Bog Exam Reference Manual
Bog Exam Reference Manual
Bog Exam Reference Manual
Table of Contents
Advancing to Fellow..5
Examination Breakdown..8
Knowledge Areas...9
Mock Questions27
Scoring Info..37
Practice Exam...40
Policy Position
The value of a credential is linked to the credibility of the certifying organization and the
rigor of the credentialing process itself. To this end, ACHE believes a voluntary
credentialing program that bestows certification in healthcare management should
encompass requirements addressing:
Conduct periodic job analyses within the field to ensure the testing mechanism is
reflective of the frequency and importance of job-related tasks performed by
healthcare executives
Establish a passing point for the test that is reflective of professional competence,
reasonable and accepted in the psychometric community
Follow prescribed security procedures that protect the integrity of the testing
materials and the administration of the test
The Application
Three references are required from current ACHE Fellows. One of the
references must be a structured interview. A structured interview is a face-
to-face meeting or telephone call between the Fellow candidate and the
reference. During the interview, the reference should ask questions about
your competence, judgment, ethics and professionalism. The questions are
available to both the Fellow candidate and reference as part of the
Structured Interview Reference Form found in the Fellow application
Management Experience
Continuing Education
12 hours must be ACHE Face-to-Face credit. The remaining 24 hours
may be either ACHE Face-to-Face credit or ACHE Qualified
Education credit.
The Board of Governors Examination consists of 10 core knowledge areas. There are 230
questions on the Exam: 200 are scored and 30 are pretest questions. Candidates will have
up to six hours to complete the Exam. Each question has four possible answers and a
candidates score is based on the number of scored questions on the Examination. The
pretest questions do not affect a candidates score.
Pretest questions are included in order to evaluate them for possible use as scored
questions on future Examinations. The pretest questions are placed throughout the
Examination and cannot be identified during the Examination.
Since the intent is to measure competence, not "book learning," Exam questions
assess application of knowledge, not just recall of facts.
Considerable change in the healthcare delivery system over the last several years has
resulted in a broader ACHE membership base in terms of age, education, employment
and career path. The Board of Governors Exam must be fair and equitable to candidates
from these diverse backgrounds. It must meet stringent educational testing standards to
make sure that it is current and valid. To ensure that the Exam is valid, current and fair, it
is revised annually.
The revision process ensures that the credentialing program is fair to candidates from a
wide variety of healthcare management settings. A professional Examination service is
retained to assist the Examinations Committee with the development of the new Exam. In
addition, content experts in each of the 10 knowledge areas are contracted to develop new
Exam questions. The result is a carefully structured, fair and valid Examination that
addresses the needs of healthcare managers from a variety of backgrounds and settings.
The Board of Governors Examination in Healthcare Management (BOG)
Knowledge Areas
The most recent job analysis process used available documentation, interviews with
healthcare executives, subject matter experts (SMEs) workshops, and a survey of job
incumbents to describe the requirements of the healthcare executive. First, using prior job
analysis requirements and SME interviews, the Human Resources Research Organization
(HumRRO) job analysts drafted lists of tasks and knowledges, skills and abilities (KSAs).
The task and KSA lists were reviewed and revised by several SMEs via telephone
interviews. These lists were again reviewed and finalized by a group of SMEs during a
face-to-face workshop. In order to keep the survey at a reasonable length, only the KSAs
were incorporated into a web-based survey. The survey link was e-mailed to a stratified
random sample of ACHE members who were asked to rate the KSAs in terms of
importance. The results of the survey were translated into an updated test blueprint that
describes the knowledge content to be tested on each Exam as well as the relative weight
or proportion of test items in each content area.
10 Core Knowledge Areas
This area includes knowledge that pertains to specific areas/concepts of the
organization (e.g., marketing, business planning, strategic planning).
This area covers the planning, development, establishment, analysis and
assessment of financial management processes for an organizations capital,
budget, accounting and related reporting systems.
