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Pak. J. Bot., 49(1): 227-236, 2017.


Department of Botany, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat-26000, Pakistan.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Peshawar Pakistan.
Botany and Microbiology Department, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box. 2460 Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Department of Plant Production, Collage of Food & Agricultural Sciences, King Saud University,
P.O. Box. 2460 Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.
Corresponding authors email: #


Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex D.Don is valuable commercial species with sparse distribution all around the world. In the
Sulaiman mountain range of Pakistan, P. gerardiana faces many threats affecting its regeneration status and sustainable
conservation. The aim of study was to evaluate the competing regeneration and expansion pattern of P. gerardiana in two
different forest-use types (based on anthropogenic pressure) in Sulaiman mountain range. Seventy plots were randomly
selected in each forest. Average regeneration density was significantly greater in the (low anthropogenic area) (85.76 6.67
no ha-1) than the (high anthropogenic area) (4.30 0.98 no ha-1). Determining the basal area (m2 ha-1), significantly higher
value was recorded in low anthropogenic area (2.69 0.14, p<0.01) in comparison to high anthropogenic area (1.43 0.10,
p<0.01). Average height of the trees was significantly higher in the high anthropogenic area. Shannon evenness and
Simpson diversity indexes were determined based on the size of the dbh classes of the species. For low anthropogenic area,
Shannon evenness and Simpson diversity index were recorded as 0.8355 0.02 and 0.6109 0.01 respectively while for
high anthropogenic area the two indexes were recorded as 0.7429 0.03 and 0.5109 0.02 respectively. Overall the
regeneration of P. gerardiana in the high anthropogenic area is in a critical state of condition. Hence, there is an urgent need
to consider and take into account the alarming situation and to ensure the sustainability of these forests by enforcing strict
laws through community involvement.

Key words: Pinus gerardiana; Sulaiman mountain range; Regeneration status; DBH

Introduction In the Sulaiman mountain range of Pakistan, this

species occurs in the zone with an altitude between 2700
Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex D.Don is a vital m to 3400 m above sea level (Rafi, 1965). Anthropogenic
ecological and economical species, commonly known as disturbances during the last 100 years have been extended
Chilgoza or neoza pine in Pakistan. It has very sparse to this zone, which has brought drastic changes in the
distribution and found in Indian Himalayas, remote vegetation composition and regeneration pattern of P.
valleys of Pakistan including Sulaiman mountain range, gerardiana at higher altitudes (Moinuddin et al., 1991).
Kashmir and part of Afghanistan (Champion et al., 1965).
However, at lower elevations, this species has been
Research studies pertaining to its natural regeneration
have revealed several factors both biotic and abiotic almost entirely eliminated.. The ongoing anthropogenic
affecting the sustainable maintenance and better practices may reduce the regeneration capacity of P.
regeneration of the species in its natural habitat (Sharma gerardiana, which can ultimately result its extinction
& Minhas, 1993; Wahab et al., 2008; Khan et al., 2015; from the entire region. In other words, the absence of
Akbar et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2014; Kumar et al., effective management and conservation strategies, has put
2016). The poor natural regeneration had gone to the this ecologically and commercially valuable species into a
predominance of mature and over mature trees coupled great danger. Therefore, lack of data on the regeneration
with reduced number of younger trees in the forests status of P. gerardiana in the Sulaiman mountain region
(Sharma et al., 2010). Among other factors being is a scientific gap, which needs to be filled through a
responsible for the poor regeneration and growth of P. detailed study. Thus, the present study has been planned
gerardiana, the important one is collection of nuts by the with the objectives to (i) compare the current natural
indigenous communities due to its high price in the regeneration status and other tree stand characteristics of
national and international markets (Peltier & Dauffy, P. gerardiana in two different forest-use types, and (ii) to
2009). This type of biotic intervention badly affecting the
evaluate the effect of various ecological and physiological
process of natural regeneration and stand development,
which may result in the decline of forest resources and conditions on the regeneration potential of P. gerardiana
corresponding changes in the physico-chemical properties by investigating previous studies to device future
of soil with an ultimate effect on the succession pattern conservation strategies in a relatively less explored area of
(Romme et al., 1998). P. gerardiana is under critical Pak-Afghan border region. The results of this study would
condition and that is why IUCN has declared it an bring broader implication for the sustainable utilization of
endangered species in the red list (Urooj & Jabeen, 2015). P. gerardiana in similar regions across the globe.

