Ullmann's Enc. of Industrial Chemistry

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Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid 1

Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid

Richard J. Sheehan, Amoco Research Center, Amoco Chemical Company, Naperville, Illinois, United States

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3.7. Alternative and Past Technologies . . 8

2. Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4. Environmental Protection . . . . . . . . 9
3. Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5. Quality Specications . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1. Amoco Oxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6. Storage and Transportation . . . . . . 10
3.2. Amoco Purication . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
7. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3. Multistage Oxidation . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.4. Dynamit-Nobel (Witten) Process . . . 5 8. Economic Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.5. Esterication of Terephthalic Acid . . 7 9. Toxicology and Occupational Health . 12
3.6. Hydrolysis of Dimethyl Terephthalate 7 10. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1. Introduction were unsuitable to be spun into bers. Whin-

eld and Dickson found that symmetrical aro-
Terephthalic acid [100-21-0], and isophthalic matic diacids yield high-melting, crystalline,
acid [121-91-5], both C8 H6 O4 , have the IUPAC and ber-forming materials; poly(ethylene tere-
names 1,4- and 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid. phthalate) has since become the largest volume
Dimethyl terephthalate [120-61-6], C10 H10 O4 , synthetic ber. Worldwide, terephthalic acid
is also known as 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid plus dimethyl terephthalate ranked about 25th
dimethyl ester. The acids are produced by oxi- in tonnage of all chemicals produced in 1992,
dation of the methyl groups on the correspond- and about tenth in terms of organic chemicals.
ing p-xylene [106-42-3] or m-xylene [108-38-3].
After oxidation to a carboxylic acid, reaction
with methanol [67-56-1] gives the methyl ester,
dimethyl terephthalate.
2. Physical Properties
Terephthalic acid and dimethyl terephthal-
Terephthalic acid, M r 166.13, is available acom-
ate are used to make saturated polyesters with
mercially as a free-owing powder composed of
aliphatic diols as the comonomer. Isophthalic
rounded crystals. It forms needles if recrystal-
acid is used as a feedstock for unsaturated poly-
lized slowly. Vapor pressure is low: 0.097 kPa at
esters as well as a comonomer in some saturated
250 C, with sublimation at 402 C and atmo-
products. Structures are as follows:
spheric pressure. Melting has been reported at
427 C.
Dimethyl terephthalate, M r 194.19, melts at
140.6 C and has sufcient vapor pressure for
vacuum distillation. The molten form is pre-
ferred commercially, but akes and briquettes
are available when long transport distances are
Isophthalic acid, M r 166.13, melts at 348 C.
Terephthalic acid came to prominence Vapor pressure is 0.61 kPa at 250 C.
through the work of Whineld and Dick- Both terephthalic and isophthalic acid are sta-
son in Britain around 1940 [4]. Earlier work ble, intractable compounds with low solubil-
by Carothers and coworkers in the United ities in most solvents; isophthalic acid is 2
States established the feasibility of producing 5 times more soluble than terephthalic acid in
high molecular weight linear polyesters by re- the same solvent. Terephthalic acid solubilities
acting diacids with diols, but they used aliphatic > 10 g per 100 g solvent at room temperature oc-
diacids and diols. These made polyesters which cur with ammonium, potassium, or sodium hy-

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a26 193
2 Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid
Table 1. Physical properties of terephthalic acid and isophthalic Table 2. Solubility of terephthalic acid and isophthalic acid
acid (g/100 g solvent)

Terephthalic Isophthalic 25 C 150 C 200 C 250 C

Crystal density, g/cm3 , 25 C 1.58 1.53 Terephthalic acid solubility, g/100 g solvent
Specic heat, J g1 K1 , to 100 C 1.20 1.22 Water 0.0017 0.24 1.7 12.6
Heat of formation, kJ/mol 816 803 Methanol 0.10 3.1
Heat of combustion, kJ/mol, 25 C 3189 3203 Acetic acid 0.013 0.38 1.5 5.7
First dissociation constant 2.9104 2.4104
Isophthalic acid solubility, g/100 g solvent
Second dissociation constant 3.5105 2.5105 Water 0.012 2.8 25.2
Ignition temperature in air, C 680 700 Methanol 1.06 8.1
Acetic acid 0.23 4.3 13.8 44.5
droxide, dimethylformamide, and dimethyl sulf-
oxide. Tetramethylurea and pyridine each dis-
solve ca. 7 g per 100 g. xylene is used for all isophthalic acid. Oxida-
Dimethyl terephthalate is also stable, and tion catalysts and conditions have been devel-
more soluble in common organic solvents than oped which give nearly quantitative oxidation
the acids. Its main physical properties are a melt- of the methyl groups, leaving the benzene ring
ing point below the point of degradation, and a virtually untouched. These catalysts are com-
vapor pressure which allows for purication by binations of cobalt, manganese, and bromine,
distillation. or cobalt with a co-oxidant, e.g., acetaldehyde
Other physical properties of terephthalic acid [75-07-0]. Oxygen is the oxidant in all pro-
and isophthalic acid are listed in Tables 1 and cesses. Acetic acid [64-19-7] is the reaction sol-
2. Some physical properties of dimethyl tere- vent in all but one process. Given these constant
phthalate are listed below: factors, there is only one industrial oxidation
process, with different variations, two separate
Solubility, g/100 g solvent purication processes, and one process which
Methanol, 25 C 1.0 intermixes oxidation and esterication steps.
Methanol, 60 C 5.7
Ethyl acetate, 25 C 3.5
Ethyl acetate, 60 C 16.0
Trichloromethane, 25 C 10.0 3.1. Amoco Oxidation
Trichloromethane, 60 C 23.0
Benzene, 25 C 2.0
Benzene, 60 C 14.0 About 70 % of the terephthalate feedstock used
Toluene, 25 C 4.3 worldwide is produced with a catalyst system
Toluene, 60 C 10.4
Dioxane, 25 C 7.5
discovered by Scientic Design [5,6]. Almost
Dioxane, 60 C 26.5 100 % of new plants use this reaction. A sep-
Vapor pressure, kPa arate company, Mid-Century Corporation, was
140 C 1.58 established to market this technology, and subse-
160 C 2.62
200 C 10.88
quently purchased by Amoco Chemical. Amoco
250 C 42.60 developed a commercial process, as did Mitsui
Density at mp 1.07 g/cm3 Petrochemical, now Mitsui Sekka. Mitsui was an
Viscosity, 180 C 0.0071 Pa s
early licensee of Mid-Century. Both Amoco and
Viscosity, 200 C 0.0060 Pa s
Specic heat, solid 1.55 J g1 K1 Mitsui participate in joint-venture companies,
Specic heat, liquid 1.94 J g1 K1 and both have licensed the process. Licensees
Heat of fusion 159.1 kJ/Kg are distributed around the world, and some have
Heat of vaporization 355.5 kJ/Kg
Heat of formation 740.2 kJ/mol
relicensed the process to other companies.
Heat of combustion, 25 C 4660 kJ/mol A soluble cobalt manganese bromine cat-
Flash point, DIN 51 758 141 C alyst system is the heart of the process. This
yields nearly quantitative oxidation of the p-
xylene methyl groups with small xylene losses
3. Production [7]. Acetic acid is the solvent, and oxygen in
compressed air is the oxidant. Various salts
p-Xylene is the feedstock for all terephthalic of cobalt and manganese can be used, and
acid and dimethyl terephthalate production; m- the bromine source can be HBr, NaBr, or
Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid 3

