An Intelligent Career Model For The 21st Century UT

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An intelligent career model for

the 21st Century

James Parsons

1. Introduction 1

2. A new intelligent model for managing careers 6

3. Conclusion 12

The Rialto Consultancy

Chapter one: Introduction

1. Introduction
If youre at the Careers advice historically helps clients do things like create a
stage of your barnstorming CV, practise to ace an interview, develop mind
career where blowing propositions or build a 30 sales pitch - as if they were
youre just simply goals to knock over. At Rialto, we increasingly think goals
alone are insufficient. A focus on goals doesnt seem to work that
wondering how
well in todays volatile world which is why much careers advice
you got here, isnt worth getting. So instead of goals, adopt a systems approach.
how youll get
there or have no Most of us started our careers much like balls in a pinball machine,
idea where there fired with great speed and purpose from education only to find
even is, just ourselves hit a bunch of unidentified obstacles, set off bells, pick up
keep reading some knocks and land somewhere miles from where we thought we
would. This realisation can be particularly revealing for senior people
20 years in to their careers, often when they reach out to find people
like us.

Ways in which careers develop has changed hugely in the last thirty
yeas. Rare now are traditional linear careers, where you climbed the
corporate ladder, implicitly trusting that the system would reward
you with a secure job to retirement, a pension and financial security.

Expert careers have better stood the test of time, where scientists,
doctors, musicians, lawyers and other specialists followed journeys
where they continued to hone their skills, seeing their increasing
expertise band rarity rewarded commensurately.

More recently, other career patterns have emerged in response to

changing working dynamics, technology and societal norms. The
model illustrated overleaf, adopted from Driver & Larsons original
career concept model, provides a neat scheme of the differences we
observe in working patterns which, despite authorship in 1980, is still
a useful diagnostic today.

As you look at it, consider which of these seems most relevant to you
and whether its in fact the trajectory you thought youd be on when
you entered the workplace. This might come as a surprise. What
does it suggest about the way your career has developed and is it
time to take back control?

Chapter one: Introduction

The Linear Concept: aim for power and achievement

Focussed on rapid movement up the "corporate ladder"
Career success means gaining increased levels of
responsibility and authority
Early identification and nurturing crucial
Flexibility a byword for success
Rotation, different jobs or geographies essential to round out
the individual

The Expert Concept: value expertise and security

Most stable and historically dominant view of a successful
A lifelong commitment to a profession with which one
Continually mastering the knowledge and skills of the
Has historically provided the biggest transition challenge for
new partners

The Spiral Concept: cherish personal growth and creativity

A less traditional view where one discovers one's career
Periodic lateral changes of related fields (e.g. PP -> in-house
-> corporate -> PP)
Developing broader skills and new applications of previous
Will be of increasing value as ambassadors of the firm

The Transitory Concept: seek variety and independence

The most change-oriented and least conventional view
The job itself is of secondary importance, a means to an end
for a life defined by discovery, interest and adapting to new
Not easily managed or developed, perhaps better utilised as
part of a flexible offering, engaged as a contractor on a case
by case basis
The insight and thinking they can bring can be worth it

Driver, MJ 1980. Career Concepts and Organizational Change . In CB

Derr (ed) Work, family and the Career (New York: Praeger

Chapter one: Introduction

With different career tracks such as these, we would argue a

systemsbased approach to career planning work better. Goals
change and career models change but the system by which you
navigate your journey can be established and modified as you go

Scott Adams, Dilbert creator and all round good guy, is an interesting
and wise character and made some good points in a recent article
for Inc. magazine about career planning. He says:

beware of advice from successful people because no two

situations are alike;
inspirational biographies are no help biographers never have
access to the internal thoughts of successful people. If a
biographer says Henry Ford invented the assembly line to impress
women, thats probably a guess;
dont follow your passion. Wait a minute, come again? Youre
supposed to be a career coach and youre telling me not to follow
my passion?? Yes, dear reader, we agree with Dilbert. Passion will
undoubtedly give you high energy, high resistance to rejection
and high determination. Passionate people are more persuasive,
too. However, Adams point is that banks dont lend to passionate
people, on the basis that they are not objective and dispassionate
enough in their decision-making and therefore represent a bad
credit risk. He says banks want the grinder, not the guy who loves
his job.

