Preliminary Electrical Analysis Day 1

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The Electrical

Load List
Houston, Texas

By: Mark T. Leyton (

January 26, 2016 (One night only)

Presentation Objectives
Understand why we need electrical Load Lists (ELL).
Where does the date come from to populate an ELL?
Why are we stuck with spreadsheets?
What is the data used for?
How accurate is the ELL anyway?

Sometimes the objectives that I think are important are not

necessarily the same that you think are important. Oops
Lets discuss so I can do better next time.

In the Beginning
In the big scheme of things there is a natural progression
to every Petro-Chem project. First on the project is always
the Process Engineer.
In a greenfield project, the Process Engineer has to create
the process from input of basic ingredients, to mix
everything together, to finished output. Until the Process
Engineer if finished, nothing can happen.
The Process Engineer designs the process with a specific
maximum process capacity (MPC) in mind. This means the
plant has a nameplate capacity of XX mbd.

Important concept!

Question #1 Do we ever design a process that can be
pushed to a higher capacity than nameplate capacity???
Question #2 Does the end users ever push the plant
beyond nameplate capacity? I.E. get more throughput than
what the nameplate says??? How does he do it?
Question #3 What does it mean to say the plant is running
at 95% capacity?

In the Beginning Cont.
The Process Engineer creates the process flow diagrams
(PFDs) and the process and instrumentation diagrams
(P&IDs). The Electrical Engineer has no hand in this work.
Once the PFDs and P&IDs are signed off / accepted /
approved, does the Electrical Engineer start his work.
Lets make it clear, in Petro/Chem work, Electrical
Engineers follow, they do not lead.
In the big scheme of things, Process Engineers are first,
EEs are second to last, and in last place is the I&C
Engineer. This is the Petro/Chem order that will never

Our Job.
The data to populate an ELL comes from two sources. They
are as follows.
1. The P&IDs
2. Process Support Equipment and ancillary items.

The Process Engineer has selected pumps to do the work of
moving product about. The pump selection is based on flow
and head. Driving the pump is an electric motor. Hopefully
the motor is started DOL as against a VFD starter. Motor
starting and control method should be on the P&IDs.
The size could be in BHP or HP Either way, we handle the
data and move on.
BHP = Break Horse Power
HP = Horse Power
The difference being, BHP is the calculated requirements
needed to keep the process at maximum process capacity.
HP is the size of a standard 460V NEMA frame motor.

Electric Load List.pdf 7

Process Support Equipment
The process support equipment consists of everything
electrical to support and keep the facility running. The
usual items are as follows.

1. Buildings including the PCR

2. Inst. rack power
3. Lighting, Inst. & Misc. field power panels
4. Heat tracing panels
5. Motor & equipment heaters
6. 120V normal and 480V welding receptacles
7. Gai-Tronics power
8. CCTV power
9. Card readers
10. UPS & DC power
11. Etc.,

Question #4 If the process support equipment list is not on
the P&IDs, where does it come from?
Question #5 What design guide should we use?
Question #6 Is it safe?

The pitfall is to do with panels.
It is usual to put on the ELL the xfmr feeding the panel. For
example, in the PCR is a lighting panel with a 30KVA xfmr
feeding it. So I put 30KVA on the ELL and on I go.
Looking at the wiring diagram all I have is 7 lighting ckts
out of a 36 ckt panel. How much of that 30KVA am I actually
The same PCR has a 15 KVA xfmr feeding 5 recept ckts out of a
30 ckt panel?
Or five areas of a new facility each assigned 1 X Lighting, 1 X
recept & 1 X Misc. panels and xfmrs. All done for conservatism
and CYA to order the MCCs.

ELL Basics
One of the few good places to go for ELL fundamental
guidance is the Handbook of Electrical Engineers, chapter
1. and

ELL Basics Cont.
Get all the P&IDs in a stack. Turn to the first P&ID and start
at the left and work your way to the right of each drawing.
Listed either at the top or the bottom of the drawing are the
electric motors and heaters. Data listed is as follows.
1. Motor Number
2. Motor Description
3. BHP and/or HP
4. P&ID drawing number

In simple parlance, P&IDs rule the project.

ELL Basics Cont.
The goal is to have some semblance of order in the ELL
making it simple and easy to locate equipment items.
1. Keep the equipment in P&ID drawing order
2. Put the equipment in alphanumerical order
3. Put the equipment in MCC then numerical order
4. Put P&ID above process support equipment
5. Put motors then heaters followed by process support
Straight away we are facing the limitations of spreadsheets
as against data base (Access, dBase, etc.,) work.
Spreadsheets are so 1980s. When will we progress on???

