Motor Protection Application
Motor Protection Application
Motor Protection Application
About the Authors
Paul Lerley has 28 years of utility and electronics experience, including 15 years at Central Maine
Power Co. He is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire and was Director of Substations
Electrical Systems at Central Maine Power prior to joining Basler Electric Company. Mr. Lerley is a
Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of four working groups of the Power System Relaying
Committee. He has authored articles on testing for the Doble Engineering Conference and Transmis-
sion and Distribution magazine. He was previously very active in the Electric Council of New England.
Mr. Lerley was a Regional Application Engineer for Basler Electric from 1994 to 1999.
Mike Young of Sanford, Florida, received his MBA from Rollins College in 1983 and BSET from
Purdue University in 1971. He worked for Wisconsin Electric Power Company as a Relay Engineer
for two years, and for Florida Power Corporation as a Field Relay Supervisor for 21 years. He
authored the text "Protective Relaying for Technicians" and co-authored papers for the Georgia Tech
Protective Relaying Conference. Mr. Young has been a Regional Application Engineer for Basler
Electric since 1994 and is a member of the IEEE.
This document contains a summary of information for the protection of various types of electrical
equipment. Neither Basler Electric Company nor anyone acting on its behalf makes any warranty or
representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained
herein, nor assumes any responsibility or liability for the use or consequences of use of any of this
First printing 4/98
Motor Protection Application
instantaneous or definite time overcurrent 3.1.2 Differential Protection
relays. If the available 3-phase fault current is a
low multiple of the relay setting (weak system), Differential protection is used on motors where
quick pickup is not assured. Differential relaying the available short circuit current is close to the
should then be considered. Instantaneous value of locked rotor current. It is also frequently
relays are typically applicable when the motor used on very large motors because of its
rating is less than one-half of the supply trans- greater sensitivity. Differential protection is
former KVA rating. always preferred; however, it is generally more
costly than instantaneous relaying because all
The instantaneous phase relay should be set at six leads must be brought out of the motor and
no less than 1.6 times the locked rotor current additional relays may be required.
using the value of locked rotor current at
maximum starting voltage. This setting also SELF BALANCING
assumes the relay is sensitive to the transient The most economical approach is self-balanc-
overreach (DC offset) of an asymmetrical fault. ing differential as shown in Fig. 2. Both ends of
Lower settings are possible if the relay disre- the winding are passed through a toroidal
gards the transient component or if a time delay current transformer and connected to a 50
longer than the transient time (6-15cy) is added. device. This CT has a maximum opening
Verify that the minimum 3-phase fault current at around 8 inches that may preclude its use on
the motor terminals is at least 3 times the relay larger motors.
setting. Fig. 1 illustrates the relay settings in
relation to the starting current and the minimum
short circuit current.
With a fixed ratio of 50:5 and a sensitive instan- 3.1.3 Ground Fault Protection Ground
taneous overcurrent, the self-balancing differen- Sensor 50G
tial provides a pickup around 5 amps of primary
current. This scheme is self-balancing and The preferred and most sensitive method to
produces no current for starting or load varia- detect stator ground faults is with a ground
tion and, because there is only one CT per sensor CT. All three phase leads from the motor
phase, there is no concern about matching CT are passed through the opening of a toroidal
performance to eliminate unequal CT saturation. current transformer supplying the instantaneous
CT saturation is likely for large fault currents but overcurrent 50G relay shown in Fig. 4. This
is slow enough to allow the instantaneous relays arrangement leaves only the ground fault zero
to operate. sequence currents in the CT. The typical
application calls for a 50:5 CT ratio regardless
PERCENTAGE RESTRAINT DIFFERENTIAL of the size of the motor. Primary pickup values
When the toroidal CT cannot be used, the in the range of 4-12 amps are typical. If more
percentage restraint differential circuit (Fig. 3) sensitive settings are required, time delay may
must be applied. Typically, all 6 CTs are the be necessary to avoid nuisance trips due to
same ratio and accuracy class. A 2-winding zero-sequence cable capacitance current flow
differential relay can be applied with equal during external faults.
