Past Questions of Tuth Medicospace
Past Questions of Tuth Medicospace
Past Questions of Tuth Medicospace
1. Define reflex sympathetic osteodystrophy and discuss in brief about its diagnosis and
2. What do you understand by failed back syndrome? Mention possible causes.
3. What are criteria of selecting a patient for high tibial osteotomy? Explain the mechanism
2060 12
2060 -12
5. Discuss etiopathogenesis and deformities that occur in rheumatoid arthritis.
6. What are the etiopathology of osteoporosis? Enumerate its clinical manifestation.
7. What are the indications and sources of nerve graft? What are the factors that affect the
9. Limb salvage surgery
10. Prinnciples of ilizarov.
11. Triplane fracture of distal tibia
Internal assessment
2062 -11
Internal Assessment
7. What are the pathoanatomical changes around the hip in DDH?
8. Outline briefly the surgical management of hallux valgus.
2062 -1
1. What are causes of neurological involvement in Kochs spine? How will you treat it?
2. What is the most commonly observed pathological lesions in recurrent dislocation of the
2062 -1
Part B
1. What do you understand by failed back syndrome? What are its causes?
2. In high radial nerve lesion what functions are lost? How will you restore these functions?
3. What are the varients of monteggia fracture dislocation. How will you treat a child of 8
index finger? How will you take care of this dislocation? Explain diagrammatically.
7. Discuss in details the steps in posteromedial soft tissue release(PMSTR).
8. What are the causes of anterior knee pain ? Name the surgical options of patellofemoral
2061 -5
5. What is potts paraplegia? Describe its pathoanatomy.
6. Discuss in brief the causes of anterior knee pain syndrome.
7. Why there is clawing in ulnar nerve palsy? How the clawing in low ulnar nerve palsy
1. What are the indications of surgery from posterior approach in tuberculosis of spine?
4. Outline the natural history of disc disease.
5. How will you plan for tendon transfer in long standing high radial nerve palsy?
6. What makes difficult the reduction of the complete metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation
of index finger? How will you take careof this dislocation? Explain digrammatically.
7. Outline the blood supply of scaphoid bone of wrist.How the blood supply patterns are
2064 -12
1. What are the causes of neurological involvement in Kochs spine? How will you treat it?
2. Discuss the factors considered in planning treatment of calcaneal fractures.
3. Discuss the modalities of surgical treatment of recurrent dislocation of patella.
4. What is diabetic foot ? Describe in brief its management.
5. What makes difficult the reduction of complete of complete metacarpophalangeal joint
dislocation of index finger? How will you take care of this condition? Explain
6. Discuss in details the steps involved in posteromedial soft tissue release in CTEV.
7. What are the indications of arthrodesis of hip. Outline the different techniques of fusion
of hip.
8. Write down the causes of bowing of tibia. Outline the management of congenital
pseudoarthrosis of tibia.
2064 -1
1. What are the causes of neurological involvement in potts spine? How will you treat it?
2. Describe the Ennekings staging of tumours and principle of Surgical management.
3. What are the indications and sources of nerve graft? What are the factors that affect the
2064 -12
of bone mass.
3. What are the investigative modalities of multiple myeloma? Interprate.
4. Write about the hemangioma of bone including its clinical presestation, roentgenographic
osteonecrosis of hip.
7. What are the causes of cavus foot? Describe in brief how does the varus foot develops in
cavus foot.
8. A 55 year old gentleman who had coronary by-pass surgery done 2 years back is
undergoing total hip replacement surgery for secondary osteoarthritis of hip. What would
2064 -1
2064 /1
1. What do you understand by failed back syndrome? What are its causes?
2. Outline the surgical principles of various surgeries done commonly in recurrent
dislocation of shoulder
3. Outline the etiopathology of scaphoid fracture non-union and its management
4. How will you plan for tendon transfer in long standing high radial nerve palsy?
5. Discuss in brief the classification and principles of management of tibial plateau
6. Outline the etiopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.
7. Discuss in brief the principles of amputations.
8. Discuss in brief the principles and techniques of open biopsy of musculoskeletal
2065 -12
5. Innumerate the causes of pain around the hip. write in brief the treatment of stress
1. What are the causes of neurological involvement in kochs spine? How will you
treat it?