ELL Basics Cont.
The customary approach for equipment separations is the
1. If an A & B motor - All A motors on A MCC/SWGR
line-up and all B motors on B MCC/SWGR line-up.
2. If an A, B & C motor - A & C motors on A
MCC/SWGR line-up and B motors on B MCC/SWGR
3. If an A, B, C & D motor - A & C motors on A
MCC/SWGR line-up and B & D motors on B
MCC/SWGR line-up.
4. Single loads spread equally between A & B
MCC/SWGR to balance out the overall loads.
Follow company design procedure, if not document it.

Important concept! 14
Questions More of Them!
Question #7. Who actually sizes the motor based on the
P&ID data of process flow and head? Is it the Electrical
Engineer? Electrical Designer? Process Engineer? If not this
lot then who?
Question #8. When is the preliminary and final data
Question #9. Can motor size change between preliminary
and final data?

Our Job
Our job is to assemble the ELL as quickly as possible since
we have to order long lead items such as a fully populated
and functioning PCR with associated SWGR, MCCs, bus
duct for the various step-down transformers, relays, etc.,
To do our job we need the data to create an ELL that will
feed data into the electrical studies that will ensure we are
buying the correctly sized and rated equipment.

Our Job Cont.
Greenfield Since everything is new we are going to create
a new electrical system all the way from power source to the
lowest user. That means creating an ELL and doing studies
from scratch.
Brownfield Blending new work into an existing facility is
always more challenging. Too often ELLs and studies are
usually old, out of date and highly suspect.

Regardless of location type, we have a job to do. And to do

that job we revert to good engineering practices and
procedures which include default assumptions based upon
sound justifiable judgment.
The key point is, it is documented.

Our Job Cont.
Therefore, the ELL is usually started with default data,
default calculations, default assumptions.
The key point is, it is documented.

As the job progresses the data will change as the P&IDs

change. Once the P&IDs are issued for construction, more
than likely, the ELL will not change much until final
certified data is received and the ELL is updated along with
the studies.
The key point is, it is documented.

This preliminary and final approach falls in line with the

preliminary and the final electrical studies.
If the data on the P&IDs list motors in BHP, then we need
to convert it to HP as that is how we look at things in the
NEC world.
Say the P&ID lists the required motor value at 18BHP. What
do I do now?
Assumption #1. The motor BHP is 85% of motor
nameplate HP
This assumption is based upon the fact the motor starting
curve has to be greater than the load curve to be able to
accelerate the equipment up to full speed.
This assumption is also based on API 610 Table 12 middle

The rule of thumb is the motor nameplate HP should be
about 10 15% above process required BHP.

The corollary is:-
Assumption #2. The motor nameplate HP is 115% of BHP
This assumption is based upon the fact the motor starting
curve has to be greater than the load curve to be able to
accelerate the equipment up to full speed.
This assumption is also based on API 610 Table 12 middle

Assumption 1 & 2 are valid since we do not size motors: the

pump vendor does. They tell us the correct size after the PO
is placed and certified data is received. Until then
everything is preliminary and all we are trying to do is get
into the ballpark.

Say the P&ID lists the required motor value at 18BHP. What
do I do now?
Assumption #2. The motor nameplate HP is 115% of BHP
Therefore 18BHP X 1.15 = 20.7HP
Our preliminary NEMA frame motor would be 25HP as it is
the nearest standard NEMA frame motor above the
calculated 20.7 value.

However, I would be willing to bet that there is some vendor

out there that could use a 20HP motor to do the job. But I
do the 25HP as that is per our design guidelines.

ELL More Columns
Pushing along. Im taking the equipment data off the P&IDs
in drawing order.
A & B motors

P-421102A ORF FEED PUMP 20-0032-01 HP 40.0 X 0.85 1.00

P-421102B ORF FEED PUMP 20-0032-01 HP 40.0 X 0.85 0.10
P-421103A GF RECYCLE PUMP 20-0032-01 HP 15.0 X 0.85 1.00
P-421103B GF RECYCLE PUMP 20-0032-01 HP 15.0 X 0.85 0.10
P-421104A GF FROTH PUMP 20-0032-01 HP 3 X 0.85 1.00
P-421104B GF FROTH PUMP 20-0032-01 HP 3 X 0.85 0.10

New terms:
1. CIS
2. Load Factor
3. Diversity (yep, Im dropping the word factor)

It is customary to classify all electrical loads as either
Continuous, Intermittent or Standby mode. This mode
classification is purely arbitrary and is not based on any
recognized or approved standard. However, continuous and
intermittent modes are remarkably similar to the NFPA 70
definitions. But NFPA 70 has nothing remotely close for
standby mode.

