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The Equity-Equality Conflict

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Journal of Management and Sustainability; Vol. 3, No.

3; 2013
ISSN 1925-4725 E-ISSN 1925-4733
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

The Equity-Equality ConflictDilemmas in the Management of

Reward Systems
Steen Scheuer1
Department of Leadership and Corporate Strategy, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Correspondence: Steen Scheuer, Department of Leadership and Corporate Strategy, University of Southern
Denmark, Denmark. E-mail: steen.scheuer@sdu.dk

Received: March 19, 2013 Accepted: April 10, 2013 Online Published: July 3, 2013
doi:10.5539/jms.v3n3p158 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jms.v3n3p158

This article investigatesthe factors that determine workplace actors appeal to social norms of fairness in some
situations and what fairness is perceived as consisting of. When is a pay level considered as relativity fair, and
when is it not? When are contingent pay systems (i.e. pay-for-performance systems) perceived as fair and when
are they not? When can differences in contribution (equity) overrule the social norm of equality? Which
contingent reward structure should be applied for teamwork members, if any? Which structure to motivate
employees to a continuous search for smarter working procedures and solutions? These are central concerns of
motivation theory, where rational choice decisions are counterbalanced by endowment effectsor other fairness
concerns. Management is placed in a dilemma between what is, e.g., an economically rational structure of
incentives, on the one hand, and what is considered as equitable by employees, on the other. Since equality in
reward counts for more among employees, while equity in contribution counts more for employers, this is an
inherent dilemma, constantly having to be negotiated and solved, but never reaching any final solution in any
company. On the basis of this dilemma, implications for management are spelt out, and recommendations for the
utilization of and limitations for pay variance among peers are given.
Keywords: management, motivation, social norms, endowment effect, contingent reward systems, employment
1. Motivation and Fairness
The general theme of this article is to investigate into the causal relationship between willingness to contribute in
the workplace and the effect of employees social norms. The employment relationship is an exchange
relationship, but once the wage has been determined, this sets the stage for conflicts over work effort (Hechter
1987: 127). Not only effort is in focus here, however, but contribution more generally, encompassing besides
effort also commitment, persistence, willingness to change, to submit novel ideas etc. These aspects are highly
sensitive to fairness issues, issues that impinge on the question of variance of social norms in employment
situations and among different kinds of employees, including institutional factors that support or minimize the
effectiveness of particular normative statement in the workplace condition. Social norms of fairness and of
normality are important forces that influence our conduct in the employment relationship. Beside incentives, the
conception of what is normal and what is fair strongly impinge on our conceptions and thus on our agency. The
issue of social norms of fairness has been widely discussed in sociology, economics and psychology, and the
impact of social norms on economic micro-decisions have by now been established (Boudon 2001, Elster 1989a,
2007, 2009, Joas 2000, Kahneman 2011, Kahneman et al. 1986a, 1986b, 1990), including the importance of
institutional and legal factors in forming employees conceptions of fairness (cf. Fehr et al. 2009). However,
fairness concerns is a quite general term, since fairness may relate to equity as well as equality norms and
values, and thus the point of reference for evaluating fairness may differ quite profoundly. Equity fairness
refers to a balance between contribution and reward (Elster 1989a), and thus the employment relationship
between company and employee, while equality fairness brings the reward of the individual employee in relation
to that of his/her colleagues. Since both the effort and the value of the contribution are usually less visible than
reward differentials, it turns out to be difficult to bring equity into play among colleagues. Who should do it?
Also, in the employment context, one basic problem related to social norms is the fact that while the contractual
salary payment is contractually binding, the desired level of contribution is not, and it is only enforceable in the

