The document provides a table summarizing common English verbs and their simple past and past participle forms in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the simple past form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the rightmost column. There are over 30 verbs included in the table.
The document provides a table summarizing common English verbs and their simple past and past participle forms in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the simple past form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the rightmost column. There are over 30 verbs included in the table.
The document provides a table summarizing common English verbs and their simple past and past participle forms in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the simple past form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the rightmost column. There are over 30 verbs included in the table.
The document provides a table summarizing common English verbs and their simple past and past participle forms in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the simple past form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the rightmost column. There are over 30 verbs included in the table.
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ser/estar be was/were been empezar begin began begun romper break broke broken traer bring brought brought construir build built built quemar burn burnt burnt comprar buy bought bought poder can could been able to coger catch caught caught elegir choose chose chosen venir come came come costar cost cost cost cortar cut cut cut hacer do did done soar dream dreamt dreamt beber drink drank drunk conducir drive drove driven comer eat ate eaten caer (se) fall fell fallen sentir (se) feel felt felt luchar/ pelear fight fought fought volar fly flew flown olvidar forget forgot forgotten obtener get got got dar give gave given ir (se) go went gone tener/ haber have had had oir hear heard heard saber know knew known aprender learn learnt learnt irse/ dejar leave left left perder lose lost lost hacer make made made tener que must had to had to pagar pay paid paid poner put put put leer read read read correr run ran run decir say said said ver see saw seen mostrar/ ensear show showed shown cantar sing sang sung dormir sleep slept slept hablar speak spoke spoken gastar spend spent spent tomar take took taken ensear teach taught taught pensar think thought thought entender understand understood understood ganar win won won