The practice of classifying items as Continuous,

Intermittent or Standby has become entrenched in the
Petro/Chem world without any clear guidance or

Continuous Load
Continuous loads are usually defined as those that normally
operate continuously for long periods of time.

Connection Practices
If there is an A, B & C motor, it is typical to consider the
A & B motors as continuous and the C motor as standby.
If there is an A & B motor, it is typical to consider all A
motors as continuous loads and all B motors as standby
If there is a single motor or load, after consultation with
process, it shall be designated as continuous or intermittent
load. Single motors or loads cannot be in standby mode.

Intermittent Load
Intermittent loads are usually defined as those loads that
normally operate a fraction of a 24 hour period. The exact
period of time is usually not defined or noted.

Dont get mixed up with Intermittent duty motors.

In the Petro/Chem world

we always go with
continuous duty motors
for all motor operations.

Standby Load
Standby loads are usually defined as those loads that are off
but ready to run. The most common standby use being
illustrated as follows. If there is an A & B motor, it is
typical to consider all A motors as continuous loads and all
B motors as standby loads.

Operation Practices
Under normal circumstances, the only time an A & B
motor would run at the same time is during transition from
using the A pump to using the B pump: as in the following
A pump is running; turn on B pump resulting in A & B
pump running at the same time; then shutting down the A
pump leaving only the B pump running. The time period
that A & B pumps are running at the same time is usually
of a very short duration.
Load Factor (LF)
IEEE Std 141-1993 (Red Book) Clause says Load
Factor: The ratio of the average load over a designated
period of time to the peak load occurring in that period.
Note that although not part of the official definition, the
term load factor is used by some utilities and others to
describe the equivalent number of hours per period of the
peak or average demand must prevail in order to produce
the total energy consumption for the period.

In the Petro/Chem world the LF definition is

modified/changed to read as follows. The ratio of the
process BHP value to the motor HP nameplate value. For
other loads the load factor is assumed to be 100%.

NOTE: This document uses the unofficial Petro/Chem

version of load factor (LF). 28
Load Factor (LF) Cont.
Say the P&ID lists the required motor value of 18BHP to
achieve maximum process capacity, and our calculation
says the provided motor will be 25HP, then the following

Load Factor (LF) = (18/25) = 0.72

This LF value shall continue to be used until final certified

data is provided. But by then the electrical equipment is
bought, installed and close to full operation.

Load Factor (LF) Cont.
Say the P&ID lists the motor as 25HP to achieve maximum
process capacity . Then we assume the Load factor (LF) is
0.85. Which means we are assuming the motor to be
operating at 21.25BHP.

Our default approach is to use a load factor (LF) of 0.85.

This goes back to Assumption 1 & 2 previously stated.

Therefore, having the BHP can make a difference to the


Diversity (D)
IEEE Std 141-1993 (Red Book) Clause says
Diversity Factor: The ratio of the sum of the individual
non-coincident maximum demands of various subdivisions
of the system to the maximum demand of the complete
system. The diversity factor is always 1 or greater. The
(unofficial) term diversity, as distinguished from diversity
factor refers to the percent time available that a machine,
piece of equipment, or facility has its maximum or normal
load or demand (i.e. a 70% diversity means that the device
in question operates at its nominal or maximum load level
70% of the time that it is connected and turned on).

NOTE: This document uses the unofficial term and

definition of diversity (D)

Diversity (D) Cont.
At the moment there is no technical agreement as to the
value of D, or to its application across Continuous,
Intermittent and Standby loads, or to the values used
during Feasibility (FEP-1), Concept (FEP-2) and Detailed
Scope (FEP-3).

The problem is the EPC company is trying to get long lead

electrical equipment on order based on preliminary and
best guess data. If the EPC company selects high D values,
they will be safe and conservative. But more than likely
incurring higher CAPEX and ongoing OPEX costs. Both not
good for the client.

So, what do you do???