This area focuses on a broad range of organizations and professions involved in
the delivery of healthcare. Included are managed care models, healthcare trends
and ancillary services provided.
Human Resources
This area deals with assessing the need for and the supply of professional staff
and other personnel. Functions include recruitment, selection, training,
compensation and evaluation of such personnel and how to Examine ways of
evaluating productivity and monitory accountability for results.
This area covers general management principles (planning, organizing, directing
and controlling) to address overall organizational objectives.
9% 6%
Healthcare Technology and
15% Information Management
Quality and Performance
6% Improvement
17% Laws and Regulations
8% 7% Professionalism and Ethics
Do you know what to look for in a contract? Are you familiar with
marketing principles and tools?
18 Questions
Governance and Organizational Structure
What are the responsibilities of the Board of Directors? What is the structure of the
medical staff?
Governance and
Organizational Structure
12 Questions
Human Resources
Do you have knowledge of recruitment and selection techniques? Are you familiar with
compensation and benefits practices?
Human Resources
22 Questions
Are you aware of operating budget principles (i.e., zero-based, fixed)? Are you familiar
with healthcare reimbursement and ramifications?
22 Questions
Healthcare Technology and Information Management
Are you aware of technology security requirements? Are you familiar with the role and
function of information technology in operations?
Healthcare Technology
and Information
12 Questions
Quality and Performance Improvement
Are you familiar with benchmarking techniques? Do you have knowledge of risk
management principles and programs?
20 Questions
Laws and Regulations
Are you familiar with the various laws affecting healthcare? Do you have
knowledge of third party payment regulations?
14 Questions
Professionalism and Ethics
What are the patients rights and responsibilities? Do you know the role of the ethics
Professionalism and
16 Questions
What are the latest trends in healthcare? Are you familiar with the common healthcare
34 Questions
Management and Leadership
Do you have knowledge of contingency planning? Are you familiar with team building
30 Questions
The Following Comments Reflect Previous Test Takers Experiences
I studied alone due to the lack of a formal study group. I dont see studying alone
as a disadvantage other than that there is an absence of other perspectives. I used
the three texts recommended by ACHE and concentrated on The Well-Managed
Healthcare Organization by John Griffith. I also used the tutorial provided by
ACHE. Specifically, the questions and answers provided in the tutorial served as a
tool for review in the texts. The best advice I could offer is to set aside an hour
per day approximately four months prior to the test. I used the time to read
chapters, review sample questions, and take notes for further investigation. Two
weeks prior to the test date, I reviewed text only and concentrated on areas that I
knew were professionally challenging. The day before the Examination, I
leisurely thumbed through the texts, questions and answers, and other materials to
mentally prepare for the different topics. In summary, I dont think there is a
magic formula for studying for this Examination. Its difficult and requires a great
deal of knowledge, much of which is learned on the job. The text reading
requires self-discipline and a set pattern for studying. Finally, I carried one of the
texts with me on a daily basis. The book served as a reminder that passing the
Examination was a defining moment in my professional life.
Think globally as you read each question. Determine which answer best describes
the situation. Two or more answers may seem appropriate and could be justified,
but make sure you consider which one is most inclusive. Do not allow your past
experiences in a particular situation to cloud your decision when answering a
more global question. Read The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization
textbook. This textbook provides a good review of each management area covered
on the Exam. Keep abreast of articles in healthcare journals. Get a good nights
sleep before the Exam. You want to be alert. For areas that you are not familiar
with, find an expert in that area and ask him or her to give you a 15-minute update
on the current topics of interest in their area of expertise. For those considering
the computerized Exam, do not allow your fears of a computer to keep you from
taking the Exam. The program is very easy to use and allows you to mark
questions that you would like to review again at the end of the Exam. A huge plus
is that you get your results immediately.