The point seems to be this: its easy to be passionate about

situations that are working out and that distorts our impression of
the importance of passion. Situations that dont work out tend to
slowly drain the passion as they fail. Things that work out become
more exciting as they succeed.

The problem is that most work is not passion-inducing, is it? The

author remembers working in corporates in the 90s and always
noticing those who were more passionate than the others. You
know the ones first in last out, seem to have read all the industry
rags, best briefed at sales meetings, always ready to smile n dial. It
looked and sounded great and the bosses loved it. Looking back, we
suspect lots of them were more passionate about what the job could
do for them, not the job itself - rise through the ranks quicker, get
paid quicker, leave quicker. And thats no bad thing. Its just you
need to be clear about what and who youre doing it for and why.

Chapter one: Introduction

If you are genuinely passionate about what you do on a daily basis,

thats all well and good. Become the expert, the go-to person and be
prepared to consider other ways of delivering your expertise should
your employer decide to strategically, ahem, refocus.

So forget about passion. And while youre at it, forget about goals

The best advice we can give clients is to think about the job after the
next one. Job seeking, like networking, is not something one does
only when necessary but should be a continuing process. This makes
perfect sense if you do the maths: chances are that the best job for
you wont become available at precisely the time you declare
yourself ready.

Therefore, getting a job is part of a system, not a goal .

Systems-based career planning means thinking about yourself, your

market, your competitive edge, being clear about your performance
factors and how you can improve your quality of output vs. the
person next to you.

If youre in technology, healthcare or engineering, it might mean

thinking more like an ambassador of your firm than an MD or
employee, increasing your visibility at forums designed to develop
next level thinking. If youre in a sales role, your career management
system should include building awareness of your clients
preferences and thinking styles as a major component of increasing
your numbers.

For everyone, it usually means learning more about yourself your

life purpose, values, environments that will suit you and where you
will best FIT next. Again, guided self-analysis to figure out your
motivated skills will help determine whether you want to stay a
producer or become a manager (and potentially, a cost).

But do not expect your employer to do it for you. They are interested
in keeping you doing what you are doing, thank you very much,
especially if you are earning them money or freeing them from what
stuff no-one else can or wants to do.

Chapter one: Introduction

Throughout our coaching lives weve had our antennae up, looking
for examples of people who use systems as opposed to goals. In
most cases, as far as we can tell, the people who use systems do

The systems-driven people have found a way to look at the familiar

in new and more useful ways. For example, as we moved into the
second decade of the new millennium it was clear the writing was on
the wall for many conventional business models think big box
retailing, think Blockbuster, think big chunks of wholesale finance,
music or how we buy consumer technology. The clever ones made a
choice and put systems into place to transfer themselves to safer
ground. Some picked up a new sector, build new relationships and
figure out their transferability quickly, some offered to cover a new
market or geography and built a defensible franchise and others

Within 15 years, so much has changed yet so much hasnt. Structural

upheaval in business is almost the only certainty - most of us will run
the risk of becoming functionally obsolescent at least once in our
careers. Putting systems in place to manage your career by taking
regular time out to appraise where the ship youre on is headed is
increasingly critical.

If youre out there looking to make your first break into something
new, then systems thinking is also essential. The whole deal
clarifying who you are and what you want, targeting employers,
writing CVs, dealing with recruiters, networking for information and
contacts, interviewing, negotiating and closing all requires a system
as none of these components of a successful job search strategy
happens in isolation. If you think through this list with your own
situation in mind, you will quickly see how the last item is linked in a
dependent chain back to the first.

Finally, the old adage about learning through failure is as true as

ever. Its a good place to be because failure is where success likes to
hide from plain sight. Everything you want out of life is in that huge,
bubbling vat of failure. The trick is to get the good stuff out.

Chapter two: An intelligent model for managing careers

2. A intelligent model for

managing careers
As a result of extensive practice over more than 20 years, empirical
research and consultation with close colleagues, we here suggest a
model for managing careers that is built for the 21st century. Each of
these three stages are inter-related, and we find that clients move
between all three, especially the first two, many times before feeling
they can commit properly to action.

Personal biography SUPPLY

360 data
Behavioural profiling and psychometric testing
Motivated skills
1. Who
Landscaping Values
am I?
Challengers Leadership profiling


Waking up your network 2. What

do I Thought leadership
Formats of working
Social media presence / Signature

Objective decisions
3. How do I CVs and messaging

get it? Reputation, brand and risk

DEMAND Introductions / Recommendations &

Pitching and collaborating

Negotiating and closing

Transition - the first 100 days

Chapter two: An intelligent model for managing careers

Stage 1 : Who am I?

