Change Management Toolkit: Capacity Building Programme

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The document discusses managing change and provides a process model and tools to help organizations implement change.

The document is a change management toolkit that provides guidance on managing change processes and implementing change successfully in organizations.

Some principles of managing change discussed include having a structured process, getting buy-in from stakeholders, effective communication, and readiness for change.

Change Management Toolkit

Version: 2

Programme, Project and Change Management

Capacity Building Programme

Supported by Communities and Local Government

Modified by LB Lambeth for use by
Capacity Building Programme Change Management Toolkit Local Authorities

Capacity Building Programme

Change Management Toolkit

Adapted by the London Borough of Lambeth from the

Change Management Toolkit first developed by
Information Management Associates for

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2003 Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries

16, Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9AA

This document may be reproduced freely without permission

This version was originally modified by London Borough of Lambeth for the former Office of the
Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) which is now Communities and Local Government (CLG), as part
of the Capacity Building Programme for use by Local Authorities. Further amendments
incorporated by the IDeA in February 2007 including changes to reflect altered government
organisation; a synopsis of the Capacity Building Programme and further information sections
included; correction of typographical errors and contextual references to e-Government revised as
the programme is now concluded.
Document number assigned and included. File naming format amended and revised document

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Synopsis - The Capacity Building Programme

Communities and Local Government (CLG) and the Local Government Association (LGA) established the
Capacity Building Programme in April 2003, as part of a three-year initiative to support improvement in local
government. Additional funding secured in the Spending Review 2004 has extended the programme to 2008.

The emphasis is now on supporting Improvement partnerships either at a regional or sub-regional level.
Improvement Partnerships provide a framework with which authorities can act collectively to address
common challenges, share best practice and share resources.

The programme aims to enhance and develop councils' confidence, leadership and skills to advance
improvement as well as developing their capacity to learn, innovate and share knowledge and expertise
about what works and how. In addition, it provides support to local government to drive forward its own
development. It can also help to respond to new priorities such as improving efficiency and the
implementation of the pay and workforce strategy.

The project, programme and change management (ppm/cm) web content has been developed as part of the
Capacity Building Programme and has been produced to help Local Authorities and other public sector
organisations to establish a project and programme organisational culture and to increase their overall
capacity to deliver change.

The modified version of this document was originally published to assist local authorities with the
implementation of the former e-Government Programme and consequently refers to this initiative throughout.
Although the programme is now concluded, the principals of successful change management remain the
same and can equally be applied to any programme or project.

Further Information
In all cases your regional director of local government practice is your first point of contact, except for fire and
rescue authorities who should contact their business change manager. IDeA regional associates may also
be able to help to broker partnerships, help authorities share experiences and to find information. Contact
information is also available on the Capacity Building website.

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The Process of Managing Change

The process of managing change is concerned with how people can be encouraged and
empowered to work with the new resources; what support strategies are needed to help overcome
resistance to change; methods of consultation; the roles of managers at different points in the
change process; and the influence of organisational climate, structures, and ways of working on
how well change is managed.

A toolkit for change

This toolkit has been designed to support councils as they grapple with the challenge of using new
applications and infrastructure to develop their services. There is no single checklist, blueprint or
strategy that will steer all councils through this change process. Managing such a change is
complex. The change process is too problematic and too dependent on local context to be
captured in one model. This kit will provide ideas, insights, and lines of thought; tools to help you
think through different approaches and to apply key principles to your own situation. It will support
you as you work systematically through the elements in the process of change

If you are serious about managing change effectively you will need to pay careful attention to all
the issues identified in the toolkit. We have put the sections in the order that we believe reflects the
most productive way to address these issues. Managing change is not the same as planning a
project and therefore a chronological approach is not necessarily the best one. The chronological
approach tends to leave important issues, such as forging ownership amongst staff, until too late in
the process.

Most of the tools are designed to be used in collaboration with other people: they encourage
discussion and consultation. Managing change involves building a common understanding of the
nature, scope and purpose of the implementation of e-Government; a shared vision of the future.
Suggestions about how to use each tool are provided in the toolkit.

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The Hero-Innovator

This then is the myth of the Hero-innovator:

the idea that you produce, by training, a knight in shining armour who, loins girded with new
techniques and beliefs, will assault the organisational fortress and institute changes in himself and
others at a stroke

The fact of the matter is that organisations will, like dragons, eat the hero-innovator for

(Giorgiades and Phillmore, 1980)

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The Structure of the Toolkit

The structure of the toolkit aims to reflect the most productive way to think about managing
change. There are five key sections in the toolkit. Each one contains tools and insights from the
literature to help you come to grips with the issues outlined below:

The nature and the scope of the change. This is the first thing to think about because it
influences all your subsequent actions. How big an initiative is the implementation of the Peoples
Network? We have already said that getting the hardware and software in place and doing the
training is by no means the whole story. What else is involved to ensure that the vision of improved
library services becomes a reality?

Choosing priorities for action in your own environment. Managing change involves a lot of
different activities: once the options have been considered some difficult choices need to be made
about what to focus on in your organisation. What needs to be worked on first? What must be put
in place as soon as possible?

The nature of your organisation. Whether you work at strategic level in a local authority or in a
small branch library it is important to understand how your organisation works and how ready it is
to engage with change. This will help to ensure that the processes you use fit comfortably with your
organisation. If you manage change in a way that is not congruent with your environment it will at
best produce more conflict than necessary and at worse not produce the results that you want.

Key factors. It is important to do a systematic analysis of the factors in your organisation that will
support progress and those that might hinder it. This enables you to draw up a sensible action plan
based on the real environment in which you work.

Working with people. This is probably the most challenging part of managing change. You need
to consider how to support people through the changes they are facing, how to empower them,
when to apply pressure and when not to. Individuals also need to think through the implications of
e-Government and joined up thinking for themselves; to identify clearly the effect it will have on
their roles and activities; to sort out the support they think they will need; and to develop their own
vision of the future.

This toolkit is designed to help generate an agenda for action by your service, department or
business unit. For example, one authority produced the following set of action points in the course
of a training day using the toolkit:

Action points:

1 Revisit the introductory document already produced (for service users) to describe the
changes that ICT would bring to that particular service. The new introductory document
should be aim at staff and convey the service values reflected in the proposed changes.

2 Consider the most appropriate focus for real collaborative planning (link this into
individual library plans).

3 Concentrate on generating images of early concrete practice (i.e. tangible exemplars

of the new way of working in action).

4 Develop criteria to show the impact of change. Convince others that better evidence of
impact is needed for ICT-based changes (because of their cost and scale).

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5 Use staff meeting to support management of change employing some of the toolkit.

6 Institute a dialogue about the role of managers in supporting staff through change, with
the people being managed.

7 Match management responses to the phases in the individual change process identified
in the toolkit.

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Managing Change Process Model and Associated Tools

This overview of the main elements in the process of managing change should provide you
with a sound basis for action. You will see from the table that the tools have been chosen
to help you address some of the most critical elements in the process of change; they do
not cover everything. Use this overview as a checklist to make sure that you are not
overlooking some of the issues you need to consider.