My preparation strategy for the Exam included two elements: First, I attended an
Advancement Information Session that was hosted by our local Regent. I think
that this was very valuable in order to put the Exam in context with the overall
advancement process, as well as to explore the personality of the Exam and
discuss test-taking strategy. In addition, I used ACHEs Reference Manual to
review the topics that would be covered and to run through the sample test
questions. While my preparation as outlined above helped me navigate the test
process and style, I think that the knowledge base that I used to actually answer
the questions really came from my educational background and work experience.
In other words, the work I did in advance of the Exam helped me in the process of
taking the test, but skill sets that the Exam evaluates are, in my case, the result of
experience and education. Since I didn't utilize any books or other knowledge
tools, I really dont have any suggestions as to what materials would be good
study resources.
Well I must say, I have been procrastinating taking the Exam for some time. In
some ways, this probably helped because I did read the books and worked over
time to take the test. I did read the books suggested on the ACHE website. I took
the practice test on the website. In addition, I printed off the Reference Manual
and took the practice test and read through the Manual. I believe in continuing
education so I try to attend the annual ACHE meeting as often as possible. I must
say the Exam was very well rounded and the Reference Manual was helpful in
that it keeps you focusing on the many areas instead of focusing on one area.
Finally, I did not cram: I ate well before the Exam and got a good nights sleep.
I did not take the course or the self-study program offered. I wondered prior to the
Exam if this would be a mistake, but I am a reader and pretty self-disciplined, so
it turned out ok.
I took a great face to face prep course in Octoberthe Board of Governors Exam
Review Courseand then didnt get around to taking the test until this spring. So
I had this notebook of materials from the prep course, and read through it once on
a Sunday afternoon and took the test on a Tuesday morning. So I did study to
refresh my memory of the material covered by the prep course, but I would highly
recommend taking the prep course and then taking the test shortly thereafter.
As promised, here is how I prepared for the BOG Exam. I think my practical
experience of almost 20 years also helped in areas that were not covered by text
book or online material.
1. Printed the online reference material from the ACHE website for the BOG
Exam and highlighted all the pertinent information for later review.
2. Purchased The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, and read it cover
to cover. Again I highlighted all the pertinent information and terminology for
later review.
3. Three weeks before the Exam, I reviewed the highlighted portions of the book
and reference materials. Also, did some online review of healthcare finance
materials (various sources).
4. Reviewed the sample questions and took the practice Exam 2 weeks prior to the
5. The week before the Exam, I took "book notes" on the important highlighted
sections of the text book. This was a study habit from my college days.
6. Took the practice Exam again. Did some additional light review of finance
7. Reviewed my book notes a few days before the Exam.
8. Took it easy the day before the Exam and really did not review very much.
9. Good nights sleep.
This was pretty much how it went. This all occurred over an eight-week period.
Study Hints and Practical Tips
1. In a dispute between two staff physicians, the primary role of the CEO is
Answer 1 is the correct response because it is the most inclusive and proactive.
The key word in this question is primarily. While up-to-date information
regarding professional developments, self expression and participation may be
goals in the formation of committees, it is not their primary function.
1) leverage ratios
2) profitability ratios
3) liquidity ratios
4) composition ratios
Answer 1 is correct. The question requires a basic knowledge of finance. The key
words are long-range financial viability related to facility replacement.
Leverage ratios give an indication of the facilitys long-range financial viability
and the amount of cash available for undertaking facility replacement.
5. The primary purpose of the quality assurance/risk management program
is to:
3) identifies those topics with which the board should involve itself.
8. A healthcare facility can best meet its social and economic goals by:
2) without cause.
13. To survive the turbulent and revolutionary changes facing the healthcare
field, executives must manage internal, external and interface stakeholders
better. To do so, these executives must:
14. After determining your own management strengths and weaknesses, the
most effective method for follow-up is to:
1) seek out educational offerings specific to your identified needs.
Answer 4 is the correct answer because it involves establishing a plan with goals
and time frames and is much more proactive compared to the other responses.