2. Outline the aetiopathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis. How will you manage?
3. Outline the aetiopathology of scaphoid fracture non-union and its management
4. What are the criteria of selecting a patient for high tibial osteotomy? Mention its
5. Enumerate the different deformities of rheumatoid hand. How are they produced?
6. Discuss the modalities of surgical treatment of recurrent dislocation of patella.
7. Discuss the factors considered in planning treatment of calcaneal fractures
8. Briefly describe the principles and technique of open biopsy of musculoskeletal
1. Define the spinal canal stenosis. What are the causes and clinical presentation?
2. What is cauda equins syndrome? How do you manage it?
3. Classify osteoporosis and discuss its management
4. What are the different radiographic angles in congenital talipes equino varus and
their significance.
5. Write down the causes of bowing of tibia. Outline the management of congenital
pseudoarthrosis of tibia.
6. How do you proceed to diagnose a case of multiple myeloma?
7. Discuss in details about the proximal row carpectomy.
8. What are the different sources of nerve graft? Describe in brief about Tinels sign.
1. What are the indications of surgery from posterior approach in TB spine? Why this approach has limited value?
13. What are the investigation modalities of multiple myeloma? Interprete 63 ; 64
14. Principle and technique of open biopsy of musculoskeletal tumor. 61 ; 65
15. What are the investigation modalities of multiple myeloma? Interpreted. 61 ; 62
16. Discuss briefly the neoadjuvant therapy in malignant bone tumor. 2005
17. How do you investigate and manage the patients with suspected osteosarcoma of distal femur? 60
18. Describe the Enneking staging of tumor and its pathology. 62
19. Enneking staging of tumor. Discuss its relevance in present scenario.
20. Write about the haemangioma of bone including its clinical presentation roentgen graphic appearance and
management. 64
22. What is non union of fracture? What are of types? How will you treat? 63
23. What make difficult the reduction to the complete metacarpopharangeal joint dislocation of the index finger?
How will you take care of this dislocation? explain with fig. 63
24. Outline the blood supply of scaphoid of wrist. How the blood supply patterns are responsible for the union of
scaphoid fracture? 63
25. Briefly describe t/t option of scaphoid #. 65
26. Outline the aetio-pathology of scaphoid # nonunion and its management. 62
27. In fracture neck of femur when closed reduction is failed what will be your approach for open reduction?
Describe the approach. 63
35. Discuss the column concept of acetabular # in relation to prognosis of injury and management plan. When
conservative t/t can be adopted? 60
40. How will you plan for tendon transfer in long standing radial nerve palsy? 63 ; 64
41. What are the indication and source of nerve graft? What are the factors that affect its outcome? 62 ; 60 65
42. In high radial nerve lesion what function are lost? How will you restore those functions? 62
43. What is the different source of nerve graft? Describe in brief about Tinels sign. 60 ; 65
44. Principle of t/t of peripheral nerve injuries. 60
45. Principles of tendon transfer 60
46. Pathophysiology of peripheral nerve compression. 60
47. How will you plan for tendon transfer in long standing radial nerve palsy? 60
48. Outline the aetiopathogenesis and clinical feature of entrapment syndrome of ulnar nerve. 62
49. Why there is clawing in ulnar nerve palsy? How the clawing in low lesion differ from high lesion? 61
50. Describe briefly compressive neuropathies in upper limb. 66
59. What is the pathology of pseudo arhtosis of tibia? Outline various surgical procedures. 62 ; 62 ; 64
60. What are the patho anatomical changes around hip in DDH? 62 ; 60 ; 64
61. Discuss in detail the steps involve in postero medial soft tissue release (PMSTR) 62
62. Describe the pathology and classification of pseudo arhtosis of tibia? 2005 ; 60
63. Outline the clinical and radiological evaluation of DDH. 2005
64. Outline the operative management of DDH according to age? 60 ; 65
65. Discuss briefly pathology and natural history of Duchene muscular dystrophy. 2005; 64
66. ---------------------------------------------------------recent advance in medical treatment 60 ; 64
67. What are the different radiological angles in CTEV and their significant? 2005 ; 60 ; 65
68. Discuss in detail the steps involve in postero medial soft tissue release (PMSTR) in CTEV.60 ; 64
69. What is the indication of Chiaris Osteotomy? Enumerate the different pelvic osteotomies performed in DDH
and outline their principle. 60
70. Principles of management of lower limb deformities in pediatric pts. 60
71. Leg length discrepancy. 60 ; 65
72. Natural history of LCPD. 61
73. Describe the surgical procedure in CTEV according to age and deformity. 66
74. What are the indication of ankle arthodesis? Outline various surgical procedures. 62
75. What is the indication of hip joint arthodesis? What is its technical consideration? What are its limitations? 62 ; 64
