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Secondary Mathematics

Task 3: Assessment Commentary


Respond to the prompts below (no more than 10 single-spaced pages, including prompts) by typing your responses within
the brackets following each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts. Commentary pages exceeding the maximum will not be
scored. Attach the assessment you used to evaluate student performance (no more than 5 additional pages) to the end of this
file. If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly
heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of this file. These pages
do not count toward your page total.

1. Analyzing Student Learning

a. Identify the specific learning objectives measured by the assessment you chose for
[ On this assessment students will be asked to: Analyze segment bisectors and be able to apply
the term bisector, identify the coordinates of the midpoint of a segment using the midpoint
formula, analyze and apply previous knowledge of segment bisectors to angle bisectors,
understand and be able to identify an angle bisector and congruent angles and be able to solve
for variables in angles, define adjacent, complementary and supplementary angles, use and
apply theorems such as the vertical angles theorem, identify linear pairs and their properties by
applying it to diagrams, apply properties of equality and congruency by being able to justify
when to use the reflexive, symmetric, and transitive properties, and be able to identify which
property is being used when drawing conclusion. There will be breakdown of the concepts that
are covered seen in the evaluation criteria.]
b. Provide a graphic (table or chart) or narrative that summarizes student learning for your
whole class. Be sure to summarize student learning for all evaluation criteria submitted
in Assessment Task 3, Part D.

Chapter 2 -Integrated Geometry: Problem Breakdown

Percentage Correct


= Cut off line

Problems on the Exam
In this chart above the problems on the test are broken down to reflect the topics that were
covered on the exam, those topics can be found in the evaluation criteria in part D. All of the
students scores were combined for each problem and they were turned into a percentage.
This means, for example, if we look at problems 1 and 2 that 78 percent of students got this

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Secondary Mathematics
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

question correct, or scored highly on this question on the exam. The red line that is seen
across the chart in roughly the 75th percentile is the mark that determines if any of the topics
reflected by the problems need to be retaught. This means, if the class as a whole scored
less than 75% on a specific topic that it will be retaught to the entire class. Thus, as seen in
the chart we can see that the topics reflected by problems 1-2/6-9, 14-15, 16-20, 21-22, 29-
30 will need to be all gone over and discussed again. The specific topics for each problems
4 pts. Problems: 1-2: Analyzing segments
9 pts. Problems: 3-5: Midpoint formula
10 pts. Problems 6-9: Analyzing angles
14 pts. Problems: 1-2, 6-9: Using the definition of bisect
6 pts. Problems 10-13: Using the definitions of complementary and supplementary
10 pts. Problems: 14-15: Creating an equation equal and setting it equal to 180 degrees.
44 pts. Problems: 6-9, 14-15, 29-30: Solving for a variable
8 pts. Problems: 16-20: Applying the definitions of linear pairs and vertical angles
8 pts. Problems: 21-22: Creating if-then statements from a true statement.
2 pts. Problem 23: Applying the Laws of Logic
5 pts. Problems 24-38: Definitions of the Properties of Equality
24 pts. Problems 29-30: 2 column proofs
The highlighted lines are the topics that are seen in the chart where students scored less
than 75%.]
c. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to
analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or
individual learners relative to
conceptual understanding,
procedural fluency, AND
mathematical reasoning and/or problem-solving skills.
Consider what students understand and do well, and where they continue to struggle
(e.g., preconceptions, common errors, common struggles, confusions, and/or need for
greater challenge).
[ Looking over the assessments and analyzing them as a whole class which can be seen in the
chart there are several concepts that need to be reviewed in the class, these are the highlighted
concepts above. Comparing the class as a whole and just the three focus students, they
struggled with the same topics, so the concepts that need to be reviewed will benefit the focus
students as well as the whole class. A common mistake among all the exams was making sure
they used to proper symbols and definitions where they were supposed to, this shows me that
the students need to work on their precision and confidence when it comes to labeling. Students
also need to work on recognizing what the problems are asking so they are answering correctly.
Another common error was when they need to follow the procedures in proofs to make sure
they are getting to the correct solution by justifying each step. Students do very well at solving
problems, however when they need to justify each step they get caught up in which definitions
and concepts to apply. Many students get confused when they have to justify steps because its
something they have never had to do before, they are commonly used to just solving and
getting one solution, they dont know why they have to justify addition or subtraction when to
them it seems like something so simple. With this said, the procedural fluency needs to be
revisited when it comes to writing proofs. Students often want one correct answer, and when it

