Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science
PSIXXX10.1177/1529100616637616Bailey et al.Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science
Ongoing political controversies around the world exemplify a long-standing and widespread preoccupation with the
acceptability of homosexuality. Nonheterosexual people have seen dramatic surges both in their rights and in positive
public opinion in many Western countries. In contrast, in much of Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Oceania, and
parts of Asia, homosexual behavior remains illegal and severely punishable, with some countries retaining the death
penalty for it. Political controversies about sexual orientation have often overlapped with scientific controversies. That
is, participants on both sides of the sociopolitical debates have tended to believe that scientific findingsand scientific
truthsabout sexual orientation matter a great deal in making political decisions. The most contentious scientific
issues have concerned the causes of sexual orientationthat is, why are some people heterosexual, others bisexual,
and others homosexual? The actual relevance of these issues to social, political, and ethical decisions is often poorly
justified, however.
sexual orientation, causes, sex differences, social implications
linked to their pattern of sexual arousal to male versus because it is politically controversial. This is a mis-
female erotic stimuli; womens are not. Women appear take. In fact, the more politically controversial a
more likely than men to experience same-sex attraction topic, the more it is in the public interest to illumi-
in the context of close affectionate relationships, and nate it in a revealing and unbiased manner. Our
their patterns of sexual attraction appear more likely to article is offered in the spirit of progress toward
exhibit change over time. that end.
Across many different cultures, male and female non- 2. Scientists, activists, and policy makers should rea-
heterosexuality in adulthood tends to be preceded by son more carefully regarding potential ethical or
childhood gender nonconformity: a pattern of behavior policy implications of scientific findings. For
somewhat like that of the other sex. Childhood gender example, the issue of whether sexual orientation
nonconformity is a matter of degree, and it can range is chosen represents intellectual confusion, and
from subtle to extreme. Often, it emerges at an early age, no scientific finding will illuminate this issue in
despite conventional gender socialization. Among some any interesting way. Although clumsy reasoning
adults, childhood gender nonconformity appears to per- may advantage a particular political position in
sist into adulthood. the short term, in the long term, clear thinking is
Individuals political attitudes about sexual orientation best for everyone.
tend to correlate with their views of the causes of sexual 3. The most common meaningful controversy across
orientation. Those who hold positive attitudes (i.e., that time and place has concerned the extent to which
there is nothing inherently wrong with nonheterosexual- homosexuality is socially influenced and, more
ity or its open expression) have tended to believe that specifically, whether or not it spreads as a result of
sexual orientation is due to nonsocial causes such as contagion and social tolerance. There is no good
genetics. Those who hold negative attitudes (i.e., that evidence that either increases the rate of homo-
nonheterosexuality is undesirable or immoral and that sexual orientation, although tolerance may facili-
society should restrict its free expression) have tended to tate behavioral expression of homosexual desire.
believe that homosexuality has social causes, such as Suppressing homosexual behavior imposes an
early sexual experiences and cultural acceptance of non- immense burden on homosexually oriented peo-
heterosexuality. We refer to these as the nonsocial and ple and serves no apparent legitimate social goal
social hypotheses, respectively. Both hypotheses that cannot be reached in other ways.
require direct scientific support; neither can claim confir-
mation solely because support for the other is weak. The political rights of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB)
No causal theory of sexual orientation has yet gained men and women have dramatically improved in many
widespread support. The most scientifically plausible Western countries during the past 50 years. In the United
causal hypotheses are difficult to test. However, there is States, for example, the Supreme Court ruled in June
considerably more evidence supporting nonsocial causes 2015 that individual states must allow marriages between
of sexual orientation than social causes. This evidence same-sex couples. This result would have been unthink-
includes the cross-culturally robust finding that adult able in 1965, when homosexual behavior was illegal,
homosexuality is strongly related to childhood gender homosexual inclinations were a source of shame, and
nonconformity; moderate genetic influences demon- most Americans believed homosexuality was a mental
strated in well-sampled twin studies; the cross-culturally illness (e.g., The Homosexual in America, 1966). As of
robust fraternal-birth-order effect on male sexual orienta- May 2015, 118 nations do not criminalize homosexual
tion; and the finding that when infant boys are surgically behavior (Carroll & Itaborahy, 2015).
and socially changed into girls, their eventual sexual The trajectory of LGB rights has been quite different in
orientation is unchanged (i.e., they remain sexually many other parts of the world, however. Currently, 75
attracted to females). In contrast, evidence for the most countries legally proscribe homosexual behavior. Eleven
commonly hypothesized social causes of homosexual- countriesall in Africa, Asia and the Middle Eastretain
itysexual recruitment by homosexual adults, patterns the death penalty as a possible sanction for homosexual
of disordered parenting, or the influence of homosexual acts1 (International Lesbian and Gay Association, 2015;
parentsis generally weak in magnitude and distorted Stewart, 2015).
by numerous confounding factors. It might be tempting to assume that much of the world
With respect to scientific and social policy, we offer is lagging behind but will ultimately follow the more
three general conclusions: accepting Western nations toward tolerance. That out-
come is not assured, however. In some nations, tolerance
1. Scientifically, sexual orientation is an important, of homosexuality appears to be decreasing. For example,
fundamental trait that has been understudied Uganda has been struggling with the issue of whether to
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 47
increase penalties for criminal offenses related to homo- events in Uganda. They requested that we provide a sci-
sexuality. Same-sex relationships are already illegal in entific statement regarding the current status of the sci-
Uganda (as they are in most, but not all, African coun- ence of sexual orientation (Throckmorton, 2014). The
tries), with penalties as severe as 14 years in prison, but delay between Musevenis reconsideration and his deci-
many Ugandan lawmakers have sought to increase pen- sion was brief, however, and not conducive to a thor-
alties substantially. Early versions of proposed legislation ough and considered scientific review. Subsequently, we
included the death penalty for certain offenses (e.g., decided to write this article, with the aim of providing
homosexual acts committed by a person with HIV). one. Collectively, we are well positioned to write such an
It is important to emphasize that the Ugandan article, given that the five first authors conduct comple-
approach to homosexuality is not uniform across Africa mentary programs of research that inform on the science
some African nations are quietly moving toward increased of sexual orientation and the last author has published
LGB rights (e.g., Cowell, 2013), as are parts of the Middle extensively on nonheterosexuality in Africa. We have not
East, Asia, the Caribbean, and Oceania (e.g., Nepal Court attempted to time the completion of the article to coin-
Rules on Gay Rights, 2007; Brodie, 2014; Hu, 2015; cide with any particular decision by the Ugandan govern-
Lavers, 2012; Littauer, 2014). Equally, it is important to ment, but we hope that policymakers in Uganda and
note that Uganda is not alone in its attempts to curtail elsewhere will find it useful. We expect some of the
LGB rights (e.g., Canning, 2013; Garcia, 2014). Despite issues we write about to be discussed in political debates
their different political trajectories, there are important about homosexualityboth in Uganda and in the rest of
similarities among almost all modern nations. All have the worldfor the foreseeable future.3
histories of anti-homosexual prejudice. Our article has two main goals: first, to review the cur-
Another similarity between pro- and anti-homosexual rent science of sexual orientation, and second, to con-
forces worldwide has been intense debate about scien- sider the relevance of scientific findings to political
tific findings regarding sexual orientation. In the West,2 debates about homosexuality. Regarding the first goal,
there has been a strong correlation between political and we have focused most effort on the question of causa-
moral positions about homosexuality and certain scien- tion. The question of whether sexual orientation is influ-
tific positions about the causes of homosexuality. For encedand to what degreeby specific aspects of
example, in the United States, the National Association nature and nurture is the most important and contentious
for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, whose mem- scientific question at issue. Yet we have also addressed
bers believe that homosexuality is an undesirable and several related scientific issues concerning sexual orien-
treatable condition, maintains a website that includes tation, including its meaning, prevalence, sex differences,
material attempting to debunk claims that sexual orienta- development, and universality.
tion is inborn. Scientific findings have often been used to Regarding the second goal of this article, we believe
either support or attack gay rights (Horton, 1995; Pitman, that vast amounts of time have been wasted through the
2011; Sprigg, 2012). In Uganda, anti-homosexual activists use of imprecise language and dubious arguments con-
from the United States have been influential (Gettleman, cerning the linkage of scientific findings on sexual orien-
2010; Throckmorton, 2010), and science has also figured tation to political conclusions regarding LGB rights. We
prominently in their campaigns for anti-homosexual leg- mean to correct the most common and serious linguistic
islation. President Yoweri Museveni initially refused to and logical mistakes in this arena. More specifically, we
sign the Anti-Homosexuality Act because he was unsure argue below that the links between scientific findings
whether scientific evidence indicated that sexual orienta- and desirable social policies have often been overstated
tion is either inborn or acquired. Only in the latter case and misidentified. We expect our review will clarify
did he believe that the anti-homosexual legislation could which research questions are potentially politically
be justified (Mugerwa, 2014). Accordingly, he asked for a important and which are merely scientifically impor-
summary of the relevant scientific evidence. The result- tant. We hope to eliminate, or at least to reduce, long-
ing statement provided by the Uganda Ministry of Health standing arguments that mix the wrong scientific and
(Aceng, 2014) removed Musevenis doubts, and he signed political questions. If we can do so, perhaps more prog-
the bill. The Constitutional Court in Uganda subsequently ress can be made in resolving unavoidable rather than
struck down the bill, and currently it is uncertain whether unnecessary conflict. Thus, we have ambitions to convey
legislators will try again (Feder, 2014; Williams, 2015). basic science accurately and to influence political discus-
sions rationally.
The science of sexual orientation is in the public
The Present Article
interest for at least two reasons. First, as we have noted,
After President Musevenis call for scientific evidence such science is frequentlyif not always correctly
about the causes of homosexuality, some of us were used to support political, social, and moral conclusions
approached by persons hoping to affect the course of regarding homosexuality. Second, the science of sexual
48 Bailey et al.
orientationbasic inquiry into why some people are sometimes more relevant to distinguish individuals not
sexually attracted to men and others to womenis according to whether they are attracted to same-sex or
intrinsically interesting. Because there is so much public other-sex partners but according to whether they are
interest in the science of sexual orientation, much rele- attracted to men (androphilic) or women (gynephilic).
vant literature on this topic comes from sources outside In this usage, both heterosexual women and homosex-
of conventional scientific journals, such as news media, ual men would be considered androphilic because both
political advocacy writings, and blogs. We have freely groups are attracted to men; both heterosexual men and
cited these unconventional sources where relevant. homosexual women would be considered gynephilic
The science of sexual orientation comprises a very because both groups are attracted to women.
large body of empirical findings, and so we must narrow Although the four aforementioned phenomena of
it in two ways. First, we focus on research areas we sexual orientation (behavior, attraction, identity, and
believe are most relevant to the public interest, in both of arousal) tend to go togetherhomosexually oriented
the respects mentioned above. Second, acknowledging persons tend to identify as gay or lesbian and to have
current valid concerns about the excess of statistically sex with same-sex partnersthey do not always. For
significantbut incorrectscientific findings (Simmons, example, some men who identify as straight/heterosex-
Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011), we have tried to focus on ual have sex with other men and appear to be most
the most well-established findings. In addition, we focus strongly attracted to men. Some adolescents engage
on research that has garnered considerable public atten- in homosexual activity yet grow up to identify and
tion, such as Hamer, Hu, Magnuson, Hu, and Pattatuccis behave as heterosexuals. Similarly, some individuals pur-
(1993) genetic linkage study, LeVays (1991) brain study, sue same-sex relationships in sex-segregated environ-
and Regneruss (2012a) study of children with nonhetero- ments, such as boarding schools, prisons, or the military,
sexual parents. Although we are limiting our review in but resume heterosexual relationships once other-sex
some ways, we are expanding it in others. Namely, we partners are available. Moreover, the degree of associa-
want to address not only the preoccupations of scientists tion among homosexual attraction, behavior, and iden-
but also those of non-academics interested in sexual-ori- tity varies across individuals in different cultural contexts.
entation science. With these goals in mind, we com- For example, in some cultures and communities, homo-
mence our scientific review. sexually attracted men regularly engage in same-sex
behavior while still maintaining a heterosexual identity.
In other cultures and communities, such a pattern may
What Is Sexual Orientation?
be less common, and homosexually attracted men may
Four related phenomena fall under the general rubric of find it difficult to find male partners without identifying
sexual orientation, but they are conceptually and empiri- themselves as homosexual or bisexual.
cally distinguishable. They are listed here not in order of Sexual orientation is defined here as attraction to
importance but in an order that reflects their degree of members of the same sex, both sexes, or the other sex.
historical attention. The first phenomenon, sexual behav- Most researchers studying sexual orientation focus on
ior, consists of sexual interactions between persons of self-reported patterns of sexual attraction rather than sex-
the same sex (homosexual), the other sex (heterosexual), ual behavior or identity, because sexual behavior and
or both sexes (bisexual). The second phenomenon, sex- identity can be extremely constrained by local culture
ual identity, is ones self-conception (sometimes dis- and because sexual attraction motivates behavior and
closed to others and sometimes not) as a homosexual, identity, rather than vice versa.
bisexual, or heterosexual person. The third phenomenon
of sexual orientation is ones degree of sexual attraction
Measurement of sexual orientation
to the same sex, both sexes, or the other sex. The fourth
phenomenon is ones relative physiological sexual arousal Many scientific studies related to sexual orientation have
to men versus women (or to male vs. female erotic stim- compared subjects who have been recruited on the basis
uli), which is more closely related to other aspects of of identifying as either exclusively homosexual/gay or
sexual orientation in men than in women.4 exclusively heterosexual/straight. That is, such studies
Terminology also differs among the different phe- have ignored or even excluded bisexually attracted indi-
nomena of sexual orientation. People identify as gay, viduals. On the one hand, this approach to studying sex-
lesbian, bisexual, or straight. Scientists primarily ual orientation is incomplete. On the other hand, findings
concerned with the consequences of same-sex behavior from studies using this approach need not be misleading,
may refer to men who have sex with men. In this provided we acknowledge their limitations.
report, we refer to sexual attraction patterns as homo- Two general approaches to measuring sexual orienta-
sexual, bisexual, or heterosexual.5 Alternatively, it is tion have dominated scientific research. By far the most
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 49
common approach uses self-report measures. Less com- most research on male sexual orientation with genital
mon are psychophysiological measuresin particular, measurement has employed circumferential PPG mea-
measures of genital arousal in men. Table 1 lists a variety sures, such as the penile strain gauge, which are some-
of measures that have been used. what less sensitive to small changes in penile erection
but less difficult to use ( Janssen, 2002; Kuban, Barbaree,
Self-report measures.The Heterosexual-Homosexual & Blanchard, 1999). Increasingly, researchers have begun
Rating Scale, commonly referred to as the Kinsey Scale, is to use videos rather than still images as stimuli, because
the best-known self-report measure of sexual orientation. the former evoke more arousal and thus allow better
The scale ranges from 0 (representing entirely hetero- measurement.
sexual orientation) to 6 (representing entirely homosex- PPG-measured arousal patterns are considered homo-
ual orientation); the middle score of 3 represents a sexual (or androphilic) when a mans arousal to adult
bisexual orientation with equal attraction to men and male stimuli substantially exceeds his arousal to adult
women.6 The other scores represent gradations between female stimuli and heterosexual (or gynephilic) when the
those anchors. Kinsey famously justified his measure of opposite pattern occurs. Bisexual arousal patterns do not
sexual orientation by asserting, necessarily imply equal levels of arousal to male and
female stimuli. Rather, a man is considered to have a
Males do not represent two discrete populations, bisexual arousal pattern when the absolute difference
heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to between his arousal to male versus female stimuli is
be divided into sheep and goats. Not all things are smaller than the absolute difference observed among
black nor all things white. It is a fundamental of heterosexual and homosexual men. To clarify, a homo-
taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete sexual man is typically much more aroused by male than
categories. Only the human mind invents categories female stimuli, and a heterosexual man is typically much
and tries to force facts into separated pigeon-holes. more aroused by female than male stimuli. Both of these
The living world is a continuum in each and every patterns yield large absolute differences between arousal
one of its aspects. The sooner we learn this to female versus male stimuli. A bisexual man, in con-
concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner trast, should have levels of arousal to female and male
we shall reach a sound understanding of the stimuli that are not as discrepant, yielding a smaller abso-
realities of sex. (Kinsey, Pomeroy, & Martin, 1948, lute difference.
pp. 638639). Although Freund invented PPG to assess male sexual
orientation as we mean it here (i.e., homosexual vs. het-
Although Kinsey was ultimately making an empirical erosexual orientation), that application was never com-
claim requiring scientific evidence, his scale provided a mon and has become less so. Use of PPG to assess typical
simple way of collecting useful data, and it has become male sexual orientation is almost exclusively done in the
widely used. It is important to note that the Kinsey Scale context of basic scientific research (i.e., research aiming
is a self-report instrument. This makes sense and is often to answer scientific questions as opposed to applied
optimalwho better to ask about peoples sexual orien- research on clinical populations, which has the goal of
tations than the people we want to know about?but developing useful treatments or assessments), and below
self-reported Kinsey Scale scores can sometimes be inac- we review some important findings from research using
curate or incomplete, especially when people want to that technique. The most common practical applications
conceal their sexual orientations or when they are con- of PPG assessment have been in the area of diagnosis
fused or conflicted about their sexual feelings. and treatment of erectile dysfunction (Broderick, 1998)
and detection of pedophilia, typically among men
Genital measures.Pioneering sex researcher Kurt accused or convicted of sex offenses (e.g., Blanchard,
Freund invented a technique for assessing penile erec- Klassen, Dickey, Kuban, & Blak, 2001). One general
tion in response to different kinds of sexual stimuli as a implication of this work is that PPG can be useful in
window on mens sexual orientation (Freund, 1963). assessing the sexual interests of men who wish to hide
General terms for the measurement of penile erection them. In studies employing PPG of normal men who
include penile plethysmography (PPG). Freunds particu- vary in sexual orientationmen who presumably have
lar method used pictures of nude men and women as nothing to hidevery high correlations are generally
stimuli and a barometer-like contraption placed over obtained between genital and self-report measures (e.g.,
mens genitals to measure their erections via changes in Chivers, Rieger, Latty, & Bailey, 2004).
air pressure. Freunds technology is sensitive to small When a mans PPG-assessed arousal pattern differs
increases in penile erection, but it is onerousfor exam- from his self-reported sexual orientation, what should we
ple, it requires a technician to place the instrument. Thus, conclude? In some cases, PPG measurement is poor,
Table 1. Measures of Sexual Orientation.
Table 1. (continued)
52 Bailey et al.
generally as a result of low levels of induced erection, impossible to provide precise estimates, for several rea-
and in such cases it would be rash to dismiss a mans self- sons. First, the different phenomena associated with
report and better to ignore the PPG data. However, in homosexuality and bisexualitybehavior, identity, and
cases in which PPG arousal is very well measured sexual orientationvary in frequency. For example, peo-
meaning at least that a man produces a clear pattern of ple who identify as heterosexual may still engage in
arousal that is potentially repeatablePPG arousal is the homosexual sex and admit homosexual attraction, and
better measure. This is especially true when there is rea- hence one would find different population estimates
son to doubt a mans self-report. For this reason, PPG depending on which phenomenon one assessed. Sec-
arousal measures are important, both conceptually and ond, the different phenomena associated with homosex-
scientifically, in examining certain issues related to sexual uality and bisexuality may vary over the life course, and
orientation. hence one would find different population estimates
Measures of female genital arousal also exist. The most depending on whether one assessed individuals current
common uses vaginal photoplethysmography (VPP), a patterns of behavior and attractions versus their total life-
technique that is sensitive to changes in blood flow in the time history of behavior or attractions. For example, the
vagina. Womens genitals, like mens, have increased percentage of people who have ever had a homosexual
blood flow during sexual arousal. Womens patterns of experience is larger than the percentage of people who
genital arousal to male versus female sexual stimuli do have had one during the past year, which, in turn, is
not mirror those of men, and they are different in a way larger than the percentage of people who have had only
that prevents VPP from being useful in measuring female homosexual experiences for their entire lives. Third,
sexual orientation. We discuss this evidence below in the homosexuality remains stigmatized to some degree even
Sex Differences in Expression of Sexual Orientation in the most liberal nations (Kohut, 2014), and thus some
section. individuals may be motivated to underreport homosex-
ual attractions, identity, and behavior. Fourth, because
Other non-self-report measures. During the past decade, some aspects of homosexualityespecially homosexual
several other measures of sexual orientation have been identity and exclusively homosexual attractionsare
studied that do not rely on self-report. These include uncommon, precision requires large and representative
viewing time (time spent viewing pictures of males samples, which are expensive and difficult to survey.
vs. females or rating them for attractiveness; Israel & Finally, there is no good reason to expect that a single set
Strassberg, 2009; Rullo, Strassberg, & Israel, 2010), fMRI of estimated frequencies applies to all places and times.
activation (activation of relevant brain areas in response This is especially likely to be true for sexual identity and
to viewing male versus female erotic images; Safron behavior, which seem to us far more culturally malleable
etal., 2007), implicit attitudes (Snowden, Wichter, & Gray, than sexual attraction.