76. What is the indication of ankle arthodesis? Outline various surgical procedures. 60
91. Define reflex sympathetic dystrophy and discuss in brief about its diagnosis and management. 60 ; 65
92. How does the deformity develop in poliomyelitis? What are the common ankle and foot deformities in post
polio paralysis?60
93. What is claudication? How does vascular differ from neurological claudication? 61
94. Classify osteoporosis and discuss its management.61 ; 65
95. What are the aetiopathogenesis of osteoporosis? Enumerate the clinical manifestations.
96. What is involutional osteoporosis? Discuss in brief the different technique of measurement of bone mass. 64
97. A55 yrs old gentleman who had coronary bypass surgery done 2 yrs back is undergone THR surgery for
secondary OAof hip. What would be the devastating complication and how do you manage those
complications? 64
99. Discuss the etio-pathogenesis and deformities that occur in rheumatoid arthritis. 60 ; 61 ; 62
100. Outline the aetiopathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis. How will you manage? 62
101. Describe the recent advance in management of RA. 66
102. Enumerate the different deformities rheumatoid hands. How they are produce? 64
103. What do you understand by seronegative spondyloarthopathies? List the common conditions.
Describe the clinical features of ankylosing spondylitis. 64
15. Earliest clinical finding in potts paraplegia
a.weakness b. ankle clonus c. paraesthesia d. bladder involvement
shaft of humerus.
26. In DISI, scapholunate angle is
a. >70deg b. <30 deg c.15deg d.90 deg
27. Which structure is dangerous in posterior dislocation of hip joint----
sciatic nerve/ superior gluteal vessel
28. Which malleolus is fixed in trimalleolar fracture-
-- Lateral malleolus
29. K type: In pathological fracture ,indications of fracture fixations
a. IM rod is preferred b. Impending fracture c. Pain at fracture site
30. Vacuum sign in x-ray of spine is seen --- Instability of degerenative disc disease
31. Most important aspect of surgery in impingement syndrome--- Deltoid repair
32. Lisfranc injury ---- 2nd metatarsal to medial cunneiform
1. Spur sign in acetabular fracture indicatesBoth column fracture
2. OK sign is lost for which nerve
--- anterior interosseous nerve (branch of median nerve)