Managing Change Process Model Associated Tools


1 The nature and scope of the change
1.1 What aspects of change should you focus Tool 1: Some questions to consider when
on now? engaging with change
1.2 The change in relation to your service Tool 2: Forging ownership with externally
imposed change [Vision building]
2 Main elements in successful management of
2.1 Priorities in managing change Tool 3: Priority ranking activity (card sort)
What issues/factors do you need to
2.2 Thinking about and understanding the
change process
OD model
Systems approach focussing on systems
and efficiency (e.g. IIP) Tool 3A: Interpretation guide to card sort
Visionary/charismatic leader approach results which processes will you use?
Knowledge utilisation model
Democratic approach
2.3 The process of managing change
Key principles and issues
3 The nature of your organisation: how will it
cope with managing change?
History of change/responding to change
Readiness to change and change capability
Leadership styles Tool 4: Organisational structures/processes
Decision-making structures/processes review tool
Incentives/disincentives to change
Use of change agents/facilitators
Tool 5: Checklist: change agents

4 Key factors in your workplace to support or

to hinder change
Staff quality, morale, skills, adaptability
CPD tradition, extent, focus Tool 6: Force Field Analysis instructions
Finance and resources for use
Sites and locations

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5 Working with people: the personal dimension

of change
Individual perceptions of change
Resistance to change Tool 7: The Perception of change model
The stress of change with commentary
Stages of concern and response
Individual skills and competences Tool 8: Personal Development Checklist
Staff development support
Teamwork, collegiality, networking

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The integration of new processes, joined up ways of working with partners, and web based
systems into the working practices of local authority services is a major change: more far-reaching
than putting computers into services and ensuring that the system is maintained at a robust level.
The first stage in the process of managing this change is to consider its nature and scope in more

How fundamental a change is the implementation of e-Government for your service? Does
it only affect a few working practices or does it represent a shift in how people think about
and relate to service delivery?

How far reaching is this change? Does it affect most staff?

How important is this change? Is it crucial in helping your service achieve its goals or is it
an extra, albeit a useful and welcome one?

These tools are intended to help people wrestle with the issues posed by managing the
introduction of new technology enabled ways of working. However, this initiative is only one of a
number of changes that look likely to transform public sector services over the next few years.
Pressure to change is also being exerted nationally through:

Government information/social inclusion/lifelong learning agendas

Government accountability requirements and regulatory apparatus
The Local Authority CPA agenda
The regionalisation agenda including Regional Centres of Excellence

In turn, these and other initiatives have brought about:

a ring-fenced project funding regime

uncertainties around sustainability following initiatives
greater vulnerability to Government spending priorities and allocations to local and regional

Major organisational change is also likely to be affected by local pressures, including, but not
confined to:

Local authority targets and priorities together with local responses to national targets and
Individual service delivery targets and priorities
Local partnership opportunities
Local political agendas
The nature and make-up of the local communities and organisations served
Needs/expressed desires of customers
The history of previous major change in the department, directorate or business unit, and
the local authority as a whole

In this section there are two tools to help you think about the nature and scope of the change,
enabling you to get a good grasp on what you are dealing with:

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Tool 1 is a set of key questions for service managers

Tool 2 contains questions to stimulate discussion and build ownership of the change
amongst staff

Throughout the remainder of the document, reference is made to the e-Government Programme.
This is intended as a generic term which, dependent upon the context, could equally apply to either
the whole programme, or any individual part of it.

Tool 1: What aspects of change should you focus on now?


Who for?
A set of preliminary questions for managers

What for?
To help you consider where you want to achieve change in your service and what issues you need
to consider now. Use the questions to clarify thinking about what is driving this change in your
Library Authority and where you want to go. This is important, because the issues that emerge
during the process of change will partly depend on what is driving it.

How to use it?

Use these questions to clarify your ideas and as a stimulus to consider the implications of
externally imposed change.

Tool 1: Some questions to consider when engaging with change

1 What do you want to be able to do better or differently (by applying the Managing Change
process), e.g.

helping staff through the change

getting people to recognise the need to manage change

2 What are the most important issues facing you at the moment in managing change?

new ways of working

bringing all staff up to the same standard
providing a consistent service across all service-points

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Tool 2: Forging ownership with externally imposed change

Who for?
This tool is designed to be used by people at different levels in a Local Authority:
it can be used by senior managers to develop a clear and agreed vision of what the
implementation of e-Government approaches means to the authorities service delivery
it can be used by regional co-ordinators in discussion with local managers
it can be used with the staff in a single section, department, business unit or directorate.

What for?
One of the most important processes in getting a change accepted is building ownership. Staff
affected need to develop a clear idea of what will be involved in the change, what it will look like,
how it will help them. They need to buy in to the new ways of working not to feel that they are
being driven by someone elses bright ideas. Discussions with staff at all levels in the service need
to begin as early as possible it is foolhardy to expect to forge ownership of any new practices
overnight. Managers need to provide the time to engage with each other and with their staff. This
tool provides a structure for these vital conversations. The questions in the tool are crucial ones.
All staff need an opportunity to consider what aspects of the e-Government Programme will affect
them the most, what they can help them achieve, how they might use them.

How to use it
Everyone needs to engage with at least some of the questions in this tool.
All the questions will need to be addressed at senior management level and as early as
possible. This might be done at a meeting or over a number of meetings. It is then
important to consider how to disseminate this view of the change.
Senior Responsible Owners and Programme teams will need to consider all these
In those services impacted by the proposed changes, the whole staff should be given the
time to consider some of the questions in the tool. We recommend concentrating on
question 1. 2; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; and 3.3. You may want to change some of the wording
when discussing the issues with all staff in a small section or department.

We do not under-estimate how difficult it can be to create the time for people to sit down and
discuss things. We know that in many services staff may work only a few hours a week. This is one
of the challenges of managing change - finding ways to make it possible.
Tool 2: Forging ownership with externally imposed change
Questions to stimulate discussion

1 Innovation

1.1 Consider the shift towards ICT-based working.

What is its purpose?
What are its underlying values?

1.2 Is this change a response to real needs? If so, what needs?

1.3 What extra resources are required? (Include new knowledge and skills)

1.4 What time scale is envisaged? (e.g. Preparation and planning time; gradual
introduction or service-wide implementation)

1.5 How does this initiative fit in with other developments that are going on in the
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short, medium and long term?

2 Organisation

2.1 Define the boundaries of the innovation (e.g. whole service, specific service
points) [Use this at senior management level only]

2.2 Are the values and practices involved in the change compatible with existing values and

2.3 Can you identify any areas where there is lack of compatibility?

2.4 Which service priorities and aspirations can this change help you to achieve?

2.5 What are the most important elements of this change for you and your service?

3 Implementation

3.1 Which members of staff will be responsible for implementing the change?
Do they have the necessary knowledge and skills?
How committed are they?

3.2 Are the necessary resources available? (Includes time, space, goodwill on the part of
support staff)

3.3 If time is a real issue, could administrative matters covered at staff meetings be
communicated in other ways? This will free up time to allow staff to engage with more
important change management issues.

3.4 Is everyone clear about the purpose of the change and their role in it?

3.5 How will you measure success in implementing the e-Government Programme?

Based on Elliot-Kemp, J. Managing change and development in schools Longman 1992

Depending upon the issues raised by these two activities, you

may wish to focus on section 3: the process of change before
looking at the elements in successful change.