Figure 1. Catalytic, liquid-phase oxidation of p-xylene to terephthalic acid by the Amoco process
a) Oxidation reactor; b) Surge vessel; c) Filter; d) Dryer; e) Residue still; f) Dehydration column

tetrabromoethane [79-27-6] among others. The yield and low solvent loss in a single reactor pass
highly corrosive bromine acetic acid environ- account for the near universal selection of this
ment requires the use of titanium-lined equip- technology for new plants.
ment in some parts of the process. The oxidation of the methyl groups occurs
A feed mixture of p-xylene, acetic acid, and in steps, with two intermediates, p-toluic acid
catalyst is continuously fed to the oxidation re- [99-94-5] and 4-formylbenzoic acid [619-66-9].
actor (Fig. 1). The feed mixture also contains While 4-formylbenzoic acid is the IUPAC name
water, which is a byproduct of the reaction. The of the intermediate, it is customarily referred to
reactor is operated at 175 225 C and 1500 as 4-carboxybenzaldehyde (4-CBA).
3000 kPa. Compressed air is added to the re-
actor in excess of stoichiometric requirements
to provide measurable oxygen partial pressure
and to achieve high p-xylene conversion. The re-
action is highly exothermic, releasing 2108 J
per kilogram p-xylene reacted. Water is also
released. The reaction of 1 mol p-xylene with
3 mol dioxygen gives 1 mol terephthalic acid
and 2 mol water. Only four hydrogen atoms, re-
presenting slightly over 2 wt % of the p-xylene 4-Formylbenzoic acid is troublesome, owing
molecule, are not incorporated in the terephthal- to its structural similarity to terephthalic acid.
ic acid. It co-crystallizes with terephthalic acid and be-
Owing to the low solubility of terephthalic comes trapped and inaccessible for completion
acid in the solvent, most of it precipitates as it of the oxidation. Up to 5000 ppm 4-formylben-
forms. This yields a three-phase system: solid zoic acid can be present, and this necessitates
terephthalic acid crystals; solvent with some dis- a purication step to make the terephthalic acid
solved terephthalic acid; and vapor consisting of suitable as a feedstock for polyester production.
nitrogen, acetic acid, water, and a small amount The slurry is passed from the reactor to one
of oxygen. The heat of reaction is removed by or more surge vessels where the pressure is re-
solvent evaporation. A residence time up to 2 h duced. Solid terephthalic acid is then recovered
is used. Over 98 % of the p-xylene is reacted, by centrifugation or ltration, and the cake is
and the yield to terephthalic acid is > 95 mol %. dried and stored prior to purication. This is typ-
Small amounts of p-xylene and acetic acid are ically referred to as crude terephthalic acid, but
lost, owing to complete oxidation to carbon ox- is > 99 % pure.
ides, and impurities such as oxidation intermedi- Vapor from the reactor is condensed in over-
ates are present in reactor efuent. The excellent head heat exchangers, and the condensate is re-
4 Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid

Figure 2. Purication of terephthalic acid by the Amoco process

a) Slurry drum; b) Hydrogenation reactor; c) Crystallizers; d) Centrifuge; e) Dryer