3. Honeymoon palsy is---
-a. High radial nerve palsy b. AIN c. Median nerve palsy
4. Ape thumb deformity is due to paralysis of which muscle-----Abductor policis brevis?
5. Benediction finger is due to which nerve palsy------Median nerve palsy.
6. Arthritis mutilans is characteristics of ----
a. AS b. Psoriatic arthritis
c. Gout d.Reiters syndrome
7. In RA which is the commonest extra-articular manifestations
a. Rh nodule ? b. Pulmonary fibrosis c. Lymphadenopathy d.---
8. In ankylosing spondylitis which is the commonest extraarticular manifestations a.
olecranon fracture
29. Sagging rope sign is seen in a. perthes disease b.DDH c.SCFE
30. Sectoral sign is seen in
a. SCFE b.Coxa vara c. AVN d.DDH
31. Lisfranc ligament connects 2nd metatarsal with medial cunneform
32. Initiator of knee reflex is
a. popliteus b.IT band c. Biceps d. Humerus
33. Quadrilateral space syndrome is
a. Supraspinatus nerve palsy b. Axillary nerve palsy
c. Long thoracic nerve palsy d.Radial nerve palsy
34. Giant cell tumour is characterized in Xray
a.Epiphyseal-metaphyseal location b.Epiphysis c. Metaphysis
35. Which is the most reliable test in spinal surgery
a. SSEP? b. Stagnara Wake up test c. presence of reflex
36. Tendon reflex is
a. Monosynaptic b. Polysynaptic c. central
37. Structure which is not completely released in CTEV Surgery
a. Deep deltoid ligament b. Calcaneofibular ligament
c. Talofibular ligament d. spring ligament
38 Common site of skeletal tuberculosis is
a. Comminution of >one third cortex b.elderly c. Open fracture
1. In Watson-Jones approach the following is true
a. Lies between the gluteas medius and TFL
b. TFL is identified with coarse granule
c. Chance of injury to superior gluteal nerve and vessels (chance of inferior gluteal
1. Angled used in DCP
a. 10 degree b. 20 degree c.30 degree d. 40 degree
2. Commonest level of cervical disc prolapse
a. c4/c5 b. c5/c6 c. c6/c7 d. c3/c4
3. Distal femoral secondary ossific nucleus appears in
a. 24 weeks b. 36 weeks c. at birth d. After birth
4. Bone bruise occurs in ----------- tibial plateau
a. Anterior lateral b. Posterior lateral c. Posteromedial d. Antero medial
21. RVAD in infantile scoliosis is significant when it is > -------20%
22. Bone scan to differentiate tumour and infection ?
a.Tc phosphate b. Gallium c.Indium d. Monoclonal cells
23. Cobb angle in adolescent scoliosis-------<20 degree observation, 20 to 30 degree bracing
26. Composition of steel-stainless---------
27. Pseudogout affects commonly
a. Knee b. Ankle c. Hip d. Vertebrae
28. Muscle injury occurs in
a. Isometric b. Isotonic c. Excentric d. Concentric
29. Wilsons sign in osteochondritis dissecans occurs
Lateral aspect of medial femoral condyle
30. Articular cartilage contains Type II collagen
31. Shephord crook deformity occurs in --------Fibrous dysplasia
32. Stability of external fixators improved by------
15. Bone scan detects the osteomyelitis ---within the 48 hours
gait velocity reduces the peak acetabular pressure by as much as 40% which coincides
injuries on radius and tibia. Physeal bridge resection with interposition of fat graft or
artificial material is reserved for patients with > 2 cm of growth remaining and <50% of
Physeal involvement
7. Treatment for metatarsus adductus for 4 year old child------
8. Thigh foot angle -------- 15 degree
9. Position of subtalar joint at the time of arthrodesis of ankle joint---------
10. Highest progression of cobbs angle in congenital scoliosis--- Unsegmented bar and
11. Skeletally mature child with scoliosis of 20 degree angle ---------Observation
12. Most common curvature in infantile idiopathic scoliosis--------Left thoracic
13. Drug for heterotopic ossification in spinal injury patient-----Indomethacin
14. Commonest presentation of scheurmans disease-----------Deformity
15. Potential Perthes disease is detected by m
a.MRI b. CT c. Arthrography d. Bone scan
16. Forty year old man with pain R shoulder on elevation or sleeping on that side----------
Supraspinatus tendinitis
17. Most effective test to to detect the rotator cuff tear-------Weak external rotation
18. Corduary appearances in ----------Hemangioma
19. Bone induction phenomenon is lost by---
-a. HNO3. B. 0.6HCL, c. EDTA . Usually lost by strong acid
20. Deformity in OA hip -------Flexion, Adduction, and external rotation deformity
21. Internal rotation of hip in extension is restricted in SCFE
22. Commonest form of JCA-------Pauciarticular type
23. Bone scan to differentiate the infection from tumour-----------Indium 111 labelled WBC
24. Typical wrist instability
a. Scapholunate b. Lunotriquetral c. Midcarpal
25. Flexion type of S/C fracture --------ulnar nerve injury common
26. Radial head/neck fracture -----<60 degree tilt conservative management , > 60 degree
Internal-assessment, MCQ 2063,
1. Drumstick or chicken wire appearance on lateral view of the knee is seen in
a. OA b. RA c. Gout d. TB
2. Best way to disperse the hematoma
a. Ice b. USG c. Shortwave d. Infrared
3. Falling fragment sign --------- ABC
4. Shepherd crook deformity--------Fibrous dysplasia
5. Most common malignancy in pagets disease --------Osteosarcoma
6. Glomus tumour resembles radiologically---------- to enchondroma
7. Adamantinoma , treatment is
a. Observation b. Wide resection c. Curettage and bone grafting
8. BMP-----Stimulates perivascular mesenchymal cells
9. Most commonly affected joint in pseudogout---------- Knee joint
10. Chondrocalcinosis is a feature of------------ pseudogout
11. Chemical synovectomy is done by
a. Oxalic acid b. Phenol c. Chymopapain d.Chymotrypsin
12. First sign to appear in Potts spine-------Clonus
13. Initiation of apposition of thumb by --------APB
14. Lowest friction of coefficient is seen in a. Metal on metal
b. Polyethylene on metal c. Ceramic on ceramic d. Ceramic on metal
15. Which is used to decrease wear
a. UHMPE b. Cross leveled PE ?
