Building the village, without the use of more modern and expensive
materials such as steel and concrete. Using mud bricks, the native
technique that Fathy learned in Nubia, and such traditional Egyptian
architectural designs as enclosed courtyards and vaulted roofing, Fathy
worked with the villagers to tailor his designs and their needs. He taught
them how to work with the bricks, supervised the erection of the
buildings, and encouraged the revival of such ancient crafts as claustra
(lattice designs in the mudwork) to adorn the buildings.
Case Studies:
Case Studies:
His subject is the place where architecture and religion meet. The two
great authorities on this subject from the last century were Pugin and
We are the victims of a predatory technology that ruthlessly consumes
the resources of the earth. The march of progress has crushed gentler
species of animal and plant to extinction.
The gentlest species are the creative gift of Art and the fear of the
Creator; both of which, have disappeared.
Ancient man harnessed nature and expressed this in his art; modern man
finds himself tragically opposed to nature and has expressed this
defiance in his art. Thus the creative artistic gift must disappear.
This process has occurred in architecture. In the past we were confined to
the disciplines of natural materials brick, stone, timber. Depth was
controlled by natural light and air etc.. But now steel, glass, concrete...
have given us unlimited freedom which we are unable to control.
Cheaper, temporary construction and maximum profit have become our
The ability to design and build beautiful buildings has ceased
Case Studies:
Modernism's respect for disciple was its sole redeeming feature: but it
was a disciple about the wrong things. It told us to be true to function, to
social utility, to materials, to political principles. At the same time,
modernism threw away, the aesthetic discipline embodied in the classical
Post-modernism is a reaction to modernist criticality. It plays with the
classical and gothic details which were forbidden by its stern parent, and
so empties them of the last traces of meaning. This is not the rediscovery
of history, but its dissolution
Such a practice marks a new departure of the nihilistic spirit which is
foreshadowed in modernism.
The theory was aimed to treat architecture not only as an art form but
taking into account social, psychological effects.
It became a seminal text in its search for meaning in architecture.
He said modern architecture lacked a worked-out method based on a
clear analysis of functional, sociological and cultural problems.
Questions raised:
How to make architecture a sensitive medium?
Building form should be according to function but maintaining a visual
order. How?
Formal differentiation for functional differences?
Differentiation should be symbolising?
Definition of our building tasks and the means of their solution?
What purpose architecture has as a human product?
How does architecture influence us?
Why has a building from a particular period have a particular form?
Duality in interiors
Two vertical the fireplace-chimney and the stair compete, for
central position.
And each of these elements, one solid and the other essentially
void, comprises in its shape and position that is, inflects toward
the other to make a unity of the duality of the central core they
Bifurcation according to needs
The first floor plan contains all the main rooms of the house
master bedroom, full bathroom, caretaker's room, kitchen and a
living/dining. She did not drive, so there is no garage. It is
specifically designed for her needs.
Kent C. Bloomer and Charles Moore 'Body, Memory and
Architecture' 1977
The authors claim that modern architecture, has become too rational...
too concerned with appearing beautiful in an intellectual way. Modern
architecture should not base itself on some abstract idea since this
causes man to feel alienated from the building. It should consider the
way the building is experienced. How it affects the individual and the
community emotionally, providing feelings of joy, identity and place.
Architecture is about the man... it is making places for man to live in
therefore it should provide comfort to the user, both mentally and
physically. The authors believe that architects should not approach
architectural design in a 2-dimensional manner, but the architect should
imagine being in the space .. s/he should feel the space and work on the
feelings that the user will get from the space. The architect should
consider the holistic experience that the building imparts.
Case Studies:
Lucien Kroll (b. Brussels 1927) is well known for his projects involving
participation by the future users of the buildings. (Participatory design)
Diversity encourages creativity, while repetition anaesthetises it.
Often architecture is too homogeneous, sometimes due to an
exaggerated aesthetic commitment (architects' architecture) or because
of a self-centred desire to see buildings apart from their context. This
homogeneity makes it difficult for the users to add anything of their own.
Industrial Components
Before they become a means of construction, components involve a
redistribution of power and roles, reversing the significance of what is
built. If we fail to realise this we shall remain at the mercy of
manufacturers of prefabricated systems who, knowing their products to
be out-dated, yet reintroduce them renamed overnight as
components, taking advantage of the confusion
Power of the Tool Over the Product
Computer has a tendency to dominate and reorganise things in its own
It is not always the most appropriate approach so how does one resist?