currents flowing in the restraint windings for
normal load, starting, and external faults. For The ground fault sensor connection may be the
internal phase or ground faults, all of the current only scheme providing sufficient sensitivity
will flow through the operate windings. The when the supply system is high-impedance
scheme will also protect for cable faults be- grounded. If a large ground fault current is
tween the motor and the motor breaker (52) by available in a solidly grounded system, the 50G
using the line side CTs of the breaker. If the relay must operate before the low ratio CT
motor and motor breaker are supplied sepa- saturates. Fortunately, the low impedance of
rately, be certain to match the CT ratios and solid state relays reduces the CT burden.
accuracy classes when specifying the equip-
FIGURE 3. Conventional percent differential relay. FIGURE 4. Ground sensor relay and residual ground
For larger motors, where the conductors will not When the margin between the maximum start
fit through a ground sensor CT, the residual time and the hot stall time is at least 2 to 5
ground connection, shown in Fig. 4, must be seconds, locked rotor protection can easily be
used. The ground fault relay sensitivity is limited achieved with a definite time overcurrent (50TP)
by the phase CT ratio. Since unequal CT as shown in Fig. 5. By setting this relay close to
performance must be expected, a 51 relay is the Full Load Current, good protection against
used to avoid tripping on false residual current. failure to accelerate is obtained. To prevent the
50TP relay from operating under temporary
This 51N relay must be coordinated against the overloads once the motor is running, it is
51G system ground protection relay (typically in supervised by the 62 timer. The time delay on
the supply transformer neutral). In solidly the 50TP should be set at the maximum start
grounded feeder applications, where the time plus 25% of the thermal limit margin time.
ground fault is usually high and the CT quality The delay on the 62 timer should be set slightly
good, an instantaneous relay (50N) can be higher than the 50TP time delay to allow a one
added to accelerate the tripping. This relay or two second window for the locked rotor
should be set at 4 x Full Load Current or higher protection to operate. This protection is easy to
to avoid tripping on starting. implement in the Basler 851 and MPS multifunc-
tion relays.
3.2 Thermal Damage
Starting times depend on motor design and Another approach often used with single-
load torque characteristics and must be deter- function relays is shown in Fig. 6. The 50S or 12
mined for each application. Although starting (speed switch) device is used to supervise the
times of 2 to 20 seconds are common, high 51S relay which is set for locked rotor protec-
inertia loads may take several minutes to bring tion. The speed switch is set at 10%-50% of full
to full speed. Starting time is increased if bus speed and the 50S is set about 85% of Locked
voltage is less than nominal. Rotor Current (at minimum allowable voltage).
The 51S should be set between the hot stall mum voltage) are commonly used to supervise
time and the start time. The 51P relay is a the 51S relay. The 51S curve must be set to
second 51 relay set for running thermal over- operate below the hot stall time. When the
load. If no transient overloads are expected, the motor starts successfully, the 12 or 50S device
51P and 50S relays may not be required. The drops out and prevents the 51S from tripping
51S will then provide starting and running the breaker.
If the motor starts but does not accelerate to
nominal speed, this protection may not trip
since the 51S relay is cut out early in the start
sequence. The failure to accelerate would have
to be detected by the thermal overload 51P, set
for running conditions (shown in Fig. 6). How-
ever, the 51S may be used to alarm for subse-
quent overloads, including failure to accelerate
once the motor has started.
When normal cooling and ambient tempera- DYNAMIC CONSIDERATIONS
tures are present the temperature of the stator In order to force the static characteristic to pass
winding is directly related to the stator current, through point P in Fig.8, the user adjusts the
and the running thermal overload limit can be time dial in a 51 relay or the time constant in a
stated on a time-current plot as recommended 49 relay. These terms imply that the dynamic
in IEEE STD 620. Running thermal overload can response of a 51 element is linear, whereas the
thus be provided by an overcurrent relay which 49 element has an exponential response. When
has a time-current characteristic similar to the the 49 element, found in dedicated motor relays
thermal overload limit. The Minimum Pick Up of (as opposed to general purpose overcurrent
this relay is the continuous overload specifica- relays) takes the load level into account, it
tion of the motor, i.e. the (Full Load Current)x becomes a realistic thermal model of the motor.