2008), and pupil dilation (pupil dilation while viewing Kinsey conducted the first large surveys of homosexu-
pictures or videos of males vs. females; Rieger & Savin- ality in the United States during the 1940s (Kinsey etal.,
Williams, 2012). Studies using these measures have 1948). His results shocked readers because they made
yielded strong correlations with self-reported sexual ori- homosexual behavior and attractions appear so common.
entation in samples of individuals with no apparent rea- For example, 37% of men surveyed admitted having had
son to give inaccurate self-reports. These measures are a homosexual experience. Most of these occurred during
more onerous to administer than self-report measures, adolescence, perhaps indicating brief experimentation.
but some have the advantage of being less onerous than Approximately 10% of the men had been more or less
genital arousal measures. Many of these newer measures exclusively homosexual for at least 3 years during adult-
are probably less objectionable than invasive genital hoodthis is the origin of the 10% of people are homo-
measures to many potential research subjects, and in that sexual assertion that was commonly made until recent
sense they are easier to use. All require considerably and more representative surveys supported lower rates.
more research to understand their strengths and weak- About 4% of his male respondents had been homosexual
nesses compared with genital and self-reported arousal for their entire lives.
and with each other. Starting in the 1980s and motivated by epidemiolo-
gists need for better numbers to monitor the AIDS epi-
How prevalent is nonheterosexual demic, several large and careful surveys of sexual
behavior have been conducted, primarily in North Amer-
orientation? ica, Europe, and Australia. Most of these assessed aspects
One of the most common questions scientists are asked of homosexuality as well as heterosexuality, and most
concerning sexual orientation concerns the popula- focused on sexual behavior rather than sexual attraction.
tion prevalence of homosexuality and bisexuality. It is Results of these studies are generally consistent in
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 53
providing far lower numbers than Kinseys 10%. Asking studies conducted with similar populations. Several con-
about sexual identitywhether respondents consider clusions are possible, however, with a high degree of
themselves homosexual/gay/lesbian, bisexual, or hetero- confidence. First, Kinseys famous survey likely overesti-
sexual/straightis perhaps the simplest way to survey mated the frequencies of nonheterosexual attractions and
people about sexual orientation. A recent survey of experiences. Second, individuals with incidental homo-
34,557 U.S. adults yielded rates of 96.6% heterosex- sexual feelings and contacts are much more common
ual, 1.6% gay or lesbian, and 0.7% bisexual (Ward, than those with substantial (i.e., persistent and strong)
Dahlhamer, Galinsky, & Joestl, 2014). Additionally, 1.1% feelings and frequent same-sex experiences. Third, indi-
of respondents identified as something else or said they viduals with substantial homosexual feelings comprise a
dont know the answer. These numbers are in reason- small, albeit nontrivial, minority of adults in Western
ably close agreement with a recent review of nine large, developed nationsa smaller percentage than suggested
careful studies conducted in Western populations (Gates, by Kinseys data from more than half a century ago
2011), which concluded that approximately 3.5% of U.S. despite the remarkable increase in tolerance of homo-
adults identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. The only sexuality (Voeten, 2012).
careful estimation of nonheterosexual orientation for a Although there may be scientific value in conducting
non-Western culture focused on Samoan males, and the future surveys of Western subjects to increase the preci-
resulting estimate of 1.4% to 4.7% for androphilia is sion of estimates related to the prevalence of nonhetero-
similar to Western estimates (VanderLaan, Forrester, sexual (and, necessarily, heterosexual) orientation, we do
Petterson, & Vasey, 2013). not see this as a high priority. There have already been a
Depending on what one means by nonheterosexual, sufficient number of carefully sampled Western surveys
nonheterosexual identity may be a conservative measure related to sexual orientation, and hence future meta-
of nonheterosexual orientation. In the recent review, analyses of these data may reveal interesting systematic
three studies assessed same-sex attraction as well as patterns. We worry, however, that variation in prevalence
identity. The percentage of adults who admitted to any estimates between studies may primarily reflect measure-
homosexual feelings ranged from 1.8% to 11%, exceed- ment error, both systematic and random. Asking increas-
ing the percentage identifying as homosexual or bisex- ingly detailed questions and perhaps even including
ual by factors ranging from 1.5 to 3.1 (Gates, 2011); note non-self-report measures related to sexual orientation
the wide range of the estimates. But what does it mean have the potential to reveal more than yet another care-
to say that one has experienced same-sex attraction at fully sampled self-report survey. Additionally, rather than
least once (Smith, Rissel, Richters, Grulich, & Visser, continuing to survey the same, very similar, Western pop-
2003) or that ones sexual attractions are mostly directed ulations, it would be more scientifically useful to survey
toward one sex (Chandra etal., 2011)? In the study that more non-Western populations.
yielded a figure of 11% for a history of any homosexual Finally, we note that there has been a tendency for
attractions, only 3.3% of respondents said they were as LGB individuals and their advocates to favor higher prev-
attracted to the same sex as to the other sex. Are people alence figures, whereas those opposed to LGB rights
who say that they have had at least one but possibly very have tended to favor lower figures (e.g., LaBarbera, 2014).
few same-sex attractions intermediate between exclu- To the extent that this dispute is political, it makes little
sively heterosexual and homosexual people on a con- sense. If homosexuality is wrong, then it is wrong even if
tinuum of sexual orientation? Or, alternatively, are they it is common; if it is not wrong, then nonheterosexual
understanding the term same-sex attractions differently people deserve their rights regardless of how rare they
than most people? We defer consideration of these ques- are. As we noted earlier, the conflation of political motives
tions to our section on bisexuality. The percentage of and scientific findings has been common in debates
adults who have ever had a homosexual experience is related to sexual orientation, and when this conflation is
also larger than the percentage of adults who identify as mistaken, it is to the detriment of both politics and
homosexual or bisexual. In the recent review by Gates, science.
three studies assessed both nonheterosexual identity and
behavior. The percentage of adults reporting a history of Sex Differences in Expression of
any same-sex sexual interaction ranged from 6.9% to
8.8%, exceeding those reporting a nonheterosexual iden-
Sexual Orientation
tity by ratios ranging from 2:3 to 3:3 (Gates, 2011). In summarizing recent prevalence figures for nonhetero-
Clearly, no one number can provide an estimate of the sexual orientation, we deferred discussing a consistent,
prevalence of nonheterosexual orientation. Even assess- large, and interesting sex difference. Among those who
ments of highly specific aspects of homosexuality have identify as nonheterosexual, women tend to identify as
yielded a fairly wide range of estimates across recent bisexual whereas men tend to identify as homosexual
54 Bailey et al.
(Gates, 2011). Studies that have assessed sexual attrac- is closely related to a pattern of genital sexual arousal.
tions have found similar results. Figure 1 summarizes the Specifically, homosexual men show genital arousal to
distributions from a recent review of sexual orientation men (or, in the lab, sexual stimuli depicting men),
among 71,190 adult men and 117,717 adult women who whereas heterosexual men show genital arousal to
reported their sexual orientations using a 5-point scale: women (or, in the lab, sexual stimuli depicting women).
1= entirely heterosexual/straight, 2 = mostly heterosexual/ This pattern has been called category-specific because
straight, 3 = bisexual, 4 = mostly homosexual/gay/lesbian, mens genital sexual arousal is specific to the category of
5 = entirely homosexual/gay/lesbian (Savin-Williams & person to whom they are most attracted (Chivers etal.,
Vrangalova, 2013). The figure reveals markedly different 2004). Indeed, one of us has argued that male sexual
shapes for the two sexes. The large majority of both sexes orientation can be precisely defined as a pattern of sex-
rated themselves as entirely heterosexual, although ual arousal, for two reasons (Bailey, 2009). First, as we
men (93.2%) were considerably more likely to do so than have mentioned, sexual arousal patterns reliably reflect
women (86.8%). Many more women than men rated male sexual orientation. In cases where a mans self-
themselves as mostly heterosexual. For women, there is reported sexual orientation diverges from his sexual
a steep decline in the frequency of mostly heterosexual arousal pattern (and in which his sexual arousal pattern
to bisexual ratings, and then a more gradual decline to is robust and dichotomous, consisting of strong erections
mostly homosexual and entirely homosexual ratings, to one sex but not the other), we believe his sexual
which have similar frequencies. For men, the least fre- arousal pattern best represents his sexual orientationif
quently self-rated category is bisexual, with a slight rise not necessarily his self-chosen sexual identity. Second,
in the frequency of mostly homosexual and entirely and more important, is the direction of causation. Sexual
homosexual ratings. The male distribution is bimodal. arousal pattern motivates sexual behavior, which pro-
Bimodal distributions are rare and potentially interesting, vides most individuals with the fundamental basis for
suggesting that two groups are different in kind and their sexual self-identification. In contrast, there is no evi-
notmerely degree. For example, a bimodal distribution dence to suggest that individuals can consciously alter
would be expected if there were a single cause underly- their genital arousal to fit a certain sexual identity label.
ing the distinction between two groups, whereas a con- Women show a much different pattern of linkage
tinuous distribution would be expected if there were between sexual orientation and genital arousal (i.e., geni-
multiple causes. The classic human example is biological tal blood flow as measured by VPP). In the laboratory,
sex, which is caused by a dichotomous genotype (XX vs. heterosexual women show approximately equal levels of
XY) that leads to a bimodal distribution of prenatal tes- genital arousal to male and female stimuli (despite some-
tosterone, generating categorical sex differences in some times reporting that they find male sexual stimuli more
anatomical features, such as genitalia. One conclusion arousing). Homosexual women show a pattern of genital
from the sex difference in distributions of sexual orienta- sexual arousal that is slightly category-specific (i.e., they
tion is clear, however: Among the Western populations show stronger genital arousal for female than male stim-
that have been studied, bisexual patterns of attraction are uli), but their genital responses are not as starkly cate-
rarer in men than in women, and exclusively homosexual gory-specific as mens (Chivers etal., 2004; Chivers, Seto,
attractions are rarer in women than in men. The reasons & Blanchard, 2007). One potential interpretation of the
for this sex difference are not known. It might reflect sex difference in genital arousal patterns is that female
prenatal biological sex differences; it might reflect the sexual orientation is fundamentally less category-specific
influence of cultural factors that create different social than male sexual orientation (i.e., that homosexual
contexts for the development of female versus male women retain some potential for attraction/arousal to
same-sex sexuality; it might reflect differences in wom- men and heterosexual women retain some potential for
ens and mens susceptibility to such social influences attraction/arousal to women, even if they are unaware of
(Baumeister, 2000); or it might simply result from mea- this potential). This explanation presumes that a womans
surement error. If there are innate sex differences in the pattern of genital arousal provides a reliable measure of
causation of sexual orientation, then we should expect to her sexual orientation (as is the case for men). An alter-
find that the correlates of sexual orientation differ consid- native explanation is that genital arousal is less reliably
erably between men and women. This is the topic we linked to sexual orientation in women than in men. This
address next. explanation remains agnostic as to whether female sex-
ual orientation is less categorical in women than in men;
Sex differences in category-specific it simply suggests that the measure of genital arousal
commonly employednamely, genital blood flow as
sexual arousal assessed via VPPcannot definitively answer this ques-
Sexual arousal comprises both subjective and genital tion, because this measure has a weaker pattern of asso-
response to a sexual stimulus. In men, sexual orientation ciation with female than male sexual orientation.
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 55
98 Men
Prevalence (%)
Completely Mostly Bisexual Mostly Completely
Heterosexual Heterosexual Homosexual Homosexual
Fig. 1. Average prevalence for each of five categories of sexual orientation in recent Western
population surveys. Data are from Table 1 of Savin-Williams and Vrangalova (2013).
There are important differences between measures of viewing time for female and male sexual stimuli (Lippa,
male and female genital arousal that need to be consid- Patterson, & Marelich, 2010), pupil dilation in response to
ered before accepting the idea that women are less cate- such stimuli (Rieger & Savin-Williams, 2012), and fMRI
gory-specific than men in their sexual arousal patterns. responses to such stimuli (Sylva etal., 2013).7
Female genital arousal is measured much differently than Accepting for now the validity of the hypothesis that
male genital arousal (specifically, a device is inserted into womens sexual arousal patterns are less category-spe-
the vagina to measure changes in blood flow, in contrast cific than mens, the question arises as to why this is the
to the erectile measure used for men). Nonetheless, sev- case. One possibility is culturalnamely, Western cul-
eral findings argue against the possibility that the sex tures produce omnipresent depictions of female beauty,
difference in category-specific genital arousal is a mea- which are often sexualized, and exposure to these images
surement artifact. First, a study of postoperative male-to- from an early age may sensitize both men and women to
female transsexuals (assessed with VPP) produced a experience sexual arousal to the female body. Although
category-specific pattern of genital arousal similar to that this explanation might account for heterosexual womens
of men (Chivers etal., 2004). This would not have been genital arousal to female stimuli, it cannot account for the
expected to occur if the vaginal measure of arousal was fact that homosexual men, who have experienced just as
not effective in detecting category-specific arousal much exposure to sexualized images of women, do not
responses. Second, women also show substantially less experience sexual arousal to female stimuli. Similarly,
category-specificity in their self-reported patterns of exposure to sexualized images of women fails to account
sexual arousal to male and female stimuli. Third, other for the fact that homosexual women show more genital
correlates of sexual interest have been shown to be arousal to male sexual stimuli than homosexual men
less category-specific in women than in men, such as show to female sexual stimuli.
56 Bailey et al.
Another possibility is that the difference is based in between adjacent categories (e.g., heterosexual and
fundamental evolved differences between female and bisexual) rather than larger changes (e.g., from hetero-
male sexuality (Baumeister, 2000; Chivers & Bailey, 2005), sexual to lesbian). Perhaps more importantly, over
although currently there is no direct evidence speaking time, women were significantly more likely to adopt
to this question. Intriguingly, Goy and Goldfoot (1975) identities that permitted sexual attractions and/or behav-
showed over 30 years ago that in many different mam- ior with both sexes (i.e., bisexual or unlabeled) than to
malian species, bisexuality is an intrinsically dimorphic adopt exclusively lesbian identities. For these women,
trait that develops (through prenatal hormonal pathways) their range of potential attractions was limited by their
in either the male or the female of a species, but never sexual orientations, but fluidity allowed movement within
both. This suggests the provocative possibility that in that range. Obviously, these results generalize to nonhet-
humans, women are the more bisexual sex, whereas erosexual-identified women more readily than to hetero-
males are more likely to be exclusively heterosexual or sexual-identified women, but Diamonds findings are
homosexual. consistent with the findings of non-category-specificity in
Regardless of the reason for sex differences in cate- heterosexual womens genital arousal (Chivers & Bailey,
gory-specificity, this sex difference is likely to produce 2005; Chivers et al., 2007) as well as with the growing
additional sex differences in sexuality. Sexual arousal is a body of research on mostly heterosexual women, who
powerful motivating force, and so mens greater cate- perceive their underlying orientation to be heterosex-
gory-specificity might be expected to produce more cat- ual despite experiencing periodic same-sex attractions
egorical patterns of sexual behavior (i.e., exclusively (Thompson & Morgan, 2008; Vrangalova & Savin-Williams,
heterosexual behavior among heterosexual men and 2010). It is an open question whether the nonheterosexual
exclusively homosexual behavior among homosexual women in Diamonds sample were more likely to experi-
men). In contrast, the fact that womens genital arousal is ence sexual fluidity or whether they were simply more
less category-specific might be expected to produce less aware of it and willing to discuss it openly.
categorical (and hence more bisexual) patterns of sex- What accounts for the ability of some women to be
ual behavior, which may help to explain the aforemen- sexually fluid? L. M. Diamond (2003b) has theorized that
tioned sex difference in bisexual identification. to an extent, romantic love and sexual desire rely on dif-
ferent motivational systems: the former more on the
attachment or pair-bonding system, the latter more on
Sexual fluidity the sexual mating system. Although separate, these two
A related sex difference is the phenomenon of sexual systems may affect each other, and the bidirectional links
fluidity, which appears to be especially common among (permitting feelings of strong emotional attachment to
women (L. M. Diamond, 2009). Sexual fluidity is situa- give rise to sexual desire) may be especially strong in
tion-dependent flexibility in a persons sexual respon- women. Another possibility concerns sex differences in
siveness, which makes it possible for some individuals to the reproductive context of female versus male sexual
experience desires for either men or women under cer- behavior. Whereas all of mens sexual interactions can
tain circumstances regardless of their overall sexual ori- result in reproduction, womens sexual behavior can
entation. Evidence that some women are especially result in reproduction only if it coincides with ovulation.
sexually fluid includes results from a longitudinal study However, women are capable of becoming sexually
of 80 women first interviewed at 16 to 23 years of age aroused at any point in the menstrual cycle, and although
(L.M. Diamond, 2000, 2003a, 2008). At the first interview, their sexual motivation appears to increase as a function
none of the women identified as heterosexual; rather, of the rising estrogen levels that accompany ovulation,
their reported identities were lesbian, bisexual, or their sexual arousability during the rest of the month
unlabeled. Many of the womens sexual feelings toward appears unrelated to estrogen levels (reviewed in Wallen,
women versus men changed over time, although typi- 1995). Womens capacity for arousability independent of
cally the changes were not large (about 1 Kinsey Scale ovulation permits them to experience sexual desires and
point, on average). Yet changes in sexual identity were behaviors with same-sex individuals at no evolutionary
common. Two years after the initial interviews, approxi- cost. In fact, researchers have argued that sexual behav-
mately one-third of the participants changed their sexual ior with nonreproductive (and even same-sex) partners
identities (L. M. Diamond, 2000); between the second can confer multiple evolutionary advantages on females,
and third interview, another quarter of the participants such as alliance formation (de Waal, 1987; Hohmann &
changed their sexual identities (L. M. Diamond, 2003a); Fruth, 2000). Hence, one possibility is that womens
and between the third and fourth interviews, another capacity for sexual fluidity evolved in concert with (or is
third of the participants changed their sexual identities an artifact of) their capacity for nonreproductive arous-
(L. M. Diamond, 2008). Usually, these changes were ability during nonfertile parts of the menstrual cycle.
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 57
nonheterosexual. This suggests that the prospective stud- homosexual men reported that their early sexual att
ies may underestimate the likelihood of a nonheterosex- ractions were not necessarily a source of any distress
ual outcome because younger nonheterosexual individuals (Savin-Williams, 1996). Same-sex attractions were often
are more likely to provide false claims that they are het- experienced as an obsession with being near masculine,
erosexual (Bailey & Zucker, 1995). often older, same-sex teenagers and adults, such as male
Both retrospective and prospective studies support a teachers and coaches. Eventually, these men recognized
strong association between childhood gender nonconfor- that their same-sex desires were rarely shared by others,
mity and adult nonheterosexuality. This does not mean, were not condoned, and should be hidden. Although first
of course, that all nonheterosexual individuals were more homosexual male experiences can occur in the context
gender nonconforming than average, much less that they of romantic relationships, it is not uncommon for these
were all extremely gender nonconforming. There are at experiences to occur with strangers (Savin-Williams &
least three potentially important implications, however. Diamond, 2000).
First, long before sexual attraction emerges, some chil- On average, homosexual women describe their early
dren who will become nonheterosexual are markedly same-sex attractions as more emotionally than sexually
different than other children. Indeed, childhood gender charged. Lesbian or female bisexual self-identification
nonconformity is often evident by age 2 (Cohen-Kettenis often precedes the onset of homosexual activity, and first
& Pffflin, 2003). Second, there is little evidence that gen- same-sex sexual attractions and behaviors are often
der nonconforming children have been encouraged or experienced within the context of a romantic relationship
taught to behave that way; rather, childhood gender non- (Savin-Williams & Diamond, 2000).
conformity typically emerges despite conventional social- Bisexual-identified individuals typically experience
ization. Third, the differences between children who will later recognition of same-sex attractions compared with
become nonheterosexual and those who will become homosexual men and women. This may reflect the fact
heterosexual are related to sex-typed behavior and gen- that bisexual identity usually follows the establishment of
der identity (Bailey & Zucker, 1995; Zucker & Bradley, a heterosexual identity (Fox, 1995; Weinberg, Williams, &
1995). The content of these differences provides some Pryor, 1994). Homosexual people are atypical in two
potential clues about the causes of sexual orientation, ways: their lack of attraction to the other sex and their
which we discuss further below. increased attraction to their own. In contrast, bisexual
people are atypical in only the latter sense, and this may
delay their recognition of their own difference.
Onset of sexual attraction
Children cannot know their sexual orientations until they
Adult gender nonconformity
experience sexual attraction toward the same or the other
sex. When does this happen? At present in North Amer- It would be surprising if the large orientation differences
ica, it is impossible to study actual children as they in childhood gender nonconformity disappeared without
become sexually aware. Such a study would be a politi- a trace by adulthood. Several differences between hetero-
cal minefield if not an ethical one. Therefore, the onset of sexual and nonheterosexual adults persist. They include
sexual attraction has been studied using retrospective patterns of occupational and recreational interests (Lippa,
reports of adolescents and adults. 2005a, 2005b). Research indicates that heterosexual men
Studies have shown that subjects recall first having have greater interest in occupations and hobbies focus-
feelings of sexual attraction at age 10, on average ing on things and less interest in those focusing on peo-
(McClintock & Herdt, 1996). Male and female subjects ple, compared with heterosexual women (Lippa, 2005a;
report similar ages. Importantly, so do homosexual and Su, Rounds, & Armstrong, 2009). In contrast, homosexual
heterosexual subjects. Age 10 is several years before the men show a somewhat feminine pattern of interests, and
typical age of onset of sexual activity (Cavazos-Rehg homosexual women a somewhat masculine one. The ori-
etal., 2009). This is consistent with an earlier retrospec- entation differences are large, although smaller than the
tive study showing that homosexual men and women sex differences. They are consistent with stereotypes
recalled their first homosexual feelings as preceding their about occupational differences between homosexual and
first homosexual experiences by 3 years (Bell, Weinberg, heterosexual people. This makes them more difficult to
& Hammersmith, 1981). Although this gap may have interpret than childhood differences because both homo-
changed since that publication, the important pointto sexual and heterosexual adults mayeither consciously
which we returnis that the large majority of nonhetero- or unconsciouslymold their behavior in accordance
sexual people recall that homosexual desires preceded with societal expectations.
homosexual experiences. Other differences between homosexual and hetero-
How do nonheterosexual people experience the rec- sexual adults include patterns of movement (i.e., gestures
ognition of homosexual feelings? In a retrospective study, and walking) and speech (i.e., articulation), physical
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 59
presentation (i.e., clothing choices and hairstyles; Bailey, bisexuals have often been both socially and scientifi-
2003; Rieger et al., 2008; Rieger, Linsenmeier, Gygax, callymarginalized; (c) scientific controversy concerning
Garcia, & Bailey, 2010), and even facial appearance (Rule, bisexual orientation; and, notably, (d) appreciable
Ambady, Adams, & Macrae, 2008). These differences also researchfunding by the American Institute of Bisexuality
tend to be large and help explain the phenomenon by (Denizet-Lewis, 2014). Until recently, research on sexual
which individuals can sometimes judge a targets sexual orientation often ignored bisexuality, as reflected in the
orientation by observing superficial aspects of the targets two most common approaches to dealing with poten-
nonsexual behavior (gaydar). As with gender noncon- tially bisexual subjects: excluding them or combining
formity in interests, gender nonconformity in movement, them with monosexual subjects.
speech, and physical presentation might be influenced The topic of bisexuality requires special precision in
by societal expectations. Homosexual and heterosexual discussing identity, attractions, behavior, arousal, and ori-
individuals also tend to differ in their performance on entation, given the prevalence of discrepancies among
cognitive and personality tests that show sex differences. these domains. Research has found that some individuals
For example, studies of visuospatial abilities and verbal who identify as bisexual show patterns of sexual arousal
fluency show that homosexual individuals are shifted in (and sometimes patterns of sexual behavior) that appear
the direction of the other sex (M. Peters, Manning, & to be predominately heterosexual or homosexual,
Reimers, 2007; Rahman, Abrahams, & Wilson, 2003). Sim- whereas some individuals who identify as heterosexual
ilarly, studies of neuroticism9 have indicated that homo- or homosexual show bisexual patterns of genital arousal,
sexual individuals are shifted in a sex-atypical direction attraction, or behavior. Such discrepancies reflect wide-
(Lippa, 2008). It is important to note, however, that the spread variability in individuals and communities defini-
effect sizes for cognitive ability and personality are much tions of bisexual, as well as variability in individuals
smallerboth for sex and sexual orientationthan the motivations for identifying as bisexual. Although it seems
effect sizes for patterns of interest. reasonable to presume that bisexual-identified individu-
Before leaving the topic of gender nonconformity, als exhibit both same-sex and other-sex attractions and
we address a commonly raised question: Might the gen- sexual behavior, other patterns are possible. Some indi-
der-atypicality of adult homosexual men and women viduals identify as bisexual because they have previously
simply reflect a culturally influenced self-fulfilling engaged in sexual activity or intimate relationships with
prophecy? In other words, given that society expects both men and women, even if their current sexual attrac-
homosexual individuals to be gender atypical, and given tions are exclusively toward the same sex or the other
that LGB communities often support and facetiously sex. Other individuals identify as bisexual because they
celebrate such gender atypicality, perhaps some homo- periodically experience sexual attraction toward both
sexual people adopt gender-atypical characteristics to sexes, even if their sexual behavior and identity is exclu-
conform to their own stereotypes. Because of the evi- sively homosexual. As a result of this diversity, the popu-
dence we have reviewedindicating that gender non- lation of individuals reporting bisexual attractions,
conformity often begins before a prehomosexual child behavior, or identity contains individuals with a range of
even has a sexual orientation or is aware of cultural different orientations.