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Section 2: The main elements in successful management of

Once you have considered the nature and scope of the changes involved in the implementation of
the e-Government Programme, you can move on to decide what you should work on in order to
support the process of change as effectively as possible. This is a crucial step in making it work.
You do not have unlimited time, energy or resources, so you need to focus your activity on what
you think will be most productive in your environment. What do you really need to pay attention to
as a matter of priority? This will depend on what is already in place and how your particular
organisation operates.

It can be difficult to put some issues on the back burner or to leave some factors alone. When
everything appears to be important, people can be reluctant to prioritise. However studies of
change have shown that success is more likely when a clear focus is sustained on a limited
number of factors.

Successful management of change goes beyond more prioritisation. If staff are wrestling with the
big issues of transforming the library service it is important for managers to protect them from other
stresses and pressures as far as possible. Part of the change management role is to provide staff
with an Umbrella with holes, diverting what is not essential for them to deal with but ensuing that
they are faced with the important issues. This managerial role has been described as buffering
away, in this case diverting some of the national or regional initiatives and policies to keep staff
focused on important issues.

This section contains:

a tool to help you to prioritise
an overview of the main phases of the change process
some insights into managing change that highlights the elements that really matter.

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Tool 3- A priority ranking activity (card sort)

Who for?
Managers, for example service heads, who want to work out what to do next in order to
support implementation
Senior mangers in an authority when planning a programme to push the implementation of
e-Government forward; perhaps deciding what to commit resources to
The staff in a service or directorate considering what they need to concentrate on, in order
to move forward

What for?
To help people make difficult choices about priorities for action and how to use scarce
To promote well focused discussion, leading to a clear agenda for action
To work with groups of users on what priorities might be. (You would need to change some
of the statements to use this with such a focus group.)

How to use it?

The specific instructions for Tool 3, the card sort, follow. It is a group activity, designed to
promote focused discussion about the way forward. The group can be as small as four
people (in which case they could do the activity individually and then compare their results)
or as large as fifteen people (in which case do the initial steps in threes and then let the
groups compare their results).
The activity takes about 45 minutes to run (allow 25 minutes for the card sort and 20
minutes debriefing) and a bit of time to prepare (i.e. making up enough sets of the 24
statements and putting a complete set into each envelope).

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Tool 3: A priority ranking activity (a card sort) to help you prioritise the
factors that you need to address
Card sort instructions

This activity is designed to enable managers and staff to make difficult choices about where to
direct limited time/energy/resources.
When working with a group of more than about 5 people, divide the participants into twos or
threes to do the card sort. When working with a small group of people, let them first do the
exercise individually
Give each group one envelope containing a full set of the 24 statements, each statement
written on a separate card or piece of paper
Explain that on each card is a statement about something that needs to be put in place to
support the process of implementing the e-Government Programme.
Ask the participants to:
- choose up to nine items that they think are most important to support the
implementation of the e-Government Programme in their authority, and put the rest
back in the envelope
- add any other topics/ key factors that they come up with on the blank cards provided
if they think that these are more important than what is on the existing cards
- arrange the nine items into a diamond, with the most important item on the top tier
(as shown below). It is vital that people focus on importance when ranking the
factors and not on chronology. The question is: what do you really need to pay
attention to as a matter of priority to make the change work?




If the members of the group cannot agree on the priority order, they should note their disagreement
and be prepared to discuss it.

As the first groups or individuals finish, encourage them to look at other peoples
diamonds but only others who have finished!
When all have finished, take plenary feedback across the groups on their priorities.
Use prompt questions, such as: What did you put on the top row? Why? Did any other
group put it on top? Did any other group throw this out? Why? Progress down to about
tier three.
List the key priorities on the flip chart as you proceed, including any comments about
the concerns and disagreements on priorities within a group.
Ask if anyone has written in a new factor (not already discussed).
As a general guide, allow about the same time for feedback as for the formation of the
diamonds (i.e. about 25/30 minutes for each)

The priority list that emerges should provide you with a focus for action priorities to work on in
order to manage change more effectively.
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Tool 3: The card sort statements

(one to be put on each card/piece of paper. An entire set of 24
statements to be put in each envelope)

1 High quality collaborative planning (as distinct from top down) is happening

2 Need to show concrete examples of the change in action

3 Clear processes for people to use (e.g. check lists, descriptions of activities)

4 A strong advocate for the change is present to secure the support of key people

5 Clarity about goals and actions what are people expected to do differently?

6 The change is seen by those involved as relevant and necessary

7 Space for staff to modify the original projects (building ownership)

8 Staff support for the change continues (after any initial training)

9 Adequate technical assistance (not just ICT) and trouble shooting are in place to provide a
rapid response when help is needed

10 A member of staff has clear responsibility to orchestrate the change process

11 There is active support from senior management (e.g. involvement in training)

12 Strong senior management vision of change is anticipated

13 The change is embedded into the organisation systems e.g. budgeting, induction,
evaluation and staff appraisal)

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14 Working conditions are adapted to continue the support for change (e.g. new roles and
responsibilities, new meetings, new teams or groups)

15 Mechanisms are in place to enhance staff communication about innovations and outcomes
and about the library service change programme

16 An implementation plan (not just ICT implementation) is in place specifying

change targets

17 Training and development needs of staff are reviewed on a regular basis as part of a
continuing professional development programme

18 Individual staff are encouraged to set targets for their own development

19 Staff are actively encouraged to use the latest available knowledge

20 Staff are actively encouraged to share a vision of change and a joint approach to problem

21 Emphasis is placed on creating an adaptive library service, with flexible policies and

22 There is a strong focus on real consultation with staff (not just informing them about decisions)

23 Emphasis is placed on grass roots problem-solving and on empowering staff to won


24 Emphasis is placed on building positive staff morale to accompany change

25 Staff are expected to accept and implement the senior management vision
Tool 3A : Interpreting the results of the card sort

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The different colours and symbols on the cards represent different models of managing change.
Do you have mainly one colour / symbol on your top two or three lines? Do you have no clear
pattern of colour?

Whatever your answer, it is important to have an insight into what the different models of change
are saying about how best to handle it. They provide ideas about where to start, what to put in
place, what to avoid. Each model also has particular weaknesses that you might need to address.
You can then decide if your chosen approach is in fact the most appropriate one for your
organisation or if you need to re-focus your activities. The key elements of each model are laid out

The card sort activity should provide the basis for an action plan to address any gap between what
is identified as critical in the change process and what is currently happening. For example, as a
result of this activity, one service produced a clearly articulated vision document to communicate to
staff what the results of change will look like. This document plugged the gap between the library
plan and material about individual-initiatives. Another authority saw collaborative planning
particularly important and identified two issues over which genuine collaborative planning with staff
could take place. They also decided to consult staff about which support roles managers should
adopt to help staff through the changes.

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1 Knowledge Utilization Model

This model puts emphasis on research and evidence to inform practice (evidence-based working).

