Standalone Financial Results For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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ALL/BSE-ASE/AUDITED/Q-12-2016 14th February, 2017

The Manager,
Corporate Services,
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited,
P J Towers, Dalal Street,
Fort, Mumbai 400 001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Compliance of Clause 33 of SEBI LODR Regulations-2015 Audited Financial

Results-Quarter ended 31.12.2016. (Company Scrip Code 521048)

As required under the provisions of Clause 33 of the SEBI LODR Regulations, 2015, we
enclose herewith:

An PDF file/ MS-Excel Fi{t! I Scanned Copy being Un-Audited Financial Results
together with Limited Review Report for Quarter ended 31.12.2016 duly approved
at a recently concluded Meeting/s of the Audit Committee of Directors and Board
of Directors held at Mumbai.

The results are also being filed under XBRL mode on Listing Centre.

An advertisement in the Newspapers, as required, is being issued for the purpose. This
may be treated as intimation of Outcome of the Board Meeting under Regulation 30(4)
of SEBI LODR Regulations, 2015.

Please receive the same in order.

Yours faittlfully,


Encl.: As above


GIN : L45309MH1988PLC268437
Regd. Office: 4th Floor, 2548, Nirlon House, Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400030.Maharashtra-INDIA.Ph:022-42319900
Regd. office-4th Floor ,254 B Nirlon House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai-400 030
CIN : L45309MH1988PLC268437, Website:

Year to date Year to date

figures for figures for
Quarter Quarter Quarter previous period previous period Year
Particulars ended on ended on ended on ended ended ended on
31.12.2016 30.09.2016 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.2015 31.03.2016
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Income
a) Net Sales/Income from Operations - - - - - 2,036,895
b) Closing Stock of Traded Goods - - - - - -
c) Project Expense ( WIP) Carried To Balance Sheet - - - - - -
d) Sub Total : [1(a) - 1(c)] - - - - - 2,036,895

2 Expenditure
a) Purchase of Traded Goods - - - - - 2,032,240
b) Employee's cost 344,796 203,061 237,879 765,576 772,664 1,103,325
c) Retrenchment Expenses 7,455 2,586 77,279 13,598 179,717 189,739
d) Legal & Professional Fees 90,232 2,000 91,981 228,232 153,961 382,399
e) Project Expense ( WIP) - - - - - -
f) Depreciation 11,612 11,612 26,881 39,595 132,854 149,683
g) Other Expenditure 639,849 110,086 124,128 1,059,867 1,006,614 1,316,462
h) Sub Total : [2(a) - 2(f)] 1,093,944 329,345 558,148 2,106,868 2,245,810 5,173,848
Profit/ (Loss) from Operations before Other Income, Interest and
3 (1,093,944) (329,345) (558,148) (2,106,868) (2,245,810) (3,136,953)
Exceptional Items (1 - 2)
4 Other Income - - - 600 1,947 118,558
5 Profit/ (Loss) before Interest and Exceptional Items (3 + 4) (1,093,944) (329,345) (558,148) (2,106,268) (2,243,863) (3,018,395)
6 Interest Income/ (Expense) (Net) * 17,246,771 (8,393,388) 5,684,300 - 17,907,944 2,871,094
7 Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items (5 - 6) 16,152,827 (8,722,733) 5,126,152 (2,106,268) 15,664,081 (147,301)
8 Exceptional items - - - - (102,549) -
9 Profit/ (Loss) from Ordinary Activities before Tax (7 + 8) 16,152,827 (8,722,733) 5,126,152 (2,106,268) 15,561,532 (147,301)
10 Provision for taxation - - - - - (92,565)
11 Net Profit/ (Loss) from Ordinary Activities after Tax (9 - 10) 16,152,827 (8,722,733) 5,126,152 (2,106,268) 15,561,532 (239,866)
12 Extraordinary Items (Net of tax expense Rs. Nil) - - - - - -
13 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (11-12) 16,152,827 (8,722,733) 5,126,152 (2,106,268) 15,561,532 (239,866)
14 31,128,750 31,128,750 31,128,750 31,128,750 31,128,750 31,128,750
Paid- up Equity Share Capital( Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each)
15 .
16 Earnings per share (EPS)
Basic EPS (Not annualised) 5.19 (2.80) 1.65 (0.68) 5.00 (0.08)
Diluted EPS (Not annualised) 5.19 (2.80) 1.65 (0.68) 5.00 (0.08)
(Face value Rs. 10 per Share)
17 Aggregate of Public Shareholding
Number of Shares 778,219 778,219 778,219 778,219 778,219 778,219
Percentage of Shareholding 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
18 Promoters and promoter group shareholding
a) Pledged / Encumbered - - - - - -
b) Non - encumbered
- Number of Shares 2,334,656 2,334,656 2,334,656 2,334,656 2,334,656 2,334,656
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total
shareholding of promoter and promoter group) 100 100 100 100 100 100
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total
share capital of the Company) 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75%
19 * Includes Interest (Income) 17,246,771 2,510,080 15,542,448 21,725,665 48,085,949 43,574,462