Materials and Methods beneficiaries. The whole range support a pure stand of
Chilgoza (Pinus gerardiana) forests stretched along 260
Study area and ethnic background of the local km2 area and considered to be the worlds largest pure
population: Sulaiman Mountain Range is an extension stand of Chilgoza forest. The area, which has been
of the Hindu Kush Mountain Range mostly occurs in the selected for the assessment of regeneration of P.
Baluchistan province of Pakistan. The study area comes gerardiana is situated near Thakht-e-Sulaiman, which
under dry temperate areas in the country, with a special administratively comes under the Sherani district and
importance from geological point of view, which forms laying between 31- 34' and 31- 38' N latitude and 69-
a border line between the Plateau of Iran and Continent 43' and 69- 57' E longitude (Fig. 1), with elevation
of Asia. Sulaiman Mountain Range is geographically range between 500 m to 3350 m above the sea level. The
consisting several Cretaceous folds having the highest rate of precipitation in the area is 200-500 mm annually
peak of Thakht-e-Sulaiman, locally called Kaisay (Raziq et al., 2010).
Ghar. Mainly, the study area is populated by three Economically, the people in the study area are
tribes; Harifal, Sherani and Oba Khel. Approximately, living below the poverty line having no proper source of
1600 human population of Harifal and Sherani sub- income. Most of these people are herders and depend on
tribes are residing in three villages namely Kamalzai, forest products including unsustainable collection of
Darzai and Hasanzai located in the proximity of Sheen pine nuts, cutting of pine trees and grazing in order to
Ghar (Green mountain) Valley (High anthropogenic sustain their livelihood. The study area comes under the
area). On the other hand, approximately 1200 population remote areas of Pakistan with a low literacy rate and
of Oba Khel sub-tribe is living in Ahmadi Dargah, lack of quality education. Moreover, the study area is
Kasai, Lakai, Ghundi Kuna and Niazi Kot villages (less lacking modern health facilities such as hospitals with
anthropogenic area), all of whom own about 112 km2 of no proper communication system in connecting the area
pure Chilgoza (neoza pine) and are the direct to the urban areas.

Fig. 1 (a). Map of the study areas (WWF-Pakistan)

Fig. 1. Map of the study area forest-use types and plot design: A showing high anthropogenic areas while B showing less
anthropogenic areas.