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Secondary Mathematics
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

comes to proofs there are correct proofs, however sometimes there are multiple ways to get to
the solution. The students need to strengthen their understanding by practicing different ways to
solve the same problems, and this is perfect when it comes to proofs, however, they should be
able to recognize when one method may work easier or more quickly then another. Finally,
students are doing really well with their problem solving skills, especially when it comes to
solving for variables. While, their score is only slightly above 75%, as seen on the students
examples many of the points that were taken off were on slight errors such as mistaking a plus
for a minus, or a minor algebra error. This comes back to the procedural fluency, students need
to remember one of the last steps that they should do is go back and check their work, and
often times, they will find their errors on their own and not get them wrong on their exams.
Students will always be struggling with something each exam, thats why its so important to
analyze what the whole class is struggling with and compare that to individual students. If only
one student is struggling with a concept it will benefit the class to have that one student come in
for one on one help, and continue on to other questions that most of the class has. This chart
also helps the teacher be prepared with questions to walk through with the students. If a teacher
didnt have this data and asked the class if they had questions, they may not ask any questions.
However, if the teacher knows that students scored less than 75% on certain problems she can
automatically throw one of those problems on the board and know that they are benefitting the
students. ]
d. If a video or audio work sample occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), provide the
name of the clip and clearly describe how the scorer can identify the focus student(s)
(e.g., position, physical description) whose work is portrayed.
[ No clip will be provided, the feedback can be seen on the student work samples. ]
2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning
Refer to specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanations.
a. Identify the format in which you submitted your evidence of feedback for the 3 focus
students. (Delete choices that do not apply.)
Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the
focus students
If a video or audio clip of feedback occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), clearly
describe how the scorer can identify the focus student (e.g., position, physical
description) who is being given feedback.
[ On the student work samples the teachers feedback is clearly written in red ink on the exams. ]
b. Explain how feedback provided to the 3 focus students addresses their individual
strengths and needs relative to the learning objectives measured.
[ All of the students in this class have different strengths and weaknesses. Part of being a
teacher is being able to recognize these and provide assistance to these students as these
topics come up in the different chapters. For this particular exam a variety of topics are seen,
including some topics that are a little out of the ordinary for a math class. This can specifically
be seen on the student #1 assessment. This particular student is very strong at the general
math concepts including calculations, working with numbers, solving for variables, etc., however
as seen in problems 21 and 22 the student struggles with the logic component of the exam. This
specific section asks the students to look at math from more of an English perspective as they
are asked to write logical if-then statements. The feedback given to student #1 on the
assessment is very heavily seen on these two problems (21 and 22) due to the fact that they
struggle with the sentences. Any other feedback on the exam is minor due to the students

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Secondary Mathematics
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

strong ability when dealing with numbers. It can also be seen that the other problems that had
errors were just minor mistakes such as writing a positive where a negative should have been,
or just skipping over a step that should be written down, but getting the end result correct
because they are able to solve for the correct answer without actually writing down the whole
process. However, even though the student got the correct answer, part of writing proofs is
making sure you justify each step, so while a correct answer shows that they know the end
result, the student loses points for the lack of justification. Moving on to Student #2 it can be
seen that this student is good at solving for variables in equations, they do make minor errors
like student #1 where they mix up a plus or minus sign which throws off their answer, however
when it comes to the vocabulary words and applying vocabulary concepts they struggle.
Student #2 has an IEP which states that they have a hard time with processing, vocabulary and
conceptual understanding. This can be seen on the exam on basically every problem that the
student got points taken off on. On problems 2, 16, 19, 20, 24, and 26 definitions are key to
understanding where to go with the problem. If the student knows these definitions they will be
able to complete the problems without any issues, however as seen, they struggle with trying to
understand what the problem is asking. On problem 2, the student isnt understanding the term
bisect which tells us that the two segments are congruent, on problem 15, the student is lacking
knowledge on what substitution means, problem 16-20 asks the student to recognize what a
linear pair is and apply the concept of vertical angles, and last, 24 and 26 it can be seen that the
student mixes up the symmetric and reflexive properties. Definitions are stressed in class as an
important part of understanding the concepts in the chapters. The feedback on student #2s
assessment will hopefully let the student know that they need to pay more attention to the
vocabulary and use it as a guide to answering problems on the next exam. Lastly, we take a
look at student #3, this student also has an IEP and is placed in this class due to the fact that
math does not come easily. This student also receives additional math support during the day in
ADSIS, which is alternative delivery of specialized instructional services. As seen on this
students exam there is feedback all over. The specific concepts that this student seems to
understand are the complementary and supplementary angles, the laws of logic, and segment
bisectors. Any topics besides these few the student is struggling with. It can be seen in
feedback that the student struggles with vocabulary, angles, midpoints, formulas, logic
sentence, setting up equations and solving for variables, often it doesnt look like the student
knows where to start with a problem. When I see a student that struggles like this it makes me
wonder if they are reading the directions completely or just skimming them. As seen on
problems 21 and 22 the student didnt underline or circle like they were supposed to, this is just
lack of going back and checking your work and making sure you did all the steps that were
asked. One of the main parts that this student struggled with is writing the proofs and being able
to justify why each step is happening. A big part of this is knowing the definitions of the reasons
that are used for justifying the steps. These three students all have strengths and weaknesses,
although student #3 didnt score highly on the exam, they did do a lot of things right, and its
important that they see that, on the flip side, its important that even the higher scoring student
which is student #1, sees that even though they got an A on the exam that there is still plenty
of room for improvement. ]
c. Describe how you will support each focus student to understand and use this feedback
to further their learning related to learning objectives, either within the learning segment
or at a later time.
[ As stated above it doesnt matter what the student got as a grade, there can always be
improvement. For these three students, as well as the whole class, the test will be gone over in
class and each problem will be explained, any students who have questions or want a deeper
explanation on any problem may do that. As seen at the top of student #1s exam they are
reminded to go back and check their work. Some of the errors that are seen are from not going