16. Which layer of physis is involved in achondroplasia ----------Proliferative Zone
17. Contraindicaitons of HTO ------- RA
18. Pemberton Osteotomy hinge is ----------------Triradiate cartilage
19. Components of opposition
a. Adduction of thumb b. Flexion of MCP joint of thumb
c. Pronation of thumb d. Movement of thumb towards the finger??
e. Radial deviation of proximal phalanx of thumb on metacarpal
37. Most sensitive investigation for Subtle cervical disc herniation
a. MRI b. Myelogram c. Post myelo CT
38. AVN of femoral head is seen with all of the following except
a. Perthes disease b. Fracture neck of femur
c. Hip dislocation d. Intertrochanteric fracture
39. Drug of choice in Heterotrophic ossification in spine surgery
a. Etidronate b. Indomethacin c. Ibufrofen
40. Malrotated calcaneum in CTEV
a. Calcaneofibular b. Calcaneocuboid c. Interosseous ligament
41. Ligament initiating the apposition of thumb -----Abductor pollicis brevis
42. During the knee replacement
a. Alone mechanical axis parallel b. Tibia 30 degree varus
c. Femoral component in external rotation
d.Femoral component in 5 to 6 degree of valgus
43. Ligamentum flavum calcification seen in?? -----Diabetes, Hemochromatosis, X linked
4. Waiters tip position is seen in
a. Complete brachial palsy injury b. Erbs palsy
c. Klumpkes palsy d. Intrinsic plus hand e. Intrinsic minus hand
5. Which of the following muscle does not take part in formation of rotators cuff
a. Subscapularis b. Teres minor
c. Teres major d. Infraspinatus e. Supraspinatus
6. Which of the following ligament is most important for anterior stability of shoulder joint
c. Gas gangrene of foot
d. Chillbains of toes e. A fungal infection
15. Chauffers fracture is
a. A reverse colles fracture b. Fracture of base of 1st metacarpal
c. Scaphoid waist fracture d. Fracture of radial styloid
e. Cause of mallet finger
e. Fat embolism
d. It does not prevent the rotation but prevents the axial collapse
e. Eye is placed posteromedially
21. In management of open fracture
a. Immediately sent for radiological evaluation
b.High dose of antibiotics prevents the infection
c. Single most important factor is superfical toileting
d. Single most important factor is antibiotic injection
e. Wound should be closed primarily
c. West point view is done to show the fracture of glenoid rim
d. In Bristow coracoid along with its all muscle is transferred to glenoid rim
fixation with rimming to insert larger nail can be done c. Do not lead to compartment
16. Virchows triad of factors that leads to the development of venous thrombosis consists of
radial nerve in a patient who has a radial neve palsy and acute humeral shaft fracture
epiphysis. Examination reveals that the epiphysis is translated 50% and angulated to 35
20. 58 year old woman sustained a distal radius fracture 8 weeks ago and now returns for
removal of the cast. Examination reveals that flexion of the proximal interphalangeal
joints is less when the metacarpophalangeal joints are extended rather than flexed .What
following a motor vehicle accident .On the second day it becomes restless, confused,
tachypnoeic, with an oral temperature of 38 degree celcius .The most likely diagnosis is
knee.X-ray shows the periosteal lifting with irregular bone growth under the periosteum.