area are owned by the local people while state has no

involvement in the administration of these forests.
World Wide Fund for Pakistan (WWF-P) is actively
involved in the conservation of Chilgoza forests
through community participation in the Sulaiman
Mountain Range since 1992. Since then, WWF-P has
developed rapport with the local community for the
conservation of P. gerardiana in the study area.
WWF-Pakistan worked with the local people and
formed a Local Tribal agreement through Jirga. The
Jirga is a local committee of elder people for the
implementation of law and order, and maintenance of
the respective forests. The Jirga had imposed ban on
the cutting of green P. gerardiana trees with the
exception of only dry wood were allowed to be
extracted. In case of any violation, the offenders were
subjected to pay fine of US$ 100 per tree. Due to ban,
the timber cutting has been reduced up to some extent,
Fig 1 (b). Plot design.
however, the WWF-P project came to an end and now
there is no other government and private organization
Economic importance of Pinus gerardiana: P.
working for the conservation of this valuable forests
gerardiana produces edible nut/seeds rich in many
resource (Anon., 2014).
essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
Two forest-use types (high and low anthropogenic
mineral matter and fibers (Thakur et al., 2009).
areas) making pure stands of P. gerardiana were
Chilgoza pine is an excellent source of fine turpentine
resin. The seeds are used as anodyne and stimulant selected in the study area. High anthropogenic area is
while the seed oil is used against wounds and ulcer. the one situated near to the community is also known as
The fresh seeds contain sugars (4.07%), proteins Sheen Gher forest. On the other hand, low
(13.03%), oils (52.15%) and moisture (25.36%). The anthropogenic area is located away from the community
seeds have high demand in the local, national and and is called the Kaisay Gher forest in local language.
international markets and fetch very good prices The classification of both forest-use types is based on
(Peltier & Dauffy, 2009). The price of pine nuts is the local anthropogenic pressure including grazing,
ranging between 20-30 US$ in the open market. Out of deforestation, local use of fuel wood, timber extraction,
the estimated 800 quintal (quintal is a historical unit of fodder collection, distance from the nearest community,
mass in many countries which is usually defined as 100 human population size living in the proximity to these
base units of either pounds or kilograms) nuts produced forest (Table 1). This classification is a modified form of
in Kinnaur India, about 750 quintal (worth 292242.31 classification adopted by Moktan et al. (2009) in his
US$) is exported to other parts of the country and study carried on regeneration of mixed conifer forests in
abroad (Khan et al., 2015; Akbar et al., 2013). The different forest-use types in western Bhutan Himalayas.
larger proportion of nut production comes from Both forest-use types are situated in the same
Kinnaur alone while the remaining requirement is met mountainous region, therefore, we assume the
through import from Afghanistan (Kumar et al., 2014). environmental variables, soil physicochemical properties
Ecologically, the species is an excellent soil binder and and other abiotic factors similar in both forests.
prevent large scale soil erosion from the loose and A detailed literature survey was also conducted to
fragile strata particularly in dry temperate and semi- collect all the data relating to various parameters of the
arid regions. The natives in the study area have rights P. gerardiana. The step was taken in order to present a
of seed collection from the natural forests growing in comprehensive evaluation of the available data so as to
their jurisdiction. In general, the species has high make better recommendations based on the available
potential for the socio-economic development of rural literature. Data was gathered from indexed and non
communities residing nearby Chilgoza forests. indexed journal by using online bibliographic data
bases: PubMed, Scopus, Google, Google Scholar, Web
Forest administration and classification of forest- of Science, ISI Web of Knowledge and Science Direct
use types: The indigenous people living in the Navigator, as well as some library sources. Inside the
proximity of Sulaiman Mountain Region are extremely data- bases, we used words like Regeneration status of
dependent on these forests for their livelihoods, which Pines, effect of anthropogenic pressure on the
results in uncontrollable grazing, trees cutting and regeneration capacity of P. gerardiana, ecological and
seed collection posing a great threat to the physiological studies on P. gerardiana, etc. A very
sustainability of these forests. Therefore, forests little proportion of literature was found in which
occurring in the elevated zones are highly threatened further some physiological and ecological potential
due to continuous disturbance. The forests in the study studies were reported.

Table 1. General attributes of the two forest-use types.

Low anthropogenic area High anthropogenic area
(Kaisay Gher Forest) (Sheen Gher Forest)
Distance from the community (Km) 5-6 3-4
Administrative status Private land Private land
Grazing (2 months in a year) Grazing, deforestation, local use of fuel wood
Anthropogenic activities
little deforestation and timber, fodder collection around the year
Shamshadeen (25), Martanai (7), Torra Garra (4),
Name of sites (no of plots) Gardavo Narai (4), Tarrakai (4), Khrro Lakai (5), Zarra Ponga (39), FC Camp (20), Penakai (11)
Punga (5), Naar (5), Maidan (3), Mammay Landa (8)
2381 2473
to to
(Meter above the sea level)
2753 2738
31 35' 48 N 31 34' 00.8 N
Latitude To To
31 38' 724 N 31 36' 28.2 N
69 56' 07 E 69 43' 00.6 E
Longitude To To
69 57' 33 E 69 44' 42.7 E
Population living around
1200 1600
(Human population)
Slope (%) 42% 30%
N=13 Plots
N=28 Plots S=5 Plots
S= 42 Plots W=34 Plots
E=16 Plots

Table 2. Tree Stand Characteristics. Mean standard deviation.