Personal biography
A guided look back at significant life events, points of transition.
Who Rather than focusing on what was achieved or not, look at how
connected, fulfilled and happy you felt at different times and why
am I?
360 stakeholder data
Our view of ourselves is often different to that of others. Getting
qualitative feedback that is honest and useful requires experience,
careful judgment and facilitative skill. Putting it together in a
meaningful way that clients can understand, even more so.

Behavioural profiling or psychometric testing

These assessments are helpful in aiding self and other awareness,
environments that would produce the best results and potential
blind spots. They rarely provide the whole answer but provide a rich
backdrop to coaching work.

Motivated skills
Clients sometimes find it hard to express what they feel good at, as
most things they do automatically. The value in structured coaching
interventions to establish core functional skills is essential, as is an
assessment of motivation in using them in future.

Guided coaching conversations with experienced professionals can
help individuals unlock what matters to them more widely in life, the
extend to which they have adopted others values or felt they have
understood their own. It can be very cathartic for someone to
realise and give themselves permission to acknowledge the
importance of certain things in their lives, and how they want to
align their work to these.

Leadership profiling
Completion of a research based instrument which will identify your
potential as a future leader as well as highlighting development
requirements and priorities.

Chapter two: An intelligent model for managing careers

Stage 2 : What do I want?

Some organisations in your target space are pioneers, some are
laggards. When it comes to questions of market positioning,
dominance and competitive advantage it is hugely useful to be able
to landscape and articulate this comprehensively and effectively. So
what is your business plan for your future employer?

Challengers and disruptors

Building on landscaping work, there is valuable work to do in finding
out who is starting to eat whose lunch. What have challengers or
disrupters seen that the incumbents, entirely focused on running to
stand still, might have missed? What problems that can you help
What address and for who?
do I Waking up your network (and creating a new one)
want? You can start a network with 2 people that will actually work for you
and give you all the coverage you will need to transition. But it
requires some basic understanding about messaging, selling, human
behaviour, yourself and others preferences in order to be

Exploring formats of working

Technology has enabled many ways of delivering yourself to the
market that would have been unimaginable to previous generations.
Whilst liberating for some, the choices can be scary for others. A key
part of the work at this stage involves testing different models
against your wider life criteria, personal needs and tolerances.

Options and objective evidence based decision making

One of the bedrocks of all successful coaching is the ability to help
counter cognitive bias and assumptions which can limit your field of
view. Then test emerging options against set criteria in a structured
way that can help reinforce the confidence of making certain
decisions over others.

Chapter two: An intelligent model for managing careers

Stage 3 : How do I get it?

Thought leadership
Consideration of how to become best in class and how to monetise
your value and profile built to date. This element needs to answer
the question as to why the market will/needs to invest in you.

Social media presence and signature profile

The ability to present a unified, consistent message on social media
is a modern-day prerequisite. Learn how to interrogate Linkedin to
make it work for you, as well as how to monitor and manage your
brands perception online for maximum success.

CVs and brand messaging

Neuroscience and modern behavioural sciences have started to
shout truths about good and bad ways of doing this. Relevant
documentation and interview approaches should be future-focused,
emphasising potentiality over past experience, and entirely focused
on your targets problems.

Reputation, brand and risk

360 data attained in step 1 can help obtain the as is. We can build
on this by assessing who you need to bring around you as
references, mentors, introducers and amplifiers. By being mindful of
past mistakes and thinking through how to present them, we can
head off problems early and maintain momentum.

Introductions, recommendations and sponsorship

Good career coaching firms are also proactive and supportive of
their clients, and not afraid to introduce them to their alumni or
client database. This however requires clarity around messaging and
reasoning behind who you want to approach and why.

Deciding, negotiating and closing

How Acting with appropriate challenge, a good coach should be testing
do I the validity of your decisions once you are in receipt of offers of
work. Role play, tactics and advising through experience on how to
get it? defend your number and other areas to do with agreeing scope
and other conditions of the job are crucially important as well.

Transition -The first 100 days

A step-by-step process to ensure smooth, profitable transition into
new working environments, how to avoid common pitfalls and
ensure you start your new working life with purpose and positivity.