Underlying belief: utilization of new knowledge leads to change, but if new knowledge is
to be adopted it needs to fit the following criteria:

Key criteria in adoption of new knowledge:

- relevance (this must be clearly demonstrated)

- clarity (what is the precise nature of the change? Is everyone clear?)
- will (people must want or be motivated to change. This is more likely if the
relevance, clarity and action images are in place)
- skill ( to implement the new ideas)
- action images (having a clear picture of what to do/ what the new practices
really look like on the ground. People need to see what they will be doing
differently in concrete terms.)
- ownership of the ideas (staff are able to adapt elements of the innovation to
suit their approach and context)

Success in using this model depends on providing support (for example, training, technical
support) when it matters and not just at the beginning.

(Adapted from MILES, M. and others Improving the urban high school: lessons for managing
implementation 1987)

This approach to getting change focuses on people and what they need to understand and be able
to do if they are to change. It requires lots of discussion and exploration; well focused, sustained
support; and high quality innovation. The implementation of the e-Government Programme is a
major change. It has many implications and its impact will vary in different organisations. Can you
ensure that it is seen as relevant to all staff affected? Can you produce action images? The
strength of this approach is its ability to motivate and support staff once the key factors are in
place. Its weaknesses lie in its lack of attention to the structures, work practices and procedures
already in place. If adopting this approach to change, some thought should also be given to such
things as roles and job descriptions.

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2 Organisational Development (OD) Model

This model applies behavioural science to change in organisations.

Belief: people will work better and change willingly if given the right working conditions

Individual behaviour is shaped by organisational roles. Focus on:

o social organisation (team building; conflict management etc.)

o job redesign (adjusting jobs to individuals; changing roles and responsibilities

o mechanisms for staff representation and feedback (mobilizing commitment through joint

o creating an adaptive organisational environment (flexible policies and systems)

Depends on: trust, truth and not too much bureaucracy

This approach presumes an adaptable, flexible, responsive organisation that changes gradually as
new mechanisms, roles and staff development are put in place. It is an attractive idea but does
your organisation have the supportive atmosphere to make it work? The strength of this model is
its focus on important organisational structures and on facilitating developments such as team
building and joint problem-solving.

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3 Democratic Approach

Focus on collaborative team working.

Belief: people will take collective responsibility for working to achieve success.

Key factors:

o empowering staff to take decisions (no cult of blame)

o grass-roots problem solving based on real consultation

o recognition of skills and knowledge rather than roles or status

o shared responsibility for achieving goals

Issue: most employment contracts do not recognise this approach (responsibilities are
usually assigned to identified posts)

Few organisations are able to adopt this approach to change because of their hierarchical nature
and the need for individual accountability. How far is it possible in your environment? This
approach also raises the problem of leadership. Many people feel that a leader is important in
achieving any real change and that some pressure is necessary if people are going to change. The
strength of this approach is that it takes collaboration and empowerment, two key elements in
managing change, very seriously

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4 Systems Approach

The focus of this approach is on efficient operations and processes.

Belief: Systematic application of key principles leads to success

Characteristics of the approach:

Tight formal controls

- development plans specifying goals and targets
- implementation plans
- the development needs for the organisation identified through training reviews

Hierarchical structures
- clear (and current) job descriptions
- individual targets set through staff appraisal
- emphasis on competencies
- conformity to rules and recorded procedures

- adoption of external norms (e.g. Investors in People)

This approach is essentially about development planning rather than management.

This approach to change assumes that if the right structures and mechanisms are in place things
will develop smoothly. Its great weakness is that it does not ask questions about values or
purpose. If staff are to change the way they work to embrace the new ways of working they will
need to see its values and benefits; they will need to be convinced of its contribution to what they
are trying to achieve. Focusing on systems is fine for instance, when you are trying to put IT into
libraries, but not when you want to get it used for the benefit of the staff and the public.

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5 Charismatic Leader Approach

Belief: This approach assumes that staff will willingly respond to a strong and clear lead, providing
that it does not degenerate into autocratic bullying. Successful application of this approach to
change requires that:

staff have opportunities to find out about and share the leaders vision
staff can second-guess what the boss would do in any given situation and follow suit
resistance to the leader remains passive
the leader stays in place long enough to bring his or her vision into fruition
consolidation of the change once the leader has moved on

The main weaknesses in this approach to change are that:

charismatic leaders tend to move on to greater challenges (or to be jettisoned when they have
made too many political enemies), and
there is little scope for creating staff ownership of the major change.

What Next?

Once you have thought about the most appropriate model of change to adopt in your organisation
and it may well be a mixture of elements from the models that we have outlined - you will be in a
position to move forward. However, before you move on you should think about the stages of the
change process and some of the key principles underpinning any attempt to manage change
successfully. These principles should be integrated into whatever approach you adopt.

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The Change Process: Phases of Implementation

Managing change successfully requires an understanding of the process of change including the
fact that: it is a long process often taking years for full implementation; it is made up of different
stages; and that different types of activity are needed at different stages in the process. The
process outlined below provides a checklist for action planning. It indicates what managers need
to pay attention to when changing the way in which people work. It is not a blueprint or programme
for managing change as the elements will look different in different locations.

Stage 1: Initiation

link to local needs and priorities

use a strong advocate to go out and talk to those likely to be affected and to get concrete
support from influential people and those in key positions

consult widely and collaborate with key stakeholders. At this stage it is not usually a good idea
to try to actively involve everyone. However, those likely to be affected do need to be kept
informed of what is happening, what is being considered etc.

develop clear processes to engage people with the change and make developments as
transparent as possible. Staff need a good idea of what they should be doing.

The e-Government Programme has moved past this stage in most Local Authorities. However it
might be useful to consider whether changing the culture and working practices of remote offices is
a major initiative in itself, irrespective of whether any infrastructure or applications have been
implemented. If so, repeating the initiation stage of the change process might prove to be a useful

Stage 2: Implementation

a programme, project or change manager should be appointed with clear responsibility to keep
things moving and to orchestrate the process. They do need to be sensitive in order not to
prevent local ownership and empowerment.

local empowerment must be supported. This means enabling staff in business units to take
some control over the process. Perhaps they can be involved in deciding priorities or what to
do first. Perhaps they can be encouraged to formulate ideas about new roles and
responsibilities. Perhaps staff can exercise some choice over their training how they meet
the required outcomes. Some local adaptation should be encouraged to involve people;
building local ownership is vital.

a mixture of pressure and support should be provided. It is interesting that most writers believe
that for any change to take root, support on its own is not enough some pressure is also
needed. People need such pressure to change their behaviour but this only works in an
environment where there is also lots of support to help them cope and enough space to
enable them to develop their own view of what is happening.

high quality training/advice/technical assistance/trouble shooting is a vital component of any

implementation. Too often such assistance is readily available nearer the beginning of any
change, for example coaching, mentoring and IT support. However if individuals are going to

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develop their practice, such assistance needs to continue when staff come across challenges
further down the line.

tangible benefits and rewards of the change need to be made apparent. Are customers
happier? Is the service reaching more people? Are aspects of staff jobs more interesting or
satisfying? Examples of success should be publicised. People are more likely to be
persuaded by seeing the benefits than by being told how good it is.

This stage of the change process focuses on the needs of people and how they can be helped to
change. However, some systems should also be put in place: co-ordination and support.