(Service Factor). The characteristic is usually an In this case, the 49 element does not reset to
I2t curve. The time dial is chosen to coordinate zero when the current is below the overload
against the thermal limit and allow short dura- limit (as does the 51 relay) but settles at percent
tion overloads predictable from the process of pickup value corresponding to the used
analysis. thermal capacity at the given load level.
Fig. 8 shows two IEEE device numbers (51 or Fig. 9 compares the 51 and 49 response for
49). These devices may have nearly identical nearly identical static settings. The 51 relay is a
static characteristics, but will differ in their more conservative choice since it tends to trip
dynamic response and, therefore, in their ability faster than the 49 relay. The 51 is an acceptable
choice for any process where temporary
overloads are abnormal. The 49 is preferred
when the process requires the tolerance of
temporary overloads.
Motors are typically cooled by means of a rotor-
to track the motor temperature over time. mounted fan blade that forces air through the
motor frame while the motor is running. Thermal
FIGURE 8. Thermal overload Running. limits and temperature rise are based on this
cooling functioning as designed with a known
level of ambient air temperature. If normal
cooling is blocked, overheating at normal load The Basler MPS relays have protection for too
current is possible. The only protection will be many starts. The user selects a setting for
temperature-measuring devices located in the number of starts and time period to match
motor such as RTDs or thermocouples. Basler manufacturer recommendations. Exact determi-
MPS100 and 200 series relays provide this nation of starting frequency is a very complex
protection with inputs from RTDs or thermo- calculation that is affected by many factors
couples imbedded in one or more of the wind- including motor size, enclosure, voltage,
ing slots. ambient temperature, inertia, load-speed-torque
characteristic, and running time. Motor restarts
The MPS relays monitor the RTD resistance and will typically depend more on the stator thermal
accept two setting levels for each monitored capacity than on rotor thermal capacity and stall
point: a low setting for alarm and a high setting time. The best rule, by far, is to minimize the
for shutdown. The specific settings are derived number of starts since each start reduces the
from the winding insulation class, defined in life of the motor.
NEMA MG-1, and judgment based on the plant
operating conditions. The recommended setting Motors protected by Basler MPS relays include
for alarm temperature level is the sum of the a protective element for thermal overload
maximum ambient, plus 10 degrees hotspot protection. Unlike their inverse time electrome-
allowance, plus the full load temperature rise. chanical counterparts, these relays can remem-
This value should be below the insulation class ber the stored value of the accumulated
rating. The trip level can be up to 50 degrees C thermal capacity. Motor starting alone may use
above the class rating if the process is critical, up 50%-65% of the available thermal capacity.
since the loss of life from occasional short These multifunction devices also recognize a
overload periods is insignificant. Setting the trip stopped motor will cool slower than a running
temperature at the insulation class limit is a motor because there is no cooling air produced
conservative setting. by the rotor. Therefore, it is possible that
attempting to start a motor twice in rapid
3.2.3 Repetitive Starts and Jogging succession may cause a protective trip on
Protection thermal overload. However, we should still
adhere to the manufacturers recommendation
In repeated starting and intermittent operation for frequent starts.
very little heat is carried away by the cooling air
produced by a turning rotor. Repeated starts 3.2.4 Unbalance Protection
can build up temperatures to dangerously high
values in either stator or rotor windings unless CAUSE AND EFFECTS
enough time is provided to allow the heat to be Unbalance in the feeder phase voltages or
dissipated. motor winding impedance will cause unbal-
anced currents to flow to the motor. The nega-
The NEMA MG1-1993 (Motor Guide) sections tive sequence current from the unbalance will
12.50, 20.43 and 21.43 provide guidelines for cause rotor heating and additional copper
typical installations. These standards allow two losses in the stator windings due to an increase
starts in succession, coasting to reset between line current. Due to the low negative sequence
starts with the motor initially at ambient tem- motor impedance the % negative sequence
perature, and for one start when the motor is at current is typically about five times larger than
a temperature not exceeding its rated load the % negative sequence voltage. Unbalanced
operating temperature. This assumes that the conditions must be detected to avoid thermal
applied voltage, load torque during accelera- damage to the running motor.
tion, method of starting, and load inertia are all
within values for which the motor was designed. DETECTION
The application and protection of motors having Although the current unbalance is the param-
abnormal starting conditions must be coordi- eter directly responsible for the temperature
nated with the manufacturer. increase in the motor, two detection methods
are available: voltage and current unbalance.