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general sense that an employee may be warned, demoted or fired as a result of poor performance (in the
employers eyes). This is the nature of the open-ended psychological contract (Marsden 2004a, Rousseau 1995).
This contract puts social norms of fairness centre stage. The impact of fairness in workplace daily interactions
may appear slight, but the impact of unfairness is substantial, and perceived level of pay fairness (including
perceptions of pay relativities) certainly impinge on contribution (Abell 1995, Fehr et al. 2009: 366, 369).
Fairness is enforced, but sometimes this comes to the detriment of all participants outcomes (Axelrod 1984).
This is important, because effort, commitment, persistence, change willingness in other words, motivation
are important indicators of individual and organizational performance. In fact, the proponents of what is
sometimes labelled New Pay (i.e. more flexible pay systems, such as contingent pay, performance-based pay
etc.) to a quite substantial effect seem to neglect fairness effects when they argue an ever-increasing utilization
of individualized performance-related payment systems (PRP), cf. e.g. Lawler (1990, 2000) and Schuster and
Zingheim (1992).
Therefore, since the employment relationship may be seen as an iterated Prisoners Dilemma between the
employer and the employee (Axelrod 1984) or as a continuous renegotiation of the effort bargain (Marsden
2004b), for management it is important to understand the nature and substance of the particular social norms
present and to understand which factors may facilitate or hinder changing these norms. This is particularly
pertinent for companies and organizations undergoing constant change impetuses, as e.g. with the increasing use
of high-involvement management, where increases in delegation, empowerment and involvement may be seen
sometimes to have ambiguous consequences, if more demanding jobs are not followed by social supportive
supervision, by rewards or by a lack of delegation of the actual powers needed, thus transgressing employees
norms of equitable fairness (Bryson et al. 2012, Bckerman 2011, Wood & Bryson 2009).
When judging an exchange or the change of the conditions of an exchange, our choice of reference point may be
either some ethical standard or the normal procedure and conditions in a situation: the cardinal rule of fair
behaviour is that one person should not achieve a gain by simply imposing an equivalent loss on another
(Kahneman et al. 1986a: 731). Lack of emphasis on or deficiency in ability to convince employees on this point,
or indeed employee representatives conscious framing of a conflict in precisely such terms, may generate a
sense of lack of fairness among employees and thus provoke workplace conflicts (Scheuer 2006a).
2. Endowment Effects: Equity v. Equality
In much of the literature, the consideration of norms is related to issues of the pay/work-effort relationship, while
less has been done considering other important motivational aspects of the employment relationship, especially
various issues of intrinsic motivation. While an employee may feel intrinsically motivated to undertake a specific
task in the desired direction, with the desired intensity and persistence of effort, social norms in the work group
may contribute to or detract from this motivation, in the same manner that extrinsic motivation may be perceived
as crowding out or crowding in the motivation of the employee, according to Motivation Crowding Theory (Frey
1998, 2002, Frey & Osterloh 2010, Latham 2012, Lawler 1990, Ryan & Deci 2000).
Some social norms relate to ownership in the broad sense, implying ownership of a job, of a particular level of
salary, of particular rights and small privileges in the workplace etc., this has been labelled the endowment effect
(Kahneman et al. 1990, Thaler 1980). It is thus against the sense of equity that one should lose anendowment
(such as tolerate a salary reduction or an unwanted lengthening of working hours) much more than the loss of
prospective gain (e.g. loss of an expected pay bonus), although even a pay reduction appears to be acceptable in
certain circumstances (Kahneman et al. 1986a). This may explain why pay increases for the low-paid may be
seen by others (the higher paid) as a loss of an endowment (a privilege or a sense of ownership), and be reframed
as a smaller percentage increase and thus an incurredloss, cf. Elster (1989a, 2009).
Examples of this type of reasoning often occur publicly in collective bargaining in coordinated market
economies (cf. Hall & Soskice 2001), as in some European countries. In Liberal Market Economies, and indeed
in local company bargaining, this type of argumentation may be less prevalent, at least in the quasi-public
discourse, but the deliberations behind them may nevertheless loom large in the minds of (groups of) employees
and in the group-oriented subculture, i.e. in the informal organization.
The problem, then, is this: norms of equity may thus run flat in the face of norms of equality. Status quo is not
the same as equity, since equity expresses a norm of to each according to his X, where X may be education,
experience, position in the status hierarchy etc., and this may not be met by status quo, although strongly
entrenched non-equitable practices may prevail due to the institutionalizing effects of more or less subconscious
taken-for-granted modes of evaluation, i.e. through isomorphic processes (cf. Scott 1995). Equality is also
different from these two, since equality may express the requirement of equal treatment in the face of differences