Chapter two: An intelligent model for managing careers

This model is designed to be organic, free-flowing and multi-

directional. It does not focus overly on goals, nor does it imply you
move in linear fashion from one stage to another.

Clients may feel they have a good self-concept, but we doubt

whether it is sufficient enough to predict environments where you
will thrive rather than just survive. Much career coaching seems to
miss this point; that people leave bosses not jobs. The reason? The
brain is an organ of relationship first and foremost and it tunes itself
to others brains. Our emotional systems act pre-consciously before
our rational thinking gets a chance to interpret . This means that at
its best, good coaching will help clients become more aware of their
emotional make-up and what triggers will activate certain emotions
in them, in turn switching on the whole cognitive/behavioural circuit.

We increasingly anchor our transition programmes with clients by

using intelligent career models like this so that someone gets an
opportunity for full, whole life assessment. As the world becomes
more volatile and uncertain, this is becoming more essential. Agility
and evidence based decision making becomes the prize The job
market our parents and grandparents faced was more certain,
deliberate and patriarchal. This model presents an integrated system
to self-manage careers in a world where change happens quicker,
more fundamentally and people can become obsolete on the turn of
a coin. The notion of a job for life has gone and with it, the
expectations of a parent-child relationship between employer and

No longer can employees expect employers to take the moral

burden of directing and safeguarding their workers lives, making
choices for them and implicitly knowing what decisions they should
take at key transition points.

An adult-adult dynamic allows individuals to contract for specific

periods of time as suppliers with employers (demanders,
allowing delivery of their labour for certain reward. The extent to
which that includes development, self-actualisation or personal
satisfaction is laid firmly at the door of the individual to decide.
Thats why they need a system and the support of a professional
coach, such that they can discern themselves and future choices

Chapter two: An intelligent model for managing careers

The intelligent career model we have proposed seeks to help

individuals attain a wider view of themselves and create a system
that allows them to succeed, whatever the weather.

An acceptance of self is key, and with it support to celebrate and find

conviction in your own working identity. Rather more common is the
instinct of many coaches to focus their clients attention on perceived
competency gaps. All that does is drive people to spend too much
time focusing on what they are not good at or dont like, mainly
because their past organisation demanded it temporarily. Surely that
is folly in a world demanding excellence. It is much better to build
confidence and clarity around what you like and are good at. The
world will be so much more excited.

Chapter three: Conclusion

3. Conclusion
The call to arms is clear - careers will look different in the future and
tomorrows winners will self-drive their careers from the beginning.
If the desired end points are as described in this model, individuals
will need to better understand far earlier in their careers what will
suit them so they can establish a career system and run with it. This
requires a pragmatic and holistic view of the self whilst still at junior
levels, perhaps with some career coaching intervention to help them
reconcile their values, career aspirations, preferred behaviours and

This paper has touched on three important and interrelated issues:

1. The importance of systems-based thinking to embed self-learning
and sustained career management once coaching has ended;
2. The importance of mapping supply onto demand to get essential
clarity and conviction before approaching the market;
3. The importance of environmental as much as functional fit in
predicting career longevity and success. People tend to leave
bosses, not jobs.

But one critical factor underpins everything: relationships. An

organisation is simply a sum of human relationships and it is the
leaders' job to ensure those relationships can flow and flourish as
much as possible. "People make the world go round", as the old
saying goes, yet many of us have tried through sheer force of logic
and data to create the career acceleration we want. Neuroscience
has provided a much needed clinical evidence base of why bad
relationships and cultures can impede performance, both at
individual and organisational levels, and its findings must be taken

So in conclusion, take better care of people emotionally you

encounter through your working life, learn to adapt your
behaviours to accommodate differences and remember that a
coffee works a lot better than an email.

James Parsons practises as an Executive and Career Management coach with
senior individuals from professional services, law, finance and industry.

To help people effect real change, whether in career transition or in post,

James is particularly experienced in working with his clients on:

Behaviours - helping technical specialists transition into management

roles, creating and unleashing teams, conflict resolution, self-presentation
and developing EQ
Relationships and influencing building, inheriting and managing
relationships, increasing awareness of self and others
Influencing, selling and relationship management using neuroscience and
psychology to improve salesmanship and communication
Challenge turning around self-limiting, fearful or underperformance
New leader transition First 100 days, planning and execution

+44 7540 284586

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