Stage 3: Incorporation

Institutional mechanisms and systems, for example committee structure, training programme,
purchasing policies, customer consultation, need to be changed to incorporate the joined up
principles into the way the local authority functions day-to-day.

Competing demands from new initiatives/policies/government requirements may cause

attention and resources to be switched away from the e-Government Programme. If you want
to sustain change in the way that the service is delivered, you need to think about how this can
be done. How can the time, energy and resources needed to continue this work be protected
in the face of competing demands? Does something else need to be thrown out or demoted to
prevent too many conflicting demands being made on staff? Management has to sort out
these priorities.

Induction for new staff at all levels must incorporate the new approaches.

Build up a critical mass of users / adopters. This will help keep up momentum and show how
important it is to sustain the change.

At this stage in the change process the main focus is on the organisation and how it functions.
Can it adapt its systems and procedures to accommodate the demands and opportunities of the e-
Government? Or will it merely try to bolt this initiative onto an existing bureaucracy, which means
that the change is unlikely to stick in the long term.

Alongside an understanding of the process of change, there are a number of useful

principles that will provide guidance for anyone trying to manage change effectively.

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Managing change: Key Principles

1 Acting is better than planning. It is not desirable to spend an extended period of time
investing lots of energy and resources in very detailed planning. This approach tends to
make the plan as important as the change! It also tends to lead to inflexibility in
implementation. Rolling planning i.e. alongside implementation is a better option for
managing change. It allows examples of good practice to be developed early in the
process to show to staff.

2 Think big act small. i.e. keep the big picture or the vision in mind at all times, but make
sure that all stakeholders and all individuals have their say and are allowed to contribute.

3 Go where the energy is (try to work with the most energetic and enthusiastic staff at the
early stages to make sure that things happen). The 30:40:30 rule is often invoked to
encourage a realistic focus on change. The leading 30% of staff (proportions may vary!)
are usually prepared to support and participate in change; if they get convincing early
results the next 40% can probably be persuaded to embrace change and this is where the
main effort needs to be applied; for the remainder it is reasonable to insist on compliance
but they are unlikely to accept the arguments for change.

4 Help and support is required after initiation as well as before

5 Dont think you can build ownership at the beginning of a change involve people
throughout the development process

6 Beware of brute sanity. One of the things that many managers do when trying to promote
change is to give lots of clear, loud messages to staff about how wonderful the innovation
is, how it will revolutionise the service etc. This is brute sanity. And if the messages are
said often enough and loud enough staff will tend to back off and build barriers to hide

USE THESE PRINCIPLES AS A PACKAGE. You cannot just choose the ones that you like if
you want change to be effective.

Some More Principles of Change

1. The innovation will get adapted

2. Implementation is a process of professional development and growth

3. Implementation is a process of clarification

4. Interaction and technical assistance are essential

5. Planning at the service delivery and structure levels are essential

6. Developing and using a plan is itself an implementation problem

7. 100% implementation is probably not desirable and is in any case impossible

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Section 3: The Nature of your organisation

Now that you have drawn up an agenda for change based on the card sort exercise and an
understanding of the principles of change, you need to take a closer look at your service. This
section contains two tools that together should help you to think about getting effective change in
your own service or authority.

Tool 4 looks at whether the service is ready to take on major change, and, if not, what direction
you need to move in.

Tool 5 looks at the skills that your managers at all levels need to manage change effectively.

Tool 4 Readiness for change checklist

Who for?
All members of staff involved in organisational change.

What for?
This checklist gives all staff a chance to assess the readiness of their own part of the service for
change. More importantly, it gives everyone a chance to find out what other people think about
their section or service and to discuss what to do if improvement is needed.

It should help managers at all levels to gauge how ready their section or service is to take more
change on board and to know what to focus on if they are not yet ready. Column one in each
row gives the target state for effective change. Change may have to be undertaken even if
your part of the service has not reached column one, but change will be more effectively taken on
board if you are there.

How to use it?

This can be used as an individual self-reflection tool but it will be more useful if used with groups of
staff. Management teams can use the tool to assess whether they have a common view of where
their service or section has reached in terms of readiness for change. Manager can use the tool
with their staff to stimulate discussion about how to be better prepared for change.

If used with groups of staff:

get each participant to complete the tool individually (allow 10 minutes for completion of
the tool)

If you, as manager, think that the team/section/service has a long way to go for more
change, pool the results anonymously by collecting them in beforehand (in blank
envelopes) or invite the group to record their responses on a master copy using a flipchart,
so that people do not feel obliged to defend their own perception.

Put the emphasis on moving forward not on ascribing blame.

If you, as manager, feel that the group will be comfortable to share their perceptions openly,
work through each row in turn, checking out different perceptions. If you all opt for a
particular column, how can you get to the next column to the left? If you differ in your
views, why is this? What ideas do any group members have for moving towards the left (as
represented on this tool!)?

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Some problems and suggested solution are offered after the tool itself.
Tool 4 Readiness for change checklist

Please tick the appropriate statement one of the four columns in each row below.

1. In the past, Seen as meeting Not well Greeted with Vigorously

new policies or employees understood some resistance resisted
systems needs
introduced by
have been:
2. Employees Innovative Independent Uncommitted so Conservative or
may be best far resistant to
described as: change
3. The e- A success Moderately Having only Not successful
Government successful peripheral impact
Programme and
related change in
the organisation
is viewed as:
4. Expectations of Consistent Consistent Not consistent Unclear
what this change throughout the among senior
will lead to are: organisation management but
less so otherwise
5. What can A full description A description of A general idea Nothing
people directly where it affects
affected by the their own
changes tell you department or
about the service activity
6. Intended Specified in detail Outlined in Poorly defined Not defined
outcomes of the general terms
change have
7. Work Major change Significant Minor No change
procedures alteration improvement
following the
introduction of the
Programme are
seen as needing:
8. The problems The staff directly Service Outside bodies The change is not
addressed involved managers (e.g. CPA or BV seen as
through the e- inspectors) addressing
Government important and
Programme were relevant service
first raised by: problems
9. The next stage Crucial to the Generally Beneficial only to Unimportant
of change is organisations beneficial to the part of the
viewed by staff future organisation organisation

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10. Top Enthusiastic Limited Minimal Unclear

support for the e-
Programme is:
11. The Committed Assigned token Expects the Not planned the
Directorate / significant additional change to be resources that
Departmental / resources to the resources to the implemented are needed
Service changes changes from existing
Management resources
team has:
12. The An important part A helpful routine An obstacle to
management of management problem-solving improvement
performance development process
appraisal and
review process is:
13. The change Directly Partly Only indirectly Not at all
deals with issues
of relevance to
the service
14. The e- Make jobs more Make jobs easier Have little impact Make jobs harder
Government rewarding and more on people's work
Programme and satisfying
related changes:
15. The e- Similar to others Similar to others Novel Technically
Government already underway undertaken in the unclear
Programme and recent past
related change is
Readiness for change checklist: some problems and solutions


The potential problems are:
1. Past changes have met with resistance?
2. Past changes were poorly understood?
3. Employees are thought to be too cautious?
4. Recently introduced changes have had limited or little success?