uxed to the reactor. Steam is generated by the There are also yellow impurities and resid-
condensation and is used as a heating source in ual amounts of catalyst metals and bromine.
other parts of the process. Oxygen-depleted gas The Amoco purication process removes 4-
from the condensers is scrubbed to remove most formylbenzoic acid to < 25 ppm, and also gives
uncondensed vapors. Similar to the reactor con- a white powder from the slightly yellow feed.
densate, liquid from centrifuges or lters is sent It is necessary to make all impurities accessi-
to solvent recovery. Since the centrifugate or l- ble to reaction, so the crude terephthalic acid is
trate contains dissolved species, it is rst sent slurried with water and heated until it dissolves
to a residue still. Vapor from the still and other entirely. A solution of at least 15 wt % is ob-
vents from throughout the oxidation process are tained, and this requires a temperature 260 C.
sent to a solvent dehydration tower. The tower The solution passes to a reactor where hydro-
removes the water formed in the reaction as the gen is added and readily dissolves. The solution
overhead stream, and the acetic acid from the is contacted with a carbon-supported palladium
tower bottom is combined with fresh acetic acid catalyst. Reactor pressure is held above the va-
to make up for process losses, and returned to por pressure of water to maintain a liquid phase.
the process. The 4-formylbenzoic acid is converted to p-
Isophthalic acid is also produced by this pro- toluic acid in the reactor, and some colored
cess from m-xylene. Because isophthalic acid impurities are hydrogenated to colorless com-
is several times more soluble than terephthal- pounds. The reaction is highly selective; loss of
ic acid, much less precipitates in the reactor. terephthalic acid by carboxylic acid reduction or
Consequently, isophthalic acid from this process ring hydrogenation is < 1 %.
contains much less 3-formylbenzoic acid, since After reaction, the solution passes to a series
it tends to stay in solution where complete ox- of crystallizers where the pressure is sequen-
idation can occur. Further purication was not tially decreased [9]. This results in a stepped
carried out in the past, but a puried grade that temperature reduction, and crystallization of the
is now being produced will become the standard. terephthalic acid. The more soluble p-toluic acid
formed in the reactor, and other impurities, re-
main in the mother liquor. After leaving the nal
3.2. Amoco Purication crystallizer, the slurry undergoes centrifugation
and/or ltration to yield a wet cake, and the cake
The purication process developed by Amoco is dried to give a free-owing terephthalic acid
Chemical [8] and used on terephthalic acid from powder as the product. Over 98 wt % of the in-
the Amoco oxidation process supplies over 60 % coming terephthalic acid is recovered as puried
of the terephthalate feedstock for polyester pro- product.
duction (Fig. 2). As with the Amoco oxidation, this purica-
Crude terephthalic acid is unsuitable as a tion process is also used with isophthalic acid.
feedstock for polyester, primarily owing to the
4-formylbenzoic acid impurity concentration.
Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid 5

3.3. Multistage Oxidation both at 175 230 C [13]. Instead of heating bet-
ween stages to obtain increased solubility, as
Several companies, mostly in Japan [10,11], performed by Mitsubishi, the contents of the rst
have developed processes to reduce the 4- reactor are sent to hydroclones where hot, fresh
formylbenzoic acid content to 200 300 ppm by acetic acid displaces the mother liquor. Samar-
more intensive oxidation. A separate purica- ium may be added to the catalyst. A residence
tion step is eliminated; the concentration of 4- time up to 2 h with air addition provides suf-
formylbenzoic acid is low enough for the tere- cient digestion of the crystals to yield a 40
phthalic acid to be suitable as a feedstock for 270 ppm level of 4-formylbenzoic acid [13].
some polyester products where high feedstock Downstream recovery of the terephthalic acid
purity is not critical. The product is often called crystals by solid liquid separation and drying
medium-purity terephthalic acid, and accounts must again be performed.
for about 11 % of the terephthalic acid produced.
Most of these processes also use the catalyst sys-
tem discovered by Scientic Design.
Most medium-purity terephthalic acid is pro- 3.4. Dynamit-Nobel (Witten) Process
duced by Mitsubishi Kasei and its licensees.
They have named this product Q-PTA, and it Most dimethyl terephthalate is made by a pro-
has a typical 4-formylbenzoic acid level of ca. cess rst developed by Chemische Werke Wit-
290 ppm [10]. Mitsubishi has also developed a ten, with work also being done at a division
still more intensive oxidation process where the of Standard Oil of California. Modications
4-formylbenzoic acid level is further reduced. were made by Hercules and Dynamit-Nobel.
The product is called S-QTA. Huls Troisdorf licensed the process with fur-
The oxidation of p-xylene in acetic acid with ther modications [14]. Dimethyl terephthalate
a cobalt manganese bromine catalyst is car- is formed in four steps. First, p-xylene is passed
ried out as in the Amoco oxidation. The slurry through an oxidation reactor, where p-toluic acid
is heated to 235 290 C and oxidized further in is formed. It then passes to an esterication reac-
another reactor. More catalyst can be added in tor, the second step, where methanol is added to
addition to the temperature increase [12]. form methyl p-toluate [99-75-2]. The methyl p-
Heating gives increased terephthalic acid toluate is isolated and returned to the oxidation
solubility, and as crystals dissolve, some 4- reactor for oxidation to monomethyl terephthal-
formylbenzoic acid and colored impurities are ate [1679-64-7], the third step, followed by the
released. Although the terephthalic acid is not fourth step, esterication to dimethyl terephthal-
completely soluble at the higher temperature, ate. The sequence is as follows:
the crystals can digest. Digestion is a dynamic
equilibrium process wherein crystals constantly
dissolve and reform. This increases the release
of 4-formylbenzoic acid into solution where ox-
idation can be completed. While the need for a
separate purication process is eliminated, an-
other reactor is needed in the oxidation process.
Also, at higher temperature, acetic acid tends to
be oxidized to a larger extent to carbon oxides
and water [12].
The rest of the Mitsubishi process consists
of solid liquid separation and drying to obtain
the powdered product. Acetic acid must be de-
hydrated and recycled to the process.
Eastman Chemical has also developed a
medium-purity terephthalic acid product. The
process does not employ manganese, only cobalt The process as licensed by Huls Troisdorf is
and bromine. Two oxidation stages are used, illustrated in Figure 3. Fresh and recovered p-
6 Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid

Figure 3. Production of dimethyl terephthalate by the Dynamit Nobel process

a) Oxidation reactor; b) Esterier; c) Expansion vessel; d) Methanol recovery column; e, f) Methyl p-toluate and dimethyl
terephthalate columns; g, j) Dissolvers; h, k) Crystallizers; i, l) Centrifuges

xylene, along with catalyst (mostly cobalt with sel feeds two vacuum distillation columns in se-
some manganese) are combined with methyl p- ries, which yield crude dimethyl terephthalate.
toluate and fed to the liquid-phase oxidation re- The rst column recovers more methyl p-toluate
actor. Because bromine and acetic acid are not overhead for recycle to oxidation, and the bot-
used, vessels lined with titanium or other ex- toms feeds the crude dimethyl terephthalate col-
pensive metals are not necessary. Oxygen sup- umn, where the product is taken overhead. The
plied by compressed air is added at the bottom. bottoms from the dimethyl terephthalate col-
Oxidation conditions are 140 180 C and 500 umn, containing heavy byproducts and catalyst
800 kPa. The heat generated by oxidation is re- metals, can be mixed with water from the oxida-
moved by vapors of unreacted p-xylene and the tion, which dissolves the catalyst. The resulting
water of reaction. Cooling coils in the reactor are slurry is centrifuged; the catalyst solution is re-
used to generate steam. The steam and reactor cycled, and the cake is sent to disposal.
vapors are condensed and combined to recover The crude dimethyl terephthalate goes
p-xylene for recycle. through two stages of crystallization. It is slur-
The oxidation efuent is then heated and ried with the methanol mother liquor from the
sent to the esterication reactor, operated at second crystallization stage and dissolved by
250 C and 2500 kPa. Excess vaporized meth- heating. Dimethyl terephthalate is crystallized
anol is sparged into the esterier, where the p- from this solution on cooling, by ashing the
toluic acid and monomethyl terephthalate are methanol. The dimethyl terephthalate cake is
converted noncatalytically to methyl p-toluate separated by centrifugation, dissolved in fresh
and dimethyl terephthalate, respectively. Over- methanol, and crystallized in the same way. The
head vapors from the esterication reactor are wet dimethyl terephthalate cake can be melted
condensed and fed to a distillation system, where and stored molten, or dried and aked. There
the water from the esterication is separated is usually a distillation column after the second
from methanol, which is recycled. centrifuge for further purication.
The remainder of the process separates the di- Mother liquor from the rst centrifugation is
methyl terephthalate from methanol and methyl sent to the methanol recovery system. The cen-
p-toluate, which are recycled, and residue and trifugation yields a cleaner mother liquor which
wastewater, which go to waste treatment. is combined with methanol recovered from the
The product from the esterier goes to an ex- melting operation for use in dissolving the crude
pansion vessel. Vapor from this vessel feeds a dimethyl terephthalate entering the crystalliza-
methanol recovery column, where the metha- tion section. Side-streams from throughout the
nol overhead goes to methanol recovery, and the process are recycled to appropriate points to
methyl p-toluate bottoms are recycled to the ox- maximize yield and to minimize methanol and
idation reactor. Liquid from the expansion ves- catalyst use.
Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid 7

Figure 4. Esterication of terephthalic acid and separation of puried dimethyl terephthalate

a) Esterier; b) o-Xylene scrubber; c) Methanol column; d) o-Xylene recovery column; e) 4-Formylbenzoic ester stripper;
f) Purication column

3.5. Esterication of Terephthalic Acid Next, in the o-xylene recovery column, di-
methyl terephthalate purication is started; it
Terephthalic acid can be produced and, in a sep- operates at 10 20 kPa absolute so that a tem-
arate process, esteried with methanol to di- perature of 200 230 C can be used. o-Xylene
methyl terephthalate which is then puried by is removed overhead, the methyl esters of 4-
distillation (Fig. 4) [15,16]. This process can be formylbenzoic acid and p-toluic acid are re-
used on highly impure terephthalic acid, because moved in the middle, and dimethyl terephthal-
of the purication achievable by distillation. ate forms the bottoms. A 4-formylbenzoic acid
Crude terephthalic acid and excess methanol stripping column follows, where the middle
are mixed and pumped to the esterication reac- stream from the previous column is sent, so that
tor. In this example, o-xylene [95-47-6] is used 4-formylbenzoic ester can be removed overhead.
to enhance the subsequent separations. The tere- Finally, the bottoms from both the o-xylene re-
phthalic acid is rapidly esteried by the metha- covery column and the 4-formylbenzoic acid
nol at 250 300 C without catalysis, although a stripper are sent to a purication column, where
catalyst can be used. Methanol vapor carries di- the dimethyl terephthalate product is taken over-
methyl terephthalate and o-xylene from the reac- head.
tor to a column where o-xylene is added to scrub Methanol from the top of the methanol recov-
out monomethyl terephthalate and return it to the ery column is sent to a purication column where
reactor for completion of the esterication. The the overhead contains low boilers, and the meth-
vapor contains the dimethyl terephthalate prod- anol from the bottoms is recycled. The methanol
uct as well as methanol, o-xylene, water from and water from the side-draw of the methanol
the esterication, and esteried impurities in the recovery column are sent to a methanol dehy-
terephthalic acid feed. Several distillation steps dration column, where the water is removed and
are needed to separate out the dimethyl tere- the dehydrated methanol recycled.
phthalate and to process the separated streams
for recovery of valuable components for recy-
cle. 3.6. Hydrolysis of Dimethyl
The reactor overhead vapor rst goes to a Terephthalate
methanol column where methanol is removed
overhead, water and some methanol form a side- High-purity terephthalic acid can be produced
draw, and the bottoms contain the dimethyl tere- by hydrolysis of dimethyl terephthalate. Slightly
phthalate, o-xylene, and impurities. over 2 % of terephthalate feedstock is produced
by this route.
8 Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid

Dimethyl terephthalate and recovered acetic acid solvent; the activator was 2-butanone
monomethyl terephthalate are combined with [78-93-3]. After reaction, the crude terephthal-
water from the methanol recovery tower of the ic acid was leached by adding pure acetic acid
dimethyl terephthalate process and heated to and heating to achieve partial solubility; this re-
260 280 C at 4500 5500 kPa in a hydroly- moved gross impurities. Final purication was
sis reactor, where the methyl esters are hydro- by sublimation and catalytic treatment of the va-
lyzed. The overhead methanol plus water vapor por. Impure terephthalic acid was vaporized in
is returned to the methanol recovery tower for a steam carrier, and catalyst and hydrogen were
separation. The hydrolysis reactor liquid is sent added to convert undesirable organic impurities.
to a series of crystallizers and cyclones. Af- Subsequent cooling of the stream condensed the
ter cooling to crystallize the terephthalic acid terephthalic acid, leaving impurities in the vapor.
at ca. 200 C, washing cyclones are used to re- Product crystals were removed by cyclones.
move mother liquor which contains monomethyl A process no longer practiced is based
terephthalate. The cyclone underow is further on Henkel technology. Starting with phthalic
cooled to 100 C, and nal crystallization oc- anhydride [85-44-9], the monopotassium and
curs. This slurry is centrifuged and dried to give dipotassium o-phthalate salts were formed in se-
the nal product. quence. The dipotassium salt was isolated from
Monomethyl terephthalate from the cyclone solution by spray drying, and isomerized to
overow is recovered, again by cooling to dipotassium terephthalate under carbon dioxide
100 C and centrifuging, and the cake is recy- at 1000 5000 kPa and 350 450 C. This salt
cled to the hydrolysis reactor. was dissolved in water and recycled to the start
of the process, where terephthalic acid crystals
formed during the production of the monopotas-
3.7. Alternative and Past Technologies sium salt. The crystals were recovered by ltra-
Oxidation of p- or m-xylene is also possible with Two proposed processes which were never
acetic acid solvent and a cobalt catalyst with an commercialized were by Lummus, using a dini-
acetaldehyde activator. Reaction temperature is trile route [19] and by Eastman, using the forma-
120 140 C, and as a result the oxidation re- tion of 1,4-diiodobenzene [624-38-4] with car-
quires a residence time 2 h. Titanium-lined bonylation to aromatic acids [20].
vessels are not required because bromine is not Toluene [108-88-3] is a potential feedstock
used. The acetaldehyde is converted to acetic for manufacture of terephthalic acid and is
acid as it promotes the reaction. After reaction, cheaper than p-xylene. Mitsubishi Gas Chem-
the terephthalic or isophthalic acid is recovered ical has researched a process where a complex
by centrifugation or ltration and drying, much between toluene and hydrogen uoride boron
like the Amoco process, and acetic acid is reco- triuoride is formed, that can be carbonylated
vered for recycle by distillation. with carbon monoxide to form a p-tolualdehyde
With isophthalic acid, which has a lower con- [104-87-0] complex [21]. After decomposition
centration of 3-formylbenzoic acid, consider- of the complex, p-tolualdehyde can be oxi-
able purication is possible by slurrying in wa- dized in water with a manganese bromine cat-
ter to ca. 20 25 wt %, heating to 240 260 C alyst system to terephthalic acid. While cheaper
to dissolve, and crystallizing by cooling in batch toluene is the feedstock and acetic acid is not re-
mode. Recovery of the crystals is again by cen- quired, the complexities of handling hydrogen
trifugation or ltration and drying. uoride boron triuoride and the need for car-
Eastman Chemical in the United States also bon monoxide add other costs. This process has
used an acetaldehyde activator with a cobalt cat- not been commercialized.
alyst to produce terephthalic acid. Bromine is
now being used in place of acetaldehyde [17].
Mobil Chemical in the United States had a 4. Environmental Protection
commercial terephthalic acid operation which
has since been abandoned [18]. As with the The three chemicals discussed here consist only
above processes, a cobalt catalyst was used with of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, so carbon
Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid 9