Low anthropogenic High anthropogenic Mann-Whitney
area area U test
Mean SE Mean SE
Regeneration (no ha-1) 85.76 6.67 4.30 0.98 p<0.01
Mature trees (no ha-1) 244.82 16.04 68.45 3.95 p<0.01
Height (m) 13.72 0.62 19.57 0.58 p<0.01
Average DBH (cm) 31.38 1.19 42.11 1.63 p<0.01
Basal area (m2 ha-1) 2.69 0.14 1.43 0.10 p<0.01
Regeneration/ mature trees 0.39 0.04 0.06 0.02 p<0.01
Elevation (Feet) 8522.09 37.83 8529 23.15 Non significant
Shannon index tree (H/) 1.0352 0.02 0.7180 0.04 p<0.01
Shannon evenness (EH) 0.8355 0.02 0.7429 0.03 Non-significant
Simpson index 0.6109 0.01 0.5109 0.02 Non-significant

Sampling design, plots selection and field counted as mature trees, while individuals with the length
measurements: Survey was conducted during the month less than 2 m were considered regenerated. Furthermore,
of November and December 2013. In both forest-use within each tree inventory plot, a rectangle plot strip of
types, 70 inventory plots were selected for data collection 362 m (72 m2) was designed for measuring the
on trees variables. First of all, GPS data were recorded, regenerated trees density (Adnan & Hlscher 2010;
which resulted in an approximate map of the two areas 2012). Curtis & McIntosh (1950) protocol was followed
(Fig. 1). For sampling and plot design Adnan & Hlscher, in estimating individual plants density. Aspect orientation
(2011) was followed. Afterwards, points (center of each and slope were recorded for each plot. ShannonWiener
plot) were randomly selected with the help of ILWIS diversity index H/, Shannon evenness and Simpson index
software (version 3.4: ITC 2007). The software generated per plot were also calculated (Magurran, 2004). The
random values, in which one value for X axis and one Shannon Index, Shannon evenness and Simpson diversity
value for Y-axis, with the point of intersection indicating index were calculated based on the different classes of the
the sample point. Plot design comprised of tree inventory tree relative to their dbh size.
plot of 36 m 36 m (1269 m2) square plot (Fig. 1) for
data collection on tree stand structural variables (Table. Statistical analysis
2). In each tree inventory plot, we measured diameter at All the numerical data was organized using Microsoft
breast height (dbh), tree height (measured through Excel. MannWhitney test was used to test statistical
clinometer) of all living woody stems greater than 2 m difference in the mean values of different variables among
high while on the plot level basal area and stem density the two different forest-use types by using SPSS (Version
were measured. Stems greater than 2 m height was 16.0) (SPSS Inc. 2007).

Results and Discussion

P. gerardiana is ecologically and economically

valuable coniferous species with sparse distribution in
different parts of the world including Pakistan. There are
several biotic and abiotic factors being responsible for its
Total stem density

exploitation and poor regeneration (Kumar et al., 2015).

This species has already been documented as in critical
conditions in certain parts of the world such as Himalayan
region (Malik et al., 2012). In the Sulaiman mountain
range, people are greatly dependent on the nuts obtained
from this species, which is affecting the natural
regeneration process to a great extent.