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Secondary Mathematics
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

back and checking math or checking problems for completeness before turning in the exam.
Student #2 is reminded to study the vocabulary words in hopes that for the next exam they
spend a little more time studying the words and are able to apply those definitions to the
problems when they start to struggle. Student #3 will need a little more help and motivation from
then other two. This student will be asked to come in and go over the test individually with the
teacher in hopes to understand where they went wrong and relearn some of the concepts that
they struggled on. The student will also be asked to retake the test when they feel comfortable
with the material and feel that they can improve their score. Since student #3 is also and IEP
student they will be given additional support in the study hall by their paraprofessional. Each of
these students will get feedback given to them on their exams and they are expected to go
through and look at the feedback and try to understand what they did wrong. Students should
always have a goal of something to work on. Many students will look at their grade and see if
they passed or didnt pass and then never look at their test again. All of these students should
be asked to review their problems and learn from their mistakes. I believe that each student is
able to improve their scores with the appropriate support, some may need more guidance than
others, however each exam should be turned into a learning opportunity, not just handed back
and given to the students and never discussed again. ]
3. Evidence of Language Understanding and Use
When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the clip(s) and/or
student work samples as evidence. Evidence from the clip(s) may focus on one or more

You may provide evidence of students language use from ONE, TWO, OR ALL
THREE of the following sources:
1. Use the video clip(s) from Instruction Task 2 and provide time-stamp
references for evidence of language use.
2. Submit an additional video file named Language Use of no more than
5 minutes in length and cite language use (this can be footage of one or more
students language use). Submit the clip in Assessment Task 3, Part B.
3. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and cite
language use.

a. Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which your students were able
to use or struggled to use the
selected language function,
vocabulary and/or symbols, AND
mathematical precision, discourse, or syntax
to develop content understandings.
[ Vocabulary played a very big role on this particular exam. Student who struggled with
understanding the definitions of the vocabulary words and applying the definitions to problems
performed poorly on this assessment. Throughout the exam students were asked to use a
variety of language functions, the main one students struggled with was when they were asked
to show their reasons, or justify each step for solving a mathematical equation. This is
specifically seen in problems 29 and 30 on the assessment. As seen in the chart of the problem

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Secondary Mathematics
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