1 The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 14.02.2017
2 The Company has adopted Indian Accounting Standards ( " Ind AS ") notified by the Ministry Of Corporate Affairs with effect from April 1, 2016. Accordingly, the Standalone Financial
result for the quarter ended December 31,2016 are in compliance with Ind AS and other accounting principles generally accepted in India and results for the comparative quarter are also
in compliance with Ind AS.
3 The financial results for the quarter ended December 31,2016 have been reviewed by the statutory auditors.
4 The above is an extract of the detailed format of the Standalone Financial Results for the quarter ended December 31,2016 filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI
( Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements ) Regulations, 2015. The full format of these Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange website i.e. and Also on
the Company's website:
5 Status of Investors' complaints during the quarter under review Pending Complainats Complaints
: Complaints as on received during outstanding as on
01/10/2016 the quarter 31/12/2016
Nil 1 1

For and on behalf of the Board,

Place:- Mumbai (Phulchand Agarwal)

Date :- 14.02.2017 Managing Director
Regd. office-4th Floor ,254 B Nirlon House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai-400 030
CIN : L45309MH1988PLC268437, Website:
Quarter Ended 31 Quarter Ended 31
Nine Month Ended 31
Sr No. Particulars December 2016 December 2015
December 2016 (Unaudited)
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
1 Total income from operations (net) - - -

2 Net Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities 16,152,827 (2,106,268) 5,126,152

after tax (before Extraordinary items)

3 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax 16,152,827 (2,106,268) 5,126,152
(after Extraordinary items)
4 Equity Share Capital 31,128,750 31,128,750 31,128,750
5 Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserve 268,279,700 268,279,700 286,190,990
as shown in the Balance Sheet of
previous year)
6 Earnings Per Share (before extraordinary
items) (of Rs. 10/- each)(Not Annualized)
1) Basic :
2)Diluted 5.19 (0.68) 1.65
5.19 (0.68) 1.65
7 Earnings Per Share (After extraordinary
items) (of Rs.10/- each)(Not Annulized)
1) Basic :
2)Diluted 5.19 (0.68) 1.65
5.19 (0.68) 1.65

1 The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on
2 The Company has adopted Indian Accounting Standards ( " Ind AS ") notified by the Ministry Of Corporate Affairs with effect from
April 1, 2016. Accordingly, the Standalone Financial result for the quarter ended December 31,2016 are in compliance with Ind AS and
other accounting principles generally accepted in India and results for the comparative quarter are also in compliance with Ind AS.

3 The financial results for the quarter ended December 31,2016 have been reviewed by the statutory auditors.

4 The above is an extract of the detailed format of the Standalone Financial Results for the quarter ended December 31,2016 filed with
the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI ( Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements ) Regulations, 2015. The full format
of these Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange website i.e. and Also on the Company's website:

For and on behalf of the Board,

Place:- Mumbai (Phulchand Agarwal)
Date :- 14/02/2017 Managing Director

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