15. The major purpose of the code of ethics for members of a healthcare
executives association is to:
Answer 2 is correct. A code of ethics sets guidelines and standards for behavior
(not for advancement, as in answer 3). Answers 1 and 3 may happen as a result of
having a code of ethics, but they are not the major purpose.
Answer 4 is correct. The question requires a basic knowledge of plant and facility
management. The key word is fixed equipment, which should be included in
construction contracts.
17. A well-developed marketing plan will include all of the following, except:
1) staffing considerations.
2) competitive analysis.
4) pricing considerations.
1) An emphasis on sanctions.
The key words are begins with. Employment policies must be in place
before a grievance system can be developed. The correct answer is b.
Criterion-Referenced Testing
A modified Angoff Method is used to determine the pass point for the Board of
Governors Exam. This method requires Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to rate the
likelihood that an Exam candidate would correctly answer each test question. Data from
previous administrations of each question, along with discussion among the SMEs, are
used during this process. The ratings for each test question are averaged across the SMEs
and summed to determine the overall pass point for the Exam.
Exam Results
The results of the Board of Governors Exam are given as "pass" or "fail." It is not
ACHE's policy to reveal an Examinee's raw score. In order to provide developmental
feedback for the Examinee, ACHE offers information related to his or her performance in
each category on the Exam.
Extensive test statistics are calculated in the process of determining test reliability and
validity, including item analysis for every test item on the Board of Governors Exam.
Reliability is determined by calculating the Kuder-Richardson Formula, the Livingston
Index, and the split-half reliability. Reliability coefficients above 0.80 are considered
satisfactory for credentialing exams. The Board of Governors Exam reliability
coefficientas determined by the K-R 20 and split-half methodshas consistently met
or exceeded the standard over the years.
The American College of Healthcare Executives works with the Human Resources
Research Organization to obtain assistance with the development and validation of the
Board of Governors Exam. HumRRO has been serving clients for more than 50 years.
Apply online:
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Additional Resources:
Read each question carefully and put the correct letter in the space provided.
9) Boards make better strategic decisions if they use information that is:
a. Readily available on special board website.
b. Generated from computer studies of departmental activity reports.
c. Summarized in graphs for better understanding.
d. Focused on measurable outcomes of service quality and economic vitality.
The central role of the health services organization board includes all of the
10) following:
a. Setting the strategic plan and service values of the organization.
b. Support for assessing changing market needs.
c. Support in managing important service programs or departments.
d. Assuring the recruitment, hire, support and reward of the CEO.
15) What purpose do market plans fulfill for the healthcare organization?
Provide a business plan (or plans) as a subset of the organizations marketing
a. plan.
b. Present general goals for the organization to attain in the next three to five years.
Develop promotion methods to be used in attaining the organizations
c. objectives.
d. Provide specific objectives for utilization attainment the next fiscal year.
Probability models that forecast the internal flow of employees from one
19) job category to another use a:
a. Graphic rating approach.
b. Supply-push approach.
c. Transition matrix.
d. Curriculum path.
Forecasting the internal supply of employees as they move from their
current jobs into others through promotions, lateral moves and
20) terminations is called:
a. Graphic rating approach.
b. Supply-push approach.
c. Demand-pull approach
d. Rating scale method.
23) Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) for specific jobs can be:
a. Used to identify components of job behaviors.
b. Developed in a short period of time.
c. Used for evaluation but not for employee development.
d. Subjective on some scale items.
If the amount of charity care increased from one reporting period to the
24) next, which of the following would occur?
a. Provision for bad debts would increase.
b. Unrestricted net assets would increase.
c. Unrestricted net assets would neither, increase or decrease.
d. Unrestricted net assets would decrease.
The effective cost of debt is roughly the same for both not-for-profit and
26) investor-owned organizations because:
a. Both types of organizations can issue tax-exempt debt.
b. The interest rate is the same on both tax-exempt and regular debt.
c. Neither type of organization can issue tax-exempt debt.