Ask the client or make it up and document it. 32

Diversity (D) Cont.
Continuous Mode - Diversity (DC)

Continuous loads have a pretty clear definition as it has to

do with loads that are continuously running. Therefore,
continuous loads are assigned a diversity of 100% as

DC = 1.00

Diversity (D) Cont.
Intermittent Mode - Diversity (DI)

Intermittent loads are a challenge. The two referenced

documents use a intermittent diversity of 50%.
1. So, where does 50% come from?
2. What is the underlying justification?
3. Or, what operating mode at the plant would have all
intermittent loads at 50%?
4. Are we doing a copy without thinking?
5. Or, is it all about conservatism and CYA?

Im thinking this way

Diversity (D) Cont.
Intermittent Mode - Diversity (DI)

Defining the operation point with the following.

1. DI for lighting panels, DI = 50% (day/night)

2. DI for receptacle panels, DI = 5% (little usage)
3. DI for mixed usage panels, DI = 30% (little maintenance)
4. DI for UPS & DC systems, DI = 5% (ripple charging )
5. DI for welding receptacles, DI = 5% (nothing going on)
6. DI for HVAC, DI = 50% (two units)
7. DI for Heat tracing, DI = 50% (part time usage)

And so on as needed and identified.

Diversity (D) Cont.
Standby Mode - Diversity (DS)

Standby loads should be simple: but aren't. The two

referenced documents use a standby diversity of 10%.
1. So, where does 10% come from?
2. What is the underlying justification?
3. Or, what operating mode at the plant would have all
standby loads at 10%?
4. Are we doing a copy without thinking?
5. Or, is it all about conservatism and CYA?

Im thinking this way Standby loads are at 0.0% as they

are not running.

Load Criticality
You will notice that I am avoiding the topic of Load
Criticality which are normally considered to be as follows.
1. Normal Loads
2. Essential Loads
3. Critical Loads

Stepping Back a Moment
Lets step back a moment. What are we trying to do?
1. We are trying to size electrical equipment to provide a
safe operating environment for the personnel using the
2. And provide a cost effective solution to the problem at

Load Formulas (MNRL) #1

Load Formulas (MNRL) #2

More conservatism, more CYA, more cost.

Load Formulas (MD)

Load Formulas (CD)

Motor Data
Moving on



20-0032-01 HP 40.0 X 0.85 1.00 1.15 52.0 0.86 0.94

20-0032-01 HP 40.0 X 0.85 0.10 1.15 52.0 0.86 0.94
20-0032-01 HP 15.0 X 0.85 1.00 1.15 21.0 0.86 0.91
20-0032-01 HP 15.0 X 0.85 0.10 1.15 21.0 0.86 0.91
20-0032-01 HP 3 X 0.85 1.00 1.15 4.8 0.80 0.86
20-0032-01 HP 3 X 0.85 0.10 1.15 4.8 0.80 0.86

Two Questions.
Question #10. Why do I need a SF of 1.15 when I have a LF of
0.72? Is it physically possible to push the motor into the SF
Question #11. If I want the project to be per the NEC, what
does that mean for motor data? Where do I go to keep in
compliance with the NEC? 43
Motor Data Cont.
The following is per the 2014 NEC. Note, no Eff or PF.
460V MOTOR FLA FROM NEC TABLE 430-250 Electrical Design Criteria says to
1.1 comply with NEC.
460 3/4 1.6
460 1 2.1 But is this really what I shall be buying?
460 1 1/2 3.0
460 2 3.4 If my standard is to get API 841
motors, what values do I use? And how
460 7 1/2 11.0 close are they to the NEC?
460 10 14.0
460 15 21.0
460 20 27.0
460 25 34.0
460 30 40.0
460 40 52.0
460 50 65.0
460 60 77.0
460 75 96.0
460 100 124.0
460 125 156.0
460 150 180.0
460 200 240.0

Motor Data Cont.
Taken from Siemens 2015-D81.2 NEMA Motors Catalog
Siemens SD100 IEEE 841 NEMA Premium AL Rotor
HP RPM Frame Voltage FLA Nom Eff PF PF calculated. Also note
the difference from NEC
2 1800 145T 460 2.80 86.50 0.77 ampacity.
3 1800 182T 460 4.00 89.50 0.78
5 1800 184T 460 6.50 89.50 0.80
Motors operate at
15 1800 254T 460 19.00 92.40 0.80 maximum process
93.60 0.83
capacity, not nameplate,
30 1800 286T 460 35.00 93.60 0.86 so what do we do?
40 1800 324T 460 46.00 94.10 0.87
50 1800 326T 460 58.00 94.50 0.85
60 1800 364T 460 68.00 95.00 0.87
75 1800 365T 460 85.00 95.40 0.87
100 1800 405T 460 113.00 95.40 0.87
125 1800 444T 460 143.00 95.40 0.86
150 1800 445T 460 170.00 95.80 0.86
200 1800 447T 460 226.00 96.20 0.86

Motor Data Cont.