Comparative regeneration status of P. gerardiana in

high and low anthropogenic areas: This study presents
DBH size (cm) a comparative analysis of two forest-use types in terms of
regeneration potential, based on anthropogenic pressure
Fig. 2. Comparison of different dbh classes in the less and high
anthropogenic areas. and other biotic factors such as grazing pressure. Forest
regeneration is perhaps the single most important step,
significantly highlighting the long term sustainability of
growing forests (Saikia & Khan, 2013). Studies on the
regeneration not only give a clear picture of the current
status about a forest but also illuminate the future possible
changes in forest composition (Malik & Bhatt, 2016). In
the present study P. gerardiana showed significantly
higher (p<0.01) regeneration density in Kaisay Gher
forest (85.76 no ha-1) as compared to Sheen Gher forest
[4.30 no ha-1] (Table 1). Table 1 show general attributes
while Table 2 shows tree stand characteristic. The
regeneration success of pine was extremely low in all the
sampling plots of Sheen Gher forest (high anthropogenic
area) as compared to the Kaisay Gher forest (low
anthropogenic area), which may be due to the exposure
of species to both biotic (seed harvesting and grazing) and
abiotic factors (climatic and edephic factors). Rafi (1965)
and Champion et al. (1965) reported lack of regeneration
of the species in this forest. During the survey, some local
people were of the point of view that almost all of the nuts
are collected and harvested by the indigenous
communities with the exception of trees on steep slopes
and or far away from the reach of collectors. Similar
results were obtained by Kumar et al. (2015), in Indian
Himalaya, where he found a significant association
between the regeneration of pine and the biotic factors
like nut harvesting, lopping of branches and grazing of the
domestic animals.
In this study, grazing of domestic animals was
observed in the both forest types but the Sheen Gher
forest was much exposed to this pressure as compared to
the Kaisay Gher forest due to the fact the Kaisay Gher
forest is situated at a considerable distance from the
community as compared to the other one. Local people
have also revealed that during the time of cone
collection, indigenous communities migrate to the
respective forests along with their domestic cattle and
reside inside these forests for one or two months
resulting in a heavy grazing pressure. Previous research
studies have indicated that natural regeneration of the
pine has been affected by the high frequency of grazing
Fig. 3. Percentage of different dbh classes in both forest by sheep, goats, trampling and eating of the fallen nuts
use-types by birds and rodents (Singh et al., 1973; Luna, 2008;