stereotypes, and that the link between gender noncon-
formity and nonheterosexual orientation has been found
Transitional versus persistent
in a wide variety of cultureswe think it is highly
unlikely that gender nonconformity in LGB populations bisexuality
represents a self-fulfilling prophecy due to cultural Some individuals who will eventually identify as homo-
beliefs. It is possible, however, that cultural stereotypes sexual temporarily adopt a bisexual identity before doing
sometimes amplify gender nonconformity among LGB so (Lever, 1994). Transitional bisexual identification
people. Many LGB individuals report that they have appears to be more common in men than in women. In
always been fairly gender-typical in dress, appearance, a large U.S. national survey conducted by the LGB-
and interests. It is possible that as these individuals focused news magazine The Advocate (Lever, 1994), 40%
come to identify as LGB and participate in the LGB of gay-identified men reported having previously identi-
community, they adopt aspects of gender-atypicality. fied as bisexual. Two recent longitudinal studies of non-
heterosexual-identified youth found that changes of
identity from bisexual to homosexual were particularly
Bisexuality common among males (Rosario, Schrimshaw, Hunter, &
The past decade has seen a surge of research about Braun, 2006; Savin-Williams, Joyner, & Rieger, 2012).
bisexuality. This has reflected (a) growing awareness that Transitional bisexual identity and behavior may also
a nontrivial proportion of nonheterosexual people iden- occur among women on their way to a homosexual iden-
tify as bisexual; (b) the widespread acknowledgment that tity (Lever, 1995), though womens sexual identities also
60 Bailey et al.
not infrequently change from homosexual to bisexual have bisexual arousal patterns (given that some men may
(L.M. Diamond, 2008). identify as bisexual despite having homosexual arousal
Researchers of bisexuality have often acknowledged patterns).
the existence of transitional bisexuality (Fast & Wells, To assess bisexual patterns of genital arousal in men,
1975; Harwell, 1976; Klein, 1993; H. L. Ross, 1971; M. W. it is first necessary to decide what such an arousal pattern
Ross, 1991), but it remains poorly understood. The very should look like, relative to a monosexual pattern of
limited existing evidence supports the idea that at least arousal. One possibility is that individuals with bisexual
among men, transitional bisexuality identity does not arousal patterns should show less of a difference (com-
necessarily imply a history of bisexual attractions pared to monosexuals) between their arousal responses
(Guittar, 2013). Rather, men may adopt transitional bisex- to men versus women (Rosenthal, Sylva, Safron, & Bailey,
ual identities in the process of trying to make sense of 2012). Another approach emphasizes the overall degree
divergent parts of their current and previous attractions of arousal to ones less preferred sex (Rieger, Chivers, &
and histories, such as the fact that they may have had Bailey, 2005). Consider the first approach. To the extent
emotionally satisfying romantic relationships with women that bisexual-identified men have bisexual arousal pat-
despite feeling sexual attractions only toward men, or the terns, they should have smaller absolute differences
fact that their previous heterosexual encounters may between their arousal to male and female stimuli com-
have been unsatisfying but not distasteful. Others may pared with monosexual men. That is, a bisexual arousal
feel that it is easier to admit ones homosexual feelings if pattern implies a relatively similar degree of arousal to
they are not appearing to rule out the possibility of male and female erotic stimuli. The rationale for this
heterosexual attractions and relationships. Finally, some approach, which focuses on arousal to the less-preferred
men may initially identify as bisexual because they have sex, is that a bisexual man should show greater arousal
bisexual patterns of attraction but, eventually, switch to a to female stimuli than would be shown by homosexual
gay identity because most of their attractions and all of men as well as greater arousal to male stimuli than gener-
their sexual behaviors involve men. ally shown by heterosexual men. Thus, a bisexual mans
Among women, bisexuality appears to be a more sta- arousal to stimuli depicting his less-arousing sexwhich-
ble identity pattern, as well as a more stable pattern of ever that isshould be greater than that for monosexual
self-reported sexual attraction (L. M. Diamond, 2008; men. The dependent variables using the two approaches
Savin-Williams & Ream, 2007). This is consistent with the are highly correlated, and the two analyses tend to pro-
fact (reviewed earlier) that women are more likely than vide similar results (Rosenthal etal., 2012).
men to report bisexual patterns of attraction. Specifically, Three studies have examined the genital arousal pat-
a woman who comes out as bisexual is more likely to be terns of bisexual, heterosexual, and homosexual men.
correct in this assessment than is a man, and hence Two found that bisexual mens self-reported subjective
more likely to retain that label over time and to find that sexual arousal patterns were relatively bisexual, com-
it provides an adequate representation of her attractions pared with those of monosexuals, but that their genital
and behavior. Among both men and women, negative arousal patterns were not (Cerny & Janssen, 2011; Rieger
stereotypes about bisexuality, perpetuated within the gay et al., 2005). The other study found statistically robust
community as well as in the culture at large, make it dif- and strong effects for both subjective and genital mea-
ficult to interpret individuals adoption or rejection of sures, supporting the hypothesis that bisexual men have
bisexual labels. Just as some individuals with homosex- relatively bisexual arousal patterns (Rosenthal, Sylva,
ual patterns of attraction may identify as bisexual because Safron, & Bailey, 2011, 2012). Which finding is correct?
they perceive it to be an easier transition to make than a Likely, both are true, each for a different subset of bisex-
direct transition to homosexual, some individuals with ual-identified men. The studies that failed to find corre-
bisexual patterns of attraction may identify as homosex- spondence between bisexual identity and arousal patterns
ual because they are aware that some members of the used relatively liberal inclusion criteria for bisexuality
gay community view bisexuals as untrustworthy, clos- namely, that men considered themselves bisexual and
eted, or promiscuous (Tania & Mohr, 2004). had self-reported Kinsey Scale scores in the bisexual
range. In contrast, the study that found correspondence
required bisexual men to have had both sexual and
Sexual arousal patterns of bisexual men
romantic experiences with members of both sexes (which
It is because of these complexities in interpreting bisex- may have more effectively excluded men whose orienta-
ual identities that researchers have turned to more objec- tions were more monosexual in nature despite their iden-
tive measures of bisexual orientations. Specifically, tification as bisexual).
researchers have used measures of genital arousal to The most defensible conclusions from this work are
determine whether men who identify as bisexual also that some bisexual-identified men have bisexual genital
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 61
arousal patterns and some do not. This provides strong relevant. We thus preface our review of scientific evi-
evidence against the (often stereotyped) notion that male dence on the causes of sexual orientation with a concep-
bisexuality does not exist and that all bisexual-identified tual critiqueand we hope, a correctionof the way
males are misrepresenting their sexual orientation. Yet that people often reason about how these causes relate
basic questions regarding the prevalence of female and to social, political, and moral questions.
male bisexual phenomena and the specific differences
between bisexual and homosexual phenomena remain
The question of choice
unanswered; this remains an active topic of research.
Do people choose to be homosexual or heterosexual?
This question is perhaps the most common causal ques-
Causes of Sexual Orientation tion asked in the sociopolitical context. It is asked much
The question of what causes different people to be hetero- less commonly in scientific contexts because, as we shall
sexual, bisexual, or homosexual has evoked intense interest see, it is a bad question. This is partly because there are
among the general public (e.g., Finkelstein, 2006; Swidey, at least two different, mutually inconsistent meanings of
2005). However, the question is unusual among interesting choice that are often conflated.
scientific questions because it has also provoked intense
controversy that in part reflects sociopolitical and moral dif- Choice as uncaused action. The correlation between
ferences among disputants (Pitman, 2011; for examples, see ones beliefs about the causes of sexual orientation and
the relevant sections of the websites for the National Asso- ones degree of tolerance of nonheterosexuality appears
ciation for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, to be based on the following logic: If there are causes!gayborn-that-way/cm6x, and other than free willthat lead certain people to be non-
Truth Wins Out, heterosexual, then those people were never entirely
free to be heterosexual and hence cannot be held
The politics of sexual-orientation responsible for their nonheterosexuality. For example,
finding a gene that increases the chance a man will be
causation homosexual would mean that the man is not completely
There is a strong correlation between beliefs about the free to choose to be heterosexual. To the extent that the
origins of sexual orientation and tolerance of nonhetero- gene causes his homosexuality, we should neither
sexuality, a correlation that has been stable for several blame him nor discriminate against him. This is the
decades (Lewis, 2009). Specifically, those who believe essence of the argument regarding sexual orientation
that sexual orientation is innate, biological, immuta- and choice.
ble, or inborn are especially likely to favor equal rights Yet this is a bad argument, and the word choice (and
for homosexual and bisexual people. All four words are associated concepts such as freedom and responsibility)
often used by participants in the political debate about lies at the root of the problem. Why would discovery of
the causes of sexual orientation, despite the fact that a gene for sexual orientation imply that homosexuality is
none of the words has a straightforward, consistent, and not freely chosen? It would do so only if we could assume
uniform interpretation. that free will is the null hypothesis on which causal stud-
The association between political attitudes about ies chip away. This assumption is not scientific, however,
homosexuality and beliefs about the causes of sexual ori- and is not intellectually defensible (Dennett, 1984; Pinker,
entation is largely misplaced (Greenberg & Bailey, 1993). 2003). For instance, to the extent that a trait is not genetic,
It is based on faulty reasoning about causation and about it is caused by the environment, not by free will. If a trait
the relevance of causation to moral judgments. It has is not present from birth, then it is caused by events
intruded unhelpfully into social controversies that affect occurring after birth, not by free will.
the lives of homosexual and bisexual people. Further-
more, it has had a harmful effect on the science of sexual Choice as decision to act. There is an alternative sense
orientation. For example, in the United States, funding for of choice that is more meaningful: the sense of making
basic research on sexual orientation has been limited a decision. This ordinary-language sense of choice is
because of political controversy. We know of several something that is commonly understood. I chose to raise
cases in which applicants for federal U.S. grants were my hand, I chose to eat broccoli, I chose to rob a
asked to change grant titles in order to hide their topic of bank, and I chose to have sex with that person are all
study from those hostile to such research. Politically con- meaningful sentences. It is this sense of choice that
troversial topics are precisely where science-based infor- people likely mean when they debate whether sexual
mation should be sought, when it is relevant. But it is orientation is a lifestyle choice. Note that cause has noth-
important to think clearly about what is, and what is not, ing to do with it. The four sentences all make sense even
62 Bailey et al.
though the respective choices to which they refer could Is causation relevant at all?
all be determined by a combination of genetic and envi-
ronmental factors. People may choose to do things for Even if the question of whether people choose their sex-
environmental reasonsperhaps a woman has been ual orientations is a bad one, this does not necessarily
offered a million dollars to raise her hand. Or they may mean that all questions about the causes of sexual orien-
choose them for genetic reasonsperhaps a man chose tation are irrelevant to political, social, and ethical con-
a blue car because his genetically determined color cerns. Unfortunately, such relevance is usually assumed
blindness made red and green cars unappealingly gray. rather than argued for. Furthermore, in cases where the
In a deterministic world (which behavioral scientists argument is spelled out, it typically amounts to an argu-
assume), decisions have causes. ment that any discernable causes negate free will, which
The meanings of words can be illuminated by how we have seen is invalid.
people use them, and an important regularity in the way A more comprehensible basis upon which people dif-
people use choice concerns the distinction between fer in their moral and political responses to homosexual-
behavior and feelings. We choose our actions, but we do ity is in their beliefs about its consequences rather than its
not choose our feelings. Consider the following two causes. People who believe that homosexuality has nega-
sentences: tive effects on psychological, moral, or social functioning
will disapprove of homosexuality and may seek to dis-
1. I choose to have sex with partners of my own courage it by restricting its expression and limiting the
sex. rights of homosexuals. In contrast, people who believe
2. I choose to desire to have sex with partners of that there are no negative consequences of homosexual-
my own sex. ity will favor the rights of homosexuals to live openly and
to enjoy the same rights as heterosexuals. These grounds
The first sentence is conventional and sensible; the rather than questions of causation and choiceare the
second sentence is neither. Einstein summarized Scho- appropriate grounds on which the battle for equal rights
penhauers famous argument appropriately and thusly: for nonheterosexual people should be fought.11
Man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he This is not to dismiss the importance of basic research
wills (as quoted in Planck, 1933, p. 201). Applied to on sexual orientation, including research on causation.
sexual orientation, it makes sense to say that people Despite our pessimism about causal researchs impor-
choose their sexual partners, but it doesnt make sense to tance in resolving social questions, there are some spe-
say that they choose their desires. Sexual orientation is cific limited cases in which it is relevant. One example
defined as relative desire for same-sex or other-sex sex concerns the belief, expressed by President Museveni in
partners. Thus, it makes no sense to say that one chooses Uganda as well as anti-homosexual activists worldwide,
ones sexual orientation. One does, however, choose to that homosexual people attempt to recruit others into
behave consistently or inconsistently with ones sexual homosexuality. Equally important is the question of
orientation. That is a lifestyle choice.10 whether individuals sexual orientation can be changed
through conversion, reparative, or reorientation
A flawed question.The question of whether or not therapies and whether such therapies should be deemed
people choose their sexual orientations has clouded safe and effective by psychological organizations. Claims
rather than clarified thinking. We can answer the ques- about both homosexual recruitment and the success of
tion without knowing anything scientific about the causes conversion therapies are causal claims, and we examine
of sexual orientation, because the answer depends them in a later section.
entirely on what we mean by choice and choose. If a In our view, the single best justification for studying the
choice requires a lack of causes, then people cannot causes of sexual orientation is scientific, not sociopolitical.
choose their sexual orientation because all human behav- Quite simply, sexual orientation is a basic human trait that
ior has causes. If to choose means to make a decision, influences identity and behavior at both the individual
then we do not choose our sexual orientations because and the group level, and hence it is fundamentally impor-
sexual orientations are patterns of sexual desire, and we tant and interesting to understand its causes and develop-
do not choose our sexual desires. Of course, advocates of ment. Toward this end, in the following sections, we
therapeutic attempts to change sexual orientation might summarize the current state of this understanding.
argue that even if sexual desires are not initially chosen,
individuals can choose to alter their desires through pro-
A taxonomy of causal questions
cesses of conditioning and reinforcement. As we discuss
in greater detail below, however, there is no evidence Non-experts are exposed to scientific findings primarily
that such attempts are successful. through the news media. Journalists try to make a
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 63
judicious compromise between scientific accuracy and although it may often be practically difficult to provide a
simple comprehensibility; sometimes they fail. Some- precise answer. The extent to which people differ in a
times even scientists are not as precise and accurate as trait as a result of genetic or environmental differences
they should be. A plethora of terms have been used as among them can be estimated as heritability, which is
alternatives in the two sides of the nature-nurture debate. expressed as a proportion ranging from 0 (only environ-
For nature: biological, genetic, hereditary, herita- mental differences matter) to 1 (only genetic differences
ble, innate, inborn, natural, and essential. For nur- matter), using methodology including twin and adoption
ture: chosen, learned, acquired, environmental, studies.
socialized, unnatural, and socially constructed. Some The idea that hormonal differences may lead to sex-
of these terms have originated from scientists and have ual-orientation differences has been especially influential
been accurately applied to particular studies but over- (Ellis & Ames, 1987; LeVay, 2011). The extent to which
generalized to other, inapplicable studies. Other words, trait differences reflect differences in hormones is gener-
such as chosen, are rarely used by scientists but com- ally meaningful and entirely separate from the question
monly (and erroneously) used by laypersons. Impor- of genetic influence. If genes for sexual orientation exist,
tantly, words that are treated as synonyms in informal they may or may not operate via hormonal pathways.
usage often have quite different formal definitions. Thus, Conversely, hormonal differences may not depend on
it is important to correct some common misunderstand- genetic differences (aside from the initial role of the Y
ings about causal terminology before proceeding. chromosome in triggering androgens in males). Thus,
The first two columns of Table 2 list some words most evidence regarding heritability provides no evidence
commonly used in the nature-versus-nurture debate. regarding hormonal influence, and vice versa. The extent
Adjacent words in the same Nature or Nurture col- to which a trait is hormonally influenced is a less precise
umns represent synonymsconceptual distinctions that question compared with the extent to which it is geneti-
are dissociable but not completely independent. Words cally influenced. A trait might be hormonally influenced
in the same row but different columns represent concep- via levels of hormones currently present in relevant tis-
tual opposites (or complements). The final two columns sue; alternatively, it may have been influenced via levels
of Table 2 convey our judgments of whether the concep- of hormones present during the organization of the tis-
tual distinctions implied by a given word are valid and sue, or it may be influenced by receptivity to hormones,
whether those distinctions are precise or require further either at present or during organization; there are likely
elaboration. other possibilities. Nor do assessments of hormone levels
We have already addressed the conceptual vacuity of yield a numeric index comparable to heritability.
choice. Another word that obscures more than it clarifies Innateness is a famously difficult concept (Elman etal.,
is biological. Because all behavior requires participation 1998), in large part because it has a number of different
of the brain and body, and such participation is at least connotations (Mameli & Bateson, 2006). For sexual orien-
in principle measurable, all behavior is biological tation, the question of innateness is most meaningfully
(Greenberg & Bailey, 1993). Thus, the word denotes noth- asked as follows: When people have different sexual ori-
ing unique about any trait or behavior. Although biologi- entations, is this because they had different postnatal
cal is often used synonymously with other words in the social experiences, or did the different sexual orientations
Nature column of Table 2, that practice should stop, and emerge despite their social experiences? If differences in
more accurate and precise words should be used instead. social experiences matter, then sexual orientation is not
The extent to which a trait is genetic or environmen- entirely innate; if they do not matter, then it is.12 For
tal is a conceptually meaningful and precise question, humans, social experiences mean experiences involving
other people, and the mechanisms through which such across different times and placesrequires data that are
experiences are thought to influence development gener- difficult to obtain. Establishing facts about sexuality is
ally comprise diverse forms of learning and reinforce- complicated enough in the relatively open contemporary
ment. In contrast, mechanisms of innate development Western world, where representative surveys and even
include practically anything else: genes, hormones, ran- objective measures can be employed. Inferring facts
dom prenatal developmental perturbations, infections, about taboo behavior in different cultures or time periods
and other factors too numerous to list. Thus, although is much more difficult. Such inference making is gener-
genetic and hormonal influences on sexual orientation ally the job of anthropologists and historians, who do the
constitute innate influences, not all innate influences best they can. On the one hand, it is important to recog-
require either genes or hormones. Arguably, the innate- nize the limitations of the data and to be skeptical of
ness debate is best focused on whether particular candi- surprising claims that would seem to depend on better
date social influences matter rather than whether any data than currently exist. On the other hand, these data,
social influence matters. with all their limitations, are all we have. We expect that
The question of whether sexual orientation is natural in all cultures the vast majority of individuals are sexually
or unnatural has tended to be asked in the context of predisposed exclusively to the other sex (i.e., heterosex-
religious debates, with anti-homosexual advocates insist- ual) and that only a minority of individuals are sexually
ing that homosexuality is unnatural (e.g., TFP Committee predisposed (whether exclusively or non-exclusively) to
on American Issues, 2004) and their opponents insisting the same sex. Data that might speak to this issue are
it is natural (e.g., A. Jackson, 2013). What can this ques- exceedingly limited but consistent with this conclusion
tion mean? It has at least three different interpretations. (e.g., VanderLaan etal., 2013; Whitam & Mathy, 1986).
First, does homosexuality occur in nonhuman animals? In contrast, sexual identity and behavior are far more
Second, is homosexuality a result of human evolution? susceptible to cultural variation. Indeed, the sexual-iden-
Third, is homosexuality consistent with natural law? The tity categories of gay, lesbian, and homosexual are
third question is philosophical rather than scientific historically and culturally specific, and they do not neces-
(Pickett, 2011), and we do not consider it here. In con- sarily translate to other times and places (Blackwood &
trast, the first two interpretations of the question are sci- Wieringa, 1999; Boswell, 1982/1983; Murray, 2000; Nanda,
entifically meaningful and interesting. Answers to both 2014; Norton, 1997). Consequently, the ways in which
are of no moral consequence, however. many non-Western same-sex-attracted individuals and
The final row of Table 2 refers to a debate that is nei- Western gay men and lesbians think about themselves
ther conducted mainly by scientists nor by members of and pattern their lives (sexual or otherwise) can differ in
the general public. Rather, whether sexual orientation is important respects. Thus, when individuals from non-
an essential or a socially constructed categorization of Western cultures say that there are no gays, lesbians,
people has largely been the preoccupation of scholars of or homosexuals in their societies, they are not necessar-
human culture and society, including philosophers, histo- ily inaccurate or dishonest: Based on their understanding
rians, social theorists, cultural anthropologists, and soci- of what it means to be gay, lesbian, or homosexual,
ologists (e.g., Norton, 1997; Stein, 1992). One of the main no one in their society identifies or behaves as such, and
issues in this debate concerns the degree to which sexual neither do they identify other members of their culture in
orientation manifests, and is recognized, in a similar man- that way. However, this does not mean that their culture
ner across cultures, both geographically and historically. contains no same-sex-attracted individuals.
Those who believe that sexual orientation is socially con- One approach to studying same-sex sexuality cross-
structed emphasize cultural variation, whereas those who culturally involves focusing on its deep structure rather
believe that it is an essential human trait are impressed than its culturally specific constructions and meanings
with its cross-cultural regularities. We address the cross- (Vasey & VanderLaan, 2014). The deep structure of same-
cultural evidence in the following section. sex sexuality can be thought of as a set of traits that reli-
ably characterizes same-sex-attracted males and another
Sexual orientation across culture and set that reliably characterizes same-sex-attracted females,
regardless of the cultural context in which these individu-
history als are found. To this end, a focus on individuals sexual
In a speech at Columbia University, Iranian President attractions facilitates cross-cultural comparisons, given
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asserted, In Iran, we dont have that individuals in all cultures have been observed to
homosexuals like in your country (We Dont Have Any report experiencing sexual attractions, and hence sexual
Gays in Iran, 2007, para. 1). The idea that homosexual- attractions can be considered a universal human phe-
ity exists in some times or places but not othersor, less nomenon. In contrast, a focus on sexual identities or
radically, that it exhibits different frequencies and forms behaviors does not facilitate cross-cultural comparisons
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 65
of same-sex sexuality, given that not all cultures have a 1986). For example, on the Indian subcontinent, trans-
notion of sexual identity and not all cultures permit indi- gender male androphiles known as hijra bestow bless-
viduals to pursue sexual behavior that concords with ings from Hindu gods and goddesses for luck and fertility
their desires. at weddings and at the births of male babies (Nanda,
Androphilia and gynephilia are useful terms for 1998). In Sulawesi, Indonesia, transgender androphilic
denoting basic human sexual attractions. Androphilia males known as bissu are shamans who bless people for
refers to sexual attraction and arousal to adult males, good health and successful journeys and who play
whereas gynephilia refers to sexual attraction and arousal important ritual roles in weddings (Peletz, 2009). These
to adult females. Homosexual men and heterosexual institutionalized religious roles sometimes carry with
women are androphilic, and heterosexual men and them the expectation of asceticism, but often this ideal is
homosexual women gynephilic. The terms androphilia not realized (e.g., Nanda, 1998; Peletz, 2009). In general,
and gynephilia are preferable to terms such as homo- same-sex-attracted individuals self-select to fill these
sexual and heterosexual because the latter terms have roles, probably because they are recognized as socially
been used and defined specifically in a Western cultural acceptable niches (Murray, 2000).
context and often do triple duty by serving as descrip- Cisgender male androphiles and female gynephiles
tions of attractions, behavior, and identities. The terms behave in a relatively gender-typical manner when com-
androphilia and gynephilia avoid these problems and pared with their transgender counterparts. However, they
therefore provide for more accurate descriptions. are relatively gender-atypical when compared to gyne-
Although same-sex-attracted individuals can differ in dra- philic cisgender men and androphilic cisgender women
matic ways from one culture to the next, they can all be (Bailey, 2003; Cardoso, 2013; Lippa, 2008; Whitam &
accurately described as either androphilic biological Mathy, 1986; L. Zheng, Lippa, & Zheng, 2011). Thus,
males or gynephilic biological females. regardless of the form they take, male androphilia and
The manner in which same-sex sexual attraction is female gynephilia are associated with gender-atypicality.
publicly expressed varies across time and cultural space However, the strength of this association varies with the
(Blackwood & Wieringa, 1999; Murray, 2000; Norton, manner in which same-sex sexuality is publicly expressed.