breakdown the whole class scored less than 75% on these problems on the exam, which means
the concept of justifying their steps will be retaught and gone over in class again. For the three
focus students as well as the whole class, and in previous classes proofs are always a struggle
for students, they seem to understand how to solve for a variable however, when it comes to
justifying the steps they struggle with what respond with. Something so simple like adding a
number, which they know how to do, needs justification, and to these students they just know to
add a number because they have always been taught to, they dont know the reason behind
knowing to add a number to both sides of the equation. Like stated before vocabulary is seen
throughout this exam, the definitions of words such as: bisect, midpoint, complement,
supplement, substitution, linear pair, vertical angles, hypothesis, conclusion, and all the
properties of equality appear someplace on the exam. This means, if students decided to ignore
the definition quizzes that were given in the learning segment, or choose to not copy down the
definitions in class they may have struggled with the problems where these definitions came up.
In a math class its very hard for students to understand to there are definitions and sentences
that have such an importance in the understanding of math concepts. Students often feel like
vocabulary is for an English class, not a math class. As the year goes on hopefully students will
start to see just how much vocabulary can help them through an exam or homework when the
get stuck on a problem. Another important component of exams is making sure students know
how to use mathematical precision, discourse, and syntax. Throughout the exam it is very
important that students know they have to be very precise in math and use the correct syntax.
On several of the problems on the exam students are asked to use degrees to label, make sure
they write coordinates with parentheses and a comma in between, they need to recognize how
we write equations and do them correctly, such as making sure the variable always comes first
when writing a solution. Part of a math class is making sure students gain the knowledge they
need to pursue a career that may include math. Students need to realize that math isnt sloppy,
you have to write solutions accurately and be precise with your solutions. As seen on the
student work samples, students do get points off for lacking parentheses, or degree symbols, if
they dont write something correctly they will lose partial credit. Since its still the beginning of
the year students will pick up on this more as the year goes on, however its something that a
teacher is constantly reminding students to do and always something that can use
improvement. ]
4. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompts 1bc, describe next
steps for instruction to impact student learning:
For the whole class
For the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs
Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different
strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners,
struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic
knowledge, and/or gifted students needing greater support or challenge).
[ Based on my analysis of student learning the whole class is going to need some review on
specific topics before moving on to the next chapter. The chapter that this learning segment and
assessment was on contains information that is needed for the next chapters and the rest of the
book. This means, if the students are lacking this information they will be confused for the rest
of the year until they can figure it out. As a teacher, we know that we cant leave it up to
students to go back and try to relearn the information they struggled with, so we need to be
open to re-teaching this information. As seen in the chart above the whole class struggled with a

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Secondary Mathematics
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

few topics. These topics will need to be reviewed and gone over again in class. While other
questions may come up, these are the problems based on the whole classes student learning
that they struggled with the most. Therefore, since most students struggled with these topics it
will benefit most of the class to review these together and make a lesson over them. One of the
lower scoring topics for the exam was the logical sentences and the proof statements, both of
these concepts are usually hard topics for students. Due to the fact that they involve a lot of
writing they take a little more time to learn for students, especially for those students that
struggle with writing to begin with. Looking ahead the next chapter also deals with proofs and
any theorems we discuss are all written in the form of logical arguments. This means, among all
the topics that students struggled with, these two need to be reviewed more in depth and
perhaps retested on in order to benefit the whole class and prepare them for the rest of the
year. These topics will have to be retaught in order for students to understand how they were
used in this learning segment, and then they will have to be retaught in order for students to
understand how to reuse them in the next chapter. Students will be made aware that these
topics are going to keep coming up and being reused, so hopefully they will understand that
they cant just learn these topics to try to pass a single test, they need to know them in depth so
they can keep applying them in the rest of the chapters in the book. Moving on to the 3 focus
students, as stated before student #3 will be asked to come in and go over his exam with the
teacher, this is just simply so the teacher knows that the student is taking time to look at what
problems was wrong and give the student time to think about any other questions they may
have. Its easier for some students to ask questions when they are working one on one with a
teacher rather than raising their hand in the middle of class. This student will also be asked to
retake the test once they feel they have reviewed and relearned the information well enough.
For this particular student I believe they will want to retake the test and have a drive to do better,
however for some other students in the class its sad to say that some of them just dont care
what their grades are. With this said, the only beneficial information they may get is what is
retaught in the classroom review, because some of the other students will never come in to go
over their tests. For student #2 and student #1, they will be asked to make corrections with the
rest of the class and perhaps be given another review assignment that will help go over some of
the problems and concepts that they got wrong. So even though I made corrections on the
exams, they will be given their missed problems on a different worksheet and be asked to do
them over so they dont just copy the work that I walked them through. Each student in the class
will be given an opportunity to come in for help or ask questions as they want to, and every
student that scored below a 75% will be allowed to retake the test if they choose. Looking at the
fact that this class consists of many students who are on IEPs or 504 plans they will have math
specific review days in their special education room where I will go over and work with the
paraprofessionals to walk them through the information they may have missed, and work with
them and provide additional one on one time in school. With this group of students its important
to recognize their backgrounds and understand that not all students will be able to stay after
school to get additional help, so it takes some careful planning to find out where and when their
study halls are and make sure they have the resources there for them so they can try to make
up the missed information. In student teaching so far I have noticed that it benefits the student
to work very closely with their paraprofessionals because they get a lot more one on one time
with the students then you do as a teacher. I try to make sure I can provide the
paraprofessionals extra notes or examples to go through with the students when they have
math time. Since the students have an adult that is able to help them its important that they
utilize this additional help. ]
b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of student learning. Support your
explanation with principles from research and/or theory.