Voltage Sensing (47) trip time for this unbalance condition would thus
This method has the advantage of detecting the be equal to K (I2 =1pu). For K=40, the maxi-
unbalance voltage for a complete bus to which mum delay for an open phase should be 40
several motor loads may be connected, but has seconds. If the relay uses a definite time, this
the disadvantage of requiring that all motors be will have to be the setting, and result in overpro-
tripped when an unbalance exceeds the setting. tection if the unbalance is less severe. If the
The bus voltage unbalance may be tolerated by timing curve is inverse, the time dial should be
a motor if its load is lighter at the time of the selected to cause tripping when the voltage
unbalance. unbalance, at the motor terminals, correspond-
ing to the 1 pu I2 is equal to 20%.
Two common measuring techniques have been
implemented: the NEMA defined unbalance and In most applications the voltage seen by the
negative sequence voltage measurement. The 47N will not come from the motor terminal, but
NEMA definition, found in MG1 is: from the bus. Depending on the size and nature
%Unbalance=(Max Deviation from Avg.)/Avg. of other loads (static Vs motor) connected to the
The negative sequence voltage is usually bus, the 47N may not sense the open phase in
defined in % of nominal voltage. the motor feeder. Therefore, 47N application
requires careful analysis.
Current Sensing (46)
Current unbalance is measured in the motor Current relay
feeder itself and has the advantage of being In order to relate the current unbalance MPU
adapted to each motor. It is easy to implement setting to the 5% NEMA voltage unbalance limit,
in multifunction and dedicated motor protection it is necessary to establish the correlation
relays. Measuring algorithms include the true between the current unbalance algorithm and
negative sequence measurement and the the unbalanced voltage. For a negative se-
difference between the maximum and minimum quence type element, the I2 % MPU setting is
phase currents. approximately 5 times the % voltage unbalance
for the worst case nominal load condition. For
SETTINGS other algorithms, the Instruction Manual must
be consulted.
Voltage Relay
NEMA recommends in MG1 that continuous The current unbalance measuring elements
voltage unbalance should never exceed 5%. For have an I2t=K like characteristic which makes
small to moderate unbalance, the NEMA and the time delay settings easier to apply than with
negative sequence formulae yield approxi- the voltage relay. If no other information is
mately the same result. A voltage unbalance available choose K=40. The worst case unbal-
relay can, therefore, be set at an MPU of 5%. To ance occurs for an open phase at full load. The
set the time delay to trip, consider the thermal negative sequence current is then equal to the
damage by the corresponding negative se- positive sequence current, i.e. 1 pu. The time
quence current. To this voltage unbalance of dial should be set to cause tripping in 40
5% corresponds an I2 of about 25%, provided seconds in this case where K=40.
the voltage is measured at the motor terminals.
Assuming the motor can tolerate I2t=K, the 3.3 Abnormal Supply
maximum time delay for a 5% voltage unbal-
ance and K=40 would be 640 seconds. Al- According to the NEMA MG1-1993 section
though no standard exists for motors, a value of 20.45, motors are generally expected to operate
K=40 is often used. successfully under running conditions at rated
load with a variation of plus or minus 10% of
Unfortunately the 47N relay does not offer an rated voltage, plus or minus 5% of rated fre-
extremely inverse characteristic that could quency, or a combination of the two, provided
emulate the I2t characteristic. It is suggested to the sum of the absolute values of the deviations
base the time delay on the worst case expected does not exceed 10% and the frequency
unbalance, i.e. open phase in the motor feeder variation does not exceed plus or minus 5%. For
cable. The positive and negative sequence synchronous motors, rated excitation current
currents are then equal (1pu at full load). The must be maintained.
