elaso-plastic is preferred initially as more complex the constitutive model, more
number of input parameters and is usually difficult to get those parameters from laboratory or
field tests.
Depending on the problem and the available computational resources, one can chose to
analyse any geotechnical problems as plane strain, plane stress or even 3D may be used. A
brief description on the different type of analysis is presented here.
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering
Plane stress is state of stress in which the normal stress and the shear stress directed
perpendicular the plane assumed to be zero. In geotechnical engineering applications, some
problems like analysis of circular footings, or analysis of cylindrical specimens may be
modeled as axi-symmetric assumptions.
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering
Figure 12.8: Thin plate as plane stress problem (Timoshenko and Goodier, 1951)
If a thin plate is loaded by forces applied at the boundary, parallel to the plate and distributed
uniformly over the thickness (figure 12.8), the stress component z , xz and yz are zero on
both faces of the plate and it may be assumed, tentatively that they are zero also within the
plate. The state of stress is then specified by x , y , xy only and us called plane stress.
Module 12: Numerical Modelling in Rock Engineering
If the dimension of the body in the z-direction is very large, e.g. a long retaining wall or a
long tunnel, the cross section is assumed same throughout, it is sufficient to consider only a
slice. The components u and v of the displacement are functions of x and y but are
independent of the longitudinal co-ordinate z. Since, the longitudinal displacement w is zero,
The longitudinal normal stress z can be found in terms of x and y by means of Hook's
Law. Since, z = 0, we find,