lump on the medial aspect of the lower end of the femur . X-ray shows elevated
periosteum and some new bone formation . the most probable diagnosis is
a Osteochondroma b.Osteosarcoma c. Osteoclastoma
d. Hematoma e.Osteomyelitis
4. The sign causing the most concern in a patient with fat embolism is
a. Confusion b. Dyspnoea c. Fat globules in the urine d. Petechial rash
over the upper chest and shoulders e. Fat in sputum f. None of the above
5. A patient with central dislocation of hip following a motor car accident is noted to be
experiences pain on the back of the limb, and stiffness in the lower paraspinous muscles.
a.Pain at SLR 40 degrees b. Pain at SLR 40 degree with foot dorsiflexion
c. Decreased ankle jerk d. Loss of sensation to medial calf and foot
8. L5/S1 disc prolapsed
a. Ankle jerk reduced b. Sensation reduced at big toe and little toe
c. Urgent decompression is indicated if .
9. No abduction or adduction of the thumb with hand placed lat
a. Median and ulnar nerves involved b. T1 lesion
c. Medial and lateral cords involved d. A and B e. All of above
10. In neve injury, the following is the true
a. Full functional recovery doesnot follow neurotomesis
b.Full functional recovery does not follow axontomesis
c. Divided nerve in a contaminated wound should have primary suture
d. No electrical activity can be generated by muscle stimulation
e. Re-growth occurs from the node of ranvier proximal to the injury
11. In nerve injury which of the following is true
a. Axonotomesis results in degeneration of the cell body
b. Neurotomesis is unlikely to result in good recovery
c. Neuropraxia requires axon re-growth from the node of ranvier proximal to the injured
d. Severed nerve must be sutured together even if wound contaminated
12. Meralgia parasthetica is relieved by nerve block of the
a. Lingual nerve b. Trigeminal nerve
c. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve d. Lumber sympathetic chain e. Femoral nerve
13. The commonest organism cultured from the septic arthritis of knee is
a. Neisseria gonorrhea b. Streptococcus pyogenes c. Staph aureus
16. True about the non-ossifying fibroma of the bone
a.Present until 3rd and the 4th decade b. Eccentric
c. Prominent sclerotic margin d. Histologically giant cell with areolar tissue in
metaphyseal lesion
17. Bone forming tumours are
a. Osteosarcoma b. Osteoid osteoma c. Giant cell tumour
d. Osteoblastoma e. Chondrosarcoma
18. True about the carpal tunnel syndrome
a. Paraesthesia of lateral 2 digits b. Atrophy of thenar eminence
c. Atrophy of the hypothenar eminence d. Claw hand
e. Tinels sign is positive
19. Traumatic dislocation of epiphyseal plate of femur occurs
a. Medially b. Laterally c. Posteriorly
d.Rotationally e. Anteriorly
20. Avascular necrosis is seen in
a. Sickle cell anaemia b.Thalassemia
c. Polycythemia d. Hyperparathyroidism
21. Chordoma commonly involves
a. Dorsal spine b. Clivus c. Lumber spine
d. Sacrum e. Cervical spine
22. True regarding the osteomyelitis in a child
a. Diagnosis by X-ray is 8 to 10 days after onset
b. There is diffuse tenderness at the site
c. Antibiotic therapy should be at least for 4 weeks
d. Salmonella is the most common cause
23. Mallet finger is due to the avulsion of extensor tendon of
a. Proximal phalanx b. Middle phalanx c. Distal phalanx
d. Metacarpals e. Any other phalanx
24. Osgood Slatters disease affects the
a. Upper tibia b. Lower tibia c. Distal femur d. Proximal femur
25. Seen in B/L congenital hip dislocation is/are
a. Short stature b. Wandering acetabulum
c. Waddling gait d. Lumbar lordosis
26. Trendelenberg gait is done for
a. Perforators b. Saphenofemoral junction incompetence
c. DVT d. Pulmonary embolism
27. Treatment of the fracture with intra-articular extension
a. Excion of the joint b. Arthrodesis
c. Traction d. Intramedullary nailing e. POP
28. Tophi in gout are seen in
a. Articular cartilage b. Joint capsule c. Synovium d. Muscles e. Skin
29. Pagets disease of bone commonly affects
a. Skull b. Vertebrae c. Pelvis d. Phalanges e. Humerus
30. True about the Ewings sarcoma all of the following except
a. 5% cases reveals t(11-22)