The solutions are:

1. Keep everyone informed by making information available, explaining plans clearly and
allowing access to management for questions and clarification.
2. Ensure that change is solid realistically by making a practical case for it. Explain change in
terms which the employee will see as relevant and acceptable. Show how change fits
service needs and plans. Spend time and effort on presentations.
3. Prepare carefully by making a full organisational diagnosis, spending time with people and
groups, building trust, understanding and support.
4. Start small and build up a successful track record. Implement changes in clear phases.
5. Plan for success by starting with things that can give a quick and positive pay-off. Publicise
early success. Provide positive feedback to those involved in success.

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The potential problems are:
1. Different people hold different ideas about the change?
2. People do not know what to expect?
3. Objectives are not clearly defined?

The solutions are:

1. Clarify benefits of changes by emphasising benefits to those involved, that is, to the
2. Minimise surprises by specifying all assumptions about the change. Focus on outcomes.
Identify potential problems.
3. Communicate plans by being specific in terms that are familiar to the different groups of
employees. Communicate periodically and through various media. Ask for feedback. Do
not suppress negative views but listen to them carefully and deal with them openly.

The potential problems are:
1. The procedures, systems, sections, services involved are seen to be a problem?
2. The change was planned or introduced by top management or staff sections?
3. The change is viewed as purely a matter of procedure?

The solutions are:

1. Specify plans in terms that people understand. Ensure that employees problems are
addressed explicitly as part of the change. Arrange for visible outcomes.
2. Clarify employees views by exploring their concerns about the changes and examining
impact on the day-to-day routines.
3. Present a clear case by specifying who wants change and why. Explain longer-term
advantages. Identify common benefits. Present potential problems clearly. Listen to


The potential problems are:
1. Concerns or doubts about top management support for the change?
2. Whether top management will provide resources?
3. The current management performance appraisal process is seen to be an obstacle to

The solutions are:

1. Build a power base by becoming the expert in the problems involved. Understand top
management concerns. Develop informational and formal support. Develop a strong and
polished presentation in top management language.
3. Develop clear objectives and plans by establishing a clear timetable. Set up review
processes to be supportive. Bring in top management and middle management to the
review process. Focus meetings on specific outcomes and specific problems.


The potential problems are:
1. The planned change conflicts with or does not with fit other plans?
2. There a little or no clear sense of direction?
3. The proposed changes are perceived to place greater demands on people?
4. The change is perceived to involve new technology products/services, expertise?

The solutions are:

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1. Identify relevance of change to plans by reviewing plans and specifying how change fits.
Incorporate changes into on-going developments. If possible, frame changes in terms of
the organisations style.
2. Clarify plans for changes by communicating simply and openly.
3. Implement with flexible or adaptable people, people familiar with some or all of the change,
in a part of the service where there are strong supporters for change. Recognise why
people support change (career, rewards, organisational politics).
4. Do not oversell change by being adamant about conflicts with present practices.
Encourage discussion of these conflicts.

Adapted from: Carnall, C. Managing change in

organisations: 1995

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Being ready for change

What does a service or section that is really ready for change look or feel like?

Ten features of an adaptive organisation are shown below. The quotes against each are typical
of the sorts of things that people will say if they are working in an adaptive work setting:

1. Shared goals We know where were going

2. Responsibility for success We will make this work

3. Collegiality Were in this together

4. Continuous improvement We can still do better

5. Lifelong learning Learning is for everyone

6. Risk taking We learn by trying something new

every day

7. Support Theres always someone there to help

8. Mutual respect Everyone has something to offer

9. Openness We can discuss our differences

10. Celebration and humour We are a good team

Adapted from Stoll and Fink (1996)

Good change agents are central to the process of managing change effectively: people who
can take the change forward; people who can provide the right blend of support and
pressure to motivate staff; people who can maintain momentum. Potential change agents
can be found anywhere in your authority. They may be managers - but not necessarily.
One of the important jobs in managing change is for managers to identify good change
agents and work with them. A lot has been written about the skills and qualities needed by
good change agents. The checklist below has been designed to reflect this work.

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Tool 5: A checklist of skills needed to manage change effectively

Who for?
For managers, to help them think about whether they have the range of skills needed to make
a good change agents

For senior managers thinking about who would make a good change agent

It can also be used by any individual who wants to see if they have what it takes!

What for?
As a self-development checklist for anyone in the role of a manager of change. The tool can
help individuals identify their own areas of strength and those areas that need to be developed

As a management checklist when considering who would make a good change agent.

How to use it
As a checklist for individuals to consider what aspects of their skills they need to develop.

As a basis for management discussion about who would make a good change agent.

As a discussion tool: allow c.20 minutes for people to complete the checklist and to identify
their areas for attention. Focus discussion on areas where there is consensus that work is
needed, not on individual responses to particular questions.

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Tool 5: Interpersonal skills needed to manage change effectively

Good OK Needs

1. I speak persuasively when addressing an audience (a

good advocate)

2. I intervene and project myself successfully in meetings

3. I listen attentively to others

4. I respond positively to colleagues points

5. I am able to be open and share my thoughts and

feelings with colleagues

6. I am articulate when talking to colleagues

7. I can sustain an argument when talking in meetings

8. I am sensitive to and aware of my colleagues personal


9. I can help colleagues find solutions to problems

10. I inspire confidence through enthusiasm

11. I am able to control my emotions when dealing with


12. I am capable of accepting advice

13. I am able to admit my weaknesses

14. I can accept group decisions with good grace

15. I am not patronising or condescending

16. I am not afraid to confront my colleagues when


17. I am assertive

18. I encourage colleagues to use their initiative

19. I avoid being over directive or bossy

20. I am capable of cheerful compromise

21. I am aware of the effect of body language on social


22. I am able to raise my colleagues self-esteem through

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Good OK Needs

23. I am able to reflect critically on my own performance

24. I am able to gather data/evidence in order to evaluate

my own performance

25. I am good at passing responsibility on to colleagues

26. I give colleagues room to try things out even if it

means mistakes are made

27. I look for and share examples of good practice/success

28. I am genuinely interested in colleagues ideas and


29. I continue to learn from my colleagues

30. I am able to stand back and not over-organise others

31. I am able to communicate optimism to colleagues in

the face of difficulties

32. I am able to find out how colleagues feel

33. I provide constructive and well focused feedback

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Thinking about your interpersonal skills

When you have completed this tool, have a look to see whether there are any patterns in
your areas of weakness. All change agents tend to have strong and weaker skill areas. The
weaker areas will lead to particular types of problem in managing change. You need to try
to develop your skills in all the key areas below:

1 helping individuals - support

not blaming but helping them and the organisation to learn
Help and support are vital but without takeover you must show trust.
(Q4, 9, 15, 26, 31, 33)

2 communicate as never before vision, goals, actions

- coalition building/advocacy/bargaining
- checking things out
(Q1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 17, 21)

3 do not over-organise - reduce focus on details

- allow flexible implementation
- integrate colleagues ideas into the process of
(Q12, 14, 18, 19, 25, 26, 30)

4 dealing with conflict/difference

without getting over-emotional or personally involved (staying
in adult behaviour). Handling opposition well helps achieve
active implementation
(Q11, 14, 16, 17, 20)

5 building trust/confidence vital in order to drive the change forward

/self-esteem provide genuine feedback
listen to others ideas
focus on progress and examples of development rather
than statistics, performance indictors etc.
feedback on success
(Q4, 10, 14, 22, 27, 33)

6 real interest in others - contrived collegiality does not work

(Q3, 8, 15, 28, 29, 32)

7 emotion is important - do not minimise expressions of feelings

recognise that its all right not always to be rational.
(Q5, 8, 13, 32)

It is also important to be open about your own challenges and to be clear about how well you are
performing. These attributes are not specific to change agents but help you manage in all
(Q12, 13, 23, 24)

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If you are to be an effective agent of change you need to be aware of the problems inherent in the
role and of the limit to what is possible. The assumptions below make the nature of what you are
taking on very clear.