Fig. 10 shows the effects of voltage and fre- 3.3.1 Voltage Drop During Starting
quency variations on induction motor character-
istics. Another concern during motor starting is the
voltage drop caused by the locked rotor current
Given these limits, there is no one protective flowing through the supply transformer. A weak
device that can make a direct determination of system or undersized supply transformer will
these quantities simultaneously. However, only aggravate the situation. When the supply
variation in voltage or frequency will usually voltage decreases during start, then so does the
result in an increase in stator winding tempera- current and starting torque. If there are other
ture over a long period of time. Direct tempera- running motors on the bus, the reduced voltage
ture measuring devices, such as RTDs, will will cause higher currents and further increase
detect the change and provide adequate the voltage drop. Should the voltage drop low
warning or tripping, provided the abnormal enough, it is possible for the motor torque to be
condition is not extreme. low enough to prevent a successful start of the
A large induction motor rotating at rated speed
or a large synchronous motor with fixed excita- Whether motor starting or system weakness is
tion may be approximated at steady-state the problem, reduced voltage may cause
conditions as a constant kilovoltampere device trouble at times other than during acceleration.
for a given shaft load, and, therefore, current Reduced voltage running will cause overheating
variations follow voltage variations inversely. An with time. Short term voltage dips may also
undervoltage condition will result in an overcur- cause an already running motor to stall. The
rent condition. Single phase over- or user should also consider the effect of trying to
undervoltage is likely to be detected by unbal- start more than one motor at the same time,
anced voltage or current protection if so which will only aggravate the undervoltage
equipped. Three-phase undervoltage will be condition. Many motors use motor contactors
protected by thermal overload protection since powered by the ac line voltage. Reduced
the current will be higher than normal for a voltage could drop out the motor contactor and
given load. Voltage relays, per se, are generally cause an already running motor to be dropped
not always sensitive enough to provide reliable off line when the motor contactor drops out.
protection, especially on busses where several
motors are connected, since the spinning Voltage drop calculations should be performed
motors will support the voltage on the low or to determine what the motor voltage conditions
missing phase. However, an inverse time or will be during starting. The calculation should
definite time undervoltage relay is recom- be checked at maximum and minimum ex-
mended to trip when a prolonged undervoltage pected bus voltage before start. In a properly
condition exists and as a backup. Pickup designed power system, with a good match
settings of 0.8-0.85 per unit will provide ad- between bus and motor design voltages,
equate protection. The time delay should be set starting voltage dips of 15%-20% are not
slightly longer than the maximum starting time uncommon. Designers frequently assume that
with minimum allowable voltage to ensure an accelerating motor draws its full voltage
undervoltage will not trip for a start. inrush current and calculate the upstream
voltage drops on that basis. Clearly, any voltage
A separate concern of undervoltage is its impact drop in the supply system means that full
on starting a motor. Unlike a running motor, low voltage and corresponding inrush current
voltage on starting of a motor produces lower cannot be present.
starting current and, hence, lowers torque. If the
torque is too low to overcome the torque 3.3.2 Reduced Voltage Starting
requirements of the load, the motor will not
successfully start. The MPS210, equipped with When voltage drops are excessive during
control functions, checks the supply voltage starting, reduced voltage starting techniques
before starting; if the voltage is too low, the may be employed. These add to the motor
relay prevents starting. controls but may be less expensive than chang-
ing transformers and cables. All of these tech-
Characteristic Voltage Frequency
110% 90% 105% 95%
Torques* Increase 21% Decrease 19% Decrease 10% Increase 11 %
Starting and
Max Running
Synchronous No Change No Change Increase 5% Decrease 5%
Full-load Increase 1% Decrease 1.5% Increase 5% Decrease 5%
Percent Slip
Decrease 17% Increase 23% Little Change Little Change
Full-load Increase 0.5 to Decrease 2
Slight Increase Slight Decrease
1 point points
3/4-load Little Change Little Change Slight Increase Slight Decrease
1 to 2 points Increase 1 to 2
Slight Increase Slight Decrease
Power Factor
Full-load Decrease 3 Increase 1
Slight increase Slight Decrease
points point
3/4-load Decrease 4 Increase 2 to 3 Slight Increase Slight Decrease
points points
1/2-load Slight Increase Slight Decrease
Decrease 5 to Increase 4 to 5
6 points points
Starting Increase 10 to Decrease 10 to Decrease 5 to Increase 5 to
12% 12% 6% 6%
Full-load Decrease 7% Increase 11% Slight Decrease Slight Increase
Max Over-Load Increase 12% Decrease 19% Slight Decrease Slight Increase
Magnetic Noise Slight Slight Decrease Slight Decrease Slight Increase
* Torques of an induction motor will vary as the square of the voltage.