Firstly, one must be determined to disbelieve the precise results. One
must remove the tendency to rely completely. This is done through
making modification of data as easy as its introduction. This will of
course complicate the program
Tools should be adapted to ensure diversity yet take due account of
economic constraints. This diversity could be achieved with
Preliminary participative consultation and later contacts prepare the
inhabitants to put down roots more easily, to get to know each other
and to discover how to act together upon their environment. In view of
this, we take the trouble to leave space for future extensions and to
organise the rules of the architecture to encourage such initiative. This
will help the neighbourhood to regenerate itself by itself....
Case Studies:
Case Studies:
Case Studies:
Born 1939
American architecture theorist and critic, landscape architect and
His books on history and criticism of modernism and post-modernism are
widely read in architectural circles.
General Values
1. Multivalence is preferred to univalence, imagination to fancy.
Literally means, having multiple values
Values in terms of form, function and aesthetics of a building
Modernism focuses on more of the functional value completely
ignoring the aesthetics
2. Complexity and contradiction are preferred to over-simplicity and
Minimalism considered as boring and bland
3. Complexity and Chaos theories are considered more basic in explaining
nature than linear dynamics; that is 'more of nature' is nonlinear in
behaviour than linear.
4. Memory and history are inevitable in DNA, language, style and the city as
positive catalysts for intervention.
Using elements from the past or inculcating elements of
historical importance in the building.
Case studies:
Capsule House K, Karuizawa, Japan 1974
(prefabricated apartment building project: using capsule units)
Kisho Kurokawa 'The Philosophy of Symbiosis' 1987
Case studies:
This analysis limits itself to the effects of physical and perceptible objects
Other things influence a space, not just its imageability; (a phrase that
Lynch coined) such as the social meaning of the area, its function,
history, or name.
It is taken for granted that in actual design form should be used to
reinforce meaning, and not to negate it.
Five types of elements: paths, edges, districts, nodes, and
landmarks (in the lynch analysis)
Channels in which the observer moves. Example streets,
walkways, canals, and railroads.
Predominant elements in many peoples image
Linear elements not used or considered as paths to the
Bound between two phases, linear breaks in continuity.
Example: shores, railroad cuts, and walls.
Can be barriers, more or less penetrable. Can be perceived
Not as dominant as paths
Important organizational features.
Holding together generalized areas
Outline of a city by water or wall
Medium-to-large sections of the city
An observer mentally enters inside of
Have some common, identifying character
Strategic spots in a city into which an observer can enter
Intensive foci to and from travelling purposes
Example: junctions, piazzas, places of break in transportation,
a crossing, convergence of paths, street corner, or an
enclosed square.
Another type of point reference, in which the user does not
enter within them they are external
Usually a simply defined physical object: building, sign, store,
mountain etc
When he talks about the city, hes referring to the architecture, and by
architecture, he also includes the construction of the city over time.
This addresses the ultimate and definitive fact in the life of the
collective, the creation of the environment in which it lives
Architecture has been deeply rooted in shaping our civilization and is a
permanent, universal, and necessary artefact.
Two permanent characteristics of architecture: aesthetic intention, and
the creation of better surroundings for life.
The city grows upon itself, acquiring a consciousness and memory.
Records of vision: images, engravings, photographs of the disembowelled
Signs of urban dynamics: destruction and demolition, expropriation and
rapid changes in use.
Monuments will act as a primary element, and a fixed point for urban
Important to have rituals in collective nature, to help preserve myths
which constitutes a key to understanding the meanings of the
monuments and their implications for the city in an urban context.
We must judge the quality of a space
Why we dont go to certain places because it evokes a particular feeling,
or reminiscence of previous experiences.
First houses built were to protect the users from the elements man used
what he could control at the time. As time progressed, the villages
expanded like an urban nucleus. Changes can be seen as far back as
Neolithic villages. Therefore the concept of type became a basis for
Rossis definition of type: something that is permanent and complex, a
logical principle that is prior to form and that constitutes it
Type is the very idea of architecture
Imposing itself on the feelings of reason as the principle of
architecture and of the city
Case Studies
About (Rowe):
Refers to a Picasso art work (Bulls Head 1944) [bicycle seat that looks
like a bulls head, therefore metaphor]
Exploitation and recycling of meaning
A dialectic between past and future
What is true/ false?
What is antique/ new?
Therefore concluding to a collage
Collage both as a technique and a state of mind
Ultimate problem: utopia versus tradition
Introducing a social collage: anything can be: aristocratic, folkish,
academic, popular etc
Societies and persons assemble themselves according to their own
interpretations of absolute reference and traditional value; up to a point,
collage accommodates both hybrid display and the requirements of self-
Can help deal with utopia as an image
Dealt in fragments
SITE Notes on the Philosophy of SITE 1980