1997; Whitam & Mathy, 1986). Same-sex sexuality Both the cisgender and transgender forms of same-sex
between adults typically takes one of two cross-culturally sexuality may occur within a given culture, but typically
recurrent forms, which are related to gender-role enact- one or the other predominates (Murray, 2000; Whitam &
ment and gender identity. These two forms are cisgen- Mathy, 1986). For example, the cisgender form tends to
der13 and transgender14 male androphilia and female be much more common in many Western cultures. In
gynephilia. contrast, the transgender form appears to be more com-
Cisgender male androphiles and female gynephiles mon in many non-Western cultures. In places where the
occupy the gender role typical of their sex and identify as two forms coexist, their members often consider each
men and women, respectively. This is the form of other to be part of the same subculture (Whitam & Mathy,
homosexuality that is nearly universal in the contempo- 1986). Margaret Mead observed a meeting in which an
rary West. In contrast, transgender male androphiles and Omaha minquga (i.e., a transgender male androphile)
female gynephiles do not occupy the gender role typical and a Japanese homosexual man (i.e., a cisgender male
of their sex. Not only do they behave in a highly gender- androphile) who visited her field site in 1961 instantly
atypical manner, but they often identify, and are identi- recognized each other. Within an hour of the Japanese
fied by others, as neither men nor women, but rather, mans arrival, the sole minquga in the tribe turned up
as a member of some alternative gender category. Con- and tried to make contact with him (Mead, 1961). Simi-
temporary examples of transgender male androphiles larly, sociologist Fredrick Whitam (1995) noted that, in
include the kathoey of Thailand (P. Jackson, 1997), the So Paulo, travesti (transgender male androphiles) are an
xanith of Oman (Wikan, 1977), the muxes of Mexico especially conspicuous presence in gay clubs and are
(Chias, 1992), and the faafafine of Samoa (Vasey & treated with a high degree of respect.
VanderLaan, 2014). Some contemporary examples of In contemporary Western cultures, cisgender male
transgender female gynephiles include the tombois of androphiles typically engage in sexual interactions with
Sumatra (Blackwood, 2010) and the mahu of Tahiti each other; the same is true of cisgender female gyne-
(Elliston, 1999). philes. That is, in the West, homosexual relationships are
In some cultures, transgender male androphilia and typically between two homosexual individuals. Such
female gynephilia are linked to particular institutional- individuals comprise the Western gay and lesbian com-
ized labor practices, which often involve specialized reli- munities. This type of same-sex sexual relationship has
gious activities. This type of transgender male androphilia been referred to as egalitarian and is characterized by
has been referred to as profession defined (Adams, partners who are not markedly different in age15 or
66 Bailey et al.
gender-related characteristics (B. D. Adams, 1986). Within pharaoh Neferkare and the military general Sisene,
such relationships, partners tend not to adopt special wholived during the 6th Dynasty of Egypts Old King-
social roles, and they treat each other as equals. In con- dom (23452181 BCE; Meskell, 2001). As early as the
trast, this pattern appears to be relatively uncommon in 7th century BCE, the Greek lyrical poet Sappho wrote
non-Western cultures and has emerged only recently in about romantic love and infatuation between females
certain non-Western urban centers (e.g., P. Jackson, (Campbell, 1982). Although one can question whether
1997). these examples reflect actual events, they do at the very
Although transgender male androphiles are same-sex least suggest that some prehistoric and ancient peoples
attracted, they rarely, if ever, engage in sexual activity understood same-sex sexual and romantic activity to be
with each other; the same is true of transgender female within the realm of possibility.
gynephiles (Blackwood & Wieringa, 1999; Murray, 2000; The historical record also indicates that at many times
Nanda, 2014). Rather, these individuals engage in sexual and in many places, androphilic males and gynephilic
activity with same-sex cisgender partners who self- females have been recognized by others, and by them-
identify, and are identified by others, as men or selves, as a unique class of individuals owing to their
women. For example, in Samoa, very feminine natal sexual orientations (e.g., Boswell, 1982/1983; Murray,
males called faafafine (which means in the manner of 2000; Norton, 1997). Typologies for same-sex-attracted
women) have sex with masculine Samoan men. The individuals can be traced back to ancient times. In Platos
faafafine would be aghast at the idea of having sex with Symposium (c. 385370 BCE), Aristophanes described his
one another. theory for exclusively androphilic and gynephilic men
Little research has focused on the cisgender sexual and women, asserting that all individuals, in seeking lov-
partners of same-sex-attracted transgender males and ers, are trying to reunite with a primordial conjoined
females. Blackwood (2010, p. 137) noted that, in Sumatra, twinin some cases male and in others femalefrom
the cisgender female partners (femmes) of tombois assert whom they were severed. Ancient Indian medical texts
an uncomplicated attraction to men, [but] position them- from the 1st century contain typologies for same-sex-
selves (if temporarily) under the label lesbia deriva- attracted individuals that are strikingly similar to modern
tive of lesbian. This suggests an episodic pattern of ones (M. Sweet & Zwilling, 1993; Vanita & Kidwai, 2001).
bisexual attraction on the part of femmes. In many cul- Male same-sex sexual activity appears to have existed
tures, same-sex sexual interactions between transgender in most cultures for which data are available (e.g.,
and cisgender persons are not considered homosexual Murray, 2000; Nanda, 2014), and the population preva-
because they are understood to be hetero-gendered lence rate for male androphilia appears to be similar
(Murray, 2000; Nanda, 2014; Norton, 1997). In other (approximately 1.5%5%) across a range of different con-
words, if a cisgender androphilic male and a transgender temporary cultural settings (e.g., Smith et al., 2003;
androphilic male engage in sex, the former individual is VanderLaan etal., 2013; Whitam & Mathy, 1986). Claims
often understood to be the male partner in the interac- that male androphilia is absent in a particular culture
tion, whereas the latter individual is often understood to are often demonstrably false, even when the culture
be the female partner. Accordingly, the interaction is in question seemingly lacks words to describe male
understood as male-female rather than male-male. The androphilia or male same-sex sexual activity (Boswell,
degree to which cisgender individuals who have sex with 1982/1983; Norton, 1997; VanderLaan, Garfield, et al.,
transgender persons of their same biological sex (i.e., 2014). Although male-male sexuality may truly be absent
men who have sex with female-appearing men and in a minority of cultures (e.g., Hewlett & Hewlett, 2010)
women who have sex with male-appearing women) are especially if population size is smallthese exceptions
perceived as different from those whose sexual behavior do not invalidate the conclusion that male androphilia
is only with the other sex (i.e., conventional heterosexu- appears to be a predictably and reliably reoccurring phe-
als) remains an open question (Norton, 1997). nomenon in the large majority of human cultures.
Same-sex sexual activity appears to have existed Female gynephilia has also been reported in many
throughout human history. Mesolithic rock art depicts cultures worldwide, but less often than male androphilia
male-male sexual activity (e.g., Nash, 2001). Graves con- (Blackwood, 1999; Blackwood & Wieringa, 1999; Elliston,
taining male skeletal remains and female-typical artifacts 1999; Murray, 2000). Based on this evidence, some schol-
have been interpreted as evidence for transgender andro- ars have concluded that female gynephilia is less com-
philic males in the prehistoric past (Hollimon, 1997). The mon than male androphilia across cultures and, when it
earliest written documentation of male-male sexual activ- occurs, is less enduring over the life span (e.g., Murray,
ity involving humans (as opposed to gods) comes from 2000). It is possible that romantic relationships between
ancient Egypt and dates to the late New Kingdom (1292 women have been more common historically and cross-
1069 BCE). The story includes a sexual tryst between the culturally than relationships involving genital sexuality
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 67
(Faderman, 1981; Murray, 2000; Sahli, 1979). Arguably, and supplying flowers for weddings. In essence
the exclusivity and longevity of female gynephilia may these two men were florists, involved in the arts of
relate to whether the individual in question is a butch embellishment, which in larger societies areuniversally
(masculine) or femme (feminine) female gynephile. linked with homosexual subcultures. (p.84)
Research suggests that gynephilia is expressed in a more
exclusive and enduring manner in butch/masculine as Homosexuality in Africa.Because there have been
opposed to femme/feminine women (Blackwood, 2014; proposals to increase legal penalties against homosexual-
L. M. Diamond, 2009). Another possibility is that because ity in several African nations, we briefly address the cul-
female gynephilia often occurs within close relationships tural history of homosexuality in Africa. The transgender
between women or among young women who are not of form of same-sex sexuality predominated in traditional
marriageable age, it has been less visible and less con- societies in Africa (Epprecht, 2008). Notwithstanding
cerning and therefore has escaped accurate documenta- commonplace claims today that homosexuality is un-
tion (Blackwood & Wieriga, 1999; Kendall, 1999). African, same-sex-attracted transgender male andro-
Historical and cross-cultural evidence suggests that if a philes and female gynephiles were observed from the
sufficient number of people exist in a society, subcultures earliest recorded times and in hundreds of discrete cul-
populated by same-sex-attracted individuals will appear tures across the continent (Epprecht, 2006; Murray &
within it (Gaudio, 2009; Norton, 1997; Whitam & Mathy, Roscoe, 1998). European observers, with all their assump-
1986). The formation of these subcultures appears to be tions, prejudices, and linguistic limitations, were not nec-
more common among androphilic men, compared with essarily reliable witnesses, and, for this reason, many of
gynephilic women. In Europe, recognizable centers of the accounts produced in the colonial periods can be
homosexual activity can be traced at least as far back as misleading. There are, however, a wide range of ethnog-
the 11th-century Anglo-Norman court of King William II raphies that document exceptions to heterosexual norms.
(Goodich, 1979). Same-sex relationships typically involved a male-bod-
Shared interests and personality characteristics beyond ied person said to be possessed by a female ancestral or
a common sexual orientation likely facilitate the forma- other spirit. To avoid offending that spirit, the man
tion of such subcultures. Same-sex-attracted individuals needed to avoid sex with women and perhaps, to win the
often have more in common with each other, even when favor of the female spirit, actively seek out sex with a
they come from disparate cultures, than they do with male partner. Male spirits could similarly be embodied in
their larger culture, in part because of gender nonconfor- living females, demanding that a woman remain celibate
mity (Norton, 1997; Whitam & Mathy, 1986). For exam- or take female sex partners. Sometimes this was a source
ple, across cultures, androphilic men tend to be more of mocking humor to the majority population, but often
female-typical and people-oriented in their interests the possessed person had a respected, even cherished
compared to gynephilic men; conversely, gynephilic role in society as a healer or seer (Epprecht, 2008;
females tend to be more male-typical and thing-ori- Nkabinde, 2008). In some cases, particularly in Islamic
ented than androphilic females (Cardoso, 2013; Lippa, Africa, same-sex-attracted transgender people have
2008; L. Zheng etal., 2011). Not surprisingly, androphilic occupiedspecialized occupations, much like the stereo-
males in many cultures worldwide share interests per- typical ones observed in the West and described above
taining to the house and home, decoration and design, (Gaudio, 2009). In urban centers, communities of same-
language, travel, helping professions, grooming, and the sex-attracted males have developed out of friendship
arts and entertainment (Whitam & Mathy, 1986). networks and around shared locations for meeting or
Even in small, isolated, and traditional cultures, the work (Gaudio, 2009; Moodie & Ndatshe, 1994).
rudiments of such subculture become apparent. Whitam In addition to being highly gendered, same-sex rela-
and Mathy (1986) described one such example: tionships were frequently age-stratified as well, with the
elder partner assuming the masculine role (in conven-
In the Guatemalan Indian town of Chimaltenango, two tional terms) and the younger partner the feminine role.
men lived together as lovers, wearing typical Indian With maturity, the younger partner would commonly
clothing in an outwardly traditional Indian adobe graduate into a heterosexual marriage. Because the
house. The house, however, was decorated in a manner younger partners were not recognized socially as fully
strikingly different from the other Indians. It was adult men (a moniker that comes with marriage), they
meticulously and elaborately decorated, a characteristic were often referred to as boys. It is important to note,
frequently found in homosexual subcultures. . . . The however, that these boys were usually postpubertal and
occupation of the lovers was that of stringing pine thus, although these relationships often involved age dis-
needles in decorative strands, traditionally used in crepancies, they were not pedophilic. In a strongly
Guatemala for holidays and other festive occasions, homosocial environment, same-sex sexual bonds could
68 Bailey et al.
continue into adulthood without being explicitly named There is abundant evidence that nonhuman animals
as such (Carrier & Murray, 1998; Gay, 1985; Kendall, engage in same-sex genital interactions under free-ranging
1998). conditions, and therefore this behavior cannot be explained
Aspects of gay identity as lived and performed in the as a result of captivity in abnormal environments. Skewed
West since gay liberation, including the egalitarian sex ratios can facilitate the expression of same-sex genital
model of overt same-sex relationships, are attractive to interactions among the more numerous sex (Poiani, 2010),
many Africans who chafe under traditional, heterosexual but such conditions are not necessary for such behavior to
family norms and obligations. As a result, small numbers be manifested (Bagemihl, 1999; Sommer & Vasey, 2006).
of Africans began to come out in politically recognizable Even when opportunities to engage in heterosexual con-
ways as lesbian and gay beginning in the 1990s (Hoad, tact are available, individuals sometimes prefer to engage
Martin, & Reid, 2005; Morgan & Wieringa, 2005). in homosexual behavior (Leca, Gunst, Huffman, & Vasey,
2015). Quantitative research indicates that species mating
systems, rates of development, and disparities in parental
Homosexuality in nonhuman animals
care all influence the expression of homosexual behavior
Animal studies have informed the science of human sex- in birds. For example, the frequency of male-male sexual
ual-orientation causation in several ways. Experimental behavior in birds increases with the degree of contextual
studies of nonhuman animals have helped generate mod- polygyny, whereas female-female sexual behavior is more
els of sexual-orientation development. Field studies of frequently expressed in monogamous species that exhibit
animals have allowed tests of hypotheses regarding the precocial development (MacFarlane, Blomberg, Kaplan, &
situations that are most likely to be associated with Rogers, 2007).
increased homosexual behavior. Although same-sex Many of the same-sex genital interactions exhibited by
interactions involving genital contact have been reported animals are, at least in part, sociosexual in character
in hundreds of animal species (Bagemihl, 1999), they are that is, sexual in terms of their outward form, but primar-
routinely manifested in only a few (Sommer & Vasey, ily enacted to facilitate adaptive social goals (Wickler,
2006). In this sense humans are rare, but we are not 1967). The context-specific manner in which such behav-
unique. ior is expressed often cues researchers to its adaptive
Same-sex genital interactions between nonhuman ani- function. For example, in female bonobos, a close tem-
mals can take a variety of forms, including mounting poral relationship exists between same-sex genital inter-
(with and without pelvic thrusting), oral-genital contact, actions and food sharing. Females entering a food patch
and manual-genital contact. In many instances, same-sex that is monopolized by a same-sex competitor are more
genital interactions can be accurately described as likely to acquire food if they first engage in genital rub-
homosexual behavior because they involve genital bing with that competitor (de Waal, 1987; Hohmann &
arousal, stimulation, and orgasm. For example, it is not Fruth, 2000). In this way, same-sex genital rubbing func-
uncommon for males to exhibit erections during these tions to reduce inter-individual tension and facilitate food
interactions (e.g., Japanese macaques [Macaca fuscata], sharing. In male savanna baboons (Papio cynocephalus
Leca, Gunst, & Vasey, 2014), and ejaculation occurs anubis), there is a close temporal relationship between
occasionally (e.g., mountain gorillas [Gorilla beringei], same-sex mounting/genital fondling and successful alli-
Yamagiwa, 1987). Intromission between males has also ance formation. Males will often engage in these behav-
been reported (e.g., bottlenose dolphins [Tursiops sp.], iors just prior to challenging a same-sex rival (Smuts &
Mann, 2006), but rarely, perhaps in part because of the Watanabe, 1990). Sociosexual interactions can be devoid
challenges associated with recording such behavior. In of sexual arousal, but more often than not, they are char-
some species, females actively stimulate their genitals acterized by some mix of both sexual and social motiva-
during same-sex mounts (e.g., bonobos [Pan paniscus], tion (Wickler, 1967). However, in some species, same-sex
de Waal, 1987; Japanese macaques, Vasey & Duckworth, mounting appears to be entirely sexual, with no discern-
2006). Orgasm between female partners is difficult to able sociosexual component whatsoever. For instance, in
document unambiguously but has also been reported certain populations, female Japanese macaques will
(stump-tailed macaques [Macaca arctoides], Goldfoot, sometime choose other females as sexual partners despite
Westerborg-van Loon, Groenevelde, & Slob, 1980). In the presence of sexually motivated male mates (Vasey &
addition to these genital interactions, same-sex courtship Duckworth, 2006). Female Japanese macaques will even
has been reported in numerous animal species, and some compete intersexually with males for exclusive access to
same-sex individuals form temporary or even long-last- female sexual partners (Vasey, 1998).
ing pair-bonds (e.g., male greylag geese [Anser anser], Exclusive same-sex sexual orientation across the life
Kotrschal, Hemetsberger, & Weiss, 2006). course is, however, extremely rare among animals. The
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 69
only conclusively documented example is among males The organizational hypothesis. The development of
(rams) of certain breeds of domestic sheep (Ovis aries, most physical sex differences strongly depends on hor-
Perkins & Fitzgerald, 1997). Approximately 6% to 10% of mones. Some of these differences (e.g., patterns of mus-
rams in these domestic breeds choose to court and mount cle and fat distribution) are caused by circulating
other rams, but never ewes, when given a choice (Roselli, hormones and are thus reversible to some extent. Others
Larkin, Resko, Stellflug, & Stormshak, 2004). During some (e.g., the internal and external sex organs) are caused by
mounts between rams, penile-anal intromission and ejac- hormonal differences during a critical period and are
ulation occurs (Perkins & Fitzgerald, 1997). In all other mostly irreversible (Sisk, Lonstein, & Gore, 2013). Early,
animal species, with the exception of humans, individu- irreversible effects of hormones are organizational, and
als that engage in same-sex genital interactions engage in later, reversible effects are activational. The organiza-
heterosexual ones as well. tional-activational distinction is conceptually useful,
although some effects do not fit neatly into either cate-
gory; for example, some later effects of circulating hor-
mones are irreversible (Arnold & Breedlove, 1985).
The previous two sections have focused on observable Early studies of possible hormonal influences on sex-
expressions of same-sex sexuality in humans and ani- ual orientation focused on circulating levels of the sex
mals. In the remainder of our review, we focus on various hormones testosterone and estrogen. In general, homo-
mechanisms that have been hypothesized to explain vari- sexual and heterosexual men do not differ in levels of
ation in human sexual orientation, particularly the pro- these hormones (Meyer-Bahlburg, 1984). In contrast,
pensity to experience same-sex sexual attraction. studies have tended to find higher testosterone levels in
The possibility that people differ in sexual orientation homosexual women compared with heterosexual women
because of hormonal differences has been the most (Meyer-Bahlburg, 1984; Singh etal., 1999). The meaning
influential causal hypothesis involving a specific mecha- of such differences among females is unclear, however.
nism (Drner, 1976; Ellis & Ames, 1987; LeVay, 2011; Circulating hormone levels are affected by many factors,
Meyer-Bahlburg, 1984; Money & Ehrhardt, 1972; Zucker, such as body weight, and lesbians may be taller and
2005). On the one hand, several considerations point to heavier, on average, than heterosexual women (Bogaert,
this hypothesis; on the other hand, it has difficulties 1998; Singh, Vidaurri, Zambarano, & Dabbs, 1999).
explaining some key facts. In addition, there is little Although some studies have statistically controlled for
direct evidence for this hypothesis and, of course, such known correlates of circulating testosterone, they may
evidence is unlikely to be forthcoming, given that it have unknowingly neglected important confounds. If the
would be unethical to undertake direct testing on human results were valid (i.e., not due to some third variable), it
subjects. would remain unclear how having higher testosterone
If we conceptualize sexual orientation as a sexual pre- might cause a woman to be sexually attracted to other
disposition toward males or toward females (androphilia women. Perhaps, instead, the testosterone differences are
or gynephilia) instead of a sexual predisposition for the the results of brain differences that cause sexual-orienta-
same sex or the other sex, then we can immediately see tion differences. Scant recent research has addressed
that there are large sex differences in sexual orientation. sexual-orientation differences in levels of circulating sex
Specifically, far more women than men are androphilic, hormones.
and far more men than women are gynephilic. We can The possibility that sexual orientation reflects the
therefore think of androphilic men and gynephilic organizational effects of early hormones, especially tes-
women as being gender-atypical with regard to their sex- tosterone, has been far more influential. This hypothesis
ual orientation, since each shows a pattern of sexual is a special application of a general hypothesis: the orga-
interest that is more characteristic of the other sex. We nizational hypothesis of mammalian sexual differentia-
also know, as reviewed earlier, that androphilic men and tion, according to which the same prenatal factors that
gynephilic women are gender-atypical in a variety of shape the body as male-typical or female-typical also
other ways, sometimes even in childhood. Thus, it seems shape the brain to perform in a male- or female-typical
reasonable to wonder whether gender-atypical sexual fashion (Phoenix, Goy, Gerall, & Young, 1959). The gen-
orientations (i.e., homosexuality and bisexuality) are eral hypothesis has been confirmed for a remarkably
caused by the same factors that drive differences between diverse range of behaviors in every mammalian species
male and female development more generally. Two fac- examined so far (De Vries & Simerly, 2002). The sexuality
tors are known to create these differences: hormones and of the body and behavior of mammals does not appear
sex-role socialization. We discuss the possible role of to be directly affected by their genetic sex (XX vs. XY).
socialization in a later section, and begin with the orga- Rather, it is an indirect consequence of genetic sex
nizing role of prenatal hormones. namely, whether ovaries or testes develop prenatally.