The speed of an induction motor will vary directly with the frequency.
FIGURE 10. The effects of voltage and frequency variation on induction-motor characteristics.
niques use some method to apply partial voltage is applied. Detailed descriptions of
voltage to the motor during the initial starting these schemes may be found in the Instruction
sequence, then when the motor is at partial Manual for the Basler MPS210 relay.
speed, full voltage is applied to finish the start
sequence. The Basler MPS210 supports re- 3.3.3 Frequency Protection
duced voltage starting.
Frequency in excess of rated frequency but not
Wye-Delta starting applies a reduced voltage at in excess of 5% over the rated frequency
the beginning of the start sequence with a wye without a corresponding voltage increase is not
connection of the motor and then changes to considered to be a hazardous condition for
the delta connection of the motor to complete synchronous or induction motors provided the
the start sequence. This arrangement reduces driven equipment does not overload the motors
starting torque and voltage drop on the motor at the higher frequency.
At decreased frequency without a correspond-
Another method of reduced voltage starting is ing voltage drop, the flux requirements of a
autotransformer start. The autotransformer is motor are increased, thus increasing the
connected in wye with the supply voltage and, hysterisis and eddy current losses and heating.
during starting, the tapped partial voltage is Sustained operation at 5% below nominal
applied to the motor. When the starting frequency and rated or overvoltage is not
contactor makes its transition, the partial permissible per NEMA MG1-1993 section 20.45.
voltage source is opened, and full supply Protection against this type of operation is
typically thermal overload or RTD temperature (1) Low oil level in reservoir: (device 71) level
measurement. However, more refined protec- switch
tion can be obtained with the Basler 81O/U
over/under frequency relay. Time delay settings (2) Low oil pressure: (device 63) pressure
of 20-30 seconds will allow it to ride though switch
transient conditions without nuisance tripping.
(3) Reduced oil flow: (device 80) flow switch
Many utility substations are equipped with
underfrequency load shedding relays to reduce (4) High temperature: (device 38) thermo-
the system load during a loss of generation and couples or resistance temperature detector
subsequent decay in system frequency. Large
motor loads connected to the distribution (5) Rate of temperature rise
substation may interfere with the normal opera-
tion of the underfrequency relay by allowing it to (6) Vibration (used on motors with anti-friction
see a decline in frequency without a complete bearings in place of thermal devices)
loss of voltage. This can happen when the
distribution bus is disconnected from the supply Large motor bearings are usually monitored by
transformer and the underfrequency relay is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) which
connected to the distribution bus. The relay will can be used as one of the inputs to the Basler
then see the residual voltage from the motor MPS200 or 210 relay. The dual-setpoint of the
load and may operate incorrectly. Relocating RTD function of the MPS allows for alarm and
the underfrequency voltage transformer to the trip settings at two different temperatures.
high side of the supply transformer or adding
additional time delay to the underfrequency time 4. BUS TRANSFER AND RECLOSING
delay may solve the problem.
Many motor busses are critical to process or
3.4 Mechanical or Process Protection plant operation and, therefore, must be main-
tained if at all possible. For static loads, high
3.4.1 Undercurrent speed reclosing or transfer to an alternate
source is appropriate. Motor loads require
We generally think of protective relays as special considerations. When the motor is
devices that protect electrical equipment. In the disconnected from the voltage supply, the
case of motor protection, there may be times voltage at the motor terminals does not go to
when they are used to protect the process. For zero. The machine generates a voltage at its
example, the water pumping station that is open-circuited terminals that decays with time.
intended to operate continuously at 90% of full A fast reclose applies the full bus supply voltage
load current. If the pump were to be damaged, in series with the residual motor voltage, pro-
lose its prime, or the shaft break, the load on ducing a total winding voltage that can be
the motor would be drastically reduced. The dangerously high. Capacitors in the circuit only
Basler MPS relay monitors for undercurrent or make the situation worse.
under power conditions. These elements are not
in service until the motor is running and can be A second complication is the decay in motor
set to detect these loss-of-load conditions to speed with respect to the supply system. The
alarm or trip. frequency of the residual voltage in the motor
will be a decaying value of frequency as the
motor begins to slow down. The worst case
3.4.2 Bearing Protection could be nearly 2.0 per unit voltage and 180
degrees out of phase with the supply voltage.