The tax deductibility of interest for investor-owned firms offsets the lower
d. coupon rate on tax-exempt debt.
27) The master site plan (or master facility plan) for a healthcare organization:
Describes future facility needs (either renovation or new construction) necessary
a. to meet strategic and operational needs.
Provides detailed design documents for all construction programs along with
b. specific costs for each project.
Must be prepared by an outside planning or architectural firm to ensure
c. sufficient objectivity.
Is necessary to ensure that the organization complies with certificate of need and
d. other regulatory requirements.
28) Which of the following statements best describes the statistics budget?
a. It combines volume and expense rates to forecast costs.
b. It is a profit forecast for the coming year.
c. It combines volume and reimbursement data to forecast revenues.
d. It provides input date for other budgets.
All areas of healthcare facilities are subject to safety, convenience and other
regulatory requirements as dictated by the state life safety codes, JCAHO,
OSHA, state fire marshal, etc. Which area of the facility typically has the
29) highest standards?
a. The energy plant.
b. Highly used public areas.
c. Areas under construction.
d. Patient care areas.
The best way to reduce/contain the costs of distributing supplies throughout
30) an organization is to:
a. Purchase the most modern supply distribution system for your organization.
Minimize the number of times an item is handled from the time it is received by
b. the organization to the time it is used.
Utilize a computerized materials management system that allows the
c. organization to minimize inventory levels.
Negotiate a contract with an outside vendor who specializes in supply
d. distribution to provide these services.
The objective of maintenance and repair services is to keep the facility and
31) its equipment operating like new. This goal is best achieved by emphasizing:
a. Prevention.
b. Efficiency.
c. Productivity.
d. Safety.
The facilitys plan for a healthcare organization may include plans for
renovation or new construction, energy requirements, acquisition of new
property, financing options, etc. However, the facility plan begins with an
32) estimate of each service or departments:
a. Operational needs.
b. Parking needs.
c. Staffing needs.
d. Equipment needs.
An important management principle that should guide the development of
33) information systems in healthcare organizations is to:
a. Treat information as an essential organizational resource.
b. Delegate all decisions about information technology to technical specialists.
c. Employ consultants to set priorities for systems to be developed.
d. Always buy the newest system available to avoid technical obsolescence.
Who has the primary responsibility to assure and maintain the integrity
50) and security of electronic data in a healthcare organization?
a. The Information Services Steering Committee.
b. The Information Services Department.
c. The CIO.
d. The Safety and Security Department.
Law and tradition have established basic criteria for healthcare governing
55) boards. One criteria is that:
a. All members agree to receive care at the governed organization.
b. Board members provide a specified amount of financial support.
c. The actions of the board are reasonable and prudent.
d. The board must meet a minimum of two times each year.
What was the first major law to have a significant impact on individual
58) privacy in the workplace?
a. Civil Rights Act
b. Fair Credit Reporting Act
c. Polygraph Protection Act
d. Privacy Act
The four important aspects of clinical support services are technical quality,
76) patient satisfaction, continuity or integration, and:
a. Cost-benefit analysis.
b. Outcome.
c. Appropriateness.
d. Health promotion.
A bar chart format, with the items rank ordered on a dependent variable,
such as cost, profit, or satisfaction that Examines the components of a
77) problem in terms of their contribution to it is known as:
a. A run chart.
b. A frequency table.
c. Pareto analysis.
d. Deming cycle.
78) Governing boards are typically more effective at what size?
a. 10 to 15 members.
b. 15 to 25 members.
c. 5 to 10 members.
d. More than 25 members.
What is true about the relationship between acute care hospitals and long-
83) term care organization?
Hospitals and patients frequently have difficulty arranging for nursing home
a. care services.
Hospitals generally do not want to refer patients to nursing homes since part of
b. the patient care revenue must be shared.
Nursing homes generally do not want to refer patients to hospitals since this
c. interferes with state or federal length-of stay requirements.