Malik & Shamet, 2008). In addition, the most important Sheen Gher forest were 7, 387, 174, 48, 8, respectively
factor responsible for the poor regeneration is the while from Kaisay Gher forest were 318, 1447, 425, 36,
harvesting process. This statement can be justified by 2, respectively (Fig. 2) A study conducted in Sulaiman
the previous research reports (Peltier & Dauffy 2009; Mountain Range by Moinuddin et al. (1991) described
Sharma et al., 2010) especially from Indian Himalaya that in spite of variations in individual tree stand
(Malik & Bhatt, 2016; Kumar et al., 2015). However, structure, generally small size classes (6.1-50 cm dbh)
the poor regeneration status of P. gerardiana can not showed higher density (63%) of tree individuals as
only be attributed to the seed harvesting and grazing. compared to large size classes. Therefore, higher
There are several other site factors such as climatic number of young trees indicating the fact that P.
factors, physicochemical properties of soil (Singh et al., gerardiana is a fair reproducer as concluded by Saxena
1973; Gaur et al., 1995), low nitrogen level and aridity & Singh (1984) reporting the parallel results from other
condition (Kumar et al., 2016; Kaushal, 1993) can have forests. Similar results relative to dbh size class structure
significant contribution in the process of natural were also reported for other forests by West et al. (1981)
regeneration. It has been reported by Kumar et al. and Ahmed et al. (1990). According to Knight (1975),
(2015) that drought, temperature fluctuations and such pattern of population structure indicates adequate
desiccating wind have important role during the growth recruitment. However, if we compare these previous
of seedlings of P. gerardiana in Indian Himalaya. There studies with our study then both the studied forest-use
are several study reports mentioning the fact that pine types has insufficient regeneration. The size of dbh
regeneration is regulated by a complete interaction classes may be interrelated to the size of the trees in a
between the availability of seeds for regeneration and particular area. It has been reported that lesser number
existence of micro sites for their germination, early of young trees and greater number of mature trees of P.
growth and establishment (Bonnet et al., 2005; Galipeau gerardiana owes to the influence of biotic and abiotic
et al., 1997). Similar results for pine have been factors (Kumar et al., 2015). The presence of seedlings
documented previously by other researchers from and younger trees of P. gerardiana was not observed in
different areas of Himalayan Range (Sharma et al., all the sample plots of sites in the region.
2010; Kumar et al., 2015; Ahmed & Latif, 2007). In the A considerable difference between the indexes of the
current study, younger trees have less density than two forests was observed. The Shannon index for the
mature trees. The condition can be referred to the fact Sheen Gher forest is significantly lower (0.72 0.04) than
that previously the seeds of P. gerardiana were not Kaisay Gher forest (1.04 0.02). The percentage of
completely removed, harvested and cleared from the individual trees density in the two areas having different
forest floor by the communities, which enables the forest dbh has been shown (Fig. 3). Percentage of the
to regenerate at a sustainable rate. individuals trees having dbh 10-40 cm reported from
In the Indian Himalaya, Kumar et al. (2015) recorded Kaisay Gher forest was 65% while from Sheen Gher
the regeneration success rate ranged between 8.44-15.93 forest, 62% was reported. Percentage obtained for
% while Malik et al. (2012) recorded 18-22%
individual having dbh less then <10 as 14% for Kaisay
regeneration success of P. gerardiana. Furthermore, due
Gher forest while for Sheen Gher forest the percentage
to poor regeneration potential of 15%, this species was
was 1%). Similarly higher individual were observed in
declared as Critically endangered in the particular
region (Malik et al., 2012). Similar results about the Sheen Gher forest (28%) with dbh ranged from 41-70
regeneration of this species were also found by Singh et while the percentage for the Kaisay Gher forest was
al. (1973) in Himachal Pradesh. recorded as 19%. While comparing the percentage of
individual having dbh 71-100, higher percentage was
Population dynamics in both forest-use types: found for Sheen Gher forest as 8% while for the Kaisay
Considerable differences were found between the two Gher forest it was only 2%. It was also observed and
forests stands when the population pattern was analyzed recorded that the number of individual with dbh 101-130
and different diameter size class distribution of P. were also present in Sheen Gher forest but almost
gerardiana was investigated (Tables 1, 2). In the present negligible in Kaisay Gher forest (Fig. 3).
study, P. gerardiana was found in pure stands with no Calculating the average dbh value for tree of P.
other tree species except very few individual of Pinus gerardiana in the two forests stands, significantly higher
wallichiana in both forest-use types. Kumar et al. (2015) average dbh value was recorded from Sheen Gher (42.11
in North-Western Indian Himalayan region found that P. cm) then Kaisay Gher (31.38 cm). It means that the Sheen
gerardiana mostly occurred in pure stands with few Gher forest having more aged trees then the other forest.
exception of mixing with Cedrus deodara, P. This is just an estimation of the size of the dbh. In a study
wallichiana and Qeurcus ilex. Other studies have also conducted by Champion et al. (1965), the systematic age
reported similar kind of association of P. gerardiana- of a P. gerardiana tree having 125 cm dbh was declared
dominated forest in Pakistan (Ahmed & Latif, 2007) and to be 150 years old. Study conducted by Moinuddin et al.
in India (Peltier & Dauffy, 2009). In our study, the stems (1991) illustrated that Pinus tree with 20 to 30 cm dbh
were classified into different categories on the basis of was considered to be 60 years of age and further
size of dbh i.e., < 10 cm (dbh), 10-40 cm (dbh), 41-70 suggested that the dbh size has a strong positive
cm (dbh), 71-100 cm (dbh) and 101-130 cm (dbh). The relationship to the plant age. Moinuddin et al. (1991)
total numbers of individuals of different dbh size reported that the individuals having 20 to 30 dbh of P.
classes, which were recorded from the selected plots of gerardiana had the capacity to grow more fast (6.8 3.6