70 Bailey et al.
Testicular release of steroid hormones, specifically andro- animals, and there is every reason to expect this to be
gens such as testosterone, act early in life to induce the true in humans as well.
formation of male genitalia (penis, scrotum, etc.) and
alter the developing brain to promote male sexual behav- Atypical prenatal androgen exposure in humans.
ior in adulthood. The absence of these testicular secre- Some humans are exposed to atypical levels of prenatal
tions leads to the development of female-typical genitalia hormones, most often because they have unusual genetic
(clitoris, labia, vagina, etc.) and brain organization that, in syndromes. For example, in congenital adrenal hyperpla-
adulthood, is more likely to drive female-typical sexual sia (CAH), both male and female fetuses are exposed to
behavior. high levels of testosterone in utero. Usually, after birth,
The organizational hypothesis applied to human sex- they receive medication to reduce testosterone; thus,
ual orientation holds that during an earlyprobably pre- later differences are likely attributable to organizational
natalsensitive period, the brains of homosexual people effects of testosterone. As adults, women with CAH report
are subject to atypical influences of androgens. Specifi- homosexual orientation at elevated rates, compared with
cally, homosexual mens fetal brains were androgenized unaffected women. Despite this elevation, most women
less than heterosexual mens; homosexual womens were with CAH report exclusively heterosexual attractions
androgenized more than heterosexual womens. Two (Meyer-Bahlburg, Dolezal, Baker, & New, 2008)thus,
lines of research have been influential in convincing the high levels of prenatal androgens do not ensure
researchers that the organizational hypothesis of sexual homosexuality in these women. Similar to unaffected,
orientation is plausible, and these include research on homosexual women, women with CAH tend to exhibit
the consequences of early hormonal manipulation in gender nonconformity throughout their lives, on average
mammals, especially rats, mice, and ferrets, as well as (Berenbaum & Beltz, 2011). Although other syndromes
research on the psychosexual outcomes of individuals (e.g., 5-alpha-reductase deficiency) provide relevant evi-
with atypical hormonal development. dence to the organizational hypothesis, CAH remains the
In studies of mice, rats, and ferrets, experimentally best instantiation of the theory.
depriving males of testosterone or exposing females to
male-typical levels of testosterone early in development Finger length ratios.The animal and human studies
dramatically alters their adult sexual behavior. That is, just discussed at best establish the plausibility of the
males can be made to exhibit aspects of female-typical organizational hypothesis of human sexual orientation.
behavior and females to exhibit aspects of male-typical Direct evidence would include studies showing that
behavior (Henley, Nunez, & Clemens, 2011). homosexual people had a variety of signs of atypical
Furthermore, in some well-studied mammalian spe- early androgen exposure. Besides gender nonconformity
cies (e.g., rats, mice, ferrets, sheep), particular brain (which might in theory reflect the influences of socializa-
regions show sex differences in size, and this sexual tion), there are few replicated findings of this type.
dimorphism depends entirely on exposure to early sex One exception is the 2D:4D digit ratio, or the ratio of
hormones. The largest and best studied of these is a index to ring finger length. This index shows a moderate
brain region called the sexually dimorphic nucleus of sex difference ( = 0.46),16 with women having larger
the preoptic area (SDN-POA), which is located in the ratios and men having smaller ones. Several lines of evi-
hypothalamus. This sexually dimorphic area has been dence pertaining to digit ratios are consistent with the
identified in a wide range of mammalian species and is organizational hypothesis. First, women with CAH exhibit
always larger in males than it is in females (Henley etal., smaller (i.e., more masculine) 2D:4D ratios (Hnekopp &
2011). The SDN-POA sex difference is caused by sex dif- Watson, 2010). Second, genetic male (XY) individuals
ferences in perinatal hormones: By controlling testoster- with androgen insensitivity syndrome display a feminine
one levels just before and after birth, researchers can pattern of digit ratios, which supports a hormonal rather
induce the SDN-POA to be as masculine or as feminine than a genetic mechanism for the sex difference
as they like in adulthood. This brain region appears to (Berenbaum, Bryk, Nowak, Quigley, & Moffat, 2009).
play important roles in both the appetitive and consum- Third, the same sex difference is present in mice, in
matory behavior of male mammals (Balthazart & Ball, which experimental manipulations have confirmed that
2007). Furthermore, in sheep, the best animal model for prenatal androgens act directly upon osteoblasts in the
human homosexualitya minority (approximately 7%) digit to engender the sex difference (Z. Zheng & Cohn,
of male sheep (rams) exclusively mount other males 2011). Fourth, a meta-analysis (Grimbos, Dawood,
the SDN-POA is half the size in male-mounting rams as Burriss, Zucker, & Puts, 2010) confirmed that homosexual
it is in female-mounting rams (Roselli et al., 2004). and heterosexual women differ, on average, in terms of
Clearly, organizational androgens have important influ- their 2D:4D ratios, with homosexual women having a
ences on the brains and sexual behavior of nonhuman more masculine ratio. Taken together, this evidence
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 71
suggests that prenatal androgens are responsible for the hypothalamus: the INAH-1, INAH-2, INAH-3, and INAH-
development of gynephilia in at least some human 4. These cell groups had been previously compared
females (Williams etal., 2000). These results also suggest between men and women of unspecified orientation; two
that most men are gynephilic in orientation because of of the cell groupsINAH-2 and INAH-3were sexually
their exposure to prenatal androgens, an idea we return dimorphic, such that the INAH-3 was two to three times
to below in our discussion of cloacal exstrophy. Interest- larger in men (Allen, Hines, Shryne, & Gorski, 1989).
ingly, there is no difference in digit ratios between homo- Thus, the importance of LeVays finding was magnified
sexual and heterosexual men, which indicates that by the fact that the brain region that differed between
variance in prenatal androgen does not account for vari- homosexual and heterosexual men was sexually dimor-
ance in sexual orientation in men. Alternatively, variance phic; indeed, LeVay replicated this finding. A second
in brain responsiveness to prenatal androgen may con- important fact is that the INAH-3 is in the hypothalamus.
tribute to variance in male sexual orientation. It appears to be similar in some ways to the previously
Although the 2D:4D evidence supports the organiza- mentioned SDN-POA, which shows sexual dimorphism
tional hypothesis of female (but not male) sexual orienta- due to organizational hormonal effects in most mammals
tion, it is not decisive evidence. The sex difference in that have been studied (Byne et al., 2000; Byne et al.,
2D:4D is not large, and therefore 2D:4D cannot be an 2001; LeVay, 2011). This argues against the common criti-
especially accurate marker of prenatal androgen expo- cism of LeVays findingsthat they could be a conse-
sure. On the one hand, this could mean that the female- quence of the homosexual lifestyle. LeVays study was
sexual-orientation findings are especially impressive, important precisely because it supported the organiza-
given the weak 2D:4D signal. On the other hand, varia- tional hypothesis of human sexual orientation with direct
tion in 2D:4D surely has many causes unrelated to prena- neuroscience data.
tal androgens, and these could contribute to the LeVays findings were from a small sample. Although
association with female sexual orientation. they were highly statistically significant, it is obviously
important that the findings also be replicable. Replicating
The human SDN-POA.The brain is the fundamental the study was difficult because it required dissecting
cause of all impulses, desires, thoughts, and behaviors. brains of people with known (or well-inferred) sexual
Hence, any difference between the thoughts and feelings orientations. The tragic AIDS epidemic was waning when
of two individuals can be called a neurological differ- neuroscientist William Byne began collecting specimens
ence. But where exactly does the difference reside? Does for a replication. He assembled a sample of brains of 14
it reflect the same basic brain structures functioning in HIV-positive homosexual men, 34 presumed heterosex-
different ways (through different patterns of neural con- ual men (10 of whom were HIV positive), and 34 pre-
nections), or does it reflect differences in brain structures sumed heterosexual women (9 of whom were HIV
themselves? positive). Bynes laboratory replicated the sex difference
In 1991, neuroscientist Simon LeVay of the Salk Institute in INAH-3 size among heterosexual subjects (Byne etal.,
for Biological Studies created an international furor by 2000; Byne et al., 2001), such that heterosexual mens
publishing a paper in Science with the finding that 19 INAH-3 had both more neurons and larger volume com-
homosexual and 17 presumed heterosexual men17 differed pared with heterosexual womens. Furthermore, Byne
in the size of the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior argued on the basis of cytoarchitectonic evidence that
hypothalamus (INAH-3), a brain region in the preoptic the human INAH-3 (as well as the dorsocentral portion of
area, such that the INAH-3 was larger in heterosexual men. the anterior hypothalamic nucleus, or AHdc, in rhesus
Heterosexual mens INAH-3 volume was more than twice macaques [Macaca mulatta]) is a likely homologue of
that of homosexual mens, whose volume was similar to the SDN-POA that has been so well studied in other spe-
that of a control group of presumed heterosexual women. cies (Byne, 1998).18
LeVays study required autopsied brains, and all his homo- LeVays key sexual-orientation finding was not clearly
sexual subjects had died of AIDS. However, LeVay ruled replicated (Byne et al., 2000; Byne et al., 2001). Byne
out AIDS as the cause of the difference, because the differ- etal. found a statistical trend (i.e., .05 < p < .10) whereby
ence remained significant when he restricted his hetero- homosexual men had a smaller INAH-3, but they found
sexual male sample to those who had also died of AIDS. no difference in the number of neurons. To be sure, Byne
Also, among heterosexual subjects, there was no correla- et al.s sample was also small, with even fewer homo-
tion between brain volume and AIDS. The common asser- sexual men than LeVays. Scientifically, Byne et al.s
tion that LeVays findings may have reflected AIDS rather research should not be the last word on the INAH-3 and
than sexual orientation has no apparent merit. sexual orientation. Practically, however, it is likely to be
LeVay did not choose brain areas for analysis haphaz- the last word for the foreseeable future. The INAH-3 is so
ardly. Rather, he focused on four clumps of cells in the smallabout the size of a grain of sandthat it cannot
72 Bailey et al.
be accurately measured without dissecting brain tissue. behavioral masculinization have been demonstrated for
With effective treatments for HIV, there is no longer a some nonhuman species, such as rhesus macaques (Goy,
steady stream of brain tissue from homosexual menan Bercovitch, & McBrair, 1988).
entirely happy development, but one that prevents fur- Given the limited direct evidence for the organiza-
ther study of the human INAH-3 and sexual orientation, tional hypothesis that prenatal androgens cause human
for now. If the true INAH-3 difference between hetero- sexual orientation, some may be tempted to reject the
sexual and homosexual men is intermediate between hypothesis. We think that would be premature. Some-
LeVays and Byne etal.s results, it would still be consis- times good hypotheses are difficult to test. Furthermore,
tent with the organizational hypothesis of sexual orienta- a remarkable natural experiment whose results are
tion. However, even if this were true, it would be unlikely strongly consistent with the organizational hypothesis
that the INAH-3 size would be a key factor regulating has been underappreciated. We review this natural
sexual orientation. This is because there would be too experiment in the next section.
many exceptionshomosexual men with a large INAH-3
and heterosexual men with a small INAH-3to believe The near-perfect quasi-experiment. Imagine that sci-
that INAH-3 size is crucial. entists wanted to conduct a single study to determine the
There have been several other reports of brain differ- degree to which sexual orientation is influenced by
ences between homosexual and heterosexual subjects, nature versus nurture. Imagine also that scientists were
some of which were detected using brain imaging (e.g., not ethically constrained. The following study would be
Ponseti etal., 2007). Although we find those studies inter- difficult to beat: Take newborn boys, surgically feminize
esting, we do not review them in this article. None of the them (i.e., castrate them and surgically transform their
brain areas in these articles has been studied as inten- penises into plausible facsimiles of female genitalia), and
sively as the INAH-3, and none is as relevant to the orga- present them as girls to naive adoptive parents. (An anal-
nizational hypothesis of sexual orientation. ogous study of natal females would also be desirable, but
it is currently impossible to transform female genitalia
Limitations of the hormonal evidence. Both experi- into a facsimile of a penis.) Follow these children into
mental nonhuman-animal studies and clinical human adulthood and assess their sexual orientations. If only
studies of the effects of atypical early hormone exposure nurture is important in determining whether people are
support the possibility that such exposure can influence sexually attracted to men or women, then these individu-
sexual orientation. However, both lines of evidence have als should all be attracted to men, because they were
important limitations. The main limitation of the animal raised female. In contrast, if only nature is important,
research is the lack of a close correspondence between then they should all be attracted to women, because
the animal behaviors studied and human sexual orienta- before birth, and consistent with the organizational
tion. For example, one of the main behaviors hormonally hypothesis, they were exposed to typical male hormonal
manipulated in laboratory mammals is the propensity to and genetic influences and the large majority of men are
either mount (a male-typical behavior) or exhibit lordosis attracted to women. Of course, intermediate results and
(i.e., move the body in a way that permits penile penetra- appropriate interpretation would also be possible.
tion; a female-typical behavior). Neither of these behav- An unintentional version of this study has been con-
iors maps well onto human sexual orientation. ducted on a few unfortunate subjects, all born male,
Limitations of clinical studies of humans include the because they either were born with malformed penises
lack of a model of male homosexuality analogous to the or lost their penises in surgical accidents. Between 1960
CAH model of androgen influences on female homosex- and 2000, many doctors in the United States believed that
uality. Furthermore, atypical early hormonal exposure such males would be happier being socially and surgi-
typically results in atypical genital development. For cally reassigned female. This belief has changed, as has
example, girls with CAH are often born with masculin- medical practice (Diamond etal., 2011), but not before a
ized genitalia including enlarged clitorises. However, generation of these individuals were made part of this
there is no conclusive evidence that homosexual and het- natural experiment. Besides surgical accidents, the other
erosexual people differ in their genital anatomy. In prin- medical reason for early sex reassignment that we con-
ciple, atypical androgen exposure could cause human sider here has been cloacal exstrophy, a severe abdomi-
homosexuality without also causing abnormal genital (or, nal malformation that includes penile malformation in
more generally, gross anatomical) development if there boys. Importantly, neither cloacal exstrophy nor surgical
were different critical periods for brain and genital dif- accidents are associated with abnormalities of prenatal
ferentiation and if atypical androgen exposure occurred androgens. Thus, the brains of these individuals were
only during the former. This suggestion is plausible, male-organized at birth, or at least as male-organized as
given that different sensitive periods for genital and those of typical boys are at birth, on average.
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 73
Table 3. Sexual Orientations of Hormonally Typical Males Reassigned as Females Early in Life
Far more attention has been paid to the eventual gen- In any case, the available evidence indicates that in such
der identities of these cases than to their sexual orienta- instances, parents are deeply committed to raising these
tions. Indeed, sexual orientation has often not been children as girls and in as gender-typical a manner as pos-
assessed, presumably because of the sensitivity of asking sible (Colapinto, 2000).
the question (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2005). But the few pub- A second limitation of this evidence is the small num-
lished cases that have provided sexual-orientation infor- ber of cases: only seven published, although several
mation have shown remarkably consistent results (Table more cases are potentially available (Reiner & Gearhart,
3). In all seven cases, sexual orientation was predomi- 2004). For two reasons, rejecting these findings because
nantly or exclusively gynephilic (i.e., attraction was of their small sample size would be a mistake, even
toward women).19 This is the result we would expect if though a larger sample would obviously be desirable.
male sexual orientation were entirely due to nature, and First, the findings comprise the closest test of nature ver-
it is opposite of the result expected if it were due to nur- sus nurture with respect to sexual orientation, and right
ture, in which case we would expect that none of these now they are all we have. Second, the seven cases have
individuals would be predominantly attracted to women. remarkably similar outcomes with respect to sexual ori-
These results comprise the most valuable currently entation. There is no good reason to suspect that this
available data concerning the broad nature-versus-nurture would change if additional cases similar to these were
question for sexual orientation. They show how difficult it added. Because of the limited sample size, however, the
is to derail the development of male sexual orientation by data provide much stronger support for the importance
psychosocial means. If one cannot reliably make a male of nature than they do for the lack of importance of
human become attracted to other males by cutting off his nurture.
penis in infancy and rearing him as a girl, then what other A third limitation pertains to gender identity. Gender
psychosocial intervention could plausibly have that effect? self-reassignment in these casesboys reassigned and
These cases establish a strong prima facie case that in reared as girls renouncing their sex of rearing and declar-
males, heterosexual orientation is at least partly estab- ing that they are maleis not unusual. It is also not uni-
lished before birth. And if male heterosexual orientation versal. A disproportionate number of the cases for which
is so difficult to alter after birth, there is no reason to we have sexual-orientation informationsix of seven
doubt the same is true of male homosexual orientation. identified as male at follow-up. Several of the other cloa-
However, these cases fall short of the perfect experi- cal exstrophy cases were still living as female. Notably,
ment. Most obviously, assignment to condition is not ran- none of them would discuss their sexual attractions, in
dom, so we call it a quasi-experiment rather than an contrast to two adolescents with cloacal exstrophy who
experiment. Another imperfection is that parents know were born female, and who discussed their attractions to
the birth status of these children (i.e., male) and might males. We suspect that the former casesnatal males
conceivably treat them differently than natal girls and in a reassigned as female and still living in the female role
way that influences their sexual orientation. Although this are highly likely to be gynephilic. Certainly, however, it is
possibility cannot be presently excluded, it is vague and scientifically important to obtain data from such cases. It
ad hoc. After all, the parents have agreed to surgical femi- would also be desirable to support any self-reported
nize these children and to raise them as girls. What subtle claims of androphilia (i.e., attraction to males) with objec-
parental signals could trump these massive interventions? tive measures. This is because those individuals still in
74 Bailey et al.
the female role may feel social pressure to claim attrac- It should be noted that existing twin studies all
tion to males even if none exists. assessed sexual orientation via self-report. It is possible
The importance of these cases applies only to male that some reports are false, and false reports seem most
sexual orientation. As noted, there is no close analogue likely to be denial of homosexual interests. It is possible
of this natural experiment in which hormonally normal that true discordance is less common than implied by
girls are reassigned and reared as boys. Female sexual these studies. Research supporting the validity of twin
orientation could be differentless fixed by early hor- discordancethat twins who report different sexual ori-
monal and genetic factorsalthough evidence from CAH entations truly have themis currently lacking, and
and digit-ratios studies supports some early influences. would be most desirable for MZ pairs. In males, persua-
sive evidence for valid twin discordance would consist of
different patterns of PPG-measured arousal to male and
Genes female erotic stimuli. In females, viewing time for male
Two very different kinds of empirical studies have been versus female stimuli would provide a potentially objec-
used to investigate genetic influences on sexual orienta- tive measure.
tion: twin studies and molecular genetics studies. The Table 4 includes the twin concordances from studies
aim of twin studies is to estimate the general importance of sexual orientation.22 Two general categories of twin
of genetic versus environmental influences on sexual ori- studies are distinguished: those using targeted sampling
entation. Molecular genetics studies aim to identify par- and those using twin registries or probability sampling
ticular genes that influence sexual orientation. (e.g., random telephone sampling). In targeted sampling,
homosexual (or, more generally, nonheterosexual) twins
Twin studies.Twin studies quantify the magnitude of are recruited explicitly, via advertisements or word of
genetic compared with environmental influences. Con- mouth. This method of recruitment may be especially
ceptually, the most straightforward version of a twin vulnerable to sampling bias, because homosexual twins
study involves identical (monozygotic, or MZ) twins sep- not only must hear about the study, they must also decide
arated shortly after birth and reared in separate, uncor- whether to participate, likely knowing that the researcher
related environments. Any similarity between the is studying homosexuality. When deciding whether to
separated twins must be due to the fact that they are participate, the potential participants of such studies may
genetically identical and shared the same intrauterine consider their twins orientations (in order to avoid suspi-
environment, and any differences must reflect postnatal cion or tension that may be more likely between siblings
environmental differences. Unfortunately for science, of different orientations), thus leading to an overrepre-
early-separated twins are quite rare, and separated twin sentation of concordant pairs (Kendler & Eaves, 1988).
pairs in which at least one twin is homosexual are still Furthermore, concordant MZ pairs may be especially
rarer. Thus, our knowledge of sexual orientation among likely to be recruited, because they are especially likely
separated twins is limited to a few case reports, insuffi- to both meet potential referrers (Torrey, 1992). Such bias
cient in number to draw firm conclusions (Eckert, would inflate MZ relative to DZ concordances, leading to
Bouchard, Bohlen, & Heston, 1986). spuriously high estimates of heritability. Studies using
In contrast, the classical twin design relies on jointly twin registries or probability sampling are less suscepti-
reared twins, who are far more common. This design ble to sampling bias because the population of interest
depends on the fact that there are two kinds of twins: MZ has been assembled without regard to sexual orientation.
and dizygotic (DZ) twins (also known as fraternal twins). Table 4 confirms the likely increased bias in the targeted
MZ twins are genetically identical, and DZ twins share samples. Median MZ and DZ concordances are .52 and
half their genes.20 The classical twin design allows esti- .17, respectively, in the targeted samples, compared with
mation of the magnitudes of genetic influences and two .24 and .15 in the registry/probability samples. Note that
kinds of environmental influences: shared and nonshared the median concordances also show a larger MZ-DZ dif-
environment. The respective estimates are heritability ference for the targeted samples than for the registry/
(h2), shared environmentality (c2), and nonshared envi- probability samples. It is likely that the latter figures pro-
ronmentality (e2). (Shared environment causes siblings vide better estimates of the true concordances.
reared together to be similar; nonshared environment What can we conclude from the results of the better
causes them to differ.) Each estimate is bounded by zero samples? We provide only a rough summary here, rather
and one, and the sum of the estimates equals one; they than engaging in rigorous estimation and hypothesis test-
are interpreted as the proportion of trait variance attribut- ing. There are too few registry/probability samples of
able to variation in the respective influences. These esti- either sex to provide separate analyses, and therefore we
mates require knowing the correlations of trait values consider male, female, and mixed samples together. The
separately for MZ and DZ twins.21 MZ concordance rate exceeds the DZ rate in six of seven
Table 4. Probandwise Concordances of Published Twin Studies of Sexual Orientation
Targeted United States Kallmann Kinsey score of 3 or Male 37 37 26 3 1.00 0.12 503.57 NA
(1952) greater
Targeted United States Bailey and Kinsey score of 2 or Male 56 29 54 12 0.52 0.22 3.65 NA
Pillard (1991) greater
Targeted United States Bailey, Pillard, Kinsey score of 2 or Female 71 34 29 3 0.48 0.10 6.97 NA
Neale, and greater
Agyei (1993)
Targeted United States Whitam, Kinsey score of Male 34 22 14 4 0.65 0.29 4.20 NA
Diamond, 4 or greater for
and Martin probands, 2
(1993) or greater for
Targeted United Kingdom King and Self-reported Mixed 17 4 24 4 0.24 0.17 1.52 NA
McDonald sexual identity
(1992) (homosexual or
Targeted 0.52 0.17 4.20 NA
Probability United States Kendler, Self-reported Mixed 19 6 15 2 0.32 0.13 2.60 0.03
sampling Thornton, sexual identity
Gilman, (homosexual or
and Kessler bisexual)
Twin registry United States Hershberger Uncertain Male 16 4 8 2 0.25 0.25 0.94 0.04
Twin registry United States Hershberger Uncertain Female 11 6 8 2 0.55 0.25 3.07 0.03
Twin registry Sweden Lngstrm, Any lifetime same- Male 78 14 56 6 0.18 0.11 1.75 0.06
Rahman, sex partners
Twin registry Sweden Lngstrm Any lifetime same- Female 240 52 153 26 0.22 0.17 1.34 0.08
etal. (2010) sex partners
Twin registry Finland Alanko etal. Score of at least Mixed 16 6 23 0 0.38 0.00 29.10 0.02
(2010)a 1.5 on the Sell
Assessment of
Sexual Orientation
Twin registry Australia Zietsch etal. Self-reported sexual Mixed 134 32 154 20 0.24 0.13 2.08 0.04
(2012)a preference for
same sex, other
sex, or both sexes
Nontargeted 0.25 0.13 2.08 0.04
Note: Only studies with at least 10 monozygotic (MZ) and 10 dizygotic (DZ) probands were included. Probandwise concordance represents the probability that an index twin with the trait (in this case, nonheterosexuality) has a twin who also has
the trait. Both members of a twin pair are probands if they were ascertained independently, as they typically would be in a twin registry study. Probandwise concordance contrasts with pairwise concordance, which is the probability that a twin
pair will be concordant. Although probandwise concordance tends to be the less intuitive index, it is the correct one (McGue, 1992). NA = not applicable.