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Secondary Mathematics
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

[ These next steps follow from my analysis of student learning due to the fact that the chart
shows that not all students are on board with all of the topics and concepts that they need to
know. So, like the chart says, if the class scores below a 75% on certain topics they will be
repeated. As seen on the chart there are 5 sections and concepts that the class will be
reviewing as a whole due to the scores that they got on the sections. As a teacher even though
a 75% is a C it doesnt take too much for that C to turn into a D which isnt a very good
grade. If we look at Blooms Taxonomy it is ideal that each student is able to move up the levels
of the pyramid in order to develop a deep conceptual understanding of the concepts that are in
the learning segment. Students cant skip levels and cant jump ahead, so if students are having
a hard time remembering which steps come first or remembering definitions they will never be
able to move up the pyramid to the top. The bottom three levels on the pyramid, remember,
understand, and apply, are the three most important, because if students cant do these three
they are never going to make it to the top. So on those concepts that the whole class scored
less then 75% on, they will need to start over from the level that they started to struggle on. For
example, those students that struggled with the definitions will need to start at the bottom level
and start to memorize and recall the facts that we know in order to use those definitions. Those
students that know the definitions need to be able to understand where we can use them and
when we can start to apply them in order to solve problems. Once students have the base three
levels it becomes easier for them to start to make connections among the topics and see how all
of this relates to each other and how it can be applied in the real world. When a teacher has to
reteach topics it can be very frustrating to go back and start at the beginning again, however its
important to realize what would happen down the road in a few months. The class can relearn
this information now, and review the small amount that they missed in class, or the pile of topics
that they struggle on will keep building, and then when it comes to a final there will be way more
that needs to be reviewed and retaught. Teaching requires scaffolding in order to prepare
students for what is coming up in the next chapters and the rest of the year, and reassuring
students that they will be using all of this information in the upcoming chapters so they make
sure they are learning it to understand and be able to apply instead of just learning it to
remember it for a test, and then forgetting it later. ]

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Integrated Geometry Name___________________________
Chapter 2 Test

Line n bisects the segment. Find the segment lengths.

1. Find KJ and KL. 2. Find PR and PQ.

KJ = __________ PR = __________

n KL = __________ n PQ = __________

17 5.7

Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB.

3. A(0, 0) 4. A(4, 7) 5. A(-3, -6)

B(8, 2) B(2, 13) B(5, 4)

Midpoint = _______________ Midpoint = _______________ Midpoint = _______________

QS bisects <PQR. Find the angle measures.

6. 7. S

11 S 121


m<SQR = __________ m<PQS = __________

m<PQR = __________ m<SQR = __________

EG bisects <DEF. Find the value of x.

8. D 9. D G


x = __________ x = __________

10. < C is a complement of < D, and m<C = 57.


11. < E is a complement of < F, and m<E = 9.5.

m<F = __________

12. < G is a supplement of < H, and m<G = 37.

m<H = __________

13. < L is a supplement of < M, and m<L = 114.5.

m<M = __________

Find the value of the variable. Then use substitution to find m<RSU and m<UST.

14. x = __________ 15. x = _________

m<RSU = __________ m<RSU = __________

m<UST = __________ m<UST = __________


13x 5x (4x+12) 2x
Find the measure of the angle described.

16. <1 and <2 are a linear pair, and m<1 = 47.
m<2 = __________

17. <5 and <6 are a vertical angles, and m<5 = 99.
m<6 = __________

Use the diagram to complete the statement.

18. m<JHL = _______
19. m<JHN = _______ J 60 M
20. m<KHP = _______

Rewrite the statement as an if-then statement.

Then underline the hypothesis and circle the conclusion.

21. All ripe tomatoes are red.


22. You will need an umbrella if it is raining.


Write the if-then statement that follows from the pair of true statements.

23. If you wash your uniform in bleach, then the colors will fade.
If the colors on your uniform fade, then you will have to buy a new one.

Match each example below with the correct property.

24. _____ AB = AB A. Division Property of Equality

25. _____ -5x = 35 B. Addition Property of Equality

-5 -5

26. _____ If AB = CD, Then CD = AB. C. Symmetric Property of Equality

27. _____ If HJ = KL, and KL = MN, D. Reflexive Property of Equality

Then HJ = MN

28. _____ x 8 = 32 E. Transitive Property of Equality

+ 8 +8

29. Solve the equation, showing each statement and reason for all steps.

-5(3x + 4) = 10x + 50

30. Solve for x, showing each statement and reason for all steps.

GIVEN: AC = 38 (2x+4) (3x-1)



1. AC = 38 1. Given

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

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