Nursing homes are generally thought to be superior to hospitals at chronic
d. disease management.
84) The first step in any strategic management scenario planning is to:
a. Develop what if scenarios
b. Gather information from as many sources as possible.
c. Develop courses of action that fit within future organizational resources.
d. Conduct a make vs. buy analysis.
85) Which of the following is the least serious limitation to decision analysis?
a. Oversimplifying the problem.
b. Inadequate data.
c. The decision makers values.
d. The statistical model.
In a unionized organization, what is the most effective contract dispute
86) resolution finalization alternative?
a. Mediation.
b. Corporate Campaigns.
c. Arbitration.
d. Strike.
The real value of financial statements lies in the fact they can be used to
88) help:
a. Predict the firms future financial condition.
b. Compute total margin versus periodic gain.
c. Relate the industry average to net profit/loss over time.
Understand that a large portion of a hospitals net income may come from non-
d. operating gains.
Facing struggles such as declining profit margins, nonprofit healthcare
organizations have become more dependent on what source for financing
89) capital needs?
a. Philanthropy.
b. Bond financing.
c. Capital leases.
d. Operational leases.
You work for a county organization that has decided to issue bonds to fund
a new building. What type of bond would be sold on behalf of your
90) organization?
a. Mortgage bond.
b. Corporate bond.
c. Capital bond.
d. Municipal bond.
On a balance sheet, what does the difference between total current assets
91) and total current liabilities indicate?
a. Cash on hand.
b. Net working capital.
c. Liquid assets.
d. Equity.
How should supervisors behave toward informal leaders in the
92) organization?
a. Maintain a positive attitude toward informal leaders.
Ensure informal leaders remain at a moderately low status within the work
b. group.
c. Grant informal leaders occasional favors.
d. Pass information on to informal leaders before giving it to formal leaders.
What is the most common operating indicator used to measure overall staff
95) productivity?
a. Full-time equivalents per occupied bed.
b. Total salaries and benefits as a percent of operating expenses.
c. Full-time equivalents per adjusted averaged daily census.
d. Nursing salary and benefits as a percentage of total expenses.
Determining whether the help desk function is effective and whether
projects are well managed are examples of measuring an information
96) system departments:
a. Strategic competency.
b. Political competency.
c. Vendor competency.
d. Operational competency.
When seeking information about fixed assets, payroll, regulatory and tax
reporting, and accounts payable, an administrator will access what
97) information management system?
a. Physician practice management.
b. Patient administration and management.
c. Home health management.
d. General financial management.
99) Which of the following is not considered part of the labor budget?
a. Staff salaries.
b. Hourly wages.
c. Employee benefits.
d. Contract staff expenses.
100) Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), were established through which law?
a. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
b. Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act
c. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
d. Americans with Disabilities Act
The only law that mandates a particular type of payment for time not
101) worked.
c. ADA
d. CMS
103) One method for evaluating relative value of different jobs is:
a. Broad banding.
b. Gant charting.
c. Scalability.
d. Benchmarking.
When discharging a patient from a hospital, the institution can be held
104) liable:
a. For providing post-discharge medications for ongoing care.
If the patient uses public transportation after discharge and is involved in an
b. accident resulting in injuries.
c. For abandoning the patient if the patient is in need of further medical care.
When patients are transferred to a less costly setting where adequate care can be
d. provided.
Which of the following are parts of the dimensions of the strategic balanced
110) scorecard?
a. Financial performance.
b. New technology.
c. Competitor activity.
d. Board/management team.
116) Revenue cycle billing management typically includes what broad activities?
a. Billing and collections for inpatient, outpatient and surgical services.
b. Claims processing, denial management and claims payment.
Processing accounts payables, denial management and billing for outpatient
c. services.
Activities before services are rendered, activities that occur simultaneously with
d. the services and activities after services are rendered.
The reimbursement method that was first adopted by Medicare and later
128) by most third party payers is known as:
a. ICD-9.
c. RUG.
d. DRG.