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in race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation etc., but also equality as a social norm of more equal distribution
of income and wealth in society, regardless of education, seniority, position etc. Equality may be local
(company- or profession-based) or societal (Elster 1989a: 224-31, 1989b, Scheuer 2000). The adherence to
social norms does not reduce conflict in society and it does not solve all distributional problems. Since social
norms among employees will be heterogeneously distributed, a normative confrontation will often occur in the
workplace context, and it requires both procedures for conflict resolution and a reciprocal insight in and
understanding of the social norms underlying the bargaining positions of the other part. Endowment effects are
relatively resilient, as are social norms, but they have dynamic properties, depending inter alia on framing
(Boudon 2001, Joas 2000).
Employees in work situations exert individual agency. The decisions that agents continuously make form the
core of the issue of work motivation. Work motivation may be defined generally as the process that determines
how energy is used to satisfy needs, and thus motivation is a cognitive resource allocation process in which the
agent chooses the time and energy to be spent on an array of more or less work-related tasks. Motivation
includes direction, intensity and persistence of the expended effort, and this process is future-oriented in that
agents anticipate the amount of satisfaction that they suppose will occur when outcomes are received (Latham
2012: 193, Pritchard et al. 2002, Vroom 1964).
3. Motivation and Incentives
At the beginning of the 21stcentury, much progress has been made in the understanding of human work
motivation, even though the influence on motivation from social norms is still not well understood. Some of the
concepts from classic motivation are still heavily utilized, especially Herzbergs distinction (1966) between
intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors, and the debate between (psychological) intrinsic motivation theories
and (economic) extrinsic or incentive theories is still very much alive (Deci 1975, Deci & Ryan 1985, Frey 1998,
2002, Lawler 2000, Ryan & Deci 2000), while some have attempted to integrate the two perspectives (e.g. Steel
& Knig 2006). Decis and Freys contributions make much of the possible outcrowding effects of extrinsic
incentives, especially when they are experienced as controlling (Frey 1998, and also Andersen & Serritzlew
2012). This may be an expression of an individual wish not to be controlled, or to be controlled less, but it may
also have spilt over from fairness norms based on status quo which might imply that pay bonuses generally are
controlling. However, some evidence points in the opposite direction, since those who report having
pay-for-performance systems generally consider their company more equitable than those who do not have such
an arrangement (Scheuer 2006b). This is the case even for those not obtaining a bonus, and therefore, it does not
express any simple economic satisfaction with a higher salary (a simple rational choice valuation), rather it
expresses satisfaction with the implicit deal underlying such an arrangement, i.e. an acceptance of the deal as
normatively fair.
More recent theories have appeared under the label of Public Service Motivation (Perry & Hondgehem 2008).
This theory connects the traditional motivational aspects of work with the impact of the employees interest in
serving the public good, and the effect of variations in motivational systems has been shown in various particular
work contexts (Andersen & Serritzlew 2012, Andersen et al. 2011). More generally, others have pointed out how
the introduction of choice and competition among public sector institutions may enhance performance (Grand
2003, 2007, 2010, Marsden 2004b, and Thaler& Sunstein 2008).
An important contribution to motivation theory is Latham and Lockes goal-setting theory, which moved on
from equity theory and expectancy theory in establishing that (a) companies must supply employees with
relatively specific and obtainable goals in their work defined (b) from the works basic characteristics and (c)
from an understanding of the goals and preferences of employees (Latham & Locke 1979, 1991, Locke 2000,
Locke & Latham 1990, 2004, Tversky & Kahneman 1986, Wicker et al. 1993). This theory states explicitly that
feedback and recognition is not enough, it is mediated by the setting of specific goals. Further, ability to perform
faced with difficult goals is mediated by the level of goals by individual employees themselves: people with high
goals and high self-efficacy have higher performance yet lower expectancies of success than those with low
goals and a low performance level. Furthermore, goal setting is a discrepancy-creating process, i.e. motivation
requires feed-forward control in addition to feedback, since employees with high self-efficacy often set
themselves even higher goals, creating a novel discrepancy. Many of these processes will become influenced by
employees social norms, which may add to or detract from perceived self-efficacy and individual goal setting.
Obviously, companies need to have substantial pay variance, often also a degree of variance between peers, but
they also need to be seen as fair in their pay policies by every group of employees. This is the basic dilemma of
companies, and thus of payment system and for the whole HRM system. One way of managing is to keep actual