Linear Interpolation
If the two known points are given by
the coordinates and , the linear
interpolant is the straight line
between these points. For a value x in
the interval , the value y along the
straight line is given from the

The key point being along the straight line. If the line is not
straight, then this formula is of no use.
Some people use linear interpolation when calculating
motor power factor and efficiency at maximum process
capacity. Since the power factor and efficiency curve are
not straight, then a degree of error is introduced. 46
Motor Data Cont.

Table 1
Taken from the P&IDs
Row ID Description P&ID HP KVA
1 P-101A Bottoms Sump Pump D-101-10001A 7
2 P-101B Bottoms Sump Pump D-101-10001A 7
3 P-102A Bottoms End Pump D-101-10001A 13
4 P-102B Bottoms End Pump D-101-10001A 13
5 P-103A Recycle Pump D-101-10001B 77
6 P-103B Recycle Pump D-101-10001B 77
7 P-104 Sump Pump D-101-10002C 33
8 P-105 Sump Bottoms Pump D-101-10003A 130
9 HTR-001 Heater 001 D-102-10001A 50
10 HTR-002 Heater 002 D-102-10001B 75

Table 2
Add in Non-P&ID data
Row ID Description P&ID HP KVA KVA
1 P-101A Bottoms Sump Pump D-101-10001A 7
2 P-101B Bottoms Sump Pump D-101-10001A 7
3 P-102A Bottoms End Pump D-101-10001A 13
4 P-102B Bottoms End Pump D-101-10001A 13
5 P-103A Recycle Pump D-101-10001B 77
6 P-103B Recycle Pump D-101-10001B 77
7 P-104 Sump Pump D-101-10002C 33
8 P-105 Sump Bottoms Pump D-101-10003A 130
9 HTR-001 Heater 001 D-102-10001A 50
10 HTR-002 Heater 002 D-102-10001B 75
11 LP-001 Lighting Panel 50
12 LP-002 Lighting Panel 50
13 UPS-001 Inst UPS 45
14 DC-001 DC Power 30
15 FDR-001A Control Building Power 500
16 FDR-001B Control Building Power 500
17 LP-003 Lighting Panel 20
18 LP-004 Lighting Panel 20
19 HVAC-001 HVAC Unit #1 100
20 HVAC-002 HVAC Unit #2 100

Table 2 Cont.
For non-process loads it is customary to use the
transformer size associated with the load.
Again, this customary method can result in a large electrical
load associated with panels. This load will not be known
until the design is done and the panel loads are summated.
This summation usually occurs long after the equipment PO
is placed resulting in oversized electrical equipment.

Linear Interpolation
See the difference between eyeballing and calculated linear
BK PF PF PF PF PF Eff Eff Eff Eff Eff Guar
HP HP RPM 50% 60% 75% 80% 100% 50% 60% 75% 80% 100% Min
7 10 1755 63.80 67.00 76.20 78.00 81.70 91.70 91.95 92.20 91.95 91.70 90.20
13 20 1770 65.30 69.00 75.90 76.50 80.50 93.10 93.25 93.40 93.25 93.00 91.70
33 40 1780 75.00 78.00 83.00 83.50 86.00 94.30 94.18 94.10 94.10 94.10 93.60
77 100 1780 80.00 82.50 86.00 86.40 87.00 95.80 95.95 96.00 95.70 95.40 95.00
130 200 1785 76.00 78.50 84.00 84.80 86.00 96.20 96.35 96.50 96.37 96.20 95.80

Linear Interpolation
BK PF PF PF PF PF Eff Eff Eff Eff Eff Guar
HP HP RPM 50% 60% 75% 80% 100% 50% 60% 75% 80% 100% Min
7 10 1755 63.80 68.76 76.20 78.40 81.70 91.70 91.90 92.20 92.40 91.70 90.20
13 20 1770 65.30 69.54 75.90 77.74 80.50 93.10 93.22 93.40 93.56 93.00 91.70
33 40 1780 75.00 78.20 83.00 84.20 86.00 94.30 94.38 94.10 94.10 94.10 93.60
77 100 1780 80.00 82.40 86.00 86.40 87.00 95.80 95.88 96.00 96.24 95.40 95.00
130 200 1785 76.00 79.20 84.00 84.80 86.00 96.20 96.32 96.50 96.62 96.20 95.80

Non-Rotating Loads
For non-rotating loads we are assuming Eff = 100% and the
PF is assumed to be 85%.