Concordance data were not in the original publication but were obtained from the authors.
76 Bailey et al.
studies (with the exception a statistical tie), and the aver- of both who is a twin and who has the trait, allowing the
age effect size (log odds ratio) significantly differs from assembly of a sufficient sample (Cardno & Gottesman,
zero (z = 3.14, p = .0017). This supports the hypothesis 2000); no analogous situation for nonheterosexual orien-
that heritability exceeds zero, although the alternative tation is likely for the foreseeable future.
hypothesis is not resoundingly rejected. The median MZ Based on the evidence from twin studies, we believe
and DZ concordances are .24 and .15, respectively, and that we can already provide a qualified answer to the
the median rate of nonheterosexual orientation is .04. question Is sexual orientation genetic? That answer is:
These figures translate into tetrachoric correlations of .57 Probably somewhat genetic, but not mostly so. On the
and .41, and heritability is estimated as 2 (.57 .41) = one hand, that answer is not surprising, given the evo-
.32, meaning that about a third of variation in sexual ori- lutionary pressure against genes that diminish repro-
entation is attributable to genetic differences. The best duction, as genes for homosexuality likely do, especially
estimate of the nonshared environmentality is simply one in males (Vasey, Parker, & VanderLaan, 2014). On the
minus the MZ correlation,.43, and shared environmental- other hand, we expect many people will find the con-
ity is the remainder, .25. clusion surprising, mainly because they have miscon-
Twin studies that have included retrospective child- strued the meanings of genetic and environmental.
hood gender nonconformity have yielded some addi- There can be little doubt that sexual orientation is envi-
tional intriguing findings (Bailey, Dunne, & Martin, 2000; ronmentally influenced. However, to acknowledge this
Bailey & Pillard, 1991; Bailey, Pillard, Neale, & Agyei, does not imply that the social environment shapes sex-
1993). First, the probability that either male or female MZ ual orientation. There is a social environment, but there
twin pairs were concordant for sexual orientation was is also a vast and largely unexplored nonsocial environ-
unrelated to the degree of homosexual twins childhood ment. Thus, the conclusion that sexual orientation is
gender nonconformity. Thus, there is no evidence that socially influenced requires evidence in addition to that
homosexuality associated with childhood gender non- produced by twin studies. In a later section, we exam-
conformity is especially heritable. Second, among discor- ine the evidence for social environmental effects on
dant MZ twin pairs, there were significant and substantial sexual orientation.
differences in childhood gender nonconformity, with the
homosexual twin recalling much more gender noncon- Molecular genetics studies. Twin studies provide
formity compared with the heterosexual twin. This sug- information about the broad question of how important
gests that nonshared environmental influences on sexual all genes are, together, in causing a trait. In contrast,
orientation begin early, at latest by childhood. Third, molecular genetics studies have the potential to identify
among concordant MZ pairs, there was a high correlation particular genes and elucidate the causal pathway from
for childhood gender nonconformity: Both twins tended gene to trait. One of the most famous studies of the
to have shown high, moderate, or low levels of gender causes of sexual orientation was a molecular genetics
nonconformity in childhood. This finding has been repli- study published in 1993 by the geneticist Dean Hamer of
cated in a study of nontwin brothers (Dawood, Pillard, the National Cancer Institute (Hamer etal., 1993). Hamer
Horvath, Revelle, & Bailey, 2000). It suggests that genes used a sibling-pairs linkage design: First, he recruited
or shared environment may affect the particular develop- pairs of homosexual brothers, from whom he collected
mental expression of sexual orientation. DNA. In the data-analysis phase, he looked for chromo-
In conclusion, the evidence supporting a genetic influ- somal segments that were shared more often by these
ence on sexual orientation is consistent, although sam- brothers than one would expect by chance (i.e., on aver-
pling biases remain a concern even for the best available age, any particular segment should be identical by
studies. Our best estimate of the magnitude of genetic descent [IBD] 50% of the time). Any segment with
effects is moderatecertainly not overwhelming. In con- increased sharing may have a gene inside it affecting the
trast, the evidence for environmental influence is unequiv- trait. (It is often not understood that in linkage analysis,
ocal, given that MZ twin concordances tend to be far less detected chromosomal segments have many different
than 100%,23 assuming that the MZ twin pairs are truly genes, and so linkage analysis is in this sense a precursor
discordant. It is important to recognize that the limits of to more precise gene mapping.) Hamer found one chro-
this evidence reflect the difficulty of conducting twin mosomal region with increased sharing: Xq28, which is
studies of sexual orientation. Nonheterosexual orientation located at the tip of the X chromosome. The finding
is relatively rare, and so even a large twin registry will seemed especially interesting because Hamer also
have an insufficient number of twin pairs with nonhetero- reported evidence that homosexual men were more
sexual members to provide very good estimates. Twin likely to have homosexual male relatives on their moth-
studies of some rare phenomena such as schizophrenia ers sides than on their fathers sides, a finding consistent
have succeeded because some nations keep good records with X-linkage.
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 77
Hamers linkage finding was controversial, in part corrections, the study yielded no significant effects. Still,
because the linkage sample contained only 40 pairs of the genetic marker closest to statistical significance in
brothers. Although Hamers lab reported a successful men was located on pericentromeric chromosome 8 in
replication (Hu etal., 1995), another lab failed to repli- the same region identified by Mustanski et al. (2005)
cate the results with a sample of 52 pairs of homosexual and Sanders et al. (2014). (Results for women did not
brothers (G. Rice, Anderson, Risch, & Ebers, 1999). Later, reach conventional levels of statistical significance after
Hamers own lab published a linkage study from an necessary corrections for multiple testing.) Although
expanded sample, including their original subjects (from these findings are interesting, we note that even the
1993 and 1995), in which they failed to find significant 23andMe sample was modestly sizedparticularly the
linkage evidence for Xq28 but instead found evidence nonheterosexual portionand potentially underpow-
for linkage to regions on chromosomes 7, 8, and 10 ered in the present era of GWAS (Moonesinghe, Khoury,
(Mustanski et al., 2005). No significant genetic linkage Liu, & Ioannidis, 2008). Based on what we know about
has been reported for female sexual orientation. molecular genetics findings in general (Manolio et al.,
During the years after Hamers original report, it 2009), we expect that any sexual-orientation genes will
became clear that molecular genetics findings were have small effects individually. Thus, consortia of coop-
not replicating well (Ioannidis, Ntzani, Trikalinos, & erating research teams may be necessary to obtain suf-
Contopoulos-Ioannidis, 2001), a conclusion that has ficiently large samples.
extended to most of science (Ioannidis, 2005). Partly this Molecular genetics findings can also be used to illumi-
reflected genetic phenomena such as heterogeneity nate environmental influences. In particular, the concept
that is, the fact that different genes can lead to the same of epigeneticschemical modifications of the genome,
outcome. Partly it reflected Type 1 statistical error due to such as DNA methylationis consistent with environ-
(massive) multiple testing. There has been universal rec- mental influences on gene expression. Epigenetics could
ognition of the importance of using much larger samples play a role in some MZ twin discordance (Petronis etal.,
than Hamers. The largest linkage study of male sexual 2003). In the case of sexual orientation, indirect evidence
orientation to date, which included 409 pairs of homo- for epigenetic influence on male sexual orientation
sexual brothers, was recently published (Sanders et al., includes the high MZ discordance rate, the fraternal-
2014). The studys main positive findings included both birth-order effect, and some interesting but as yet unrep-
the detection of linkage for the pericentromeric (i.e., situ- licated molecular genetic associations (Ngun & Vilain,
ated near the center) region on chromosome 8 and rep- 2014).24 However, a preliminary report of a study of 34
lication of the Xq28 linkage. Although it is encouraging male MZ twin pairs discordant for sexual orientation
that the largest study replicated some findings from revealed no support for this hypothesis (Bocklandt etal.,
smaller studies, the case is not closed. Still larger studies 2011).
are needed to provide the degree of certainty now
expected in molecular genetics, and in any case, the Evolution and homosexuality. Human homosexuality
mapping case is not closed in molecular genetics until has rightly been called an evolutionary paradox. Both
one has identified the genes that affect a trait. male and female sexual orientation appear to be moder-
To this end, there has also been a shift from linkage ately heritable, and homosexuality is known to have
studies, which look at patterns of DNA sharing within existed for many generations. Yet it tends to reduce
families, to genome-wide association studies (GWAS), reproductive success (Bell & Weinberg, 1978) and, in one
which compare DNA between individuals with and non-Western sample, has reduced it to zero (Vasey etal.,
without a trait variant of interest. In the only completed 2014). Although it is likely that in some cultural contexts,
GWAS study of sexual orientation to date, researchers nonheterosexuality decreases reproduction to a lesser
from the genomics company 23andMe examined genetic extent (Murray, 2000), a genetic contribution to sexual
markers from nearly 24,000 people who provided self- orientation is paradoxical unless there is no difference in
reports of their sexual orientations (Drabant et al., reproduction rates between heterosexual and nonhetero-
2012). The sample comprised 1,181 exclusively homo- sexual people. Thus, the paradox concerns how any
sexual men and 10,679 exclusively heterosexual men, as gene that increases the likelihood of homosexuality could
well as more than 1,500 men of intermediate orienta- persist. Furthermore, even if heritability of sexual orienta-
tions, and 733 women whose degree of nonheterosexu- tion were zero, we would still need to understand how
ality was at least bisexual, 7,599 exclusively heterosexual the processes regulating the development of sexual ori-
women, and more than 2,000 women of intermediate entation allow a nontrivial rate of variants associated with
orientation. GWAS studies examine group differences in reduced reproduction to exist.
thousands of markers, and so statistical corrections must Most research on the evolution of same-sex sexuality
be made to minimize Type 1 error. After these in humans has focused on explaining the origin and
78 Bailey et al.
persistence of male androphilia. (We refer here to andro- on Xq28 so exciting.) Over time, modifier genes should
philia and gynephilia rather than homosexuality because be selected that suppress male androphilia but allow the
some of this work was conducted with populations for adaptive effects of the genes when carried by females
whom the term homosexuality does not make sense.) (W.R. Rice, 1984).
The evolution of female gynephilia remains underre- The strongest support for the SAGH has been gar-
searched (but see L. M. Diamond, 2006). nered exclusively in Western Europe, where the mothers
To date, research has addressed two main hypotheses and maternal aunts of male androphiles have been
that attempt to explain the persistence of genes for male repeatedly shown to exhibit elevated reproductive out-
androphilia: the kin selection hypothesis (KSH) and the put compared to those with no androphilic sons or neph-
sexually antagonistic gene hypothesis (SAGH). The KSH ews (e.g., Camperio-Ciani, Corna, & Capiluppi, 2004).
holds that genes for male androphilia could be main- The dearth of such studies in non-Western cultures is
tained to the extent that having androphilic males as unfortunate, because reproductive output in the West is
close relatives helps people to reproduce more than they artificially low because of family planning and birth con-
otherwise would have (Wilson, 1975). In theory, andro- trol. For example, the contemporary birth rate in Italy,
philic males could increase their indirect fitnessa mea- where several studies have been conducted, is 1.4 births
sure of an individuals impact on the fitness of kin (who per woman during her lifetime (World Bank, 2014). In
share some identical genes by virtue of descent), weighted contrast, the typical hunter-gatherer female will give birth
by the degree of relatedness (Hamilton, 1963)by direct- to 6 children (Pennington, 2001). For this reason, studies
ing altruistic behavior toward kin, which, in principle, of evolutionary hypotheses that focus on reproductive
would allow kin to increase their reproductive success. rates in contemporary Western populations are of very
Consistent with the predictions of the KSH, research limited value for explaining the origin and persistence
conducted in Samoa on transgender androphilic males of traits (Perusse, 1993). Several studies conducted in
(faafafine) has repeatedly demonstrated that they show Samoa, a non-Western culture with higher fertility rates,
elevated avuncular (uncle-like) tendencies compared have indicated that the mothers and grandmothers of
to Samoan women and gynephilic men. (This is mea- androphilic males exhibit elevated reproductive output
suredvia a 9-item scale measuring willingness to care for, compared to those with only gynephilic male rela-
and to give resources to, nieces and nephews.) Further- tives (VanderLaan, Forrester, Petterson, & Vasey, 2012;
more, this finding does not appear to reflect a general VanderLaan & Vasey, 2011; Vasey & VanderLaan, 2007).
tendency to help others, but a specific preference for kin However, elevated reproduction among mothers and
(Vasey &VanderLaan, 2010). In contrast, research on cis- grandmothers furnishes inconclusive evidence for the
genderandrophilic males in Western populations (Abild, SAGH. This is because reproductive output among these
VanderLaan, & Vasey, 2014; Bobrow & Bailey, 2001; categories of female kin could be influenced by the
Rahman & Hull, 2005) and non-Western industrialized cul- genetic contributions from fathers and grandfathers
tures (Vasey & VanderLaan, 2012) has garnered virtually (VanderLaan, Garfield, etal., 2014). As with the KSH, fur-
no support for the KSH. It is possible that elevated avun- ther work is needed to clarify the degree to which the
cularity is not expressed unless male androphilia takes on SAGH can explain the evolution of male androphilia.
the transgender form. More research is needed to ascertain An important limitation of this evolutionary research is
whether other populations of transgender male andro- that it remains unclear how either kin selection or sexu-
philes exhibit elevated kin-directed altruism or not. ally antagonistic selection could offset the reproductive
The SAGH for male androphilia holds that genes asso- costs associated with male androphilia. This is because
ciated with the development of androphilia result in the direct reproductive costs of male androphilia are
decreased reproduction in male carriers but increased severe (Bell & Weinberg, 1978; Vasey etal., 2014), and
reproduction in female carriers. The female relatives of the indirect benefits to kin via the androphilic males
androphilic males are especially likely to carry these investment (KSH) or genes (SAGH) would need to be
genes, and so their increased reproductive success helps very high indeed to completely balance the costs. Accord-
balance the diminished reproductive success of their ing to the KSH, each child an androphilic male could
androphilic male relatives. Sexual-antagonism-balancing have via direct reproduction, if he were gynephilic,
selection works especially well for genes on the X chro- would need to be balanced by four extra nieces or neph-
mosome. This is because males have only one copy of ews who survive to reproduce as a result of the andro-
any gene on the X chromosome, whereas females have philic males provision of resources, including protection
two copies. Thus, in theory, females have twice the and child care. Conservatively assuming that gynephilic
chance of benefit by fitness-enhancing X-linked genes males father two children who survive to reproductive
compared with their androphilic male relatives. (This is age, androphilic males would have to contribute an extra
one reason why scientists have found the idea of a gene eight surviving nieces and nephews. Similar calculations
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 79
could be made for the SAGH, although the presumed heterosexual men, heterosexual women, and homosexual
mechanism underlying the calculations would differ. Of women (Blanchard, 2004; Bogaert & Skorska, 2011). Plau-
course, both theories may help explain a portion of male sible confounds that cannot explain this effect include
androphilia, even if they cannot explain it completely. parental age and other kinds of siblings. After statistically
Further research is needed to quantify the relative inclu- controlling for number of older brothers, there is no dif-
sive fitness of androphilic and gynephilic males. ference in number of younger brothers or sisters or older
Societies in which transgender male androphilia pre- sisters. Nor is there any effect of the number of older or
dominates exhibit a significantly greater presence of younger siblings of either sex on female sexual orienta-
human ancestral sociocultural conditions compared to tion. The fraternal-birth-order effect applies only to male
societies in which the cisgender form predominates sexual orientation. Notably, it has also been detected
(VanderLaan, Ren, & Vasey, 2014). This suggests that the among the Samoan faafafine (VanderLaan & Vasey, 2011;
transgender form of male androphilia was likely the Vasey & VanderLaan, 2007) and among androphilic trans-
ancestral form. As such, transgender male androphilia gender males (who self-identify as transwomen) in West-
likely represents the best model for testing evolutionary ern nations (Blanchard & Sheridan, 1992).
hypotheses, given that more derived forms of this trait The effect is almost certainly causal, with each addi-
may reflect recent cultural/historical influences that might tional older brother causing an increase in the chances of
obscure the outcome of evolutionary processes. Conse- a mans being homosexual. The effect is also large, in the
quently, the most promising results from tests of both the sense that it increases the odds of a mans homosexuality
KSH and SAGH are from studies of Samoan faafafine. appreciably, by an estimated 33% to 34% (Cantor,
The evidence would be much stronger if other popula- Blanchard, Paterson, & Bogaert, 2002; VanderLaan &
tions of transgender androphilic males showed similar Vasey, 2011). Assuming that a man without any older
effects. brothers has a 2% chance of being homosexual, a man
with one older brother has a 2.6% chance; with two,
three, and four older brothers, the chances are 3.5%,
The nonsocial environment
4.6%, and 6.0%, respectively. Estimates of the proportion
The most persuasive evidence that environment affects of homosexual males who owe their sexual orientation to
sexual orientation is the fact that the MZ twin of a non- the fraternal-birth-order effect have ranged from 15.1%
heterosexual person is usually heterosexual. What is the (Cantor et al., 2002) to 28.6% (Blanchard & Bogaert,
nature of the environmental influence that causes the 2004).
sexual orientations of genetically identical twins to The fraternal-birth-order effect appears to depend
diverge?25 We have already noted that the environment only on biological, not social, older brothers. We know
comprises more than social influences. One striking this because of a study by Bogaert (2006) that compared
example of the importance of the nonsocial environment homosexual men who had biological older brothers
comes from a review of twin concordances for the con- (defined as those with the same biological mother as the
genital brain defects hydrocephaly and anencephaly index subject) with a specially recruited sample of homo-
(Torrey, Bowler, & Taylor, 1994).26 Among MZ twin pairs sexual men who had nonbiological older brothers (i.e.,
in which one twin was born with one of these condi- half-, step-, or adoptive siblings not from the same bio-
tions, the other twin was usually normalalthough MZ logical mother). The fraternal-birth-order effect was
concordances were also higher than those for DZ twins. found only among homosexual men with biological
The prenatal, nonsocial environment is clearly implicated older brothers. The crucial factor appears to be the num-
in these differences, and just as clearly the social environ- ber of older brothers ones mother has given birth to,
ment has nothing to do with them. The causes of MZ whether one is reared with them or not.
differences are a source of exciting speculation, but so Blanchard (2001) has offered a specific, immunologi-
far they are poorly understood (Matias, Silva, Martins, cal hypothesis that can account for the fraternal-birth-
& Blickstein, 2014; van Dongen, Slagboom, Draisma, order effect as a maternal effect. Male fetuses carry
Martin, & Boomsma, 2012). In this section, we review the male-specific proteins on their Y chromosome, called
evidence for nonsocial environmental influences on sex- H-Y antigens. Blanchard hypothesized that some of these
ual orientation. antigens promote the development of heterosexual ori-
entation in males (it is likely that such development also
The fraternal-birth-order effect.One of the most requires circulating testosterone at a critical period).
consistent findings in sexual-orientation research is the Because these H-Y antigens are not present in the moth-
fraternal-birth-order effect for male sexual orientation. ers body, they trigger the production of maternal anti-
This is the finding that homosexual men tend to have bodies. These antibodies bind to the H-Y antigens and
a greater number of older brothers compared with prevent them from functioning, which, in turn, impedes
80 Bailey et al.
sexual differentiation of brain centers mediating male that the nonshared environment causing twin discor-
sexual orientation. The degree of this reaction, the likeli- dance for sexual orientation tends also to affect child-
hood of its happening, or both increase with successive hood gender nonconformity, and hence is an early
pregnancies with male offspring. Blanchard and col- influence; perhaps the nonshared environmental influ-
leagues have identified candidate male-specific antigens ence is prenatal like the fraternal-birth-order effect. Given
that are preferentially expressed in the brain and hope to the nonsocial nature of the fraternal-birth-order effect, as
test for antibodies to them in both mothers of homosex- well as the results of the near-perfect quasi-experiment
ual men and mothers of only heterosexual men. regarding the outcome of sexually reassigned hormon-
Blanchards theory predicts that the former should have ally normal boys, we hypothesize that these additional
an excess of antibodies, whereas the latter should not. factors may be nonsocial.
This maternal immune hypothesis is also consistent with
the possibility that genes on the Y chromosome play a
The social environment
role alongside sex hormones in sexual differentiation
(Ngun, Ghahramani, Snchez, Bocklandt, & Vilain, 2011). Several hypotheses regarding potential social influences
Blanchards theory could help reconcile a combination on sexual orientation have a long history of social and
of findings that are difficult to explain with the theory scientific controversy. These include the following ideas:
that sexual-orientation differentiation relies only on orga- that homosexuality can be caused by recruitment, or
nizational androgens. Both females with CAH and female- the sexual seduction of a younger, sexually naive person
reared males with cloacal exstrophy are exposed to high by an older homosexual person; that the children of non-
levels of prenatal androgens, but only the latter seem heterosexual parents have increased rates of nonhetero-
especially likely to become attracted to women. Like all sexuality due to social influences; and that psychotherapy
females with the normal complement of sex chromo- can change homosexuality. All of these are hypotheses of
somes, females with CAH lack a Y chromosome, which is nurture.
hypothetically necessary for male heterosexuality. Like all We have reviewed evidence from twin studies show-
males, natal males with cloacal exstrophy have a Y chro- ing that environmental influence on sexual orientation is
mosome. Thus, perhaps it is the Y chromosomein the considerable. As we have tried to make clear, MZ twin
presence of prenatal androgens, which both groups differences generally signal environmental influence, but
havethat accounts for the different sexual-orientation the environment causing the differences need not com-
outcomes in the two groups. A Y chromosome is not suf- prise social influence. That is, MZ twins may differ in
ficient to cause male heterosexual orientation, however. their sexual orientation not because of different social
Individuals who have a Y chromosome but are com- experiences but because of nonsocial differences, includ-
pletely insensitive to the effects of androgen usually are ing those that took effect before they were born. In other
attracted to men (Wisniewski etal., 2000). words, environment can be part of what is generally
The fraternal-birth-order effect is at least partly envi- understood to be nature rather than solely of
ronmental, because birth order is obviously not genetic. nurture.