dioxide and water are the nal efuents of oxida- sured, e.g., monofunctional compounds can
tive degradation. There are traces of the cobalt cap the polyester chain and limit molecular
manganese bromine catalyst in waste streams, mass buildup. Trifunctional carboxylic acids can
however. cause chain branching which leads to undesir-
Efuents from the terephthalic acid process able rheological and spinning properties. Col-
include water generated during oxidation and ored impurities can be incorporated into the
water used as the purication solvent. Gaseous polyester. In particular, 4-formylbenzoic acid
emissions are mostly the oxygen-depleted air limits polyester molecular mass and causes yel-
from the oxidation step. Volumes are large, but lowness [24]. The particle size of terephthalic
the chemicals in the streams can be effectively acid determines how the powder ows, and the
destroyed and removed. viscosity of the slurry when mixed with 1,2-
Water efuents are subjected to aerobic ethanediol [107-21-1].
wastewater treatment, where the dissolved Owing to the consistent high purity of these
species, mostly terephthalic acid, acetic acid, products and the different effects of impurities,
and impurities such as p-toluic acid, are oxidized specications put limits on specic impurities or
to carbon dioxide and water by the action of bac- color, rather than overall purity (Table 3). Trends
teria which are acclimated to these chemicals. in quality specications are away from maxi-
The bacterial growth is a sludge which can be mum or minimum values, toward a target value
dried and burned or spread on land. An anaerobic with an allowable range. This has been instituted
process has been developed to treat the waste- to some extent by Amoco Chemical for the p-
water [22]. Advantages include much less waste toluic acid content, for example.
sludge production, less utility consumption, and
the generation of methane, which can be burned
for energy recovery.
Waste gas is scrubbed in process equipment Table 3. Specications and typical analyses of puried terephthalic
to remove acetic acid vapors for recovery. Trace
amounts of other compounds formed in the re- Property Specication Typical value
actor can be removed by catalytic oxidation, fol- Acid number, mg KOH/g 675 2 673 675
lowed by scrubbing to meet the most demanding Ash, ppm 15 <3
regulations for process vents [23]. Metals, ppm 9 <2
Water, wt % 0.2 0.1
Waste streams from distillation in the di- 4-Formylbenzoic acid, ppm 25 15
methyl terephthalate process can be burned for p-Toluic acid, ppm 125 45 125
energy recovery.
Co + Mn + Fe + Cr + Ni + Mo + Ti.
Another aspect of environmental protection Medium-purity terephthalic acid typically has 250 ppm
is the recyclability of polyesters. Post-consumer 4-formylbenzoic acid and <50 ppm p-toluic acid.
containers can be ground and cleaned, and then
extruded and spun into ber to ll bedding, and
quilted clothing. Textile bers can also be made. In Table 3, acid number, determined by titra-
The polyester can also be reacted to regener- tion, is an overall purity measurement. A per-
ate the terephthalate feedstock. High-tempera- fectly pure sample will have an acid number of
ture hydrolysis yields terephthalic acid. Reac- 675.5 mg KOH/g, but the low impurity levels
tion with methanol yields dimethyl terephthal- make the acid number meaningless as a quanti-
ate. tative indication of purity, and it is being phased
Impurities specied include p-toluic acid and
5. Quality Specications 4-formylbenzoic acid, residual water, and trace
metals, the ash being trace metal oxides. There
Feedstocks for polyester production must be are also color and particle size measurements.
extremely pure; they are among the purest Polyester producers often have specic tests
high-volume chemicals sold by industry. If which they prefer for color or particle size.
certain impurities are present in high enough Medium-purity terephthalic acid specica-
concentrations, harmful effects can be mea- tions address the same impurities, except that
10 Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid

4-formylbenzoic acid concentrations are up to 7. Uses

300 ppm, and residual acetic acid is present.
Typical dimethyl terephthalate specications Terephthalic acid and dimethyl terephthalate are
are shown in Table 4. Freezing point is an used almost exclusively to produce saturated
extremely sensitive purity indicator. Since di- polyesters. Poly(ethylene terephthalate), the al-
methyl terephthalate is often shipped and stored ternating copolymer of terephthalic acid and 1,2-
in molten form, color measurements are made ethanediol, accounts for > 90 % of this use, with
on the melt. A color stability test can determine a worldwide demand of 12.6106 t in 1992. Tex-
the samples resistance to degradation. This re- tile and industrial ber accounted for 75 % of
sistance is reduced by the presence of unester- this demand. Polyester is the largest volume syn-
ied acid groups, so these residual groups are thetic ber. Food and beverage containers ac-
measured. counted for 13 %, and constituted the fastest
Table 4. Specications and typical analyses of dimethyl growing segment. Film for audio, video, and
terephthalate photography took 7 %.
Property Specication Typical value Other uses are for poly(butylene terephthal-

ate), a high-performance molding resin made
Freezing point, C 140.62 140.64
Acid number, mg KOH/g 0.03 0.01 by reaction with 1,4-butanediol [74829-49-5],
Molten color, APHA 25 10 and for special industrial coatings, solvent-free
Color stability, APHA 25 15 coatings, electrical insulating varnishes, aramid
Water, wt % 0.02 0.01
bers, and adhesives. A small amount of bis(2-
4 h at 175 C ethylhexyl) terephthalate [6422-86-2] is pro-
duced as a plasticizer, and some dimethyl tere-
Specications for isophthalic acid are similar phthalate is ring-hydrogenated to produce the
to those of terephthalic acid, m-toluic acid and cyclohexane analog, 1,4-cyclohexanedicarbox-
3-formylbenzoic acid being the impurities. ylic acid [1076-97-7], for specialty polyesters
and coatings. Isophthalic acid is used as a
comonomer with terephthalic acid in bottle and
6. Storage and Transportation specialty resins. It is also a feedstock for coat-
ings and for high-performance unsaturated poly-
Terephthalic acid powder is stored in silos and esters, being rst reacted with maleic anhydride
transported in bulk by rail hopper car, hopper [108-31-6] and then this resin is cross-linked
truck, or bulk container with a polyethylene with styrene [100-42-5].
liner. Hopper cars and trucks should be dedi-
cated to this service, because of the extreme pu-
rity requirements. Shipment is also in 1 t bags,
or paper bags containing ca. 25 kg. Isophthalic 8. Economic Aspects
acid, being a much lower volume chemical, has
a higher proportion shipped in bags. Together, terephthalic acid and dimethyl tere-
Dimethyl terephthalate is stored molten in phthalate rank about 25th in tonnage of all chem-
insulated heated tanks, and is preferentially icals, and about tenth for organic chemicals. The
shipped molten in insulated rail tank cars or rapid growth of polyester use has led to an above-
tank trucks. It is also solidied into briquettes average growth for these feedstocks, and this is
or akes, and shipped in 1 t or 25 kg bags. projected to continue as deeper penetration into
The huge production volume of terephthal- ber and container markets is made. The versa-
ic acid and dimethyl terephthalate favors the tility of terephthalate and isophthalate polyesters
use of bulk shipment with minimized packag- is projected to drive growth in the foreseeable
ing costs. Rail cars are preferred where possible, future.
and they can accommodate up to 90 t. Containers Capacity for the three types of terephthalate
with plastic liners hold 20 t terephthalic acid, and feedstocks since 1980 is given in Table 5. Pu-
these are the preferred ocean shipping method. ried terephthalic acid has grown rapidly, and
is projected to supply virtually all the growth
Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid 11