To minimize damage caused by bearing failure, The possibility of damage exists for local
protective devices should be used to sound an reclosing of the motor, high side reclosing from
alarm or de-energize the motor. Bearing protec- the utility, transferring to an alternate source, or
tive devices responsive to one or more of the reduced voltage motor starting; they all mean
following conditions may be included: the motor will be re-energized after some dead
time and the same principles apply.
4.1 Parallel Transfer
voltage is within acceptable limits prior to
closing the bus tie breaker. An angle setting of
15-25 degrees with no time delay may be used.
5. SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS starting times are short and a significant time
margin exists between the maximum start time
Protection of the synchronous motor is similar and the hot stall time. The load is assumed to
to that of the induction machine with additional remain within the motor rating during normal
requirement for field, loss of excitation and out process conditions, allowing the use of one 51
of step conditions. The field may have its own element for locked rotor and running thermal
protection for loss of field or field undervoltage. overload protection.
CASE 1 - Small Motor (100-600HP) The proposed scheme shown in Fig. 14 applies
This example suggests the relay selection and to situations where the load has high inertia, the
typical settings for motors in the 100-600HP starting times are long and a small time margin
range. This range is somewhat arbitrary. Cost exists between the maximum start time and the
and process considerations will ultimately hot stall time. The load is assumed to periodi-
determine the choice of protection level. cally exceed the motor rating during normal
The proposed scheme shown in Fig. 13 applies process conditions, requiring the use of two
to situations where the load has low inertia, the separate 51 elements for locked rotor and
running thermal overload protection. For the 51S neous overcurrent for phase, ground and
locked rotor protection, an Extremely Inverse negative sequence. We will also take advantage
characteristic will best match the hot stall time of multiple setting groups, independent timers,
curve. If the time dial range is insufficient, the and programmable time overcurrent curves.
trip time can be adjusted by raising the tap Programmable alarms, metering, and oscillogra-
setting to decrease the effective multiple of tap. phy will help monitor the motor performance.
The 51P, running thermal overload relay must The 851 uses programmable BESTLogic to
have a MPU equal to the continuous overload customize the relay operation for each applica-
limit. A time-current coordination should be tion. Two basic schemes are presented here,
performed if the protection is to be optimized. one for normal loads and one for high inertia
loads. Full details of the 851 programming and
setting for each scheme can be found in the 851
instruction manual.
Current unbalance (46N) detection provides
rotor thermal protection. The negative sequence
(51Q) MPU setting in Amperes is approximately
5 x (max Continuous Voltage unbalance, pu) x
(Full Load Current, secondary). The time dial is
set to cause tripping in K (the assumed I22t
value) seconds for I2=Full Load Current.
FIGURE 17. Multifunction protection for medium motors.
ANSI QTY Basler Model/ Description Basler Typical
No Function Style Number Settings
NOTE: Quantities correspond to single-function relays. Functions may be combined, as in 50/51 relay.
ANSI QTY Basler Model/ Description Basler Typical
No Function Style Number Settings
50P 1 BE1-50/51 Cuts out 51R when BE1-50/51B-207 0.85x1LR (at lowest
Instantaneous the motor reaches voltage)
about 50% speed
NOTE: Quantities correspond to single-function relays. Functions may be combined, as in 50/51 relay.
ANSI QTY Basler Model/ Description Basler Typical settings
No Function Style No
ANSI QTY Basler Model/ Description Basler Typical settings
No Function Style No
50P 3* BE1-851 Cuts out the 51S when BE1-851 0.85x1LR (at lowest
Instantaneous the motor reaches about H5N2S10 voltage)
50TP 50% speed
ANSI QTY Basler Model/ Description Basler Typical
No Function Style Number Settings
ANSI QTY Basler Model/ Description Basler Typical settings
No Function Style No
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If you have any questions or need Basler Electric Headquarters Basler Electric International
additional information, please contact Route 143, Box 269, P.A.E. Les Pins, 67319
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Our web site is located at: Phone 618/654-2341 Phone (33-3-88) 87-1010 Fax 618-654-2351 Fax (33-3-88) 87-0808