b. Arises from the medullary cavity of the tubular bone
c. Arises from the diaphysis d. N-myc Chromosome
31. Blounts disease is
a. Genu valgum b. Tibia vara c. Flat foot d. Genu recurvatum
32. Shepherd crooks deformity is seen
a. Achondroplasia b. Gauchers disease
c.Hypothyroidism d. Fibrous dysplasia
33. Most common cause of genu valgum
a. Trauma b. Rickets c. Polio d. Scurvy
34. Pointin index is seen in
a. Ulnar nerve palsy b. Median nerve palsy
c. Both ulnar and median nerve palsy
35. Onion peel appearance is seen in
a. Osteosarcoma b. Ewings sarcoma c. Osteoclastoma
d. Osteochondroma
36. Progressive stiffning of joint is seen in
a. Peri-arthritis of shoulder b. Osteochondritis
c. Gout d. Ankylosis
37. Calcification of intervertebral disc is seen in
a. Ankylosing spondylitis b. Alkaptonuria
c. Osteomalacia d. Neurofibroma
38. Spina Ventosa is caused by
a. Tuberculosis b. Leprosy c. Metastasis d. Spine deformity
39. True regarding the mandibular fracture is
a. Some infection is harmless b. Aim is to get the good occlusion
c. Open reduction is better d. Always do wiring
40. Pain along hip, back of thigh and loss of sensation along the lateral border of foot and
OA ankle
52. Treatment of fracture long bone is/are reduction and immobilization with
a. Nails b. Fixation plates c. External fixators
d. Tension band wiring e. Intramedullary fixation
53. All are common with the elbow dislocation except
a. Myositis ossificans progressica b. Median nerve palsy
c. Brachial artery injury c. Volkmans contracture
54. Commonest dislocation of shoulder is
a. Subcoracoid b. Subacromial c. supraacromial d. Posterior
55. Caffeys disease is
a. Chronic osteomyelitis in children b. Osteomyelitis in jaw of children
d. Rotation of femur
58. Usual site of tuberculous bursitis is
a Prepatellar b. Subdeltoid c. Subpatellar
d. Trochanteric e.None
59. All are the predisposing factors for the osteogenic sarcoma except
a. Pagets disease of bone b. Radiation c. Viral infection
d. Bone infarction
60. True about the ganglion
a. Common in volar aspect b. Seen adjacent to tendon sheath
c. Communicates with joint cavity and tendon sheath d. It is unilocular
61. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy caused by
a. supracondylar fracture b. Lateral condylar fracture
5. Spontaneous correction of deformity ---------Pes Planus
6. Tendon rupture in RA ---------EPL
7. RVAD in infantile scoliosis ---------->20 degree
8. Snow storm------------Synovial chondromatosis
9. Best view in acromioclavicular joint ---------Cephalic tilt view
10. Blood supply of the patella ------------
11. Pemberton acetabuloplasty -------short head, and CE angle of acetabulum <45 degree
12. Normal CE angle ---------
13. Shape of radiocarpal joint --------Ellipsoid
14. Treatment in Metatarsus adductus of >4 years --------
15. Ape thumb deformity ------------APL
16. Metatarsus primus varus -------Hallux valgus
17. Treatment of stage I or II kienbocks disease ------Radial shortening
18. Shoemaker line in B/L supratrochanteric shortening ---------Meet below the umbilicus
19. Involvement in Achondroplasia ------- Zone of proliferation
20. Metastasis to eyelid from----------Chordoma
21. Acute patellar dislocation -----------?
22. Bone scan to differentiate infection from tumour-----Indium
23. Reverse Pivot Shift test-------------Posterolateral corner injury
24. Subtalar joint position in arthrodesis ------ 5 to 10 degree of valgus
25. Vertical striations in Xrays --------- Hemangioma
26. Commonest form of JCA-------Pauciarticular
27. Osteomyelitis---?
28. Stiff knee gait ---------Lifts the pelvis in swing phase
29. Klumke palsy--------Lower trunk of brachial palsy
30. Egawa test To assess the dorsal interossei of middle finger
