SennDelaney Cultureclash UK
SennDelaney Cultureclash UK
SennDelaney Cultureclash UK
in mergers
and acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions are a fact of life in
todays highly competitive global business
environment. Unfortunately, statistics indicate
that up to one third of mergers fail within five
years, and as many as 80 percent never live up
to their full expectations.
been described as the Emotional Cycle
of Change.
Phase 1: uninformed optimism 2 4
Phase 2: informed pessimism
Phase 3: realism
Phase 4: informed optimism
Phase 5: Rewarding completion
Phase two is informed pessimism when all Team members operate more quickly are better captured. This leads to
of the issues, rumours and disruptions are and effectively in their new or newly- improved productivity and profitability
being faced. It can take one of two cours- revised organisation without loss of in a shorter period of time.
es. Without a systematic plan, pessimism momentum.
can become a long-lasting reality. The process of creating a vision, mis-
There are fewer defections. People sion, and shared values creates excite-
In phase three realism sets in. The issues dont move on because of uncertain- ment, inspiration and commitment
and challenges are understood and suc- ty or imagined concerns and issues. with all people working for a new
cess requires determination. However, future goal as opposed to living in
with a plan in place and continued com- Impact on morale is lessened. People the past.
mitment, the tide will begin to turn to dont waste countless hours on spec-
phase four, or informed optimism. In ulation or on feeling victimised. A sense of community is created
phase five, planned benefits begin to sooner since shared vision and values
become a rewarding reality. Focus on the customer is not lost and link individuals to the organisation
customer disruptions are minimised. and bind people together.
Benefits of a systematic The planned synergies, such as cross-
integration process selling, are captured.
Dr. Larry Senn is chairman and founder of international culture-shaping firm Senn Delaney, a
Heidrick & Struggles company. Larrys vision and leadership for more than 35 years has helped
Senn Delaney become an international firm that is widely recognised as the leading authority
and practitioner in the field of culture shaping. Larry has led culture-shaping engagements for
the leaders of numerous organisations, including dozens of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies,
U.S. state governors, members of two U.S. presidents cabinets, deans of business schools
and the presidents of major universities. Larry is an accomplished consultant, business advisor,
group facilitator, author, CEO coach and public speaker. He has co-authored several books,
including Winning Teams, Winning Cultures and 21st Century Leadership. In 2013, he
published his latest book, Up the Mood Elevator: Living Life at Your Best.
corporate offices
Los Angeles
7755 Center Avenue
Suite 900
Huntington Beach, California, 92647
t (562) 426 5400
40 Argyll Street
United Kingdom
main office line: +44 20 70754260 (from the U.S.: 011 44 207 075 4260)