The qui tam provision of the federal False Claims Act is a statute aimed at
136) those who commit fraud against the government:
a. Have minimal impact in the healthcare industry.
b. Prohibits the citizen from sharing in the recovered funds.
c. Allows any citizen to bring suit in the name of the United States.
d. Can be generated from news media reports.
Which of the following best summarizes the legal status of the physician-
139) patient relationship?
It is based on an expressed or implied contract, from which certain elements of
a. duty arise.
It is based on acceptance of remuneration for services rendered unless charity
b. care is designated.
It has no legal status in that it is a private business relationship, unless the
c. patient is a Medicare beneficiary.
d. It is governed by the hospital or health systems medical staff bylaws.
143) What is a primary reason for conducting continuing education for staff?
a. Staff will think the organization cares about them.
b. There are significant short-term operating efficiencies.
c. It is a long-term commitment to the patient.
d. The Joint Commission and NCQA required it.
What is the first effect of demographic trends on a health services
144) organizations strategic planning process?
a. Appraising financing sources and payment levels for programs.
b. Establishing future staff by type and estimating staffing levels.
c. Determining the locations of delivery units for the next period.
d. Determining the range and types of services to be offered.
Research in behavioral science has consistently found that once basic needs
147) are met, staff is motivated most:
a. By an incentive payment program.
b. Only by a significant increase in salary.
c. By factors such as being kept informed.
d. When performance sets them apart from the group.
Resource allocation in health services organizations involves balancing the
needs of organization, staff, and patients. However, the essential primary
148) focus on patients can be met only if the:
a. Strategic planning process has been effective and thorough.
b. Mission and vision statements are appropriate to the task.
c. Organizational culture makes a basic commitment to it.
d. Basic needs of the organization and staff are addressed first.
The single most important way patients can help prevent medical errors
161) from affecting them is to:
a. Interact with their caregivers.
b. Research medical error rates among organizations.
c. Read and understand consent forms.
d. Choose large, reputable healthcare providers.
According to the ACHE Code of Ethics, what action can the Ethics
Committee take against an affiliate after a grievance procedure has been
168) initiated?
a. Fine the affiliate.
b. Report the violation to the affiliates employer.
c. Issue a written reprimand to the affiliate.
d. Recommend expulsion of the affiliate.
ACHEs Ethical Policy Statement on Ethical Issues Related to Downsizing
recommends that healthcare executives should consider providing which of
169) the following when downsizing?
a. Financial aid.
b. Child care.
c. Family counseling
d. Out-placement assistance.
175) The critical link that brings patients and providers together is:
a. Marketing.
b. Advertising.
c. Strategic planning.
d. External analysis.
196) The thrust of antitrust legislation as applied to the healthcare field is to:
a. Contain costs.
b. Contain rising costs of independent single unit hospital.
c. Monitor the scope of health services provided in a given area.
d. Protect the publics economic interest.
198) All of the following are essential components of strategic planning except:
a. The corporate mission statement.
b. Timetables for activity completion.
c. Competitive analysis.
d. Assessment of the external environment.
Which one of the following conditions must be met for human subjects to be
199) used in a medical research program?
a. No suitable animal model exists for use instead of people.
b. The research program has been approved by the medical staff.
c. The research program has been approved by the governing authority.
Risk should be clearly explained in understandable language to each individual
d. subject.
The most useful way for a healthcare organization to deal with outside
217) regulatory and credentialing bodies is to:
a. Identify opportunities to influence political outcomes.
b. Regularly maintain both formal and informal relationships with these agencies.
Deal with these agencies only in written form so as to have a clear paper trail for
c. subsequent review and analysis.
Provide only the minimum amount of information required to comply with the
d. regulations of the agency.
The cultural climate of an organization affects its recruiting procedure
218) because:
a. It reduces employee turnover and absenteeism.