It could conceivably have a genetic component, how- We have also pointed to reasons why nonsocial envi-
ever, because some mothers or sons may be genetically ronmental influences on sexual orientation appear espe-
more or less likely to cause or experience the effect. The cially likely. These include the facts that many discordant
environmental component causes some brothers to have MZ twins tend to remember being treated differently in
different sexual orientations (i.e., firstborn heterosexual childhood; that the fraternal-birth-order effect is at least
sons vs. later-born sons who are homosexual as a result partly environmental and appears entirely nonsocial; and
of the effect), but it also causes other brothers to have the that, for males, the results of the near-perfect quasi-
same sexual orientations (i.e., multiple younger brothers experiment suggest that even the most severe social envi-
who are homosexual as a result of the effect). In this ronmental pressure (i.e., early anatomical and social
sense, it is part of both the shared environment and the transformation of males into females) does not affect
nonshared environment. Two phenomena the fraternal- eventual sexuality.
birth-order effect seems incapable of explaining are We find this evidence strongly suggestive of nonsocial
homosexuality in firstborn sons and sexual-orientation rather than social influences, but if one disagrees, one
discordance in MZ twins. With respect to the former, the cannot merely assume instead that social influences are
limitation of the theory is obvious. As for the latter, both important; one must make the scientific case that they
MZ twin brothers have the same number of older broth- are. Hypothetically, the best way to provide evidence for
ers that might have induced a fraternal-birth-order effect. a particular social environmental hypothesis would be
Thus, additional nonshared environmental factors must with an experiment: Randomly assign people to have, or
affect male sexual orientation. We have already noted not to have, a particular social experience and then later
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 81
assess their sexuality. Of course, in this case, the hypoth- should study controversial topics with the aim of finding
esized social influencesincluding sexual seduction what is true, rather than declaring some topics off-limits
and/or abuse, psychotherapy to change orientation, and because they are sensitive. Indeed, it is in controversial
parental sexual orientationcannot be assigned at ran- arenas where a scientific approach is most needed.
dom given ethical considerations. This means that we
must evaluate these hypotheses non-experimentally, with Recruitment/seduction.In an address before his
all attendant limitations. signing of the Anti-Homosexuality bill, President Musev-
As any undergraduate student knows, correlation does eni of Uganda decried those who were promoting
not necessarily imply causation. A major threat to the homosexuality and recruiting normal people into it
validity of inferring causation from a correlation is selec- (President Musevenis Full Speech, 2014, para. 5). The
tion bias. That is, people with different social experiences idea that homosexual people recruit heterosexual peo-
may differ prior to having those experiences. In this case, ple into being homosexual has also been promulgated
subsequent differences might reflect the preexisting dif- in the West by a variety of anti-homosexual forces,
ferences rather than be caused by the social experiences. including anti-gay activists Anita Bryant (Fejes, 2008),
For example, children who are physically punished by Judith Reisman (Blumenthal, 2004), and Paul Cameron
their parents are more likely than other children to have (Klingenschmitt, 2014), the anti-homosexual organiza-
later behavior problems. But it would be a mistake to tions Abiding Truth Ministries and Traditional Values
conclude that all, or even most, of this effect is due to the Coalition, and the Nazis of prewar Germany (Oosterhuis,
causal effect of punishment. Much of the effect is due to 1997). To mention these groups, even the Nazis, is not
the fact that children tend to receive physical punishment sufficient to dismiss the validity of the recruitment
for especially severe misbehavior, and this tendency to hypothesis, which must be evaluated scientifically.
misbehave persists (Larzelere, Kuhn, & Johnson, 2004). Rather, we do so to make the point that a belief in the
At the very least, one must attempt to statistically control recruitment hypothesis has often been associated with
for the potential confound of initial misbehavior level. strongly negative attitudes toward homosexual people.
This is easier said than done, because doing so requires In general, those endorsing the recruitment hypothesis
an accurate, objective measure of child misbehavior, have not also explicated the published empirical basis
which would be onerous and expensive. And even after for their belief. But establishing the scientific plausibility
controlling for obvious confounds, it is possible that one of a belief requires evidence. Is there any? And what
will have omitted important, less obvious additional vari- would supportive evidence look like?
ables. In examining each of the specific social environ- It would surely not be persuasive to show, as seems
mental hypotheses below, therefore, we take pains to generally true, that nonheterosexual people are much
consider selection effects. more likely than heterosexual people to have a first sex-
Before we review particular hypotheses, we note that ual partner of the same sex (e.g., Bell etal., 1981). This
some people sympathetic to homosexual rights are result would be expected under two opposing hypothe-
uncomfortable with research on whether certain social ses: that nonheterosexuality is spread by recruitment, and
factors increase the likelihood of homosexuality. They that nonheterosexual orientation is present upon sexual
argue that because homosexual people are as worthy as awakening, so nonheterosexual people are more likely to
heterosexual people, no one should care if certain expe- choose same-sex partnersno recruitment necessary.
riences increase that likelihood. Although we are entirely Consistent with the idea that early nonheterosexual expe-
sympathetic to homosexual rights and also believe that rience is the result, not the cause, of sexual orientation
homosexual people are as worthy as heterosexual peo- (even if sexual orientation not acknowledged until later
ple, we believe it is important to address putative social in life), the large majority of nonheterosexual people
environmental causes of sexual orientation for three rea- recalled experiencing homosexual feelings preceding
sons. First, some existing social environmental hypothe- homosexual behavior by an average of 3 years in one
ses about homosexuality are intrinsically repugnantfor study (Bell etal., 1981).
example, the idea that it is caused by older people seduc- It may also be more common for nonheterosexual
ing younger people. Second, showing that a particular peopleespecially nonheterosexual malesto have
social hypothesis is false helps avoid unnecessary argu- early sex partners who are older than they are. For exam-
ments with people who do not share the same values ple, Holmes and Slaps (1998) review suggested that boys
about the equal worth of homosexual and heterosexual who had age-discrepant early sexual experiences, espe-
people. For example, showing that having a homosexual cially with men, were up to seven times more likely
teacher is unlikely to cause schoolchildren to become to identify as homosexual or bisexual as adults. (Age-
homosexual may be easier than convincing some parents discrepant sexual experiences tend to be operationalized
that even if it did, they should not care. Third, scientists as having a partner at least 5 years older when one is
82 Bailey et al.
below the age of 18.) This pattern would be predicted What about females? The same argument predicts that
from the recruitment hypothesis; would it also be pre- homosexual females should be much more likely than
dicted from the alternative hypothesis that recruitment is heterosexual females to have early sexual experiences
not a cause of homosexual orientation? with other females, even if the recruitment hypothesis is
For males, the answer is surely yes. To see why, false. Homosexual, but not heterosexual, females are
imagine two hypothetical 16-year-old male adolescents attracted to their own sex, and thus the former are more
named Jerome and Stephen. Jerome is heterosexually likely to be open to the idea of same-sex sexual and
oriented and Stephen is homosexually oriented. Who is romantic interaction. The recruitment hypothesis is not
more likely to have sex with a significantly older person? necessary to explain why homosexual women are more
Jerome is openly heterosexual and interacts with many likely than heterosexual women to have early same-sex
female adolescents who might be sexually attracted to experiences.
him. In contrast, women at least 5 years older than Some studies have found that nonheterosexual females
Jerome tend not to be interested in 16-year-old sex part- also have a higher rate of early age-discrepant sexual
ners, even in states in which having sex with them would interactions compared to heterosexual females (e.g.,
be legal (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000). Thus, Jerome Tomeo, Templer, Anderson, & Kotler, 2001), although
will most likely have sex with adolescent females around some other studies have failed to find this (e.g., Bell
his own age. What about Stephen? There is a good etal., 1981). Among the various factors that make homo-
chance that Stephen knows of few other homosexually sexual males more likely than heterosexual males to have
oriented adolescent males. This is partly due to popula- early age-discrepant sexual experiences, some but not all
tion base rateseven in a large high school, we would also apply to homosexual females. For example, female
not expect many of the male students to be homosex- homosexuality is also stigmatized and relatively rare, and
ualbut it is also partly due to the fact that in most thus young homosexual females do not generally have
places, homosexual adolescents like Stephen are likely sexual and romantic opportunities with similar-aged
to be hiding their homosexuality from others. Hence, peers that are equivalent to those of heterosexual females.
Stephen is especially likely to want to have sex with This would increase the chances that early experiences
someone outside of his social circle. Where might he of nonheterosexual women would be age-discrepant.
find someone? In many cities, there are places where However, adult homosexual women are less likely than
homosexual males meet and socialize, and these males adult homosexual men to be sexually interested in sub-
will tend to be older than Stephen. Assuming that stantially younger partners (Silverthorne & Quinsey,
Stephens body is sexually mature (i.e., that he is in the 2000), making age-discrepant relationships less likely for
final stage of puberty), he will be sufficiently attractive young homosexual females. Another possibly relevant
to homosexual menjust as 16-year-old females in the factor concerns personality. Homosexual womens scores
final stage of puberty are sufficiently sexually attractive on the personality trait openness to experience are about
to heterosexual men. Whether or not Stephen is above half a standard deviation higher than heterosexual wom-
the legal age of consent, some men at least 5 years older ens (Lippa, 2005a). Openness to experience is related to
may take the chance and have sex with him; the likeli- erotophilia (Wright & Reise, 1997), a more specific per-
hood that they would do so is much higher than the sonality trait related to a persons tendency to react to
likelihood that older women would have sex with Jerome sexual cues in a positive (erotophilic) versus negative
(Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000). (erotophobic) way. Erotophilic individuals tend to have
Thus, an array of forcessome social and some likely sex earlier than other individuals, among other sex-
due to putatively universal human mating preferences related differences (Fisher, White, Byrne, & Kelley, 1988),
(Buss, 1989)ensure that age-discrepant early sexual and are likely to be more open to age-discrepant sexual
relationships are more common among homosexual than interactions.
heterosexual adolescent males. Furthermore, given simul- This is not to suggest that all early sexual experiences
taneous interest in sexual activity, we might expect Ste- of nonheterosexual people are positive and consensual.
phen to have sex earlier than Jerome, because his desired In a recent, carefully sampled, and very large (N = 33,902)
partners (males) have higher sex drives (Baumeister, study, T. Sweet and Welles (2012) found that nonhetero-
Catanese, & Vohs, 2001) and a greater desire for casual sexual adults of both sexes were much more likely than
sex (Bailey, Gaulin, Agyei, & Gladue, 1994) compared heterosexual adults to have experienced childhood sex-
with Jeromes desired partners (females). The hypothesis ual abuse, defined as sexual experiences with an adult
of homosexual recruitment is not needed to explain the or any other person younger than 18 years when the
fact that homosexual males tend to have earlier, and individual did not want the sexual experience or was too
more age-discrepant, sexual interactions compared with young to know what was happening (p. 401). As is
heterosexual males. common in research on childhood sexual abuse, this
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 83
definition combines a number of different experiences Androphilic men have far less arousal to sexually imma-
likely to have different causes and effectsfor example, ture than to sexually mature males; homosexually pedo-
sexual experiences of children too young to have under- philic men have the opposite pattern. The same is true of
stood what was happening and sexual experiences of gynephilic men and heterosexually pedophilic men
late adolescents who understood those experiences but (Blanchard etal., 2012). In a recent survey of men sexu-
did not want them, as well as abusive experiences with ally attracted to children, those men rated their attraction
the same sex and with the other sex. Thus, it is difficult to children as 9.5 on a 10-point scale. In contrast, they
to know what to make of the findings. Still, the risk was rated their attraction to adults as 4.2 (Bailey, Hsu, & Ber-
much higher for nonheterosexual respondents: 38.1% for nhard, 2013). Androphilic and gynephilic men have little
lesbians, 43.5% for bisexual women, and 14.2% for het- motivation to have sex with children. Thus, androphilic
erosexual women; 18.6% for gay men, 19% for bisexual men are not disproportionately responsible for the sexual
men, and 4.6% for heterosexual men. The authors rejected molestation of boys; homosexual pedophiles are.
the interpretation of their data according to which abuse
caused nonheterosexual orientation. Instead, they specu- Parent-child relationships. The idea that homosexu-
lated that childhood gender nonconformity makes pre- ality resulted from pathological parent-child relationships
homosexual children especially vulnerable to predation. became prominent because of psychoanalysis (Bayer,
For example, pre-homosexual children are to some 1981). In general, psychoanalytic theorists came to blame
extent identifiable, and they may be especially suscepti- a dysfunctional relationship between children and their
ble to same-sex experiences even at young ages. (For parents for childrens homosexuality, which they saw as
example, they may be recognized by older opportunistic a pathological outcome. Culprits included emotionally
individuals with same-sex desires. Alternatively, they may distant fathers and overbearing mothers. These hypothe-
be victimized by others who dislike gender nonconfor- ses had the empirical limitations of most psychoanalytic
mity.) Another possibility is systematic reporting bias, hypotheses (e.g., Grnbaum, 1986)namely, that they
whereby heterosexual respondents may underreport or stemmed from therapists observations filtered through
nonheterosexual respondents may overreport sexual the lens of highly speculative theory rather than from
abuse; there are doubtless many other plausible hypoth- systematic scientific studies. The landmark study by Bell
eses. Although these results merit attention, concern, and etal. (1981) seemingly disposed of the idea that homo-
further study in order to understand them, they provide sexuality resulted from the quality of parent-child rela-
no additional reason to consider the recruitment hypoth- tionships. That study yielded relatively small correlations
esis to be a promising one. between retrospective ratings of parent-child relationship
characteristics and the childs eventual sexual orientation
Pedophilia.An idea sometimes related to homosex- in adulthood. Furthermore, when other variablesespe-
ual recruitment is that homosexual men are especially cially childhood gender nonconformitywere covaried
likely to molest children. The main data leading some in path analyses, the causal paths between parent-child
(e.g., Dailey, 2002) to this conclusion show that about relationship characteristics and childs sexual orientation
one-third of child molestation victims are male (Freund, were either nonsignificant or quite weak.
Watson, & Rienzo, 1989). Homosexual men comprise a The idea that male homosexuality is caused by bad
much smaller percentage of the population, perhaps 3%. relationships with parents has been revived by the repar-
Assuming it is homosexual men who are molesting boys, ative therapist Joseph Nicolosi (1997; Nicolosi & Nicolosi,
then they are much more likely to molest children than 2012). In particular, he has focused on the father-son
heterosexual men, assuming it is heterosexual men who relationship. According to Nicolosi, repairing that rela-
are molesting girls. tionship and its alleged consequences can help change
The italicized assumptions are wrong, however. This is sexual orientation. We defer discussing therapy to change
a circumstance in which the word homosexual can be sexual orientation until later. For now, we note only that
misleading. We have been using the term homosexual Nicolosis hypothesis is based on data no better than
men to refer to men attracted to sexually mature males; those of psychoanalysts.
their sexual orientation is more precisely called andro- What might account for the modest associations
philic. Androphilia contrasts with homosexual pedo- between retrospectively assessed parent-child relation-
philia, which is sexual attraction to sexually immature ship quality and adult sexual orientation? There are sev-
males.27 Male androphiles and homosexual pedophiles eral alternative hypotheses to the possibility that
do not have the same sexual orientations; nor do male parent-child relationship quality influences later sexual
gynephiles (i.e., heterosexual males oriented toward sex- orientation. First, pre-homosexual children tend to be
ually mature females) and heterosexual pedophiles. We relatively gender nonconforming, and this may some-
know this from basic research on sexual-arousal patterns. timesstrain relationships with parentsespecially fathers
84 Bailey et al.
(Kane, 2006). Second, on average, homosexual men score effects. An important, wide-ranging observation is that
slightly higher than heterosexual men on trait neuroticism parents tend to have limited environmental effects on
(d = 0.20; Lippa, 2005a). Assuming the neuroticism differ- their childrens behavioral traits. More specifically, resem-
ences are apparent during childhood, they could contrib- blance between parents and offspring tends to be due to
ute to differences in negative interactions between fathers genes rather than environment, and, surprisingly, envi-
and sons. Neuroticism is also related to biased recall of ronment tends to make siblings reared together more dif-
negative events (Larsen, 1992); thus, the retrospective dif- ferent than similar (Harris, 1995; Plomin, 2011; Plomin &
ferences in relationship quality could partly reflect mem- Daniels, 1987; Turkheimer, 2000). We know this through
ory biases. Third, on average, same-sex attraction in males studies that use genetically informative designs, such as
is associated with elevated traits of separation anxiety in twin and adoption studies. (For an especially compelling
childhood (VanderLaan, Gothreau, Bartlett, & Vasey, 2011; adoption example, see Sacerdote, 2007.) To the extent
Vasey etal., 2011; Zucker, Bradley, & Sullivan, 1996), and that parents systematically and environmentally affect
this could further strain father-and-son relationships. Of their children, the shared environment is important. The
course, there are many other possibilities that are not more important shared environment is for a trait, the
causally related to sexual orientation, including the pos- more similar adoptive siblings (i.e., genetically unrelated
sibility that parents of pre-homosexual children are differ- children reared together) should be. In general, however,
ent from those of pre-heterosexual children in ways that evidence indicates that adoptive siblings are quite dis-
affect the parent-child relationship. similar. Although some shared environmental effects
The hypothesis that pathological parent-child relation- exceed zero, these tend to be modest and to diminish
ships cause homosexuality has generated little scientific with age (e.g., Buchanan, McGue, Keyes, & Iacono, 2009;
research, and almost no recent research. We believe that Burt, 2009).
this is primarily because the hypothesis has little scien- Researchers have increasingly recognized that accu-
tific promise. rately measuring the effect of parents on children requires
genetically informative designs (Harris, 1995; Plomin,
Rearing by nonheterosexual parents.Two separa- 2011; Plomin & Daniels, 1987). Other kinds of correla-
ble questions are of interest here regarding the outcome tional studieswhether of resemblance between parents
of children reared by nonheterosexual parents: First, do and children or of family characteristics predicting child
these children have an increased likelihood of becoming outcomeswill generally and greatly overestimate the
homosexual, and second, do they differ in other impor- importance of the parental environment. One example of
tant ways from children reared by heterosexual families? a variable whose effects have been exaggerated in non-
In evaluating research on these questions, it is important genetically informative designs is parental divorce. Peo-
to realize the very strong possibility of selection effects. ple who divorce are different from those who do not.
The ideal study to investigate the influence of parental Personality, among other factors, is importantand partly
sexual orientation would involve randomly assigning heritable ( Jockin, McGue, & Lykken, 1996). Indeed, the
children (via adoption) to heterosexual versus homosex- tendency to divorce ones spouse is strongly heritable
ual parents well matched on factors such as income. (McGue & Lykken, 1992). Children of divorce share the
Adoption would be necessary to avoid confounding out- experience of divorce as well as their parents genes. This
come due to rearing with that due to genetics. We would means that correlations between the experience of paren-
expect, for example, that homosexual parents should be tal divorce and a childs eventual outcome will be inflated
more likely than heterosexual parents to have homosex- without controlling for genetics. Of course, in principle,
ual children on the basis of genetics alone. Matching parental sexual orientation could be different from other
parental characteristics is necessary if one wishes to parental variables such as divorce and affect childrens
exclude variables correlated with parental sexual orienta- outcomes far more. But one cannot simply assume that it
tion that may influence child outcome, regardless of does; one must prove it with data. Unfortunately, collect-
whether parental sexual orientation does. Matching (or ing the requisite data is difficult, and no one has come
statistical control) is important but still imperfect, because close to doing so.
there may be important but unrecognized differences
between heterosexual and homosexual parents that are Parental effects in convenience samples. Most stud-
not caused by sexual orientation but contribute to chil- ies of children raised by nonheterosexual parents have
drens outcomes. depended on small convenience samples. Reviews of data
For various reasons we will elucidate, studies of the from convenience samples have suggested that children
effects of rearing by homosexual parents do not yetallow reared by nonheterosexual parents have outcomes simi-
strong conclusions. These reasons include specific study lar to those of children reared by heterosexual parents,
limitations but also a general concern about parental with respect to both sexual orientation and quality of life
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 85
(Patterson, 2006; Tasker, 2005). These types of studies assistance, depression, and arrests and lower educational
are not, however, without their limitations. Convenience attainment. Most of these differences remained statisti-
samples are recruited nonsystematically, through tech- cally significant after controlling for several demographic
niques including advertisements and snowball sampling variables.
(i.e., having participants refer other potential participants As has been widely noted by critics of the study, the
they know). Participants recruited in such ways are likely families with homosexually experienced parents were
to be unusual in some respectshaving high motivation almost all disrupted (e.g., because of parental divorce).
and curiosity, for example. Consequently, outcome dif- Only 2 of the 248 children with homosexual mothers or
ferences between children of heterosexual and homo- fathers had lived with homosexually partnered parents
sexual parents recruited nonsystematically may also be for their entire childhoods (Regnerus, 2012b). Thus,
biased. Because most studies using convenience samples parental homosexual experience was almost perfectly
have been small, statistical power to detect small, or even confounded with family disruption, and differences
moderate, differences has typically been low. Finally, by attributed to the former might be more accurately attrib-
their very nature, convenience samples are not amenable uted to the latter. It is an important and controversial
to the kind of sophisticated quantitative analyses neces- question why Regneruss study was able to recruit so few
sary to disentangle environmental from genetic parental intact families with two nonheterosexual parents. Assum-
effects. (That goal would require data from informative ing this was not due to sampling bias, there are at least
pairs of relatives, such as twins or adoptive siblings.) two possibilities. First, stigmatization of homosexual rela-
tionships may make them more fragile; if so, their fragil-
Parental effects in a probability sample. In probabil- ity will diminish with the ongoing decline of stigma, at
ity sampling, the attempt is made to recruit respondents least in the West. Second, other factors unrelated to
in a representative way. To the extent that the attempt stigma may cause the fragility. These could include, for
succeeds, numeric estimates will more accurately reflect example, characteristics of nonheterosexual people or
population values compared with estimates obtained characteristics of nonheterosexual relationships.
using convenience sampling. A recent large study using A recent reanalysis has raised serious questions about
this approach (Regnerus, 2012a) has generated consider- the validity of Regneruss results, suggesting potential
able controversy (Carey, 2012a; Cheng & Powell, 2015; misclassification of respondents family types (Cheng &
Davidson, 2012; Gates etal., 2012; Oppenheimer, 2012; Powell, 2015). Clearly, in order for us to take the afore-
Regnerus, 2013), and we focus on it here. mentioned differences seriously, it is crucial that respon-
The Regnerus (2012a) study used a sample of nearly dents parents were accurately classified as heterosexual
3,000 adults, including 175 who reported that their or not. Results of the reanalysis suggested that a high
mother had ever had a same-sex romantic relationship proportion of Regneruss respondents classified as having
and 73 who reported that their father had. Respondents nonheterosexual parents may have been misclassified.
provided information about a number of demographic The basis for these concerns included inconsistencies in
characteristics, attitudes, behaviors, personality traits, and some respondents answers, some extremely unlikely
psychological symptoms. The main analyses compared responses suggesting mischief, and evidence that some
variables between adult children raised in still-intact bio- respondents did not live long with their nonheterosexual
logical families (henceforth CIBFs) and other types, parents. When problematic cases were excluded, differ-
including those with homosexually experienced parents. ences associated with family type largely vanished.