The assumed 85% PF could be too low as it is easy to find PF

references as follows.

Incandescent lamps & heaters ------------ 1.0

Fluorescent & Merc. Vapor lamps ------ 0.5 - 0.95

Therefore it might be more accurate to use a PF of 90% or

higher depending on the number and size of lights and

ELL Cont.
Adding in more data to the load list.

Row ID Description P&ID Voltage BK HP KVA HP MODE D LF PF EFF

1 P-101A Bottoms Sump Pump D-101-10001A 460 7 10 C 100% 70.00% 76.20% 92.20%
2 P-101B Bottoms Sump Pump D-101-10001A 460 7 10 S 0% 70.00% 76.20% 92.20%
3 P-102A Bottoms End Pump D-101-10001A 460 13 20 C 100% 65.00% 79.22% 92.75%
4 P-102B Bottoms End Pump D-101-10001A 460 13 20 S 0% 65.00% 76.22% 92.75%
5 P-103A Recycle Pump D-101-10001B 460 77 100 C 100% 77.00% 86.40% 95.78%
6 P-103B Recycle Pump D-101-10001B 460 77 100 S 0% 77.00% 86.40% 95.78%
7 P-104 Sump Pump D-101-10002C 460 33 50 I 10% 66.00% 85.22% 93.08%
8 P-105 Sump Bottoms Pump D-101-10003A 460 130 200 I 15% 65.00% 88.10% 96.76%
9 HTR-001 Heater 001 D-102-10001A 480 50 I 20% 100% 85% 100%
10 HTR-002 Heater 002 D-102-10001B 480 75 I 25% 100% 85% 100%
11 LP-001 Lighting Panel 480 50 I 50% 100% 85% 100%
12 LP-002 Lighting Panel 480 50 I 50% 100% 85% 100%
13 UPS-001 Inst UPS 480 45 C 3% 100% 85% 100%
14 DC-001 DC Power 480 30 C 3% 100% 85% 100%
15 FDR-001A Control Building Power 480 400 I 40% 100% 85% 100%
16 FDR-001B Control Building Power 480 400 I 40% 100% 85% 100%
17 LP-003 Lighting Panel 480 20 I 100% 100% 85% 100%
18 LP-004 Lighting Panel 480 20 I 100% 100% 85% 100%
19 HVAC-001 HVAC Unit #1 480 100 I 75% 100% 85% 100%
20 HVAC-002 HVAC Unit #2 480 100 I 75% 100% 85% 100%

480V MCCs
480V MCCs, bus duct/or feeder cables are sized by
following NEC 430:24 Several Motors or a Motor(s) and
Other Load(s) for the feeder conductors. That also dictates
the 480V step-down xfmr. It better be able to provide for
the load.

480V MCCs come in standard sizes (depending on vendor).

600A ,800A, 1200A, 1600A, 2000A, 2500A, 3200A, &

On a greenfield project I would go up to 80% of ampacity

rating. Brownfield is up to 90% of ampacity rating.

Also depends on available physical space.

480V MCCs Cont.
So, what is your design criteria? What value are you going
to use to size the 480V MCC? Below are two possible

What does your design criteria document say?

Note: Totally Connected Load (TCL) is not part of this


Say I have four 480V MCCs, each with a MD of 880A. The
EPC people say go with 1200A MCCs, I selected 1600A
because that is standard at the facility.
The EPC says the standard approach is to use 480V swgr in
a M-T-M configuration to power the MCCs.
The EPC people put 2 X MCCs on side A and 2 X MCCs on
side B of the 480V swgr. The goal is to continue balancing
out the loads. Now, how to size the swgr bus?

a. Bus = 4 * 1600A = 6,400A - do they make this???

b. Bus = 4 * 1200A = 4,800A - go with 5,000A bus
c. Bus = 4 * 880A = 3,520A - 3,600A is close so go with
4,000A bus

The End.

Thank you for your attention and

are there any questions?


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