31. Most common site of tear----------Musculotendinous junction
32. TFCC injury-----Central part does not heal (Avascular)
33. Vertebra plana--------Eosinophilic granuloma
K type questions
1. Anterior smith-paterson approach structures-----
a. Superior gluteal vessels b. Nutrient artery to illium
c. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve d. Ascending branch of lateral circumflex femoral
2. Gonococcal arthritis
a. Joint aspirate negative b. Throat swab positive c. Arthrotomy
3. Post element tumours
a. Osteoid osteoma b. Osteoblastoma c. ABC d. GCT
4. Chemosensetive tumours
a. Ewings sarcoma b. Osteosarcoma c. Malignant giant cell tumour
5. Severs disease treatment is
a. Rest and observation b. Tendon stretching exercises c. Arch support
d. Heel pad
MS orthpaedics/Final Year/IOM
phenomenon is called
a. Stress generated potentials b. Pizo-electric effect
c. Transmembrane potentials d. Streaming potentials
7. Which of the following is true for antalgic gait
a. Duration of swing phase is increased
b. Lurch of body towards the affected side
c. Backward lurch d. Duration of stance phase decreased
8. In supracondylar fracture of humerus the coronal tilt of the distal fragment is indicated in
radiography by
a. Loss of tear drop sign b. Fish tail sign c. Fat pad sign
d. Cresent sign
9. A lady in last trimester of pregnancy presents with pain in the hip and adjacent pelvis the
probable cause is
a. Trochanteric bursitis b. Transient osteoporosis of hip
b. Osteitis pubis d. Sacroilitis due to ligamentous laxity
10. The most common organism responsible for causing septic arthritis in neonate is
two slips and passing around the flexor digitorium profundus. At what level does it
a. Midshaft of metacarpal level b. MCP joint c. Mid shaft of proximal phalanx
d. PIP joint
13. The following condition is the feature of abnormal generalized joint laxity, except
d. Down syndrome
14. Volar intercalated segment instability(VISI) is associated with what wrist ligament injury
d. Eosinophilic granuloma
23. Three phase radionuclide scanning in osteomyelitis shows increased uptake in
a. The flow phase b. The equilibrium phase c. The delayed phase
d. All three phases
24. What is the most common cause of back pain in teen athletic
a. Spondylosis b.Herniated disc c. Ankylosing spondylitis d. Discitis
25. The hand grips on axillary crutches are placed in such a position that will maintain elbow
at certain position ideal for the proper use of crutches. What would be the position of
a. 10 deg flexion b. 20 deg flexion c. 30 deg flexion d. 40 deg flexion
26. Local application of the following drug is used for eradication of pseudomonas infection
diagnosis of
a. Rheumatoid arthritis of knee b. Osteoarthritis of knee
c. Gouty arthritis of knee d. TB arthritis of the knee
30. Which of the following benign condition is associated with dark appearance on T2
weighted images
a. Lipoma b. Leiomyoma c. Lymphangioma d. Pigmented villonodular synovitis
31. Which tumour notoriously seeds soft tissue after biopsy or inadequate resection
39. Which of the following condition is/are associated with Klippel Feil syndrome
1. Deafness 2. Synkinesis 3. Sprengel deformities 4. DDH-----A
40. Articular cartilage changes in OA includes
1. Decreased water content 2. Loss of proteoglycans 3. Cartilage
27. Infection spreads in infants by metaphyseal and epiphyseal anastomosis, while in adults
56. Tibialis posterior -----Strength test
57. Fallen fragment sign----- Simple bone cyst
58. Abnormal nerve anastomosis between median and ulnar nerve; Abovemiddle of
is Venography
60. Acute patellar dislocation----Barrels sign
61. Radiocapitate joint-------- Ellipsoid