Separate comparisons were made for those with homo- These recent concerns about Regneruss family classi-
sexually experienced mothers (henceforth, CHEMs) and fications appear to be sufficiently serious that no valid
those with homosexually experienced fathers (CHEFs). conclusions can be drawn about any association between
Both CHEMs and CHEFs showed small to moderate sta- having a homosexual parent and adult adjustment. But
tistically significant differences with CIBFs. Moreover, to even ignoring those problems, causal attribution on the
the extent that the differences could be judged to be basis of the Regnerus study is inappropriate. Regnerus
desirable or undesirable, they were generally in favor of has correctly noted this, although his reason for doing so
the CIBFs. For CHEMs, these differences included, among is not entirely correct. He has stated that the study is not
others, higher rates of welfare assistance, unemployment, a longitudinal study, and therefore cannot attempt to
nonheterosexual identification, having experienced coer- broach questions of causation (Regnerus, 2012a, p. 755).
cive sex, depression, marijuana use, tobacco smoking, However interesting a longitudinal component might be,
and having been arrested and lower levels of education, the lack of a genetically informative design, or of some
income, and physical health. The smaller sample of other causally informative design such as the quasi-
CHEFs showed fewer statistically significant differences, experimental instrumental-variables regression, remains
with examples including higher rates of welfare problematic.28 We simply cannot know from Regneruss
86 Bailey et al.
study whether the differences he observed were caused changes were credible. Later, he came to believe that self-
by childrens being reared by parents with or without report data are simply inadequate, because such reports
homosexual experience, whether the differences were are often inaccurate, subject to both intentional decep-
caused by the presence versus absence of family disrup- tion and self-deception.
tion, or whether rearing was mostly irrelevant to the Designing a valid empirical study of the effectiveness
observed differences. Based on what we know from of reparative therapy is straightforward, at least for men.
studies of parental influence that have included the nec- Because an objective measure of male sexual orientation
essary designs, the latter possibility is most likely. exists that is not easily manipulated, a study of sexual
orientation in men need not rely on self-report: Measures
Therapy to change sexual orientation. Conversion of mens genital arousal patterns to a variety of male and
therapy is the attempt to change homosexually oriented female erotic stimuli, both before and after conversion
people to heterosexually oriented people via psychother- therapy, would provide highly relevant evidence. Control
apy or behavioral therapy. Reparative therapy is a rela- groups of heterosexual and homosexual men not receiv-
tively recent form of conversion therapy associated with ing conversion therapy would clarify the interpretation of
the psychologist Joseph Nicolosi (1997). Early forms of results. For example, it appears easier to suppress genital
conversion therapy were often offered by conventional arousal to arousing stimuli than it is to enhance arousal
mental health professionals including psychiatrists and to non-arousing stimuli (H. E. Adams, Motsinger,
psychologists, because homosexuality was generally McAnulty, & Moore, 1992). Thus, it would be important
viewed as a form of psychopathology. Both that view and to look for increases in homosexual mens genital arousal
the practice of conversion therapy have changed. For to female stimuli and not just decreases in their arousal to
example, both the American Psychiatric Association male stimuli.
(2000) and the American Psychological Association Data that might speak to this issue are meager. Freund
(2009) oppose conversion/reparative therapy for both (1960) found that clients claims of sexual reorientation
ethical and scientific reasons. Present-day conversion were not supported by phallometric assessments. Conrad
therapy, including reparative therapy, is most likely and Wincze (1976) found that physiological arousal mea-
offered by, and to, the religiously observant. We use the surements did not support the positive reports of those
term conversion therapy to refer to any therapy attempt- who had participated in sexual-reorientation therapy.
ing to change sexual orientation. Non-self-report measures also exist to measure wom-
Two important methodological concerns oppose all ens sexual orientationfor example, relative viewing
existing claims that conversion therapy can change sexual time for pictures of attractive men versus attractive
orientation: the likelihood of very strong selection bias women. But changes in these measures after conversion
and reliance on self-report data. Because nonheterosex- therapy would be more difficult to interpret than changes
ual-oriented persons are not assigned randomly to either in male sexual arousal patterns. For example, conversion
receive or not receive therapy to become heterosexual, therapy might encourage the individual to avoid looking
those who receive therapy are likely to be unusual. Most at same-sex targets and to look more at other-sex targets.
obviously, they are especially motivated to change. This If effective, this would change viewing-time patterns but
makes their data especially vulnerable to the second con- not necessarily sexual orientation.
cern regarding self-report. Specifically, individuals who It is, of course, possible to change ones public sex-
undergo conversion therapy may be especially suscepti- ual-orientation identity, and one can certainly make
ble to believing and reporting that therapy has succeeded choices about whether one will or will not engage in
regardless of its true effectiveness. Therefore, reliance on same-sex or opposite-sex sexual behavior or become
self-reported sexual feelings by such individuals renders celibate. These sorts of choices likely explain claims by
even systematically collected data highly questionable as ex-gays and ex-lesbians that they are no longer leading
a gauge of sexual-orientation change. a homosexual lifestyle (see Beckstead, 2001, pp. 92
The most notable study claiming that persistent, mean- 109, for examples). There is no good evidence, however,
ingful changes in sexual orientation are possible was that sexual orientation can be changed with therapy, and
conducted by Spitzer (2003), who later changed his mind we strongly doubt it can be. Even many therapists sym-
about the validity of his findings (Carey, 2012b). Partici- pathetic to the desire of some homosexual people to live
pants were 143 men and 57 women who had undergone heterosexual lives have shifted their efforts from chang-
reparative therapy and believed that they had shifted at ing sexual orientation to helping homosexual people
least 10 points in the heterosexual direction on a 100- live as they prefer under the unchangeable constraint of
point scale of sexual orientation. On the basis of inter- homosexual orientation (Schwartz, 2011; Throckmorton
views, Spitzer initially concluded that the self-reported & Yarhouse, 2006).
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 87
The causes of sexual orientation: An early same-sex experiences, including experiences that
interim summary are age-discrepant, is consistent with a recruitment
hypothesis. But it is also consistent with the hypothesis
No specific theory of what causes people to be attracted that young people who already have homosexual attrac-
to men, to women, or to both has received enough sup- tions are more likely to have these experiences. The fact
port to win the backing of all reasonable scientists, most that the nonsocial hypothesis can explain several find-
of whom remain open-minded to a large extent. This ings much better than the social hypothesis should affect
does not mean, however, that any hypothesis is just as our judgment of which is more likely.
good as any other. In general, we know enough to con- The hypothesis that causal influences on sexual orien-
clude that most hypotheses are constrained, or at least tation are nonsocial rather than social is better supported
not equally likely. for male than for female sexual orientation, for at least
Two contrasting views of the development and causes two reasons. First, the nonsocial fraternal-birth-order
of homosexuality tend to divide those with pro- and anti- effect applies only to male sexual orientation. Second,
homosexual attitudes. The first, associated with positive the near-perfect quasi-experiment, in which seven infants
attitudes toward homosexuality, is that a small percent- were socially and physically reassigned to the other sex,
age of people are homosexual for so-far-unspecified rea- involved only natal males. Indeed, sexual orientation
sons of nature rather than social nurture (Knauer, 2000). may generally be better understood for males than for
The second, associated with negative attitudes toward females (Bailey, 2009). We would be surprised if differ-
homosexuality, is that homosexuality is to some extent ences in social environment contributed to differences in
socially contagious and can spread either through sexual male sexual orientation at all. We would be less surprised
recruitment or through the relaxation of moral and legal if the social environment affected the expression of male
prohibitions of homosexual behavior (Eskridge, 2005, sexual orientation, including the likelihood that a homo-
2008; Knauer, 2000). We believe scientific evidence sup- sexually oriented male would choose to act on his feel-
ports the first view much more strongly than it does the ings. Although it would also be less surprising to us (and
second. to others; see Baumeister, 2000) to discover that social
Several dependable findings of large effect are consis- environment affects female sexual orientation and related
tent with the former but not with the latter. Children who behavior, that possibility must be scientifically supported
will become homosexual often differ in noticeable ways rather than assumed.
from those who will become heterosexual. These differ-
ences often emerge long before the children clearly have
anything like a sexual orientation. Furthermore, these dif-
Policy Revisited
ferences in childhood gender nonconformity emerge Because our article was initially motivated to help policy-
despite socialization, which works to enforce gender makers navigate the relevant science of sexual orienta-
norms, not because of it. Homosexual attractions emerge tion, we concluded with an analysis of the likely effects
prior to homosexual behavior in most people.29 This of proposed policy changes. Our projections would
should not be surprising because it follows the same pat- apply, with appropriate adjustments, to any nation con-
tern by which most heterosexual peoples lives unfold. sidering an increase in criminal or social sanctions against
Perhaps the most extreme and plausibly effective social homosexual behavior. At the time of writing, such discus-
manipulation possiblechanging boys into girls, socially sions were ongoing in various African, Asian, and Eastern
and physicallyhas been attempted, with no apparent European nations (Carroll & Itaborahy, 2015). For the
alteration of sexual orientation. These individualsnatal purposes of this discussion, we will focus on recent,
males changed into femalestypically grow up to be highly publicized policy proposals in Uganda.
attracted to women, based on limited available evidence. Recent attempts to increase criminal penalties for
There is good evidence for both genetic and nonsocial homosexual behavior in Uganda, as well as in other
environmental influences on sexual orientation. The lim- countries, have been partly justified by the belief that the
ited evidence we have about the prevalence of nonhet- social environment is a powerful influence on sexual ori-
erosexuality across cultures and time suggests that entation. Specifically, President Museveni has said he
homosexual orientation does not increase in frequency believes that homosexual people recruit heterosexual
with social tolerance, although its expression (in behav- people and that homosexuality can be successfully dis-
ior and in open identification) may do so. couraged via social means, such as long prison sentences.
In contrast, evidence that might be marshaled to sup- In order to check his assumptions, he sought scientific
port a socialization explanation is equally consistent with support forand subsequently rejectedthe idea that
the alternative (nonsocial) view. For example, the fact homosexual orientation is inborn. Museveni believed that
that homosexual people are much more likely to have the inconclusive evidence he was presented showed that
88 Bailey et al.
sexual orientation is socially malleable (President Musev- because they are genuinely trying to suppress their
enis Full Speech, 2014). We have taken considerable homosexuality or because they want to hide their true
effort to show why this reasoning is erroneous. sexual orientation. Although some of these marriages will
Of course, justifying prison sentences based on the succeed, others will be unhappy. Regardless, the homo-
idea that they deter homosexuality also requires the sexual spouses sexual orientations are unlikely to
assumption that homosexuality should be deterred, an change.
assumption with which we disagree. But for now, let us Beyond these basic predictions, things get more spec-
set aside that objection and consider the likely implica- ulative. If the Western experience is a guide, enforcement
tions of increasing criminal penalties for homosexuality. of strictures against homosexuality is likely to be haphaz-
Assume that punitive legislation is passed and stays in ard and dependent on local political situations (Eskridge,
place for a generation. What would change? No one 2008). This has been especially true of consensual homo-
knows for certain, of course. Certainty would require an sexual relationships conducted by adults in private,
experiment in which randomly assigned countries which were often tolerated if not embraced in the West
enacted laws varying in the severity of their penalties for even when they were illegal. Recent news from Uganda
homosexual behavior. Nothing like this randomized presents a harsher picture, however. According to
experiment will happen. But informed speculation is Amnesty International, homosexual people in Uganda
possible, based on the evidence we have discussed as have experienced a marked increase in arbitrary arrests,
well as the Western experience, with dramatic changes in police abuse and extortion, loss of employment, evic-
attitudes toward homosexuality having occurred during tions and homelessness related to the punitive legisla-
less than a lifetime. tion (Amnesty International, 2014, para. 2). Physical
The following predictions follow from our review: attacks on homosexual people have also drastically
There would be no change in the proportion of males increased (Bowcott, 2014). Aside from threats to their
strongly sexually attracted to other males, which would physical safety, nonheterosexual people in Uganda are
remain about 1 in 25 to 1 in 50. Although we are less subject to constant disapproval. This is likely to diminish
certain that the same would be true for same-sex-attracted their experience of self-worth, and increase feelings of
females, there is no scientific evidence that increasing shame, guilt, depression, and anxiety.
criminal penalties would reduce the female prevalence of Researchers have begun to quantify the economic
strong same-sex attraction. The average Ugandan house- costs of anti-homosexual prejudice as a strategy to con-
hold contains five people (Uganda National Household vince people that there are economic benefits associated
Survey Report, 2010). Approximately 1 in 5 to 1 in 10 of with tolerance toward sexual-orientation and gender
these households likely contains a nonheterosexual per- diversity. For example, a World Bank study suggested
son. The typical Ugandan woman currently expects to that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and
give birth to approximately six children during her life- gender identity costs India up to $30 billion a year
time (Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 2011). Thus, approxi- through lost wages, lower productivity associated with
mately 1 in 4 to 1 in 8 women there gives birth to a poor health caused by stress or curtailed education, and
nonheterosexual child. (This calculation assumes that reduced tourism revenues, among other economic
homosexual children do not aggregate in certain families, impacts (Patel, 2014). Another study of 39 countries con-
which may not be strictly true, if genes or shared envi- ducted for the United States Agency for International
ronment matter. These factors do not induce much aggre- Development (USAID) estimated the cost of anti-homo-
gation, however.) Given their large family sizes, compared sexual prejudiceas experienced through educational
with those of their Western counterparts, it is likely that and workforce discrimination, police corruption, vio-
most Ugandan people will have a sibling, aunt or uncle, lence, and poor health care accessto be as much as 3%
niece or nephew, or cousin who is nonheterosexually of a countrys gross domestic product (Badgett, Nezhad,
oriented. Our general point here is that the criminaliza- Waaldijk, & van der Meulen Rodgers, 2014). Furthermore,
tion of homosexuality touches manyindeed, probably reducing the scope of anti-homosexual policies and prac-
mostUgandan families. tices would have the benefit of saving many lives. For
The requirement that no one may engage in homo- example, a study of the relative cost-effectiveness of dif-
sexual activity has especially harsh implications for Ugan- ferent interventions against HIV transmission estimated
dans with exclusively homosexual feelings. (It is useful that $1 million devoted to HIV education in Kenya could
for heterosexual people to imagine living in an analo- avert nearly 3,000 deaths per year (i.e., $272 per life
gous world, one that outlawed heterosexual relationships saved; Beyrer etal., 2011).
and sexual behavior.) Some of these individuals may live For these reasons, we urge governments to reconsider
celibate lives, out of fear. Othersprobably far more the wisdom of legislation that criminalizes homosexual
will risk legal penalties in order to live in a way they find behavior. Furthermore, we invite members of govern-
more fulfilling. Some may marry heterosexually, either ments considering such legislation to confer with us
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science 89
about issues we have raised. Our expertise is theirs for seen as deviant ( J. W. Peters, 2014). We certainly do not believe
the asking. that homosexual people are deviant (except in the statistical
sense of rarity), but we have chosen to use the term homo-
sexual (along with heterosexual and bisexual) for simplic-
ity of communication. Yet we are sensitive to the importance
The authors thank Peter Godfrey-Faussett from the Joint United of word choice when describing phenomena related to sexual
Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) for encourag- orientation, and we recognize that all descriptors come with
ing this project. We are also grateful to Ray Blanchard, Alan limitations.
Sanders, Scott Semenyna, and Brendan Zietsch for their 6. Kinseys scale measured sexual feelings and behavior in
thoughtful comments on portions of our article. combination. Nowadays, most researchers who employ Kinsey
scales assess them separately.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests 7. Although several recent studies have found evidence for
category-specific genital arousal in women using a variety
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
of measures such as thermal imaging, laser Doppler imag-
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
ing, and vaginal lubrication (Dawson, Sawatsky, & Lalumire,
2015; Kukkonen, Binik, Amsel, & Carrier, 2010; Waxman &
Funding Pukall, 2009), the studies were small, and none has yet been
J. Michael Bailey has been funded by the National Institutes of replicated.
Health (NIH; Grants R03 MH62484-01 and R01 HD41563) and 8. Here, homosexual and bisexual mean with respect to
the American Institute of Bisexuality for research reported in natal sex, even among those males who have chosen to become
this article and has received general research funding from the transgender women.
Northwestern University Provost Fund for Sexual Orientation 9. Personality psychologists define neuroticism (emotional
Research. Paul L. Vasey received an Insight Grant from the instability) as the predisposition to experience negative emo-
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada tions such as anxiety. Individuals who are highly neurotic are
and a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineer- emotionally reactive and vulnerable to stress (McCrae & John,
ing Research Council of Canada for research reported in this 1992).
article. Lisa M. Diamond has been funded by the American 10. Sexual identity is more complicated, because it has both
Institute of Bisexuality for work on this article and has received a public and a private component. Public sexual identity is
general research funding from NIH, the Gay and Lesbian Medi- how one presents oneself to others, and this is clearly cho-
cal Association, and the American Psychological Foundation sen. Private sexual identity comprises beliefs about oneself,
(Wayne F. Placek Award). S. Marc Breedlove has received gen- and these beliefs are sometimes chosen and sometimes not.
eral research funding from NIH (Grants R21-MH104780 and For example, if a woman is consciously aware of her same-sex
T32MH70343). Eric Vilain has received general research fund- attractions, then she may have no choice but to believe that she
ing from the Disorders of Sex Development Translational is lesbian or bisexual. However, some individuals may inten-
Research Network and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National tionally adopt alternative beliefs about their same-sex attrac-
Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Grant R01 tionsfor example, that they are signs of confusion or mental
HD06138). distressand may therefore choose to believe that they are het-
erosexual despite their same-sex sexuality. It is because of such
complications that questions of choice have no clear interpreta-
Notes tion with respect to sexual identity.
1. Brunei is set to adopt anti-gay laws in 2016 that will allow 11. We are aware that there are religious objections to tolerance
stoning by death (Garcia, 2014; Mosbergen, 2015). of homosexuality and that these will need to be factored into
2. The terms West or Western are used here to refer to political responses to the issues. For the purposes of this report,
Euro-American cultures. however, we ignore such religious objections. To the extent that
3. The Academy of Science of South Africa recently published someone believes religious doctrine trumps rationality and sci-
a position statement on the science of sexual orientation and ence, we simply disagree.
the implications of this science for legal policy (see Academy of 12. A common additional understanding of innate is deter-
Science of South Africa, 2015). mined prior to birth. Although it is simpler here to use the
4. An important current controversy is whether to extend the understanding we have provided, in fact all influential scien-
term sexual orientation to include other stable patterns of tific hypotheses that sexual orientation is innate emphasize the
sexual attraction, such as attractions to children (Seto, 2012) or importance of the prenatal element.
even to nonhuman animals (Miletski, 2005). We use the term in 13. Cisgender refers to individuals whose gender identity
the more restrictive sensethat is, to refer only to attraction to matches the one they were assigned at birth.
sexually mature human males or females. Both the causes and 14. Transgender refers to individuals whose gender identity is
consequences of other stable patterns of sexual attraction likely different from the one they were assigned at birth.
differ considerably from those of sexual orientation in its usual 15. In egalitarian relationships, both partners are postpubertal,
sense (e.g., Cantor, 2012). and if age differences exist, they generally do not exceed one
5. There has been movement to discontinue use of the word generation.
homosexual, given that this word was commonly used during 16. This effect size is highly variable across different samples in
historical periods when nonheterosexual people were generally relation to ethnicity, among other characteristics.
90 Bailey et al.
17. The presumed heterosexual subjects were likely heterosex- 22. Several published studies were omitted for the following
ual given what was known about them. In any case, classifica- reasons:
tion errors would not create spurious findings.
18. Although we agree with Bynes argument and would sup- Study Reason
port renaming the INAH-3 as the human SDN-POA, we con-
Bailey, Dunne, and Martin Likely considerable sample
tinue to refer to INAH-3 here.
(2000) overlap with Zietsch etal.
19. How unexpected is this result under a hypothesis of nur-
ture? Our review of sexual-orientation prevalence suggests that
Bearman and Brckner (2002) Twins not yet adults with
1.1% of women are predominately attracted to other women
stable sexual orientations
(Fig. 1). That is the rate we should expect in our near-perfect
Burich, Bailey, and Martin Likely considerable sample
quasi-experiment, under the hypothesis that only nurture (i.e.,
(1991) overlap with Zietsch etal.
sex of rearing) matters. If the fact that these individuals had pre- (2012)
natal male biology were irrelevant, then the number expected
Burri, Cherkas, Spector, and Unable to obtain
to be strongly attracted to women would equal 0.011 7 = Rahman (2011) concordance data
0.077; this is a much smaller number than the seven who
Eckert, Bouchard, Bohlen, Too few twin pairs
were actually strongly attracted to women. The chances that and Heston (1986)
all seven of these individuals would be strongly attracted to
Heston and Shields (1968) Too few twin pairs
women, again under the nurture-only hypothesis, would be
Kirk, Bailey, Dunne, and Likely considerable sample
.0117, or .0000000000000195. The nurture-only hypothesis is
Martin (2000) overlap with Zietsch etal.
clearly untenable. Results of the near-perfect quasi-experiment (2012)
are exactly as expected via the opposite, alternative, nature-
Whitam, Diamond, and Martin Too few female pairs
only hypothesis: seven of seven strongly attracted to women. (1993), female twin pairs
Of course, the non-opposite alternativethat both nature and
nurture mattermust also be considered. Because of the small
number of individuals studied (N = 7), fairly sizable sex-of-
rearing influences cannot be statistically excluded. Although 23. In general, estimates of heritability and shared environ-
none of the seven individuals had a sexual orientation con- mentality are much less stable than those of nonshared envi-
sistent with a sex-of-rearing hypothesis, the 95% confidence ronmentality, because the former depend on the difference
interval of the proportion 0/7 has an upper bound of .44. This between two correlations and the latter depend on the differ-
is nearly 15 times the expected rate assuming that sex of rearing ence between one correlation and unity.
has no effect (.0295, based on the likelihood that someone born 24. The indirect molecular evidence includes findings that
male will be attracted to males; see Fig. 1). That is, using these mothers of homosexual men had a pattern of skewed inacti-
data alone, we cannot statistically exclude the possibility that vation of the X chromosome (Bocklandt, Horvath, Vilain, &
rearing someone as female increases the likelihood that she will Hamer, 2006) and that a region of chromosome 10 tended to be
be attracted to males by almost fifteen-fold. linked with male sexual orientation if transmitted through the
20. More accurately, half of their DNA regions are identical by mother (Mustanski etal., 2005).
descent from the same parent, on average. Humans have more 25. Although MZ twins can differ genetically, such differences
than 99% of their DNA in common on a base-pair level, and so are too rare to account for the high rate of sexual-orientation
the half of these variant base pairs that are identical by descent discordance.
among DZ twins is an index of their similarity with respect to 26. As usual, our use of medical examples has no implications
DNA (some of which is in or affects genes) that varies among for how we view any sexual orientation; it simply reflects the
humans. availability of such examples.
21. For a trait measured categorically, as sexual orientation usu- 27. Technically, homosexual pedophilia is sexual attraction
ally is, the correlation is best estimated using the MZ and DZ to prepubescent males (i.e., pubertal Tanner stage 1; typi-
twin concordances (the proportion of MZ and DZ homosex- cal ages = 510), and homosexual hebephilia is attraction to
ual index subjects whose twins are also homosexual), using pubescent males (i.e., Tanner stages 2 or 3; typical ages = 11
the multifactorial threshold model, under the assumption that 14). Androphilic men, in contrast, are most sexually attracted to
a normally distributed trait propensity underlies the observed males at Tanner stages 5 and, to a lesser degree, 4 (typical ages
trait (Falconer & Mackay, 1996). This is a tetrachoric, rather than = 15 and older). For the sake of simplicity and convention, we
a Pearson, correlation. To ensure the accuracy of heritability refer to both hebephilic and pedophilic men as pedophilic.
and other estimates, it is crucial that twins are randomlyor 28. In general, quasi-experimental designs aim to provide more
at least representativelysampled with respect to concordance rigorous tests of causal hypothesis compared with mere tests of
status (i.e., whether both twins are homosexual or only one association (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2001).
is). Finally, the logic of the classical twin study requires the 29. Moreover, because this evidence is retrospective and based
assumption that the trait-relevant environment be equally simi- on self-report, there is reason to doubt the accuracy of the
lar among members of MZ and DZ pairs. This equal envi- exceptions to this pattern, because such individuals may mis-
ronments assumption has generally been supported for other remember the sequence of events or be prone to blaming their
behavioral traits (Flint, Greenspan, & Kendler, 2010). stigmatized feelings on experiences initiated by others.
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