yr/cm) then the individual of Juniperus excelsa having the biennially, and e) serve as multipurpose species that can
same dbh classess (10.3 2.98 yr/cm). produce valuable products other than pine nuts (e.g.
Maximum average tree height in Sheen Gher forest timber) (Sharashkin & Gold, 2004). There is an immense
was 19.57 m as compared to Kaisay Gher forest (13.72 scope to domesticate P. gerardiana and further improve
m). Taking the value of basal area, significantly high this crop through the establishment of clonal seed orchard
value was recorded for Kaisay Gher forest (2.69 m2 ha-1) and control breeding for increase in nut production both
than Sheen Gher forest (1.43 m2 ha-1). In a study quality and quantity (Singh, 1992). This may be due to
conducted about twenty six years ago by Moinuddin et fact that P. gerardiana exhibit wide variation in most
al. (1991) in the Sulaiman Mountain Range, the characters with high heritability and genetic gain, which
recorded density of P. gerardiana was ranged from 24 indicates that these characters could be improved by
trees ha-1 to 930 trees ha-1 with an average 266 selection (Kant et al., 2006).
Preliminary studies conducted by inoculating the
individual trees ha-1 and with an average basal area of
seedlings with mycorrhiza show great promise in the
25.5 m2 ha-1. A study conducted by Kumar et al. (2015)
establishment and performance of the seedlings. The
in Indian Himalaya, the recorded density and basal area
seedlings of P. gerardiana inoculated with mycorrhizal
of P. gerardiana was 118.25 ha-1 and 20.87 m2 ha-1, symbiont showed a 67.6% increase in mycorrhizal
respectively. Similar growing stocks of the species have development (Lakhanpal & Kumar, 1995). Kumar et al.
been found in other forest of the Himalayan Region (2014) found that the application of gibberellic acid at
(Ahmed et al., 1991; Akbar et al., 2014). Density of 75 ppm, seed soaking for 24 hour at 15oC incubation
mature P. gerardiana trees was observed significantly temperature can be the best treatment to enhance
highest in Kaisay Gher forest (245 no ha -1) than in Sheen germination in P. gerardiana. Seeds of this species show
Gher forest (68 no ha-1). Similarly, regeneration/mature moderate germination but cannot retain better
trees ratio was also significantly higher in Kaisay Gher germinability under normal ambient storage (Malik et
(low anthropogenic area) (0.39) than Sheen Gher (high al., 2008; Bhardwaj & Gupta, 1998). Studies have
anthropogenic area) (0.06). indicated that larger seed size could increase
Comparing the results of the present study with the germination and other seedling growth parameters like
previous literature, the basal area of the P. gerardiana in plant height, collar diameter, root length and total
the Sulaiman Mountain Range is at alarmingly lowest biomass seedling performance of P. gerardiana (Griffin,
level. This crucial and drastic change in the growing stock 1972; Dumroesa & Wenny, 1987). Seed storage is an
can be attributed to the high anthropogenic pressure due important aspect of any sound management program,
to manmade activities in these forests. The community especially in conifers species where seed supply is often
representatives highlighted that the local people cut down limited due to low production and long seed years
the forest trees for monitory purposes mostly in (Robbins, 1984). Chilgoza pine has been reported to
marriages, construction of houses, and starting new have both physiological and morphological dormancy
businesses etc. Hence, there is a dire need to conserve this and slow seedlings growth. Stratification is a method
valuable species from further exploitation. employed to break dormancy of seeds, ensure uniform
and quick germination of seeds, and vigorous tree
Previous reports: a way forward to improve growth in many forest species (Malik, 2007; Barton,
regeneration of P. gerardiana: Most literature pertaining 1954). Moreover, a convenient growing media (e.g.
to P. gerardiana has been published on physiological, vemicompost) and control conditions (e.g. nursery)
biochemical and ecological parameters in different parts should not only supply physical, chemical and biological
of the world especially Pakistan and India. Some studies characteristics required by a plant species but also
have indicated the availability of information on provide conditions for plant production (e.g. easy to
biochemical attributes of seeds, storage condition, supply, suitable cost, easy processing, lightness and
propagation and nursery development (Singh & homogenous plant production, disease suppression)
Chaudhary, 1993; Singh et al., 1992; Malik et al., 2008; (Malik, 2007; Sahin & Anapali, 2006).
Malik & Shamet, 2008; Malik et al., 2009). The Various environmental factors are responsible for
worldwide reduction in pine nuts supply highlights the the poor regeneration of pine. Kumar et al. (2015)
economic and ecological significance of pine forests reported that the abiotic factor affecting the regeneration
production in horticultural, agroforestry, and other potential of pine include drought, soil erosion, sandy
forestry related areas (Sharashkin & Gold, 2004). This is soil, low nitrogen level in soil, rockiness of terrain,
because, chilgoza pine mostly occurs in natural forest and steepness of slop, grazing, seed dormancy, erratic seed
not cultivated due to its slow growth and takes longer year, heat of sun, desiccating wind. Consequently it has
time to produce commercial nuts. However, the been concluded that not only the biotic factors are
dependency of local people on nuts has classified P. responsible for poor regeneration but abiotic factors
gerardiana under social forestry system in spite of being have great contribution in the maintenance of natural
a conifer species (Seghal & Khosla, 1986). Nuts regeneration in its natural zone.
producing pines could be a suitable agroforestry species,
only if certain varieties are developed that are i) well Conclusions and recommendations: P. gerardiana is
adapted to the local ecological conditions, b) fast an economically and ecologically valuable species with
growing, c) are precocious (i.e., start producing nut crops narrow distribution all over the world. In the Sulaiman
at an early age), d) reliably produce heavy crops Mountain Range, regeneration status of this species