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pay levels and individual pay secret, perhaps even forbidding employees to exchange this information, but this
approach is hardly ever completely successful and it also diminishes confidence levels between management and
What is considered normal or ideal will vary with attributes of the employment situation or of the employee such
as employment status, employment sector, employment tenure or age, level of formal education and (perhaps)
gender. Added to this may be attitudinal factors such as institutional membership and political orientation. While
theories of social norms and fairness constraints in general have received quite some attention, relatively little
has been written concerning how social norms vary according to these variables in the employment setting.
However, one should not only look at the prevalent social norms in the working populace. One must also specify
how these very norms are contingent upon (a) aspects of social status, personal attributes and attitudes and (b)
institutional characteristics (e.g. trade unionism, collective bargaining) of the work situation. At the same time,
there is the issue of establishing exactly when an action by management turns unfair and when change programs
therefore may run into trouble. May teamwork (and other dynamic forms of cooperation) become impeded by
choosing a reward structure that is economically and rationally fair, but yet considered unfair for some reason?
4. Propositions for HRM
Below, a number of consequences of the above considerations are spelt out for HR management. These
consequences concerned with the more specific aspects of payment and reward structures, and their theoretical
and analytical underpinnings.
Under contingent pay, systems that entail a degree of choice are perceived as fair, and ensures perceived
fairness of outcomes (even when the individual misses the incentive), while systems that entail increased
perceived control are less so. This impinges strongly on employee motivation and effort (Allgulin & Ellingsen
2002, Andersen & Pallesen 2008, Frey 1998, 2002, Frey & Osterloh 2010, Sewell & Barker 2006).
Contingent pay systems (ever so economically marginal) enhance management's insights into the individual
employee's contribution. However, insights should be perceived as non-controlling, i.e. enabling some choice.
Under contingent pay systems, social norms based on equity will vary positively with employment status,
level of formal education, membership of trade unions or associations, high-status unions having the strongest
Under contingent pay systems, framing may impinge on actors activation of their respective social norms
of equity and equality, respectively, enabling greater or lesser envy towards the differentiation of rewards.
Under teamwork, pay differences among participants matter little, but contingent team rewards may hinder
cooperation (contribution) by some participants, depending on the size of the relative differentials, depending on
(1) framing and (2) size of relative differences. Specifically, very small or very large variations in contingent
team reward are particularly impeding (U-shaped) (Auriol et al. 2002, Arrowsmith & Marginson 2010, Barker
1993, 1999).
In temporary teamwork (e.g. Task Forces), how can contingent teamwork reward be implemented and
framed to avoid envy? Either, one may mete it out percentage-wise or one may have to move parts of the
rewards for higher-earners to other for a.
In permanent teamwork (e.g. standing committees or quality circles), how can envy be minimized? This
can be done by changing the framing, e.g. by making contingent rewards less relative to basic pay (i.e. more
egalitarian), or by moving rewards for the higher-earners out of the teamwork.
Local (i.e. collegial) perceived fairness of relative pay distribution increases with principals insight in
individual performance and with members perception of principals fairness in t-1 (Prendergast 2002,
Rotemberg 2002). This also increases the perceived fairness of own pay. Perceived fairness also increases when
a collective bargaining procedure is in place, while the perceived fairness of own pay does not (Sisson &
Marginson 2002).
Collective bargaining agreements enhance fairness perceptions both in times of slack and when times are
good, and thus enable rationalization processes and contingent pay increases or reductions. It does, however,
probably require more linearity, i.e. stricter egalitarianism in increases and reductions than management might
otherwise prefer.
It is considered as unfair to reduce nominal pay due to excess labour supply or even under low company
profits, and it can only be perceived as fair under impending company losses (Elster 1989, 2009, Kahneman et al.
1986a, 1990).

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Firms that operate with bonus systems or profit sharing encounter less resistance in reducing overall pay
during slack (Kahneman et al. 1986a: 740). Firms that have collective bargaining procedures in place can also
more easily reduce nominal pay without becoming perceived as unfair (Ingram 1991, Traxler et al. 2007).
5. Conclusion
In the debate for and against the utilization of incentives in the employment relationship, there is often very
strong polarization. You are either for it or against it. However, theories turning their back entirely on economic
incentives when it comes to motivation seem to ignore that any wage structure, even complete egalitarianism,
contains a kind of incentive. Maybe not a kind, however, that you would think furthered the productive and
concerted efforts of employees. Therefore, one may underscore that there are many options in the introduction or
the rearrangement of a performance and reward management system, especially concerning
The formalization of the criteria for bonuses and rewards
The share of the reward package allocated to variable pay
The degree of publicity connected to the contingent rewards
In other words, contingent economic rewards may be high-powered or low-powered (Langbein 2010: 15-6).
In situations where there are reasons to believe that the divisive nature of contingent individual rewards is
detrimental to collective performance, or where high-powered incentives may be perceived as controlling and
thus crowd out intrinsic motivation or task motivation, it may be wiser to go for the low-powered contingent
reward system. This will enable management to reward good individual performance while simultaneously
keeping intrinsic (task) motivation and (not in the least) avoiding the divisive effects on collaborative efforts.
Most companies are, after all, collaborative efforts!
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