The assumptions that an innovator must make (or not make)

1 Do not assume that your version of what the change should be is the one that could or
should be implemented.

2 Assume that any significant innovation, to result in change, requires individual innovators to
work out their own meanings.

3 Assume that conflict and disagreement are not only inevitable but fundamental.

4 Assume that people need pressure to change but that it will only be effective under
conditions that allow them to react and form their own positions.

5 Assume that real change takes time a minimum of three years.

6 Do not assume that lack of implementation is outright rejection of the values embodied in
the change.

7 Do not expect everyone to change.

8 Assume you will need a plan and that it is essential to have knowledge about the change

9 Assume that no amount of knowledge will ever make it totally clear what action should be

10 Assume that change is a frustrating, discouraging business.

Michael Fullan makes a distinction between the early stages of change (the introduction stage) and
the work needed to make change happen (the implementation stage). He concludes this list with a
warning: If all or some of the above assumptions cannot be made do not expect significant
change as far as implementation is concerned.

Adapted from Fullan, M. The new meaning of educational change London: Cassell 1991

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Section 4: Key internal factors in your service

This section contains one tool: a force-field analysis. It is designed to provide all staff with the
opportunity to analyse their own work setting in order to identify what can help the implementation
of the e-Government Programme and what might hinder it. This should be a valuable process for
staff to work through together.

Who for?
Particularly useful for discrete groups of staff in specific services

Can also be used by managers looking across a department or across the

whole service

What for?
To identify in a systematic way what already exists within a particular service or
business unit that can be used to support the process of change or that might
hold it back.

To formulate an action plan firmly rooted in the real working environment

To involve staff in constructive discussion about how to move forward in a

particular service

Managers and staff should find it interesting to discuss the different perceptions of the service that

How to use it
Detailed instructions about how to do a force-field analysis follow. Steps one, two and three are
best done by individuals working in the same service and then compared/discussed in groups.
Steps four and five can be most productive when tackled in groups. In a smaller or remote office
all the staff could do these last two steps together.

Allow c.30 minutes for conducting this analysis.

Tool 6: Force-field analysis


Step 1 Draw a line across the middle of a sheet of paper to represent the present situation and
write a heading at the top to represent where you would like to be e.g.

The e-Government Programme fully integrated into the working practices of this service



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Step 2 Try to think of every aspect of the situation that will help you move towards your goal: these
are the helping forces working in your favour. On your diagram draw an arrow to represent each
force. Think about how strong that particular force is and then make the length of the arrow
proportional to this. Use a long arrow for strong supporting forces and short arrows for weaker
Remember to be systematic. Try to think of everything that you have going for you. It is very
important to begin with the positive factors and to encourage everyone to spend time on them. Too
often people rush straight for the negatives.

e.g. e-Government Programme fully integrated into the working practices of this service

Some regional
funds available
Two key
of staff in
favour fairly supportive



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Step 3 Now think of every aspect of the situation which may prevent you moving towards your
goal; these are the hindering forces working against you. Again represent these on your diagram
using arrows of varying lengths e.g. Long arrows represent strong hindering forces. Short arrows
represent weak hindering forces.

e.g. The e-Government Programme fully integrated into the working practices of this service

Some regional
funds available
Two key
of staff in
favour fairly supportive library


Some older
Four key members users reluctant to
of staff against engage with ICT

resources to

Step 4 Carefully go through each force represented on your diagram asking yourself:

How can I make positive use of each helping force to reduce or weaken each hindering force?

Jot down notes on your diagram against each of the negative forces as you go, linking these forces
to the positive ones you are going to use to reduce them.

Step 5 Go through your diagram listing the concrete steps that you now need to take. Try asking

What exactly do I need to do?

What help do I need in order to do it?

Where might I get that help from?

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Section 5: Working with People: the personal dimension of


All writers on change emphasise the importance of taking people along with you when trying to
achieve change. It isnt always easy to decide how best to work with and support staff through the
process of change. This section contains two tools focused on providing individual support.

Tool 7: The Perception of Change model identifies, phases of change and suggests how managers
can help staff through these phases.

Tool 8: is a personal development checklist to help individuals clarify their own reactions to change
and the support that they need.

Tool 7: The Perception of Change model

Who for?
This is a tool for managers to help clarify the main phases of change.

What for?
This tool introduces the four main phases of change and the five milestones along the way as
perceived by the staff going through it. It should help managers to see where your section/service
has reached in coming to terms with the e-Government Programme innovations and what to do to
get to the next stage. It should also alert managers about whether they might be using
inappropriate tactics with some people.

How to use it?

Management teams can look at the model and the commentary on the phases to see where they
are as team and where their staff appear to be. As usual, it is likely that different teams/parts of
the services will be at different stages in terms of their outlook on change. Management
discussion can then focus on moving staff to the next stage in the process.

Managers can work with their staff by introducing the model and inviting people to suggest where
they think they have reached in the process. This should only be undertaken if you judge that the
staff have reached the exploration stage at least in the process. Labelling a group of staff as in
denial is likely to be counter productive! Managers can also use the suggested tactics with their
staff, depending on your assessment of where the staff have reached in the process. It is likely
that some staff in a team or section will be at different stages in accommodating change.

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Perception of Change Model



Denial Understanding




Tool 7 part 1: Recognising the Phases of Change

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- disbelief It doesnt really affect my work
- apathy Theyll never give us the money to do it properly
- numbness Im too old to change
- activity but no progress I would use IT if I had to, but I dont need to

- anger Its totally unfair
- depression I cant see how
- stubbornness Yes, but
- blaming The new management hasnt thought this through
- absenteeism

- excited/energised
- over preparation (planning rather than action)
- too many ideas/options
- confusion about priorities
- too much uncoordinated independent action

- focused on outcomes/impact
- clear understanding of what to do next
- high job satisfaction (managers and staff)
- looking ahead to further change
- confident of ability to adapt to change

Tool 7 part 2: Responding to the phases of change

Two key points for managers are:

never to be tempted to skip a stage e.g. people will not get from resistance to commitment
unless they have time and space to explore ways forward

it is important to know when to concentrate on explaining why change is necessary and when
to concentrate on tea and sympathy. If someone is effectively in shock, asking them to plan
for the future is not likely to work.

Denial: tell

Confront staff (individually or in small groups) with the reality of public services
working in the information age, i.e. customer expectations, etc.