for polyesters, about 7 % annually to the year producers are Mitsui Sekka in Japan and Impe-
2000. Medium-purity terephthalic acid capacity rial Chemical Industries in England and Taiwan.
has grown by construction of a few new plants, China is certain to become a major producer, and
and by conversion of some dimethyl terephthal- large plants are being planned in Southeast Asia.
ate capacity. Dimethyl terephthalate has shown Larger producers of medium-purity terephthalic
little change in capacity since 1980, and essen- acid are Mitsubishi Kasei in Japan, and Eastman
tially none is expected in the future. and DuPont in the United States. Some polyester
producers have licensed technology to supply
Table 5. Capacity of terephthalate feedstocks (103 t/a) their own feedstock. All licensors are themselves
producers of terephthalic acid, or have obtained
Feedstock 1980 1986 1992
the technology from a producer.
PTA 2800 4000 8100 Major dimethyl terephthalate producers are
MTA 420 580 1300 DuPont, Eastman Chemical, and Hoechst
DMT 3300 3600 3300
Celanese in the United States, Hoechst in Eu-
PTA puried terephthalic acid; MTA medium-purity rope, and Teijin Petrochemical in Japan. There
terephthalic acid; DMT dimethyl terephthalate.
are several small, older plants, mostly in Europe
and China.
The Far East contains most of the worlds Isophthalic acid production capacity is
population and most of the garment manufac- 250103 t/a, ca. 2 % of the terephthalate total.
turing industry. As a result, it is experiencing Amoco Chemical is the major producer.
most of the growth in manufacturing capacity
for polyester bers, and most of the growth for
terephthalic acid production (Table 6). Approxi- 9. Toxicology and Occupational
mately 75 % of the growth in terephthalate feed- Health
stocks in 1986 1992 was due to puried tere-
phthalic acid plants built in the Far East. Terephthalic acid, dimethyl terephthalate, and
isophthalic acid all have low toxicity and cause
Table 6. Geographical distribution of terephthalate production only mild and reversible irritation to skin, eyes,
(103 t/a) and the respiratory system.
1980 1986 1992 For oral ingestion of terephthalic acid, LD50
North America 3300 3400 3600
values for rats have been reported as 18.8 g/kg
Europe 1500 2100 2700 [26], and for mice as 6.4 g/kg [27], or > 5 g/kg
Far East 1500 2300 5800 [28]. Dimethyl terephthalate LD50 values for
Rest of World 220 380 600 rats are 6.5 g/kg [29] and 4.39 g/kg [26]. Some
mortality was found at 5 g/kg oral ingestion [30],
Pricing is often determined in conjunction and with a 28-day oral uptake of 5 % in the feed,
with long-term contracts, and is most inu- ca. 2.5 g/kg. For isophthalic acid, LD50 for rats
enced by the cost of p-xylene. In 1992, prices was reported as 10.4 g/kg [26].
were about $ 0.60/kg for terephthalic acid and Interperitoneal administration of terephthal-
$ 0.57/kg for dimethyl terephthalate [25]. Be- ic acid in rats showed LD50 values > 1.43 g/kg
cause a given mass of terephthalic acid produces [28] and 1.9 g/kg [31], with LD100 = 3.2 g/kg
17 % more polyester than the same mass of di- [31]. Mortality was found at 0.8 g/kg in mice and
methyl terephthalate, the dimethyl terephthalate 1.6 g/kg in rats [27]. For dimethyl terephthalate,
price must be adjusted downward, and allowance an LD50 of 3.9 g/kg has been reported [29], and
is made for the value of the methanol generated for isophthalic acid, 4.3 g/kg [26].
during transesterication. Ingestion of terephthalic acid or dimethyl
The major producer of puried terephthal- terephthalate results in rapid distribution and ex-
ic acid is Amoco Chemical, with over 17 % of cretion in unchanged form [32]. In rats, at high
the worlds production in 1992. Joint ventures of ingestion rates of about 3 % terephthalic acid or
Amoco, the largest being China American Petro- dimethyl terephthalate in the feed, bladder cal-
chemical in Taiwan and Samsung Petrochemical culi are formed which are mostly calcium tere-
in Korea, also produce about 17 %. Other major phthalate; these injure the bladder wall and lead
12 Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid

to cancer. Calculi cannot form unless the calcium 2. P. Raghavendrachar, S. Ramachandran, Ind.
terephthalate solubility is exceeded (threshold Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 31 (1992)
effect) [33]. Neither compound has been found 453 462.
to be genotoxic (Ames test) [34]. 3. J. E. McIntyre, Chem. Eng. Monogr. 15 (1982)
Inhalation of terephthalic acid dust appears 400 444.
to pose no clear hazards. Inhalation by rats for
6 h/d, 5 d/week, for 4 weeks at 25 mg/m3 pro- Specic References
duced no fatalities [35]. Dimethyl terephthalate 4. Calico Printers Assoc, GB 578 079, 1941 (J. R.
dust at 16.5 and 86.4 mg/m3 for 4 h/d caused no Whineld, J. T. Dickson).
5. Mid-Century Corp., US 2 833 816, 1955 (R. S.
toxicological effects after 58 days [29]. The rats
Barker, S. A. Soffer).
intermittently reacted to the nuisance dust levels
6. Mid-Century Corp., US 3 089 906, 1958 (R. S.
at the higher concentration. Barker, S. A. Soffer).
Irritation of the skin, eyes, and mucous mem- 7. W. Partenheimer in D. W. Blackburn (ed.):
branes by any of these chemicals is mild and Catalysis of Organic Reactions, Marcel
reversible. In rabbits, the FHSA test for tere- Dekker, New York 1990, pp. 321 346.
phthalic acid for eyes gave scores of 14.0/110.0 8. Standard Oil Company (Indiana), US
and 3.5/110.0 at 1 and 24 h after exposure. The 3 584 039, 1967 (D. H. Meyer).
FHSA skin test score was 0.4/8.0 [35]. For isoph- 9. Standard Oil Company (Indiana), US
thalic acid, eye and skin irritancy scores were 3 931 305, 1973 (J. A. Fisher).
5.3/110.0 and 0.2/8.0 [36]. Irritation due to di- 10. K. Matsuzawa, Chem. Econ. Eng. Rev. 8
methyl terephthalate has also been reported to (1976) no. 8, 25 30.
be mild [30]. 11. M. Hizikata, Chem. Econ. Eng. Rev. 9 (1977)
Terephthalic acid, dimethyl terephthalate, no. 9, 32 38.
and isophthalic acid can all form dust clouds. 12. Mitsubishi Chem. Ind. Ltd., US 4 877 900,
As with any ammable substance, an explosion 1988 (A. Tamaru, Y. Izumisawa).
13. Eastman Kodak Company, US 4 447 646, 1983
can occur, given proper dust and oxygen concen-
(G. I. Johnson, J. E. Kiefer).
trations. Reported limits on the explosive region 14. H. J. Korte, H. Schroeder, A. Schoengen: The
for terephthalic acid dust clouds are minimum PTA Process of Huls Troisdorf AG, AIChE
dust content of 40 g/m3 and minimum oxygen Summer National Meeting, Denver, Co. 1988.
content 12.4 % at 20 C. At 150 C, minimum 15. E. I. DuPont de Nemours, US 2 491 660, 1949
oxygen is 11.1 % [37]. The maximum concen- (W. F. Gresham).
tration of an explosible dust cloud has been cal- 16. Standard Oil Company (Indiana), US
culated as 1400 g/m3 [38]. 2 976 030, 1957 (D. H. Meyer).
Dimethyl terephthalate and isophthalic acid 17. Eastman News 43 (1988) no. 14.
have a more stringent oxygen limit. In tests 18. H. S. Bryant, C. A. Duval, L. E. McMakin, J. I.
with carbon dioxide diluent, the minimum oxy- Savoca, Chem. Eng. Prog. 67 (1971) no. 9,
gen content was 12, 14, and 15 % for dimethyl 69 75.
terephthalate, isophthalic acid, and terephthalic 19. A. P. Gelbein, M. C. Sze, R. T. Whitehead,
acid [39]. The oxygen content is higher for car- CHEMTECH 3 (1973) 479 483.
bon dioxide diluent than for nitrogen, owing to 20. Eastman Kodak Company, US 4 705 890, 1987
(G. R. Steinmetz, M. Rule).
the higher heat capacity of carbon dioxide (the
21. Chem. Eng. (N.Y.) 83 (1976) no. 17, 27 28.
12.4 % minimum oxygen content reported above 22. S. Shelley, Chem. Eng. (N.Y.) 98 (1991)
for terephthalic acid was for nitrogen diluent). no. 12, 90 93.
For molten dimethyl terephthalate, the ash 23. T. G. Otchy, K. J. Herbert: First Large Scale
and re points, determined by the Cleveland Catalytic Oxidation System for PTA Plant CO
open-cup method, are 146 and 155 C [1]. and VOC Abatement, Ann. Air Waste
Managem. Assoc. Meet. 85th 1992.
24. W. Berger, D. Dornig, Faserforsch. Textiltech.
10. References 29 (1978) 256 262.
25. Chem. Markt. Rep. 242 (1992) no. 4, 42.
General References 26. J. V. Marhold, Sb. Vys. Toxicologickeho
1. Kirk-Othmer, 18, 732 777. Vysetrien Latid A Priravku 1972, 52.
Terephthalic Acid, Dimethyl Terephthalate, and Isophthalic Acid 13

27. A. E. Moftt et al., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 36 34. E. Zeiger, S. Haworth, W. Speck, K.
(1975) 633 641. Mortelmans, EHP Environ. Health Perspect.
28. A. Hoshi, R. Yanal, K. Kuretani, Chem. 45 (1982) 99 104.
Pharm. Bull. 16 (1968) 1655 1660. 35. Amoco Chemical Company, Material Safety
29. W. J. Krasavage, Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 34 Data Sheet, Amoco TA-33, Chicago, Ill., 1993.
(1973) 455 462. 36. Amoco Chemical Company, Material Safety
30. Haskel Laboratories, unpublished data, Data Sheet, Amoco PIA, Chicago, Ill., 1993.
Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 1979. 37. A. D. Craven, M. G. Foster, Combust. Flame
31. E. O. Grigas, R. Ruiz, D. M. Aviado, Toxicol. 11 (1967) 408 414.
Appl. Pharmacol. 18 (1971) 469 486. 38. S. Nomur, M. Torimoto, T. Tanake, Ind. Eng.
32. A. Hoshi, K. Kuretani, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 16 Chem. Proc. Res. Dev. 23 (1984) 420 423.
(1968) 131 135. 39. M. Jacobson, J. Nagy, A. R. Cooper, Rep.
33. H. dA. Heck, Banbury Rep. 25 (1987) Invest. U.S. Bur. Mines 5971 (1962) 25 26.
233 244.

Terpene Resins Resins, Synthetic

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