Organizations seek applicants whose attitudes, values and goals are consistent
b. with those of the organization.
Applicants who cannot support a given culture will be unwilling to work for that
c. organization.
d. Applicants look only to organizations that portray a positive cultural climate.
Accident rates among personnel continue to rise and are distributed among
all departments. What would be your best initial action in finding a
219) comprehensive solution to this problem?
Form a safety committee of key personnel to review reports of all accidents and
a. make recommendations for corrections.
Require each department head to analyze his/her departments accidents in order
b. to determine the causes and find methods of correction.
c. Institute a safety education program by departments.
Recommend that the personnel committee formulate an effective accident-
d. prevention program.
The primary reason for the decision to move from a freestanding voluntary
223) facility to an investor-owned healthcare organization:
a. Economy of scale.
b. Access to the equity market.
c. Access to patients.
d. Improved visibility in the community.
Most products and services enter a period of decline. Unless compelling
224) reasons prevail, continuing a declining product or service is costly because:
a. Increased turnover of personnel will occur.
Continuation will set an undesirable precedent concerned with maintaining the
b. status quo.
The program will consume a disproportionate amount of management time and
c. delay the search for a replacement.
d. The organization will be perceived as being insensitive to the marketplace.
Memorial Hospital offers a screening test as a public service for $0.50 per
test. Variable costs per unit are $0.32. Fixed costs are $43,200 per month for
the department performing the test. It is the only test done by this special
228) department. The break-even point in tests is:
a. 240,000 tests.
b. 172,000 tests.
c. 135,000 tests.
d. 86,400 tests.
A positive net present value indicates that the investment has a rate of
229) return:
a. Higher than the discount rate used in the calculation.
b. Lower than the discount rate used in the calculation.
c. Equal to the discount rate used in the calculation.
d. Equal to the accounting profit averaged over the life of the investment.
The asset turnover ratio is useful in measuring managerial performance
230) because it indicates the:
a. Amount of resources required to generate a dollar of revenue.
b. Profitability per dollar of revenue.
c. Effectiveness of capital structure decisions.
d. Effective use of current assets.
Practice Exam Answer Key
1 D 46 C 91 B
2 A 47 A 92 A
3 B 48 D 93 A
4 A 49 A 94 A
5 C 50 B 95 C
6 A 51 B 96 D
7 C 52 D 97 D
8 A 53 B 98 C
9 D 54 D 99 D
10 C 55 C 100 B
11 C 56 C 101 A
12 C 57 B 102 C
13 B 58 A 103 D
14 C 59 D 104 C
15 D 60 B 105 B
16 C 61 C 106 A
17 A 62 C 107 C
18 A 63 A 108 B
19 C 64 B 109 B
20 B 65 B 110 A
21 A 66 C 111 B
22 A 67 D 112 A
23 A 68 A 113 D
24 D 69 D 114 B
25 B 70 B 115 C
26 D 71 A 116 D
27 A 72 D 117 A
28 D 73 A 118 D
29 D 74 D 119 D
30 B 75 B 120 B
31 A 76 C 121 D
32 A 77 C 122 C
33 A 78 A 123 C
34 C 79 B 124 D
35 D 80 C 125 D
36 C 81 B 126 B
37 A 82 C 127 C
38 D 83 A 128 D
39 A 84 B 129 B
40 C 85 D 130 C
41 D 86 C 131 B
42 B 87 A 132 A
43 A 88 A 133 A
44 B 89 A 134 C
45 D 90 D 135 A
Practice Exam Answer Key
Human Resources
Healthcare Technology
Information Systems for Healthcare Management Austin and Boxerman 8th ed.
The Well Managed Healthcare Organization J. Griffith and K. White 7th ed.
The Well Managed Healthcare Organization J. Griffith and K. White 7th ed.
Note: The listing above is not all inclusive. There are numerous materials available
for reference, including your healthcare management experience, current events,
professional journals, professional magazines, additional readings on healthcare.