Explain the reasons for change expect staff to accept the argument but still resist

Explore what is expected changes in behaviour (e.g. working with IT) even if
people dont believe in the benefits of change.

Show what to do make clear what you expect people to do.

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Allow time for the need to change to sink in.

Resistance: ask

Listen to staff concerns and offer support

Acknowledge feelings (I didnt come into public service to)

Allow complaints

Support mourning of loss this may seem like an exaggerated view but we have
encountered individuals who have responded to ICT staff training in this way

Set up quick wins so that people can build confidence in the new ways of
working and see tangible success achieved by others.

Exploration: tell

Concentrate priorities to ensure against over-enthusiastic chasing up blind



Set short-term goals for the team/section/individuals

Coaching/training people need most support when things are changing (new
skills; expert guidance)

Start active teambuilding

Commitment: ask

Acknowledge success and reward progress

Give feedback in the context of ongoing change

Plan ahead but keep plans flexible they will change when they are

Develop teambuilding

Dont skip a stage!

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Some final comments about people and change for you to

think about!

People change when they see a need to change and have to confront that need

People will change when they know how to change

People change when they are involved actively in the change process

People need support in their involvement in the change process e.g. so that stress does not
become a negative factor

People change when they are secure in changing

People do not necessarily change on the basis of new knowledge alone (i.e. people are not always

People change some attitudes slowly, it is better to ask them to change their behaviour

Change can be painful

Change is not always possible or desirable

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Tool 8: Managing Change: a Personal Development Process

All the books about change emphasise that people are the most valuable resource of any
organisation. When change occurs this puts people under stress. It is therefore important to adopt
a change strategy which empowers staff at a basic level. People need time: time to think through
the implications of change for themselves and their work; time to decide how they can best cope
with it; and time to consider what support they need to move forward. The implementation of the e-
Government Programme is designed to change the information environment and to alter the ways
in which services are delivered. All local authority staff will be affected. It is impossible to remove
the stress of such change. However, people can be encouraged to grapple with the issues in a
systematic way, to take a more active role in their own development and to identify what they need
to perform well in the new environment.

Who for?
for individuals at any level in the local authority who are trying to come to terms with the
implementation of the e-Government Programme and its effects.

What for?
to provide support for an individual thinking about change and how to deal with it in an
appropriate way

to promote discussion between staff and between managers and their staff about what they
need if they are to cope with the change in a constructive manner.

The overall purpose of the checklist is to encourage individuals to become more proactive rather
than to feel disempowered and only able to react.

How to use it?

This is primarily a tool for the individual to dip in and out of. However managers should be
prepared to receive feedback from individuals or small groups on support needed and issues they
would like to clarify. Managers must be prepared to enable staff to move forward in areas they

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Tool 8: A Personal Development Checklist

1 Thinking positively about the implementation of the e-Government Programme

1.1 What are the positive reasons for this change?

e.g. What will it enable you to do differently/more effectively? How will it benefit your users? How
might it attract new users? How might it improve the quality of the service? How might it highlight
the authorities core strengths and values? How might it improve resource allocation?

Listing your own positive views about the change can begin to make you feel a bit more optimistic
about what is happening.

The positive reasons can then be used to develop a second, more fundamental list.

1.2 What individual benefits might you get from the change?

e.g. How might the e-Government Programme give you more personal satisfaction in your job?
What opportunities might if offer you to enhance your skills? Bring variety into your work? Provide
new direction for your career? Improve team work?

Thinking positively about change is a productive activity, leading to more creative responses to the
new situation. It is important that you find your own positives, rather than accepting a list of
benefits handed out by managers, the Service, the government etc.

2 Linking organisational vision to individual aspirations

Generating a vision may be thought of as too abstract, theoretical or unattainable, but it can lead
individuals and organisations to remarkable accomplishments. A vision can provide a vivid picture
of what a service or team is trying to achieve. Most staff begin with enthusiasm and a strong ethic
of service to the public; a strong vision can help sustain this through periods of change.

2.1 Has your senior management conveyed its vision for the service or authority using the e-
Government Programme? If so, have they put this in writing? If not, talk to your managers.
You need to get a clear picture of what senior management thinks an enhanced service will
look like, how it will operate, what your users will see.

2.2 Which elements of this vision appeal to you? Which elements particularly fit in with your
vision of an effective service what you would like to be able to provide for your users?

Get a clear image of the service you would like to be part off. What could it look like in one or two
years time?

3 Where are you now?

3.1 What skills and knowledge do you have at the moment that positively contributes towards
the service you want to achieve?

3.2 What attitudes do you have that will help you and your section / business unit move
towards the vision for the service?

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4 How will you move forward?

4.1 The computers have been installed and the infrastructure and applications are up and
running. This on its own will not deliver the effective service that you have identified in 2
above. What do you and your colleagues need to do differently to achieve it? For
example, will it involve:

some different activities

different people to work with/talk to
different ways of communicating with colleagues/users/managers
new meetings to attend

List what key parts of your work you will need to change.

4.2 Prioritise your list - what is most important?

- what do you need to do first?

4.3 Set some realistic targets - you cant change everything at once, but you do need to
keep in step with the authority and your colleagues. You can use your list to provide a
good base from which to discus things with your manager and colleagues and have some
influence over your own way forward.

5 Development needs

5.1 What development needs do you have?

Consider your current skills, and knowledge. What do you think you need to add or enhance in
order to play a full part in the service? (You can use a ICT self-assessment tool to help you in this

5.2 What type of support would help you develop?

Consider for example: courses, a peer mentor/critical friend, work shadowing, job swaps, time for
discussion with colleagues, clearer job description.

6 Looking after yourself

Coping with change, especially externally imposed change, can be difficult and stressful. It
requires an investment of time and emotion - perhaps for little initial reward. During this time you
need to take care of yourself, to work out your own stress management plan, and perhaps
encourage your colleagues to do the same.

6.1 List your own stress makers and the effects that they have on you (Try monitoring them
over a two week period)

Identify the stress makers over which you have some control e.g. your own desire to do everything
well. What can you change?

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6.2 Consider the types of supports that can help to promote wellbeing

The list might include:

setting and negotiating appropriate tasks
receiving praise, recognition, positive feedback
sense of achievement
discussing common problems with colleagues
making time to talk casually/informally during work
being open about your own needs
asking for help
making sure you get a lunch break
having someone at work you talk to confidentially
being able to make mistakes

Two key ways of taking care of yourself are through communication and collaboration.

What personal resources do you already have to draw on?

What other resources do you already have to draw on?

e.g. Who can you talk to? Who can you depend on in a crisis? Who makes you feel valued
and competent? Who will give you constructive feedback?

6.3 Develop a stress management plan

What level of stress can you cope with?

What stresses do you need to deal with as a priority?
What actions will you take to reduce stress?
What resources will you draw on?
What support do you need from the organisation and from your colleagues?

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Now that you have worked through the main aspects of managing change here are some
salutary final thoughts

When something goes wrong theres always someone who knew it would.

When someone can smile when something goes wrong, its because s/he can think of someone
to blame

Dont believe in miracles, rely on them!

Managing any change is a long, challenging process. Everyone finds it difficult. You are
not alone

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