was assessed in two different forest-use types including If no proper attention has been made towards the
low anthropogenic area (Kaisay Gher) and high conservation of P. gerardiana, then the probability is
anthropogenic area (Sheen Gher). In general, poor higher in the near future that this valuable Pine forest
regeneration potential of this species may be referred would disappear or remain further in small pockets. This
to both biotic and abiotic factors. It is evident from the condition would have further broader implications both
previous research studies that various physiological for the ecosystem and livelihood of the local people.
and ecological factors are significantly affecting the
growth parameters of P. gerardiana. However in most Acknowledgments
cases, such factors are directly and indirectly affected
by various anthropogenic factors. Hence, it is The authors would like to extend their sincere
concluded that the regeneration potential of P. appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at
gerardiana is on a decrease in abovementioned king Saud University for its funding this Research
mountain range due to high anthropogenic pressures. group NO (RG-1435-014). Authors are thankful to the
The main local problems to this mountain range are indigenous community at Sulaiman Mountain range for
unlawful tree cutting, unsustainable nuts collection, their logical support during the survey and data
and unrestricted grazing. These problems are affecting collection. We pay our special thanks to WWF-
the eco-physiological factors pertaining to this species, Pakistan for the financial support of this study.
which in turn can be responsible for the reducing Furthermore, all the staff members of WWF-Pakistan
regeneration rate of P. gerardiana. and Department of Botany, Kohat University of
Based on the facts and findings of this study, Science & Technology are highly appreciated for their
suitable management strategies are required for the technical support in data collection.
sustainable utilization of P. gerardiana in the entire
region. These strategies could for example: References

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(Received for publication 11 January 2016)

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